The Sad Muppet Society presents... Issue 23, Summer 2005




The Rat’s Ramblings 2 Ok, I attempt it, I’ve been newsletter chronicling the I’m back! More rubbish totally rubbish getting this 26th June, and muggings from Chief Muppet summer Newsletter out. here didn’t duck fast enough However whilst there’s a at the last GCN Committee Events Diary 3 short lull between college meeting and is now a assignments, and my boss is regional rep for the Tournaments Towns 4 on holiday, Newsletter 23 Hampshire and West Tour Ah, summer, the time of year has been stuck together in Berkshire area. Ho hum. Nick’s report from when Sweden shuts for two double quick time! The construction of our Pompey and Devizes weeks, and stuff generally So what’s new? Gamesday game is also The Tale of One Gamer 6 gets busy because everyone continuing and various Well firstly I ought to Nick and his very scary else is on holiday. Skaven… devices… have welcome our newest army plans Despite huge amounts of members of SMS from the already been seen at the college work, writing the GCN Basingstoke Store Veterans. club. With luck, the guys will No More Mister Nice 7 Campaign Weekend in With various policy changes be ready to test the game in Tau November, and moving the with GW retail they seem to September. shed, I’ve actually managed have become ‘homeless’ and And finally, after just over Guess who’s been to paint a handful of marines have become a very month, all the tickets for playing we his Tau army over the past three months. welcome addition to our Regarding Retribution (05?) list... club. Oh, and if anyone have been sold out!!! I for Now I need is an HQ, and Home of the Brave and 8 wants to pop along, they one can’t wait to see what some tanks... the Mad have a rather neat forum at devilish schemes Marks ASMOH 05 report and Richard (the Rat) Kerry Freeth and Waple have in Chief Muppet more importantly the Following the Open Play store for the 12th November, results fixture hosted at Glebe Hall although it should be great on the 26th June (vs Spiky fun! Army Building For 11 Club, Oxford Gaming Club, Richard Kerry ASMOH 06 and Yeovil Wargaming Club), Chief Muppet Paul has already started and the fixture against As always I’m on the look out on his army for next Bracknell Forest Gamers on for more articles so if you’ve year... the 15th August, the SMS is got any new rules to test out, As the Dust Settled... 11 now leading the league! want to review something, Duncan’s Orcs have However, certain peoples at write a story, or have any been making a mess Spiky Club have vowed to other interesting article in reclaim their place at the top mind, email me and you The Order of Sanguinius 12 of the board, so there’s still might see it in here next Index Astartes about my all to play for. Rumour has it time. Newsletter Twenty Four new (but no where near that we may even squeeze in is due out on the 8th finished) army a fantasy fixture before the November so I need any Your Soul will be Ours 14 end of the year. articles in the week Part two of Nick’s Speaking of the Gaming Club beforehand at the latest. Network, our very own Mr Tactica: Dark Eldar Jenkin should have an article The League 2005 16 Front cover: in the next GW club Tactical Marine The Open Play League 16


Merchandise We’ve now got a club earns you the title ‘Member If anyone wants one, we can running, so what’s the deal? Muppet’ and entitles you to a get ‘Team: Muppet’ t-shirts Well, as the main aim is just printed copy of this and polo shirts, with the to cover our running costs, Newsletter four times a year SMS logo on the front and ‘The Meet’ on Tuesday nights plus gets you into ‘The Meet’ the Team: Muppet logo is going to cost you £2 if at member’s rates. In across the back, as you’re a member and £3 if addition to this you can join modelled by various folk at you’re not. Team: Muppet, for the glory of, umm, Basingstoke... the club. So how do I become a These are £15 each and member? So that’s it? available in various sizes. Sorry, this is going to cost Yep, it is. At least until we Speak to Other Muppet you more money. £5 per year change our minds... (Dave James) for more info. One of Dave Driver’s loot counters from ASMOH 05 The Newsletter Page 3


20-21st August 2005 The Albion Coast Cup tournament in Southampton. See for more information 3-4th September 2005 Colours 2005 The normal big show in the south of England, including Spiky Club’s Starsmash tournament. 10-11th September 2005 Armour through the Ages Romans to modern day armour, enactments, and stuff, at Bovington Tank Museum A smiling visitor from Yeovil 25th September 2005 Gamesday 2005 Wargaming Club! ’s annual show, for the first time at the NEC in . 27th September 2005 GCN Open Play Fixture: Bracknell Forest Gamers Our first WFB fixture vs BFG in Glebe Hall on club night

1st October 2005 Open War 4 The 1st Company Veterans 40K, WFB, and EPIC tournament at Warhammer World in Nottingham. 12th November 2005 Regarding Retribution Our first ever Warhammer Fantasy Battle tournament...

19-20th November 2005 Warfare 2005 22nd November 2005 Forlorn Hope “To win is to lose. To lose is to Win.” Combat Patrol with a Twist in aid of Children in Need. See Nick Jenkin for more info.

26-27th November 2005 GCN AGM & Sabbat Crusade Campaign Weekend Written by little old me, this is the first Dark Stars Campaign Weekend run by the Gaming Club Network at Warhammer World

3rd December 2005 GCN Open Play League Finals

6th May 2006 A Small Matter of Honour 06 Our premier Warhammer 40000 event returns for its third outing.

2005 SMS Meetings “The Meet” Glebe Hall, Church Street, Basingstoke 16 August, 30 August, 13 September, 27 September, 11 October, 25 October, 8 November, 22 November, 6 December, 20 December

A couple of photos from the SMS, Spiky Club, Oxford Gaming Club, and Yeovil Club Open Play Fixture on the 26th June. On the left are just seven of Mike Sharp’s eight (!) drop pods. Ouch! Page 4 Issue 23, Summer 2005


Pompey Pillage – June 2005 my Chaplain and assault Lictor. Five games over two days. I terminators charged out of This was one of those games took my Deathwing along to the Crusader and hit his where, against my normal this one as the points value assault squad. What expectations, everything was 1500 plus 500 point happened next was not nice. worked! We shot every add-on and they’re one of Each terminator with Genestealer before it got to the few armies that can lightning claws gets two us. The Lictor died painfully Due to time constraints and meet this criteria. There’s attacks basic +1 for two in combat. We charged the an ailing memory I can’t also the other factor that weapons and +1 for charging Carnifexes and took them bring you the full scale very few people expect – so with four of them that down with so many power tournament reports for someone to be daft enough fist attacks. Pompey Pillage and Attack to take such a small so, instead, here’s the cut All-in-all we did not lose force…. down version with added very much and his army sugar. Oh and since had gone. they’re purple I At the end of Day was able to one the fully colour Deathwing code with were very purple dice scared and a and purple feeling a shirt. bit sick. Splendid! Why? We Game One were vs Imperial third out Guard of 24! (Recon) Happily day Ouch. Got shot two saw us about a lot. Two return to Earth of the with a bang (well Dreadnoughts more like a wet survived a lot of thud). shooting as they stomped Game Four vs Death Guard gives 16 attacks, with re-rolls towards the opponent’s (Martin Burke) deployment zone but, because of the eventually, one of them accompanying Chaplain. This Ow. Ow. Apart from his succumbed. The other did is then followed by re-rolling Defiler taking all game to really well and earned me all failed to wound rolls eventually find the range to my Dreadnought I’d say this some much needed points. thanks to the claw’s special rules. Coupled with the game was effectively over Elsewhere only the Crusader Chaplain’s own attacks and once the Daemon Prince remained with every single the terminator with the reached my lines and started Terminator dead. Thunder Hammer, the enemy tearing through vehicles! He Ended up with a minor Chaplain and squad died to did eventually go down but, defeat thanks to the scoring a man. by then, the damage had point value of the Crusader. The other command squad been done. Game Two vs Space Marines leapt out of their Rhino but, In the end we had a major This was more like it! 2,000 for whatever reason, opted loss. points so two Land Raiders to leave their power armour Game Five vs World Eaters down for this one. With a in the vehicle. It seemed that Jeez this was so painful it’s wood covering the centre of not a single save was made unreal. At 1500 points the the board I was able to by John during my next firing Bloodthirster, Daemon deploy my whole army away phase! Prince with everything, from his Missile Launcher At the end we had a Bezerkers, Dreadnoughts Devastators with Tank massacre. and Bloodletters went hunter and attached Game Three vs Tyranids through my army in under Techmarine. We then took thirty minutes. Nothing left. New Codex. All Genestealers apart his whole army. Nada. Zilch. Not pretty. Not with extended carapace At one point his Chaplain nice. He then had three turns wotsit. Hive Tyrants but no and Assault Squad charged to go marching into the wings. Carnifexes with lots of my Land Raider trying to remaining quarters “Assault cannons nicey-nicey stuff, a knock it out with Melta- Zoanthrope and a lovely completely unopposed. rock!” bombs but failed. Next turn The Newsletter Page 5

At home that night I sat down promptly killed it! D6 Man was having a ball when whether Clinton, my son, is and worked out how I should sweeping advance then took his unit survived a strike by allowed to roll dice for you. have played that game him into the Raveners. Yes!!! Raptors. Somehow the Be interesting to know his differently. Deep Strike. I Tied up so they couldn’t go Raptors only killed one response... may not have won but boy it charging off. Next turn they marine and we did the same All in all I enjoyed the might have been a bit killed flamer-man and then in return. However, they did weekend and losing three closer!!!! died to the firepower of the a hit and run and came back out of four games would All in all an enjoyable couple Devastators. later which killed everyone normally not worry me too of days and I really like using Elsewhere the Chaplain and except flamer-man. He then much. This time, however, it my Deathwing these days. his assault squad refused to proceeded to flame and was the sheer scale of the Assault cannons rock! die as huge swathes of Nids charge in. This time it didn’t defeats (nearly all work and he died horribly! Where did we finish? Eighth charged into them. The final massacres) that has out of 24. Not too shabby blow for Mark was when I had around five models left prompted me to look more and I was thrilled by their some Genestealers charged on the table at the end. The closely at my tournament performance. in and failed to kill the last only wound on the desires. two assault marines. Chap Obliterators was caused by Attack – July 2005. Do I want to turn up with a with power weapon struck their own plasma gun (that’s fluffy army to a competitive Four games over two days in back and killed two a 1 to hit, re-roll a 1, then a 1 arena and watch as it gets Devizes. I took my old Genestealers – enough to for failed armour save). dismantled over and over Marines to this one. An army take them under half We’d got a couple of points again? Or do I want to have a built using the old Codex strength and thus no longer so not quite a massacre. more competitive edge and and, by the end, their age a scoring unit. Nice. start building an army was beginning to show. Game Four vs Space Wolves Game Two vs Space Marines (Gary Batchelor) designed to beat the armies I Game One vs Tyranids (Mark (Greg Batchelor) lost to, thus building up my Another brilliantly painted Freeth) self-confidence? Lots of plasma cannons, army from Gary and, what’s Best game of the weekend missile launchers, more, it wanted to give me a Tricky one but, at a wild right here. Mark was my lift Dreadnoughts and nice big hug. You know, guess, it isn’t going to be for the weekend and I ended Vindicators here. Suffice to however, that you’re in for a option one….. up playing him straight away say that we got shot to bad game when the Predator Nick Jenkin on the Saturday morning. pieces. My Devastators took is removed by an Assault Trapped At Work Muppet It was Alpha Level Cleanse a couple of casualties and Cannon that gets a six on the and, somehow, we came out ran away as fast as they glancing table. Hmm….. could – which took them off with a marginal victory. This Once again Space Wolf the battlefield! was mainly due to a unit of Scouts proved to be my deep-striking Terminators Next up my tank-hunting undoing as they destroyed that landed in his quarter Terminators took out one of my Devastators and thus cut and proceeded to not die to the Vindicators but, in turn, a huge amount of my the without number were taken to the cleaners firepower out. My Chaplain Termagaunts which I’d by lots of small arms fire and assault squad did take forgotten about. and, finally, a Dreadnought. care of some nasty grey The other star was a Marine The only other piece of good chaps but then a carrying a flamer. During one news for my army was when Dreadnought knocked on his of Mark’s turns the flamer the heavy bolter armed Rosarius – he survived three marine’s unit had been Scout looked around for a or four thwacks but decimated by a Hormagaunt target and saw the backside eventually went down. charge. The flamer fell back of a Dreadnought. He fired Flamer-Man was charging fast enough to outrun the and bang went the Dread; again as we denied them a gaunts and rallied. He then destroyed by a Scout with a charge on the hill by racing passed his man alone test Heavy Bolter. into them instead. It worked and I realised that next turn We were massacred. as they ran away from Mark’s Raveners and combat temporarily. We died Hormaguants would be in Game Three vs Alpha Legion (Alex Fennell) sometime later but brownie charge range of my points for forcing an assault Devastators and my quarter Alex won this event last year unit to think twice about would fall. They had to be and has been a regular charging. stopped. tournament goer for years and years. This was going to The Terminators deep-struck So a very nasty plan formed again and went down to in my brain. Flamer-man be really tough. His army has no vehicles. Just infantry, every conceivable weapon moved forward and flamed they could but, before they the Hormagaunts. All but one Raptors and two Obliterators. His Havocs all infiltrate. went, they made several died. Due to synapse the invulnerable saves and took gaunt didn’t run so the In the end we traded shots at least one squad down to flamer-man charged the and the deep-striking non-scoring. remaining gaunt. Flamer- Terminators did give him man was wounded but made pause for thought but, It wasn’t pretty and ended up his armour save. He then eventually, they were as another major loss. struck the gaunt with the whittled to under half- By the way: next time you butt of his flamer and strength. Elsewhere Flamer- see Gary at an event ask him Page 6 Issue 23, Summer 2005


Outside of personal issues Shelves of Holding4. Suffice the Tale of One Gamer. Every I’ve realized that one of the to say the results of all the Newsletter after that will major problems this year has unpainted items was scary; feature a brand new, fully been my desire to finish my some of the items I don’t painted, 1500 point Chaos Tomb Kings and to play/ even remember buying!!! Army. Yep. You did read that learn other gaming systems So here’s the current plan. right. Every three months I beyond 40K. I now surrender will complete a new army. I Four of my armies are at will also ensure it has its first After six months in 2005 to the fact that this was not a 2000 plus painted points: game so that I can put in a where everything seems to good plan. I like guns too much. I love 40K. It’s 40K Dark Eldar, Iron Warriors, little battle report with each have gone wrong I’ve Deathwing and Space decided to pull myself that I enjoy playing, article. discussing, building etc and Marines. These armies will together and re-find what I have nothing added to them I’m mad aren’t I??? It’s so it’s back to 40K I go. like to term my gamer self1. until or if a new codex is actually the only way I can It’s time to re-kindle my The Tomb Kings are not released – they will then be think of to get all my desire to play GW games. completely forgotten though. re-appraised and new stuff outstanding models painted I will return to them now and added if I fancy it. in a very quick space of time. again to ensure that, She who must be obeys somehow, they’re all done by My other three armies have wants to see progress before Regarding Retribution 2006 1500 plus painted points: I buy in anything new! or 2007. Something nice and Necrons, Daemonhunters Frankly that’s as good a and Witch Hunters. There is vague2. reason as any; that and the enough stuff on the shelves fact the shelves are All other gaming systems to get these armies to 2000 beginning to sag. beyond 40K are hereby points without spending any dropped as well. BFG will be more cash5. So that’s part I’ll ensure there are nice picked up again in the future one of the plan. Between photos and how I’ve gone and so will but I now and the next SMS about building the armies; don’t see a future for Blood Newsletter I will build and plus a painting guide and an Bowl and all the others are paint all the bits to turn idea as to why I picked that not even on my scope3. these armies into 2000 plus army in the first place. I’m also suffering from point armies. Some of you may well be Notes tournament stress. This is Once they get to 2000 points asking what Chaos armies 1 The self that says “I want defined simply as “my there’s no need to go any are you planning to build? to play today and have fun”, armies are being creamed further. I think I’ve only ever Well, I have them all planned rather than grumpy head self and I need to stop the rot”. played two or three games out but I will only tell you two that’s currently residing at So I’m going to build a where I’ve fielded higher things: the top of my body. tournament specific army than 2000 points so no real 1. I’m not building one for from the Space Marines 2 I like vague. Vague as in need to go higher plus I can each god. Codex. No time lines yet but I it’ll be ready for Regarding always use allies. have decided on the full 2. The first army is the Retribution but I’m not going 1500 and 2000 point army So what happens after that Thousand Sons, but in to tell you which one. To lists. Now all I need is a then? Well, that’s the crazy keeping with my usual quote 3D Realms: It’s done budget and time. All very top bit! practice, they will not be when it’s done. secret and I’m not going to From doing the stock count I wearing blue and gold. 3 Really must return that tell you anything about them. now know that I have enough Once all four armies are scope. Probably a submarine So there! bits at home to paint one complete to 1500 points I out there somewhere with no Beyond that army I’m also complete 1500 point Chaos will probably expand them to method for seeing where it’s returning to what I do best. army, another Chaos army 2000 points but, for now, going. Multiple 40K Army building! up to 1000 points and then I 1500 will do just fine. 4 Please note that the true I’ve got seven fully painted have just enough for three What’s the ultimate aim for original shelves of holding armies that can all stretch to full troop choices of a third me? Simple. I have only one are situated at Mr.Freeth’s 1500 plus points. That’s not Chaos army. I have a thing goal in life for my 40K army home. Mine pale into enough for me. Time to for the Chaos Codex it building: seems! I’ve had some of nothingness compared to restart that bit of the hobby I will have at least one army his. I realize that I have no that I really enjoy – these bits since the first time we went to Games Day, from every Codex (bar licence to use the name and designing, building and campaign specific) that is that I really should pay some therefore I obviously need a painting new armies from released by GW. royalties – the only problem scratch. I haven’t done challenge in order to get being he’d use the money to anything like this since the them painted. Simple, huh? Yes. I am... buy more figures for the Daemonhunters appeared So I’ve come up with the Wish me luck. Provide shelves… over nine months ago. following: covering fire chaps. I’m going 5 Which will not please GW Where to start then? Well, The next Newsletter in… but will go down well with I’ve done a stock count at (October-ish I believe) will Nick Jenkin She who must be obeyed! home of my version of the mark the true beginning of Army Muppet The Newsletter Page 7


Is it my imagination or are a those Fire Warriors could do work. I mean, it’s not as if lot of sick, twisted, and down a bit of Devilfish rushing two twin-linked railguns right bready armies starting (move the tank, hop out, wouldn’t come in handy to appear on the 40K circuit. rapid-fire people to death), against someone… And I don’t mean your and as I needed two Having filled up the Heavy average all infantry horde of compulsory choices that Support section of the list, death here either.1 Since 4th would be two Devilfish the only thing left to do was edition and the death of the stuffed full of Fire Warriors to decide on the Crisis Battle Tau and 4th Edition Rhino Rush, a lot of players then. Suits I would take. The first have been looking for the Tau seem to be done fairly The first thing to do was to decision was easy. I already well out of the latest edition next most devastating tactic. 4 play around in army builder. had three Fireknife of 40K. Although controlled Unfortunately Space Marines These computer programs configured battle suits sitting drones have been squarely have been the main culprit; (I’ve got the GW ones) are in the box so that was my nerfed, changes in the rapid the Rhino Rapid Fire Rush, great for mucking around first unit. And then working fire rules have made the the three Vindicator army, with different army ideas and on the principle that you can humble pulse rifle one of the the Assault Cannon Army of concepts. In this case I never have enough plasma nastiest basic weapons in Death, and my personal wanted to keep the core rifles and missile pods, I the game. And then there’s favourite, the Drop added another the markerlight thing. You Pod Army of Doom. team with two see any unit hit by a Now in fairness most more suits (purely markerlight guided weapon armies have their because I didn’t loses their cover save. Very own variants of think that three nice for cracking open those these, so what’s the Crisis suits could entrenched positions. Finally, little blue guy to do? take on a full there are the changes to the Space Marine unit). Umm, well the vehicle rules which allow fast mechanised Tau idea The last two units vehicles to shoot one main where all our little proved to be the weapon and all their blue guys are most difficult to defensive weapons if they mounted in tanks is decide on. move between 6” and 12”. one solution and However after Very nice for that even so this doesn’t facing Bert Hammerhead with the multi- quite have the beard Bassett’s Lost and tracker. I’m looking for. the Damned army, I decided we So next idea: Battle needed a little suits. horde thinning This is one particular firepower, so the variant of the one- last elite slot would trick army I was keen be filled with to avoid when I first Stealth Suits. Six of started my Tau army them. three years ago. Shas’el Mesme, my newly promoted field Commander That left just However since then, nastiness of my Tau army, so enough points for and since the arrival of a Shas’el to lead the army. several other ‘nemesis’ in went the two Devilfish mounted Fire Warriors and Strangely enough he also armies to the tournament ended up with a plasma rifle scene I’ve come back to my two Hammerhead tanks3, and my new army theme and a missile pod (well, you battle suits as a way to add can never have too much of even more firepower into my would fit in around the a good thing can you?). Tau army, and because I just cracks. like the thought of lots of big The next unit on the list were So there you have it. 1500 Notes battle suits bounding across my two Broadsides. These points with four tanks and 1. Such as, for example, 157 fourteen, yes fourteen battle the battle field.2 had originally been added as guardmen. suits. Now I just need to Looking objectively at my a top-up unit to the First 2. I personally blame the paint it and test it… existing Tau army, one of the Naval Cadre simply because new Ogre Kingdons fantasy Richard Kerry big problems was that the I had the models (ok, I army for this. picked them up cheap). Blue Muppet Fire Warriors spent the entire 3. Hammerheads are simply game protecting their However, as move OR shoot great. attached Etheral and acting units they didn’t really fit my as a mobile reserve. For the style of play. This time 4. XV8 suits equipped with a new version of the First around I was determined to missile pod, plasma rifle, Naval Cadre, that Etheral fit them in to the standard and a multi-tracker so both was going to have to go so 1500 point army list and can be used at the same figure out how to make them time. Page 8 Issue 23, Summer 2005


After ASMOH last year, word Round Two: All Hell had got out about our little Mark’s opponent on tournament and much to our table one (the new shock and amazement, all colony board I built) thirty places were gone by was James Balfe, a the first week of January, a visitor from full four months before the Battleforce Pompey. 7th May 2005. One year on event itself! Now, flicking from our first large So with a full complement of through the various Warhammer 40000 thirty players we setup again army lists, myself, tournament, it was time for in Church Cottage on Mr Barter and Mr the second instalment of A Saturday morning for Jenkin had already Small Matter of Honour. another day of mayhem and identified those The commander of Greg Batchelor’s very nice Space Marine army madness. armies we thought were particular Whilst the players rolled in Battleforce Pompey, Martin and got their breakfast1, nasty. For example young Greg Batchelor had Burke, was dishing out much official army scorers Nathan the same level of White, Antony Walls, and managed to bring six plasma cannons, a punishment to Dan Currey’s couple of slightly deviant Sisters of vindicators and Battle, earning his place on the compulsory the stage for round three. assault cannon Also somewhere near the equipped kitchen4, our very own Mr dreadnoughts Russell (aka Money Muppet) to the party; put in the best home Mick Lock had performance annihilating a couple of Jacob Curran’s very nice HUGE drop ‘Alien’ inspired Tyranids. pods. And then With a few of the games there was overrunning, lunch ended up David OJ’s 500 being slightly shorter than And Paul Smith’s Roman style Space Marines point Space expected so half an hour Marine HQ. later we where ready for Ross McNaughton Anyway, James’ marine army round three… systematically worked the as far as we could tell didn’t Round Three: A New Day hall scoring the various appear to be in the really armies for painting, nasty category. So when Mr With everyone back from the background etc. Thankfully Waple was comprehensively club and the results in from almost all of the army lists trashed I have to admit I was round two, it was time to announce the tables for the had been checked by the a tad surprised. rest of the tournament team first game of the afternoon, a At the other end of the hall, variant of the Secure and before the day2 so as soon another member of as the three lads were Control scenario from the finished we were ready to start the first game. Round One: Night Patrol The first game of the morning was a bit of an ice- breaker. A quick 400 point game to determine the pecking order before the big games started. One of the first results in was from Mark Waple’s game against Paul Smith. Scarily enough Mark earned his way to the top table for game two with easily the best results of the first round. And Mark wouldn’t be the only muppet to make it to the stage3 during the day. The view from the stage for game two The Newsletter Page 9

Proof!!! Paul Russell on the table one! Dave Offen-James Sabretooth’s on their display base. Umm, pretty...

rule book. Because Mr Balfe With all those agonisers, if kept him on the top table for had managed to win every Paul remembered how his the fourth game in a row. game he had played on the army worked, he could However, having done tables top table, we decided to shift pickup some easy points. one and two, Mr Balfe was him onto table two, the Another muppet, (Little) Nik on table three for the last airfield, for a bit of a change. Doran, was on table five with game and playing Chris His opponent this time round his all infantry Chaos Space Revell and his very pretty would be another member of Marine army of doom. On Legion of the Damned. paper 70 odd On table two marines look Greg really scary, Batchelor’s however I plasma don’t think shooty army Little Nik was of death had prepared to a firing line fight Greg setup against Batchelor. Martin Now I’ve Burke’s Death played Greg Guard. on two Funnily separate enough, two occasions and turns later he does have Martin’s army a nack for was a mess designing evil after trying to armies. run toward Something he Greg. proved last In the middle year when his of the hall, Mike Lock’s HUGE drop pods land in the city Knights of St our defending Helen (aka, the evil temptress) does the rounds John (a champion, Kris Battleforce Pompey, Phil Templar based army) wiped Pugh, who hadn’t had a Curran, along with his Black out Ian Jones’ Necrons in spectacular day so far, got in Templars. However, the big three turns. Nik’s Batchelor first result of the round after surprise of the weekend was experience started on turn destroying Mr Jaye’s Orks in on table one. one. Lots of marines in tight double quick time and As anyone who has met him formation, versus plasma gaining the most decisive will know, Paul Russell isn’t cannons… Suffice to say Mr victory of the day to boot. the world’s most competitive Doran was putting fistfuls of bad guys back into his box On the top table, another soul5. So when he had to muppet, and now Manager drag his army to the stage, and Greg was on his way up to the stage for the last of GW Salisbury, Mike Lock, nah, table one even, I think was facing Mike Barnett’s game. he was a little shocked. In Dark Eldar, his Flesh the colony, his Dark Eldar Game Four: Out of the Frying Tearer’s ‘nemesis’ army. were about to face Martin Pan Whatever scared Mike about Burke’s small but ever so James Balfe’s now quite Dark Eldar, he obviously got tough Death Guard army. puzzling army selection had over it because by the end of Page 10 Issue 23, Summer 2005

Player Army Generalship Army Quiz Total Sportsmanship them, earning both players a draw and 1 James Balfe Space Marines 69 10 1.0 80 8 Martin third place. 2 Mike Lock Flesh Tearers 63 12 1.2 76.2 6 Back on table three, James wasn’t having it 3 Martin Burke Death Guard 56 16 1.3 73.3 6 all his own way for a 4 Greg Batchelor Space Marines 55 16 1.0 72 6 change and Chris Revell was making him 5 Dave McCoy Speed Freaks 50 18 1.1 69.1 5 work for his points. But in the end the Legion 6 Kris Purgh Salamanders 56 10 1.2 67.2 4 of the Damned 7 Chris Revell Space Marines 51 12 0.5 63.5 7 crumbled and James got himself another win 8 Gary Batchelor Space Wolves 47 14 1.0 62 8 and the top prize in the 9 Philip Curran Black Templars 45 12 1.0 58 6 process. The Prizes 10 Andy Barnett Space Marines 47 9 0.6 56.6 7 At the end of the day, 11 Alex Mason Thousand Sons 42 1 1.4 54.4 6 the top three players were James Balfe, 12 Jacob Curran Tyranids 37 14 1.1 52.1 5 Mike Lock, and Martin 13 Mark Walker Death Guard 37 12 1.5 50.5 3 Burke, with Mark Waple getting best 14 Murat Hassan Chaos Space Marines 43 7 0.3 50.3 1 sportsman and Matt Finch getting the 15 Maracus Bennett Witch Hunters 37 10 0.9 47.9 11 wooden spoon.6 16 Ian Courtney Deathskull Orks 32 13 0.9 45.9 9 Best army was a little bit more difficult, 17 Andy Driver Dark Angels 33 12 0.8 45.8 5 especially considering 18 Mike Barnett Dark Eldar 36 9 0.7 45.7 3 the fantastic quality of all the armies on the 19 Paul Smith Black Templars 30 15 0.6 45.6 6 day. In particular, Paul 20 Dave Driver Imperial Guard 31 13 1.1 43.1 6 Smith’s and Greg Batchelor’s Space 21 Nick Doran Chaos Space Marines 34 8 1.1 43.1 6 Marine armies were very nice and both 22 P Jaye Orks 33 9 0.9 42.9 4 pretty much scored 23 Paul Russell Dark Eldar 36 6 0.6 42.6 5 maximum points for painting. However, two 24 Dave Offen-James Space Marines 21 18 0.9 39.9 9 armies from SMS got the best army score of 25 Daniel Currey Witch Hunters 29 9 1.1 39.1 6 18 points each; Dave 26 Mark Freeth Tyranids 29 9 1.0 39 9 Offen-James’ Sabretooths with its 27 Antony O’Boyle Tyranids 27 11 0.9 38.9 1 chapter symbol shaped 28 Mark Waple 13th Company 30 8 0.5 38.5 12 display base, and Dave McCoy’s entirely 29 Jonathon Jones Tau 19 8 0.9 27.9 5 converted Bike Ork army; and as Dave 30 Matt Finch Witch Hunters 15 11 1.0 27 7 McCoy got the highest the game the evil pixies had had rapidly climbed up the score between them he Notes been turned into a pasty board to claim second place. walked off with the prize for 1 The kitchen staff, Ruth, mess and the Flesh Tearers Next door, Greg’s game had best army. Helen, and V, were doing an shifted against And finally, Mark Walker was excellent job supplying him very the saddest muppet with the bacons rolls and full English quickly once best quiz score of 15 out of Breakfasts! Martin’s 20. 2 And checked more than Daemon Prince All in all, A Small Matter of once in some cases... had got into his Honour 05 seemed to be lines. The 3 Where the top tables another roaring success. massacre of were. Same time again next year? Death Guard Richard Kerry 4 Well, there has to be suddenly some kind of bonus for became a ASMOH 06 Muppet doing badly. massacre of 5 Unless you’re playing space marines. In the end, 17 victory points 6 Or the ’staying closest to Nick Jenkin and Nathan White point out who’s the kitchen’ prize. really running this event. Err, back to work lads! separated The Newsletter Page 11

unpainted ARMY BUILDING FOR ASMOH 06 unassembled Predator they’d care to give me….No?? Oh well don’t ask, After reading Matt’s article scheme. Three Terminators know” White and the force don’t get.). last time about building and and two special figures later was growing. I now had two army as cheaply as possible I and a Red Corsairs Army HQ’s, a retinue and a unit of So I say thank you thought “That’s right up my looked good. Back home and Terminators. The troops had gentlemen. Your work is alley”. Those of you who a rummaging in my bits box grown and a Unit of done. I will buy that Predator, know me well will know revealed twelve Sisters of Possessed had joined in. The and the heavy weapons for spending money is one of my Battle given to me when I armless marines still needed my havocs and termies, but fortes. So having just purchased some Tyranids off Heavy weapons but they will all in all not a bad start. In purchased a Greater Demon a friend from Reading become a Unit of Havocs ten days of receiving the of Tzeentch at a knock down several years ago. Two units once I get there. Codex I have gathered over 1000 points or models price, Chaos beckoned. of six, that would be Now came Tuesday 2nd compulsory troops then. without spending anything. The first thing to do decide August. I brought down my So this army may look weird, which, Warhammer 40000 News of my hunt spread. bits collection and started it is, its made up of or Fantasy? Well I have 2000 Five armless marines from swapping pieces. Dave components drawn together points Chaos Fantasy, so Mr Kerry quickly followed, Driver and more in an organic manner, just that’s a no brainer, 40K it then I sent my email out “On Terminators, more chaos like the Red Corsairs was. How to get a codex for the scrounge for bits” and backpacks, arms, bolters described in the codex. next to nothing, Oh look a the result was overwhelming. and shoulder pads. Once Thank you again, I couldn’t birthday coming up. So on Mutation sprues and home I sat down did the have done it without you top of the list of wishes, in backpacks from Ross, accounts for the club and guys and your generosity; I big bold letters “Codex followed a day later by more then looked though my just hope you are as Chaos Space Marines, and a Marine bodies and shoulder “Goody” bag. After sorting generous when you face it at Carnifax, if you don’t mind” pads. A few spare Space into groups, now ten termies ASMOH 06. I liked playing on So now I had the book and a Wolves sprues from Mr Kerry I totalled up the points. 1303 the top table and now I have HQ choice (obviously not the (mysteriously missing with no weapon upgrades on armour saves… Carnifax), what next.? meltaguns), four Terminators the termies add these in plus Paul Russell Simple, pop around to Dave and several really old Marine the Havocs (must get heavy. O.J and Susan’s place. and models from Nathan “Sorry weapons) and a Predator Cheap Muppet whilst chatting mention my can’t make Tues, college you (any one out there with an


… WunderWotzit felt rather number had managed to demise of the GreatBigGit good ideal of where to stuff pleased with himself. cast `Waaagh' causing that the enemy had brought his knobbly staff that'd teach Surveying the destruction (or NiftyNobbo's wolf boyz and a with them. TurdBrainz a lesson he mess) on the battlefield, he chariot to charge headlong He chuckled to himself, wouldn't forget! considered himself the into the spinning dance of small green bolts of energy All in all, a good day of gobbo greatest shamen that ever death that was three sparking from his eyes, bashin'! WunderWotzit gave lived – a legend in his own fanatics! Mind you, the watching the remnants of a a grunt of thanks to Mork tiny mind! snotling pump wagon that squig herd bounce gleefully and turned around. Time to He admitted to himself that subsequently held up (for around snapping at the heels head back to ArdSod with he'd initially felt rather most of the battle) one of the of fleeing gobbos. Across the the news of his glorious nervous being given largest mobs of night gobbos entire battlefield, the last victory. Perhaps he'd get a command of the uffGitz he'd ever seen did bring a remaining whirling loonies bit more respect now - Waaagh by War Boss ArdSod smile to WunderWotzit's were being cornered by the maybe his own tent with a BadBreath, especially as he gnarled visage .It was a boyz, carefully carolling them couple more snotling knew he'd be in for a right shame about DimWitz and into the woods. In front of servants. Even better, he kicking if he failed to `pagga' his mob of night gobbos – it him, the last remaining night could get TurdBrainz to take the bunch of night gobos was hardly surprising that gobbos were running as fast over his chore of having to he'd been sent to `sort out'. they got ran into the ground as their little legs would carry brush ArdSod's teeth – he but, never mind, there were them away from his didn'tget the name Now, looking across the plenty more where they scene of chaos, he was victorious Big `Uns. To his `BadBreath' for nothing!! came from! Finally, he made left, TurdBrainz boyz were chuffed! Running over the a mental note (soon to be Now if only he could battle in his head (mind squabbling again – it really remember the direction of forgotten – oops, there it wasn't a clever idea to have would be too strong a word!), goes!) to reward the gobbos the main camp?! WunderWotzit relived the the standard bearer facing manning the chukkas – for the wrong way all the time! Duncan Stratling main points. His `fast attack' once, they'd earned their Orky Muppet on the left had gone horribly He'd have a word with place in the Waaagh, TurdBrainz later – wrong – he still couldn't contributing greatly to the believe that his opposite WunderWotzit had a really Page 12 Issue 23, Summer 2005


The origins of the Order of Sanguinius stretch back to the The Gideon Campaign founding of the Imperium and the time of the Primarchs. Gideon IV was a prosperous Derived directly from the first founding chapter, the Blood hive world at the edge of Angels, this fourth founding chapter’s history stretches back to Imperial space. a time when the Imperium took on its current form. Rediscovered and bought into the Imperium during the of gene-seed samples stored Origins Great Crusade by the This little project began last on Terra since the Great Ultramarine Legion, life had The Blood Angels were one year with five scouts which Crusade. Although still Blood continued here pretty much of the twenty original legions took about a month to paint. Angel, these samples were unaffected by the politics created at the dawn of the The plan was originally to untainted by Sanguinius’ closer Terra. However in the Imperium to bind the galaxy expand my Blood Angel’s, death and the later errors in opening years of the 37th however with all the various together during the gene-seed reproduction and millennium that changed. marine bits I had lying Emperor’s great crusade. provided hope for those around in boxes and the Their Primarch, Sanguinius, chapters beginning to show Using the remoteness of the system to their advantage, a improvement in my painting was forever at the Emperor’s the first signs of the Flaw. side and in the final days of warlord known only as Raven skills since doing the Blood The Fourth Founding was 29, struck at Gideon IV, Angel’s about five years ago, provided an ideal opportunity infamously struck down in quickly overwhelming the I decided a slightly more to test this gene-seed and to single combat with the traitor planet’s defences. ambitious project was in create a new Blood Angel’s . Although his Suspecting the hand of the order. successor Chapter, in theory broken body was reclaimed old Word Bearers legion in While the Warhammer without the Flaw that already along with the Emperor’s the assault, two companies 40000 scale Order of marked the sons of after those final events had from the Blood Angels and Sanguinius probably won’t Sanguinius. Although initially been played out, the imprint the entire fighting force of see battle until late this year reluctant to create a new of his death had already the Order of Sanguinius were (hopefully), the Epic variant chapter from the Sanguinius’ ordered to restore Imperial of this army has quickly marked his legion. gene-seed, Chapter Master control. taken shape…. including the The Blood Angels had always Quintus of the Blood Angels 16 Land Raiders!!! initiated the transformation managed to persuade the Approximately two months later the two task forces Richard Kerry into a space marine by High Lords of Terra injecting an aspirate with a arrived in system finding the Red Gore Muppet otherwise. Supervised by its sample of Sanguinius’ blood. first Chapter Master, planet transformed. Raven When he died the practise Barakiel, formerly the 29’s conquest of Gideon IV was continued and some of Lieutenant Commander of was almost complete and a the dead primarch’s blood the Angels Encarmine, the huge proportion of the contaminated the legion’s Order of Sanguinius was population had either been geneseed. Unnoticed by the eventually founded in 752 slaughtered to the Dark legion and the wider galaxy, M33 after the new chapter’s Gods or were kept by their a critical flaw had been gene-seed had been new masters in chains. introduced into the Blood subjected for almost twenty Using intelligence from the Angels. years of the most vigorous few remaining loyalist forces, As the Imperium was rebuilt, purity tests. Commander Gabriel of the Roboute Guilliman’s Codex However, despite the Blood Angels launched a Astartes heralded the end of perfection of their initial daring assault to assassinate the Space Marine Legions, gene-seed, even this new Raven 29 while the Order of and the Blood Angels’ flaw chapter has slowly fallen Sanguinius engaged other was passed on to all seven victim to the Flaw. In keeping key targets on the ground. of their successor chapters. with the precepts of the The gambit almost worked. Although not obvious at first Order that preceded it, the However despite getting very all of these chapters apart Order of Sanguinius has close to their primary from the Blood Drinkers been one of the most objective the Blood Angels began to drift away from secretive of chapters, happy were all but annihilated. With Guilliman’s ideals over time. to be confused with the the trap strung, the Imperial Fleet was ambushed in orbit, Among these chapters, a Blood Angels or other leaving the Order stranded conclave known as The successor chapters, Order, was established so recorded in their our on the surface. information about the Flaw Librarium the Order has a Using the millions of captives could be shared in the hope glorious history and many harvested the Word Bearers that a cure might be found. victories to their credit. But summoned daemon after daemon. For three whole By the 32nd millennium The all the time the Flaw is still years the Order of Order had used the there and all the time they Sanguinius held off the flood considerable resources at its are searching, searching for and gradually wore down the disposal to secure a number a cure to the incurable. traitor marines. In a final The Newsletter Page 13

despite counter-offensive, addition to this, the masters Beliefs Chapter Master Kason and of the Order of Sanguinius Despite being the elite remains of the have also been keen to affected by the Order destroyed the last recruit initiates from off- same curse as slave pens the Chaos Lord world as well, including the other had built and drove him initiates from holy Terra Blood Angel away from the world. itself. successor However their casualties had Organisation chapters, the been horrific and Kason Although formed quite Order of himself was felled by a Sanguinius mighty Bloodthirster during strictly around the principals of the Codex Astartes, the have a far the last days of the war. Order of Sanguinius is still more Gideon IV still remains an under strength, organised pragmatic view Imperial world to this day, into just seven companies, than their although it is now a hollow six battle companies plus a counterparts. echo of its former glory. scout company. Despite its Because the Barely six million souls reduced strength, the Order chapter is inhabit this world where of Sanguinius can deploy relatively before the war the almost a full range of marine young, the population was in excess of hardware. Order’s medics forty billion. And opposite the still are governor’s place stands a In accordance with the air of optimistic that statue of Commander secrecy that surrounds the a cure will be Kason, a testament to the Order, the chapter symbol is found for the tenacity of the Order of only normally worn openly by Black Rage. An battle brothers assigned to Sanguinius. optimism normal tactical operations. Home World borne out by Battle-brothers induced into the very low Originally a space-borne the 7th Company, and those numbers of chapter, the Gideon assigned to high-risk Battle-Brothers succumbing campaign in the 37th operations (such as those to the curse until the millennium seriously associated with terminator chapter’s recent history. weakened the Order of duties) instead bear the Sanguinius. Although unofficial chapter insignia, Where as the Blood Angels victorious, the Order had lost an upside-down triangle have a tendency to pursue almost eighty percent of its topped with a circle which is the arts, the marines of the fighting force and was in no representative of the Order’s Order, and in particular their position to take on another Terran origins. Librarians, have a passion crusade; so they decided to for acquiring knowledge and It is also interesting to note studying history. Considering establish a secret base that the Order of Sanguinius somewhere out of the way, the chapter’s fortress also shares remarkably monastery has only existed somewhere they could similar heraldry to the Blood regain their strength. for two and a half centuries, Angels although the chapter the Order has amassed an In the Einios sub-sector, St uses a codex scheme to impressive collection of Michael proved to be an idea denote operational works on St Michael. location for the chapter to assignments (Tactical, lick its wounds. In orbit, the Assault or Devastator duties) Gene-seed chapter set about building a and company heraldry is As has been noted vast naval yard capable of normally present on the right elsewhere, the gene-seed of working on the chapter’s knee pad. the Order of Sanguinius is capital ships, including two Combat Doctrine remarkably pure and battle barges. Two hundred extremely stable, all the years later construction Whilst the Blood Angels and more surprising because it began on a new fortress- their successors are was derived from Blood monastery on the site of an primarily assault forces, The Angels stock. Although, the abandoned Salamanders’ Order of Sanguinius is very flaw has been identified outpost in the mountains on much a more rounded and within the legion, the rate of the northern continent. With flexible chapter. However deterioration seems to be most of the fleet scattered their Blood Angels’ roots are much slower than in other across the sector, this still evident in the older Blood Angel successor veterans who are more likely became the chapter’s new chapters. to take on close assault roles home. than others in codex Battle Cry St Michael itself was, and chapters. “Honour and duty!” still is, a rugged, largely temperate and undeveloped The Order does not have world. The unsophisticated either numbers to charge human settlers have proved into every melee, making it time and again to be ideal much more suited to surgical initiates for the chapter. In attacks. Page 14 Issue 23, Summer 2005


Tactics 5. Destroy a squad at a 10. Assault the enemy. You How, I hear you ask, does all time with firepower – are fast and agile. You this lot work together then? usually from Raider should be able to control Squads. These move 12” who attacks who on the Here’s the secret. It’s all the time so that they battlefield, especially if different in every battle! can fire. You have no all the vehicles have Each unit can do two or reason to get into rapid been destroyed. Darkness. Torture. Soul three jobs really well so I find fire range of the enemy it a very fluid army and one 11. By turn two or three at devouring. Firepower. unless assaulting. the latest you should be Assault. Speed. How can you where each unit can change Bolters will bring you its mind at any time. assaulting something. Try not love an army that does down every time! and pick off isolated all of these and more? In general though it goes 6. Move HQ and Wyches infantry units – Last time in “Your Soul will something like this: behind cover or behind particularly once all the be Ours” we covered the HQ • Hide everything on turn one the Troop Raiders to get enemy vehicles have and Elite units of my army. if possible. into a position to assault. gone. Your HQ and This time we’ll concentrate • Give the opponent first turn For sheer intimidation Wyches should be in on the backbone of the very in any objective capturing move 24” and see what combat by now. same army – the Troops. If mission – you want the last kind of reaction you get 12. Use the Raiders to shoot all goes to plan we’ll also 7. Keep your army together up any potential enemy cover the Heavy Support and turn for 24” moves! then look into some of the • If there is no cover then 1500 Point Dark Eldar Army List tactics of how they all work you’ll have to take first turn together. but do everything you can Command Squad to minimise casualties by Dracon (agoniser, shadow field, combat drugs, splinter pistol, placing your Raiders near plasma grenades), 3 Incubi (plasma grenades), 2 Warriors each other; if the front one (splinter cannons, plasma grenades), Raider (disintegrator) goes down then you have cover. Wych Squad Working together we now Succubus (agoniser, splinter pistol, combat drugs, wych weapons), 7 Wyches (wych weapons, one blaster), Raider carry out the following tasks: (disintegrator) 1. Remove all enemy vehicles. Fire as much as 3 Raider Squads is required at them to Sybarite (agoniser, splinter pistol), 6 or 7 Warriors (one either stun or destroy blaster, one splinter cannon), Raider (dark lance) before moving on to the next target. Especially 2 Warrior Squads remove template 10 Warriors (two dark lances) weapons. Fire in the order: Warrior Ravager (two dark lances, one disintegrator) Squads, Ravager, Raiders. 2 Talos 2. By doing this you take out ranged firepower, as much as possible. Use reinforcements for templates and transports the ground troops and ongoing combats. Plus and, perhaps most Raider guns to pick off they should shoot at importantly, you’re potential threats to the squads who will be removing the enemy Raiders themselves. shooting in the next turn ability to react quickly to 8. Your HQ can normally into any of your sweeping what you do next. take out any enemy advance units. 3. Destroy tanks and characters and 13. Use the Warrior and barrage weapons first. accompanying retinue. Raider squads to capture Transports can be outrun But it doesn’t always objectives on the last by Raiders and picked off work so make sure to turn if possible. at your leisure. soften them up with 14. Remember the mission. shooting first. 4. Always move the Talos Remember the level of forward to attract the 9. Use the Wyches to target mission (Alpha etc). heavy weapons fire away any squad you don’t want 15. Remember the mission. from your Raiders. getting into assault. (It’s worth repeating). Namely Death Remember the Talos And one over-riding fact to carries a gun with six Companies, Honour Guards etc. Your dodge take with you as a Dark Eldar shots – don’t forget to commander: use it! save is extra useful against power weapons! Sacrifice. The Newsletter Page 15

Troops Heavy Support Warrior Squads Ravager Main Purpose: Armour Main Purpose: Armour Secondary Purpose: Mission Parameters Secondary Purpose: Infantry Tertiary Purpose: Combat Tertiary Purpose: Intimidation The Dark Lance is one of the best guns in the game. It hits on a The main battle tank of the Army. Honest. With its whopping 3+ and will then go through any armour as if its margarine armour 11 it is actually more robust than you might think. that’s been left out in the sun and then micro waved for good However, I always expect it to die so make the most of it whilst measure. you can. For a mere 100 points you get ten little warriors and two of My configuration includes one marine killing Disintegrator and these fantastic weapons. With a 36” range they should be able two vehicle/marine killing Dark Lances. Ensure you only move to reach the enemy deployment zone with no issue. I find that 6” or less and you can fire all three guns at once. However, with two of these units they are very good at criss-cross fire you will also be susceptible to penetrating hits so be very lanes that should make any/all enemy armour think twice careful how/where you place this guy. Make sure you take out about coming anywhere near your lines. whatever it can see otherwise you’ll be in trouble. I must admit that even the humble splinter rifle has proved Also, I now make sure that whenever he finishes moving I face effective under the new rapid fire rules – not something I’ve him towards the main bulk of the opponents army. Why? For done too often but sometimes it’s fun to suddenly charge when he takes an immobilised result. Eh? Remember that as a forward and let loose! skimmer who has moved less than 6” you float to the ground With so many other targets in the Dark Eldar army I tend to find and do not crash; this means you effectively become a bunker these chaps will be left alone for a little while. Excellent as they with full armament! Your opponent still needs to expend then get to do their secondary mission of capturing objectives, firepower on you. Oh and you also block line of sight now so especially with their fleet of foot. make sure you use the cover if you can. Also, if the need ever arises I have been known to use these You can also do a Raider and fly off 24” to capture stuff if chaps as speed bumps to hold something up ready for the real you’re still floating at the end of the battle! combat people to arrive. Nifty things Ravagers… Raider Squads Talos Main Purpose: Armour Main Purpose: Intimidation Secondary Purpose: Combat Secondary Purpose: Combat Tertiary Purpose: Mission Objectives Tertiary Purpose: Mission Objectives These are my jack-of-all-trades troops. Essentially their purpose One of my favourite units due to its sheer intimidation value. will fluctuate during a battle. One minute I might use them for Most people you come up against will throw everything they tank-busting, the next minute they’re out of their transport and have at this beauty and then wonder why the rest of your army charging into combat. has suddenly hit their lines. The good thing with these is their sheer versatility. The Raider The distraction value alone is worth the 100 points. has the excellent Dark Lance for tank hunting. The troops, who They will, however, die to mass heavy weapons fire so be can fire at a different target to the Raider (very important; don’t prepared to lose them fairly often. Mine rarely survive the forget this bit!) and can all fire as the vehicle is open-topped, battle and if they do it’s because they have gone after will let loose with their Splinter Cannon and Blaster, plus rifles/ objectives instead. pistol. It’s a fair amount of firepower and can cause concern amongst even the best units. Don’t forget as well that you can Their main disadvantage is their speed as they only move 6”; you’ll see this quoted as the main reason people don’t take move 12” and still fire everything out of the Raider. ‘em. Balderdash I say. Yes, they’re slower than the rest of your Then they have the ability to take out anything in hand-to-hand army but their purpose is not to fly into hand-to-hand. Nope. with an agoniser that cannot be singled out. Their purpose is to take all the flak away from every other unit Always put these guys ahead of your more important cargo on the table to allow them to get into hand-to-hand. carrying Raiders. Even though they don’t block line of sight they If my army is in assault and my Talos is dead then I’m happy do achieve two aims: as it’s done its job. 1. They focus the mind of your enemy on the nearest threat You may have noticed that I take two. Why? Cover for each rather than the potentially more lethal threat just behind. other. Place them together and, suddenly, you have something 2. They force your opponent to take a leadership test if he that people will steer clear of. Well, would you get into charge does fancy a pop at the rear targets. range of something that has six wounds and toughness 7, will If all else has been achieved then these can go off to carry out hit you on 3’s mainly, will tear you apart with Strength 7 power mission objectives, covered by their Raider. Remember a claws and can have a maximum of 14 attacks on the charge? Raider can move 24” – this scares everyone as you can Well, would ya?? redeploy your army in one foul swoop. Oh and it’s a monstrous creature so counts as ten wounds in combat and blocks line of sight. Very handy for advancing Don’t be afraid to throw your be so pleased that he’s behind. units away if it will suit your taken out your HQ that they’ll overall objective – including only realise at the end of the Get out there and start your HQ. In Alpha Level game when they lose the reaping souls. It’s good for missions points don’t matter mission that that was your you. so be prepared to kill off all plan all along. Nick Jenkin your expensive units and, Be evil. Be nasty. Be twisted. Dark Lord Muppet with luck, your opponent will THE LEAGUE 20042005 THE SAD MUPPET SOCIETY Bragging Rights 2005 (as of 15/08/2005) valde tristes sumus… Player Played Won Drawn Lost Bonus Points Rating (we’re very sad indeed…) Richard Kerry 18 14 1 3 3 32 1.78 Email: [email protected] Mark Waple 10 6 1 3 1 14 1.40 Web: Yahoo Group: Nick Jenkin 20 10 3 7 3 26 1.30 sadmuppets Phone: 0118 9820489 (David) Andrew Driver 11 5 1 5 3 14 1.27 The league is a chance Dave McCoy 13 7 0 6 2 16 1.23 THE COMMITTEE for members to test each other’s metal Chief Muppet Richard Kerry Paul Russell 16 8 1 7 2 19 1.19 (again). Money Muppet Paul Russell Dave Offen-James 15 5 1 9 1 12 0.80 Other Muppet David Offen-James • A win is worth 2 Memory Muppet Nick(ron) Jenkin points Dave Driver 10 2 3 5 1 8 0.80 • A draw is worth 1 Mark Freeth 14 4 3 7 0 11 0.79 THE CONTRIBUTORS points (any result (in no particular order of importance or where the winning Daniel Gibbons 10 3 1 6 0 7 0.70 margin is 10% or achievement) Duncan Stradling 2 2 0 0 0 4 2.00 Richard Kerry, Paul Russell, Nick Jenkin, less of the starting Duncan Stradling, Che Webster values of the armies Matthew Pinto 8 7 0 1 0 14 1.75 involved or defined John Barter 9 7 0 2 0 14 1.56 No goblin fanatics were harmed in the as a draw by the publication of this Newsletter. scenario) Ian Westmordland 6 4 0 2 1 9 1.50 • A loss is worth 0 Paul B 2 1 0 1 1 3 1.50 points. • A bonus point can be Ben Dove 5 2 2 1 1 7 1.40 earned for winning Mark Walker 6 2 1 3 2 7 1.17 against someone with a better rating Antony Walls 4 2 0 2 0 4 1.00 than you in the Jamie Morton 4 1 2 2 0 4 1.00 league. Blair 2 1 0 1 0 2 1.00 • And you must play at least ten games to Kevin Bacon 2 1 0 1 0 2 1.00 The Disclaimer be in contention for This material is completely unofficial and in the title and you Nathan White 6 2 1 3 0 5 0.83 no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. must be a member. Ross McNaughton 6 1 0 5 1 3 0.50 Adeptus Astartes, Battlefleet Gothic, Black • Remember any Peter Hibbett 4 1 0 3 0 2 0.50 Templars, Blood Angels, Blood Bowl, game can be a Catachan Jungle Fighters, Chaos Space Marines, the Chaos device, Codex, Dark league game as long Nick Doran 8 0 1 7 0 1 0.13 you agree with your Eldar, Dark Angels, Dark Future, the Richard Crane 3 0 0 3 0 0 0.00 Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, the opponent 40k device, Dwarfs Crossed Hammer logo, 'Eavy Metal, Epic, Eldar, Eldar symbol beforehand. Les Fulbrook 2 0 0 2 0 0 0.00 devices, Eye of Terror, the Games Nick Jenkin Roger Winter 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 Workshop logo, Games Workshop, League Muppet Genestealer, , , Grey Knight, Hammer of Sigmar, Horned Steve Mesmer 1 0 0 1 0 0 0.00 Rat logo, Inquisitor, the Inquisitor device , Khorne, the Khorne device, Kislev, Kroot, Leman Russ, , Necron, Necromunda, Nurgle, Nurgle logo, Ork, Ork Skull devices, Skaven, Skaven logos, GCN OPEN PLAY LEAGUE Slaanesh, Slaanesh logo, Slottabase, , Space Marine, Space Marine chapter logos, Space Wolves, Sisters of The GCN Open OPL: Warhammer 40000 (as of 15/08/2005) Battle, Steel Legion, Talisman, Tau, the Tau League is a system caste designations, Tyranid, Tyrannid, Club Played Won Lost Drawn Unpainted Points Tzeentch, Tzeentch logo, Ultramarines, which allows various Vampire Count logo, Von Carstein, Von clubs of the Gaming The Sad Muppet Society 7 3 2 2 0 11 Carstein logo, Chaos, 40k, GW, Warmaster, Club Network to play Warhammer, White Dwarf, and all each other (in a Spiky Club 4 3 1 0 0 9 associated marks, names, characters, illustrations and images from the particular system) Oxford Gaming Club 5 2 1 2 0 8 Warhammer world and Warhammer 40,000 and at the end of the universe are either (r), TM and/or (c) year by invited to the Yeovil Wargaming Club 3 0 3 0 0 0 Games Workshop Ltd 2000-2004, variably Open Play Finals at registered in the UK and other countries Bracknell Forest Gamers 1 0 1 0 0 0 around the world, used without permission. Warhammer World. No challenge to their status intended. All Richard Kerry Rights Reserved.