Tournament Fact Sheet KPMG Women’s PGA Championship Aronimink Golf Club • Newton Square, Pa. • Oct. 8-11, 2020 Golf Course Superintendent Tournament Set-up John Gosselin Par: 35-35--70 Phone: 610-353-1397 Yardage: 6,577 Email:
[email protected] Stimpmeter: 11.5 Years as GCSAA MemBer: 35 Years at Aronimink: 15 Course Statistics Years as a Superintendent: 30 Average Green Size: 8,200 sq. ft. Previous Courses: Dupont Country CluB (super, GM) Average Tee Size: 7,300 sq. ft. Rolling Green Golf Club (super) Acres of Fairway: 31 Hometown: Landenberg, Pa. Acres of Rough: 45 Education: Penn State University NumBer of Sand Bunkers: 176 NumBer of Water Hazards: 4 NumBer of Employees: 25 How many holes is water in play: 8 NumBer of Tournament Volunteers: 30 Soil Conditions: Clay loam Water Sources: Well and city Other Key Golf Personnel Collin Harley, Assistant Superintendent Turfgrass Nick Carothers, Assistant Superintendent Greens: Penn A-1/A-4 Bentgrass .110” Joe Kopania, Assistant Superintendent Tees: PennTrio Bentgrass .375” Hamo KrkBesevic, Equipment Manager Fairways: L-93 bentgrass .375” Rich Reimers, Irrigation Tech Rough: Tall fescue / Poa annua 3” Julie Morse, Horticulturist Jeff Kiddie, Director of Golf Additional Notes John Cunningham, GM/COO • All course preparations during tournament BoB Willcox, Club President week will Be done in the dark due to lack of daylight hours. Course Architect • 30 trees were lost due to a microBurst Architect (year): Donald Ross (1928) June 3. Area also saw extended drought in Renovation Architect (year): Gill Hanse (2017) June and third hottest July on record. Course Owner: Members Signature Hole: No.