
B. K. Cohee Indianapolis Toro Co.

Around Indianapolis, Cincinnati, Louisville and Knoxville, the best known name in Golf Equipment circles is that of B. K. Cohee of the Indianapolis Toro Company. Ben, as he is known to dozens of his friends in that section, became associated with Toro three years ago, after being actively connected in golf architecture throughout that section* How well he has done his work is testified to by the fact that practically all of the more prominent clubs in that section are using Toro Equipment. Like other Toro distributors, he is a man of his word, and whatever he says he will do, he does. The worth-while service that Indianapolis Toro Com­ pany render every day is another reason why we say— Toro Distributors are Reliable Distributors TORO Manufacturing Company 3042*3160 Snelling Avenue Minneapolis, Minnesota SEPTEMBER, 1929 > Single Copies Twenty-Five Cents. Yearly Subscription to Members Two Dollars. Yearly Subscription to Non-Members Three Dollars. GREENKEEPER Official Organ of The National Association of Greenkeepers of America Published monthly at 405 Caxton Building, Cleveland, Ohio. Contents copyright, 1928, by The National Greenkeeper, Inc., Publishers. Robert E. Power, President and Editor; Frank H. Pelton, Sec'y.; C. F. Lowe, Treas.; M. J. Fox. Asst.-Sec'y. Entered as second-class matter, Aug. 25, 1928, at the post office, Cleveland, Ohio, under act of March 3, 1879 All Rights Reserved—None of the contents of this Magazine, either wholly or in part, may be reprinted without permission.

VOLUME III. No. IX Contents PREPARING THE SEED BED TOO MUCH INFORMATION By C. M. Jenkins 5 By John Morley 23 COMPOST AND CHARCOAL PITTSBURGH TURF GARDENS By John Motley 8 By John Pressler 24 FALL SEEDING HELPS GREENS By W. J. Sansom 12 DON'T FORGET FALL TOPDRESSING FALL IS THE TIME TO WORK By John Anderson 25 By Lewis M. Evans 14 AROUND THE OFFICE DESK 27 JOHN MacGREGOR SAYS IS Tournament Schedule FALL SEEDING-TOPDRESSING-FERTILIZING 16 The Seed Situation 1. Are you Seeding this Fall? By E. S. Garner 2. Will you topdress this fall? MARKET PLACE AND BUYERS' GUIDE 29 3. Have you planned a fall fertilizing program?

Officers—National Ass'n of Greenkeepers of America John Morley, President John MacGregor, First Vice Pres. Lewis M. Evans, Second Vice Pres. Youngstown Country Qub Chicago Golf Club Cedarbrook Country Club 2248 Selma Avenue Mt. Airy, , Penna. Box 717, Wheaton, 111. Youngstown, Ohio William J. Sansom, Third Vice Pres., Toronto Golf Club, John Quaill, Secretary Long Branch, Ontario, Can. John McNamara, Treasurer Highland Country Club George Davies, Fourth Vice Pres. 426 Highland Avenue Big Spring Golf Club West View, Pittsburgh, Penna. Aspinwall, Penna. Louisville, Kentucky DISTRICT VICE PRESIDENTS H. HAWKINS, Lakeview Golf Club, J. E. ARMSTRONG, Tippecanoe Coun­ J. H. ELLIFF, Winged Foot Golf Port Credit, Ontario try Club, Leesburg, Indiana Club, Mamaroneck, New York JOSEPH VALENTINE Merion Cricket A. E. ARNOLD, Masonic Country JOHN GRAY, Essex Golf and Country Club, Philadelphia, Penna. Club, Grand Rapids, Mich. Club, Sandwich, Ontario CHARLES ERICKSON. Minekahda JOHN ANDERSON, Crestmont Coun­ \V. GREGG, Rock Creek Park Country Club, Minneapolis, Minn. try Club, W. Orange, N. J. Club, Washington, D. C. CHESTER MENDENHALL, Sim Park C. G. BARTON, Sylvania Golf Club, JOSEPH F. IIINES, Orchard Ridge Golf Club, Wichita, Kansas Toledo, Ohio JAMES MUIRDEN, Ridgewood Golf C. BASHAM, River Crest Country Country Club, Fort Wayne, Ind. Club, Cincinnati, Ohio Club, Fort Worth, Texas JOHN G. JONES, Onondaga Golf and GEORGE SARGENT, Scioto Country ELMER F. BIGGS, Country Club of Country Club, Syracuse, New York Club, Columbus, Ohio Peoria, Peoria, 111. ALBERT KEMP, Westwood Golf FRED A. BURKHARDT, West wood JAMES BOLTON, Berkshire Country Course, Richmond, Va. Country Club, Cleveland, Ohio Club, Reading, Penna. HUGH LUKE, Garden City Country CAPT. DAVID L. REES, Progress W. A. BOSTIC, Biltmore Forest Coun­ Club, Garden City, N. Y. Country Club, Purchase, New York try Club, Biltmore, N. C. WILLIAM MAYNE, Jasper Park GEORGE WELLIN, Tumblebrook CARL A. BRETZLAFF, Meridian Lodge, Alberta, Canada Country Club, New Britain, Conn. Hills Country Club, Indianapolis, Ind. T. H. RIGGS MILLER, Richmond J. O. CAMPBELL, Wethersfield Coun­ CARL DAVIS, Moonbrook Country Country Club, Staten Island, N. Y. try Club, Hartford, Conn. Club, Jamestown, New York JOSEPH O'GRADY, New Bedford JOE P. MAYO, Pebble Beach Coun­ THOS. F. FAHEY, Winchester Coun­ Country Club, New Bedford, Mass. try Club, Pebble Beach, Calif. try Club, Winchester, Mass. II. E. SHAVE, Oakland Hills Country ROBERT HKNDERSON, Country THOMAS J. GALVIN, Rhode Island Club, Birmingham, Mich. Club of Buffalo, Wilhamsville, N. Y. Country Club, West Barrington, Rhode Island CARL K. TREST, Woodland Golf Club, HUGH C. MOORE, St. Simon's Is­ Auburndale, Mass. land Golf Club, St. Simons Island, Ga. E. E. DAVIS, Meadville Country Club, M eadville, Penna. JACK WELCH, Wakonda Country FORD GOODRICH, Flint Country Club, Des Moines, Iowa Club, Flint, Michigan. THOS. E. DOUGHERTY, Spring- haven Country Club, Chester, Penna. WALTER C. REED, Westwood Coun­ ELMER F. AFFELDT, Glenn Oak try Club, St. Louis, Mo. Golf & Country Club, Great Neck, JOHN E. DUSTIN, Kalamazoo Coun­ ALEX. BINNIE, Shoreacres Golf L. I., New York. try Club, Kalamazoo, Mich. Club, Lake Bluff, 111. Official communication, membership dues, employment, etc., should be mailed direct to the Secretary. Editorial ar tides, photos, subscriptions and golf show requests mail to 405 Caxton Bldg., Cleveland, O.

PAGE THREE A very few of many fine courses for which I have supplied creeping bent grass during the past Would you like seven years. Washington strain COUNTRY CLUB OF DETROIT Detroit, Mich. Creeping Bent

DETROIT GOLF CLUB Detroit, Mich. Greens such as these clubs have? FRANKLIN HILLS COUNTRY CLUB Franklin, Mich. NOW is the time to plant stolons for

HIGHLANDS COUNTRY CLUB quickest and best results. They are Grand Rapids, Mich. shipped shredded ready for planting, arrival in good condition guaranteed. MILWAUKEE COUNTRY CLUB Milwaukee, Wis. Make sure your club is getting the best putting turf obtainable. CINCINNATI COUNTRY CLUB Cincinnati, Ohio I have planted Washington strain all LOST NATION GOLF CLUB over the country, and as a practical Willoughby, Ohio greenkeeper I believe it surpasses all other strains so far selected for fine- ARONIMINK GOLF CLUB ness,'lack of nap or grain and resist­ Philadelphia, Pa. ance to fungus. I feel sure you would ESSEX GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB be as well satisfied as are all my past Windsor, Ont. customers.

HIRAM F. GODWIN Bent Grass Box A., Redford Sta., Detroit, Mich. Eastern Nursery, Box 51, Wayne, Pa. &rfrtrmb*r Ohe NATIONAL ©ffirial ©rgau of Stye 1320 •X'atiiutal Asauriatiim Itulumr HI of (Srmikrepera of ^Mtnbpr 9 GREENKEEPER Amrrira The Leading Journal of the World on Turf Culture and Maintenance Preparing the Seed Bed Importance of proper preparation of the soil in order to produce healthy turf and lower maintenance cost By C. M. JENKINS The author of this article was graduated from Ohio State University in 1920, after which he was connected with Elwood and Frye of Columbus, Ohio, landscape architects. Later on he became affiliated with the Florida Landscape Engineering Company, and was with Stiles and VanKleek, golf course and landscape architects of St. Petersburg, Florida and Boston, Massa­ chusetts. While there he supervised the construction of a number of courses principally in Florida and Massachusetts and is now connected with Arthur D. Peterson, Inc., of New York City. Mr. Jenkins combines a university education with several years of practical experience in golf course work.— Editor's Note. HE possibility exists that many of the swamps and clearing timber. But are they ask­ T troubles might be eliminated from the try­ ing too much to expect him to be an agricul­ ing routine of a greenkeeper if a more care­ turist and an agronomist familar with condi­ ful study were made during construction, of tions of all localities that are necessary to ob­ the general conditions necessary to promote the tain a putting green that will be maintained best turf. This study the greenkeeper is con­ in the best condition at a minimum expense? stantly making but it is usually not until after That old English quotation, "Men come to the course has build more stately been turned over sooner than to to the club mem­ garden finely," is bers. just as applicable to golf as it is to With this in other architecture. view I believe many clubs would What Affects lower their oper­ Turf Require­ ating maintenance ments cost if a capable TOCAL turf re­ greenkeeper o r quirements are turf specialist were affected principal­ employed while 9TH GREEN ON THE NEW COURSE AT HISTORIC PUT-IN-BAY ly by climatic and the course is being This course was seeded last fall and the photo shows how it soil conditions. looked on opening day June 22nd. Alex Miller the greenkeeper constructed to col­ has been highly complimented on his work Also by insect, laborate with the architect. weed and fungus infestations. The climatic When club officials first select an architect conditions cannot be changed but the most they have a right to expect that he be a golfer suitable grass for that climate can be selected. or a thorough student of the game; an artist Certain grasses will or will not grow, but who will make the most of the landscape he is of those that do, some will give better greens permitted to model; a construction engineer easier to maintain, with certain cultural and who will have knowledge of the best methods fertilizer practices. I have seen beautiful fescue of moving soil, blasting rock, draining greens in New Jersey and New York that

PAGE FIVE PAGE SIX The National Greenkeeper SEPTEMBER, 1929

have stood the tests of time: but there are causing the soil to cake and bake making it probable locations in Ohio, and more impervious to the passage of water and where this would be impossible. air. Considerable time is necessary to remedy New grasses are being used every year under this condition. The use of lime and organic different climatic conditions. It was just re­ matter, underdrainage and alternate freezing cently that a smart greenkeeper located on the and thawing are all beneficial. border of the bluegrass and Bermuda belts has Water Retention Necessary utilized to advantage that excellent grass for 'T'HE texture must be such as to favor the extremes, Poa Trivialis and won further ad­ retention of water. A twenty per cent clay, miration from his members. fifty per cent silt and thirty per cent sand Soil Causes Trouble would be near ideal. The existing texture LJOWEVER, it is the soil that causes the may be such that to improve the soil it will greenkeeper the most trouble. The pre­ be necessary to add any one or more of the fol­ requisites being drainage, texture and fertility. lowing materials: charcoal, cinders, sharp Of these the fertility can most easily be modi­ sand, clay, peat moss or organic matter in var­ fied after construction. But there is a certain ious forms such as commercial humus, manures fertilization that should be done before seeding and cover crops. to obtain a thick uniform turf. It is not sufficient that the necessary mate­ If the soils are sand they will be apt to need rials are present in the green but they must be potash. It is desirable that all the nitrogen thoroughly incorporated if the desired struc­ and phosphoric acid that the grass needs for ture is to be obtained. This seems very elemen­ establishment during the first three months be tary but there are greens on some of the most incorporated in the soil before seeding. This is expensive courses in this country that have been particularly frue of phosphoric acid since this constructed by layer methods. It may be clay fertilizer precipitates readily into insoluble that forms an impervious layer and checks phosphate particles which do not penetrate capillarity or it may be manure that decom­ soil to sufficient depth to promote best root poses and by uneven settlement leaves a growth. The nitrogen penetrates readily but bumpy putting surface. the danger lies in burning the new seedlings. Weed control is another item often over* It is, therefore, much better to have sufficient looked in construction. It is not unusual to nitrogen present in a slowly available form spend several hundred dollars per green dur­ to establish the turf. ing the first year in eradicating weeds that Drainage Most Important might have been eliminated at less than half '"THERE are many greens built with only that cost before the green was seeded. I have surface drainage. This is not adequate ex­ steam-sterilized greens at a cost of fifty to cept in very sandy soils. It is my belief if eighty dollars per green that eliminated weed­ more tile were used in construction there ing entirely the first year the course was in play, would be fewer mercury compounds used in Using Arsenate of Lead maintenance. Proper underdrainage will aid YX7TTH the spreading of the Japanese and in the improvement of the soil texture, pre­ Asiatic beetles the proper treatment of the vent toxicity and minimize snow mold, drum top four inches with arsenate of lead might head and brown patch. prevent the greenkeeper further worry and it The texture of few soils is perfect for the will pay its way alone in worm eradication requirements of a putting green. Often it is and June grub control. worse after construction than before. The top I realize that we have earned our reputation soil is stripped, the rough grade formed and of impatient America as truly in golf as any recovered all at a time when the soil is too other field. Clubs want their course at once wet to be properly handled. All good turf and often due time for proper construction and soils have a certain percentage of clay. This, seasoning are not permitted. That's why green- where worked too wet, destroys the aggregates keepers must have broad shoulders to survive. For Your Fall Work, whether in connection with renovating or new construction, late summer or early fall (Aug. 15th to Oct. 1st) is by all odds the best time to sow seed. For the Finest Turf sow Bent Grasses! Because of the extreme fineness and beauty of turf produced from Bent Seed we recommend the use of a certain percentage of Bent in all mixtures for Fairways and Lawns. Its superiority for use on golf courses, especially the putting greens, has long been recognized.

For Fall Sowing, We Offer [Grass Seed | of Known Quality I TESTED for PURITY and GERMINATION | South German Bent Colonial Bent Rhode Island Bent {Washington Grown) Bent Stolons Wholesale prices on the above, or any other turf producing grasses, such as Fancy Red Top, Ken­ tucky Blue, Chewings N. Z. Fescue, Sheep's Fescue, Bermuda Grass, etc., upon request.

/^/^/^•/"vpvo Tlp'^'Tr' Because of the fine turf producing qualities of this Creeping Bent, it is meet- ^vy V>V/V/I>J DII/iN J. ;ng wjth favor in sections other than the Pacific Coast, where it is already recognized as the outstanding Putting Green Grass. Cocoos Bent is botanically known as Agrostis mari- tima, but all strains of Agrostis maritima are not Cocoos Bent. We offer the true Cocoos Bent, the finest of the Agrostis maritima grasses, in sealed bags. Per lb. $2.50, per 10 lbs. $22.50, per 100 lbs. $200.00

Special Putting Green Bent Formula — Consists of Superfine Fairway Formula (with Bent) -Contains imported and domestic grass seeds of the highest quality, Bent Seed, as well as Kentucky Blue Grass, Superfine that will produce a fine, uniform and enduring turf. Use Red Top and Chewing's N. Z. Fescue. We adapt it to 15 lbs. to 1000 sq. ft., one-quarter to one-half this quantity your conditions so that a uniform and enduring turf is for renovating 25 lbs. $18.75,100 lbs. $70.00 secured 25 lbs. $13.00, 100 lbs. SS0.00 Standard Putting Green Formula, 25 lbs.$16.00.100 lbs.S60.00 Fairway Formula, Fine Quality, 25 lbs. $10.00.100 lbs. $35.00

Special formulas for Tees. Routh, Bunkers. Polo Fields. Airports. Club or Private Lawns, furnished upon request

Remember:—- We are one of the largest direct contractors for foreign-grown Grass Seeds in the United States. Over thirty years of Seed Service have enabled us to segregate those collectors of Bent Seeds who are reliable from those who are not; to single out those growers of Chewing's Fescue whose strains are pure; also to contract for true American-grown seeds of high vitality. All our seeds are botanically true to name and are cleaned and recleaned until brought up to the highest possible state of purity and germination, special care being given to the elimination of weed seeds. Without obligation, we shall he pleased to send a representative who, from lonq experience, is qualified to advise regarding grasses and furnish such other information as is necessary for the best results &1iiJ!!^^(m&st& Specialists in Golf Grass Seeds and Equipment 30-32 Barclay Street New York City

SAY YOU SAW THE AD IN THE NATIONAL GREENKEEPER PAGE SEVEN Compost and Charcoal By JOHN MORLEY, Greenkeeper Youngstoivn Country Club, Youngstown, O.

ISCUSSION has been rife bacteria to release the various D the past two years, both elements which the organic by experts on soils and experi­ matter in the compost contains, enced greenkeepers regarding and the materials used are care­ the advisability of eliminating fully selected, I find no reason the compost pile and produce to discontinue building them. other methods to create suitable porous soils, especially adapted Some of the troubles with the for topdressing of putting average compost pile, which I greens. have observed during my visits to various courses is that they The preparing and mixing of are not properly built. For an compost forms one of the most illustration—a number of important items in greenkeep- greenkeepers often, owing to in­ ing. To meet the requirement sufficient help cannot afford the of a modern putting green, the time to make compost, especi­ dressing and preparing of com­ JOHN MORLEY This veteran's success as a ally through the summer sea­ post must be carried out in a greenkeeper has given him a son. They are often compelled more scientific manner. world-wide reputation to wait until late fall. The The greatest care must be taken to use only greenkeeper can get together at that time all the that compost or manure which may be best employes available and proceed to erect the expected to repay the outlay. There should be compost pile and keep working at it until it a proper place provided for the compost with is completed. a hard bottom to prevent the heavy rains from Preceding its erection he has secured a good washing the better materials contained in the supply of stable manure. A fair portion (es­ pile away. If the compost is properly made pecially horse manure), has begun to heat and and allowed sufficient time for the nitrofying has the appearance of a light gray color. This

THE 9TH GREEN ON THE FAMOUS OAKMONT CHAMPIONSHIP COURSE Expert greenkeeping on the part of Emil Loeffler together with the judicious expenditure of money has made this course famous throughout the world


Du Bay fungicides kept this green at St. Andrews Golf Club, Mt. Hope, N. Y., free from brcwn patch damage

Greenkeepers of 533 of the nation's golf Green to 50 gallons of water will treat 1000 courses—more than 35% of the 1510 esti­ square feet of turf by sprinkling. When ap­ mated by Golfdom to have bent grass greens plication is made with a power sprayer 50 —depend on Du Bay fungicides to control gallons of Semesan solution is sufficient for destructive brown patch. from 2000 to 3000 square feet of turf; 50 gal­ They know from experience that Semesan lons of Nu-Green solution for from 1500 to and Nu-Green quickly destroy brown patch 2000 square feet. fungi, and promptly restore the affected area Turf damage from snow mold, which at­ to normal health. The treatment is so simple, tacks the greens in early spring, is as easily and the directions so easy to follow, that avoided by Semesan treatment. To prevent there is no danger of burning or otherwise it, apply Semesan solution to the greens just injuring the greens. before the ground freezes, using 50 gallons to each 1000 square feet of turf. Now is the season when you cannot afford to imperil your turf by negligence! Mid­ SEMESAN NU-GREEN summer weather often clings on well into 5 lb $13.00 5 lb $ 9.00 early fall, favoring the development of large 25 lb 56.25 25 lb 37.50 brown patch. Small brown patch, as well, 100 lb 220.00 100 lb 145.00 may appear late in the season. 300 lb 645.00 300 lb 420.00

For the control of large and small brown Buy now from your Seedsman or Golf patch, one pound of Semesan or Nu- Supply House. SEMESAN NU-GREEN REG. U. S. PAT. OFF. REG. U. S. PAT. OFF.

BAYER-SEMESAN CO., Inc., 105 Hudson Street, New York, N. Y. Successors to Seed Disinfectants Divisions of The Bayer Co., Inc., and E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc.

SAY YOU SAW THE AD IN THE NATIONAL GREENKEEPER PAGE NINE manure is usually placed in layer formation, possibly three layers compose the make-up. Sod, soil and sand generally constitute the re­ maining material. ^JlJVI ILWAU KEEJU^ Let us see what usually happens when com­ post piles are made in a hurry, especially when MlLORGANlJ the pile is made where it is impossible to ob­ -*^TPl DEAL TURF ]T^^ tain water. For in order to secure decomposi­ ^FERTILIZERS tion of the organic matter, the compost pile should have a fair amount of moisture from top to bottom. Lime and Ammonia in Compost (^\NE of our leading authorities on Soils Maintains and Bacteria states that in order to has­ ten decomposition in the compost it should be treated very liberally with sulphate of am­ Fairway monia and hydrated lime—about two hun­ dred pounds of the latter to a carload of com­ Fertility post. Where these two materials are used I would suggest that the compost pile should be Proper feeding is the basis of constructed so that both sides and both ends turf improvement on fairways. contain not less than twelve inches of sod and the top should be flat and contain the same Turf on starved fairways first be­ amount of sod as the sides and ends. This comes thin, followed by infestation should be done to prevent the nitrogen gas, with moss, dandelion, plantain, and owing to the action of lime and other sources, other undesirable weeds. from escaping out of the compost pile. Clover invasion indicates nitro­ A compost pile should be allowed to stand gen starvation. until it is at least one year old, then it should be turned over and great care should be given Turf improvement should be­ to have all sides and ends thrown into the cen­ gin this fall. Prolonged drought ter of the pile to bring about decomposition. this summer weakened turf in many When the manure is stored closely in the com­ sections. Milorganite applied this post and is not well supplied with moisture fall will insure good fairwavs in the aerobic bacteria are favored in thtir growth. 1930. Their activities may become so intense as to cause a rapid oxidation, that is a rapid burning Milorganite applied in Septem­ up of the organic matter. Under such circum­ ber will effect marked improvement stances the temperature of the manure is raised before winter, and benefits extend to a perceptible extent, frequently giving rise into the following year. to fire fanging. We are prepared to help devise an Great care should be given the material effective and economical program of placed in the compost to avoid a toxic condi­ fairway improvement. tion in part or all of the soil which it contains for there is a possibility to create disease more For further information address dreadful than brown patch; such as molds, sclerotia or pythium. The Sewerage Commission Why I Make Compost 508 Market Street Milwaukee, Wis. JF I were asked a direct question as to why I make compost, my reply would be to ob-