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The Ledger and Times, June 11, 1966

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• Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper

Largest The Only Circulation Afternoon Daily Both In City In Murray And And In County * • Calloway County

No. 137 1966 UP Per Copy Vol. LXXXVII United Press International In Our IlIth Year Murray, Ky., Saturday Afternoo- n, June II, M▪EW lam

Seen & Heard Jesse Stuart Will Over 500 Jehovah's ( • Around o Seminar MURRAY Be Offered Witnesses Gather Here

The Jease Stuart Seminar on the will be of- Conference For Area a Thio year's Cnanty vses hail- Kemucky Constitution Day Meeting Will End On IWO University Three fered by Murray State UMW ed as a succee and has turned High School Teachers MWM on Tuesday evenings at 7 o'clock WW• out to be the outstanding axial Summer Season Planned Next Week event of the year. during the School The seminar will deo be offered Sunday At Murray High IWO concurrently at ail the other Ken- There were two bands this time MEW tucky State Universities. An annual conference on Bus- this prevent system al so the [MAC a going on prac- Approxirnately 40 volunteee work- end of Dr C S. Lowry, chairman at the then Education for area high wort yes- things and act as though Oaf bad tically al the time department, ers.. finished inentilation Murray social stades school tesohers iied be held at no influence God showed that be semi- terday at Jehovah's Witnesses will direct the Murray State Murray State University June 18 influence wren he destilored We still are not sure whether folks senti-annuall circuit assembly being tad nar. Lecturers include Jesse and 17 a.nnounced Dr Ttuornas world and provided air- over forty are built right for the held at the Murray High School. that eve Stuart, at least one former gov- B Floganpaznp, dean of the School for those faithful to his modern dances E S. Bennett, oircutt supervisor, anion ersor. possibly Judge Marlow Oook of Business Mod that ail departments were inistriction." of Louisville. and members of the mom • Take a fellow who was brought of set im with no major difficulty. to Constitution Revision Assembly "Changesig Patterns Office Other examples of hdatory awe he just cannot which school wee transformed Nwm ele on Sear Dug, 1Political Science over by 0 fficials of the Jehovah's Witnesses Assembly Education" will be the theme for The high ahem Oars infkience was Baby- sm. The seminar Last minute PreParalions are gone get this jerky music down right. George Bandarra, Volunteer Service; Buenas; Win a huge "Killed= Hal of a werld via'- 549i will carry one semester hour Murray this weekend. From left to right are the two day conference. lanh destruction as I, being held in Sup- Witnesses- and on the Ono those who A. hinderer, District Supervisor; I s. Bennett. Circuit teachers from Kentucky, Tennes- Jehovah% • in Daniel 5. and Daniels de- Nun of graduate credit for t'antrell, Amembn Manatee; J. Lot of folks there and the ball M. D. is being held at Murray stage was a scene of the world, pit in to enroll for credit. However, of the local CO ntregation. The assembly see, Miteroun, Blinds, and other Ivermoce from the lions' ware ervisor; and Nell Lucas, Overseer Witneelee a in of the Student Union Build- every adjoining states have been invit- depicting bow Jehowah's Dania 6. Dr Lowry said that he hoped School. ing was trannormed into a Preach High Staff Photo by Ed Collie attend are "taking Disciples of People Murray State faculty member and ed to atimain through the ensiles- of All ausionr, .thich is the Me. Hinderer !tither MOM& Wm= student, as well as all other per- Lan- Activttier wIll begin with re- of entire meembly. 'Goes inffuence is eine? epee tam and Malty of Janus we fit to theme the sons in the area would 16 at 1 30 pm num name and his committee. Dan Miller Named gletration on June this century Dueler woodilow. Mom at IouO. some of the meet- J. A. attend Mr Paul Stovall Jr merchand- At 7:00 p.m. on Friday Hiner timed to extenelseels, ings The tereinar will otter Inter. Bible School To Cathey Boys State Alternate the weaning ad- Herman of Memphis Hinderer, gave but tatty lie a Met an interestirqt young couple, Yang superintendent ichovehe Wanees, • disciplinary analysts of the Con- will drew entitled "Make Dinipleit'af gorte,ar Bob Hines and his wife. Bob Be Held At Goshen Sears Catalog Order Plant, and his Nee party are and is desiened to help — Blue nf All Nations." In this the housing at. lag- stitution RICHMOND. Ky. discuas "Regulates for the Pre- People the watt of merman; itrol works with traintain teachers and others Away Grams Boys State participarras Fri- sent-Day Business Employee" at lecture he referred to Matthew who turn their Masi ray State University, Mali has Passes Units. Those working knowledge of current de- thew elected gover- 28:19 and Lane 101.2-2 showing by es. turned out to be a harm end day eelected 215 pm an God are still influenced velopments in state government of Padumh, to that Jesus sow the urgency of seek complex teak nor. Mike Tilley God's action, so persica who me will be oonckicted in Bible iliclaxa will Speaker at the dinner will be and that he did ROL The semirm The Vtioation Yesterday represent Kentucky at Boys Na- making disciples Jehovah come under his protec- alreormationed °Meer MAI- at the Clothen Methodist Dr Helen Green. Michigan State send out dieciples that lTMENT = only hes nine the be held tion later this summer. train and tive influence see The University not June 13, Mich. tortoni. Which seats more than 3,COO Clinch starting Ilandia, The young students of practical University, Drat Lansing, he tad made. Mr Hinderer told or ten dormitories to manage and the emu eintinuing through Pt-May, Rarely Gernert Her teen will be "Hints Prom — the sesembh, "You In this circuit The program wall end with sai bit it Me° hea the im- Pr7110110 MM pawed sway sud- civics oleo selected elm mantatn Herman Cathey Watchtower and .th od Pistons registering for credit well June 17. Louisville as • denote to Boys of all pines — Malaise" of Jetiovales Witnesses have also attnnarY a the mense problem of those gaideela of a heart attack. /niche, of the regular college denly on ?riders safeties will begin at disciples. You have talk by Mr Bennet/0, ATISFIED= This lat- enroll &wing superinten- Natrona Minh will be held been making another who live off the campus. Mrs. Mates White, June 10. at 1 45 p m., in he hone public is reparation. The first meeting of Unneraity; of Maryinx1 camp- 9 am. with Dr. Albenba Chap- trimmed four persent in six Mr Hinderer. The le of Ky. = ter is Bob's domain and a tough for nuraery. be- North 12th St., Murray. Re the be June 14.. This dent, mid climes at 300 man, degartmant of business orb- is very good. It Is attend all of the tkuaktre any per the meninx will will us. months which ed to one it h, since about ginners, primaries, and juniors vas 79 years of age. at MIMI, on will be an arganientai meeting and Alternates Cill3OIN1 were Tom • Scheel of Business because you have taken to heart Program one mat of the students eve off earth day from 1.30 Survivors are his wife. Addle Idle Manned for that am be conducted Dan Mil- presiding. Dr. Helen Green will and have re- the large man- no lecture is 13th Kitchen of Aehland and Jeeus' instruction ma Mama In spite of to 3:M pm_ Johneon Cathey of 300 North Office Prac- a Moo. ler of Murray meek on "Vitalising ceived Jehovah's rids blessing." 1 4 a lier living on the ounpus. Street. to:, daughters. Mrs. Haloy a The voting came on the kart tise." a Stokes of Camden, Tenn., Mrs. alla im- Immediately fallionnif the wel- day of Blue Gress Boys State, a Speaker at the mitionorr_ing Bound Mask le James Lawrence and his Island. Ill: twis over Upward Harrell of Rock binciorf, come Mr. Hinderer peened program which saw a mock legal- am will be Min Marton decoration Hine chariddient hung sons, Huron of Paris. Tenn_ Orvis Itertmetic ryWind. of sane taro do- Part Hell School, Min- the the ceiling, made cast of Maws rasa three St. Louts Vague from of Decatur. Ill.. nine grandoluldrth neapone, .211rel, on "Miictulle ate at Yetsoialeir VIIIthiglier Eat know Vitt rex ben introduced. very in- Topic or relhillattir and eimen great-grandchildren bar, welt), reactant PM Project 11111111111i gokt Grs a strtp nune bill, Shorthand — 113 Meld Olt Trapped Fine These included II • big man and a member of the from Acts craptere He was the t county Dean Hogancamp will close the teresting talks be large. • measure requiring things really have to asptist Church 11:15 am. with 16 thamett 21 made up the whoa coroners be physicians, arid a bill conference at WW will be held at Meeting another Funeral services age to "Where From Here?" The Service Of Speaker lowereng the legal marriage The Mal Tower could be seen the West Pork Baptist Church at regular meeting of Jehovah's Wit- of the man and geld with 18. the 374 at one end Way Out 2:00 p. an. Sunday, June 12. NO ARRESTS nesses, was thee held for _ thinweniess were all amund the Fight Bur. evening melon. C. Chiles officiating. attencien the Coordinator of Iec.g Dr H. ACTION that Dr Don Clemens. LITTLE •MM• Nadu of the num the West Fork Ceme- followed the theme Special •••• Ni will be In Sheriff Cohen Stubblefieid re- This meeting Teacher Education and to Ciod's 01'ss foror their dab tery. morning that his de- 'Imrting Hungry Ones at Murray State Uni- Ily BRYCE MILLER ke City Police reported this rnorping ported this Progrenn New you 11.10tal have a perfect Ma- The Max H Churchill Funeral Banquet 17'or All Peoples." TIM on Thum- Istersenkrial out of thePrrePinitli were issued over partment had made no arrests versity was the speeker of what the room lorked Ike. United Pram that no citations directed by circuit the r p idea dhinegun and Mortar fire. Home is in charge of intergenlenti over the past twenty-four hours. meeting was at the regular meeting at g, hour period. Roadblocks clay m▪ the pan 24 Delthelt. Featur- MEW gill — Poem West When they heel reached friend- where friends may call. mitrotIng is being carried supervisor, E 8. Rotary Club Mwo SALOON to enforce the city Normal Murray Slaw our Spir. ze- are being set up were Neil W. Ro- Pant foodnie hero Bill Claipenter ly lose,bangers and artillery ed on ten meelles Dr Clements spoke to the Womu Pamela Oarland and her mot Viet- stacker ordinance. MLLister of the "Upward =UM gni a oneepebee ontele Irusts roed in an the crack North Lucas, peosibber tartans on the program R. min• men to troops in Mini an Mummy andesigelion end 0 Prallielln Uw. Cbielimores led their nlilne8e regular Bound" an MO weft ME= %cereal mune folks there who Hospital deport ambled Mtlifdlogo„nlin- the MEW MOW DON lam daps a Arnellell21 called the 0014) 4e MOW berderre, yentawill be andel out at babes or lesin Mein We Ent were Thee DS. A 'poke:gran slid lister Twee university from June 13 to August MWM Semester Honor Roll elof which Second WW moved to Murray, elaffiray hit the laxities were belittled be _,Censua — Adults 67 is deigned espec- Wow Jet bootleg end Communist At the end of the mesdon ell 5 The Program UMW feel ten years helped to make us dealt Wm in this but "we're too beer __Ceram Nursery 9 premising ninth and MUM Oonenurait a the Jim* enthusketic about returning ially for St Louis were older than battle of the war. killing Communists to count" Minimises. June 6, 111116 in the grade students firm the 111Wm biggest By Murray High WAS flair:ling to take part tenth plan- Col- Announced brae- and Marine Gaeta. 103 Is low Income US military spaceman esti- U S Air Ponce klris Johetrira door-to-door visitation to the re- ems who are in (iii. by the way we do netParti- pounded the North Viet- lege Cut., Murray, Master Charles UMW elated Communise dead at "a- es AIX' sedente of Murray They will be bets. WW to a cutarly recommend going with 202 nines single E. Lents 11, 202 E. 14th. Benton, roll lElimerions, 278, Beth Tuck, 289; poireed out that MEW. round 700" in four days of fettli- namese The second semester honor irneting them to the public ad- Dr Clemens MEW dance if you ere planning on get- dropping bombs Imes, 201 S 15th. West, 30. developed under ng in the beinbio jungles of Kon- nitrite. mine/ones Mrs. Ciwendolyn at Mummy High finhool lists 74 and Dick dress,' "Dim God Have Influence the program was ting up at six o'clock the follow- barely 50 Willietne. David Alexander, Purchase Area 300 miles north of with pinpoint precision Murray: Mr. Clarence in grades 7 through 12, 7th Gale — Twentieth Century?" the auspices of the Mow I I tum province students In this a4 trig morning Ines. Pilots Dexter. Mr. Ftsiph E. Battle, 30: Mike Boyd'; Council and Reason where an estimated *Sa- yards from friendly Route I who achieved this scholastic (ass 3.0: Ann thich will climax the miserably. Ecomerdc Opportunity sunmunitinn to 306 N. 5th, Murray; Mrs. 0,21/10111, 240; Christi financed by a Fed- kai of North Vietnamese Troops also had dropped Brauea, or, according to Prtric Mal EN 3.0: Portia Other features In the Settuday that it will be Dr Max airman rot him Ph D. Brown to keep the Lyles, Route 1. Murray; 2.60; Harold Doran, 3 0: Appromneceiy 160 stu- about 7,000 men were fighting • Oupenter and Wilma Alexander. Cooper, program includes a lecture and eral grant when he was 21 yens old. We at bey. Jones, 1864 Calloway. Hal, 3.0; Nancy Hart, Calloway, Mintrall, US and Vietnamese force believ- North Vietnamese Mrs. Weill, Richard on:Mist:1m services for new reiks- dents from tauten to say that we were rat over moun- Helm Clare, Dexter; Eleven menkeii, seven junkies, 13 Jones, 3e: Freya Lar- McCnirken counties ed of equal atm The battle swirled Murray: Mrs 2.00, Ricky from the Middle Tennessee Graves and a Max himself. but by 12 delith Mete and mi▪ corrected by tain guillies en ravines in a Mrs. Ladenn 114cOulaton, Route 5. sophomores. 12 freshmen, son, 280, Gail Lyons, 2.80, Scottie will will be taught Ineruage arts, American hems were described and Southwest Kentucky area hie kwely wife, and we certainly engagements. Barbara Latimer, Milder" Mid 19 seventh graders 2.80, Marilyn Parks, 2.8C; the mornings tor the series a confused Murray: MTN Nolan held At 6:46 pm the Satur- mathematics in nu, wilfe's and Der- as comparatively "light" in be Meru ima think it * a dUtY There were no battle lines ii 1706 Miller, Murray. Mr. 88803M were owned. Johnny Rayburn, 167. Pat Ryan, and the eine week period from um operation, though paratroop Owen day evening seselon will begin ogative to make oorrections Ike pockets of fighting In 311 South 8th, Mur- 3 O. Mark Tinsley, 250, Ruth Tits- Finclee The after- Oarperiters such but Wilkerson, those who made thts entire session will be devot- day through a We had mid at about 26 DOI "lonesome end" bor- West Following are 280; penned In▪ that the area near the Cambodian ray: Mr Luther Butterworth, worth. 30; Alan Were herh. the wort that none] will be spent in a.n Oompany C took henry nines In the honor roll for the semester• ed to examining --- - of the mitten; of the Ho View Nursing Mime, Murray; Mrs. and Jchnny Williams, 2 60 offerings including grim he called der — one Brownfield, Jehovah's Witnesses in tree area recreational 111111111 tent Ed Oaln • aro-day fight so the Seniors — Linda volley EM We understand supply trail from Gaeta, 103 College Court, tennis and tali. M▪ • hoi own Ch1 Minh Johann& 80, Shir- have done in msking disciples dur- swimming. •••• the Moray Horiplitai. in a repent stroke on 2.80; astral Champion, 2 will doing ok at Communist north Murray; Mrs. Maude Soo*, Route Mid ln- Students who are seSxted IMMIM 2.50; Judy Hargis. ing the hat ex minds ain't run any foot reins yet. position bat- ley Cochran, campus with NNW He "Thin Ls one of the heaviest O. Murrain; Mr. 0. B. Eldridee, Will Meet attendance the lye on the college should netting his way out with Com- 3.0; Mike MoDaniet. 30: Phyllis Group struoting all In WSW Pelt Meetly migrate. but Nam confect," a None Bran- the parents Each 4IRE tles of tie Viet Route 1, Akno; Mrs. 2.75; of home Bide study no charge to MEI tacky. Rad he piny C was rept Waiter Drown Poole, 250: Mary Robbins, Church importarioe all- UMW feel much better military mokeemen said. "It is don, Route 4, Murray; Mr. W. I. At Baptist student wifil receive a weekly WW whose Rom, how' that they may follow mention Friday • Cheitranooge. Tarsi., John Robertson. 275. Pam and be OM.. fourth hernia not over - Owen, Route 3, Murray; Mrs. Oar- dis- lowarice of 110 00 and will MEM Clomping B of the MIS Airborne Russell, 2 50, arid Lynn hens correnand to "sake UMW today 275: Max arx1 health morning The two companies saved otyn Young, Route 2, Calvert City; First Word ered by art accident Mmm Lannon had battled througb the Stranak• 2.75. The Donithy Circle of the ciples" by study of Ocers had run into a major force ankh Mrs Vann. Ftcberts, College Farm insurence policy for the eight UMW Communist rorce Eliseast Church Woman's Mtssion- with interested persons Inetruc- to the over 500 JAM- heart of • axone running Michael Wegener turned and :ought after Road, Murray, Master Juniors — Nancy Maker, 2/5-; Tuesday, on how the week term mothered to reinforce the Onperger !peer- ary Society Mil meet don will be given vith's Wartime who are ficir two days. Hereon Box 88, Hastin; Steve Brown. Modena will not mend more fighting overwhelming odds Melanie Boyd, 2.80. June 21. at the church instead of work can be done efficiently so om and tonionrow heed at the M▪ Ni Murray today Martin Bowden, 1302 Vine, Mur- 280: Dan than two consecutive weeks MIMU heavy 1312 bom- 2.00: David McKee, the tete previoteity announced that those attending can MVO Mmu US Air Force to ,1 ray. Moody. 2.00; campue and wil be permitted MEW in beofre dawn and Miller,. 2.80, Steve The circle will meet following the this to their minietry. Wm. Street un- bers swept ✓ Drive down South leth Demo Women Denim* Jane 6, HIM 2.80. return home on demented week- bonged the Commurests just north County and Linda Ryan, general rneeeng of the WhIS at Mr Hinderer commented on the you see • streekedy brown bird Cir- til Mee Rhonde Kavanaugh. am. the bigamistion to ends. Rain, but of Oupenter and Brown's pocket, Meet June 21 Blanken- the church at 9:30 importance of 'vice about the the of a To oararna Drive, Murray; Mrs. Blen- Sophomores- Beth Dr. Clemens will direct the pro- MA the surely- in his public lecture, *Wen on a etakine the earth Bryant. 2.60; be clecumeed will tnore streeniined, ch Anderson and baby girl, RI ehip. 275; William Influence In ject and Robert Glinn Jeffrey ne - IS RE-ELECTED "Dom God Save fence pig Walt until he tu - Mrs. Jennifer L Sheila Bury, 2.80, All Cooper, seeintant director. The meeting of the Calloway 1, Lynn Grove; This Twentieth Century" He mid, be the so you ma see hit front 4, Ben- Nancy Dubia, 260 Mary introduced by annual Women's Olub Tod end baby boy, Route 2.80; people, trending retigious Dr. Clemens was yellow with a County Democratic Hutson,' LOUISVILLE, Ky. WM' — Louis- "Many Uhl's& Med* ton; M.T. Vernon Moody, Route 1, Hopson, 2.80; AM" Sue James Byrn who was in Weather has been changed from Tuesday. Dr. Walter S. leaders, do not believe that God Dr beck crescent on his chest, you've Jennings, 17- 2.80; Susan Nance, 2.00; Beverly ville heart specialat the prqrmm. MOB June 71, at Murray: Mrs. Laura that he has any charge of ileadowlsult. June 14, to Tuesday, Reeves, Cot was re-elected president of mists, much lees found an Eastern 06 Oalloway Ave.. Murray.Mns. Paactral. 2.80; Carolyn How- the Murray Woman's Olub House. Heart Association influenoe among mankind. Report Route 1, Mayfield; 2.80: Rebecca Robertson. 2.50; (tie Kergucky Mrs Torn Garrett of Paduosh, Belie Henley, ever, history abounds with evid- a hole in the ground, 2nd. Whayne. 260, and Lends Thursday. Circle Will Hold . It pep find Kentucky Demo- Mr. Jack Skinner, 212 N. Lynn nets and has in- her and the ie Utah ad twos president of the The group, meeting here for its ence thin Out where there is manure, Murray; Mrs Lola Mortnet Lynn Wfiloughtiy, 2.75. Supper I. cratic Women's Chh, will instan wertion. named fkience. Potluck is Mucked in around the Dada. 103 Frethrran — Guy Battle. 30; annual buaineets mud officers at the June 21st Grove, Mrs JUtlarrnia example is the hotel of stick the end Kentucky Weather Forecan the new Steve Compton, Chloe Clifford of Lenngton as An hole, and you tiny Ocelege Court, Murray. John Belote, 2.78: the Matt* Bell Hays Otrcie or partly cloudy arid a meeting board. Noah's day At the time of The • weed awn into the hole, Clear to Debbie Jones 2.60; Kathy chairman of the of Christian of reservations contact Mrs. 2.76; 3670 BC_E . the majority of the Woman's Society and if you hear little warmer tniay and tonight. For Debbie Mabry, nood, listen anefully. of the MY MOTHER THE CAR Kookhart 280; de- Service of the Pint Methodist today 70 to 78 Low th- Odelle Vance. preskient RECOVERED people Weir under Satan the etoehine. you awe found a craw- High 240; Pasco, 2.76; Johnrry BODY politick sup- and Club. vil's influence and that of the Church will rave a insist ori mthr reader 52 to 62 Partly cloudv Oillaway likabelle Ray, fish VERSAILLES. Ks, tiff Antique Quertermoue. 2.58; Wicitedneee per at the lawe home of Mrs. T. knows warm Bunchy with a few After- Debbie GILBERTSVILLE, Ky lie — angels that sinned. them o=l ,1° but anybody and neichhor. 260: Kathy Realett, 3.0; six pm on Monday. went KILLED IN ACTION care horn Kentucky County wee abundant on earth, the think- C Doren at are onewfith noon thuncherehowers to- 3.0, arid Ernie Minnie, The body of a McCracken they ing stakes went on display here Meek, action of mankind in June 13 Iran was recovered Friday from ing and the De- the Antique Automobile 2.80. Win- Members; will leave the Metho- lake 7 a. m. 348, WASHINGTON frff -- The rten as River below Ken- effart Mod, 'OM ham no Now If you see a huge bi-plaseel Keiguoicy its an- 8th Grade -- Kem Bettie, 3.0; the Teninensee parking he promptly 303.3, no DePareenti Friday IdertUIsd (Ruh of America opened Mere!' It is mudh the same today. dist church insert with window like clown 04; below dam Thine Blalock, 3.0, Mart Bien- tucky, Darn. flying among 18 U. 8. nual Olifton Rally of the Blue Richard to the flood as fact at 5-30 pin Anyone needing Oen- arid he R Kentucky soldier 2.56; was Identified as James Jesus referred • winos, with a doe body. (harem. 40 trophies will kenethip, 175: Linda Boyd. He it asked to cane to Vhe 3587. clown 04, eervicernen killed in recent Vleit gnaw; region Some drosimed at Matthew 3438-39 and *bowed sportation the ability to never Barkley La k e Bryant, 256: Kathy Crkler, Metes, about 30, who ham Pfc. Avery 0. be awarded to drivers of 125 cars, Paul the majority would come church lot or tell Mrs. Canna away with below dam 3(17-!,. up 2.4. Nam action. He was Fur- when his boat WWI caught here that helicopter, then dart horn blowing Don Dubia. 7.78; Leslie Tutivelay 763-3005. 7.18. Smith, son of Mr and Mrs. A. 0. Events included a the dam. under Satan's influence at the Jones startling rapidity. in all mann:di- Sunrtse 4 36, sunset gerson, 3.0; David HIll, 2.75; Cells in the rapids below Smith, of Russell Spezeta. contest. mina ity you have sighted a dregon fly, Moon rime 12:44 a. ra

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SATURDAY - JUNE 11, 1966 THE LEDGER& TIMES - MUKKAY, KENTUCKY PAGE TWO Sandy Koufax More Brilliant THE LEDGER & TIMES What Is 1ac- PUBLISHED by LEDGER Sr TUI4ES PURLISHING COMPANY. Calloway Tunes, and The Win 3oneunaation et the Murray Leaner, Tn. Covered Under Than Last Year,Gets 11th Times-Herald, Ocsobsor 20, 1928, and the West Kentuckian, January I. 16M, By CURT BLOCK driving honit.4 nu-ee as Atlanta won • WILL-LAMS, PLIIILISHER JAMES C. New Medicare UPI Sports Wetter Its seventh straight. Shortstop Wood Dinar, sre Woodiva.rd drove in two and scored WI reserve the right to redact any Athreettaing. Letters to the Ile Abram I Lend Transfers B.ndy Kontos and encomia winch, in our opinion, airs not kw the nest tin • pear ea Ken Johnson min his at Pubhc Vcace it. This is the third in a series of syTI011ytDOWl. Irma of clur rewnes. by The Dodgers' star lefthander, who fourth game in nine decisions with Cunningham to =Mem Greeks by Charles M Whttaker. It, the H. L. every award base, four ummes tel point relief work - WALLACE WITHER CO- illOr secumtv Marta cataloger In swage prectimily SATIOINAL REPRISENTA77VES eponos. Clunsinabeen, Mt in Pool Hai sub- sweat Chic Oleo. Tenn; Time & Lie Sidi., New Tact. N.Y WiTatAl day et ball offered lest year when he won frorn Ctd Plttaburgh Hardie= Am.. lismobla andon. Paducah on how medicare will wort 26 regular imam games and two ace Bob Valle had Me record fall Sepilisamse 13idg, Detroit. Mich. Ounn- mien a begins in Jun The 1116at- Ilse mom is belkeein B..'.' Virginia Hay to Martha took the to 6-4. basest on "Your Medicare more when Loh Angeles Entered at tbe root Offlos, Murray, Kentucky, tor trallICTS=012 DJ ingteuxo kt in Pool Hid subdivi. 0/114011 km Quarter anti new please be World Series in seven manes. hasn't Bob Aspromonten two out suene ATIKNTOLT Mattee. stwn. imam*: the pea Reit MM -••• The asortung suers are V Tailla lost the golden tome In feet, hen In the 10th iruung scored Jim Wynn and Rebecca Mood tie imied to ad mason bendtalerlei Carrier In Murray. ger week Mc, per triontb and Saturn. Ennio Num than mei moved bo sec- NUBSOILIPTION BATES By duos Tgis may mu* to ebb more brilliant who lad susred and Merit Shames Elingbio baba. to Ms PM *Meg • In nod adjoining etouedine, par year, 64.66. etionetaare MAO there are no evening The incomparable Koufax moved ond on a !leaders choice Dick Par- WM. Clanowen Sue 1.. Lamb; eiglit acres MM atom ibis edema so am as Gramm ourapom Illeheed ats- Iamb mil hmself and the Dodgers te the nell of the Antrte and Oub loser be bay manna about imam% Cline Asa of a Camutsamtly fa lbw UM wadi born on tees day in 1804. on 111/DAy and Rend MgRimey. agpogy points to the ISM& night when 'The Ogislamling the model asemay head cut the aloes Friday Ken Holtzman had bettied for nine DawaM Van Camd Peamb to Mae people in take range-part of as am Iniegruy at us Newepaper On this day in Maxey. any he tired a four-bat. 6-1 victory over soorniem innings with Holtzman al- Ram Warren 11bia Cleve of ease ace ready to answer In Lea sea_ Warren Harding cant crater - photogreeked the San Premium Giants that ear- lowing only three bate iii ninth- noes an Maw and innetens yeagam bore. SATURDAY - JUNE 11, 1966 .J11 Gbh me emplaned to a dank by Surveyor on the Mom ned the defending N L dhampt ins non urne. Olucago outfiebler Adol- Ream, "essokettalbed ram" se Me Hoed Owned Ai accompanying eampoelte Into first place for the first utile fo Phillips equalled a National Leag- 0 Parlow, Sr. and Arlene by. AMID 31I, Widedor lisseitatone Ceecego. He was add Mom the Mee. this season and nude the 30-year- ue record when hes five straight and Medd ligamager tour ise weed be the Ftepunhcsin IL Raba, to leash bayberry mayors' top sin- From The News R01111WIAL old southpaw the strikeouts run has string of come- Quotes to Wa INPATIONT pante dam norm =muse for War, bulo Wialberr3; mart. ingueunce emit be to ner with an 114 buttes 'stiffs to seven. leavIng one By UNITED PRESS LNIMLNATIONAL Climb gulaigniales. player purism. In • binplabl Six assebilii Maims salaried aby of the major IOWA Mee* held me slos Sams est *One DIU poy for Rear aire 'PACIFIC PALISADES, Cala. - Reputdican gubernategial ns met. Marius Imagine abet barame the rieWeet candidate by Pedro Ramis Elan & & up to 10 api during each WM of his relationship sonximeo bane eg reinelent Calik- glimirt to Data Siebert Admits to win 30 games. His eighth coins nominee Ronald Reagan, when asked about Wale 'leo and Wee NIMMIE la in Plain Moan. Four.later V.L1 OusaLage &Mar Ala AllittUnT. °Nave left hint tan weeks with the John liu-ch Society dadrallims DOLLARS AND CENTS leant arum the Atienta to rani now shoed tel the pace Duon Dean on "If you simply aim your campaign at indivkluals and Melia and Ruby boob ma ot Santos provides for Rookle lefthander Dick Rusted in Imo ben Inman won U211 inte Ralph Fathers Don't tablished when he Mt the three go along with you, my contention Ls they've to Henry M. beartiman and PO tbdo bereft seraces. For the pitched a four hitter in no first they decide to Li taloa Open pia clam- Nabs! ring mark Si 1904 theirs." be to Center first 611 dem the timerance pays make league appearance and Ma. bought your philosophy, you haven't bought pseudo in ezeissee. 21 was Opel It floardmen Kiss et the H111 for al but 000 for *se covered an die Eireenoud knocked in four runs altar suf- Ridge Subbortrion. also placed Koufax a ouromegs suaidiedt reoetve nom the to Always Know The viciry with • pair el homers as the Mete Auto Tams Rasa mg Arnim Rob- vices you DETROIT - Walter Dorosh. president of United fering asse-illani lefueles In an nap the lamp in complete games M. Issogror and Mary the Nth dim you would be remota handed sitinipus Concinnau U 11th charges that Ford Motor Co. eiglis to James with 1/ and iowered his already Workers Local MO, repudiating auto masa PI moods amber. able Oar the fira 510 each day for loss in 14 genies &meek, a 24-year. W. tonglim; ort cal 'aw- es JOE &Lanes earned run average to a unsafe cars In 1•113. lederelleed National aerates spartling oid mud:ipso recoiled from Jack- manufactures ry and Pine Mal Road. teemed 1:101 sports Wilber I have a 1966 Ford my- trams aterd by so Oov. INSURANCIg glittering 1.40. anvils on Ilitindey, binned "Ford is not building unrsile cars. Cloned Alm R. Illowber and Rebem WRIT 111106PIT&I. Imo* WA fur two Ne- Father doesn't ahem% Atlanta bested Peieburgh 8-2, wouldn't buy a car that isn't safe." George Wartime Mowed Thomas Latimer WILL COVER aud itabbed one. self I certainly Joan Boletus to fact of lilt Wilfred Siebert MX liciudon edged Ctikago 10, St Louis groes to enroll at the Unavanale latimer; lot an North • Room and board In a Berni- Tim illoCerv,r hive an two runs and Julia W. be only too happy to alma Loden nipped Philadelphia 54 aid New Kennedy, siMisme- private room 42 to e bens with icear ree r Cart elinunons DAR-ES-SALAANL, Tanzania - Sen. Robert F Mb Mice& Wilfred is the father uf Sorely York blanked Cincinnen 5-0 in other Jean Ann a nun, boon= be ers=11 sow be former segregation as it's practiced in the United Charing L. Outland, Siebert. the strapping 311-year4ld League game denouncing racial A aweigh& for_ the - Amer- services ordinsails National lhanaddpige teimgmem and Omani& L Outland. and Jewell • Nursing me Cleveland Is. picked Staten and in white-dominated parts of Africa: N. "Wo- neleimoder al Moony Siebert no-hit Waahms up his man liumaima Ogden Bobby Odes and AnAn-- furnaehed to the hospital% po ere velem id lime nee cam- when one man is enslaved, Outiand to diens otio hurled the beat notet ton as die Cleveisnd Indian. whip- -Freedom is indivisible and men wand rafter bet nein Mon Murray. uente Palen. Phil awake,sail Curt Flood node Oalsa; pntvertY on game of the MN season Pretty night 2-43. Balthoore in Om United Stators still have a deep and ______equip- the Renaults oontributed all are unfree We Road • Snprines. appbanom and Senators three bib *Pimp to fears • edwinet the Washington bombed Boston 9-2, Detroit doweled problem. Injustice has not gone, nor have the Reach Hale ment ordinarily flunieshal tc the Cartkoala 13-IM memelt ea difficult Salon G. Hale and A tenni r professional player in New Tort 11-3. Minnesota raped race." Ctmeraings: lot In the hospital's ratiente. suds Mille Weer Rom Wise and reliever' and hatred of to Robeire K the St Louts Browns' gyetem. Wil- Clamp, 63 and KAMM/ City end- Mary Quant. who helped Site Subdivt- sa agents mod wheelchairs Darold Knowlee LONDON - Fashion designer Center Ridge Cabin fred didn't mind be son chouang ed Cieliforrua 3-2 in American Leag- learning she crutches. etc res. introduce thigh-bigh skirts to the world, upon non. baseball as a career-with else ue games Britis. Cummins and Leona R. • Blood trandumons, except for want Bonin to had been awarded membership in the order of the Robert K ervation. He didn't KOULAX fanned 11 Giants. the 87th Deane Ha cod of the WM f pint honors list: Clamanns to Solon G Mao Mourne a pitcher 11-yew big Empire in Queen Elisabeth's birthday Mom. time durum Ms league bt Rale. on Van Riper Wale. ct blood in one spell of I was a kid, my dad believe it. But what's k going to be like "Neer since oareer Sandy hos struck out 10 "I can hardly Hale. lot In • Medical services oschnarn, re- and John Vernon Loki in.. Don't" be a pitcher or more men In a game More wa- in a mini-skirt?" by the boapilmt curtsying Minter ledge Cabin Site mitaini. furnitheel tain Seem "He wanted an to paer ned • Therapeutic services meaner Mutt be don. oak but he did mit be cuitut Jo Schultz to tly furnished to the hospital Preglifialailhilh. Fred Schulte and path "It is too modem billfour poems. Lola Duey. iota pstienus, such as X-ray or is Bible Thought For Today rfah126 Buoy and my "You tem get • sore arm one Mae die Youdirenerti SUB A Sebdivelota. dam :re/aliments In Pleinmew Aeres day and you're througb as aMM LA conerdl libromikoht aid'be be laseaseelat Chip • Openating room meta Molina Seouritry Plafer shutout,in the ninth inning on • said unto ey Leant hen amesseseliseel Company. • Drugs and talogiceis °mho- Then tame the publicans to be baptised. and to Rental Investramt Career Over met to Jim Elevesport and iambs Nellie's/ Lewes Eltielleketeel anty furnished to the boa. shall we do' Arid he said unto them, Evnet Inn. pine et lot of and Jim Hart. him. Master, what PM. Ca threw his aim out as one by With. Mays 13. w Menton peel* patients "He nos mere than that which is appointed yea. -Luke 2:U, He Sal Man Ii 11.1 to Reinert Nail Moo • Magnolia services ordinesely pitch and It ended Ins career opposed to dishonesty" Alw ee• " - Witham Page John the Baptizer stood resteutely gm- fanuned by the lampitell didn't want n, see the wawa dans °nem of Ana " 22 egn gan and Lillie Mae ellergen; John Ftoseboro. the including the dishouesty of both pubiic officials aim Pna 2,4, example. in every form. 261.1110.011 a 21 Mg perty on Murray and Clanteed Elets- its wants. Par happen to me" Marichel s tat wieldttng rata& in and of private citizens who would cheat the government Philadelpbia - so sets ea Maid tam eicateuriontiamams. Part last August., wag 9•9. So Sonny took his rafter% advice Oincuessuce limemse -- 26 en ase sad Thaws Rob. Ma. bat the avatar a meolles IL S Roberts and warted out for the masa leag- be - as its Steeto let In Keene- • Song= residents rentay when he broke • imerakille I ads to Gene ues as a Ind tasernsui. the position 214. 411 aid"g= sew ape In ap- with a twartas homer re lb Ten Years Ago Today lend fellelhision he played at the thuverany /ins- tie - ji MD 9 Evans and Abets Duna posint Maas Program filth inning den gam the Dodson LZOGRIL• mess rat Milburn men Mat didn't wort so he used Sew Tort - 111 .34M len Edward Y Montan end WRAT Met ASCII had they never be Lea be. I Ems to the lIsally, he was wa- g 10 Is 16 Mil is NO? coves cialinsid. HAPPINESS • Moon .on serelee will be taken We Cheney Lingo A. Morgan. la in Bast MILL gees broke Me wee Men with Appucations for natural gas as rranted Ma the tainnste degnium landing by Sairveyor, you can Feeders assails Minor Stiteirdision • Pemba mon. union 1. is her More the following toning on by meentiers of the Murray Rotary Club The members and odds ene set wimp is • tell from face of week N. Y 5 Cineninists I. night Ronson Heir and Lease awe atmasiary - onlicianly ~ea, an error by nein old- Project their house to be Owen pitcher • Mm will start on Wednesday and will continue a. man non Rya Ilbe palanot cos and a Manager Robert J. Parks N. (s3NATT 6 lbw Hale to Glenn C Hale nag INNS cam er °the Drown. two maim Ian Needier Siebert has bad say with his victory cigar In the canvas through Friday. /Mama 11111111111•01 a. norm Mae Hale, property on Kentucky dllaccl make. Nat to be double by John Kennedy tor regret since and bonny copped Jet Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hanley of the Kirksey neighborhood Houston 1 Chlimni nuke 04 need ialberailes yeu ingHa Bank Aaron raised his rigour Propulsose Laboratory at State Htgbwey •gistearic Mae to glie upper ealtelen 50th wedding anniversary on June 17 WW1 1. a 6 is Pima 1. opts Johneon and Joy John- difference) leattng to Si by Palmdale, Cake will celebrate their John Bid of amnion Imam burins eta league fl their home. dalgglWe hobnails Menem L Malinger. Loan: • Private duty mane. a basket lunch and open house at son to Domed 5. 3.0 insdarpises over die gam- York 2. am foot 3 pleas at Weal of Mrs. Porter Mai-lees& age 64. is Reap 0111111MINI at Nan Noes Istoteloger, Hal B. lenm. Jr-, • Ciset of The funeral 1-3 tors. diconea anly Mm Washinatoo off the mound. at 10011h-alllins ne sod cormie Judith A. lase; a emsto 4 HaspatTala will not clause for today at dit Oak Grove Church. Ube died suddenly and tamers to :watt tam. "1 LAM it. Was now or never held mad_11REM 44. puns replacedb dununo. _ Eerie% Illmewhare hi thii A. L Ilaitunace Elasbort said. “640 I pot stuck sun her home near Taylor's - Mikan W. IPtmeassue and urinals an the Adana at Pigelearel Dansei C Kmendll • in hoot of the tad bass for the last two inrangs One hundred and sixteen people were present at umuranoe Mips ramalasit a mune OS ve. RIM U. =Om and IMO, Mobs; nt vices Medical Sat the homepltice near Lynn- Indiana oath • 9.2 rout of the Red 1 knew ff 1 tried to nee WW1 and WILSON'S Scherfnus reunion held June at Ban Prancime pay doctor tail.,' Aillabal Plemint 11111 Plat- Ito, Detroit tubbed New Tort wert in a dhsege-up those IBM aue ville. Careen 74 ea sadecid 3.4 aid Premise D. • remorse oorre'ed *erne mask aim D. amp Ina Minnesota mauled (Imago 6-2 hainas I MO* be a dew lesagc Is the delegate to the annual conference at Lome at Philadelphia. Mena Roberta arid as radio arid telephone Merg- C B. Ford M Stamp to Thomas and Kama& CA> dapped Cahlorraa pit aeries an leldis mod then it AUTO REPAIR Methodist Church in Murray. --01bseri 7-4 m Bunning fhl 3 46 acres on Old es TV renal. eta Memphis. Tenn., from the First Amite Roberts; 1-3 would be an over I nast kept telling at lieurien. sighi-Mases Mead • Hospital seracee after N slays Cheeps Morey and fin. raw Oliver needle Irma "Tail eel bun if you Rebuilt, Exchanged and Mary W in • well of LAMM 4.4 James It Larweeer change up ' Roberts and 1110111PITAL UAW 11XAMPLI took over find deice -Our Mechanics ?f - Week loisiter to Thorne& Los Angeles Siebert received all the hitting Years Ago This New Tort of title -V" goes to the hospital and League virtue 20 Cincinnatito Anima Roberta correction he in the hisuoren support he needed in the fuse ituo LEDGER • TUNES rill inabielairesa Murray and diestainced 14 dam Wax. The bill over ton Fran- A stoma tic Ira rums Mslens a Louis to to texperty ch Old of a 6.1 tritons& Ins Mien loon Wagner hit ho day totalled 11671 and was stepped None Ritter" Atlanta at Pnabiegb Pine Bluff Mad_ tar be. aeon streiking Atiauta sunk homer of the season oil- iii1111.14 Hill, Hies at flas ?ran and Dolls barrio eatimed as karseli. .1getnt-p-mate 82, St Louis stopped Lontlin reported t ek Iodide Mrs. Imo Angeles Reigh Mown Pittiburgb moo's single to right center scored Clamp) at Komi= kit in Panama road and boart-gbla; Opensung Philadelphia 1.4. Houlton edged Dona Padgett, Mrs Magee Le itiviswask. Mks. Admits Jekilks. so Dais lagglead; Vic rhanitflo Yam lard for the - -roma and seeppbee-0110: Omura re to 10 Innings and new and Charlie Thane& . SEIM -CINzrosn fusel Cleveland telly. Omar C Hank League -ate Diagnovue FOP. CORRECT friends en- Aaierecan W. O. and O. liat for 2 saes York blanked Crirrinnati 5-0 Seventy Girl Scouts and Brownlee Mlle Wig* hos 54 L Pew GS gulgagmlle to Dan 111Indent 116 nels-4411, Dews heniebed to Siebert in pitching the fare Cleve- Wally Bunker pitched nrohlt bar Monday In the third annual Day Ma* beim conducted televiewer TIME led rolled - 35 19 646 to I- -I Moen' Memo • pleal-413111: Teleeedoe and land no-hltter airline Madan irn- through the first stx Innings fin Park Mn To= 211/WWIS larpertntend- this week in the City C*- -32 18 MO 1 LIMB Tana to Carrie Brandon, serelose-06. mortul Bob Feller twirled the third the Ortnies before Jim Goma bee* TEMPERATURE dlairman of the cover rut o fair Camp and Mrs A B Aiatb Denon XI 19 87! l's 1 6 undleeded interest to 1114 sores Hospital Ineunthee ones not of Me career on July 1. 1951. re- oot a bunt leading °Pt the Reventt- DAY OR NIGHT costs Scout Council in Murray. Crucego 25 25 GM g on feevebegg erld Murray Raid the teleymion and telephone ceived an extraordinary assist freer' The Reel Nix finished with for n pay tits for Ina Among the births reported this week Were a daughter Cali:Erna -26 27 eel Ames Cidlestan and Awihd -a" Mr. Y muse third bomma.n Max Akrts. who made hen, incbudtrig a homer by -24 31 460 Darnell anal Hase aseaces. dab of Dan Baltimore ma rranared DIAL 153-6363 born June 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Chanfirs-Ead a son, Mlnisepolts 0411111Men to Prentice a leaping one-handed forty but Hardin. New Tort - 22 77 4110 len Darnell, property In Cellemay Of Sae ramenieg MINI ones tear Look's liner with me out In the to win its nfth Straight as Roe Larry Dale, born June 7 to Mr. and Mrs. 011ie Ames of Lela - 23 33 411 13 wand aerveses.. Lamm Rnyder drove in three rune with this week include that WMies June Weetungton CoMST *MHz Marriages reported 13 rall but Ng nner PEOPIIS RANK games Chi - 20 30 400 trilloillend. Inc to Ma Winetead: KIM INK Po Oa -When I saw Lock aim that a tinge and trlpie. Williams to Pit Albert Ceder on June e,las nesse 1,111leans Doeton -- 10 et kie 154 three Des in Panorama Phone Bala Mink be. "T" met gain.. down the third base line, my heart of Herrmann on June 8, and Miss IllareSe Wald (lb These Ilemors to Erwin Louis r. asott. ant until I turned and saw Alen Murriv es, utucky on June 6 raght his to James Johansen Baltimore 9 Hunt= 2, C. W. 3emes and Domani 15 Jones 411111sttom Arrrue) about 10 feet in the air with Joke Wood and Munn Cash rot* SharborOugh, in Evelyn Ahart., Jessie Atkins, JJacqueline Cleveland 2 Womb O. night to Oari leowlend sad Laverne Row- veldiallsocerto Ps re A area outstretched are the baii ed New York starter Jun Bo'Awn Faye all from Murray Training with advisor. Evadine Parker, Delimit 6 New Tart 2. adit land. lot in Richland flubdivimon report released Thurs. be glove." bubbled eiders after for bacintoonck homers in the twit Erwin, 2. alga Myrtle L. one of the Craig and Vioietta Vick from Hazel with advisor, Estill Minnenita 4 Cameo Illennim 1, Wyatt and (V= the question who the game "That was Inning and the 'Tigers coasted to P conven- Cos 3 t14 2. newt T Futrell and Lat- Holleresugh. the MM sights I've ever seen." attended the first anlitial state Future Homemakers Kangas Wyatt to MOM in D their MIA comeoutive win bettor areefetws rt•••••• mom he V l'utzell: oa Old Concord man idle kidnaped Perry Ann The 206pounder from to Mary's Hank Aguirre's eight hit tion held at Eastern College. Riehenovul veteran Mew IN* at Deno&-4Passrsoe Reed. Bruck** and held her captive for We- whoN pitching oily his third cittoteng Mete Boyer and Jm Pept CAMPER 44 vs Lamb 6-3 lakeway Shires. Inc.. to Howard seven days season In the =Oars, waited Diet time humeral to amount for botn Barbara M John at Nen on a 3 sad 2 soma la the filth Wailhin." 44- Cle".11111g• B Jfihnsin and Dr W IL 11 patholon.vt Yankee runs Joe cromett. ,ifonmelese or lighto-MoOnnesek 3-6 m ion of Ilikesten. Ma.: let to Liam Waynesboro Hormttal veld his rind- frame and Paul Cesegnove Was Rafe This Week -hatter imoser Ddienpamet Oelimenr. 30 Years Ago the fatal Mot on Monaco Chico flliknonn error Dave Boswell pitched a four ell 4-1 my Shona ., +n definitely prove • ammiumend ladea the an. ii le.ER a TIMES P1LZ Callternia night J P Stub- the may Wads- and tingled in a run during a folic 'tenses any to T L Stullelefteld arid was fired by the ptetot of date po- ki the eighth for Plow Meek Candor 'will kw on 3-5 man second Inning In 1141nneentsin -Terry- 1-3 vs Lupo& Menet d to Osage Lameter. pro- lice Ginner Grant Mime. lnebon base runners display at Ihe Roy Chem tth- Virginia C. Chap- eight- Thrower triumph The victory was the first Deaths reported this Week Include Mrs Minnetima to Cacao. perly In Celleway Cbuisty. The report ruled out the pone- Hard ins Ommitair In Platetwa. Ken- Peters &IL fanned item stoat out WWII. tel Baseell's career against do man, age 73. Mrs Elva Lee Wilson. age 39. William (Bill) Todd. Ram 4.4 belay that Hollenbaugh was eiebert, tucky on .Seturday June 11'. - late innings White Son, who now have dropper Susan Mary Cahoon, age 75 Ilmiton at Bnitande. Meld down by terry Rubes*. a 15-yrr threw so hard In the Ille Mayville showage me '- aire 68, of Shannon. and Mrs mandon. though social algr(100."'" to the Twice this sea fol- Isunt 14 vs, J Maw 1141. farm boy who thought he tilled Hat the force of hie felkyw throne six stestate Board of Education has consolidated the M itidh dinners is menden in the tad held at the J C. Beaked Illgad • The County iSsioday's Gasses - his carriqf hum several feet f3motherrnan to Hazel; enthe nut Peggy's ablueor with anoteun frintentty Agency on Friday aid isibusresq. lowing schools: Gunters Flat and Kama Cler at Calallornia June 3 and 4 mil him sew* Harris Grove to Lynn Greve The board was Flint to Alma; Minnemta to wore in atteadanaa districts to bring About these consolidations. petitioned by the Nee Yost at Dense. 2 Crommett mid the MayBath VW- Y. include that of Miss Mildred Marriages reported this Washington to elgosbnd Gamper MN reverrree the L W Crider of Bradford, TALKV45 IS A R16141, AND 1 Crider. daughter cod Mr and Mrs. Rost= at Datiteserre minter' rarer end Kentucky Collie, on May NAVE A R16NT TO TAU( If I WANT T. C Collie, son ef Mr and Mrs. E. It people will be responsible for Its Tenn , to VilX!Tit5 t A FREE COUKTRie! STAG 06141XIM stimetw 31. TAU( cleAP! IF I WANT E Tky be ready soon plans are automobile drivers' licenses will f'11. TALk! I cromett also reported New- state 1114111112/410TOIN -- Prenedest HAVE ..105T AS ALCM- be purchased by every person as m:(ir. to telld a Tammy to The new licenses which must to hold a stag las*: Jolumen is geing mantinsture the Piggy Beck motor veicle. will cost $1 each, double June 21 who operates a dinner at the WOMB Hawse tamper and Baton Oran boats carried by drivers after July 31. They of ear's lee, and moat be to honor welting King Oman in Kentocity Maier. Circuit Court Clerk. 13 will be sold by..Glimade lisudia Arabia. Mei sone is nested to attend Dale Cloptim. Evelyn Lou Lockhart, Mese ankeennin end A Wade Graham. James A White this went end "honing Jones, Robert not be sonceamind VW*, Rebecca Armstrong. Alvis the King Would - AdvortJaanent - Martha Neil his woodsy Seel Irvan are Calloway County 4-H by has wile dazing J.11.0 L Hendon. and James will Lexington. They Were Washington stay The dinner attending Junior Week at club members something new for the executive county agent. be ,iccoMptinied by J T Cochran,

444 •




; !Ate MIN - WIRRAY, REM TVCEY • SATURDAY - JUNE 11, 1066 Tilt LEDGER as TIMES We.,., Timetable, Bible E 11, 1986 6:40 News. 6:50 Capital Report Comedians, Documentary, CBS 7:00 God Is The Answer 8 00 Breakthrough nt Mission 8.30 Adventurous Golf On ABC,Politics On NBC Television Schedule 9:30 Peter Pates/Ina Top Film Stars of Long 10:00 Bullwinkle 'in 10:30 Discovery gigolo. By JACK GAYER ry an Italian 11:00 The Christopher, United Press International The repeated Danny Kaye hoti 11:16 The Living Word NEW YORK CH - Johnny Way- on CBS features Vincent Price and Wants won PM WEDNESDAY EVENING 6:30 Wonderful World of Color Stars • 11:30 Light Unto My Path and John Gary. Now Carr Ago Broadway ne and Frank Shuster, the veteran singers Vikki resting) WOod Channel 5-WLAC-TV June 15 7:30 Branded (Mot) 11100 Oral Roberta who have ap- Thursday mid mooted 8•00 Bonanza Canadian comedians 6:00 Newebeat 12:30 lasues and Answers on Ed Sullivan's The CBS Thursday night movies set won his CBS 9:00 Virackiest Ship Ii the Army peared so often 8 15 Radar Weather Trails West starring Sports 1:00 program, will inaugurate a summer will be "Rome dventure," cons with June 11-June 17 10:00 News, Weather, Week of 4:30 Mazy In Sports 1:30 Surfelde Six awn for CBS next Troy Donahue and Angie DIckni reale( wort 10:15 Weekend at the Movies series of their 6:30 Lost in Space 230 Plintetonee eon. PIttaburgh A. M. MONDAY THROUGH MONDAY Friday. 7:30 Beverly 3'00 I Mn A Soldier brings a docu- -The Dean Martin &unmet record tell Jackson Channel 7 and June 13 Next week also 800 Green Acres 4:00 Tammy Wall Street Show," replacing Martin for 12 4:00 Round of Champions mentary special about 3:30 Dick Van Dyke 4:30 Meadow Gold Family Theatre extrasensory weeks, makes its bow on NBC' with Network Proerams Also On 5:00 New, to CBS. a special on o out &eerie 9.00 Danny Kaye 5:00 Gallant Men tournament the comedy team of Dan Rowan and 5:10 Weather perception and a golf d Jim Wynn Channel 12 1000 The Big Newt 8:00 Voyage to Bottom of the Sea on politic, Dick Martin as hosts. Cape Girardeau 5:20 Sports to ABC, and • specials loved to aw- 10:15 Rader Weather 7:00 I Am A Soldier "The Baffling World of ESP" on -Brinkley and international flareula and a e. Deck Per- • FRIDAY. DAYTIMZ 10:20 Today In Sports 5:30 Huntley 9:00 Movie new variety series to NBC. ABC explores the psychic wtrid of Familiar 9:00 Basebell ri Cull keer .10.30 The Pace is 10:15 News Scope extrasensory perception, with Basil 6:45 Farm New. Forsythe Mow (Color) Highlights for June 12-18: teed ter nine 11:30 letillicei Dollar Movie 7:00 John Junction 10 30 News Scope Sunday Raithbone as narrator. 610 Country 1:00 Sign Off 7:30 Dr. Kildare (Color Hotteman 10 45 ABC Scope the Press" expands 7.48. Morning New. 8-00 Andy Williams NBC's "Meet Friday s In mutes 11 - 15 Science F'iotion Theatre 7 56 Mnerenir Weedier PM THURSDAY EVENING 9:00 Run For Your Life to an hour to handle interviews fielder Mut- 11 -45 R. Massey Reads the Bible - 8.00 Carstain Kangaroo 10:00 News Picture at the annual conference of may The CBS "Weld Wild West" re- ational Lase- June 16 Pm MONDAY EVENING 9 00 Soelkound 10:16 IN:night Show in Dallas. peat is an episode in which the five straletit .Play on the last four holes of the Dr. Lovekess seeks revenge a- 9:30 The MoGosi 600 Newt/beat June 13 evil mg a mum. PM TUESDAY EVENING of the Buick Open golf 10.00 Andy of Mavberry 9:15 Radar Weather final rounds gamet agent West. !weft the Dyke 5:00 Huckleberry Hound tournament at Grand Diane, Mich-, In ABC's "Court Martial" drama 10.30 Dick Van 6-20 Today In Snorts Jima 14 is meek laekl High on NBC. -slaughter a 1100 Low et Life 830 The Minster. 6:30 12 O'Clook will be telecast live a corporal is up on man (Color) Fringe," NBC a fatality 11:26 Robert Trout News 7:00 Gillegan's Island 6:30 My Mather the Car 7:60 Cheyerme "Politics: The Outer charges resulting from I shadings of 1110 Search for Tomorrow 7:30 My Three Sone 7:00 Please Don't eat the Dallas) 8:30 Peyton Place examines the political during the English- blackout. WA Dr. Kildare 900 The Avengers both right and left of center. ''Wayne and Shuster take an Af- 11:46 The Guiding Thursday night Movie 7:30 8:00 at the Sleeps" starring and 3ic1 Rusted 10:00 The Big News 8:00 Tuesday Night Movies rm TUESDAY EVENING "Satan Never fectionate Look at. Bob Hope P. M. MONDAY TARAID011 is screened on the new in kie fest 10715 Radar weather 10:00 News Picture William Holden, Bing Crosby" ushers in FRIDAY,AFTERNOON June 14 Mo- 1 nce ousl i. 10.30 Melton Dollar Movie 10:15 Tonight Show (Color) ABC's -Sunday Night at the summer series of the comedy team in four rum vies." on CBS. They are hosts and com- 1200. The Waeld At No 12:00 Sign Off ' WEDNESDAY EVENING 5-00 Roge_a, Ramjet Cartocne rst Monday mentators rather than comics in aa the Mete 12:06 Old Time Selene CooyentIon 8'30 Combat 'Kraft Summer Music Kings" on this show that examines, through :meta de llth 1910 Ae The World Turns , ramAy EVENING June 15 730 McHalels Navy NBC has Ruben Rodriguez and his carefully edited film footage of mo- sok, a 34.yeen 1.00 Perword 8•00 P-Trcop I June 17 6:30 Virginian Guadalajara Kmgs comedian Rich- vies and old video shows, the ca- from Oath- 1•30 Home Party 8:30 Peyton Place El hear I 8 :00 Bob Hope ard Pryor and longer Cathie Thy- reers and techniques of great com- tunnel 210 To Teil The Truth 6700Newebeat 3:00 The Big Guy 9:00 I Spy lor jotrung host-star John David- edians of poplar forms of enter- 216 Dem Eilwares New. 8.15 Radar Weather s In two 10:00 News Picture rm WEDNESDAY E7L311NO sun tainment. MYRNA LOT, 1Z1 her first film. "What Price Beauty' with runs 110 Dire of Med 6•20 Today In Sports Urt , 10:15 Accent June 15 "The Avengers" on ABC at 10 Boris Karloff In 1925, and touring in "Barefoot to the Park." Surunoild 1:00 'Secret Stone 6 : 30 W1k1 Wiled West Saturday 10.45 Ttinildit Show (Color) 8 30 Batman offers "How to Succeed at Murder." N. late former 3:30 Lloyd Thaxtod Show 7.30 Hogan's Heroes THURSDAY EVENING dedi- se and picked 4.00 Pier Show rm A fernele secretarial bureau is "ABC's Wide World of Sports" 8.00 Gomer Pide LTS.MC 7 00 Patty Duke die ISM earn- 6:30 CR* Fwerthig News with Wit cated to the elimination of mole via Early Bird satellite, corn 9-00 Wayne it Shuster June 16 7 30 Blue Light offer ad Curt Mood ter Crank:10a bossesm. petition in the Grand Prix of En 9-00 Ages of Man 8 CO Fkg Valley 6 30 At the London Pelledium CBS has another "Hollywood as- Prance alliene to l 0 -30 Bter News Hot fikenmer durance at Le Mans, 730 9 00 Long acouts" show. amaue on SATURDAY 10:46 Radar Weather Laredo lant ABC will present play on the Firma Tuesday B and reliever' 10.50 Today In f3porta 8-30 ationle Pm THURSDAY EYMNINel final boles of the third round of Jtme 11 9:00 Dean Martin An important woman visitor Ls 1110 Films of the 50'5 June 16 the U. Slid Open golf tournament Picture hostage by a .suspected slayer /2:15 Night Train 10:00 News held at San Francisco. lenrehe Semester Tonight Show (odor) repeated episode Daktari" PIO 1:15 Sign Off 10:15 5:00 Cartoons In the Till Eddie H111 Varlet" FRIDAY AFTERNOON 6:30 Beenso for CBS. CRS has another in Its "Contin. SIB Mackie and Jerkin June 17 7:00 Gidget Red Skeltores repeat for CBS at ental Shollicese" stunmer replace- 9111 Tennessee Tuxedo 730 Double Life of Henry Flute 8:30 is a program on stuch Tina ment seriesn with Jim Backus as 900 Mighty Mousse 6:30 Indianapolis 500 Obalkinga 8'00 Bewitched Louise and the 'Tijuana ap- hest to Europea.n talent. 1 30 Lamle 7:00 Hank 8.30 Peyton Place pear. NBC's Saturday night movies is 10 00 Trial arid Jerry Channel 6- WPSD-TV 7:30 Sang Ake* with Satoh 9 00 Baffling World of ESP NBC's "Tueeday Night at the "Woke-Bye Baby," starring Jerry 10 30 Quick Draw McGraw 1:30 Mr Roberts Movies" screens *Arrowhead," star- 9:00 Man fmen U. N. C L E. Jack Pa. Lewis as a baby-sitter. 11 00 Papaw Party NBC rm FRIDAY !MEWING ring Chariton Heston and 1200. My Friend Flicks 10:00 News Picture Programs On 10: 15 Tonight Shaw Jane 17 • 1.1 30 flacy X -g Network Also lance"Wall Street: Where the Money 110 Lenin The Liontureirted Ds," on CBS. is a studi`od the world Naihville Channel 4 5:00 Woody Woodpecker 130 Action bonds. 6:30 Greatest Show on Earth of stocks and 3 00 Fantastic 17 Wednesday Week of June 11-June 7 30 Addams Family 4 00 .ktart 8- WSIX-TV Channel 8:00 Honey West 5 00 Lloyd Thaxton A. M. MONDAY THKOCOR "A Little Learning" gets another .30 P.m:mere Daughter 6 00 Nowsbeat 8 axing on NBC's "The Virginian" FRIDAY DAYTIME ABC 9:00 Idlchwoatern Hayrides 6•13 Radar Weather teasing of an illeezate cowboy ardie 10:30 Oeurt Martial 630 Today In Sports 7-00 Today Show inglearning takes a deadly turn. Programs Also On 6 30 Oiaitheittal Showcase 910 Reresper Room Network 'live Undeclared War" is a one- 1:10 Mord Agent NBC News special on NBC that examines 9:38 Harrisburg Channel 3 obular IUM 1st's Go to the Rams 910 Ce_eontretier the mane meet, of overt hostilities l - Moen salt 9 00 Gun/oink* 1010 Morning Rter Week of June 11-June 17 thU. have occurred since World MAUREEN OSULUVAN, with Johnny Weisrnuller in the Tar N., you out 10 00 Elaturclav News 1030 Panstbse Bay War U. ran film "Song of My Heart," her first film, in 11030. and on M. MONDAY THROUGH ' ABC • Projeot 10 15 Radar West her 11:00 Jeopardy A. "The Long, Hot Summer Broadway in the current play. "The Subject Was Hoses.' Poet Office Style." One of J. Parke 10 20 Ibtlay In Fipnrtig 11:30 Let's Play FRIDAY, DAYTIME "reunion-Italian to mar- gar la 10 30 Alms of the Fifty. 11:56 NBC Day Report Verner% dear friends wanes tie Peahen 12.30 friebt Train 6:11 or pars Teel oratory at P. M.. MONDAY THROUGH th Oahe 1:00 Men Off 6:111 News. Weather, PAL KEW YORK UT - Thu seems AFTERNOON Minutes FRIDAY, big year for David Carre 610 Lock Up to be the SUNDAY the veteran ohm:MIMI 13:00 News, Term Markets 7:00 eft Preston dine, son of Clirrldine. David, 25, June 12 12.15 Pastor Speaks( 7:30 Highway Patrol actor, John only one, previous 13:30 Let's Make a Deal (Color) 11:00 Jack Lallans* Mao bad had as a replace- 600 Sunrise fiernoser 13:56 NBC News 8.30 Cartoons Etrcadway role. and TIme in Dixie gained star billing to 7.00 Singing 1:00 Days of our Lives 9:00 Romper Room ment at that, Royal Hunt of 00 Heaving' Jubilee 1:30 The Doctors 1000 Supermarket Sweep this ameonis "The Living the truly disting- 9.30 Pattern for 3'00 Another World 10.10 The Dating 0111110 the Sze" one of the semester. Now, 10 00 Gainers lives 2:30 Yon Don't Bey (Color) 11:00 Donna Reed Show uished works of !PAIR in the new 10 SO ?lath for Today 3:00 Meath Game (Color) 11:30 Father Knows Beat he he. the Utie role based on hanged 11 00 Spotlineht an Medicine 336 NBC Afternoon Report television series, "Shane," P. M. MONDAY THROUGH picture hit. Ties 11.30 Hollywood Spootacular 330 Bingo the 1953 motion 7 - Report series about a es 100 U 8 Perm 410 Popeye FRIDAY e'VENING one-hour wrekely M to Brui 1)0 CBS Sports Prectacular 4:30 1M T W Th Cheyenne western gunfighter's efforts rizses*M101%; Syrnpniurn be on ABC at 3 00 bnpect 4:30 (PH) Dance Party to 5.30 12:00 Ben Cam, • new way of will :ter" 1 starting in the 4 00 06d Yellowebone 5:10 (hi T W Th The Rifleman 1.00 ConfidenUal for Women 7 30 p m Saturday_ 430 Amateur Row 630 Huntley-Brinkley 1:30 A Tiros For fall. 9.00 Twentieth Century 6:00 News 1:66 New. Far Waimea "The Dean 11•10 Death Valley Days 9710 Weather 2:00 General Hospital Regulars on NBC's _agevasoujoin, tooth Dorothy tarnesse In -Anteekessweler Blir 0 which will RRECT 600 Lade 9:10 Sports 2.30 The Nurses Martin Summer Show" *a* in 1931. and now in "Hostile Witness" on Broadway. Martin 6 30 My revolts Martin 3:00 Neese Ito Young have Dan Rowan and Dick E led SATURDAY singer Judt 710 ad Sullivan Shop 3.2e Arlene Dahrs Beauty Spat se co-hoste, well be Wenn Acitton I. ocenedian Dorn De Luise. ER AT U RE 8 00 Perry June II 3:30 Where The Rohn and .1( NIGHT 9 00 °AMA Owners 4 00 TBA Kimble 9 30 What's My Line 7:00 RFD-TV 4:30 The Midtey Mouse Club Fleeing hem Dr Richard will -6363 10 00 fturelay News 7:30 Atop the Pence Pate 5:00 Woody Woodpecker of ABC's "The F'ugitive" series after .,,„ 10.15 Radar Weather 7:66 News 6:30 BI-Rtte News not be equipped with a son 900000. 1010 Wood 'N Waters 5:00 The Jetsona 5:40 Weathersoope all in the oomireg fourth Million Dollar Movie ABC News This method of injecting a fresh 9:30 Atom Ant 6:46 money-laden cutle in "Young Man of BANK the long-rim show was GINGER ROGERS, a 12 00 Olen OK 9:00 Secret Squirrel 6:00 The Fellow's angle 1111.3 when Manhattan" in 1917. and in "Hello, Dolly!" on Broadway, 9:30 Underdog 10:00 News Soot* Mogan:led on !Descend thought es Weather was reedited that Kimble Ls still uturky PM MONDAY Eir1241740 1000 Top OM 10.15 Sports It 1036 Fury 10:30 Divorce Court on the run from a vengeful detective by June 13 11:00 Weekend at the Movie 11:30 New. sold can't afford to be hampered 1:00 Major League Baseball a peemanent companion of any 9.00 Newateet SATURDAY 4:00 Buick Open sort eons Al Weather 1:15 Radar Snead iirEc 4:90 Goif with Barn June II 1:30 Today In Sports 6:00 Robin Hood An original mance] comedy that 6.30 To Tell The Truth Timetable, IMO 6:10 letterer-MacNell Report 618 News, will be ocr of the entertainments _.,con#GREAttes-o, ER 7:00 IV. Oot A Secret Almanac A 9:00 Porter Wagoner 7: 00 Farmers on "ABO Stage :67," an ambitious YOU'RE ,dA 710 Lucy Show (Dolor) Crew 6:30 !Upper 7.30 Capei Cook's series on that neework next sea- 1Venscleet. of 8.00 Andy Griffith (Odor/ Jeannie 8 30 Beam and Cecil son, will star Donald O'Connor es SNIP...Hoz DI Conical*. 830 Movie Of the Week 7:00 HENRY FONDA, starrtng witp Janet Gaynor in flu first tom. Get Smart 9:00 Porky Pig • mischievous hero who miracul- day the new 10 15 Big Neves '730 "The Farmer Takes a Wife." in 1935. and now on Broad- Night at Movies 9:30 The Beatles Cartoons ously changes the fortunes of the r •will be on 10 30 Radar Weather 00 Sat. DOlerr HAMMER way tri "Generation." with Holly Turner as his dfitighter 10:00 Camper Oartoons losingest college teem in the his- SIJIP TO FORCE Duna Ilene*. 10 35 Today In Sports 10 00 News ..)ON Weekend at the Movies 10:30 Magill& Gorilla tory of football. The team will be CuTTiNG Ineetine Ken. 10.45 Hollywood Talent Sooute 10.15 Buse Bum, of the New Off 11:00 made up of players June 11 12:00 Sign - HERE'S MORE TO SEE ON CABLE TV SUNDAY 11:30 Milton Monster Yoet Jets professional club. Indic hewn* we* 12:00 Hoppity Hooper ii its much witched quarterback. 1 eke*. Rented TUESD A T EVENING • • rar June 12 12:30 American Bandaleol Joe Ntunath. The scenes involving ad feetairday, Tipton Show June 14 1://0 Clarl the Jets will be finned at the club's IS large crowds 7.00 Penh for Today WHEN METAL 2-30 Color Matinee Peekeldli, N. Y., training camp In ThE Singing Jubilee IN DEEP 7:30 Gospel Wide World of Sports EASIER HURRAY 4 :00 Cul IS Back 600 Reinhold Devotion July. Miry 8:30 Paducah -Star Wrestling GAYER 6:15 Bader Weather Quartet 530 All -JACK utionsze the 9:15 Hamilton Brothers •:;=. 610 Today In Sports 6.30 Oexle At Harriet nd Kentucky 930 Okrtstophers Reed 6.30 Basel 7.00 Donna I / melee for ita 9:46 Sacred Heart .00 Marshall Dilke 7 20 Lawrence Welk 7 This is the Life Ske)ton 10:00 8 30 Hollywood Place / CABLEVISION 7 30 Red ted plans are 10: 30 The Answer , 810 Nene** Jusweinn 30 Hollywood Mee z a factory to 11:00 Papeye On Wi Al'TV Reverie 9: 30 Jesse Jame* # BOLTS Beek the Press litAIE CUTS SLoWLY, WOO NEVER CUT NAILS Piggy Reports 11:30 Meet Men Prom Shenandoah OTHER HARD Murray, Kentucky 9 in MA Deseball 10.00 SIJIPS SQUARE WITN OR ANY Craft boats 12 16 Cardinal at D J.'s 10.00 The Sig News 10 ao Swing Ding ALL CUTTING MATERIAL! OR BRITTLE KATERIALS 3:00 Buick Open Special 10.15 Radar Weather 10:30 Hollywood Phone 753-5005 , 105 N. 5th Street d to attend 430 CIE College Bowl 1020 Today /n Sports SUNDAY ne. 5 • 00 Frank McKee 10.10 Million Dollar Movie June 12 eat 5:30 Age at Kennedy-Part I 13:90 Men Odf

• ,


-,-00=Wager p

SATURDAY — JUNI U. IOU TUX 1111118 — MURRAY. IIIXTrOICT FAG* roux Miss Ellen Rose Mason Becomes Bride Of SKIM, LALEMIAR William Edward Collie In Ceremony June n Phone 763-1917 or 753-4947 Sattrday, The Ledger di Times . . The Lynda Coohnin Dame Mu- Mies lam Rowe Ilhotia, tton of the Mom, Ism0 swum th° presents -I/erbium In Dance" ter of Mr. sod Mrs. Randall Ma- attiring Unita a at the Mono Epee Untwarriky au- son, of FOlearndide, became the Mite DUIId lit Seaford, maid I ditorium 4 7:0 p.m. There Ls era bride at Willem Edward Odle, honor, wore a bh pith boss matasion chars. son cif Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ca- sheath dress with mainland heal- • • • of ••. be of Murray, on Satei, Juin Plane. She carried a 'mem carnations and day, Arne a. at ten o'ckiok * the Itallininsi. and white sivem.- The Plashan Masai Bohai Mos L. H. C. ahem mericisited pia* sweetheart rosas with 4 Ums Med Boca* asurak the double ring coremonly. er) of mitokang otot halms lied Mew a patio party with then The vows weve eddies! be- in love krona beat Engagement bands es gash; at ihe home d fore the akar MIA eals deasated Attending the groom as Kirk Home Is Scene Taylor-Galloway blies W. R. Soiamon. 1104 Oita with a tall Wake% at masa MIT- man 1111111 Joe FL Overby. The *h- Of Brunch Thursday Street, at 7:30 pan Ciroup V. Moe What's in the Head Is senthetnions and ~NI illesiked ers were Bob Ward and Tamar &damn Carpenter. vows. di be by seven-hianched wrosaht gen Joe el ninidanna. For Bride-to-be le charge of the anangaoea4 mode/ads hate* lighted whale filim Wan bilmon, Miter of the Praia Kirk Mid Ma. Mrs. lid • • • What Matters tapers. The family peas were bride presided4 the riot hoe- 11 J B. Milan anteritamed OR Dorothy Moore Chris of Oollwitw marked with white sada bows. tar Thurods,y. Jam I. at teal °MGM mother dhole to wear Fred:quirt* Church women will By Abigail Van Buren hbes Pat Brown, argeidat. pre- 'lhi bride's in the with • brunch at amain, meet at 7 30 pin., in• the borne sented the wedchzig meat. a liege ounmer kat sun with home 4 Mis Kirk the beeddlei a se.ReAl Wialems, 1401% tiFAP, ABBY I am on the stand why they let a man like The bride, given In madams by matctain *Uri ben. Raw awe- an Man Berea. tvea Main asset. verge si a novenas breakdowns Mat run loom Isn't he clanger- her father, were a white street aortas were back. The MOW" eif ma la The hdlellettel osimlon • • • air .to fade. but I can't am" length dren of pm LIM linen. the groan vas attired in • maid Manona Adam, honor 4 Nimi The South leateets Oros•• Hone- beep it I woa 30 when I married SMALL TOWN OEM The empire bodice we fattened Pam linen frock with owerdia* Henry So- If bride-Mot at Maim tuatara (Jab Mil meat at the base Woocley. He was * ad com- DEAR GIRL. Probably not. d lice and her short vat wee green hat and white anceseceile. lomon 111 everybody le brim knows about mothers cowmen al -- of Mrs. J. H Moran at cm pm. pletely hold t inept for a Ink attedwd to a circlet crown ef Both we Mrs. (laseise • • • trInge of lair amid lits bud. him, they're sale. It's the ones the linen with appliques at Lice cymbal:bum orchids. /brew suttee arrnok • 4 the the Rthe Nell Roo* Circle R bothered In. Men, but I told they DON'T know about who are identical to the metered Of her Dnmediately relloalcs we- The strong table me a the so- the PM( Baptist Church Wlai vii nevelt I'd get used to A. Meal, dangers.* dram mony the couple Oft lor A Mose trance tail4 dse acme Pait off • • • meet at Me home 4 M. Phil I never lad It apt bather** me Her only jewelry an. a heart- wedding trip. FM 45W453 the den. and the rood him the Shelton at 7.30 pm. Note chatige more and more DEAR ABBY Wtw are certain shaped nealace at nal Meek bride wore a back and white sik eon covered wIllb • ado, able in dere. I fussAy anode hen get• *Wee people always bite? I know two. a girt of the groom dab he diem and deevelos Mod km eldte fringe a- Men dash sells • • • rtt coat VOW and he looked 100 A man and a women. The women brought from Thailand when he cleat Pinned to hew shedder wan borrow Min Debbie rotasi the The Buenos Odd 445 That per cent better. but I was Emu, hen no excuse whatmover bemuse served as almoner Maga:'miry two her white orra* They as raw at Lombok asoded in swam Me end Christilan Church OWT as sched- ashamed to walk beside him. she has no Job, no children, in 1964 She owned a white Bible, haus tor the amino at 1906 merit, canapea, dome ladle. ae. The uled to meet wee Ms. H. B. Ha- Prom a.ichstance he looked fine, aM the tame in the world. topped with a white onelid with 00Reire Perm Road. Murree The oenteimens sae • upseal his ke, Jr., at 7.30 p.m. but from clone sip you aouki tel man Is self-employed, end streamed of satin Athens trod to lint Oahe received her B. A. pant us • white pander potted .. . he was wearing a toupee He and repatation for tarchnees Is so love knots Her Bible woe a girt degree frorn Murray emu Oat. which ma presented to Me boar he makes Ths Temple 11111 Methodist be didn't care if people knew he well-known that when of the young WOman'a Ammons- malty In May. M. Odle • as a waltbrig gitt inon do that roe Church Womeial ficsibegy of Meer wore a toupee or not, he ttdrike an appointment. it is assurned Me graduate of Mummy Maio twateatex tiein Service• scheduled to meet it Warr better than no hen at he will be anywhere from haR and completed his fiat year et Par ibr atoms' conden Men he at the church at 7 30 pm at an hour to an bour late! And Um Southern finalgt Thimigmeal wore & uown and wtute Acacia I am so am/Noised al myself for dimes la. eardary, Her novelty come ensemble Tasaday, Jane 14 feeling bke I do because he Is But be mow lise the courtesy Rehearsal Party basemen was tait000ed from the The Alice Waders Circle Of the the dearest, sweetest man in all to apoiciese or explidn. I am al- Seollesitta Me Mumma on Fri- cansselowe Mooed on of two istille First Mothodiat Church WMOB the world. And the beet husbani. ways prompt My Moe * every ths everitng the groans wants with a plairoc scrub- • hand met Mil meet seth Mrs Bob Sem hither, end prooder a wanes bit as valuable as anyone else's, entertained the wedding putty at handle acti sassourag ber velle Wifie Ceihrge Penn Road, at 9:30 could ask for. I Past fate died and I resselt beteg halt welting. Mier nine at 3.30 bough Sixth moons. •m. kr bang dilsostimfied with him WHY, oh, why are souse people Street knoneseli enethsr, Mrs Pat- The • • • Pat became ban laid. V. can &bays late? Wedding cake, puma nuts, and A.wag sialied in a been ON TIME • an Tbe Maio Homemakers Club will I clom Sometimes I think I can't mints were served to the honorees, with lemsrine acad. linen Men hove a yoUuct luncheon at the *and it another clay DEAR ON: Show me a perm Was Donna Eteshost. .1se R. Over- ildmion, the maw lam. bone dt Mrs. James Lorldwart at WOOL:CRY-6 %Tyr who halways late- and mu by, Bob Ward. Dr. end Idas M. 0. sadadr, wore a grey sad data ten asn Each member is asked to DEAR WIFE: Tour problem a .... you • paw* who a sd- Cada, Mins At Mod, Mtn abated dens while her ne- dote brag a covered dish that yea obviously have wryer fbb, Inconsiderate, said emot nas- Lynette Lamas, and Man albs W Astarook. clam ther. Ddril • • • had anything allesetsett dash ally immature. Like children, they Henson. pave mmembis all bin • • • • owo The Laden Bundy ainaol Choi la awry about. A teedisamed bre In a timeless world, are adt onit due anin Jaded printed tif the IfIra Baptat Church will dab, a helpless parent, a Imo couldn't core lees about the te- werir nem' her be pima arlitaallig, galtdat, Church MB Frances Inez Taylor meet wall Mrs Owen Milindital band will a cenvenientir they can., others. the) were inand la see the ape- a& ner Lantiarft Late 001011.19 for or chaining problem. The real pro- oceasionally one who b nartl- reiseseeild WIMP shah cam Announcements snots Maim far =Mir wedding are bang merle by Mho Parma pals& had never at 630 blem Is TOUR fermi and what's colossal y pu net nal will be mole yam Mew trots Cart 1 tact many rum Meter ad Rex Penner Gavesee,y She is Mr daughter ot led Din. Group • Maw J P Mtg, not IN It. Aerept the realities of late taint no fault of kb Wm 45 • Hair =mod en Weer epriap Matbodia Chard we! khe Oledee Again Ladle Fn 4 ix.. Tem. and John Closter Maybe diptatn, eta be in charge at the We If yoli cannot change them those who are chronically tardy in die marcardore at Massa Ember, passes itorrean amosrdie. Tenn Ha le She aun d Mr. and Maw. Har o- arrarepasonas And lellarr the nonessentials to are boand to he issisealstre and guide That Sunday the Me* • 4 Munn". • • • an otherwise good rnan_ larenatderate ki other ways. • • • • Sundae School 10.110 Bills Dollar was eradiated town Pareate Camay HIM Schad The Bede Tucker Circle d the • • 1 • • • Ileoond Sunday feennealle Tenn. and recerved her beraehr of irwomw, dope. fr.= Phu Mashodat Church WHICH will TO .1. Bundy school 1910 11.111 Lovely Tea Shower eliatt Polleire where Abe Ina a member of Pi OmegaPt sr - reset at the hone d Mrs, James DEAR ABBY Tbige' 4 a n *il l ODNTIDENTIAL an an our town who is clairetin I ne swiy way I Mew se to Me- Wongup earvice 11.00 sek miry bums= sammon Proternity f3he promo* wham by Daguid at 9:30 am Given In Honor Of He's about 711 we rmr mane, Third illuodey Mos. Roebuck end Clo 4 Memphis. Teem .. . everybody oda. I. fell It •ver years old His trouble a he mot mod pinit tit back In year pee- Sunday dotioal , aid June Bride-elect hIr OmIllsway uori graanted Man Mum* Chime fedi and re- The Pads Mad Hooldeekeril keep ha pan an women No kw. thumb $5unday conad baelbder4 mom degree dm Murray Med Odom where Club will mot at die Cilly Eat* at A ma* tea Mow ma gam s'aia wall get within aix fret • • • Worship eerie.* 9:0 NM he me a tenable d Aigtea Tau Cumsa aseland anal Imemety. I Mt LAS. hood d tale Yaw When he MOAN Into the Sunday Sawa ...., a.M • • SI GM Mena Lomb& Iola Mowery balms aboinaleadon • • • 4 him Pols. idaswehm of Smoak I Temeismitarit the oaten45 te to Prober/a' Write to Abby. Bow He oreresel tbe Mader 4 Burma Adenoliikedien Dares tem Main- Moen Bier Cher No. 433 Or- amok cm Itiunthy Jima and the 0700 Lot Angeles, Cal, 900110 TWO WIES(St—lArs Barbara New Cencord Chord of Caleb& Om BMW Elleasmay May Mee smi IBM oda 111Milmegil Mete dm of the eastern Mar wua meet °V1r and iwte hle ardor. ages add ra lee Par a mamma nab, dime • Cornea, will, of astraimit Dad I. ham slit as thirsasags gegamear is cook cornea out of Me kitchen Ida. Weeder Do- begin work tamed the Davort Budd et lie Ma" Hall a 7.30 pm. esielling at Ms home d lies • to serve it to him litenew.d. self addremed envelope Gene (areas. bolds np him fide cads 1015 Atbielegardild Degree. • • .. . nee Litateklea. . as OM Baena Elsa pay mai to a antor for fingers in Seabrook, Tax., to Woretup A Presidalag 11140 bat The fan, "Rea" n• be Mown Mat a check up end the nurse win! itaheI. dm lade dad $1 tell reporters how di its Menu* Worship 9:69 pia bt the Munay-ChAoiney County The packan hodaare ter the ate If he ever came nada ette was to Ably, am MHO, Lai Arades. been since stie's sem him. Wednesday New Concord Club Miss Suzanne Adams Ulan Um seven to eight acme= were kers. Oboe Hedgest. gong to have a par of hand- • 94/069. for Alders heeldet, Bible planes 7.00 pm Ws. Meet • itz year des and qp. Mrs Dewey Limpkinu Jr., Has Luncheon Honored At Party • • • cuffs reedy Merybody as town 'ilea to Write Lettere ter AA SET LARGE FMB Taylor, blea. Ilieward Rob- knows about him. I suit under- Ocraelessa- TLREISIAa UMW — Meta l'iliadsLip Chao* id Quist Cecil At The Holiday Inn At Crawford Home Cadie4 iti• Met Blopost Chats Hoke, Mrs. Max soldiers firing phiegagros Middle lake Riley, dasser ert& Mrs The Mad* Inn dining room hint Dmild Onowtorcra home at as folkers: Br Claud Wallit011dot Sian siMa at Ohio rt.4.0 Bear modUs Lamplima. Levin Omie ens the warm Mac ilesals flue 1. set fire to some 16:40 NM Ives the sesne of the mooreasard I air I IMO Mrs. Chard drew, III 4. mbete1; Mrs Ftaberes greeted the gods Pah tutelage at Ibt_Matiaah 040 pus aresobing LIM ad bostrion hid by the New Con- Moe 44111111100 motes entendlid Mrs Orem alloCtsan. end IV Hospital ter and baby tey;--Illsole dated Mem into wah Murray See a agues Waimmlay. tie le Me door di cord Homneakers Club on Wai- go 111m Ilimanne Arbssa, $545.. Downs at 9 30 1r Tenn Mrs. Man Jane Hut- raw- yeah We. lather Tleiredhe. Ede* rocs where the 45* chena. Route I, Wow met emernment sal Ma Gress Sped Chord the mea* June I at noon 41111111sen Bids Snames am.: II with lha. Aid Orr at 59 mir 'odd Cads — Adults Spokesmen add the savalliaildirs Wm. A. Fairsam, mod Mg Mat wee Pcilinwers the tunneled% lbs. M. hill as Widimilw. Jame I,. at areen Shrug Howell 111411No. Route 2, ON sac, V at the ClImpol Comm — Nursery 9 he MN- beide-Mot itee beery lo a di la Cadiz Mrs arra a wean note over Bandy School 10t09 Pete Hughes president gralkied Maid Me mmidolt DAL 7, bersheli 1,4 Delliew. frock 4 due faah- Admidessa, June 194 dent to the wised ennistiee can. Training Case COO pas her inemeau a the meeting and Mies Wary Asgefterg Mrs Cimegard in lib • • • 301 5 Oth. leanniy: Mrs Erbil* mother, Man boy 1 4$5tIar. Rich- NNW 'heath dlr. Her hosteaser dunes far the Oake and baby boy. Bold 1, robston Worship nib/ •-•.. awl 7149 PAL llenhpanary ewe the Median par- Wildlleadar, Ana 15 Murray: Mrs allmtal Rob Be. also wore • 3011 N. 16th. Wednesday q1Q9 p, Ma Joe followed by Me troup Wine ty Was Maw D 0 Fhaelphrelw Mensesed Ropea Church ▪ Irarouregon. Mrs Nem P145 457- Oil. OF Ft MEd law John Hach- The Trudr • Thdior and baby girl, Min drens. sear mann Jr . cif Pans, Tenn, is fleld and baby boy. WS Diary, -The Lordk Trafrer" Wernare adasionary llooleity 8 10th, Murray; Mrs. Jane reVIIILLIMODOCK tioneh Athos mother d 45 Cam- Ed Patsy L Dyer, Rt. The Cisdik el Jews Chid Mil A up kw cannon or trailing The honorer wee lovely ei her seholuied to have Rs general Murray. Mrs sad three niso • in a green dries. o Wilson, Hot 312, liturrap MD — of lAialer-DeJ dad. UM *WM wan the emby inMuch awes enent- three piece port sult of white Muriaat 730 1. Kirtery. Mr clads MoCianist. fasina• ett meting at the lam Lou netyltil. Raub 1, Re- die s_*J141. IMPwins eat 44 • Meetings held In sash acre hostenser coat and inirt Mt brown and 307,1 a. Ird, Mond; Mr. Moos the Mate Masa This bar dowered ow roe ad by Ms p.m Mr J D Ahart. Route 3, 10eal dleillanry MN dim it Turoday Mute carnasone ▪ Mr. Je- 16th and ilp•osinore &rest. T R Edwards. alacratary. ladle shirt Her lame* gift cor- •• • Ferguson. New Onward: minutes after beta ride. maw 4 *a Wormy: Man Dorothy Laverne died AIME Hriestanood Medos ... 4.39 Lek XII TIMM lin G C Menson Me'MI* wee of white otannelont Jam LS era E Joluoton, Box W. fer- to sign dW---thg, Sowed. 311 Irvin, Murray; Mr owereogis by hones from the Sunday *Moot 14.04 No. Mad $5he pada Molin &Meek eiether a Mr. Edgar 8 gineton. Route limn for the month an "lbsair- The Wadoescro Homemakers Willoughby, Rake I. Dower, matas' leaves they were tryine The day gone were Cecil Mart. Dover, ilacrunint Meeting LI NO &Alt the porde ad Tire Aid Is the Om honoree, more a Mown end meet a Me borne of Murray, Mrs. lean 45boissmas the Club me Tenn.. Mra. Judi bloody. Route to 111130,11. digligred W D MoOstaton Mee anon arms id grid- m. Tenn. Mod" Mrs Mw. Dees MisDaniel at 1.30 p Mirally.Mager Carry Lee Har- Oak Grove Cumbansen laseptem bow Menedneeds 1, reed the bodscape notes. siaNITs damn Mew. WM= Sew dams a Moe and dame Ira placed 4 adage Nees nett, Hai 96, Mod; Mrs B. Presbyteries* (bone Mid rom were Yr the Oda, de Milne la a did and .. . Officers we idea Neabett, Rolite 3, Haat: Mrs Kit- Rev. Rill yeallent pasts Ihrougradt hilmilk dills Medd minsmed. Mrs W I— dub row vibe are Mita Nig dam hour far pre-whoa to Hankie BR N Cherry, braid;My sopaidid tes ty Rama Sunday Hohool 10,00• sp. The Eingins. prodded; libs. T. It. Rd- A. hillasselt, Minega-shots 411 be held at with a pink pods ewe chilawn Mirror Mrs. Mu Lee Bernwn and Morning Wormalp .... 11.00 eel . Male was cowered Jade staled mesdassiaber. them lo - 5 doter- nee-Mithamt: Ihe ihnevig-Osaady County LB baby boy Route 1. Moray. averting Wandapt, 00 pm dna end Mite net sod ▪ dor .a plaid Mk bed Thar seas sesmard-trassurer gory N Ogee pea Tina abeam Dilmweleseds, tune 9, Mee ad with as arrangement dun* al while megmads wswe leasems cisleumns ore Mee we be lilliedmitor imi The e- Olie Prances lisoett. Route Pint putsch, Mrs. .110.111••• ney Load reoroadm Ruth mfts445 hidoms. V.- end "nkle, the Merry-Go- Oka. nuts, aod 1161.11 WOOS A The bride-skin um GROW pie* Venda Muss and Inilaleak Mrs presented hand Herne A sterptederwill with a at d owild Pees Boehm edema dleedep- Mae Place weds wIllh present. arty persons be ediffieldwegett nent, Mrs terry Odd. Inisibisime. Mate and white printed napkins as J.0. Patton aad • • • tbe evening ham a wedding gift ham the hodesees PULPMILL Odd& had dub: de Mrs Dertrood The 0111101 Country Club will be memens sem Mein ReCredimento were served bed. Med, Mot Mon MOM, handy relation. hostesses to the Pans Club for Realtor We unable to dm& let mie haat Ike beediddle • Mrs 19 0 lisOullion. hone man- the Mies dee Mrobses mak golf • • • panted table areehill allis swament. Mrs Leann Mary. end IMAM at dhe cab. Luncheon If You Deal &nein Rau setae 445 45 ermsred with am bome turnistengs. wt. Ionise Moms are Mara Read. chair- PLANT FAtath Law Your • Personals dub areenemelat et dose Mb illtra. Pattoraon, Melee* man, 703-6175 Invents Parte:. co- ••••••! am ilialishes yellow RO chamassihomeas. and altpos TAM bid -lwaset leaders chairman, 7134039. fiteriry Box TREES • Mr assi leather MC tens eeth Mae email MIS Clanta ettableheil. 11101401 Am- Glenda Home, Roth Tee, r•-..i.irned bans aeMir WO White wedding eelb with a 11. 40h wee* es, 0 C fladon, Oase Odeon, bride Aar*** Dorothy Nen- maw. ldie. MM. WM Ray, Nell her Boyd staturale neeted In the center- Phone 733-1T)a and bur inells, Odd Oa* and e ny. Meth gory. Janke Amain, Ihoollsol. no.. 'Wee Clarence. Me tan Mary Puree. Morella Pon*. Tir- Prevent Forest fires Mrs Bola Leone at Party codas. nuts, arid mina to Murray Seventeen martens and two Ta- i tion* Pore, Oahe Regalia, HAda Mrs Mary returned were served elhaig web Oates and short vat ilors, Mrs P D Whaler 4 Tole- Jatratin. Dads Mealy. and Malta inch the Toneys tor a do. OW and Mrs.. Larry Curd. toffee Tlhe Aber calf* aervice • • • Bowen WILSON' USED CARS was med. Mies lassinette ado- • • • Weis at hileardbia. were imamt air 11111 WNW kW "Our COMPACTS Are A Little Better" Idles Mien now and Mrs Wayne Bothell mille lterray wwil Moon meant Your Choke of Many Maims sad Tenn . rearmed to meted In samtra Wannday, Jane la /44440 Ovehas Chur- — Before You Boy, See Us! — i_and. Mrs Twenty pens= includang Mrs Hallem and Professiohal a fee' dam Weft. Caw bre La gash ch& Oho had mid Robert Wafted of Hen Francesco, Women's Club will hole Its re- 103 N Seventh Street. Phone M-4141 Mr oder, Mrs the home al kir and Mrs T B. hat widiend Mb Caltfarells, were inciuded In the gular maeting at the W0111111211 Bleee- Ilarards H K Wells end hnepatektg Club Heuer at 6:30 pen. Wald gift Pri- • • • Phis. Tad Mem Maw Reds art Wyerelf $od two de. tor bar Moe • • • eons 4 Om PriaricliNDO Doterba Gar- alla. are Me pas: al but putper- Ares COMCIENTRATION THRIFTY APPROACH Kr and Mrs Cori HOLLAND DRUG arrived Mr sad Mrs Joel Coreadad net.4 Ctrilevills, Ohio ems. Rah hor par- Lrrin Grow Friday ter a vidt Guthrie Oluo- OXFORD. linglsed WI — MOSCOW tPI — &Mit ecientlesta ents, Mr and Ma. lamas Isse ere dondsli NOW TOC KNOW undergrathistas Bertierville Col- VarliaMtil Bogorov told a meetink Will Be Open This Sunday chili a MrOseireet•s is Isabel Trees anisreetiesal lette. Offord. aotedeaced to the of the leternetienel OceallOgraPh- opcetemy Is pro- Mr weekend vieth Apeamkpia—Einergeney medical ail/intim apnoea Roth The werewolf ar wait rid. DM dean'. mood and west into their Cloogran nand* that live Mid- lor pour Dreg. parents a Damon vided at General Telephose'• 12,000-employe plant Prsiortause Ind suadry Web 411 be at- impaired is a Hollywood Ibe in examination morns today wearing ler in the ocean la "a potential Mr and Mrs Carron Isles, DI., by this in-plant ambulance. It carries oxygen tank *hod ise- 1.011 piano "Waremar at Los- kn re-length faattionable above-knes source of food tor millions upon Leaden the iresignir and *Mita In addition to medical inipplies lierees are WI WELL INK MOOED tram to - .1 riformunir. Meg lia did ea bonds pad a length also se fAX annoy the millions of people Yet he *id wan el iderse mos Dorothea Morgan (left) and Arlene 8pistIrri. MOO 1 ea p.tor • • • a Mertes until the 1941 film, ;The extant ners or distrect the male stu- the tupply was not bottlers and D. Weeder of Wrdi Man." dents.- "cads for a thrifty approach." Mr. and Mn. P. •

• • KENTUCKY yeas Inv SATURDAY - JUNE 11, 1966 THE LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, and ef • Sale fratt. and inting 1Im Sena FOR LENT Commissioner's fset of a gigignifint 111111nis wt.:. .1 4Ut NOTICE a* bALIE prams. as semil. pramplas sat TO ROOMS-Air-aanclitioned rooms for THE OUMILONWEALTH 0.1 awe loam /TV EASY college Pedants for mummer, b00 KENTUCKY, CALLOWAY Circuit . Dame libasseserer and Me flitensatensetar ; ;111e• I :,'11 feet from campus. C111 753-6613, Conti, OAILON WHITE. Mans Blithr-SELAC-AtEW 7. Oran Oatart lb Ito • or see at 1611 Olive, ear Pleintilf. Chnheity • VERSUS neas of )714) , Ar Main Soren maid fl/REA 0 . BUILDING ON Bast JIMMIE GLeirlONIS, et al, De- ran • Patton nooks% phone 753-1738 day. liesell fendant. • ding head- or 753-3566 nighis J.1.1-11 CABO OW THANKS iosegay of By virtue of a Judgment anti Or- BALM & Service, We wisti to express our thank .alons and 112.JOGTfer.R.UX der of wale of the Callowny Cormat ,I11••=6 No Box 31.3, Ky., C. M. Sand Am the Istoolle... .arid sysastslikep • th obtann- tilt:toner, large tate bath, antra large of land, oeransc tile bath, hardwood bkicknigi. Amerwian made, 0.0 Mormy, Court rendeted at the Way leek Bad Shop NOTICE era 382-3176 Lynnville, Ky. shown us .ite Las ute ulnas mei Ohms UM FOR SALE utility room, car port, and family Doom, den-in id - kite heti combine. llama Grocery and South Phone Ruie Term thereof 1911141. is She S- June RIC death ofnay ikiasitn. Wappraslais room. On lot 100' x 150'. Won. utility, and carport, on Loctat 4th Mreet, Mtiellay, Ky. J-11.0 tove cause, for the pushaes of as- Grove Chinch Road. premed to sigar 'lam "rd. of frialsokir ISM Efic as beat SLNC.ER toe Touch and Sew. lie, 20 ACRES 8 miles east of Murray PRICE $7.900.00 lx 3-11311DHOUM FURNISHED apart- tizng meats. I sin/1 one acre RADOM) to NO DOWN PAYMENT 3101101 me Ore- Bellfra. tilat Obit . The mea- on blacktop, with 3-bedmant mod- SIX LCeD3, approximately for sa'at the Ootat noun doer a than 4 months old Rapoesemed. Modena 3-bedrocen and St Misement Per Meath ment sada kitchen and living room. and ammo twat &waft MO ri d Tamaide In Mae, two lots one-half acre, all $15.40 M.urrag, HarMiskg. la the high. sold new for over $350e0. Balance ern house built in 1968. Hardwood home with 10 Imes of land. Hawk- Coil 163-3914. T-10Z the Alec loonted on Mack-top road_ au% will build a 3-bedrocen 14 bAtha, on me imam the Mang sl the $164 00 or $lit U0 per month 116e.kee floors, bath, living, dining arid tell. Murray, near tas. Moder, M pane sonition 30 days. top road, 9 miles from brick Mime with carport and 11. asoramlams hies the essimiree. Ler of the ity rooms 2-orir garage. Priced for down, balance in APARTMENTS - furnished or uts fib taw of June, 10116, at 1:111 • •button holes, sea/ on buttons, lake with good Izielning taws. Terms garage on your loa or our lot. at Meneg iliele thewseallp nest regio- 1960 raiRD Pim in good mode I urniened, air-conditioned. efficiency 013krA p. , or thereabout, Woe monograms all fancy stitches with- 111,000.00. $2.080.00 down arm $1,000.00 per year. write: inpeousay appreciated. We Leona Lou, For more information South lath Call 753-4466 or 763-tiopow 601111104.11•11.amailik.Alie foiloseas ota attachments. Write Crean NICE 100' x 175' lot on Story Ave. MANY OHOICS building lots, one KiNsgsb.srr7 the Max (...attiCtIO1 POMO flaw ass to wear BACKHOE AND LOAIXEIR mounted Howes Jul) 8.0 denim turd property, to wit Manager, Box El K.. June- 28-C 100' x 200' LOTS in East-Y-Mersor extra operas.' in Bagwell Subdivision 120 Os. duneet t trete tar that ad and sahamee.We seit with on a 1950 Fond tractor with two Tilit&T I. • mans one lot or mi- on 116 Highway, city water, $1000.00 85 x 215' only ia,2110.00. Baskiervine, Ky. FURNISHED APARTMENT, down- seek airs to th&r111 Dr. numastt see Her after OOPTICE: Maxwell House and bucket*, one 16" and one 24". cel of land commencing at W. E. end up. Will finance, bank rates. MODERN HONEE in Lynn Grove on or Plass 753.17741 stairs, 3-rooms and dash, two blccias the nurses at Cladmillks far MOW 4 rotates 65e lb. Shop and save at GO SOUTH on Highway 121 to the Dicks Bombe:an corner or at the J 0. PATTON, Realtor. KU So. 1 acre lot. from campus. call 7511603. J-13-C 'strata a sant Thomas Grocery, Mayfield Road Lomat Grove Road and turn right.. . . northeast corner of Int being con- 4th St., Phone 763-1738, Murray. MODERN Fein.M HOME and 12Ss The Pam* 4 Rad Nowa artinaltal near Loyd's Drive-In. Open 7:00 to Approximanaly one mile. House will IF YOU SEE 110RM/TIM iwarmlog veyed, thence wen 3111 len; J -11-C Swim With an extra rental home. SHADY LOTS in Moe Trailer court, P aocamoriat 9:00 and Sunday afternoon. be open one o'clock enturday, June call Kelly's Peat Control for tree thence south 94 feet, thence east FARM ON BLACKTOP, will sell $00 per month, water and sewerage hamais Jul/ LC 11. 1906. tale will be heid at two Inspaccion. Licensed and bonded by 2011 feet; thence north PI feet le DONT merely nrighten your car- house and 1 acre, house and 26 Kentucky. Roaches funsistied. AA° one. two, or three. o'clock. Wilson Anon= Company; the state of the beasmust corner. them . acres, home and 50 stoma. bedroom Wailer., Phone lia- Obe • pets . Blue Lustre Wayne Wilson and Jimmy Cooper, spiders, ants, also shrubbery, Datok.- TRACT to. -0ouunatiGltig at a alre• 00003 PAINT, 2 painters. Ifte-pm you or 763-4401 nights. J-14--C elimmate repel reateling Rent elec- Auctioneers. J-10.0 IF YOU do not talk with me, Jibbed In Murray nom 1944. Phone r= days; of street be- Chao OW for a dean In snag monthly payments. Phone stake 1.40 lest east t:Loh shempoon 81 Manor House of USED ePINET Star Piano silk can on know the special bargains 753-3914, July 13-C of William hallos tha 753-0323 for neonate. 1 J-11-C tween prtseat land We wait tc ewes our SD • re Color J-13-C 753-1262 after 5 p. m. that I may have for you_ 1-ROOM and private bath, newly east. MAW ilk bench. Call James aria Ar. F. White. run appreciation for every Madmen in- J-11.0 CLAUDE L. KILLER, Realtor. decorated, private entrance. 1416 to C W *Mt inns SPKEDLINER Ftbergiase Boat, 75 20 1 6 ran, more or less tended to us during the hew sif nicaR00141 BliDCk bunt in 1984. Phones 751-5064 or 753-3059. J.13-C Poplar. 763-6876. J-14-C wasider was eletric motor Heavy- - -- rIlaytor's line thence north 5 3 our loved one Large the bath, bued-in reunge. hard h. p, Johnson LAYING HENS, 50e each. Down's IP LIM 01 rods more or less at C.•W amok Ihe M ay floors. kitchen and family duty trailer. Call 492-6466. Poultry Perm USED UPRIGHT PIANO Call 753- Eapersally. we wood northteat corner. Mena, • at IMO 470e. J-14.0 Salesman Wanted kwa Hospital staff, Dr Rouat.x. ax lt room panelled, NOTICE 1 4 rods IttOre or law to WM/ - PULL-BLOODED SIAMESE kittens east 34 Whayne, those who MY Woe 3-11EDR003d BRICK, built in 1965 AUCTION New two-bedroom brick theme her A. De.ys; 753- 9-Y.3.AR-OLD BAY MARE with 2- the land of Z.----, floral offerings the ,fteine, 1 Hardwood floors. electric air con- veneer on approximately one acre for sale, $15.00. 753-3466, MALE-1341 World-Famous Good- 4.a. Seada tnonthaold Pelanuno colt. Mare re- Effective June 12, 1966 north 11 1. 1 rods more or ass to 5402 niptit. J-13.0 year Industrial Maintenance Pro- panbwhs. also bro. Ms* • at: Odle le • bred. Contact Harold Brown, Hut- the Senn Thorp land, thence wait Slid Dm WE WILL BE duots lx 02 year old firm. Travel Jay Locithesh mad Elinis IhOR :AMA OR RENT 2etedrooni son Chemical Company. J-17-C einsig amid Thorp land 12 mis r limited, but eamingoi arw not. Ex- We an asap& et Nor et brick house, located on North lath and T feet more or las to Z. S. SPECIAL! perience not nape:wary. Write Con- every esprantoo ?WA PIANO SALE Street. Phone 753-7108. J.13-C SPECIAL! nPECIAL! CLOSED ON line, ithenoe along stud Thisokelkon Paint & Varnish, Atten- Curd's The Puha/ of 4, Assorted Dusting Powder-Geft Box- sceictated or las to EVERY SATURDAY Is haLL DAV .4T FORTUNE'S PIANO SHOP - - - CUM Lire 5 rods more TWOSICIROOM HOUSE with two ed. All half-priced. Hollsal Drugs. tion: J. IL Byes, DM Onto Build- 89 SUNDAYS Curds nesenalet corner, thence 417 North Market St., Paris Tenn. acres of and, located four. mem J-14-C ing, Cleveland. Ohio. J-11-C on Nu- west Moog mid Curd hue 46 rode (In the Travle building next to the Dollar General Store). north or Murray on US 641. See parents and 6 lost mons Or Ms as 0. 0. ▪ Rickman or ash 753-4939 1905 PLYMOUTH 2dr., hardtop. Snrv:cns Offered ig tarty at Jaime E. line, 1016111 14 rods Nlit'W AND USED spinets, consoles, and upright pianos, J-13-C automatic. power steering, 383 cubic HENDON'S tiknera • Stxth Call 753- and 10 feet to the sous/non corn- Ma Conn organs. Easy terms and free delivery. inch. 11,000 miles, $2.260 SEE TERMITES SWARMING, call RANGE 120, and a p. m and 5 00 er cif J. T. White lot; thence ELECTRIC 13-13 between 1:00 Wards Termite Co. Prices range nuts, and FREE PARKING SPACE- Rambler. Oall 753-3486. J-14C wen $t. nxis mom or less to the -PLENTY OF 1962 Nash p. m. SERVICE STATION from 860 to $7000 for treatment to honorees, JAZZ signet; thence south skein street of home. Phone 75.1•611.1116 Murray Pe Over- Phone 642-2374 J-13-C 4antod feet mare or less to • wake Fame!. Help . North 4th Street J-13-C 116 Reel and lane KY. Ideaw C. "SPIN CAST ROD, at the corner of the old liktidlry amen, Kies SUMMETt OFFICE Etntiksyrnenat. yard, thence mat 140 feet to the Use of add machine necessary. Ap- Miss Mee WANTED TO BUY At The Movats beginning." ply LI, own hamlaraing to Box For the purchase price. the pur- • er Great Novel of the Apache Wars 32 H. Murray, Ky J-11-C build, with ap- A1.413 DRIVE-al ohaaer meat execute - USED 33 or 33 Caliber S & NV re- "FOR CAPITOL anytime' proved asourinen, bearing beep* tat- 4: • - OOLLIOCTION tigANAORR, age 36 t- 5 p m, 621 Ellis Lvtv. informatioo oall 753-3314 volver After ter trom the day of lake. mu; - - - ali, must hove some experience and Trron 11-r oasts THE HAMS Or NOON Memel &Witty. Please provide re- *01 and atenty to C. • of experience IN Mar. by John Champion Box 320, Murray. Ky JAI-AC pashir) rmillswativoali=labodix= Copt=lirk= SENIOR GIRLS earn a good in- come during summer vacation. On- 30:111 it; ly 16 hours per week neeued. Phone to lc el. dut as 'Luce dual and rtght wrist trying to avoid eqa.. 763.2389 J-15-C WO NIS Moseley One P.M. sand as pinumble• In Dix moat ; curleraw ol.ide Witt- the A p 'en* -. „ 11:1111 1141 CH -eq.; tes ...11 took to folic% Nina fa irtl th !twirl .1cmla Tailor WOMAN TO LIVE in home with flipping tri the wind He to plunge t ott. me mesa - was an effort nu wind blanket faintly. oar. :034147 J-11-C take a par of mold.15(11 mi • LIM am weinatersrt at now. after lesals watched apprcnongly ea tilseov • they thrashed through tn. r,sts making it tiara te see. Clayton mined to secure 'he Matte Halo Wanted he bent novin names gsmin• int sei ika men intro to breathe The homes blanket in place Then Twisting .urning rel. W . vi:e Dill resisted ais efforts te lead aver Rrail vantage YOUNG MAN out of high school faces neve! more :hat them the) Alarmed by the rigid took he ing their learn heating and atroonclaimung a foot apart it was impossine -Con. COlibe WI they could turn their brood saw in Milroy s eyes, he turned work Tinsley Heating er Au for Dix to draw inc •,lateit MAE eistar rumps inn, the fury of the to Nina ditionusg. 753-4457 J-11-C would save his life. All ne come Wit hat, storni "Have you got • mirror?" he do was hang on 14 back over Ms shoul- said 5$ 90k Looking Throughout the fierce strug se( the She found one In he suitcase T:119 pia der. Dix ceuid barcl) gle Dix kept his eve on a near outline in the wagon through and handed it to turn Dix below Brad's by cholla bush bristling woe '100 p.m the driv*.ng sheets of dust and placed it directly long needle-sharp - l'he A Although he knew the nostrils Closely he watched the ONE ---;GASP)- -AT sand Apache was trying to roll Alm giving sonic pro- mirror for any sign of breath- TimE -- FIRST YOU --AND Clirlat canopy was into it Knowing ansi wow.: ▪ inside he was ing The surface of the mirror WON'T THEN HIM - elinar tectleir to those nappen it ne suoceeden FATHER -- SAVE HIM-- HE how long it would remained bright and clear. . 18.00 wondering fought with all his remaintne LET GO OF THAT TRUNK - - the canvas ripped Brad Milroy was dead LI:ea apt be before stranitn But the gash in. ow Ifpnet aft It weak/ -take. PJL forearm had left flute no matrr knew. WAS for one wthd-dInven 8:111 or . Citassa to sleek- far his foe In this Sam fragment of beavertail eactua Thr wind had begun Pernir en Knowing they would soon fight to strike the canopy and make saw no. - continue on. Dtr be- Slowly nelplessly rie 10'00 An. a note lime that happened, the be able to grave for bred arms being inched toward +he _ SAW p-aa rest would go in minutes. Per• gan di;:einit a the we- cholla Pinnea aneatn the td 7:09 pm. seconds a short distance from hap. illpftche there was notrone he gien the begumlng. he had ac- do to prevent lt A gear in The sent he chose from what could tiielly welcomed the storm the at palm Insert train his lips little he could see ce " was en COMM driving sand was better protec- ot the sharp tines mini, near sem* tstge boulders At three WM@ tion than any he might be aril. Into his arm first the .and came out in heap- deep allits Maid give SO he had silently same moment • rift. to ing sh..veituts Mit •A' hen he At that Street. prnjed for the Sonora wind to es close that Dix cow. struck hard clay a few feet reared .. Lai. blowing As long as It Peal the sting of powder rn. down he had to work harder 11:00 ana hell he kn w they would reach Mee Niemen to eaie The physical effort kept him Apache's 1.140 Aaa. the fort safely. the bullet struck him from having to think Inward as What he had not anticipated below his left eye Dix caught Actually, Dix was grateful Metaled savagery the storm a flash of blood and bone be Was the find something he cone' do lageth It finally to fore the impact tore als foe -.6"elese would resoh before bees little be could There bad away from tem, NOT A OKAY-- LET'S gaiter blew Itself oat had cried at say to Nina. She Slowly he got to hal 10.00 •as He rouldn t see even a small when she had POLICEMAN) TAKE A. first. But it was Looking at Ran" writ. tralil qua 11 00 am part of the trail that lay ahead. that he had SIGHT SHORT-CUT stopped crying still-smoking Winchester, I IN T 00 pea All he could do was feel for It particularly difficult found It was wondering how to fem. ACROSS First one toot. Then the other Brad's death to say anything him when a Millet plowed inn; THE GRASS It was. Dix thought, like walk- feel almost guil- had made him the sand at his fret nlanctrie KEEP_ ing a tightrope blindfolded, with felt for her ty about what he off, he saw two Apaches run- a hundred small boys throwing The feeling was still with a slope barely one OFF sand In his face. He knew if he ning doers Mot as he oarried Brad from hundred verde away With • ton thought too mach about It he THE the wagon and closed the grave sinking feeling In hls stenincli. would have to stop where they over him By this time the fury saw that tooth mulled nrce were and wait out the storm. he of the wind had subsided. Al- Quickly taking his Winehe•- GRASS So he resolved to think of though he could still feel it ter from Randy Die said -pet something else. Of other times tugging at his clothes, It no down behind those rocks see 3.0 and places when the weather Yaw longer had the strength to sup- stay there " ▪ had been entirely to hts liking port anything heavier than the Randy needed no urging He 1.'"‘ But the wind would not let him air Itself In another quarter scurried toward the boulders, It was blinding him, choking 0.0. II Ov. Ora-Al gift too.....4 hour, be knew, there would be Dix did not wait te see hire 1946 him. numbing Ins brain. Still be little more than n yellowing take cover. Jerking the rifle t", kept going It WAR only when haze over the mountains to his shoulder, he triggereo oft a huge tumbleweed struck the mark the storm's peeping. two quick shots He did not horses directly in the face. hie rifle from particularly mind when be causing them to rear, that he Dix retheyod where he had left It while he failed to hit anything All ne knew they could go no fUrther. YO- SCOUR OUR WiCE dug the grave and Was Martine had Intended to do was stop the THEM BI6 IMPAWTINT FOLKS SAYS KIPP OFF As he was regaining control EF ALL back toward the wagon when Apaches where they were US PORE HOME IS CLINN HICE-BERK!! team, he heard Nina GOT TH" RIGHT TO LIVE \NIP of the he heard • faint sound hi the Having succeeded in doing BUMS VOR'N!! to hifn. A first fie SLOBS, IL SAIS'10' IS calling brush behind him Even hi-fore this, he sprinted toward the high HELPLESS he imagined It Then AN YORE thought he turned, he knew it was too ground. He knew If he could WELCOME!' her rtimm teneem the HOME IS he saw late. reach the top of the plateau. 141 waving tin him Quickly canopy, A muscular Apache. armed the Apaches would have to eon- OUR'SIP her Climb- he hurried toward with n knife. sprang out of the rentrate on him before closing up over the wheel to the ing brush and dove Into him. In- In on the wagon. He knew Nati he could we the front enchgete. stmetively throwing up his gun was there and was counting on in her face. worry hand to block the dews WR rcl her staying out of sight CfrA ra. "What's wrong" he said He thrust of the knife Dix felt the had to Shout In offle, to make Wineheste• being knocked from "Although IN% Reardon Wall ). himself heard above (hr wind his grasp At the same time hoping the touches hart wn "It's Bred." she answered be felt something hot sear his ;mated. Intending to ehme in Following her Into the wagon torearni Then. oft balance (it' on him. 114. ails PC tine:el get, mai (eP-- • Dix moved to where her hus- wits dragged down by the fore eertain liii, aould he hid Ah. band lay. Blankets read teen tied of the epeehe's hinge. the ads antage " The story con- In place at both the front arid Pureed to use both hinds, he tlelpoted back entrances to the canopy cluing desperately to his foe tinues here tortiorrow. now th• 00Tel pUbiliaried by David Melts, en Copyright r 190 by John C.. Champion. LA•14..ylasi ay King /Mouse arida:ate AWNS



• 1



MINIM THE LEDGER & TIMES - MURRAY, KIIRTIaCKT SATURDAY - JUNE 11, 1966 Church Alammseibessests sob UMW. NOW11111.1 investment in Your Future 1119dIse bi Yew adailmsm An Oil GM WWI WiNamo

••••• Cbmila et Clean Oahe Wm& 101111 sm OW WM larvire 11:11 am. Bee -ing mamma 010 pm gEima Visabpaslam Chaisb obi pw bum It, ion yew kat W à° • 111da. abaft "Fe si CHIC•• • • •• - ••••••••••••••••••• • dhow valsa&B, ••• ••••• warmer Siam 10110 am. Sinking springs Baptist Champ Whir 9111 • • • • • •• • • • • • • •• • • • •• ••••••••...... • Womb* Service 11.00 a m Pippin. Pastor Wrihn 111mAim toe John rforser leariday School 10 00 Olimil-asaam VIA PM 1•N pm 7:00 pm 4 Wadmasday I Morning Worship 11 00 am 13101/artmlar Pailmisidp Tar 11malme Union 1130 pm. ON'we Raining Union 630 pin Similials 11.39 pm. fradmig Worskup 715 p.m. Rsenyng Worship 730 pm WORD POWER! Ilredneeday night 7-00 P.M lbalb VIssinal Onse Whinal Latinism Maeda Omni U.Slissein 11&m maw One our popular publications, encourages the learning of new words, First Methodist Clutch Wsla W Wm= sdnhase 1-50i- School 9:11 am of Fifth and Maple Street 11111Rdhe Sias& 9-411 Wadi* Service 1039 am and in each edition prints a few words that we can Re. 1.10.6 W. Ratner. pastor Whiratia Wadies 19 40 isaa Church School 9.45 a.m & & rti• Pallrmdtip MI pm. Orme -r Ma Marsh Chan add to our vocabulary. Morning Worship 845 and •'a, 'Minnie 710 pa =ambler bane 1111. Tars 10t0 am Wimilay lade Study .1010 a m. Words have swayed thousands, even changed the course of Fellowship 6 • 30 p.m ilereet Jr & 9r Trabeeeraele Ilermafad Worship 111:411Sm Svening Worship '7.00 pm fricatioeshil Awn* ef history. It is through the use of words that men are saved. Irian Witsima Smaddlam •:•:•:•: •••••••••1 assi Chesibout Clima 1:15 pm. Coldwater Cherch of Ich:::0000ristpa.: SIP Amos T Teat mow Wafts Ilbria 7:40 pm. "For after that in4he wisdum of God the world by wisdoW knew Catmint Crocker. minierst Smart Sishoal 1010 am Wad. WIlla Rudy Jai pm not God, it pleased God by the foolishness of preaching to Bible Study wombs • lisivter 1110 all Preaching ri,o0 Reenin Senate 7711 pa Oftda Mita of Anil save them that believe."... "Because Wed Bible Stud), striving.,too WO MA MIS ••:•:•:. Pans • 11110111, 710 pia. Ian Ilea"-.- the foolishness of God is wiser than men." North Pleasant Greve "viler WNW Mud, . sm. Cumberland Presbyterian Church P T eA 711 pm. ISLi Word* 111311 ATTEND CHURCH... HEAR GOD'S WORD PREACHED Rey feell flurortt pastor WierWas Wwibb TOO pm Sunday School 10 00 am tint Ihmilla 1911.11/40 . 7•00 pm. Morning worsh1P 1110 am vamilh Mesa Young People 6-00 p 11011an maw ••••••• Way admalbt Church . .. . .•.•.•.' 'sonny Worship 00 pm Ikteday nein= 11-414 ISW tad Sommiore .•:•:•:•:•:•: Merritris Worth* 1010 am. Jask Dams& Pastel 41I ,rl . '•.0 4"e....I. . Jelsovab's Witnesses Wirectrim Worday • I SOW\ Sibma Sat 1 00 pm Ned W Loess. isdnastat Prayer llaselna 7-11 pal 11140111.4. Oat 2 00 pm ...4,:; 117 North rwatil ....---:‘ - Bible lecture Sun 110 pm ibrott- IllahsdIst 7....::,- mod fbadio ,---f.1,:„.„ ----,:-.- ✓ ;;:"..-.7,--:::: 4----.--- IM Chromin Mord ‘,...,1--3,.----11_74 Watchtower Study 1.• ,.-----.z_:;:-.7-,.---,i-:...."--1_..._.---1:-.1:.s.--,..--- 11•• ...... 's ...... -i- Pima Sada mom ,..,.„,...,...... „,.,...... „, ,,,, ,,-• v,„....., III N TAM Street .4W .. Sunday 410 pas Covina ia= • 307... Jibe. 10 a 1.11hist M. Porter. pastor Bible Study 'rues 910 pm - 1151 am Ikaigay MOW 9-30 •m Ministry School Thum 7.20 • •-`, ,44`t- pm Oxman PIWO Ilarslee WAIN Ilmar 10-33 • m Service Meeting lamas. or 1 .Pansv WY? 1110 11) timmise Minim 710 pm. Thum 8 30 pm 111•-dm• Sight Wadi, earwig Ohl Ms Plillimidp 5•11 F,.., 7-1 red WI • ...00:,•„.•..). elm raWalliblp 519 pm 4w. IR. John's ginseopal Church :• 14::" a maw 710 pa ::*;.‘ Nr"\4' ..11:.* #:71112.1. Mani 11011mAlp Wird Wiamsday "!:::°..:: ."'..f . ... .'' 116;L r.::... e 162e Main St ;:l. :11 CIFT Om. Meet. Thad Itasiday i:AV.41;1.70!!. !harebell „ „ •*.?:.4 ' .▪ -.' 4 * 4 '' ...7; 'i0 .,'' '' 4.,...i.s..7070,„;*...,{ 4.... Rev Robert 7.....:lie. :....*:..,, elf...... „.,...1 .. ,...... ",. Sunday School 10 15 am ‘.4,--",..• •••••:• :44•.. .., '''... VIA Mama Walla! Clisola of aril .•:,..•,• Wordily Ser. Sun 11-15 am '' ...:-:‘,.' • •.., 'e .:, ;pa.... 0..110^ .„.....,../.•::,:.;•:: ::4••••:\... ,...r.'-':0•••.1; •.1... :::... posimr 10mmipedSollima •,4' ‘•-•"-, , 4 4. .. \.1. ....'.-4.0."....;..6%.4:. 0..,. .... i v4re•°°'..4. ., ' Holy Communion second •n d 9•40 _'...... ,...„ • lamp 14611 WNW, ....-,...,..., • ,...... ,....•.-,.. s •,.._ ,e,0. • ..„...... 4•0 .. . ., .....e.... , .,...•._ ...,-;.... fourth Sunday 911 •••1, ,, . ...,.. , 't.- ....'•ii 111- Mb Sem* 11111111 „,, .• en e v- „. '...e' 0".•••• •• ••• ,:;00...,•••N, . 0a11 7113-4940 or 733-0011 for Mfrs. .0 #10"v".•...0.0. 10°4 . ,,.. s , .,...-.,', ,^ •- 40', ,i.. Minder Iasi* Rill SAS. -k..e.t...,,,,Ar,, 0 4•.- .4.1", s• - ....'•'--..' .... me libation CIO pm ,4 ..,s'7./. -- .,.,,. .*/ , : •'. ;..'.--'4 laseilor WINN, . 11111 ..."...:0••"-'11:%:'....,.. 4 v .,:•.w• , . . 1119 4P .' •.'" '. ". Z," Goshen Methodist ('bur'li •••:.. sent'''• d Vim Proslibmat Caws d11111111101 a--:.." :•• '1•.."-:°*.e_. John W areber easier 71111 p.m Web nand. sdasair 4 4...... 11...p.,44.04•••• ,,,..„ Tr. , .4 First •nd Third Sundays. ¶11 prm Simiaday 11111. OM* . WOO or= .4`',..7...1.S.T.O.r. Sunday School 10 tfte am lamming Wade 1110 am Worship Service 11 00 am 710 pm INWINEW Olean 519 pm Second and "mirth Sunday. 1110.12. Worship 710 pm. Sunday School 10 00 am Ulmer Ciambinsall Int MY Staley 119 pm- ' Methodist Youth WOW7 lhadall. gnaw Fellowship 6 15 p m 1010s Dasaar OW ad -- Mated Climb Worship Service 7 00 p oiS lid NM 41S Om- W. C. Winia mow •••• ar famaikor Sawa ••119 am. Lynn Greve Metliediet Mere! • illaimar 'MAW 1011 sat. John W lerelher. meta Similla *um UMW Climb Temalai Wass 419 ti TO First and Third Sundays Sas Sten IWO& pasise Wismar ~AO Worship Sender I 46 am imam edit 119 dial llramiesitt 1:19 It 111 Sunday School 10 46 a to libnelp Sea 451Ira as Peewit WNW. Second and Pourth Sundaes Postman Thi e 1119 pm. WedgieldMI 7:11 p m Sunday School 10 -00 am lb50_50__t We:1ft 7119 pm 215-- Worship Service 11 00 am iftiesiawkwe S•rehg• 7111 oat 111104111 Chardl Om* Waren S S Oat Pod Wm Mao lairssa. mar Onus/ ....•:•:.: Cials's Clamp Worm Olarritia. Wills SIAM Wad MVOSSm- birmala 1Sarsibe Warship . 1110 am Rey. lavy LOW.psalm The Church is God's appointed agency in this world for spreading the knowledge of His love Tirtt Sunday' _ ' St. lam ."1"1"1111111smilicimpissmen 111011114. .1. ;47 loi . Sunday imbed .. Ices am 11111i Shismi 730 pa for mon and of His demand for mon to respond to that love by loving hisileighbor Without . . iseesme INF 11111111h 11111111143. imam Sunday 80110•11 10 00 am this grounding in the love of God, 110 government or society or way of life will long Ihinday Moab • S sta. 11 am mad Worth ip fiereise 11 00 am sla w. Siam Cron amass Canna which we dear will inevitably perish. Therefore, even Third ithintlas• Way Jobs Seddon maw persevere and the freedoms hold so flatimov sail IP me MOW' 020 NW. Sunday School 10 00 am Ilwiday Illetimal 10110 am. ted 0 AS from o selfish point of view, one should support the Church for the sake of the welfare TM/rh Sunday librunag Wenffilp 11 SO •la • •:•:•:•:. Worship Service 9 45 • m Wiards, Wadi* 110 pa of himself and his family Beyond that, however, every person should uphold and par- Warshine OWN& St•nds v School 10 45 a ir Wad NOS 7 40 p m Ilmailph WIN= maw ticipate in the Church because it tells the truth about mans life, death and destiny, the MY? Sunday 100pm SNOW Wars 11:11 pm •••••••••••• bria• Ibmitra Weadas WOW 2110 RI 4th ISimdeysi Ilmpertmatilial 'ruth which alone will set him free to live as a child of God. Wades SONO NIS OM Colips•on Ads. Sere. 7th A Poplar Church of Christ Wash" Orals UFOs $01 ' flimasw 4boassi - fthml 1110 am 411 am Noon lasalme Wel 7111 pa UNNIDE IMMO pa . Worship Hour 10 40 am Wash% alas bona teeming worship 00 Ilmorr Waal, 710 pm pg. Star off 0111pm page being sponsored by the following business firms and interested persons . . . 1111-111Palt Pis•Sf This church is Wednesday Swore TAO pat Midweek Bible Study 7.30 pms IP•1 Maw al11w lsom alma ...... MA,9 Panama TOOL CO. 11111= MedII IF WWI= pashir MURRAY MACHINE & SOUTHSIDE RESTAURANT SUSIE'S CAFE ROBERSON'S HIH BURGER INN lloorav 110001 111-09 CO M&S STEEL • Mute Parties Catered 1110 am Pit barbecue - Plate Lunches lisliamg Mem 719 pm Roe! E 'tail' Owner Phone 753-3892 National Hotel Building lbailar WW11111 sis sus. 413 8 4th Street Phone 753-9151 Ora Pilaw Mama 719 pm POPORN CO. PARKER CORVETTE LANES, INC. HARMON WHITNELL Nimmana Causaarball Extablialsed 1937 TV SERVICE CENTER Posaptasb• Cams& CORVETTE Murray. Phone 753-4E52 SNACK BAR lliew WSW R. 11bribmi maim STANDARD OIL DISTRIBUTOR Home of Beautiful Curtis-Mathes Wir-ibp Swam . 11 N mai 1st Bowling At Its Best - Fine Food SHOLAR'S AUTO REPAIRS 1109 Pogue Ave. Phone 753-4652 me ad Owaikos TVs and Stereos 1415 Main Street Phoi,P 753-2202 certrinsete Meta and 'frock Service 312 N 4th Street Phone 753-58135 asolisvp Ow 04 Cana 209 S 7th St Phone 753-1751 Rai. W. T•.• Santa BILL CROUSE MOTOR SALES ilinems mama -wee am STOKES TRACTOR & IMP. CO. BANK OF MURRAY LASSITER AUTO SALES Wnedie 1110• m Good Used Cars amass Wier Sart ime '111 pm Mallate-Ferguson - Sales & Service "The Friendly Rank" Walswilia• 0211151 7-09 pat Industrial Road Phone 753-1319 .1311 Sycamore Ext. Phone 753-4904 12th di Chestnut Streets Phone 753-2221 Downtown Bronrh - 5th & Poplar MIMED, Imo aiffigh Main Office - 4th dr Main W L NIL =Maw FREED COTHAM COMPANY BOONE'S INCORPORATED PASCHALL TRUCK LINES WM OAS Illiodkir School CAIN & TAYLOR GULF SERVICE Whilaiis WA* 1110 am Heating - Sheet Metal - Air-Conditioning Daily Service to Memphis and St Louis • The Cleaner That's Interested In You ,-____1,____1e WA* 'I 45 pia Coed Cars - Minor Repairs let1itard109 110pa 611 Maple Street Phone 753-4832 Phone 759-1717 "We Give S&R Green Stamps" ,_-_Un_Udom,_ Day 753-5662 Niht 753-3548 Pamir Weans 7110 THE CHARM BEAUTY SHOP TRENHOLM'S DRIVE-IN Lona C NNW tlineela at the liamintiM MURRAY WHOLESALE WARD & ELKINS Mae Hunch, Owner Benny Penny Chicken - Pieta - Spaghetti Sinner if Free Delivery on Orders of PAO or More 107 N aro ws.e 1131r.-4“. pastm 4th Street Phone 753-3582 GROCERY CO. RCA Victor - Frigidaire - Maytag 12th & Chestnut Phone 753-9125 *tunas/ Sohn'', 10.09 •ra 141111111 Wi'd"F 1119 all ELLIS POPCORN CO. lirrrial 71W pa ELECTRIC .1 IDOL Mir 1,14>EST KY. RURAL EDWIN CAIN Power Sirrvi••- (Wet 7IA p CO-OPERATIVE CORP. BELK'S of MURRAY Proceosors _ Parkas-erg - Producers pm GENERAL CONTRACTOR eina11119 11511rvIle A "Gee Gee Popcorn" West Phone 753-5012 Side Square 12th St Chestnut Phone 753-5451 621 8 4th Street Phone Ann, ChOMMW UMW 1. Obeireb 753-1675 SAP LIMPS IMMO %Ps Plass

