or. 2 WASHINGTON, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. No. 472 POSTMASTER GENERAL CALLS FURNITURE CONSERVATION RAJLROAD DIRECTOR ANNOUNCES UPON MR. VAIL FOR SUGGESTIONS SCHEDULE HAS BEEN RESCINDED STATION- AGENTS' WAGE AWARD ON WIRE SERVICE PROBLEMS The War Industries Board announces FOR OTHER THAN TELEGRAPHERS that the furniture conservation schedule, OFFIcE OF TrE POSTMASTER GENERAL, which was to go into effect January 1, BASIC MINIMUM IS PLACED AT $70 Washington, November 22, 1918. has been rescinded. This action has been THEODORE N. VAiL, Esq., taken because there no longer exists the To This Is Added Flat Rate of $25 195 Broadiway, New York, N. Y. pressing and imperative necessity for, the and trans- My DEAR MTE. conservation of material, labor, Per Month-Exceptions Made VAIL: I desire to avail portation for strictly war needs. myself of your broad knowledge and ex- The freeing of the furniture industry Where Employees Receive Other perience on the subject of electrical com- from the conservation restrictiois and munications with a view to a more ex- the raising of the barrier against the Pay Jron Outside Sources. tended use of telephone, telegraph, and semiannual furniture exhibit, which is a cable during the period of Government feature of the furniture trade, announced The United States Railroad Adminis- control of land wires and American cable Board last week, properties. by the War Industries tration issues the following: will enable the furniture industry, it is Director General McAdoo to-day an- I take it that your studies of the past to get back quickly on a normal years have included in the consideiation, believed, nounced his award, effective October 1, of the problem of universal wire service, basis. with respect to rates of pay, rules for The schedule applied to the manufac- overtime, and working conditions upon with which you have dealt in your annual ture of bedroom, dining room and up- rdports, the problems associated with a railroads under Federal control for the holstered furniture, chairs, parlor frames, agents whose regular assignment does unified and extended cable system. Will library, parlor, and bedroom you, then, be so kind as to give me the extension, not require the sending or receiving of tables. Active patterns were reduced 50 train orders by telephone or tele- benefit of your studies and observations new patterns were to railroad having special consideration to the prob- per cent, and no graph. The order applies to approxi- be introduced during the war. Beveled mately 2,500 employees. lems as now presented, to the end that I mirrors were eliminated, bedroom mirror may have before me for consideration 25 per cent and dining Basic Minimum Rate $70. suggestions growing out of your large plate reduced room armchairs and toilet table chairs There is established, first, a basic min- experience. discontinued. Metal ornamental tacks Sincerely, yours, imum rate of $70 per month, and to this and nails, metal ornamental trimmings, basic minimum and to all rates of $70 A, S. BJRLESON, and metal wheel castors weA eliminated. Postmaster General. for pack- and above in effect as of January 1, 1918, There were detailed instructions prior to the application of General Order ing furniture wo'rked out 'ith a view of No. 27, there is added $25 per month. protecting the furniture and saving trans- The only exceptions to this basis are to DEFENSE COUNCIL REMOVES portation space and lumber. those individuals who are paid $30 per month or less for special service which HOLIDAY TRADE RESTRICTIONS MAIL MATTER FOR BELGIUM, only takes a portion of their time for out- Instructions to Postmasters on Rates, side employment or business, and also to The follpwing statement is authorized and Conditions. all agents who receive $50 per month or Classification, month director less, a straight advance of $25 per by Grosvenor B. Clarkson, acting OFFicE or SEcoND Assr. P. M. GEN., is granted. of the Council of National Defense: Washington, November 20, 1918. Eight consecutive hours exclusive of Before the armistice the Council of Na- Postmasters will take notice that mail the meal hour constitutes a day's work. tional Defense, composed of the Secre- for Belgium will be accepted at the Postal Overtime for the ninth and tenth hour of taries of War, Navy, Interior, Agricul- Union rates of postage, classification, and continuous service to be Paid pro rata. ture, Commerce, and Labor, entered into conditions for dispatch from New York All after the tenth hour to be paid for at an agreement with representatives of in mails for Bruges by the way of France. the rate of time and one-half. The usual leading industries and retail Interests to On November 28, 1914, the parcel-post provisions with respect to right of appeal the effect that the sale of Christmas service between the Tnited States and in cases of individual grievances are es- goods should undergo certain restrictions Belgium was suspended; and it will be tablished. with regard to the employment of labor observed that this notice does upt rees- The Text of the Award. service, but pro- during the Christmas season and the con- tablish the parcel-post text of the award follows: servation of transportation and delivery vides'only for service under Postal Union The facilities. Certain other , agreements postage rates, classification, and condi- UNITED ST LTES RAILROAD were likewise entered Into. tions. ADMINISTRATION, The Council of National Defense now For articles-prohibited transmission in Washington, November 23, 1918. believes that as one df the steps essential the regular mails to Belgium, see section SUPPLEMENT NO. 11 TO GENERAIJ to the rapid establishment of normal 50 on page 126 of the Postal Guide for ORDER No. 27. after-the-war conditions it should, and it 1918. hereby does, lift its ban in connection OTTO PRAEGER, Effective October 1, 1918, superseding with holiday buying, in the desire to give gecond Asst. P. M. General. General Order No. 27, and in lieu thereof a natural impetus to the reemployment of as to the employees herein named, the those normally engaged In the produc- following rates of pay, rules for overtime, tion of holiday material and in the holi- FREE LIST SUSPENDED. and working conditions upon railroads day trade. The council is further im- Hereafter no copies of the Official under Federal control are hereby ordered: pelled to this decision by reason of the U. S. Bulletin will be furnished free ARTIcLLE 1. necessity now confronting us to get our except to executive officers of the RATES OF PAT. military forces and munitions IUnited States Government, and to factory For agents, except as provided for in workers back to the ordinary pursuits of diplomatio representatives of all regular assignment life with the least possible shock in mak- foreign Governments. Article IV, Whose ing the change. (Continued on page 3.) 2 - THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN! MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. "LIGHTLESS NIGHT" ORDER SHOE CONSERVATION PROGRAM RAILROAD SAVINGS REPORTED REVOKED UNDER CONDITIONS TO BE CONTINUED UNTIL JUNE 1 AS THE RESULT OF ECONOMIES In Force Only Where State Fuel B. M. Baruch, chairman of the War The United States Railroad Adminis- Industries Board, authorizes the follow- tration issues the following: Administrators Decide Con- ing: Marked economies in the operation of tinuance Is Necessary. The War Industries Board has notified the railroads by tie Government are shoe manufacturers that with some ex- shown in reports submitted to Director Every plan and request for coal con- ceptions the shoe conservation schedules General MzAdoo. servation made during the war by the of June 29 and September 30 of this year, Figures made public by the Director United States Fuel Administration has applying to manufacturers for the spring General show saving8 of $25,286,207 per been so cordially received and so fully season of 1919, with rulings relative annum in three regions-the Southern, and thoughttlilly carried out by the pub- thereto, will remitin in force and will be Southwestern and Northwestern-in the lic that the policy of the administration effective on all shoes shipped to retailers conduct of Aransportation facilities, both henceforth will be, gradually to elimi- until June 1, 1919, when automatically passenger and freight by unification of nato restrictive orders, and to carry on they become inoperative. terminals and the cutting down of train necessary voluntary cQnservation through The exceptions, set ferth in a supple- service without in the least interferihg educational means, it is announced. ment to former schedules, are as follows: with the proper and quick dispatch of In pursuance of this policy, orders have (a) All finished stocks of leather and cars. been issued setting aside the " lightless fabrics of colors restricted in the recom- Striking reductions along this line have night " order except where State aidmin- mendations, amendments, and additions taken place in the Northwestern region, istrators, because of conditions local to referred to, such as light gray, pearl, where $25,229,352.45 a year has been their States, feel the necessity for its smoke, natural chrome, etc., in the hands saved. According to the report of R. H. continuance and direct that it be kept in of the tanners, fabric mahufacturers, Alshton, regional director for this section, effect. Removal of other restrictions will shoe manufacturers, or in process of man- made to the Director General, this cur- follow, it was announced, in confidence ufacture, may be cut for shoes, and such tailment in expenditures was made up that the public, ah:eady appreciating the shoes sold and shipped to the wholesalers as follows: necessity for conservation, will carry it and retailers at any time after the date Some of the Principal Items. forward without the ever-present re- of this supplement. minder these orders supply. (b) Leathers and fabrics of all re- Redustion in passenger train service, stricted colors such as light gray, pearl, $20,155,954; elimination of duplication Decrease in Production. smoke, natural chrome, etc., and re- in freight train service, $1,338,726; uni- Decreases in anthracite coal production stricted lasts and patterns, heels, pull fication of terminals at , were called to the attention of tile public straps, top bands and labels, materials of $940,765.90; unification of terminals at in connection nxith the call for voluntary wool, ornaments, decprations and beading Minneapolis and St. Paul, S465,653.60; conservation. This production, driven by may be manufactured and used for unification of terminals at Omaha, loyal miners to unprecedented records sample purposes to solicit business for $212:970; unification of terminals in the during the war, was smitten by the influ- footwear to be made and shipped to re- Duluth - Superior district, $126,376.00; enza epidemic and fell off 25 per cent in tailers on and after June 1, 1919. Shoes unification of terminals in the St. Louis, six weeks, due to illness and to inevitable made of the so manufactured restricted East St. Louis district, $437,466.45; 'relaxation of effort when the armistice materials and lasts may be made prior consolidation of live stock agencies at was declared. The cessation of hostili- to June 1, 1919, but such shoes should Kansas City, $12,948; economies in the ties, on the other hand, released virtually not be shipped to the retailers before handling of ore in the Lake Superior -no domestic sizes of anthracite coal be- June 1, 1919. district, $660,000; joint switching, cause almost the total output even in war (c) Shoes made of restricted mate- $489,618.30; and miscellaneous economies times is used for heating, and the Nation's rials not on hand or in process of manu- $388,874.20. demands in this respect either remain un- facture referred to in the preceding para- B. L. Winchell, regional director for diminished or are increasing. Bitumi- graph (No. b) may be manufactured and the Southern region, reports that in dfldi- nous production also fell off under the in- shipped to wholesalers at any time after tion to economies previously effected a fluences which affected Anthracite. the date of this supplement, which shoes, saving of $17,000 a year has been brought Demands of industry, the resumption however, are not to be shipped to retail- about in the terminal arrhngements and of interrupted commerce, the expansion of ers on or before June 1, 1919. rearrangements at Louisville, Ky. the Nation's business, and her relations The conservation schedules were In the Southwestern region, B. F. with other countries, all are cited as im- agreed upon by the shoe manufacturers Bush, the regional director, reports that pending and sure necessities. The extent and the War Industries Board as a wfar through the consolidation of freight to which these demands will replace those measure designed to conserve material, yards and depots there will be a total of-war can not pow be estimated exactly. labor, transportation, and capital and to annual saving to the Government of Lightless nights " were instituted simplify factory products. Their con- $39,766 a year. Of this sum, the consoli- last winter. They were withdrawn later tinuation until June 1 Is at the request dation of the freight depot and freight and reinstituted July 24. The request of the shoe manufacturers who have ad- yards of the Missouri, Kansas & for their observance was withdrawn from hered to the restrictions in getting out Ry. with those of the Belt & a number of States recently. mtch of their product for the spring sea- Terminal Co.. wipes 'out an annual ex- penditure of $30,000. Text of the Order. son of 1919. UNIvED STATES PvITEL ADmIqlSTRATION, hefeby are, vacated and set aside as f KMAILING OF HOLIDAY GIFTS. Washington, D. C., November 18, 1918. the effective date of this order; provide The United States Fuel Administra- however, that if the Federal Fuel Ad- OFFICE OF SECOND AsST. P. M. GE-T., tor, acting under authority of an Execu- ministrator for any State shall, by an Ta-siengton, Norember 22, 1918. tive order of the President of the United order in writing signed by him, provide Referring to the order of the Postmas- States, dated August 23, 1917, appointing for the continuance of said regulation, or ter General, dated November 6, 1918, pro- said administrator, and of subsequent of any of the restrictions thereby imposed viding- for the mailing of the Christmas Executive orders, and in furtherance of on the use of light, then such regulation, or holiday parcels for members of-the ar- the purpose of said orders and of the act or the restrictions specified in the order mies of the allies or individuals serving in of Congress therein referred to and ap- of such Federal FVuel Administrator shall the Red Cross or simialr organizations proved August 10, 1917. remain in full force and effect within operating with those armies, subject to Hereby orders and directs that the or- such State until other or further order in international parcel-post rates and condi- der of said Administrator, dated Novem- the premises of such Feddral Fuel Ad- tions and Without the need of an export ber 7, 1918. establishing a regulation en- ministrator or of the United States Fuel license, postmasters are advised that titled " Regulation restricting the use in Administrator. such parcels may be accepted under the cities, villages, and towns of light gener- This order shall be effective November conditions stated up to and including ated or produced by the use or consump- 23, 1918. November 30, 1918. tion of fuel," and the regulation estab- H. A. GARFIELD, OTTO PRAEGER, Jished by said order, be, and the same United States Fuel Admrinistrator. B'cona Asst. P. M. General, THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 3 Wage Award to Station Agents Other PERMANENT ORGANIZATION OF Than Telegraphers is Announced THE ORDNANCE PERSONNEL The War Department authorizes the (Continued from page 1.) and continuous service constituting their following from the Ordnance Depart- regular assignment, shall be paid a mini- does not require the sending or receiving ment: mum, allowance of three hours for two for the com- of railroad train orders or messages by hours' work or less; if held over two Permanent organization and enlisted personnel of the .telephone or felegraph, establish a basic hours, time and missioned minimum rate of seventy ($70) dollars one-half time will be paid, United States Ordnaice Department is computed on the minute basis. the attention of a board per month, and to this basic minimum (c) Exelusive of employees whose regu- now occupying rate and all rates of seventy ($70) of officers just named by Maj. Gen. 0. 0. lar assignment includes Sundays and/or This board, dollars and above, in effect as of Janu- holidays, employees uptified or called to Williams, Chief of Ordnance. ary 1, 1918, prior to the application of work in cooperation with a work on Sundays and/or holidays will be which will GOneral Order No. 27, add twenty-five similar body just named by Gen. Wil- ($25) dollars per month, establlshng a paid not less than the minimum allow- the subject of arsenal ance of three hours, and where no exist- liams to consider minimum rate of ninety-five ($95) do lars facilities required for work of manufac- per month. ing agreement or practice Is more favor- ture and repair hereafter to be performed able such employeqs will be paid at their is com- ARTIOLE I. regular rates. by the Ordnance Department, Gen. George W. Burr, Col. W. (d) Employees posed of MAXIMUIvt MONTHLY WAGE. will not be required to W. Gibson, Col. Earl McFarland, and Col. No part of the increase provides for in suspend work during regular hours to Maj. A. W. Borden as absorb overtime. J. L. Walsh, with this order shall be applied to establish a recorder. salary in excess of two hundred and fifty ARTICLE VII. Field Force. ($250) dollars per month. Ordnance- DISCIPLINE AND) GRIEVANCES, permanent orghnizalion ARTICLE III. In naming the (a) 'An employee disciplined, or who board Gen. Williams particularly invited - EEEnvATION OF nATES. constders himself unjustly treated, shall the members' attention to the desirability (a) The minimum rates and all rates have a fair and impartial hearing, pro- . for the organization of a large ordnance in excess thereof as herein established, vided written request is presented to his field force which will be required for the find higher rates which have been author- immediate superior within five (5) days maintenance of the reserves of artillery war, a part ized since January 1, 1918, except by Gen- of the date of the advice of discipline, materihl , hand after the eral Order No. 27, shall be preserved. and the. hearing shiall be granted within of which nay be used for the instruction (b) Employees temporarily or permna- fie (35) dais thereafter. of life troops. The orranization of train- nently assigned to higher rated positions (b) A decision will be rendered with- ing facilities needed for the Ordnance shall receive the higher rates# while oc- in seven (7) days after completion of Department at its various plants and cupying such positions; employees tem- hearing. If an appeal is taken, it must establishments for the development of porarily assigned to lower rated positions be filed with the next higher official and the technical personnel will also be con- shall not have their rates reduced. a copy furnished the official whose de- sidered. cision is appealed within five (5) days Arsenal Facilities Board. S ARTICLE IV. after date of decision. The hearing and EXCEPTIONS. decision on the appeal shall be governed Brig. Gen. John T. Thompson, Col. W. Leroy T. Hillman, Lieut. (a) The provisions of this order will by the time limits of the preceding sec- W. Gibson, Col. tion. Col. W. P. Barba, and Mr. W. H. Marshal not apply in cases where amounts less of the Arsenal (c) At the hearing, or on the comprise the membership than thirty ($30) dollars per month are appegi, board is to con- paid to ihdividuals for special service the employees may be assisted by a com- Facilities Board. This mittee of emplojees, or by one or more sider the subject of the arSenal facilities which only takes a portion of their time and repair from outside employment or biusiness. duly accredited representatives. and work of manufacture (d) 'he right of appeal by employees which should rightly be performed di- (b) For agents (except those provided Department and for in Article I, and in section A, Article or representatives, in regular order of rectly by the Obdnance will prepare and submit a project sh'w- IV) whose compensation as of hnuary 1, succession and in the manner prescribed up to and inclusive of the highest official ing the distribution of the work, the ca- 1918, was upon a commission basis, or provided, and the number upon combination of salary and com- designated by the railroad to whom ap- pacity to be a and location of the arsenals proposed. Ipission (not including express or outside peals may be made is hereby established. donunissions), and for agents at the (e) An employee on request will be given 4 letter stating the cause of dis- smaller stations where the salary as of condi- January 1, 1918, prior to the application cipline. A transcript of the evidence as that of men, and their working of General Order .No. 27, was $50 per taken at the investigation or on the ap- tions must be healthful and fitted to thei month or less, add $25 per month to the peal will be furnished on request to the needs. The laws enacted for the govern- be ob- rates in effect January 1, 1918, prior to employee or representative. wuent of their employment must the application of General Order No. 27. (f) If the final decision decrees thdat served. charges against employee were not sus- ARTICLE IX. ARTICLE V. tained, the record shall be cleared of the INTERPRETATION OF THIS ORDER. HOURS OF SERVICE. charge; if suspended or dismissed the Eight (8) 4busecutive hours, exclusive employee will be returned to former posi- The rates of pay and rules herein es- of the meal period, shall constitute a tion and paid for all time lost. tablished shall be incorporated into exist- day's work. (g) Committees of employees shall be ing agreements and into areemnents granted leave of absence and free trans- which may be reached in the future on ARTICLE VI. portation for the adjustment of differ- the several railroad, and should differ- OVERTIME AND CALLS. ences between the railroad and the em- ences arise between the management and (a) Where there is -no existing agree- plqyees. the employees of any of the railroads as ment or practice more favorable to the ARTICLE VIII. to such incorporation, Intent, or applica- employees, overtime shall be computed tion of this order prior to the creation of TLES FOR APPLICATION OF THIS ORDER. for the ninth and tenth hour of con- additional railway boards of adjustment tinuous service pro rata on the actual (a) It is not the intention - of this such questions of differelices shall be re- minute bgsis, and thereafter at the rate order to chaipge the number of days per ferred to the director of the Division of of time and one-half time. Even hours month for monthly paid emplo. ees. The Labor for decision, when properly pre- will be paid for at the end of each pay increases per month provided for herein sented, subject always to review by the shall apply to the same number of days Director General. period. Fractions thereof will be carried as forward. per month which were worked as of Agreements or practices, except (h) Employees who are notified or January 1, 1918. changed by this order, remain in effect. called to work outside the eight consecu- (b) The pay of female employees, for W. G. McAnoo, tive hours, exclusive of the meal period the same class of work, shall be the same Director General of Railroads. 4 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918.

(icial 3. '. Vulletitt War Department Contracts Canceled Published Every Week Day, Except Legal Holidays, Under Order of the President of the United States and Aggregate Nearly Half a Billion, by Authority of Congress. Office: Contihental Trust Building, Secretary Baker Informs Senator Fourteenth and H Streets NW. Washington, D. C. Tel. Main 5600 The following letter was read In the try, however, can proceed at once. Copies of THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLaErI will Senate by request of Senator Martin: Blanks have been distributed, physical be furnished without charge to every post ofilce examinations are being had, and records in the United States (to be posted daily for WAn DEPARTMENT, the benefit of the public, under order of the made, so that within a period of two Postmaster General) ; to executive offeers W1ashinagtoa, November 18, 1918. weeks 200,000 soldiers will have been de- of the United States Government, and to diplo- My DPAR SENATOR MAMRIN: I am writ- mobilized, and thereafter the work will natic representatives of all foreign Govern- ments -EDWARD S. RocHEsTER, Editor. Ing this letter because I think, as chair- progress rapidly. We are reducing the officer personnel RATES BY MAIL. man of the Committee on Appropriations, of the Army by discontinuing all commis- One year------45.00 Six months------8.00 it is important that you should know of sions. and honorably discharging officers One year, postage prepaid to the steps so far taken by the War De- whose services are no longer needed, The ------8.00 in- Daily SIxforeign months, countries postage prepaid to partment to cut down the expenditures number possible to be dispensed with foreign countries ------4.50 of this department in view of the signing creases from day to day, and there will, Back numbers and e xt r a of course, be a corresponding decreasp in copies------f---each.... . 05 of the armistice, which brought about a Make all checks, money orders, and draft$ cessation of hostilities. civilian employees. Payable to TuE OraiciAL U. S. BULLETIN. The armistice was signed on the 11th In the termination of contracts for of November. Up to and including to- supplies and material, the War Depart- day the War Department has canceled ment is working in close harmony with- $7,50,736 LOANED TO FARMERS contrapcts in process of execution effect- the War Industries board and the De- ing a total saving of $408,900,818. ' partiment of Labor, in order that there BY U.S. LAND BANKS INOCTOBER On contracts which have been let but may be the utmost freedoin for the re- upon which no work had as yet been sumption of civil business and the most During the month of October $7,580,736 done, cancllations aggregate a saving of complete opportunity for labor released were loaned to 3,075 farmers of the $700,000,000. from war industries and military service United States by the Federal Land Banks An order was made on the I1th of to find suitable and profitable industrial on long-time first mortgages according to November cutting out all overtime and and commercial employment. I have no the monthly statement of the Farm Loan Sunday work. The amount saved by doubt that within a few days the figures Board. The Federal Land Bank of Spo- this order aggregates about $2,900,000 a above set forth will show substantial in- leads in amount of loans closed, day. creases, and the savings effected will $1,260,180, with the Federal Land Bank The foregoing amounts are exclusive of>- mount day by day. In general, it is my of St. Paul, running slightly behind In cancellations in aircraft production or in earnest desire to restore the soldiers to amount, $1,053,500. The other 10 banks engineers. their homes and their civil occupations closed loans in October as follows: Wich- I the Bureau of Aircraft Production and to cut down as speedily and com- ita, $760.600; Houston, $753,320; St. orders have been telegraphed out stop- pletely as possible the extraordinary ex- Louis, $708,406; New Orleans, $576,675; ping all production on a large number of penditures which the War Department Omaha, $519,900; Louisville, $459,300; items, including planes of various types, was obliged to undertake for the prosecu- Berkeley, $456,000; Columbia, $402,925; engines, parts, and special instruments, tion of the war. Baltimore, $322,400; and Springfield, which aggregate, in the estimated saving, I have not set up here the details of $225,000,000. the contracts canceled, because the list is $307,530. long and the individual items are not of Total Mortgage Loans on November 1. In addition to the foregoing, plans have been made to begin the demobiliza- special significance, but if at any time On November 1 the total amount of tion of the forces under .arms in this you desire to have detailed information mortgage loans closed since the establish- country and 'to begin returning at once it will give me great pleasure to supply ment of the Federal Land Banks was Coriially, to the United States such portions of the yours, $139,378.156, numbering 61,174 borrowers. armed forces abroad as are not needed During October 2,838 applications were for the purpose of occupying enemy ter- NEwTON D. BAKER, received asking for $11,818,132. During ritory. How rapidly it will be possible Secretary of War. the same period 3,387 loans were ap- for us at present to return soldiers from Hon. THOMAS S. MARTIN, proved, amounting to $9,007,149. Alto- overseas can not be immediately deter- Committee on Appropriations, gether 104,171 have applied for loans mined. The demobilization in this coun- United States Senate. under this system, aggregating $265,- 896.112. The grand total of loans closed is dis- tributed by Federal Land Bank districts, Food Allowance Changes Import Rules Modified as follows: Spokane, $21,659,900; St. Paul, $19,- For Bunker License Ships On Hides and Skins 773.300; Omaha, $15,642,740; Wichita, $15,017,600; Houston, $12,528,379; New The War Trade Board announces in a The War Trade Board announces, in a Orleans, $10,043,615; St. Louis, $9,- new ruling (W. T. B. R. 324) the follow- new ruling (W. T. B. R. 33±), that War 455,077; Louisville, $8,897.900; Berkeley, ing changes in food allowances for ves- Trade Board Ruling 141, issued June 16, $8,502,000; Columbia, $6,932,820; Spring- -sels which, under the bunker rules and 1918, restricting the importation of hides, field, $5,482,875; Baltimore, $5,441,950. regulations, are required to obtain bunker skins, and leather has been amended to per- mit the issuance of licenses for the impor- STEAMSHIP CARIB FLOATED. licenses: tation of any hides and skins, rot including Wheat products, 18 ounces per man per fur skins, from any country, provided the Proceeding to New York After Being day, instead of 10 ounces. War Industries Board shall certify that Aground on Long Island. Sugar, 4 ounces per man per day, in- such skins were bought and contracted The Navy Department is informed that stead of 3 ounces. for by the American importer prior to the steamship Carib, which went aground Beef, 24 oxinces per man per day, in- June 15, 1918, and that title has actually on the Long Island shore near Coast stead of 16 ounces. passed or that the importer hag become Guard Station 86, was floated at 11.55 These are the only changes in food al- irrevocably bound for payment of the o'clock Sunday morning and proceded to lowances that can be made for the pres- purchase price. All skins imported under New York. ent, and the additional allowances of the the terms of this ruling will be subject to The steamship Edward Luckenbacl, three articles mentioned does not in allocation by the Bureau of Imports of Which was in collision with another. any way affect the present total allow- the War Trade Board. This announce- steamer south of Fire Island, has reached ande of all food articles of 9 pounds per ment supersedes War Trade Board, Rul- port at New York. man per day. ing Nos. 223, 274, and 317. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 5

Public Debts of the Belligerent and Neutral States Before the War and as Reported on Last Known Date


Before the war. On last known date.

Public debt. Amount. Amount. Date. Date. Foreign Swiss Foreign Swiss money. 0 valuation.' money. valuation.'

A. BELLIGERENT STATES. Entente: Francs. France. Great Britain...... August, 1914....,..... X710 17,907 1918...... £6,414 102,271 Australia...... 914...... 19 479 Mar, 18...... 194 4,892 Canada...... Mare 1914...... £69 1,740 Februar , 1918...... £208 5,246 New Zealand...... do...... £92 2,320 March, 191...... £126 3,177 South African Union...... - do ...... £119 3,001 March, 1916...... £151 3 808 France...... uy, 11...... Fr. 84,188 34,188 January, 1918...... Fr. 127,050 127.050 ital...... ue, 194.....Lire 14,467 14,467 December, 19i7...Lire 34,190 14,890 Russia ------January, 1914 ...... Rb. 9,98 26,369 Iseptember, 1917. Rb. 49,298 131,416 UniedStte ...... March, 1917 ...... $I,"208 6,801 January, 1 18...::: $7, 758 40,297 Total ...... 106,732 ...... 512,681 Central powers: Germany...... October, 1913...... M. 4,891 6,018 December, 1917 2. M. 100,605 131,661 Austria...... July, 1914...... K 13,0 18682 June, 1917...... Kr. 55,105 57,866 Hungary...... July,1913...... Kr.6689 6,970 December, 1917 ...... Kr. 28,150 29,560 Total ...... 26,690 ...... 219,087 Total belligerents...... 133,422 ...... 731,768 B. NEUTRAL STATES. Denmark ...... March, 1913...... Kr. 361 501 March, 1917...... Kr. 583 811 Spain...... January, 1914...... Pes. 9,785 9,785 January, 1918...... Pes. 10,298 10.298 Holland- flu...... Janary,1914 ...... Fl. 1, 148 2,392 January, 1918 2...... Fl. 1, 09 3,351 .Januaty, 1914 3... Fl. 20 41 November, 1917 4...... Fl. 287 498 Norway...... ----- June, 1914...... Kr. 357 496 June, 1918...... Kr. 425 587 Sweden...... December, 1913 .... Kr. 718 997 December, 1917 2... Kr. 1,5326 1,842 §witzerland...... Fr.146 146 December, 1917...... Fr. 1,064 1,064 Total1neutrals...... 4,358 ...... 18,551

IForeign moneys have been reduced to Swiss francs on the basis of metallic parity. 3Consolidated debt. 2Approximately. 4 Floating debt.

NAVY AVIATOR DIES IN WRECK. WORK OF CONGRESS RAILROAD AGENTS AUTHORIZED Second is Injured in Seaplane Accident at BRIEFLY TOLD TO CASH LIBERTY BOND COUPONS Key West, Fla. I I The United States Railroad Adminis- The Navy Department is informed that A number of further reductions were tration, Division of Public Service and Theodore Walter Gerhardy, Chief Quar- termaster made by the Finance Committee Satur- Accounting, issues the following: (Aviation) United States Na- val Reserve Forces, was killed, and Allen day in various items in the war revenue WASHINGTON, D. C., Eugene Greenman, Chief Quartermaster bill. The tax on brokers was reduced November 12, 1918. (Aviation) United States Naval Reserve from $100 to $40. The tax on custom- P. S. & A. CIRCULAR No. 46. Forces, was injured in the wreck.of a house and ship brokers Ivas reduced from seaplane at Key West, Fla., on November $50 to $40; on circuses, from $200 to $100, 1. Effective at once, local freight and 22. Gerhardy's father, Walter Gerhardy, and the 5 per cent tax on cosmetics and ticket agents, Including agents of consoli- resides at 744 Summit Avenue, Milwau- perfumes was made payable by the manu- dated ticket offices, are authorized to cash kee, Wis. Greenman's mother, coupons Mrs. facturer. Tpe proposed 2-cent staulp of Liberty bonds when such cou- Stella Greenman, resides at 1056 Good- tax on bank checks was eliminated. The pons are due and payable. rich Avenue, St. Paul, Minn. on the gross 2. These coupons proposed tax of 1 per cent are payable to bearer Edward Jenzen, fireman, third class, sales of mail-order houses with sales in and should therefore be given the same United States Naval Reserve The profection Forces, was excess of $100,000 was stricken out. as currency. They should- be lost overboard from the U. S. S. Wiscon- House tax of $20 on proprietors of places considered as cash and so remitted, under sin on November 22. Mother, Mrs. profit was re- Clara of public egibitions. for proper safeguards, to the Federal treas- Jenzen, 1644 Erie Street, Chicago, Ill. duced to $15. That section of the House urer or to the bank where deposits are Warren, Russell Fehr, drug act was landsman for bill amending the Harrison ordinarily made. electrician, was shot and killed by a ne- entirely eliminated. '8. If any difficulties develop or losses gro at Norfolk, Va., on November 11. occur as a result of this practice, the un- Fehr was ashore on authorized liberty. dersigned should be promptly notified. His father, John B. Fehr, resides at 430 LICENSES FORFEITED. FOO 4. Federal treasurers and Federal au- North Twelfth Street, Reading, Pa. An attempt to secure certificates by ditors shall issue such instructions to Harold John Wakefield, gunner's mate, false statements has led Morris Rotman, agents under their jurisdiction as may third class, United States Naval Re- retail grocer at New Bedford, Mass., Into be necessary to make the foregoing pro- serve Force, lost his life as the result-of difficulties with the Food Administration. visions operative at once. an automobile accident at Yonkers, N. Y., All licensees have been forbidden to sell C. A. PaoUTY, on Nov. 7. Father, John Wakefield, Mann sugar to Rotman until further notice. Director. and Clinton Streets, East Orange, N. J. 710-18-2 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918,

with the greatest difficulty that the crew was taken aboard. Had not the Fairfaxe Last American Ship Torpedoed arrived upon the scene at the time she did it is very doubtful how many would have survived the heavy sea which had Remained Afloat 22 Hours After' assumed alarming proportions. " Once aboard the Fairfar,dry clothing was immediately supplied to the members AttaLked by Unseen of the crew. Credit Due " Fairfax" Commander. LUCIA'S GUN OFFICER pected that she might reappear to com- " Great credit is due the commanding plete her work of destruction. About 4 officer of the U. S. S. Fairfax and the REPORTS ON SINKING a. m. on October 18, fearing that the sub- officers and-suen under his conmand for marine might try to shell the ship at day- the way in which the rescue was carried Four Men Killed by Sudden light, the coljoander of the armed guard out, as the rough sea .made it vory difli- ordered extra rounds of ammunition for cult to handle the boats alongside, and Explosion and.Others were each gun to be brought out on deck; but only by good judgment and prompt exe- nothing occurred. At intervals during the cution was the rescue carried out with- Knocked from Fet-The night the moon was hidden behind the ottt the los of a single life. The manner clouds. During the entire night the ship In which the armed guard conducted Armed Guard and Radio was in a sinking condition, with the after themselves undely the trying eircum- Operator Stayed at Posts gun platform just clear of water, is the stances following the torpedoing deserves explosion of the had carried away the highest praise. Frpm the time the to Last-Survivors Picked the bulkhead between the engine room ship was struck until she wNas abandoned, and the adjoining compartment. About allout 21 hours later, the entire armed 18th the water started forc- Up in Dangerous Sea by noon on the guard remained constantly at their sta- I the U. S. S. Fairfax. ing its way forward to the bow conipart- tions (the chief on the bridge and the ments. - men on the guns and the crow's nests), The last American vessel reported tor- Civilian Crew Take to Boats. taking no time off for -. leep and only a pedoed by enemy submarine was the "A short while after the explosion it few moments for food, which was brought Ateamship Lucia, sunkOctober 18, having was thought advisable to have the civil- to their stations." remained afloat for 22 hours after being Ian crew abandon ship. One boat,- with Enlisted Xen Vommended. struck by the torpedo. The Navy De- carry ina- 'oilily of 22 ien. had.boon partment makes public the following sum- broken by the explosion, so that the re- Secretary Daniels has commended the -mary of the report of the commander of maining I8 men (4 having been killed by following enlisted men of the Navy, at- the armed guard, William F. ,O'Brien, the explosion) Ntere allotted to the re- tached to armed guard detail at navy yard, chief boatswain's mate, United States maining five boats and one life raft. Norfolk, Va., who were on board the U. S. Navy: They remained neai the ship unil the A. C. T. Li~a when that vessel was tor- following morning, When, seeing that the pedoed, October 17, 1918, and particu- Gunners Xnocked Off Feet. enemy submarine had not appeared, they larly Chief Boatswain's Mate William "At 5.30 p. n., October 17, 1918, the were called alongside and given food. Francis O'Brien. United States Nay, commander, armed guard, U. S. A. C. T. They agaig hauled away from the ship who Was in command of the armed guard, Lucia, sighted a white wake about 100 until noon, when they were again fecalled for their coolness, attention to duty, and yards off port beam. ,he explosion oc- and furnished with fresh supplies of food the courageous manner in which they re- curred -simultaneously with the sight of and water. At 2. p. i. the after gun mained on board the vessel for about 21 thik wake, the torpedo striking the boat platform then being awash, the gun's hours after it had been torpedoed, during amidships on the port side, entering the crew took to their boat. At 2.20 p. in., which time the-ship was in such a eon- engine room and killing four men. A after being repeatedly warned by the Giion the itwas not known at whatmo- sho-wet of dust and debris, caused by the master that the ship was in a hopeless ment H Nould finally sink: explosion, interfered with the men on the condition, the commander of the armed william Francis O'Brien, chief boatswain'p guard ordered the forward gun's crew wate, Unto Ptates Navy. Sister, Miss Mary after gun platform and the lookout on the O'Brien, I"' Trmiton Street, Lawrence, Mass. after'crow's nest. The vibration attend- and the last radio operatgr to take to , Charles Georre Hudson, seaman, United ing the explosion knocked the men sta- their boat. The boat of which O'Brien States Nak . Mother, Emma Hudson, 180 tioned on the after-gun platform off their had charge carried, beisdes the armed Nassau Street. itrooklyn, N. Y. Clyde 0. Weli-, olictrician, n-cond class (R), feet. Immediately upon recovering them- guard, the master and three members of United States havy. Brother, Robert Wells, selves they manled and trained the guns the civilian crew. This boat, together South River, N. J. to port, but could find no trace of the with the other four boats and raft, George William II. Steffens, seaman, United States Naval Reserve Force. Mother, Carrie submarine. hauled well to leeward, clear of the Stefwm<, 322 Seienty-eighth Strnet, Brooklyn, "As the explosion hald put all the wreckage, and rowed to sea anchor, the N. Y. in the engine room out of order, . sea at that time being very rough. Clement E. Maxier, elcetrician, third class dynamos (R), Unlitod Stai s Navy. Mother. Irene and the auxiliary set only was left for O'Brien wished several times to return Maxler, Parkers Landing. Pa. use, semaphore signals were sent to the aboard ship, but was warned by the mas- Edwin Forguson., olo-trician, second class U. S. S. Hawiaiian, in command of convoy, ter not to attempt 'it, as all her after (R), United State, N-val Reserve Force. Father, Dennett S. Ferguson, 176 Seaver to broadcast S. 0. S. buoyancy tanks had been destroyed by, Street, Roxbury. Mass. " The weather that afternoon was fa- the heavy swells that were breaking over Frederick M(Clave Chalfant. (-man. United vorable and the sea was calm, with the the after end of the ship, causing her States Nax y. Mother, Anna Chalfant, 1408 Penn Avenue. Stouhenville. Ohio. exception of a few whitecaps, the dark- cargo to shift. Jud Penninal'n Wation, seaman, second ness setting in at the time of the attack. class, . Mother, Mary C. Sank at 3.20 P. X. Watson, Ilerbert Street. Cedartown. Ga. S. 0. S. Calls Unanswered. "At 3.15 p. an. the stern slowly started John H. Moyer, jr., seaman. United States Naval Reserve Force. Father, Johin II. Moyer, "At intervals during that night knd the tQ settle. The ship rose to a vertical posi- 150 Ralph Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. next day S. 0. S. calls were sent by the tion, her mainmast breaking off and be- Edward Toole Chas,,, coxsw ain, United auxiliary set, but no acknowledgment ing carried away. When she attained a States Naval Resere Force. Mother, Kath- erine Chase, 479 Franklin Avenue. Brooklyn, was received. The entire gun crews vertical position she slowly disappeared N. Y. stood watch at both guns and in the from view, her stack and mainmast being John Deckmain seaman, L nited States Crow's nest until they received orders to carried away as the ship took her final Naval Reserio Force. Mother, Anna M. Beck- take to their boats. The armed guard plunge at 3.20 p. m. mann, )60. Fourth Avenue, B.rooklyt, N. Y. Hugh E. Bouton, seamat. second class, remained at their stations from the time - The wind was rising and the sea yus United States Navy. Father, J. R. Bouton, of the torpedoing until the last gun's beginning to run so high that it took the Vermont, ll. -crew had left the ship at 2.20 p. m. on the utmost precautions to prevent the boats Bon Herman -Glienke, seaman, second class, United States Navy, mother, Augusta (Ileuke, following day, a total of 20 hours and 50 from capsizing. The boats were only Altavista, Iowa. minultes after being torpedoed. kept afloat by continuously bailing water. Arthur Rabro Thompson, seaman, United - During the night a very sharp lok'ut "At 9.26 p. vm. the U. S. S. Fairfax States Naval Re-, rve Force. Father, Julius (Continued was kept for the submarine as it was ex- sighted one of the boats, but it was only on page 7.) THE OFFICIAL U. S. BUhLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 7 PETITION TO THE PRESIDENT ASKS JUSTICE FOR SLESYIG Every State Produced Supplies for Army; The following phtition, presented to to Each the President by Americans hailing from Amount and Percentage Credited Slesvig, has been indorsed by thousands of Americans of Danish descent:, Given by Purchase and Storage Director 'o the PRESIDENT: At this moment of glorious dawn when a new day seems to be breaking ppon Department authorizes the Southern States-Eastern I 'The War section: the world with -promise of a universal following from the' ollite of the director North Carolina------$4,071,904 1.0 readjustment on the basis of justice and of purchase and storage: I South Carolina------7, 079 756, 1. 5 right, we. American citizens hailing from *Every State in the Union, as well as ia-- ,93407 1. 2 Province Sleavig, turn to ii'lrtda711. 103 .1 the German the District of Columbia, has contributed Alabama------2, 54o, 2S7 .5 you with an urgent appeal that you bring In furnishing supplies to the Army, ac- Mississippi------Tennessee------2447, 101 9)30143 * before the world the case of our op- cording tothe record of quartermaster .0 01, 93 pressed kinsmen in the old country. purchases from July 26, 1918, to October Total------3, 41. What they ask, and what we ask on V, 1918. The total of purchases for this Southern States-Western their behalf, implies no taking of terri- $481,798,217, and the dis- section: tory from one nation Zor the enlarge' period was Loulinna ------90. 348 tribution of these purchases, according Texas------5, 193, 034 1.1 tnent or aggrandizement of another. by the Akan------510 9 6 to the several States, was recorded oka, ------2 43, 487 .1 While we know that Danes all over the purchase records branch and tabulated .1 world; without regard to political allegi- statistical divisionl of the office of Total------'7,308,275 ance, are with us, our appeal is made re- by the 1. 5 the director of purchase and storage. Central' NNStates-Eastern 0.348,q2 gardless of them and without thought The list follows: seetion: of gain or loss to Denmark. All we ask Ohio------0, 048. 057 Ludiana ------9, 518,377 7.5 for our race in Slesyig, and all they ask States. Amouet. total. 81, 901 2.O New England States: llino~is-2------94, 19. 7 for themselves, is that they be granted 1. Michigan------iV, 777, 147 8. 5 Maine ------457,'0 Iconsi ------3, 2. 1 the right for which you have spoken 19ew Hampshire- --- 01200 1. 2, D10, 401 with such convincing power-the right - 1,092 29 2 Kentucky ------Verm.t- 229 15.0 of determining for themselves whether Massachusetts------7,, Total - 170,4318S Rhode Island------9 3,1 2.0 8. 4 they are to give allegiance to Germany Counectic 444,177 . Central States -WEstern section: or to Denmark. minnlesota,------$9,2Z52, 417 1. 7 etal------114,801,081 .8 Iowa ------2,827, 009 . O There can be the less Question or hesi- Missouri -- - 16, 130, 20F 3. 4 thtion about the validity of their demand, Middle Atlantic States. Manga------1,102; 971 New York ------70,5918, 067 14. 7 Nebraska------2, 813, 235 .02 because it was explicitly reserved to them New Jersey------14,121,870 2.9 130 by point 5 of the treaty made at Prague Pennsylvania ------210,232, 79 . 2 South Dakota------7, * Delaware7------2 2 40487, . North Dakota 10, 218 in 1866. Is it not meet that to-day, when M10,l 9 2. O other "scraps of paper " torn by Germany nistrictof Columbia 1 20, 444 . 1 Total------31, 27, 904 6 5 are being pieced together again, this one virgiia ------3, 772, 075 .85 Western States: as well be made binding once more? West Virginia ------85,234, .1 Afoitana------9,1%7 Wyoming 1,224 We think that we know what you feel Total ------122, 379 283 25.4 Colorado------923, N6 .2 about the subject so close to our hearts- Neni ------7,341 closer than ever because we ourselves 'are Idaho ------6,980 4o longer victims of the tyranny against numlber of Americans of Danish race who Utah ------1,11,018 .2 petition. Nevada 80 which we protest. We can see more than havea indorsed that Arizona------32 013 . one reason why, until now, ,the name The statement you have given me- California------1 702 084 .4 -8, 702 .1 of Sleavig has not been included in any signed by former residents of Siesvig and QregonashIngton------, 21, 331 1. > indorged by a still greater number of one of those heart-stirring utterances of 2. yours that are being made the funda- Danes, nl now American citizens, voices Total------F2, 103,200 inental documents for the world's re- new an unforgotten ijustice. 1 can Grand total - 41,70,217 100 but assure you that your appeal to building into a safe refuge for true de- *Less than 1/18 Per! cent. mocracy. oBut now we believe that all America's sympathy andassion for jus- such reasons have lost their binding tice will net go tinheededT for it founds ILAST U, &SH TORPEDOED.37 force. Now, when the fetters are falling itself wisely upon the rights of en to from the limbs of one nation and race rule themselves and to cesoose the man- (Continued from page 0.) ner in which that self-rule shall be exer- Street, after another the time has como, we be- Thompson,Wash. .3926 N'orth Thirieth5om6 0 lieve, to add the name of Slesvig to those cised. I do not doubt that your voice John' P. Conahey, seaman, second class that have a valid claim to the support and that of your former countrymen 'will lUnited States Naval Reserve Force. Mother. be heaard and heeded -wherever the Katherine Theis, 491 Earlt One hundred and gnd sympathy not only of this great Na- sixty-secondLATN.8.SIPTOPDGD Street, New York City. tion but of all the world's victorious, de- thought of the nations turns to the right- William E. Leary, seaman, United States mocracies. Ing of old wronp kept fresh by the NavatTaNm, Reserve Wash Force. Mother, Catherine E. As Americans we pray you speak, and lengthened oppreesgan of the intervening MAs it is for the wvhole '0or,8, which Lery,sert Drchester. . l gins, seaman, 316, S ttes speak soon,gin order that those of our years. N oavy.Father, Higgins,1,e 290 Davis people who are less fortunate than we has borne the burdens of war, to share Aveon*e, West Brighton , ichmo/d Cpunty, puay be granted through simple ele- in the adjustmn of peace.2ts Not Amer- peoples now quick- Arthur R. Peterson, seaman, second class, mentary rights of self-deterinination and ica alone, but all the United States Navy. Moter, Carrie Peterson, self-government for the preservation of ened to a newer sense of the values of 401 Cheyenne Avenue, BartlOevihle, Okna. Ivhich we and our children are now Work- justie, must join in the relief of a griev- Roger a. Streeton, gunner's mate, third ance whose continuance would traverse class, United States Naval Reserve Force. ing at home and fighting abroad. Mother, Sarah Streeton, 01-2 Hancock Street, the principles for which more than a Lroorlhy, N. M. President Wilson's Reply. score of nations are now fighting. Tiothy J. Quilty, seaman, second class, Please accept on behalf of the Sles- nyid States Naval Reserve Force. Mother, To this petition the President has made Atlvine Quilty, 1004 PacBih Street,, Brook- the following answer: -vigers in this countrygry thanks for the Nra. N. Y. faith of which their petition is an evi- Charles F. Egnes, seaman, srst class, THE WITE Hos, States Naval Reserve Force. Mother, Washington,, November 12, 1918. dence and on behalf of your race in tho United Old Country, my earnest wish for the 4Celore Coca Egnes, 135 Rlngsland Avenue, Mx DEAl 11R. BoDIoLDT: In addressing Elshurst, N. . vaR F ed hastening of the day when right and Byron Joseph Mahioney, seamian, Uie myself to you, I wish to include not only justice shall prevail to deliver them from States Navy. Mother, Bertna Dressendorer, Mr. Carl Plow, of Petalume, Cal., and 27 South Ehth Street, SprINgfield, fil. Oppression. ifarry F Voore, gunner's mate, third class, Mr. Jens Jensen, of Chicago, who with Cordially and sincerely yours, United States Navy. Father, Hector Edwin you have been the chief spokesmen of Wooooowg rWk so , Moore,Na.tbietez. 18 Hospital Avenue, N. H. Slesvig In this country, but all the Alfred Eugene Roy, coxswain, United States Rev. K. C. BonroLvt, Navy. Father, Alfred Eugene ysa., Atwood $1esvigers who have signed the petition Court, Watertown Conn. (post-oee box 214). directed ta me, as well as the still greater 816 Union Street, Racine, Wis. 'I 8 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918.


Following is a summary of business conditions itn the United States as of October 23, 1918, as compiled from reports to the Federal Reserve Board:

General busi- Crop condi- Industries of the Construction, build- Foreign trade. Railroad, post-officej Laborcondions. District. ness. tion. district. ing,andengineering Moneyrates. and other receipts.

No.1-toston - . Good...... Good...... Busy...... Inactive...... Increasing in Steady...... Post office, in- .Scarce. value. creasing. No. 2-New York.. Fairly active; Fair...... Active; mate- Mucheurtailedex- September ex- Firm and slight- Railroad, increase; Great scarcity and profits de rials easier; la- cept Govern- ports and ly higher., in- turnover; agera- creasing; bor short. -ment construe- imports crease; Western vated by influ- collections tion. about5.5per Union,increase. - enza. good. cent under August. No.3-Pliladel- Good...... Good...... I Very busy...... Only essential Firm ...... Increasing...... Supoflaborde- phia building cen- F S f. struction under way. No. 4 -Cleveland.. Satisfactory...... do...... Busy...... Very quiet except fism...... do...... Exacting..Very for Government needs. No. -Richmond.. I Very active... Being mar- Limitedonlyby Practieally con- Restricted.... Active demand, Railroad, contm- Seriously affected, keted at supplies and fined to Govern- 6 per cent. ued improve- by prevailing in- highprices. labor. ment work. ment; post office, fluenza. continued in- crease. No. 6-Atlanta. Good...... Good...... Active...... construction in-I Verylight.. Stationary...... Both railroad and Fully employed; I active. x post office re- secarcity. ceipts steady.

No. 7-Chicago .....Vdry good .....Satisfactory. Essential; very Stagnant, except Increasing;firm Postofficereceipts Unsatisfactory dis- active. war purposes. at 6 per cent, increase 6.8 per tribution. cent.

No.8-St. Louis... Good...... Fail...... Active...... Very quiet...... PostaQfficereceipts Demand.IFirm...... ineseas- nerease. mg.

No.9-Minnelapolis...... do...... Good...... do...... Slow...... do...... No change...... Good......

No. 10-K ansas Active...... Busy, but short Little doing...... Steady and firm. Acute shortage. City. on materials in some lines.

No. 11-Dallas.. Satisfactory...... do...... As active as the Inactive...... Inactive...... Firm; no fluctu- Railroad,increase; Unsatisfactory: supply of ma- ation in past post office, in- caused by the terial and la- 30 days. crease S9.5 per draft. bor permits. cent.

No. 12- -San Fran- I Active...... do...... Very active..... Increasing in in- Increasing.... Firm...... Increasing...... Fairly stable; short- csc. dustrial centers; age in shipyaids, decreasing else- and on farm, where.

impress upon every one that stopping U. S. Food Administration Designates hostilities or even the ultimate signing of peace terms produces no extra food and that human lives will continue to be sac- December 1-7 as "Conservation Week" rificed unless food is saved in this country and properly distributed among those To bring before the American people in the United States is now undertaking to who have pitifully little or none. a forcible manner the need for saving increase itS exports from 17,500,000 to food and sharing it with the allies and 20,000,000 tons. The Mediterranean Sea liberated nations, the Food Administra- routes are now sufficiently safe for bring- Sick Leave Granted Alien tion has named December 1-7 as Con- ing wheat from India and Australia, servation Week. Conservation is vital hence our exports will consist largely of Panama Canal Employees to the relief of stricken Europe. Our fats, meats, and feed. Feed is essential harvest shason has come and gone, and for milk production, of which the stricken EXECUTIvE ORDER' whatever food is exported must. come nations are in critical need. Authorizing the granting of sick leave from our surplus and from our savings, Xessage from Mr. Hoover. very largely the latter. Certain foods, to alien employees in Panama Canal and such as 'meats, fats, and dairy products, Conservation week as planned will in- Panama Railroad Service. it is true, are produced throughout the chide a message from Mr. Hoover to the By virtue of the authority vested in me year, but even these depend largely on people through churches, fraternal bodies, by law, the governor of the Pa-asma Canal feeds and fodder. supplies of which are clubs, schools, posters, window displays, is authorized to grant to alien em- limited and can not be replenighed until and the press. An effort will be made to ployees of the Panama Canal and another harvest. warn of the serious results abroad if we the Panama Railroad Co. who are fail to heed the requests for continued not entitled to leave privileges under the Food Administration's Pledge. conservation. Food, we are reminded, is conditions of employment now in effect, The original pledge made by the Food the only effective weapon with which to compensation for time lost due to illness, Administration in behalf of the people combat famine still threatening hungry with such restrictions as to time and of the United States was 17,500,000 tons millions. And never has there been so rates of pay as may be prescribed by hin of food to be shipped overseas by July 1, great an opportunity for women and Chil- in regulations in regard thereto, which he 1919. This amount of food is 50 per cent dren as well as men to show their true is hereby autholized to issue. greater than last year. With Belgium spirit of democracy in sending relief by WOODOW WILsoN. and France liberated and millions in daily acts of food saving. THE WHITE HouSE, south central Europe clamoring for food, Conservation week is intended also to Norember li, 1918. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. - 9*


NOVEMBER 24, 1918. OCKER, John W. Mrs. Martha J. Ocker, BEAUMONT, John K. John K. Beaumont, 27 Frederick Street, Littlestown, Pa. Church Street, Nutley, N. J. The following casualties are reported SAUERS, Michael. Sauers, 623 GRIFFIN, William. John Carson, Bethel, by the commanding general of the Ameri- Center Street, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Conn. BURGIN, John C. C. C. Bhrgin, Bond, Ky. HENIGHEN, Thmes B. Mrs. Mary A. Heni- can Expeditionary Forces: CALVERT, Ollie S. Willie B. Calvert, R. F. ghen, 112 South- Meadow Street, Ithaca, Killed in action ------505 D 2, Lewiseille, Tex. N. Y. GARLAND, William D. Edward W. Garland, ITEY, William S. Mrs. Margaret Henfrey, Died of woundsA------108 Warsaw, Va. 3235 Memphis Street, , Pa. Died of accident and other KELLY, William P. Thomas Kelly, Fulton, LEWIS, Clifford Clelland. Andrew J. Lewis, causes ------11 Sumner, Wash. WRIGHT, Howard F. Mrs. Emma Wright, LUGNER, Onward Leon. Miss Hilda Lugner, Died of. disease------291 Hoosick Falls, N. Y. . 717 Abraham Street, McKeesport, PA. Wounded severely ------218 HART, William I. W. Mrs. Nettie 'Hart, 143 PAVLIS, John. Joseph Pavlis, Coal City, Ill. Wounded C d e gre e undeter- Noith Broad Street, Trenton, N. J. RAPPAPORT, ,Abraham. Miss Ida Rappa- MILLINGTON, Percy W. Mrs. Florence G. port, 28 Martin Street, Rochester, N. Y. mined) ------177 Millington, 2034 Bathgate Avenue, New RAY, Harry M. Mrs. Mary B. Ray, 112 South Wounded slightly ------290 York,, N. Y. Third Street, Richmond, Ind. Missing in action ------141 RECTOR, Raymond W. John W. Rector, 1724 WATTS, Dakota L. Mrs. Virginia Watts, Bel- Ha3.nes Avenue, Richmond, Va. mont Park, Charlottesville, Va. ROIILFING, Philip L. irs. Emma Heide- WHITE, Edward. Mrs. Ellen White, R. F. D. Total ------1, 741 mann, 2823A Henrietta Street, St. Louis, . 2 box 85, Worton, Md. SULLIVAN, John Q. Jerry Sullivan, Lost BARKLY. Harry W. Mr's. Allie Barkley, Killed in, Action. Hills, Cal. Barry, Ill. WALDROP, Bergen X. William W. W§ldrop, HAFNER, Andy G. Miss Nora Thumn, -1600 CAPTAINS. Duffan, Tex. South Garden, Avenue N. S Pittsburgh, Pa. FOWLER, Charles Ant;'ony, jr. Mrs. Isa- CORPORALS. IANUEL, George. Mrs. L. 1eanuel, 148 Hick belle V. Fowler, Great Neck, N. Y. Street Bridgeport, Conn. SHOEMAKER, Ralph E. Mrs. Robert E. ANDERSON. Paul C. Mrs. Mollie Anderson, OSMERS, Phillp. Mrs. Elizabeth Camers, Shoemaker, 225 East Commerce Street, Orkney Springs, Shenandoah, Va. 216 West One hundred and sixteenth Street, Bridgeton, N. J. BRIDGES, Claude 0. Mrs. Lillie Isenhour, New York, N. Y. MOODY. Rolfe. H. C. Moody, box 201, Knox- Mayworth, N. C. POWERS, Einest A. Mrs. John W. Powers, ville, Tenn. BROWN, Thomas M. Thomas A. Brown, Eton, Guntersville, Ala. LIEUTIENANTS. Ga. WALKER, ]dward E. Henry W. Walker, MALOY, James L. Miss Glace A. Maloy, CLARK, Delbert E. Mrs. Ella Clark, R. F. D. 2607 Union Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Gouverneur, N. Y. 2 New Richmond. Ohio. BLACKWELL, Carl. John T. Blackwell, Ox- SCHMIDT, Irvin. Mrs. Anna Schmidt, 2701 COCHRAN, Georee R. Charles Cochran, 2640 ford, N. C. Cass Al enue, St. Louis, Mo. I I Osage Street, St. Louis, Mo. BROWN, Edward D. Mrs. Florence Brown, HATTON, J. W. Lineous M. Hatton, 1003 CREEK, Hlosea. Mrs. Thelma B. Creek, Long- 22 Holyoke Street, Boston, Mass. Grand Central Avenue, Tampa, Fla. lane, Mo. EBERSOLE,- Thomas F. Mrs. -Sarah Cham- BROWN, Vories P. Mrs. Zella H. Brown, DUNAWAY, Monte E. Mrs. Effie A. Dunaway, bers, R. F. D. 2, Apollo, Pa. Paulding, Ohio. Decatur, Tex. HOPE, Joseph F. Thomas Hope, Woodstown, BOWEN, B. B. E. S. Rowen, 65 GOSSETT John C. Jennie Lile, 1640 D N. T. Street, Pawtucket, R. I. - Street, 4ranite City, Ill. KELYNACK, William. Richard Kelynack, CARRIGAN, Alfred H., jr. Alfred H. Car- McKAY, Albert G. Mrs. Belle Branton McKay Newlin, Cornwall, England. rigan, sr., 1100 Austin Street, Wichita Hannapolis, N. C. PEARCE, Louis G. Mrs. Julia Pearce, Hugo, Falls, Tex. McKEE, John J. Mrs. Sarah A. McKee, 343 Okla. CROSSON James H. Mrs. Marion L. Cros- Wayne Avenue, Greensburg Pa. PUTZ, Francis P. Mrs. Frank Putz, 44 son, 61Y Thirteenth Avenue, Belmar, N. J. MILLER, Carl 0. Mrs. Sarah Miller, Athens, Spruce Street, Corona, Long Islhnd, N. Y. MARTELL. Judson G. Mrs. Edward A. N. Y. ROBERTS, Fred F. Mrs. Margaret Roberts, Martell, 96 Rogers Avenue, West Somer- MOYLE, Chester R. Mrs. John Moyle, 174 Essex Center, Vt. ville, Mass. Center Street, Quincy, Mass. SPITTLER, Frank. Mrs. Rose Spittler, 602 OBER, Robert. Mrs. Gustavus Ober, 300 REEVES, Basil 0. Mrs. Mary Reeves, ,Ola, North Pittsburgh Street, Connellsville, Pa. North Charles Street, Baltimore, Md. Ark. STEELE, Clement R. George E. Steele, Han- POLACK, Rodney W. Ernest H. Polack, SANDERS, William T. Edd Sanders, Lau- over, Il. # McClellan Heights, York, Pa. rens, S. C. SULLIVAN, Harrison H. John D. Sullivan, ROZECK, Frederick W. Mrs. Marie Rozeck, SAVAGE, Rommie. Mrs. James A. Savage, Thomasville, N. C. 240 Eighth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lampasas, Tex. WALKER, Charles F. Mrs. Lucy E. Walker, CHAPPEL, Charles F. Mrs. Zoda H. Chap- SHAFFER, Glenn R. Mrs. Isaac S. Shafer, Point of Rocks, Md. pol, 532 Nicholas Street, Toledo, Ohio. box 160, R. F. D. 1, Dubois, Pa. WITTMAN, Albert F. William Wittman, 306 SADLER, Walter B. William B. Sadler, SWENARTON, Frank Beach. Frank A. North Halsted Street, Chicago, Ill. Laneview, Va. Swnarton, 403 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, SERGEANTS. N. J. BUGLERS. BOUSE. Charles S. Mrs. Mary E. Bouse, WHITMIER, Richard *E. ' Mrs.- Anna Nas- CLINE, Jacob F. Jacob F. Cline, 148 Hack- Chandler, Okla. baum, 540 Third Street, Albany, N. Y. ensack Plank Road, town of -Union, N. J. CAREY, John James. Mrs, Kate Carey, 51P WOODRUFF, Thomas H. David H. Woodruff TROULLOS, Theodore. Frank Troullos, West Eighth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. 118 Twenty-eighth Street, Woodeliff, Hud- Stewartsville, Ohio. GOBEY, Nathan. Mrs. Anna Gobey, 75.1iv- son County, N.-.. WAACKS, Herman, -r. Mrs. Louise Waacks, ington Street, New York, N. Y. ACKLIN, John W. Mrs. Elizabeth V. Acklin, 163 East Eighth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 708 East Prairie Street, Pontiac, Ill. GOULD, Melville. Chester A. Gould, 544 East MECHANICS. Fiftv-first Street, Chicago, Ill. BUYALOS, John J. Mrs. Mary Buyalos, R. GRAVES. Hendrix L. Mrs. S. A. Graves, R. F. D. 2, box 34, Petersburg, Va. BARNARD, John. Mrs. Viola Barnard, R. F. F. D. 1, Cove, Ark. COHN, Meyer. Abraham Cohn, 25 West One D. 4, box 53, Austin, Tex. MORAN, Arthur Seward. Mrs. F. H. Moran, hundred and twenty-third Street, New York, GREEN, Jacob A. Andrew J. Calahan, Spring Sb Second Street, Camden, N. Y. N. Y. Place, Ga. REILLY, Joseph P. John Reilly, 108 Lock DAWSON, Samuel J. Willie Dawson, care of RICHTER, Julius F. Mrs. Anna Richter, Street, Newfrk, N. J. AMr. H. S. Mason, Manhasset, N. Y. Lanaconing, Md. ROGERS, Charles L. C. S. Rogers, Citronelle, FINN, Walter T. W. H. Finn, 114 Lower WRIGHT, William. John Wright, 3627 Flem- Ala, Newton Street, St. Albans, Vt. ing Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. WEED, John C. Mrs. Carl Weed, 2 Cottage HAUCK, Bernard T. Mrs. -Barba Houck, 50 ROBINSON, William H. Mrs. Nellie Robin- Place, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Schriver Avenue, Cumberland, Md. son. Alvin, Tex. B U R N 1 T T E, Arleigh. Everett Burnette, LAMONT, John F. Mrs. Emma Lamont, 2713 WRIGHT, Harold C. George Wright, R. F. Omega, Okla. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. D. 2, Asbury Park, N. J. FREE, George Michael, Conrad G. Free, 798 LANGLEY, Raymond. Mrs. Anna Langley, GARLAND, John N. John A. Garland, Farm- Bow Streeig Pittsburgh, Pa. 1953 Iowa Street, Chicago, Ill. ville, Va. HALLADAY, Henry T. Mrs. Caroline Halla- ORR, William F. Mrs. Roda Orr Evans, 108 WAGONERS. Thresher Street, Montgomery, Ala. day. .Sacket Harbor, N. Y. WRIGHTSMAN, Grant. MEYER, Frank Eugene. George Meyer, Lanes- RAUF, Leo G. Henry Rauf, Sixth and Bake- Mrs. Mary K. Covington, Ky. Wrightsman, Mount Lake Park, Md. Ville, Ill. well Streets, BACHMANN, Fred C. Adolph Bachmann, SVRJCEK, William Vincent. Mrs. Barbara SHIMKO, John. Mrs. Anna C. Shimko, 161 Prospect Svricek, 2704 Westwood Ayenue, Baltimore, Pine Street, Kulpmont, Pa. and Fortieth Streets, Irvingto., Md SIBLE, Harry E. Thomas Sible, Young- N. J. BARTLEqT, Frank B. Samuel W. Bartlett, wood, Pa. SADDLER. 73 South Kanayha Street, Buckhannon, W. TABOR, Ralph E. Nathaniel Tabor, 202 PROTONO, Frank. Nuzia Protono, 8 Lyon Va. South Third Street, Mechanieville, N. Y. Street, Worcester, Mass. CARLON, Orrin V. Mrs. Kate A. Carlon, Hen- WATTS. Charles. D. Mrs. Ruth S. Watts, rietta, Tex. 1319 West Pratt Street. Baltimore, Md. PRIVATES. CLAY, Arthur Ralph. Arthur J. Clay, 266 Or- WEBB, 'rank D.. Mrs. Ida Webb, 1519 Fore- AMRHEIN, William. Mrs. Eugena Amrhein, lean Street, East Aurora, N. Y. man Street, Dallas, Tex. 1801 North Port Street, Baltimore, Md. GEROW, Chadwick. Joseph C. Gerow, Bloom- WILLIAMS, Arthur H. Mrs. T. W. Williams, ANDERSON, Horace C. Will A. Anderson, R. ing Grove, N. Y. - Ferguson, Mo. F. D. 1, Wartrace, Tena. 71--18-3 10 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING ANDERSON, Wailter H. Ole Anderson, R. F. BAKER, Marshall S. Mrs. Margaret B. Baker, COAR, George B. Mrs. E. V. Coar, 69 Tuers D. 1, box 23, Vermilion, S. Dak. Finzel, Md. Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. ANGEL, Lester. Mrs. Lillie W. Angel, 380 BALDRIDGE, Ambrose H. Mrs. Abbie Bald- COCHRAN John T. Merritt C. Cochran, West Spruce Street, Canton, Ill. ridge, Stonington, III. R. F. .D., Alarka, N. C.* ANGELO, Joseph. Rocco Diangeli, P. 0. box BARRETT, Gordon M. Julia Hughes, R. F. CONWAY, John E. Thomas Couway, Lar- - 042, Sharisville, Pa. D. 1, box 54, Benhams, Va. mere, N. Dak. ASCIIMEYER, Frod Henry. Henry Aseh- BATES, Dempsey I. Kelly B. Bates, Sesser, COWAN, Clarence E. R. A1. Cowan, R. F. D. meyer, 4111 Marvin Avenue, Cleveland, Ill. 6, Hale, Mo. Ohio. BAJER, Herbert W. Mrs. Sophia Bauer, 79 CRISP. Walter. Mrs, Winey Humphreys, AUBIN, Frank. Mrs. Frances Aubin, 43 Ar- Gates Street, Columbus, Ohio. Meadow, Tenn. nold Street, Williamstown, Mass. BECKER, Leonard F. Mrs. Louisa Becker, CROWDER, Ronald E. Miss Mollie George, BACKES, Frank Martin. Martin Nicholas Highland, 111. 1119 Washington Street, Petersburg, Va. Backes, 21 Middle Rose Street, Trenton, BENCHLEY, Joseph G. Mrs. Mary Benchley, CURIA, Tony. Mrs. Carmelia Lerosa, Holden, N. J. 114 Hunter Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. W. Va. BAILEY, Frank. George Bailey, Beaver Dam, BENDER, William. Mrs. John Bender, 908 DACHENBACH, Joe A. Lincoln Dachenbach, Ohio. North Fifty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Gunwald, Iowa. BECKER, Harry M1. John H. Becker, R. F. BENOIT, Ernest J. Joseph Benoit, 27 Wild- DELINE, Merle W. Mrs. Emma L. Deline, D 2, Lancaster, Pa. ing Street, Fairhaven, Mass. 1023 East Garland Avenue, Spokane, Wash. BROWN, Archie. Mrs. Martha Brown, Tays CLINTON, Edmund P. Miss Mary A. Clinton, DRUMM, George Robert. Rudolph Henry lorslille, N. C. 535 Summer Street, Paterson, N. J. Drumm. 14 Bryant Street, Detroit, Mieb. -BUCHANAN, David V. Mrs. Mary Buchanan, COOPER, Henry. James Cooper, Richland, DURNING. George J. Charles A. Durning, Relief, N. C. Oreg, 52 Hill Street, Bloomfield, N. J. BURDA, Ben. Mrs. Anna Burda, 2847 South CRANDALL, Emden B. Emery D. Crandall, ELLIS, John C. Mrs. Clara A. Ellis, 61 Spalding Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 82 Clinton Avenue, Albany, N. Y. , Pleasant Street, Fitchburg, Mas' CARNES, Ross. Harry A. Carnes, French CRAYNE, Thomas R. Mrs. Nellie S. Crayne, ERVIN, Anthony F. Mrs. Helen N. Ervin, Lick, Ind. Jefferson, Pa. 457 Auburn Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. CARR, John W. Mrs. Flora N. Carr, R. F. D. CRITTENDEN, Thomas R. Mrs. Julia Crit- FAGLEY, Ray. John C. Fagley, 127 Fifth 1, Dennison, Ohio. tenden. Westville, Okla. Avenue, Juniata, Pa. CERVONI, Gletano. Rocco Mastranglo, 127 CROMER, Howard C. Mrs. Rosella Cromer, FORD, Gordon J. James R. Ford, Crowell, Gorling Street, Schenectady, N. Y. R. F. D. 1, Redf6rd. Mich. Tex. CHILDS, Russell B. Mrs. Rebecca B. Childs, DAKIN, Don C. Mrs. Eva Dakin, Kingfisher, GARCIA, Francisco. Mrs. Yanes D. Garcia, Chazy, N. Y. Okla.# 1309 Main Avenue, Laredo. Tex. CLARK, Sidney Howard. J. I. Clark, La- GARRISON, Ciesley. Taylor Garrison, Monti- grangeville, N. Y. DAVIDSON. Enett. Mrs. Esta Davidson, 200 cello, Ark. CLOUD, Gus J. J. J. Cloud, Stevenson, Ala. Railroad Avente, Winchester, Ind. GIBNEY. Clerk E. Mrs. Bertha Wyman, COUCH, William A. Mrs. Lulu E. Couch, DEKKINGA, Mart. Clele Dokkinga, R F. D. R. F. D., BIroy, Wis. Florence, Ala. 2. Hersey, Mich. BARZARE. Sidney. August Barzare, Pine COURTNEY, Doublew E. William Courtney, EDROURG, Eskil V. C. Mrs. Susan Edbourg, Prairie, La. Pearl, Miss. R. F. D. 2, Randall. Minn. BEASLEY, Frank R. Mrs. Mattle M. Beasley, COX, Forest. Sanford C. Cox, Chandler, Okla. ELLIOTT, Raymond V. Mrs. Elmer Elliott, Schuyler. Va. DOEFFINGER. Harry. Mrs. Carolfue Doet- R. F. D. 7, Winston-Salem, N. C. BECK, William L. Mrs. Aleinous Beck, 1421 fPacer, 3940 Howley Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. FRAZIER, John A. Doe Frazier, Waldron, Kelton Street, Dormont, Pa. FL INNERY, Edward Joseph. Mrs. Agnes Ark. BEIRNE, Roderick. Thomuas Hynes, 145 East Flannery, 249 Mahonoy Street, Tamaqua, GRIMES. Tames P. Miss Margaret J. Grimes, Fiftieth Street, New York, N, Y. Pa Garland. Tex. BENOIT, Philip. Mrs. Lillian Benoit, general FOLEY, John H.. James W. Foley, Browning, HARBRECIT, Eugene. Mrs. Lottie Har- delivery. Thibodaux, La breeht, 538 Twenty-first Street, Milwaukee, BERGERON, Nicholas P. Maxime Bergeron, FREEMAN, Frank. John Doyle, 33 West Wis. 7.-15 Burths Street, New Orleans, La. Fifty-third Street, Bayonne, N. J. HARRIS. William E. Mrs. Mary Jane Mq- BETTENCOURT, Enos S. Mrs. Maria Dag, GFRITTETM. Harry M. Philip Henry Ger- rida I. F. D. I. Hagan, Va, Dores. Terreiros, San Jorge, Acors. Portugal. h im, P. 0. box 318, Salina, Pa. JACKPON, John D. Samuel D. Tackson, By- BOGARDTTS, Virgil IT. Mrs. F. Johnson, 127 GERNAND, Charles A. Mrs. Anna Gernand, ers. Okla. North Street. Middletown, N. Y :i Dekalb Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. KNOWLES, James R. Mrs..Tames R. Knowles, BROADWAY, George W. Mrs. Tane Broad- GLADER, Fordinand P. Mrs. Marion 626 Potawatamie Street. Leavenworth, Kan. way, Albermarle. N. C. Rchrgula, 2q16 South Thirteenth Street, LOCKITART, John F. Mrs Elizabeth Plo- BUCHANAN, David S. Mrs. Lydia Buchanan, St) Louis, Mo. ger, 515 Timpqon Place. New York, N. Y. 280 Walnut Street, Buffalo, N. Y. ATrIAS, Albert Harry Atlas, 2007 Western McKENZIE. Robert K. Tohn McKenzie, 115. BUSH. Joln J. John P. Bush, 211 South Axonue, Minneapolis,, Minn. Woodlawn Road, Rolanq Park, Md. Fourth Street, Millville, N. J. BAINBRIDGE. Thomas H. William Bain- McKEWEN, Robert J. Taies McIlewen, 129 CALLAHAN. George Christopher. A1hs. Tames brldkle. e- 254. Webster, Pa. Pinte Street, Paterson, N. T. Frost, 144 Cleveland Avenue, Trenton, N. J. BROCKLEIHTRST, Frank Vernon. John Ed- MARDL. Joseph. Tohn Motelli, Santa Maria, COMPTON, Aubrev L. John D. Compton, 100 nxxrd Brookllburst. &. F. D. 3, Mercer, Pa. Catenzara, Italv. Sixtb Avenue. Roanole. Va. BROWN. Frank H. A. Brown, R. F. D. 2, MURRAY, Rayiond L. Mrs. Mary Leh, 719 COOK. Enwrson. Mrs.- Anna A. Cook. 728 Rothsay, Minan. Amherst Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Prince Street, Pekin. Ill. BUCKLEY. William J. Mrs. William Johnson, .NIFSPODZTANY. Kaiser. Mrs. Ella Caspar, CITLPEPPER. James M. Tandy K. Culpepper, 9O Zeidger Street, Boston, Mass. 88 Shuterum Street, Buffalo. N. Y. Halselle, Ala. BURCH. Waldo. Mrs. Ola M. Burch, Mari- O'BRIEN. Ottis B. Asa H. O'Brien. 31axton, DOLLARD. Joseph P. Edmond A. Dollard, etta, Okla. - N. C. 124 Baker Avenue, Syracuse, N. Y. BURLINGAME, Royden. Mrsi Anna Burlh- O'CONNELL. William J. Mrs. Mary O'Con- DOMIBROWSKI, Frank T Mrs. Stella Dom- game, Toledo, Oreg. nell, 1410 Montclair Street, St. Louis, Mo. Sbrow-ski. 137 North Seventh Street, Brook- CARTER, Henry W. Mrs. Mamie Waldrop, 25 POWERS, Norman H. Mrs. Mary Powers, lyn, X Y. v -ft Nineteenth Street, Anniston. Ala. Canron. N. Y. DONATO. James. Giustina Donato, 100 North CItAPIN, Park S. Mrs. Jennie Chapin, Pe PRICE. Sam P. Sam C. Price, R. F. D. 3, Center Avenue. Rockville Center, N. Y. ElI, Wash. box 68, Altus, Okla. DORCIIEUS. John A. Mrs. Mary Dorcheus, CHPTSTIAN. John W. William T. Christian, PSOMAS. Peter. Jim Coletus, 640 Boulevard Ashton, Idaho. 130 North Mills Street, Paris, Tex Road, Cleveland, Ohio. DUBAY, Charles E. Mrs. Irene Dubay, 17 CLARK, Charlie A. James R. Clark, 1514 RAD1ALL, Rueben W. Alma Radmall, Pleas- Central Place, Leominster, Mass. Chestnut Street, Knoxville, Tenn. ant Grove, Utah. DUNHAM. Clyde. Mrs. Hazel Dunham, 515 COTT Frank Walter. Mrs. Cenia Colt, El RATKE. John L. Stephen Ratke,. 413 South Hiland Avenue, l1eadeville. Ila. Reno, Okla. Street. Cumberland. Md. EGELHOFF, Otto J. William F. Egeihoff, COPPAGE, .Toe. John Coppage. Hahira, Ga. RUNYAN, William R. Mrs. J. B. Runyan, Raymond, Ill. CORBETT, Charles C. John -A. Corbett, Sligo, Lena, 11L. ELIA, Pasquale. -Charles Ella, Bersans Street, Pa. . SANDIDGE. Roy. N. Mrs. Martha Sandidge. Petro Ponce DI'Alexandria, Ilyig. DE SALVO, Leonard. Tom De Salvo, 18 Anson, Tex. FLAHERTY, Frank L. Mrs. John Flaherty, 4'.tharine Street, New York. N. Y. AKABAS, Maurice W. Mrs. Rose Akabas, 70 131 Lafayette Street, Jersey City, N. J. DUKE, Walter. Mrs Walter Duke, Albe- Holworthy Street, Roxbury, Mass. FOSTER, Cleburn H. Mrs. Sarah A. Foster, marie, N. C. I . ATLEY, James T. Mrs. Ellis Berry, 1449 box 56, Pilgrim, Tex. DUKE. Walter E. Dave W. Duke, Port. Okla. Flath-h Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. FOSTER, Tames. Mrs. Catherine Foster, 229 ECKMANN. John V. Mrs. Margaret Eckmann, BALE. Mike. Mrs. Myrtle Bale, Sparks. Kans. Slater Street, Paterson, N. J. 22 John Street, Goshen, N. Y. j RARTLESON. Sidney B. Mrs. Ella Bartl- -FOY, John L. Mrs. Margaret Foy, 1221 Cove EGAN, Patrick J. Mrs. Bridget Egan, 2541 son, Ariel, Pa. New Bedford, Mass. North Street, Nineteenth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BECK. Andrew August. Mrs. Clara Beck, GAMBLE, Ethel. Lonas Gamble, R. F. D. 1, EGLI, Lawrence P. Mrs. Anna M. Egli, Cen- Edgemore, Tenn. trr and Second Avenue. Verona. Pa. Hayes Center, Nebr. EKSTROM, Fred G. Alfred Gustafsen, 501 BOSALAVAGE, Joseph Martin. Miss Rose GENTILO, Loranzo. Pie Gentile, 213 Sev- West Lind Street, Marshalltown, Iowa. E. Bosalavage. Main Street, Milburp. N. J. enth Street. Jeanette, Pa. FALUST, Lauraence. Mrs Eva Faust, Mongo, BRANDT, Herman Albert. Albert Brandt, GOTTIRIED, Frank. James Sara, 1048 South Ind. White Cloud. Mich. Throop Street. Chicago. Ill. BUTLER, William H. A. Henry W Butler, GRAFTON. Abraham L. Mrs. Sadie E. Graf- GALLAGHER, John J. Miss Elizabeth Gal- Lillian. Va. Kittanning. Pa. lagher, 546 West One hundred and twenty- ton. R. F. D. 5, fourth Street. New York, N. Y. CAREY. Leo J. Thomas J. Carey, 3132 Guern- GROVER, Walter. Mrs. Tillie Bennett, Fair ALLMAN, John. Mrs. Elizabeth AlIman, 295 sey Street, Bellaire, Ohio.- Haven, N. J. Troutman Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. CARTER, George. John Lysaght. St. Joseph, GREENE. Frederick T. William M. Greene, ALLEN, Charles M. Mrs. Ella Allen, 221 Mich. R. F. D. 2. Waterford. Conn. East Two hundred and first Street, New CHEINER. Alfred. Mrs. I. Cherner, 1502 HANLEY, Michael C. Mrs. Amanda Thorpe, York, N. Y. Seventh Street NW.. Washington, D. C. 201 Duncansville Avenue, Altoona, Pa. BAILEY, Martin J. William H. Bailey, 111 CLIFFORD, Joseph. Mrs. Elizabeth Clifford, HANNAH, Elmer E. Miss Della Hanhah, Pine Street, South Amboy, N. J. Friendship, Ohio. 1716 Leland Avenue, Chicago, Ill. THE OFFICIAI U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 11 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING GILES, Arthur E. Mrs. William Bruhm, 532 GRIMES, Harry L. Mrs. Leona Grimes, I. F. WALLA, Edward' George Walla, Prague, West Main Street, Waukesha, Wis. D. 2, Anacarte, Wash. Okla. GRAHAM, lohn. Sam Graham, Horspen, GUINTO, Salvatore. Giuseppe Guinto, 5 1iv- WUNNENBERG, Henry J. Mrs. H. Wunnen- W. Va. ington Street, New York, N. Y. berg, 732 Central Avenue, , GRAHAM, Noel H. Robert L. Graham, Sey- GUIERT, Roy T. John A. Gumbert, Siegel, Cal. mour, Tex. Pa. WYNN, Joseph A. Mrs. Jennie A. Wynn, 85 4GRAVYES, Charley W. Alfred Graves, Ra- HACKER, William. Andrew. Hacker, La- South Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. leigh, W. Va. fayette, Mian ZINDER, Paul. Frank Zinder, R. F. D. 2, GREEN, Porter. Grant Green, Uvalde, Tex. HADDOX, Fred. Mrs. Sadie Dunn, 2028 Catawissa, Pa. GRIFFITH, Maryland V. Dr. Robert-S. Grif- Point Vidw Avenue, Youngstown, Ohio. PRIVATES. 11th Basic City, Va. HAINES, Joseph E. Mrs. Mary R. Haines, HERSCHBACK, Ray F. Arthur J. Hersch- Fleming, Pa. HALL, Raleigh. Mrs. Levi Hall, Indian back, 699 Seyburn Avenue, Detroit, Mich. HARJO, William S. Mrs. Manda Harjo, Oke- Creek Pa. HODGSON, Carroll Dean. William L. Hodg- mar; Okla. HARRI§, John H. Mrs. Sidney Weiss, 9114 soi, Hutchinson, Kans. HARRIS, Jerry. Mrs. Sallie Harlow, Roanoke Shipherd Axenue, Cleveland, Ohio. HOLLAWAY, Robert. R. Mrs," Ellen Holla- Rapids, N. C. HEATH, James B. irs. Sallie E. Heath, R. way, Messick, Va. HART, Harry A. Mrs. Edwin A. Hart, post- F. D. 4, De Leon, Tex. HOLT, Melvin. Richard A. Corlew, R. F. D. office box 47, Wireton, Pa. HOUCK, Dewey C. H. M. Houck, Maben, W. 1, Adams, Tenn. HAWS, Lloyd. Mrs. Mame Haws, R. F. D. Va. HUNTER, William. Mrs. Fannie Dowd, 25, Chrisman, Ill. HUGHES, William Kent. Charles E. Hughes, Weitchpec, Cal. HEBERT, Arthur. Mrs. Mifanda Hebert, 12 818 North Twenty-fourthStreet, Richmond, JAWORSKI, Felix. Mike Jaworski, 44 Martin Hunt Street, St. Albans, Vt. Va. Avenue, Detroit, Mich. HENCH, Wilson Elwood. Frank G. Hench, JEPSEN, Earl F. Hans C. Jepsen, Minden, JENKINS, Irvy Eldon. Mrs. N. A. Jenkins, 574 West Louther Street, Carlisle, Pa. Nev. Holliday, Mo. HENEGAR Hugh M. Mrs. Pairlee I'6negar, KNAUS, Harry B. Franklin B. Knaus, Chi- JOHNSTON, Samuel R. Miss Mannie John- Gordon, Tex. reno, Tex. ston, box 126, Jewett, Tex. HOGAN, Sutton. J. A. Hogan, Hickory Val- LAUTH, Charles J. Mrs. Etta Lauth, 503 KITCHENS, Clarence. Martin L. rKitclhens, ley, Tenn. Long Street, East Spencer, N. C. Wetumka, Okla. HOOPER, William S. Mrs. Lucretia H. LOVELESS, John P. Mrs. Sarah Loveless, KLEIN, Charles Jacob. Charles J. Klein, 164 Brandenburg, Smithsburg, Md. Calebonia, Minn. Bleecker Street, Jersey City, N. J. - HTJFF, Howard M. Earl Huff, Dover, Me. LYONS, Thomas. Mrs. Ines Lyons, River KTI&HARSKY, Adam. Anton Kucharsky, 316 HUNT, Lambert J. Mrs. Anna Scott, 78 Street, South River, N. J. East Ninth Street, Duluth, Minn. Elliot Avenue, Maspeth, N. Y. McCARTHY, John X. Mrs. May Myer, 3002 LA FORGE, Thad 11. Mrs. Deroleska La JAXEL, Emil Junior. Mrs. Marie J. Jaxel, 63 Kossuth Street, St. Louis, Sto. Forge, 304 Duane Street, Union, N. Y. Amsterdam Avenue, New York, N. Y. McCLOUD, Maryland. Mrs. Sarah McCloud, LARSON, Axel. Mrs. Betty Olson, 499 Pettit KINA, Joseph F. John Kna, corner La West Huntington, W. Va. _ Street, St. Paul, Minn. Grange and Manhattan Streets, Toledo, McCONNACHIE, James. Mrs. Ino P. Me- LAYIIER, Clarence F. Henry William Lay- Ohio. Connachie, Sussex, Wyo. her, R. F D. 3, Rockville, Mo. KNOP, William. Mrs. Dora Knop, R. F. D. McGEE, Harold G. H. G. McGee, 105 Pearl LELAN, Edward. Mrs. Medora Lehman, R. 2, box 25, Stelleville, Ill. Street. Council Bluffs, Iowa. F. D. 1, Wilcox, Pa LYERLA, Harry. Mrs. Rose A. Lyerla, R. F. McLAUGHLIN, Frank L. Mrs. Robert C. LEROY, Joseph M. Mrs. Iva Gaymerl, Oper, D. 4, Mount Vernon, Ill. Rex. Elk Rapids, Mich. Okla. MARTIN, Raymond E. Eugene D. Martin, McILAUGHLIN, William F. Anthony Mc- LOUIS, Harry J. Henry Louis, 842 Flathush Hancock, Vt. Laughit, 102 Spruce Street, Mahanoy, Pa. Avenue, Biooklyn, N. Y. MOBLEY, James W. W. E. Ross, R. F. D. 3, MAGGIO, Giuseppe. Samuel Maggio, 523 LUBER, Michael J. Paul Luber, 30 Fougeron Eaton, Ohio. Third Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. MONGUZZI, Charles J. Miss Florence L. MA FLER, Lonle V. Mrs. Alice L. Marler, LUNDSTROI, Carle A. Ben C. Lundstrom Hoefler, 126 Eat Twelfth Street, New Hazelhurst, Miss. 628 East Seventh Street, Plainfield, N. J. York, N. Y. MARSHALL, Stanton H. Robert H. Marshall, MULHERIN, Win A. John Mulherin, Lime- Delaware. Okl. McCORMICK, James J. Mrs. Clara McCor- stone, Md. MARTIN, James P. William Weiner, Fra- mick, 72 Capron Street, Waldon,.N. Y. MeFALLS. Harry Preston, Beattie McFalls, MUNROE, Edward H. William Munroe, 275 ternal Order of Eagles, 187 Second Street, Hollins, Va. Sawmill River Road, Yonkers, N. Y. Milwaukee, Wis. MARSCHNER, Charles. Mrs. Elsie Marsch- MURDOCYGK, Charlie. Jack Murdpck, R. F. D. MARTINEZ, Gregorio. Mrs. Josefita Martinez, ner, Saddle River Road, Arcola, Bergen 3, Euterprise, Ala. 705 East Main Street, East Las Vegas, N. County, N. J. MURNAGHAN, Bernard F. Frank Murnag- Mex. MASKER, Zachariah. Kate Israel, Crystal han, 732 Third Avenue, Troy, N. Y. - MERRICK, Walter A. George Merrick, R. F. Lake, N. J. MYERS, Levi. Mrs. Albert Myers, R. F. D. 6, D. 4, Sandusky, Mich. MIELDAZIE. Anthony. August Griogas, Mun- Bluffton, Ind. MILES, Harry B. William E. Miles. 1119 son, Pa, NEIL, -William J. B. Mrs. Flora Ennis, North Twenty-first Street, Richmond. Va. MONTONARO, Stachy. Frank Montonaro, Quanah, Tex. MILLER, Adam. Chris Miller, Culbertson, Neperan Road, Terrytown, N. Y. NORMAN, John B. James L. Norman, Nebr. MOORE, Charles W. Mrs. Daisy Moore, Tenaha, Tex. MILLER, Ned. Francisco G Miller, Fort Volga, W. Va. O'CONNELL, William J. Mrs. Hannah Rock, Oreg. O'Connell, MOE, Anton. -. Mrs. Lora Moe 526 Regal NOBLE, Bruce McKinley. William B. Noble, 174 East One hundred and ninth Hillyard, Wash. Bertha, W. Va. Stect, New York, N. Y. Street. OHLINGER, John H. Matte Ohlinger, Ports- PEGRAM, Frederick. Mrs. Clara Pegram, MOBLEY, James H. Mrs. Kate Mobley, Wil- q833 Have-ford Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. liamston, N. C. mouth, Iowa. Monahan, 131 OVERHOLSER, Calvin R. Mrs. Albert V. PROST, William V. Mrs. Vincent Prost, MNAHAN, Peter T. Simon Perryville, Mo. B right Street, Jersey City, N. J. Overholser, R. F. D. 8, New Carlisle, Ohio. William. Mrs. Susan PENLAND, Douglas. Pink Penland, R. F. D. PRZESTZELSKI, Adolph. Mrs. Dronica MONGOLD, Elburn 2, Unicol, Tenn. Przestzelski, 2855 Selman Street, Philadel- Younkin, Rockwood, Pa. phia, Pa. MOYERS, Ernie. Charley M. Moyers, Cun- PETERS, (fliver D. Mary Cross, De Witt, ningham, Ky. Ark. RUPNIK, Adolfa. Mike Altorosk, 4344 South MOZINGO. George W. William D. Mozingo, PHILLIPS, Robert L. Mrs. Mary R. Phillips, Hunter, Chicago, Ill. Plumerville, Ark. Goshen, Va. RUSSELL, Eric H. Mrs. Lily Russell, 143 NEALE, George D. irs. Julia E. Neale, 1205 RATELL, Albert L. Frank H. Ratell, R. F. Wadsworth Avenue, New York, N. Y. North Twenty-eiglith Street, Richmond, Va. D. 2, Munger, Mich. SCARFO, Patsy. Frank Cutie, box 105, Ray- NELSoN, Bert. Mrs. Addle Nelson, Grant, ROGERS, Pleas M1. Mrs. Sarah Bullock, We- mondsville, N. J. Okl,. woka, Okla. S.COEIBEL, Peter J. Mrs. Barbara Scheibel, PAUL. Abe. Mrs. Rosle Cootsianogie, 1917 ROYALL, William M. Bettie Morris, Milo, 2768 Central Avenue, Glendale, N. Y. Goliver Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Okla. * SCHWARTZ, Maurice M. Nathan Schwartz, PEAKE, Herman. Lorenzo Peake, Rock Rift, 65 Meeker Avenue, Breoklyn, N. Y. N. Y. SANDERS. Ben L. Mrs. Sarah Sanders, Ru- SCOTT, Frank. Mrs. Millie Bublet, Hannah, bottom, Okla. Okla. PETERKA, Joseph J. James Peterka, 5504 SKJLBRED, Eric. Miss Christina Christen- West Twenty-fourth Place, Cicero. Ill. sen, Vine Street, , N. Y. SEAY, Bert E. Mrs. Amanda Wilson, Pay- PETERS, Erwin A. Herman Hewitt, 2638 SMITH, William G. Charles E. Smith, North etteville, W. Va. Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Windham, Conn. SHIRER. Orla E. Keith E. Shirer, 761 Rob- RAINES, John F. William G. Raines, Prater, WEBBER, Edward Ml. Mrs. Christian Webber, inson Street, Cleburne, Tex. Va. R. F. D. A Dever, Ohio. SILVER, Benjamin. Mary Green, 227 East Tenth Street, New York, N. Y. REID, James R. irs. Hannah E. Reid, 74 WEIGLE, William H. Mrs. Elizabeth J. Bayard Street, New Brunswick, N. J. Weigle, R. F. D. 1, Mertztown, Pa. SINGLETON, It. Mrs. Susie Singleton, Alma, Tex. RIDDLE, Hiram C. G. T. Riddle, Forest Cot- WHITZELL, George N. John Whitzell, 20 tage. Ky. River Street, Westbrook, Me. SIRMONS, William L. Mrs. Beula Smith, R.- Rufus M. James M. Williams, R. F. D. 1, Ranger, Tex. RODGERS, George R. irs. A. F. Caster, 522 WILLIAMS, South Lowell Street, Richmond, Va. F. D. 2, Whittakers, N. C. SNYDER, James B. Joe Snyder, Southern R. F. WILSOI& Ralph H. Florence B. Wilson, Na- Railroad Shops, Knoxville, Tenn. ROGERS, Hardie. Mrs. Mary Rogers, tional Military Home, Fort Leavenworth, STEINBERG, Mandel. Nathan Steinberg, 512 D. 1, Robbinsville, N. C. Kans. West One hundred and sixty-second Street, ROMANO. Michael. Pasqual Romano, 125 Co- New York, N. Y. lumbus Avenue, New Haven, Conn. WISSMULLER, Henry. John Wissmuller, ROSS, Thomas S. James M. Ross, Checotah, 3249 North Ashland Avenue, Chicago, Ill, STINCHCOMB. Ernest C. George W. Stinch- comb, R. F. D. 1, Dryden, Harmon County, Okla. WOLTER, George W. August Wolter, 272 1943 Caledonia Street, Lockport, N. Y. Okla. SCHIEK, Arthur J. Mrs. Lena Schiek, YELLMAN, Nathan. Mrs. Lena Niditch, SUGGS, Bazziel. Mrs. Ellen Suggs, 859 Zig- Gravois Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. 2313 Surf Avenue, Coney Island, N. Y. zag Street, Columbia, S. C. SCHNEIDER, Charles. Mrs. Katherine GAZAWAY, Richard M. Mrs. Gay Bell Gaza- THATCHER. John K. Mrs. Sallie Mourer, Schneider, 1023 Rogers Avenue, Brooklyn, way, 922 West N Street, Springfield, Ohio. 211 East Eighteenth Street, Covington, Ky. N. Y. 12 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBEll 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

SPANGLER, James H. Mrs. Alma N. Spang- SKELLY, Clyde L. George - A. Skelly, 4201 CLIFFORD, Harry. Mrs. Mary Applegate, Ir, Pen derly, Tex. Bedford Street, Elmira, N. Y. - Avon, N. J. STULL, Raymond L. Mrs. John A. Still,. SMITH, Lyman M. Mrs. Mamie C. Smith, COAN, Eric L. Royal R. Coan, Manlius, N. Y. Thurmont, Md. box 87, Hopkinton, Iowa. COBB, Monroe. Mrs. Ludie Cobb, Rosemary, WARMBIER, Henry 0. Herman Warmbier, SULLIVAN, Leo E. Miss Julia Donovan, 36 Ala. R. F. D. 1, Auburn, Mich. John Street, Haverhill, Mass. COLEMAN, James Millard. Mrs. Lyetta' Rob- WATSON, John G. Mrs. Annie G. Watson, 15 SUMMERS, William F. John W. Summers, bins, Mountain View. Mo. Belvedere Avenue, Mount Washington, Md. R. F. D. 1, Holton, Kans. COLLINS, Bert G. Corielus Collins, 21 Monte- WILSON, Franklin B. Mrs. Nora W. Wilson, SWIFT James B. Mrs. Ella Swift, 918 West zuma Street, Lyons, N. Y. Stony Point, N. C. Fourth Street, WilmIngton, Del. CONWAY, Charles A. Mrs. Catherine Con- WINTERS, Frank. Mrs. Emma Sealer, 328 THOMPSON, Lonnie Howard. George W. way, 785 South High Street, Akron, Ohio, Ri, er Place, Toledo, Ohio. Thompson, Schoolfleld, Va. CORNELL, Henry. Mrs. Lillian Cornell, R. WOLBEC1K, Frank. Mrs. Anna Wolbeck, R. F. ULOSA , William. Charlie StonnI, 189 lar- F. D. 4, Ballston Spa, N. Y. D. 1, box 39, Melrose, Minn. 'rison Street, Paterson N. J. COX, Edward F. William J. Cox, 135 Dove WOOLWINE, George W. Miss Vesta Wool- VANDERZELL, Michael. Jacob Vanderzell, Street, Albany, N. Y. wine, Douglas, Okla. Berry Swamp Road, Williamson, N. Y. CUTSINGER, William. Martin Cutsinger, R. ZEISS, Edward. Frank Zeiss, 3249 North VIOLA, Frank. Leo Viola, 29 Church Street, F. D. 2, Taylorsville, Ky. Twentieth Street, St. Louis, 'Mo. Windsor Locks, Conn. DAVIS, Claude. Mrs. Claude Davis, sr., 844 ZIERL, August. William.Zierl, 78 Franklin WILDER, Earle-D. Frank C. Wilder, Mexico, North lantua Street, Kent, Ohio. Street, Ansonia, Conn. - N. Y. DUNN, Carnie. Mrs. Goldie Dunn, Murray, KELSEY, Hiram S. Mrs. Eva Kelsey, Ed- ZARNOSKI, Joseph J. Mrs. Anna Zarnoski, Ky. more, Mich. 126 Mooney Street, Oliphant, Pa. DUNNE, John J. Mrs. Elizabeth Dunne, 168 KENNEDY, Oscar. Charles Kennedy, 1020 Avenue C, New York, N. Y. Sixteenth Street, Portsmouth, Ohio. Died from Wounds Received in Action. EDWARDS, Jake. Willis Lockly, R. F. D. 2, KINARD, Roy V. Garland Q. Kinard, Eldo- Lumberton, N. C. rado, Ark. CAPTAIN. FREEMAN, Leslie T. Mrs. Elizabeth Free- KaING, William G. Mrs. Mattie McDonald, man, 727 Vanburen Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Garrison, Tax. PYLES, A. Zane. Dr. Richard A. Pyles, 2015 GENCLER, Arthur R. Fred Gensler, R. F. D. KOONTZ, Floyd T. Mrs. Tenny Koontz, 1667 Nichols Avenue, Washington, D. C. 1, box 22, Clintonville, Wis. Mayberry Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. LIDUTENANTS. GLEASON, Raymond T. Mrs. Margarte Glea- KYLER, Paul. Mrs. Amanda Kyler, R. F. D. son, 139 York Street, Rochester, N. Y. 1, Julian, Pa. FISKE, Charles H. Charles H. Fiske, Intel- GROARK, Thomas J. Mrs. Joseph Gallagher, LANE, Harry. Mrs. Kate Lane, 19 Bennett ligence Bureau, 1907 S Street, Washington, 3712 Grand Boulevard, Chicago, Ill. Street, Middletown, N. Y. D. C. GROSS, Samuel. Mrs. Eva Gross, 231 Grove LINEBERRY, Cyrus. G. H. Lineberry, Cli- HYLAND, Henry W. Daniel P. Hyland, 810 Street. Jersey City, N. J. max, N. C. Twentieth Street NW., Washington, D. C. HAMILTON, George W. I. W. Hamilton, R. LYNCH, Xoseph T. Mrs. Annis Lynch, Ava, MINOR, Farrell D., Jr. F. D. Minor, 2290 F. D. 2, Elbridge, Tenn. Ill. Calser Avenue Beaumont, Tex. HELLERT, Frederick C. August W. Hellert, McADAMS. Samuel J. Mrs. Samuel J. Mc- SCOTT, Charles 'W. Mrs. Edwin Rhodes, Wit- 1335 West Avenue, Medina, N. Y. Adams, Carrollton, Ark. liam Street, Huron, Ohio. HENDRICKSON, Alfred J. Jule Hendrick- MERCER, Henry G. Mrs. Melinda A. Mercer, son, Hancock, Minn. , R. F. 1. 1, Morgantown, W. Va. SERGEANTS. HOBBS, Homer. Henry Hobbs, Glen Ferris, MESA, Domingo G. Mrs. Ida A. Mesa, R. F. GREENSTEIN, Michael. Benjamin Greenstein, W. Va. Y. D. 2, box 130, Montecito, Cal. 24 Forsyth Street, New York, N. HORREVOETS, Leonard. Mrs. Minnie Hor- MOON. Stearnes. Mrs. Hattie D. lioon, 116 HANFORD, Robert C. Mrs, Jennie Hanford, revoets, 912 Ottawa Avenue, Grand Rap- Withers Street, Lynchburg, Va. 150 Dudley Avenue, Westffeld, N. J. ids, Mich. MURPHY, James H. Mrsq Jennie Murphy, SCHILLING, Arthur William. Jacob Schil- thirty- JACKSON, William G. Herman Jackson, 23 Clarke Street, Binghamton, N. Y. ling, 382 East One hundred abd Savage, Minn. PAPPAS, George. James Pappas, Appras, seventh Street, New York, N. Y. R. F. KELLER, George J. Mrs. Elizabeth Keller, Greece. WIlTTLE, Archibald. James Whittle, 6 Morton Avenue, Albany, N. Y. PIPER, Orrin Bryant. Richard Piper, 59 D. 6, box 11, Richmond, Va. KENNEDY, James M. J. C. Kennedy, 111 Heath Street, Buffalo, N. Y. CORPORALs. Seventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. PIRTO, James. Lewis Pirto, 2239 Adams KERAMIDAS, Gus D, George Poulos, 402 N. Y. BATER, Charles J.,.jr. Mrs. Theresa Baler, Place, New- York, 31l Storrie Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. Market Street, Parkersburg, W. Va. HROE, Iorace Decker. irs. Hazel Kirk Ray- KING, Sam. Maggie Anderson, R. F. D. 1, meinnd, 511 Eleventh CORRIGAN, Henry J. John Corrigan, 22 Var- Street, Columbus, Ga. nay Street, Salem, Mass. Columbia, S. C. SANTO, Giovanni. Diborgo Santo, 16 Vinton Cos- KOKJOHN, Theodore J. Mrs. Mary Kok- Avenue. Providence, H. I. COSGROVE , George B. Mrs. Lillian John, 1735 Webster Street, Fort Madison, SANTORA, Gerardo. Patsy Palaso, 297 Front grove, 013 Bedford Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. DAVIS, George. Fred Davis, general delivery, Iowa. Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Robert. Pink L. Lathan, Starr, SC1WEITHELM, Frank L. Corild Schweit- Studley, Kans. LATHAN, -DE CORDOVA, Allan I. Irvin De Cordova, S. C. helm, 20 Vine Street, Richmond Hill, N. Y.* Elmer 0. Fred Leonard, Castle SHEETS, Charles T. Mrs. Mary F. Sheets, Kopparl, Tax. LEONARD, 2113 Mlain Street, Sharpsburg, Pa. DUGAN, John Francis. Mrs. William Dugan, Rock, Wash. SMITH, Walter J. Mrs. Helen Smith, 107 136 Cypress Street, Brookline, Mass. LONG, Lee Raymond. John C. Long, box 762, La Salle Street. New Britain, Conn.. GRESKO1IAr Bert L. George Craskowlak, 310 South Alabama Street, Okmulgee, Okla. SOTLE, Horace M. Horace N. Soule, Salmon, 1407 Mlill Street, Alpena, Mich. LONGLEY, Hidgh MT. Guy Longley, Wymana, Idaho. MAcDONALD James W. Mrs. Hariet Mac- Tex. Donald, 103 Medway Street,. Providence, STAATLER, Ludwig W. William H. Staatler, B. 1. McINTYRE, Frank. Mrs. Mabel Holmes, Kil- 1122 Chestnut Street, Franklin, Pa. I MOFFA, Louis. Mrs. Angela Moffa, 802 Ca- syth. W. Va. STROKIN, Steve. Miss Julie Strokin, Water- tor Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MAURER. Richard 0. Charles Maurer, 1108 bury, Conn. SOMERVILL, William A. William A. Som- Forest Street, Racine, Wis. SUYDAM, Charlton R. Elisabeth Suydam, 14 merville, Mason, Tenn. MICHELPELDER, Ralph J. Mrs. Katherine East Forty-third Street, Bayonne, N. J. ZIEGENBEIN, William J. Mrs.. Anna Zie- Michelfelder, 614 Hulton Street, Carnegie, TEED, William J. Mrs. Mary Teed, 168 East genbein, 281 Edwards Street, Houghton Pa. Eighty-second Street, New York, N. Y. Mich. MIDDLETON, John W. William Middleton, TOWN, Russell 0. Mrs. Florence Town, 125 WAGONERS. Bonneau. S. G. Broidway East, South Bend, Ind. MORRIS, Edward. Miss Cassil Morris, 3205 TUBBS, Raymond E. Theodore L. Tubbs, R. BYRN, William Charles. Mrs. Orpha Blom, Dayton, Ohio. Magazine Street, St. Louis, Mo. F. D. 1, Woodstock, Vt. . 1444 Germantown Street, MUSTO, Frank. Angelo Musto, 85 Fedrick VAN OSDOL, James E. Mrs. Ella E. Van HJELM, Agnus Jensen. Andrew Alvorson, R. Road, Pittston, Pa. F. D. 1, Trent, S. Dak. 00ol. R. F. D. 1, Nash, Grant County. Okla. NAUGHTON, John. Miss Deli Naughton, WASHINGTON, Drew. Afiss Daisy Lewis, PRIVATES. 201 East Sixty-first Street, NeQ York, N. Y. 785 Brunswick Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. WOLD. Melvin. A. E. Wold, Fosston, Minn. ALFONSO, Joe Y. P. Roman P. Douoso, NIOSI, Tony., Mrs. Nancy Niosi, 1538 East WOODBURN, James S. Mrs. Martha A. Havana Central Caff, Marin, . Twenty-third Street, Los Angeles, Cal. Newburgh, ANDERSON, Carl F. John Anderson, Carl- NORTON, Harvy N. Mrs. Sarah Norton, Woodburn, 17 Courtney Avenue, Stewart, Nebr. N. Y. ,,hend. Alich. ANDERSON, Hans A. Mrs. Kathryn Ander- PAHL, Ruben V. Frank Pahl, R. F. D. 3, WOODLIEF, Joseph B. Henry C. Woodlief, son, Fradaniciagade 10, Copenhagen, Den- Carey, Ohio. route 2. Wake Forest, N. C. mark. PARDUCCI, Alfred William. Charles Par- WOODLING, Frank E. James Woodling, Andorf, West Decatur, Pa. ANDORF, Dietrick F. Mrs. Sofa ducci, 13 Carmin Street, New York, N. Y. YORK, Hlinsdale, Ill. PARKER, Clarence. Frank Parker, R. F. D. Arthur D. John M. York, Terry, Ind. ANTHONY, Elmer E. Mrs. Martha Anthony, 1, Cherryville, N. C. YOUAGOUIST, Alfred H. August Young- Lenoir City, Tenn. PEGG, James Samuel. Mrs. Amie Pegg, 67 Fargo, Miss Irse Atchison, quist,N. Dak. 117 Seventh Avenue, North ATCHISON, Claude. Downing Street, Plymouth, Pa. Taylor, Tax. POULTER, James, jr. Mrs. Charlitte Poul- MABEL, Walter. Herman Zabel, Buffalo Lake, Anna Bailey, box Minn. BAILEY, Samuel E. Mrs. ter, South Riverside Street, Warehouse 17. Pointer, Accomac County, Va. Point, Conn. Herbert H. Belding, ZIDDNOS, Teddy M. Mrs. Mary Lesnoski, R. BELDING, Levern A. PROCTOR, Lonnie P. Mrs: Hattie J. Proctor, F. D. 1, Centerville, Iowa. Waucoma, Iowa. Dillon, S. C. ZONBEK, John. Antonio Zonbek, 300 Eighth BENNETT, Roscoe S. John S. Bennett, I. Avenue, Beaver Falls, Pa. F. D. 1. Evans Landing, Ind., PUDELKKO, Felix. Clements Olsiewski, 3227 SASS, Otto E. Mrs. Adeline Sass, 1411 Board BLACKWELL. Florence. James M. Black- South Pisk Street, Chicago, Ill. Street, Port Huron, Mich. well, Octavia, Okla. QUADE, Louis 0. Mrs. Augusta Quade, SAULES, Charles. George Saules, Longeddy, -BRITSCH, George. Mrs. Christina Britsch, Round Top, Tex. N. Y. R. F. D. 1. Hondo, Tex. REIF, Harry Philip. George H. S. Reif, 4-6 SIEGEL, Jacob. Sdmuel Siegel, 1451 North BURKS, Guy H. Ambrose Burks, R. F. D. 1, North Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Leavitt Street, Chicago, III. Springfield, Ohio. RODE, Richard T. Julius Rode, Herman, Mo. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1018. 13 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING IEUTH, Frank M. Mrs. Mary J. Ruth; 930 SERGEANT MAOR. BROWN, Calvin J. Mrs. Alpha A. Brown, North Shippen Street, Lancaster, Pa. MCCULLOUGH, Albert M. James M. McCul- Grand Junction, Iowa. SAUNDERS, John W. Mrs. Mary Kramer, lough, 318 Marys Avenue, Charleston, W. BROWN, David P. Miss Ethel Holloway, R. 3906 Avenue 0, Galveston, Tex. Va. F. D. 1, Dalton Wis. SCHEISS, Frederick. Mrs. Fred Scheiss, 122 BAKER, Freda E. Abraham L. Baker, R. F. BRUCE, Tom. Joe. A. Bruce, R. F. D. 1, Twenty-fourth Street, Outtenberg, N. Y. D. 1, Marion, Ky. Dayton, Tenu. SCHULKIN, David. Mrs. Fannie Sehulkin, O'HARA,, Chesley J. John N. O'Hara, Groes- BRUNO, Gulseppe. Jake Santengelo, 723 1334 West Taylor Street, Chicago, Ill. beck, -Tex. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. SIMPSON,-George C. Mrs. Mary A. Simpson, PARA, Elmer F. Andrew Para, care of St. BYRD, Dan H. Mrs. Sarah A, Byrd, R. F. D. 96 Classon Avenue, Brooklyn N. Y. Josenh Hospital, Mea his, Tenn 2 box 26, Poeahontas, Tan. SLOAN, John M. Mrs. Nancy J. Slean, 1318 SISK, TIubert 0. Dr. John A. Sisk, 418 East CALtE, iHarvey F. John R. Cagle, R. F. D. We't Thirty-seventh Street, Norfolk, Va. Fifth Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. 3, iuvoo, Ala. SMITH, Benjamin B. William M. Smith, CHIGAS, George,- John Chigas, New York Ash, N. C. CORPORALS. - ?MITH, George E. John F. Smith, 833 East ECKHART, Edward J. Mrs. 'llie Eckhart, CLARK' Virgil n. I ss Atly Velma Clark, One hundred and thirty-third Street, New 7437 Dante Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 819 BAk Avenue, Fresno, Cal. York N Y. HOLLOMAN, Albert. Mrs. Carol Bernice CLAY, Leonard Louis. Mrs. Lottle Clay, S1'1.1i Marshall. Mrs. Sallie Wedges, Ogle, Holloman, R. F. D. 3, box 36, Aulander, Holden, La. Ky. N. C. COOK, Oscar T. Mrs. Arminta Mceormick, STEEVS, Luther. Mrs. Luther Steevs, Thorn- STEED, Robert L. Robert Hastings, 56 Ca- 419 East Locust Street, Salem. Ill. COSSENTINE, Frederick E. Mrs. Melvina dike, Me. melia Street, Astoria, N. Y. Cossentine, STEPHENS, Arsket E. Miss Ida Greer, gen- THOMVSON Harlan C. Moses Thompson, En~e Bend, Minn.. eral delivery, Robstown, Tex. CUNNINGHAM, athaniel. Mrs. Annie Cun- Summerfileld, Kans. ningham, R. F. D. 6, Lancaster S. C. SWIFT, Arther. Mrs. Lulu Swift, R. F. D. TRUITT,- Caslus C. Samuel S. Truitt, Anna Retcban, 252 *1, Brownsville, Tenn. Tex. CURIY, Claude H. Mrs. Whitesboro, East Winifred Street, St. Paul, Minn. ,TAPE, Grover Cleveland. Mrs. Anna Tape, AAMODT, Alfred. Tobias Aamodt,-Halstad, Dance, R. F. D. 3, 234.l Kenton Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Minn. DANCE, Harold A. Verne Martin J. Mrs. Bridget Taylor, box 68m, Aurora Nebr. TAYI OR, GELSEY, Adolphus. Mrs. Mollie Gelsey, Hamilton G. Dehart, R. 50 Princeton Street, New Bedford, Mass. Orangedale, Fla. DEHAlT, Elmer I. THOMPSON, Arthur A. Mrs. Mary Thomp- P. D. 2, Allendale, Mo. HAAG, John L. Mrs. Margaret Haag, 167 Lue. Mayo Dennie, Falmouth, Ky. son, 2103 Milwaukee AveInue, Minneapolis, North Sheridan Road, Kenosha, Wis. DENNIE R. Minn. DODSON Edward O. Harve M. Dodson, HARRIS, Hugh T. Mrs. Helen Harris, Merid- Sparta, Tenn. VILLANO, Nocola. Saverlo Villano, Preteade- Ian, Tex. F. D.i, fusal, Province of Avellino, Italy. HOLMES, James. Mrs. Helen Holmes, Hock- DULLEA, John F. Mrs. Mary Dullea, 1517 WEBSTER, John W. Mrs. J. W. Webster, iag, Iowa. Cleveland Avenue, East St. Louis, Ill. Farmnville, Va. WARD, Raymond B. Mrs. Malissa E. Ward, DURANT, John P. Mrs. Catherine Durant, WILEY, Artemas W. John D. Wiley, R. F. D. Thirteenth and Morton, Okmulgee, Okla. 1 Godwin Place, Everett, Mass. 3, Schoolcraft Mich. BARGOS, Juan. Mrs. Beatrice K. Sherman, ECKHART, Walter. Robert TEckhart, Chokio, WORSHAM, Thomas. Sam J. Worsham, 20 Norman Place, Cranford, N. J. Minn. , Joiner, Okla. CARPENTER, Ralph T. Edgar L. Carpenter, ELAIf, John W. Henry Elam, R. F. D. 2, box WYLIE, William. Louis Wright, Edmore, R. F. D. 5, Hudson, Mich. 29, McCarley, Miss Mich. CROWE, Thomas F. Mrs. Sarah Crowe, 1706 ENGLAND, John. Mrs. Eva England, Glas- ZENSKE, Emil C. Julius Zenske, Shawano, Linden Street, Minneapolis, Minn. gow, Ky. Wis. FOGLE, John. Mrs. Susie Brooks,, R. F. D. FELDMAN, Mannie. Mrs. H. Feldman, 1110 ZOLBE, Paul. August Zolbe, 828 Ohio Street, 2, box 31, New Brooklyn, S. C. Utica, N. Y. Johnstown, Pa. Bleecker Street, FORD, George V. Mrs. Kate XFord, box 94, FELDMANN, William John. William Feld- New Eagle, Pa. mann. 404 West Market Street, York. Pa. Died from Accident or Other Causes. GUILD, Francis A. W. B. Guild, Orleans, Vt. FLUNDER, Grover L. Mrs. Isabel B. MULCAHY, John A. James Mulcahy, 1033 ilunder, Choudrant, La. V COOK. South Pine Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. FOSTER, Fred. Mrs. Meeley Murry Foster, RICE, John T. Mrs. P. Rice, 821 Burncoat Ga. GARRISON, Dock. G. B. Garrison, Belzona, R. F. D. 2, Farmington, Street, Worcester, Mass. GALLOWAY, Orin. Odd Stockley, Stever, Mo. Miss. ROOT, James C. Erastus Root, Bolivar, Mrs. Mary Gaulska, R. PRIVATES. N. Y. GAULSKA, Peter J. F. D. 2, Antigo, Wis. SCHRADER, Otto August. Mrs. Minnie BAXTER, John. Miss Evia Baxter, care K. D. GILCHER, Ralph W. Lewis W. Gilcher, Free- Hospital, Columbia, Tenn. Schrader, Ellsworth, Kans. Ohio. WADE, Henry. Mrs. Lily E. Wade, 834 port, BRUCE Elmer B. Miss. Billy Carson, care GOINS, Raymond J. Mrs. Alice J. Golens, Owl afe, Joplin, Mo.. Vance Avenue, Winston-Salem, N. C. Sturgis, S. Dak. CARLSON, George h., Mrs. P. Carlson, 2308 WAGONAERS. GO NO, ia John M. Gornto, Williston, Sacramento, Cal. H Street, AMMONS Abraham. Mrs. Eliza Hughes, Fla. CASE. Henry B. Ethelbert Case, 400 South Alkire, R. F. D. Fifth Avenue, St. Cloud, Minn. Nellie, Ohio. ALKI. Frank. Mrs. Mate HOWARD, George A. Benjamin E. Howard, 1, Harrisonville, Ohio. CROSS, Jesse Riley. William A. Cross, post- Arnold, R. F. D. office box 282 Estanica, N. Hex. 1502 Glenvr ood Street, Baltimore, Md. ARNOLD, Balie. Mrs. Maud DOUGHERTY, Yerome Francis. Mrs. Patrick WEATHERLY, Merle J. Mrs. Florence 2, Henrietta. Okla. Dougherty, 182 Bloom Street, Dunmore, Pa. Weatherly, R. F, D., box 2,.1West Newton, BAKER, Virgil L. Sam F. Baker, R. F. D. 1, Ind. Logj Lane, Mo. EARLS, Eugene. Mrs. Effie Earls, 504 West R. F. D. 1, Jefferson Street, Nashville, Tenn. SLATER, Carl H. Mrs. James E. Campbell, BAN , Worley. Mrs. Lif Banks, KESSLER, George J. Mrs. Lizzie Kessler, Sandy Hook, Conn. Dalton, Mo. BARRETT, Leo A. Richard F. Barrett, Dra- 1828 Second Avenue, New York, N. Y. HORSESKOER. per, S. Pank. PLUMLEE, Fernie. Mrs. Ruth Plumlee, West R. F. D. 1, Frankfort Ill. HALL, Alfred. Walter E. Hamilton, Mineral BEALL, George H. John Beall, WIECHOW§KI, Thomas. Mrs. Mary Wie- Wells, Tex. Luverne, Ala. chowski, R. F. D. 4, Berea, Ohio. COOKS. BEERLI, Henry P. 1rs. Rose Beerli, 3803 Ohio. WEITZEL, Louis F. Joseph Weitzel, Mel- Colburn Avenue, Cleveland, Died of Disease. rose, Minn. BERNER, Henry J. John H. Berner, general delivery, Krakow.. Mo. FOWLER, Ira J. Mrs. Amanda E. Johnson, 418 CAPTAIN. Water Route A, Arcadia, Fla. BOLING, Frank Miron. Mrs. Ida Boling, Miss Gladys Gallipo, East Gray Street, Norman, Okl. BEDINGER, John Van D. Miss Maria V. GALLIPO, Clifford. Mrs. Jennie Brown, R. F. Bedinger, Anchorage - Ky. Jamestown, N. Dak. BROWN, Willard. NISSLY, John C. William Kniessly, Dallas D. 4, Circleville, Ohio. TalUTLINANTS. Center, Iowa. CAMEL, Arthur B. Miss Metter Camel, 9 Greene Street, Stamford, Conn. CLARK, Hamilton R. Henry Clark, Stapleton, PRIVATES. CARTWRIGHT, Thomas. Mrs. Mary Cart- Staten iland, N. Y. 201 East Fifteenth Street, Pitts- 406 ANDERSON, Edwin L. Leonard Anderson, wright, CONNELL, Robert D. Ralph W. Connell, R. F. D. 1, Erwin, S. Dak. burg, Kans. South Fortieth Street, Omaha, Nebr. Carter, Eldred S. Mrs Elizabeth S. Pick- BAKER, William R. Mrs. Annie Boblits, R. CARTER, Henry G. Mrs. Cornelia PICKLING, F. D. 1, Lutherville, Md. Jordanville, S. C. ling, 529 King Street, Columbia, S. C. Morrison, PETERSON, Emeric. A. G. Peterson, Farley, BELL, Clifford E. George H. Bell, San Greg., CARROLL, James E. Mrs. Mary E. orio, Cal. 1425 East Sixty-fifth Place. Chicago, Ill. Iowa. D. 1, WILLIAMSON, Selwyn B. John H. William- BENNETT, Stephen J. Mrs. Mary G. Keater, COMER, Edward. J. W. Comer, R. F. son, 72 Orange Street, Macon, Ga. R. F. D. 1, Belvidere, Ill. News Ferry, Va. BISHOP, Beverly H. Reece Bishop, Duffield, CONGDON, Warren Allen. Mirs. Geneva SERGEANTS. Va. Congdon, 1802 Washington Street, Knox- BARROW, Herbert A. Monroe Barrow, Oscar, BOLDEN,- Clarence C. Mrs. Mary F. Bolden, ville, Tenn. Hockessin, Del. R. F. D. Ky. Bagleys COOK, John R. Mrs. Ella Karinen, BECKWITH, Robert N. Stuart J. Beckwith,- BOSWELL, Ephram. John Boswell, 1, Hayti, S. Dak. Lake Landing, N. C. Mill, Va. CRAWFORD, Floyd W. Robert G. Crawford, DONALDSON, Harry L. Samuel D. McVeigh, BOURNE, Charles B. Mrs. Loftle M. Bourne, McCredie, Mo. 29V Main Street, Parsons, Kans. 625 Glendale Avenue, Peoria, Ill. Robert E. Deitrick, sr., DEITRICK, Harold H. RILL, William H. Mrs. Mary A. Hill, 1170 BOWLIN, John L., jr. John L. Bowlin, Montoursville, Pa. Alabaia Street, San Francisco, Cal. Duncan, Okla. DIXON, Roland. Mrs. Daisy Beattie Dixon, MELODY, Howard B. James L. Sineox, 75 BOYLE, . William B. Mrs. Margaret Boyle, Ashland, Wis. West Greenwood Avenue, Lansdowne, Pa. 315 Front Street east, DOTY, Harold A Mrs. Myrtle Scott, Prich- WIHOMAS, Cossie R. William A. Thomas, La- BROADHEAD, Clarence. Mrs. Mary Broad- ard, Ala. coochee, Fla. head, R. F. D. 2, Plymouth Ohio. JIHOMAS, Theodore. Mrs. Lucy Thomas, R. BRODA, Andrew. John Broda, R. F. D. 2, DOWIES, Ira. Mrs. Thomas M. Johnson, P. D. 2, box 2, Blackyille, S. C. Ronneby, Minn. Grant, La. ,71*-184 1 THE OFFICIKD U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

FAIRCLOTH, Edgar. Mathew Faireloth, R. BARL, Glenn. Charles I. Earl, Corning, TAFT, Harman A. Mrs. Florence T. Rausch, F. D. B Doaldsonville, Ga. Iowa. R. v. D. 4, Binghamton, N. Y. GAILLARb, Joseph Edward. Mrs. Margaret EDWARDS, Benton L. William A. Edwards, TAYlOR, Bob John Taylor, R. F. D. 8, New- D. Gaillard R. F. D. 2, Liberty, Picken Lone Pine, Ark. bern, T'enn. County, S. b. EDWARDS, Frank W. Mrs. Francis A. Ed- THOMPSON, Asa. Wilson Thompson, Duke, OLIDEWBLL, Albert L. Mrs. Flora Glide- wards, Milford, Utah. Ohio. well, 1015 Rogers Avenue, Sprlngdeld, Mo. FORD, Lewis T. Mrs. Sallie Mary Ford, THOMPSON, Lewis P. Mrs. Catherine L. IAGEN, Christian. Mathew Ragen, beK 16, Shady Side, Mid. Thompson, Pleasant Street, Ashland Mass. block River Falls, Wis. GANNON, Earl F. Mrs. Nora Gannon, 156 TRENGROVE, Raymond. Mrs. Ifarriet Tren- JIANLON, James E. Miss Mary Hickey, 447 North Ninth Street, Lebanon Pa. grove, 4502 Mulberry Street, Philadelphia, Sixth Avenue, Wamnatosa, Wis. GARDNER, Joseph M. Mrs. Ella M. Gardner, Pa. HARRIS, Elmer G. Marion Harris, Viroqua, Wayne, Pa. VELASQUEZ, Jose E. Anastacio Velasques, Wis. GEORGE, John. Abraham George, 830 Four- Antonio, Colo. HARGRAVES, John. Mrs. Sarah Hargraves, tenth Street, Birmingham, Ala. VLACH, Joseph J. Frank Vlach, 5908 Byron 541 Macon Street, Greensboro, N. C, GUSTAFSEN Denjamin. Mrs. Marie Gustaf- Street, Chicago, Ill. IOUCK, Lewis L. William D. Hoatk, Ello- sen 4318 ourth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WALKE Walice. Wallace Walker, Alachua, ree, $. C. . HALY, Silas B. George Hall, Adelphia, N. J. Fla. ' JACKSON, Jeremiah. Mrs. Artie Jackson, box HARBIN, Charles. John Blocker, Tom, Okla. HARRIS, Lawrence E. John E. Harris, La- WALKOWIAK, John V. Mrs. Mary Walko- 139 Lake Street, Middleton, Del. wiak, 144 Schutrun Street, Buffalo, KEERAN, William. Mrs. Anna'Keenan, 403 rue, Ohfo. N. Y. HEMMINGER, Ervin L. Fargahrson Hem- WALL, Joseph. Phillip Wall, Gouldsboro, Pa. Pacific Avenue, Jersey City N J WARMKESSEL KENNEY, George H. Mrs. Roxy Bradshaw, mieer, genral delivery, Otter Lake, Mich. Harry J. Mrs. Esora Warm- HICKEY, Lee C. Mrs. Margaret Hickey, Inde- kessel, R. F. D. 6, Allentown, Pa. general delivery, Algonac, MIch. WILSON, Mack KING, Daniel I. Mrs. Norma King, Sevier- pendence, Iowa. C. Mrs. Leila B. Wilson, ville, HICKS, George E. Mr§. Sarah E. Hicks, 1907 West Broad Street, Savannah, Ga. Tenn. YOUNG, Frank. Jim Miller, Raines, Tenn. KING, James B. William B. King, R. V. D. Valley Park, Mo. 12, Commerce, Ga. HICKS, John W. Mrs. Mamie Denney, Sey- YOUNG, Frank P. Mrs. Emma Young, 258 LEGGETT, John. Mrs., Irene S. Leggett, 222 mour. Mo. . South Sixth Street, New Philadelphia, Ohio. South Rome Street, Tampa Fla HOLLOWELL, Willie G. _John L. Hollowell, HOWELL, Percy M. Mrs. Kathrine Howell, 5 LEWIS. Walter Keysor Colo. Levitt Court, Salem Mass. E. Aaron Lewis, 265 West KILGORE, John One htrudred and twenty-ninth street, New HORST, henry G. John Horst, Oak, Nebr. I. 4eorge C. Kilgore, Vic- York, N. Y. -- NORTON, Flavors. Mrs. Thursday Horton, toria, Tenn. LOWE, John M. Benjamin H. Murrow, R. Benjitown, Tenn. LENSER, Ralph R. Clarence C. Lenser, R. F. D. 8, East Des Moines, Iowa. GRIMES, Charles 13. Mrs. Lillie B. Grimes, F. D. 3, Milan, Ill. LUND, Edward: Mrs. Carrie Lund, Anstad, Adair, Iowa. LEWIS, Raymond. Mrs. Susie Lewis, R. F. D. Minn. GROBE, Harry W. Levi H. Grebe, R. F. D. 1, box 8, Ivanhoe, N. C. MoDONNA, John P. Michael J. McDonna,, R. 2 Milford, Iowa. LOWMAN, Andrew. Mrs. Martha Lowman, F. D. 25, Princeville, Ill. HAbLEY, Albert C. Freedus A. Hadley, Ma- R. D. 8, 1, box 7A, Aiken, S. C. McDONOUGH, Thomas. Mrs. Mary O'Don- lone, N. J. MALMER, William E. Mrs. Ida Malmer, La- nell, 10 Howe Street, Lowell, Mass. HAGEN, Lawrence M. G. John C. S. Hagen, .ayette, Minn. MANEMANN, Albert J. John Manemann, R. 49 Clifton Street, Malden, Mass. MALONE, Thomas M. Mrs. Nellie Malone, F. D. 1, Carroll, Iowa. HAL%, Ralh S. , William E. Hall, 30 Bisson 1500 West Congress Street, Chicago, Ill. MILLER, Henry. Alix Miller, box 114, Bay- Avenue, rSeverly, Mass. MARBACH, Mathias. Nick Marbach, Worth- Ion, Mont. HALLBERG, Simon P. Miss Hedda Hallberg, ington, Iowa. MOORE, Peter. Mrs. Mary Moore, 1805 1 Baker Street, San Franisce, Cal. MERRITT, Harvey J. Mrs. Lillian M. Mer- Grove Street Philadelphia, Pa. HAWKIyS, Fred. Mrs. Talstha Hawkins, R. ritt, Ingram, Tex. MOORE, Zeke M. Mrs. Annie Moore, Girard, F. D. 2, bog 7, Harriaburg, N. C. MILLER, Carl H. Charles A. Miller, Dillon, La. HEATH, William H. Sylvester Heath, box Colo. MOORE, Rodger. Mrs. Mary E. Moore, R. 1, 115 Solway, Minn. box Margaret Henchey, MILLER, Charles F. Ira A. Miller, 95 Wood. 44, Madison, Wis. HENdPEY, Daniel M. Mrs. land Avenue, Washington, Pa. MULLEN, Edward. Mrs. Bridget Cannon, 38 Madison Street, Morristown, N. J. MINARD, 2445 North Twenty-eighth Street, Philadel- HOBBS, Joe C. Mrs. Fern Hobbs, St. Angus- Chester C. Mrs. Miles Wells, 55 phia, Pa. Academy Street, Poughkeepsie, N. Y. tine, Ill. MULLEN, James M. Mrs. Ellen Maguan, 21 OUTLAW, Cleveland. Bentley Outlaw, R. F. HOPKINS, Fred C. John N. Hopkins, R. F. D. I Bethune, S. C. Maple Street, Kearney, N. J. D. 1, Holly Springs, Ga. NICITOLB, Earl C. Mrs. Grace Nichols, 1003 PATTKRSON, Guy R. Miss Ethel Phelps, Alonza. Mrs. Rose Howard, Sheg- R F. D I HOWARD, South Second Street West, Cedar Rapids, Ellington, Mo. how, Ala. Iowa. PATRICK, Yeland A. Ed A. Patrick, R. F. HITRST, Zeek, Samaule Hurst, Bertha, lfo. D. 2. Gufton, N. C. OLESHUK, Selvester. Tony Napiura, 41 Rose JENKINS, Henry. 11 Ely Jenkins, Clymer,.. Street, New York, N, Y. RADABAUGH, Vernon. Mrs. Verna Rada- N. F. baugh, Star Route, Stockdale, Ohio. OLSON Frank W. Mrs. Lydia Geer, 2649 RINGITUSER, Clarence E. Mrs. Susan Ring- JOHN, Frank K. Kasper John, R. F. D. 1, LonIellow 'Avenue, Minneapolls. Minn. hiser, R. F. D. ( Logan, Ohio. Jasper, Ind. OLSOR, Otto L Terger Olson, R. F. D. 6, SANDS, Alfred. Mrs. Jennie Sands, P. 0. JOHNSON, Johnnie. Mrs. Allie Johnson, gen- Montevideo, Minn. Hawley Mills, S. C. eral delivery, Accoville, W. Va. OVIATT, Joseph. Miss Eva Dungren,* Logan, KIMPSON, Charles. Mrs. Estelle Kimpson, Iowa. PRVATES. R. F. D. 1, box 69, St. Mathews, S. C. PENDERGRASS, Charlie T. James T. Pen- ANDERSON, Lewis N. Mrs. Joanna McRae KRIMMEL, Fred W. Mrs. Sabina Krimmel, dergrass, Henderson, N. C. 669 High Street, Lancaster, Pa. PRICE, John Thomas. . Miss Margaret Collins, Anderson, R. F. D. 1, Screven, Ga. Edward 3. Edward Krueger, ANDERSON, Nels. Ole Fodnes, McClellan, KRUEGER, Hartsdale, N. Y. Minn. Lincoln, Tex. RAIFORD, Oliver. Will Carpenter, Beach McCLAIN, Fred L. Isaac L. McClain, R. F. Island, S. C. ASLAKSON, Gunder. Mrs. Gunlide Aslak- D. 2, Lavonia, (Ja. son. R F. D. 1, Webster, N. Dak. MINER, Alfred. Mrs. Mary A. Miner, Mid- SCHAFFER, George A. George Schaffer, 9 BACH, Joseph A. Mrs. Josephine Bach, 292 vale Idaho. Van Riper Avenue, Flushing, N. Y. Renner Street, Cinclinati, Ohio. MOORE, Alfred E. Mrs. Nellie Moore, SCHAFFER, Horace. Granville Schaffer, R. BENNETT, Charlie. Mrs. Mary Bennett, R. Lucama, N. C. F. D. 2, Coopersburg, Pa. F. D. 8, Brownsville, Tenn. MORRIS, Jesse Ellsworth. Ford Morris, SCHAU, Howard. Mrs. Anna Schau, Lowell, BERSAW. William 3. Joseph Bersaw, Mor- R. F. D. 6, Minneapolis, Kans. Ohio. ence, Vt. MUNDAY. George C. Charles D. Munday, SCHETTLE, Joseph. Joe Schettle, Witen- BRADSHAW, William R. Miss Ella Brad- Stark, Kans. burg. Basaralsky, Russia. shaw, Worthing S. Dak. MURRAY, Joe. Miss Mattle Wallaee, 103 SLOAN, John. Sallie Sloan, 17 West Chest- BROWN, Edgar J. Mrs. Henretta Brown, Mississippi Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. nut Street. Asheville, N. C. Hireinsville, Mo. PARKER, Edward. Mrs. Amanie Parker, SNYDER, Otis. Mrs. Sarah N. Lindau, R. F. BURKE, Jesse. Mrs. Silva Burke, R. F. D. R. F. D. 4, box 4 Columbia, S. C. D. 2, Bryan, Ohio. - 2, MunnerIv, Ga. PARRISH, Roger V. Mrs. Catharine F. SULLIVAN, Charles L. Mrs. Mary Sullivan, BURKHALTER, Monroe W. Mrs. Cosine Loche. Dunnsville, Miss. 25 Dorchester Street, Lawrence, Mass. Burkhalter, Dunbarton, S. C. PETERSON, Alex. Mr. Peterson, Bismarck, SUMMERIL, Austin M. Mrs. Edna A. Sum- CARTER, Thomas. Mrs. Grace Waters, 310 N. Dak. meril, Scobey, Mont. West Hill Street, Champaign, Ill. TAYLOR, George Estil. Mrs. Clara B. Taylor, CLIFF, Arthur. Henry Clif, Rich Valley, PHEBUES, Willie H. Mrs. Molly Phebues, 1118 Main Street, Boonville, Mo. Miun. R. P. D. 1, Hurricane, Tenn. THOMPSON, Charles C. Mrs. Florence M. PORT, William C. Mrs. Mary E. Port, 88 Thompson, Mount Vernon, Ohio. COLLINS. Harold D. Michael T. Collins, Benson Avenue, Cleveland. Ohio. Clare, Iowa. TILLESON, Oscar J. Mrs. Ole J. Tilleson, REINSEE, Roy L. Ralph M. Reinsel, Kinga- Clintonville, Wis. COLLINS. Jesse J. Julius Collins, R. F. D. Pa. 2, Smith. N. C. ville, TODD, Georee A. John Todd, i1. F. D. 14, COLTON, Harry L. Joseph P. Colton, Lake SANDERS, Erie F. Mrs. Mary Sanders, 1212 Victoria, Ill. Street, Burbank, Cal. West New York Street, Indianapolis. Ind. TRENARY, James. Richard Trenary, R. F. CRIPPEN, Vincent L. Mrs. Ruth Crippen, SELL, Edward R. Albert C. Bell, box 64, D. 1, De Smet. S. Dak. Paxton, Nebr. Wausau, was. TURNING-BEAR, David. Paul Littlehorse, CROW, Spartan L. James N. Crow, R. F. D. SMOCZYNSKT, Anton F. Andrew Emoe- St. Francis, S. lrak. 1, Yaraella, Ga. mynski. 2216 South Spalding Avenue, Chi- VIENS, Henry A. Mrs. Theadore Vitds, 49 DAVIS, Alfred G. Alfred G. Davis, sr., 702 cago, Ill. School Street, Central Falls, R. 1. Market Street, Washington, N. C. STACY, Robert. Mrs. Minerva Kullman, WALKER, Eddie. Mrs. Hellen Walker, 435 DAVIS, Charles A. Charles T. Davis, 22 Neal 18 Taylor Street. Dayton, Ohio. Cross Street, Petersburg. Va. Street, Brockton, Mass. STOTERAU, Arnold F. Otto Stoterau, R. F. WALKER, Ernest. Mrs. Mollie Walker, 114 DENNY, Thomas F. Mrs. Delia Haines, 374 D. 4, Hartley, Iowa. Louisiana Street. Fayette, Mo. West One hundred and sixteenth Street, STURGIS, Frank. Mrs. Triss Sarah Sturgis, WATKINS, Paul V. Luther H. Watkins, R. New York, N. Y. 'Keller, Accomac County, Va. F. D. 3, Paris, Tenn. THE OIFFIOIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2P, 1918. 15 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING WEATHIERS, Arthur R. Miss Daisy E. GARRET Guy. Mrs. Ida Garrett, Wood PITTMAN, Richard F. Mrs. Della P. Pittman, Weathers, 215 Galt Street, New Albany, River, Nebr. Opelika, Ala.' Ind. HAND, Prank Peter. Mrs. Rose Hand, 655 POLIDEIO, Quirino Joseph Polidero, 173 WEBB, James. Mrs. Jessie Webb, R. F. D. 7, North Forty-fdfth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Oak Skeet, Yonkers, N. Y. Greensburg, Pa. HARPER, Arthur. T. W. Harper, 367 Falser POWER William J. Michael J. Powers, WEBER, Joe. Martin Weber, Jr., Bloomer, Street, Columbus Ghio. 4(39 Pave Avenue St. Louis, Mo. Wis. JOHNSON, James Itussel. John R. Johnson, SHUMWAY, Seth. Pleter Shuinway, Blanding, WEBER, Richard D' Mrs. Lena Weber, 131 R. F. D. 8, Madison, N. C. Utah. Wyckoff Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. JOHNSTON, Jamie N. John K. Johnston, SNTDER, Carl W. Mrs. Charles Snyder, Mel- WEIL, Harleigh I. William M. Well, Elliott Edina, Mo. lette, S. Dak. Heights Rural Station, Bethlehem, Pa. LISCONA, Juan, Rgno Liscona Buffalo, Tex. STEWART, Horace W. A. P. Stewart, Lov- WHITEHEAD, Louis P. Mrs. Anna White- REESE, Howard. Mrs. Mary*1. Reese, For- in-, Tex. head, 303 Green, Street, Millville, N J. est City, Pa. STRICKLER, George Everett. Abijah Strick- WOLLENBERG, Charles. Mrs. Bertha Wol- RECORD, Charles Franklin. Mrs. Florence ler, Fountain Run, Ky. lenberg, 388 East Seventy-eighth Street, W. Ross, Clinton, La. TOKESPETA, Mack. John Tokespeta, general New York, N. Y. SHINEVAR, James Huhe. Mrs. Mary delivery, Sroizer, Ariz. WOOD, Charles H. Elish G. Wood, Hendrick- Shinevar, 723 East Third Street, Monroe, ULAMIS, Nich. John Ulamis, Crete, Candia, son, Mo. Mich. Greece. WRIGHT. Edmund S. Mrs. Josephine Wright, VEASEY, Donald. Dan Veasey, Columbus, VAN BLARGEN, George. Jacob Van Blargen, Main Street, Swedesboro, N. J. Ga. Oneida, Pa. ZIMMERMAN, Edwin. Mrs. Lydia L. Zim- FERGUSON, Lloyd L. Harry Ferguson, R. VOLLUZ, Julius E. Mrs. Cora Vollus, general merman, Plain City, Ohio. F. D. 1, Chatfield, Minn. delivery, Westport, S. Dak. SCIIEER, Gustav F. Henry Scheer, New MORRA, Adolph. Frank Morra, 204 Georgia WATSON, Charles A. W. Charles II. Barner, Haven, MO. Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Larimer, Pa. SCHMEELK, Henry W. A. August Schmeelk, RAGLAND, George Robert. Mrs. James H. WEBSTER, William E. William H. Webster, R. F. D. 1, Battle Creek, Iowa. Ragland, Ilasco Mo. Oregon, Ill. SWAN, Luther E. John Swan, R. F. D. 1, RICHARDSON, Thomas H. Roy Richardson, WE JH, Stanley L. J. P. Welch, Norfield, Jamestown, Kans. R F. D 1 Dyersburg, Tenn. Miss. TERRY, George E. John Bohlman, R. F. D. TOTIAINE, Bernard. Mrs. Mary Tomaine, WILLIAMS, David D.' Mrs. Minnie E. Wil- 34, Campbellsport, Ws. 10 Arco Street, Carbondale, Pa. liatus 855 David Avenue, Mobile, Ala. THOMPSON, Elmer. Ole Thompson, Colfax, WILLIAMS, Oliver Hamilton. Oliver E. Wis. MECItANIC. Slaught, Lodi, N. Y. WENDORF, Harvey H. William Wendorf, 516 JEFFRIES, James W. Mrs. Ida Jeffries, 302 ZACHNR, Christian J. John D. Zacher, Hell, East State Street, Marshall, Mich. West Oak Street, Ludlow, Ky. N. Dak. WILLIAMS, Clarence. Mrs. Ida Williams, 57 ZECARELLI, Galtano. Joseph Zecarelli, Warren Street, Charleston, S. C, ML SICIAN.. 10207 Broudano Street, Utica, N. Y. WOLFE, Turner. Robert Wolfe, Wewoka, ZELMANOWITZ, Murray. Mrs. P. Zelmano- Okla. SHEPPARD, Fred R. Mrs. Ella Sheppard, witz, 125 Noble Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Carterville, Ill. BEERS, Fred M. Mrs. Frank Drumm, Ma- Wounded Severely. LINDGREN, Hetbert B. Mrs. J. H. Lind- quoketa, Iowa. gren, 30 Pearson Avenue, Somerville, Mass. CHARLTON Frank W. George Charlton, CAPTAINS. 1419 Washington NE., Minneapolis, Minn. MECHANIC. CHATTIN, Oliver D. Jessie M. Chattin, Dan- ARNOLD, Clifford H. Ms. Clifford H. Arnold, ZARUBA, Robert. Mrs. Katehrine Zaruba, Avenue, Ardnore, Pa, ville, Va. 107 Ardmore 150 East One hundred and seventh Street, CONNOR, Joe. Mrs. Kate Connor, R. F. D. HILLA, Frank J. Mrs. Reginia Hilla, 1640 New York, N. Y. West Blackhawk Street, Chioago Ill 3, Kilbourn, Wis. MASON, Clinton 0. Mrs. Mary P. Mason, R. WAGONERS. DIMICK, Edward S. Edward R. Dimick, 759 F. D. 5, Paris, Tex. JOHNSON, Frank B. Sam G. Johnson, Have- Monroe Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. lock, Iowa. DUGAN, Thomas A. Mrs. Nora Dugan, 433 LIEUTINANTS. REEB, Delta H. J. B. Reeb, Antwerp, Ohio. West Twenth-eighth Street, New York, N.Y. ESKRIDGE, Harry. Mrs. Ethel Eskridge, CAROTHERS, Glenn E. Miss Bess Mickle- CoOK. 1456 Murphy Street, Shreveport, La. thwaite, 164 West Ninth Avenue, Columbus, CRAWFORD, Thomas L. George L. Craw- EVANS, William F. Jacob Evans, Sheridan, Ohio. Pa. COOK, Charles Harrold. W. F. Cook, sr., ford, general delivery, Tulsa, Okla. Cusseta, Ga. PRIVATES. FELDMANN, Henry. Mrs. Elizabeth Feld- GRUBB, James Obedyer. Mrs. Florence H. man. 121 Summit Street, Monroe, Wis. Grubb 2744 Lexington Street Chicago Ill. ARNOWITZ, Samuel. Oslas Arnowitz, 234 GENTRY, Chall. Chall Gentry, Aberdeen, East Fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Miss. HAYNE§, William. Mrs. A. haynes, 1025 C. Bos- Mammouth Street, Newport, Ky. BOSWORTH, Charles L. Daniel GEURIN, Robert W. Mrs. Nancy E. Geurin, LLOYD, Frank T., Jr. F. T. Lloyd, sr., 527 worth, Woodruff, Pa. Benton, Ark. Cooper Street, Camden, N. J. BOWLING, Hobart. Alfred Bowling, Rice- GOLDBERG, Louis. Kiva Goldberg, 204 SEARGEANT, Albert J. Mrs. Albert J. Sear- town Ky. Madison Street, New York, N. Y. geant Brackettville, Tex. BURDI'CK, Henry. Andre Burdick, R. F. GREBR, John. Mrs. Mary E. Greer, general SHERVAN Earle D. Fred H. Sherman, 1729 D. 8, Perry, Okle. delivery, Evansville, Ind. North ifty-third Street, Williamstown, CRABB, Homer. Mrs. Jim Crabb, Muldoon, HALL, Claude P. Raymond R. Hall, Blounts- Tex. ville, Ala. Mass. DAVIS, George F. Lewis T. Davis, Wicken- STITES, Luke S. Mrs. Louise Sells Stites, HAMLIN, Joseph E. Eugene J. Hamlin, 11 Kirkwood, Mo. burg, Ariz. Eighteenth Street, Detroit, Mich. DAVIS, John W. Mrs. Julia Dick, 354 On- HERRICK, Lester. Edward Parsons, 1354 TOPPING, Charles R. James R. Topping, taria Street, Hornell, N. Y. Lawrence, Kans. Fox Street, Elmira, N. Y. FENLASON, William A. Mrs. Mary E. Fen- HOMMAN, Carl E. Mrs. France Homman, SERGIANTS. lason, 609 Central Street, Franklin, N. H. 15 South Third Street, Zanesville, Ohio. GRAFTON, Eltats. Mrs. R. T. Grafton, Bar- JARVELA, Alfred E., Jr. Alfrbd Jarvela, sr., FELDMAN Louis. Mrs. Sophie Feldman, 19 nice La. Palmer Mich. Henry Street, New York, N. Y. IIILT6N, Andrew C. Bill Hilton, Poyner, JORGEN EN, Axel. Jensen Jorgensen, 1023 FREY, Warren D. Mrs. Henry M. Frey, Man- Tex. Vaughn Avenue, Ashland, Wis. heim, Pa. HUBER, Adam L. Adam Huber, .78 Blaine JUZEFOWICZ, Stanley. John Juzefowicz, 9 REYNOLDS, Robert H. John R. Reynolds, Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Conant Street, Roxbury, Mass. Terre Haute, Ind. IANUZZI, Raffaele. Mrs. Marie lanuzzi, Sea KAPLAN, Barnett. Sam Kaplen, 1409 Pros- WEILLER, Henry Julius. Mrs. Meta Well- Donato, Ninea Province Cosenzo, Italy. pect Avenue, New York, N. Y. ler, 1117 Fulton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. JOHNSON, Richard S. Simon P. Johnson, KASTON, Charles. Mrs. Pauline B. Moss, R. EAGLES, Arthur N., Jr. Arthur N. Eagles, 415 Fifth Avenue, Peoria, Ill. J. F. D., Whitehouse, Ohio. 164 North Seventh Street, Newark, N. KIMBRELL, Roy. Mrs. Laura A. Gibbs, KAUFMAN, Michael. J. F. Kaufman, 04 East HARRIS, Leon C. Wallace Bryant, 1247 Bat- Proctor, Mo. Merrill tery Avesse, Baltimore, Md. LANEY, Stuart E. Joseph E. Laney, 610 Street, Fond du Lac, Wis. JUSTICE, Albert G. Frank E. Justice, Mount North Cedar Street, Abilene Kans. KOONS, Walter D. Mrs. Amelia Koons, Washington, Ohio. LAW, Ernest F. Miss Annie Law, 726 South Beach City, Ohio. MOORE, John F. Mrs. Eile Moore, Mount Fourteenth Street, Kansas City, Mo. KRAUSE, Emil Paul. Mrs. Anna Krause, 303 Pleasant, Tex. McGARVERY, Arthur. John A. MeGarvery, Fletcher Street, Tonawanda, N. Y. *AVAGE, Charles B. M0s. Cora Savage, box 221 Clinton Street, Hoboken, N. J. LEONARD, Edward R. Mrs. Mary Leonard, 46, Pawhuska, Okla. McLEVICI, Roman. Mrs. Josephine McLe- 330i Second Street, Fla vich, 175 East Chicago Avenue, St. Paul, LIPPKE, Joseph A. Mrs. Vary Lippke, 012 - CORPORALS, Minn. Alexander Street, Detroit, Mich. BENNETT! Fred Lorenzo. Mrs. L. Bennett, MARSHALL, Glenn L. John S. Marshall, 520 LYSAKOWSKI, Albert R. John J. Lysa- Ausable Chasm, N. Y. East Third Street, Bloomington, Ind. kowski, Lebanon, Ill. BENSON, Joseph L. J. F. Benson, P. 0. Box MARXKORS. William. Mrs. Annie Daniel, St. McLAGGAN, William K. Kenneth W. Mc. 318, Davenport, Iowa. , Libory Ill Laggan, Gordon, Wis. FLURY, George G. Mrs. Abram Flury, MASSEV, Charles I, Robert P: Massey, Hol- BALDINELLO, Tomaso. Joseph Baldinello, Wrightsville, Pa. Us, Okla. Cipsrano, Italy. LIEBMAN, Louis. Morris Dubinsky, 2963 MICITLESKI, Joseph. Andrew Michleski, 148 Sixt]R Street, New York, N. Y. West Steuben Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BARTON, Rufus. Signora Rosario Barton, MANN, George S. Mrs. George W. Mann, MILLER, Fountain R. Mrs. Thresher S. Mil- S. qalvatore Telesino, per Pugliano, Pv. Nyack, N. .. . ler, Butler, Mo. Di. Benevento, Italy. 41lNOGUE, David P. Moily Mahaney, 198 MILLER, John B. William H. Miller, R. F. BROOKS. Ray S. Mrs. Mary Brooks, Rad- River Street, Waterbury, Conn. D. 1, Asher, Okla. cliffe, Colo. SAUNDERS, Charley J. Mrs. Nannie C. MILLER, William V. Mrs. Peter Mosser, CARR, Joseph D. Mrs. Jane Carr, 1201 La-i Saunders, La Plata, Mo. Topton, Pa. trobe Street, Parkersburg, W. Va. DANA, Herbert C. Mrs. Bell Dana, 3916 MORRISON, Samuel. Mrs. Sallie Morrison, R. CHRIST, Harry E. Monroe N. Christ, 305 Chestnut Street, Kansas City, Mo. - F. D. 2, Lurivine, Ala. Dock Street, Schuylkill Haven, Pa. 16 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING CRAIG, Albert. Mrs. Michael Jordan, 810 MILES, Virgil G. George W. Miles, Rowletts, MATHEZ, Frederick E. Mrs. Juliette B, Linden Street, Avoca, Pa. Ky. Mathez, 3 Little Clove Road, Staten Island, CRISWELL, Harry, W. M. Criswell, 125 MORAN, Michael Joseph. Johii Moran, 209 N. Y. North Schuyler Street, OttumNa, Iowa. Dyi ckman Street, New York, N. Y. CORPORALS. DAGGETT, Alfred. Mrs. Hazel Daggett, MORITZ, Charles. Mrs. Margaret Flick, Lyons, AREY, George F. Mrs. Mary J. Arey, R. F. Valentine, Nebr. Kans. - D. 1. Oronogo, Mo. DANTONIA, Pete. Mrs. Teresa Dantonia, NICOLETTA, Leone. Salvadore Nicoletta, 321 CURRIER Cecil L. Mrs. Mary Louise Cur- Domo Montenoro, Proriccio Diehlel, Italy. River Street, Paterson, N. J. rler 12021 State Street, Syracuse, N. Y. BASH, Edward J. Thomas Dash, Penburst OATES, John B. Mrs. Jane Oates, Floresville, DMOCIOWSKI, Frank S. John Grabowski, PTrk, Brighton, Rochester, N. Y. Tex. 104 Rockaway Road, Jamaica, N. Y. DELORM, Edward. Mrs. Laura Fumelle, 100 OBERLIN, Edward. Mrs. Annie Oberlin, gen- FIEL, Harry G. Henry Fiel, 2026 Niagara eral McDonald Street, Oconto, Wi. delivery, Yount, Mo. Street, Buffalo, N. Y. - DRAPER, Albert. Charles E. Draper, Route PEACE, Paul. Ivan Peace, Trion, Ga. GOOD, Albert R. Mrs. George Good, 6342 1, West York, Ill. PELLGRINO, Pasquale. John Del Peschio, Haverford Avenue, West Philadalphia, Pa. DUPUIS, Severe. Ambrose Dupuis, sr., box 3, box 152, Boyers, Pa. GRIMM, James W. Mrs. Minnie Grimm, 2150 Niagara, Wis. PETERSON, Eric A. Henry Peterson, 214 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. DURANT, Joe. Eligio Aquirre, Ninth and West Oak Street, Chicago, Ill. HOLDER, Matthew A. Mrs. E. M. Holder, Stanton Streets, DI Paso, Tex. PHILLIPS, Ernest P. John W. Phillips, R. F. Gadden, Ala. ECKLUND, Herbert A. Mrs. Lena Mahler, D. 1, Council Hill, Okla. KO11LS, E dward. Herman Kohis, Plato, 205 First Avenue south, Fort Dodge, Iowa. PULLANO, Pasquale. Domenico Pullano, Pif- Minn. ERTL, Roland Carroll. Felix A. Ert1, general fard N. Y. MACILVAINE, Frank. Mrs. Mary Boppell, delivery, Overland, Mo. REEVfrS, Dewey. Lee Reeves, Finley Tenn. 1949 North Thirteenth Street, Philadelphia, GILBREATH, Francis H. Mrs. Dana Gil- REISER, Earl C. Mrs. Dora Coldman Pa. breath, 10 South Twelfth Street, Kansas Reiser, 325 North Sixteenth Street, New- MAIONEY, Matt J. Mrs. MaNy Mahoney, City, Kans. castle, Ind. 1021 East-Fourth Street, Hastings, Nebr. GILMORE, William Glen. Robert Louis Gil- REITAN, Adel E. A. A. Reitan, Valleytown, MARTIN, George W. Franklin A. Martin, more. R. F. D. 2, Auburn, N. Y. Mont. 968 Court Circle, Los Angeles, Cal. , GRAF, Emanutlel. Theobald Graf, Crow Rock, RENTFLEISH, Edward T. Mrs. Antonette MILLS, Charlie F. F. B. Williams, R. F. D. Mont. Retfileish, 2825 North Ridgeway Avenue, I box 91A, Waco, Tex. GRAVES, Colver C. Mrs. Susie F. Graves, Chicago, Ill. PEIN, Frank Joseph. Mrs. Bruno Pepin, R. general delivery, Mound City, Kan*. SAPIENZA, Jimmy. Peter Sapienza, 69 Mar- F. D. 4, Chippewa Falls, Wis. GREEN, Lewis. W. G. Green, Castleberry, ket Street, Newt York, N. Y. PUFFER, Theron. Mrs. Charles II. Puffer, Ala. SIMRSON, Henry. Mrs. Grace Davis, 123 Akron, Mich. Pa. GRIFFITHS, John P. William T. Griffiths, Park Street, Carbondale, ROWAN, Richard S. Edward Rowan, 801 2409 Harvard Avenue, Butte, Mont. STARK, Lon. Hall Stark, Duenivey, Mo. Church Street, Selma, Ala. IIAFF, Louis. Mrs. Mary Haff, 2305 Second STEFFENS, Henry A. Mrs. Anna Steffens, SELWAY, George James. George Selway, 7 Avenue, 'Now York, N. Y. 2838 West Fourteenth Street, Coney Island, South Fourth Street, Steelton, Pa. N. Y. SIIANK, Guy H. Herman Shank, 415 North HANNAFORD, William B. Mark Hannaford, Mrs. Eliza- 11anvo, Ark. STEINKIRCHNER, William H. Adams Street, Marion, Ind. HANSEN, William W. Mrs. William Hunt, beth H. Steinkirchner, 130 West Eighth CAVIGELLI, Paul J. Julius Cavigelli, Cor- 460 Connors Avenue, Detroit, Mich: Street, Newton, Kans. nell, Wis. HARMON, Lloyd I. Mrs. J. L. Harmon, Boaz, STEWART, Ernest H. Harvey Stewart, Cen- KELLOGG, Harry B. Frank B. Kellogg, 22 Wis. tralia, Mo. East Thirty-ninth Street, Bayonne, N. J. THOMAS, Emil Herman. Mrs. Minnie RAE, John M David Rae, 9 Chapin Court, HARPER, Robert V. Mrs. May Harper, Kim- De- 'ball, S. Dak. Thomas, 770 Twenty-fourth Street, Andover, Mass. HARWOOD. Patrick H. Mrs. Abbee H. Tay- troit, Mich. FENNER, Edward A. Charles E. Fenner, lor, Tuskaha, Okla. -VON DER HEIDE, Ben. Henry Von Der R. F. D. 5, Anadarko, Okla. Heide, West Point, Nebr. GUESS, Clyde R. Mrs. Rosa Guess, Sulphur, IIOGiAN, Arthur E. James Hogan, La Farge- 664 Ville, N. Y. WERNER, Charles. Mrs. Mary Muller, Okla. ITNIT, Clarence. Charles Hunt, R. F. D.- 1, Linwood Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. GUNN, Francis E. Miss Cora Deardorff, Aillineton, Mich. WESSELSCHMIDT, Henry W. Fritz Wessel- Orrtanna, Pa. ZACOB lEN, Stanley Harry. Charles Jacob- schmidt, New Haven, Mo. McCOACH, James. Mrs. Sarah McCoach, sen. 1884 Larkin Street, San Francisco, Cal. WICKS, Carl Otto. Mrs. Bertha Wicks, 4304 Boone Street, Philadelphia, Pa. KAM1IINSKY. -Isadore. Mrs. Mary Kaminsky, Douglas, Mich. RILEY, Wesley G. Mrs. John Kurtz, James, box 151. Blaine, Ohio. WIEDA, George A. Ernest A. Wieda, 918 S. Dab . KELLY, Julius J. Has neither friends nor Oak Street, Kansas City, Mo. SCHAEFFER. Oliver Joseph. Mrs. 0. J. WILBANKS, Crate. E. E. Wilbanks, 305 Schaeffer, Mercedes, Tex. relatives. East Park Avenue, Butte, Mont. Estacada, STANTON, Bernard C. Mrs. Emma Stanton, KIMMEL, Carl. B. R. Kimmel, WILLIAMS, Link. Mack Williams, Pineville, 30 Roland Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Oreg. N. C. KOMPAS, Mike. Mrs. Kostantina Iompogeni- William. James F. Wilson, BUGLER. Crete, WILSON, John takis, Porro Mesogia Kissamu, Cane Pomeroyton, Ky. NAY, Ira G. Fred E. Nay, 044 Mary Stret,- Greece. WILSON, Willie. Mrs. Ida Wilson, Brayhaun, Flint, Mich. DITTRELL. Manley Francis. Mrs. Fred B. W. Va. 4 MUSICIANS. L. Winfield, 5230 Littroll, Meadville. Mo. WINFIELD, George. Miss R. F. D. LOONEY. William P. Gilbert Looney, Bel- Superior Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. HASS, Raymond F. William Hass, cher, Ky. WINTNER, Louis. Mathew Wintner, 9 Ford 2, Mishawaka, Ind. McCAULEY. James F. Mrs. Annie Me- Street, Haverhill, Mass. WILHARN, Edward A. August Wilharn, 1438 Cauley, 276 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WOODWARD, Dalton R. A. G. Woodward, Oliver Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. MAIBAUM. Elmer L. Mrs. Bertha Maibaum, Penfield, Clearfield County, Pa. MECHANICS. 21 Clairmount Street, Rochester, N. Y. ZAMORA, Catarino. Joe Zamora, general MALO, William. Medore Malo, Marshall, delivery, Highee, Colo. GAFFNEY, James A. Thomas Gaffney, 3 Minn. Columbus Avenue, New York, N. Y. Wounded (Degree Undetermined). HOLLABAUGH, Roy. - Miss Mable Holla- MAREK, Stanley. Marcel Czarkowski, 2751 baugh, Utica, Pa. LaGrange Street, Toledo, Ohio. CAPTAINS. LOVIN, Dermont W. Charles Lovin, Spruce MORES, George. Nik Keagas Mores, 314 East Pine, N. C. Bellman Street, Youngstown, Ohio. ROBERTSON, Henry E. William E. Robert- BOSS, William T. William A. Boss, box 237, MOSAKOWSKI, Joseph. Kostue Mosakowski, son, 1012 Montana Street, El Paso, Tex. Ellsworth, Mich. 3218 Tilton Street, Philadelphia, Pa. JONES, Nothan H. Mrs. Laura M. Jones, MOSSMAT, Neal D. Frank Mossman, Treaty, 1309 Ryde Street, San Francisco, Cal. COOKS. WEIR, Walter J. James H. Weir, 262 Me Ind. . MULHERN, Barney. John B. Mulhern, Can- Clellan Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. non Ball, N. Dak. ROMPEL, Walter. J. G. Rompel, 8037 Olive ROWE, Clifford A. S. N. Libby, 605 Union NOLEN, Vernon Pierce. Mrs. Elmira Jane Street, Kansas City, Mo. Street, Bangor, Me. No'en, Smithland, Iowa. PRIVATES. PERRY, Louis. Henry Perry, Brant, Mich. SURGExANTS. PIERCE, Frank A. Mrs. Edna Pierce, Altmar, CASKEY, William L. William J. Caskey, BANNON, William J. James Donohue, 501 N. Y. 3029 Rhann Street, Philadelphia, Pa. St. John's Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. PRTETH, John. Joseph Prieth, R. F. D. 8, CUTTLER, Fred G. Mrs. Lillian Estelle Bern- BAVELES, Nick. James Baveles, Box 699, Trenton, N. J. hardt, 600 Artillery Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Huron, S. Dak. * STRAIN, Tames K. John Strain, 25 Eldridge MILLETTE, Jean Samuel. Mrs. Rose Anna BEARDSLEY, Howaid M. Orange N. Beardi- Street, Binghamton, N. Y. Millette, Cross Road, North Dartmouth, .ley, South Alserman, Anamosa. Iowa. THOMAS, Harry. Mrs. Fay Wilson, Linden Mass. BEECHER, Michael James. Michael Beecher, Heights, Ohio. MURRAY, Robert G. Mrs. Anna Owen, 3201 288 Parkdale Avenue, Buffalo, 'N. Y. BELLAI, John A. John Bellah, R. F. D. 8, WALTON, John R. Milton Walton, R. F. D. 3, Avenue R, Galveston, Tex. New Philadelphia, Ohio. OVERSTREET, August H. Mrs. Maude Over- Rocky, Okla. Okla. BERKOWITZ, Nathan. Mrs. Sophie Berko- WEST, Charles B. Mrs. Mary P. West, 226 street, Cowlington, Third Street, Brooklyn, Massachusetts Avenue, Boston, Mass. SCHLEIDER, Herman E. Mrs. Sedonia witz, 164 South WIDEMAN, Walter T. Walter Wideman, Schlelder, Brenham, Tex. N. Y. Chandler. Tex. SEWELL, James R. Henderson D. Sewell, BINKEVITZ, John P. Mrs. Caroline Binke- WILLI4AMS, Henry Lee. J.-H. Williams, New R. F. D. 1, Morgan Mill, Tex. vitz, Pinsh. Russia. Verda, La. THOMSON, Samuel S. Mrs. Charlotte B. BLOOMQUIST. Floyd. Frank Bloomquist, MANOR, William M. Mrs. Bessie Manor, Thomson, 581 Ocean .Avenue, Jersey City, 415 Catlin Street, Rockford, Ill. Clarmont, Va. N. J. BREITENBACH, George E. Mrs. Emma MANZO, Vicente. Mrs. Juana Manzo, Ben- TAYLOR, William J. Harry Taylor, Grayson, Breitenbach, 1525A Mallinekrodt Street, St. son, Ariz. Ky. Louis, Mo. MARTIN, Peter P. Susie Monahan, 126 WARE, Guy F. Elwin B. Ware, general de- CARAGANIES, Charles. John Caraganies, Spruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. livery, Eureka, Kans. Cilones, Mittelines, Greece. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 47 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY- GEN. PERSHING CARLINO, Oriento A. William Carlino, 4705 POWELL, George B. Mrs. Eva Powell, SANDRIDGE, Carl.' Mrs. Ruby Lawson, 18 Lorigan Street, Bloomfield, Pittsbur, Pa. Monnds, Okia. North Water Street, Sapulpa, Okla. CASALE, John. John Casale, Turin, Italy. ROSS, .Charles A. Jack Ross, Micawber, Okla. STACK, Michael J. Miss Elizabeth Stack, CHEREPUKA, Ewan. Qam Tmeo, 95 Henry SAMBRISKI, Frank Joseph. Mrs. Mary Sam- 1381 North Fifty-ninth Street, Philadelphia, Street, New York, N. Y. briski, 101 Bowne Avenue, Winfield, N. Y. Pa. CLARE, William Brown. Mrs. Elizabeth S. SCHUDER, James A. Albert J. Schuder, 222 STOCKFLETH, George A. Mrs. Annie Jane Clare, Linden Avenue, Torresdale, Pa. Tioronda Avenue, Beacon, N. Y. Stockfeth, 75 Waller Street, San Francisco, CLARK, Jesse M. Mrs. S. A. Clark, Phila- SCHULTZ, Maxwell D. Mrs. E. Schmidt, Cal. delphia, Miss. 1516 South Seventh Street, St. Louis, Mo. TALBOT, George E. Mrs. Ada St. John,-192 CRUMRP, Edgar G. Albert U. Crume, Foley, SQUIRE, James E. James W. Squire, Eliza- Borden Street, Toronto, Canada. Mo. betlitown, N. C. TATROW, Edward Eddie. Herman Tatrow, DE LAURIER, Gilbert E. Theodore De Lan- WALTERS, Garner. Mrs. Esther Walters, 224 Schooleraft Avenue, Manistique, Mich. rner, 16 West Seventieth Street, Chicago, Phillipsburg, N. J. TAYLOR, Ralph. Mrs. Florence Rosenfeld, Ill. - WHITLEY, Robert Lewis. Mrs. Marietta 1200 Bender Avenue, East Cleveland, Ohio. DIPI'OLD, George A. George Dippold, Akely, James Whitley, R. F. D. 1, Hollins, Ala. TAYLOR, William L. Mrs. Annie Taylor, Red Minn. WILKE, Carl F. Ernest C. Wilke, Delsem, Oak, Okla. DITTER, Frank Ruppert. Jbhn Ditter, 48 N. Dak. THOMAS, Albert E. Mrs. Winnie Thomas, d Jefferson Avenue, Maspeth, N. Y. WITT, Charles A. John M. Witt, Burleson, Diamond Street, Norwich, N. Y. DI DONATO, Frank. D. Di Donato, 326 Pit- Tex. WATKINS, Bort Grant. Mrs. Mertle Watkins, man Street, Penus Grove, N. J. GENDRON, Antonio. Lewis Gendron, Allen 550 State Street, lonia, Mich. EATON, Homer H. Miss Flora Eaton, 257 Street, Biddeford, Me. WATTERS, Vred H. Erastus Watters, 609 North Main Street, Decatur, Ill. GOREE, Harper. J. L. Goree, Opelika, Ala. North Broad Street, Mankato, Minn. ELLIS, Charles J. H. Charles R. Ellis, Im- GRUBB, Francis M. , L. M. Grubb, Dickin- WEBB, Fred. George B. Webb, general de- perial Hotel, Seattle, Wash. son,~Th Dak. livery, Hayti, Mo. ELMOREI, George H. Mrs. Hanna V. Elmore, HALL, Albert E. Charles W. Hall, R. F. D. WILLGUTT, Harold. Harry Shippie, Ashfield, R F. D. 3, Gage, Okla. 6, Mason City, Iowa. Mass. ENGLE, Benjamin F. Mrs. Etta Fronk, Mo- HANSON, James Augustine. Mrs. James naca, Pa. Hanson, 6129 Winthrop Avenue, Chicago, Wounded Slightly. FLOWERS, Jesse R. Benjamin Flowers, Ill. Unity, Ill. HARTZ, Henry CAPTAINS. FOLENIUS, Elmer J. Mrs. Mary Folenius, C. James Hartz, Goldendale, 1109 John Street, Hamilton, Ohio. Wash. . LUCE, Herbert P. Francis H. Luce, 1659 BERKOWITZ, Abe. Jacob Berkowitz, 2 Smith HUNTER, Robert C. Mrs. Elizabeth Hunter, Woodhaven Avenue, Woodhaven, N. Y. Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. 124 West Wishart Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WARFIELD, John Breckenridge. Mrs. J. D. CAVINS, JAMES, Lafayette. Mrs. Phoebe James, Z02 Warfield, Woodbine, Carroll County, Md. Harvey. A. Cavins, R. F. D. 1,. Bishop Street, Hawley, Pa. Media, Ill. LIDUTENANTS. CHASE. Raymond L. Charles Chase, 813 JONES, Bartow D. Miss Nellie Jones, R. F. Wyoming Street, Williamsport, Pa. D. 2, Sidney, Tex. CAMPBELL, Cartledge. Mrs. Annlieu Camp- CHERTOCK Samuel. William Chertock, 737 KIPP, John A. Mrs. Mary E. Kipp, 1019 bell, 178 St. Charles Avenue, Atlanta, Ga. Tremont Avenue, New York, N. Y. South Bouldin Street, Baltimore, Md. HAMER, Joseph R Mrs. Dorothy Hamer, CRAWFORD, Paul William. Elmer Ells- LEIBOWITZ, Michael. Mrs. Rachel Leibo- 843 Columbia Avenue, Lancaster, Pa. worth Crawford, Melvern, Kans. witz, 413 Bushwick Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. KELLY, Elliot H. Mrs. Eva B. Kelly, 1004 DONNELLY, John. Terrence Donnelly, Main LEVENDOSKY, Frank J. Thomas Levendo- Cambell Street, Camden, S. C. Street, Mount Pleasant, Pa. sky, Latrobe, Pa. SIRMON, William Arthur. Mrs. Leila Alva- GOSBY, John. Maggie Hales, Crawfordville, LIPSHITZ, Sam. Fanny Lifshitz, 706 Sara- nia Strickland Crichton Ala. Ark. toga Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. LYNCH, James impson. 'John H. Lynch, 17 LOGAN, Peter L. Miss Mary G. Logan, 617 South William Street, New York, N. Y. KEANE, John T. Edmond T. Keane, 901 Etna Street, Newcastle Pa. McCOOK, George Anson. Mrs. Anson George Baldwin Street, Waterbury, Conn. LOUGH, Philip R. Mrs. E1la Lough, R. F. D. McCook, 33 West Fifty-fourth Street, New KOENIGER, Frank T. Mrs. Annie Rozzel, R. 6, Morgantown, W. Va. York, N. Y. F. D. 42, Huntsville, Ind. LOVELESS, Burr F. Mrs. Eva Loveless, Col- PERRY Donald A. Mrs Flora Belle Wood- MOGREN, Frank A. Alfred Mogren, Kenyon, fax, Ind. ruff, 25 Gibbs Street, Rochester, Minn. N. Y. LUDOVICI, Frank. Alfonso MARTIN, James Lemuel. Alexander Martin, PENMAN, Herbert I. Mrs. Helen E. Penman, N Ludovici, 1 Jonesville, Va. Sparks, Nev. Lynn Street, Boston, Mass. LUPINACCI, Emilio. Bernard Lupinacci, WEBSTER, Harold Melvin. Mrs. Francis PENNACCKIA, Pietro. John Pennacekia, 31 Webster, 1321 Steele 613 South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Virgil Street, Stamford, Conn. Street, Denver, Colo. PERRY, Math. Theodore Perry, St. Lus, McCLERNAN, George Alex. Miss Sadie Me- SERGEANTS. Iowa. Clernan, 2024 Frankford Avenue, Phila- delphia, Pa. LONG, Cedric. Mrs. Ida Hoose, New Haven, PRIGG, Russell W. William A. Prigg, 20 McINTYRE, Charles S Mrs. Ohio. Duncan Avenue, Washington, Pa. Jeannette Mc- MOYER, William C. Mrs. Grant Moyer, Or- WILSON, George A. George Wilson, Rippey, Intyre, Altamahaw, N. C. wigsburg, Pa. Iowa. MAGRATH, Frederick A. Mrs. Susan B. PENTER, Magrath, 354 East Fourth Street, Brooklyn, John K. John 0. Penter, 50 Oak WRIGHT, George. Mrs. Pearl Wright, Ja- N. Y. Street Belleville, N. J. cobsburg, Ohio. REARD6N, Thomas M. Mrs. Nellie Meagher, ALPER, Aaron. Ilirsh B. Alper. 101 East MAKI, Abel. Matti K(uakka, Ravyaki, KIoveri, 1378 Granville Place, St. Louis, Mo. Ninety-first Street, New York, N. Y. Hamina, Finland. SEALS, Mitchell. MArlin Sbals, R. F ., 1, ANGLIN. Ralph E. Mrs. Claudia B. Anglin, MATCHEY, Joseph. Mrs. Julia Matthey, R. Pontotoc, Miss. R. F. D. 1, Scotland, Ark. - F. D. 3. Whitehall, Wis. SHIPLEY Hubert V. Mrs. Lucinda Shipley, CHRTSTOPHER, Alfred S.* John Christopher, MERRICK. Andrew J. John B3. Merrick, R. F. D. 1, Oklahoma Cty, Okla Tabor, Iowa. Blythe, Tex. WINKELSPECHT, Edward P. Felise Win- COSTELLO, Ralph E. Miss Nellie M. Cos- MILLER, Roy Thornton. Mrs. Susie Joseph- kelspecht, .346 Carroll Street, %Riverside, tello, May, Okla. ine Miller, R. F. D. 3 (B 10561), Clear NJ CRALL, L. Z. Burton J. Crall, 801 West Spring, Md. HUGIES, Francis J. Charles F. Hdighes, 311 Lenawee Street, Lansing, Mich. Lake Street, Elmira, N. Y. DOHERTY, James P. Miss Mary Doherty, MOORE, Wilbert J. Joseph W, Moore, 89 KIEBACH, Robert G. Mrs. Laura A. Kie- 119 Clinton. Avenue,-New Haven, Conn. Walnut Street, Milton, Pa. MORANDI, Aurelf. Novario Morandi, 1801 bach, R. F. D. 4, Hamburg, Pa. DUBROW, Charles. Herman Dubrow, Sha- McINTYRE, Neil H. Miss Alice McIntyre, wano, Wis. Third Street, Webster City, Iowa. NELSON, Axel. Mrs. Carolina Nelson, Spo- 516 West One hundred and thirty-fifth ELLIS, William Amos. _Mrs. Grace Ellis. 824 rsio Lackeby, Sweden. Street, New York, N. Y. . South Second Avenue, Phoenix, Aria. O'NEIL, Stewart M. Mrs. Sarah O'Neil, 100 PEZZI, Alexander. Mrs. Mary Pezzi, 32 King GALLIMORE, Floyd. Jess Gallimore, R. F. Hall Avenue, Washington, Pa. Street, Lyansville, R. I. . D. 6, Shelbyville, Ind. CHROBOT, Mack M. Mike Chrobot, 617 O'ROURKE, John C. Mrs. Sarah O'Rourke, South GIDDINGS, Homer. Mrs. Alice Roszell, 315 Spring Street, Latrobe, Pa. Phillips Street, South Bend, Ind. Westport, Md. PASSMORE, George. Mrs. Marguerite Pass- MARTIN, Malcolm P. Mrs. Cordie E. Mar- GREEN, Robert S. J. J. Green, Roanoke, tin. Melissa, Tex. more, BatIesville, Okla. MASSEY Ala. PEDERSO . Samson Samuel. Mrs. Martha Myron AT. Mrs. Georgie Massey, GREEN, Thomas H. Thomas Green. 122 Pederson, Blairstown, Iowa. box 271, Nacogdoches, Tex. North Twentieth Street, Louisville, Ky. RASHAC, James Francis. Mrs. Henrietta QUACKENBUSH, Leo. Emmett Quacken- GUSTAFSON, Robert H. . William Straw- Rashae, 1930 South String Street, Chicago, bush, Warwick, N. Y. bridge, Hopkins, Minn. Ill. CORPORALS. HACKETT, Alfred E. Mrs. Effle Hackett, 11213 Cosnental Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. RAMON, Adolph. Mrs. Harry Whitney, 871 BASZYNSKE. 'Frank, jr. Frank Bassynske, INMAN, Ray. Aloy J. Inman, 913 Luzerne Fifth Ayenue, New York, N. .Y. Randolph, Wis. Street, Scranton, Pa. RANDOLPH, Ezra H. Mrs. Addie Randolph, CHIPMAN, Albert R. Mrs. Leah Chipman, KANE, Thomas D. Mrs. Agnes Kane, 625 R. F. D. 1, Farewell, Mich. 204 Beresford Avenue, Highland Park, Central Avenue, Far Rockaway, N. Y. READ, Alvin. Lemuel M. Read, Bay City, ,Mich. KIEFER, Joseph B. Retta M. White, 902 Tex. CROCKETT, Raymond D. J. N. Nutter, New- Hillsboro. Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. REPP, Harold T. Mrs. Laura B. Repp, 7100 port, Me. LTTTLESOLDIER, Samuel. David Littlesol- Hermitse treet, Pittsburgh, Pa. DALTON, William A. Mrs. John Ryan, 17 dier. Mauston, Wis. ROBITSON, Joseph A. Mrs. Rose Camp- Frank Street, Providence, R. . McDERMOTT, Arthur 1'. Mrs. Eleanor Mc- bell, box 4, Balliet, Pa. DINKLA, Klaas. Jewett Dinkla, 161 I Dermott, 82 School Street, Franklin, N. H. ROSENTHAL, Elkan. Louis Rosenthal,, 795 Street, South Boston, Mass. MANSON, R4obert. Mrs. Esther Manson, 144 East One hundred and seventy-sixth Strelt, FEGLEY, William J. Mrs. Mary Fegley, Hevward Street, Brooklyzf N. J. New York, N. Y. Westpoint. Nebr. MARCOTTE, Edwin A. Mrs. Leah Marcotte, ROSS. Clarence. Mrs. Isabella Ross, 118 HIBBARD, Warren Joseph. Warren D. Hib- 218 Bluff Street, Marquette, Mich. Elizabeth Street, Millvale, Pa. bard, Milton, Wis. MEADOW, Paul. Paul Meadow, 110 Delan- SALERNO, Tony. Agrappino Salerno, Mineo, KLINE, Harvey J. Jonathan Kline, R. F. D. cey Street, New York, N. Y. Italy. 1, Wescosville, Pa. 710-18-5 18 V THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING MOORE, George II. Joseph. H. Moore, R. F. KEYES, Williard.- Mrs. - Hina Keyes, 1268 HARALAMBUS, Stevros G. Pantelis Haral- D. 4, Denison, Tex. Mound Street, Columbus, Ohio. ambus, 10 Marlon Street, Haverhill, Mass. RICHARDSON, Everett. G. H. Richardson, KLAIBER, Gerard John. John P. Klaiber, HARP, Virgil F. George C. Harp, Filine, Ky. Randolph, Iowa. 510 West Jefferson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. HARRIS, William A. Mrs. Mary F. Harris, ROBERTSON, Arvi M. Mrs. Fannie H. Allen, KOPLOVITZ, Samuel. Hyman Koplovitz, 121 box 36 R. F D. 1, Tracy City, Tenn. 815 Oakland Street, Charlerol, Pa. North Summit Street, Harrisburg, Pa. HERBSTER, George. Emil Herbster, 631 Hud- ROSSI, Mal. Mrs. Jane Rossi, Alexandria, KOSCIELNIAK, Stephen. Joseph Koscielniak, son Street, New York, N. Y. Mo. 515 Pulaski Avenue, Cudahy, Wis. HERTFELDER. Herbert C. August Hert- SCHURMANN, -JTheobald, H. Herman A. KUPCHUN, Napoleon. Peter Abromovick felder, 752 Marcy Avenue, Brooklyn N. Y. Schurmann, Scribner. Nebr. Kupchin, 15705 Halsted Street, Harvey, Ill. HOWARD, John. John H. Howard, Lafayette, SHRINER, John T. Mrs. Kate L. Shriner, LAWLESS, Joseph M. Mrs. Mary Lawless, Ala. 472 Hazel Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. 235 Hinsdale Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. JANKOWSKI Barney M. John Jankowski, WAGNER, Edward J. Mrs. A. Wagner, 202 LITTLE, Deed. Mrs. Emma Dene Little, 2950 1355 Blackhawk Sreet, Chicago, Ill. Hadley Street, Milwaukee. Wis. First Avenue, Columbus, Ga. JOHNSON, Herbert Clarence: Mrs. Ullysis MAllIONI, Harry A. Mr. Mary Marioni, 812 MENGES, Ben H. Mrs. Martha Menges, Johnson, 92 Clifford Street, Detroit, Mich. George Street. Pittsburgh, Pa. Athens, Me. KAHLHAMER, - Albert Alosi. Miss Helen NAGDNGAST, Philip. George Stenglein, 278 MIELE, Pellegrino. Mrs. Rosa Detonado, Kahlhamer, Mayville, Wis. Van Pelt Avenue, Mariners Harbor, Staten 3936 Jerome Avenue, Woodhaven, N. Y. KANE, John Robert. Mrs., Anna Kane, 79 Island, N. Y. MILLER, Herman. Mrs. Mary Jane Miller, Jerome Avenue Jamaica, N. Y. WATTSNOCK, Frank. Albert Wausnock, 557 Sissonville, W. Va. KAUFMAN, Nathan Albert. Mrs. Charlotte Water Street, Pottstown, Pa. . MORGAN George. Mrs. Laura Morgan, 302 Kaufman, 175 High Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ENTWISTLE, James. Mrs. Ray Wilson, 2443 North Leavett Street, Chicago, Ill, KING, Joseph Michael. Mrs. Joseph M. King, Mdotter Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MOSHER, Frederick J. Mrs. James E. 1019 East Rio Grande Street, El Paso, Tex. GOLD, Bernard. Henry Gold, 3111 Chichester Mosher, 535 West Hudson Street, Elmira, FROPACEK, Wencil. Wencil Kropacek, ANenue, Richmond Hill, N. Y. N. Y. Thompsonville, Mich. GRANT, George P. James Grant, Bedford NIEBUHR, Otto H. Henry Nlebuhr, It. F. D. LAKE, Ernest R. Mrs. Mary A. Lake, Street. Concord, Mass. 2, Fairbanks, Iowa. Shawnee, Okla. LINDSEY, Lloyd. Gilbert Lindsey, Montrose, PETRILLO, Aniello. Mrs. Mary Petrillo, 380 LAMBERT. George W. George Lambert, Holl- Pa. Broome Street, New York, N. Y. sopple, Pa. MILLER. Carl, Andrew Miller, 153 Green- PIANA, Firmino B. Mrs. Annabeli Piana, 28 LANDOLPI, Louis. Michael LandolM, 204 Nvod Street, Worcester, Mass. Gates Avenue, Summit, .N. J. Spring Street, New York, N. Y. SHORT, Shirley. Will Shor't, Daubee Springs, PIKE, James W. Mrs. Laura E. Pike, White- WHITFORD. John W. Mrs. Margaret Whit- Ala. house, Tex. ford 9 Whiting Street, Bath, N. Y. SKTFHOTOFSKY, Jack. Sam Skurotofsky, 148 PIRBITANO, Francisco A. Bruno Cefali, WILS6N, IJoseph. Mrs. Sealy Burney. Mon- Somerset Street, Newark, N. J. South Wales, N. Y. illo,g Piea WATSON, Charles Frances. Mrs. Isabella RAITANEN, Frank 0. Henry Raitanen, Al- olyM, ]ONi Miss Belle Wolf, 2040 Sev= Watson, It.F. D. 6, Butler, Pa. mena, Wis. enili Avenue, New York, N. Y. DAVIS, Paul E. Sanford Davis, Unionville, ZAREMBA, Adolph E. Miss Velerla Poklaski, towa. RHODA, Charles Flynn. Theodore K. Rhoda, 2110 North Robey Street, Chicago, Ill. GIDDING, Clarence B. Mrs. Anna Gidding, 812 Cedar Place, Niagara Falls, N. Y. LEBEDIN, Louis. Mrs. Ida Luckkofsky, 300 920 St. Nicholas Avenue, New York, N. Y. RICHARDS, Ned S. Frank N. Richards, 113 Brook Avenue, New York, N. Y. JOOT, Henry, jr. Mrs. Henry Joost, 61 Mas- First Street West, Oelwein, Iowa. . LOHNES, Leroy V. Miss Pauline Lohnes, 60 peth Avenue, Mapeth, N. Y. RODMAN, Harold P. John L. Rodman, 500 Cherry Street, ynn Mass. RAINS, Charles E. P. B. Rains, Pembine, Wis. York Street, Burlington, N. J. MLINARCHIK. Theodor. Mrs. Magdelene RUDDY, James H. Mrs. Mary Ruddy, 17 Milnarchlk, 203 Kentucky Avenue, Buffalo, BUGLERS. Stewart Street, New London, Conn. N. Y. RTJTIIOWSKI, John. Mrs. Mary Ruthowski, ROBINSON, James H. Thomas J. Robinson, MYERS, Burh L Mrs. Florence Irwin Myers, 2480 West Second Street, Chester, Pa. City, Pa. Golden, Okla. RYMKEIWICZ, Frank. Lizzie Linkute, 40 51 Grove Avenue, Oil LAIRD, Joseph D. Mrs. Margaret A. Laird, Twenty-second Street, Bayonne, N. J. NATHENSON, William. Louis A. Nathenson, Blairsville, Pa. SANTAS, Jesse. Mrs. Mary Santas, Union 45 Clifford Street, Roxbury, Mass. RUBLD, Claude B. Mrs. Callie Ruble, Wind- Center, Wis. - SHIPLEY, Lewvis W. George W. Shipley, R. sor, Ill. SCAVOTTO, Lee. Mrs. Theresa F. D. 1. Rowlett, Tex. SUTTON Will R. William H. Sutton, Gads- Scavotto, 0VILLIAMS, Herbert A. Mrs. S. A. Williams, Trinidad, Colo. Pa. den, Ala. SEWARD, Lloyd A. S. R. Seward, Orange, 5313 North Front Street, Philadelphia, McDERMOTT, George A. Mrs. Anna McDer- Tex. WILSON, Malen J. William Wilson, R. F. D. mott, 2110 Nostrand Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Lhtox 71, Woodland, Wash. VOORIIEES, Charles L. Mrs. Maggie Voor- ANDERIS, William B. Lindsay Anders, R. F. SchECHIANICS. hees, 906 South Fourth Avenue, Canton, D 1 Dacusville, S. C. Ill. 2q22 QUINLAN, Joseph. P. J. Quinlan, Glenbrook, AL1\3ND, John J. Mrs. Anna Almond. Conn WALSH, Michael. Thomas Walsh, Morris- South Dorrance Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MARTIN, Chester Hinkle. Mrs. William Fink town, N. Y. ANDREW, Edgar E. Mrs. Tennessee An- Martin, 3400 Rutherford, Paxton, Dauphin ,WESSOLECK, William., Mrs. Minnie Wesso- drew. Inkom, Idaho. County, Pa. leck, 10 Park Place, New Brighton, Staten BELLMAN, Harry. Max Lesgold, general Island, N. Y. delivery, Delavan, Wis WAGONERS. ADAMS, Frederick W. W. F. Adams, 19 COOK, Otto Frederick. Mrs. Vesalius H. 46 Louisa Street, Binghamton, N. Y. VAN CAMP, Harold. Mrs. Sadie Van tamp, Paisley Park, 'Dorchester, Mass. Cook. R. F. D. 5, Shattuck, Okla. BERRY, "Peter. Mrs. Anna Jane Berry, 429 DEME, Mike H. Mrs. Mary Deme, Bentley- 4tUNNELS, Charles IV. Mrs. Bessie B. Run- Main Street, Dixon City, Pa. ville, Pa. nels' R. F. D. 2, Jo nstown, Ohio. BLYTHE, John E. -Mrs. Jennie Blythe, 7221 BIGGS, John C. Levi Biggs, route 2, At- Dobson Avenue, Chicago, Ill. lanta, Ill. 0 COOKS. BUREK, Joseph F. Mrs. Sallie Burek, 1418 BONIN, Robert P. Placide Bonin. Loreau- FREAR, Robert. Oscar W. Frear, 854 West Holt Street. Chicago, Ill. ville, La. Eighth Street Wyoming, Pa. CAMPBELL, Francis L. Lon M. Campbell, BROWN, Chauncey. W. W. Brown, Britton, CRANDALL, William C. Mrs. Clara Cran- Fourth Avgnue, New Kensington, Pa. S. Dak. dall, Corning, Kans. CASTELNOVO, Enrico. Mrs. Caroline Castel- CAPACCIO, Pasquale. Mrs. Mary J. Daniebo, novo, Carronno, Province of Milana, Italy. Dazzlo, Italy. PRIVATES. CROSBY: Daniel D. J. A. Crossy, Smith- OELTJIN, Aauust F. George Oeltjin, Gilead, ANTHANOSION, Gust James. Miis Maria ville, Ga. Nebr. Anthanosion, Samos Ani Vithey, Greece. D'ARCANGELO, Gaetano. Samuel D'Arcan- COOK, Ben. Albert Cook, 2566 Hoff Avenue, BILLS, Albert James. Mrs. Maude Bills, 607 gelo, 1212 South Tenth Street, Philadelphia, .Cincinnati, Ohio. Main Street, Paterson, N. J. Pa. CORl-ELIUS, Joseph T. Mrs. Catherine Cor- CELESTE, Joseph. Joseph Celeste, 17 Bart- DAVAJON, Joel Y. Joseph Davajon, 2823 ne ius, 5422 Delancey Street, Philadelphia, ley Avenue, Cortland, N. Y. Albany Street, Chicago, III. Pa. COOK, Mayit L. W. S. Cook, Pryor, Okla. DAVIS, Gustave. Mrs. Luise Davis, 611 COUNTY. John J., jr. J. J. County, .75 CRATSLEY, John Herman. Mrs. Susan B. Linwood Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. , Twombly Building Framingham, Mass. Cratsley, ft. F. D. 8, Waterloo, Iowa., DEVORE, William H. Alexander Ievore, DAVIS, Andrew Dixon. Mrs. Elizabeth Da- RIGEL, John Joseph. Mrs. Mary Muller, 1062 Bonnieville, Ky. vis. 403 East Queen Street, Chambersburg, Stebbins Avenue, New York. N. Y. DOWNEY, Joseph V'. Mrs. Theresa Downey, Pa. ELFORD, George Edward. Mrs. Emma Te- 12R Duffield Street, Brooklyn, N. resa Elford, Y. DIA MONDSTEIN,, Jacob. No emergency ad- R. F. D. 3, Oneida, N. Y. ECHARD, Randolf W. MrsrAnnie Echard, dress. FISH, Alvin Henry. Bennie L. Fish, R. P. D. Starjunction, Pa. DUNN, Charles A. Simon A. Dun, Manana, 7, box 247, Fort Worth, TeX. EGGLER, Frank. Mrs. Margaret Eggler, GIVENS, Allen Col. J. George Givens, Primero, BDriftwood, Pa. 880 Colo. ENGEL, Alfred. Rudolph Engel, Bergheim, DUNNE, Robert W. Mrs. Edith Dunne, GODDARD, Frank E. Joseph Goddard, 2046 Tex. West One hundred and eightieth Street, East Sergeant Street. Philadelphia, Pa. New York, N. Y. GREEN, Joe. Mrs. Mary Green, 2903 W ERICISON, Walfred E. Mrs. Caroline Erick- DUPONT. Ene-, jr., Emey Dupont, Volun- Street South Omaha, Nebr. son. 1029 Newport Avenue, Chicago, Ill. town, Conn. HARMOK GIBAT, Henry. Mrs. Linford Altemus, 21 Trave L. Mrs. Francis Harmon, Eact Tabor Road, Philadelphia. Pa. GIBSON, William. Jeff Gibson. AcbiP . Okla. Utica, Okla. GIBBS, Henry ,GOMBERT. Haney. Julius Gombert. 482 HOWARD, Vincent M. MArs.Ella M. Howard, Lee. Herbert Charles Gibbs, Stieet. North Tonawanda, N. Y. care of Boyne City Lumber Co., Boyne City, . Brlant Apartment 201, Wheeldon Annex, Portland, Mich. GRUNWELL. Charles Warce. Edwin Grun- Oreg. well, Conklin, Mch. JOHNSON, Henry M. Martin Johnson, Hen- GINGO, Mike. Frank Gingo. Apice, Italy. GT INNIP, Raymond P. Mrs. Nellie Sweet, sel, N. Dak. IHANNS, Walter. Mrs. Margaret Hanns, Cas- West Brooklyn, Ill. JOHNSON, Nelson. John Johnson, Watkins, tor Road and Cottman Street, Philadelphia, HAMILTON, Lawrence. John Hamilton, Iowa. Pa. Brooksville, Ky. KIEFER, Alfred B. Miss Grace Kiefer, 5033 HANSEL, John. John Hansel, R. F. D. 4, HARRIS, Robert R. V. Joseph Harris, Lewis- Wayne Avenue, Germantown, Pa. - box 45, Medford, Wis. ton Heights, N. Y. 11 THE OFFICIAL U. S.,BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVPMBER 25, 1918. 19 CASUALTIES RFPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING HINKLE, R. B. Jacob H. Hinkle, Walton, YODER, Harvey C. William E. Yoder, R. F. CORPORALS. W. Va. D. 2 Glenmore, Pa. HAGERTY, Raymond D. Mrs. Mary Hagerty, LANGWORTHY, Charles. Mrs. Sara Lang- ZINO, John. Miss Mary Zino, 257 Pdssaic Clinton, Okla. worthy, Dodge Center, Minn. Street, Passaic, N. J. SCHMIDT, Ernest W. . Mrs. Minnie M. LEGER, Alexander D. Daniel A. Leger, 12 HUNTER, Joseph B.. Mrs. Charles Hunter, Schmidt, 516 East Third Street, Kewanee, Martel Street. Fitchburg, Mass. 536 North Wanamaker Street, Philadelphia, Ill. LIGHTHOLDER, John R. Mrs. Evelyn Pa. SULLIVAN, James Joseph. Mrs Ellen SWl- Lightholder, Radley, Kans. KANE, William C. Mrs. Alice Pitcher, War- livan, 115 West Eighty-fourth Street, New LIVINGSTON, Lawrence Hart. Mrs. Rose ren Center, Pa. York N. Y. Livingston 835 Hyde Street, San Francisco, JOHNSON, Nelson. Mrs. Estella Johnson, BARNITZ, John EdgAr. Mrs. John E. Baum, Cal. 4028 Letson Street, Bessemer, Ala. 337 Franklin Street, Hanover, Pa. LOVE, George H. Albert Love, Plymouth, Ind. KIRBR Andrew. Mr. Flossie Kirby, R. F. HANKEL, Edward J. Mrs. Susie Hankel, 336 LYNCH, John J. Mrs. Julia Lynch, 631 West D. 3, Checotah, Oki. Bainbridge Forty-third Street, Chicago, 11. LEONARD, Martin J. Mrs. Annie Leonard, Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. - 126 Avenue B, Schenectady' HUGH, Moy. Mrs. Sarah M. Gallagher, 336 MAHONEY, Harry F. Mrs. Catherine Ma- N. Y. F Street, Philadelphia, Pa. honey, East Georgia, Vt. LUDWIG, Henry H. Mrs. Henrietta Ludwig, SCHETTER, Louis G. Miss Lcy Schetter, MANDERS, Warren: Mrs. Thomas Manders, 506 Eleventh Avenue, New York, N. Y. 832 Hospital Street, Providence, R. I. Winamac, Ind. LYCZKOWSKI, Mike. Steve Chszczyk, 1111 POFF, MARIN, Arthur Reinholdt. Mrs. Martha Twenty-fifth Street Detroit, Mich. William D. Mrs. Stella V. Poff, R. F. Maria, 250 Washington Street, Oshkosh, D. 2, box 25, Copper Hill, Va. MASSEY, Albert. Viss Victoria Massey, St. POLASKY, Robert. Nathan Halleum, 637 Wis. Ignace, Mich. Stone MASSEY, Joseph. Mrs. Mary Massey, 627 MARTIN, Earl E. Mrs. Bertha Larson, R. F. Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Fitzwater Street, Philadelphla, Pa. D. 4, box 19 A, Arkansas Citk, Kans. WILLIAMS, George J. Mrs. Myrtle Williams, METCALF, Holton. Mrs. George Metcalf, MAUER, William Carl. Mrs. Lilly Mauer, 817 Artesian Street, Corpus Christi, Tex. Enterprise, Ala. Arlington Avenue, Marshfield, Wis. IEOTANIC. MINNICK, John. Mrs. Catherine Minnick, MAXEY, Leo. J. W. Maxey, Antelope, Tex. 1919 North Fifth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MAYS, Mack M. Mrs. Fannie Mays, Wood- PETTY, Arthur Folger. 'Mrs. J. E. Petty, MONTE, Gus A. Mrs. Minnie K. Monte, 405 son, Va. Smihtown Branch, N. Y. Capitol Street, Charleston, W. Va. - MOON, Lacey It. Mrs. Mae Moon, Allenton, MOON, Leo. Mrs. Ellen Moon, Swepsonville, Mo. PRIVATES. N. . . MCCLOUD, Clint. Marcus P. McCloud, Fo- ASHBROOK, William S. Mrs. Nora G. Ash- MORGAN, Rice. William M. Morgan, R. F. shee, Ala. brook, 2518 Semmes Avenue, Richmond, Va. D. 2, Villanow, Ga. McGUIRE, Wesley F. Mrs. Sarah M. Mc- BELL, David T. Mrs. Edna Bell, Mapleton, MOSER, Robert L. James D. Moser, R. F. D. Guire, Troy, 'ex. Kans. 1, Bethlehem, Pa. MITTELPUNKT, Israel. Mrs. Anna Mittel- BOROWIAK, Casmer E. Frank A. Boro- I MUGINNIS, Gust., George fuginnis,4 North punkt, 218 Watkins Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. wlak, R. F. D. 2 Gaylord, Mich. Watt Street, Youngstown, Ohio. MOODY, Law B. Charlie W. Moody,' R. F. .D. 'COHEN. Aaron. Abraham Cohen, 207 North MURP.HY, Jerome C. Mrd Lena Murphy, 1, Stephenville, Tex. Eden Street, Baltimore, Md. Bedford, Iowa. MOORE, Burl H. Mrs. Josie Moore, Gran- COLLINS, Raymond R. James A. Collins, MURPHY, William D. Mrs. Elizabeth Mur- bury, Tex. Cobbs Creek, Va. phi, 3380 Bailey Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. NEILL, Robert A. Mrs. Lillie Neill, R. F. D. COOLIDGE, Frank E. B. Mrs. Nellie Cool- NESBIT, Ben. Mrs. Kattie Nesbit, R. F. D. 6, Mammouth Road, Manchester, N. IH. idge, 35 Lincoln Street, Hudson, Mass. 3, Lincoln, Ala. NELSON, Charles R. Charles Nelson, ,1540 CREED, Walter W. Mrs. Pearl M. Creed. 1EWCOMB, Everett. Mrs. Gertrude Murray, East Sixty-fifth Place, Chicago, Ill. Powhatan, W. Va. 662 Walker Avenue, Woodhaven, N. Y. NEWHOFF, Arthur. Mrs. Anna Newhoff, FAGGIANA, Guido. Ambriagio Faggiana, NOWLAND, Frank Sherman. Rowley B. Ben- Glen Flora, Wis. Camino, Pido Massa Carrara, Italy. son, 1024 North Logan Street, Lansing, NOGOWSKI, Joe W. Mrs. Pauline Nogowski, FISHER, Theodore W. Mrs. Maggie D. Mich. Genesee, N. Dak. Fisher, 412A Short Market Street, Peters- PARROT, Mantoa. Vermel Hood, Lake City, .O'BAR, John Robert. Vincent O'Bar, R. F. D. burg, Va. 4, Troup, Tex. FORTE, Enrico. Francisco Forte, Ellsworth, PAR;RIDGE, Joseph. Philip E. Clague, R. PEKOWNIK, John A. Frank Pekownik, 220 Pa. F. D. 1, Kempton, Ill. Truman Avenue, Hammond, Ind. GRAIG, Otto Florin. Mrs. Elizabeth Graig, PATTO, Isco. Philip Patto, 6 Butler Street, PENNELL, Harvey. Robert Pennell, Wil- R. F. D. 2, Allentown, Pa. South Norwalk, Conn. liamstown, Dauphin County, Pa. HERGITON, Paul A. Mrs. Elizabeth Hergi- PEKAREK. Toseph. / Peter Pekarek, 1554 PERRY, Walter. Howard Perry, Franklin- ton, 803 Arndt Street, Detroit, Mich. Maryland Avenue, Flint, Mich. ton. N. C. JAMEISON, Carroll R. Mrs. Tinsley M, PELT ETIER. Eugene. Fred Billado, Donny- PURCELL, William J. Mrs. Margaret Pur- Simpson, Shipman, Va. brook, N. Dak. cell, 365 Day Street, San Francisco, Cal. KENDRICK, Hubert L. Mrs. Bettie Jour- PEYNER, Frank L. R. F. Peyner, Banner, RADIGAN, Thomas F. Thomas Radigan, 36 dun. Washington Road, Alexandria, Va. Miss. North Cliff Street, Norwick,.Conn. LAWRENCE, Richard E. Mrs. Mary F. Law- PROFFITT, Robert Vernon. Samuel Proffitt, REAY, Roy R. Mrs. Ora Reay, Keefeton, rence, R. F. D. 3, Richmond, Va. Trenton, Mo. Okla. NIELDS, Amos R. William C. Nields, Rising QUINN, Ernest Peter. Mrs. Mary Quinn, 552 POTELLA, Frank. Thomas Scozinfdva, With- Sun, Cecil County, Md. lawkins Avenue, North Braddock, Pa. erbee, N. Y. NORTON, Earl 1. Mrs. Grace Norton, 22 RASMITSSEN, John E. Mrs. Hanna Rasmus- RUSS, John H. Paul Russ, 1. F. D. 4, Delaware Avenue, Hudson Falls. N. Y. see 311 Cyr Street, Negatnee, Mich. Mount Clemens, Mich. RICO, Jim N. W. J. Rico, Durant, Okla. RAVITORD, Otis. G. T. Ratford, Bakerton, SACHEK. Steve. Andrew Sachek, Doyles- RITCIIE, William J. Mrs. Lizzie Ritchie, Ky. towi. Ohio. 1 Flocker Way, Pittsburgh, Pa. REISWIG, Philip H. Mrs. Charlotta Reis- SHIRLEY, Waller F. Mrs. Della Shirley, SCHMIDT, Christian J. Mrs. Anna Schmidt, wi. general delivery, Hillsboro, Kans. Summer Shade, Ky. 4631 Brush Street, Glendale, N. Y. REYNOLDS. William H. L. J. P. W. D. Ay- SLATON, Henry. Miss Beatrice Green, Arms- SKUMSKI, Dominik. Mrs. Franciska Za- nond, Bunney, La. ton, La. gurska, Wolinska, Poland, Russia. RIEXIER, William F. Mrs. E. Riemer, 1229 SNITIL, Joe. Mrs. Josy Adams, German- SMITH, Frank. Frank Smith, Cisco, Tex. Iloolins Street, Milwaukee, Wis. town, Nebr. SMITH, Robert. John Smith, 44 Church SAPIR, Harry. -Max Sapir, 725 AFairmont STEIGER, Philip. Henry Steiger, Macedon, Street, Waterloo, N. Y. Place, New York, N. Y. N. Y. STRICKLAND. Charles 0. Mrs. Mattie SGIO, Joseph. Mrs. Mary Sgro, 19 North STEPHENS, Claude Johi. Mrs. Susan Steph- Strickland, Era, Tex. Fifty-ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ens, Middleport, Pa. TAYLOR, Pearlie Joseph. Horace J. Taylor, SHEA, John. Mrs. Mary Shea, 49 Prospect STRICKLAND, Wilbur C. G. D. Strickland, Stecoad, N. C. Place. New York, N. Y. Eutaw, Ala. THOMAS, Emmitt A.- William Thomas, Post SHULTZ, John L. Hiram Shultz, Waynes- STUART, Olin D. Mrs. Lee E. Stuart, Barnes, City. Tex. burg, Pa. Tenn. TILOMAS, James C. Mrs. Angeline Thomas, SIDDENS, alter. Frank, Siddens, Afton, SWISHER, John W. Thomas 0. Swisher, Laurel Fork, Va. Iowa. Merrill, Iowa. TILTON, Edward L. Mrs. Annie H. Tilton, VOLF, John. Mrs. Anna Volf, R. F. D. 2, 612 Ash Street, Goldaboro, N. C.j STOCKWELL, Will. Mrs. Nannie Souther- Areadia, Nebr. WALL, Edwin John. C. W. Wall, R. F. D. 1, land, R. F. D. 2, Ladonia, Tex. WARD. Sam W. John T. Ward, I F. D. 2, Sedan, Kans. SWANSON, Elmer L. John Swanson, 318 White, Ga. WATSON. Gordon Y. Elishla Watson, R. F. Fox Street, Aurora, Ill. D. (. Cullman, Sabra- WATKINS, Lumma. Mrs. Lizzie C. Watkins, Ala. THEOLOGOS, John. Mide Theologos, Runnell, Iowa. WATTERS, Samuel Aion. Mrs. Mary Robin- ton, W. V#. WHEELDON, Thomas Hadfield. Samuel H. son. Gibsum. Ohio. THOMAS, Eugene. William H. Thomas, R. Wheeldon, Oficios 38, Altos, Habana, Cuba. WILEY, John A. Mrs. Maggie Wiley, Sterling, F. D. 2, Barns, Tenn. WOOD, Paul V. Mrs. Edith Lewzoder, Val- VAN -BUSKIRK, Jay. George Van Buskirk, ley City, N. Dak. ILLIAMS, Oscar R. Richard C. Williams, 298B Torrence Nvenue, Hammond, Ind. YOUNG, George E. Mrs. Alice Young, 2564 Mince. Okla. VOGEL, Elmer S. V. Mrs. Dora Vogel, 104 BARBEE. Crit T. Mrs. Annice Barbee, Lake- Carthage, Ohio. North Thirty-first Street, Philadelphia, Pe West Sixty-fifth Street, YOUNG, Robert E. Miss Lizzle Spradley, view. Tex. WANSICK, Stanley E. Mrs. Virginia Wan- 1114 Fortieth Street, Galveston, Tex. BARNETT, Max H. M. Barnett, 808 Indiana sick, Teanesville, Pa. ZAGURCKAS, Antone. Mrs. ;Ticholas Za- Avenue. Monata, Pa. WATSON, De Witt J. Mrs. Mary H. Watson, gurekas, Savalkie Gubernes Starapoles, BAZELOCK. Barney. Mrs. Jomephine Baze- 518 Randolph Street, Eufaula, Ala. lock, 351 West Fifth Street, Mount Carmel, WATSON, Joseph R. Mrs. Mollie Pavieto Gmino Klebiskio, Kaimo Soulskiu, E. Watson, Russian Poland. Pa. R. F. D. 5, Milan, Mo. BEARD, Willi. Mrs. Laura Beard, Davis, WELTE, Paul J. Roy D. Welte, David'City, Missing in Action. Nebr. Okla. BELL. Thomas. Mrs. Jennie Bell, 1212 Glenn WILLIS, Sydney E. Edwarp S. Willis, gen- sERGEANT. eral delivery, Kingsville, Mo. Street, Wilkiusburg, Pa. WINKEL, George W. Thomas F. Winkel, DUFF, Norman. Mrs. James W. Duff, Boyd, BENNICI. Diego. Vincenzo Bennic4f-Province Hillsboro, Ohio. Okla. Girgenti, Sicilia, Italy. 20 THE OFFICIAII U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTE-D' BY GEN. PERSHING BENTON, Charlie D. Mrs. Martha B. Benton, MILLS, Elgie. Andy M.ills, R. F. D., Cold- LIEUTENANTS. Corapeake, N. C. water, Tenn. BROWN, Henry J. Mrs. Pauline R. Ross, 11a BITTING, Marl L. Mrs. Jefferson Bitting, MINITER, John J. Mrs. Bridget Miniter, West Euclid Avenue, Detroit, Mich. 700 Main Street, Pennsburg, Pa. New Britain Avenue, Unionville, Conn. HORT, Nathaniel H. Arby Leonard Hort, BOGARDUS, Harry J. Mrs. Freda Bogardus,' MONTGOMERY, Al. 0. Mrs. O1lie Mont- West First and Utica Streets, Oswego, 6 Gray Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. . gomery, Boatsville, Ind' N. Y. BOSKOFF. George T. Gussie Boskoff, 87 MORTON, Thomas. Thomas W. Morton, LYON, John., Frank Lyon, room 401, Colo- Walnut Street, Perry, N. Y. Springfield Arsenal, Springfield, Mass. rado Building, Washington, D. C. COHEN, David L. Mrs. Jennie Cohen, 3125 MULLEN, William R. Mrs. Katherine Mul- MITCHELL, Robert F. Reuben W. Mitchell, Orange Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. len, 4 Volk Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Greeneville, Tenn. DAMAZYN, Frank. Frank J. Damazyn, 5711 MULVIHILL, John A. Mrs. Ana Mulvihill, OLIPHANT, Elkins. Mrs. A. O Oliphant, Hege Avenue, Cleveland Ohio. 5420 Carnegie Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 175 West State Street, Trenton, N. J. DOWELL, David C. H'astings L. Dowell, NEWBERRY, Jesse M. John C. Newberry, REED, Jesse Veale. J. C. Reed, Bedford Ave- Caa, Va. Milsap, Tex. nue, Bedford, Va. GUNNIS, William V. Mrs. Charles H. Gunnis, NORRIS, Jimmie G. John Norris, Dorton, RIDLEY, Thomas R. Robert W. Ridley, 3126 Fanston Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Tenn. Campbell, Tex. IIABY, Tom V. Mrs. BusbIl Haby, Uvalde, PILLOW, Tames R. Mrs. Alice Pillow, Cald- WILSON, Josepheus B. Mrs. Elsworth Wil- Tex. well, Tex. son, Athens, Tenn. HELTON, Jesse. Ruben Helton, Saltsville, RAMSEY, Alton G. Miss Mattie M. Ramsey, BLANKENSHIP, Frederick Otto. John H. Va. 911 Caruthers Street, Nashville, Tenn. Blankenship, Richview, Ill. HOLIAN, James P. Mrs. Mary E. Holman, REDDING, Lewis A, Mrs. Lottie Redding, BREITBECK, Frank H. G. Breitbeck, 265 Hamilton, Tex. Grant, Okla. Duer Street, Oswego, N. Y. HTBANKS, Will. Miss Jewill Sanders, Bald REED Everett S. John M. Reed, Spiro, NORRIS, Burton Edmund. Mrs. Margaret M. Knob, Ark. Okle. Norris, 1415 West One hundred and twelfth KESLER, Everett u. John Kesler, R. F. D., ROBERTS. Bert. Mrs. Julian F. Reaves, Street Cleveland, Ohio. - hex 13, Smicksburg, Pa. Sayre, Okla. PAINTER, , Harold W. Mrs. Samuel Tiley, LAURIDSEN, Laurids M. Chris Christoffer- ROBERTS, William H. Master Masonic 1510 South Lindenwood Street, Philadel- sen.1 Viborg, S. Dak. Lodge, Leedy, Okla. LAW1ON, Raymond. Mrs. Helen Lawton, 12 SANKIAHO, William. Charles Sankiaho, box GLa aE, Gordon. Mrs. Jaues L Gilles- Mathews Street, Johnstown, N. Y. 21, Princeton, Marquette County, Mich. Pie, 812 Lamar Street, Greenwood, Miss. LOEIHE, Willie F. Gust Lohr, R. F. D. 1, SMITH, George. Mrs. Hanna Smnith, 2324 MACHETTE, Kirk W. Mrs. Grace E. Leps, Rockdale, Tex. Water Street, Wheeling, W. Va. 5815 Sansom Street, Philadelphia, Pa. McBROOE, John C. Mrs. Maggie Stallons, TRIPLET, Roy M. James Tripiet, Mouth of Comanche, Okla Wilson, Ira. SERGEANTS. PALMER, Fred. Joseph M. I'almer, Cleveland, BARTON, Roy W. Mrs. Nollie Barton, R. P. Ga. TRWJsAW, George E. Henry W. Trushaw, Oak Street, box D. 11, Mitchell, Ind. STI E, James M, Mrs. Myrtle Stine, Star TULL, Ffed R. 26,Miss Shrewsbury, Bulah TuillMass. New DALTON, William E. Edward A. Dalton, Route, Octavia, Okla. Church, Va, 1183 Azalia Avenue, Memphis, Tenn. WALKER, Robie Alexander. Mrs. Lou VAN PELT, John ,J. Mrs. Mary Van Pelt, FARRAR, James B. Mrs. Laura T. Farrar, Walker, Weaversford, N., C. Blazer, Ohio. Favetteville, Ark. WATHEN, Joseph. Mrs. Sally Wathen, Rock- WADDLE, Harry W. Roy L. Waddle, Lan- HOESLE, Howard. Mrs. Ida Hoesle, 3439 F port, Ind. der, Wyo. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. WAYLAND, George W. Mrs. Mary E. Way- WEBB, Andrew J. Andrew J. Webb, R. F. D. MILLER, Grady M. John M. Miller, Harrold, land, R. F. D. 4,.Reynoldsville, Pa. . 5, MeMinaville, Tenn. Tex. WILES, Eddie. George Wiles, Caney, Okla. WEITERS, William H. Mrs. Ella Otto, 412 MINOR, James C. Mrs. Maude Minor, 15 WINKLER, George C. John Winkler, Ger- Cooper Street, San Antonio, Tex. West Twenty-sixth Place, Chicago,.Ill. mantown, Ill. WILLIAMS, Ray. Ike A. Williams, Auburn, PATTON, James B. Joseph Patton, Waynes- WYATT, Thomas A. Ruben H. Wyatt, Prague, Iowa. burg, Pa. Okla. . WILSON, Claudy C. Mrs. Mary C. Wilson, SCHWARTZMILLER, Albert G. Mrs. Mary ZIMMERMAN, Scott. Mrs. Margaret Zim- Eocky Point, N. C. Schwartzmiller, 823 Fingle Street, Pitts- merman, 214 Conestoga Street, Steelton, Pa. BANACH, Frank. Mrs. Katie Banach, 1125 burg, Pa. ALLEN, Ervin W. Mrs. Joe Allen, 700 South Garden Street. Milwaukee, Wis. VOGEL, Andrew Frederick. Mrs. Joseph P. Fifth.Street, Waco, Tex. ECKERT,/ Edward. Mrs. Frederick Eckert, Kenny 1618 Roland Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ANDERSON, Frank. Samuel Anderson, Hen- Cass. Ind. WESCOT, Ira L. Leslie D. Wescott, Grand- rietta, Okla. JACOBSON, Sigwed, Elvira Jacobson, 1437 Ville. Mich. ASCATIGNO, Gaetano. Vito Ascatigno, 288 Barre Avenue, Chicago, Ill. BAKER, George B. Dudley B. Baker, 3831 East One* hundred and fifty-second Street, LECROY, Corbin Ivy Lecroy, Foreman, Ark. Pennington Avenue, Passaic, N. . New York, N. Y. PEARSON, Charles M. George Pearson, Oak- DILLON, Joseph. Miss Myra Dillon, 1002 BANKS, Earl. Thomas Banks, Cane River, Ville, Wash. East Twenty-sixth Street, Kansas City, Mo. N. C STEVENS. Virgil A. Mrs. Nora Chandler, HOLDEN, Charles S. Miss Daisy Holden, 111 Kossler, 760 Foss, Okla. ,Underwood Street, Jersey Shore, Pa. BENTZ, Stephen J. Miss Anna STRYJEWS, Wiadyslaw. Mrs. Leokadyla KENT, Frederick 0. Mrs. Mary Kent, Oak Walter Avenue, Mount Oliver, Pa. Strviewski, Dzievzenoa Poland. Avenue and' Dairy Street, Paxton, Pa. BOSWORTI, Poster A. Walter H. Bosworth, LEHY, Howard 920 Tuentvthird Street, Waterviet, N. . SUTHERLAND James PolDan Sutherland, C. Mrs. John Lehy, Brown BOYD. Jesse f. Luther G. Boyd, Tipton, Okla. Wibaux, Mont, - Place, Oakhurst, N. J. -WENDT, Edward G. Leonard Wendt. 158 MARTENS, Charles. Mrs. Martha Martens, BOYKIN, James. Mrs. Sarah A. Boykla, S- 8216 Dakota Street, St. brial, Tex. Carow Street, Springfield, Mess. Louis, Mo R. F. D. ZACHoAREK, Francisek. 'Here Zacharek, 4 PROCISE, Joe L. John T. Proecse, 1353 West CLILT, James C. Andrew J. Clift, Hoover Street, Worcester. Mass. Rome Street, Petersburg, Va. I,Cement, Okia RILEY, Ralph R. Mrs. Ber't D. Riley, 7 Mil- CONNORS, William A. MISS Mary Connors, lard Avenue, Binghamton, N. Y. 329 ulton Street, Buffalo, N. Y. WOOD, Clark. John Weslie Wood, 321 West CITLOTTA, John. Mrs. Sarah Culotta, 1 0 SECTION 1, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. Cushman Street, Three Rivers, Mich. Cherry Street, New York, N. Y FALCONBURY, -Forest F. James Palconbury, DAILE, James W. Mrs. Elizabeth Grant, The following casualties are reported R. P. D. 9, Plymouth, Ind. '2e Lower Second Street, Evansville, lad. PYLE, DAVIS, Rescoe N. James Davis, Ladoga, Ind. by the commanding general of the Ameri- James S. P. Mrs. James H. Pyle, 713 can Expeditionary Forces: Avenue B. Miami, Fla. DICKINSON, Benamin F. Mr. Susie Prayer, LAWSON, Arthur E. Edward C. Lawson, GiEand Prairie, Tex. Killed in action------336 1060 Seventy-second Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. DUNN, Robert Milton. Roy B. Dunn, Ken- LAWWILL, Elmer C- Elmer C. L'iwwill, R. neth Avenue, Arnold. Pa. Died of wounds ------60 P. D. 1, Bethel, Ohio. GARDNER, John T. John . Gardner, Hills- Died of accident and other LEE, George W. Mrs. Kate Lee, 4517 Wallace y le, Va. causes ------13 Street, Chicago, Ill. GARN, James M. Mrs. Rebecca Gan, Im RUYLE, Wesley. Mrs. Edna Ruyle. 181 'East perial, Pa. Died of disease ------232 Main Street, Chilicothe, Ohio. KVREEN, John E. Mrs. A. L. Green, GO4 West Wounded severely------50 SAYERS, James. Mrs. William Sayers, 18 Jefferson Street, Creston, Iowa. Wounded (degree ude- Kingsle Street, West Orange, N. J. TILKERI, thn C. Jnbis Brahett, 107 SHEAH , William J. Patrick Ohio Street, Valleo, Cal. termined) ------236 Sheahan, 465 East One hundred and sixty-third Street, HARCLAON, George, Harlion. astapoulas, Wounded slightly ------106 New York, N. Y. Eleas, Aspra Spitia Province-Greece. Kissing in action------62 WEAVER, William Trew. Willipm Ritter EOLT,Ernest. Mrs. Frances Holt, Thomp- Weaver, sons Station, Ten. Prisoners ------14 209 East Central Avenue, Wichita, MUBBARD, Kans. o. C. William E. Hubbard, . F., CORPORALS, * D. 3, box 49, Mantel, Miss. .Total ------1,109 .HIDDLESTON. Randell F. ' Wiley Huddles- BALLARD, Walter D. F. A. Ballard, Red- ton, Duster, Pox. 1 field, Iowa. HUDSON, Miles G. N. H, Hudson, -York, Killed in Action, COCHRAN, Thomas. William Cochran, Eus- S. C. tis, Fla. KENY ON, Fred. Joseph Kenyon, 84 Banks CAPTAINS. KENT, James E. Amercaus M. Kent, R. F. D. Street. Aidhem, England. CAMPBELL, George A. Mrs. C. A. Camp- 2. Lawrence, Nebr. KOPETSKY, Stanley. John KPpetsky, 110 bell, 88 Broad Street, Woburn, Mass. McCLAIN, Everett G. John McClain, R. F. D. Beebe Avenue, Long Island CitY N. y. DOUGHERTY, Francis E. W. F. Dougherty, 5, Athens, Ohio. LALAEFF, Mike. John Lalaeff,. 5T4 Morton Glenwood, Minn. McINTYRE. Bernard J. Mrs. Agpes Mein- Avenue, Hammond, lad. MUNRO, George N. Mrs. Anna Munro, Buena tyre, 1406 Kuper Street, Baltimore, Md. MAJESKI, Albert J. Mike Majeski, Chapel Vista, Ga. MENZEL, Walter A. George E. Menzel, To- Hill. Tex. WALSH, Michael J. Mrs. M. J. Walsh, cor- ano, Va. MARTIN. Ifohn H. James S. .Mlartin, Mil- ner Penn aad California Avenue, Hemp- MORF, William. Mrs. K. Morf, 54 Fenner- burn, Okla. .stead, N. Y. Avenue, Paterson, N. J. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 21 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING MURNANE, James. Patrick Murnane, 656 PRIVATES. CLOSS, John B. Mrs. Carrie A. Closs, 94 St. Carroll Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. ABRAMSON, Harry. Louis Abramson, 1811 John Street, Walton, N. Y. POTTER, Arthur. Charles Potter, 68 Fourth East New York Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. COBB, William S. Mrs. William J. Cobb, 2520 Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. ADKISON, Robert. Mrs. Emma Frances Ad- West Broad Street Richmond, Va. RICKETTS, Jack R. Mrs. F. V. Ricketts, 400 COHN, Sol B. Miss Rose E. Cohn, 832 Normal Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. kison, Gallatin, Mo. ANDRE WS, Peter Paul. Miss Mary Long, Eighteenth Street. Oakland, Cal. SCHAFFER, William A. John Schaffer, 000 1102 North Lenard Street, St. Louis, Mo.. CONRAD, Lowell W. Mrs. Jane A. Conrad, Seward Street, Duquesne, Pa. ANDRUS, Leonard B. James R. Andrus, 709 Hubbards, Nova Scotia, Canada. THACKER, Joseph E. 0. C. Thacker, Ala- Ridge Street, Alton, Ill. DAHLMAN, Arthur H. William Dahlman, bama City, Ala. Morenzo, THOMPSON William 0. J.-C. Thompsin, 317 ANSELMO, Pace. Mrs. Joshapine Anselmo, 111. 1 Va. Bercenillo, Province of Roma, Italy. DELANEWILLE, T. Emil Delanewille, Re- Tazewell Ivenue Roanoke, AUSTIN, Albert. E. M. Austin, Campton, Ga. serve, La. TOSON, Olive. Rrs. C. Toson, Winterset, AUSTIN, Mortimer McK. Charles M. Austin, DIMMICK, Frank Chester. Mrs. Lena C. Iowa. Eldred, N. Y. Dimmick, 26 Pearne Street, Binghamton, VIGNOCHI, Ettore. Raymond Vignochl, 300 N. Y. Deleon Street, Ottawa, Ill. BENJAMIN, William. Mrs. Margaret Benja- BAILEY, Eddie. Alexander Bailey, R. F. D. min, 63 Baldwin Street, Bloomfield, N. J. EVANS, Plummer. Nelson Evans, Soldier, No. 2, Big Rapids, Mich. BOYER, John C. Mrs. Kate Rose, 1430 Tea- Ky. ple Place. St. Louis, Mo. Harry V. Mrs. Bertha Fas- BAKER, Robert L. David R. Baker, general Brash- PASBENDER, delivery, McComb, Okla. BRASHERS, Charles J. Mrs. Mattie bender, Anada, Wyo. BIERSCHBACR, William Tony. gam Blerach- ers, White Oak, Mo. FERNANDEZ, Rufus E. Mrs. Kritella Fer- BRENNER, Isadore. Mrs. Dora Brenner, 220 nandez, Santa Paula, Cal. bach, B. F. D. 1, Mount Pleasant, Mich. Y. DERBY, Samuel L. Mrs. Celia L. Derby, Kingsboro Avenue, Gloversville, N. FORINASH, Albert C. Charles Forinash, BUCKEL, Eugene. Mrs. Elizabeth Buckel, Duffy, W. Va. Frewsburg, N, Y. * Y. KEETER, Waverly. Walter Keeter, R. F. D. 516 Westchester Avenue, New York, N. FORMANIAK, Stefan. Mike Formaniak, box 2, Littleton,. N. C. BUSEY, Paul B. Joseph Busey, Erath La. 150, Castle Shannon, Pa. McCLELLAN, Luther M. Frank McClellan, COX, Frank F. Sanford A. Cox, R, , D. 2, FAX, Joseph F. Mrs. Amelia Fox, Ottawa, Hotel Sterling, Allentown, Pa. Gray Court, S. C. Minn. MCGUIRE, Everett C. Mrs. Emma Hubbard, CRANDALL, Jerry. Mrs. Josephine Weed- 'FREDERKING Gustav H.' Chris Frederking, 345 South Park Avenue, Columbus, Ohio. ing, Grafton, N. Y. Nashville, ill. OIILHAUSEN, George N. George Ohlhausen, DELONG, John R. Mrs. Jennie Delong, Vin- GAGLIANO, Charles R. Jack Tedesca, 7-Nos- 450 Harriman Street, New York, N. Y. ton, Iowa. trand Avenie, Brooklyn, N. Y. OVERAND, James R. Jame! Overand, box DEVITT, William C. Mrs. Mary Devitt, 1855 HOOK, Leonard. Miss Nellie Hook, 125 Peel 132, Webster, Pa. Religious Street, New Orleans, La. Street, Paterson, N. J. PARK, Anson J. Mrs. Mattie B. Park, Boils DIXON, Arthur S. Nelson Y. Dungan, Som- HUMBERT, Louis A. Mrs. Josephine Hum- Gap. Tenn. erville, N. Y. bert [22 Duerstein Avenue Buffalo N. Y. PHILBROOK, James H. Mrs. James Phil- DOLNE, ,John. Andrew Dolne, 425 West JENKINS, Clarence A. Mrs. 'Laura Jenkins, brook, South Range, Wis. Spruce Street, Mahanoy City, Pa. Union City, Minn. POLLARD, William E. Mrs. W. F. Pollald, DONOFRIO, Anthony N. Mrs. Mary Dono- JOHNSON, David L, Mrs. Marie Johnson, 156 Fair Street, Paterson, N. J. frio, 115 Remsen Avenue, New Brunswick, 1548 Lake Avenue, Rechester, N. Y. SCHUESSEER, George E. Herman Schuess- N. J. JOHNSON, James 0. J. C. Johnson, Daw- ler, 486 Eleventh Avenue, Long Island City, DOUGHERTY, John S. Richard P. Dough- son, Tex. I N. Y. -erty, 826 Chartiers Avenue, McKees Rocks, JOHNSON, Loyal G. Peter J. Johnson, R. F. Pa. D. 2, Spring Creek, Pa. BTAPLES, Guy W. Mrs. Lily Staples, Lin- ABLE, Jacob H. Charles N. 'XSle, States- KELSEY, Ralph Henry. Frank C. Kelsey, 28 den, Cal. bury, W. Va. Wall Street, Claremont, N. H. TARVER, Robert S. Senator H. B. Merritt, ADAMSKI, WillIam. S. 6. Cyzio, 1480 Insur- KESSLER, Godfred F. Mrs. Katy Kessler, 784 Tuskegee, Ala. ance Exchange Building, Chicago, Ill. Tenth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. BAILEY, Harold N. Geofge W. Bailey, Chat- BARRY, THOMAS F.. Mrs. M, Barry, 625 KORINEK, James Joseph. Joseph J. Kori- field, Minn. Baber Avenue, Bronx, -New-York, N. Y. nek, Southside Station, Omaha, Nebr. CHAMBERS. Walter C. Mrs. Hugh R. Cham BASS, Robert A. Mrs. Alice Othelia Wag- LAYCOB, David. Jake Laycob, 2120 Thomas bers, 130 Pifth Avenue, Trov, N. Y. ner, R. F. D. 1, Meriwether, Ga. Street, St. Louis, Mo. DOURAKIS, Elas. Stelos Doukakis, 1212 BASSETT, Henry M. Theodore E. Bassett, LEWIS, Webb. Mrs. Julia Webb Lewis, Dur- Schwoonamaker Avenue, Monessen. Pa. 38 East Mohawk Street, Oswego, N. Y. wood. Okla. DOWD, Harry. Mrs. Elizabeth Dowd, 13 BLAKSLEY, Eli. Mrs. Charlotte Blaksley, McCUTCHEON, Clifford. Mrs. Bertha Mc- Norfolk Street, Newark, N. J. R. F. D. 1, Quinlan, Okla. Cutcheon, 2444 Aubert Avenue Chicago, Ill. DUNNE, John P. Mrs. Bridget Dunne. 105 BLOOKVIST, Carl B. Mrs. Mary Trelle, MACDONALD, William G. Daniel MacDonald, West. Ninety-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. 5823 Alder SIrget, Philadelphia, Pa. 32 St. Lawrence Street, Portland, Me. LDWARDS, Dover W. Charles H. Edwards. BLUEMER, William C, Henry Bluemer, Mer- McPHERSON, Jesse W. Basil N. McPherson, Hinds, Tex. rill, Mich. Northport, Ala. FRANCAVILLO, Nick. Mrs. Luccia Franca- BOEHM, James J. Miss Helen Boehm, 34 MADSON, Alfred. John Madson, R. F. D. 2, villo, 67 Mott Street, New York, N. Y. Monmouth Street, Newark, N. J, Sheffield, Il. GRIFFIN. Charles S. Stephen Griffin, Blue BOERA, Edward. Mrs. Herman Boera, 2147 MADZELAN, Teodil. Mrs. Branisalaa Zabo- Ridge, Ga. Houghton Avenue, New York, N. Y. rawski. box 422 Castle Shannon, Pa. HANSEN, Carl S. Morris Hans6n, 2214 Fair- BRADBURN, Donald. Mr. William P. Brad- MARKEY, Elmer Russel. Mrs. Baura Loge- field Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. burn, 2336 Octavia Street, New Orleans, man, 330 West King Street, York, Pa. HOLDZKOM, Paul R. Al W. Holdikoih, Im- La. MARTIN, Thomas J. Tom A. Martin, Dill- perial, Cal. BRAGILIO, Dominico. Miss Annie Pros, 10 wn. Va. LANDMAN, Harry EdWin, fr. Harry Edwin Denny Street, Ossining, N. Y. MElSER, -Julius C. Miss Mayme Meiser, 240 Landman, 125 North Nineteenth Street. BREDELL, Bernard S. H. 0. Bredell, Hunter, Vine Street, Reading, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pa. N. Dak. MORRIS, Pearl E. Mrs. Rebecca J. Morris, LEE. Lawnis L. James H. Lee, R. F. D. 1, BUDREAU, Edward J. Mrs. Charotte Bud- 200 Breen Street, Marion, Ohio. Colerain, N. C. reau, 402 West Ludington Avenue, Luding- MURPHY, Joseph H. John T. Murphy, 96 LEE, Walter Palmer. *Harry P. Lee, 14,Bel- ton, Mich. Western Avenue, Morristown, N. J. mont Avenue, Oneida, N. Y. BUSH, Maurice Joseph. Joseph Bush, 111 NITZ, Carl F. William A. Nits, R. F. D. 2, MILLER, Walter C. Mrs. Mary Miller, 4737 Manie Avenue, Adrian, Mich Bulgar, W. Va. West North Avenue, Chicago, Ill. CAOUETTE, George. Mrs. Delia Bovin, ROBERTS, William R. ,Joseph H. Roberts, NORTON, Joseph P. Mis& Bridget Norton, Western Avenue, Berlin, N. H. 1509 Maple Avenue, Portsmouth, Va. 2i Schalk Strpet, Newark, N. T. CARTER, Isaac H. W. ". Carter, Snow Ball, SANE, Charlie L. John Sane, R. F. D. 1, PASQUARILLO, Tony. Thomas Pasquarillo, Ark. Rutherforaton, N. C. 34 Chestnut Street, Paterson. N. J. CLAY, Rhodes, jr. Mrs. Annie Clay, 2809 SCHNEIDER, Albert. Arnold Hauser, 610 SCOTT, Kenneth J. Alexander H. Scott, Laclede Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. Navajo Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. Frackvllbe, Pa. COOPER, Mayer. Hyman Cooper, 66 Mont- SCHUCKER, William. Mrs. Mary Schucker, STCLAR. Palil. Mrs. Tiresa Slclar, Galline, gomery Street, New York, N. Y. 935 Pearl Street, Camden, N. J. Gomeno, Province Reggio, Italy. DEMPSEY, David C. James E. Dempsey, SCHULER, Peter Paul. Mrs. Pauline Schuler, SNYDER. Maurice B. Mrs. Bernice Snyder, Hornbeck, La. 1141 Spring Garden Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1844 F Street NE., Washington, D. C. DIAMOND. Edward R. Mrs. Sarah Dia- SCOWDEN, James R. Mrs. Eva Scowden, STAPLES, Herbert E. Mrs. Alice Shortridge mond, 429 First Avenue, Watervliet, N. Y. Smethqort, Pa. Staples, Mbuntainview, N. H. BAKER. William A. Henry T. Baker, Mine SEWARD, Mark H. Mrs. Sarah J. Seward. 44 WILKINSON, Ernest L. Mrs. Ola M. Wilkin- Lamotte, Mo. East Hamburg Street, Baltimore, Md. son, R. F. D. 2, Taylors, S. C. BARGER, Jacob. Mrs. Lidy Barger, Globe, SEXTON, Fayett. Mrs. Sinthon Sexton, Car- - BUGLERS. Wash. tertown, Va. BEVIN, Arlie. Merida Bevin, Lowmansville, SHERROD, Thomas J. Miss Martha J, Sher- DIX, Herschel L. Howard L. Dix, 2035 Ash- Ky. - I rod, Jahoka, Tex. land Avenue, Indianapolis, Ind SLOVACHECK, Josef. Josef Slovacheek, 319 TUNELL, Earl L. Charles L. Tunell. 2920 BOYD, John-1. Mrs. Retty B. Boyd, Tyler- Broad Street, Kenosha, Wis. Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis, Minn. town, Miss. SMITH, Waldon F. Mrs. Amy J. Rosenbrans. MECHANICS. BOYLE. Leslie. Belle Everett Boyle, Shan- 72 Maryland Street, Rochester, N. Y. non, Ill. Jacob Solomon, 914 South NEWB@RRY, Lester E. John W. Newberry, BROWN, John G. William H. Brown, Mul- SOLOMON, Saul. Diamond, Ga. berry, Kans. State Street, Syracuse, N. Y. TATE. George K. Davis Tate, Thaxtoq, Va. STAIKUNAS, Konstansban. Konstant Sov- BRYANT. Jimmy. James Bryant, Howards- enski 36 John Street, Amsterdam. N. Y. MILLER, John Jacob. Mrs. Tillie P. Cox, ville, Va. 408 STANCIK, Fred. Jacob Stancik, 1717 South Fifth Street, Galena; Ill. CABLE, Harry K. Mrs. Ella Cable, 2326 Or Jefferson Street, Chicago, III. SCHMIDT, Alphonse A. Mrs. Margaret leans Street, Baltimore, Md. Albert L. Pinkncy Stanford. Schmidt, 211 Walter Avenue, Pittsburgh, STANFORD, Pa. CAMERON, Earl W. Mrs. Sarah Cameron, Garden Grove, Iowa. WAGONER. Winchester, Ohio. STANHOPE. John D. Mrs. Mary Ammons, CAMPBELL. William H. Mrs. Julia Camp- 38 West Fifty-second Street, Chicago, Ill. HENSON, Oscar Ranlo. Mrs. Nellie Hanson bell, 505 East Taylor Street, Bloomington, THOMAS, Alphonse. Mrs. Mary Jensen, 27 1054 North California Avenue, Chicago,* Ill, Ill, Ditmar Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. 22 ,THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

TODD, Harry S. Mrs. Annie Todd, 251 South SIKORSKI, Adam G. Miss Helen Horanek, OTJTSLEY, Frank. John Outsley, Midland - Prince Street, Lancaster, Pa. 5126 South Hermitage Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Park, N. J. TUNNELL, Coy C. Root Tuinnell, Baileyton, SIMMONS, John E. Lawrence Simmons, PLANT, Ernest. Mrs. Harriett Plant, gen- Tenn. Clover Bend, Ark. eral delivery, Niles, Ohio. UPDIKE, Charles B. Mrs. Mary Updike, R. SKAGGS, Walter C. Mrs. Sarah E. Skaggs, POTAMPA, Frank B. Albert Potampa, 2712 F. 1). 7, North Vernon, Ind. Lampasas, Tex. South Kildare Avenue, Chicago, Ill. VANSTORY, Sam. Sam Vanstory, 909 West SKINNER Fred T. Mrs. Mary Skinner, 19 POWERSP Edward. Mrs. U. E. Powers, 1208 Twelfth Street, Fort Worth, Tex. Osgood Street, Salem, Mass. West High Street, Petersburg, Va. VERBIST, James. Mrs. Mary Verbist, 228 SPARKS, James H. J. E. Sparks, Avalon, SELLGREN. Ferdinand A. Mrs. Sophia Sell- Madison Street, Hoboken, N. J. Mo. gren,*R. F. D. 1, Carlton. Minn. - VIELE. Harry A. Garry Viele, Turner, Mich. SPRINGER, Otis R. Thomas Springer, K F. SHIELDS, Edward. Mrs. Mary Shields, 12 VILIM, Frederick G. Mrs. Mary Vilim, 155 D. 3, Alliance, Ohio. Jackson Street, Paterson, N. J. I E-t Ontario Street, Chicago, Ill. TARSI, Augrelo. Albina Verdina, Alpha, SMITH, Leon R. Mrs. Jessie Smith, R. F. D. VOGT, Joseph P. Mrs. Kate Karbach, 2033 N. J. 2, Gausevoort, N. Y. Throop Street, Chicago, Ill. TEABEAUT, Thognas S. Mrs. Rena S. Tea- SOROKO, Peter Mike. ,Simon Soroko, 22 WANKMILLER, Frank. Leonard Wankmiller. beaut, 64 Springale Road, Atlanta, Ga. West Center Street, Shenandoah, Pa. 2327 West Sonferset Street, Philadelphia, TERRY, William Reed. Jim Terry, R. F. D. 4, SPEETER, Joseph B. Edward Specter, R. F. Pa. Went Nashville, Tenn. D. 1, Schleisingerville, Wis. WEBB, Frank G. Benjamin F. Webb, Holly TRONGONE, Tony. Mrs. Rose Trongone, SPINAZZOLA, Nicholas. Mrs. Angelina Springs, Miss. Newfield. N. J. Spinazzola, 384 Rockaway Avenue, Brook- WILLIAMSON, Tom. Isham WilliamsE, R. VITTARIELLO, Giovanni. Umberto Evange- lyn, N. Y. * F. D. 2, Brookhaven, Miss. lista, 617 Fifth Avenud, Carnegie, Pa. STATON, Preston. Joe Staton, Herrin, Ill. WILMS, George W. John H. Wilms. 708 WALTMAN, John J. Martin Waltman, La- STORL, Walter H. Ernst Stor, R. F. D. 1, We at Broadway, Louisville, Ky. fayette, Miss. Massillon, Ohio. WILRON. Thomas R. Robert R. Wilson, bo; WILKINS, Lloyd B. M'fs. Mary. C. Wilkins, SUMLIN, Posey. Mrs. Jane Sumlin, Edge- 68, Noblestown, Pa. 44 Birch Street, Lynn Mass. comb, N. C. WOOD, George. MrW. Lilly Wood, R. F. D. 1, WYATT, Cecil S. Mrs. aua Wyatt, Richard- TAYLOR, Thomas H. Marcus L. Taylor, Rus- Edgemoor, Del. son, W. Va. sellville, Ala. YEARY. John N. Mrs. Carrie Webb, Center, WYATT, Richard. Mrs. Sue Hopper, 427 East THORNBURG, Byron W. Elmer E. Thorn- Tex. Baxter Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. burg, 315 West Sixth Street, Marion, Ind. DOAN, Elijah. Mrs. Annie Dono, 318 East DRIVER, Dib. Burrel Driver, R. F. D. 4, Lib- TOLTUN, John. Tim Grispk, 50 Essex McKinney Street, Dixon, Ill. erty, Tenn. Street, Sprinaeld, Mass. DONLrEN, Patrick. Mrs. Jessie Dorman,' 81 DUNAGAN, Silas. Mrs. Clara W. Dunagan, TOMAINO, Anthony. - Angelo Tomaino, To- Driags AvenTe, Brooklyn, N. Y. R. F. D. 1, Clermont, Ga. DORNBUSH, Peter. Mrs. W. Dornbu'sh, 136 FARMER, George W.' Mrs. Mary E. Farmer, TJ Ialtr. Mrs. Lizzie Turk, Long Myrtle Street Muskegon, Mich. Surf Avenue, Hyattsville, Md. Eddy, N. Y. DOUGLAS, Lester M. David E. Douglas, FINBERG, Hirche J. Mrs. Sonja Feinberg, WHISLER, Homer. Mrs. Mary Whisler, R. Piney Creek, N. C. 84 Avenue de Courbevol Asenieres, Seine, F. D. 11, Otway, Ohio. DUNN, Frank P. John F. Dunn, 462 Macy France. WHITE, Arthur J. Mrs. Nanny White, 5 Place. Bronx, New York, N. Y. FIORAVANTI, Necloide. Masimino Flora- Barcoose Terrace, , Redruth, - Cornwell GOLDMAN, ELMER. David Goldman, West vanti, Gradoli, Italy. County, England. Fork, Ind. FLANAGAN, John G. John Flanagan, 26 Died of Wounds. HAY, Marcus S. William T. Hay, Lawrence- Terrace Place, Arlington, N. J. burg. Tenn. FURMAN, Edward M. William J. Furman, LIEUTENANTS. HQLCOMB, William Samuel. Mrs. Blanche 930 Rose Street, Reading, Pa. SPAFFORD, K. H. James A. Spafford, 838 Holeomb, R. F. D. 4, Erie, Pa. GIBBON, Hugh H. Mrs. Grace Olive Burdett, West North Avenue, Baltimore, Md. RUNSIN.GER, William A. Mrs. Mary Hun- Esbon Kans. WILLIAMS, Frank Lenox. Mrs. Fanny Lamb singr, 1423 West Sixtieth Street, Seattle, GOLITSkY, Ignac. Mike Qplitsky, 688 Ge- Haughton Williams, box 177,' Elizabeth, Wn rome Street, McKeesport, Pa. N. C. HUTCHINSON John G. Mrs. Mary Hutchin- GRIMES, James Frederick. George Grimes, SERGEANTS. son, New Salem, Pa. Melvin, Mich. - ISACKSON, Roy Emanuel. Mrs. Minnie John- HILDERBRAND, George J. Andrew Hilder- KING, Chauncey A. William J. King, 16 son Isackson, Stockholm, S. Dak. brand, 433 Carlton Street, Buffalo, N, Y. Church Street, North Walpole, N. H. JOLLETT, Edmond. P. Mrs. Mary Jollett, HODGE, George E. Mrs. Barbara Hodge, R. NICKLES, Edward E. Mrs. Elizabeth Nick- 1410 Lower Road, Elizabeth, N. J. F. D. 1, Dyersburg, Tenn. les, 24 Lincoln Street, Somerville, Mass. KITE, John Franklin. Mrs. Mary Kite, care ROYS, Roscoe. Wellington Roys, Malone, JACKSON, Chartes. William L. Nyman, R. N. Y. of Aurelius Tho's Gas Co., Drumwright, F. D. 2, Spring City, Pa. - Okla. JANNICELLI, Toby. Mrs. Anna Jannicelli, CORPORALS. KNOLTON, Walter H. James R. Knowlton, Ramsey, N. J. ALLEY, Hosea P. Joseph D. Alley, Mountain Humboldt, Tenn. JOHNSON, Jesse L. Mrs Georgie White, Home, Ark. KRAGERUD, John P. Andrew Kragerud, Monroe, La. COATES, George B. George W. Coates, 419 Barnesville, Minn. KACZYNSKI, Adam. David Kaczynski, 95 Cedar Street, Jenkinstown, Pa. LAMBERT. Connie. Mrs. Myrtle Lambert, Curtis Street, Meriden, Conn. KNOPP. Lewis C. Jacob C. Knopp, Heights, Kingsport, Tenn. KEETER, Adin L. Mrs. Zora B. Fulfer, Glen Mason County, W. Va. LAWRENCE, Elmer Lloyd. John Lawrence, Rose, Tex. LANIO, Thomas. Mrs. Mary Lanio, 47 121 Second Street, Greenville, Pa. KILDUFF, Joseph, jr. Joseph Kilduff, Peru, Myrtle Avenue, New York, N. Y. LAY, William J. John S. Lay, Waynesboro, Ill. MITCHELL, Roscoe S. -Miss Sallie Mitchell, Tenn. KLINEDINST, Joseph E. Mrs. Bertie Kline- Nebo, Ky. LEE. Francis J. David M. Lee, R. F. D. 1, dinst, 1541 Monroe Street, York, Pa. PARDEE, Arthur C. Mrs. Nora M. White, New Stanton. Pa. LAVENTIJAL. Jacob, Mrs. Jennie Laven- 239 Main Street, Oneida, N. Y. LEYSIGNG, Otto. Fred Leysring, Windsor, thal, 10 Normandy Place, Irvington, N. J. PATTERSON, Herman R. William 0. Patter- N.. Dak LEH IS. Moses. Miss Ida Lewis, 860 East son, View, Tex, MANGUSO, James. Dominick Anderella, 1162 One hundred sixty-first Street, Bronx, New WATERBURY, Rowland W. William R. West Erie Street, Chicago, Ill. York, N. Y. Waterbury, 141 Caroline Street, Saratoga MATTHEWS, William H. Mrs. Lucy Mat- LIPPI, George. Amedeo Lippi, box 86, Galt, Springs, N. Y. thews, Highlands, N. J. Cal. WORTHEY, Harold. Armell W. Worthey, MILIllSER, Harry. Mrs. Rachel Milhiser, McCARTY, Howard T. James T. McCarty, R. F. D. 5, Jerseyville, Ill. 16832 North Appleton Street, Baltimore, Md. Cambridge, Minn. WAGONERS. MILLER, Thomas. George Miller, Viva, Ky. McCONVILLE, James Ffancis. Mrs. Sadie MITCHELL, Willie P. Mrs. Inez V. Mitchell, A. McConville, care of general delivery, BREAKIRON, John William. Mrs. Ida M. Skippers, Va. Sharon, Pa. Underwood, Ambridge, Pa. MURRAY, William. Patrick Murray, 166 'McVEY, Cecil. Jeff McVey, R. F. D. 1, Ash- POWELL, Ellsworth D. Mrs. Lucy Powell, Mott Avenue, Long Island City, N. Y. land, Ala. Grisileld, Md.. C NALLIN, John. John Nallin, 85 East End MARTIN, Albert R. Bess Wilson, R: F. D. 2, Avenue, New York, N. Y. box 8, Thorborn, Ark. BATTAGLIA, Ermenegildo. Attilio Nasi, 240 OAKLEY, Thomas' L. Addison D. Oakley, MAST, Fred. George Hanshill, Great Bend, West Forty-ninth Street, New York, N. Y. Oxford, N. C. Kans. PFRIATES. OSER. Joseph F. Mrs. Frances Oser, 1443 MILLER, William F. Franklin K. Miller, Walnut Street. Cincinnati, Ohio. Montrose, Mo. ANGIELLO, NATALO. Mrs. Paula Pizzolla, PITTS. Coon. ,Mrs. Grace Pitts, Palmyra, MOGENSON, Frank. Mrs. Walter L. Chris- Albero, B, Italy. Ky. tensen, 1433 Williameth Street, Eugene, BARNES, George Howell. Mrs, Florence PRICE, Thomas V. Elie Price, Palos, Ala. Oreg. Elonor Barnes, 518 East Ormsby Avenue, PUCCI, Andrea. Michael Palano, 6 Ringgold MOONEYHAM, Floyd E. Aozo Mooneyham, Louisville, Ky. . Street, Providence, R. I. Woodbury, Tenn. BARNES, William. L. Elwood Barnes, R. F. PUSEY, Freddrick D. Mrs. Iva Hastings, MOORE, Roy S. ^George A. Moore, 3112 Hull D. 1. Greer, Ohio. Church Street, Salisbury, Md. Street, Richmond, Va. BATES, Robert IL Mrs. Nancy Bates. Wahoo, ROBERTS, Bertel. Mrs. Lucie E. Roberts, MOSLEY, Arnie. Will I. Mosley, B. F. D. Nebr. Ilyden, Ky. 2. Savoy, Tex. BLICK, David. Samuel Blick, 549 Livingston ROBERTS, George L. Jessie E. Roberts, R. MURPHY, William M. Mrs. Johanna E. Street, Elizabeth, N. J. F. D. 1, box 19, New Salem, Pa. Schwiger, 603 South Washington Street, BOWEN, Harry L. Mrs. Elizabeth Bowen, ROBINSON, William W. John Robinson, R. Baltimore, Md. ,607*Amelia Street, Fredericksburg, Va. F. D. 2, Cedar Grove, Tenn. MURRAY, John Edward. Mrs. Michael Con- -CONTI, Ernest Falix. Mrs. Mary Machia HAMILTON. Lawrence. Mrs. Florence Ro- nell, 65 Paine Street, Green Island, N. Y. Conti, Grottollela, Prov. Avelina, Italy. land, 951 West Twenty-fourth Street, Erie, MYERS, Charles L. Charles C. Myers, 327 DAVID, George. Mrs. Della George, 77 Beach Pa. . North Calhoun Street, Baltimore. Md. Street, Boston, Mass. SCRABECK, Ole S. Samuel Scrabeck, Pres- O'BRIEN, Frank. Mrs. Mary O'Brien, 327 DAVIS. Nathan. Harris Davis, 17 West One .tn, Minn. Sterling Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. hundred and eighteenth Street, New York, SIDNEY, George L. Ogle Regan, Jamestown, OTT, John M. Mrs. Louisa Rounner, 1240 N. Y. Tenn. Franklin Avenue, New York, N. Y. DEAN. O. C. Charles Dean, Boone, Colo. THE OFFICTAL U. S. BTLLETTNi MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 23 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING FOHL, Frank. Mrs. Amelia Pohl, Stockton, LIEUTDNANTS. BRAME, Walter S. Elmer H. Miller, Aspers, -Mnnl. RODGERS, Alexander, jr. Col Alexander Adams County, Pa. FRA'NKLIN, Jesse. E. 0. Finney, 122 Weed Rodgers, sr., 1221 Connecticut Avenue, BROVILLETTE, William E. Nelson S. Broull- Street, Macon, Mo. Washington, D. C. 1ltte, New York Mills, N. Y. GALLOS, Peter. Mrs. Kasstantina Gallos, WALSH, Thomas C. Thomas C. Walsh, 1041 BROWN, Edward L. Tames W. Brown, box 2, Gentsa, Mathon, Greece. Ridge Row, Scranton, Pa. Idalou, Rex. HARNESS, William T- Mrs. Julia Harness, BRUNDAGE, Dameol. Mrs. Jessie Anna Brun- 442 Manchester Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. NURSeS. dage, Quincy, Mass. HER1lSEKORN, Alfred C. . Mrs. Olga Herse- LUNDHOLM, Ruth V. Mrs. Caroline Lund- CABANISS, Ealey 0. Esley E. Cabaniss, R. korn, 374 Van Houten Avenue, Passaic, holm. 220 West Street, Petalum, Cal. F. D. 5, Shelby, N. C. N. J., WORTH, Margaret W. Dr. Gertrude G. Mack, CASTON, Jesse L. Joseph W. Caston, Jack- KESSELL, Edward. Mrs. Amelia Iessell, 257 2 West Ninety-fourth Street, New York, son, Ga. West McMicken Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio. N. Y. CERONE, Frank. Mrs. Calompa Cerone, Coll- KIEFFER, Simon T. Michael Kieffer, Green- dunco, Province Di Aguila, Italy. ock, Ontario, Canada. iNASTER SIGNAL ELECTRICIAN. CHEATIAM, James T. John T..Cheatham, KILLINGER, Bert. Mrs. Marguret E. Kil- BRUNS, Tony. Caspar Bruns, 5458 Alabama Garland, Mo. linger, Tunnelhill, Pa. Ac enue, CLARK, Ray 0. Joseph Clark, Chilly, Idaho. KORNICK, Michael. Mrs. Agnes Kornick, St. Louis, Mo. CLIFTON, Jesse. William L. Patrick, 905 Corbin, Russia. SPRGEANT MAJOR. Omaha National Bank Building, Omaha, KRAMPOTA, Anton, Mrs. Anne Krampota, R. WILLIFORD, William R. Mrs. Elizabeth C. Nebr. F. D. 6, Elgin, Tex. Williford, harrellsville, N. C. CUMNICKEL, William H. Mrs. Olive Cum- LARGE, Edwin H. Mrs. Mattie K. Large, nickel, 425 East Euclid Avenue, Topeka, R. F. D. 1, Florence, S. C. SERGEANTS. Kans. McGAfVEY, Ralph. Mrs. Mary McGarvey, BREGAR, Ed. Joseph E. Bregar, Rt. Vi. D. 2, DAVIS, Sam H. Aleiander B. Davis, R. F. D. 802 Second Street, Bismarck, N. Dak. Pittsburt Kans. 1, Newborn, Ga. MARUCEIO, Pasquale. Mrs. Domenica Maru- GARDINE , Sydney H. Mrs. Gussie Gar- DEBOLD, John L. Mrs. Addle Debold, 215 celo. Pro Asquili, Pecini, Italy. diner, 538,New Jersey Avenue, Brooklyn, West Ohio Street, Evansville, Ind. MEYER, Hugo W. C. Miss Allie Meyer, Bren- N. Y. DEMMONS, Charles L. Charles Demmons, ham, Tex. GUTHRtIE, Virgil H. Chester H. Guthrie, Detroit, Me. MIDDLETON, Walter L. Mrs. Amanda L. Newton, Iowa. DEMUTH, William B. John I)emuth, R. F. D. Middleton, 200 Alberta Avenue, Dayton, MeDUFFEE, Floyd L. John R. MeDuffee, 1, Lancaster, Cal. Ohio. Anamosa, Iowa. DE PUY, Wilfred J. Mrs. Eli De Puy, New NEHWADOWICH, Wasile. Michael Nehawad- THORNBERRY, Leland Earl. Ora L. Thorn- Paltz. N. Y. owich, 61 Telery Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. berry, Jerusalem, Ohio. DILLEY, Leslio J. William T. Dilley, Andis, O'REILLY, William James. Mrs. Elanor BRADFORD, Alfred J. Mrs. Kate B. An- Ohio.' O'Reilly, 27 Washington Avenue, Pleasant- drews, R. F. D. 4, Sumter, S. C. ELLIOTT, Edgar L. Mrs. Susia Elliott, R. F. ville, N. Y. DREHER, Henry E. Henry 0. Dreher, 2588 D. 1, Prior, Mo. OWINGS, Samuel D. Mrs. Delia G. Owings, Slevin Street. Louisville. K. FORTIN, Jerimie. Fortiner Fortin, 10 Sec- 2200 Greenmount Avenue, Baltimore, Md. GUIN, Hubert H. Mrs. B. Itenry, Fayette, ond Street Adams, Mass. PAGE, Hollis T. Mrs. Flora E. Page, Cen- Ala. GON, John W. Gon Sue Quong, care King tral City, lowh.' CO)RPORALS. Walh Co., .314 Queens Road, D. C., Hong- PALMGREN. Edwin-W. David Palmgren, 563 Avery, kong, China. South Pearl Street, Galesburg, Ill. AVERY, Alvah E. Mrs. Aleah E. GRANATO, Antonio Carmalo Granato.. No- PARRY, William. Mrs. Annie Parry, 2724 box 38, Smiths Ferry Macs. voro San Bosillo, Provinclo Messina, Italy. BASKINS, Robert. Mirs. Fannie Baskins, GRIMES, l'red. Mrs. Mary Whitcome, Ticon- Nqrth Main Avenue, Scranton, Pa. C. PETERSON. Jalmer W August Peterson, R. R. F. D. 8, Lancaster. S. deroga, N. Y. F. 1). 1, Barnum, Minn. ORR, Floyd C. James W. Orr, Cowgill, Mo. HARDING, Claude W. Mrs. Helea Randall, PITZEN, John E. Fred Pitzen, Moscow, PALAMONTE, Jerry. Mrs. Rose Dobs, 64 318 Chemina Street, Savre, Pa. Idalio. LUnox Avenue, Maspeth, N. Y. HARNESS, Wendell P. Mrs. Eva Harness, 19 SMITI, Glenn I Mrs. Nannie M. Smith, 510 Mount Washington, Colorado Springs, Colo. ROSE, Garnett L. Mrs. Eliabeth E. Rose, Street, Fredonia, Kans. 1305 West Clay Street, Richmond, Va. Noeth Elecenth IOOPER, Orbitt P. Wiloby N. Hooper, Char- WILKINSON, George C. AMrs. Laurell Wil- lotte, Dickson County, Tenn. ROSENBAUM, Louis. John Rosenbaum, 447 1225 West High Street, Peters- East Mound Street, Columbus, Ohio. kinson. HORTON, Ellis D. Mrs. Blanche Horton, R. RUARK, William M. William W. Ruark, 118 burg, Va. F. D. 1, Perry, Kans. BRAGDON, Harold B Mrs. Minnie I. Brag- IIUFP. Thomas H, Mrs. Sudile B. luff, R. F. Locust Street, Cambridge, Md. don, Assembly Hotel, Seattle, Wash. SALOMON, Dave J.) Albert Sal6mon, 864 D. 2, Milledgeville, Ga. DTIOHAN, Walter T. Mrs. Patrick Drohan ADDIO, Tindero. J. Addio, box 45, Ackon, Dawson Street, Neal York, N. Y. 1110 Goulding Street, Worcester, Mass. SCOTT, George. Mrs Ella Scott, 1509 Plumb W. Va. FURCHESS, Wesley M. Milton Zack Ftr- BARTEL. August Martin. Herman Bartel, Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. chess. Emberville, Tenn. SMITH, Keller T. Mrs. Walter English, R. South Orange Avenue, Florham Park, N. J. GREENE, George V. G. II. Greene, Main BAULK, James. Mrs. Bridget Baulk, 573 F. D. 3, Boone' Mill, Va. HaVen, Vt. THOMAS, Robert H. Mrs. Eula Thomas, R. Street. Fair Grand Street, Jersey City, N. T. HIGGINS, Joseph. Julia Rivers, 399 Sumter BAUM, John W. Mrs. Frank Baum, -Pon- F. D. 1, Box 13, Portsmouth, Va. Street, Charleston, S. C. VERNO, Joe. Bruno Verno, 1347 Scovill turia, Minn. McCLYMONT, Theodore. William McCly- BELL. William E. Mrs. Elanor Bell, gen- Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. mont. 27 West Eighty-fourth Street, New WILSON, James B. William W. Wilson. R. F. evl delivery. Osceola, Mo. York, N. Y. BERRY, Ernest L Lewis 0. Berry, R. F. D. D. 2, Yatesville, Ga. RITCHEL, Gus J. Mrs. Rose Yawnick, Mont- 1. Gault, Mo. ZALABAK, William J. Louis Zalabak, 2317 rose, Minn. West Nineteenth Street, Chicago, Ill. BLEVINS, Charles C. Palmer - II. Blevins, CIeIF IECKANIC. Gillespie 171. Died from Accident and Other Causes. HEIDEPREIM, Herbert R. Fred Heidapriem, BLOOMBERG, Samuel. Harry Bloomberg, 104 Perry Street, Troy, N. Y. SERGEANTS. Custer. S. Dak. BOTIMER, Charles F. Charles Bobmer, R. F. BRIGGS, Simon P. Mrs. Laura Briggs, Stan- WAGONERS. D. 3, New Matamoras, Ohio. ley, Wis. MAHONEY, Maurfee J. James B. Mahoney, BOSMA, George. George Bosma, Parkers. PASS, Roman F. Frel W. Pass, Adrian, 1141 First Street NW., Washington, D. C. burg, Iowa. Minn. MICHAUD, Frank 1). Mrs. Mary Michand, BOWERS, Joe L. Mrs. Eliza Bowers, Fhir- COOK. Bena. Minn. fax. S. C. S. Shipley, Reger, PIERACCINI, Louis L. Miss Lena Cola, 164 SHIPLEY. Alvin R. James BOWIE, George W. Mrs. Jane Bowie, Copper- Mo. opolis. Cal. Hendrick Street, Providence, R. I. CARROLL, Barney L. William H Carroll, BRADLEY, David L. Mrs. Louisa Bradley, PnlvATES. R. F D. 8, Hopkinsville, Ky. - R. F. D. 23, box 58, Omro, Wis. BROWN. Charips S. Mrs. Milton S. Mans- HAMILTON. Clair T. Mrs. Olive Hamilton, BRANTLEY, Dean W. Mrs. Annie S. Brant- field, 399 Vine Street, Akron, Ohio. East Lansing, Mich. ley, 183 West Thirty-second Street, Savan- DREWETT, Paul. Mrs. Annie M. Drewett, COOKS. nah, Ga. Seaboard. N. C. BROWN, Wallace 0. John Brown, Princeton, MULLEN, Henry J. Mrs. Elien Mullen, 17 Minn. LIMEIOUSE, Willbert. Mrs. Pattle Lime- Roxbury, Mass. house, Yemassee, S. C. Norfolk Street, BYWATER, Claude D. John Bywater,,care TILLSTROM, Hellmer T. John 'illstrom, of Soldiers' Home, Grand Rapids, Mich. MASON, Charles R. C. H. Arnold, 154 1021 First Avenue, Rockford, Ill. Thatcher Street, Hornell, N. Y. WILSON, John A. Robert M. Carrall, 1204 COBB, Alton W. Mrs. Loretta Cobb, 507 MATTHEWS, John L. William W. Matthews, Street, Terrell, Tex. West Forty-second Street, New York, N. Y. 2037 Higbee Street, Memphis, Tenn. East High COLQUI'1. John M. Mrs. Alice Colquitt, MATTSON, Joseph A. K. Mrs. Isabella Matt- I PRIVATES. Barnesville, Ga. son, 119 Eighth Street South, Virginia, Alred, -CURRY, Kit. Mrs. Charlie Curry, R. F. D. 3, ALRED. William M1. Mrs. Lydia A. Miss. Minn. . posi office box 55, Denmark, Ark. box 40, Starksville, MAYERS, Christian F. Phil J. Mayers. 11 ANDERSON. James A. Mrs. Francis Barton, DEGNER, Carl W. Alex Degner, Ixonia. Public Square, Nashville, Tenn. 138 East One hundred and fifteenth Street, Wis. SCHULTZ, William. Mrs. William Schultz, New York, N. Y. DEIRO, Tony. Mrs. -aknna Georvitz, 4458 88. Frsh Pond Road, Brooklyn, N. Y. ATWATERS, Rowland. Mrs. Mary Atwaters, Itaska Street. St Louis, Mo. THOMAS, John. Mrs. Hester Bradshaw R. F. D. 4, box 9, Raleigh, N. C. EILTS, Harry G. Kilt H. Eilts, 2111 McNair Thomas, R. F. D. 5, Bishopville, S. C. BARRY, Richard J. Mrs. Mary Barry, 221 Avenue, St. Louis, Mo. WALKER, Edward. Cicero Walker, R. F. D. Washington Street, Ogdensburg, N. Y. ENGLISHMAN, Herman. John Englishman, 1, box 84, Scott, Ark. BAUS. Charles William. Miss Jennie Bell- 316 Erie Avenue, Midland Park, N. Y. BAne, 1171 North Columbus Avenue, Lan- ERICKSO1 , Arthur E. Mrs. Ida Erickson, Died of Disease. caster, Ohio. Spirit, Wis. CAPTAIN. BEACHLER, Roy. Mrs. Clara Beachler, Union FIELD, Thomas C. Jesse M. Field,. R. F. D. SIMPKINS, Nathaniel S., jr. C. R . Simp- City, Ind. 4, Dickson. Tenn. BOWMAN, Albert A. Mrs. Sis B. Bowman, FLOWERS, William. Lewis Flowers, R. F. D. kins, Somerset Club, Beacon Street, Boston, Ala. Mass. - R. F. D. 1, Harriman, Tenn. 1, box 49, Tennille, 24 THE OFFICIAL U. & BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING GARRETT, Hardy W. William S. Garrett, ROBINSON, John G. Joseph W. Robinson, SIURER, Henry P. Joseph Shurer, R. F. D. Strong, Ark. Daphine, Ala. 1, Nesbit, Pa. GRAY, Bryan. John Melvin Gray, R. F. D. ROCK, Andrew. Mrs. Anna Rock, 25 Morris SIMPSON, Frank H. Mrs. Madge 0. Crow, 1, Medina, Ohio. Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. Wauneta, Nebr. GREEN, Lloyd Chester. 'Mrs. Ida Green, 1518 ROHBACHER, Jacob. Mrs. Lena Rohbacher. SLEICHER, William D. Arthur Sleicher, Mulvane Street, Topeka, Kans. Amana, Iowa. 243 Hoosick Street, Troy, N. Y. GRIFFIN, William L. John H. Griffin, Me- ROSE, Lancelot A. Mrs. Anna B. Brown, 180 SMITH, Harry A. Mrs. Mary M. Smith, Connel, Tenn. West Pike Street, Clarksburg, W. Va. 1102 Chandler Street, Danville Ill HARDIMAN, Howard H. Mrs. Jessie Hardi- RYAN,, Edward J. Miss Mary Ryan, 182 SQUIRE, Chester H. Mrs. Ethyle Squire, man, R. F."D. 4, Princeton, Ind. Thirtieth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ashville, Ohio. HART, Robert J. John Hart, R. F. D. 4, SALGEE, William W. Charles P. Salgee, SUMNER, William. George Ropp, 223 North Genesee, Pa. Groton, Conn. Renna Street, Indianapolis, Ind. HELMER, Ralph Verne. Mrs. C. G. Helmer, SANTA-MARIA, Samuel. Mrs. Anna La Lu- SUTTON, Mitchell McPherson. John G. Sut- Republic, Kans. mia, Arco Ten Corvour No. 9, Licorti, Ger- ton, Elizabethtown, N. C. HESSE, Joe. Christ Hesse, Cedar City, Mo. gentafi Italy. TACKER, Thomas J. Mrs. Bessie Tacker, IDDINGS, Castilie. Mrs. C. B. Iddings, Per- SCIA O,Pasquale. Miss Josephine O'Keefe, Williston, Tenn. rysport, Va. 2158 East Monmouth Street, Philadelphia THOMPSON, Green. Wyatt Thompsol, Flor. JENKS, Harvey A. Albert H. Jenks, R. F. D. Pa. once, Ala. 2, Fenwick, Mich. SCHLATMAN, 'Edward J. Clem Schlatman, THOMPSON, Perry J. Mrs. Isabell Thomp- JENSEN, Vilhelm P. Jullus Moller, Nordre, R. F. D. 1, Perryville, Mo. son, Heber Springs, Ark. Tverve, Randers, Denmark. SCHMACHTENRRGER, Ernest A. Jariah URNESS, Ole. Ole Heried, R. F. D. 1, New IOHNSON, Robert J. Mrs. Mary McCarthy, Schmachtenberger, Galatea, Colo. Hamp ton, Iowa, Cookertown Road, Bryn Mawr Pa. SCHMELING, Edwin. Herman Schoesson, VOWELL, James F. James M. Vowell, R. F. JOHNSON Walter H. Mrs. Addle Johnson, 'R. F. D. 1, Thiensville, Wis. ' D. 1, Hornersville, Mo. Miles, Tex. I SCHMIDT, Eddie. John Schmidt, R. F. D. 2, WEBB, Clifton A. Mrs. Cleora McNaly, 832 KAEGEL, Henry W. Erdman Kaegel, Lenz- Davenport, Iowa. Mill Avenue, Hammond, Ind. burg, Ill. SCHRADER, William H., jr. William Schra- WEEDALL, Lewis. Mrs. Maud Mary Weed- HUNTER, Charles. Mrs. Chata Hunter, R. der, R F. D. 3, Johnstown, Pa. all 4656 Ferdinand -Street, Chicago, Ill. F. D. 1, box 3, Neuse, N. C. SHEPPARD, Joseph F. Joseph F. Shep- WESTBROOK, Eugene W. James L. West- JACKSON, Galen C. Mrs. Mary E. Jackson, pard, R. F. D. 2, Lincoln, Ark. brook, Plymouth, Tex. Trammel, Ky. SHERRICK, Howard L. James M. Sherrick, WILEY, Edd C, Mrs. Ida McD. Wiley, R. JACOBSON, Sander. Charles Jacobson, R. F. 221 East Fifth Street, Fulton, Mo. F. D. 1. Casey, Tenn. D. 1, Genoa, Wis. SINGLETON, Howard.. Mrs. Eliza Singleton, WILSON, Ott, John" Wilson, Bookmans, JOHNSON, Harry. Sween Johnson, R. F. D. R. F. D. 3, box 71, Camden, Ala. Richmond County, S. C. 2, Rock Rapids Iowa. SMITH. Andrew J. William E. Smith, Tah- WOLF, Edward N. Frank Wolf, 398 Gil- JONES, Foster. isaac Jones, R. F. D. 1, boy lequah, Okla. ford Street, Buffalo, N. Y. 44, Ellenton, S. C.- KIRWAN, James J. David. Kirwan; 310 OLSTON, Theodore L Louis I. Olston, Do KING, Clyde R. John E. King, 819 West North Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal. Smet, S. Dak. Arch Street, Nevada, Mo. KNIGHT, Sidney A. William N. Knight, R. SNYDER, Cleveland. Julius Snyder, Keat- KING, Willie Vince. Mrs. Ella King, R. F. D. F. D. A, Italy, Tex. ing Summit. Pa. 2, Towuville, S. C. KOCI, John J. Mrs. Agnes S. tol, 1102 STAHLER, Niles R. Mrs. Mantana S. Stah- LANDSTROM, Axel. Mary Landstrom, 'box Dewey Street, Jefferson, Wis. ler, 26 North Second Street, Emaus, Pa. 57, Commonwealth, Wis. LADNER, Rosy. Miss Lillian N. Ladner, TARTT, Tom. Eli Tartt, R. F. D. 1, box LARSON, Lauris. Olaf Larson, _ Erskine, R. F. D. 1, Perkinston, Miss. 28, Livingston, Ala. Minn. LEE, Frank. Mrs. Jessie Holmes, 1251 Essig TITTER, Frank. Francis Titter, R. F. P. LEGERD, Ralph P. Patrick Legere, I Winter Street, Hannibal, Mo. 2 O'Fallon Ill Court, Fitchburg, Mass. LEE, Henry. Mrs. Elizabeth Lee, R. F. D. 2, TRAVERS, John H. Mrs. Margaret Travers, LIBKIE, Deonard A. Mrs. Minnie Libkie, Taylor, Wis. 290 Lynn Street, Malden, Mass. I11 North Grove Avenue, Chippewa Falls, LESCHINSKY, Armand J. Julius P. F. TUFFORD, Olin E. Mrs. Martha Tufford, Wiss. I Leschinsky, 518 West Koenig, Grand Island, R. F. D. 1, Merle Beach, Mich. LONDBERG, Alfred S. John Londberg, R. F. Nebr. WARDLE, Harry W. Mrs. Jessie Wardle, 707 D. 1, Lynch, Nebr. LEVINE, Max. Samuel Levine, 19 John Adams Street, Memphis, Tenn. LYNCH, Lewis A. Lewis Lynch, sr., R. F. D. Street, Bayonne, N. J. WASHINGTON, William. Mrs. Julia Wash- 1, Corsicana, Tex. LIPPMANN, Reuben. Barney Rosenson, 108 ington, Flautt, Miss. LYNCH, Patrick F. Miss Mammie Lynch, 56 Clifton Avenue, Lakewood, N. J. WOLD, Elmer. John Wold, Rico, Colo. Ure Street, East Haven, Conn. LUNSFORD, Henry I. L. George M. Luns- WOODFORD, William 0. Mrs. Lizzie Do- McCAIN, Rudolphus D. Mrs. Ella L. McCain, 'ford, R F. D. 2, box 53, Garrison, Tex. weese, Ar'no, Mo. R. F. D. 2, box 50, Cullman, Ala. McCART, Joseph W. Mrs. Mary Mcdart, S4, McCLAIN, Lem T. William Mcglain, Lismas, Lee Street, Boston, Mass. ' Wounded Severely. Mont. McCLINSEY, James. Andrew J. McClinsey, LIEUTENANT. McCLARY, Walter. Miss Flossie Brown, Ar- Heluetta, Pa. ran, Fla. McCOY, Leon D. John J. McCoy, Remsen, KILLEN, Harold J. W. Miss M. I. White, McMEEN, Henry R. Berman H. McMeen, Iowa. 5110 Springfield Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa.- Duck River, Tenn. McMONIGLE, Milton B. Joseph F. Mc- McDERMOTT, Frank. Miss Susan McDer- SERGuANTS. Monigle. Blue 'Eye, Mo. mott, 507 West Thirty-eighth Street, New DUPIUS, Severe. Ambrose Dupius, sr., box McMOORE, Melvin. Jim D. MeMoore, Pem- York, N. Y. 8, Niagara, Wis. broke, Ga. MAHER, Cornelius W. Mrs. Katherine MARTIN, Thomas F. Leander Martin, Castle McMULLEN, . Orlie C. Mrs. Sarah C. Mc- Maher, 291 Dewey Avenue, Pittsfield, Mass. Rock, Wash. . Wauneta, Nebr. MARCHANT, William C. Mrs. Eva McLean WAKSMONSKI, Andrew Mullen, ' Marchant, Scranton, Iowa. J. Stephai Waka- MAcDONALD, John A. Mrs. Mary McDonald, mouski, Coufon Pa. - 19 Cedar Street, Brattleboro, Vt. MENGEL, Norman M. Mrs. Suan Mengel, 24 WILLIAMS, Wilbur W. V. G. Williams, P. Mrs. Mary A. Ma- Treyer Street, Rochester, N. Y. Brackenridge, MAHONEY, Thomas Gib- Pa. honey, R. F. D. 3, Yates Center, Kans. MIDDLETON, tiarry. Zady Middleton, JONES, James H. Mrs. Omie P. Jones, MARTIN, Gus. Gus Martin, Germantown, son, Iowa. Talmo, Ga. MONTGOMERY, Charles V. William J. MADDEN, Willis N. Mrs. Emma S. Madden, MICHAEL,. Eldo A. William Michael, R. F. Montgomery, Esteline, S. Dak. 472 C Street NW., Washington, D. C. D. 1, Waverly, Iowa. MOORE, James. Wesley Moore, R. F. D. 2, MILAN. Tom. Mrs. Lucy Milan, Thyry, Miss. Joines4 Ark. BUGLER. MILLER, Harry J Peter G. Miller, Pomeroy, MUENZEL, Henry F. Mrs. Louise Muensel, SHUPE, Nelson W. Jefferson L.. Shupe, Wash. - 50 Dupont Street, Providence, R. I. Smithton, Pa. . MINCH, John Oscar. Mrs. Dairs Minch. 381 MULRINE, William Joseph. Bernard Ala- CORPORAL. East Fifth Street, Chillicothe, Ohio. wishes Mulrine, 2969 Miller Street, Phila- MITCHELL, Frank. Harry Mitchell, Gari- delphia, Pa. BALL, Albert E. Mrs. M. T. Neabor, 48 baldi, Oreg. NELSON, Theodore Morris. Lorents A. Nel- Lindon Avenue, Ludlow, Ky. MOORE; Grady. Ernest Moore, Rabun Gap; son, route 1, box 47, Fremont, Nebr. PRIVATES. Ga. NIEMAN, Herman. Mrs. Minnie Bush, Stur- ANDREWS, Press H. H. Andrews,. Ozark. OLDHAM, Anthony. Mrs. May Oldham, geon Bay, Wis. Ala. Brownsville, Tenn. NOONAN, William H. Mrs. Elizabeth Noonan, BODWELL, Grant. Celcer P. Bodwell, Bo- OLSON, Theodore 0. Martin Olson, Thor, 6416 Etzel Avenue, St. Louis. Mo. gata, Tex.. Jowa. PARKINSON, Norman. William M. Parkin- BRAYTON, Olaf H. Jacob Brayton, Colfax, OSBORNE, Walter Mrs. Ida Osborne, R. F. son, Cruger, Miss. Wis. D. 1, Hennessey, Okla. PRITCHARD, Paul. Marquis Pritchard, CASTELLANO, Anthony. Victor Castellano, PEGUBAS, Walter. Dora Pegueas, R. F. D. Vilas, Colo. 791 Kent Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 1, box 1521, Cheraw, S. C. RATCLIFF, John. Mrs. Annie Rateliff, R. F. COLEMAN, William F, Thomas J. Coleman, PIERCE, John Francis. Mrs. Dora Pierce, 69 D. 1, Graham, N. C. 1452 Lexington Avenue, New York,.N. Y. Ida Street, Troy, N. Y. RAY, Lyle D. Mrs. Hettie A. Ray, R. F. D. DYER, Harry. James Dyer, 925 Morris Ave- PIGOTT, Richard L. Richard Pigott, 81 1, McConnellsville, Ohio. nue, Summit, N. J. Winslow Avenue, Somerville, Mass. RICHARDSON, Colield. Mrs. Roxie Richard- FEELEY, George D. Mrs. Thomas Flaherty, PINCZUK, Ben. Thomas ,Comendo. Calumet, son, Risex, N. C. * 9 Gilbert Street, Allington, Conn. * Mich. RICHTER, Louis W. John Richter, R. F. D. HOWELL, Homer V. W. H. Howell, Este, BRYAN, William. George R. Ray, R. F.'D. 8, 1, Leeds, IowfL Fla. Portland, Tenn. ROATH, Guy I. Mrs. Mary E. Roath, Fer- KANOWITZ, Archie. Hyman Kanowitz, 880 RIEGGER, John. Mrs. Louise Elegger, 163 tile, Iowa. Hewitt Place, New York, N. Y. Star Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. CHLETTERER, William. Mrs. Barbara LEWIS, Richard F. Richard R. Lewis, RIENSMA, Christopher. Mrs. Nellie Riensapa, Schletterer, 112 West Clark Street, Ilion, Waltz, Ky. 518 Colt Avenue, Grand Rapids, Mich. N. Y. LINCZAK, Michael J. George Lunezak, box ROACH, Fred J. James Brannan, Lisbon, SCOTT, Arthur Cleveland. A. H. Scott, 553, South River, N. J. N. Dak. Wetherford, Tex. McBRIDE, Charles. Joe McBride, Duson,, La. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, L919. 25 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

M\cCURLEY, Clakr. Lee Gibson, Koxie, Ark. FOSSE, Stanley C. Dr. A. L. Fosse, Cam- GILKYSON, George B. Miss Caroline Gilky- MENIS, Solomon. lmon Menis, Grodno, bridge, Wis. son, 106 West Forty-seventh Street, New State of Ozery, Russia. KENNEY, Richard A. John J. Kenney, Elk Yerk N, Y. MULLER, Roney E. Alphonso Muller, 2021 Garden, W. Va. - JOHNSON, William H. Mrs. Ida Johnsonj Miflin Street, Philadelphia, Pa. McCAULEY, Harold W. Peter McCauley, Eastham, Va. NDIGH, Fred Dale. Mrs. Alda Neigh, 20 Tomah, Wis. KARBOWSKI, Barney J. Mrs. Mary Kar- Ninth Street 51., Washington, D. C. MCGRAIL, Michael. Mrs. E. Shannon, 174 bowski, 2903 L Street, Omaha, Nebr. NESTOR, Elono Mrs. Amelia Nestor, 231 Main Street Chdrlestown Mass LINTHICUM, Lonnie C. Pink Linthicum, West Washington Street, Grafton, W. Va. NASH, Harola N. Mrs. D. V. Nash, 3105 Albemarle, N. C. O'CONNOR, James. Mrs. Katherine O'Con- jNorth Hutchinson Street, Philadelphia, Pa. LOCKE, Charles F. John Locke, 245 West nor, 726 East One hundred and thirty-- VOUGHT, Carl Clarence. Mrs. Britt W. One hundred and'eleventh Street, New York, fourth Street, New York, N. Y. Vought, 106 Marion Street, Scranton, Pa. N. Y. RIEIILE, Frank Wenzel. Mrs. Rose Reihle, KINNEER, Isaac G. N. M. Kinneer, R. F. D. McDANIEL, James H. Edward M. McDaniel, R. F. D. 8, Cresco, Iowa. 4, Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Marceline, Mo. SLOATHOUR, Harry J. John W. Sloathour, KOLK, Frank Philip, Mrs. Clara Kolk, 1601 McINTYRE, Walter. Mrs. Fannie Johnson, 587 South Front Street, Harrisburg, I. Lewis Street, Camden, N. J. Roanoke W. Va. STURGEON, Vincent P. Mrs. Mary N. CORPORALS. McMANU9, Oscar Trites. Mrs. Bessie Trite Sturgeon, 205 West Chalmers Avenue, McManus, 89 Spring Street, Rockland, Mass. Youngstown, Ohio. BRADSHAW, Ellis C. Mrs. J. Bradshaw, MANSON, Alexander T. Mrs. Ruth B. Man- TARANTINO, William. Bepedict Tarantino, 8591 Garner Avenue, Kansas Ci, Mo. son, 538 Highland Avenue, Greensbero, N. C. 804 North Capitol Street, Washington, D. C. HARKINS, Daniel. Mrs. Sarah Annie Har- MIZEJEWSKI, Ignacy. Czeslaw Misejewski, ABBOTT, Oscar L. Mrs. Mary . Connell, kins, 1308 West Street, Homestead, Pa. 17 Congress Street, Springfield, Mass. Brashear, Mo. HART, Charles H. John A. Hart, Blairsville. MOORE, Cal X. Mrs. Nettie M. Moore, 151 BARRIOS, Louis. Mrs. Rena Barrios, Tri- Pa. Crogan Street, Lancaster, Ohio. umph La. JEPSON, James. Edward Jepson, Saranac, NORTON, Lewis P. Henry Vaughn, Sham- CARLISLE, Oscar E. Mrs. Ella Carlisle, Mich. rock Tex. Lewisville, Tex. JONES, Walter C. Miss Anna Foster, 2712 REICAARD, Willet Kenneth. Lagora E. CARLSON, Elmer. Martin Carlson, 5418 Marion Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Reichard, Pierce, Pa. Forty-sixth Avenue, South Minneapolis, KONARSKI, Sigmund. Kasimir Konarski, RICE, Clifford Andy, Mrs. Anna Myrtle Dori Minn. Winnipeg, Canada. rien, Detour, Mich. CLINTON, Michael J. Mrs. Mary E. Clinton, LOFTUS, William D. Mrs. H. W. Cooper, RUDNICK, Harry. Jacob Robbins, 1181 325 Bedford Street, Fall River, Mass. 408 Ideal Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Forty-third Street Brooklyn-, N. Y. DRAIN, Joseph E. Luke Drain, 104 Faber MODRA, Tad. Roman L. Modra, Municipal SEIWELL, Edward hazleton. Miss Margaret Street, Hamtramck, Mich. Building, New York, N. Y. Clark, 2238 East Cambria Street, Philadel- DRISCOLL, Louis V. Miss Margaret J. Dris- MOORE, Shelton. Mrs. Currula Moore, R. F. hin, Pa. coll, 66 Pearl Street, Seymour, Conn. D. 1, Sweet Home, Tex. SHILLING, Thamas B. Mrs. L. R. Shilling, R. FISHER, John L. Mrs. Margaret Fisher, PRICE, Arthur W. Ernest A. Price, 115 F. D. 2, box 119, Salem, Va. Froutenac,, Kans. Brookline Street, Worcester, Mass. SPEARS, William J. Mrs. Lidde Spears, JONES, Russell. Mrs. Pearl Jones, 3747 In- MALLOY, John R. Miss A. Egan, 17 Tre- Wenesago, Miss. diana Avenue, Chicago, Ill. mont Street New Britain, Conn. STAGEBERG, Raymond. Mrs. Olga Stage- KALLINA, Joseph. Mrs. Terreca, Kallina, MARTIN, Arthur S. Mrs. Angeline Martin, berg, Thief River Falls, Minn.' Minsk, Russia. R. F D. 3, Constable, N. Y. STEGLE, Charles W. Charles Stegle, R. F. KELLY Elmer T. T. J. Kelly, 619 Oak NELSON, John W. Mrs. E. T. Bengston, 481 D. 3, Anna, Ill. Street, Davenport, Iowa. Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. THOMPSON, Clint. Uris Thompson, Merrick, KENSKEY, Charlie. Mrs. Mary Kenskey, 151 SCHULTE, George. Mrs. John H. Schulte, Okla. Chestnut Street, Kuepmont, Pa. Easthampton, N. Y. -VOLDEN, Theodore A. Knut Volden, Opheim, KNAPP, David. Conrad Knapp, R. F. D., SHEARER, Arlie E. Henry Shearer, Marengo, Mont. Burlington, Iowa. Ill. WHITE, Harry. Fred White, 56 East Illinois LERE, William. Peter Lere, 106 Minnesota SMALL, Joseph B. Mrs. Laura Small, 5942 Street, Chicago, Ill. Street, Rochester, N. Y. o Wells Avenue, St. Loibs, Mo. YOUNG, John. Mrs. Peter Myers, 427 South LINOS, Peter. George Bacrees, 275 North BURGESS, Joe S. Mrs. Ella Burgess, Henry- Seventh Street, Newark, N. Y. Main Street, Norwich, Conn. etta, Okila. ZUBRISKY, Andrew. Anthony Zubrisky, MARGARIDO, Tony. Frank 'S. Margarido, KNAPP, Thomas E. Thomas Knapp, Santi- 1433 East Twenty-first Street, Cleveland, Neloto, Cal. fee, W. Va. OLSON, Olaf E. Henry Olson, Chappell, Ohio. LUNDBERG, Fred 0. Nels Lundberg, Taylor, BIOOM, Elmer Para. Albd~t Bloom, Freder- Nebr. Nel~r. ROBINSON, Bertram F. William J. Robin- ick, Wis. MORDUE, George Thomas. David Mordue, Salvatore. Angelo Salvatore, Mad- son, North Chelmsford, Mass. Cuba, Ill. BLUNDA, WHEELER, Archie E. Edward Wheeler, SHELTON, Earl B. Mrs. Garland S. Shelton, ison, Me. Waunakee, Wis. BRADBURY, Charles Austin. Mrs. Anna 604 West Oak, Enid. Okla, 716 South Nebraska Street, Ma- SILL XRS, Harold P. Mrs. Sadie E. Sillars, 20 Bradbury, Wounded (Degree Undetermined). Lawrence Street, Danvers, Mass. rion, Ind. COLONEL. THATE, William J. Mrs. Dora Thate, 2295 _BULL, Harry Thomas. Thomas R. Bull, TOMPKINS, Frank. Mrs. Frank Tompkins, Bedford Avenue. Brooklyn, N. Y. Sturgeon Lake, Minn. WALLER, Earl C. Ben S. Waller, Bascom, BURKE, John Patrick. John Burke, 110 care of Central Union Trust Co. of New Avoca, Pa. York (Fifth Avenue branch). Fla. - West Cemetery Street, WILLIAMSON, Otis. Dixon Allen Pautsky, BURKE, Martin. Thomas Burke, 469 Grove MAJOR&S box 142, Boswell, Okla. Street, Jersey City, N. J. MARTIN, Bradley. Mrs. Bradley Martin, CALDER, James D. John R. Calder, Hugo, Westbury, N. Y. BUGLERS. Okla. ROWE, Guy I. Mrs. Katherine C. Rowe, 3712 McCLURE, Charles A. Mrs. Mary F. McClure, CAREY, James Aloysius. Mrs. Mary Ann Park Boulevard, , Cal. 620 South Second Street, Louisville, Ky. Carey, 207 Tenth Street, Hoboken, N. J. * LIEUTENANTS. HYDE, Lloyd E. Mrs. e. E. Hyde, Fairmont, CARR, Robert J. Mrs. Ella W. Carr, 323 Minn. - Gorrell Street, Greensboro, N. C. MILLER, Tobias. Mrs. Julia Miller, 210 Ponce West One hundred and tenth Street, New HASSE, Alvin G. Thomas H. Hasse, general CARVER, Jack. Mrs. Nannie Phipps, deliver, Crystal City, Mo. de Leon, Mo. York, N. Y. Di. BAKER, Donglas Brooks. George Douglas REPSHER, Warren. William A. Repsher, 603 CATALANO, Onofrio. Joe Catalano, 381 Baker, 115 Uphan Street, Melrose, Mass. Williams Street, Pen Argyl, Pa. vision Street, Detroit, Mich. DALUZ, John. Mrs. Antonio Monteiro, St. BYRNE, Joseph Patrick. Mrs. Ain Byrne, MISICIANS. 849 East Fifty-eighth Streft, New York, Antonio, Cape Verde Islands.- N. Y. DENICOLY, Hugo. Louis Denicolv, Bandi DENKE, Jacob. John Denke, R. F. D. 1, HOSTLER, Alfred William. Arthur W. Hos- Seventeenth Infantry, Eagle Pass, Tex. Quinn, S. Dak. tler, 5744 Midway Park, Austin, Chicago, Ill. GENUNG, Guy. Mrs. Minnie Genung, 918 DOERR, Charles. Herman Doerr (brother), North Aurora Street, Ithaca, N. Y. general delivery, Poughkeepsie, N. Y, McCUNE, Earl S J. C. Hutchens, 67 East DOHERTY, Charles. Mrs. Mary C. Doherty, Columbus Stdet, Nelsonville, Ohio. MuCITANICS. TAYLOR, James T. Dr. J. Swan Taylor, 408 Figert, Isle of Dough, Clommony, Donegal, Pa. HOOKER, John E. Mrs. Dora Hooker, Ira Ireland. Franklin Street, Johnstown, EASTER, Amos G. Grover C. Easter, 113 THOMAS, Wesley C. Mrs. Daisy W. Thomas, Station, N. Y. 515 Linden Avenue, Macon, Ga. WILSON, Thomas Everett. Mrs. Jeanette C. Burnett Street, Aberdeen, Miss. Wilson. Vivian, W. Va. ECONOMOS, Spiro. Peter Economos, Expiro, SERGEANTS. FANT, Foist W. Mrs. Mary L. Fant, Ander- Greece. FROELING, Arthur. Mrs. Mary Froeling, 634 son Street, Belton, S. C. FETKO, Fred. John Fetko, Vallung, Hyb, Erin Street Ran Claffre, Wis. JONES, Chester R. Preston Smith, Waller- Russia. GELARO, Lawrence. Angel Gelaro, 229 Ave- Ville, Miss. nue B, New York, N. Y. WAGONER. FILION, Thomas J. Joseph A. Filion, 30 Spring Street, New Market, N. H. KERR, Francis F. Mrs. Mary A. Kerr, 7008 ROBINSON, George C. Mrs. Alma C. Robin- Bennett Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. GARRETT, Guy Etchison. Mrs. Frank Es- son, 1047 South Eighth Street East, Salt qorthy, Germantown, Montgomery County, LANNON, Michael J. Mrs. Honora Lannon, Lake City, Utah. 1566 Tremont Street, Roxbury, Mass. Md. MITCHELL, Ewell L. B. F. Mitchell, R. F. - COOK. GOGAN, George. Louis Gogan, 25 Mason D. 4, Cark, Ala. PICKETT, Nelson G. Mrs. Catherine Pickett, Street, Berlin, N. H. WARD, Hebert. William Jeff Ward, Paints- 100 Orange Street, Waltham, Mass. GOLDFINGER, Benjamin B. Herman Gold- ville, Ky. - finger, 145 Main Street, Nyack, N. Y. SMART, William R. James Smart, Gypson - PRIVATES. GOUDSWAARD, Benard. Mrs. Tetje Gouds- City, Kans. ARGUANO, Joseph. Salvatore Arguano, 313 waard, Almonde B 53, Rotterdam, Holland. AMOS, Shelby C. John R. Amos, Brent, John Street, Elizabeth, N. J. GRAHAM, James. Mrs. Anna Kelly, 259 Okla. CZEKANOWSKI, Joseph. Mrs. Caroline South Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. COHEN, Louis. Mrs. Fannie Cohen, 118 Czekanowski, 145 South Concord Street, St. HAMMAN, John Clemm. Adman H. Hamman, Eldridge Street, New York, N. Y. Paul, Minn.' Hardwood, Okla. 26 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

HOLDEN, Dent Summerson' Mrs. Ruth A. THOMPSON. Frank A. Mrs. Josephine SHAPIRO, Harry. Abraham Shapiro, 230 Holden. 530 South Second Street, Clear- Thompson, McCracken. Kans. East One hundred and fifteenth Street, New field, Pa. THOMPSON, Joseph G. Miss EtheleNichols, York, N. Y. EIUTNARIAN, Rafael. Astur Hunarlan, 106 254 Huntington Avenue, Providence, R. I. SMITH, William E. William K. Smith, 274 Hampshire Street, Lawreece, Mass. THOMS, John E. Addle T. Thoms. Roxton, Hohman Street, Hammand, Ind. HURST, Beajah B. B. B. Hurst, sr., Shorter, Tex. SOMMER, William II. Ienry Sommer, Per. Ala. VANASSE, Adelard. Dece Vanasse, 64 Fell- ryville, Mo. . JAMES, Everette. Mrs. Rebecca James, R. F, man Street, New Bedford, Mass. STIFF TAIL, James. George White Feather, D. 1, Eldorado Springs, Mo. VAN .PELT, George. William A. Van Pelt, Harding Grove, S. Dak. JENNINGS, Joseph Martin. Mrs. J. B. Jen- 431 Bedford Avenue, Mount Vernon. N. Y. TETREAULT Ernest J. Frederick Tetreault, nings, 374 High Street Buffalo, N. Y. WAGGONER, Priestly. Andrew R. Waggoner, R. 'F. D. 68, Brooklyn, Conn. JOHN, Charles B. Mrs. iifar John, 177 East Route 1, Nonesville, Tenn. TOTSCHEK, Martin. Henry Totschek, 317 Ninety-third Street New York, N. Y. WARNER, Charles I. Mrs. Ida Warner, East West One hundred and fifty-ninth Street, JOHNS, Thomas A. Isr. Thomas Biggs, 2020 Sixth Street, Garnett, Kans. New York, N. Y. West A Street, Belleville, Ill. WAUGH Daniel J., Daniel Sr.J. Waugh, 48 VON FRICKEN, Edward A. Mrs. Margaret BARTLAM, Thomas C. Mrs. Ruth B. Swind- Butt dtreet, Newton Upper Falls. Mass. Von Fricken, 3031 Seventh Avenue,. Troy, lor, Montgomery, W. Va. WHITE, Frank B. Mrs. T. A. White, R. F. D N. Y. BJERKAN, Olaf N. Christ 0. Bjerkan, Wal- 1, box 33, Bay Minette. Ala. VOUGHT, John M. William C. Vought, Hotel E Cott, N. Dak. WHITE, William 0. Mrs. Monroe Slattery. , Morton, Berwick, Pa. BRADSHAW, Bert B. Mrs. Ollie BradshAw, 6314 Soat Polina Street Chicago, Ill. WAITS, Perry D. David D. Waits, R. F. D. 323 Fallowfield Avene, Charleroi, Pa. WHITMAN, John L. Mrs. Eva Whitman, 277 1, Holbrook, Nebr. BURNS, Muriel E. Mrs. J. E. Burns, Hop- Green Street, Albany, N. Y. WALTER, William. Mrs. Margaret Walter, kinton, Iowa: WINEY, Raleigh D. Carl W. Winey, R. F. D. 57 Crescent Sireet, Brooklyn, N. Y. CRAIG, 'rancis, Mrs. W. G. Craig, 924 1, DeloIt, Iowa. WALTERS, Hardy. Richard A. Walters, North Fourth Street, Wilmington, N. C. % WOODS, Finley C. Mrs. Sarah Woods, Kings Lumberton, Miss. JOHNSON, Ceceil E. Mrs. Emle Johnson, 746 Mountain, N. C. WEIN, Christ, Jr. Christ Wein. sr., 349 Maple Street, Collinsville, 11. WOOTEN, Borg. William Wooten, Wooten, Morgan Street, Tonawanda, N. Y. JOHNSON, George Theodore. Mrs.' Rena Ky. WHITEHEAD, George B. Mrs. Ellen White- Johnson, 513 Chase Street, Kane, Pa. DANLEY, Carl. Mrs. Nora Danley, Ocean head, Freeport, Me. JOHNSON, Leroy F. Mrs. Lillian B. McCal- Mine, W, Va. WILSON, Otba W. William Wilson, Eller, laugh, 703 Pine Street, Manchester N H DE ROSAIRE, Frank. Mrs. Frank De Ro- Ky. JOHNSTON, Merie W. Mrs. Abbie .ohnston, saire, 83 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WISE, Conrad X. Abraham R. Wise, 45 Greenfield, Mass. DE TRINKO, Pete. Louis Vallani, 6208- Stephenson Street, Freeport, Ill. JONES, William. Mrs. Belle Jones, 406 East Broad Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Thirty-fourth Street, Lorain, Ohio. DILLA, Henry John. Joseph Dilla, Castle Wounded Slightly. KOSKjY, Alex. Mrs. Margaret Drosina, First --Shannon Pa. Street, Moundsville, W. Va. DUGAR, Ridney L. Mrs. Sadie Dugar, 125 LIEUTENATUS. LACY, Robert. J. C. Lacy Paragould, Ark. East Fifty-seventh Street, Chicago, Ill. BOYLE, Ernest E. Thomas L. Boyle, 1055 LAWYER, Jesse W. John hawyer, R. F. D. DURGEN Jobeph R. Grace Rudeau, 109-6 Ann Avenue, Kansas City, Kans. 1, Fort Jennings, Ohio. North treet, Syracuse, N. Y. ESPY, Robert. J. C. Espy, Abbeville, Ala. ESPOSITO, John. Thomas Scarse, Clear- LEAGON, Columbus J. Mrs. Lillie Leagon, sneisANT MAionT. Care of Rinegar Store, R. F. D. 5, Winston- field, Pa. BATTALIoN Salem. N. C. EVANS, Owen R. J. A. Evans, R. F. D. 1, McDONALD, William; Jr. Mrs. Mary Mc. LEE, Floyd W. Mrs. Jennie Lee, Atlanta, Granger Mo. Donald, 2549 West Seltzer Street, Philadel- N. Y. FERGUSO'N, Harold W. Dr. Robert A. For- plila, Pa. LOIKO, Winclenti T. John Loiko, 535 East guson, 333 South Main Street, Woodsield, SEsGaNTs. Tx elfth Street, New York, N. Y. Ohio.' BIETZ, Fred. Mrs. Barbara Windtuhr, 95 LORIMO, Thomas. Mike Lorimo, 441 Main FICHTER, John H Jr. Mrs. Mary Fichter, Bleecker Street, Jersey City, N. J. Street Chicago Ill. 1336 Wellington Avenue, Chicago, Ill. DOCKRY Michael. Patrick J. Dockry, Bally- McADAMS, Merle D. Charles 1. McAdams, FISCHER, John C. Mrs. John Fischer, ,4 * mote '911 County, Ireland. Tarkio, Mo. Kuhn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. JORGTNS I Harold V. Mrs. Hans Jorgen- McALEER, Frank Leo. Mrs. Ellen MeAleer, GOULDING, Gilbert F. Mrs. Isabelle Gould- sen, 905 South Front Street, Manto, 609 Lexington Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Ing, 43 Spruce Street, Waltham, Mass. Minn, McALISTER, James D. Mrs. James D. Me- GRIFFIN, Thomas J. Mrs. Anna Griffin, 4 KINYON, Charles A. Joseph A. Kinyon, Still- Alister, Brook N. C. Palmer Place, Roxbury, Mass. water, 'Okla. McFARLAND, Edgar C. Mrs. Mary E. Mc- HARGRAVE, Harry James. Mrs. Ryckman, MINTZ, Forney Boston. Sam Mintz, Mill Farland, 144 Lake Street., Oneida, N. Y. 177 Colfax Avenue Detroit, Mich. Branch, N. C. MAHON, George Gilbert. Lord Mahon, Silver HODGMAN, Harry L. Mrs. Lydia Hodgman, QUINLAN, Edward J. Mrs. Mary Quinlan, Lake, Kans. 2108 East Twenty-first Street, Minneapolis, 3125 East Salmon Street, Philadelphia, Pa. MANNING, John F. Mrs. Catherine Manning, Minn. REARDON, Joseph. Mrs. Safah Reardon, 153 East Twenty-ninth Street, New York,* HORST, Henry A. Mrs. William Hoefke, 2847 North Second Street, Philadelphia, Pa. N. Y. 1950 West Twenty-first Street, Chicago, Ill. HYNIE, James Joseph. Mrs. Jane Hynie, 24 MAXON, Raymond T. Mrs. Elizabeth Dough- HUFFMAN, John W. William R. Huffman, Armory Place, Paterson, N. J. erty, 691 Northumberland Street, Buffalo, Hazel, Okla. JONES, Reginald. Charles Brevillier, Ma- N. Y. soni Temnple, Erie Pa MEIER, Charles P. Mrs. Anna Meler, 184 JAMES, Herbert. Mrs. Elsworth Hashman, MARBURY, Ritchiey . Mrs. Dessie S. Mar- N. Y. 622 Sanders Street, IndianapoIts, Ind. East Ninety-fifth Street, New York, JOHNS6N . Arthur onson, 240 Cen- bury, Buford, Ga. MILLER, Robert E. C. H. Millgr, 49 Smith ter Stet, New York N YV TEA, oy. Mrs. Elizabeth Parker, 514 Fifth Street, Elizabeth N. J. Avenue, New Brighton, Pa. Moll, Shoe- JOHNSON, Rollie C. ohn fIt. Johnson, 921 MOLL, James F. Benjimin F. Nebr. ZELKE, Harry B. William J. Zuelke, 556 makersvillb, Pa. Burlington Avenue, York, East Fourth Street, Lockport, Ill. MOONEY, Michael H. Mrs. Mary Callery, JONES, Avery B. Mrs. Francis Jones, West '281 Erie Street, Jersey City, N. J. Point, Nebr. CORPORALS. MOORE, Edward'T. lMrs. Catherine Moore, KURA, Laurence. Joseph Kura, Province ARISON Herman C. Charles Arison,*Dick- 104 Orleans Street, Lowell Mass. Candonion W. Zojesoze, Italy. Orson Itun, Pa. NAVROCKI, John. Miss Mary Navrocki, LE DELIA, Alphonso. Mrs. Dincenzo Le BUTLER, Ed. H. George Butler, Cullman, 1796 Tioga Street, Shamokin Pa. Delia, 93 Jay Street, New York, N. Y. Ala. POTVIN, William H. Mrs. Salina Potvin, 69 LESSOR, Nelson. Mrs._Robert A. Lessor, DYBDAL, Harold C. Christian Yeppesen, 38 Spring Street, Burlington, Vt. Oconto, Wis. Nogensgade Street, Viborg, Denmark. POWELL, Clyde R. Mrs. Clyde R. Miami, *VECHLING, Edward J. Mrs. Elizabeth HAYDEN, Vernon T. Mrs. V. T. Hayden, Tex. Meebling, 842 East One hundred and forty- 927 South Third Street West, Cedar Rap- RAAK, Henry. John Rank, Seeland, Mieb. sixth Street, New York, N. Y. Ids. Iowa. REVSBECK, Anton. Paul Paulson, Carroll, MELIA, Joseph P. Austen Maim, 12 Ballton CEEYSIG, Robert. Robert Kreysig, 1673 Iowa. 'Church Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Avenue, Whitinsville, Mass. LANGE Albert H. Henry C. Lange. 14 She- RIGHEY, Clarence Arthur. Mrs. Nellie MINTON, Fred M. Mrs. Victoria Minton, nowee Avenue, Scotia, N. Y. Riebey, Glen Rock, Pa. 206 Grove Street, Manchester, N. H. 511 IYtERSON, William C. Mrs. C. M. Scanloy, MORES, Thomas W. Mrs. Flora Mores, S MORGAN, John T. John A. Morgan, 161 Hancock Street, Worcester. Mass. West Fourteenth Street Sioux City, Iowa. Eleventh Street, Clarksville, Tenn. SCHMIDT, David. Daniel Schmidt, Kulm, MORRIS, Frank 1. K B. Morris, 710 North MARCOTTE, Albert L. Mrs. Agnes Mar- N. Dak. Sycamore Street, Creston, Iowa. cotte, 285 North Broadway, Haverhill, SHERRILL, Andrew J. William Sherrill. mass. W. Cornelius M. Moyer, MEIER, Henry J. Miss Margaret Meier, 38 Warsa;, Ill. MERR,1630 EstCorllis Sl eenth Street, Chester, Pa. Halstead Street, Newark, N. I. SHIPLEY, Ralph E. Mrs. Bertha Shipley, OSBORN, Francis. Mrs. Olrie Osborn, Mount TAYLOR, William. Mrz. Georgia Taylor, 6 7091 Mills Street, Council Bluffs. Iowa. Victory, Ohio. Day Street, Montgomery, Ala. SKINNER, Jim H. Mrs. Mary Jane Skinner, PATTECK, Samuel. Hyman Patterk, 178 WELBORN, William A. Mrs. Susainab D. R. F. D 4 Mineela, Tex. Grand Street Extended, Brooklyn, N. Y. ,Welborn, Frederick, Oklf. SMILGIUS, tincent P. Mrs. Rosalla Smil- PERRY, William L. Mrs. Nora Ferry, 12 WENDT, William H. Albert H. Wendt, 373 gins, Grisakabuda. Russia. Phillips Street, Marblehead, Mass. Lemay Avenue, Detroit, Mich. SPEARING, Edward J. Mrs. Treser Kelley, PORT , Weston . Jacob Port, Seasburg, SURLIS. William. Philip. Terence Surlis, 12 Groome Street, Jersey City, N. J. Pa, 1326 St. Johns Place, Brooklyn, 1'. Y. STONE, Olen L. John B. Stone, Sand Springs, PRUSH'ACK, George. Mrs. Anna Prushack, Okla. MECIANIC. 4 Beaver Meadow, Pa. CURLEY, William C. Mrs. Elizabeth Cur- TARRANT, Richard A. Mrs. Margaret Tar- PtICCI, Robert. Thomas J. Pucci, 35 West lay, 208 Twentieth Street, Flushing- N. Y. rant, 665 Grove Street, Jersey City, N. J. Water Street, Chicago, Ill. TAYLOR, Walter L. Mrs. Walter Taylor, 776 SjoutEIPercy B. Mrs. S. M. Reid, 182 North Third Street Berlin, N. H. Sanunky Street, Delaware, Ohio. ACKERINO, Anthony A. Mrs. Mary O'Brien, THOMPSON, 6harley B. Joe H. Thompson, SEAMANS, James A. W. R. Seamans, R. F. 133 East Fifth Street, Brooklyn N Y R. F. D., Altona, Mo. 1D. 2, Skowhegan, Me. ALLEN, Frank. John W. Allen, §alem, S. C. THE OFFICIM TT. S. 3UILETN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 27 CASUALTIES REPOR7ED BY GEN. PERSHING ARCENEAUX, Robert B. Luden Arceneaux, MOODY, Rex M. Mrs. J. E. Moody, Bedford, COMINA, Louis. Mrs. Rodenta Comina, Voe Derouen, La. Iowa. tega, Province of Bollena, Italy. BERTHOLD, William F. Fred C. Berthold, MORMANN, Henry C, Henry C. Mormann, COOLIDGE, Carl R. Mrs. Nellie Cones, Rek Bismarck, Mo. sr., 4242 South ichmend Street, Chicago, law, Tex. BOHLANDER, Bernard E. Mrs. ElSie. Tur- Ill COWSERT, William D. Mrs. Paridue Cow- pen, 25 North Latrebe Avenue, Chicago, Ill. OSTROWSKI, Adam., Mrs. Hedwick Ostrow- sert, Lafayette Springs, Miss. BONIFACE, James J. George Lupin, 846 Con- Ski Dambrewa, Russia Poland. CUDWORTH, Joseph H. Albert C. Cudworth, gress Avenue, New Haven, Conn. OWik William Frank. Walter Owen, Pen- St. Louis, Mo. BRESLIN, James Francis. James Breslin, 46 -bok, Va. CULLUM, James G. Seon L. Cullum, R. F. Shepherd Street, Battle Creek, Mich. PRESTON, Edward V. Mrs. Carrie Crane, D 2, Councils, N. C. BRIDGES, Willard L. Mrs. Adda Bridges, Wbiting Me CUMMINGS, Archie. Mrs. Isabelle Cummings, 1719 State Street, East St. Louis, Ill. PREZIOS6, Dominico. Lawrence Prezioso, R. F. D. 1, South Fork Pa. ANNUNZIATA, Michelengelo. Mrs. Estella 2330 Jamaica Avenue, Richmond, N. Y. CUNNINGHAM, Joseph. Mrs. Mary B. Deeds, Annunziata, 36 Hodges Avenue, Taunton, PRIM, Lyman. Mrs. Lyman Prim, 112 Pine R. F D. 5, Fresno, Ohio. , Mass. Street Burlington, Vt. CUPIDO,, Joseph. Nicola Catanaro, 3333 CARSON, Henry. John A. Carson, Lafollett6, REAVEO, Belton. G. M. Reaves, OxforN, Church Street, Turtle Creek, Pa. Tenn. Ala. DANGO, Renry. Zay Kosta Dadlitsa, Berat COHEN, Harry. Mrs. Bertha Cohen, 40 Bans- RYMSZA, Walter Peter. Mrs. Stella Emma Albania. borough Street, Dorchester, Mass. Rymssa, 526 Fairview Avenue, Grand Rap- DAVIS, Samuel B. William B. Davis, Lind- EANIS, Tom. George Murray, Manteca, Cal. ids, Mith. say, Okla. FLOffR. William J. Mrs. Mary Flohr, 414 -SCHUBERT, 4eorge. Anna Catherine John- DISMARIO, Ralph. Miss Maria Delio, 3978 East Nineteenth Avenue, Denver, Cole. son, 902 Fourth Street, Eau Claire, Wis. Coltman Street, Taceny, Pa GENICKE, Raymond Joseph. Mrs. Anna Mar- SURATT, James Harvey. James H. Suratt, DUNLOP, Alfred H. Mrs. Margaret Dunlop, telle Genicke, 458 Granville Street, Newark, Athens, Tex. Waynesburg, Pa. Ohio. TALARICO, Peter. Bruno Talarceo, 151 Cen- EMORY, John H. Mrs. Annie Emory, R. F. D. HIGGINS. Thomas. Mrs. Mary Higgins, 430 .-tral Avenue, Red Bank, N. J. 2, Disputanta Va. Shadv Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. TAYLOR, Benjamin B. Mrs. B. Taylor, 76 FAULKNER, William H. William H. Faulk- HOOVER. Jesse Fenton. Mrs. Nancy Hoover, - Rogers Avenue, Somerville, Mass. ner, South Boston, Va. Inez, Tex TAYLOR, Thomas J. Thomas J. Taylor, 1872 FECHER, Will J. Mrs. Kate Fechner,. JENKINS, Daniel L. Mrs. Margaret Jenkins, West Seventh Street, Brookl U, N. Y. Wichita Falls, Tex. 70 Lagrane Street, Pittston, Pa. VAN RUREN, William B. Willam J. Van FERRELL, Conn W. Mrs, Nella C. Ferrell, KATZER, Joe. Andrew Kajser, South Bend, Buren, Hermon, N. Y. R. F. D. 1, Shenandoah, Va. Ind. WELLS, Allyn, Bert Wells, box 7, Gilman, FISHEL, Carl P. James H. Fishel, 903 Cen- KOCTAK, William. Ed. Hehestak, Phillips, Wis. ter Avenue, Butler, Pa. Wis. WESTMAN, Elmer V. Charles P. Westman, FLAHAVEN, William. Mrs. Ellen Flahaven, LANCASTER, Newman. , Gilbert Lancastef, R. F. D, 2, Le Roy, Mich. 215 South Stricke Street, Baltimore Md. Garrison, N. Y. HIITE, Francis C. Mrs. Catherine White, FLETCHER, Oliver. Mrs. Elizabelh Flet- 1MORSE, Julius. Mrs. Bessie Morse, 396 East 8 Church Street, Roxbury, Mass. cher, 3028 Wade Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. One hundred and seventy-first Street, New WHITE, Ward W. George White, Caddog, FOSTER, Thomas E. Mrs. Maude Foster, York, N. Y. Colo. Medicine Mound, Tex. PECKHAM, Leo H. Mrs. Minnie Peckham, WHITED Garland P. J. W. Whited, Gate FRADA, James V. Giovanni Frada, Tript,' 1627 Lombard Avenue, Everett, Wash. City, Va. Sicil1 Italy. VANDINE, Milas N. Abe Vandine 5541 Sev- WING, Robert R. Miss Cora Clark, Loder FUL.SAS Non H. H. G. Fvsas, Albion, Nebr. enteenth Avenue, South Seattle, Wash. Street, Wellsville, N. Y. FUTRELL, Harry C. Mrs. Julian Futrell, 22 BULGER, James C. Mrs. Frederick Bulger, YOUNG, Le Roy. Mrs. Pearl Young, South Aper Post, Fort , Tex. 47 Harvard Street, North Cambridge, Mass. La Grange, Me. GAR George P. Mrs. J. R. Gage, Asylum CAPOSOLE, Joseph. Michael Caposole, 1039 Heights, Meridian, Miss. I South Randolph Street, Philadelphia, P4. Missing in Action. GALLAGHER, William. Mrs. Alice Gallagher, DIEHL, George. Mrs. Emma Diehl, 182 918 Talbott Avenue, Braddock, Pa. South Church Street, Hazelton, Pa. SERGEANTS. GETZ, Earl F. Mrs. Anna Gets, 1201 Daisy DRAPER, William L. George H, Draper, 180 Street, Clearfield, Pa. High Street, East Weymouth, Mass. GORDON, William J. Mrs. Edward Gordon, GIFFORD, Thomas J. John M. Gifford, Milan, DRUMH, George Dewey. Charles Drumb, Car- 98 W1lkerson Avepue,' Jerse City, N. J. Ala. rollton Ill. HOWARD, Charles L. Mrs. Inna Holloway, GILES, Frank William. Mrs. Ella Giles, See- FINCH, William M. W. M. Finch, Humeston, 2124 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. ond Street, Boiling Springs, Pa. NEELY, James E. Shelby I. Neely, 'Wichita GRANDE, Rolando. Frank Grande, 1420 Leo Iowa. Falls, Tex. Mrs Anna Foster, Harbor, Park Street, Corpus Christi, Tex. FOSTER, Milton. SMITH, Willie. Mrs. Annie Smith, box 194, GREEN, Robert A. Mrs. Emma Green, Ben- Curry County, Oreg. Van Lear, Ky. jamin, Tex. ,GARNER, Raymond Leslie. Lessie Garner, VOTAW, Robert A. Mrs. Ella Sloan, 926 Bogue, N. C. GREER, Reuben, Mrs. Frankie E. Greer, 844 Lipscomb Avenue, Fort Worth, Tex. Roan Mountain, Tenn. HAMPSHIRE, John. William Hampshire, GRIFFIN, Newton E. Mrs. A. J. Griffin, Wil- Na ples Street, San Francisco, Cal. CORPORALS. liston. HARON, Jeff. Denver Haron, Freven, Mace- Fla. donia Greece. ALLISON, James S. Mrs. Francis E. Allison, HALL, James A. Mrs. Dora Hall, Louisa,'Va. HARRI, Rom P. J. H. Harris, McCrory, Ark. 1809 Yale Avenue, Knoxville, Tenn. HALL, Luther. John D. Hall, R. F. D. 1, HOLDEN, Raymond M. Mrs. Florence C. FICKLIN, John T. Mrs. Ida Ficklin, 203 box 13. Tazewell, Va. Street, Elmira, N. Y. Lamar Street, Wichita Falls, Tex. HAMMERSLAND, Soloman. Harold Ham- Holden, 110 Fred mereland, R. F. D. 1, Ossian, Iowa. HOUSEMAN, Charles William. William Henry, PRIVATES. Houseman, Hebron, Nebr. HAMMOND, Harry P. Fernando M. Ham- JOHNSON, Fred 0. Otto Johnson, E. F. D. ADAIR, Albert L. Mrs. Dicicus P. McClen- mond, Lancaster, Tex. 2, Ashland, Wis. tock, Greenville, Tex. Prisoners. JONES, William G. Robert 0. Jones, 304 ALFONSO, Anglo. Mrs. Mary Mastadreo, Linden Street Rome, N. Y. Marone Del Sanlo, Province of Campobasso, LIEUTETNAtTS. KERP, Frank ]I. John Kerp, 105 Fernon Itqly. Street, Philadelphia Pa. ALLEN, Elza F. Mrs. Lodusky Allen, O'Don- CHAPIN, Roger F. Mrs. Anne Chapin, 6 KESSLER Henry. Rrs. H. P. Kessler, 1125 nell, Tex. Arundel Park Ashmont, Mass. Halsey ktreet, Brooklyn, N. Y. ARNETT, Jaeob W. Cain Arnett Roan FREDENBURG: Milford W. Mrs. Nancy KING, tlarence E,. Ezra King, West Liberty, Mountain Tenn. Fredenburg, 216 Euclid Avenue, Ridgway, Ohio. BAILEY, Clarence. Jim H. Bailey, Duke, Pa. KRAMER, Lewis. Benjamin Kramer, 787 Ox- Okla. sEROBANT. ford Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BASTAIN, Charles. Mrs. Molle Godby, 2311 *McCARTAN, Matthew. John McCartan, 216 KUNITZ, Mitchell L. Louis Kunita, 1155 Fulton Avmue, Evansville Ind. East Eighty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y. RiA'erdrive, Watertown, Wis. BECK, Truxton H. Mrs. Join A. Beck, 1010 CORPORALS. LAMBERT, Dalfat. Mrs. Josephine Green- Oak Street, Salem, Oreg. HECKMAN, Blair C. Mrs. Margaret Heck- wood, R. F. D. 2, Lena, Wis. BEVINS, Bud. Percy Bevins, Millard, Ky. man, Avis, Clinton County, Pa. LAVERDURE, Fred. INorbett Laverdure, BISHOP, Charley. David Bishop, Sterling, MULLIN, Leo A. Mrs. Mary Mullin, 683 Lewistown, Mont. Tex. Lindquist, Evergreen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. LINDQU IST, Olaf B. Andrew B. BLACKBURN Peter R. Robert G. Blackburn, 509 Cherry Street, Grand Forks, N. DakZ Goldwait, Tlex, PRIVATES. LISS, Joseph. Morris Liss, 199 Forsyth BLAKEMORE, Jes D. Miss Lula M. Blake- BORINSKY, William F. Mrs. Marie Borinsky, Street, New York, N. Y. more, Stillwell Okla LITTLE, Ralph. Mrs. Ralph Little, 1117 care of Mike Mitchell, box 127, Minersville, BOHANNON, Eddie It. Mrs. Ella Falwell, Pa. Fourth Aventit, Grinnell, Iowa. 2402 Venable Street, Richmond, Va. LYON, Jack B. Mrs. Katherine Lyon, 25 High BOHON, Walter B. Charles C. Bohon, Tun- DONNELLY, lames 0. Mrs. Mand Donnelly, Street Bellefonte, Pa. nelton, W. Va. Densmore, Kans. MOCAR', Roy. William H. McCarl, Seibert, BURKE, Thomas J. Mrs. Helen Burke, 2403 GILL, Albert. Mrs. Emma Gill, Cane Hall Colo. Nassau'Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Estate. St. Vincent, West Indies. MCCLAIN, John A. Mrs. Martha McClain, CARLSON Frederick G. Mrs. Emma Carl- HILL, Eugene T. E. S. Hill, Duck Hill, Miss. 34 Hammond Street, Boston, Mass. - son, 37 Wildwood Avenue, Providence, R. I. HORTON, Eugene W. Ethel Stevens, 2042 McCLOUD, *Ewell. -Thomas McCloud, Val- CHARLTON, William H. Mrs. Mary E. Birchwood Avenue. Chicago, Ill. dosta, Ga. Charlton, 3222 Oxford Street, Philadel- KLINKER, John L. W. John Klinker, Deloit, McCLURE, Robert A. Mrs. James F. Brun- phIa Pa owa. ning, 414 North Salford Street, Philadel- COBBLE, Charles N. Mrs. Laura M. Cobble, McGALISTER, Stewart J. Mrs. Clara'Mc- phia, Pa. Midway, Tenn. -Calister, Newville, Pa. McKEEVER, John F. Mrs. Anna McKeever, COLEMAN, Albert L. Levi P. Coleman, SCHUSTER, Jewel C. Alexander Schuster, 184, Sims Street, Dickinson, N. Dak. Merry Mount, N. C. R. F. D. 3, Gower, Mo. MIDTSKAUG, Alf P. Mrs. Christine Midts- COLLIER, Jake E. Genesol P. Collier, Wapa- WENDORP, Gustav J. Mrs. Gustav Wendort, kaug, 1419 Eighth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. nucha, Okla. Waltham, Minn. 28 - THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING SECTION 2, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. DEMSKY Lewis Felix Demsky, 66 Tobin Died of Airplane Accident. Lane ldwardsvilie, Pa. LIEUTENANT. cas-alties are reported DIETRiCH Fred W. Fred Dietrich, Minne- The following wauken N, Dak. BURR, Alex Thompson. Lewis E. Burr, C'll- by the commanding general of the Ameri- DORAN, il1wood. Mrs. Helen Griffin Doran, cago Beach Hotel, Chicago, Ill. can Expeditionary Forces: 660 Raborg Street, Baltimore, Md. Robert A. J3mes It. Dozier, Foun- Died of Disease. Died of wounds ------81 DOZIER, tain, N. C. CAPTAINS. accident and other DUFFY, Michael. Daniel Duffy, Mineral, Kans. Died of WHITE, John C. Mrs. Anne W. White, 5 DUNLAP, Felix G. Mrs. Eliza Dunlap, 27 causes ------La venue, Middletown, N. Y. Tudor Hall, University Parkway, Baltimore, Died from airplane accident--- 1 FISCHER, John L. John Fischer, sr. 459 Md. 340 Sycamore Street, Columbus, Ohio. LOER, Austin L. Mrs. Rilla A. Loer, 734 Died of disease ------Bellemeade Avenue, Evansville, Ind. 45 FO SYTH, Albert E. Mrs. Sarah W. For- Wounded severely ------syth, 5024 Florence Avenue, Philadelphia, LIEUENANTS. Woun d ed (degree unde- Pa. KNRLAND, Lyle A. J. Kneeland, 815 Sum- termined) ------287 FUSTOS, Joseph. Mrs. Anna Fustos, 11022 mit Street, Owosso, Mich. Wounded slightly ------195 Eg'ieston Avenue, Chicago, Ill. IBIELL, Richard W. Mrs. Adelaid II. Ibelly GABIARD, Luther. Henry t. Gabbard, Par- 177 Fairview Avenue, Hartford, Conn. Missing in action ------110 rot, Kv McGRAIN, Edward 0. Mrs. Honorah Me- Prisoners ------7 GORDON, Julius. Miss G. Gordon, 66 East Glain, Clyde, Mich. One hundred and eleventh Street, New York, N. Y. ARMY FIELD CLERK. Total ------1, 071 GRACE, Robert. Miss Edna Kelly, R. r. D. 1, WARRIN, David. Mrs. Rosa Warrin, 453 Kingston. Mich. West Forty-third Street, New York, N. Y. GUM, Charles N. JAtob N. Gum, Cass, W. Va. isURSES. Died from Wounds. HALL, Dean A. Mrs. Cora G. Hall, 1418 E. M. R. Greene, Phil Beechview Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. GREENE. Katheryne CAPTAIN. Harley Vivian. Clifton L. Ham- mont, Columbia County, N. Y. HAMMOND ORGREN, Clara. Mrs. Christine M. Orgren, HAYES, Robert. Mrs. Robert Hayes, 1 Mater moMfd, Oshkosh Street, Hortonville, Wis. Colorado Mass. HOFFMAN, Bert. Mrs. Katherine Hoffman, 120 West Fountain Street, Street, Dorchester, Springs, Colo. LIEUTENANTS. St. Marys, Pa, HOLT, Thomas L. Samuel W. Holt, Sanford, 9ERGIEANTS. HEMINGWAY, Harold L. James S. Heming- L. Davis, 10 way, 325 Temple Street, New Haven, Conn. DAVIS, Leroy. Mrs. Jennie IIOkAN, John A. Mrs. Catherine Horan, Marion Street, NAtick, Mlass. MOWBRAY, Charles B. William A, Mowbray, 4511 Clinton Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Edward Charlton, Federalsburg, Md. CHARLTON, John W. KIESKOWSKL Valdy. Edward Makowski, 1545 Rhode Islanid Street, Lawrence, Mass. VARNEY, Everett L. Mrs. Alba F. Varney, 402 East Eighteenth Street, New York, Gray, 77 Congress 406 West B Street, Marshfield, Wis. GRAY, Elmer A. Harry N. Y. Street, Greenfield, Mass. SERGEANTS. KLOS, Anthony. Mrs. Antonja Polochsiak, ZIMMERMAN, Romer D. Harry E. Zimmer- COUGHLIN, Charles F. Edward E. Coughlin, 821 Sycamore Street, Buffalo, N. Y. man, Bellefonte, Pa. 39 Spring Street, Hartford, Conn. LAICH, David W. Louis Lasch, Brenham, GRAY, Willis H. Mrs. Rose Anna Gray, 1209 GOLDMAN, George G. Mrs. Ethel Goldman, Tex. West Eighth Street, Joplin, Mo. 502 West One hundred and seventy-sixth LIDDANE, Dennis. Mrs. Ellen M. Liddane, HOGAN, Roy F. Mrs. Mary Hogan, 98 Par- Tarmon Lisdenn, County Clare, Ireland. Pittsfield, Mass. Street, New York, N. Y. Lindsay, Pux- ker Street, LESLIE, Thomas Allen. Mrs. James H. Les- LINDSAY, Mont 0. Samuel A. JOHNSON, Russell. Anderson Johnson, 1521 lie Madison, Ala. ice, Mo. North Twenty-second Street, Philadelphia, TRObWAY, Will I. Mrs. Sadie E. lIArley, MALATESTA, Guy. Mrs. Carolote Malatesta, Pa. Glenbrook, Cal. 241 Main Street, Woburn, Mass. JOHNSON, Vernon P. Mrs. Anna C. John- MALONEY, John J. Andrew Maloney, 1645 son, 1842 Fifteenth Street, Moline, Ill. CORPORALS. East Ninth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Wyceslo, 3047 D. JONES, Jacob J. Mrs. Francis BROWN, Tidal B. Burt A. Brown, R. F. MARTIRE, Dominic. Mrs. Chirs Martire, Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 1, Boswell, Pa. Cosenza, Longobasil, Italy. Monticello MENEGUS, John. Mrs. Theresa Menegus, 74 MEDINGER, Nick. Mike Medinger, R. F. D. CORPORALS. President Street, Passaic, N. J. 8. Bellevue, Iowa. Harriett Carter, Wash. CARTER, Overton. Mrs. NELSON, John A. Olaf Nelson, Elliott, MIDDAUGH, Charles I. Mrs. Lillian Mid- Thirteenth Avenue, Nashville, David- OLDS, Roscoe C. Mrs. Laura C. Musson, daugh, R. F. D. 1, Dunningville, Mich. 1401 Oakland, Cal. Cessar, 237 son County, Tenn. 1117 Lakeshore Avenue, MIHALJEVICH, Adam. George CROWLY, Joseph D. *Mrs Annie Crowly, 13 O'SULLIVAN, Allen. Mrs. Josie Darden, Lake Genessee Street, Waukegan, Ill. Aferdian Park, Maiden, Mass. Miller, R. F. D, Cardwell, Mo. MILLER, George II. William DADE, John S. A rs. Martha Dade, Warren- STEPHENS, Joseph A. Mrs. Matilda Steph- 2ORLit, Mich. ton. Va. ens, Hinnom, Va. MRLi, Earl A. Oscar W. Carlson, Wes- DUNKIN, Frank B. Frank A. 'Dunkin, 611 TRIBBLE, Joseph. Tom Tribble, Kingsport, leyville, Pa. Eighth Street, Washington, D. C. Tenn. NELSON, Niel J. John Nelson, Lake Norden, H. Fox, Brocton, S. Dak. FOX, Martin B. William MECHANIC. _ N. Y. BIDWELL. Frank, A. Mrs. Edward A. Bid- NOZEK, Theodore. Mrs. May Nozek, 512 FRANK, George William. David Frank, 2170 well, 9 Thirteenth Street, Watervliet, N. Y. Sixth Street, Jersey City, N. J. Broadway, New York, N. Y. NUEDLING, Leo I. Aloysius Nuedling 618 Elmer J. John 0. Grant, sr., Pas- PRIVATES. South Clinton Street, Highlandtown, id. GRANT, AMOX, Gordie C. Frank P. Amox, Avinger, ROULARD, Albert P. 4Philip Roulard, 114 LE AR, mes H. George E. Leonard. Tex. Beattv Street, New Britain, Conn. 221 West Second Street. Tulsa, Okla. Scarritt, 2231 ASHI, Joseph k, Mrs. Sadie Ashi, 432 Sixth SCARRITT, Patrick. William MANNING, Orval. Charles Manning, Bow. Street, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Ford Avenue, 'Chicago, Ill. Dak. Schmael- AnT N. AUKES, Ileimuth M. D. E. Aukes, Wells- SCHMAELING, Fred S. Mrs. Anna NALn , Lilburn. Jim Naylor, Lancaster, burg, Iowa. lug, 1080 Herkimer Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. route BLAKE, Charles R. Mrs. Emily B. Blake, 340 SELLARS, Virgil D. Henry F. sellars, TOWNSEND, Grover. C. Harry E. Townsend, North Dillon Street, Los Angeles, Cal, 6, Gaffney, S. C. East Mont p lier, Vt. BOBIAN, William. Mrs. Mary Kutra, 1122 SIMMONS, Connie. - Mrs. Bertha Simmons, MEYER, Wiism J. Mrs. Henrietta Edna Eighth Street Rockford, Ill. BurlWills Tex. Meyer, 529 East Seventh Street, Winona, BOLDISH, AleceM. Attilio Conti, 94 Prescott SPARKS, Ierdie B. Mrs. Mary Jane Sparks, Minn. Street. Clinton, Mass. Rutherford. Tenn. WOODCOCK. Thomas. Joseph Woodcock, R. BRAY, Dyle E. Albert H. Bray, 430 North- TURBAVILLE, Otis. Mrs. Etta Turbaville, F. D. 4. Scottsville. Allen County, Ky. hampton Street, Bangor, Pa. Mounds. Ill. CAMP, John IL William P. Camp, R. F. D. BRIDWELL, Will M. Mrs. Sarah Ludlow, VANCE, John A. James Vance, 748 Fifty- 1. Strafford, Mo. Purcell, Okla. first Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. BITZER, Robert E. Jacobt Bitzer, 802 Spring BROGAN, Thomas W. Mrs. J. W. Brogan, 83 WALKER, Robert. Marion Walker, Ekron, Garden Street, Easton, P. George B. Bues- Court Street, Medford, Mass. YLER, henjamin F. Mrs. Frederick, Md. BRYANT, Rossle. Burren Bryant, box 75, WK DE, Christigen. Lewis Weide R. F. D. sing, 42 East South Street, Hampton, Va. 4, Remus, Mich. FIKE. Lyle William A. Shetier, 914 East BUCK Clarence E. Thomas J. Buck, R. F. D. WOJCIECHOWSKI, Frank. Mrs. Anthonia Walnut Street, Bloomington, Ill. 2. Terrell, Tex. Woiciechowski, 609 Grove Street, Milwau- HTLRHOUTSFR, Baxter. Rufus T Huls. BURKE, Frank E. Mrs. Francis Burke, 110 kee, Wis. houser, R. F, D. 3, box 68 Cedar Hill Tex, Nashville Tenn. Fatherland Street, Other Causes, PIERCE. Garrold R, Mrs. Alva E. Pierce, BURKET, Elmer H. Adam k. Burket, 237 Died from Accident and 1849 West Madison Stree, Chicago, Ill. Jackson Street, Lancaster, la. SERGEANT'. RIFE, Irvin W. George Rife, 305 Frances Buzan, BUZAN, Oliver W. Mrs. Sine Anne RANSOM, John B. Mrs. Rebecca Ransom, Avenue, Danville, Ill. Glen Rose, Tex. Ohio. CESCATO, Vittorio. Angelo Cescato, La- 303 Seitz Street, Cincinnati, MECIIANIC. tauche, . CORPORAL. SHARP, Granville. Charles Sharp, Athens, CHRISTEN, Henry A. Mrs. Johannah Chris- ROBINSON, Joseph H. Mrs. Minnie Robin- Ohio. ten, Kendall, Wash. son, 97 Belmont Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WAGONERS. Phil- -COOK, Temple Dell. Mrs. Eavy Cook, PRIVATES. DESAUTELL, Jerry. Mrs. Arthur Desau- pot. Ky. Lowell Street, Springfield, Mass. Angelo. Carmelo Agiti, box 84, ALTENBERN, Benjamin B. Mrs. Anna Al- tell. 10 CISPOLDI, 4,, Lena, Ill. SMITH, Hershal R. Mrs. Mattie Smith, 5 Chestnut Ridge, Pa. tenbern. R. F. D. Independence, Mo. Stevens, R.-F. MANCUSO,- Antonio. Mrs. Mary Mancuso, West Short Street, CRUM, Edgar. Mrs. Margaret STEELE. George B. Mrs. Etta H. Steele, D. 1, New Market, Frederick County, Md. 2201 First Avenue, New York, N. Y. Springs, SHEA, John J. Mrs. J. Shea, 102 Bright 1824 Colorado Avenue, Colorado DACOLES, James. Mrs. Agalike Dacoles, 245 Colo. East Broadway, Salt Lake City, Utah. * Street, Jersey City, N. -J. THE -OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 29 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING WISBEY, Orlan. Mrs. Effie M. Wisbey, 805 KEMMERLIN, John F. John B. Kemmerlin, KING, Arthur. Mrs. Evangeline M. King, R. Dewey Street, San Diego, Cal. R. F.D 1, Cameron, T. C. % R. D. 2, Laurinburg, N. C. CRAWFORD, John V. Fred H. Crawford, KOWALSKI, August. Mrs. Mary Kowalski, GRAVES, Claud. Mrs. M. A. Canstell, Fouke, Orchard, Iowa. 20 Race Street, Bristol, Conn. Ark. BERTI, Angelo. Antone Berti, Pirebaugh, LAVENDER, Glenn T. Mrs. Minnie Nash 'GRAY, John H. Mrs. Hattie Gray, 2203 St. Cal. Lavender, B. F. D. 2, Metter, Ga. James.Placq, Philadelphia, Pa. LAWRENCE, Frank S. Milo Lawrence, Sta- LEDAY, Victdr. Mrs. Lillian Leday, 309 East GROWNS, Thomas M. John Slaga, 93 West tion A, Ogdensburg, N. Y. Second Street, Oklahoma City, Okla. Main Street, Norwich, Conn. - COOKS. LINDER, Chris. Mrs. Vera Linder, Paullina, A. Gunn, R. F. D. 2, Iowa. GUNN, Leon B. Caleb GENTRY, Will. Mrs. Hattie Gentry, 1215 Palisade, Nebr. LOWNDES, Wilfred T. Mrs. Annie Lowndes, HAHN, Otto J. Julius Hahn, R. F. D. 1, West Fifteenth Street, Little Rock, Ark. Darien, Conn. PROCTOR, Wayman. Mrs. Aurelia Jenkins, Deer Park, Wis. OIE, Selmer. Gus Oie, Scobey, Mont. HARPER, George.- Mrs. Fannie B. Bradley 8 Hudson Street, Charleston, S. C. PAVLIK; William M. Mrs. Joseph Paylik, HARRIS, Fred E. William M. Harris, 1515 Harper, R. F. D. 1, box 60, Washington, Buffalo, Minn. Ga. Wood Street, Harvey, Ill. PHILLIPS, Bertram F. Mrs. Mathilda Phil- GORDON, John F. Alva Gordon, Cascade, lips, 2211 Farrar Street, St. Louis, Mo. -HARRIS, Clarence E. Mrs. Jennie Harris, 101 lewa. PROFFITT, Ottie J. Mrs. Nannie Proffitt, Wilson Avenue, Lancaster, Ohio. PRIVATES. Amberton, Ky. HARRIS, Nelson. Sol Harris, R. F. D. 1, box ANDER SON, Charles E. Gust A. Anderson, ROEHR, Edward H. Mrs. Annie F. Roehr, 145, Mason, Tenn. Stephon, Minn. 514 Valley Road, Upper Montclair, N. J. HATCHCOCK James E. Miles N. Hatch- AUSTIN, Enoch L. Mrs. Mittie C. Austin, SCHAADT, Charles F. Anton Schaadt, R. F. cock, R, F. b. 2, Bellbuckle, Tenn. 12 Biltmore Avenue, Asheville, N. C. D. 9, Celina, Ohio. 'HUGHES, William B. Miss Vicey Rogers, BAGGETT, Monroe J. Mrs. Susie Baggett, ALLEN, Oby. Ioele Allen, Jefferson 'City, Sherwood, Tenn. Crawford, Tex. Tenn. HUNTINGTON, Clifford. Frank Huntington, Darlington, Wis. BEATY, William Anderson. Mrs. Ella Beaty, BOONE, Cyrus B. Davis Boone, R. F. D. 1, Paoli, Ind. JACOBSON, Fredolph. E. M. Walker, 164 Manchester, Ohio. North Lyndale, Minneapolis, Minn. BLUE, Benjamin F. Mrs. Louise Blue; Col- EORCZYNSKI, Michael. Joseph Borczynski, lege Point, Ill. JAMES, Charley L. WillTam James, Bolivar, 66 Millburn Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Pa. BOLES, Arthur R. Mrs. Alma R. Miller, BOSTON. Fred E. Mrs. Bertha Kelly, 519 2115 Eugenia Street, St. Louis, Mo. West Seventh Street, Sioux City, Iowa. JEFFREYS, Moses. Mrs. Irma Jeffreys, route BREWER, Ezra Edwin.- Mrs. Alta Brewer, BOTTOMS. Thomas S. Mrs. Jessie E. Bot- L, box 129, Milton, N. C. Belfast, Ark. toms, 377 First Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. JOHNSON, Henry. Mrs. Reba Johnson, R. BROYLES, Robert F. Mrs. Alice Broyles, BUCHANAN, Hillis F. George W. Buchanan, F. D. 1, Love Station, Miss. R. F. D. 1, La Follette, Tenn. Inglevale, Kans. JOENS, Herman J. H. Mrs. Augusta T. BULLARD, Mack. Mrs. Maggie I. Bullard, BUCKLEY, 'Floyd. James F. Buckley, Sol- Joens, Denison, Iowa. Fort Meade, Fla. diers and Sailors' Home, Lafayette, Ind. JONES, Thomas. Mrs. Louisa Jones, Ashland, BUNCE, Merle M. Mrs. Ella Bunce, 516 BURT0fi, Henry N. W. 0. Burton, Spice- Ky. Pikes Peak, Colorado Springs, Colo. wood, Tex. KASPER, Edmund A. Jacob Kasper, Potter, BURRIS Benjamin H. Mrs. Palina Hell. BUTTERFIELD, William J. 1rs. Annie But- Wis. Forsteil Mo terfield, 596 Howard Street, New Haven, KLING, Benjamin E. Mrs. Minnie Kling, CALABISb, Frank. Miss Nellie Fox, Onaway. Conn.' Hickman, Nebr. Mich. CARDER, PaR1 L. Frank W. Carder, R. F. KING, George R. Lemuel J. Milton, Mount CALDWELL, Loyd E. Horace L. Caldwell, D. 1, Creighton, Nebr. Moriah, Mo. Wyaconds, Mo. CHRISTOPHERSON, Otto. Nels Christopher- KNOX, Arthur R. Mrs. Katie Knox, Sylvan COX, Bunt. Mrs. Iva Cox, Purrel, Tenn. son, R. F. D. 2, Klboourne, Wis. Grove, Kans. CREVAN, Ray J. Mrs. Ellen Crevan, Axtell, COTLERT, Howard Richard. Mrs. Annie KREGAL, Bertheld F. Adam Kregal, R. F. D. Kans. Howard Colbert, 316 Elm Street NW., Wash- 15, Larson, Wis. CUNNINGHAM, Donald F. Lambert E. Cun- ington, D. C. LASSESON, Edward B. Eric Lasseson, box ninIoam, R. F. D. 1, Roxie. Miss. DAVIDSON, James E. John W. Davidson, 84, Buffalo, S. Dak. CURRY, William. Thomas Curry, Tolu, Ky. R. F. D. 3, Fairmont, Ga. LA RUE, Smuel D. Robert H. La Rue, 1005 DAILEY, Lawrence. Mrs. Olive Fee, Kelvin, DUNHAM, Roy. Miss Hazel Heveher, Whit-' South Francis Street, Terrell, Tex. N. Dak. Ing, Kans. LENGENFELDT, ,John. Mrs. Barbara Len- DAMMEIER, Herman F. Edward Dammeler, DYAR, James F. James M. Dyar, R. F. D. 1, genfeldt, 574 Pine Street, Menasha, Wis. R. F. D. 1, box 75, Shell Lake, Wis. Calhoun, S. C. LIFE George F. Charles Al. Life, R. F, D. DAVIS, Charlie B. John H. Davis, Rio Frio, DEATON, Ed. John D. Deaton, Brookwood, 2. Elkton, Va. Tex. Ala. LINDBERG, Warner A. Mrs. Mary Lindberg, ITEXARBORN, Paul. Mrs. Lucy Dearborn, EYCK, Frank H. Mrs. Ella Eyck, box 125, Princeton, Minn. South Mansfield, La. White House Station, N. J. MAGGS, Walter L. Mrs. Allie S. Maggs, DE MECHI. Antonio. Mrs. Annie De Mechi, FERRELL, Willis T. Mrs. Mary B. Ferrell, Markville, Minn. Frensa, Italy. Avinger, Tex. MARTIN, Donald A. William K. Martin, DEMPSEY, Williftni A. Willis H. Dempsey, GALLAGHER, Thomas A. Mrs. Eliza Gal- Montpelier, Idaho. route 4, box 53, Grover Hill, Ohio. lagher, 5952 Hamilton Terrace, St. Louis, MAREZ, Eugenio. Jusses Mares, Trenchera, DEW, Charles V. Mrs. Edith Dew, Sand Mo. N. Mex. Street, box 116, Crooksville, Ohio. GILLESPIE, Harry. Mrs. Vertle Gillespie, McCOY, Thomas J. Mrs. Mary McCoy, 2207 DICK, Alvin. Mrs. Ida M. Dick, R. F. D. 5, Lometa, Tex. McCoy Avenue, Wichita, Kans. Lewisville, Ohio. GURLEY, Aadrew Jackson. Mrs. Clarissie MONEIR; Thomas. Miss Vendelia McNeir, EASTER. George R., Jr. George R. Easter, Gurlev, R. F. D. 4, Jackson, Tenn. Robinson, Ga. HIumboldt, Minn. GURNEY, Harry S. Miss Ruth Gurney, Mont- MERTLLAT, Glenn. Mrs. Myrtle 0. Merillhat, EGAN, Harold A. Mrs. Jeremiah W. Egan, gomery, Mich. Ponfield, Ill. 2200 Sveamore Street, Milwaukee. Wis. HANLEY, Peter M. Mrs. Elizabeth Hanley, MILLER, Isidor. Bob Miller, Athens, Tex. EVERETT, Edward R. Mrs. Eliz J. Everett, 122 Ogden Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. MONTAGUE, Bessick. Mrs. Charlotte Mon- 5 Cleaves Street, Rockport; Mass. HATMAKER, Harve. Mrs. P. Hatmaker, R. tague. White Stone, Va. FITZGERALD. Robert E. Mrs. Elizabeth F. D. 3, Jacksboro, Tenn. MORTON, Charles I. Mrs. Lala Morton, Oak- . Fitzgerald, 100 Otis Street. Medford, Mats. HEDMAN, Alec T. John Hedman, Strand- field, Me. FRAZIER, Frank S. John Frazier, Franklin, burg S. Dak. NEWSOM, Millard L. Mrs. Hazel Newsom, Ind. Tenn. HENWOOD, Richard T. Mrs. Alice Jones, 010 Wilson Street, Columbus, FULGHUM. HenryrF. Henry P. Fulghum, Jermyn, Pa. NICHOLSON, Richard . Mrs. Gussie Nich- box 72, Garrison, Tex. HICKS, Lloyd Paul. Ernest B. Hicks, Co- olson, 53 Washington Street. Denver, Colo. FULKS, Dennies. Mrs. Mose E. Fulks. R. F. minto, Ark. PARTLOW. Tom. Mrs. Rhea Partlow, R. F. D. 2, Madison, Ala. HILKER, Alvin J. Edward J. Hilker, Paul- D. 1. Honora. Ga. GANDEE, Vane W. Orville Gandee, Sterling, lina, Iowa. PETTUS, John D. Mrs. Cathrine Pettus, Rad- Nebr. K HILLIS, Alf. Mrs. Kima Hillis, Crossville, cliffe, Va. GELWICKS, Charles F. Mrs. Anna Carroll *Tenn. PIERCE, Allen. Mrs. Nancy E. Pierce, Birch Gelwicks, Emmitsburg, Md. HILLMAN, Louis. Mrs. Louisa Hillman, 851 Tree, Mo. GERKEN, Albert A. Steve A. Gerken, 1123 Leitheow Street, Philadelphia, Pa. PINGRER, John P. Frank R. Pingree, Nash- Vireinia Avenue, Fairmont, W. Va. IGO, Michael J. Mrs. Mary Igo, 303 West ville, Mo. GRIFFITH, Ollie. Mrs. Bell 0. Griffith, Elk- Oak Street, Shenandoah, Schuylkill County, POTTRATZ, George William. Peter Pottratz, hart. Kans. Pa. Ward, S. Dak. GRONER, Lena F. 'Mrs. Mary Groner, R. F. JEFFREY, Clyde. Roy Jeffrey, Banco, W. Va. RIGGINS. Herbert H. Milburn P. Riggins, D. 3, Powell Station, Tenn. JOHNSON, Cornelius. M;s. Sue -Johnson, Dover, Tenn. GROVES, Cha ey J.' Mrs. Mary B. Groves, Merry Hill, N. C. SCIAUMLEFFEL. Heury S. Samuel Schaum- Base Hospital, Camp Grant, Rockford, Ill. JOHNSON. James W. George W. Johnson, leffel, R. F. D. 6, Idaho Falls, Idaho. HAYS, Robert A. R. L. Hays, R. F. D. 4, 237 Oakdale Street, Washington, D. C. SCOTT, Moses. Mrs. Janie Scott, Bellinger, Columbia, Tenn. 4 JOHNSON, Richard. Mrs. Ada Johnson, box S. C. HOLLIS, John G. Mrs. Nellip Hollis, R. P. D. 399, Yazoo, Miss. SHEPPARD, Stanley W. Richard Sheppard, 1. West Point. Tenn. JONES, Lee. Mrs. Rena Jones, post office, Fairbank, Iowa. HUDSON, Noah M. Mrs. Mollie Hudson, Bonneau, S. C. Hallsvills, Mo. SKOW, Walter H. Sip H. Skow, R. F. D. 1, JOSEPH. Samuel. Mrs. Katie Joseph, Hat- Irvington, Nebr. HUNZEK E, Carrell M. Mrs. Blanche Hun- tlesville, S. C. Spriggs, Pal- zeker. 2004 Tustin Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. KALIS, Frank J. John Kalis, Walters, Minn. SPRIGGS, Edwin L. James M. JENKINS, Herbert. Mrs. Annie Jenkins, KARLSON, Christian F. Albert Peterson, 727 myra, Ill.- Stonewall, N. C. West Third Street, Des Moines, Iowa. STEEN, -Lenard. Mrs, Tom Blackwell, R. F. JOHNSON, Maurice. Mrs. Carrie Johnson, KEPPLER, John G. Miss Catherine Keppler, D. 1, McBee, S. C. Fairbury, Ill. 10 Kestrel Street, Rochester, N. Y. ANDERSON, Joseph. Mrs. Anna Anderson, JOHNSON, Wilbur C. Mrs. Virginia Johnson, KESSELBURG, Elmer L. 'Mrs. Mary Kessel- care of Hardware Holly. Aiken, S. C. 712 East Avenue West, Oskaloosa, Iowa. burg, Waukou Junction, Iowa. - ANDERSON. Jesse S. Mrs. Elizabeth G. An- JONES, Tames S. Mrs. Jane Jones, R. P. D. KESTERSON, Vestus. Mrs. Cassie L. Kester- derson, 1507 East Maine Street, Blooming- 3, Dublin, Tex. son, R. F. D. 1, Mohawk, Tenn. ton, Ill. 30 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES* REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING ANNALA, Henry A. John B. Annala, R. F., WILLIAMS, James.. Mrs. Daisy Williams, TORBORG, Nicholas. August Torborg, Rich- D. 4, box 86, Annandale, Minn. R. F. D. 1, Raeford, N. C. mond, Minn. . AVNET, Abraham. Mrs. Rebecca Avnet, 109 KIPER Virgel. Vincent Kiper, Vizeton, Ky. TRELOAR, Travor 'R. Walter Treloar, box Hone Street, Kingston, N. Y. KULAS, Peter P. Mrs. Iate B. Kulas, 418 242, Coopersville, Mich. BENFORD, Ernest. Mrs. Hattie Benford, R. Wadleigh Street, Stevens Point, Wis. TURNER,' Birdie M. Mrs. Arteny Turner, F. D. 3, Lucy, Tenn. LANGE, George-D. Mrs. Emma Bush, 8740 Manson, Tenn. BETTHAUSER, Otto. Joe Betthauser, route Sixty-eighth Avenue, SE., Portland, Oreg. ULRICH, Frederich. Mrs. Hugh Evans, 277 4, box 49, Tomah, Wis. LARSON, Eddie. Mrs. Sine Larson, German- Jamaica Avenue, Astoria, Long Island, N. Y. BLAKE, Ernest I. Julius A. Blake, R. P. D. town route R. F. D., Germantown, Minn. VAUGHN, Barth T. Charles Vaughn, Lock- 1, Garden Prairie, Ill. LEE, Helmer. Tove Lee, Brookpark, Minn. hart, S. C. BLOSSER, Carl F. Mrs. Addle A. Blosser, LOCKLEAR, Preston. Daniel Locklear, Red VOLLMAR, Adolph. Fred A. Vollmar, Silver 303 Lynn Street, Bryan, Ohio. Springs, N. C. Peak, Nev. BRAY, Ira D. Samuel 'Bray Zurick, Kans. LUND George. Mrs. Sofia Lunde, Rechier- WATTS, Cecil P. Mrs. Grace B. Watts, East BURK, Barney J. Clarence k. McNeal, Johns- ville, Wis. 109 Ermina Avenue, Spokane, Wash. town, Colo. MARTIN, Charlie. Mrs. Mary Martin, Law- WEBSTER, Churchill P. -George G. Webster, .BROOKS, Benjamin H. Samuel Brooks, star tey, Fla. 307 Lenox Avenue, New York, N. Y. route Corbett, Corbett, Caswell County, MERRILL, George A. Mrs. Eunice Merrill, WILLIE, Louis M. Mrs. Sussie Willie, N. C. R. F. D. 1, Clarksville- Mich. French Settlement, La. BISHOP, Simpson S. J. Collie Bishop, Horse MILLER, Frew W. Mrs. Amelia Miller, 3702 WINN, Ora F. George W. Winn, Modesto, Shoe, N. C. . I Dickens Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Cal. BRUMMUND, Otto H. Louis Lubbert, R. F. NAVE, James. Nick Bozza, general delivery, WOODRUFF, Robert H. Mrs. Flora E. Wood- D. 1, Riceville, Iowa. Red Granite, Wis. ruff Langford, S. Dak. CASALE, Mike. Mrs. Anne Casale, 2146 ODOM, Frank. Mrs. Emma Odom, R. F. D. YOUN'G, Leander M. Mrs. Vera Young, R. F. Emerson Street, Chicago, Ill. 1 3, Tyler, Tex. D. 1, Gaville, S. Dak. CHASE, Charles W. Mrs. Grace R. Chase, U0ARKR Harold ). Frederick P. Parker, STEPHNEY, Harry. Mrs. Mary Stephney, 10 1301 Commonwealth Avenue, Allston, Mass. 1A15h Vichigan Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Green Street, Columbia, S. C. CHISOHM. Isaac. Mrs. Carrie Chisahm, PEARCE, Roy L. Allison Pearce, R. F. D. 8, STEVENSON, Horace. Mrs. Rosalee Steven- Hardeeville, S. C, Flora, 11l. son, Lima, Okla. CLEMONS, Hardiee. Mrs. Lizzie Cahill, Bluff- PICTON, Benjamin J. Mrs. Jane Picton, STRATTON, Earl Ray. Arvin 'B. Stratton, ton, S. C. Beebe, S. Dak. R. F. D. 1, Bryan, Ohio. CQATES, George F.' Mrs. Anna D. Coates, ROGGIARO, Daniel. Miss Mary Roggiaro, 424 SWEN, Leo. John Swen, R. F. D. 1, Corydon, 1122 Story Street, Boone, Iowa. Center Street, Bethlehem, Pa. Iowa. CONROW, Samuel. D. Samuel H. Conrow, RUTHERFORD, Warren. Mrs. Isaac Ruther- THOMAS, Edward P. Mrs.'Eva Thomas, 806 general delivery, Blythe, Cal. ford, 216 Pennsylvania Avenue, Dowagiae, South Nineteenth Street, Independence, COON, David A. John G. Coon, Amos, Mo. Mich. Kaus. COOL, Charles J. Mrs. Fannie Cool, 22 SCHAEFER, William. Mrs. Clara Hahn, R. THOMPSON, William E. Mrs. Mary B. Woodbury Street, *Wilkesbarre, Pa. F. D. 4, box 85, MerrIll, Wis. Thompson, Nineteenth and Ottawa, Leaven- COOPER, Lloyd 0. Mrs. Sarah Cooper, Wirm- SCHULTZ, Arthur F. William Schultz, R. F. worth, Kans. Ingham, Tenn. D. 6, Oshkosh, Wis. TOMANEK, Joseph. Ed Tomanek, East Ber- CROSS, Raymond J. Mrs. Martha A. Cross, SEXTON, Roy S. George W. Sexton, Elmo, nard, Tex. Elgin Oreg. Ark. TOMASHASKA, John' F. Mrs. Hazel Toma- CROW, Claude. Mrs. Arilla Crow, Owens- SMITH, James. Mrs. Olive Raisbck, 125 shaska, box 425, Richland Center, Wis. boro, Ky. Marion Avenue, Waterbury, Conn. TRENTHAM,- Harley M. William Trentham, CRINER, William C. Mrs. Nancy Criner, R. SMITIT, Jim. Mrs. Rosalie Smith, R. F. D. 1, Hurricane, Mo. F. D. 2, Waco, Tex. Shannon, Miss. TUBBERVILLE, Joe. Robert Oliver, R. F. D. CRUSENBERRY, Robert. Mrs. Dora R. STEEN, Ole. Mrs. Annie J. Steen, Big Falls, 1, lot Springs, Ark. Crusenberry, R. F. D. 2, Bristol, Tenn. Minn. TUCKER, Raenzy. Miss Ella Tucker, 112 DANIEL, Parrott F. William F. Daniel, Elm STOLTE, Louis E. William Stolte, R. F. D. North Railroad Avenue, Mount Vernon, City, N. C. 1, Beaufort, Mo. N. Y. DAVIN, Martin. Miss Mary Davin, 65 Sixth TILGHMAN, Robert N. Mrs. Grace V. Tilgh- WARD, James S. Andrew J. Ward, R. F. D. Street, Roxbury, Mass. man, 8607 Gwynn Oak Avenue, Baltimore, 1, Zaleski, Ohio. DAYTON, John. Miss Stells Kelso, 107 Wil- Md. WAITS, Joe L. Sam Waits, 4213 Main Street, low Street, Knoxville, Tenn. UNDERWOOD, James H. John Underwood, Brighton, Ala. DICKSON, Earl S. William Jenny Dickson. Paonia, Colo. WALTERS, Bert. Mrs. Lethe Walters, R. F. Martin, Tenna, VANDERVEER, Peter. Mrs. Catherine Van- D. 5, Holden, Mo. DESILETS, Arthur J. Albert Desilets, 188 derveer, 44 Hamilton Street, Somerville, WEBB, Walter E. Mrs. Sallie Webb, Olym- Barre Street, Montpelier, Vt. N. Y. pia, S. C. DILLON. Featus. Frank Dillon, Scottown, WAGNER, 'Paul. Mrs. Mattie Greenwood, WHITE Wilbert. Mrs. Fannie Barkley, 41 Ohio. Redsburg, Wis. Queen Street, Dover, Del. DODD, Henry. Jake Dodd, Chireno, Tex. WALL, Altert W. Henry P. Wall, 121 North WILLIAMS, Watkin. Mrs. Mary Cotten, DORR, Carl E. John Dorr, R. F: D. 6, Rem- Minnesota Avenue, Sioux Falls, N. Dak. Chases, La. sen, Iowa. WALLACE, Nicholas E. Jordan Wallace, R. WILKINS, Harold L. Mrs. Frank W. Wilkins, DUGGER, Arthur 8' Mis. 'Vesta Dugger, 142 F. . 1, Trade, Tenn. box 29, Lake Placid, N. Y. East South Street, Aurora, Mo. WALLACE, William A. G. G. Wallace, Wil- WITHROW, Merrill B. Lemuel H. Withrow, FEAVEL, Harvey H. Mrs. Minnie Feavel, low, Miss. Kirvin, Tex. 707 Oneida Street, Appleton, Wis. WATTS, Estel. Mrs. Pearl Watts, 714 Greer WOPPERT, Raymond E Frank J. Woppert, Street, Cbvington, Ky. 931 Thirty-fourth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. FLEMING, John W. Mrs. Harriet B. Flem- WHEELER, Wayne E. Mrs. Maude E. ing, R. F. D. 7, Sevierville, Tenn. Wheeler, R. P. D., Brandon, Iowa. FLY, Earnest, Mrs. Dee Fly, R. F. D. 6, box SEALES, Jarvis. Wounded Severely. 13, Humboldt, Tenn. Ely Seales, R. F. D. 1, Steens Miss. LIDUTENANTS. FESTVEG, Christian. Mrs. Anna Festreg, SEVERN, Coney. Mrs. Dona Severn, Lepanto, Landa, N. Dak. Ark, GALLAGHER, Thomas John. Mrs. Margaret FORS, Alfred W. Miss Susie Elizabeth Car- SIMPSON, Henry W. G. Mrs. 'dello C. Simp- C. Gallagher, 2620 Voorhies Avenue, Brook-, son, 818 Hanover Street, Baltimore, Md. son, R. F. D. 2, Powfler Springs, Ga. lyn, N. Y. FUHLBOFM, Ewald. Henry Fuhlbohm, SMITH, Frank. John W. Smith, box 3, Bel- HULL, Richard Macleod. Robert M. Hull, Reedsburg, Wis. mont, Ky. Provident Building, Savannah, Ga. FROEMMING, Albert 0, Albeit Froemming, SMITH, Harold E. Mrs. Ida M. Smith, R. F. R. F. D. 1, Garfield, Minn. D. 5, Boone, Iowa. SERGUANT. GANRUD, Gilbert. Ole E. Ganrud, R. F. D. SMITH, Mote. Mrs. Marria Smith, 420 West VOLTZ, Christian L. Mrs. C. L. Voltz, Thir- 4. Spring Grove, Minn. Third Street, Mount Vernon, Ind. teenth and Signal Streets, Lawton, Okla. GLEICH, Amil. Jonas Gleich, general deliv- SNADDEN, John J. Miss Margaret M. Snad- ery, Deerbrook, Wis. den, 207 North Hesperia Street,, Collinsville, CORPonALs., BERGMAN, Rinhart C. Mrs. Bertha Berg- Ill. man, 284 SNorth Main Street, Hartford, SOLOMON, Dixon. Mrs. Christian Solomon, HURST, -Francis II. Henry Hurst, Pauls Val- Wis. Cloudy, Okla. ley, Okla. STAGGS, Otho. Henry B. Staggs, R. F. D. 2, MOREAU, Birge L. Mrg. Dorothy Murray, DEERE, Jesse L. Mrs. Betty D. Gablett, R. 58A Morris Street, Albany, N. Y. F. D. 6, Murfreesboro, Tenn. Seymour, Iowa. STEELE, lames M. Frank M. Steele, Norton, FOWELL, George J.- John Powilaitis, 174 DEVEILLO, Joseph 0. Charlie Crooks, De- Central Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. y1le, La. - Tex. STEIN, Harry Hry. Mrs. Helen M. Stein, WESTLAKE. Earl Vance. Mrs. Kate West- FITE, Lemuel J. Ohediah Fite, route 1, 4604 Train Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. lake, 3227A North Twenty- rst Street, St. Walnut Grove, Mo. STEINKE, Otto. Emil Steinke, Leopolis, Wis. Louis, Mo. JOHNSON, Harry. Mrs. Lucy D. Johnson, PRITATES. Huntington, Mo. TAYLOR, Bowie G. Louis. Naylor, Womice, LEMON, Ralph H. John H. Lemon, Hous- Okla. ANDERSON, Grover C. Oeff Davis.Anderson, top, Mo. TERRY, Alonzo. Mrs. Lizzle Perry, R. F. D. R. F. D. 1, box 18, Carnegie, Okla. 1, box 33, Gladys, Va. BLAIR, Ernest W. George W. Blair, 637 McCONNELL. Thomas A. Mrs. Anna Mc- THOMAS, Milo A. Emery M. Thomas, R. F. East- Seventh Street, Plainfield, N. J. Connell, 1900 Wharton Street, Philadel- D. 2, Lowell, Ind. BRENNAN, William F. Mrs. Margaret Bren- phia, Pa. THOMPSON, John L. Paul Thompson, R. F. nan, 1717 Woodhine Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. MIALOCQ, Louis. Andre Mialocq, 245 Pre- D. 3, Hector, Minn. BRODY, Irving Harry. Mrs. Jennie Brody, sidio Avenue, San Francisco, Cal. 546 Grand Street, New York, N. Y. MULLIGAN, Norman L. Michael TIMMERAIN, John A. August Timmerman, Mulligan, Mandan, N. Dak. CONE, David Jacob. Mrs. Sam Davis, 51 Tire- 197 North Eleventh Street, Newark, N. J. man Avenue West, Detroit. Mich. SMITH, Alfred J. Judson E. Smith, Clark, TINGLEY, Edgar S. Miss Maorie Tingley, DELLARATTO. Alfonzd. Tony Dellaratto, S. Dak. 220 South Front Street, New Richmond, ,W) East New York Avenue, Brooklyn, TIERNEY. Frank Cornelius. Mrs. Isabel Ohio. N. Y. Mary Tierney, 5652 Indiana Avenue, Chi- TIDWELL. Ellis. Owen H. Tidwell, R. F. D. DUNN, William E. Francis Dunn, 548 cago, III. . 1, Bonaqua, Tenn. Eleventh Street. Brooklyu. N. Y. \ THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. SI CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING

HARDING William J. Mrs. Mary Harding, ROBERTS, Frank W. Mrs. Hazel Roberts, COOK. S 222 West Fourth Street, Faribault, MinA. East Las Vegas, N. Max. HARDMAN, Berchie. Mrs. Mattlue Hardman, TATUM, Preston. Mrs. Mary Wall, R. F. D. HALEY, William. Dan Haley, Proctor, Minn. R. F. D. 4, box 16, Kanawa, Okla. 1, Cunningham, Tenn. PRIVATES. HATTON, Homer. Mrs. Drucellia Hatton, WALL, Floyd- H. Miss Pearl Wall, Mission, Tanksley, Ky. Tex. ALBIN, George L William E. Albin, Phile- HE IARTLEY, Benjamin W. Mrs. *Ellen CUER, Norman L. Mrs. Mary L. Cuer, 68 amath, Oleg. iHeartley, Tualatin, Oreg. North Street, Catskill, N. Y. ARNOLD, Eduard. Mrs. Annie Arnold, 206 HEFTA, Alvin S. L. M. Hefta, Harvey, N. WHALEN, Alexander. Miss Rose Whalen, Walnut Sticet, -Brackenridge, Pa. Dak. 2053 Charlestown Avenue, New York, N. Y. ARNOLD, Harold V. Mrs. Gladys Arnold, HENRY, Thomas. Mrs. L. B. Reed, 79 South GARRETT, John W. Mrs. Frank H. Sullivan, 2M..,2 Rer A enue, New York, N. Y. Seventh Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. 1515 Magnolia Avenue, Beaumont, Tex. - . BANKS, Philip James. Michael Banks, 318 KNOFLER, James G. Mrs. Dora Knoiler, HANNAH, Er nest Elmer. Reuben H. Hannah, East Twenty-fifth Street, New York, N. Y. Montgomery City, Mo, Prague. Okla. BERNER, Max M. Ascher Berner, 1824 LADY, Charles E. George D. Lady, R. F. D. HARMONY, William J. Mrs. Charles Seifert, Madison Avenue, New York, N. Y. 1, Bluff City, Tenn. 1280 Delaware Avenue, South Bethlehem, BES, Claudt Henry B. Bess, Elfaula, LANDIS, William. George W. Landis, Sta- Pa. Ol a. tion A, route 2, Columbus, Ohio. -DEWITT. Alono C. Howard B. DeWitt, BETZ, Daniel. Henry J. Betz, Loveland, LAZARUS, Moe Morris. Mrs. Dora Lazarus, Springfield, Ohio. Colo. 29 East Twenty-first Street, Bayonne, N. Y. KOROPP, Leo. Mrs. Leopold Koropp, 4833 BONI AM, Harvey R, Harry H. Bonham, LUST, David C. Mrs. Anna K. Lust, Ham- North Drake Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Dunhar, W. Va. mond, Ill. MOORE, Alexander R. Robert H. Moore, BROKOLENE, Bernard. Mrs. Donato Broko- MARTIN, Claud. Mrs. Allie Martin, Viper, Blanch, N. C. li-e. Cerami Cavnecio, Abbuzzi, Italy. Ky. STEVENS, Edgar William. Mirs. Phoebe BURDICK, Jesse L. Mrs. Eliza Burdick, MA*Y, Cecil Hugh. Mrs. Alice May, 587 Ver- Stevens, 301 West Huron Street, Pontiac, South Edmeston, N. Y. mont Avenue, Detroit, Mich. Mich. CAMMAROTO, Alfonso. Joe Cammaroto, 11EaLBY, Harry. Mrs. Mae Melby, 180 Eddy LAUER, Harry. 'Frederick G. Lauer, 39 Jack- Acquavella Cilento, P. Salerno, Italy. Street, San Francisco; Cal. son Street: New Rochelle, N. Y. CAMPBELL, Melvin. Charles M. Campbell, MYERS, Paul H. Mrs. J. H. Myers, R. F. D. WARFIELD, Arthur H. A. H. Warfield, West Wells, Me. 3, Greensburg, Pa. Brookfield. Mass. CHADWICK, Perry S. Jas'on'D. Chadwick, -PENNINGTON, William R. * Mrs. Gertrude ZIMMER. John F. Miss Mary Zimmer, R. F. Fredricka, Iowa. Gallagher, 4417 East Ninth Street, Kansas D. 1, Friendship, Wis. CHAPMAN, Louis A. Mrs. Charles C. Trent, City, Mo. 10 Brown Street. Norwich, Conn. PETTER, Henry. John Peter, R. F. D, 2, CORPORALS. CHART, Frank. Mrs. Edwin Chart, Addison, Central Lake, Mich. ' CONDIT, Frank S. W. H. Condit, Summit N. Y. POSLET, Alex. Mrs. Fekla Postet, Village Avenue, Stapleton, Staten Island, N. Y. CLARK, 'Otis Ferguson. Mrs. Zetta Fergu- Okerody of Vilansky, State of Vilna, Russia. CROMPTON, Edward. Barry Crompton, South son Clark, Wonewoc, Wis. RIGGLE, Nelson C. William B. Riggle, 321 Fork, Pa. COHEN, Israel. Samuel Cohen, 370 Irving East Indiana Avenue, Elkhart, Ind. JONES, George W. Mart Jones, Washington, Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. RONGSTAD, Le Vern Orville. Mrs. Martin Mo. CROMPTON, Joseph. Mrp. Joseph Crompton, O Rongstad, 410 Twelfth Streest west, Me- KING, John J. Mrs. Mary King, 1827 Pratt Manown, Pa. nomonie, Wis. Boulevard, Chicago, 111. CRON, Herman J. Mrs. Henryetta Cron, RUDEN, Moses. Nettle FliegIman, 123 Dia- LEPLEY, Edward C. Margaret Lepley, Red 620 Paupack Street,* Hawley, Pa. mond Street, Walpole, Mass. Oak, Iowa. CUCCHIARA, Tony. Mrs. Mull Antonia, Cas- SCHWARTZ,- Samuel. Mrs. Sarah Saslansky, McINTYRE, Alfred Guy. Mrs. Alice McIntyre, tel Vetrano, Frapane, Italy. 1.107 South Millard Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 322 West Fifth Street, Kewanee, Ill. DAIILEN, Carl A. F. Leonald Dahlgren, 43 SHEPRARD, Lige. Mrs. Chailotte Shephard, McOSCAR, Don J. Mrs. Eula McOscar, 805 County, Attleboro, Mass. Thomaston, Ga. East Cherokee Avenue, Enid, Okla. DAVIS, Alvis A. C. L. Davis, Herres, Cal. STRECK, George Alphonse. Mrs. Mary TanO THOMAS, Bernard J. Andrew J. Thomas, DOOLEY, Edward. Mrs Lizzie Menzetta, Strock, 2918A National Bridge Avenue, St. 620 West Olney Avenue, Olney, Philadelphia, Second and Legan Streets,' Leavenworth, Louis, Mo. Pa. Kans. TOMASELLO, Carlo.' Platio Tomasello, TUFT, Ludvig L. Mrs Esther Tuft, Lake- DIPASQUALE, Angelo. Pete Bondig, 152 Grand Street, Hammonton, N. J. side Avenue, Erskine, Minn. New Street, Johnstown, Pa. TORNDORF, Alfonse A. Mrs. Elizabeth Torn- WILLIAMS. Bryan J.* Frank M. Williams, R. DISERLY, Frank. Mrs, Amelia Haskell,-Pa- dorf.%185 East Eighty-second Street, Los F. D. 3, Stuart, Va. lar, Mont. Angeles, Cal. BARDON. Michael. D. Wolfe, New York Rail- DUNNIGAN. Lawrence. Mrs. C. Kelly, 60 TOTURNOR, Benjamin F. Mrs. Mary Tournor, road, i3l East Fifteenth Street, New York, Prospect Street, Woburn, Mass, 01 Nlutt Street, Hornell, N. Y. N. Y. FREEMAN, Eugene H-. Eugene Al. Freeman, WAGNER, Jesse .. Mrs. Dick Wagner, R. FERGUSON. Alvin. Miss Bessie Rath, 54 907 East Poplar Street, Oklahoma -City, F. D. 1, Osage, Iowa. Homestead Avenue. Scottdale, Pa. Okla. I WALTER, Gerard T. Mrs. Theresia B. Wal- HANSON, Grant. Mrs. Calley Hodges, El GILLO, Sam.. Mrs. Rose Gillo, 100 Yqba fer, 607 West Marion Street, Grand Rapids, PAlo, Tex. Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mich. JORDAN, Thomas Joseph. Mrs. Mary Jordan, GORDON, Luther. Bill Gordon, R. F. D. 1, WHITE, Douglas. Mrs. Ida Mary Walters, 20 '945 East One hundred and eighty-first box 31, Reform,- Ala. Oueens Gardens, Musell Hill, London, Eng- Street, New York. N. Y. GRAHAM, Robert. H. K. Graham, 118 West land. KLEIN, John A. Albert Klein, northeast cor- Ninetieth Street, New York, N. Y. WOOD. Stephen. Mrs. Mary Wood, 648 ner Seenteenthand Harney Street, Omaha, GRATEL, John. William Grauel, Alanson, Tenth Avenue, New York N. Y. Nebr. Mich. KUKAWKE, Stefan. John Kukawke, 4812 GROUPP, Harry. Julius Groupp, 52 Brume Wounded (Degree Undetermined). Bishop Street, Chicago, Ill. Street, Baltimore. Md. LAKE, Irving Joseph. Herman Lake, 787 GRUNDER, Charles. Mrs, Eleanor Grunder, CAPTAINS. Quincv Street, Brooklyn, N. Y- 418 Monroe Street, Buffalo, N. Y. LONGINETTE, Edivard. Mrs. Helen Longi- REBECK, Joseph J. Mrs. Barbara Rebeck, HARDY, John D. Mrs. Charlotte A. Hardy, nette, 1725 North Sarah Street, St. Louis, 2404 South Kedzie Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 3h Warren Street, Haverhill, Mass. - Mo. REDNICK, Max David Rednick, 5171 Colum- SWENSON. Axel W. Mrs. Adeline Swenson, LUHMANN, JohW'E. Mrs. Chris Ehlers, Ais- bia Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. Bisbee, N. Dak. qouri Valley, Iowa. REITER, William. John Reiter, Fort Morgan, LIEUTENANTS. McDONALD, Albert F. Albert C. McDonald, Colo. 36 East Idaho Street, Blackfoot, Idaho. RICE, William S. James M. Rice, R. F. D. 1, BUCKLEY, Ralph Emerson. Mrs. Ralph NIPPER, W. Veree. M. V. Nipper, Coreville, Mars Hill, N. C. Emerson Buckley, 18 West Broad Street, Ill. - ROBERTS, Henry C. Elija Roberts, Monti- Hazelton, Pa. SMITH, William B. Mrs Joseph A. Kenney, cello. Kv. . ROBERTS, Rufas G. Mrs. Rufus G. Roberts. 001 West One hundred and twenty-fifth OETSONJames Allen. Mrs. 'ames Culpeper, Va. Street, New York, N. Y. Allen Robertson. 500 Foley Avenue, Eu- ROBINSON, Arthur J. Mrs. Irene Robinson, WELBORN, Lewis H. Ed. D. Welborn, faula, Okla. 108 Moor Street, San Antonio, Tex. Thomasville. N. C. ROBINETTE. William R. Mrs. Annie Robin- WINANT, Frederick, jr. Clinton GIIbut, 48 ette, Utica, Miss. East Fiftieth Street, New York City, N. Y. BUGLER. ROMANO, Charles. Antonio Romano, 129 WAITE, Robert S. John G. Waite, 70 Broad STERRY, Alvin. Mrs. Carney, Joelton, Tenn. West Main Street, Boundbroolk N. J. Street, Atlanta. Ga. ROOS, Hugh 0. Mrs. Mary Roos, R. F. D. 1, CRAIG, Edward B. A. E. Craig, 10 Everett - MUSICIAN, Hacklebernie, Mauch Chunk, Pa Street Medibrd, Mass. . QUIN, Frank C. Frank E. Quin, 217 North SCANLAND, George W. Henry W. Scanland, Twelfth Street, Pottsville, Pa. 1213 ast Water Street, New Albany, Ind. SERGEANTS.* SCHINI, William II. Mrs. William Beckerley, AHERN, Coleman J. Miss Sis Ahern, 15 Har- M1ECIANICS. R. F. D. 2, Peru, Ind. bor View, Queenstown. Ireland. SCOTT, Forrest L. Mrs. Crystal A. Scott, CORNWALL, Lionel Herbert. Mrs. Effie SCHAVMANN, Carl. Leonard Schaumann, Main Street. Attica. N. Y. Elizabeth Cornwall, 56 Grand Avenue East, R. F. -D. 1, Hudson. N. Y. SEEGER. Walter. Frank Seeger, Lorraine Highland Park, Mich. HUBBARD, Samuel W. Mrs. Carrie Hub- Road, Rocky River, Ohio. KA NN, Elmer W. Hubert Kann, 1005 Osage bard, 311 'Elizabeth Street, Sistersville, SENF, Frederick. Frank Sen, 158 East Mer- Lvenue, Bartlesville. Okla. W. Va. rick Road, Freeport, j. Y. LOVINE, Nathan. *,Toe Sachs, 2722 Odin GROTZKE, Fred. Charles Grotake, R. F. D. SHARER, Arnold Lawmence. Milton C. Peck, A'enue, Houston, Tex. 3, Portage, Wis. Ford City, Pa. PEARSON. Herbert B. Mrs. C. M. Pearson, WAGONERS. SIIE.\_ Michael J. Elizabeth Kane. 7071 097 Sterling Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. South Main Street, Waterbury, Conn. REUPERT, Fred. Mrs. Emma Reupert. 550 GAYMAN, Harold. Jacob Gayman, 907 Tlil- SIEFERT, Fred William. Mrs. Emilie Meade, Thirty-sixth Street. Milwaukee, Wis. ton Avenue, South Bend, Ind. 220 Bidwell Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. ROBBINS, Dorsie. Martin A. Robbins, Tan- CAMPBELL John H. Mrs. Annie E. Camp- SIMMONS, Dewey. Warren Simmons, R. F, ary, Ky. bell, 304 Center Avenue, Vandergrift, Pa. D. 1, Portland, Mich. 82 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING SORG, Daniel R. Mrs. Sena Sorg, 121 West JUGCHEK, Max. Mrs. Nashua Jugehek, THOMAS, Edward. Mrs. Sarah Thomas, Avenue, Buffalo, N. Y. Cenova, Vhneki, Russia. 13106 Pennsylvania Avenue, New Castle, STRACNER, Elbert. Mrs. E. A. Watson, JUZEFOWICY, Adam. . Walter Dpalo, 871 Pa. Cleveland, Ark. Trumblay Avenue, Detroit,-Minn. THOMPSON, Robert I. John McCarthy, Lam- STRAKA, Fred S. Mrs. C. T. Lukes, 2437 KLAIN, Jacob A. Zora Klain, 1506 P Street bert, Mont. South Trot Street, Chicago, Ill. NW., Washington, D. C. SAWYER, Owen William. William II. Saw- TARBOX, Elmer H. Mrs. Annie Tarbox, 2 KLINE, Frank L. Mrs. Eva Kline, Cata- yer, 1106 North Spring Street, Independ- Burnham Court, Dover, N. H. wissa, Pa. ence, Mo. TEGTMEYER, Clafence. Charles Tegjmeyer, KNAUSS, Daniel M. Mrs. Malissa J. Knass, SCHMIDT, Otto Fred. August Schmidt, 1318 1109 Court Street, Utica, N. Y. 24 Worthington Avenue, Geneva, N. Y. Sheridan Street, Lansing, Mich. THOMAS, Arthur. Mrs. Susan Thomas, Wil- KOLASA, Tomas. Andrew Radoss, 367 Stock- SEACRIST, Earl. W. A. Seacrist, Winifrede, liamsburg, Ky. ton Street, Perth Amboy, N. J. W. Va. THOMPSON, Frank A. Mrs. Josephine Reed, KOPPING, Albert M. Fred Kopping, 4107 SLANTA, Anthoni. Bunny Cook, box 335, 1629 Corcoran Street NW, Washington, Archer Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Thomas, W. Va. D. C. KOWZER, Matt. Joseph Bikoski, Short Street, SMITH, Lee R. Poke B. Smith, Nocona, Tex, TICE, Stuart P. Mrs. Minnie Tice, Rich- Westville, Ill. SMITH, Wilbur True. Mrs. Daisy A. Smith, mond, Mich. KRUEGER, Arthur. Charles Krueger, 3117 Glen Gardner, N. J. TOMASSETTE, Anthony. Neacola Tomas- South Racine Avenue, Chicago, Ill. SNART, Fred G. George Snart, R. F. D. 2, sette, Abruzzi, Ortone, Chieti, Italy. LAMSON, Dwight F. Charles Lamson, R. F. Grinnell, Kans. TOOLEY, Phillip F. Phillip A. Tooley, D. 1, Little River, Kans. STILWELL, Guy. Charles Stilwell, South Pungo S C LANGBEHN, Fritz L. Henry Langbehn, Solon, Ohio. VANDEiJRBOS. Cornelius.- Mrs. Jeanette Casey, Iowa. WALTERS, William. Frank Walters, 952 Thompson, 6556 Emerald Avenue, Chicago, LASPESA, Peter J. James Laspesa, 8081 South E Street, Indianapolis, Ind. Ill. Colorado Avenue, Chicago, Ill. WATSON, Brigham K. Mrs. S. J. Kendall, 89 VAN HORN, Warren. Mrs. Ada Van Horn, LEBLANC, Wilfred J. Arthur Leblanc. 84 Prospect Avenue, Newtonville, Mass. 610 Center Street, Wilkinsburg, Pa. Bell Avenue, Springfield, Mass. WELLER, Jesse C. Mrs.'Martha Scruggs, VERRILLE, Leonard. Mrs. Rocco Verrille, LEDYARD, Harold L. -Mrs. Julia Ledyard, Judsonia, Ark. - 753 Pembroke Street, Bridgeport, Conn. Jamison City, Pa. WILES, Rufus. John F. Wiles, Diggins, Mo, VOYER, Antonio. Joseph Voyer, 24 Shar- LIBBY, George A. Mrs. Mary A. Lowell,I WILLIAMSON, Add Carl. Alex W William- mut Street, Lewiston, Me. Wheelock, Vt. son, 1209 North Clay Street, Enus Tex WAGNER, Joseph A. Albert Wagner, 647 LITES, George H. Mrs. Olive Lites, 715 WILSON, Joseph. Mrs. F. Wilson, 19 New- Lamberton Street, Trenton, N. J. Otisco Street, Syracuse, N. Y. ton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. WALKOWSKI, John C. Mrs. Anna Wal- LIVINGSTONE, James A. Mrs. Mary Sha- WRIGHT, Arthur. Miss Eleanor Wright, 58 kowski. 41 Superior Street, Detroit, Mich. weh, 2412 Sarah Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Myrtle Street, Waltham, Mass. WARCHOLIK, Michael J. Samuel Warcholik, LOPEZ, Joe A. Lee Lopez, Aguilar, Cole. ZIEGLER, Lewist T. Mrs. Minnie Ziegler, 140 Mvrtle Avenue, Ansonia, Conn. LOTHIGIUS, Einar E. Miss Ines Lothigius, R. F. D..2, Allentown, Pa. WAWRZYNIAK, Joseph. John Wawrzyniak, 016 Warren Avenue, Brockton, Mass. box 75, Siler Lake Minn. LOVELACE, Elvin. Will Lovelace, R. F. D. PRIVATES. WEAVER, Raymon A. Mrs. Fannie Weaver, 8. Florence, Ala. LEWMAN, Van W. Miss Mabel Lewman, 806 Mount Vernon, Ky. LUCERO. Celedonla. Mrs. Isidora M. Lucero. South Twelfth Street, Centerville, Iowa. WEHNEt, William. H. Ernestine Wehner, Pino Blanco, N. Mex. McCALLIN, James. Mrs. K. Donohue, 3537 Del Rio, Tex. LYTLE, William N. James C. Lytle, Pauls Aspen Street, West Philadelphia, Pa. WESTREM, Olaf. Mise Susie Westrem, care Valley, Okla. McGARRY,. Henry J. Michael McGarry, 15 of University Hospital, Minneapolis Minn. O'NEILL, David. Mrs. Mary O'Neill, 274 Hurlburt Street, New Haven, Conn. - WHALEY, Joseph C. Mrs. Joseph e. Wha- West Twenty-fifth Street. New York, N. Y. McKEEVER, James. James McKeever, 5912 ley, Lixville, Mo GURVIN, Leo Aloyslus. Mrs. Catherine Gur- Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. WHITAKER, Robert L. Mrs. Mary E. Whit- vin, 172 Koholer Street, Tonawanda, N. Y. MADDOX, A. R. William Maddox, box 84, aker, R. F. D. No. 2, Hocksville, N. C. HOCHSTEIN, Louis. Mrs. Amlia Hochstein, Munson, Fla. WHITELY, John M. J. T. Whitely, Mill 978 Eighth Street, Milwaukee, Wis. MAHER, Charles H. Mrs. Elizabeth Maher, Creek, Okla. HUGHES, Thomas P. Roland H. Hughes, 400 West Thirty-ninth Street, New York, WILLIAMS, Sam T. Mrs. Isabelle Williams, Linden, Wis N. Y. Charlotte Court House, Va. JACOBSON, Charley. Mrs. Martha Jacobson, MAHLE, John W. Webster G. Mahle, Knox. H ILLIAMSON. Elbert. Mrs. Fannie Wil- Rake, Iowa. Pa. liamson, R. F. D. No. 1, Ringling, Okla. JAZYNSKI, Walter. Jim Jazynski, 2122 MALONE, Richard L. Mrs. John Malone, If(KYD$, Harold 0. Mrs. Bertha T. Woods, Nineteenth Street,-Chicago, Ill. Elm Street, Kingston, Mass. Bluffton, Ohio. JONES, Raleigh F. Raleigh F. Jones, sr., MALPIEDI, Fred A. Anthony Malpiedi, 71, ZIMMERMAN, Herman. William Zimmer- Johnsonville, Ill. Ninth Avenue, New York, N. Y. man, 1162 Twenty-second street, Milwau- JONES, Robert B. Mrs. Dora Johnson Jones, MANSFIELD, Frank. Mrs. Ella Mansfieldi keo, Wis. R F. D. 1, Bynum, Tex. 2062 McKean Street. Philadelphia, Pa. FINNEY, Oscar. Mrs. Minah Finney, Hunts- KELLY, Frank Joseph. Mrs. Elizabeth Kelly, MARLEY, Thomas Mrs. Mary Marley, St. ville, Mo. 1028 Forty-seventh Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Marys Terrace, Lonaconing, Md. GALLIGAN, Michael A. Mrs. Margaret S. KERR, William B. William L. Kerr, 1010 MARQUIS, John. Mrs. Mary Gocher, 52 Pea- Galligan, 787 Dequan Street, Brooklyn, North Bruard Street, Charlotte, N. C. body Street, Salem, Mass. N. Y. LAUER, Fredrick. Mrs. Minnie Schram, 228 MARTIN, George W. Ed Martin, R. F.-D. 5, South Fifth Street, Lebanon, Pa. Walter, Okla. GEORGE, Cain. Elijah George, Cherokee, LAUGHLIN, Joseph. John Laughlin, Wm- MARTIN. James. Mrs. Matilda Martin, 6653 N. C. pum, Pa. Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. GLOTZBACH, Bernard. Charles Glotabach, LIPPS, John. Mrs. Gertrude Johnson, 303 MATHEWS, Curtis C. Mrs. James M. Mat- Paxico, Kans. Sixth Street, South Temple Tex. thews. Vera, Okla. GOODMAN, Louis L. Mrs. Leah Goodman, McCARTHY, John J. Mrs. Nellie McCarthy, MATTES, Benjamin. Mrs. Mary Mattes, 146 739 East Sixth Street, New York, N. Y. 110 Willow Avenue, Niagara Falls, N. Y. Forsythe Street, New Ydrk, N Y. GRAY, Willie. Mrs. Mary Brown, box 31, MAGILL, John Latka. Mrs. Rose Magill, 406 MOCILAR, Frank. Fred Woodside, Dillon, Decatur, Ala. East Sixty-sixth Street, New York, N. Y. Mont. GREEN Ernest. Mrs. Lizzie Green, Pleasant MARLING, William B. Mrs. Abrigial Mar- MOORE, Carl W. Dudley Tribblery Union Hill, La. ling, Seymour, Ind. City. Ky. GREENE, Herbert C. Mrs. Grate R. Greene, MART, Charles C. Mrs. Daisy Mart, Elsie, MOORE, Joe. Earnst Moore, Cedar Falls, 105 Quaker Street, Granvilld, N. Y. Nebr. Iowa. GREENLEAF, Frank M. Aubrey Ruggles, *MULLEN, Cyril F. Mrs. Margaret Mullen, Freeport, Me. MATEJKA, Charles C. Mrs. Joe Matejka, 232 Fourteenth Street, Buffalo. N. Y. GREIS, William John. Alfred Greis, Her- Columbia Falls, Mont. MURRAY, Thomas G. James Murray, Osna- mann, Mo. MEDINA, Nicolas. Mrs. Eloise Moya general - brook, N. Dak. delivery, Las Cruces, N. Mex. Adam. Mrs. Alma Nagal- GRIMES, Edmund Vincent. John Grimes, MEDORE, Samuel. Pasquale Consoitte, 4855 NAGAICZYK, John Drumbally Crossmaglen, CoAty Arneagn, czyk, 2378 Milwaukee Aveiue, Chicago, Ill. Lancaster Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. F. Niebaum, Ireland. MEEHAN, Frank. Patrick Meehan, 169 NIEBAUM. William H. John Broadway, Lowell, Mass. Presho, S. Dak. HAGAN. George A. Anthony W. Hagan, 2700 NORTON, Anthony T. Mrs. Amelia Norton, Douglas Street, Sioux City, Iowa. MEYERSON, George I. Morris Meyerson, 45 1902 Myrtle Street, Scranton, Pa. HEARN, Cloyd L. Mrs. Almira B. Hearn, East Third, Street, New York, N. Y. NOWAK, Stanislaw. Mrs. Annie Nowak, Huntingdon, Pa. MILLARD, Frederick H. C. 0. Millard, 625 Roqky, Russian Poland. HERING, Theodore Francis. Mrs. Theodore Dewitt Street. Syracuse, N. Y. PAPRIQUINN, Richard T. Miss Bridget Ker- F. Hering, 2 S1ocum Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. NICKELSON, Walter. W. L. Hines, 2802 ville. 106 Collins Street, Lynn, Mass. HODGE, Frank. Mrs. Emma Middeff, Tru- South Wayne Avenue, Fort Wayne, Ind. PEABODY, Arthur F. Mrs. Gellie Peabody, man, Ark. NUNNERI, Rocco. Dominico Nunneri, Willa 428 Lynfileld Street, East Lynn, Mass. HOWARD, William A. Mrs. Minnie Howard, South Guiseppe Regglo, Calabria, Italy. PESEK, William C. James Pesek, 473 Vandit Canton, Ga. . PRAZAK, Frank. John Prezak, 2226 West Street, St. Paul, Minn. HUDSON, Henry D. Miss Ines Hudson, 210 Fiftieth Street, Chicago, Il. Theodore W. Adolph Peterson, Morris Street, Bath, N. Y. PRICE, Reese A. Thomas Price, 707 John PETERSON, Margaret H. Two Harbors, Minn. JADWIN, Charles Plum. Mrs. Street, Youngstown, Ohio. PICKARD, Harold M. Mrs. Bessie Pickard, Jadwin, 502 Adams Avenue, Scranton, Pa. PRINCE, Byron W. Mrs. George Prince, 1314 South Adams Street, Peoria, Ill. JENNINGS, Cyrus. Albert A. Jenuings, Lean- Cheshire, Mass. POTTER, Edward E. Mrs. Lily Potter, 455 der, Tex. POGGIO, 'John H. Tony Poggio, Propata, Jefferson Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. . JOHNSON Edward. . Mrs. Margaret Johnson, Genoa, Italy. PROSNOSKY, Stiney. Mrs. Sallie Kapucin East Lake, Minn. QUINLAN, John T. Frederick W. Quinlan, iky, 212 West Popular Street, Shenandoal, JOHNSON. Walter J. Mrs. Earl Daffen, Ger- 679 Timpson Street, New York, N. Y. Pa. ing, Nebr. RHODES, Chester J. Mrs. W. D. White, 30 QUICK, Ernest W. Martin Quick, Loco, JOHNSON, Walter W. Mrs. Gertie McFad- Carson Avenue, Dalton, Mass. Okla. den. R. F. D. 1, Beardstown, Tex. RODGERS, Walter H. C. William F. Rodgers, JORGENSON, Victor I. Jorgen Jorgenson, 50 West Washington Street, Norristown, ADAMSHOCK. John. Mrs. Martha Adam- Lillydale, West St. Paul, Minn. Pa. shock, 115 Main Street, Scranton, Pa.- THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 33 CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING ANDREWS, Michael. ,George Herman, Ply- SEESE, Richard E. James L. Seese. Kiel, GARRETT, Manuel. Jim G. Garrett, West mouth, Pa. Okla. Fork, Tenn. ALEXANDRIA, Andrew. Mrs. Antonia A, SENNA, Ralph Enrico. Mrs. Rose Senna, 265 GEARY, James C. Mrs. Morris Geary, 20 Gill Irin, R. F. D. 2. Solmona; Italy. Adams Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Street, Kingston, N. Y. ANIELA, Louis G. Matt Andela, 38 Day SHERMAN, Roy E. Jacob H. Sherman, Pine GIBSON, Roy E. Mrs. T. M. Peacock, 1617 Park, Buffalo, N. Y. Grove, Schuylkill County, Pa. West Oklahoma Avenue, Guthrie, Okla. BAGLEY, Harold A. Bernard W. Carey,-New- STEELE, Fred Allen. James Steele, 930 GREENFIELD, Maurice. Mrs. Esther Green- port, N. II. Moore Street, Huntingdon, Pa. field, 198 Bergen Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. CAM'LAIN, Victor. Jewel Camplain, Hewitt, THOMPSON, Ona I. Thomas Jefferson HAFNER Raymond J. John Hafner, Revel- Okla. Thompson, R. F. D. 5, Hollis, Okla. stoke, British Columbia, Canada. CASTLEMAN, Luther E. Mrs. Elsie Castle- CLAY, Hubert Kenneth. Aaron Jay Clay, Mo- HAMILTON, Daniel B. Benjamin J. Hamil- man, Purcell, Okla. tor Route A, Colorado Springs, Colo. ton, Vera, Tex. CLOONIN, Raymon. Mrs. Vivian Argsta, 64 FITZGERALD, Joseph F. Mrs. Helen B. HANSEN, Bjorne. Hacor Ludwig Hansen, Washington Street, Eastport, Me. Fitzgerald, 3714 Cottage Avenue, St. Louis, 'Northwood, Christiania, Norway. CUMMINGS, Harry A. John R. Cummings, Mo. HARDING, Sam. Soja Constanica, 1543 Chi- 1206 Townsend Avenue, New Haven, Conn. PETERS, William C. Paul Peters, 3345 cago Avenue, Chicago, Ill. CR1 ICKSIIANK, Louis Frederick. Mrs. Edith Boulevard, Jersey City, N. J. HENRY, Walter J. Mrs. Jennie Henry, 96 Cruickshank, 141 Berlin Street, Montpelier, WILEY, Charles H. 'Mrs. Sarah C. Wiley, Horton Street, Elithurst, N. Y. Vt. Densmore, Kans. HILTON, Louis E. Mrs. Sarah Hilton,' 050 CULBRI'TII, Anderson. Miss Hattie Cul- HARTRUM, Irvin. D. J. Hartrum, Creston, Railroad Street, East Liverpool, Ohio. lreth, R. F. D. 1, Empire, Ga. Iowa. IIOEL, Charles Corbert. Mrs. Rose Hoel, Cl RL, Arthur D. Samuel Curl, Concordia, JAGER, Louis. Mrs. Ethel J. Sarney, 1436 Daleville, Ind. Ky. Forty-sixth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. BOLL, William M. Miss Freda Roll, 786 DANIELS, Frafklin 0. Mrs. Georgia Ann East One hundred and fifty-sixth Street, Daniels. Kell, Ill. MECHANIC, New York, N. Y. DELEHANTY, Walter V. Robert E. McCann, ENZ, George. Henry C. Ens, 1506 North HOLLYCROSS, Walter. Forest A. Holly- 3806 Cottage Grove Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Twenty-ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. cross, R. F. D. 4, Plain City, Ohio. DE MARTINO. Gaetano. Miss Carmela De ALAIMO, Calogero. Antonio Alaimo, 2239 Martino, 388 Crescent Street, Brooklyn, COOK. Wentworth Avenue, Chicago, Ill. N. Y. STUEVE, Clarence J. Frederick W. Stueve, BABLER, Harry. Ezra Babler, 503 West DONOHUB, Joseh H1. Mabel St. Nicholas, Parkham, Wyo. Summitt Street, Monroe, Wis. 1072 Fifty-eighth Street- Brooklyn, N. Y. BRADY, Phillip A, Mrs. P. A. Brady, 120 DONOHUR, Luke A. Sirs. Patrick Donohue, PPRIVATES. Broadway, Flushing, N. Y. 316 South Stricker Street, Baltimore, Md. CUTTING, Stanton D. Francis BAISCH, Arthur R. Mrs. Johanna Baisch, S. Cutting, DONOVAN, Ray J. Daniel Donovan, 837 Scotland S. Dak. 28 Longfellow Road, Wellesley, Mass. North Crawford Avenue, Chicago, Ill. DAILEY, Leonard C. Mrs. Elizabeth Ditmar, CYRUS, Arch. Joseph Cyrus, R. F. D. 1,, DUNN, Austin. Mrs. Ida Dunn, Porum, Okla. 30 Ashland Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. arboursville, Va. DICK, John. Steward W. Dick, 206 Eight- DEBORD, Elmer V. Mrs. Edith Benton, Fin- Wounded Slightly. eenth Street, Wheeling, W. Va. ley, N. Dak. DEITER, William. Mrs. Florence Deiter, CAPTAIN. CENTILE, Beradino. Nick Matino, 814 North 490 Fest Street, Detroit, Mich. Sherman Street, Conneaut, Ohio. FINNESSY, John James. Mrs. Estella Fin- HATFIELD, George E. Mrs. Annie Hatfield, DE LYNE, Gerald. Mrs. Madge 1. De Lyne, nessy, 100 Thacher Street, Hornell, N. Y. 42 Richardson Street, Wakefield, Mass. 185 Chester Street, Syracuse, N. Y. EDDY, Albert J. C. F. T. W. Eddy, Picture LIE]UTNANTS. HILL, Samuel L. George M. Hill, Clarendon, Rocks, Pa. Pa. EDWARDS, GERMAN, Carl. Mrs. Jessie W. German, 8j JOHNSON, Jesse Ward. Mrs. Cornelia Bevins, Charles F. Mrs. Susie E. Ed- R. F. D. 3, Le Roy, Mich. wards, R. F. D. 2, Lebanon, Ky. Oxford Street, Wilkes-Barre, Pa. ELDRIDGE, James P. James K. Eldridge, KOON, Ethen S. Jobe N. Koon, 296 College LUTZ, Vernie S. Mrs. Belie Lutz, Hume, Mo. Faison, N. C. Street, Asheville, N. C. O'BRIEN, Lenord. William H. O'Brien, 815 ELSTAD. KORKUS, Edwin F. Emil Peter Korkus, 924 North Le Claire Avenue, Chicago, Ill. Ole. Lars 0. Elstad, Rochert, De- Brooklyn, N. Y. PETERSON, Walter A. Lewis S. Peterson, troit, Minn. Broadway, FLOYD, Charles W. E. Eck, 411A Gates MINUTH, Hans Charles. Mrs. A. Minuth, Orlando, Fla. Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. 383 Central Park West, New York City, ROBERTS, Clyde W. Ike Roberts, R. F. D. 3, GENGL'ER, N. Y. Winona, Tex. Frank R. M. Gengler, Marys- ROBERTS, Walter J. Mrs. Agnes C. Roberts, Ville, Cal. SEROEANTS. GILLMAN. Walter S. Albert F. Gillman, John F. Mrs. E. Dick, 803 Se- 605 East Third Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. AUSTEN, RYAN, Daniel Joseph. Mrs. Maria Louise Liverpool, N. Y. bring Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. GRAY, Joseph B. Joseph B. Gray, sr., Allen, IIACAY, Frederick Joseph. Mrs. Mary Hacay, Ryan, 3628 New Hampshire Avenue, Tex. Street, New York, Washington, D. C. 357 East Seventy-eighth SMITH, Leroy. Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, 607 HARLEY, Onnie W. W. J. Harley, Millett- N. Y. Cornelia Street, Utica, N. Y. ville, S. C. JOHNSON, Chester A. Mrs. Delia Johnson, Roy Mi. Robert Whitlock, At- HOCII, George J. Mrs. Margaret Higgins, 432 251 Charles Street, Watertown, N. Y. WHITLOCK, Perry Street. BuffAlo, N Y. Jones, 333 Rob- tilla, Ky. JONES, Roy C. Mrs. Lizzie WOODCOCK, Justin S. Mrs. Doris Wood- KLAESER, Walter William. Mrs. Helen inson Street, Keaton, Ohio. - Klaeser. Marion, Wis. Looney, 159 West cock, Coventry, Vt. 'LOONEY, Daniel. Mrs. C. YOTT, Andrew A. Mrs. Sophia Yott, 816 McCAULEY, Whitfield, Claudie Wurn. 1339 One hundred and second Street, New York, Franklin. Street, Williamsport, Pa. East Sixty-fifth Street, Cleveland. Ohio. N. Y. MUMMA, Wesley C. George A. Mumma, 3742 Van ABELE. Anthony J. Mrs. Elizabeth Abele, VAN EMBURGII, James. Mrs. Hannah 249 Eldert Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. Hizgh Street, Denver, Colo . Emburgb, Broadway Road, Warren Point BERMAN, Jacob. Mrs. Sophie Berman, 331 PORM, John C. Fred Porm, 1749 West Nine- N. J. Oak Street, Passaic, N. J. teenth Street, Chicago, Ill. WALTERS, Frank E. Mrs. Sarah Walters, BOGA, Marion. Frank Boga, 81 Spring RILEY, Clayton A. Mrs. Lou Riley, Pros- Seaton, Ill. Street, Union City, Conn. .aect. Tenn. WESTON, Noah E. Mrs. Ella C. Weston, BOWEN, Robert L. Mrs. Fainle Grogan, 168 RILEY, Walter. Mrs. Sarah A. Riley, 42 1045 Third Avenue, New Kensington, Pa. Griffin Street, Atlantic, Ga. Foote Avenue, Jamestown, N. Y. BOYD, William. John Boyd, R. F. D. 4, Sum- BREY, Harvey C. Milton Brey, 303 Button- SCHLOSSER, Tohn Joseph. John Schlosser, mit, Mo. Kowaskum. Wis. I wood Street,-Norristown, Pa. I'LTYq Harry. Mrs.: Laura Felty, 2033 BROLIENSKI, Stanley. Frank Brolienski, SILINO, Joseph Antony. Georae Silino, 833 Street, Granite City, Ill. - Mai Street, Glen Lyon. Pa. - Federal Street. Philadelphia. Pa. GAUTHIER, Lawrence B. Mrs. Elizabeth BROWN, Norton. Isadore Brown, 122 Rah- SLONE. Isaac. Sam Slone, Dema, Ky. Gauthier, 1108 Mason Street Rhinelander, way Avenue, Carteret, N. J. STANTON, Clare. Cory Stanton, R. F. D. 6, Wis. CIIEEVER, Patrjck J. Mrs. Marion A. Chee- Bad Axe, Mich. DAILY. Geoge. Mrs. Verne Daily, Cooke- ier, 1890 Colunbus Avenue, Roxbury, Mass. STARNS, Ollie. S. H. Starns, Peril, Ky. Ville. Tenn. ? COCKLIN Henry M. William H. Cocklin, STEELE. William L. Mrs. Mary Steele. 317 JOHNSON. William G. Gustave Alfred John- 1202 North Third Street, Harrisburg, Pa. South Seventh Street, Albin. Iowa. son. 21 Patchen Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. CURTIS, Roger.A. Chester Curtis, 738 La- SULZEN, Oscar. Jacob Sulzen, 790 Palisade KELLER, Charles F. Mrs. Chatls P. Keller, mont Street NW., Washfigton, D. C. Arcnue. West New York. N. J. 117 Main Street, Monongahela, Pa. DALTON.. Thomas C. Lee Dalton, Salem, Mo. TREDO. Frederick L. Mrs. Grace Peck, Lake SMITH, George B. Mrs. Minnie Hannis, 1534 MONOCHE, Dominick Delle. Carmen Della Placid, N. Y. North Stillman Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Monoche,.Penne. Sicily, Italy. WAGNER, Irvin Leroy. Mrs. George Henry CORPORALS. DIAMARA, Salvalore. Michael Diamara, 8 Wagner 220 West Lanvale Street, Balti- Root Avenue, Ansonia, Conn. more, Md. KIERNAN, Fraqk Andrew. Andrew J. Kier- Wolf, R. Hyde Park, N. Y. DIETZ, William B. Mrs. Josephine WALLACE, Steve. Mrs. Pearl Wallace. Leon, nan. Salt Point, F. D. 4. Hamilton, Ohio. Okla. McKENNA, William P. Daniel P. McKenna, EATON. Herman P. Mrs. Emma F. Eaton, Right Street, Westport, Codn. WEBSTER,' Thomas S. Mrs. Rhoda Webster, BROWN, Frank. Morris Brown, 200 Park Salisbury, Mass. 1510 South Fifty-third Street, Philadelphia, Building. Pittsburgh, Pa. FERGUSSON, John R. Mrs. Ada M. Fer- Pa. Street. Solvay, N. Y. GORDON. Harold. Harvey Gordon. 294 East ,gusdon. 199 Second WESTON, Riah B. Mrs. Sarah Weston, Main Street, Amsterdam, N. Y. FLEISCHMAN, Walter. Mrs. Emil Fleisch- Leteber. S. Dak. HORST. Joln' E. Mike Horst, Osceola, Nebr. man. 109 East One hundred and sixth WINSLOW. Frank H. George E. Winslow, HI 1MPHRIES, William C. John lumphr-les, Street, New York, N. Y. FOLEY, Joseph. James Thompson, 180 East North Platte. Nebr. R. F. D. 2. Big Sandy, Tex. COREA, Vincente Juan Trantrea, Phoenix, JAHINKE, Edwin A. Edward Jahake, 606 Twenty-second Street, New York, N. Y. i. Seventh Street, Alpena, Mich. FORBES, Roy H. Enoeb H. Forbes, 1120 Ariz. JONES, Clement A. Mrs. Anna Tones, 192 Washington Street, Greenville, N. C. D-UN1YER, Roal B. Mrs. Dorothy Dun- Cameron Street. Rochester, N. Y. FORCIER. Isidore. Mrs. Emestine Forcier, mver. R. F. D. 1. Conemaugh. Pa. RYAN, Paul R. Mrs. Della Ryan, 90 Cecero 522 Lindsey Street, Fall River, Mass. GEORGER, John David. Lee White, Ridge- Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. FRASKE, Frank. John Fraske, Berlin, Wis. way, Ill. 34 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN.- PERSHING GREEN, William Henry. Mrs. Jennie Green, STEFFA. John P. Mrs. Mattie V. Cahill, LAMBRIGHT, Jeff. MIvrs. Hollie Lambright, 53 Thirty-first Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Guthrie Center, Iowa. Athens, Rex. JEFFREY, Arthur E. Me. Elizabeth Caten, TOMARO, Charles. Petro Tomaro, Lincoln, LASSITER, Charles. J. R. Lassiter, Eden- 40 French Street, Methuen, Mass. N. J. ton, N. C. JENKINS, John S. Thompson Jenkins, 8 TOMASAFSKY, Mike. Miss Cornela Toma- LAVENDTJSKY, Lawrence D. C. A. Laven- Vine Street, Danville, Pa. safaky Grodno, Nelostock, Russia. dusliy, Damon, Tex. KEEVAN, Leonard George. Mrs. Irene Kee- VAN DEUSEN, William. Mrs. Jennine Van LAWRENCIE, Belford R. Mrs. Zelma Law- van, 1109 West, Kearsley Street, Flint, Deusen, 5 Sixth Street, Gloversville, N. Y. rence, Oanonburg, Pa. Mich. VOLKMAN, Fred. Mrs. Anella Volkman, 280 LAWRENCE, D-an C. B. W. Lawrence, Kil- KILEN, Olay C. Christ Kilen, Sharon, N. Smith Street, Feenah, Wis. gore, Tex. hak. VON DER GOLTZ, Eric, Jr. Eric Von Der LEWIS, Fred W. Mrs. Anna Lewis, 2701 KIRKENDALL Richard Lawrene. Mrs. Golts, sr., 205 East Seventy-second Street, Jane Street, Pittsburg, Pa. Harry Kirkendall, 144 Sitgreaves Street, New York, N. Y. LIGINSKI, John A. Michael Liginski, Elev- Phillipsburg, N. J. WALDO. Henry M. Albro W. Waldo, Liberty- enth and Jackson Streets, Chicago, Ill. KOSTNER, Norbert C. Mrs. Polly Kostner, ville, Ill. LOCUST, Henry. Kate Locust, Church, Qkla. Aicadia. Wis. WEAKLANB, Urban. Lottie, Weakland, R. LOOMI, amuel L. Mrs. Alice T. Loomis, NAYLOR, George H. Mrs. Fannie Naylor, 14 F. D. 2, Patton, Pa. R. F. D., box 56, Pamplin, V@. Andrews Strbet, Saratoga Springs, N. Y. WILLIAMS, Frank Mrs. Jennie Williams, LUDWIG, Otto. Mrs. Ella Ludwig, 1057 Bed- ROESSLER, George H. Mrs. nary Roessler, 1317 Avenue C, douncil Bluffs, Iowa. ford Avenue Brooklyn, N. Y. 641 East Eagle Street, Buffalo N. Y. LUPNOWISK1*, Daniel. Mrarki Lubewake, VILLENVEVE. Napoleon. Miss Leada Villen- Missing in Action. Vilni, Buberne, Veleyshono, Ue, Derevne veve, 41 West Fillmore Avenue, Corona, nIEUTENAN-TS. Kute Russia. N. Y. McCA THY, Harry Aloysius.* Mrs. Margaret WELLS. Alphonsus., Mrs. Joshua L. Tate, MILLER, Herbert L, Mrs. Norma M. Miller, 53 Pine Stroet, Burlington, Vt. - McCarthy, Stop 18, Troy Road, Niskayuna, 303 Eastern Avenue, Malden, Mask. N. Y. JONES, Thomas A. John H. Jones, 14421 STAFFORD, Clement L. E. J. Stafford, 519 Gordon Street, Allentown, Pa. West Washington Street, Greensboro, N. C. MCCOLLUM, Henry G. Mrs. Lena McCollum, JORDAN, Tbomas H. Thomas Jordan,, Stand- CORPORALS. Teague, Tex. I McINTYRE, Ernest A. Mrs. Sultana McIn- ard, Mount Pleasant, Pa. HUGHES, John S. John S. Carpenter, 103 KATINE, William J. Mrs. Emma Emrich, tyre, WingateD, Ind. North Jererson Street, Hobart, Okla. MAHAN, Briscoe T. James Mahan, Leel Val- 3202 Oli e Street, St. Louis, Mo. JAKOBY, Paul. Joseph Sakowech, 328 South KELLY, William J. Erank Kelly, 2096 Eighth ley, Tenn. Eighth Street, Bethlehem, Pa. MARION, James R. James A. Marion, James- Avenue, New York, N. Y. KELLOGG, Edwin KING, George W. Robert J. King ir 3826 J. Mrs. Mary G. Kellogg, Ville, Va. Darien, Conn. MARTIN, Delma B. William Jacob Martin, North Polethrop Street, Pbilaephia, Pa. KIBLER, John H. Irs. Mary Muller, 434 KOLACZKWSKT, Joseph. Mrs. Anna Ko- Rockdale, Tex. North Main Street, Ottawa, Kans. MARTIN, Samuel. Mrs. Marie Martin, 600 laczkowski, 297 Grandy Avenue, Detroit, LEWIS, Arthur AT. Mrs. Minerva Lewis, Mich. West High Street, Piqua, Ohio. Dublin, Tex. MATAZZO, Peter. James Parocopio, 110 Sul- KOLB,*'Jacob. Mrs. Sallie Kolb, 861 De Kalb LINEBERGER, Erroll W. Michael M. Line- Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. liven Street, New York, N. Y. berger 108 State Street, Fayetteville Tenn. MATHEWSON, Adam. Miss Margaret ,Ma- KOTIVELAS, Peter Kereagus. Charles Adams, McDONALD, Iollie L. Mrs. Fannie 4eDon- q85 Gratiot Avenue, Detroit, Mich. thewson, Fayette City, Pa. aid, Rockingham, N. C. MATSON, Martin. Mrs. Christina Johnson, LA FRANCE, Henry A. William La France, MARKWELL, Frank 020 Somerville Street, Manchester, N. H. J. Miss Celia Markwell, 1617 Rollywood Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 607 Wood Street, Tarentum, Pa. MALIUCK, Michael 3. Mrs. qeorge Henry LA MERE, Lester. Mrs. Nellie La Mere, gen- MAXWELL, Horace D. A. T. Maxwell, 25 eral delivery, Crandon, Wis. Manck, Columia Furnace, Va. Columbia Street, Sunset Heights, Houston, MAUDSLEY, Orin E. John R. Maudsley, LANGDORP, Peter W. S. A. Langdon. Dil- Tex. 10a, Mont. Equinunk, Pa. OWEN, Leone E. Rev. Edgar Owen, R. F. D. MILLICKER, Daniel J. Mrs. George Mil- LAWSON, Emil John. John Orton, 41.0 Cor- 1, Ford City, Tex. nelius Avenue, Chicago, Ill. licker, Mahopac Falls, N. Y. ROBBINS, Delos A. Mrs. Minerva A. Rob- MISEWICZ, Boleslaw. Haddio Werderdosky, LEE. Oliver. Tollef Lee, Klovenville, Wis. bins, Lawton. Okla. LOSER, William C. Wilitam Loser, 7S0 263 Twelfth Street, Jersey City, N. J. SCHAIER, Edward. Jacob Schaler, 246j MITCHELL, William Joseph. Mrs. Mary Wachtel Avenue, St. Loiif, Mo. Alter LOWERY, Alva E. S. H. Lowery, Holley, Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. Mitchell, 1703 Carter Avenue, New York, SPARKS, Robert T. Mrs. Julia B. Sparks, N. Y. Fla. Strasburg, Va. MILAZEWSKI, Mike. Charles Milazewski, TOA, William. Mrs. Catherie Topa, 422 MONAS, Cevia. Antobio Mons, Monteelfona, 507 Marian Avenue, Kenesha, Wis. Provinco di Campobassa, Italy. R. Miller, 66 Warren Street, Harrison, N. S. MILLER. Chester A. William WEBB, Monroe. Andrew Webb, Murchison, MONTAYA, Margarito. Alejamdro Montaya, Virvinia Avenue. Coateeville. Pa. Mills, N. Mex. R. Mowry, Tex. MOWRY, Robert D. Mrs. William WIRTZ, James Franklin. Mrs. Elsie A. MOORE. John H. Mrs. Belle Moore, Alva- Perry. Pa. Worts. Werts, rado. Tex. MUIDDOON, Thomas T. Mrs. Delia Muldoon, Va. MOORE, Robert. Homer Moore, Waxahachie, 155 Pond Street, LeofInster, Mass. WILHELM, Claude. Mrs. Loretta Wilhelm, Tex. NETGGEMANN. Henry J. Frederick Neigge- McPherson, Kans. IWGLER. MORGAN, Carl. Wayne J. Morgan, 314 Is- mann. 009 Charles Street, Streator, DI. land Avenue, McKees Rocks, Pa. NFLSON, William J. B. Mrs. Laura Long, GILBERT, Grant. Mrs. William Gilbert,- Kil- MOSER. Charles. Mrs. Lillian M. Moser, 318 Hutchins Avenue. Ballinger, Tex. gore, Ky. 1320 North Fifty-sixth Street, Philadelphia, NETTMAN, Frank J. Mrs. Caroline Neuman, COOKa. Pa. 2723 Stafford Street, Sheridan, Pa. NIXON. Russell S. Mrs. Daisy Cecile Nixon, CARROLL, DXie W. Miss Bessie Carroll, MURPHY, Joseph 3. John Murphy, 2417 261 Nmoauehoning Street, Easton, Pa. 702 College Street, Sulphur Springs, Tex Southwest Ninth Street, Des Moines, Iowa. NORRIS, William B. Mrs. William B. Norris, COBERLY. Clifford M. Jap Coberly, Winne- PAULUCCY, John. Pausqual Paulucey, 54 R. F. D. 1. Memphis. Tex. wood, Okla. Gofe Street, New Haven, Conn. PARSONS. John R. Mrs. Ed. G. Thompson, PRIVATES. PETTYS, John Nelson. Mrs. Lida Pettys, Flora, N. Dal. HAMMOND, Mansfield. Nathan Hammond, Bainbridge. N. Y. PETTRS Goerve Theodore. Emil Peters, Plasterco, Va. PIZZIMENTI, Bruno. Mrs. Grazia Pissi- Port Washinlgton, Wis. HARCUM, George R. James E. Harcum, R. menti, Gellias, Marino, Reggio (de Cala- PETERSON, Bon. Mrs. Betsy Peterson, P. D. 2, Holland, Va. bria), Italy. Ilergcher, Ill. H4RRIS, James H. Amos Cross, Coatesville, POLING. George N. Mrs. Leo M. Poling, PRATT, Hiram. John C. Pratt. Viper, Ky. Pa. R. F. D. 1, Sprinefield Ohio. PROIIFROCK, William H. Mrs. Minnie Proc- HATCH, Lawrence W. Mrs. Rosa V. Hatch, POMEROY, John W. Mrs. Hilda N. Vander- frock, 19 Monroe Street, North Tonawanda, Burlington, N. C. voot, 528 Hamilton Atenue, Palo Alto, Cal N. Y. HAYES, Charles A. Mrs. IRattie B. Hayes, POOL, Jam4s H. Miss Clare 1. Pool, Falls- READY, Harry 1. Mrs. Winifred Williams, R. F. D. 4, Cleveland, Tenn. ton. N. C. Riemson. N. Y. HOLLAND, Delbert. Mrs. Nora Holland, 179 PRIOR, William Henry. G. H. Prior, R. P, REYNOLDS, Fred. Tate Reynolds, Hartford Rumboldt Avenue, North Tonawanda, N. Y. D. 6, Napoleon, Ohio. Citv, Ind. IRWIN, Rubin J. John Irwin, Granite, Colo. RAINERL John. Joe Raineri, R. F. D. 1, ROPER, William. Mrs. Charlotte Roper, R JACOBS, Joseph. Joseph Jacobs, 4140 North Caseyville. Ind. F. D. 2. box 5, Prkttville, Ala. Main Street, Pittston, Pa. REED, 'Benjamin M. Mrs. Jane Reed, Pocas- RT'FFALO. Louis. Mrs. Anna Ruffalo, 11 JOHNSON, Frank A. John X. Johnson, R. F. sett. Okla. North Main Street, Newark, N. Y. D. 3, Buchanan, Va. REIDENBACH, Clayton H. William Reiden- RUSSELL, Burdie B. James Z. Russell, i. F. KELLUM, Edward P. Edward P, Kellum, bach, 417 North Lombart Street, Allen- D. 1. Patsburg. Ala. Proctor, Tex. town, Pa. SELEUZ, Charles. Eva Rilin, 1488 Forise- KIEHNE, William. Louis H. Kichne, R. F. REINHARDT, William A. Mrs. Lena Rein- war. Pittsburgh, Pa. D. 4, Preston, Minn. hardt. 382 Chestnut Street, Detroit, Mich. SHAFER, Renel Bright. Mrs. Margaret KINSEY, Francis M. Robert B. Kinsey, R. F. REVELLS, Guy C. Mrs. Ida B. Dove, R. F. Shafer, 176 South Doreas Street, Lewis- D. 2, Melbourne, Okla. D. 1. Boyce, Va. town, Pa. KITCHENS. Luther T. John L, Kitghens, ROBERTSON, Monroe J. G. W. Robertson, SHOEMAKER, Langley. Mrs. Sarah Grizzel, Burneyville, Okla. Haiel, Okla. Brusbart, Ky. KLOPP. Henry. Mrs. Caroline Klopp, Luf- ROSAMOND, Edd V. Mrs. Lular Rosamond, SLAUGHTER. Harry R. Mrs. Lulu Slaugh- kin, Tev, Weldon, Tex. ter, 617 Mill Street, Ironton, Ohio. KNAPPER. George. Mrs. Mary Knapper, ROSS, Lawrence. Mrs.' M. J. Ross, Living- SMITH, Thomas J. Mrs. Annie Smith, 32 Middleriver, Minn. ston, Tex. Haiwkins Street, Newark, N. J. KNODLE. Arthur. Mrs. Anna B. Knodte, RYAN, Thomas S. Mrs. Bridget Ryan, 28 SNIDER, Jay A. George Snider, Milliken, Williamsport, Md. Greenwood Street, Providence, R. I. Colo. KOSCHALK, Stephen J. Joseph Koschalk, SCOTT. Louis J. Mrs. Alice Scott, Poca- SOOTS. George. 0. R. Soots, Cordova, Ala. Nanty Glo, Pa. hontas, Va. STALTER. Bernard L. Joseph Stalter, 1303 LAMBERT, Harvey. Harvey V. Lambert, SEIRUP. Carl P. - Mrs. Hans P. Seirup, Fair- Fourth Street, Peoria, Ill. Jonesville, Va. field, Conn. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 35

- CASUALTIES REPORTED BY GEN. PERSHING SMITH, John B., jr. John E. Smith, R. F. PERKINS, Robert Y. Mrs. Mary Perkins, KALINCIUK, Fred 0. Michael Paluh, 1714 D. 5, AshbIrn, Loudoun County, Va. - R. F. D. No. 6, Kevil, Ky. Donald Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. B01THWICK, Chester M. John K. South- PROSPERIA, Domnick. Albert Prosperia, KENITZ, Stanley. Rose Grabowski, 21 Hart- wick, 073 North, Clinton, Avenue, Trenton, 1146 Mechanic Street, South Bethlebem, Pa. ford Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. SIMPSON Lee. Mrs. Frank 'P. Fairchild; LANGE, Fred W. Mrs. Emma Lange, R. F. Flagstaff, Ariz. D. No. 1, box 22, West Holyoke, Mass. SPARKS, Lynn A. J. L. Sparks, Hazen, Ark. SMAL,, William R. Joseph Small, 1204 Cen- LASKOWSKI, Walter. Mrs. Mary Laskowski, SPENCE, William. Mrs. Sarah J. Spence. ter Street,'Racine, Wis. 3003 South Troy Street, Chicago, Ill. Indianola, Okla. STONE, Charlie W. Miss Minnie Carroll, LEMIRE, Alfred E. Mrs. Julia Lemlre, 6 STAFFORD, John E. Miss Dora Stafford, Salem, Ark. Waldron Avenue, Rochester. N. H. Indian Mission, box A, Shawnee, Okla. WELLIVER, Willfam W. J. B. Welliver, LEWANDOWSKI, Roy R. Mrs. Constancya STAFFORD, William I. Mrs. Maggie L. Staf- Galesburg, Ill. Lewandowski, 1027 Twelfth Avenue, Mil- ford, Rt. F. D. 2, Summerfield, N. C. WRESINSKI, Thadeus. Constantine Wresin- waukeo, Wis. STEVENS, Foster J. Miss Jessie Stevens, ski, 200 Merger Street, Breklyn N Y. Ladonia, Tex. LIPSCOMIB, Leon. Mrs. Bettie Liscomb, F. YODER, Rolla J. Levi H. Yoder, Aolden, Mo. Temple, Tex. SUBLETT, William A. Joseph Sublett, R. LYNCH, Henry G. Mrs. Mary Lynch, 141 D. 1, White Gate, Va. Wounded (Degree Undetermined)-Pre- TANSEY, Alfred P. Patrick Tansey, 1216 Congress Street, Coboes, N. Y. Collin aood Avenue, Toledo, Ohio.. viously Reported Killed in Action. McGE George Austin. Mrs. Jane McGee, Thomas, R. F. D. 14724 Saranac.Road, Cleveland, Ohio. THOTAS, Evbrt E. Nate PRIVATES. MADSON, Matt A. Mrs. Knut Madson, Ren- 1, Jonesboro, Ind. ANDERSON Albert E. Frank Anderson, box wick. Iowa. TOMP, Jerry .1. Mrs. Martha A. Toms, 27, Coal Valley, Ill. Contsville. Va. MOBERG, Roland E. Carl Moberg, Rockwell DUNN, Frederick. Job Dunn, 138 Jefferson City, Iowa, VE N kZIANO, Rocco. Mrs. Leo Venazlano, Avenue, Vandergrift, Pa., MOSEL, Joln. Mrs. Lucy Mosel, 166 Capital .Agate, V. Fogglo, Italy. Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. VITOCCO, 1, ortunato. Mrs. Letizia Vitocco, Wounded (Degree Undetermined)-Pre- Assergi Aquila Italy. NICKERSON, Richard N. Mrs. Dolly D. Fred. Mrs. Bettie Webb, Mount En- viously Reported Missing in Action. Nickersen, Grand Jupetion, Colo. WEBB, NORTHIUI John M. John W. Northup, er p rise, Tex. LIEUTENANTS. WEBSTER, Belton J. Ars. Mollie B. WoO- Newman,kCal. ster, Paoli, 0kM. BROOKER, William C. J. R. Brooker, 2910 PHILLIPS, Raymond A. Mrs James D. WHEELOCK, Wayne. Mrs. Ruth Wheelock, Ola Avenue, Tampa, Fla. Phillips, 1114 Main Street, Monongahela, 1117 Mis- ourl Street, Chickasha, Okl. FORRESTER, Robert R. George W. Forrester, Pa. WOODLAND. Cass J. Robert J. Woodland, $12 Third National Bank Building, Atlanta, POLASIK, Nicholas. Mrs. Anna Polasik, R. Chandler. Okla. Ga. - F. D. No. 2, box 57, New Franken, Wis. WOODWARD, Charles E. William E. Wood- MOONEY, Raymond. Mrs. W. ,H. Mooney, RUTLEDGE, Lish C. Clayton Rutledge, routo ward, R. F. D. 4, Luray. Va. 6900 Chappel Avenue, Chicago, Ill. 1, Sarah, Miss. TEAMANS, Joe. Philip Yeamans, Matagorda, SERGEANT. SATTLER, George E. Robert W. Sattler, 361 Tex. Sheboygan Street, Fon Du Lac, Wis. ENGLISH, George Mortimer. Mrs. Frankt SCHWARTZ, Herman. Loyis Fischmen, 28. Prisoners. English, 219 Park Avenue, Kane, Pa. East Seventh Street, New York, N. Y. PRIVATES. CORPORALS. SCQBEE, Everett. Robert Scobee, Rutledge, CAMPBELL, Elmo W. George W. Campbell, Mo. BROWN, Gilbert S. Mrs. 31-E . Delile, 68 Mrs. Alice Gotton, 95 Ken- Vur View Avenue West, New Brighton, Choice, Tex. SECOR, Lorenzo. COLBERT, Andrew A. Mrs. Nora F. Colbert, ilworth Avenue, Detroit Mich N. Y. Mrs. Della Shea, 1816 North CORAWELL, Mitchell M. R. M. Grills, Trim- 310 Bannock, Denver, Colo. SHEA, Charles. DUKESHIRE, Theo. T. William Dukeshire, Ninth Street, St. Louis, Mo. bi, Tenn. W. Simpson, La- ELLIOTT, John Shanon. Mrs. Jennie Elliott, 563 Eighth Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. SIMPSON, Ben B. George 133 East Douglas Avenue, Wichita Kans. GOLDBERG, August. Henry Goldberg, Bur- fayette, Tenn. JAFFEE, Morris. Isaac Jaffee, 318 East ton, Tex. SNODGRASS, Clyde M. Miltop Snodgrass, 'I'hirteenth Street, New York, N. Y. LOUGHRIDGE, James M. Mrs. Anna Lough- Oquawka, Ill. LEI10, Mariano. Gaspano Beseceotta, 121 ridge, Sellersville, Pa. SPILSKI Frank John. Joe Spilski, 517 North' Broadway, Akron, Ohio. NEHLS, Harry A. Mrs. Mary Nohls, 719 West Fifth Street, Menasha, Wis. MIELKIE, Otto R. Fred Mielke, Springfield, Franklin Street, Portage, Wis. STEENSON, Mark D. J. C. Steenson, 206 Mine RIVEL, Harvard W, Mrs. Almina B. Rivel, North Naehes Avenue, North Yakima, Wath. SHEEHAN. James Francis. Michael Sheehan, 332 Preston Street, Philadelphia Pa. STOLARCZYK, Stanislaw. John Stolarczyk, 7 North End Street. Peabody, Mass. WILSON; Evart E. William R. Wilson, 944 Maple Street, Milwaukee, Wis. Phippsburg, Colo. STONE, George I. Mrs. Mary A. Stone, 310 MECHANIC. North Nineteenth Street, Philadelphin, Pa. TERRILL, William L. Mrs. Grace Terrill, CORRECTIONS IN CASUALTY LIST. MULLIGAN, Peter. Kate Robertson -1256 R. F. D. No. 1, Fairmont, N. Dak. West Thirty-lirst Street, New York, 1. Y. TICKLER, Raymond. Mrs. Lucy Tickler, 532 Xilled in Action-, Previously Reported PRIVATES. Seventy-third Avenue, West Allis, Wis. MIssing in Action. ADLER, Jack A. Mrs. Ada Pearl Adler, 512 TRACY, Louie. Miss Mary Tracy, 0114 Wood- CORPORALS. Findlay Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. land Avenue, Brunswick. Ill. E. Mrs. Louise Veselak, PALMIER, Charles F. Mrs. Tessie Palmier, ALCORN John H. Mrs. Edna Alcorn, 1711 VESELAK, Lawrence 50 Metealf Street, Staten Island, N. Y. Green Street, Harrisburg, Pa. 6 531 East Seventy-second Street, New York, ALVITI, John. Charles Alviti, 74 Prince N. Y. PRATO, Joseph Peter. John Prato, 347 Hud- WELLS, Martin. Charles V. Wells, Dubols, son Avenue, Union Hill, N. J. Street, Boston, Mass. Smith, Harbor APPLEBY, John A. Mrs. Georgia Appleby, Pa. SMITH, Lee M. Alfred 716 First Avenue SW., Great Falls, Mont. WIESZOREK, Antoni. Mrs. Sofia\ Hoccog, 89 Springs, Mlich. ARNDT, Charles W. Mrs. Sarah Arndt, 2191 Gyldin Street, New Brunswick, N. Y. PRIVATES. South Cloud Street, Allentown, Pa. YONG, Nelsol W. Mrs. Emma Young, 1311 BIRMINGHAM, Benjamin. Mrs. Louisa Dan- BAiLEY, Edward B. Mrs. Martha A. Bailey, Wolf Street, Philadelhia, Pa. houser, 1812 Caldwell Avenue, Corpus 176 Bainbridge Street, South Norfolk, Va. Christi, Tdx. BELTZ, Walter. Mrs. Pearl Bagett, box 71 Wounded Slightly, Previously Reported BRODY, Jack. Solomon Brody, 101 Chestnut W., Frankfort, Ill. . Missing in Action. Street, Camden, N. J. BERMAN, Rubin. Sam Berman, 124 East DAISLEY, James. John Daisley, 713 New One hundred and twelfth Street, New York, CORPORAL. Willo Street, Trenton, N. J. N. Y. HAMILTON, Arthur M. John Boyd Hamilton, GIARANNI, John F. Mrs. Guiseppa Cautina CASSIDA, Nqil. Mrs. Maggie Casshda, Port- 928 Creston Avenue, Des Moines, Iowa. Zavalda-Spigno Saturna, Italy. land, Fla. . PRIVATES. HUTSON, Zid. Afrs. Elizah Hutson, Central COOK, William H. Mrs. Lillie Cook, Haigler, lia, Tex. IV Nebr. BRADY, Lawrence W. Lee W. Brady, Winona, MCIRAY, Willis E. Mrs. Mildred Coy, 346 CONNISON, Walter R. Mrs. Rebecca Con- Tex. W. Hickory Street. Kankakee, Ill. nison, 2405 Stewart Street, Philadelphia, BRUDER, Roland A. Louis Schucknecht, TOMASELLI, Michael. Miss Louisa Toma- Pa. Mayville, Wis. seli, 330 Joseph Avenne, Rochester, N. Y. , DANIELS, Edward D. Mrs. Bertha Daniels, BUTCHER, Carl. Mrs. Octavia Thompson, 5179 Heston Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Merrimac, W. Va. Wounded Severely, Previously Reported DOYLE, Bert. Mrs. Mary E. Allapaugh, 1629 CARLSON, George W. Palmer Carlson, James- Xiissing in Action. Sixteenth Street, Sacramento, Cal. town, N. Y. DROPKIN, Isadore. Mrs. Jauga Dropkin, 427 CARTER, Charley T. Jim A. Carter, Bolivar, SEIRCfAlf. Wilkins Avenue, New York, N. Y. Tenn. LIPSETT, Zelner Myerq. William Francis DUFFY, Edwin J. Fannie Mattes. 52 Pettit CLAWSON, Roy E. Mrs. Laura C. Lawson, Lip-ett, 133 'Fonr Street, Detroit, Mich. Place.,Elmhurst, N. Y. Youngxood, Pa. EHMAN, Edward. Mrs. Maggie Ehman, Fal- DE RUSHA, Raymond. Isidore Do Rusha, PRIVATES. 6 Ion, Mont. 201 West Congress Street, St. Paul, Minn. APPLEMAN .Clyde P. Mrs. Mary P. Ray, ELLER, William T. Mrs. Maggie Eller, R. F. MUNN, Joseph T. Mrs. Mary Munn, 1615 R. F. D. No. 1, Roarinq, Spring. Pa. D. No. 2, Cameron, W. Va. Iseminger Street, Philadelphia, Pa. COOK, Emory. Mrs. Mary Cook, It. F. D. No. ELLIS, James F. William J. Ellis, R. F. D. PAVOLA, Joseph. George Pavola, 3563 St. 1. Dorset, Ol:o. No. ;, Hacldeburg,' Ala. F7 hen Street, Cleveland, Ohio. CUNINIGHAM, lathi( R. amnies 0. Cuning- FOWLKES, Samuel B. J. A. Fowlkes, Grilf- REILE, Giovanni. Frank Reile, 1104 North ham, Watson Te-i fithivil, W. Va. Te nith Street, St. Louis, Mo. DETILLIAN, Roy. Mr,. Serepta Delillian, HESS, Louis B. Mrs. Emma V. Hess, 200 RUCGLES, Clemens L. Miss Martha Wood, box 506, Mount Vernon, Wash. Schenectady Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Phoonix, Aria. GAPRIN. Everett. Tohn V. Garvin. South HOLT, Albert. William Joshua Holt, R. F. TOOLEY, Olert A. J. S. Tooley, 123 Eecond Whitley, Ind. *D. No. 3, Randlett, Okla. Street, Crossett, Ark. HT'NDT, William F. Mrs. Otila Hundt, 277 HUNT. Charles T. Mrs. Mary J. Hunt, S YO'MA ANSllen riawbling. Edgar D. You- Highland Place, Milwaukee, Wis. Cuhtoms Street, Eastport, Me. mans, 306 Grove Street, Oneonta, N. Y. 36 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918.

OVERSEAS CASUALTY LIST Keep Bulletin Posted Sick in Hospital, Previously Reported KLAROWSKI, John, Jr. Mrs. Mary Klar- In All U. S. Post Offices owski, 3142 East Eighty-first Street Cleve- Missing in Action. land, Ohio. DEVERICKS, Corpl. Lance. Mrs. Millie Dev- KLOTZ, Herman Joseph. Mrs. H. Klots, 141 Reports having been made that ericks, Charleston, Ill. De Long Aveniue, SyraQuse. N. Y. at some post offices THE OFrcIAL LANCOR, Joseph L Mrs. Mary Doyle, 127 PRIVATES. North Mechanic Street, Carthage, N. Y. 1U. S. BULLETIN is not being posted BYERS, Ed. Joseph C. Byers, route B, Cuy- LAWRENSON, Jens C. John C. Jensen, R. 1. regularly for public reading in mon, Okla. D. 4 Walnut, Iowa. f accordance with Postmaster Gen- DRASSEN, Lommert. Mrs. Lommert Drassen, LAYNI, Edmond N. Mrs. Rosie Wheat, Spur- eral Burleson's orders, postmasters Billings, Okla. geon, Mo. LAHODA, Charles C. Mrs. Caroline Johnson, LETRA, William. Charles Levendusky, 41 are again reminded of this impor- Plattsmouth, Nebr. Franklin Street, Grensburg, Pa. tant duty. It should be remem- LAMBERT, John X. George B. Lambert, 315 M'CLOffD, Daniel D. Mrs. Emma McCloud, bered that THE BuIJErIN North Second Street, Billings, Mont. 3033 North Fifth' Street, Philadelphia, Pa. Is the RAILL, Frederick Joseph. Mrs. Hattie Raill, MINNICH, Zonovy. Efin Avdeychuck, 7 Pali- only publicafion available to all 89 Hill Street, Jewett Cityf Conn. sade Avenue, Bridgeport, Conn. sections of the country that prints POWERS, George. Doe Powers, Jellico, Tenn. daily the complete and correct casu- Returned to Duty, Previously Reported REED, James. John Reed, New Bethlehem, Missing in Action. Pa. alty lists from our armies oversea ANDERSON, Lieut. Robert M. Mrs. J. M. An- RIDDLE, Porter H. Mrs. Trannie Riddle, He- exactly as they are issued by the derson, 402 B Street, Rock Springs, Wyo. gira6 Ky. War Department. Many newspa- SPOORS, Corpl. Lorenzo E. Mrs. Charles ST. J HN, Marshall C. Mrs. Palidora Bace, pers.print only the lists having local Spoors, Levering, Mich. Carriozo. N. Mex. SCHLOETZER, George F. Dr. F. L. Schloet- interest in their own territory. PRIVATES. zer, Sharon, Kans. THE BuLETIN prints every name ILAIR, Samuel T. Mrs. Margaret Blair, 3047 SCHULTZ. Phillip E. Earnest Schultz, 1553 Cora Street, Philadelphia, Pa. South Thirty-third Street, Philadelphia, Pa. and address, thus making It a cer- B3OiIDIRIE, Alfred Oliver. Mrs. Joseph Bou- SCRIBBINS, Ralph. Roy F. Scribbins, 1317 tain means of informing friends drie, 69 Kentucky Avenue, Monroe, Mich. West Fifteenth Street, Sioux City, Iowa. and relatives, ylwerever they may BOYER, Oscar D. Mrs. Minnie Boyer, 2643 SEHRWOOD, Joseph M. Mrs. Sarah C. Sher- be, of the fate of a soldier Darien Street, Philadelphia, Pa. wood, Huntington, Mass. or sailor, DURFEE, Earl. Miss Leora Durfee, Parkin, SILVA, Edward F. Mrs. John W. MeNiece, no matter where his home town or Ark. 1646 Eighty-sixth Avenue, Oakland. Cal. city. EVANS, George B. Mrs. Fannie R. Evans, TOIA, James. Mrs. Anna Toa, 425 East Postmasters are urged, aside from 2608 Bruce Terrace, Baltimore, Md. Sixty-fifth, Street, New York, N. Y. GARRIN, Edward I. Mrs. Fred Roncan, 61 VERDELL, Stinson C. W. B. Verdell, Jack- their duty as officials, to make It Dayle Avenue, Providence, R. I sonport, Ark. - their patriotic and personal duty to -IiDDE, Alfred A. Fred Hidde, Herman, ,WILKINSON, Carl J. Walter S. Wilkinson, see that the public has the fullest Miu. P. 0. box 204, Grand Junction, Colo. JASPER, Gabe. James Jasper, 360 Augusta YOUNG, Percy W. Mrs. Charlotte Young, bepefit of this privilege. Street, South Amiloy, N. J. Washington Street, McAdoo, Pa. The Postmaster General's order follows: All postmasters are directed to Post THE OFFIcIAL U. S. EuicTuI daily in a conspicuous place in the Additional List of American Prisoners lobby or other portion of their re- $pective post-oflce buildings where the public can read it; and, without And Camps in Germany Where Interned expense to the- Government, each and every postmaster is earnestly urged to see that this BUvrarTi is The War Department authorizes pub- WALKER, Thomas W., lieutenant Mrs. Tom Ogletree, South 3 Notch Street, Troy, Ala. made available to as many people lication of the following list of soldiers WALTER, Martin E., lieutenant. Martin as possible in the manner suggested. who have been reported as prisoners of Walter, 119 West Seventh Street, Mount A. S. BumansoN, war in Germany: Carmel, Ill. REYNOLDS, Frank M., lieutenant. Mrs. Postmaster General. SAARBRUDCK, RESERVE HOSPITAL, KREUZENEACH. Marie Reynolds, wife, 121 Burnett Street, IRELAND, Walter M., lieutenant. Warren East Orange, N. J. Ireland, father, box 15, Sewell, N. J. FITZPATRICK, John, lieutenant. Mrs. Ellen M. Fitzpatrick, mother, Lansing, Iowa. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED A PRISONER AT CAMP REPORTED IN GOOD HtIALTH-CAMP LANDSHUT. HASSENCAMP, Paul Reinhart, lieutenant. RASTATT, NOW REPORTED TO HAVE DIED Mrs. Juliet V.* AT CONNOLLY, Sthwart, leutenant. Miss N. A. Hassencamp, 4100 Fernhill MUNICHIOF. Dow, Sparkill, N. Y. Avemqe, West Arlington, Baltimore, Md. BLAIN, Henry JS, private, first class. Mo- SMITH, Theodore H., leutenant. Alexander deste Blain, father, box 230, R. F. D., LECHIPELD-BAYERN. W. Smith, father, 954 Peachtree Street, At- lanta, Ga. Acushnet, Mass. HUDSON, William, private. George W. Hud- CAMP LANGENSALZA. JV1WETT, Franklin Fairbanks, son, father, Boones Hill, Va. lieutenant. STEINCAMP, Jacob, private. Mrs. Anna CAMP HAIMELBURG. Mrs. Florence L. Jewett, wife, care of Mrs. Greeley, Elm Street, Chevy Chase, Md. Steineamp, mother, 76 White Street, GAMBLE, Clarence 0., private. Mrs. Eliza- LEONARD, Edmund Clarence, lieutenant. Bridgeport, Conn. beth Gamble, mother, Tarentum, Pa. Mrs. Clara E. Leonard, 305 East Eleventh 'HOSPITAL ST. CLEMENS, METZ. ANDERSON, Richard A., sergeant. Mrs. Anna Street, Lockport, .111, C. Anderson, mother, Johnsonburg, Pa. HALL Lysle George, lieutenant. Mrs. George KAUFFMAN, Clayton Daniel, Jr., private (first HARRINGTON, Victor A., Rieutenant Mrs. W. ftall mother, R. F. D, No. 2, Charlottes- class). Mrs. Annie C. Kauffman, mother, Mary Harrington, mother, 1104 Brooklyn ville, Va. R. F. D. No. 6, Carlisle, Pa. Avenue Detroit, Mich. CAMP LIMBLRG. ANGELO, Samuel, private. Dominick Angelo, O'LEARX David A., lieutenant. Mrs. David D'AMBRA, Giachino, private (first class), fither. Minnea, Province of Salerna, Italy. J. O'Leary, Setauket, Long Island, N. Y. Mrs. Raphael D'Ambra, mother, 38 Gessler COXSEN, John H., private (first class). Mrs. GARRITY William J., lieutenant. Mrs. Street, Providence, R. I. James Coxsen, mother, Reynoldsville,-Pa. Elizabetl Garrity, 2629 East Thompson MAY, Anton J., private. Ar. Carrie May, DUFFY, Edwin J., private. Miss Fanny Mat- Street, Philadelphia, Pa. sister, 323 East, One Hundred and fifty-fifth tes, aunt, 52 Pettit Place, Elmhurst, N. Y. FORD, Christopher W., lieutenant. Mrs. Street, New York, N. Y. GILBERT, George IH., private '(first class). Mollie Ford, wife, 2064 Eighth Ai enue, New IRWIN, Daniel J., private. Mrs. Mary Wal- Mrs. Charlotte Gilbert, mother, 1084 Fulton York, N. Y. lace, sister, 7 Sterling Street, Woodhaven, Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. GARVIE, Hugh Alexander, lieutenant. N. Y. SCHMIDT, Joseph 0O.,private (first class). James Garvie, father, 102 Pine Street, Abi- DONDIEGO, Vincenzo, private. Mrs. Maria Mrs. Agnes Schmidt, mother, 17 Redf1eld lene, Kans. G. Dondiego, mother, 109 3Ntt Street, New Street, Brooklyn, York, N, Y. N. Y. REPORTED IN GOOD HEALTH-CAMP KARLSRUHE. IRWIN, Daniel J. private Mrs. Mary Wal- CAMP HALMELBURG. lace, sister, 7 Sterling Street, Woodhaven, WHITE, John A., lieutenant Mrs. John A. LEWIS-r N Y. White, wife, 3226 Chestnut Street, Phila- Albert, corporal. Robert Lewis, delphia, father, 97 Hamilton Place, New York, N. Y. CAMP KARLSHRUE. Pa. BENNETT, Harry, private. Miss Hattie S. LEAK, Jamdes V., lieutenant. Mrs. D. A. Leak, REPORTED SLIGHTLY WOUNDED-CAMP KARLS- Bell, aunt, 40 North Petry Street, Pough- mother, Columbus, Miss. RUE. keepsie, N. Y. MATTHEWS, Arthur Paseca, lieutenant KRIEGSGEFANGEXEN HOSPITAL, ALEXANDRIN Mrs. Ruth Steel Matthews, 683 Monroe Ave- SCROGGIE, Eugene R., lieutenant. C. R. nue, Scranton, Pa. Scroggie, 1243 Thirty-fourth Street, Des SXR., aERLIN. BROWN, Levi Galloway, lieutenant. Moines, Iowa. STROH, Henry P., corporal. Philip Stroh, 59 Mrs. Union Hall Street, Jamaica, N. Y. Levi G. Brown, 3847 West Pine Street, St. REPORTED IN EXCELLENT HEALTH-CAMP IN- CAMP RASTATrT. Louis, Mo. GOLSTADT. HOUSE, Henry Arthur, captain. Francis E. JATHE, Charles C., private (first class). House, father, 2110 East Superior Street, THOMSON, G. F., lieutenant W. S. Thoin- Charles L. Jathe, father, 10 Bonheim Street, Duluth, Minn. son, father, Craig, Mo. - Albany, N. Y. THE OFFICI4L I. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 37 List of American Prisoners and Camps in Germany Where Interned COFFMAN, Herman L., private. Frank M. McCALL, Peter E .,private. Peter E. McCall, THRASH, John A., private. Mrs. Elizabeth 'offman, father, Providence, S. C. father, 98 King Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. F. Thrash, mother, R. F. D. No. 2, Buck MEEKER, Clarence G., private (first class). MURPHY, John P., corporal. John TM MuT- Mountain, Pa. Mrs. Joseph Meeker, mother, Sandy Hook, phy, father, 474 East Fifty-second Street, AUGUSTYNIAK, Peter, private. Mrs. Fran- Conn. Brooklyn, N. Y. ces Augustyniak, wife, 3728 South Lincoln DE STEFANO, Antonio Charles, private (first MANZIONE, Joseph E private. Mrs. Kathe- Street, Chicago, Ill. class). Mrs. Mary De Stefano, mother, rine Mansione, 11I1 Thirty-linth Street, SUPPERSTEIN, Abraham, private. Morris 4804 West Thompson Street, Philadelphia, Brooklyn, N. Y. Supperstein, father, 23 Brady Street, Lon- Pa. MATTHEWS, Joseph P, private. Mrs. Anna don East 1, England. RAINFORTH, Herschel M., private. ]}, A. Matthews, 350 Baltic treet, Brooklyn, N. Y. HARSHBARGER, Win. Ernest, private. Mrs. Rainforth, father, Fredonia, Ind. MASON, Ernept C., private. Miss Lenor Hattie S. Harshbarger, mother, Milton, W. Knapp, friend, 1991 Anthony Avenue, New Va. REPORTED IN GOODHEALTH-CAMP RASTATT. York N. Y. FLORIDIA, Roscico, private. Mrs. Alsa Flor- WRIGHT, William J., private (first class). MARRONE, Andrew, private. Mrs. Vincent Idia, mother, Victoria, Province Siracusa, Minturn T,. Wright, father, Chestnut Ave- Carmmarassana, mother, 68 Sherman Street, Italy. nue, Chestnut Hill, Pa. Detroit, Mich. PREVIOUSLY REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION, NOW SCHIRMUlLY, Theodore D., corporal. Mrs. REPORTED TO BE AT CAMP RASTATT. RESERVE HOSPITAL 3, STUTTART-WOUNDED. Margaret Schirmubly, 70 New Jersey Ave- HODGE, Matthews, private. Mrs. Elizabeth ELLIOTT, John 9., private. Mrs. Jennie nue, trooklyn, N. V. Hodge, mother, Patton, Pa. Casity. sister, 1326 East Douglas Avenue, GEARY, John, corporal. Mrs. Mary Agnes PREVIOUSLY REPORTED KILLED IN ACTION, NOW Witchita, Kans. Geary, mother, 12 Street, Dorches- REPORTED TO Ba PRISOER OF WAR IN GER- KLINKER, John L. W., private. John Klink- ter, Mass. MANY. er, father, Dellot, Iowa. OWEN, Clarence II., private. Ernest Buckow, KUDLIN SKI, Stanley, private. Anton Kud- stepfather, 17 Bidwell Street, Jersey City, WATT, Ernest F., private.- George S. Watt, linski, father, 1026 First Avenue, Milwau- N. J. father, 114 North Carver Street, Warren, kee, Wis. NASSANO, Paul, private. G. Musante, friend, Pa. SCHUESTER, Jewel C., private. Alex. N. Bell Avenue, Bayside, Long Island, N. Y. ELVIDGE, Mark, private. Mrs. Mary Dixon, Sohuester, Gower, Mo. SMITH, George J., private, Miss Margaret mother, Jessup, Pa. WATTENBARGER, Verna A., private. T. E. Smith, sister, 199 Fifth Avenue, Brooklyn, GRIIJM, Orth, private. Mrs. Hartilla Platt, Wattenbarger, father, Milan, Mo. N.Y. sister, McKeesport, Pa. _.CAMPUNKNOWN. TETRAULT, Josep, private. Octave Tet- rault, father, 42 Freeland Street, Worcester, REPORTED TO HAV15 DIED AT ST. CLEMENS HOS- FRANKLIN, John H., private. Mrs. Ira Mass. PITAL, METZ. Markley, sister, Leon, Iowa. WEAVER, Martin Luther, private. Jonas J. MARCHBANKS, Jovan F. B. F. Marchbanks, GRAVES, John Francis, private. William Weaver, father, Scalp Level, Pa. father, 104 East Marvin Avenue, Waxaha- Graves, father, Douglas, Kans. BENNETT, Ralph J., private. Wilson J. Ben- chie, Tex, VAN WINKLE, Earl B., corporal. Mrs. Min- nett, father, general delivery, Coopersville, nie King, mother, 510 West Eleventh Mich. Street, Coffeyville, Kans, BURNELL, Joel L., private. James S. Bur- WOOD, Dueber R., private. Mrs. Granit Wood, - nell, uncle, 1204 L Street, Eureka, Cal. , wife, Panama, Ill, DU PERSIO, Augusti, private (first class). RED CROSS AMBULANCE MEN KING, James, corporal. James King, father, Mrs. Virginia De Persio, mother, Olivano, Berne, Mt. Romano Italy. WIN ITALIAN CROSS OF WAR WHITA ER. Thomas William, private. Mrs. CURoTIS, Harry E,, private. Mrs. Annie E. Mary E. Whitaker, mother, 157 Franklin Curtis, mother, 1553 Anna Street, Shreve- Place, Flushing, N. Y. port, La. The Red Cross authorizes the follow- JOHNSON, John E., corporal. Mrs. Rebecea BABBITT, Charles H., private. Mrs. Anna J. Grier, mother, 408 West Hill Street, Babbitt, Edwards, Mo. ing: Charlotte, N. C. JAFFEE, Morris, private. Mrs. Bella Jaffee, The Italian Cross of War, a cablegram KING, William T., private. Mrs. Isabelle 833 East Thirteenth Street, New York, N. Y. King, 202 West Kansas Avenue, St. Joseph, MIELKE, Otto Robert, private. Fred Mielke, from Rome states, has been awarded to Mo. Springfield. Minn. 21 American ambulance drivers of Ameri- CARSTENS, Carl T., corporal. Fred Cars- KNARREBORG, Carl L., private. J. L. Knar- can Red Cross Ambulance Section No. 3 tens, father, 1028 Belmont Avenue, Toledo, reborg, Fairview, Mont. SOhio. SCHATTENBURG, George A., private. Mro. for service in the'recent fighting which re- THOMPSON, George F., lieutenant. W. S. Rosa Schattenburg, 115 Feh Street, Dur- sulted in the Italian victory. Other men Thompson, father, Craig, Mo. lock, Cal. of this section were given other decora- O'BAR, Elihue, private (first class). T. B. LAPPEN, Levi Lewis, private. Israel L. Lap- * OBar, father, Sodiga, Ala. Pen, 38 Bellevue Street, Hartford, Conn. tions, and it is understood that still other BAIR, William H., private. Mrs. Wm. Bair, Red Cross ambulance sections, which mother, 710 Fairview Street, Pottsville, REPORTED IN GOODHEALTIK-CAMP UNKNOWN. Pa. rendered equally important service are WARMECZSKY, Steve, private (first class). SARACENO, Antonio, private. John . Sara- also to receive official recognition. Mrs. Vula Warmecasky, mother, Telepowoz ceno, father, Province of Di Catonigone, Paphaza, Zampline, Hungary. Cortale, Italy. Men in Section 3 Honored. LYONS, William B., private. John Lyons, DI SABATINO, Serafina, private. Frank Di father. 80 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Sabatino, brother, 632 Vandale Avenue, Con- The men in section No. 3, on whom the SCHWAB, Frank B., private. Alphonlo C. nelloville, Pa. Cross of War has been conferred, are Schwab, father, Twenty-first Avenue and REITER, George P., corporal. Mrs. Rebecca Nineteenth Street, Beaver Falls, Pa. Reiter, mother, 240 Williams Street, Fair- Lieut. Askum, San Francisco, director of MILLER, Raymond H., corporal. Mrs. Mary haven, Pa. section, and Tedford J. Eaton, Raymond A. Miller, mother, care of Harry Kellow, PAULL, Frank W., private. - Charles W. Paull, Hanks, Willard H. Ohl, George Noyes, Clarks Summit, Pa. father, R. F. D. No. 2, Uniontown, Pa. KOMESAR, Hyman, private. Samuel Kome- PORTER, Roger S., private. Mrs. Bertha E. Grant Palmer, Robert Reiser, Henry sar. father, 27 Bryon Street, Rochester, N. Y. Porter, mother, Broughton, Pa. Spellman, Edward Dougherty, Harry PUTTRE, Rudolph C. M., private, Mrs. Ger- SHIELDS, Lawrence Francis, private (first trude Kiefer, mother, 214 Bleeker Street, class). lMrs. Louisa S. Shields, mother, 110 Gibbs, Wested Henderson, Charles Mas- Brooklyn. N. Y. Butler Street, Etna, Pa. ters, Malcolm Olson, Bryant Prescott, CARMAN, Timothy E., sergeant. George Car- SCHNEIDER, Raymond J., corporal. Mrs. Winthrop Slade, jr., Armory Thorndike, man, brother, Woodmere, N. Y. Katherine Schneider, mother, 120 Kohler George Pifer. COOPER, John F., private. Samuel F. Cooper, Street, Mount Olive Borough, Pittsburgh, 37 East Penn Street, Carlisle, Pa. Pa. gome of these men were members of BELL, William, corporaP Samuel G. Bell, SAIDA, Stanley, private. Mace Konat, half section 5, but served with this section dur- father, 158 East Tenth Street, New York, brother Seventh Street, Glassport, Pa. ing the battle. N. Y. STOUT, ibner E., private. Mrs. Anna Stout, SLTTPATCHUK, Benetchku, private (first mother, Vanport, Pa. King Visits-Driver. class). Frank Marchuk, friend, 7 Allen SLATER, Bert A., private (first class). Le- Street, New York, 1q. Y. roy E. Slater, brother, 506 Washington Coles Seeley, of Newark, .N. J., an GRAVES, Car Raymond, private. Erwin Street, Gary, Ind. Graves, R. D. No. 4, father, Centerville Pa American Red Cross ambulance driver, S. Craw: TRAPASSO, Francisco, private. John Tra- CRAWFORD, John S., private. John passe, brother, P. O. box 131, Wall, Pa. who was wounded, was visited personally ford, father, Hazel, N. Y. by King Emanuel,- SHEEHAN, James Francis, private. Michael VINSKOWSKI, Stanley B., private. Mrs. Al- who exlireased his Sheehan, brokeer, 7 North-End Street, Pea- berta Vinskowski, mother, De Lancey, Pa. appreciation of th work done by the body, Mass. ARNOLD, Clarence B., private. Mrs. Louise American Red Cross in the Italian war ZORN, William, private. Mirs. W. J. Zorn, Arnold, wife, R. F. D. No. 2, Madison zone. Seeley, who was wounded in the 982 Manhattan Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Heights, Va. Cornelius B., cook. Mrs. Annie hands, will be discharged from the hos- CALLAHAN, CROASMUN, Nathan, private. Mrs. Effie Callahan. 1129 Thirty-ninth Street, Brook- Croasmun, mother, Valier, Pa. pital in a few days. lyn, N. Y. - Hemingway, of Kansas City, another CA NEY, Patriek J., private. Miss Mary CONLEY, Thomas A., private. Mrs. Winifred Carney, 825 Carrol Street, Brooklyn, N. V. Conley, mother, 32 North Third Street, Du- American Red Cross driver was wounded HUNT. Henry, private. Mrs. Beatrice Hunt, quesne, Pa. by a bomb while he was distributing hot 74 Woodhull Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. TROUTMIAN, LaFayette L. J. W. Troutman, drinks, food and tobacco to soldiers in KERR, Matthew, private. Thomas B. Kerr, father, Lewis, Kans. father, 109'Curtis Street, Bay City, Mich. the front trenches during the fighting. Morris, -private. Mrs. Lena WHITLOCK, Asa. Milton Whitlock, brother, received 237 wounds in his BIRSCHNER, Olaf, Va. Although lie Kirschner, 14 Willett Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. legs, lie is progressing toward complete LOOMIS, James F., private. E. A. Loomis, 96 CRISAFULI,, John. 1Mary Riciti, sister, 507 Chambers Street, New York, N. Y. Amsterdam Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. recovery. 38 -TIE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918.

LIST OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS I The following is a list of contracts Dalton Adding Machine Co., Washington, Oster Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 300 sets D. C., 2 machines. stocks and dies. placed by the various Government de- Underwood Typdwriter Co., Washington, Greenfield Tap & Die Corporation, Green- partments and divisions thereof as in- D. C., 1 typewriter. field 'Mass. 100 sets pipe reamers. dicated below: - The Kilbourne & Jacobs Mfg. Co., Columbus, T e W. ft. Compton Shear Co., Newark, N. Ohio, 18 trucks. J., 520 shears. Kewaneo Boiler Co., Kewanee, Ill., 115 parts Verona Tool Works, Pittsburgh, Pa., 27 for stove. , sledges. Collins & Co., New York City, 816 adzes. Smith & Hemenway Co. (Inc.), Newark, Ileider Mfg. -Co., Carrell, lowa, 50 ladders. N. J., 1.260 wrenches. GENERAL SUPPLIES DIVISION The L. S. Starrett Co., Athol, Mass,, 200 Greenfield Tap & Die Corporation, Green- I combination sets. field, Mass., 60 stocks and dies. * The Utica Drop Forge & Tool Co., Utica, The Peck, Stow & Wilcox Co., Southington, The following is a list of purchase or- N. Y., 600 pairs pliers. Cone., 450 pairs pinebrs. Atlantic Stamping Co., Rochester, N. Y., Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, der- of the General Supplies Division not 13,000 dish pans. I machine. approved by the Board of Review: I Armstrong Bros. Tool Co., Chicago, II., 250 Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, boring bars. 2 motors. November 5, 1918. -Frank Mossberg Co., Attleboro, Mass., 250 Frederick Osana Co., New York City, 1 but- offset screw drivers. ton sewing machine. New York Mallet & Handle Works, New E. Edelman 4pCo., Chicago, Ill., 150 com- Imperial Methods Co., Chicago, Ill, 132 card York City. 792 hickory mallets. proenometers. cabinets, ORier Iron & Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co., Philadelphia, National Acme Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 33,000 253,000 steel rivets. Pa., 479 clarinets. nuts. I City, A. G. Spaulding & Bros., New York Ashaway Line & Twine Mfg. Co., Ashaway, A. B. Meisselbach Mfg. Co., Newark, N. 7J,, athletic equipment. R. I., 500,000 body cords. 288 oil cans. inger iRewing Machine Co., New York Otty, Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, Funk & Wagnalls Co., New York City, 25 25 miachines, 1 motor, 21 unwinders. 2 machines with tables. dictionaries. Utica prop Forge & Tool Co., Utica, N. Y., Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, .Berridge Shear Co., Washington, D. C., 144 1,2l00 side-cutting pliers. 67 machines, 4 motors, 51 unwinders. desk shears. Remington Typewriter Co., Washington, Frederick Osann Co., New York City, 2 but- Enterprise Mfg. Co., New York City, 8,067 D. C., 3 typewriters. ton-sewing machines. ' screws. Corona Typewriter Co., Washington, D. C., Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Washington, Enterprise Mfg. Co., New York City, 14,578 48 typewriters. D. C.. 1 adding machine., knives. Diamond Calk Horseshoe Co., Duluth, Minn., Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Washington, Enterprise Mfg. Co., New York City, 830 20.000 pick maittacks. D. C., 3 nonlisting mathines. cranks for meat choppers. Underwood Typewriter Co., Washington,. Elliott Fisher ilIling Machine Co., Wash- Enterprise Mfg: Co., New York City, 930 D. C., 139 typewriters. ington, D. C., 1 billiag machine. rings for meat choppers. - . Remingtion Typewriter Co., Washington, Yawman & Erbe Co., Washington, D. C., 36 Ensign Mfg. Co., Washington, D. C., 1 cal- D. (,. 4 typewriters. file cabinets. culating. machine. The Indiana Rolling Mill Co., Newcastle, Old Town Ribbon & Carbon Co., New York National Acme Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 69,000 Ind., 8,000 shovels. City, 5,608 ribbons. cap screws. Kruse Printing Ink Co., New York City, Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey City, N. J., Graham Nut Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., 57,000 200 pounds mimeegraph ink. 75,600 pencils. nuts. I The Kilbourne ifJacosy Manufacturing Co., A. B. Dick Co., Chicago, Ill., 1 set marking Samuel Cupples Co., St. Louis, Mo., 10,000 Coluubus, Ohio, 50 trucks. instruments. , envelopes. The Weis Manufacturing Co., Monroe, Mich., Garry Fountain Brush & Ink Co., St. Louis Kimapton, Haupt & Co., New York City, 72 54 (urd-index files. Mo., 432 brushes, 288 brush tis. inkwell stands. Frederick Osann Co., New York City, 1 but- Enterprise Mfg. Co., New ork City, 7,467 F. V. Enstgn Elmira, N. Y., 482 pen racks. ton sewing machine. plates for meat choppers. National niameling & Stamping Co., New Linen Thread Co., New -York City, 300 A.,B. Dick Co., Chicago, Ill., 1,000 stencil York City. 1,000 scoops. pounds cable laid Italian twine. sheets. Columbia Smelting & Refining Works, New Yawman & Erbe Co., Rochester, N. Y., 400 The 3eck Duplicator Co., Washington, D. C., York City, 600 pounds .wire solder, 200 pounds file cabinets. iron-clad duplicator. bar solder. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, Columbia Smelting & Refining Works, New Republic Stamping & Enameling Co., New 22 machines with tables, 18 unwinders. York City, 25 bars solder. York City, 5,491 enameled pots. Burroughs Ading Machine Co., Washing- Greenfield Tap & Die Corporation, Green- Brooklyn Alloys Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1,000 ton, D. C.. 5 machines. field, Mass., 2,000 pipe taps. pounds solder. Royal Typewriter Co., Washington, D. C., W. L. Brubaker & Bros., New York City, Columbia Smelting & Refining Works, New 12 typewriters. 1,200 pipe taps. York City, 1,500 pounds babbitt metal. I Underwood Typewriter Co., Washington, The David Maydole Hammer Co. (Inc.), Morse Twist Drill & Machine Co., New Bed- D, C., 1 typewriter. Norwich, N. Y., 2,515 claw hammers. ford, Mass., 1500 taps. Columbia Dictaphone Co., Washington, D. C., American Envelope 'Co., West Carrollton, Mathiad Kfein & ons, Chicago, Ill., 740 1 dozen dictating cylinders. Ohio, 50,000 side envelopes. wrenches. International Boiler Cleaning Co., Balti- A. B. Dick, Chicago, Ill., 75 items mimeo- Goodell-Pratt Co., Greenfield, Mass., 250 more. Md.. 5,000 pounds boiler compound. graph supplies. gaunges. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, Samuel Cupplrs Envelope Co., St. Louis, Mo., The David Maydole Hammer Co., Norwich, 27 machines, 1 motor, 22 unwinders. 200,000 envelopes. N. Y., 629 claw hammers. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, Royal Typewriter Co., Washington, D. C., The Robbins & Myers Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 33 machines, 1 motor, 29 unwinders. 300 typewriters. 2 motors. Frederick Osann Co., New York City, 2 but- Field Force Pump Co., Elmira, N, Y., 30 Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, ton sewing machines. watering carts and sprayers. 60 motors. Remington. Typeivriter Co., Washigton, Boston Woven lose & Rubber Co:, Boston, The Robbins & Myers Co.; Philadelphia, Pa., D C., 1 typewriter. Mass., 3,000 feet discharge hose, 500 feet sue- 2 motors. Collins Plow Co., Quincy, III., 1 hay press. tion hose. Pyrene Mfg. Co., New York City, 16 extin- Kansas City Hay Press Co., Kansas City, guisbers.* November 8, 1918. Mo., 5 hay balers. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, The Robbins Co., Attleboro, Mass., 6,000 2 machines. Smith & Hemonway Co., Irvington, N. T., Army inspectors' badges. Wheeling Stamping Co., Wheeling, W. Va., 7,000 pairs. farrier's pinchers. Townsend Co., New Brighton, Pa.; 30,000 40,812 ment cans. Stanley Rule & Level Co., New Britain, steel rivets. Conn., 6951 hafts. G. & C. Merriam Co., Sprgfield, Mass., 8 Frederick Osann Co., New York City., 1 United Shoe Repairing Machine Co., Boston dictionaries. button-sewing machine. Mass., 51,000 awl blades. K. F. Griffiths & Co., New York City, 500 American C(an Co., Washington, D. C., 2,900 Bateman Mfg. Co.. Grenloch, N. J., 50 po- pounds beeswax. fire pails. tato planters, 50 potato d'tgere. General -Paper Goods Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., Amerian Land Pencil Co., New York City, 25,000 envelopes. Ames Shovel & Tool Co., Boston, Mass., 400 500 gross pencils. The Wolf EnvelopO Co., Cleveland, Ohio, scoaps., coal Yawman & Erbe Mfg. Co., Washington, D. C., 10.000 envelopes. Strombetk Beaker Mfg. Co., Moline, Ill., 24 vertical file cabinets. American Envelope Co., Chicago, IIl, 7,500 5,400 file handies. envelopes. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, November 7, 1918. Samnuel Cupples Envelope Co., St. Louis, Mo., 7 macbiucs, 5 unwinderrs with tabales. 50.000 envelopes. Dalton Adding Machine Co., Washington, C. S. Osborne & Co., Newark, N. J., 27,804 The American Envelope Co., West Carroll- D. C., 1 adding and listing machine. saddlers' bledes- ton. Ohio, 1.000,000 envelopes. Singer Sewing Machine Co., New York City, New Process Twist Drill Co., Taunton, Mass., The American Envelope Co., West Carroll- 1 machine with attachments. 1,800 drills. ton, Ohio. 1,500.000 envelopes. Detroit Stove Works, Detroit, Mich., 400 Addressograph Co., Washington, D. C., I A. M. Byers Co., Pittsburgh, P, 500 nip- boiler repairs. machine. ples. Frederick' Osant Co., New York City., 1 The Smith & Hemenway Co., Irvington, N. J., Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co., New York button-sewing machlnes. 8,172,pliers. City. 480 adding machine ribbons. A, ireamer (Inc.), Brooklyn, N. Y., 12,000 The lart Mfg. Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 200 Wm. A. Force & Co., New York City, 288 half-skeet graters. set stocks and dies punches. Frederick Osnun -Co., New York City, 2 Goodell-Pratt Co. (Inc.), Greenfield, Mass., National Screw & Talek Co., Cleveland, Ohio, button-sewlig machine. 790 calipers. 13.000 tire bolts. Underwood T.1pewriter Co., Washington, H. H. Mayhew Co., Shelbrne Falls, Mass., Henry J. McCoy, New York City, 3,984 lan-. D. C., 75 typewriters. 450 screw-driver bits. yards. THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. 39 -LIST OF' GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE ORDERS I Oliver Iron & Steel Co., Pittsburgh, Pa., 10-1245. -lax B. Mayer, San Antonio, Tex., 4-3537. Swift & Co., Baltimore, Md., ham, 9,000 carrage belts. raincoats, $7,144.25. , $5,400. E. T. Fraim Lock Co., Lancaster, Pa., 6,120 02642. Albert Miller & Co., Chicago, Ill., 3-D. Wt.J. Reynolds Tobacco Co., Winston- padlocks. timothy hay, $15,000. Salem, N. C., tobacco, $10,266.90. j Central Glass Works, Wheeling, W. Va., 500 02518. Pratz, Kime & Prats (Inc.), Water- 1104. Utah Condensed Milk Co., Richmond, tumblers- loo, N. Y., timothy hay, $8,400. Utah, evaporated milk, $15,035. E. 0. Grabo Machine Works, New York City, 02540. J. L. Schultz & Co. (Inc.), Skan- 143. George J. Haenn, Philadelphia, Pa., Sgrindstones. eateles, N. Y., timothy hay, $9,000. lumber, $6,864.81. The Cleveland Stolle Co., Cleveland, Ohio,- 02731. A. Wasmuth & Son, Roanoke, Ind., Sub-488-4-3738. Headley Chocolate Co., Bal- 30 grindstones. timothy hay. $0,900. tiore, ld., chocolate, $12,250. Eagle Itvncil Co., New York City, 500 gross B-02607. Fulton Bag & Cotton Co., Chicago, Sub-949. Green Mountain Packing Co., St. pencils. Ill., burlap sacks, $21,300. Albans, Vt, string beans, $5,477.50. E. Faber Pencil Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., 1,40 B-02024. Des Moines Elevator Co., Des 8!72-0. Gmand Lehlge -Milk Co., Detroit, gross pencils. Moines, Iowa, white oats, $17,125. Mich., evaporated milk, $6,330. Lamb Seal & Stencil Co., Washington, D. C., D-02767. les Moines Elevator Co., Des 10-1501. Food Administration Grain Corpo- 2 stencil cutting machines. Moines, Iowa, white oats, $17,187.50. ration, New York City, rice, $7,750. American Foundry Manufacturing Co., St. 02745. Dean & Co., Bath, N. Y., timothy 10-185. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., New Louis, Mo., 125 curb boxes. hay, $9,300. York City, cigarettes, $13,680. The Standard Tool Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 24 02746. Dean & Co., Bath, N. Y., timothy 10-1531 Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., New twist drills. hay, $9,000. York City, tobacco, $16,806.80. Felt & Tarrant Manufacturing Co., Wash- 02702, Brandt & Holerbaugh, Van Wert, 10-10.9. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co., New ington, D. C., 1 comptemeter. Ohio, timothy hay, $5,220. York Cit'.* tobacco, $12,073. Oriskanii Malleable -Iron Works, Oriskany, S-02629. Bingham-Hewett Grain Co, Louis- ub- 1063. Lovell & Covel Co., Boston, Mass., N. Y., 15.914 wrenches. ville, Ky., white oats $18,375. candy, $9,507.00. Columbia Ribbon & Carbon Co., New York 02780. Arnold & 9wick, Newton, Ill., timo- 10-1553. B. II. Howell Son & Co., New York City, 1,000 ribbons. thy hay. $8,100. City, sugar, $5,509.56. Burroughs Adding Machine Co., Washing- 02729. Arnold & Swick. Newton, Ill., timo- 4-3401. Mount Airy Canning Co., Mount ton, D. C., 1 adding machine. thy hay, $8,400. Airy, Md., tomitoes, $15,840. Malleable Iron Fittings Co., Branford, Conn., B-02773. The Early & Daniel Co., Cincii- 4310. Wright Canning Co., Aberdeen, Md., 39,033 iron barrel bungs. nati, Ohio, white oats, $9,015. .canned corn, $18,337.60. Mattatuck Manufacturing Co., Waterbury, LA 13-0400. United States Rubber Co., Los 10-1724. Federal Sugar Refining Co., New Conn.,.179,000 boxes paper fasteners. Angeles, Cal., slickers, $7,773.88. York City, sugar, $17,581.20. Germantown Tool Works, Philadelphia, Pa., 110-2278-N. Stanley Rule & Level Co., New Purchase orders or commodities purchased 3,148 claw hammers. Britain, Conn., sledge hammers, $6,049.50. at board of trade or exchange prices, on Food Cincinnati Tool Co., Norwood, Cincinnati, 2-0851. 'U. Summergrade, New York City, Administration allotment, on commandeer or- Ohio, 700 file cards. mattresses, $22,440. der or by the Embarkation Service: General Naval Stores, New York City, 1,620 2-(;848. W. D. Duval & Co., New York City, 33-02465. Gillerte Grain Co., Nashville, pounds rosin. * blankets, $12,100. Tenu., white oats, $41,500. Garrison Brass & Machine Works, New York 3118-2183. Dorman Bros., Philadelphia, Pa., B-02683. Simonds - Shields - Lonsdale Grdin City. 2,000 soldering coppers. blankets, $18,524 Co., Kamas City. Mo., white oats, $34,875. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co., 110-2266-P. Cundy-Bettony Co., Boston, B-2793. The Early & Daniel Co., Cin.cinnatl, Washington, D. C., 6 hand irons. Mass., clarinets, $12,832. Ohio, while oats. $30,447.50. I The Vichek Tool Co., Cleveland, Ohio, 1,000 110-2477-C. Brasco Mfg. Co., Chicago, Ill., B-02627. Bluff City Grain Co., Memphis, chisels. bolies (mouthpieces), $8,124.93. Tenn., white oats, $40,875. The Lufkin Rule Co., Saginaw, Mich., 500 HO-2478-C. Zouri Drawn Metals Co., Chi- B-02770, H1. I. Baldwin & Co., Decatur, Ill., steel rules. cago Heights, Ill., bodies (mouthpieces), white oats, $8,124.04 836,230. November 8, 1918. If 02774. 11. 1. Baldwin & Co., Decatur. Ill, 2-6842. Waterhouse Worsted Ce, New York whit oats, $30,750. The City, blankets, $10,488. Schaffner Tinware Manufacturing Co., 10-2215-N. I. Sekine Co., New York City, 11 02772, Updike Grain Co., Omaha, Nebr., Brooklyn, N. Y., 8.000 collanders. toothbrnsbes-$18,517.25. white oat., $34,625. Gillette Safety Razor Co., Boston, Mass., B-02768. Taylor & Bournique Co., Milwau- 600,000 razor blades. 2-6839. J. & J. W. Stalts, New York City, kee, caskets, $24,125. Wis., whit6 oats, $38,125. 2-6479. Ely J. Rieser & Co. tInc.), New l1-02709. Taylor & Bournique Co., Milwau- York Ciit. caskets, $24,375. kee, WVis., white ade, $.38.125. 110-2306-B. Scovill Mfg. Co., New York B-02615. A. C. (Gale Orain Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, white oats, $36,750. City. te k utions, $7.077.44. 11140-PH. SUBSISTENCE DIVISION 10-241(5-C. National Enameling & Stamp- Kingan & Co., Indianapolis, ing Co., Milw aukee, Wis.. dust covers, $12,000. Ind., corned beef and bacon, $821,-20.6Li. 739. Libby, MeNeil & Libby, Seattle, 110-1921- . The Archibald-Klement Co., salmon, Wash., T., whistles, $21,000. $87.500. The following is a list of purchase orders Newark, N. ,-2-(. Carnation Milk Products Co., Chi- nd contracts by the %ubsistence Division, Of- HO-2279 N. National Enameling & Stamp- Co., Milwaukee, Wis., steel barrels, cago, Ill., evaporated milk. $40.800. fleeo of the Director of Purchase: ing 8980-G. Sturtevant Wright & Wagner & Co., 1078. Larsalere SweeneZ Co., San Fran- $23.750. Beloit. HO-10-85B. Gray Foundry (Inc.), Poultney, Wis., evaporated milk, $27.501. eisco, Cal.. potatoes and onons $13,995. 1121. SpringdIlle Canning Co., Springville, Sub 10-06. Lovell ,& Vt., field grates, $13,600. Covell Co., Boston, & Atwood Mfg. Co.. Water- Utah, tomatoes, $31,200. Mass., candy. $7,877.30. L. 266 -. Plume 1619. Haiku Fruit Co., San Francisco, Cal., Sub-1077. Rusaell & Co. (Inc.), Cambridge, bury,-Conn.. rivets and burrs, $11,521.85. pineapples, $80,781.90. Mass., candy, $24,500. 2-6852. AL Wesbetg, Brooklyn, N. Y., mat- Sub-172-2. Thos. Roberts & Co., Philadel- 13-374. Union Meat Co., North Portland, tresses, S14,200. phia.,Pa., tomatoes. $06.000. Oreg., 2990-2101. Friedberger Aaron Mfg. Co., fresh beef, $8.1535. 4404-B. Boston Yarn Co.. Boston, Mass., 1217. John Morrell & Co., Des Moines, Philadelphia. Pa., puttees, $8.078.40. gray duck, $183,037.22. Iowa, 13-352. U. S. Rubber Co., Portland, Oreg., bacon and lam, $15,179. 4802-B. Boston Yarn Co., Boston Mass., 881 G. M. Plowaty & Sons, Chicago, Ill., raincoats, $5,860.77. gray duck, $815,760. potatoes $14,450. 4-3482. Mount Vernon Woodberry Mills, 4001-A. Farish Co., New York City. gray 978-G. Sturtevant. Wright & Wagner, Be- Baltimore, Md.. duck, $10,809.48. duck, $91,218.00. loit, Wis., evaporated milk, $5,830. 2979-2084. John C. Mellville, Sykesville, 4530-N. Brighton Mills, Passaic, N. J., sub- 8971-G. R. P. Koenig & Co., Watertown, Md., melton, $19,037.87. stitute duck, $237,000. Wis., flour, $19,286.40. 2-6847. Ralli Bros., New York City, burlap, 4644-B. Clarence Whitman & Co., New York B-02691. Hardin Bag Co. (Inc.), New Or- $22.500. ,815. National Milling Co., Macon, Ga., al- City. grary luck. 8200,580. leans, La., burlapysacks, $5,880. 4798-P. Long Valley Rug Mills, Mertztown, 02616. Ilebman & Barr, Canton, Ohio, timo- falfa hay, $22,140. Pa.. .inck, 948.840. thy hay. $5,100. B-02628. Halliday Elevator Co., Cairo, III., 4803-B. $7,200. Boston Yarn Co., Boston, Mass., 02712. Alfred Cowling, Cincinnati, Ohio, white oats, grsv Iuck, 8145,113.79. tnnothy hay, $7,320. Sub-1069. Beacon Chocolate Co., Boston, IC-1033-B. Taunton Ri-vet Works, Taun- 02750. Eikenberry, Fitzgerald Co., Cincin- Mass., chocolate, $17,025.60. toin Mass.. rivet burrs, $2,618. nail, Ohio, mixed hay, $9.000. 10-1663. American Tobacco Co., New York IIC-1041-C. William E. Pratt Mfg. Co., Chi- B-0202. Taylor & Patten Co., Des Moines, City, tobacco, $14.808.90. cago. 111. jacks. $10 650. Iowa. white oats, $17,375. 2-0741. Cannon Mfg. Co., Kannapolis, N. C., HC-1034-B. Taunton Rivet Works, Taunton, 02749. Raymoad P. Lipe Co., Toledo, Ohio. towels, $15,525.20. Ma,.. rivets and burrs, $2,800. timothy hay, $10,440. 2-6731. Brander & Akin, New York City, H10-1043-4 National Enameling & Stamp- 02621. Hosmor, ROinson Co., Boston, towels. $2.658. ing Co., Washington, D. C., cake turners, Mass.. timothy hay, $0.000. 10-1335. W. N. Clark, Rochester, N. Y., $3,300. 02711. Alfred Cowling, Cincinnati, Ohio, cranberry sauce. $11,250. timothy hay, S7,560. 1165. Utah-ldahojgugar Co., Salt Lake City, HC-1035-B. Taunton Rivet Works, Taun- Utah. sugar, $13,125.90. ton. 31ar.. rivets and burrs, $2.948.60. 02755. Alfred Cowling, 'Cincinnati, Ohio, & . Tool timothy haos $7.200. 4-1304. Raymond E. Bobyn, Moluck, Va., tIC-1054-N. Niagara Machine tomatoes, $5,424. Works, Buffalo, N. Y., machines, $1,723. 02724. Globe Grain & Milling Co., Los An- 1187. Colorado Condensed Milk Ce,, Fort ltC-1049-P. Erie Tool Works, Erie, Pa., geles, CaL. alfalfa hay, $10,62i. Lupton,, Colo., evaporated milk, $7,288. pipe cutters, $17.010. 02726. Globe Grain & Milling Co., Los An- Sub-1036. Boston Confectionery Co., Cam- IiC 1030- . Taunton Rivet Works, Taun- geles. Cal., alfalfa hay, $5,312.50. bridge, Mass., chocolate, $24,807.84. ton. Mass.. rivets and burrs, $3,952.40. 02696. Galbraith & Bease, Des Moines, 483. Standard Rice Co., Houston, Tex., flour, IIC-1008-B. Trimount Mfg. Co., Boston, Iowa, prairie hay, $6,600. $8,051.30. Mass., pipe cutters, $13,206. B-02575. Mentz & Co., New Orleans, La., 4-3540. Swift & Co., Baltimore, Md., ham, H-C990-P. Enterprise Manufacturing ' Co., burlap sacks, $21,300. $5,400. Philadelphia, Pa., borer5s, $5,670. 40 THE OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN: MONDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1918. LIST OF GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS AND PURCHASE 'ORDERS i H-IC-1009-B. Landers Frary & Clark, New HC-1023-N. Herman Kruse, trading as H.C-1036-P. Hubbard & Co., Pittsburgh, Paq Britain, Conn., carving forks, $11,825. Kruse P'rinting Co., New York City, Ink, Picks, $70,000. HC-1028-B. Butterfield & Co. (Inc.), Derby $88,000. H-19-,B Greenfleld Tap & Die Corpora- Line, Vt., screw plates, $1,361.28. HO-903-B. Hinekley Mfg. Co., Turners Falls, tron, eenfid, Mass., stocks and dies, HC 1061-B. Taunton Rivet Works, Taunton, Mass., knives, $38,000. $46,911. Mass., rivets and burrs, $21,242.10. 7895-B. Russell Mfg. Co., Middletown, Conn,, HC-1015-J. Republic Stamping & Enameling 7548-C. Best & Cd., Chicago, Ill., duck gar- webbing, $28,565.74. Co., New York City, saucepans, $18,680. ments, $3,060. 7518-B. Palmer Bros. Co., New York City, HO-9T8-N. J. L. Whiting-J. J. Adams Co., 7512P. Hohlfield Mfg. Co., Philadelphia, comforts, $149,123. Boston, Mass., brushes, $28,022.64. Pa., bedding rolls, $6,250. 7542-11. Strouse & Bros. (Inc.), Baltimore, HC-1038-8. Beall Tool Co., East Alton, III., 7535-B. Russell Manufacturing Co., Middle- Md. uniforms, $37,627, picks, $70,000. town. Conn., webbing, $1,118.90. 7392-B. Chadbourne & More, Chelsea, Mass., 7550-C. H. B. GloveX Ce., Dubuque, Iowa, 7495-N. The Felters Co. (Inc.), Boston, webbing, $70,125. duck garments, $48,000 Mass., felt $6,594.72 73-J. Cleveland Woolen Mills, Cleveland, 7545-N. Hamilton Trading Co. (Inc.), New 7527-N. Buiflo Weaving & Belting Co., Buf- Ohio, gray flannel, $75,850. York City, duck garments, $34,560. 7390-N. Johnson Cowdin & Co., Paterson, falo, N. Y., webbing, $17,333.33. CONTRACTS CANCELED (PREVIOUSLY -APPROVED). 7532-B. Moore & Burgess Webbing Co., Con- N. J., webbing, $56,250. cord Junction, Mass., webbing, $14,400. 7519-A. Cannon Manufacturing Co., New 6558-N. Superior Glove Co., Johnstown, 7424-C. Janesville Shirt & Overall Co., York City, towels, $326,872. N. Y., gloves, $21,000. Janesville, Wis,. denim trousers, $3,800. 7520-S. Win. L. Barrel Co., New York City, 6751-N. Hamburger Bros., New York City, 7315-B. Frank Wood Mfg. Co., Valley Falls, gray duck, $49,320. nurses' uniforms, $8,580. B. L, tape, $15,200. 78-31. Wmn. H. Evans, New York City, 6759-N. Simon Stearns & Co., New York 7459-N. John Curtin (Inc.), New Y6rk City, webbing, $69,020. City, nurses' uniforms, $2,550. paulins, $21,242.75. 7584-C. Phoenix Trimming Co., Chicago; HC-593-N. Jacobs Bros. Co., New York City, 7499-N. The Felters Co., Boston, Mass., felt, Ill., webbing, $247,500. scales, $5,4.00. $1,533.84. 7587-B. Belle Waist Co., Boston, Mass., flan- 6468-131. M. S. Block Son & Co., Richmond, nel shirts, $76,320. Va., top lifts, $52,500. 7525-P. Giant Dress Co., Philadelphia, Pa., 7513-B. The Russell Mfg. Co., Middletown, cot covers, $3,000. Conn., webbing, $100,800. T470-N. Cleveland & WhitehIll Co., New- 7540-B. Allen Lane Co., New York City, burgh, N. Y., denim trousers, $7,600. blankets, $54,875. - 7536-B. The Russell Mfg. Co., Iiddletown, 7528-B. American Mills Co., Waterbury, Conn., webbing, $1,319.98. Conn., webbing, $83,750. ARMY SIGNAL CORPS 7477-C. Oshkosh Overall Co., Oshkosh, Wis., 7539-B. Paragon Worsted Co., Providence, denim trousers, $9,120. I. I., serge, $45,000. 7533-B. The Russell Mfg. Co., Middletown, 7517-1. 4. Baldwin & Leslie, New York The following contracts have been made Conn., webbing, $14,343.84. City, webbing, $41,760. 7481-B. New Battleboro Overall Co., Keene, H-1070821. Har. Kansas City Saddlery Co., by the office of the Director of Purchases N. H., denim trousers, $7,600. kansas City, Mo., harness, $128,500. for the Signal Corps of the Army: 7425-A. Blue 'Bell Overall Co., Greensboro, L 175-C. Pfister & Vogel Leather Co., Mil- N. C.; denim trousers, $17,100. waukee Wis, leather, $44,000. 150525. November 9, 1918. Manhattan Elec., 7524-P. H. J. Altman, Philadelphia, Pa., L 83-P. England Walton & Co., Philadelphia, New York City, 10 rheostats, $1 30 each. cot covers, $8,750. Pa., leather backs, $1,475,255.27: 150526. November 9, 1918. Interstate Elec- 7537-N. Ch frch Webb & Close, New York L 178-J. W. W. Mooney & Sons (Inc.), Co- tric Novelty Co., Brooklyn, N. Y., 23,000 bat- City, knitted hoods, $5,000. lumbus, Ind., leather, $38,295. teries, dry, 83 cents-each. 7576-B. Wachusett Shirt Co., Leominster, 7530-B. Glendale Elastic Fabric Co., New 150527. November' 9, 1918. American Car- Mass., flannel shirts, $8,480. York City, webbing, $26,000. bon Co., St. Louis, Mo., 1,000 batteries, dry, 7526-P. L. H. Gilmer Co., Philadelphia, Pa., Mot-1000. Dodge Bros. Motor Car Co.,-De- 98 cents each. webbing, $3,825. troit, Mich., roadsters and tires, $457,000. 150528. November 9, 1918. Bright Star Bat- 7389-N. Buffalo W.eaving & Belting Co., Buf- 6468-1. M. S. Block Son & Co., Richmond, tery Co., New York City, 1,000 batteries, dry, falo, N. Y., webbing, $10,800. - Va., top lifts, $52,500. 0 cents each. 7585-B. A. C. Porter (Inc.), Natick, Mass., 52-4. Birdsall Engine Co., Newark, N. J., 150529. November 11, 1918. Bryant Elec- flannel shirts, $15,900. tractors, $81,760. tric, Bridgeport, Conn., 200 switches, knife, . 7574-P. Quaker City Shirt Mfg. Co., Mor- SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS. $73.70. ristown. Pa., flannel shirts, $5,300. - 150582. November 12, 1918. Westinghouse 7575-P. Greenbaum Bros. & Co., Philadel- Sup-1160. Edward Budd Mfg. Co., Philadel- Lamp Co., 1311 G Street, Washington, D. C., phia, Pa., flannel shirts, $11,130. phbia, Pa., boxing, raw materials to be inspected 420 lamps, Mazda, $152.04. 7508-N. Buffalo Weaving & Belting Co., by United States; also in case of advance on 150583. No-vember 12, 1918. Western Elec- Buffalo, N. Y., webbing, $12,740. raw material by United States title to the tric Co., 463 West Street, New York City, 25 7584-B. M. N. Mayehoff same to vest in United States. ear caps and adapters, $1.40 per set. & Co, Norwalk, Sup-2453. George C. Moore Co., Westerly, 150534. November 12, 1918. Mathews Mfg. Conn., flannel shirts, $15,900. R. I., webbing; contract canceled. 6855-B. Alliance Button Co., Newark, N. J., Co., 1386 Sloane Avenue, Lakewood, Cleve- Sup. to Contract 8/29/18. Hunter Brown land, Ohio, 1,300 cases, battery, $1.33 each. buttons, $7.860. & Co., Chattanooga, Tenn., wooa; extension 7578-S. Elder Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo., flan- 150535. November 12, 1918. Interstate Elec- nel shirts, $21,200. of time to Dicember 31, 1918. tric Novelty Co., 104 South Fourth Street, 7419-B. Moore, B. F. & Co., Newport, Vt., Contracts awarded to other than lowest -bidder. Brooklyn, N. Y., 105,000 batteries, 1411 cents denim trousers, $4,560. HC-989-B. Bilton Machine Tool Co., Bridge- each; 20,000 batteries 13 cents each. 7502-B. R. H. Long Co., Framingham, port, Conn., field grates, $30,750. 160414. November Y, 1918. L. S. Brach Sup- Mass., axe carriers, $4,575. HC-977-N. Ilanlon Goodman Co., New York ply Co., 127 Sussex Street, Newark, N. J., 7531-B. Moore & Burgess Webbing Co., Con- City brushes $100,061.28. steel stock, $98.78. cord Junction, Mass., webbing, $20,150. HU-976-J. Wooster Brush Co., Wooster, 160417. November 7, 1918. American Brass VH-10636-57. Chicago. Wholesale Saddlery Ohio, bruohes, $39,446.40. Co., Ansonia, Conn., 1,000 feet strips, copper, & Mfg. Co Chicago Ill., straps, $4,531.74. HC-997-P. Sheet Metal Specialty Co., Pitts- 40j cents per pound. L 208-B. F. M. Hoyt Shoe Co., Manchester, burgh, Pa., bread boxes, $48,750. - 160418. November 11, 1918. Western Electric N. H., spur straps, $1,275. HC-975-B1. Rennons Kleinle Co., Baltimore, Co., 463 West Street, New York City, 36 caps, 7579-C. Goshen Shirt Co., Chicago, Ill., flan- Md., brushes, $60,708 52, lamp, 7 cents each; 400 lamps, 25 cents each. nel shirts, $21,200, HC-1016-P. G. Marki Brubaker & Bros., New 160419. November 12 1918 American Steel 7580-C. Wilson Bros., Chicago, Ill., flannel York City, stocks and dies, $3,467. & Wire Co., Wilkins Building, Washington, shirts, $19,080. HC-1037-P. Hays, trading as Iron City -Tool D. C., 500 staples, $4.40 per hundred. 7586-H. F. H. Sprague Co., Fitchburg, Mass., Works (Ltd.), Pittsburgh, Pa., - pick axes, 170313. November 9, 1918. Specialty Device flannel shirts, $4,240. $38.060. Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, pole-line material,$18.10. 7575-B. Rutland Garmeat Co., Rutland, Vt., HC-864-J. Warren Tool & Forge Co., New 170314. November 9, 19180Locust Pin Co., flannel shirts, $15,900. Y6rk City, pick axes, $18,000. Front Royal, Va., 50 pins, locust, $2.25 per 7572-B. C. P. Hathaway Co., Waterville, HC-1005-B. G. E. Prentice Mfg. Co., New hundred. Me., flannel shirts, $6.360. Britain. Conn., hooks, $22,320. 170315. November 9, 1918. Crouse Hinds 5369. Heidelbert, Wolff & Co., New York HC-998-J. The estate Stove Co., Hamilton, Co, Syracuse, N. Y., 10 rods, anchor, 60 cents City coats and breeches, $14,610. Ohio, stoves, $61,200. each. 7516-B. Sanford Narrow Fabric Co. (Inc.), New York City, tape, $1,044.44. 6558-B. Superior Glove Go., Johnstown, N. Y., gloves, $21,000. 6751-N. Hamburger Bros., New York City, nurses' uniforms, $3.580.50. Early Copy of Government Contracts Desired 6758-N. Simon Stearns & Co., New York City, nurses' uniforms, $2,550. to HC-593-N. Jacobs Bros. Co., New York .Purchasing Agents of all Government departments are requested City, scales, $5,400. continue sending to this office at the earliest possible moment all lists of 7471-S. SilVen Mfg. Co., Osage City, Kans., bids, proposals, etc., intended for publication' in the. denim trousers, $1,900. contract purchases, 7577-B. E. Jldwards & Sons, Natick, Mass., OFFICIAL U. S. BULLETIN. It is necessary that this copy be handled. flannel shirts, $7,950. HC-988-N. Pyrene Mfg. Co., Washington, D). promptly in order- to insure publication in its proper place and sequence, C., fire extinguishers, $808,477.50. the earnest cooperatioii of all HC-849-P. Edward G. Budd Mfg. Co., Philt- and this can only be accomplished through delphia, Pa., kettles, $196 500 - those who are charged with responsibility. HC-906-P. Aluminum Co. o America, Pitts- burgh, Pa., canteens, $292,500.