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The Rock, March, 1948 (vol. 10, no. 1)

Whittier College

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archives -77ZC, The Rock - Alumni Magazine 19 b-)49 _ RCeI - OF - WHITTIER COLLEGE

A New Era Is Born (See Page 4) THE ROCK .2611e4 1'zom The Sec4e. OF Dear Friends: WHITTIER COLLEGE I think that this is the proper time to review the financial aspects of our Association. Several people have written to me about their dues, so Ed Paterson - G. Duncan Wimpress this is an attempt to explain our present procedure. Associate Editors Three years ago the Executive Committee of our Association and the College Administration felt that too few of our members were keeping in ALUMNI OFFICERS touch with their Alma Mater. At the time, there were only a hundred or 1948 so paid-up members who received the alumni magazine. It was decided that the College would undertake to publish the magazine and conduct the President Russell Ranzona, '25 affairs of the Association through a paid Secretary so that every graduate Vice-President S. Paul Pickett, '22 and former student could be informed of the growth of the College, its Secretary Ed Paterson, '43 needs and aspirations, and about his classmates. Treasurer— In order to accomplish this, the dues system was abolished, the mailing J. Harvey Whitson, ex-'42 list brought up-to-date, and publications sent to everyone. Social Chairman— It was also agreed that once a year the Association would ask the mem- Alice Rosenberger, ex-'37 bers to contribute to a Christmas Fund, the proceeds of which would be Historian Edna Nanney, '10 used to help defray the expenses of the Association and the surplus, if Publicity Chairman— any, to pay for scholarships to worthy students at the College. Norfleet Callicott, '42 In the past three years, the Christmas Fund has not been large enough to bear the expenses; this year will not be an exception from present indi- cations. Class Representatives I believe that it is time for each of us to recapitulate. It is fitting and proper that the Christmas Fund be given every consideration. 1904-10 Anna Tomlinson, '05 I I I It is not too late. Contributions are still being received and will be 1911-16 Evelyn J. Clark, 1917-22 until April 15th. Look at the statistics on Page 12, and do what you can. 1923-28 Wm. G. Adams, '27 Sincerely, 1929-34 Cecil Baker, '32 Ed Paterson, '43 1935-40 Burt Parminter, '37 Secretary 1941-47 Rollin Holton, '41 * * * * * * *

Annual Whittier College Alumni Reunion Society Representatives Whittier College -- June 12, 1948 Athenian Barbara Maple, '37 8:30 a.m. - GOLF TOURNAMENT—Hacienda Country Club. Foundation Penn Pickering, '29 Franklin Hubert Perry, '35 PERPETUAL TROPHY to be presented to winner at Lancer Herbert Tebbetts, '41 Alumni Luncheon. Metaphonian Evelyn Valentine, '39 ENTRANCE FEE - $2.00. Orthogonian Mastin Valentine, '39 Palmer Florence Barmore, '45 THOSE INTENDING TO PARTICIPATE should notify Ed Paterson immediately. Thalian Wanda Robertson, '45 Wm. Penn Clinton Sawin, '42 12 noon - Annual Alumni Luncheon—Campus Inn.

THE COVER Miss Lucia Smith, left, and Miss DANCE TO Louise Whipple, were honored par- ticipants in the recent ground-break- ing ceremonies for the new Broad- BOB ABBEY oaks School of Education of Whit- tier College. Both ladies are former and his orchestra members of the faculty of famed Broadoaks School. Saturday. May 8, 1948

A quarterly publication of Whit- Whittier Woman's Club House tier College, published at Whittier, California, Box 651. Entered as $1.50 per couple 8:30 p. m. to Midnight second class matter under the act Refreshments of August 24, 1912. Write or Call the Alumni Office for Tickets Vol. X No. 1 7

Page 2 THE ROCK Ben Hamilton, Jr., '39.. T4e f)4esi4e#d Scu . Dear Fellow-Alumni: The books of Whittier College are audited annually by a firm of pubic accoutants. A few weeks ago the Board of Trustees received their copies of the accountants' report. It was pleasant to see the record of the in- creased financial strength of our Alma Mater. It was gratifying to note that the assets of Whittier College have increased over $500,000 in the past four years. All of us are aware, however, that the most valuable assets of Whittier College cannot be listed on the balance sheet in dollars and cents. It is not possible to express in monetary terms the academic prestige of our college. Since 1927, Whittier College has been on the approved list of the Association of American Universities, the highest academic accrediting that can come to an American institution of higher learning. This recogni- tion came, however, from the work of those great teachers of past and present who have given Whittier College its foundation of sound academic standards. It is impossible to name all of these beloved teachers, but cer- tainly Herbert Harris, Gustaf Ostrom, Lucia Smith, Marcus Skarstedt, Florabel Rosenberger, Howard Hockett, Paul Smith, Herschel Coffin, Esther Andrews come immediately to mind. Another asset of incalculable worth is the sense of social responsibility which is present in the Whittier College community. It is a truism to say that the educated man without a conviction of social concern may be a social hazard. The conscience of Whittier College has always been ten- der. Here on this Quaker campus social ills have been honestly considered, Learning Sango Language,' the dynamics of our urban, industrialized society realistically faced. Out Writes Ben Hamilton Jr., '39, of this understanding and concern, alumni have entered all worthy human callings with an unusual sense of service. From Bassa'I, South Africa Academic excellence and social responsibility based upon financial A graduate of Whittier College strength have built Whittier College into one of the finest liberal arts in 1939, Ben Hamilton, Jr., has been colleges of our land. A sense of justifiable pride comes to every one of engaged in missionary work for the us that we are alumni of Whittier College. Brethren Church in South Africa Cordially yours, for over a year. After serving in William C. Jones, '26 the army for a year, Ben attended President Grace Seminary at Winona Lake, , for three years before be- coming an ordained minister in the Brethren Church. This is Ben's first missionary trip to South Afri- JOHN J. CHRISTOPHER,'35, ELECTED TO HEAD ca, and the third trip for his wife, NEWLY-FORMED LONG BEACH ALUMNI CHAPTER who married him in 1942. Ben was graduated from Whittier With John J. Christopher, '35, elected to serve as its first president, high school, and his parents still a new chapter of the Whittier College Alumni Association was organized live in Whittier. in Long Beach last month. Over 50 Whittier College alumni gathered Because of its general interest, at the Long Beach Pacific Coast club February 4 to elect officers and plan Ben's recent letter to the "Rock" is a future program of activities. here printed in full. Russell Ranzona, '25, president of the Whittier College Alumni Asso- ciation, welcomed the group, and Ed Paterson, '43, Alumni secretary, Basa'l par Bozoum par Bangui briefly outlined plans for the future of the Association. French Equatorial Africa Dear Editor: Dean Lucille H. Verhulst and Mrs. Clara Dallas, guests of the Asso- I have intended writing sooner, but ciation, were introduced, and each alumnus present introduced himself it seems that up to now there has been and told what he was doing at present. very little spare time. It has been good to receive the "Rock" and thereby keep Phil Ockerman, '38, led the group in several songs. In a short address, up with current affairs in Poetville. President Ranzona reminded the alumni of the high academic standing It has been about a year and a half of Whittier College, and urged them to renew their efforts to insure a since leaving New York City for Africa. In the year and a quarter here in Bassa'l steady flow of top-flight students to the "school on the Hill." there have been many new things to Nine Whittier College alumni volunteered to serve on the executive learn. A good part of the time has been committee of the new Long Beach chapter. Making up the committee are: spent learning the tribal language which is the Kanré language. The natives pro- Mrs. Blanche Wilkins Wyant, '17; W. Clem Reece, '27; Vernon Shepherd, nounce it according to that spelling, but '26; John Bertram,'21; Dorothy Pfeiffer, '38; Bill Mifflin, '32; Cleo David- the French government spells it Karré. son, '32; Lewis Mann, '42; and Mrs. Alva Cox, '38. I have also been extending my learning of Sango, which is the trade language Refreshments of punch and cookies topped off the evening meeting (Continued on Page 10) of the Long Beach alumni.


Long-awaited Construction work on the Broadoaks In her brief talk, Miss Rice told of the nation-wide School of Education of Whittier College officially got reputation as a teacher-training school which Broad- under way last month when a ground-breaking cere- oaks has achieved, and of the fine records of Broad- mony was held on the new Broadoaks site on East oaks graduates in the field of early childhoon education. Philadelphia street in Whittier. The new plant, to cost an estimated $80,000, will be With Dr. William C. Jones, president of Whittier ready for use by the fall semester next year, according College, acting as master of ceremonies, Ashton M. to present plans. The children's school of Broadoaks Otis, president of the Whittier College Board of Trus- will become a research center for other departments tees, lifted the first shovelful of earth from the new site. of the college, and will be known as the Brooks Research Miss Mabel F. Rice, professor of education at Whit- Foundation. tier College, told of the history of the famed school Participating in the ground-breaking ceremony in for teacher training in early childhood education, and addition to Miss Rice, Mr. Otis, and Dr. Jones, were: of Ada Mae and Imelda S. Brooks, who founded the John G. Swain, chairman of the building and grounds school. Miss Rice related how, in 1906, the Brooks committee of the Board of Trustees; Miss Bettie Lewis, sisters, then teachers living in Pasadena, were asked by a mother, who had not long to live, to care for her president of the Broadoaks Alumnae Association; Mrs. small child, and how, soon after, other mothers brought F. J. Castle, past president of the alumnae group; Miss their children until the Misses Brooks had five young- Louise Whipple and Miss Lucia Smith, former mem- sters in their family. bers of the Broadoaks faculty; Miss Ruth Weis, presi- dent of the Grand Alpha Chapter of Delta Phi Upsilon, She traced the history of the Brooks sisters through honorary fraternity in early childhood education, found- 1909, when they established a private kindergarten in ed on the Broadoaks campus; and Dean Harold F. their home; through 1912, when teacher-training be- Spencer of the Whittier College faculty. came an important part of the school's program; through 1931, when Broadoaks School became a part Reverend R. Ernest Lamb, superintendent of the of Whittier College; to the present and the beginning California Yearly Meeting of Friends, gave the closing of a new era in the history of the famous school. prayer.

Broadoaks --- 42 Years Have Passed

Page 4 THE ROCK An Era Is Begun --- Broadoaks Groundbreaking --- 1948

Dr. William C. Jones, president of Whittier College, acted as Ashton M. Otis, president of the Whittier College Board of master of ceremonies at the recent ground-breaking ceremonies Trustees, is shown here lifting the first shovelful of earth from which marked the beginning of construction on the new Broad- the ste of the new Broadoaks School of Education on the Whit- oaks School of Education plant. tier College campus.

Shown above are the group which participated in the recent Broadoaks School of Education ground-breaking ceremonies. Left to right are: Rev. R. Ernest Lamb, Mrs. David Platner, Miss Ruth Weis, Miss Bettie Lewis, Mrs. F. J. Castle, Miss Mabel Rice, MEss Lucia Smith, Miss Louise Whipple, Dr. William C. Jones, Aston M. Otis, Rowland D. White, Mrs. Leslie C. Nanney, C. Bevan Johnson, Miss Loretta M. Cook, and Dr. Harold F. Spencer. CONSTRUCTION PROGRESSING ON LOU HENRY HOOVER MEMORIAL HALL; $250,000 CLASSROOM BUILDING TO BE READY FOR FALL SEMESTER; WILL PROVIDE 13 CLASSROOMS, SEVEN OFFICES, LARGE LECTURE HALL

Named in memory of Mrs. Herbert Hoover, late story north wing, Lou Henry Hoover Memorial Hall First Lady and beloved member of the Whittier Col- will hold eight classrooms, two offices, and a lecture lege Board of Trustees, Lou Henry Hoover Memorial hail on the ground floor, and five classrooms, and five Hall, now under Construction on the Poet campus, is offices on the second floor. A south wing to include slated to be ready for occupancy by the fall semester, an additional large lecture hall to extend past the according to present plans. present Campus Inn site is included in future plans The quarter-million dollar, California Colonial build- for the building. ing was designed by William H. Harrison, college archi- Landscaping in front of the building on Painter ave- tect, and will provide 13 classrooms, seven offices, and nue will be done during the summer, and the building a lecture hall in addition to a walled patio suitable for will be put into use next fall. outdoor classes during the spring and summer. The building committee of the Whittier College Board of Trustees, in charge of arranging for the new A two-story, concrete-and-stucco building, Lou Henry unit, includes: John G. Swain, chairman; Dr. Raymond Hoover Memorial Hall will include over 14,000 square Thompson, Mrs. Leslie C. Nanney, Aubrey Wardman, feet of floor space. It will face on Painter avenue im- Dr. Herbert E. Tebbetts, Gerald C. Kepple, and Ashton mediately to the south of the 0. T. Mendenhall build- M. Otis, president of the Board. The Committee was ing. A covered walk will connect the two buildings. assisted by Howard L. Hockett, financial secretary, and Made up of a two-story central section with a one- Robert L. Ashbrook, business manager of the college.

Lou Henry Hoover Memorial Hall Ready Next Fall

Page 6 THE ROCK Marilynn Green, '50 Poet Basketballers of Yore Dick Nixon, '34 Nemesis of U.S.C. Teams According to a recent article in the University of Southern Califor- nia "Alumni Review," Whittier Col- 1 e g e was a consistent stumbling block in early Trojan basketball campaigns. In discussing early U.S.C. basket- ball teams, the "Alumni Review" says: "These early seasons were suc- cessful except when it came to play- ing Whittier College. The Poets won two out of three in both '07 and '08 and then in '09, won both contests against S.C.—including one by a score of 38-8." In 1910, the Trojans won 20 games and lost only three—two of them to Whittier College. "In 1913 the Trojans . . . finally won a series from Whittier," con- tinues the magazine. "Whittier again proved the stumbling block Congressman Richard Nixon New Women's Social Group (in 1915) when the championship was determined, the Poets winning Chosen As One of Nation's Formed on Whittier Campus; two games after the Trojans had 'Ten Top Young Men' Christened 'Ionian Society' taken the first of a title series." Richard M. Nixon, '34, congressman The 1916 Trojan squad again lost from the 12th d i s t r i c t, was recently In order to present the opportun- to Whittier College, named one of the 10 outstanding young ity for a fuller social life to more men in the during 1947 "In 1921," continues the article, by the U. S. Junior Chamber of Com- of the coeds in the Whittier Col- "Troy's last season before entering lege student body, now the largest merce. the Pacific Coast Conference Nixon, who returned to Alma Mater in history, a new women's social not a contest was lost to a southland to speak recently, traveled to Chatta- group, the Ionian Society, was form- college team. Need we mention that nooga, , to receive a ruby- ed on the Poet campus last month. studed key at a national award banquet the Trojans didn't play Whittier?" staged by the J. C. C. Organized under the encourage- A member of the famed Herter Con- gressional Committee on its investigation ment of the four existing women's tour of Europe, Nixon specialized in work societies and Lucille H. Verhults, 'Poet Homecoming Best' in the Balkans and visited the front lines Whittier College dean of women, of the Greek guerilla warfare. His recom- the Ionian Society includes 18 char- Maintains Colorado Grad mendations were given major considera- (Ed. N o t e: Ed Paterson, '43, tion in formulating plans for aid to ter members and is modeled after Europe. the Athenian, Metaphonian, Palmer, Whittier College alumni secretary, Nixon, 34, was listed among a group and Thalian Societies. requested that we publish the fol- of ten young men including Dr. Glenn lowing letter in full because of its T.Seaborg, 35, a nuclear chemist whose Sponsors for the newly - formed interest to many Poet alumni.) work led to the discovery of the elements group are Mrs. G. Duncan Wim- plutonium, Americum, and curium; Dr. 1485 S. Elizabeth Robert A. Hingson, one of the pioneers press, wife of the Director of Pub- Denver 10, Colorado in the use of hypospray, a flashlight- lic Relations, and Miss Elizabeth Dear Ed: sized injection gun that fires hypodermic injections into the skin tissues; Lavon Green, former instructor in women's Ever since the first issue of the physical education at Whittier Col- Peterson, 28, blind inventor and radio "Rock" I received, which was nearly engineer who taught Army and Marine lege. a year ago, I've been going to write radio-men during the war to repair sets in darkness and now heads a school for First officers of the Ionian So- and say how glad I am to be hearing the blind. ciety are: Marilynn Green, Los An- about the gang again. The Univers- deLesseps S. Morrison, 35, mayor of geles, president; Janet Leever, Mon- ity of Colorado claims me as an New Orleans; Cord Meyer, Jr., 27, pres- alum, but I still would rather go ident of the United World Federalists, tebello, vice - president; Doris Inc.; Glenn R. Davis, 33, congressman Throckmorton, Whittier, recording to a Whittier College homecoming from Wisconsin who has been active in secretary; Emily Smith, Whittier, —if I ever get close enough! veteran's legislation; Thomas R Reid, corresponding secretary; Bar b a r a We have been settled in Denver 33, who represented employers on the for nearly two years now, and are U. S. delegation to the International Van Daele, Montebello, Treasurer; Labor Conference in Montreal and in Barbara Thomas, Pico, inter-society very happy with our luck. Marty, Geneva; James Q. Newton, Jr., 35, mayor representative; Loraine H a w 1 e y, my wife, is a 1942 graduate of the of Denver and former president of the University of Denver, and a native board of trustees of the University of Norwalk, historian; A is g e 1 a Gor- of Denver. We have a daughter, Denver; and Adrian Sanford Fisher, 33, man, Whittier, marshall; and Pat general legal counsel for the U. S. Atom- Dianne, who is nearly 21/2, and a ic Energy Commission and a key man Van Vaizer, publicity chairman. (Continued on Page 11) in devising the Marshall Plan.

MARCH, 1948 Page 7 >: 4$ .: 4$: • Champs Again .

Poets May Prove Darkhorse In S.C.I.C. Track Picture For First Time in Years For the first time in many a year, Whittier College may come up with a track and field team to be reckon- ed with this season. The Q u a k e r thinclads opened their season a few weeks ago with a decisive 97-34 victory over Mt. San Antonio Junior College to put a new light in the eyes of Coaches Aubrey Bonham and Danny Tebbs. In the dashes, Whittier College has four men, Fred Barton, Tom Tucker, Buddy Hays, and Jack Brownell, who can run a 10.2 hun- dred or better. Barton ran 9.9 last season while Brownell scampered 100 yards in 10 seconds flat. Coach Bonham predicts that both Hays and Tucker will run under 10 sec- onds this season. In the hurdles, Earl Strahi leads ok the parade. Strahl ran a 13.4-sec- onds flight of 120-yard low hurdles in the Mt. San Antonia meet, and Coach Aubrey Bonham chuckles over another Southern California Conference basket- should improve. He also captured ball championship with his starting quintet. The Poets, winners of last year's S.C.I.0 the high sticks. Don Baudrand is title race, are co-champions of the conference this year with Occidental. Left to c 1 o s e on Strahl's heels in both right are: Ray Hooper, forward; Don Wardman, guard; Captain Bill Moore, center; events. Gordon Pedersen, guard; Bonham; and Jean Martin, forward. Adequately manned for the first Quakers Share 1948 Conference Basketball Title time in years this season, the Poets have Bill Bayless and Dick Mastain With Powerful Occidental College Cage Squad; in the 440-yard d a s h; Mastain, Bill Moore Tops Whittier College Scorers with 455 Points Chuck DePue, and Warren Knox in Champions of the Southern California Intercollegiate basketball loop the half mile; and John Hedges and last year, the Whittier College Poets ended the 1947-48 casaba season Cliff Cole in the mile and two-mile. in a tie with the Occidental College Tigers as co-holders of the S.C.I.C. Even m o r e potent in the field cage title. Both teams had a conference record of six wins and two losses. events, the Quakers have Captain During the entire 31-game season, the Quakers, coached by Aubrey Jack Brownell and Tom Tucker in Bonham, won 17 games; lost 14. They scored 1261 points for an average the broadjump. Brownell s e t a of 52.29 points per game, while their combined opponents totaled 1538 new Whittier College record last digits for a 49.61 points-per-game average. season, and both men have gone Season record for the Poets ran: (Whittier College score given first) over 22 feet already this year. Ray split with Pasadena Nazarene, 44-59, 52-35; defeated 20th Century Hooper will turn out following the Fox, 50-46; lost to the March Field Flyers, 61-63; defeated Chapman basketball season to help in this College three times, 75-57, 60-45, and 62-44; won two, lost one to Occi- event. dental College 49-48, 46-53, and 47-46; defeated the University of Ecua- In the high jump, Whittier will dor, 72-37; defeated the University of Redlands twice, 60-45 and 66-44; be represented by Percy and How- lost to Santa Barbara College twice, 32-50 and 42-44; defeated California ard Laughead. Perc jumped 6'5" Poly, 60-58; lost to Fresno State College, 49.60; lost to Chico State Col- several times last season for Long lege twice, 55-67 and 52-57; split with San Diego State College, 56-52 and Beach City College, and Howard 49-54; lost two, won one from Pepperdine College, 50-58, 48-75, and 57-52; is consistently over 6 feet. split with Pomona College, 48-44 and 35-51; defeated the Poet Alumni, Walt Crandall is the Poets' lone 63-32; defeated Caltech twice, 44-32 and 52-41; and lost to Loyola Uni- pole vaulter, but will be expected versity twice, 42-44 and 43-45. to place in most meets. Leading scorer for the season was Captain Bill Moore, 6'4" center, Probably Whittier's most potent who continued on his way toward a new all-time Whittier College scoring event is the shot put where the mark by racking up 455 points in 31 games for an average of 14.68 points Quakers are represented by Hal per game. In the 82 games he has played to date for Whittier College, Yates and Milton Heehan. J o e Moore has scored a total of 1236 points for a three-year average of 15.07 Feary, ineligible this season, set a points per game. Because of a war-time ruling which allowed him to new Whittier College s h o t p u t play varsity basketball while a freshman, Moore has another year of record last year, and both Meehan eligibility left next year. At his present rate, he should top 1600 points and Yates have topped the record next season, and may reach 1700. (Continued on Page 9)

Page 8 THE ROCK 1948 Poet Baseball Slate Champs Again . . . Date Opponent Place Mar. 10 Los Angeles C.C. There Mar. 13 *Univ. of Redlands There Mar. 16 Los Angeles C.C. Here Mar. 19 *Occidental There Mar. 30 Pepperdine There Apr. 3 *Caltech There Apr. 6 Loyola Here Apr. 9 Cal Poly Here Apr. 10 Pepperdine Here Apr. 13 Loyola There Apr. 17 *Caltech Here Apr. 20 *Pomona There Apr. 23 Cal Poly There Apr. 24 *Pomona Here Apr. 27 *Occidental Here May 1 *Univ. Redlands Here May 4 Fullerton J.C. There May 8 San Diego State Here *denotes Southern California Inter- collegiate Conference game. 1948 POET TENNIS SCHEDULE Date Opponent Place Mar. 6 Pepperdine There Mar. 13 *Pomona There Mar. 20 *Occidental Here Mar. 27 Chapman There Coach Wallace J. "Chief" Newman, right, talks over plans for the current horsehide campaign with his infield. Left to right, standing, are: Jack Wood, first base; Wally Apr. 3 *Cal Tech There Kincaid, third base; Wayne Pelton, shortstop; Dick Galvez, pitcher; and Newman. Apr. 10 *Univ. of Redlands Here Kneeling are Harry Nuffer, second base, and Gail Walker, catcher. All are returning Apr. 17 *Pomona Here lettermen from last year's championship squad except Wood, who alternates with Apr. 24 *Univ. of Redlands There Letterman Ken Chandler at the first base post. May 1 *Occidental There Twelve Lettermen Return To Form Potent Nucleus May 8 *Cal Tech Here May 14) *All - S.C.I.C. For 1948 Whittier Horsehide Squad; May 15) Matches Redlands Loss of Tuttle and Chuka Expected To Be Felt Twenty-three potential horsehide stars, including 12 returning letter- men, answered Coach Wallace J. "Chief" Newman's call last month as POETS MAY PROVE DARKHORSE the 1948 Whittier College baseball season got under way. (Continued from Page 8) Defending champions of the Southern California Intercollegiate Con- already this season. Both men also ference, the Poets face a 27-game schedule extending into the first weeks throw the discus. of May. At this writing, the Quakers, in six practice tilts, have won three John Dell, Gene Hafner, and and lost three. Kerrigan Cory will round out the Lettermen returning from last year's Poet squad include: Gail Walker, team in the javelin throw this sea- catcher; Gene Bliss, pitcher, Dick Galvez, pitcher; Harry Nuffer, second son. base; Ken Chandler, first base; Dick Erbe, second base; Charles Hall, third base; Wayne Pelton, shortstop; Forrest Dillan, outfield; Wally Kin- Whittier College's relay team, at caid, outfield; John Elias, outfield; and Captain Millard "Buck" Jarna- this writing, is made up of Bill Bay- gan, outfield. less, Dick Mastain, Chuck DePue, Others suited for the 1948 season include: Don Billhardt, second and Buddy Hays. base; Bob Brantley, pitcher; Dick Bushman, first base; Duane Danielsen, The 1948 Whittier College Track pitcher; Jack Fair, third base; Tim Hall, outfield; Buckner Harris, short- Schedule: March 6—S.C.I.C. Re- stop; George Goodell, second base; Stew Pike, catcher; Jack Wood, first lays at Occidental; March 13—San- base; and Quinn Fames, outfield. ta Barbara College at Santa Bar- Faced with the loss of All-Conference Shortstop Bob Tuttle who bara; March 20 - Pepperdine and maintained a batting average of .525 for the conference season, and All- U.C.L.A. at U.C.L.A.; March 27— Conference Pitcher Joe Chuka, now with the Hollywood Stars, who Santa Barbara Relays at Santa Bar- hurled eight winning conference tilts, "Chief" Newman's Poets will be bara; April 3—University of Red- fighting an uphill battle this year to maintain the top of the S.C.I.C. lands at Redlands; April 19—Occi- baseball ladder. dental College at Occidental; April In six games played to date this season, the Quakers have defeated 17—Pomona College and Cal Tech Mt. San Antonio J. C., 6-2; Fullerton J. C., 9-2; and Pasadena J. C. 7-2; at Cal Tech; April 24—Fullerton and lost to Mt. San Antonio J. C., 5-6; and to Compton College twice, Junior College at Fullerton; May 1 8-12 and 10-12. The Poets have scored 45 runs against 36 for their com- —All-Conference meet at Redlands. bined opponents, and are hitting at a .262 clip at this writing.

MARCH, 1948 Page 9 Old Acquaintances Anna Tomlinson, '05, has accepted the appointment John Christopher, '35, was elected president of the as class representative for the classes of '04 to '10 on Long Beach chapter of the Alumni Association of the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association. Whittier College at the chapter meeting at the Pacific Mrs. H. Dewey Anderson, (Erma Sams, '16), is living Coast Club on February 4th. inWashington, D. C., where her husband is executive John C. Hoffman, '35, is one of the supervising en- director of the Public Affairs Institute. She writes that gineers for the United Geophysical Company, Inc., in her family had their long planned for 100 mile pack Sheridan, Wyoming. trip in the High Sierras this last summer followed by Mrs. Ralph Morris (Mabel Marling, '36), is a part- two weeks at Lake Tahoe and a week's hunting in Lar- time nurse at Murphy Memorial Hospital, Whittier, sen Forest. Dr. and Mrs. Anderson have a son in while husband Ralph, ex-'47, is attending the College his senior year at Stanford and a daughter who is a of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons in Los An- radio news reporter in San Mateo, California. geles. The Mortises have two daughters. Carl Davis, '36, is teaching mathematics and physi- William G. Adams, '27, has accepted the appoint- cal education at Horace Mann Junior High School ment as class representative for the classes '23 to '28 in Los Angeles. on the-Executive Committee of the Alumni Association. Mr. and Mrs. Keith M. Hall, (Margaret Lamb, '37), Reverend Ezra Ellis, '28, pastor of the North Glen- are the parents of a son born February 28th at Murphy dale Methodist Church, has nearly completed a round Memorial Hospital in Whittier. the world trip which he started just after Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Snyder, (Elizabeth Kirk, ex •Ezra's plane took him from Los Angeles through Mexi- '37), are the parents of a son, Jay MacKenzie, born co, Guatemala, to Lima, La Paz, and Santiago, and to November 1, 1947. Buenos Aires and Rio de Janeiro, across the Atlantic Burt Parminter, '37, is chairman of a new Whittier to Dakar, and from there to Lisbon, Paris, and Lon- Y. M. C. A. organization called the Y's Mens Club of don. On the 1st of February he left for Rome, Istan- which several Whittier College men are members: My- bul, Damascus, and to India where he spent two weeks. ron Claxton, 40, Bob Clift, '40, Manville Saxton, '34, In the last of February he left for Manila and then Howard Liggett, '42, Morris Padia, '42, Ed Paterson, on to Shanghai, Peiping, and Tokyo. He expects to '43, and Bob Elkinton, '40. The Y's men meet at return home via Honolulu in the latter part of March. 6:30 A. M. twice monthly for a breakfast meeting Mrs. R. D. Millican (Mary Hurt, '28), has a new prepared by the members. daughter, Andrea Nell, born in January of this year; Mrs. Paul Ekholm, (Margaret Brewster, '38), has she is the Millican's second child. Dr. Millican is a an adopted son, David Bruce, 20 months old. professor of advertising and consumer economics at Dorothy Pfeiffer, '38, is chairman of the Music De- the University of Oregon. partment at Bell High School, and is teaching piano Adrian Sheldon, '31, is head chemist for Union Oil in one of the evening sessions at L. A. C. C. Company in Orcutt, California. Johanna Lund, '40, was married to Lloyd Klatt of Frank H. Jones, '31, is now baseball coach at Visalia Paonia, Colorado, on December 18th at the Whittier College in addition to his student counseling duties. Methodist Church. The Klatts will live in Whittier. Harry D. Smith, '31, is now in Washington, D. C., Ralph Bullock, '40, took over as Executive Secretary as personal representative of Manchester Boddy of of the South Gate Y. M. C. A. December 20, 1947. the Los Angeles Daily News. Ralph has served as secretary of the Gardena Y. M. The Seth Pickerings, (Mary Fay Moffett) both of C. A. prior to his new position. He and his wife and the class of '32, are announcing the birth of a daughter, four months old daughter live in Los Angeles. Susan Fay, in January of this year. The Pickerings Mrs. G. Robert Elder, (Dorothy Winslow, '41), has have three boys in addition to their new little daughter. a two year old son. The Elders recently moved from Cecil Baker, '32, has accepted the appointment as Arcadia to Temple City since Bob, a Chapman grad, class representative for the classes of '29 to '34 on the is at U. S. C. taking graduate work. Executive Committee of the Alumni Association. Mrs. George Coffman, (Barbara Murray, '41), has Mr. and Mrs. Paul Batson, '33, are announcing the a second daughter, Elaine, born in July in Richmond, arrival of a son born on February 29th at Murphy California. Her husband is a salesman for the Chem- Memorial Hospital in Whittier. urgic Corporation in Turlock. The William Soebergs, '35, (Dorothy Petty, '35), Mrs. Robert M. Dean, (Betty Smith, '41), has a are living in Temple City, with Bill working for Inter- son, Frederick Robert, born November 25, 1947. national Business Machines in the Los Angeles area Edwin Bronner, '41, is on the faculty of Temple while Dorothy is busy at home taking care of their University in Pennsylvania teaching history. Ed is two daughters. also taking some graduate work at the University of Mrs. Edwin A. Robinson, (Harriet Menker, '35), Pennsylvania among which is a course from Dr. Leoni- has a son six years old and a daughter three years das Dodson, also a Whittier graduate. old. Harriet says she would enjoy hearing from friends Florence West, '41, is working for the F. B. I. in or classmates living in the San Diego area. Los Angeles. Donald Dozier, '35, has been elected to non-profes- Mrs. Lemke, (Justine Smalley, '42), is doing sub- sional associate membership in the American Academy stitute teaching and taking care-of soh, Larry, while of Applied Nutrition. The Academy is a nationwide her husband works for the Edison Company. food study group with headquarters in Southern Cali- The Roger Van Bellens, '42, (Anne Rosenberger, ex fornia. Don is living in Indio, California. '42), have a daughter, Louise, born in November, 1947.

Page 10 THE ROCK Old Acquaintances Mrs. Rodman Garran, (Eleanor Railsback, '42), is Lillian Akerson, '45, was married in October of last now living in Davis, California where her husband is year to Harold R. Halverson in Los Angeles. The a student at the California College of Agriculture. Halversons live in Arcadia. Jack Mele, '43, is working toward his secondary Mrs. Earl J. Petersen, (Claire May Parks, '45), is credential at Whittier College this year and will coach teaching senior first graders in the Euclid Avenue freshman baseball team here this spring. school in Los Angeles. The Petersens make their Lawrence Randolph Twycross is the newest addition home in Arcadia. to the household of the Randy Twycrosses, (Harriet Florence Barmore, '45, has left for Honolulu where Saunders), both of the class of '43; Lawrence has an she will make an extended visit. Flo formerly worked older sister, Linda, 2'/2 years old. Randy is teaching for General Petroleum in the Los Angeles area. school in Pasadena and running a growing building Norfleet Callicott, '42, has accepted the appoint- contracting business in Whittier. ment as publicity chairman on the Executive Commit; The Lowell Randolphs, (Jane Taber), both of the tee of the Alumni Association. class of '43, are announcing the birth of their second Kay Thomas, '46, was married to Richard Myers of child, a son, born December 24, 1947. Whittier in Springfield, New Jersey, in the latter part Dave Pluss, '43, will be playing baseball for St. of January. Dick is a graduate of Stanford and New Paul (AAA) of the American Association. Last year York University and is associated with his father in Dave was one of the live leading hitters in the Myers Department Store here in Whittier. league. Robert Jordan, '43, is doing graduate work in sociol- Robert G. Wolstoncroft, '46, was married to Ruth ogy at U. S. C. Penn Foote Saturday afternoon, February 21st. Bob is teaching in the social science department of Whittier Mrs. Arthur Cohen, (Julia Silberberg, '43), lives in High School. His wife is a Pomona graduate. where her husband is head of the Biology Dept, at Oglethorpe University. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Pearson, (Doris Chambers, Mrs. W. D. Bonner, (Josephine Silberberg, '44), is '47), are the parents of a daughter born at Bear Hos- now living in Somerville, Massachusetts. Her hus- pital in Big Bear. band is a research assistant at Harvard Univ. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ritter, '47, (Phyllis Hunnicutt, Robert Rosene, '44, is working for his Ph.D. at ex '49), are announcing the birth of a son, Lee Alan. Purdue University. His wife, a graduate in chemistry, Eliot Wirt, '47, is living in Oakland and working is also working for her Ph.D. for the Cobbledick-Kibbe Glass Company there. Jay Beede, ex '44, is helping to start a vocational Announcement of the engagement of Marilou Mori- guidance service at Earlham College in Indiana, while arty, '48, to Keith L. Openshaw, former Whittier Col- at the same time taking a few courses. Jay's wife lege student now attending U. S. C., has been made works hard at teaching high school to earn her PH.T. by her parents. (putting hubby through). Mrs. Warren Knox, (Nancy Chambers, ex '48), owns Mrs. Don Loynd, (Mary Lou Beck, ex '45), is work- Nancy's Maternity Shop in El Mercado shopping cen- ing in the Registrar's office at U. S. C. ter in Whittier.

BEN HAMILTON (Con't from Page 3) hoped we can get started during '48. 'POET HOMECOMING BEST' in this section. There is a Sango tribe We are situated about 40 kilometers (Continued from Page 7) in the extreme southeastern part of Ou- from Bozoum and the nearest white peo- son, David, who has just turned bangui.Chari, but the Sango trade lan- ple are those living there. The field seven months. guage is not identical with the Sango superintendent of our mission lives there. tribal tongue. The importance of Sango Bozoum is in territory which from 1911 During the war we spent three lies in the fact that one can speak it until around 1915 was German, being a years in , where I was among practically every tribe around part of French Equatorial Africa which with RCA, and learned to dislike here and somebody understands it well had been given to the Germans by the the climate sufficiently to make us enough to translate it into the tribal French, and which, for a while, formed tongue concerned. Thus, by means of a part of "Neu-Kamerun." With the de- try to move back to Denver at the Sango, one missionary does not have to feat of the Germans in Cameroun in earliest opportunity. I am now As- endeavor to learn each individual tribal World War I, "Neu-Kamerun" was re- sistant Chief Engineer of the Hath- language, but only the one used in his incorporated into French Equatorial Af- own district. rica. About 125 kilometers from Bassa'l away Instrument Co., which makes In the interim, I have been having one can still see the German World War various kinds of scientific measur- several classes for the workmen, catechists I trenches. ing equipment. It is really very in- and their aides of this immediate area, We get our mail once a week, by send- teresting work, and right down, the and have been doing some pastoral work ing a native porter to Bozoum. He goes on a limited scale. down on Saturday to take our outgoing electronics line I was interested in It has also been my duty to get the new mail and returns Monday with incoming while at Whittier. printing plant in this mission started. We mail. It takes a native six to eight hours - It will just be pure luck if I ever are starting. on a modest scale. This is to walk the 40 kilometers. Air mail now get out that way again, but I want partly due to the fact that it is hard to takes about 11 days from the Pacific get large presses or, for that matter, any Coast to Bozoum, but ordinary mail takes to stay on the mailing list and at really bulky equipment in here because two to three months. Once we received least get the gossip! Pass on the of the long distance inland from the an air mail from Whittier in seven days, above vital statistics next time you nearest port. Some of the equipment but that is the exception. have a spare couple of lines to which was shipped out was lost and/or Hope all is well with you there at damaged en route and other equipment Whittier College. print! failed to be ordered. This, of course, Best wishes, Sincerely, has caused considerable delay, but it is Ben Hamilton, Jr., '39 Bill Eichelberger, ex-'43

MARCH, 1948 Page 11 1947 CHRISTMAS FUND Here is the awful truth! Less than five per cent 3. Alumni secretary (salary). of our membership is actively supporting the Alumni 4. Office expenses and stationery. Association! 5. Alumni Association meetings and social functions. Here is where your money goes: Your class representative is now asking YOU to 1.Publication of "The Rock." help "raise the average." Whatever the amount-send 2.Alumni scholarships to Whittier College. something-support your Alumni Association! IT'S NOT TOO LATE! 1947 CHRISTMAS FUND STATISTICS Percentage Amount Contributing Class Grajuates Ex-Students Total Contributors $ 0.00 0.0 1898 1 1 0 '99 1900 2 6 0 0.00 0.0 '04 4 12.5 6 2 8 1 5.00 '05 0.0 1 5 6 0 0.00 '06 0.0 5 8 13 0 0.00 '07 0.0 4 6 10 0 0.00 109 11.1 '10 7 11 18 2 110.00 23 2 35.00 8.7 1 11 9 14 1.00 20.0 '12 4 1 5 1 22 1 5.00 4.5 113 7 15 5.00 6.7 '14 8 7 15 1 20.00 14.3 '15 18 10 7P 4 20.00 8.3 '16 21 15 36 3 49 5 19.00 102 117 22 27 1.00 3.6 '18 11 17 28 1 21.00 9.7 '19 13 18 31 3 3.00 3.7 '20 11 16 27 1 12 20 32 0 0.00 0.0 '21 7.3 '22 22 19 41 3 22.50 2 7.00 4.1 923 23 25 48 18 37 55 2 30.00 3.6 '24 7.6 '25 33 33 66 5 42.50 26.00 9.7 '26 35 27 52 6 5 56.00 6.4 1 54 25 79 27 2.5 '28 53 26 79 2 26.00 100 4 40.00 4.0 129 61 39 76 36 112 2 6.00 1.8 '30 3.8 '31 78 28 105 4 23.00 5 30.00 3.7 '32 77 58 135, 3.6 '33 86 26 112 4 32.50 32.50 4.1 '34 94 29 173 5 108 47 15 5 35.00 3.2 '35 2.8 '36 74 34 109 3 42.50 3.4 '37 86 30 1i 4 11.00 3.8 '38 102 53 15 6 18.00 117 112 729 8 15.00 3.4 '39 5.1 '40 124 73 19 10 55.00 3.6 '41 118 72 1°0 7 27.00 5.7 '42 126 65 191 11 48.00 7.8 '43 96 70 166 13 45.00 8.8 '44 47 44 91 8 25.50 3.9 '45 60 68 128 5 22.50 4.5 '46 85 46 131 6 24.00 3.3 '47 132 77 209 7 19.00 0.0 '48 49 49 0 0.00 0.0 '49 62 62 0 0.00 2.5 '50 40 40 1 1.00 0.0 '51 7 7 0 0.00 Anonymous 115.00

Totals- 2149 1562 3711 167 $1122.50 4.5 Average Contribution - $6.72 Average per Member - $ .30 RAISE THE AVERAGE OF YOUR CLASS SEND WHAT YOU CAN --- NOW! Page 12 THE ROCK MISSING FORMER STUDENTS If you know the address of any of these Poet Alums Please contact Ed Paterson, Alumni Secretary, Whittier College, at once!

Edward V. Daniels '41 David L. Frazier '21 Walter Higgins '30 James Kenneth Daniels '42 Jo Freeland '33 Julian Hiley '36 Robert Darby '33 Mrs. Leland Friedenbirg Dorothy Hill '35 Frank Darrah '41 (Beatrice Horton '36) Blanch Hillman '15 Dorothy Jane Davis '41 James Fulton '30 Lyman H. Hilman '39 Elizabeth Baylor Davis '39 Robert Furnas '38 Lerner Hinshaw '27 Francis Marvin Davis '31 Edward E. Furstenfeld '30 Virgil Hinshaw '27 Landon Davis '38 Tomas Daniel Garcia '38 Ruth Elizabeth Hoag '39 Ruth Alice Davis '18 Glenriie U. Gard '10 Lyman Hodson '20 Bonnie Davidson '32 Ethel Garner '24 Robert Holding '30 Charles Day '35 Mrs. Anna Garretson '30 Robert Louis Holleman '42 Carl C. Debord '21 Mark Gates '31 Armound Holliday '37 Paul DeShazer '26 Jan Cyril Gerdy '42 Mrs. Marjorie Eleanor Holman '39 Dalton DeShazer '26 Thomas Gere '34 Sam Homan '41 Ryozo DeVinna '35 Helen Burdette German '31 Zarra Hoon '14 Ella Veatch Dills '09 John Dickens Gibbs, Jr. '26 Mary B. Hooper '27 Dorothy Dinsmoor '31 Glenn Gilbert '24 Lenore Hootman '21 William Barber Dixon '30 Edward Gillean '41 Carol Belle Hopkins '41 Elizabeth Jane Dodsworth '39 Charles Gilmore '27 Vivian E. Howard '28 John H. Donan '24 Leo Gish '33 Edward E. Howell '45 Charles Ralph Dominguez '31 Willis Bradley Givens '39 Carol Howland '31 William Dossett '42 Viadimie A. Gleboff '28 Marjorie Hoyer '27 Kenneth 0. Dory '25 Monica Goldsworthy '23 Rachel Ellen Huddleston '39 Elizabeth Lee Dowell '44 Herschel Goodknight '20 Mrs. W. D. Hudgins James Lionel Downs '50 Harold Joseph Goodnough '31 (Leona Kennedy '36) Muriel Drake '32 Herbert A. Grabau '16 George L. Hudson '26 Roy Claudius Dreisbach '20 Ethel Alice Grady '31 Ethel Cordelia Hughes '39 Ruth A. Dumphey '26 Mary Graff '33 Edith L. Hunt '10 Jessie E. Dunbar '39 Eulalia Graves '11 Armour Huntsman '38 Otis Duncan '31 Lloyd Graves '08 Horace P. Hussey '24 Violet Marie Dunlap '38 Lenore Hazel Grazide '30 John Dickey Hussey '20 James Durbin '29 Anna Green '34 Mrs. Julian Hyer Louise Durfee '31 Evelyn Laverne Green '19 (Agnes Barnhart '18) Donald Dusch '28 Mabel Claire Greene '30 Verne Inman '24 Betty May DuSold '39 George Gregory '33 Joe Warren Isenberg '41 Helen Dye '17 Mrs. Letta Gregory '25 Max R. Issikman '09 W. G. Dye '31 Milton B. Griffin '24 Arthur Iwai '27 Wilber Dyer '37 Geraldine Groshong '39 Richard T. Imboden '39 Willoughby Dye '29 Mrs. Gene Grove '28 Helen Jackson '15 Ralph H. East '28 Norman Groves '31 Hollis Bertrum Jackson '37 Helen Eckels '29 Mrs. Ed A. Gurley Marvel Jallings '35 Everett B. Edgerton '25 (Lucretia Smith '28) Harriett James '35 Pearl Edwards '05 Brent Haas '31 George Jenkins '39 Mrs. Fred J. Rae Raymond A. Haas '28 Gillian Jennings '33 (Ruth Egan '35) Helen H. Hadley '21 Kent Jennings '39 Reatha I. Ehrich '16 Florence Eva Hall '10 Frank Downey Jerome '32 Isabel Einung '37 Hazel Anna Hall '28 Alice Etta Johnson '09 Saxon Elliot '34 Harriett Hamilton '32 Carrie Johnson '08 Arlene Ellis '27 Hazel Irene Hammer '10 Catherine Johnson '41 Elmer Ellis '11 Dwight Hammond '27 Clifford Johnson '35 Mary Edith Ellis '08 Mary Hammond '34 Helen R. Johnson '14 Malcolm Emslie '27 Roy Hammond '34 John Howard Johnston '45 Royse Engle '31 Hannah Walker '37 Neva I. Johnson '39 Max Erwin '38 Ernest G. Hansen '28 Robert Johnson '35 Robert M. Erwin '32 J. D. Hardman '17 Celina Jones '32 Phyllis Evans '34 Cecil Harris '35 Charles Jones '32 John A. Federoff '42 James Harris '39 Mrs. E. H. Jones Fred Feeney '32 Verne Fletcher Harris '41 (Maurine Gilbert '27) Albert Felt '39 Virginia Harris '32 Leo Jones, 'Jr. '24 Mrs. Herbert Finfrock Victor Eugene Harrison '40 Louise Jonees '20 (Sara Jane Loughman '29) Arthur Bernard Hartley '20 Mary Jones '18 Gene Fischer '35 Faye Harvey '39 Wendell Jones '27 Ruth Fischer '37 Galen Miller Harvey '41 Mary Jonokuchi '37 Robert Leo Fitzgerald '50 Thurlow Weed Harvey '11 Ethel M. Jordan. '07 Mary Helen Fisher '38 Georgia E. Haskin '26 Harvey Jordan '18 Edgar E. Fletcher '44 Rhodanna Hawkins '45 Robbin Hood Karnes '08 Gilbert Fletcher '26 John Laural Haworth '30 M. George Kawashima '28 Ruth E. Flint '26 John T. Heineman '32 Marian Kean '40 Boughton F. Foster '28 Dorothea Heinz '39 Margaret Keen '19 Dorothy Foster '37 Alice Henderson '11 Marian Keep '29 Gertrude Foster '38 Courtney Henderson '11 Athenia Kelley '31 Louis L. Foster '18 Alice Owen Henry '37 Jane Kelley '32 Robert C. Fowler '26 Lavina Hester '12 Joy Kelley '21 Richard Kendall Franz '31 John Bernard Hiatt '19 Hadley H. Kelsey '13 Donald Warren Fraser '26 Robert Higgins '26 George Max Kendall '31

MARCH, 1948 Page 13 MISSING FORMER STUDENTS If you know the address of any of these Poet Alums Please contact Ed Paterson, Alumni Secretary, Whittier College, at once!

Richard Waldo Kendall '32 Myron McFarland '31 Virgil Laurence Moores '30 Ruth W. Kendall '32 Catherine McGeehan '40 Frances Morgan '34 Albert C. Kendig '41 Margaret McGlashau '08 Schell M. Morgan '24 Alice Kendle '32 Donald McKee '33 Mildred Moriarty '35 Hugh Kenney '27 Lillian McKinney '31 Edith Morris '31 Mildred Kenworthy '17 Muriel E. McKitrick '26 Roy Cook Morris '25 Ramona Kercher '33 William Edward McLary '43 Henrietta Moses '33 Jay Russell Kerr '09 Crissie McLemare '36 Dewey L. Moss '23 Peter Michel Kimakoff '41 Geneva McMath 34 Jack Mounts '50 Vance B. Kimmell '29 Edna McPherson '16 Arthur W. Mueller '32 Nadene King '29 Mrs. Haroland F. McWilliams Doris Munn '32 Ruth Kinnamori '25 (Hazel Fair '27) Tadawo Murakami '39 Mrs. Claudia Kirby '29 Robbe McWilliams '38 William Murray '28 Ralph Klaasen '49 Elizabeth Mack '40 Chester Myers '36 Mrs. Elsie Klopfer Lucy MacKenzie '39 Frank Myers '41 (Elsie Carter '28) Glenn Bruce Mackie '47 Vance Myers '26 John A. Kohler '25 Cecil W. Males '38 Harry M. Nakata '30 Jim Korneff '41 Tony Malinosky '35 Jack Merritt Naylor '41 Mrs. F. C. Kranskoff '31 Rodney Maloney '41 John K. Naylor '07 Richard Beaty Krueger '38 Curtis S. Maltman '29 Jean Stokes '16 Howard Kupfer '31 Ethel Manes '09 Ada E. Nelson '25 Wayne Harold Kurtz '30 Lucy Mansfield '29 Ada M. Nelson '11 Gladys Lacy '33 Burritt L. Marlowe '36 Elizabeth Nelson '38 George LaForm '39 Mildred Marriage '31 Harriett C. Nelson '40 Everett Laird '27 George B. Marsden '15 Pauline C. Nelson '40 Lester 0. Lamm '32 Mary Ellen Marshall '32 Ethel J. Newby '20 Mary Lamotte '20 Preston Marshburn '20 Hattie M. Newell '07 Antoinette Lamoreaux '40 Sylvester Marshburn '20 Pansy Newlin '12 Helen Lampe '29 William Marshburn '27 Laura D. Newton '18 Hobard P. Landen '25 Joe Martello '30 Betty Nichols '34 Golden Lane '11 Dorothy Jeanne Martein '44 Mrs. F. Ray Nichols, Jr. Lena Lane '09 James Wellford Martin '39 (Marian Murray '36) John Edward Langen '30 Mamie I. Martin '40 Lylyan Nichols '17 Virginia Lanthere '32 Mrs. Wallace L. Marvin Mrs. Alberta Nicoll Geraldine Larson '31 (Barbara Agnes Holman '46) (Alberta Gould '36) Randall Latta '33 David Haven Mason '17 Joanna Nixon '17 Mabel Claire Laurance '21 Marion Beatrice Masten '28 John Barrington Nomland '43 Helen Lame '31 Willetta Mays '33 Aida H. Nordyke '13 Honore LeClercq '29 Chester Meadows '27 Dale Norris '34 Ernest C. Ledbetter '31 Mrs. Jas. W. Means, Jr. George Palmer Northcut '26 Leland Lemers '29 (Frances M. Means '29) Eugene Nuckols '31 Fern Lemon '07 Albert Meissenberg '33 Emma J. Orr '26 Myrtle Lemon '11 Beverly Mendenhall '39 Mrs. Harry Osgood Irene L. Leoni '29 Bruce Mendenhall '26 (Mildred Campbell '32) Dorothy V. Lewis '33 Leona Merrick '07 Alice Osborn '35 Mrs. Ed Lewis Marjorie Merritt '39 Preston F. Osborn '02 John Paul Overman '28 (Madalynn Solomon) Mrs.vIarjorie Fleming Merritt 107 Mrs. Vera May Lewis '30 Mrs. Martha Mew Jessie Packard '10 Helen Linton '32 (Martha G. Fong '40) Katharine Page '37 Elmer Meyerett '38 Milford P. Litte '32 Kemper Page '33 Violet Llewellyn '29 Bertram Miller '31 Donald Alfred Locke '44 Daniel Miller '40 Alice Patrick '27 Wesla Nell Locke '36 LaVerne Michael Miller '43 Curtis A. Patterson '24 Geor-e R. Loftis '23 Mrs. Lucy K. Miller '27 Dora B. Patterson '16 Harry Logan '31 Reed Miller '36 Maxwell Pease '19 Harold B. Longfellow '11 Reginald Miller '30 Mrs. Vernon Long Katherine Pemberton '26 (Helen Crooks '36) Adrian Avando Mills '10 Carl T. Phillippi '28 David Lucas '41 John Harlow Mills '35 Ed S. Pickett '25 Edgar B. Luther '21 Vialo F. Mills '40 Heston Pierce '32 Ruby Evelyn Lyle '36 Wilbur R. Mills '28 Gordon D. Plank '29 Curtis E. McCartney '10 Nathan Milnick '32 Harry Pollock '31 Mabel E. McCause '07 Frank Minato '30 Charlotte Elena Potter '39 Clarence G. McClean '34 Wilma Minerman '31 Anna Brunton Powell '45 Charles R. McClelland '29 Lester Missall '33 Robert Armand Power '21 R. Harley McClure '39 Vera Mitchell '19 Max Prettyman '36 Ivan McClurg '28 Matthew Miyazaki '34 Floyd M. Purdy '15 Marvin McClurg '28 Yadullah Mobasser '39 Ivy Randall '17 Lida McCoid '17 Ernestine Montemayer '45 Bernice Rasor '28 Robert B. McCulloch '30 John Montgomery '31 Mary Helen Rayburn '25 Carl McCullough '37 Ethel Moody '33 Earl Raymond '16 Elaine McDonald '38 Effie M. Moore '09 Charles C. Read '29 Geo. Duncan McDonald '25 Mary V. Moore '40 Mrs. Leo Robert Redner, Jr, Jack McDonald '32 Millard P. Moore '26 (Mabel Averill '35)

Page 14 THE ROCK MISSING BROADOAKS ALUMS If you know the address of any of these Poet Alums . Please contact Ed Paterson, Alumni Secretary, Whittier College, at once!

Mrs. George R. Adams Mrs. Dorothy Crawford Mrs. Earle Smith Hoover (Peggy Sterling '24) (Dorothy Slosson '24) (Norma Danielson '28) Marjorie Alice Adams '27 Gladys Estelle Curtis '16 Mrs. Clem Hoy Mrs. Henry Agnew Mrs. L. D. Custer (Eleanor Hanna Duncan '22) (Mary Edna Scott '21) (Ethel Victoria Erickson '19) Mrs. Don M. Hoyt Edna Amberson '28 Mrs. Vernon Daniels (Florence Agnes Weaver '22) Blanche Alice Anderson '21 (Mildred Genevieve Bonner '19) Mrs. Vera Hughes Hazel Anderson '32 Margaret Davidson '18 (Vera Rocine '33) Mrs. Constantin Arsissinoff Margaret Davis '28 Mrs. R. K. Hulbert '23 (Marcia Delsaine Sheridan '21) Mrs. Thomas R. Davis Mrs. C. L. Humiston Mrs. Herbert Anning (Lydia Irene Gillette '22) (Josephine McKenzie '22) (Frances McClain '27) Eleanor Decker '23 Ada Hunt '25 Mrs. Rose Elva Babbitt '38 Mrs. Ewald Demski Mrs. Dean Ireland Mrs. Herbert Bartlett (Alice J. Haney '23) (Elizabeth Russell '22) (Edith M. Urton '18) Mrs. Frederick Paul Dickinson Geraldine Jergensen '26 Florence Backus '19 (Gail Soyster '26) Josephine Johnson '28 Mrs. Harold Beck Mrs. G. C. Dickson Margaret Johnson '31 (Miriam Quigg '23) (Helen Florence Hill '27) Mary Evelyn Johnson '36 Esther Pauline Becker '19 Mrs. Jack Dodd Frances Elizabeth Jones '19 Mrs. H. M. Becker (Betty McIntyre '23) Mrs. Lute M. Kanzelmeyer '31 (Kathryn Henrietta Hitchcock '27) Mrs. E. Donahue Mrs. Richard Kelsey Mrs. E. B. Benner (Doris Rockwell '17) (Dorothy Squire '27) (Dorothy Harewood Young '18) Ruby Fay Doughty '31 Helen Keyes '26 Mrs. Margaret Berg Bell '26 Mrs. C. E. Downe Matilda Kleitch '28 Mrs. Marshall Barry (Ruth Blake '24) Mrs. Walter Kline- (Marie Johnson '25) Nancy DuBois '34 (Marjorie Kipp '25) Mrs. C. Bivens Mrs. J. B. Elser Mrs. Bernard Landis (Carolina McFarland '26) (Genevieve Louise Hurlburt '18) (Dorothy Dawson Alexander '22) Dorothy Boden '24 Esther Erickson '19 Mrs. Arline Lehman Mrs. Gerry Boltinghouse Mrs. Lois Fellows (Arline Leggett '26) (Margaret Wolfe '23) (Lois Lambke '26) Mrs. Elliott Lennen Mrs. Arthur Borgeson Mrs. LaVerne M. Fletcher (Anita Robinson '30) (Stella H. Seaholm '22) (Amy Winans '24) Edna Lienau '28 Mrs. John Boss Mildred Rose Fluke '36 Pauline Lockwood '31 (Catherine Fotheringham '28) Mrs. F. W. Frank Mrs. Hugh H. Logan Mrs. Vesta Boss '28 (Winifred Theresa Hayes '24) (Eulalie Carlson '23) Mary Boughton '25 Vivian Frank '27 Mrs. Kenneth Loveland Mrs. M. Bowden Mrs. J. J. Gardner (Catherine L. Wilder '33) (Margaret Lopes '33) (Bonnie Wolf '24) Maurine Lowell '28 Mrs. Potter Bowles Alice Gates '26 Mazie Lunch '16 (Margery Hoffman '17) Mrs. Edward E. Gay Mrs. J. W. Luyster Alice V. Bradley '32 (Virginia Leslie '27) (Maude Clark '27) Mrs. Elizabeth Brown Marguerite Genereaux '24 Mabel Lynn '28 (Elizabeth Pease '26) Elizabeth Gerard '27 Leila McCaffey '31 Mrs. R. M. Bruce Lela Mae Giacomini '31 Mrs. G. W. McCagg (Meta Lover Weir '18) Mrs. Jack Gibson (Ellita Moss '23) Marian Elizabeth Burke '22 (Virginia Berkeley '33) Lucille Gladys McCormick '27 Elizabeth Jane Butler '31 Mrs. Ruth Ball Goodwin '31 Mrs. Bessie McCoy Margaret Carey '26 Mrs. Sid Gotlieb (Bessie Brock '18) Mrs. Leonard C. Carlson (Margaret Marshall Moore '41) Leila McGaffey '31 (Eleanor Skelley '28) Mrs. Charles Apata Grondona Mrs. Florence McGrew Mary Lee Carpenter '27 (Helen Anderson '24) (Florence Mary McMillan '19) Mrs. Viola Burlison Carpenter '31 Ruth Hallowell '32 Mrs. Charles McIntire Agnes Chaney '18 Mrs. B. W. Hamilton (Robin Adell Rule '40) Mrs. C. Christian (Mary Louise Green '23) Phyllis McStay '29 (Sally Dyer '31) Florence Hamilton '31 Florence Mac Laughlin '29 Mrs. Virginia F. Clark '32 Mrs. Carol Wilson Hardgrove '43 Mrs. Sarah Major Mrs. Robert Coleman Mrs. Fessenden C. Haskell Mrs. Lewis Markham, Jr. (Gertrude Manley '19) (Jannette Kathryn Tiernan '22) (Peter Jackson '29) Mrs. Clara Beck Collins '38 Beatrice Irene Hassard '43 Dorothy Mark '26 Mrs. Willard Conroe Leah Hayes '25 Mrs. Gerald E. Marsh (Eleanor McFedries '36) Mrs. J. M. Heffelinger (Estelle Gretchen Westcott '22) Mrs. J. W. Cooley (Charlotte Winifired Brown '20) Mrs. A. May (Lois Jones '24) Mrs. Violet Hicks (Gail Shelton '22) Mrs. Kendall B. Corbin (Violet Nelson '28) Amy Meyer '25 (Portia Wallace '30) Mrs. R. S. Higginbotham Margaret Lou Corey '31 (Florence Viola Sanders '22) Mrs. Carolyn Hosmer Miller '41 Mrs. D. F. Cota Margaret Rowland Hill '34 Pauline Miller '29 (Mildred Reingardt '23) Mrs. Lloyd B. Hilliard Rowena Moore '27 Mrs. Raymond B. Cowles (Helene Benesh '24) Mrs. Lemuel Morris (Elizabeth Borncamp '25) Mrs. C. E. Hoff (Bethel Jackson '18) Mrs. John Cox (Amy Meyer '25) Genevieve Bertha Morrison '20 (Esther Leah Weaver '17) Mrs. Cornelia Holbrook '28 Mrs. Wanda Morrow '26 Mrs. R. H. Craig, Jr. Mrs. A. L. Hollinger Mrs. Isabel Mosher (Edith Marcella Hart '22) (Lucy Pier '18) (Isabel Brown Scherer '17) Margaret Crane '28 Chloe Holt '16 Ellen Mosier '33

MARCH, 1948 Page 15 MISSING BROADOAKS ALUMS If you know the address of any of these Poet Alums Please contact Ed Paterson, Alumni Secretary, Whittier College, at once!

Mrs. John Mouser Mrs. Eugene Severance Stella Jeannette Thompson '39 (Elizabeth McDonald '21) (Elsie Cano '33) Jean Thomson '37 Theone Moyer '27 Mrs. Isabel D. Shea '31 Constance Thorpe '25 Helen Murchison '39. Mrs. Marion Shevalier Scott '31 Lucille Clara Thorpe '40 Zella Murphy Mrs. John Sherrick Mrs. Rachel Todd '30 Mrs. Albert Newmark (Effie Bell '27) Florence Tower '36 (Myra Goldberg '18) Mrs. Gordon Shuffler Mrs. Elizabeth Trethaway '39 Mrs. Henry A. Nichols (Thelma Artz '28) Mrs. Jane True (Rena King '14) Mrs. Carl 0. Shoesmith (Jane Sheley '26) Mrs. Samuel T. Noland (Mamie Pearl Karpe '27) Margaret Van Arsdale '28 (Virginia Dutton '23) Mrs. G. Shaw Mrs. Robert A. Wabrawshek Mrs. Olive Northcote (Hazel Monnett '26) (Beatrice Hewitt '28) (Dorothy Ham '30) Mrs. Steven Showier - Mrs. Francis Walker Mrs. Helen Oilar '30 (Betty McKinlcck '25) (Marion Emma Hansen '22) Mrs. Luna Craven Osborn '32 Mrs. Myr L. Shriver '15 Frances Walker '24 Mrs. Tom Osborne Mrs. Marporie Shwerzer '42 Pauline Wallace '26 (Mary E. Wright '37) Katherine Skillen '25 Roselind Wallace '28 Mrs. Madeleine Elliott Peckham '22 Alice C. Smith '31 Mrs. V. E. Walters Margaret Peltori '28 Carrie Smith '28 (Lois Laidlaw '24) Mrs. Stewart Perkins Dorothy Constance Smith '27 Laura Wargny '31 (Marcel Layton '25) Helen Smith '24 Earline Webb '27 Mrs. Eugene Phelps Irene L. Smith '26 Martha Moneta Wirick '18 (Dorothy Ebenreiter '26) Mrs. J. S. Smith Florence Weirick '24 Mary Lou Phillips '25 (Alma Ruth Hocking '38) Grace West '31 Jean Phinney '31 Mrs. M. L. Smith Mrs. Marjorie Whiffen Julia Pierce '18 (Mary Elaine Hazeltine '21) (Marjorie Sweet '37) Mrs. Fred Pierratt Margaret E. Smith '32 Mrs. Guy Whaley (Frances Dulin '21) Marjorie Smith '28 (Edna Baker '17) Evangeline Powell '43 Elizabeth Spears '30 Elizabeth Wheeler Mrs. Alden I. Pretzmari Gertrude Standard '28 Mrs. Dorothy King Whitney '17 (Dorothy Bennett '20) Sonia Mae S'Renco '33 Mrs. C. 0. Wieman Mrs. Rebel Mary Stark '38 (Helen Adams '27) (Ellie ter Haar '16) Mrs. Richard W. Stenzel Florence Williams '27 Ruby Reeves '34 (Marion Alice Parsons '18) Mrs. Lois Williams '31 Louise Reynolds '23 Ann Stewart '28 Mrs. Robert E. Williams Mrs. Rita Robbins Martha Alvina Stewart '40 (Patricia Carey '28) (Rita Rue Pursel '24) Mrs. Fern Studebaker Stillwell '33 Vivian Williams '26 Mrs. Benjamin Romaine Mrs. Ronald W. Stokes Mrs. Floyd B. Wilson (Barbara Haskins '30) (Ruth Williams '30) (Dora Duckworth '19) Mrs. D. R. Roper Anna Margaret Sutch '27 Laura Wilson '23 (Elizabeth Crowder '34) Mrs. E. Sutton (Nora Stansbarger '26) Dorothy Wood '29 Irene Ross '18 Mrs. Opan Swanson '28 Mrs. Gerald A. Wood Mrs. Carl Sandquist Catherine Tapper '26 (Mildred Goudge '25) (Idelle Pece '28) Hazel Tebo '25 Mrs. Hubert K. Woods Mrs. Mark W. Savage Beth Thomas (Catherine Birdenia Barnett '22) (Elizabeth Francisco '38) Doris Thomas Mrs. D. L. Wright Josephine Sawyer '25 Alta Thompson '28 (Margaret Chapman '26) Mrs. Warren Schneider Mrs. Evelyn Thompson Mrs. Carl Yaeger (Dorothy Hammond '26) (Evelyn Evans '25) (Ulma Hackenbury '23) Mrs. Marion Scott '31 Olive Thompson '25 Ethel Lenna B. Wyatt '37 MISSING ALUMS If you know the address of any of these Poet Alums Please contact Ed Paterson, Alumni Secretary, Whittier College, at once!

John Avila '29 Marian Louise McGregor '37 Josephine Anne Pontsle '39 Robert T. Bau '31 Mrs. A. R. Magnusson '31 Delman Eskrege Rowe '42 Mrs. Clara Ruth Blakeway '29 (Margaret) William Arthur Sharp '33 Willis K. Christopher '40 Kihei Matsuo '33 Mrs. Sherwood Mrs. Denzel Deuel (Jessica Kirkpatrick '16) (Frances Loula Redner '38) Mrs. Charles H. Mayhew Elsie Dinsmoor '28 (Lucy Opal Estes '29) Mrs. George Stewart Fay Elizabeth Eckard '29 Edward S. Millar '30 (Saraelleri Andrew '39) Mrs. Barney Foote Mrs. John Z. Mobus John Richard Titsworth '3 (Lois Merle Thomas '36) (Katherine Jane Jackson '41) Clyde Tout '21 Mrs. Gordon Gregory Sheila Winifred Murray '32 Mrs. Aubrey Van Verrt (Maria Ray '31) Edna Venita O'Farrell '30 (Emily Jane Rannow '30) Vernon C. Hanna '27 Vivian M. O'Herron '37 Howard Deane Wiley '37 Kenneth Marvin Kirchner '35 Mrs. James A. Orcutt Brunner Henry Wulff '39 Franklin Victor McCurdy '37 (Jean Hopkins '37) Willard Youngdahl '34

Page 16 THE ROCK