The Treaty of of 1783 By, adapted by Newsela staff on 10.23.17 Word Count 994 Level 1150L

After the was signed, British forces evacuated City on , 1783. This painting shows General 's triumphant entry into the city. Washington is riding a white horse. Image from the

The Battle of Yorktown, in October 1781, was the last major battle of the American Revolutionary War. British forces were decisively defeated by combined American and French forces, and following this loss, Britain decided offensive campaigns in should cease in favor of a different, more limited approach. This decision was spurred by the widening of the war to include , and the . Through the fall and following winter, British colonies in the fell to enemy forces. So, too, did the island of Minorca, which was regained by Spain.

With anti-war forces growing in power, British Prime Minister Lord North's government fell in late March 1782. It was replaced by one led by Lord Rockingham.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at 1 Learning that North's government had fallen, , the American ambassador in Paris, wrote to Rockingham expressing a desire to begin peace negotiations. Understanding that making peace was a necessity, Rockingham chose to embrace the opportunity. This, of course, pleased Franklin, and his fellow negotiators , and . However, they made it clear that the terms of the ' alliance with France prevented them from making peace without French approval.

In moving forward, the British decided not to accept American independence as a necessary requirement for beginning talks. This reluctance was due to their knowledge that France was experiencing financial difficulties and a hope that military fortunes could be reversed.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at 2 Negotiations proceeded slowly

To begin the process, Richard Oswald was sent to meet with the , while Thomas Grenville was dispatched to begin talks with the French. With negotiations proceeding slowly, Rockingham died in July 1782, and Lord Shelburne became the head of the British government. Though British military operations began to have success, the French stalled for time as they were working with Spain to capture .

In addition, the French sent a secret representative to London, as there were several issues, including fishing rights, on which they disagreed with their American allies. The French and Spanish were also concerned about American insistence on the River as a western border. In September, Jay learned of the secret French mission and wrote to Shelburne detailing why he should not be influenced by the French and Spanish. In this same period, Franco-Spanish operations against Gibraltar were failing, and the French were looking for ways to exit the conflict.

Agreeing to the terms

Leaving their allies to bicker amongst themselves, the Americans became aware of a letter, sent during the summer to George Washington, in which Shelburne conceded the point of independence. Armed with this knowledge, they resumed talks with Oswald. With the issue of independence settled, they began hammering out the details, which included determining what the borders of the new country would be.

The Americans were able to get the British to agree to the borders established before the Act of 1774. The 1774 agreement gave territory claimed by American colonists to the French Canadians in Quebec.

By the end of November, the two sides produced a preliminary treaty based on the following points:

• Great Britain recognized the 13 Colonies to be free, sovereign and independent states.

• The borders of the United States would be those of 1763, extending west to the Mississippi.

• The United States would receive fishing rights on the Grand Banks and Gulf of St. Lawrence.

• All contracted debts were to be paid to creditors on each side.

• Colonial Loyalists who had supported the British during the war would receive payment for property seized from them.

• The United States would prevent property from being taken from Loyalists in the future.

• All prisoners of war were to be released.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at 3 • Both the United States and Great Britain were to have perpetual access to the .

• Territory captured by the United States after the treaty was written was to be returned.

• Formal approval of the treaty was to occur within six months of signing.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at 4 After the British beat back a massive Franco-Spanish assault on Gibraltar in October, the French ceased to have any interest in aiding the Spanish. As a result, they were willing to accept a separate Anglo-American peace. Reviewing the treaty, they grudgingly accepted it on .

Unpopular in Britain

With French approval, the Americans and Oswald signed a preliminary treaty on November 30. The terms of the treaty provoked a political firestorm in Britain, where the loss of territory, abandonment of the Loyalists and granting of fishing rights proved particularly unpopular. This backlash forced Shelburne to resign and a new government was formed under the Duke of Portland. Replacing Oswald with David Hartley, Portland hoped to modify the treaty. This was blocked by the Americans, who insisted on no changes. As a result, Hartley and the American delegation signed the Treaty of Paris on , 1783. Both the United States and Britain formally approved the treaty the following year.

This article is available at 5 reading levels at 5 This article is available at 5 reading levels at 6 The treaty signed between Britain and the new United States was just one of several treaties Britain signed on or around September 3. The British signed a treaty with the Dutch on September 2, and treaties with the French and Spanish on September 3. Collectively, these four treaties are known as the . Britain retained control of , and regained , but lost Minorca and East and West to Spain. It also lost in Africa, and Tobago in the Caribbean, to France. The Dutch also lost out, giving up the port city of in , to Britain. The Dutch did get back from the British a port city in that they had formerly controlled.

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