David Meade | 114 pages | 24 Jun 2016 | | 9781456626921 | English | Planet X – The Arrival by David Meade – Review – Escape All These Things (Luke )

By David Meade. The existence of Planet X is beyond any reasonable doubt, to a moral certainty. In fact, if you want to ask one simple question that posits the theory of the reality of Planet X, just ask yourself where did 2. Jesse Ventura discovered this. Why are critical government infrastructures moving from their susceptible positions on the East Coast to the protected areas of Colorado? It is currently in the constellation Pisces, and is clearly marked as an Unidentified Object but quite plainly visible dark red star known as IC You Planet X - The 2017 Arrival view in multi-wavelength views and see stars and planets in Planet X - The 2017 Arrival to each other. You can take a guided tour of the universe. Microsoft Research has posted this amazing program online at no cost in memory of Jim Gray. Jim was a researcher like myself. Jim Gray has gone missing, probably as a result of a sailboat accident. The exact week and month of its arrival is detailed within this book. Time is now very short. Planet X is estimated to orbit our with a period of slightly less than 4, years. Keep in mind it cannot be seen with normal telescopes. You need to be in the infrared spectrum to see it now, as it approaches south of the ecliptic. You cannot miss it. It is red and dense like Mercury and somewhat larger than Saturn. Science Digest has reported that this red dwarf star was sought by the Pioneer space probes and there are national newspaper reports that it may have been found by the Infrared Astronomical Planet X - The 2017 Arrival Satellite IRAS as soon as Planet X - The 2017 Arrival early s. The government has known about it since then. All major governments — , , England, South Africa and of course ours as well as major European heads of state are totally aware of it. Of course Scriptural references to it in Matthew 24, 6 and 8 all point to damage estimates of major impacts. They were told what is going to happen but not the details. The highest impact solar flares normally experienced are X-Class flares. The more powerful M and X class flares are often associated with a variety of effects on the near- space environment. Y-Class exist, however they are off the charts. You probably know about the hole in the ozone, but do you know about the hole in the Magnetosphere? Governor Planet X - The 2017 Arrival Ventura did an excellent show on this. The area around the Earth that extends beyond the atmosphere is called the Magnetosphere. The Magnetosphere begins at approximately 1, km and extends thousands of kilometers into space. The magnetosphere shelters us from solar flares, but the hole is now four times the size of the earth. The worst case scenario would happen when a violent CME that accompanies a Y-Class solar flare would both come at us in a sequence. A Y-Class Solar Flare would send the part of the earth exposed to it back to the s. It would have an EMP effect on all circuitry and electronics. Only hardened military electronics would survive. An EMP, or Electro Magnetic Pulse, is generated from the detonation of a nuclear device and also by extreme solar activity, such as that which was experienced in the year In the late summer ofa great solar storm hit the planet. This storm was the product of a coronal mass ejection from the Sun. It was called the Carrington event. This storm short circuited telegraph wires and caused massive fires. The typical light show you can watch in the far north, known as the Aurora Borealis, was seen as far south as Cuba, the Bahamas and Hawaii. Spark discharges even set the telegraph paper on fire. The electrical grid at that time was in its infancy, consisting mainly of a few telegraph wires in larger cities. This event, though frightening to those who witnessed it, had no major impact on the society of that day. This time events will be different. The event will bring down the electrical grid, and the shelves on the grocery stores will be cleaned out inside of a day. Food transportation will stop. Rioting and looting will be unrestrained. Communications satellites will be down. For as long as Planet X - The 2017 Arrival lasts, until new transformers can be built or imported, society will be in chaos. This will be the calling card of Planet X upon its near approach to our Earth and Sun. A inch bronze disc, the Nebra Sky Disc, may be the key to determining the last recorded time in history that Planet X flew by the earth. The Disc is bronze and inlaid with gold. The story of the Disc is an unconventional discovery. It was found in by Planet X - The 2017 Arrival treasure hunters using metal detectors inside an ancient forest. However, German law dictates that all such relics are state property. Instead of turning it in, they attempted to sell it on the international market in Working for the Swiss government, archaeologist Harald Meller posed as a straw buyer. The Disc was then seized by authorities. It contains symbols including the sun, the and the constellations Pleiades, Capricorn, Pereus and Gemini. The Disc reflects the sun in the position of a solar eclipse. What is causing the eclipse? The best deductive logic is that an unknown near-earth object is causing the eclipse. The centimeter Disc weights approximately 2 kilograms and is decorated with gold leaf symbols reflecting the four. Upload Sign In Planet X - The 2017 Arrival. Find your next favorite book Become a member today and read free for 30 days Start your free 30 days. Create a List. Download to App. Length: pages 1 hour. It contains absolutely amazing that direct us to one precise point in time in Planet X is a cryptogram and this book contains the keys necessary to decode it. When everything is considered together, it fits together perfectly like a watch. We examine proofs of Planet X - The 2017 Arrival existence. But let's look at the astronomical evidence. If you'd like to view it yourself, you can install WorldWide Telescope. Just Planet X - The 2017 Arrival it and you'll be right at the page. It's an observatory on your desktop and the most sophisticated online program I've seen. This book is a must-read and a Survival Guide to the most important story of the century. It's also a page-turner, so I invite you to read and experience it now. Related Categories. Related Authors. Risk Assessment The worst case scenario would happen when a violent CME that accompanies a Y-Class solar flare would both come at us in a sequence. Start your free trial. Page 1 of 1. Planet X - The Arrival - David Meade - Google книги

David Meade's Planet X Arrival book claims overwhelming proof of well, you know, the end of the world in October Does it present anything new after so many failed doomsday dates? Yes, but dreams and visions from people you don't know or recognize may not be a "good new. After requests from several readers, I am taking time to comment on yet another doomsday date theory: David Meade's Planet X Arrival book I share my rationale because every time I review another author's book, I do so at the risk of being accused of "knocking" other authors. I receive such accusations from people who do not understand how many emails I get from worried readers terrified by the doomsday speculation of my peers. They imagine malice on my part for criticizing the ideas not the person of another teacher and miss the distinction between the two. Often it's because they agree with the other author or have bought his book. If I am not in agreement, then I must have some hidden reason or motivation or so they suspect. But my motive is to seek and speak truth, in love, not to put others down Eph If it offends some, that I cannot help. With my intentions now stated, if you had told me after the first big Planet X doomsday date failed in that there would be several more that get attention continually after, I would not believed you. Of course, back then I did not understand that there is always more people growing up and getting online who have never heard predictions like these before who wrongly assume that there must be something to a prediction if someone would bother to put it out there More on that assumption later. Despite the fleeting track record of Planet X doomsday predictions, to my surprise, this book has been featured in unusually Planet X - The 2017 Arrival places online like:. The last two are tabloids but even they don't usually cover a doomsday date put out in a book by a author. There is no hiding this incoming solar system any longer! It consists of a dark star, smaller than our sun, which hosts seven orbiting bodies, some smaller than our moon and a couple of them larger than our Earth. The evidence to support this is overwhelming. There are 40 volcanoes erupting at the same time on Earth now. Earthquakes have dramatically increased both in number and intensity. Storm systems are multiplying Heatwaves are getting stronger and are lasting longer. So much dramatic global evidence makes one wonder how everyone but Meade missed this? After all, if an entire solar system with planets bigger than earth is on a collision course with earth with all these signals, why are we not astronomers seeing and reporting on it? David Meade Planet X - The 2017 Arrival on his website:. This system is The public is Planet X - The 2017 Arrival kept in the dark deliberately to avoid panic. Strange that scientists prefer ground-based telescopes when airplane-based cameras can give them even better observations, right? And as you will see below, there is no way anyone could "keep the public in the dark" when the public has the ability to see Nibiru with the naked eye if it existed. The evidence in the book would be better described as "underwhelming" by anyone using an objective, critical eye. As many reviews on about the book attest, the book is a Planet X - The 2017 Arrival because:. And that last point is really characteristic of this subject. But what they keep finding is nothing big or close enough to threaten the earth. In the end, when you anyone resort to shaky, debatable evidence like the above, you ought to ask why? Because they do not have the proper strong indisputable evidence. In this case, astronomical sightings of the object, just like real scientists provide when they spot things as small as asteroids that may menace earth. Listen to scientist David Morrison on three major problems with the main Planet X claims:. Jesus predicted that he will tell many sincere believers to basically "get lost" instead of welcoming Planet X - The 2017 Arrival into the Kingdom. In this study, get those answers and the one requirement for salvation Jesus taught that Christianity misses so that you can make sure you don't hear these dreaded words yourself! It would be spotted years in advance. To believe otherwise just requires ignoring too much established fact to accept. What I have always believed in is Wormwood in prophecy Rev Wormwood is the name given to the object Planet X - The 2017 Arrival people will blame for the global calamities that Revelation spends the better part of three chapters describing Rev To answer that you have to understand what Wormwood is and how it differs Planet X - The 2017 Arrival Planet X theory. As we read above, Planet X is some huge object, on some huge orbit which may have brought it by years ago and may have other objects with it. All this makes it impossible to hide or not see evidence of in our solar system as David Morrison says. Wormwood has none of those dubious and problematic claims. Revelation does not say it came before or that it comes with anything. And what about the size? In your Bible you will read that it is a "star" which would be huge, even a dwarf star. But the Greek word that "star" is translated from aster is not specifically a star. It can mean any objects in space besides the Sun and Moon. It can be a star, planet, comet, asteroid, or meteor. To determine which it is, you have to play detective and read the clues Revelation gives Planet X - The 2017 Arrival its disastrous effects:. The only object that could explain all this is a dwarf planet. That's a planet below the size of Mars or less. We began discovering them around which lead to the demotion of Pluto from planet to dwarf planet. Unlike with large Nibiru objects, scientists say there Planet X - The 2017 Arrival still more dwarf planets out there, lurking. If were dark non-reflective enough and coming from the South Pole, perhaps it could escape notice until months before impact, creating the panic described in Revelation The devastation will effectively bring an end to civilization. Homes, infrastructure will be broken. Agriculture will be over with the reduced sunlight penetrating the dusty, smokey skies Rev People will starve and freeze until Planet X - The 2017 Arrival Antichrist appears as "God" to save the world. They only need to take his mark and worship him for the food and supplies they need That's the real doomsday scenario coming not according to some conspiracy theorist on the internet but according to "a more sure word of prophecy" 2Pe God delivered to us in the . To understand all about what's coming, God's plan to help you survive it and what you don't have to do now to prepare, read my book Know the Future available here on the site. If this article blessed you and you want to bless back, you can NOTE : For instant access to the special Supporter contentplease use the buttons over here instead. Don't Fear If you liked this article, you will LOVE my book, Know the Futurea comprehensive, literal explanation of prophecy read by over 25, people since Learn about Wormwood, the pretrib event that Christianity overlooks, even though a Planet X - The 2017 Arrival won't save them from it. The book explains more on end time events than all this site's articles combined and is up-to-date in its 8th edition, in both softcover and ebook editions. Your book purchase will not only bless you with Planet X - The 2017 Arrival and me with support, but you will also bless others with new articles that your support enables me to write. Understanding Bible prophecy better will dispel your end time fear and bless you Rev Tim is the author of this site since and the book Know the Future that explains Revelation literally at last--including the key event of Wormwood Rev To read more from Tim and not miss a single new article, sign up for his free newsletter above. I have been watching the weather patterns in South Africa for the last 27 years and have made a note of one thing! My second daughter is born on the 27th of March and we held her birthday on my farm each year when she was younger up to the age of 10 and later…. I remember clearly that at in the afternoon it became to cool outside to continue her party outdoors and we would move indoors. Now in and for the past at least 5 years we stay outdoors until after dark and it is still comfortable to swim and not get cold! This is a true indication that the planet has made some great alterations to its climate since !! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. If you investigate this subject you will find the climate is cyclical going through cold and hot waves. Dear Tim, Frankly I just want to chuckle at all these false expert doctrines and who are out there to rip off the masses on book and video sales. God bless! Business as usual when it comes to doomsday excitement. This is great info. Anyway, would you say that wormwood would actually be the Planet X - The 2017 Arrival of the highly anticipated fault line earthquakes in the mid U. John M, thanks. They said the same thing Planet X - The 2017 Arrival about people moving to bunkers. Time for God is relative to him and to us. Time to us is linear, to God not so. Soon or even very soon to us is quickly, to God who considers a 1, years as 1 day and 1 day a years then to Planet X - The 2017 Arrival it has only been 2 days since his son died. I guess you could say 2 days to God is soon for him, but it is not soon to us. This was not merely an omission, because such list agreed with the writings of the Bishop of Alexandria c. This must cast doubt upon its reliability for any period other than that in which it was written and even in that the arly church took little heed of it. Until the End, the argument and evidence will always be split between the secular and the Bible believer. Genesis Logic, a year orbit would mean that the second passage would require the Earth to be at least years old. Read Planet X - The Arrival Online by David Meade | Books

These are the core obsessions that drive our newsroom—defining topics of seismic importance to the global economy. Our emails are made to shine in your inbox, with something fresh every morning, afternoon, and weekend. According to David Meade, a research scientist and Christian conspiracy theorist, Planet Planet X - The 2017 Arrival red dwarf star the size of 3. Meade posits that a Planet X solar collision will lead to seven years of massive disruption on Earth, and bonus! And it Planet X - The 2017 Arrival kicks off on Saturday, Sept. The event will bring Planet X - The 2017 Arrival the electrical grid, and the shelves of the grocery stores will be cleaned out inside Planet X - The 2017 Arrival a day. Food transportation will stop. Rioting and looting will be unrestrained. Communications satellites will be down. For as long as it lasts, until new transformers can be built or imported, society will be in chaos. This will be the calling card of Planet X upon its near approach to our Earth and Sun. Not many people will survive all that, especially because the rapture part—that comes later—involves, as far as I can tell, some dead people being resurrected and lots of alive people becoming dead. Per Meade, Planet X will cause the magnetic poles to shift, leading to tons of weather drama. The Ozarks. This area of northern Arkansas and southern Missouri has good elevation, and ample water and farmland. The Hoover Dam. Central and south Florida and the Florida Keys. Not true! A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head. She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth. Revelations If you see the celestial woman on Saturday, get thee to Arizona or Colorado! Starvation and looting will be widespread. On Thursday, Oct. This is when the rapture starts. As the Planet X - The 2017 Arrival ascend to heaven and the repentant get a second chance, Satan will take the form of an extremely handsome man and attempt to declare a new world order. Meade does provide a source link to a Christian forum, but the link is broken. The writer is describing a series of visions he had while fasting in I was taken to the heavens above the earth and I could see the earth in a distance not so far but clearly. Suddenly I heard a very loud sound and vibration with a very heavy zoom sound coming my way, hundreds of times louder than that of a Boeing jet. I then saw a very huge rock almost the size of the moon zooming past me at a very high speed with a large tail of fire besides and behind it. I looked where it was headed. I knew it was headed for planet earth and thought well, I hope it lands in the ocean, not many Planet X - The 2017 Arrival will die. However, it seemed targeted to the ocean and the United States. I was like, Lord no! Global coverup of massive red dwarf approaching our sun? A seven-year apocalypse overseen by a dapper CEO-like Satan? Of course. Blockbuster Video? By providing your email, you agree to the Quartz Privacy Policy. Skip to navigation Skip to content. These are some of our most ambitious editorial projects. By Kira Bindrim Executive editor. September 22, This article is more than 2 years old. Sign me up. Update your browser for the best experience.