YOUR LINK TO INNOVATION CONNECT WITH INDUSTRY, COLLABORATE AND CULTIVATE IDEAS. BECOME A MEMBER NOW. MEMBERSHIP IS FREE AND IT ONLY TAKES A FEW MINUTES TO APPLY ONLINE AT WWW.HORTICULTURE.COM.AU /MEMBERSHIP. CALL 1300 880 981 FOR MORE INFORMATION. CONTENTS Australian Fruitgrower APAL’s CEO report . 4 Publishers APAL news . 5 Apple and Pear Australia Limited (APAL) is a not-for-profit organisation that supports and provides services to Australia’s commercial apple and pear growers. EVENTS Suite G01, 128 Jolimont Road, Fruit Logistica . .8 East Melbourne VIC 3002 t: (03) 9329 3511 f: (03) 9329 3522 Pink Lady ® exporters’ meeting . .9 w: 08 Managing Editor State Roundup . 10 Currie Communications e:
[email protected] Technical Editor EXPORT & MARKETING Angus Crawford e:
[email protected] A ripe time to export . .12 Hort Innovation marketing update . .15 Online Manager Richelle Zealley PROFILE e:
[email protected] Flying high with Lenswood . .18 Advertising The publishers accept no responsibility for the contents of advertisements. All advertisements are 18 accepted in good faith and the liability of advertising content is the responsibility of the advertiser. ORCHARD MANAGEMENT Hyde Media e:
[email protected] Labour-saving harvesting . .22 Graphic Design Pome fruit rootstocks . .26 Vale Graphics e:
[email protected] POST-HARVEST Post-harvest seminar wrap . .30 Copyright All material in Australian Fruitgrower is copyright. NO material can be reproduced in whole or in part without the permission of the publisher. R&D update . 34 While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of Weather, quiz and crossword .