ll^yiMI IPI'H'I ^ fH J i --AVrti .Vrt.l*. -V ^ T ' -. sf > ' J" , ■ J; . '■ . 1” : ■ • V N . 1 ) ■' . ' ■ ' . 'V ■■ ■ A- ' . - I ' ■' ' , ■ • ' I / . Averace Daily Net Press Run MONDAY, MAY M, 18»« r e r Om YlieR Ihuled Til# WMther PAGB M iqrM ,1958 Feraenei •! U. fc WantlMr ITiirw ' Hmtrlifr^pr lEiti^ttiAg H«^raUt ■ I T I CXm m « «f sAewers toelglit, anl 12,715 . Lost In 58*. WedneMay Incoming and retiring axecuUve MmslMr at tlie Audit boards of the Hollister PTA. will OF MANCHESTER senttered ihowors, stMnmrhA oiM About Town it tomorrow at 8 p.m. In the FlETCNEfl tUSS CO. Burann e f ClrealaMoa •r. High to 70a. sch^H^llbrary. KlteheU Manchester'-^A City of^ Village Charm •Bie Community B»nd will re­ ^787# 188 WEST MIDDLB TURNPIKiB hearse tonljfht at 7 o’clock In the Mary IS. Cheney Auxiliary, VOL, EXXVII, NO. 202 hi|rh, school music room. Adult mu­ USWV, will hold a special meeting For Political Parties CORNER ilJURANT S t. (TWEN'IY-FOUR I^GES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY, MAY 27, 1958 (Cluetfled Advwttetag en Page tl) PRICE FIVE CENTS sicians are Invited. The high school tonight at 7 o'clock In the State dance bands rehearse at 6:30. Annory. at which time the mem­ NEW LARGER QUARTERS . a._ bers will hold a memorial service. Manchester RepidbUcans and^)>y a' quesUpn-and-anawer ^period. The Home Ueague of the Salva­ Natlonsl ^Historian Mrs. Mary Democrats' are praptring for the; and a dramatic presentation of 'plenty or front ano rear parking tion Army will meet at the Citadel Mathleu .will ^ present and sing big night each party vVlll, 'have highlights in the history of the . tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock. solos. party. Special visitors, who will speak, her* Wednesday night y Prfccedlng the rally, at .2 p.m. fUTO GLASS INSTALLED Meade Alcorn, oliairman of the ■will be Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Spell­ Ben Esra Chapte'r, B’nai in Hartford^ Dodd is scheduled to GLASS FURNITURI TOPS ing ,from England. Hostesses \vlll B'rith, will hold Its annual mem­ Republican Natioitpl Cbmihittee, is make "an important, statement" be Mrs.. Margaret Therrlen 'and bership dinner and installation to­ scheduled to address a .dinner' regarding. his candidacy. The na­ Mrs. Myrtle McKeowm. morrow at 7:30 p.m. In Cavey’i ture of the Statement was not re­ MIRRORS (nrspkKEipirf Deotr) meeting of the Board of Gover­ vealed In' the advance announce­ Restaurant. All paid up and pros­ nors of trfe Hartford County Re­ Daniel H. Malia, 6B Brookfield pective members are Invited. ment made by his capip Satur­ PICTURE FRAMING (oRtytMt) 'St., a graduate student at the Uni­ publican Aasociates at rtke Coun­ day. versity of Connecticut. Was initiat­ Memorial Temple, Pythian Sia- try Club at\6:30. WINDOW PL4TE GLASS ed into the University’s cliapter of Cheater Bowles, Thomas Dodd tefs, will meet tomorrow; a t 8 p.m. CONTRAOTORSc WE HAVE IN STUGE, Phi Delta Kappa, national profes­ in Odd Fellows Hall. A' memorial and William Benton, candidates sional fraternity for men in eduCat for the IJemocratic nomination for service for deceased members will MEDICINE CABINETS and SHOWER DOORS -h. tion, Saturday .afternoon at the ^|10W the business session. Of­ the U.S. Senate, -will appear at a M cIn t o s h a p p l e s University, rally at the Waddell School at 8 ficers sre requested 'to wear their o’clock. < 20 Lb. Baq $1.00 OPEN SATUKOAYS—OPEN THURSDAY EVENINGS white dresses. Mrs. Clifford O. Simpson and ‘ John M. Hurley of Rocky^^Hlll, LOUIS BUNCE FARM ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Mrs, Clintoii Hendrickson, both of president of the Republican county 529 W- CE.VTER ST, Governor Sees The We-’iVo Group of the Cont 'TKI.. .an 8-8116 Center Congregational Church, are cordia. Lutherah-sChurch will meet group, has announced that mem- Ike Gains Support attending the leadership growth 'bers of the Board of Govsmors Pflimlin Bars Way, at the church torhqrrow night at -<\kr workshop at Hartford Seminary 7:30. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Haber- may bring guests to the dinner No Hike in Tax Foundation this week. em and Mr. and’Mrs.- Eymstt Cone meeting. He is asking that Board will be in charge of the program, members notify the Assootatfsmf GAY, COLORFUL Against Tax Slash Edwin R. Hujek. Rockville, and which will he a colored film' from their plans to attend and of thef Coining in ’59 Refuses to Quit Post Charles Nute, Manchester, both the Hartford Timee Travel Bureaq, number of guests as soon as pos­ OPINOF HliLL alumni of the Rhode Island School entitled "Fabulous Florida." Cake' sible. Washington^ May 27 (4 > -? In favor of a general decreaae in HaiTford, May 27 (fP)—De­ of Design. Providence, worked on and coffee will .be served by Mr. The Democratic rally la- open EAST. CENTER ST. taxsa at ’thto time. He aaid both spite slumping state revenue, to *the public. It will feature talks BEACH TOWELS Speaker Nof the House Sam Paris, May 27 (/P)—Premlw Pierre Pflimliiu today refused the recent appeal for funds for and Mrs. Edward W'eiss and Mr. he and Mllto were "In accord with Governor Ribicoff says that development of the school. and Mrs. Joseph Gaioni., by the three candidates followed FOB GHTS or YOUR OWN USE Rayburn (D-Tex) said today the statement (from the Presi­ to step down, so that Gen. Charles de Gaulle could form a CIIOORK FROM OVER 20 PATTERNS he is “in full accord” with dent) thst there will be no further he. still believes “we can avoid government. Past chief daughters ' of the Mias Karolyn H. Kaye, 109 W. FORRENT President Eisenhower’s rec­ recommendStlons for ,tsx reduc- a tax increase in 1959.” Pflimlin reached his decision after a cabinet meeting and Daughter!?^ Scotia will meet at Center St., won an award in sopho­ UOhs this „ear,"' * ‘The Governor’s observation fol­ two conferences with President Rene Coty. more English in the annual recog­ ommendation against sub- lowed,a press-conference query to­ the home-of Mrs. John TrwAghton, Antique and Gift Sale For wedding parties, dances, atantial Jtax' reductions this "I never thought that a tax re­ MariMi Dr.. Vernon, tomorrow nition assembly at Miami Univer­ loAge meetlnga, etc, $1.98 duction would be very potent in day recalling his comments a year night at 7rt5, sity, Oxford, Ohio, last week.' May 24 to June 1, inclualve. year. stopping s recession," Rayburn ago—when tax yield was booming Paris, May 27 (/P)—Gen. Charles de Gaulle today started Itop. Wilbur Mill* (O-Ark), said. He added he could not com­ —that he felt that the state could forming a ifew French government. There were growing in­ Mrs. Gloria E. KJellaon, 55 Furniture Repair Service CALL Mr 3.7850 dtalrnuui of th« tax-writing House ment on whether the receseiqn to get by without new taxes next Anderson-Shea, VFnv Auxlliaryt Helaine Rd.. was reelected secre­ Ways and Means Committee, con­ year. dications that he would have the'assistance of President Reno will meet tomorrow night at 7:30 Route 83—^Talcottvllle tapering off. Coty and Premier Pierre Pflimlin. tary of th^ -Unlveralty of Con­ «r Ml 9.3770: . curred in lUybum’a statement at Republican Congreaalonal lead­ S. "I don’t think this recession will at the post home, A short busi­ necticut National Assn, at the an­ $4.29 , a Joint news'<mnference. be’ permanent," the Governor eald. His plans ran Into difficulty when Socialist members of ness meeting will be followed by ers isld mesnwhiJe the administra­ nual meeting held Saturday on the Mllla aaid committee will tion's,, stand against any anti-re­ "By tailoring oUr expenses, I be­ the National Assemljly agreed they would not support De combined memorial services for the Storrs campus. start considtratloli tomorrow of ^a lieve u'e^can avoid s tax increase post and auxiliary. ., cession tax cut to prompted by the Gaulle under any circumstances. With their 97 votes in tho- iust a Pinch of This and That bill to continus eoritorats and ox- uneasy internatlonsl situation and in 1959," he said. badly split National Assembly, the Socialists made paper- Richard E. Martin, seaman, USN, Billy Pesola, 10, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Eh-nest'Pesola, Hebron Rd., rise tax rates at their present the threat of inflation. Asked pointedly if he was less Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, eon of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Martin, -Bolton, won a blue ribbon for his baked beads and frankfurt levies. optimistic now than he was a year thin De Gaulle’s chances of coming to power constitutionally, LOLI, will hold a summage sale Be rare to By the A M ER IC A N FLAG Memorial Senate Minority Leader WlUiam 1 McCabe St., visHed the Spanish casserole Saturday at the 4-H Favorite Foods Show held at the These ratee are acheduled under F. Knowtond of .California gave ago about avoiding new taxes, the on an assembly vote. Thursday at 9 a.m. Members are city of Palma Majorca in the Community Hall in that town. Billy v.as one of tvVb boys who Day and every NatioRol Holiday! existing tow to drop sutomaticaliy (jovemor declined to give a spe­ ashed to bring contributions to newsmen that word after he and A. high source gt the president’s Elysee Palace, who would Baleric Islands May 8 vyhile aboard competed with 100 Tolland County Girls. (Herald Photo by Greenhouse Yresh! Best Quality Government Type Bunting on July 1.
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