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t nr^ ••«f5*JM**«r - f 1 EmteUkeHe>dligfatThiiri,ltor.M981Pn»15 pleaae eootaet Sid E. Struas. winners of the otW two her grandmother. Mrs. fnak P>|< 14 Ei(le Like HexUcht Thunjiu. 12, Ml ^s. iSth Annual Stmss Bass Tourney 11427 Sharpersit Lae, Houi- 8 Teams Expected Texas sones for the state Tate (Naniel and grMt ffk fUmlttm &IOW SiWfM In Houston 2 Men Lose ^ toB»^exu TfOT2 or call championahip and a shot at grandparenta. Mrs. Bade fltoa fiMCi i SivoettMrt Teachers Rice CiSD^Board Set 4t Sam Rsybum May 2-3 496^4^22. Entry deadline for InTri-County ' the World Series in lenoes' f«Ty(NaiUofAhaira«dMr. Jeans To "^ ? the 1981 event is April iSth. and MrsL G. E Tate (Papaw •\ and Nanny) of Eagls Liike; Rice fFA Sweeps The Fifth Annual Strnas bg eompetiUoo, there are BatM Ruth League f and aonta, Mrs. Leon (Sandy) Invitational Baas Tovnanieot fish &4SI, «ooko«ts, and story Burglars Sat Schneider of Garwood and Re-Elects Teachers ku been icheduled tor Mi^ triUagi galore." The Tri-County Babe Roth Mn. Mark (Jaaia) Henske of Ptkes In Houston Show %S at Sam Raybum Reser Trophies wiD be presented League, for boya aged 16 to NmlwIyAnn Eagle Lake poUce art Esgle Lake. Abo presaot Tise, Catherine Munos. Lori foir, acewding to 1961 shortly after noon on May 8rd 18, ia making |riana (or the kwking for duea in the The Rice School Diibjet'i lournament chairmen Sid and BOWLING were cousins Brent aad (Cootimwd fnia iMif* II L. Vomtaad. Michalleen'' ak>ng with several ootstaad- aununw program with teams burglary of a room at the board of edueatkm Monday 71 Henske Has Party Justin Schneider of Garwood. Allen; '• Barbara Struaa, who u% iag door prises. ladoded in tram Colorado. Fayette and Sportsman'a Motel during the night approved contraeta for azpecting thia year's event to Robby Henske of Eagle Lake $2,162.06; Garweed EksMstary Schsal •: the trophy presentatkm wfll MoedUghters LeagM Lee counties. Teams from early hours of Saturday, Mar. teachers for the 1961-42 ke the "biggest get-together and friends Snnny sad who helped in so many ways Also, Brian Korenek, pen Cynthia J. Boenisch, Jo- be first through thfrd place In the Moonlighters Lea Weimar. La Grange. Gid- On 4th Birthday 7th, when the burglar walked school year and accepted yet." Rslphie Gertson. Clint Gert> at the Houston show. of thtee, ribbon money Ann Bunge. Tommie Lynn for the largest baas caught in gue action at Sealy Bowling dings. Flatonia, Eagle Lake. away with a couple pair of resignatum tnm (»e teaehm*^ son of Elagie Lake, Jennifer Thj3 was the sixth time in $22224. sales money $2,035.- Heard. Michael Michalka,- The tAumament, with both men's and women'a Palace last Thursday, Bkmd Columbua and Sealy are Khnberly Ann Henske wu jeans but very little else for The resignation of James Krenek of Garwood, and the past seven years (or the 50; Paul Korenek. ^n of Tom Rohwer. Calvin M.' keadquarters set up at diviskma; three trophies & Guts rolled tM> team scores expected. honored . on her fourth his trouble. Jackson, a third grade Justin Jobe of Whsrton. Rice FFA entries to win a three, ribbon money $204.16 Zweraemann. Betty.J. Jan-' Cassells-Bo^rkin Park at Sam given out to a qtedal of 774-2158 and-Woff Ignasiak President of the league will birthday on Friday. March 6 teacher to Eagle Lake Pri Kim presented favors to first place in the Commercial and sales money $2,388.36; Patrtdman Lupe Villarreal iah. Joss Salacar. Mary Raybum, will kkk off at 6KI0 ehildnn'a division; trophy (or had high hidividual scores of be Tom Strickland of at 2:30 in her home by her mary Schoo^ was accepted bj her friends as they departed Steer Show. Last year, Thomas Mahalitc. pen of received a caB from the motel SaUzar, Isaac H. Beriy; a.m. on May 2ad and conclude the World Famous Chug^- 214-237-642. Joey Babik roll Weimar; vice preaident, Roy .parents. Mr. and Mrs. Mike the board. ••^;^^::iJ,^\ . ...w . after a^frm-fiOed afternoon. Thomas Kallina won first three, ribbon money $222J!4, manager at 7:45 a.m. Satur Eagle Lake Mlddb SdMsT It 8:00 pjn. that same day. It Lug Champ in both men's and ed a 206-210-608, Ben CastiUo Ripple of Giddings and Henske. Kim's birthday wu sales money $2,456.68; Larry day. Two men in the room. Mareh*!». place in the show; and the The board wMit Into Helen L Oaig. Eddie will begin again the morning women's diviaions; and an 223-596, Mickey Kochwelp secretary. Mark Idigl of Pavlu, pen of three, ribbon Tommy Warren, Jr. of second place winner last executive or closed session Gibaoo, Lois Han^ton Raabe, of the 3rd at 6:00 and award tor the largest erappie 213-660, Brice Stephens 228- Flatonia. Kim enjoyed openfaig the money $204.16 and sales Houston and Aron Noel of year, Raymond MahaUtc, for the discussion of the Eliubeth Miller, Carole E. complete at high noon that caught 554, Joe Trojan 221-586, The regular achedule wiD gifts brought for her. After money $2,189.03. Humble, told the officer that captured that same position teacher contracts. Principals Pavlicek. Winona Rolf. Vivian d«y., The tounument is strictly Darrell Gertaon 228^1, start the latter part of May. wards everyone enjoyed they had watched television refreshments of bfaihday again this year. Thomas Mahalitc also re of the five schods in the C. Rollins, Beatrice Scott,- "It is a memorable event, made up of persons on the Ronnie Pfeffer 201-512 and At the end of the regular in their room until about 2:00 eake, decorated with a Seaame Prize money awarded dur ceived $40 and Larry Pavlu district met with the board in Charlyne SpanSiel, Fk>yd' each year, and it hu been event's maiUng list ^nd their Sonny Spanihel 511. season, an all-star team of 18 a.m. and then went to bed. Street scene. Sesame Street ing the show was^$74.06 for $20.00 as prizes for herds closed session individually to Spenrath. Karolyn R. Foster. said that it is M much a friends who enjoy to fish, but Sandbaggers lead the lea will compete with - the They woke up later that cookies, ice cream, punch and prune entries, and $56.00 for man or showmanship first present reports on their Raymond J. Sykowski. Betty gathering of good faienda u sre not professioiials, aay Sid gue with 66 wins followed by remainder of the South Texaa morning to find their jeans soft drinks. entries rated as good. and third place awards, schools and faculties. Wegenhoft, Calvin Zweme-' that of the gathering of good and Barbara Struas. If Webb's with 56, J. B. Trojans Zone in a tournament in respectively. miasing. Warren reported his S2>/i, Blood & Guts 52 and Georgetown. The winner of Helping Kim celebrate her It is laki tfist Louis XiV of Rice QM^ailbmbers had a After the executive ses nuuin, Debres Grammar, ' fishermen." according to the anyone is interested in waUet'with business cards KCa50'/t. the playoff wiB compete with birthday were special guests. Frsnos ownsd 412- total n)r°wty-six ateers to This briage to $44,589.14 sion, the bosrd returned into Jeannette Woods, FVedlkrm-' chairm^. "Beaides the fish' getting o« the invitation list. the priie, ribbon and sales and driver's UcenijB was gone; open session to approve the grade prime; while only five in the rifiHHin. Aftort strong. D. Geraghty. Mbe- money [not iiichidin( the FhreiRln Tvtttn Farmn el Amric* also 16 in his pant's pocket; contracts, somei for one year, were graded good which in ToMchesoaii whooe hog pheod Sth, and Joe Villagomec, Majorie D. Tif- . pkkop and gooseiteck traOer] members eatered hogs ia the HouitM however Noel reported that but most on a two year basis. itself is an above average Lang. The Fl^A •imhirs are Aawa fany, June C. Morgan, brought hoDM by the Rke Ltvestocfc Shew awl Rede* last week and nothing of value was in his New teachers without prior •M-^ .r/-'y»'-;-.-:1:- •'-,' rating. standfaig in froat ot Oe goossnack trailer Martha Sibley. Betty Kay •*'••" •" : • •>'•* FFA members for paitid- two of the animals pheed in the conpetitiM. jeans. Items left on a night teaching experience must be -^t- Sales of the animals ranged presented to Rajrmond Mahalitc (not shown] Janow. Helen L Gk>ver, pation in the 1981 Cemmer- Members entering hogs in the show were, stand were not disturbed. in the district for three years from 66.5 toll cents per u oae of Us priaes for pladng second fa tlie Diane Schneider, Janis Munn, dal steer ehow. lochkUBg the left to right, Pam Morgan, Deborah During the investigation, before a two-year contract is *-?«*m'4- pound. Lanola Eschberger. C. J. •:•(,< •'• Kretschmer, Kathy lahee whose hog pkeed comawrdal steer show. • Rieo High School the officer learned that M. C. •^ 12 Froa Rke Cempete I9I0Q pickup truck and the Photo. offered. If a teacher had (nior Gonzales, Paulette Sanchez; Bower, an uncle of Nsel, waa .»-•%': -,-f-'- ta hsasr sf Tons PMk Sandra la^e, left, ittd head Rie* High School had 12 $3000 goofleneck trailer, the teaching experience else RieeHiglSchMil in an adjoining room and was SchoobWeek (Mar. M] the eeoch CHftsa Oaideii, r%ht. entries in the commercial t«i|tal earned by the Riee FFA where, he or she must have Finest A.