' Preach tlie Oospel to ]Every Creature."—Mark xvi, i5.


EUROPEAN NEWS. A MANIAC'S DEED. Mm to the home . f Mrs. Bridget Butler, near- ly. While the women were washing the Jy given a thought to the program upon ! from nis head and face Koaeh stood The Bourses' Congress- An Awakening oi the which they are to appeal to the country. The Peril of Reverend Daniel Devlin. Pastor "ti the bank and cursed them and said- French Clergy—Backbone ila- United .Now that the fever has almost entirely dis- appeared. they are rather bewildered.* Hut of St. Stephen's, Hazelwood his Life "Now wash the hl from his gray head.'" kingdom Coming Consistory I he •«^>ai women ran to Second avenue for a 'he Liberals a re in a worse plight. The war Was Saved by a Number of Women. Great Jubilee's Glorious Triumph. p'v.ved disastrous to I hem by ea using gravi' L iS mile, ..h.l vllat they oou¿ di.ìereiiees of opinion in their ranks, and it «o 11 ne\ e their pastor. Special CorrcspoucteiK 01 1 he .vnn : 1 he entire community, irrespective of is utterly improbable that the variances wiil W Urrived 1 have just received an interestiii cteed, was shocked to learn of the brutal, ilóni^íuliUi f 'i i'oach dit. ii.ish sufficiently to allow of a successful i iU of tlie Ecclesiastical **«>;»-1. it'iTious and unprovoked assault made 011 - rail c, 'burgh Jtme- assault upon the Tory positions. We shall ! U 'nli,M,i I,a'k* and started to run hi held at Bo urges Croni tin* 1-t to have a Tory government again, though it tin- person of the Itev. Daniel Hevlin. rector ;Uk September. li was a remar is eH j finely doubt fui whether the party will of the church of St. Stephen in the Twenty- 'i tZTuu " ^ in au re ways than one, ai u assemuly return from the polls with impaired strength. third ward, Hazelwood. city, ou the after I Viii?. Í . V h"ilu'v 111 direction which may imply almost; a 1 H ion iti l lit- Meanwhile it will be well l'or the Catholic noon of .Monday, the Mil. The deed, from i: ne ••óiic -, . >*" U William n la e boi ;v habits ami geoeial ai ubi i tu- Kreut h elector to ponder over the questions he will all that so far can be learned was the work il. V . ,1'. ** " " - She met ic intcrpre of an ins.tie* man. or a degenerate: it was a a ui,;ix Clergy. Il.iiInno, according to the - \t , :;; v ' '• — ¡ "^se. xo. tatiou placed upon ihe Concorda V UH' so wholly unprovoked and without cause. "^ tion Koacii had taken. It'ie was a priest, well up in years, a mild, French ecclesiastical authorities, the Church 1 lie Iloly Father has decided to hold a « ran»- imm.-uiau ly followed him of France iuot'.i usive man, whose gentleness was pro J JU,UU S Jat 1 was divided into so many dioceses consistory toward the end of November, or /' n " " ' '' ' discovered Which had no inter relations ami 110 common veioial among all who knew him, returning ; V\ar'"* Hacks near action. In 1 of 1 ttoi'i the exercise of his holy ministry, uu- ile eai ,i tacit obedience to lie idea he till many vacancies that have occurred in sV. . , ' "- "" Koaeh JU tirsi e iaU:1 Napoleon, whose maxim in Church mat til » episcopacy. .Negotiations l'or the choice coiiM ions of personal danger, struck down V . • '"i-i'c-: an . un hmjtug a po- p»rs Ua> Xul!l was "Divido ut impera." the French of tl-ree prelates are actively going 011 with by a man of powerful physique, lying in '»njg him br...„ Ulto a i an. dicci ses to tie 1 , liu 1 ii,r ¡ have grown so uiauj lueal the countries who have signed Concordats on" ; : 'i lo ..¡op, aud "Clinches.'' absolutely foreign to caeh other, U inlr>lK r with the Holy See giving them a right oi l-oi.c, ' o t ' »"- -ailed. and all attempts ì:UU aid Vk,uua to bring i lie elergj log et ti- veto in the nominations. It is more than -, , m' . " - > '"ght that er to discuss common ¡uteres pi'i bable that least six prelates w ill be rais- -• ' • could easily have il t- wish- common action in it« * ti-spirit ual mat tors had ed to the purple, and some even think that eu io uo so tini ih-ii ,.,, . , i been f 1 row ned down. the number of hats to be conferred will be oi ...at on several occasions ne -a l be.neudeu him and K,mh knew (hat The forward section of the French nine, as there are now twelve vacancies in 1 , har which has produced ne 11 like the Abbe Le tii - Sacred College. Among the likely can 'i, " ' ^ • enme M 1 Uu h;UilJ mire, the deputy, began a few years ago to desates to the purple rumor mentions two Frank»! ¡he men at suggest that periodical reunion:- <•! ¡.nests, foreigners, one being the Archbishop oí 4 i U Ua V U aU ul under the chairmanship of a 1 lishop, i New York, two .Nuncios, an Archbishop, and * ce '-" ' .." * " l' ' box kept r>UI .,,!.,',' ".' oiiicr i hai he would kill cuss matters 01 common intet est a weil known prelate "«li Curia," but. as 1U ;iU Sl v lal prove OÍ ,,.'., V ! " ' ' "'her pel sous liv- of great value to usual, these reports—founded on possibility J:uav,j a i i IV ! J, . . pair or France. Four years ago, ; lie Abbi and plausibility- must be regarded as noth- ami tin "o.'is on Father De\ - organized ilo ¡list congress oi urli ing 11.ore serious than mere conjecture. The luis tace w ted by these priests, which was held at Kheitns and -tt- Sacred College uow comprises lil'ty-ciglit lended by over 7uU priests. The second one tin i, I'el's, ail created b\ Leo X 111., with the " > i aui«T uovi. . v ed in -rite •was to be held in 1 'aris i wo v ea : s except luu of Cardinals l'arrochì, Letlocliow- «èilous, as h. i,een in ill wards, but his Fmineuee the cardinal did ski ami Oreglia di Sauto Stefano, who receiv- emt years, ai , i only re- uot see tit to give the necessary permission ed the purple from I'ius IX. from Mt c us, ùich and the congress pent some Ua the hope held this year at Bourges, 5 heakh. Fan. , |>u is luansliip of ihe Archbishop m novvp oriels . look nu aciive pari in it> promotion. ami lee year approaches to its close is a mailer ^ is with the approval and co-operai ion oi some of gieat joy and satisfaction to Cat holies in l'ouitfeeu Archbishops and Bishops while pastor o Steph- g» turai ami to the Holy Father in particular, six Bishops set t heir face against the t 'on • -tit up a »ai** ngréga- gress and while : In- Liberal press, who had contidenily the largest in us dto- forbade their clergy !•> attend > REV. DA MEL j. DEVLIN. Whilst the remainder, without expressing yr> prophesied that the "Anno Santo" was he saia lie hai no idea provai or r 1 bound to end in a colossal basco, now ob- wait 1 or him. Kicked and beaten, and were ci him. iti® heiieved that disapproval, left tbei priests iUl s utlH r to do as they serve a discreet silence ou the subject. But it ta.-; for a number of women who hastened " . * ' Person passed in lij;U locality liked. Six Archbishops and ;1> t!uu Bishops and over t \\ < h e no occasion is lost by the enemies of he t > the spot, his it it- would have been brutally , ' he w-ouM iave been at- Church, foremost among them being the stauped out. As it was, his injuries are i.ukcu. father Hevtm sani he was Uior- tenued, and the congress may be considered Jewish-Masouie Tribuna, to veut their pet- \ em severe, aud with the attendant shock, ' ughly convinced that Koaeh was insane, a huge success. It is felt that, in spile of ty spite and rage against Catholics. Fur iti- the condition of the victim is serious. The '"-", l'v, J1 iil,,u-h '»• l«nd tried ,u kill him opposition in certain high quarters, si;: nee, the recent incident ot -> wo American th tails ot this avviul crime and intense peril ha,J i,utlj111- a i-u-l'.v feeling lor ids gatherings can only do good, ll they had students who lost their way in the Cata- to the beloved priest are as follows: as,adant. He is of ti,- oration that Koaeh been possible in yea rs gone by t he Church combs oi St. 1 Hjmiiilla, has been twisted by Father ilev!hi was returning from a visit snoutit tic placed under reMiaim, but he will oi France would not ha i the Tribuna into an argument ler the imme to tin- home of a member ol his coiigreg.i itihse lo prefer a charge against him. isolateti from the people and so much in op- d:ate annexation of the tombs ot the mar- 1 ion, whcie he had been called to give spir- Beach was horn aud raised iti the i ranks- position to popular ideals in political ma tyrs, which, it cynically observes, would be itual assistance to a member ot the family town disti lei Hi i1 s a.oooiti,,1,1L -•-no, . ear..,,.s. ot age ters, and God's altar might not have beet a vi ry proti table invest merit if properly man- as it was, chained up with a mouldering v.'l,.» is ill. tin ret tuning l'rom his mission anu has been roaming over the country for aged 011 business principles by the State! Of throne. of mercy he started down Forward avenue the last ten years. He had lorm. riy lived course this insane proposi 1 ;ou lias been lev. aid Second avenue, tju Hearing the • • * won his mother at lo Acorn street, but she laughed to scorn by 1 he Liberal papers them- i, ulge, he said, tie saw James Koaeh, his bloke up housekeeping and went iu live Sometimes the fact of ha s ing enemies is a selves, but it is symptomatic of the rabidly alleged assailant, standing on the path, but wuh iier daughter, lb.acli returned to Fills good sigu. it denotes backbone in a charac- aliti ciclica! spirit which animates a sect on it.ought nothing ot tins, and continued to buigli about two weeks ago, u<_v being ab- ter. The faculty in a man by which ne of the Italian press. Serenely regardless ol" approach him. When ihe priest was within sent lor about eight months. When ne makes to himself enemies 1 he coarse attacks and vulgar taunts to a 1 • • w I» ci of Koaeh, the taller stepped up reached Frankstown he imnieuiai. by which ho makes strong ! riends. Of which they are exposed, however, thousands 0:1 the bank a bo ve the path, aud as Father lo the house i'ormerlv occupied by his motii- French prelates oi pilgrims continue to arrive in an uninter- 1 M.-vliti passed by, Koaeh with a curse, cr. bin found that it was • e upied » v of Ais. is certainly the one who has made rupted stream, and hardly a day passes si ruck ttie priest ill the la.Ce. 1 he blow was stiaugers. Since then tie iias been iu an aii- the most enemies. And he is ce ria inly of without some importa ut function or . < 1 ep- so unexpected that Father Devlin' was stag gty mood. I le has not been though iu oe of those who has made the most 1 riends. Wit-tion laktu piace ai •r s or at t h< „end, and before he recovered his balance sot'iiti mind for years. Lately ae na- been ness his clergy weeping round his death b Nat ¡can. It looks as if the aged I'outilf lie icecived another stuuiiiug blow above the accusing people ol talking about him. and oa the other day and his diocese were upheld by some mysterious power, so left e„\c. f ather Devlin, while not a strong stM rai occasions has not died l-'r iher In v- loss as that of a father. Iiis wonderfully does lie go through these long man, pluekiiy closed in on ids assailant, who ili that he must take some means *.o stop titude with respect to tin po ami tiring ceremonies without any apparent stiuck him again. The men struggled lor a the talk or then would be trouble. Xo at- has passed into history. -Mgr. < ¡outhe-Soul effort or fatigue. nieu« nt when Father Devlin, who was on tention was paid n, his talk, as lie has also ard did not understand the art of holding t!ie lower side of the path, lost his footing be en drinking, li. accused several persons, the candle to the devil. His "nun possum us False Reports. and fell ou his left knee. iiicb ding Father D.-vlin. of breaking up his was as inflexible as that of 1'iu To recover his ground he was compelled lioint and said that he woul gei even with Church of France will feel tin A news item that deserves consideration, to loosen his hold oil Koaeh, who immediate- then unflinching prelate, lie was hu if tot 1.10 other reason, on account of its per- ly took advantage of tlie priest's position aud Ihe latest intelligence received at our go- the last. Though dying, he insisted on gei severing appearance 111 the secular and daily rained several blows on the priest's head. ing to press tends to show that Father Dev- ting up and being dressed in his violet "son pies» is the rumored holding of a Fourth Roach's efforts were so furious that lhe lin s recovery may be speedily expected, lie tare," and placed in his armchair to reeeivi Plenary I'oiiiieil in the immediate future. It force of his blows carried him off his feet has rallied from the shock, and a careful the last sacraments. II is u nv be here slated ami without fear of suc- anu he fell headlong on the priest's prostrate medical examination shows no internal in- read j for the Fx tremi cessful contradiction that the matter has In;dv. He quickly regained his feet, aud be- jti' ies. \\ hile ihe external injuries are pain- follow. When the Viaticum arrived, ioli never received the slightest primary consid- fore Father Devlin could rise, began kick- ful, they are not serious. At the hearing ed by a long cortege, lie ruse to reo eration and it must be remembered that the ing him about the head aud body. Tuesday morning the assailant was held in Ile was morally <• .si.ooi» bail to answer a charge of aggravated ci m ocation of so great an assembly, with lii.' neighborhood in which the assault oc- turned his lucidity to the last moment. assault and bat cry. lieiug unable to furn- Gouthe-Soulard's titles were Bis tin- innumerable attendant details that are so culted is mostly populated by members of S;. Stephen's parish. At two o'clock in the is i bail he was taken to jail, lie offered as Aries and Fmbrun, and l'i- essential, would require no less than a period 4 afternoon, the district, which lies in the hol- an excuse that lie ¡¡ad been verbally chat?- » ene«». of two or more yea rs to elapse before tlie low, is deserted, as the male residents are tized by Father Devlin for some misconduc*- • • • ti e!atchy could meet. The authority upon marly all employed in the mills in the The evidem-e of the which the assertion 1 hat it has never been Ft aiiksto wn district. The only witness to The British Ilag was hoisted over the éral election in the I ed King considered is made is incontrovertible and em- Milt tue beginning of the trouble was an aged capiue mining district in Alaska on S creasing. The political organizer: a nates from the highest ecclesiastic:!I estab- woman named Mrs. Welsh, who was >». ng their forces: the st ream oi piai form ora her 17th. and Justice Sicher Manii pffQQf lishment in this country. It may likewise be before the door of her little home. When tory is being swelled more and n « here as vigorously denied that there is as yet ithcr Devlin tell she cried out to her neigh- Mtpreme Court of British Colttttt tlay to day; and candidati - for ornament» any purpose to create new episcopal sees hör: to go to the priest's assistance. .1 lie We drawing up programs and lay ini claimed that the Americans, w* at. Altootia, Fa., ami Sioux City. The scat- Women ran from their homes and on seem. befor«- tlie electors. Not at all an ea < laiuis in tlie district, :nust _ _ tering abroad of such baseless rumors as itch and ihe prostrate priest ran to the the history of Tories and Liberals n! and attacked Roach with such fu v ish authorities UU»« ¡ely shows an occasion when Catholic new s is misleading and in this and fi ti: At lie was glad to escape fro:a them. The t !Us continued. The Amerie: Near Chettnu oufllm» of future policy are eoneeni- kindred affairs safe reliance cannot be plac- w mien raised Father Devlin and carried iiaut. but have as yet taken .•'SBUB8H, FA. y twere more ill prepared for a strug ed with the secular sheets. American ordinary, hail not visited this town October The Intention. (Lburcb Bews. for eighteen years. During that time nobody The intention of the Aposileship of Proyer Rri&umatism re eived the sacrament of Continuation. The for October is Reparation. We are to offer What is the use of telling the rheumatic The "endless cliaìii"' business is a nuisance Porto Iiicaus do not seem to allow the exist- up our prayers, works and sufferings for the that he feels as if his joints were being dis- arni an imposition. ing prejudices of American Catholics in fa- roe of abstaining on Friday to trouble them. spread of a spirit of reparation among < 'hris located ? Aichbishop Chapelle will li-ave Manila in They rat her wonder at our credulity and tian people, it is a beautiful intent ion, coin- lie 'mows that his sufferings are very Novombor for Home, and return tei bis see •foolishness." The average Porto Hi can male ing- so soon after tin terrible events in China, much like the tortures of the rack. )\v Easter. is a < 'at holic of ihe hereditary type when lie which would naturally arouse in our passion is what will per- ate human natures the strongest feelings of H'r t iimat a . 1 IH' pa troll :• • ft i 11 ~o t t ' ' 0 ¡an, who is suppose»! to be an anaroliist. 1 ( 'at tic J « »urna Sacred that would in ever so small a way make up tii-W11 Pat teina . in the provili ice of ' l'ai, r Cal veston lias called ont the sympat liies of II. art Review. to Him for all Hi- was suffering7 That is lll« 1. Scii ly 1 jI t w;i s a day of fes r i vif y. of dc- the meaning of the lloly Hour that many co ï at ions an (1 of ititi •lestiìll g fi-ature S. witll t he Christian world. Condoleiices and money keep on the eve of the. first Friday. That is im e of its st at tract 1 Vi* 2ni d no vel cii'1-eiiiol l and supplies h a ve been seni in profusion. wliat we must pray for and strive after. All i.«-i let t ft o- toda. y News from China reports that in t lie North- the mouth of October, that we may. by our abeti 1 street, .1 P 1Im ti i.-it OIK - Ion sek i u i :i i/. ern Provinces from 1 ô.t « h i to Ju.oimi native ptj 11 earnest prayers, our loving thoughts, our Im twei 'li l'ri nee ;an d Hast Hon st Oll strcet s. Christians were massacrai dunng July last. ^ zealous deeds, make up to our Lord for all e y cry ten •ut f ront was profil sel y 1ileconi t Arclibishop Ireland expected to arrive in I LABOR SAYING evil done, whether far away or near, and ed with 1 he Itali an e olors and ' 1 a is•t of Tlm England on the li«itli ult.. and after vis comfort llim most by obtaining gran' for tlie I ¡ilei 1 sÎ *I I <•s . w hile isiug 1 t rcel ilt r 1 Il ing a few friends there and in Ireland to souls of sinful men. f l'ieiju í •ut Í lit er va Is w ere string s of colored sail from (Jueenstown ou t lie luth of < )eto- la nips that snpp' irteli vari tous d esign s in the ce litre of Í h e st 1•eels . T nife & m MODERN WH!J E SOAR Death of Father Clarke, S. J. isis (»II I lit l'îlS t sii!e of '.-Il í '*ti ; , , 111 st ree t :ind in The Roman Congregation of Charity I re- i The Catholics of England and the Jesuits fr I'll' of No. au :1 Itili- stood , Will >re hun «•lived the grand gold medal a; ilie Palis] WO/VT SHRINK particularly have suffered a decided loss i>, (P•m Is ap pro ache .1 w it h 1 ilïers of 11,oui y. Exposition for its perfect organization and STRUNZ S WOOLENS. the death of Father Clarke, S. .1. An Oxford w hielt tinr y 1p'ac e d in a lai•g e tray vvl lich w.is for 'he incalculable a mount of good it ac- convert he distinguished himself in many 1 < J '('di v Hll i»ilis am 1 siì--or coi Il. complishes. LABOWASH EI S IRN SAVING ways at the university, rowing in the eight Al 1 he ver y to|1 of ollc of the • am lies WilS There arc only two English-speaking I HARD WATER. against Cambridge on the memorable occa- a loll!Í b rai; 1 ofb l ai-li ha ¡r TiIii s h ail bec 11 5AVC Tt-fti WRAPPERS.SOAP . sion when the boat was swamped, and I e- CilI t I'loul i t hi > tea ti of Mar i", tlie' •¡auLchtc r of priests in Peking: however, tcere arc a num- ber of Sisters of Charity from Ireland, one iug made a fellow and tutor of Si. John's A CI, 11O1 l't_i 1w .Mo t •ri. 0 f 221. m-; ah'-rlii sireet . who. College, and an examiner of the university. It hac1 been t to-light, was- nigh unti • i de,-uh. band of whom devote themselves to the care of lepers and friendless poor After having been received into tho Catholic 1,1H w ho. t h ri mg h tinÍ » pi-ly-i s •Mill inter-: es- FABRICS FOR FAIL AND Church in ISIm, In- decided to join the b-s silmi s of Si- ita 1-'oriti li:! 1." had 1 icon restoied Qi ecu Margheriia lias written a noble let- NEW WINTER. uits, and as member of ihat society no lias to liea 1th. 'I 'lie e hild's par cuts h ad ci mi ri hut ter of thanks to .Mgr. Yelluti Zati. Bishop of Wooiens and Worsted, of new de- done much valuable work. Under his editor- III1 1 in1 ii l i va idet l hai." their • ionaiion of I'escia. who on the occasion of Kim; Hum signs and colorings, for gentlemen. ship the literary excellence of tin- ><«.. 'h was lo ve. î ufïe'C11 :m ai id (1l a iiiv t'uh'i > s to the pat- Pert s assassination addressed pastoral let- maintained at its highest level. The • lo'ties. -i of lì. mein a. ter to his tloek highly condemning the das- Ì tor of the man seemed to shine through w. The tra diti iiniic et ed irtunata tardly crime. HENRY SMITH & SONS, articles, which revealed a soul gentle, sym- says that the saint's bones were carried >f • arabaat Tallara. 800 Wylla A»«., pathetic, full of sweet and light- His \ iews When tin lb liornas M cSweeuey. I rem Palestine to Bou ina in i he year Ö' H) A. • PITTSBURGH, PA. were broad, his culture many sided, and in Oakland. Cal., celebrated the silver jubilee IV, and thai ;liey ha i- > res: ed in the church Clergymen's Garments a specialty. dealing with religious problems he was able ,il the Collegio de Ma.i i ever since. •>f Iiis ordination, ne announced that lie hud 7 WST to appreciate in a special way the point ol received a check for S 10,111.111 from Mr. Henry viejv of those who differed from 1 >m. l-'ol An Impressive Scene. A. Butters, which would cancel the debt ot ari the parish. ti this reason few more Instructive A pari; of pilgrims recently visit d ilo j: ESTABLISHED 1870. i u i have appeared in modern times 11, Mammoth Cave in Kentucky and a clerical The new St. nf> ifirmary at i.nue ul: i itk. jetCf... TMtSi.AA,/Oil Anglican di member of the company celebrated Mass for Rock. Arkansas, was I- ,ited recently. Rt. TITUS BÊRGÉR & SON, ill ^management! of the Jesuit hall at Oxfoid the first time in the famous cavern, one of Re . Edward Fitzger; officiatili;:. The HOUSE PAINTING AND DECORATING i r .ed as successful as his editorship ot the the party thus records his impressions: " 1 he Bishop conducted the ; 'rvices, occupying a IN ALL ITS BRANCHES ims feaziue, two of the studems taking a first- scene during the holy sacrifice is beyond de- rolling chair, and seemed much : trotifer than WALL PAPER AND INTERIOR DECORATIONS. clays in classics and mathemat'es last term. scription. but some idea of it may be caught at any time since lie suffered the stroke ol KALSOMI1NNG AND WALL PAINTING. His demise recently at M ieklega. e I tar con- if the reader will remember that we were paralysis last spring. ART STAINED GLASS, vent, where he had just conducted a retreat, several hundred feet under ground in a grand 3311 Buttar St., 0228 Pann Ava , Fa t her Sta dolman. S. I., of St. Francis was suddeu and unexpected, bin we may as Cathedral fashioned by nature's own forces, TELEPHONE FISK 81. Pittsburgh. Xavier's college. New York, has begun the stime thai the good priest w is ready for the far from ilie noises and distractions of the printing of Catholic literature for the blind. end; his whole life was a preparation for busy world above. The rude altar lighted by Several books have been sterolyped ami oth- death. llie rubrical wax candles and live lanterns, ers are in the process of printing They are JUNKIN S the devout little congregation with lighted M to be lent free to all. a.ut are to be sent to The Jesuit. lanterns kneeling in a semi-circle, the cele- all parts of the United States. Even when his the logy t ¡Iti his brant rolled iu his priestly vestments, the PASTEURIZED MILK, f a P.Lai examination passed. stillness and darkness outside the illuminated Ordinal Ledoehowski has returned to A delicious Drink. Send for Samples and Try it is si ill an )th- Delivered anywhere. Telephone Fisk 112. Jesuit is not completed, li cirt le of worship, all tended to lift the mind Rome, much improved by his vacai ion in S .alinoli» dI ooi l 3001 to 3007 Llbarty St., Plttsburfk. er year of probation befor • ami (he heart up to Him who was born in northern Europe. lie is still Prelect of ber of the M the world as a full blown i the cave of Bethlehem, and who brought the Propaganda. The information respecting ime t ciety. lie has to reiii'ii during thai solace to the persecuted Christians of the Cardinal Satolli's promotion to that import- ill 111 ESTABLISH» the uoviceship. and tlieie to rep«-a Cutaooiubs. The 'Te Deuin,' chanted during ali- post was thoroughly Roman, which is I 1832. In The Fulton Bell Foundry. experimental tests and trials of t .Mass. was sung with the spirit uf true devo- hut another way of saying that it was en- J to CHTRI H, SCHOOL. AND KIRE-ALABM two years of his religious life. II has t¡rely false. sweep and dust the rooms and < ridi BELLS OK GENUINE BELL-METAL. Drinking by Society Women. to chop wood, to wash plates ai.u dishes, te The new president of the Insilili;" of Jour The Rev. W alter .1. Shanley, Jjf Han ford, MF6. sides going over again :he spiritrial work ualists in England is Mr. A. W. A'Beckett, THE CHAPLIN FULTON CO., president of the Connecticut tot: 1 abstinence 30, 32 aad 34 Pann Avanua, the novice, the lon#r p'treat of thirl.» d. a 1 '.itholic. Cardinal Vaughan has promised union, in submitting his annual address to PITTSBURGH. PA. included. He has also during this year him to preach to the Cafhob.c members of the tin* officers and delegates, made a sensation- study the institute of the society, and «1 society during the confo e 1 • it holds, ihis al statement relative to the increase of the Church Bell», Chimes and Peml« of leg Lent to take part in some one of the p month, in Loudon. Mr. A'Be.kett contrib- Be« drinking evil among the women of the coun- Quality Address, ilc missions which are given by the vari ins utes regularly to Punch. The editor d thai Old Established try. and especially society leaders. President reiigious orders in the large towns and < eti- well known paper is also a Catholic. BUCKEYE BELL FOUNDRY li es Shanley said: THE E. W. VAN0UZEN CO.. Cincinnati,0. tet'S of population. This final year sonietii Nothing could more el-arly indicate the I "Considerable comment has been made follows immediately on his theology, son policy of sheer desperation to which the re- I lately concerning the drinking habit among SO years experi- times after an interval of a yea' or t >vt.. d public of France is eommirted, than the par- ence. Past 5 year» Km iety women and the danger of this grow- ing which he is employed 1.1 one of the < don of the pillagers of the church of St. .bis- I with Steinway ing custom among ot her women. According house here. Leave leges or missions of the society. When :t e'th in Paris. This wanton desecration of a I 3; to competent authorities, drinking is decreas- orders at C.C. Mej- over he is generally well on in the thirti temple of Ged shocked a' the time of its oe | lor Co., or my resi- ill ing among men. but increasing among wom- dence 85 Lillian aud. if he has had the full course, he v. etui dice even the infidels ol the r reilch cap ano lining 8». have spent some seventeen years in irami en, and among women of the wealthier class. li 1 Hal. The pardon of the miscreant.-« is a .ureal for his work. Of this period lie will have i M * It is to be regretted that women who are JOS. RITTER er shock. voted two years to the uoviceship. se\ -11 1 ers ¡11 society initiate the drinking cus- • years to study, six or seven years *o ie«< •h- ttom s of English society, and that the old The Missions Catholi'iiicof Lyons, pule J ing or the work of discipline, and one y< •a r American ideas of respectability in this mat- lishes a dispatch announcing fresh disasters I CHA8. O. GILLESPIE* to the second Uoviceship which he has to i 111 ter are fast disappearing. It is to be hoped in the much-tried provin if Soul h East Pet- I tlergo after his priesthood. tluit ('atholic women will not be brought to Chili. Six priests hive been murdered - 96 DIAMOND STREET. PITTSBUROM. adopt this dangerous drink fashion. It is in- Fathers Fink. jiiss Ho'en Veader. daughter ot hani. 1 iI among women." nouueemeut from the superior of foreign Vender of Ne*v llaveit. Conn, has taken the missions at Paris with regard to the assass- * veil of the Sisterhood .if the Dominican or how's This? ¡nation of the oiissiotia- 1 s -Fathers Oeorjuii WATTERSON & REID, *.*dei of nuns, and will on-or the com cut iu Wo offer One Hundred Tollars Rewa d for any ease of and l.eray ill Southern Manchuria. A tele- l * -».oinsville, Ivy., at oil'*:», Catarrh that ea jnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh t^ire. g,-aiii «'rom Shanghai stales that live Cernían ATTORNÊYS'AT'IAW, lastv^ ^ anyou icement caused much surprise K. J CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. missionaries were massacred on the ,'»il inst. Fldillty Building, 341 FOURTH AVE»« tliou&Aiiss Veader is well known so- ally. She We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney 'or the at 'iai Nine:. A Kuseixt-V >'<'ars of cultivated literary last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all 1 1 business transactions aud financially able to carry out ESTABLISHED IMS. case the V "' deeply religious. Her father and Porto Rico. in an appe€kler s5sters a,v High (Miurch Epis any obi nations made by their firm for strikers' and members ot ( lu'1H! °, uin"11: West & Tki ax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. The l'orto Rica us seem to badly need an student at Ros »maiy hai!, in Wal W ALDI HG KINS AX A MARVIN Wholesale Druggists, injection of American Catholicity. The diffi- J. J. MeCORMICK worst, will ta Mi- Toledo, O. culties with which Hisliop Bleilk has to con- region in a boiou t three years a; Railroad, Steamship and Eickngi AfMt. avert to Catholicity, ami later he- Hall's Catarrh Cure is t:;ken internally, acting directly toml may be wH1 imagined from the eoiuli- «40 SMITNFIELD STtlBT. upon the b orul and mucous surfaces of the system. t ion of religion iti a place in Puerto H ico. Notices have .interested in its charities. She Testimonials sent free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by a" Passengers booked to almost all part» lr of the Carnegie sequent aud welcome visitor at Druggists. called Isabella la Segunda. We are informed world at lowest rates. Money wnt * Is. Hall's Family Pil's are the best. that the Bishop, before the coming of the everywhere. Jf Westrainster Cathedra!. !»'i tls of the iiiuos, this Catholic university tyrs. recently. Lights humeri in the chapel Interesting Excavations in the Forum. is nfunit taking a departure which will moot ol; Saints Uasins and A nasi asms. where rest li is inttn-estiufi to loa rn ttaat 111 - - now < ,'a- Under the direction of a learned ami eu- wnh appi uval. Al « h** commence remains of that ill fated sov- 11'ctirHl of \VfHcaiinKicr is rapidi v npproaeh- tlnsiastie archaeologist. Signer Bondi, the n.i nt ut" this academical yoar and i:i connue» fruiit stood the catafalque l'i compiei ioli, a r.d 11mi ti io opimi ny ha excavations in the Roman Forum are being Hun with its ih» îrislilnu agricultural lusti- atis All the Italian authorl- • ii tìxed l'or luti«' 25} tti. next. whieh \\ ili at lively carried on with the most satlsfae- lutt\ a now s,.,-: h,n in cite tu tenti HCiem-es ero present, The fhe sixth auniversary »>t* fin* la,v ini; di' eipnem , icsuiis, one ,,f the most interesting lu a ring un agrioidt oral is tu Im- inauguratoti, Mi t( ry t i-ornei-Mone, : : \v i11 Ih» recalled t hat ij»i* l.ati/a. first ehapfain to liscoveries. from the point of view of the >t t ¡'ili ni ihi» sii» :iI < 'allietimi is maini v Ir.e "pon In intendili;;' agricultural engineers and. t S;i \ uv. who was assisted by under eerta in eonilitioiiM. to candida les in ( lisiian ardiaeoiogisi, has been that of the «ln> inilialive i>| ih«- lato Cardinal Mali tin' ehiireti's chapter. The day remains of ihe ancioni church dedicated to uh" filiileienvd It.v Ilio liKtli.V ci iou* l a • i.ral srieliit*. "I lie course of studies is to onth's Mind, a few other lie ho very eouipreiit nsivo, embnuing among Onr l.ady "do Infer..." which came to light nimbi« » liti; suri »ululili sudi . vasi: es were celebrated in Homo, during the demolition of the more modern • liter sul i ¡eel s analvtieal. organic and biolog- and ami iinpi'i'iami uiìiiertakluij, vigorosi^!. srl ion- in various parts of Italy. •«•"'Ht' of Sia. Maria Libératrice. The walls ! r v, ehomioai anal; S (if rood Massi io work tu i :trr> h s noi ile desigli ime t-\e- > have at no time ceased to be are covered with beautiful frescoes in the 1 liolog.V. Ill left < niii li. Hit 111« ¡ami rlod deal a *>t Ihai givat 111 d w ith great pomp sitve the death purest l«yy.antiue stvle. [ 11 Iati'. I In- dui v ol i'iHiiplol in.ij iho < 'al In- I he i •raseopu examination of the I I. >t us hope the spiri» of prayer orai dovolvoti upoti nilior shiiuldi rs, and iIH? a ud vogol al ilt- Kinds, appiie and . f on may he reallv furthered by Delightful Tours to California. Mexico, Florida. rapid progress tv hieli lias betm mano witii iho lc 111 11 rod lira les. This addi •iuiis of the Chu'ch's authorities w> ì K is tlu1 ln'st evi lont'o ut tilt' /cai and sia euluin of t is again good may come from Cuba and Other Popular Winter Resorts. Ce ri tv tlius • wlio ha vi» hfi'M '-harirt-d willi est lo youn Ticket agents ,,f the 1'. & L. K. It. |{. wtU tll e l't spi Misi l li 1 i i v. st ives to as. Sell you tourist tickets to any of the popular Winter Results at lowest rates and will li uiay n.it '.io ufiiorally known • hxit tlit> Take Your Choice. vai make reservations of choice sleeping ear and Cathedra! is lite largi-si huildint: for eeelesias- ids of mi litaries m steamship accommodations without charge. tieni pur posi >s l hai has beoti t-n-eleil in Kng he Mi Norman. Lor schedule of fast trai laud since t In- maiju t fiy ni' thepeopleof ihai •ain service via Chi- Ih 1'nr Kaso- acn ea < 'inciiui: f; or St. Louis and lowest COnn1 ry abandon- •ir am m o tare- apply tu L. (\ Kmiiievant. agei-r. 3">? tors .v. i i t ""io tur mistaking as to kind 11 ot- Fifth avenue. Park building, Pittsburgh'. Pa. tin -m- In 'i i 1 a ni strictly and will not, tin be W j I be ..<• I I'- Th .••..I duu n as a sp.M-ial pleitler for Catho- 10-3-Ut. ll VC Will ill I I . and iio lics. It. says: A careful distinction must a tu! the t..p I . ili mad. I..-: ween itouuin « "ainolie and Lnn- I , 's,;; J',.,, i 11 nix i • -.in: missionaries. The former enjoy on F.C^sauei^ t .an £17u.iM»i) hi e.- \. huie. far more consider'a' ini froii the I urlar, and tie- ¡erior iteci i .ii -\ es, as well ¡is from fureigners. and the ¡ i-t tu I» exccf üb. eia bor result ut their work is heyo'-d t|iieslion much » ARCHITECT. - a il.\ cost a siili' amount. Influence I. la t ion. •-¡l e.ii. i 'I he Itomaa i 'ai'-olii missionary Churches and Schools a Specialty ni -gV groa r des shall ha* Liiloit -"es tu China once for all: lie adopts native 335 and 337 FIFTH AVENUE, eat ioti tu compii >n. the noi dccidtsl dress, lives on native food, inhabits a na- HAMILTON BUILDING, ROOMS (513-614-615 whit : name must be ev< if illllu .se house, snppi-ns hi itiseli upon the most Talophona 1178 Pittsburgh, st.un! a nola'il'' monum claims meatier allowance from home, and is anex- in till .1. t rupoiis ef a nation :.'epli of the ehara#-iei isiics which are as < s- X. D. EVANS tions i.ou happily goneby scntial tu the Kastern idea of priest hood as ARCHITECT, in the vu i.i.uard of Ihe ut to the Western poverty, chastity and obedi- ( ii ce ip. 800) The i ito?52,B 8!4-815 LewlB Building, corner Smtthfleld «tree against i h o i>y Hie a[ipoiui ment, Iestati! mision- and Sixth avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa slree •legate- to attend a monster mass meet ary. mi the other hand, in a majority of Telephone 520. I alher Mor 0. M. I if delegates Hun • •wry prominent club i a-es. looks upon his work as a career like Father Morley. O. l. society throng lit It the country, to be another: he proposes to devote a certain amount of his life tu it. and then lo return teen years in the dui ti in New York < 'y on Thanksgiving London, returned ljmi Xuv ember 1".M h. * as unanimously ariop;- heme ivlth tin- halo of lie- Christian pioneer; S, F. HECKERT, lull- oil Olle of I lie tr. v the convention. ( 'ominilieos wore an In- has in most eases his comfortable house, his wife, his ehilrir.'it nis servants and his Invalid««! .soldiers. I Melle, was in Oed to carry the plan into effect. ARCHIT^GT, foiei^n foo,;. and it !s i m-u stai.-.I that his Kin berie.v all ihroiij -dtp- lie had lie cull v.-nihil, elided ils business oil STEVENSON BUILDING «41 SlITM * Vt -tipeiids Increase with each addition to his just Pnt ui, his alt. ruing for Mass irsday. JTtl;. The next convention will Long Dittano* Telophono 1782 L'loilv." n lien an explosion out chin- h brought held al . The national olii- him out to b. witn '111- of the few < elected were: lîev. L. IL Wall, of New w. Congress of the Blessed Virgin, H. ARTZBERGER deaths caused by slu colored woman rk, president. Ib-v. B. .1. Bogan of Itali- in the street had had ni partly blown X. .1., first vice-president; Joseph L. Th congress of the Blessed Virgin held J ARTIST IN FRESCO. 710 Codar Avonuo, . . ... àlloghony. off After the lief of Ki nlieriey Father Leaney, of Brooklyn second vice-president; recently at Lyons was one of the most not Morley spent twoi illuni lis t Kloemfouteiu I'M ward I'. Callaghcr, of Philadelphia, si. al.-le manifestations of Marian cult that tlu Own Patant ScafllNg. amongst the enteric d the wounded, n iaiy and treasurer. All of the office' century has w itnessed. No fewer than one "1 must have stay\ .-.I i hi.'i'c altogether." he w.re reelected with tin- exception of the hundred and thirty reports, or "studies," COMPANY, says, referring to if -on dont. dealing with devotion to the Mot her of Cod. PETGEN GLASS that being buried had been received by the committee as ear- MEMORIAL Hanll!?! jM Ffftk i..^ WOIIielW'W. louk s' I . The Brothers oi the Christian Schools. ly as .1 une lût li. Many of these papers were I as being butied in i Fati tor ley of exceptional merit, and the more remark-I WINDOWS, Eis&il, WtoferuX^ speaks very lbghh if the religious faith 'ihe disciples of St. John Baptist ih la able among them are to be published in full lo ,um810 of the Irish soldiers \ud many a time they Salle, like all Christian teachers, have many in the volume containing the report of the MDNF Y '"*"• op fcooaotaM 'u. mul,L were to t suddenly that it was bitter critics. The Brothers reply not in congress. The volume in question promises * niture, pianos, t-U;., II nrT I—in ml n overjoyed • ids. but they make effective answer by i" be a veritable theological and I paymi-nte; gtrlctty ronfldentlal alao on ftooi) «Qst. rt the si.garth, although bearded. \\ •rical •ecurtty: «hort loan« on real estate. was liv i-i: wurks. 't he awards they have < a.Tied cyclopedia of Marian lore. In the n tlie.ir bedside. The\ never thought to see J Q. H. SMITH, ' at the Paris exhibition constitute a signal 'he heights of Fourvieres wen- echoing with a priest (when out of ; ho roach of the army No 413 Fourth avenue, opposite postoftiee. niiph for their educational system. I'hey jo\ous aeclainations and jubilant hymns to chaplain, in the wilds of South Africa, "at vi- secured three "grands jirix," thirteen her whose magniliceiit basilica towers above the back of "(¡orispeeri.". The officers and Lyons as an impregnable fortress against nurses in this campaign have noticed how af gulil medals, f leen bronzo nuslals. ale ter the priest's visit I in- patients were calm- "honorable mei ns" and a total of l'oriy- -P'rit ol it V. S. H. MCCAIN, er, and the temperature lower. This was seven prizes. In ith e departniont for "Pojm- so. even after the I loiy oils. I hough Irish lar 1'ritnarv instru u" tliey gained :t lirst ,i,i A Mighty Man is He. custom is too prone to regard extreme unc- nine silver and two bronzo Contractor and Builder, We ai tion as meaning the very end. Lather Mor- ut nal' Wlieti il is stated thai the jury in amis of latK) VETO STREET, ley often had to say tu a man that there ibis depart meni was prcsided over by M. of I he si • I by Fi Leon Itourgeois. and lliat ninongst iis uicni- ALLEGHENY, PA. were so many other cases to be visited tas William nzullern indeed there were) thai ii might bo bed ci- bt-rs were .M. Hnissoii, hoiiorable director, te anoint him also, now that lie was with and M. Itayei. aciing director .of primari' hiui. leaching at the minisir.\ of public instruet• fHONK IS7 mar 14-ly ioli, it Wlll Ile fl'eely aekliovvledged timi the The Jesuits at Malinc. Itrothers received uot nudile favor. The ! l'Ut 1: is, t bey coutil uot fail to Ite sue. essi'111 Ih The church of the Bruol, or Leliendal. Ma- C Tolaphono, S. S., 4S0. ... & il edneatioii. l'or people who make a n a post li- lines. which the .Jesuit Fathers have just pur ( La Benz & Bros*, j bile of any work and devote their lives to it chased, has a ahistory of its own. Before 2 Carpenters and Builders, j) for the love of i¡od are lumini to execute i» the French resolution ii belonged to the ¡u-ia-t i.- moment * FINE INTERIOR AND HARDWOOD WORN 1 wilh the highest degree of cl'fieitaic.v monastery of the Froinonstratensiaii canons, mg men un board hilt tiuring I lie godless epoch both church t •"'•;• «• South I3th St., J noi the war- and monastery shared tho fate of many s'm Catholic Charitv at '.he Hxhibitioii. sec ^ LUMBER. RITIStURON, PA. ^ ilar institutions. The monasters was sop e nasn .' ('eiiainly it is a Th,' Pavillion des Oeuvres «'ai •I •! pussed. the church was converted io secular *•• longei • r inolili W Iteli ai last the drums the Paris exhibition gives sunn- idea of • ptuposes, and its paintings and other a lis beai to i he charge and the bugles are blown Orders Cailed For and Delivered 1'hoae sao* i 'at Indie nuns and missionaries are duii 111 tie treasures were either soi l or appropriai to advance, when a command is given. "Lor every part of the world. L.nt there i am r • d The monastic buildings have long been "' ward al the enemy!" Hut then, when amid spot there that gives us similar and no ss M. MAY, SONS 4 CO., Use«; as a hospice fojj the air -d am! orphans, ' the roar of the guns and the Hashing of the ms mtormat um. it that small shells, comrades fall to the right and left hut the church since |s."..'i has been restored Pi FINE DVEIN0 AND OLEANINN, part of the great "«¡al rie ih Machines, ,| |,«, ti|,. batteries still refuse to yield, how to religious worship. Sunn three or four an s u hieb is given up to ' is known as ,. ;i.v the bravest heart then begins to trem- 412 SIXTH AVENUE, (Old No. 56), yi.iir> previous io that date lie- ItcL-lan ;ls i leu vn s Assistance. T ligures tell US ble." Bishops V, i-re enabled to ored adjacent P1TTSBUR8H. PA about how many leper re are iu the the church a lame eulle.ire. which ser\e.| as Latliea' and (icntlemeu'i Weartug Apparel Cleaned very day. a cradle of the -vvivet'l Cathoii - universiiy. world, and about how many iu each country. Federation. There we a re confronted with facts which tt'id when tlit - inst itu; iun wa tratisferred iu is:;:, I«, Lotivam i he iiuihbuLr- be- aim- a pen ,dio\t what ('alliolie tanti especially what Addressing the Catholic Knights of Ohio sii'imaI. I he .lit-, h uf Lelielidril being eon- French <'alliolici charity is doing at home at their recent convention iu <"levelaml, NICHOLAS MANGOLD, ceded tii -i i riaiu rent for the use of the and abroad. There we learn that iu France Bishop I fondina tin said: FRESCO FAINTER, students , ; hen tin- ch ircti has liiider- alone is.7ns old men a ud women are being "Catholic men have a grand mission iu this 49 Frankstown Aveuue, K. K. Pitta burgh, P». tended and begged for by Little Sisters of country. You should be paragons of every UHURCHKS A 8PK01ALTY. the Poor. There, too. we learn that France moral and civil virtue. Only the narrow-I n i';. isospiee auiliorities. It ii.g consumptive patients. closing year of the nineteenth century." now I'Otni s by loi'i hase ini" «!"• l-'.to ki.i^ Sumpt.Z,e^?onch,use ?SryhBA"t&annra,,0Th0roait Our line U entirely new, highly ornam-nU "(is t let ted in ll 170 after the plans of the of Italy, width has lioi-n variously anil and l.onn Affections also a positive and radical care for | a'^d Can be DUt On OVer old plaster. Vjbra'"tt Maluie sculptor. Luc Liydheibe Nervous Dobllliy and all Nervous Complaints Having «'I'M radletorily niisint*'rpr«-t«il, is again tested Its wonderful curative powers In thousands of cases. | r i A shown I » v Hit' celebration of a solemn lie and desiring to relieve human suffering. I will send free of 8. KËIGHUËY & CO, . ., charge to all who wish It. tins recipe In UermaD. Krench or m b«r_i The University of Louvain. Ijnii-lil t"l I Iti' stivorolgn 111 tin- I ii ttni'OU. Kngllsh with full direct! >ns for preparing and using Sent i ocust Street Near Chostnu f more properly Cftlled Santa Maria ad Mar by mall, by addressing, with.Stamp, naming this paper, w. ^foremost in adaptirg Pself to the A Nov eh. ($5 Powers Blook, Boohester N. V TKLKPUONK MM. PITTBBUB.QH, PA, Jm tJTBCish W lueetlh^ Fort Wayne's New Bishop. Musical. I »o you wish to know how you can secure a frui* plantation in the tropics that will pay Don't Rev. Herman .1. Alerding, rector of St »- The Catholic Conservatory of Music ha SephY, Church. Indianapolis. I el., lias bedi opened its various depari;moots. I he Iaculi, you annually $100 per acre? If so, send for Use a Refrigerator appointed Bishop of the diocese of jp Wayne ill teach all instruments. This faculty will ihe lealiet. "Story in a Nut-Shell." Address to succeed Rishop Rademacher, who died rove a strong factor in developing Church SOT. Hamilton Building, 335 Fifth avenue. wmm unless mmm some nine months ago. The Kishop-eleet re- iu \\ < stem Pittsburgh, Pa. ceived the Papal brief raising him to the Pennsylvania. The Conservatory, under the it is kept clean with high dignity last Friday evening. The ap- gt.idirg direction of Professor Mangold, pointment is very popular among the Catho- sta.ts out wiih most flourishing auspices. lics of tin 11 cosier capital, where lather i GOLD DUST Alerding has labored for the last twenty A Government report says that the Cape OSHOES4 Washing Powder six years. Nome gold beach has been practically work- We have tried Cain's Shoes. They The building erected during this period in ed out, after yielding about $300,000 this WEAR—they FIT—tbey retain The taint of decaying particles his parish, together with the value of the year. I their shape. We recommend our of food is absolute poison. real; \ - repi esent an invest merit of more than SSt,».'MKi. All this work has really been done r readers when in need of anything since July 20, LS7i>. at which time the < orner- WANTED. f in the line of Footwear to try stone of the present St. Joseph's church was \V" ANTED—A housekeepc by a priest. Addre;s this laid by Bishop <'hatard. Tlte 11 \\ office. * WILL H. CAIN, PENKNIVES E. E 5 this editiee was celebraletl .hay 4. ISNU. PITTSBURGH \\ ANTED— flood wcoiui-hand church Organ. State • 'revi us to coming to Indianapobs iie was where can be seen, also price and size Address J assistant priest at Terre Haute, in the fall sept 1!' PITTSBURGH CATHOLIC. < f 1 >71. He then had charge of the church al Cambridge City until the fall of Ks7-i, fol- lewing which came his long pastorate of October Salt Specials. St Joseph's church. Indianapolis. Father Alerding is not merely a strong man Mgr. Keaae Installed. in the pulpit and in his executive ability, but has frem time to time shown no small The Dubiujue Catholic cl.r^y and laity amount of literary ability. In ISSo ¡ie wrote gavt> a joyous \velecjuir; to Most Rev. .lolm and published a "History of ¡lie Catholic J. IvciitH', tin.' new \rrhliislitip of 1 lit' ><*<• ot LIKE SAVING Church of the Diocese of Vincennes," which Dubvque on tin- afternoon of tin* -7th ult. vva; the first work of the kind so far de- A delegation beaded by Mgr. Ryan met tin- serving of consideration. This work was so Arch bishop*:; train at Apple River ami t>s- complete and accurate that it iv-ear. c an au- ccfrted him to I Hilniyue. thority on the history of the diocese. While BIG MONEY On liis arrival the chimes of the < hup-hes ¡l is complete as to the traditions and his were rung and a crowd of hundred.- at the tory of the diocese, its accounts of Bishops, That's it exactly—hits the nail fairly on the head—Why ? The depot cheered his tit ace. At the ar«hiepis priests, congregations and institutions, it is copal palace the Archbishop donned his of- mvable for its meager and very bumble men prices on these interesting specials in Carpets, Rugs and Curtains ficial robes, the ceremony being brief. Mgr. to n of himself. make it so. Meanwhile watch the index to the store's bargains— Ryan, administrator of lhe diocese, deliv- Yet lie has made the parish, with which ered the keys to the new metropolitan, and he has been connected for twenty years, all Dr. Carroll, president of St. Joseph's col- that it is today, and has erected not only a lege, read the Papal brief. Mgr. Ryan made huge and handsome brick church, but. a WATCH OUR WINDOWS. a short address and introduced the Arch- large academy, a school and hall aud a mod bishop to the assembled priests and laymen. est patsonage. In these last few years two Archbishop Ivenne, in responding, spoke parishes have- been made from the prosper Rag Carpet • 40c for 25c feelingly of Pope Leo and of the late Arch- otts pal ish of St. Joseph. < Hie of these is bishop Hennessey, and discussed the outlook th.ar of SS. Peter and Paul and the other for the Church in all lands and particularly that- of the Holy Cross. Ingrain Carpet • 50c for 35c in Auenca and in that archdiocese. Mgr. The Fort Wayne diocese has in its south- Nugent, of Liverpool, awaited his return to ern 1 order the counties of Fountain. Mont- the sanctuary after the ceremonies and em- gomery. Boone, Hamilton. Madison. Mela C C• Ex. Super Ingrain 65c for 40c braced him. ware, Henry and Randolph. It comprises The l'apal brief stated that Rome reserved ail of northern Indiana to Lake Michigan for the right to erect a see at Sioux City, as re- and the Michigan State line. Best All-Wool " " 75c 50c quested by the suffragan Bishops. The The consecration ceremony will take t lac. Archbishop announced the appointment of late in November or early :i 1» un Tapestry Brussels 65c for 45c Mgr. Uvan as Vicar « b-neral. The Archbishop celebrated his first Mass Insanity Not Proved. Cathedral inorui at the Sunday The jury sitting in the lunacy proceedings j Brussels (10-Wire) • for 65c iiU ^ So \i 'Hyjjj and »reached a brief sor 95c Matted by lie v. Father Maurice O'Shea, ot J •rals. -Uc. was present on Hammondsport, N. \., against his uncle, at high Mass at 111 odo an ad- Wilton Velvet for S5c throne liev. Father Francis -I. U'Shea, of Pitts- $1.25 dnssed an audience which filled the pews bt rgh, Friday afternoon, 10th ult., brought and aisles. He spoke of the pious labors of i:i a verdict that the defendant was not of J Smyrna Rugs $3.00 for $1.75 his predecessors lii hop l.oras. Pishop unsound mind, but that the proceedings 1 Sirythe and the late Archbishop Hennessey against him had not been started without and especially of his predecessors zeal in pr< liable cause. In his charge to the jury J Lace Curtains $1.00 for 65c the cause of Christian education, as the re- after the arguments of counsel had been | sult of which the archdiocese, has become heard Attorney T. S. Parker, commissioner J 3 1-2 Yaids one of the strongest in the United Stales. in the case, that from the weight of I for 85c Lace Curtains Long $1.50 He affirmed his purpose of following in evidence offered he was of the opinion that J Archbishop Heroics < y's foots!ops in this ihe alleged insanity of Father O'Shea had 3 1-2 Yards matter ami of directing his labors to the for $1.00 not been proved. However, he detailed to j Lace Curtains Long $2.00 growth of good citizenship in the archdio- the jury under what circumstances, accord- ¿ese- The cause, lie said, could be promoted ing to the evidence, the relator came to bring And by the bye—you can't Le told in our bulletins of all the many by Catholic education, the training of the ti e proceedings, lie having been told by sev- heart with the head, and by seeking every eral doctors who had treated the aged saving opportunities to be had here -the best educator along this opportunity to advance the cause of temper- priest that'the latter as insane. Upon these ance This meant sobriety, as Christian ed- and minor premises the commissioner based line is to drop in and Price ! Price ! ! Price ! ! ! ucation meant conscience, and the oonscien- his opinion that the proceedings were not tious and sober citizen was acceptable in the begun without probable cause. Counsel for sight of God and the bulwark of good gov- the defense promptly took exception to this ernment:. He declared the saloons were dens portion of the charge, for upon it hinges the I of Iniquity that ought to be wiped out. and matter of costs. If the court approves that THE PITTSBURGH CARPET COMPANY ii;tirutted that: Catholics had a just claim to part of the verdict of the jury relating to the LIMITED, a portion of the school fund. ivi.soii for beginning • the proceedings the Tuesday, the 2d. he revealed his plans to cos's will have to be paid bv the defense; 227 FIFTH AVENUE. the 2(55 priests who dined with him at the otherwise they fall upon the plaintiff. Hotel Julian. lie declared for a campaign of Christian education. Praising the late The Strike Still On. ESTABLISHED lhstV Archbishop Hennessey's stand on this ques- tion he announced his purpose of establish- The great strike of coal miners iu Penn- ing a Roman Catholic high school in Du- sylvania still continues. This is the fourth ^THOS. MeCAFFREY> week, and the ranks of the miners are still buque and of erecting the seminary, for Sells ami Property which the late Archbishop left a liberal sum. tu.broken. The Heading company conceded Rents, St. Joseph's college and the parochial to their striking employees a ten per cent, of livery Description. » schools throughout the diocese would also aiham o iu wages, last week, but the miners Collections of Rent a Specialty. be objects of his care. lie announced a syn- r< fused to accept it. The increase, they say. od about a year hence, after the completion is a mere trifle, and not worthy of accept- 3509 BUTLER STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. of bis continuation tour, at which the divis- ai.ee, and there is no mention of a reform c. D. .fc P. Tel. 14 Fisk. ion of the archdiocese among others would of the abuses against which, as against star- be considered. vation wages, the miners have struck. In He declared his own willingness that ¡he Wilkesbarro there was a great meeting of atel.-diocc.se should be divided and his re- mine workers recently, which was addressed sponsibilities lessened, but a protest against by John Mitchell, president of the United v* Floral and Plant division circulated during dinner was quite Mine Workers of America. In substance, he generally signed. told the men that they had already won a J. B Murdoch & Co, •a Decorations ** great victory, as the big coal and transporta- Successors to ft. M. & J. B. MURDOCH, tion companies had made concessions to (><» INTO r.t'SlM'.SS YUl'USKLF. Ill v* Choice Cut Flowers. them They must not expect to have all vest .$2.50 and secure a life income: send or 510 SMITHFIEID STREET. their wrongs righted at this time, but if Plants, Trees and Seeds. call for "The Story iu a Nut-Shell:" it tells PHONE. PITTS., 429. the maintained their organization t hey of an investment safe as a bank, good as in- would eventually obtain all they demanded. surance. How 30 per cent, a year can be He implored them not to return to work unti obtained with as much certainty as three the offers made by the operators have beei nor cent., this amount can be had: a tirst accepted by a conference. mortgage £200 gold bond, its prolit sharing feature giving the owner 20 to 30 per cent, Best Workmanship. ant rally, and at maturity $1.000; fan be puv chased now on easy payments of S2.50 per Aye. there's the rub. Therein is where we j ¿Pit, month, many shrewd and cannons inves- lead-- been doing the leading for years. Our tors are buying them. We would be pleas- prices, though, are most moderate for fc£*»TlI«T. ed io send a copy. Address Woodford M. cleaning, pressing, altering and repairing. to almost »11 parta Ir Ot !n».yls. room SOT. Hamilton Building, 33"> Dickson, the Tailor, ¡in". (Old No. 6f>) Fifth rates. Money wnt % i Filvh avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. avenue, second floor. Tel. 1558.

Iii •ffii' i i • The Johnstown Centennial. 1 he first euchre will be held on Monday 1er Rights. 'Hie centennial of Johnstown equalled the evening. November 5th. at their hall, corner expectations of the enterprising citizens who \\ inebiddle and i'enn avenues. The follow- ti Carolina, who originated it. There were parades, fireworks. ing committee of arrangement« were ap- •'ion was dis- 01 ¡dory, banquets, balls and all tin- social re pelated: \Y. II. Fogle, J. L. Grady, 1*. Lin setimi an- cognitions thai go to make up a good time. a ugh. I'M ward < iforerer. T. <'. .Mc.Malion. . > are sim- Johnstown has always been an interesting I\ J. Savage. A. J Waismith. Herman Bar and important town, closely connecter rights. In the progress of Pennsylvania in manufac- i a cobi, after tures and business, t'ambria county has Y. M I. other young beet a center of religious a ml political pro- School teacli- gress. a mi its chief towns retlects its enter- t tgiiam < outicil. No. IL'T. Y. M. P. inauu ?bf the school prise. Years ago when Johnstown was the a let 1 its fall revival last Monday evening iii^" the sci eastern terminus of the western section of its hah at the northeast corner of \Y\ lie a (-Ä.4;:>¿sciiuled theiti r •»-,. ! the Pennsylvania canal, where, the east- nt>e and Roberts street. Pittsburgh, wh J? lligdmitted, bound travelers and merchandise took the was largely attended and proved a most nc.íii »»i Portage road with its wonderful inclined joy able affair, Lawyer William A. «¡oh if-** >y IJMl'ft flBI I L plar.es for the eastern slope of the moun- deli ie tnti u* t,o 1 y .«<1 d P Äi 13 lìl wMÊM tains, it was a point of great business iui 11 of the committee 01 I i« m porta nee for those days. With the canal inzata ¡strict council, the elos H itÜ- abandoned it became a railway and maiur- tug one. The commit tee responsible for this facti ring center. Even the terrible calam- entertainment consisted of Messrs. John J ity of a few years ago. which will always McEadden. Cornelius P. Buckley, Francis E be of historic importance, did not permanent- Kane. Francis McCarthy ami John II ly check the enterprise and growth of the Walsh. tow if. The people rose superior to their dis- On Wednesday evening T1 as p. Stritt asters, and ha\ e made calamity a starting matter, Esq., of Phiiadelph grand presi MOUNT ALOYSIUS ACADEMY point for greater improvements and advance dent Pennsylvania jurisdiction; Mr. T. »;. meni. The town has sent forth splendid Herbert, of Altoona, grand first vice presi- business and professional men. and their in- dent : Mr. Martin Mcl'ike. secretary of the FOR YOUNG WOMEN AND LITTLE GIRLS, fluence and work has been felt in ail parts Washington, 1». «i ouucil, and others de- of the comifionwealth. as well ;is in oilier livered addresses before a largely attended States. meeting of Altoona councils of the Y. M. I. The grand president white enthusiastic, im- C.RESSON, PA. Ideal weather added its charm to the cell presses one as being eminently practical. It tei.nial and the population practically dou- is ids intentions, as far as his efforts can OFFERS A THOROUGH ENGLISH LITERARY CURICUUJM AND COURSES IN MUSIC, bled by visitors from far and near. The brim: it about, to have all councils through- laying of the corner-stone of the new muni- ART AND LANGUAGES—CLASSICAL AND MODERN out the jurisdiction put into actual effort all cipal building by tiovernor Stone was an im- the aims of 1 he organization, in his own pel taut event in the history of the city. council in Philadelphia there are a gymna- Cresson is a natural sanitarium. It has been proved by actual statistics that a Following the remarks of prominent officials sium and night schools in successful opera- of Cambria county was the blessing deliv- more healthful location for a school could not be found. tion. ered by Very Rev. John P.oyle in these The structure is most substantial, and the efficiency of the steam-heating plant words: Almighty and Eternal «iod. today Thursday evening, <)ctober 4th. MarceHus is a comfort to the residents and a surprise to winter visitors. with bowed heads, with humble hearts and Council held an interesting meeting. Grand For particulars apply to the Mistress General. rev« rend lips, we praise and bless Thee. We I 'resident Peter >t rit t matter, who was pres- thank Thee for Thy many gifts and blessings. ent. delivered a timely lecture, important Every best gift and perfect <-nines from and full of thought. His theme was "Good Thee Through Thee sorrow i< changed in- of the t irder." rims. Herber', the first vice- to joy. misfortune into blessing. Today on president . also spoke to the point 011 ilie the occasion of our centennial, our people same subject. Mareollus t 'onncil is a flour- /jy I MURPHY BROS. CO. | WE HELP YOU | ML RPh V BROS. CO. j smile through roars. Some eleven years ago ishing one. It meets in a handsomely ap a great oahnuity came. our city was de- pornied hall that has a well tilled and care ns stroyed ami thousands of lives lost. Hut the ftdiy selected library. The Council has a clouds break and the sun shines in Thy ap- membership of !»:.'. nS YOUR /iV SAVE SAVINGS! pointed season. A fairer Johnstown has ris- For more than twenty-five years we have held t«> one fixed purpose ^ en from the ruins of 1 he old. Our popula- L. C B. A — of building up a great business by helping our customers get the most JK tion has more tha 11 doubled; since then our industries a re most prosperous, our people Hiam-li L'Ut;, of S Patrick's parish, w real value for their money. We glory not in the little prices we quote, W : are happy, «¡rant, oh God. that our city old a euchre and •iitertainment, in t ns but in the big actual value that each and every piece of goods is for the may continue in its progress and be mini hurch hall 011 the eiiimr of the 1 vh ius /{N money it costs you. here«I among the substantial cities of our A pleasing program has been arranged and \t/ great commonwealth. Bless our nation and a geod time is assured the participant.». Mrs. /IN its officers, and state and its legislatures. f. M. Popp will speak «et the associat'oti. SPECIAL CHAIR SALE. FURNITURE"* mr By an exceeding fortunate ileal we art cabled for all over the he se—the most complete, the W Bless our courts of just ice. the aegis of our The Advisory Senate, of Western Pennsyl- ns to offer an unusual iv handsome brami i most choice, at cxi I'diiigiv low prices. liberty Bless, O God, all our homes, bless vania will meet as usual in M Iks nail on ns COMBINATION DESK AND BOOKCASE. \f/ our people, young and old. Grant us that Sunday, the 14th ins;. I »elegate.- will please ODD ROCKERS A thing that is always useful and desirable. wisdom and peace which tlie world cannot ntt« ml. All members of the association » ill ns at unusually low prices, Prices. give. Dispose our hearts to keep Thy com- be \\ cleome. ns Rockers at 81.75 ijilO-OO to $50.00. f ma:. dments. As we passed under sorrows The fraternity of Oil City will have ; he ns Rockers at 82.25 LIBRARY ¥ shadow and received the world's synipathy ph as tire of meeting the supreme president, Rockers at. S3.00 and help may our hearts be ever responsive Mrs. ID. II. Metbiwan: supreme recorder, /is FURNITURE. VI/ Rockers at. • • • $4.50 to the cry of dist ress. To borrow from M>'s. .1. A. Koyer, and supreme trustee, Mrs. Handsome designs, good leather, well made. \t/ Pope's universal prayer: Alicia IUaney. on October 2Ph. at which Rockers at.. . 85.00 Prices. w time Branch is. of Oil <'ity, «ill tender 'ÍS Rockers at. •. 86.50 $2.S.(K) to $SO.OO. "Teach me to feel another's woe. their supreme officers a cor-lia I reception. ns Rockers at... CARPETS. s» To hide the fault 1 see: The members of Branch 1 1 ? according to Rockers at. .. 19.50 The indoors time of year should be the time VM The mercy I to others show. 1 heir quarterly custom, received i loi y Coni- ns for beautifying your rooms with a new carpet. Rockers at . SI o. 00 vf/ That mercy show to me." ti.union in a body at me 7'.'1 o'« lock Mass We can save you money on carpctp. ns And up to 825. Hundreds of them Made, Laid and Lined FREE in St. John Kvangelisi church. South Side, \t/ May the blessing of God. the Father Al- ns 011 Sunday, the 7th inst. 'lids is fne harges- mighty. Son and Holy Ghost descend upon vt/ biiiin h in Western Pennsylvania and uio of ns LEATHER COUCHES. CURTAINS. the work we have performed today and re- Lots of homes have none- Any home mc Pittsburgh is a Kreat cui tain consuming com- the i lost progressive in the association. ns munity - 1» noted for it. We sell the most aud y main. Ameti. habitable with one. Prices give you the best values from ns $40 to $75 80c a Pair Up ví/ Kcccnt Deaths. ns M/ ©ur Societies. TERHS THE SAME TO ALL ALWAYS THE SÄHE. ns SI/ .1A M. ES WILKINSON, Knights of Columbus. All Full .lames Wilkinson died at the leone of his ns Worth. 50 c First Payment. . 50c Weekly S» Satis- The meiub' -s of the Knigh-.s of Columbus sou. o. K. Wilkinson, in the West ward of ns Trans- $25 Worth. .$1 .00 First Payment. . $1.00 Weekly are delighted to learn that tn\ t' A Winger Ebeusburg, on Sunday morning. Sept yut.li ns actions $50 Worth. .12 00 First Payment. $2 00 Weekly faction fVf / ter has been appointed district deputy su- of cancer of the stomach, aged sixty-seven Confi- $75 Worth. .50 First Payment. . $2 50 Weekly Guaran- ye; rs. His funeral took place on Tuesday ns preme knight for the State of W 'st \ irginia. dential. $100 Worth $3 .00 First Payment. . Si' 0 Weekly teed. The selection could not ,h> hnprovi>«{. 1 Jr. « ». toll -11. ser\ ices being lield in t ns w Wingerter is energetic, progr 'ssivi' and indc- •hurch of the Hely Name in Ebonsburg fatigabh in all his undertakings, a id it can 1 u'cloek and after a high Mass of Ue>pii« ns he safely said that it w ill only a short lis retmiins «'ere 1 aketi 1 o Loretlo and la ns period until councils of the e". of < '. ext"nd .» it-st ili St. Mieha«'l"s eemétory. ns to all parts of the State. AS ITI U III II I ROSPENSOBROSS F^E^rv, N co.i AVAVE ,E Jf C. M. B. A. MELLOR AND PIANOS. fe: MURPHY Brauch 1&3 hehl an open meeting Sunday afternoon. A winning combination. A name connec; Branch 3G is siili hustling. They are ed with Pianos and Music since 1S.U. Nev itiating new members every meet ing. er in the history of tin- trade has sin h ; Et auch 47 will hold a series of euchre^ ev Mip«-rb stock of instruments been pla e I <»t ery third Wednesday in the monili at Man- exm'iition in Pittsburgh as we have in ottt ^ Pittshurgh Catholic Conservatory of Musict y salesroom at present.. Our eastern buyim lier clior hall. Southern avenue, Mt. Washing- Established under the patronage of the Rt. Rev. Bishop R. Phelan, D. D. ton. gave us some ususual adva.itages. our cus |\ will get the bell"!' Your best tint« A Special School for Church Organists, Choir Masters, Singers and lira neh -ib loses a good secretary. Brother to call is soon if yon wish to see this su Louis Kley I e resigned at the last meeting. the Study of Ecclesiastical Music. Pupils of all Grades received perl» stock. It won't las' long: Largest, am The president of Branch "><). W. J. Uva; in the Piano and Voice Departments. The highest standard ohlest house hi the trade Pale depot to: attended the convention of the V. M 1. at of excellence maintained in all branches. leniwa«v . Krak.iuer a «: Haidman Pianos Denver. 1 ili.-ns. Phonographs, etc, >•!< STUDENTS CAN ENTER ANY TIME. The death claim of Brother Edward Har- '. «'. MKLLOii COMPANY rington, of Branch 72. was paid September np.i .".J l Pifih a veni Fall Term Began October ist. Terms $10 to $60 Per Quarter. 2a. 12 «lays after the tiling of proof of death. The supreme convent ion meets next week Our course of instruction embraces the study of all instruments and Lax Buffalo New York Professor M •!. M- Why do you not think tor your sel! : ou the various branches of Music by sixteen teachers chosen from the best to business for yourself; own a tropical farm TTT^ John .1. ShellkI«* and .bdm M Molai available voices in Europe aud this country of the highest rank in the and be independent. Send for "The Story in i»'ccíeu^s ('i,v' wUI '•«•l,r<,s,inl IVm,syl a Nut Shell." It will interest you. Address Artistic World. AING01U0 MaI" Brunch 1«'.'2. he so7 Hamilton Building, :>3ñ Fifth avenue HENRY JL M ' Director. Pittsburgh, Pa. Th„ ,, ; Sters were initiated a w Office East Encl, vfll IN- Euclid Ave., PGH., ¡»A. — V ,VerS,t^ ' < Line perserutions ut Christians li a ve 1« r, n,osf in brac^" ' adapt1i>.a nuuib«'r of open vivul. meeting *Uig ih«- winter. rooru where your injuries can he a ( tended to, I 'aris for a few days on one of his stated Monsieur?" visits to Vienna." of Silence. College, Hetiild turned his head, and saw the man "Ah!" responded the doctor, "t hen lie has Mt. St. Mary's who had just spoken; as far as he could see Use a ret uri,ed houie by this time?" NEAR ,u HAY15L0CK ETTIilCIv. in the dimly-shaded light, lie appeared to be "I do not know : but as lie is seldom absent of about middle age, possessing a pair of for more than a week or so at a time lie has Kmmltsburg, .VId. wonderfully keen grey eves. His mouth had proba lily done so. When I say that lie is ,>JS UK IHTAIM; CIIAI'I'KKS. Situated in a healthful mountain district, iixty miles it it peculiar pathos in its artisti.ally perfect quite well, | don't know that I am speaking from Baltimore. Conducted by Secular Clergy men, aid- In a well ap|ioiiii<-il Parisian curves, and his voice soot lied the shaken the exact truth; he seems to me to he wor- ed by competent Lay Profpssors. '.i-li are seated conversing. The one nerves of the young man, conveying a Classical, Scientific. Commercial Courses ried. to have something on his mind, wheth- Separate department for young boys i doctor named Litulou; the other strange sense of comfort and homeliness. er it is about money matters I cannot say. Ninety third year opens Sept. 12, 1900 "Thank yon. yes; the operation is not like- bu? he appears to have aged terribly the last Kor Catalogues, etc., address Wash, {"'astellon. Castellon is en ly to prove so trying as the jolting of the tew years. IN» you happen to know any- KKV. WILLIAM L. O'HARA, 10 induce Lindon to oinhark with carriage. I fear I am giving an unconscion- thing of his pecuniary affairsV" Mt. St. Mary's 1'. O.. Maryland. jP^oini* scheme. I.indou's sliare in it is able amount of trouble. May 1 ask " "I should certain^ say your father has no uVid the money for it. Lindon hesitates, "Von may ask nothing, my dear sir. till I need of apprehension on that score. His ACADEMY OF rearin;; exjiosure \\hi

  • m.\ -- would brum have seen you comfortably set tied. As to pia« tice alone must bring him a considerable dlsgraeo not only on himsHf (about which the trouble, it is for me to apologize, on be- fortune, and 1 happen to know that lie has he does not wire,) hid on his only son to half of my horses, for the injuries you have a large capital invested in a very paying con- OUR LADY OF MERCY, whom lie is devoted. Kin,illy avat-ice con- sustained: I trust they will not pro\e seri cern." said Dr. Hastelloti. quers and he assents. The two leave tin- cafe ous." "Safe?" 3333 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh. to draw tip an agreement. The next half hour was a Irvine one for "Absolutely so. and increasing its divi- Chapter I Genild Lindon. I >r. Lituion's Herald: win »ever hL.I U I lost might provi dends every year: lie made the invest moid at Refined .School for Young Ladies and soli, and his bosom frieml, <'lnudc kniiisip. self to be, there was no doubt but that he my instigation, .and I Ita\e no fear but that Misses. are making a walking lour, having tor its was an admirable and skilful surgeon. The it w as a wise on«'." the w ild scenery of i lie lower far injured limb having been set. was put into object "Then it can't be money worries that are pathians. In the middle of their wanderings splinters, and soothing lotions applied to his KINOERGARTIN. CLASS F01 SMALL BOYS aff< cting him." said the young man. "it must t'laude receives news of tin- serious ¡lines: bruises, at the cost of considerable pain to be something of which I am quite ignorant." of his uncle, and lias to leave (iernld. ar •i'e patient. Apply to DIRECTRESS. ranging to join him later. Cetald wanders Having fiorile it with a certain degree of A scarcely perceptible shade glided over on by himself in search of adventure. An fori it mie. and eaten with healthy appetite the face of the elder ma ti. and he passed en s inn keeper from whom lie asks his way the 1 that was brought him. his host left ilv from the subject. engaging Herald's at- grows very reticent about the only place on tention oli ilie topic of the magnificent view him, promising to « in later and see htm his route where he eouhl hope to lest that comfortably settled for the night. Though from the window. St. Mary's Academy. light, and refuses information. Herald, his in considerable pain and feeling not a lit ! le "It is grand indeed." assented the young KOK YOUNG LADIK8, ii'ind ever revert big to the evident reluct am-e feverish. Herald was able to take note of fellow, "but is \ our house I take it to be of the innkeeper to speak of the subject, Ills surroundings. yot is. by the bye in that vast plateau that Chatham street, Pittsburgh, Pa. wat.derN on "lill darkness falls, when worn The room wherein lie lav was more what n,ii' sees after passing the gorge in tlii- inoliti i'Nl>KK THK CAB! OF THK 8I8TKR8 OF rBOY. out he lies down on the heat her to sleep. M lie should have expected to find in a tirst tains above X ?" « lass Parisian hotel rather than in a house "In the very heart of it." replied the doc Stftgrfp'hy.^ric. ^Pe Writing CHAl'TEU I t ''Mil ¡titled. so remote from the centres of civilization. tor. "when you entered that pass, you found Kor terms apply to It was large and airy, furnished with taste, yourself on my private property; I own the DIRECTRESS, Gerald grew tiioiv vad more sleepy, until not to say luxury; a bright wood I,re burned countrv for many miles round here: It is CONVENT OK MERCY, Webeter avenne, at It s' the j.ipe dro m ng from his lingers cheerily on the brass dogs, and rellerted on Awarded Diploma of Honor, Worlds Columbian Expo- reminded him that no mat ter how hard the pi.rallel walls and parquet floor, tie- latter sition. for (Mass work. Needle-work, and Drawing. couch. still nature demanded her due. So, being furnished with handsome «'astern rugs; placing his knapstn k tituler his head, wind the curtains and draperies of :h" room were 1114 a ll.iek sear*' a bom his neck, and foolh'ir of brocades and rich silk -tuffs, and the Pittsburg Catholic College ST. JOSEPH S ACADEMY, tVat !vs revolver v,:'s ready to I and. the til- many details that go to make up a thorough- ed traveller turned over and was soon in the ly litMt;ntts living and sle-pie: room com Titusville, Pa land cf dreams. bitted were not wanting. of the Holy Ghost. F»r Young Ladl«s. Little Boys and Olrlt So sound did he sleep thai tie rapidly ap Where was he. In whose country man UNDKK THK CARK OK THK 8IHTKR8 OK MKHCJT' ptoaehing roll of wheels did not arouse him. I {* * For Day Scholars and Boarders. A en triage \ be heard. Session 1900-1901. German and Latin. Private les- I est I»'«» bout*« scatter.the soft earth from Herald qtmkly reviewed the ev «tits of the (a) RE OPENING OF CLASSES sons in Music, Stenography, Type- 1111 h 1 (their hoots and tin- -ait'iag-> wheels past day: his long tramp through scenes of Classes will be resumed Tuesday morning, sai:k dtt'P In to the j i< iding ground The ap wondrous beatify, the strange depression that St pteniber 4th. New students will be ex writing, Kindergarten. parent* well-kept-hi iiattd !IOI\M-S were t!ec,> had seized him when looking on the vast amined on Monday morning. September Hoard and Tuition, $15 00 per ed witb foam, and firealhetl painfully, being forest solitud- surrounded by the encircling •'hi. Those not known to the faculty must wind) y w®Jf not however, so tin ' shock of pain, the eon fusion of the plunging flop from some responsible person, For further particulars apply to ViVil(' KittCbYTnntrol bill tii.It when the light horses and the shouting men : then, the vis (b) CLASSES OF STUDENTS. : of • he, carriage lai'.r fell on the sleeping ion of a fait g< utlc face be id'i over him Roth Day Scholars and Boarders are receiv- INI MOTHER SUPEII0I, AIIR I 1900 i' an 'bey uwerved violently, the call ¡age in tender solicitude, and after that for awh;le ed. There Is excellent accommodation for sv ayedl tue fright«;b d animals reared, and -nothing. boarders. Specinl pains are taken to pro in He ir terror plunsit 1 bn\aid> the now tlior The warmth of Hie room, th > tin kering vhl > for all their wants, and to make their M.glih iwaketRtl <.« aid lie struggled vain- firelight, the ahM.iuie stillness billed him to life at college as rrueh like that of home ST. XAVIER'S ACADEMY. ly u> move from ou' • f their way. but was s!.'cp at last, ami though he was conscious as possible. The healthfulness of the col- too lafe. A fearful kick from one of the lege site and wholesotneness of the college more than once of a face bending over him. CONDUCTED BT THB horses, a eoVifiised vision of gesticulating and a dull sense of pain running through his eulslne are attested by the fact that the men, plunging steeds, the sound of a wom- dreams, nature at last conquered, and le Tnfirrmry remained unoccupied during the SISTERS OF MERCY, an's cry of fvsa.r, and Gerald was stretched drifted to the land of forget fulness. whole of the past three years. beneath the half overturned carriage. Boys df sirens of becoming members of the BEATTY, Westmoreland County, PA. With returning consciousness came the St. Xavier's Academy, located on one of Wntmore- Congregation of the Holy Ghost are receiv- iaiid s most pletureaque height«, offer» jieeultar advtnt- sense of intolerable pain, and lie opened 1 is I'llAl'TEU II. ed on special terms and conditions, ftm-s to voting Sadies who wish to receive a solid and re- < yes to find two men bending over him, ;uul (ci DEPARTMENTS OF STUDIES. fined education. Herald was awakened by the sunlight by the light of one of the carriage lamps lie There are four departments, viz: (3) Ornm- Conveyances meet all the daily train« from Kut ftDd streaming into the room, and opened his eves v\ est. eouhl see behind them the pale, frightened niar or Preparatory Department, for Kor further particulars apply to to find his host standing beside him, survey- face of ¡1 woman. Beyond doubt it was she yoar.ger boys and elementary studies. (21 ing him with a certain gravity. who had cried out before he lost his senses. Ar.adeirlc Department, for High School THE DIRECTRESS OP THE ACADEMY. "Slept well, ell?" was the first remark, as A. single movement was sufficient to eon• studies. (3) College Department, for ad- lie felt Ilis patient's pulse: "you don't seem \ineehini that his right leg was broken, and vanced studies. Commercial Depart- WHEELING. WEST fe\ertali, that's one good sign how does (4) VA. Meieingly in more than one place. The car ment. which Includes a Preparatory j our leg l'cel ?" lingo, ¡it best but a poor affair, had been Course, a Business Course ami a Short "All right. I think, or as easy as 1 ean ex righted, and the driver and his companion band Course. In this Commercial Depart- pe< t it t., feel," was (¡eraId's reply, as he T DE CHANTAL ACADEMY wore evidently questioning in low voices, ment nil the studies requisite for success allowed the injured limb to be examined. and in a tongue that Cera Id did not recog- In business pursuits are taught In the most rou VOL NO LADIB8. I »tiring that process he was a hie to observe nise, the advisability of placing him therein. efficient and practical manner bv special mote closely t lie man w hose face now. even First class tuition in all branches. Good buildings, TP«» second man was apparent ly for leaving and experienced Instructors. extensive grounds, healthful location. him where ho was. but the woman advanc- 1 "''ill "II the previous lliglit. seemed I'ntier the immediate supervision of Rt. Rev. P. J. f.iti ihar to him the quiet, strong features, ing quickly and speaking to them in their Donahoe, Bishop of Wheeling. the k"en eyes and mobile mouth, were some r own language, evidently forbade such a bar- The e Is a special class for Students who For I'rosjiectns address barous proceeding, and insisted oil Herald's l;o>v not strange to him. \\ here had In seen prepare tor Law, Medicine, or any other pro THE DIRECTRESS. being lifted into the carriage. After much the face, or its representation? discussion, and prolonged reluctancy on the examination showed that the fractured fession. parts were going on as well as such things part of the men. this was done, ihough at Senior Students are allowed to have private URSULINE ACADEMY^ the cost of Hindi agony to the helpless Her generally do, and pointed to time and rest as being the only remedies necessary. rooms. W1REBIDDLE AVE., ••ar Pata. aid, as the driver and his comrade were not For further particulars apply to the over gentle in their treatment of hint. The "In a few days' ti you should be able Board!Rf anil Day School Coadvctil ly tli horses were now quiet, though their startled to get about." was the doctor's verdict, "and VERY REV. M. A HEHIR, C.S.Sp., President, Ursullm Nuns. eyes and baeklahl ears showed that they then you will he able to see your surround ings. I ly the way." ho added, "we are not Complete course.of English and French; private lessom were far from understanding the unusual Pittsburg College, Pittsburg, Pa. in music, instrumental and vocal; Krench, German procM-dings. After much gesticulation and the utter strangers thai you may imagine: I drawing, painting and elocution. notice on your knapsack a name very tamil hoarse whispering. Herald was settled in tlie MOUNT For t.rmi apply to tho Dlrootra«». carriage, and beside him sat the woman do- iar to me. Are you, by any chance."the son of my old friend, I >r. Lindon. of l'ari- ?" lug her best to mitigate the unavoidable jolting of the injured limb; but the renewed "C'-rtainly." replied Herald, "you speak off PARK INSTITUTE, agony proved too much for liini, and lie again ny father: I somehow fell certain last even St, Joseph's College, 8 W. North Ave., Allegheny, Pa. lost consciousness. ing that your face was familiar to me- vet Under the Auspices of His Eminence For how long the blessed relief from pain how- " I Classical, lasted. Herald never know, but when next "I believe that your father has an old he came to himself he was being tenderly sketch of me done by an artist friend of ours; CARDINAL GIBBONS. College Preparatory | Law» It", poor fellow, was killed iu the Commune." lifted from the carriage, and by his side Archbishop of Baltimore. Medical, there stood the tall figure of a man whose "Ah! Then is your name Henri Castel- For Both Saxas. Ion?" asked Herald. ! Engineering. face was dimly familiar to him. lie was COURSE or STUDIES—Classical, Scien- carried into the hall of what appeared "h is," said the elder man with a smile. tific and Commercial, Business and Short Hand School*. to his dazzled senses to be a house of some "I have heard of you nearly all my life." magnificence, quite unlike the kind of build replied Herald; "it was you that saved mv TERMS—Boarders per session of Five Opens Saptembar 3. Tel. 510. JlllofhM* ings th.it one would expect to find in the father's life at the barricades iu the Rue Months, $125 00. heart of the wild Carpathians. A wide stair K.volt that awful day in September the last ease, riehly carpeted, swept upwards from day of the ('ointiimie?" Students admitted any time during the central ball. The walls were covered "! had the supreme honor of.doing so. Am- the year. Next Session commences with tapestries, and tin signs of wealth were man who knew your father as well as I did, BURNS & GILTINAN and for so many years, would have done as Tuesday, September 4th. 1900. e vident on every side. As lie wondered into FUNERAL DIRECTORS,** what fairyland lie had stumbled, a voice nint h, his was a valuable life How goes it Address Ltoke into his reveries, and lie heard himself w ith I he doctor? He Is well?" BROTHEK JOSEPH, Director, GENERAL LIVERY AND SALES iT*t!nfnll addressed in French: "Quite well, thank you. I left him about Station D, Baltimore, Md. 547, 549 AND 551 6RAN7 STREK/^¿u "Can von stand being taken upstairs to a five weeks since, ami he was then leaving Catalogue sent on application. '•Uafcaa* 99 »ITTSBU? 1 .. i I . . THE PITTSBL JRGH CATHOLIC,

    ed liy my added to t lie writing that he had always agents. on al co nrse. preyiously not nil hand, helped to beguile tl le days of eonti: Stands up for Her Rights. "Then this is your conn try nc "l'< »pc Silvester 11.. Iiettei lit.-nt to the 1liouse . ( Jera Id was of a nhi A young Jewess of South Carolina, who "It tins been (ho home of ilo- eelch rated Gilberto, was a leading astrono unii y l'or •i'ranient, nu, , | l v v .. , i ul lie accepted lus mer iit f his day. Albertus M a enne. 1 he creai •cause of her race and religion was dis- utuii} generations; I ¡1111 tli«> hi •it" 1'l e house of ¡Hill, as 1 shall never marry. I ..ìt'.ul li.,. mystery with an 1 n.ir inicaii theologian, bofui imiiiated against by the public school au- ci\ (MI i ne an.u>cd resici ut t ion, t rusti ng to time and idea some years ago of ut.iliz op of th e telescope, tangid that the Milky Win iorities. lias shown Catholics who are si 133.- 1" ''Unity to explain son as a place. of rest for those \\ ie of its shrom led was ;¡ i vast assembla tre of st: 1 rs. and that : hi iriv 1 rented how to assert their rights. In to a fiord it. desired absolute figures of the moon were the ground man-: loieiice. s C.. Miss (ierturde Jacobi, after plcte isolation from the world ings of its own surface. Copernicus was : competition with a number of other young monk. dedicated his work to Pope Paul III. ed to the already fairly sized "Uicn was chosen as a public school teach- The Scapular. and published it nt the earnest entreatv o have now, as yon will see i Sonie time later several of tlie school time. 11 really tine place." his 1 riend. Cardinal Schomberg. The firs •a 1- IKi-l. i;>!c iti/.ce on account of her race and faith, ' strange, ti ory deten ii in ation seemed to '"yDm. Iii?' secretary and coni'"sso;- . relat with the Vatican observatorv a his case will be watched with interest, for 'lineate the w hoi e man's being. how "le lilesse1 d Simon beiiu g one day founded out of the private nurse o Jacobi wins Catholic teachers who e most holy Virgii "No name." lie v • intituled . as (ierahl. with D'aver, tin i appeared •o Mil., they are found all over th r • kept oiii oi public positions solely be- stare of a iz em em at this unexpec ted re him, aci-ou ipaniod by many s;lints , and ho] HI: •veil ill such countries as China. Pal ;iise ot their religion w ill have been taught v. followed I lis ir lance; "tl lis place is not to '»f«' »" her hands the habit of the order. S and the Philinnine Islands " ' w to get just ice. bo found marked on any map. .No man can Se words: "Receive, my belove reach here save through the guidance of my apular of your order, as the sig servants, or. as in your cas< ly accident ' rateruity a ml 1 he privilege of i 0:1 three sides it is quite unapprnat ,],,,» .li tunnel. Whoever shad die clot 1 owing to the formation of ttie country; the. tli shall not suffer the iiames < f W fourth side, thai on which the pass opens, lieu. 11 is a sigli t sal vat ion. -i sa feirna 1 is guarded by those in my employ. It is i-I danger, a tokeu of peace and protection.' ¥ private properly: the fuel of anyone leaving I ''allible popes bave attesi ed the iniracu- Ms X . 011 the road that leads tut her, is in- l-'iis origin of the scaptilar. and conlirmed à the allt lletit icity of the promise relatiiig lo A Rare Offer to Readers. stantly made known to me. I was fully s» aware of your presence in this neighborhood tile punishment of beli. The IMesse» 1 Virgin $ conlirmed io Pope John XXII. the révéla- before the unfortunate accident for which The publishers of this paper have effected a,special ar- Nf> horses re to blame rendered your reception tions made to St. Simon Stock. Sin appeal' «S rangement with the publishers of the here a common act of humanity: having in- ed to this holy Pope tellina liiiu she iiad oi»- I tas¿fe VI jured you. I was in common justice bound tained a gre;it favor of ber Divine Son. and ff^ to put you to rights." said the doctor, sniil »utirni 011 carili what 1 .od ! /|\ [t ingly. • Hut I den t understand. Why this utter Pope John XXII. anuounced in forni: /|V ¡Solitude this cutting of yourself oil! from eiins of the whole Church, the eoinpac: e /IN Angels of the Battlefield" the rest of humanityV" asked (¡erahi. he tjueetl of bea veli witll cari il. Slie prillili; /fc "Ilave you never heard of men. aye. and •d "lo deli Ver frolli purgai ory if siili d« by which a limited number of a spec'al edition of that notable aim-d (bere 011 the Saturday after tliei of women, too, who. ha ving lived lives of /IS historical work ere to be sold through us to our readers, for fever and unrest, long for a period of seclu- the nienibers of the order of \it. i /j\ ( 'ani the nominal sum of sion. of absolute solitude: Believe me, there 1 hers who throt m are many such. The march of life is so fast. should enter her holy order. I »en ring ;is /•s "ign this holy habit and calling theiuselvi VI the fever and unrest so wearing. 1 lie search Vf/ after pleasure so keen, and the correspond brothers and sisters of the said order (ev dently Scapulariansi who during life fulfill- ^ iog reaction so fearful, that men and women $ One Dollar Per Copy. SM the appointed obligations for enjoying | /|S :ire driven to solitude now and again that >» they may find buried in the heart of nature, /|V -The Angels of the Battlefield" is a beautifully written his- ana tig the eternal hills, alone with their own I hese obligations are two told: first, to say jL tory of the labors of the Catholic Sisterhoods in the Civil Wal daily the little office of the li. \. M.. 01 t'o TO souls, the antidote to the feverish soulless It contains over 400 pages handsomely illustrated and tasteful- uess of the life of the greai cities." slain ev. ry W ednesday and Saturday ii j /ft ly bound. It has been warmly endorsed by Archbishop Ryan, 1 "And you have many recluses stay here'/" arable to fast: second, to preserve chastity ¡¡L "They vary; at present 1 here a re but few: The Hull of John XXII. proclaim tig litis ^ General Miles and others, and deserves a place in every library. w at other times my house is too small to ac- the Sabbat ine !'. ill. fl^ This is a special and extraordinary offer by which a $3.ob $ Saturday being the day 011 which Our l.adv i commodate 1 lie applicants." jjjL book can be procured at one-third its actual value. Btlgiflefe •d deliverance from purgatory to 1 hi M» "Do they stay long?" reasons make it positively necessary that this offer shall not • Dr. < astellon did not reply for a few sec ar lier scapular. AN continue for more than two months. We can, therefore, only 01 ¡ds; he seemed 10 lie studying his reply be- fore giving it. ittsburgh, I «. questions; they come and leave when they ry to say the third did not do much honor à please." to his family, and was known as "Devil "Was my traveling companion of last night •1 mi." The story goes that soon a ft or John è the lady who tended me so carefully was Sul'nau rose to be governor of New Ha nip she a reeluse V shire he desired to give a grand dinner to a "1 ask my visitors no questions." replied number of distinguished guests. A member the doctor, "doubtless she has her good rea- of his family at the same time was his moth- sons for wishing to come here. My carriage er, and fearing she would not be quite equal met her at X — hist evening." to the occasion, lie concluded it would be "She is. as far as I can remember, very best to arrange for her mm appearance at beautiful: young and healthful: what need the dinner table. Approaching the matter as lias she for seclusion from the world V" g( 1.1 ¡y as possible he soon succeeded in mak- "How can you or 1 tell the thousand and ing 1 lie quick-witted old lady understand the one miseries that this woman may not have drift of his diplomatic talk, and in convinc- end u red.V How do we know that all that ing himself that he had miscalculated the NOVELS AM) STORIES BY THE BEST WRITERS. made life beautiful to her. has not been lost V pi.de of the mother of tlie Sullivans. Rising When you are as old as myself. Monsieur la all the majesty of her Irish wrath, "John SPECIAL ARTICLES ON INTERESTING SUBJECTS. Sullivan," exclaimed 1 he old lady, "I ha ve H10XS Gerald Li 11 don, you will cease to ask 1 lie rea WOMAN'S DEPARTMENT; ¡$ - "°tS"0lD. sons that actuate the movements of any liv- hoed potatoes in the field w ith the governor CHILDREN'S CORNER: STORIES. «MS. MM- ing creature: the workings of the human of New Hampshire at my skirts, the gov- mind are too complex and marvellous for any ernor of Massachusetts at my side, and the M MEROIS FIVE ILLUSTRATIONS. te.an's comprehension. Myself. I ask no man devil tugging at my breast, but never yet have I allowed one of my sons to be asham- 1 that which he does. As 1 said before, they S i^rvT ; u iVTFn »'«»•« »•«• ed of me order the chaise and send me SI rtUL.ll J nn.ll(ill, Urii« 11 unti- el.Ini »[. m. come—they go! Yoila tout!" homo." Remonstrances were of no ava.i. BF..NZ1GER BROTHERS, ltations. promising to look in upon him M. Munhall, Geo. W. Schmidt. V% y? later in the da v. nicious. Abbot Alenili showed that what A. V. D. Watterson. L. Vlliack. ours iiii.ss4*< 1 sl.-wiv to the invalid, but wer • thought to be portentous and erratic DANIEL M'CAFFREY'S SONS, K. M Bfgelow, F.J Welzel. jUd papers were sent to him: these. mov* ments of the planet Mars was in natur- 716 and 718 5th A«.. Pittsburgh, Pa P. o .Box 654. íclopboni, PH. * The world is ready to pay for excellence, Cardinal Vanutelli, recently killed in a ing into the hearts of the people. Men feel the fin difficulty with the average man, and The Pittsburgh Catholic. railroad accident in Italy, was a man of emi- persuasive power of his teaching, and extri- t h" rest of them, is that they do not pay nent talents. He found time in his arduous c;,ft from his words precious food for their PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY enough attention to detail. No matter what duties to write twenty nine works on vari- soul's salvation, lie is not in the best sense pi oft ssion you master, you must also master —AT— ous subjects that commanded attention popular who appeals only to the learned or <¡ei.nl. You will never hitch your wagon to among scholars. Evidently the Italian Car- only to the unlearned, he is truly popular 347-349 FIFTH AVENUE. a star until you get within handy reach of dinal is not i he "lazy monk," so glibly w rit wiie appeals to both together. The popular CHRONICLE TELEGRAPH BUILDING. tlie stellar attraction. ten of in some of our would-be truthful ex- priest does not deal with abstract ideas, he TERMS IN ADVANCE. changes. is intensely human, lie speaks as from THE CHURCH SPREADS. 1 copy, by mail, per year $1 man to man. He reaches the human soul, t copy, for six months The Boer republics are hut a name, they he lays bare the very roots of character. In I he mailer of Church leakages is from Single copy have been wiped oil the map and none so lime io nine discussed in the Catholic press, poor to do them reverence. The great Amer- All Money Orders. Drafts. Cheeks or Com- vein metice of his character: a representative and here ami there we find a pessimistic ican republic has viewed their fall with in- munications should he addressed to man having much in his life and struggles \ i w e\pt'es'scd. While the truth i.s at all difference, if not with a marked compla- CATHOLIC PUBLISHING CO.. in common with his fellows. t'u.ics desirable, calmly and without being cency. We had condolences for an assassin- Pittsburgh. Pa. carried away by sentiment, we believe that ated king, but murdered liberty fell unwept, THE SHED OF THE CHURCH. ; i!e Church is everywhere advancing, not If through any mischance you do not re without a tear. It is a miserable picture to Faith never desponds, it is buoyed up with in our own land, but world-wide. In contemplate. çelve your Catholic regularly, every week, the hope that is born of the charity of God. our own beloved country unquestionable evl- notify us immediately. The argument of the anthracite coal strike Tim word of the promise shall be kept, and - demonstrate a rapid diffusion and is that of justice against tyranny and op- for every drop of martyr's blood shed in uanent condition id' Catholicism. That WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 1«. 1'MMI pression. Not by physical strength will China new children shall arise to sing the we did not march forward with a steady pace they shake off the shackles that bind them. song of the redeemed. Xavier preached the in ihe early days, and lost much by leakage, Gospel to the Japanese and converted hun- was dm- in causes which operated against EPISCOPAL RESIDENCE. The law in their hands must not be a pal- sied spectator of their wrongs. Justice as dreds of thousands. Vet. in the fierce fire v either removed or greatly diminisli- Pittsburgh. Pa., April 13. 1*09. they stand out for victory will alone give of persecution, Christianity was uprooted > ere few and far between, Gentlemen: fiDin that land. <'enturics passed away, t homes, churches were not built and Too much Importance cannot be attached their cans»» success. Even then failure will and the precious work seemed to have come of paramount consequence, to the influences and services of the Catho- have its victory since peace and happiness lic press in upholding and explaining the ci-me through ihe maintenance of right. to naught, but in God's good time mission- not provided for the Catholic teachings of our holy religion, not only aries with the same dauntless spirit as the our position now is very different. for the instruction and edification of Catho- The increase of life insurance among us is Apostle of the Indies have brought back • lily are cities and large towns, but the lic«, but also for disabusing the minds almost fabulous in the amount. Life insur- anew the cross to these shores. Today the and villages, the rural districts, pro- of vtfl-meaning non-Catholics of many er- ance policies in this country now reach over nascent Church in Japan is strong and nour- vided with churches, chapels, missions serv- ror« Vhlch thev entertain, without any fault i u elve and a half millions. Sixty-one com- of theirs, concerning the real teachings of ishing. Time and time again the fierce and ed by as zealous clergy as the Church has panies are carrying over >7J><>0,0(«t.OOO of in- b'ood.v tide of persecution has rolled o\er Lieeti blessed with in its apostolate. the Cbnreh. demnity and gross assets amount to fl,57<5.- Aihai cut to almost every well-to-do church From Its past and from what I know of i hii-a. That country has truly been watered the present management of The Catholic :>,.->(uhmi. No one. especially heads of fam- in the blood of the Church's faithful ser- i- that greatest blessing and propagator of I feel confident that it will do good and hon- ilies lutt should avail tliemse!ves of the ben vants The Chinese converts by the thous- faith, the t'athollo school, wherein youth est work in the future, and I confidently re- eiiccnt aid of life insurance in some responsi- ands have sealed with their lives the prom- •!illee!ed and indoctrinated in the divine commend It to the clergy and laity and to all ble company, no matter how small the ise they gave in baptism, and that was - of Catholicity. Convents have multl- who wish to know the true teachings of the amount.. It is a tidy resource against the si lengthened in Confirmation. And when Catholic Church. the education of females and the The Pittsburgh Catholic will continue to evil day. The fear of being unable to meet peace came, lo. as of old. there was the n i.istratiofis of charity: religious societies be the medium throuarh which our official tlic premium should not deter. That it has priesi and the cross, standing where saints •eased, multiplying the great work communications will he addressed to the to be met encourages thrift and economy. a id martyrs sealed their faith mid riles ab- rsjon of souls and spreading higher Caithfnl. horred. and new children arose before the sion. In many dioceses we have the 1 R. PHELAN. Tin Parliamentary elections now progress true Qod'e ai: a: in the false • - . ruin< i -eiihi ary to supply the ranks of the priest- Bishop of Pittsburgh. ing in the United Kingdom show thus far dome. hend w ith clergy educated to meet the wants Th$ CUtholU: Publishing Co. that the Conservatives not only hold their What countless rosaries, golden chains of ei' the time, and educated in accordance own, but have made material gains in num- prayer, are ascending these October days to the spirit of our institutions. These ojt; veteran a&Wiers .I.. well i bers and in largely increased majorities. tl.e honor and praise of the Immaculate Vir- s are being felt, and with our to rt display of th Confederate flair at a re England's war policy In South Africa is sus- gin. Will not that dear Mother plead to her f faith we will not only retain what cent; rennlon. Said the southern priest-poet. tained and tiie jingoes are more firmly seat- Blessed Son that not in vain shall he those sing genera Mo 1 will le ed in the saddle. The excellent comments martyrdoms and untold agonies in the ent- ssieiis freiu those — hide it. it is beor and de- burners. -piscd body in the hist generation wcareto- GIVING IT UP. df an interesting paper from the pen of a prosperous business manager. There is frotig. powerful and united body, Twenty thousand Catholic men in Brook- The good dames of Colorado, 1 tmit. Idaho meat in the article. Young men do not fail lotion d. The lit. Rev. Ifishop lyn, marching in procession as a protest and Wyoming, who enjoy female suffrage, for lack of ambit ion. not because the proper i his visitation lo the mountains is «tally against Urn sin of cursing and blasphemy, do not find it satisfactory, in the beginning opportunities for advancement have not ting prosperous was not only an impressive, inspiring, but there was considerable novelty, but the en- come to them, not because they have not re- m h. o|s. inspecting suitable church proper- a solemn s'"ht. It was a demonstration thusiasm has died out, and now few women ceived the best educational advantages, or tjes and is comforted in his arduous duties acaiust a vice whose echo will resound in go to the (tolls. Sensible women have ho are handicapped by poor health, but because lid he receives from an honorable. every corner of the land. Come disgusted with the inevitable publicity they have never been at the pains to master I nright and conscientious clergy. and associations which come with their ex- the thing completely which they have been The cool head d officials of the miners- eicise of suffrage. The men who first fa given to do. They never achieve mastery union are holding in check the turbulent von d the proposition, are now opposed to in the pursuits they have chosen to follow. Returns as a Penitent. element among their men. This is the wise it. claiming that women do not appreciate Summed up in one word they will not work; St. Bona venture's church in Paterson, policy, the sagacious judgment. The gener- the value of their vote, and are too easily they have no heart and no mind except for hony's church at Butler. N. al who has Ids troops well in hand and ably it-¡¡ueneod by prejudices or emotions to ex what is just beyond the hour's need. We letter ot recant a iion from ltev. Alphon- disciplined .s usually the victorious one. De- ercise clear political judgment. It was only have in mind an instance that illustrates a brother of the Order of spite cold and hunger, in the miners' case a question of time when the absurdity of tlie Minors from Home, was read what work, persistent!y followed, although 1 discretion is the better part of valor. whole matter would be seen. Woman's place Si 1 day morning, the Till. Three months by compulsion, will do. It is the story of is the home, there her true interests are cen- hi ren mucod Hie faith to follow O'Gon- a Pittsburgh boy apprenticed to a trade. A . . i New York. He sent The warhke kaiser is coming off his stalk tered in her domestic and maternal affairs. more heart-broken young man could not well 1, tt( r io Rome miouneing his withdrawal Ing horse and Germany is modifying its pro- be imagined because his employer In time from the Church. posal for a peace in China. The firm atti- OUT OF PLACE. put him at advanced work, while still re- lectured several times in tude of the American Government has done A modern Homer would I»* sadly ov., of ceiving the paltry wage of the apprentice. on house in New York, and then this. The prospect of a war with China sgi, i i start a mission of his place singing the glories of war. Tragedy This work was given him due to his rapid ow n I. was th. re that he returned to his fades away under the rational steps taken. is no longer an art. It is a gray and sub- picking up of the trade. 11. was with diffi- ! sought to be readmitted to the There will he indemnity for the past and stantial fad. W here is the tragic glory in culty and with not a little sternness that his 1 r«> was ordered to Rome security for the future: more than this the Boer tight, the art in the Philippines, parents compelled htm to finish the trade. !•» jvet General Aloysins T.atier, and the would be Punic faith. where grim war has settled down to a ser- Today he i.s a master business man. success i'd of him was the letter of reoan- ies of isolated killings. There is no element ful and a thankful man for the wholesome day. l!ev Father Hatibrlcb Mansfield, 0„ a city of churches ami retire to a monastery. lie will no of the glorious in this Chinese business. discipline he received. Ambition and work schools, is a disgraced spot. The brutal lo? gi r exercise his priestly functions in pub- () ir modern wars are troublesome and irri- even if you have to plod along. Aim to go treatment of Alexander Dowie and ins fol- lic. tni dig. and a poet attempting to immortalize straighl: to the mark. Eailure, after all. Is lowers deserves the severest condemnation, them would be supplying the last straw to merely the leaving undone, or badly done, and the rigor of the law. lis citizens on- Thanksgiving. the load that breaks tlie camel's back. War. ihose things which should have been done gaged in these repeated outrages are lower hh acknowledge the fulfillment of nowadays, is generally the victor stronger and done thoroughly. than the Chinese Boxers. Mr. Dowie and lh;m the vanquished, surely he can't sit through the intercession Governor Shaw, in his talk to college stu- ot Si Joseph ami.his blessed St. his people Should remain in Mansfield, face d >wf and write an epic from his own point spouse. As dents. gives excellent: advice when he says: . earth lived the life of a« their"persecutors until their rights are re- of view. We would advise the poet that "If a person can do one thing and do if well, workman, the appeals of the humble spected. has sent us some war verses that there is he will be worth something." Voting people a: i necdv find icadv sympathy and soccoT no sufficient incentive to literary effort for heart and through his intercession, Tin revival of the Gaelic language goes a re easily discouraged, they believe there is the pronounced butcheries of the present hud . tuple; in. u! and means go to no visible opening in any line they may se- Steadily on, and lovers of the Emerald lore hour. i i is humble protege, -I- ' hope that the olden tongue, so rich in poet lect. The city is full of attornies. but not ry and beautiful imagery, will be reborn to so many lawyers, many pedagogues, but few THE POPULAR PRIEST. itsburgh and vicinity, and In fact a ff a full life. This, however, does not mean leathers; many medical men, but few doc- A question is asked, "what do you mean tor;-. How many of our alleged profession- ! i ,. ended States has been stiff«* the displacement of the English language, and fall from a lack of rat$ a popular priest V" Eur answer let us al ii. en that after long years are where they which is indispensable in the commercial 1 as damaged crops afldj^V sense. Every Irishman needs to have a say that we mean the priest possessed of a began'; They stay where they started, an- greatest inconvenience to peog * o* i,. sound knowledge of the English language. ce? la in sympathy, a certain power of enter- ion ata who do their work mechanically. -of life. & CHURCH CALENDAR. OUR AGENTS. OCTOBER. Mr. II. J. Garten will call 011 our patrons Saturday, IS, St. Edward, King, ('. s d. in the following towns in the noar future: BREITENSTEIN & FLEMM Sunday, 14, Nineteenth Sunday after peutecost. .Si Altoona, Hollidaysburg, Pat ton. Hastings, CRllistus, P. M d. liarnsboro. Spangler, Bradley .1 unci ion, Lor FLOWERS FOR ALL FESTIVITIES Monday. 15, St. Teresa, V. d. etto, Carroll town, Niektown, Chest Springs, KUNBRAL DESIGN Tuesday, 10. Of the day. s. St. Augustine, Ashvillo, Frugality, Amsbry. Wednesday. 1?, St. Hedwigc, Widow. s .1. Dysart, Dean, Klstie, St. Lawreuee, St. Boni- 511 MARKET STREET cor. LIBERTY AVENUE, PITTSBURGH. Thursday, 18, St. Luke, Evangelist .1. ei. face, Coupon, Coalport. Rosebud, Twin Friday, I'i, St. Peter of Alcantara, c. d TELEPHONE 161. Rocks, Blair City, Tyrone. Cleartieki, Saturday. 20, St. John ( antiu.-, ('. d. Youngstown. Lock haven. Bellefonte, Harris- burg. FORTY HOURS' DEVOTION.

    The devotion of the forty Hour«, In honor n ' ibr Moil ¡11«• 1 or means to uiscover 1 lie owner without 1 Ho y Sacrament, in the Diocese of "ivtPfmrRh w- >»>• a\an, could with safe couseit.'nce retain it. bold as follow»' - Father t'aiievin in conclusion said that the OCTOBRK. majority of men and women are hottest, but. 13, St. Thomas', Hraddock. eartJoned tin»«» t»> be watchful over their 14, St. Patrick ; Conven „ Pittsburgh, chOilren to see that the latter have sound 15, Holy Family, Latrobe. 16, St. Mary's, Fatton. principles of honesty that they may not in- 17, St. Michael's, Holtidaysburi?. dt 'ge in tha 1 disluinesty which is not known 18, Immaculate C-oneeption, Carnegie. as "open" stealing, luil which, being based 19, St. Peter's. McKeespurt. on I'unuing and deceit, is nolle the less rcpre- 21, St. James', W. K , Pittsburgh. hex sible. sale 22, St. Aipbousus', Murrinsville. 23 St. Joseph's, Mt. Pleasant, Sacred Heart, E. E. —-Oriental rugs 26, Holy Name, Troy Hill. Allegheny. The devotion of the Forty Hours was held 26, Immaculate Conception, New Germany. in the cl'Uivh of the Sai-n <1 Heart last wot k 27, St. John's, Seottdaie <•• in lnemriug Thursday a. in., the -1th and 29, Sacred Heart, Jeannette. Unequaled connections in the Far East enable us to own our eoiicbuiing with solemn high Mass of Imposi- 31, St. George's, S 5., Pittsburgh. tion on Sunday, the Tth. Throughout the Oriental Rugs as well—as to character and cost—as any concern in KOVIMHEK. ceremonies were conducted in an admirable America offering Oriental Rugs to the public —and we have the cour- 2, Sacred Heart, Altoona. and beautiful manner. A eharmlni; feature 3, St. Aloysius', Reserve Township. age to sell them cheap, as the following, when seen, will show:— r.nd highly impressive were the processions, 5, Holy Cross Convent. S. S., I ittsburgh. iIn masters and misses being clothed in Your choice of a hundred Fine Anatolia Mats and Saddle Bags, 6, Transfiguration. Mt. Pleasant, spotless white, emblematical of purity and 7, St. Anthony's Mill vale. stainless from sin, so dear to the Sacred $3 5°- 8, St. Jam'es'. Wilkiusbur« l 9, St. Teresa's, Clinton. 1 feai'i-. 1 luring the exposition the altar was Hamedan Rugs -average size about 2 /i by 3yz feet, $5 00. 10, Mercy Convent, Webster avenue, Pittsburgh. radiant with lights and odorous of tlie per- Lot of genuine Shirvan Hearth Rugs, $10 00. 11, St. Joseph's Convent, Sharpstmrg. fuii es of flowers. Under the skilful man 12, St. Martin s, New Perry. ipidation of the ladies of the Altar Society Lot of Large Mossoul Hearth Rugs, $,15 00. 14, St. Michael's, Carrulltowu. the sanctuary was worthy of the saeramental Lot of Sumac or Cashmere and Afghan or Khiva-Bokhara Hall 16, St. Mary of Mercy's, Pittsburgh. Lord, exposed for the worship of I iis chil- 18, St. Mary's. Mt Washington, Pittsburgh. dren. The I'onl'essionals were thronged with Carpets sizes 6 by 9 to 8 by to—at the astonishing price of $38 50. 20, St. Bridget's, Pittsburgh. mam penitents, and speaking to a friend on Lot of extra fine Persian Hearth Rugs, $45. 21, St. Ma k's, Altoona. Sunday 1 he zealous rector. Father Franc, Large Iran Hall Rugs—fine ones— $85 00. 22 St. Boniface's, Si. Boniface. rej(>ii'cd to say that never before on any one 24, St. Xavier's Academy Beatty. partictilar day had so many in the Sacred Small Kelims— table cover sizes, $7 50. 26, St. Joseph's, Allegheny. 11» art approached the IMvine Table. Extra fine large Kis-Kelims—touch cover and portier sizes, $25. 27, St. Casimir's, Pittsbuigh. At the solemn high Mass of Reposition < Watterson sang Millard's Ave Maria stealing. His text was, "Give not place to An evening school for the working boj - Skirts, the devil, lie that stole, let him not steal and L-irl* of the eonulegation is in view am Best in Men's and Boys' Clothing. no more; but rather let him labor, working may shortly materialize. with his hands the tiling which is good, that Ucv. lather Patrick O'Connor, re emit as he may have something to give him that sistant. received a ìa ndsonie purse of $*»2t \ .!. Brail v. Ks< |.. math suffereth need. ' tiiken from the epistle of the " • his departure, liti r< day. Father Canevin said that if there was presentati ! leech, w hieb was ft one thing to be deplored in these days it *pon tied to by tin(li-e ;recipient . 606GS & BUHL, AlieghenyrF^ was the absence of a strong public sentiment hi l'avor of honesty, lie said that outside of St. Augustine's, City deliberate theft, amenable to the criminal This superb church e.ditice in the Law law, there was a species of stealing done rer.ei ville tlisinet approaches completion, through craft and cunning which was none i;very detail will be of (lie highest order in the less a violation of the laws of God and of kt epiug with the grandeur of the building VINCENT, SCOTT & CO.' the principles of Christianity, and which 'n,,. altar rail, soon to be placed, is a gem 6023 Perin Ave., B««t Bnd. called for restitution. Theft, he said, was a ni artistic beaut v. I' will !>•• '.»•"> feet long, breach of the laws of nature, a violation of and of the purest Tarrant marble. Father justice, a breach of charity, the cause of Charles lias recently returned from Phila quarrels. deipliia. where he inspected the work, and Furniture, Carpels, Draperies, etc. Father Canevin then spoke of thefts ac- <•>,.rt-sses himself as highly pleased. Through Our new Kali stock is now in. open for inspection. New designs and conpanied by deception, such as the selling out the church the contractors are prepared Of goods which were not what they were rep- f,, the tinishifig tom iies. About the middle artistic effects. rt#cnted to be; of thefts by those in positions ,>f this month the contract will be let for Special prices to schools. of trust, who collect or hold money for oth 1 he decora (ions. ers and take a little at first. intending to re- sr. Augustine's Young Men's Society will turn it. but who dually timl rbat the amount produce, Wednesday evening of their pilfering* has grown so great that nn uudic drama. "I'i/.arro." they can never return it. He said there was Recent improvements have been made in dishonesty, too. in those who do not give a ,i„> schools. Water filters now Automatic fair day's work for a fair day's pay, and in supply of pure drinking water for the pu Instantaneous those who deprive workmen of their wages pjb- s Stephenson's Water Heater! or have them work for less than that to . C(r , which they are entitled. St. kieran s, Fiftyfourth Street. is sold always with this absolute Speaking of restitution, he said the stolen A large class of boys and girls, with W article must be returned, if it be possible, era! adults, are being prepare«! for < oniirma i fm guarantee—money refunded if to the person robbed. If he be dead rest it u- tioc. The Rt. Rev I Hi the Hon should be made in accordance with date after his return ¡no 1 water heater is not perfectly what we would desire, the presumption be- nation, itig that he would favor the restitution be uieements wi satisfactory. made In favor of chariiv for the benefit of and deUnit . "3 his goal ' shortly The congregation is an earnest one, r Ask your plumber or Father Canevin then took up the interest- is almost out of debt and hopes 111 lin- ing question of what to <1.. with found prop near future to be able to take up the mattei SEND FOR BOOKLET. ertv. such as money, a watch, etc.. after the of building their new chun h finder had in vain tried all proper means to nTrniiriiCnu II'CP Pfl Manufacturers of Zenith Gas Ranges, discover the owner. He said there was a Carl S-hnr/. has rescued tlu OStrntrlaUrl m 1 Ui UUn Furnaces, Laundry Stoves, Coal Stoves, diveigence of opinion on the subject, some of the National c ml Sc x lee I fo tn A «- warerooms, 537 Wood St., Pgh. Ranges and Furnaces. holding that the property should go to the nation in that ^ poor and other that the person finding it election ot Mr. Brya , s ,1.1 > I ; ' could retain it. He thought that a person way against the non partisan Aiding such property. Who had used all the association. [Western Pennsylvania Medical College f GOLDEN AND SILVER JELLY CAKE PITTSBURGH, PEMH'ft. well beaten: a-ta one cup of whit* -»usar, J SESSION OP 1900-1901—FIFTEENTH YEAR. ip of sweet milk, ami one ami three-quarter i asure "BANNER" Baking Powder. Golden Cake. ' Ul" -- Í MEDICAL DEPARTMENT OF THE WESTERN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA e-hftlf cup butter, two cups white su^ar. three-quarter psweet mi Take one-half cup butter two » « £ ^.««tVtwell beaten, and three Sraded Courses of Eight Months, Commencing Octob.r 1st 1900. iucenor clinical advantages offered students. College Silver Cake SÄÄ^-e« ''BANNKK" UakiuK Fowde, # Kour years required, lustructii n radical è and Clinic tmlldingsKEW.aud added i Ward bedpidi- Clinics, Surgical and 3 '.ACTITIOSKKS' COURSE in September, ty, Graham Gems. For j«rticulrs 524 Penn Avenue, Pltteburgh. Business correspondent* will write in- w i VSDALK Secretary Boanl of Trus'ees, ¿ lf n. two tablespooiifulK meltwl butter, and .¡uart, sweet milk; Kilsworth Avenue. K. E. Pittsburgh, Pa. f S%ke one quart Graham Hour two te«sr>30umi8 0l »ait, iwo '»sure "BANNER" Baking Powder, títir well together, and oro uglily; add one egg, well beaten, and one m in Kem-i>aiif. e**«n b. The Crucifixion Scene at Oberanimergau. w Manual Training in Germany. Excursions to Steubenviile via Pennsylvania l,,MI wo sw 'he mantle of our guilt on We art pleased io ti mi In Ilio la io numi <-r >4Ml »Hln e else how quickly we condemn our There exists at present lu ;urr«'}iHfionaliKi a very well written tributed in Hon places, 801 schools a nò insil- 12lui ¡sympathetic pupi r mi i lie Passion 1 May tut«s wherein manual training is carried on Salurday. Ocl. l.'Uh. good going on after- from \v li Ioli AVO ex tra ci t h" appended do- in l.M I workshops. Of this number. noou t: ains. and l'or ali regular traiti« of Snu- Excursions to Sharon via Pennsvlvania Lines. tseriptiou of ilio se» no which is in tho eli schools and institutes conduct the training da v , Oct. l llli, oxcursion tickets will he st hi max of ilio drama lho «'rueitìxion. The on a pedagogical basis. Prussia has \7oio Steubeiiville troni Pittsburgh. Oenuison, Thursday, Oct. ISth. for reunion of fi"-1 h subject is Ilea tod in a n nini» rsùuidiiitily manual training schools. The lòti pupils' « adi/.. Kasf. Piverj , Hella) I Wbeelil Pennsylvania volunteer regiment association, Catholic spirit which 0110 does no!

    of the audience ¡s ai its climax! The cruci gymnasium. !'_' technical and technical high ilx'on follows. It is wonderful that is the schools and 10 boarding schools). 7 are pre only word for it the meeting place of real punitory institutes, tit ; are teacher.-'' seuiin ism litui suggestion. ¡.ties aliti ilo are boys' asylums: while tlie remaim'or consists of various kinds of pri- FARMERS' DEPOSIT NATIONAL BANK. "Tho nails do not actually pierce the hands the fastening to the cross is simple and vate ( ilucational establishments. 220 FOURTH AVENUE. voi with it all the impression of real suffer Fivt hundred and thirty live workshops Lug is so well expressed in every line of the are devoted to wood carving, ;V*7 to working PTTTSBITKGH, PA •\veak tortured body that om can hut feel on cardboard and .';.">«! to carpenter's bench. CAIMIAl $ «00,000 pity and sympathy. All the hideousness <>f those, US are closely connected with wood of suoli a death comes vividly before one. carving. 77 with preparatili v roughing-out SURPLUS 2,000,000 but only for a moment and then. while the work. .'in with metal woi I l'N with countrv OTHER UNDIVIDED PROFITS 1,187,000 earthquake shakes the temple, the euri a in timbering. 11 with wood ami metal turning drops behind the cross cutting off from view an I 11 with modeling ivitli clay. ()\or 'JJ'u• all tho crucifying mob. leaving only the lit < h-rinati teachers have been taught to 1 h• SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS, ile group about the cross, the t wo .Marys come instructors in manual training, of Boxes Rented $5.00 and Upward and the disciples. The sweet pathos of this tin so tini wore taught in I .eipvig and l.l'no scene is irresistible the grieving love of I he a< quired training in places in other pai is mother, the tender compassion of John, and of ( ¡orinali v. the whole reverential handling given to ! he descent from the cross has not its equa I The Franciscans in China. DIAMOND NATIONAL BANK either in art or literature. No words of de In the nine I'hinese vicariates eitirt I script ion, however clear, could over make to the Franciscans there are li:i!» Franciscan CAPITAL $200,000 SURPLUS $280,000. so real to the present general it. the details missionaries and native priests: these latter of the crucili\ion as does the scone planned are all members of the Third order. They WM M HERSH, President, JOHN S SCULLY, Vlc*-l»r«>id«ot and executed by the simple folk of *tberain ha vo under their care PMI.IHMI I 'atholics and 0 W CRAWFORD, Cashier. morgan." 1 .'Itmm 1 catechumens. and the conversions D1H EOTORS: WM. M, MKKSU, CHARI.KS DONNELLY. W. A. NT MICK, A. C. WETTKNGEL, JOHN 8 The Employment of Prisoners. axt'tage 111.111111 every year, t he statistics ;tl SCULLY, WM. H. ROIXiICRS, A. (i. HARNETT, A. I,. BRAIIM, G. W. CRAWFORD, JOHN W. ROBINSON. Both New York and Pennsylvania have so show that the missionaries have baptiz- A general banking business transacted. Discount days, Monday, Wednesday and Kriday. laws allowing the employ meni of certain ed 51.10- children in the course of a y ir classes of prisoners on tho streets and public 11ict ween August I. ls;»s. and August 1, highways. In most cases these seem to he iv.i'.n: that they have ;*..*» orphanages. 1 s J. I). CALI,ERY. Fremder. JOHN W. TAYLOR. Cashier a dead lot ter, largely, no doubt, from the op schools and work rooms: the number ot posit ion of the labor unions. It seems at children being brought up in these establish tirsi an axiom thai a man is doing moro fol- .in uis in li'i.-IT."», The missionaries are ably lile country and his fellow men when in well hi toed in their laborious ministrv bv t in CITY SAVINGS PANK, directed labor that when living in idleness, ranciscan nuns, as wen ,-u a num SIXTH AVK. AND SMITHFIRLD ST., PITTSBURGH, PA. simply eating, sleeping and contracting evil her of baptizers ami i'hinese girls who lit Ip habits: and yet there is some difficult v in so in the orphanages. It is difficult to as. or am the number of lertiarics scattered Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits $195,000 arranging prison labor as not to apparently Transacts a genoral Ranking business. Aeeounts so'leifeti. Collections a Specialty Interest allnw.il on interfere with some man's moans of liveli- throughout the vast empire. It is calculated Time Dejmsits- CALL AND GET A COPY O? RULES. « m un Interest at 4 per cent, allowed on time deposits from the 1st anil l.Sth of each mouth- -and pa /able on hood' . As a. rule the prisoners themselves that the proportion of lertiarics a vet ages about 11HI out of every 'J.IHIII Christians. In January 1st and July 1st ' ' to - idleness. The county of t Jp.udefied sit, Southern 1 lu-pe, for instance, there nr. ,,lKTi> P-II'I- .^>od roads in places elares that the day is not far distant \\ hell | ° ^^^»ej.scs make their improve Your account. the Vatican and Lum inal w ill come to .in uu- I 'JJ'-V» * '„If- hopeless, ways tlerstatiding, and live in fellowship. It is ar- SAVINGS DEPARTMENT crying need for better highways; This Company receives Snvings Depf.siti there is a gued. though not with mucii cogency, II at on the usual savings hank regulations In American.- who have been abroad come bat k gum* from 11.00 to 85 000, paying 4 per cent. GERMAN linding our roads poorer ilia the Papal policy has undergoii« a change. Interest thereon until further notice. humiliaicit in u I change is said to have been effected lu many of tlit* poorest countries on ttie con by the tiaseo of the extreme libcralists, and OFFICERS tincnt: and, if men. who are now simply the desire of tho great body of lie* Italian C. 8 McVAY, President, NATIONAL BANK, consumers a nil not producers, can he utilize«! ptople to recognize the claims of the Chinch. J I. BUCHANAN, , Vice President in this way. common sense seems to demand 71 t Ohio street Allegheny. P*. It is urged that all. except the extreme CHAS H.HAYS, - - Secy and Treas. rh.-it they shr..dd be so used. The world is leti are ready and anxious to conic to terms not so rich tha >.y class need be supporte I DIRECTORS: 1 \-itl the Vatican. Clerical abuse has aliuosi in ennui a in I "-consuming idleness. J.J VAN 0ERGRI FT, GEO. M LAU6HLIN, entirely disappeared front the columns of B F. JONES, J, I BUCHANAN THE SAFE DEPOSIT & TRUST CO, tin national press, and thuv is a disposition I Italian Workmen. C B McVAY, HENRY BUHL, Jr , OF PITTSBURGH, on the part of all to enter upon a now era I CHAS H HAYS At a recent annual Catholic congress held of Christ an fellowship, line must be slow! Nos. 245 247 Fourth Avenue. at Bonn, one of the resolutions called at ton to accept arguments which domain! imniedi I tion to the spiritual care of the Italian work ate reconciliation of two parties so long and < )ffers to Act for You as men in (lormany. The London Tablet says: so cordially separated. < Hie thing is certain. I '"I lie spiritual care of the Italian workmen Leo XIII. will not surrender • he patrimony I Fidelity * - fxecutor frustee or in Germany has been zealously taken up by of St I'eter. It is not at all ce tam oil 1 he I 1 I hi excellent St. Raphael's Society. The ini other hand that lOnimanuei will surrender In making youi Will cunsidt'i' that this migration of those unfortunate |jeople has his tenure. We prefer to thin\ that no im < '<>-ii|>;uiy. having n piTjH'tn:il i liarter. is u'n- Title and 1 grown to large proportions. 11 is j-alculafei| u eiliate compromise is possible likc .111 individual, and Ilieivforf insures liipr- that there are at present about I fiu.iMHI ot • iain• 11<*** in 1 In- inana.^cnii'iii of your Estate. 1 them in Alsace Lorraine, .'¡II.IMMI in Ihulen. Tin' lun.ir «'.\[M'rii'iii'i and stability of the To.Him in Wurti'inlierg. and ISfi.lKKli in Swlt/ Borax. Trust Co., • '"t.ipany aiv a .cuarantoe thai your Estate ei land. In the avchtlioeese of I Freiburg Always include a box of powdered borax in will IN- oxci-uicd with security, skill aud (Baden) tlie religious: care of t heJe iin your supplies for the house. Ii is cheap, car»' migrants has now been properly organized. m; kes the work easier and softens the wat- 341-343 Fourth Ave. It is high time that the work wer • generally er so as to not hurt your hands or chap taken in hand, as the Koeialists! are doing your skin. Von can procure it cheaper at their best to win i he Italians ovj-r." the gioeery store than at the druggist's. To It is to he regretted that i he Italian Cat ho clean windows dissolve a little in warm wat CAPITAL $1,000,000 lies themselves in their eighth annual con er. w ash I hem inside and out side and wipe 2 -4 FOURTH AVENUE gress recently held, and the congress of the thy; then polish them with old newspapers. Acts in All Trust Capacities Catholic Youth in Italy, also recently held, A stronger solution may be made to dean were silent on the spiritual needs of their the kitchen sink and pipes; it will remove PITTSBURGH. emigrant brethren. At the Italian congress all impurities from them. To clean marble INTEREST PAID OR DEPOSITS INOORI'ORATKI» BY AND PNDIR SrPKRTIflON OF T«I above referred to. Bishop Burke, of Albany, or any kind of tinware, add a tablespoonful STATU or PKNNHYI.VANIA. brought greeting from the <'atholies of the of borax to a pint of hot water, dip a small I riiled States, expressed in a Latin speech. brush into it and scrub until clean, then dry SAFE DEPOSIT VAULTS. with old (launch If troubled with ants, Deposits of one dollar and upward received and inter- Change in Studies. roaches, crotin bugs. etc.. sprinkle dry bor- est at i per cent, per annum paid thereon. ax around. It is excellent ami will banish .ill It. order to meet the requirements of the President—CHAIS. R. FENDKRK'H, recent decision of Brother

    / The Debt of Honor. keep the furrow just wide enough and not Going West and Northwest. ESTABLISHED 1870 Kvery son W MMI In* goes away from lionie make balks or leave refractory clods edge- I wise, the holder must watch the plow. The The best line west of Chicago if you are carrtes witli him the honor of tlx- honve to little tricks in handling, which make him a going to any point in Montana, Idaho. Wash- which he belongs, and lie may cither enhance good plowman, a re learned only by ex per 1- ington. Oregon, Kansas. Nebraska. Colora- 1. S. M'KALLIPft CO . it or dissipate it. If lie does well, his success enee. do. Wyoming, Utah, Nevada or California, is is doubled, for it is not only an ornament to the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Paul Rail- Manufacturers' Agents and himself, but a crown of honor tu his parents. wax. Direct and short lines between Chica- There is nothing in this world more touch- Dealers in FASHION ITEMS. go. Sioux city. Omaha. Milwaukee. La ing than the pride of a father or mother in Crosse, St. Paul ami Minneapolis. Solid ves Small cream-colored straw buttons make Lime, ¡1 son's success. Many a student, in the riv- tibuled. electric lighted, steam heated trains; Grain, Bailed Hay, Straw, an effective trimming, when employed with alries of academic life, is thinking about this tree reclining chair cars; compart incut and more than anytlung else, and on the day velvet ribbon, for crepe do chine gowns. AND ANTHRACITE COAL. sleeping cars; the finest dining cars in ihe Firo when he is being applauded by hundreds, S«w«r Pip«, Terra Cotta Goods, Openwork jet boleros a re modish and very world. If you contemplate a trip west or Clay, Tllo, he is thinking chiefly of hearts far away that Brick, Eta. expensive when the heads are tine cut. north west ca 11 on any coupon ticket agent in Corner Twelfth Street and A. V. R. R, are glorying in his honor. In ihe battles of the I nited States or write to W. s. Howell. A touch of gold is necessary on bodice, life in a city like this there are multitudes O. I' P. A.. :;si Broadway, N. Y., or to John PITTSBURGH, PA. sheves and collars for correct style at pres- doing their best, living laborious days, shak- R Pott, D. P. A -Isi; William street Wil- ent. Telephone, 1135. Correspondence solicited ing off the tempter, and keeping straight in liMnsport, Pa., saving where you a re going, the middle of the narrow way. for the sake he season's sporting and outing hats are about when you will start, how many 1 here of those far off whose hearts will be cheer- WATTERSON & REI0 Attorneys at Law. more trimmed than last season. Checked will be iu the party, and full information. ed by their well-doing, and would lie broken velvet has taken the place of the polka dot w?th maps, time tables and rates of fa Ii«t«tc of John C. Woods. by their ill-doing. I do not think there is a ted silk twist 011 these hats. will be promptly furnished, free. Be sure . , j VOTIGE is hereby given that letters testamentary on the sight more touching certainly there is not asl: for your tickets via <'. M & St. P Rv. 1 state of John (I. VV. o-i». deceased, late of Pittsburgh, one that touches me more than when a Spanish coeque pompons and eocque feath- have been granted to the undersigned to whom all per- sons indebted to said estate are requested to make imme- youth, who has been away in another city ers, are the decoration 011 many hats for eoin- diate payment, and those having claims or demands or in a foreign land, and hears in his face "1011 wear. against the same will make them known without delay. r and demeanor tokens of his well-doing, K E. WOODS, Executor, The. bishop sleeve is the correct thing for "lavsMORPHIN. 30.000 casesE ".ri curedn . ZNto Dixon Woods Co., 30th ai <' Jane streets. comes back some Sunday to the church in sept 12-6t your new shirt waist, instead of the dress PAY TILL Of RED. Address which his boyhood has been spent, and sits i'It. J. L STEPHKNS CO. Dept. sleeve with (lare cuff. B. 6, Lebanon, Ohio. again side by side with tin proud hearts OPIUM I-2C-1 ' r that love him. Where is there a disappoint- Heavy, lustrous brocades are modish ment so keen, or a disgrace so poignant as he again. A bolero made of this material wilt THE FAME OF 5 inflicts, who comes not back because he dare need no lining. not. having in the foreign land or the dis- tant city soiled his good name and rolled the Reversible cheviots with whipcord or covet honor of his home in the dustV finish, are suitable for walking, rainy day or golf skirts. WHITE LILY MEATS Printed or painted panne velvets are among Hon Justin McCarthy. the season's novelties. The ground is a solid .lustin McCarthy has announced his per- color aud the leaves and flowers painted or \ manent retirement from political life owing printed their natural shades. IS WIDESPREAD. to the state of his health, which has not been A tine quality of broadcloth is what the good for some time. This act ion on the part tailors recommend for winter suits, as it of the eminent historian and novelist has wears better than the rougher cloths. been expected for many months. His with- drawal from public life was formally an- There are 110 noticeable changes in the cut nounced early last winter. Mr. McCarthy of new skirts as yet. The 11 are at the boil >111 We was first elected to Parliament in 1870, when and tightness around the hips being the he sat for Longford. He represented 1 Jerry same. city from 1880 to 1892. and Longford again Red will be used for millinery purposes, are making equally as far- from the last named year to the present. He but must: not be too pronounced, so black or was chairman of the Irish Parliamentary white is introduced. of Ja. party from 1890 to 18'.it!. In spite of his ex- reachinSpring gth eBroo favork traordinary interest and activity in statecraft Mr. McCarthy has been at the same time one SPARKLERS. of the most prolific men of letters in the "There's one consolation about iusouin ELGIN CREAMERY BUM,* British Isle, lie will 1M? TO years old next H marked the sufferer. pettier for a November. "What is that?" Made at Elgin, Illinois, and a Mission to Non=CathoIics. "While I lie awake I don't have ni: mare.' The Rev. Father Edward Dowries, of New J The Tremont and Kensington America by jublic kne "I'aoa. what is *'j< vain pomp and gl Haven, Conn., brother of Alfred Dowries, S hot air furnaces will prove a ies for first- secretary to Mayor Van Wyck, has been ap of 1 his worldT pointed by Bishop Tierney of the diocese of "My sou, it is the things we preach aga ? warm friend in cold weather. Han ford as a missionary to non-Catholics when we don't succeed in get ting them.' é ASK YOUR DEALER. throughout the State of Connecticut. Fath- She I heard that you said that I remiu Dunlevy & B:V BBS 7, er Dow lies was formerly city clerk of New you of the north pole. Now, don't try to ¿sible, and Haven, and was United States consul at Am- deny it. Tis pure, clean and j cr sterdam during the administration of Presi- He of course 1 did. You are so sought af- ! Pittsburgh Stove & Go, dent Cleveland. He was also graduated Range ter. you know. IJ 610-612 WOOD STREET, from the Yale law school and is a member of the Connecticut bar. He concluded, however, '"Where is the American sect ion V" asked ^^ Pittsburgh, Pa. ^^ to give tip the practice of law for Holy Or- 1 he visitor to the Paris show. ders and studied for the priesthood, to which "Oh, monsieur." replied the polite attend- lie was recently ordained. ant, "ze Americans! Zey are such great peo- WHITE LILY BACi^-S ples and we lofe them zo much it is all yours effery section!" For your breakfast, WITH THE FARMER. DILWQRTH'S BRUNSWICK COFFEE. Wife Bob. dear, what would you do if I One who has neve used three horses for should die? Starts the Day Aright. ploWtiig will be sue se 1 to find what an Husband Don't say such things. Why. I improvement the; at over two, says \V. \V. should be quite desperate. H.. in Rural New V: i.i-v. They can handle Wife -But you would marry agai 1V Husband—Oh, dear, no! I don't mink I a heavy plow at a U\j iv gait. This is an ad- should be as desperate as all that. vantage In thick sod, as a «juicK movement turns the furrow in bette.- shape, particular "Ah " he mused in eestaey. "there is noth- WHITE LILY LARD 1} where it has to be thrown up hill and acts ing more soothing to the human mind than tlie sublime notes of melody!" In your noon day pastry helps a little contrary. The draft on a three horse "How about bank no'---;' asked a sordid plow may be straight with the landslide, and ny slander. drive dull care away; iu this way it works better and handles eas- "Do you believe that Lusher really sa v a ier than v here the boa 1* 1 is set at au angle 1 sea serpent ou his las yachting trip:" And to make the plow run to or from the laud. "I Inne no doubt of it at all. 1 was with, A rig of this sort is best in large fields free him when he was purchasing his supplies. from obstructions. No one would think of "There's some bread »'or you." said the plowing the garden or some little three-cor charitable old lady to he Utile o-ggar girl. t oted, side hill, half acre pan i' back of ¡he "Its a day or two old, but you can tell >0111 SPRING 3R00K BUTTER woods wit 1 ¡1 L'lio.v is considerable 1 rtwer u»otli.-r to tai.e three or four fresh eggs, a For your evening meal puts a quart of milk, a cup o' sugar, some good Imt- Is"a matchless combination of the highest grades of in three lively nor--s •>" 1 -! •• ' 1 .• several tine growths, carefully selected, roasted and nv and a half of grated nutmeg, and she can taught to stop at "Whoa." When a hidden cleaned by best modern methods and furnished in 1 lb. | satisfying finish on a hard day's make a very excellent pudding of it." Pateut Preservative Packages which retain its full rock is struck, unless they are trained to strength and tlavor indefinitely. Father (meaningly 1 Who is the laziest boy It positively surpasses in drinking merit any separate labor. # stop at once something is liable to break. growth, or any other combination however expensive. Striking such obstructions is trying to pa in your class, Tommy ? It is always'uniform in quality and always fresh and Tommy 1 don't know. pa. fragrant. It is sold by retailers at 25 cents per lb.—always tience. Ill-natured animals bite at each oth- in packages—never in bulk. Ask your grocer for it. er when stopped with such a jerk, and the Father—I should think you should know. whack that the handles gives a man's ribs, When all the others are industriously study- DILWJRIH'i BRUNSWICK COFFEE Write or call on us for prices. if he is walking close to the plow, is apt ing or writing their lessons, who is it sits AND momentarily to mar his happiness. If a fast idly in his seat and wa-ches the rest, instead Pear's Soap of working himself: stone throws the plow out on the land side are both advertised with "GOOD MORNING" salutations and the team goes several feet before stop- 1 ommy—The teach« r. and both are articles of supreme excellence. ping, one is likely to leave the "balk" io be We now offer to the ladies of the United States an op Husband-Oh! there*.-; that confounded portunity to obtain one, free of cost, by patronizing the mended on the next round. This makes a rheumatism again! other. Here is the plan: poor job, the best way beiug to back and fix Wife I'm so sorry. I wanted 10 go >d„>p- USE DILWORTH'S BRUNSWICK COFFEE it at once. A team that has not been spoil- j to-morrow, and your rheumatism is al- and cut from the Wrappers our trade mark —THE COFFEE ed, may be trained for this work without DUNLEVY k Bll ways a sign of rain. Isn't it provoking? ORN. 'J difficulty. A little patience, careful pulling For six Brunswick Trade Marks we will send you, post- "How is your friend -icing o it in Auslra- age paid, one cake Pear's Unscented Soap. This kind re- of the lines, and a low voice will do it. Yell tails at 15 cents per cake. big and jerking the lines will spoil any For ten Brunswick Trade Marks we will send you. post- •Oh, In* is carry ini •rrtliìiu: 1>< tore age paid, one cake Pear's Scented Soap. This kind re- 615 Liberty St., horse. A three-horse team which the writer tails at 25 cents per cake. used was so well broken that the lines could tini For twenty Brunswick Trade Marks we will send you, What business s lit' in:" postage paid, one cake Pear's Soap Perfumed with Attar 26th St. and Penn Ave. < be thrown over a plow handle, and it was of R< ses—the most exquisite toilet soap in the world. scarcely necessary to touch them iu the "He's a waiter in ivsiavraiit." This kind retails at 50 cents per cake. round of a fifteen acre field. "Whoa" at the Send the Brunswick Trade Mark to us by mail, and Paying Teller- Excuse me madam, but I write plainly your name and P. O. address. New Packing House, ^d of the furrow , and then "come around." don't know you. Address fix the corner just t ight. Of course it lady with clieek Know me7 Well. I DILWORTH BROTHERS, 8k little time and care to break them Enterprise St. and P. R. R., E. E iti. »H^wty. 1,ut it pays in tin* end. as moro should think not! There are no bank cash- PITTSBURGH, PA. s ¡e,, an b» done and annoyance saved. To iers iu our set. St. Philomena's, City. The Greenfield Parish. The annual uovena in honor of Blosseil The new congregation recently formed out Gerard is being made at present in this of a part of St. Stephen's parish in the church. The devotion commenced on Sun- Twenty-third ward, will within the next JOS. HORNE & CO. day, 7th, and will be continued daily until week break ground for the new church Tuesday, 10th, tin* Coast day of this devout building to be erected on the Barker estate PITTSBURGH PA. servant of God. The services, with tlie ap- on Greenfield avenue, which has been pur- propriate prayers, include the benediction of chased by the new congregation for $19.000. the Most Blessed Sacrament. On the feast Bids are being received for the erection of day itself the uovena closes with a solemn the new house of worship, which will be high Mass at 7 v'.U a. m., and a sermon preach- a frame structure 40x50 feet. When com Btack Silks, $1 a Yard. pleted it will have cost in the neighborhood ed. During the uovena the precious relic ol: 1 hey are silks that sell in a regular way for $i 50, $1 85 and $2 25 St. Gerard, property of St. Philomena's, is of $2,000. placed upon the altar. The devotion to The new building will be erected at the a yard. Blessed Gerard has a large and ever increas- northeast corner of the large brick residence How can we sell them so cheap? Easily. Listen. New York ing following in this church. An altar of which now occupies the centre of the prop- Blessed Gerard is in the church, and day al- erty. The latter contains three acres of importers never bother us except when they are over-loaded. We im- ter day may be seen scores of the faithful, ground. The strip of ground on which the port all our own silks and dress goods, and we get just as good terms young and old, visiting this shrine to pour building will be placed has been selected so forth their fervent prayers for his assist- that it will not interfere with any improve- as any New York importer. ance in their trials and wants and ai't'lh - ments that the congregation may desire to Well, the New York man had more than he could carry so he tion-s. and they depart with assurance that make in the future. The new building will they have a powerful friend in his interces- in all likelihood be permanent and when a sought us out and importuned us to buy. We did so—at our own sion. larger church building is erected a few stor- prices. Choose from such splendid weaves as these, and if they are Blessed Gerard Majella was born in 17"J''. ies can be added to the first building and a not all right send them back in Naples, lie learned the trade of a tail- portion can he used as a parochial school or and afterwards became a domestic ser- house.. The members of the congregation Black J\kiu Satin. hope to use the building for religious ser- vant St. Alphousus received him in 174!» Black Pekin Moire. into the congregation of the HeSemptorist vices before Christinas, hut it is not expect• Fathers as a lay brother, lie passed the ed a pastor will he assigned to the charge Black Pekin Taffeta. days in the exercise of piety and in hard before that time. Black Satin Stripes. manual labor as prescribed by the rules of Black Gros Grain Stripes. the order of the Most Holy Redeemer. He Holy Rosary, E. E. spent most, of the night in prayer before the Sunday, the 7th. feast of the Holy Rosary, Blessed Sacrament and in devotions to the and the patronal feast of this church was ap- Mother of God. So great was the brother's propriately celebrated. At the early Mass d« sire to suffer for his Saviour that the Lord the altar rail was filled with devout com granted him the favor of feeling every Fri- Colored Silks. m uirica nts. day some of the pains of the passion of Over production on the part of both foreign and American silk Christ crucified. At 10:30 a. solemn high Mass was celebrat- manufacturers enables us to offer high class weaves in colored silks at ed The officials were: Celebrant, the roc - Ever since the Church has decreed to him tor. Rev. Father O. J. Malady: deacon. Rev. prices far below the usual market price. Sample these. the honors of her altar, which was done by Father Laurence O'Conn ell. of the Cathe- hthe Pontiff happily reigning on January 20, dral , sub-deacon. Rev. Father Wm. Kit tell, Foreign Silks. laW18S5, when he proclaimed his annual feast chancellor of the diocese. The sermon, elassr October 10th. devotion to him has spread a yard Cilene Silk at $1 25 a yard Rich in faconne effects. Iyow prices which treated of the holy Rosary, was a and chic styles make it to your advantage to buy silks here. lughvvjely, wherever the zealous Redemptorists masterly one and was preached by Rev. a (leave houses of their order. Particularly in Father Lawrence O'Connell. Gounod's Mass $2 a yard Panne finish Silk for Si a yard. Splendid for waists or entire positio, country has this devotion' taken deep was siuii by the excellent choir, with the gown. White printings 011 old rose, Gobelin, gray, reseda and tan. first at. This is largely due to ihe confidence exception of the Kyrie, which was a lino Si a yard Satin Diagonale for 85c a yard. Handsomer than Peau de Soie. the cr j,jo intercession which the miraculous musical composition by the organist. Mr. Shades of gray, Gobelin, castor, heliotrope, metal gray, rose, reseda, dh'<*f,araetor of his life cannot fail to inspire. Vn-tor O'Brien. In the evening at 7:30 o'- sil: French blue. For the history of his life tells us that. Cod clock, solemn Vespers were sung. The ser- haWjferred upon him many supernatural gifts. mon. eloquent, devotional and persuasive, ''""^AU-ticnln rly American Silks. ii>t< rferi wWii was preached by the Rev. Father Wm. Mr ijiers Slid the working of mira- Mrllin. of St. .Tamos'. Wilkinsburg. 85c a yard plain colored Taffeta Silks, at 65c a yard. _ hoc \ a , t'lUBr i ex teilt as to v.in Inni the tl- Preparations for the annual tea to be giv i 1 a yard plain colored Crepe de Chene, at 75c a yard. E3S.udene hiirhlv favore«! by (Jod should St. Agnes', Soho. We don't ask you to believe off-hand what we say about our low tlinary. It hsgfl.v hon or ed by man. In the lifo Father H. McITugh. the pastor arrived prices, although we have been in the dry goods business si years. wlio was so' Gerard we find nothing stränge home on Monday morning, the Nth. in ex- also be grea e. notwithstanding the superalmn- cellent health, lie had a most enjoyable Sample the good*, and if you can find anything EO good for the same of Blosser^what is wonderful with the greaf tine while abroad. In honor of his safe re- money, then do not patronize us. ind the most ehlldlike inno- turn the school children gave an entertain- or TJ3ÎSWioltv lav brother accomplished ment on Tuesday morning. Twenty-five new Fall shades in all-wool Cashmeres, at 50c a yard. fîç1 here i is 1 oiiderful designs of God. A meeting of the League of the Sacred Plain dress fabrics such as Serges, Cheviots, Whipcords, Yenetiaos and AtilW lit art will be held Sunday, the 14th. at 3:!$0 Broadcloths at 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c 85c and 81 a yard. p. ru. St. James', W. E. Satin-faced Broadcloths in shades of rose, Gobelin, tan, brown, red, garnet) gray, blue and navy, also black, 95c a yard. A timely discovery and equally timely ac- St. John the Baptist. tion of Policeman Joseph Murray, checked Tin Altar Society held their usual quarter what might have been a destructive fire in lv meeting Sunday, 7th. St. James' church at Main and Violet streets, A meeting of the Third Order of St. I ran West End. at o'clock Monday morning, the eis was held Sunday, 7th. A suitable coil Black Dress Goods. 8th l'erenee was given by the spiritual director. 200 weaves priced at 75c, 85c, $1 to $5 a yard. Officer Murray, while passing the edifice, Rev. Father McKeever. This society meets The range of materials goes from that for indoor wear, to the rich saw smoke issuing from the front windows. monthly. He promptly turned in an alarm and engine A meeting of the tea party organization brilliant and dull finish costume tailor cloths for street and traveling company No. 10, located hut a square from has been called for Sunday evening, 14th, at wear. the church, lost no time in checking the 1:30 o'clock. flames They had started in the saeristry A big line of Black Cheviots at 50c and 58c a yard, that are worth oi the left hand side of the main altar, and St. Mary's, Forty-sixth Street. every cent of 75c and 95c. It Is believed originated as a result of defec- tive wiling. The firemen had two lines of The church is tilled daily this month with hose In the church within a few minutes, devout attendants in honor of the Holy Ro> and by dint of perseverance prevented the ary. PENN AVENUE AND FIFTH STREET. flames from spreading. Ten minutes' hard The school property has been renovated work brought success to their labors and the with an artistic coat of paint, giving the hf-odsome church was saved. The loss will buildings and surroundings a bright appear scarcely be more than a few hundred dollars. a nee. The social of the Young Ladies' Sodality, Missionaries of the Redemptorist order have been conducting a renewal of the mis- on Thursday evening, the 4th, was a su sion of last fall. Morning and evening St. ctss. Euchre was played and seasonable r Jair.es' church has been thronged with com- In shmonts served. municants. Sunday night the renewal of the ORDER mission for men began, as on previous even- ings the church was crowded. Each morn- Pianos For the Fall Trade ing first Mass is celebrated at 5 o'clock, and BY MAIL. We have now ready for inspection and sale Uk Mriiday morning two hours following the a magnificent lot of all tli1 pianos we repre- threatened destruction of t he church Mass sent. comprising the renowned piano - of mail order service is always at your was said in the presence of several hundred Stoiuway. Chi eke ring, Krakancr, Hardman disposal We can serve you almost as male members of the comrreL'atlon. etc. To possess any one of these pianos, well by our system as we serve you when you Too much credit cannot he ¡riven the mem stamps its owner at once as a person of re- bers of engine company No. 10. A quicker fined and cultivated taste, and able to appre- come to the store Hundreds, yes thousands, and norc effective piece of work has seldom ciate the superior musical qualities of these of been accomplished in the history of the makes. out-of town people know the value of this Pittsburgh fire department. We will be glad of an opportunity of show- ing them at any time, and are prepared to service. Write and tell us what goods you St. Patrick's, City. quote the very lowest manufacturers' iales want, and if possible what price goods, and and on terms to suit the convenience of ev- The dramatic society will give an enter- we will send you an intelligent letter, with cir- ery one. Send for illustrated catalogues and tainment on Thanksgiving day. Unusual particulars of our system of easy payments. cular, catalogues, etc. Give us a trial— preparations are being made to have the pre- C. O. MELLOR COMPANY, STOVES PICKERING'S RANGES sentation a successful one. The beautiful 319-o21 Fifth avenue. play of the "Shamrock and the Rose" has Ask to sit the Pianola, the great music:! 1 been selected and it Is in most capable hands. w under. Furniture Carpets COR. PENN AVE. 4. 10TH ST. When Sickness Comes WANTED—ACO TVE MAN OK GOOD CHARACTER to deliver and collect in Pennsylvania for old establish- PITTSBURGH. It's«a mighty handy thing to have a nest ed manufacturing wholesale house S900 a year, sure pay. Honesty more than experience required. Ourref egg in bank. erence. any hank In any city. Enclose self-addressed The Pittsburgh Bank for Savings. stamped envelope. Manufacturers, Third Floor, 334 210 Fourth avenue. Dearborn treet, Chicago,Jill. St. Wenceslaus, Allegheny. Altoona. St. Wenceslaus ekitrcli, on Main street, Al- A wedding of more than usual interest bj legheny, was dedicated Sunday 7th. The ex- reason of the high social position of the e•ou - trac ti it g parties wa FLOWERS AND PLANTS ercises began at 7:">o a. ni.. with the cele- that: of Mi; rarices bration of high Mass at the church by Rev. Ligouri Saupp and Mr. James J. Kilroy, M. FOR ALL OCCASIONS. t Father Vae A. Panuska, of Cleveland. At We carry a large stock of freshflowers—all grades , all prices. Customers are given every attention, and O , whose marriage was solemnized with w orders are filled in the most careful manner. S:30 the Bohemian societies of the church nuptial Mass at St. John's church Wednes formed in line on Main street, near the ning by Rev. William J. Fitzgerald 345S,,T church, with John Luksik as chief marshal. of Lambert ville, X the groom's former * A. W. SMITH. ""ilSi...... TELEPHONE 2280. ^ j£e accompanied by U> mounted aides. home. Amomr the is who were sealed Following the chief marshal and aides came at the elaborate wedding breakfast, which the German Austrian Cornet band, the followed at the bride's home, were Rev. Knights of St. \Venceslaus. St. WVn.-eshms M< rgan M. Sheed.v. of St. John's; Rev. Win. Beiieticial Society. N<>, :•>. of Allegheny; St. J. Fitzgerald. Lambertville, N. J.; Rev. Peter John's Beneficial Society of Allegheny; St. Reilly. Paterson. X. .1.. and Judge James J. Joseph's Beneficial Society of Allegheny ami Reilly, Xew York. The bride is a daughter St. Aloysins Bciiciu ial Society of Alh'uheny. of Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Saupp. of this city, The column moved up Main street, to Madi- while Or. Kilroy is engaged in the practice son avenue, to Ohio street, to Kast street, to Crf his profession in Washington. I>. ('.. North avenue, to O'llara street, to Chestnut which will be their home. sticet. to Spring Carden avenue, where it Tuesday morning at St. John's church. : : EXPOSITION ; ; was joined by Si. Joseph's German Jieneiicial Rev. Father Fox solemized the marriage of Society and St. Jose|ih's ('. M. 1'., A.. both Miss Annie E. Miller to Mr. Edward Par- Begins MONDAY, OCT. 15th, of Spring Hill. The column then moved sous. They were attended by Miss Ella Mc- With the Incomparable along Venial street to the Troy Iiill road. Dormott and Mr. C. T. Miller, brother of the There it was joined by St. George's Benefi- bride. Mrs. Parsons is a daughter of Mr. J Does Your Bathroom cial S •iety and St. George's C. M. B. A . and Mrs. Thomas Miller, of Chest Springs, both of Troy llill. Moving on to Ohio street Cambria county, but has lived with her SOUSA the column was joined by the St. Nicholas In other in t his city for some time. $ Need Refurnishing ? Croatian Society and its cornet band. The Mr Frank Kelme was instantly killed on AND HIS column thee moved to Chest nut street and the railroad n few miles west of this city across the Si\t • nth street bridge to Penn on Tuesday. He was a member of St. John's I Ihe Standard Sanitary Mfg, Co avenue where six Polish societies and two Literary and Benevolent Society. • BAND bands were added to the line. They next Invites the attention of those contem- The western pa rt of the city and the ad- matched d wn 1 'en a a venue lo Sixth street as the Musical Attraction. plating the remodeling of their plumbing joining suburb. Millvilie, have had an opi- bridge to Federal street, to Ohio street, to i to its complete and varied line of Bath deti i of diptheria. in consequence of which > Cedar :ivei .<•. where St. Mary's Bencticial Room and Toilet Appliances and Sani- the Ninth ward and Millville schools were Society was added to the force. The pro Your last opportunity to hear \ tary Equipment of every description. closed for ten days. The parochial school cession then moved to the church, reaching" Local exhibit and salesrooms, Standard chl'dren in these districts, as well as in a the Magnifiicent Renditions Con- i there at o'clock. There were about 1 ,oW Building, 531-533 Wood street, Pitts- 11 port ion of the Fifth ward, were also requir- persons in line when i he procession reached burgh ed to remain at home until Monday, when ducted by the Worlds Greatest X the church. Porcelain Enameled Bath Tubs, Shower the quarantine was lifted. Bandmaster, and enjoying the J Baths, Marble Lavatories in imported Rt. Rev. X. .laegar. O. s. B.. Abbot of St and domestic Marbles, Onyx, etc. Proeopius abbey, Chicago, conducted Supurb Exhibits and Novel 2 dedicatory exercises, lie was assisted by Correspondence. FACTORIES LOCATED AT Rev. Father ("ani'i ir. of Pittsburgh; Kran- A visit to Patton recently finds nothing Special Attractions Provided. jic of Allegheny . Janda, of Homestead, and new in church matters. The church of St. Allegheny, Pa., Louisville, Ky., New Pikulski. of Mt. Pleasant. Father Panuska Mary of Perpetual Help is cared for by the Brighton, Pa., Detroit, Mich., delivered a sermon in Bohemian, and Rev. Benedictine Fathers. The present rector is FOUR CONCERTS DAILY. Muncie, Ind., Elwood City, Pa. Fathei Walter, of St. Mary's church, one in the Rev. Father Pierron, O. S. B.. lovingly English and one in German. The church known to his congregation and friends as General Offices, Standard Building, choir, assisted by the Euterpe orchestra, of Father Edwin. The congregation is a zeal- ADHISSION ONLY 25 CENTS. Sharpshurg. furn'shed Ihe music. The <\- ot is one. and with the vigilance, supervis- Pittsburgh, Pa. tcrioi and interiot of the church were taste- ion and constant instruction of its pastor fully decorated with American flags and is grounded in Catholic faith and morals. E do not wish to present binding. The houses of many Bohemian \\ t rk here at present is abundant and wages you any cheap advertising Catholics along the route of parade were fairlj satisfactory. The principal industry decorated in a like manner. is mining coal, and the enormous demand matterW . We aim altogether for a for t he product ensures steady labor. Evi- PUT FOURTH YOUR de nees of prosperity abound on all sides. different kind of business, and Religious Profession at Mt. Aioysius Convent. u Cresson, Pa. The same state of affairs exists at Hast- this medium to let the public kne ings, where business is booming. The Bene- Tuesday, the 2d. witnessed the solemn BEST FOOT. dictines a re in charge here, the church of St. of our exceptional facilities for first- consecration to the service of Cod of four That's what a woman always Bernard being presided over by that, wor- class dentistry. *"' ""* young women of the order of Mercy. Sister th v son of the great St. Benedict, the Rev. strives to do — M. Sebastian Magee, Sister M. Madeleine Father Innocent Atulellinger. Some im- That's why so many women buy Our work is the VERY BEST, Hjnes. Sister M. Austin W ills and Sister M. provements are being made to the church Tliecla Crouse assumed the obligations of proper. The old wooden steps are being re- their fancy or evening slippers with as little pain as possible, and the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, a placed by handsome stone ones. here so— and promised to devote themselves to the Excellently and thoroughly trained classes performed at most REA works of the order under the authority of that they may ' put forth their for Confirmation at be th Pa tton and this ABLE rates. the Rt. Rev. Bishop of the diocese and of point are awaiting the immediate coming of best feet." the Rev. Mother Superior of the order. the Rt. Rev. Bishop on his annual tour. You cannot forget where we A Very Rev. F. A. Bush, V. G.. ecclesiastical Prices right for you and us. Rev. Father F. McKenna, rector of St. superior of the community, officiated on the Monica's, Chest Springs, is kept busy these - just remember the Alvin Thea- occasion and received the vows of the fer- n rt«\s. He has a Confirmation class of bright vent novices, he was assisted by Rev. O. tre. The most beautiful office in boys and girls sedulously prepared for the Reid. chaplain of the convent and Rev. O \l I). LOVELESS the two cities. strength giving sacrament. On Friday, the Bigley, chaplain of the Children's Home, 5th. the devotion of i he Forty Hours' was Lcretto. Sixth St. and Penn Ave., closed in tins church witli great solemnity. Woods Methal '1 he altar, an exquisite gem of onyx and The pastor was assisted by the Rev. Fath PITTSBURGH. Sienna marble was ablaze with lights and ers C Slieehan. of Ashville, and Tlios. Rea. redolent with the perfume of rare exotics. of S:. Augustine. St. Monica's church is be- TvW WTTFiF yiFyTr^Finf sf Dental Parlors, The a< adeniy v.lxic is attached to the con- ing beautifully renovated, of which, more Entrance in Alvin Theatre. vent has opened its fourth term in this well anon. I known seat of learning under most favor,a WUNDERLY BROS h1 » auspie the classes are filled with earn Personal. M 6th Street. est students, and all are working zealously The Catholic acknowledges the pleasure of I SIXTH AVENUE, Opposite Trinity Church. Office Hours, 8 to 6; Sundays, io to 4, for the good to be obtained, religiously, men- a personal call during the past week from aug 29-3m tally and physically. the Rev. Father John Will ins, C. S. Sp.. di rector of the Holy Childhood for the United FATHER FINN'S LATEST BOOK: Sharpsburg. States. He is at present making his head 1« ART DEALERS. St. Mary's church sent $'J!.~0 direct to the quarters with Rev. Father T. II. Meyer, C " His First and Last Appearance." S. Sp., stationed at Eniswortli, on the Fori Here you will find the largest READY OCTOBER to. Galveston sufferers, Waj no railroad, and in charge of the church I and most varied stock of the Profusely Illustrated. Herman Zwigart, of Penn street, died at that place and the outlying mission of Sunday, 30th tilt, at his late residence, aged PRICE $100 St. Mary's at Glenfield. The reverend direc latest and standard Religious 47 years. The deceased was a member of tor speaks hopefully of the work in which Pictures, in addition to a full St. Mary's church for many years. Services he is enlisted and to which he is devotim i9 THE CATHOLIC HOME ANNUAL FOR 1901. were held in the latter church. i line of Art Pictures, Mirrors, BETTER THAN EVER. his time and energy. The collections in be PRICE 25c. The first Catholic church that was built l alf of the Holy Childhood show an increase I$ & c. $ in the vicinity of Sharpsburg and Etna bor- The above books sent, cost-paid, on receipt of price. at ail points. Most of the work of the as $ Order early, as supply is limited. oughs is being razed. The building is the sot iat ion is done in China, where hundreds property of St. Joseph's congregation. nay thousands, of children are yearly saved. I Frame work a spcialty. Father Willms has spent many years < I Ford City. valuable priesthood among us. In the early J Prices the most reasonable. days of his career he was a valued professor » The corner-stone laying of the Polish anil disciplinarian at the College of the Holy church of St. Francis, under the rectorship Ohost. Subsequently he was stationed at of the Rev. Francis Miskiewicz, was laid St. Mary's. Sharpsburg, as rector, in that 440 512 AVE, with appropriate ceremonies on Monday last. rf capacity doing efficient and lasting work it *t>ÛS : c T^ESML The Rev. Father Benedict Baldauf. O. S. B„ CHURCH FRESCOING building up that prosperous church, now tin rector of St. Mary's, this place, officiated, d»-r the care of his worthy successor. Rev P Established 30 Years. TEL. 816. P lie preached the sermon. The new church Father John Orion, P. S. Sp. will be pushed rapidly to its completion, and A A McKnight & Victory, the dedication will take place about Christ- Ue\. Father M. A. Ward, rector of St. Aioy- I mas. Father Miskiewicz has not a large sius church. Wilmerding. has as his guest I John Stulen & Son, 413 FOURTH AVENUE, number of families, but has over HOO single the Rev. Garret. J. Barry, pastor of St. Jos N N persons in his parish. «'P b's church in the Roxbnry district, Boston T Plumbers, Steam and Gas Fitters. M ass. Father Barry will deliver the dedi T WALL PAPER, DEALERS IN GAS AND CHANDELIERS, BRACK- Send for the leaflet, "Story in a Nut-Shell." lory sermon, Sunday, the 14th, at St I I ETS, PENDANTS, PILLAR LIGHTS, ETC. It will tell you how you can secure HO perl M chad's, Pitcairn. the mission attached to 101-103 Market Street, .. ilmerding. He is a gifted pulpit orator N N cent per annum on your savings: how yon \v Pittsburgh. Lift and Force Pumps of every description. Watev can purchase a $200 first mortgage gold The Knights of Columbus in this district are C C Faucets, bath tub sinks, lead and iron pipe, sheet lead hydrant hose. Cooking stoves for gas or oil. bond on a $2.50 per month payment. Ad specially invited to be present on this occa dress S07, Hamilton Building, 335 Fifth ave sion to honor Father Barry, who is the na HARDWOOD FINISHIMG JOBBING PROMPTL» ATTENDED TO. mie. Pittsburgh, Pa. tional chaplain of the order. IRISH NEWS. ICev. Father Ivavanagh, O. S. F.. recently to a deep brown color- it will be found to be There is n*v»r h„+ . published, he rightly remarked that, drunken- still more easily digested than ordinary kind. but one opportunity of a ness amongst Irishmen Is undoubtedly Eng- toast. * - The New Parliament—Evils ot Intemperance land's most successful recruiting sergeant. JOvil is like cold a negative „ , m —Reformatory and Industrial Schools. I he truth of this saying will be ret ognized l it" never gives all that the soul longs for. thing. h ' uoc a Positive by everyone familiar with the conditions of : Special Oorrespondetii t 01 l'Hit < IATHOLIO life in this country, where no spectacle is { ~ ' ' — ~ — - -..- Cuce every live or six years Ireland yeis a »re fami than that the intoxicated 11 - cL.illice of doing something elteetive to ¡ui i youth aeeoin pa living one of hei 111:1 j«'S i V 1 vai.c« its own parlieuiar interest s as an un- limps to theneares t public hou.-it>, M1 ¡14' BUTTER. | ....TELEPHONE 1539.... willing ti in I in- system of gevernnient iidueenienis to enlisi, in the shape or ¡1 CHEESE. from Westminster. From Hie bitumini; oi her supply of liiipior . are obligingly pros ill.' (.he Par.nr>T! movement until tlie consumala '1 he miserable toper." says Fai he r K:i va tlon of tiit* unhappy split of ten years ago gh, "cannot r< •sisi the attraction "iI he 1 HUI tbiit chalice was. ou the few occasions on ty ' offers to his de al ¡zed nature in a McCann & Co., moment, of temptation he shuts hi which it presented it sei f, availed of to tin' FOURTH AVENUE AND MARKET STREET. utmost possible ad vantage, and substantial all consequences and enlists. Iia\ Elgin Creamery, Full Cream Cheese, Fresh Eggs. vVe sell Ret "I benefits accrued to i he count ry in ebnse- so he is lost to his country forevt i 111« t he quelle««. Following on the split the nation- comes her enemy. Irishmen, there Wholesale Prices. We ask you to give us a trial and we shall al movement retrograded, and the posit ion wish to see their country take h endeavor to merit your continued patronage of Ireland in Parliament, so far from being amongst the free nations of the w< improved, was made distinctly worse as a set their faces sterni \ a ira tust uni nness result of the last two general elect ions. Now ulani! EVERY ARTICLE it is announced that the general election. is nei lighting force, The I fish di EGGS. GUARANTEED. Which has been anticipated for some months ani. compelled to be : ic .-trin past, will take place almost immediately. discipline of the harr aek va ri I s The 23 th of September was tlie exact date folce which has mad< • Knidaii'l a lern on which Parliament was dissolved, ami the weak and savage nations, au (1 a ila to all nations whet In within three weeks afterwards the new l'ai •r feeble oi • pow» lianient will be chosen. It would be inter- 11 is he, t lie drunken »•«•» lisl'l»! esting to speculate on the position of parties irto a British soldier t no longer a li Irish MURCOTTE'S. _ id Great Britain were not that the selection is tixeil tin ' Voke, of our own members in Ireland is a matter yoke of Knglisi i CHOCOLATES AND BON BONS oi infinitely greater importance to us. From upon the necks of 1 country nu this until the elections are over the leading isti drunkard, ilierefi -, is, a ml hai s long AHE DELICIOUS. melt of the various constituencies can gìve Inland's greatest » •se. Lie ha little time or attention to matters outside loin again.S t IIIS t YOUR DEALER, OR SE2IND TO their own districts. In every constituency le that lie should in Ireland it should from this moment be appear from lifeV Till he s disap 402 Wood 1 the effort of the leading Nationalists to se- peai 1 do no how we can r asona blv lect and support as their Parliamentary can- hope for free. ami it is as an obstacle to L- A. BUTLER, Ägt, didate whatever man appears to them best Irish freedom : 1 refer to him hero." (ptaliiied to represent them in Parliament. The force of Fatile K a va nagh's it K. B. LOGAN, The office of an Irish member is no sine- meni loses nothing by he eloquent syn w. K WILSON cure. If the dui ics of the position are prop which he goes on to give of even's collect- erly looked after the work is hard and the ed with many turning points iu our historv reward is small. If constituencies eaunot which were prejudicially intbicnced by the get men of independent means whom they action of drunken Irishmen. "From Bill," Wilson can rely on to make the sacrifices of time, he says, "until IT'.tS we have hail a repetition energy and comfort demanded front an Irish of the same sad and shameful story, hi bill member who does his business in Parliament it was a toping Irish chief who iu his cups, revealed ton traitor-spy of England : lie plot properly, the people must simply make up of the confederates to seize upon Dublin t 'as- their minds to put their hands in their pock- tie wiih its well l'urii ets and pay some poorer man. in whose abil- shed armory, the plot ity and fidelity they can put their trust to was forthwith lai •are to the English au- go to Westminster ami look after their inter- thorities. and, of course, frustrated. I he bidtie of Xew Ross the turning point of the ests. Otherwise I hey will run t he risk of 5929-5931 Baum Street, Opposite East End Market. being inefficiently represented, or, perhaps, insurrection of "its was lost chietly through PHONE E. E. 289 even misrepresented, and their till ¡mate loss the same accursed cause. Emmet's bold and PittsburgH, Pa. both in cash as wvii as in national prestige well concerted enterprise iu I so:; was de- will be many tino6S¡¡fteMJcr that the amount prived of all chance of success through the that would liave still iced o get the services shocking outrage committed by a drunken J*S ». licVEY. TELEPHONE 2041. J-0 McMURRAY mob. Whenever I see a fellow country man of a good man. No one can pretend that the I arliainetitary party as it has existed for the in the degraded condition of a drunkai<1 1 IRON CITY HEATING COMPANY say In myself That man exhibits in his pet- rJiv*A .tW.Ywvv *TH hits been aw ideal one. In many resp< ts it has beeii any thing but what son the curse of Ireland! He is, whether he a lighting Irteli thirty Should have been. The means it or not, her deadly enemy an en eniy to her progress, to her good name, to her - • STEAM AND HOT WATER HEATING, - - attenda net; of member«, ot rather their non at i udance hag been at fi sues almost a scan freedom." it is to be hoped that the elo- Manufacturers of DUQUESNE STEAM AND HOT WATER BOILERS dai. A m.ju who canno i go to Parliament 'I'lctti preacher's words will not only r-'aeLt Hcattiig .nd Ve.iUl.tln* of Public .nd Private Buildings. KstlmaU* of all kinds of Pipe Fitting Furnish* ami remai a there while sitting lias no the ears, but have an influence on the ac- • 10 611 DUQUESNE W.Y, PITTSBU R9N, Pi. ' righi lo renin it! rm Irish member, lie should tions of those among our country men who resign in favor ot some other man who could have fallen victims to the degrading habit and would attend. Very many of the pres- of intoxication. • • • in BBl's., y% BBl's., 20 lb. Pails, to ent members will be eletteti once more, tuli lb. ^ " ers will doubtless sever i heir connections The annual report of the inspector of re- NEW MACKEREL with their constituencies, either because formatory and industrial schools of Ireland, Ageuts for RUBY MILK. The Ideal Food for Babies. they have had enough of Parliament or tue which hus just been issued as a Parliament- Ricommsndan«vumminggdg OJ rnyI I'C'ple have h-,; eitoi'.gh of them. ary pa per,' bears out in the most convincing WM0Lts LE by Phytlelaas. The most urgent work of the moment is the nu-nncr the accuracy of the judgment I have JAS. A. McATEER & SON » CROCE«, selection of candidates of the proper stamp contrantly expressed as to the probable ef- own, PITTSBURGH, PA. for the places to be tilled, and the taking of fects of the deplorable castle circular a.t. r Steps to insure that when selected they shall ing the system of admission to industrial be returned. The time in which to do ihis s< hools. Ill the entire history of the g »verti- '"orb is very short, so short that in fact it uienl of Ireland it is doubtful if any preced- n be said that the elect ion has been ent could be found for the mischievous piece sp- g on the country at a moment's notice, of iiitermeiIdling to which I refer. For t,;.rs ^ójy^U P-TO-DATE. and ao preparations have been made for it. our industrial schools had been rendering v/ fi With enlarged capacity ana all the lates. ' the selection of candidates, doubtless, the services ot enormous value to a most deserv improvements we are keeping right up with unalist organization will play a Fading ing and helpless class in the community. It the procession. 't. Election conventions must, however, was generally recognized that the work car-J as widely representative of the people as lied on by the institutions in tjuestion was vTltAOt MARK^ possible, whether they have as vet joined the precisely of the kind which was most tares-1 National organization or not. It is a pity- sar; in a country wherein, owing to a v.- YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED. that the election should have come cr< the ing of industrial or mechanical training work of organizing the country has bet n in;: ot industrial or mechanical tframing TaUphon* Manchester 101. completed; but rallied together by the Na- were fewer than in any oilier civilized land. tional sentiment that is commuti to all of Suddenly, however, the then recently an I them, however they may differ about details pointed Inspector of industrial schools, Sn'r JAMES J. FLANNERY. JOHN S. FLANNERY. of organization, the people may accomplish geon Fagan, reported to the castle that tlx ii Meli in the course of a few days, :>nd when system whereby admission to the school; elections come ou Ireland may again pre- had heretofore been regulated had been alms ed. and. acting on his representations, tin JAMES J. FLANNERY & BR0„ seni to the world the spectacle of ait abso- lute united Ireland seeking to enforce us chief secretary, by a circular to the ntagis-1 rlghtf as vigorously as it can do so within tracy. issued over the signature of Sir David I FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS, the limits of the constitution. The one pos- llarrel. practically prohibited the admission I sible source of disaster is that individual of the class of children who had been gen- 541-543 Grant Street. - - 1837 Second Avenue. men may allow themselves to be swayed by erally received previously. The report now their own personal feelings rather than by a published bears out in I he strongest wav | TELl "7* Pgh. TEL. Hazel wood, 5. desire to advance the National eause. But if all the allegations already published relative personal feeling is not allowed to weigh win: to the probable effects of Mr. Fagan's nil. I JAS. J. FLANNERY, Res. Tel. Bellfield, 201. any considerable number of tlie rank ami tile wis« action ail«I the still more unwise eon. of the voters there need be no fear of the re- •hut of the responsible heads of tin* Irish _____ JOHN S. FLANNERY, Res. Tel. Hazelwood, 5. sult. Government iu sanctioning it. It appears thai during last year, INSiO, the total number [Since the letter of our correspondent has TELEPHONE 4M A been received the Parliamentary elections boys admitted to Irish industrial schools law- been progressing throughout the Unit war 177, while 17s girls were received. fid Kingdom. The total number of members of Parliament elected thus far is 170. as fol- lows : Ministerialists. 1 ID: Liberals, 16; Na For Invalids. tlonalists, 12. The Nationalists elected include FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBAlMiR, Invalids the world over are given their NO mo OHIO STREET, Opposite St. Peter's Church, ALLEGHENY. William Redmond and .lames Daley. .John br«a«l iu th«' form of toast, and there are Burns, the British labor leader and anti war many persons ignorant of why this is done. Radical, is returned. The brother of Charles It is because toasting bread until it becomes l'ai noil was defeated• i•n • Dublin . F.d. | brown largely converts the starch Into «lex. p. J. & GEO n. McNULTY, trim'. It will be found thai the thinner the In the course of a stirring address oti the sheets of bread and the more thorough!v tliev UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, subject of the evils of Intemperance, which are toasted not burned, but still elianged TKLK. EAST END 300. 5989 AND 5991 CENTRE AVENUE. »

    A ur Bove anö £trle. said, exeusingly. with games, if his uncle will let him come; nor- This makes Mgr. Chase a member of the Then, when Willie throws a stone at Ar- n ay I ?" Pontifical court ami a prelate of the Pope's thur Bartlett you t all it "skipping,' do you. "Certainly, my dear," his mother replied, household. GOLDENROD. ami think there is no harm in it? I suppose "We'll have a cake made on purpose for While young he was converted to the Cath- you boys don't tare if your stones ilo hit Oh. uot in tIle morràtìg of Aprii or May, him. and make him just as happy as weoli c faith and after him all his family. him;' her tone was very grave, and the \_\\'licii flie young ligiit lies fai ut ori the sod mile can Louise .1. Stronsr. Though still young in years, his strong will, had left her lips. Anil the windliower blooms l'or tìu» hall' of broad intellect and retined manners have made him an object of the deepest respect a day — "lie never rares if his stones hits u ! he Texas First Monsignor, and esteem, and we deem him worthy of this Noi then eonies the Goldeurod. wants them to!" cried Fred, defensively. "Ami there are so many of yon, too." slit 'lht Rev. K. IJ. Chase, rector of St. Peter' high title ami feel proud and grateful to the I3i.it when the brighi yenr has growu vivici continued. "Arthur must get a good mauj church at Laredo, Texas, has been honored Hol\ Father foi avi um honored our city a lui bold bruises for every one he ¿jives. My boy, l'ir by Pope Leo XIII. with the rank of Monsig- witl one of the Monsignori Witl utino.st of In-auty ami sfrength. atraid the meanness is not all on his side. Then i! leaps min lite, ami lis banners itn- i n tl starti . ext. aiming, "Uut mam folil vo ml y I Sm dgy " I C BÏVAODON; I .V^ WOOO & PHO't 0 PITTSBURGH UNION STATION "V •li may him A nhur. if you [ile A long ali the land's green lengf h. i uh ! 1 U lis mothei Lines H is boru ili t he giqw of a great high noon. "Well Animi •o; if you knew the Ennsylvania Et is wrouglit of a bit of the su»; rid mean t hing:• s lit says ami tloes. then Br Central Standard Time. Itx béing is set tu a golden lune wouldn't blame us. L11 n golden snnnner begun. TRAINS. LEAVE. ARRIVE. "Everything you bitumi: i tra ist 1111 Chicago aud Cincinnati 1 » 1 00 am * 1.35 am done every day bV ther IM y s nini you •lu . Indianapolis aud St. Louis * 1.35 am \i> elift' is itin high for its resolute foot. * 1.00 am net ice them. T here is n irre; harm in any Id effect Sept. 15,; 1900. Fort Wayne aud Chicago * 1.05 am * 1 35 am No meadow loo bare or tuo low; Tiffin and Toledo » 1 05 am * 1 35 am of them, except swearing; an honestly now, Indianapolis aud St Louis. .. li asks bui the space for its fearless root. Trtlll !••«• Union Station, Pittabart». * 4 .45 km * 1.35 am Fred, is he tl•i only boy n at Wells vi lie and Bel'aire I 5.35 am I 8.40 am Aud the righi to he già il ami grow. As follow« (Eastern Standard Time:)— Alliance and Cleveland f 5 35 am I 1.05 pm swears?" She waited, w bile 1" tl hum Salem and Alliance t t~> 15 am ! 9 00 am i.eatl am •sitateti. MAIN LINK EASTWARD. OHIO VALLEY EXPRESS I 7 00 am I 8 30 pm It dclighfs in the loneliest »vaste of the uioor. I "No'111. Fort Wayne and Chicago * 7.00 am * 5 SO pm Aliti moeks al the rain ami the trust ; guess util." he said, finally, Atlantic Express, daily 2.50 A M. Tiffin and Toledo t 7 00 am J 5.80 pm "You :sa i tl he put santi in Johnny 1 lags I Pennsylvania Limited, daily 7.16 A. M. East Liverpool and Bellaire * 7.10 am * 7.10 pm lt belong to the people; it blooms l'or the j Day Express, daily 7.80 A.M. dinner: ha hi t .lohnny played some ti-ick tin New Castle anil Erie Í 7.45 am til .05 am pool'; ' Main Line Express, dally 8.00 A. M. Youngstown and Ashtabula 4 7.45 am 111.05 am lt thrives in the roadside dust. Arthur; Harrisburg Mall, dally 12.45 P. M. Mercer and Oil Citv t 7.45 am ill 05 am "Well me ime Johnny iiung so nml at I Philadelphia Express, daily 4.50 P. M CLEVELAND FAST LINE * 8.00 am * 8.80 pm ! Mall and Express daily. For New York only. Columbus aud Cincinnati * 8 00 am * 5.40 pm It orniures tJiough Sepìember wax chili and him wh 1 luw; i s to eat his br< id and Through buffet sleeper; no coaches 7.00 P. M. New Castle and Jamestown 412 40 pm J 8.10 am uukind. butter, an 1 gm ss it poiled it.' ed ad- I Eastern Express, daily 7.10 P. M. Youngstown and Ashtabula 112.40 pm t 8.10 pm Fast Line, dally 8.30 P.M. lt laughs 011 the brink of the erag. mitted. " ut i was ji st bread butter Columbus and Chicago •12 25 pm * 3.30 pm "Pittsburgh Limited," daily, with through coaches to Alliance and Cleveland .1 1.30 pm * 7.10 pm Nor blain hes when trust inni wliile in the you know. mm ia, and lohnnv's linn *r was New York, and sleeping cars to New York, Baltimore Wellsville and Bellaire .1 1 30 pm aud Washington only. No extra fare on * 7.10 pm wind : II.ce." Alliance and Crestline * 1.85 pm »12.40 pm this train 10.00 P. M. Salem aud Alliance t 3 25 pm (11.00 pm Tliougli flying it liolds up its fìag! "And .b •liimy :ias a n it lie - to tix nice Philadelphia Mail, Sundays only 8.40 A. M. New Castle and Erie J 4 35 pm I 8 10 pm For Atlantic City (via Delaware River Bridge, all-rail Youngstown aud Niles ihin.tr fin- him. I,ile An lim- lives with .his route), 8.00 A. M. and 8 80 P. M. daily. 4 4.35 pm * 5 50 pm Its bitumi lino\vs un siint. its golii un alloy; aunt. wlit ami butter plenty Mercer and Oil City Î 4.35 pm * 5.50 pm And vvt' flaiin it f ore ver as ours SOUTH-WEST PKNN RAILWAY. Wellsville and Pellaire .T 4.40 pm t 1.05 pm good enou >r a boy r une i Come. now. For Dnlontown, 5.20, 8.35 A. M.. 12.45 and 4.25 P. M. wet k CLEVELAND SPECIAL .* 5.00 pm •11.30 am God'-; symbol of freedoin and world-wide Fredde. tl if Villi Wt • in \rthur's place. days. CHICAGO SPECIAL * 6 30 pm * 5 50 am Toledo and Detroit .* 8.15 pm * 5.50 8 m joy wonhl Voll ! very ph V towards the In effect May 28, 1900. MONONGAHELA DIVISION. CHICAGO LIMITED .* 8.15 pm * 6 00 am Aii'eriea's tiower of ilowers! boys?" Columbus and Cincinnati .» 8.15 pm * 6 00am For West Brownsville and Dnlontown, 10.30 A. M. and .• 8.15 pm "No'1 'Xpect not. «11 r« remeta nt 4.20 P.M. For Belle Vernon and West Brownsville, 6.00, Indianapolis, Louisville & St. Louis * 6.20 am That "Worst Boy." 8.25, 10.80 A. M.; 1.05. 4.20. and 6.25 P. M. On Sunday, Alliance and Cleveland...... •11 00 pm * 5.40 am 8.55 A.M.. and 1.05 P. M. For Belle Vernon only, 9.40 Leave for Washington, Pa "10 am, 18 45 am, Í10.00 lit lives wit hi it ami uncle who am, J1.55 pm. 13 10 pm, J4.10 pin, J5.15 pm" 110.20 pm. "He's the worst boy that ever lived, mam- P. M. Sundays. nev ei had any children; t are very strict, Leave for Wheeling, J7.00 am, *8 20am, J11 50am \1 & ma!" Fred declared, emphatically. For West Elizabeth, Dravosburg, and Monongahela City, pm. 16 15 pin. and i i not let him have much time to play, 6.00. 8.25, 10.30 A. M . 1.05, 4.20, 5.25, 6.25, aud 11.35 Leave for St«ut>envllle, ».>.50 am, £8.25 am, }2 35 pw "Oh, oh!" his mother said, smiling. "How lie i: not allowed to have a pet not even P.M. weekdays. Sunday, 8.55 A. M., 1.06, 5.20 aud 9.40 14.20 pm. 110.40 pm, J11 35 am. I would like to see him! I've heard so milch P. M. West Elisabeth and Dravosburg only, 3.15 P. M. Leave for Dennison, {5,50 am, {'2.35 pm. a itr, nul- a picture bo ik. nor a game of any week days. Leave for New Cattle via Beaver Falls, •10 20 pm, about the 'worst boy that ever lived,' and a boy to visit him. •Every