' Preach tlie Oospel to ]Every Creature."—Mark xvi, i5. VOL. I/VII. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1900. NO. 40 EUROPEAN NEWS. A MANIAC'S DEED. Mm to the home . f Mrs. Bridget Butler, near- ly. While the women were washing the Jy given a thought to the program upon ! from nis head and face Koaeh stood The Bourses' Congress- An Awakening oi the which they are to appeal to the country. The Peril of Reverend Daniel Devlin. Pastor "ti the bank and cursed them and said- French Clergy—Backbone ila- United .Now that the fever has almost entirely dis- appeared. they are rather bewildered.* Hut of St. Stephen's, Hazelwood his Life "Now wash the hl from his gray head.'" kingdom Coming Consistory I he •«^>ai women ran to Second avenue for a 'he Liberals a re in a worse plight. The war Was Saved by a Number of Women. Great Jubilee's Glorious Triumph. p'v.ved disastrous to I hem by ea using gravi' L iS mile, ..h.l vllat they oou¿ di.ìereiiees of opinion in their ranks, and it «o 11 ne\ e their pastor. Special CorrcspoucteiK 01 1 he .vnn : 1 he entire community, irrespective of is utterly improbable that the variances wiil W Urrived 1 have just received an interestiii cteed, was shocked to learn of the brutal, ilóni^íuliUi f 'i i'oach dit. ii.ish sufficiently to allow of a successful i iU of tlie Ecclesiastical **«>;»-1. it'iTious and unprovoked assault made 011 - rail c, 'burgh Jtme- assault upon the Tory positions. We shall ! U 'nli,M,i I,a'k* and started to run hi held at Bo urges Croni tin* 1-t to have a Tory government again, though it tin- person of the Itev. Daniel Hevlin. rector ;Uk September. li was a remar is eH j finely doubt fui whether the party will of the church of St. Stephen in the Twenty- 'i tZTuu " ^ in au re ways than one, ai u assemuly return from the polls with impaired strength. third ward, Hazelwood. city, ou the after I Viii?. Í . V h"ilu'v 111 direction which may imply almost; a 1 H ion iti l lit- Meanwhile it will be well l'or the Catholic noon of .Monday, the Mil. The deed, from i: ne ••óiic -, . >*" U William n la e boi ;v habits ami geoeial ai ubi i tu- Kreut h elector to ponder over the questions he will all that so far can be learned was the work il. V . ,1'. ** " " - She met ic intcrpre of an ins.tie* man. or a degenerate: it was a a ui,;ix Clergy. Il.iiInno, according to the - \t , :;; v ' '• — ¡ "^se. xo. tatiou placed upon ihe Concorda V UH' so wholly unprovoked and without cause. "^ tion Koacii had taken. It'ie was a priest, well up in years, a mild, French ecclesiastical authorities, the Church 1 lie Iloly Father has decided to hold a « ran»- imm.-uiau ly followed him of France iuot'.i usive man, whose gentleness was pro J JU,UU S Jat 1 was divided into so many dioceses consistory toward the end of November, or /' n " " ' '' ' discovered Which had no inter relations ami 110 common veioial among all who knew him, returning ; V\ar'"* Hacks near action. In 1 of 1 ttoi'i the exercise of his holy ministry, uu- ile eai ,i tacit obedience to lie idea he till many vacancies that have occurred in sV. , ' "- "" Koaeh JU tirsi e iaU:1 Napoleon, whose maxim in Church mat til » episcopacy. .Negotiations l'or the choice coiiM ions of personal danger, struck down V . • '"i-i'c-: an . un hmjtug a po- p»rs Ua> Xul!l was "Divido ut impera." the French of tl-ree prelates are actively going 011 with by a man of powerful physique, lying in '»njg him br...„ Ulto a i an. dicci ses to tie 1 , liu 1 ii,r ¡ have grown so uiauj lueal the countries who have signed Concordats on" ; : 'i lo ..¡op, aud "Clinches.'' absolutely foreign to caeh other, U inlr>lK r with the Holy See giving them a right oi l-oi.c, ' o t ' »"- -ailed. and all attempts ì:UU aid Vk,uua to bring i lie elergj log et ti- veto in the nominations. It is more than -, , m' . " - > '"ght that er to discuss common ¡uteres pi'i bable that least six prelates w ill be rais- -• ' • could easily have il t- wish- common action in it« * ti-spirit ual mat tors had ed to the purple, and some even think that eu io uo so tini ih-ii ,.,, . , i been f 1 row ned down. the number of hats to be conferred will be oi ...at on several occasions ne -a l be.neudeu him and K,mh knew (hat The forward section of the French nine, as there are now twelve vacancies in 1 , har which has produced ne 11 like the Abbe Le tii - Sacred College. Among the likely can 'i, " ' ^ • enme M 1 Uu h;UilJ mire, the deputy, began a few years ago to desates to the purple rumor mentions two Frank»! ¡he men at suggest that periodical reunion:- <•! ¡.nests, foreigners, one being the Archbishop oí 4 i U Ua V U aU ul under the chairmanship of a 1 lishop, i New York, two .Nuncios, an Archbishop, and * ce '-" ' .." * " l' ' box kept r>UI .,,!.,',' ".' oiiicr i hai he would kill cuss matters 01 common intet est a weil known prelate "«li Curia," but. as 1U ;iU Sl v lal prove OÍ ,,.'., V ! " ' ' "'her pel sous liv- of great value to usual, these reports—founded on possibility J:uav,j a i i IV ! J, . pair or France. Four years ago, ; lie Abbi and plausibility- must be regarded as noth- ami tin "o.'is on Father De\ - organized ilo ¡list congress oi urli ing 11.ore serious than mere conjecture. The luis tace w ted by these priests, which was held at Kheitns and -tt- Sacred College uow comprises lil'ty-ciglit lended by over 7uU priests. The second one tin i, I'el's, ail created b\ Leo X 111., with the " > i aui«T uovi. v ed in -rite •was to be held in 1 'aris i wo v ea : s except luu of Cardinals l'arrochì, Letlocliow- «èilous, as h. i,een in ill wards, but his Fmineuee the cardinal did ski ami Oreglia di Sauto Stefano, who receiv- emt years, ai , i only re- uot see tit to give the necessary permission ed the purple from I'ius IX. from Mt c us, ùich and the congress pent some Ua the hope held this year at Bourges, 5 heakh. Fan. , |>u is luansliip of ihe Archbishop m novvp oriels . look nu aciive pari in it> promotion. ami lee year approaches to its close is a mailer ^ is with the approval and co-operai ion oi some of gieat joy and satisfaction to Cat holies in l'ouitfeeu Archbishops and Bishops while pastor o Steph- g» turai ami to the Holy Father in particular, six Bishops set t heir face against the t 'on • -tit up a »ai** ngréga- gress and while : In- Liberal press, who had contidenily the largest in us dto- forbade their clergy !•> attend > REV. DA MEL j. DEVLIN. Whilst the remainder, without expressing yr> prophesied that the "Anno Santo" was he saia lie hai no idea provai or r 1 bound to end in a colossal basco, now ob- wait 1 or him. Kicked and beaten, and were ci him. iti® heiieved that disapproval, left tbei priests iUl s utlH r to do as they serve a discreet silence ou the subject. But it ta.-; for a number of women who hastened " . * ' Person passed in lij;U locality liked. Six Archbishops and ;1> t!uu Bishops and over t \\ < h e no occasion is lost by the enemies of he t > the spot, his it it- would have been brutally , ' he w-ouM iave been at- Church, foremost among them being the stauped out. As it was, his injuries are i.ukcu. father Hevtm sani he was Uior- tenued, and the congress may be considered Jewish-Masouie Tribuna, to veut their pet- \ em severe, aud with the attendant shock, ' ughly convinced that Koaeh was insane, a huge success. It is felt that, in spile of ty spite and rage against Catholics. Fur iti- the condition of the victim is serious. The '"-", l'v, J1 iil,,u-h '»• l«nd tried ,u kill him opposition in certain high quarters, si;: nee, the recent incident ot -> wo American th tails ot this avviul crime and intense peril ha,J i,utlj111- a i-u-l'.v feeling lor ids gatherings can only do good, ll they had students who lost their way in the Cata- to the beloved priest are as follows: as,adant. He is of ti,- oration that Koaeh been possible in yea rs gone by t he Church combs oi St. 1 Hjmiiilla, has been twisted by Father ilev!hi was returning from a visit snoutit tic placed under reMiaim, but he will oi France would not ha i the Tribuna into an argument ler the imme to tin- home of a member ol his coiigreg.i itihse lo prefer a charge against him. isolateti from the people and so much in op- d:ate annexation of the tombs ot the mar- 1 ion, whcie he had been called to give spir- Beach was horn aud raised iti the i ranks- position to popular ideals in political ma tyrs, which, it cynically observes, would be itual assistance to a member ot the family town disti lei Hi i1 s a.oooiti,,1,1L -•-no, .
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