Novelle, a collaborative open source writing tool software Federico Gobbo Michele Chinosi Massimiliano Pepe DICOM DICOM DICOM 21100, Insubria University 21100, Insubria University 21100, Insubria University Varese, Italy Varese, Italy Varese, Italy
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Abstract forms of writings arose. For example, when books shouldn’t be copied by hand any longer, authors In this paper we discuss the notions of hy- took the advantage and start writing original books pertext, blog, wiki and cognitive mapping and evaluation – i.e. literary criticism – unlike in in order to find a solution to the main prob- the previous times (Eisenstein, 1983). Nowadays lems of processing text data stored in these the use of computers for writing has drammati- forms. We propose the structure and archi- cally changed, expecially after their interconnec- tecture of Novelle as a new environment tion via the internet, since at least the foundation to compose texts. Its flexible model al- of the web (Berners-Lee, 1999). For example, a lows the collaboration for contents and a ‘web page’ is more similar to an infinite canvas detailed description of ownership. Data than a written page (McCloud, 2001). Moreover, are stored in a XML repository, so as to what seems to be lost is the relations, like the tex- use the capabilities of this language. To ture underpinning the text itself. From a positive develop quickly and efficiently we choose point of view these new forms of writing may real- AJAX technology over the Ruby on Rails ize the postmodernist and decostructionist dreams framework.