Renaissance for Hypernuclear Physics

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Renaissance for Hypernuclear Physics INTERNATIONACERL JOURNAL OF HIGH-ENERGNY PHYSIC S COURIER VOLUME 43 NUMBER 3 APRIL 2003 Renaissance for hypernuclear physics HERA CHINA QCD New polarization record p5 BEPCII approved p8 DESYTheory Workshop p24 /\J exans Switzerland : active in the cable business tor 125 years Thomas, Technical Department in Breitenbach, Rafael : Production Department in Cossonaysunuy, niyiiIngriud .: Communicatiov_ummumi~uiiuini L>>C|JUDepartmenI line t in Cortaillod, and their colleague^ues throughout Nexans Switzerland, are dedicated to manufacturing excellentntt cables. Their commitment and competence ensurem e effective transmissiomission of current and informationinformatic . i\e\>b^V- W# e V^ , afe0*est on-\^ \ e9 raoDt^ > a sheets \oo\. I Juexans Global expert in cables and cabling systems Nexans Suisse SA - 2, rue de la Fabrique - CH - 2016 Cortaillod - CONTENTS Covering current developments in high- energy physics and related fields worldwide CERN Courier (ISSN 0304-288X) is distributed to member state governments, institutes and laboratories affiliated with CERN, and to their personnel. It is published monthly, except for January and August, in English and French editions. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the CERN management. Editor Christine Sutton CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland E-mail: Fax:+41 (22) 782 1906 Web: COURIER Advisory Board R Landua (Chairman), P Sphicas, K Potter, E Lillest0l, C Detraz, H Hoffmann, R Bailey VOLUME 43 NUMBER 3 APRIL 2003 Laboratory correspondents: Argonne National Laboratory (US): D Ayres Brookhaven, National Laboratory (US): P Yamin Cornell University (US): D G Cassel DESY Laboratory (Germany): Ilka Flegel, PWaloschek Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (US): Judy Jackson GSI Darmstadt (Germany): G Siegert INFN(ltaly):APascolini IHEP, Beijing (China): Tongzhou Xu Jefferson Laboratory (US): S Corneliussen JINR Dubna (Russia): B Starchenko KEK National Laboratory (Japan): A Maki Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory (US): Christine Celata Los Alamos National Laboratory (US): C Hoffmann Jew spin rotators for HERA II p5 QCD inside the proton p24 Spiro takes over at IN2P3 p29 NIKHEF Laboratory (Netherlands): P Mulders Novosibirsk Institute (Russia): S Eidelman Orsay Laboratory (France): Anne-Marie Lutz PSI Laboratory (Switzerland): P-R Kettle tews 5 Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (UK): Jacky Hutchinson Saclay Laboratory (France): Elisabeth Locci HERA II puts collisions in a spin. German government pronounces on IHEP, Serpukhov (Russia): Yu Ryabov r£SL/A projects. The curtain goes up on OPERA. Doubly doped semi- Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (US): N Calder TRIUMF Laboratory (Canada): M K Craddock inductor makes a fast scintillator. Laboratories link up to win Internet Produced for CERN by institute of Physics Publishing Ltd and speed record. China agrees upgrade of its particle collider. Institute of Physics Publishing Ltd, Dirac House, Temple Back, Bristol BS16BE, UK J Tel:+44 (0)117 929 7481 hysicswatch 9 E-mail: Web: Istrowatch 11 Publishing director Richard Roe Publisher Jo Nicholas Art director Andrew Giaquinto Features Senior production editor Ruth Aspinall Technical illustrator Alison Tovey 3AFNE goes hypernuclear 13 Advertising manager Chris Thomas Deputy advertising ma nager/ Dis pi ay sales Jayne Purdy ^aola Gianotti explains how the FINUDA detector is bringing Display sales Ed Jost lypernuclear physics up to date. Recruitment sales Reena Gupta and Sarah Cock Advertisement production Jackie Cooke Product manager Claire Webber fhe eventful story of charmonium singlet states 17 Advertising Chris Thomas, Jayne Purdy, Ed Jost, \ndre Martin and Jean-Marc Richard take a look at the search for Reena Gupta or Sarah Cock Tel:+44 (0)117 930 1031 he spin zero, odd parity states of charmonium. E-mail: Fax:+44 (0)117 930 1178 nduction acceleration looks to the future 19 General distribution Jacques Dallemagne, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. E-mail: <en Takayama reports on an international workshop held Incertain countries, to request copies or to make address n KEK in October, RPIA2002. changes, contact: China Chen Huaiwei, Institute of High-Energy Physics, PO Box 918, Beijing, People's Republic of China reland invests in a scientific future 21 Germany Gabriela Heessel or Veronika Werschner, DESY, Notkestr. 85, 22603 Hamburg 52. E-mail: A/illiam Harris describes a new initiative. Italy Loredana Rum or Anna Pennacchietti, INFN, Casella Postale 56, 00044 Frascati, Roma UK Mark Swaisland, CLRC, Daresbury Laboratory, Keckwick Lane, rhe continuing challenge of quantum chromodynamics 24 Daresbury, Warrington WA4 4AD. E-mail: US/Canada Published by Cern Courier, 6N246 Willow Drive, St Charles, IL 60175. Periodical postage paid in St Charles, IL viartin Beneke reviews the 2002 DESY Theory Workshop. Fax: 630 377 1569. E-mail: Postmaster: send address changes to: Creative Mailing Services, PO Box 1147, St Charles, IL 60174 People 29 Published by European Organization for Nuclear Research, CERN, 1211 Geneva 23, Switzerland. Tel: +41 (22) 767 6111 Recruitment 36 Telefax: +41 (22) 767 65 55 Printed by Warners (Midlands) pic, Bourne, Lincolnshire, UK Bookshelf 43 © 2003 CERN ISSN 0304-288X /iewpoint 46 lover: The first observed hypernucleus was found 50 years ago in a cosmic-ray event in emulsion, lut now the FINUDA detector at the DAFNE collider is using a range of modern detection techniques o investigate hypernuclear physics (pl3). (This computer-enhanced image shows the interaction loPM vhere the hypernucleus formed; the complete unmodified image can be seen on pl4.) CERN Courier April 2003 3 j/ ^^^^^* ^T #/ gg|yyttj**|MyM Modular and expandable power supplies Communications via TCP/IP cerl. n. 9105.CAEN OPC Server to ease integration in DCS Directly interfaced to JCOP Framework Magnetic Field and Radiation Tolerant HV & LV boards available Remote debugging and technical support HP9^H^rnpMHHpf°*'/j I pHHHIK^PHK. CAEN: your largest choice of HV & LV MULTICHANNEL POWER SUPPLIES Can't find what you're looking for? Contact us for your custom developments NEWS DESY HERA II puts collisions in a spin With only days to go before a scheduled long shutdown began on 3 March, the upgraded HERA collider - HERA II - succeeded in running with polarized positrons at three interaction regions, soon reaching a polarization of 50%. This is a first not only for DESY, the laboratory that is home to HERA, but also for the world. Electron and positron beams in storage rings have a natural tendency to become polarized with the spins of the particles perpendicular to the direction in which the beam is travelling. However, in 1994 HERA made polarization history when spin rotators were used to convert One of the two new spin rotator sections Nearly 80 new magnets were installed in this vertical polarization to a longitudinal polar­ near the HI detector, with a vertical dipole the HERA tunnel for the upgrade in ization, with the spins oriented along the magnet in the foreground. 2000/2001 to enable a higher luminosity. particles' direction of motion. This enabled the HERMES experiment in particular, which directs three interaction regions where pairs of spin by HERA I. This indicates that the four-fold the polarized beam at a gas target, to begin its rotators are now installed. increase in luminosity expected with HERA II measurements of collisions between protons The machine ran for many hours, with the is in fact achievable, and this will be a major and polarized electrons in order to investigate pairs of rotators flipping the spins along the goal when the machine restarts after the the origin of the spin in the proton - something beam direction before the interaction regions 18-week shutdown. During this time, work will that is still not well understood (see p24). and back again as the beam emerged from take place on the vacuum system and on With the HERA upgrade in 2000/2001, the detectors, 47 000 times a second. some parts of the HI and ZEUS detectors. spin rotators were also installed at the Initially, the solenoid magnets of Hi and Systematic tests by the experiments and collision regions where the H1 and ZEUS ZEUS remained off, but on 2 March, the day machine crew have revealed the source of the experiments are located. The removal of com­ before the shutdown, the solenoids were high background rates that unexpectedly pensating solenoids in these regions and the switched on and a polarization of 50% was caused problems after the machine and use of stronger quadruples for focusing in achieved for collisions in the detectors. detector upgrades, and which made data- the arcs of the collider made the conditions Shortly before the shutdown, the machine taking in the two experiments extremely for polarization of the positron beam more crew was also able to achieve a peak lumi- difficult. The aim will be to reduce these high difficult in HERA II. However, on 24 February, nosity of 2.7 x 1031 cm"2 s"1 for the first time, background rates, so that HERA II can begin longitudinal polarization was achieved at the exceeding the maximum luminosity achieved to perform as planned. German governmeîmenn t pronounces on IhSLA projects The German Federal Ministry of Educationation andd from the German government. The next step in progress around the world. Research gave the go-ahead on 5 Februarîbruaryfoy for will be for DESY to work with interested
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