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INDEX 10x rule 122 angel investments 168–9, 172, 387 412 angel investors 135, 168–70, 185 70:30 rule 74 angel round 169–70 99designs 151, 411, 412 AngelList 169, 414 500 Startups 116, 179 AngelPad 116 anti-dilution clause 228–9 accelerators 154, 177–9 aperiodic discounting 393 accounting system 149 Apollo 274, 416 accruing dividends clause 230 Apple 25, 27, 30, 124, 149, 150, add-on business model 392 305, 308, 333 ADHD 23 arbitrage 400 Adobe Fill & Sign 49 ArcelorMittal 400 advertising 7, 338 as-a-service models 393 advisory board 267–8 ask-me-anything (AMA) session 73 421 assuming the sale 98 affiliate marketing 120, 398 412 after-sales 99 attitude, positive 51–2 422 attorneys 154 age of entrepreneurs 27–31 auction pricing 393 aggregation strategy 331 Audible 40 agile business development 306–7, 309 67, 415 AgoraPulse 53, 418 audio blogs 67 Airbnb 8, 30, 121, 124, 132, 333, 398, 400 audiobooks 40, 67, 414 airport test 251–2 audit, legal 201 Alchemist 116 automatic personal website generators 46 alcohol 38–9 421 Ali, Muhammad 333 Alibaba 27 backdoor reference 280 Allen & Company 181 back-of-the-envelope calculation alliances 345 13, 125, 344 all-or-nothing 342 backstop 248 AltaVista 210 Balachandra, Lakshmi 216 Amazon 1-Click Ordering 391 barriers to entry 123 Amazon 27, 65, 124, 150, 153, 160, 246, 331, Beckman, Finn Paavo 341 334, 343, 396, 414 Bentley cars 128, 401 Amazon AssociatesCOPYRIGHTED 398 Berkus MATERIAL method 223 Amazon Cloud Drive
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