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Nttmbrr Qiljp Editor and Sjis I&Taff Vol. XI, No. 23 Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. March 26, 1930 1034 jFmtnbfrs Say 1TB9-1930 Nttmbrr QIljp Editor and Sjis i&taff bpg to bp&uatp ti|iB serial p&ttiott of UIIJP Hoya to tltp fottb mptttory of 3foljn Aliham (Sratipnor Att&mii Mf|ttP utyamaa (Srniaap QUtmttaa fflopUg fc^rttk {faulton JHottppra of ilpamt fEburatiott tit tljp Utttlpb &tatpa and to 3lal|tt (Uarroll Pripat - Jlrplatp - patriot - ifotutbpr ©it cmi) Diri'rtor? of (Beorcietowo College EXTEND TO ALL WHO SHALL BEHOLD THIS DOCUMENT GREETINGS IN THE LORD bos Grriecrsitv cbcrisheii aril) honored those who hooe attained preeminence in the arts and sciences. ©bat a more permanent record be kept, that greater distinction be preserved, we, the president and ©irectors of Georgetown College, after consultation with our esteemed Board of Regents, have decreed and instituted certain honorary Academies which shall bear appropriate titles from those of our faculties and Alumni who themselves haVe won renown in the several fields of academic accomplishment. Ploreover, that a lasting testimonial fce preserved to the recipient of honors, special decorations shall be solemnly bestowed which map serve as fit witnesses at our esteem and affection. So these shall be added citations under the great seal of the (University Kt is decreed that the said honors shall be given on founders' Bay lUarch the twenty-tiftb, a day sacred to the memory of Andrew White, jlohn Altbam-(5ravrnor and ©bornas ©erVase,j>f the -Society ot Jesus, who with Xeonard (jjalvert and other Pilgrim fathers on this day in the year of ourXord Sixteen Hundred and 5Thrrty four came to anchor at Homeland off the shores of Maryland, soon to be joined by 3Thomas ©opley and Xerdinand ponlton, pioneers of Jesuit education in Amertca.By a special providence, they ascended the potomac River, formerly kmwn as GonhungurotoiXRiver of Swans? and on its shores they at once projected a seat ot learning, to the establishment of which they bad in a document dated from Rome, .September the fifteenth,&?teenfhndred andIfcrty,the heartfelt encouragement and formal approbation of JUutius Vitelleschi, the then General of their ©tier. After a sesquiccntenary of persecution, poverty, and, worst of all, ingratitude, John ©arroll, priest, prelate, patriot, scion of the same family, inspired With the same ideaU of education, true to the same 3gnatian standards, in the year of our Jford Seventeen Hundred and €ighty-«ine executed what hisjesuit forebears White and Copley bad planned, founding and establishing Georgetown ©allege on the banks of the potomac. She memory of them shall no t depart away and their name shall he in request from generation to generation and they that were born of them have left a name behind them that their praises might be related. ©iven in Washington under the seal of the president and Birectors of Georgetown ©ollege the ninth day of June, in the year Nineteen Hundred and ffiwenty-nme FACSIMILE OF THE PROCLAMATION READ LAST EVENING AT THE CELEBRATION OF FOUNDERS DAY IN GASTON HALL. 2 THE H O Y A STATESMAN FOUNDERS DAY CELEBRATED IN GASTON MUSICIAN HALL LAST NIGHT AMID BRILLIANT GATHERING Honors in Academies of Fine Arts Conferred on Ambassador Paul Claudel and Maestro Arturo Toscanini—Reception Follows Cere¬ monies. Last night Georgetown University inaugurated the Celebration of Founders Day amid the pomp and splendor which is characteristic of social affairs as at present conducted at the University. The decorations of the Diplomatic Corps, the presence of the Faculty and the Senior Class in their caps and gowns, and. the officers of the R. O. T. C. added color to the gathering. Founders Day is the beginning of a series of annual celebrations in honor of those intrepid priests and educationalists, who, under the leadership of Rev. John Carroll, founded the College in the year 1789. The President of the Yard, William D. Mooney, ’30, addressed the assembly in Gaston Hall and extended greetings in the name of the Faculty and the student body. After this salutation was delivered, Mr. George McNeir, LL.D., of the Board of Regents, read the charter of the University. In an address subsequent to that of Mr. McNeir’s, the President of the University, W. Coleman Nevils, S.J., read the proclamation of Founders Day. Then the Rt. Rev. John M. Mc¬ Namara , D.D., read the names of Andrew White, John Altham-Gravenor, Thomas Gervase, Thomas Copley, Ferdinand Poulton and John Carroll, who were the founders of the University. As each name was read the Archivist of Georgetown University tolled the bell of the First Church of Maryland, in memory of the founders. The bell has been in the possession of the University PAUL CLAUDEL, for many years and it was brought forth from the Archives for this event. After the ringing of the bell the choir sang the Praises of the Founders, which is an Ambassador from France, and recipient ARTURO TOSCANINI, adaptation from Ecclesiastus. of honors in the James Ryder Randall Conductor of the New York Philhar¬ Academy of Letters. As a part of the celebration. His Excellency, Paul Claudel, Ambassador from France, and Maestro Arturo Toscanini, Director of the Philharmonic-Symphony monic Symphony Orchestra, and recipient Society of New York, were signally honored for the extraordinary work done in of honors in the Francisco de Vico Acad¬ their respective fields of endeavor. The French Ambassador was honored by having emy of Alusic. CLAUDEL’S LIFE IS the First Honors of the James Ryder Randall Academy of Letters conferred upon him STORY OF ACHIEVEMENT by the President of the University. Fr. Rector then conferred the First Honors of the Francisco de Vico Academy of Music on Maestro Arturo Toscanini. TOSCANINI ACCLAIMED This program was preceded by a procession of the guests from the Riggs Annex AS GREAT MUSICIAN French Ambassador Renowned Library to Gaston Hall. Heading the procession were members of the Diplomatic the World Over for States¬ Corps,. the personnel of which included ninety-eight members. In the procession Maestro Has Four Times Been manship and the Sterling following the Diplomatic Corps were: The President of the University, Rev. W. Quality of His Verse. Coleman Nevils, S.J.; the Rt. Rev. John M. McNamara, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Guest of United States—Will Baltimore; His Excellency, Paul Claudel and Mme. Claudel; Maestro Arturo Tosca¬ Conduct New York Philhar¬ There is a very special fitness in the nini and Signora Toscanini; Rev. R. Rush Rankin, S.J., Dean of Georgetown College; monic Orchestra Till 1932. bestowal of the first honors of the James His Excellency, Giacomo de Martino and Mme. Martino, Ambassador from Italy; Ryder Randall Academy of Letters on Regent George McNeir and Mrs. McNeir; Rev. Vincent A. McCormick, S.J., Rector At the season 1907-1908 when Gatti- His Excellency M. Paul Claudel. This of Woodstock College; Msgr. James H. Ryan, Rector of Catholic University; Msgr. Casazza took charge of the Metropolitan Academy which carries with it the high¬ Pace, Msgr. Bernardini, Msgr. Buckey, Msgr. Connelly; Rev. Thomas B. Chetwood, Opera House in New York City, Maestro est tribute of praise which Georgetown S.J.; Mr. William Davlin Mooney, President of the Student Body of Georgetown Arturo Toscanini was asked to cooperate University possesses in the field of lit¬ College; Rev. Timothy Barrett, S.J., Archivist; Air. John G. Bowen, Executive Sec¬ with conductorial baton to make the Met¬ erature has been endowed with the name retary of the Georgetown Alumni Association; Dean Emeritus of the Aledical School ropolitan a worthy rival of the world’s of a poet who combined sterling patriot¬ George AI. Kober, AI.D.; Alilitary Attache General Casanave, French Embassy; best opera houses. His triumph here is ism with a high sense of spiritual values, Assistant Millitary Attache Alajor and Mme. Thenault, French Embassy; Assistant well known and old Europe was obliged who was the poet of a war, through the Naval Attach Lieut. Paul Duban, French Embassy; Alajor William H. Hobson, to accept young America on equal terms laureate of a lost cause. The war song U. S. A., Commandant of the R. O. T. C., Georgetown College; Alsgr. Alarella, Coun¬ in the contest of musical achievement. of the Civil War will ever be cherished selor of the Apostolic Delegation; Regent and Airs. John Hughes Cassidy; Regent and Puccina’s Fanciulla del West (a theater in America; but those who really know Airs. Alartin Conboy. After the guests of honor had taken their places, the Glee Club adaptation of Belasco’s “The Girl of the Ryder Randall's life and works, know chanted the “Veni Creator.” Golden West”), had been composed ex¬ he is eminently a spiritually minded The following guests were entertained at a reception, which was held in the Carroll pressly for performance under Tosca¬ writer. The French Ambassador has be¬ Parlor after the academic exercises, for Ambassador and Aladame Claudel, and nini’s direction. On first night Caruso queathed to all time three immortal poems Maestro and Signora Toscanini: sang one of the leading roles. The thea¬ of the World War—their imperishable Ambassador of Italy and Mme. de Alartino; Ambassador of Spain and Alme. ter was decorated with American and Ital¬ beauty has been highly praised at home Padilla; Ambassador of France and Mme. Claudel; Ambassador of Turkey, Mr. ian flags and highest enthusiasm prevailed, and abroad. Like all his work the high Almet Aluhtar; Ambassador of Germany and Frau von Prittwitz; Ambassador of both Puccini and Toscanini were called supernatural tone and mystical interpre¬ Poland and Alme. Filipowicz; Alinister of Portugal and Viscountess d’Alte; Alinister and recalled by the applause of the audi¬ tation predominate throughout; the in¬ of Switzerland and Alme.
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