I ISSN: 1043-3646

6200 Aurora Avenue*Suite 200W Des Moines. lowa*USA*50322


A PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATK FEBRUARY 1996 Ljosing milk to antibiotic contami- contaminate your dairy farmers' veterinary antibiotics. Delvotest nation can be just as costly to your bulk tanks. Standardized and self¬ is easy to use arxJ, at about a dollar operation as to that of the farmers contained, Delvotest quickly and a test, extremely economical for who supply you. That's why we accurately detects the presence large- and small-scale operations. , developed Delvotest, a simple, of Beta Lactam and most other So encourage your dairy farmers reliable test to detect antibiotic ^ - - to take the Delvotest They'll pass residues in milk before they can a safer product on to you.

N93 WI14560 WHITTAKER WAY, MENOMONEE FALLS, Wl 53051, 800-423-7906, FAX 414-255-7732 Publish It.

The Editors are seeking articles of general interest and applied research with an emphasis on for publication in Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation. Submit your articles to: Managing Editor Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation c/o lAMFES, Inc. 6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W Des Moines, Iowa 50322-2863 Please submit three copies of manuscripts along with a fourth copy on 3 1 /2" computer disk.

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Reader Service No. 173

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Enviroamental SonHatioa 61 ABOUT THE COVER... DAIRY. FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL

Photo Courtesy of Copeson Services. The cover photo displays o Copeson's trained and certified tntergroted Pest Management Specialid providing an ; evoluatuion of a dairy plant for pest management services. Sanitation A PUBLICATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF MILK. FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL SANITARIANS. INC.


Application of HACCP by Small-Scale and Medium-Scale Processors.74 Christopher C. Kukay, Larry H. Holcomb, John N. Sofas, J. Brad Morgan, J. Daryl Tatum, R. Paul Clayton, and Gary C Smith

Vanilla and Other Flavored Milk Shakes Purchased in Consumer Containers from Fast-Food Outlets in Pennsylvania.81 Sidney E. Barnard, Rodney Smeltz, Ruth Bicher, Barbara Miller, and Annie Pipenhagen

First Things First: Supermarket Inspection Priorities.84 KermitM. McKemie


Sustaining Members.67 Thoughts From the President.70 Perspectives From the Executive Director.72 New lAMFES Members.108 Affiliate News.109


Federal Register.107 Updates.110 News.112 Industry Products.114 Business Exchange.117 Coming Events.118 Advertising Index.121


Book Review.87 lAMFES Secretary Nominations.88 3-A Holder’s list.89 lAMFES 83rd Annual Meeting Preview.122 lAMFES Booklet Form.131 LAMFES Membership Application.132

The publishers do not warrant, either expressly or by implication, the factual accuracy of the articles or descriptions herein, nor do they so warrant any views or opinions offered by the authors of said articles and descriptions.

62 Dairy, Food ond Emironmontol Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 Wliat is the lAMFES FoundatioR Fund?

The Foundation Fund is supported by membership of lAMFES sustaining members. Support Sustaining members are corporations, com¬ panies and individuals whose business interests reflect the goals and mission of lAMFES. Funds in the Foundation are kept Your totally separate from the operating funds of lAMFES and are used for worthy causes which enrich the Association.

lAMFES What does the Foundation Fund support? The income from the Foundation Fund currently supports the lAMFES: Foundation ■ Ivan Parkin Lecture ■ Audio-Visual Lending Library ■ Developing Scientist Oral and Poster Competition Fund ■ Shipment of volumes of surplus JFP and DFES journals to developing countries through FAO in Rome ■ Recruitment of exceptional speakers for lAMFES Annual Meetings on late breaking topics

Why should I contribute to the lAMFES Foundation Fund?

Any contribution, no matter how large or how small will help build a secure Foundation for the future of lAMFES. The future of To support the lAMFES Foundation Fund, lAMFES depends on how well we can meet send donations (marked Foundation) to: the needs of our membership in providing lAMFES, 6200 Aurora Avenue, Suite 200W, educational programs, journals, products, and Des Moines, lA 50322-2863 services, and on how well 1 AAfl^ fulfills its mission. The Foundation Fund was created to provide a long-lasting legacy of information and se'^vice for protecting the milk, food, water, andenvironment throughout the worid.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Oaiiy, Food and Enviroanwotol Sonitotion DAIRY. FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL


Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation (ISSN-1043-3546) is published monthly beginning with the January number by the Interna¬ tional Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. Each volume comprises 12 numbers. Printed by Heuss Printing, Inc., 911 N. Second Street, Ames, IA 50010, USA. Second Class Postage paid at Des Moines, lA 50318 and additional entry offices.

Postmaster. Send address changes to Dairy, Food and Environmen¬ tal Sanitation, 6200 Aurora Avenue, Suite 200W, Des Moines, lA 50322-2863, USA.

lAMFES, Inc., Mailing Address: 6200 Aurora Avenue, Suite 200W, Des Moines, lA 50322-2863, USA.

Manuscripts: Correspondence regarding manuscripts and other read¬ ing materials should be addressed to Carol F. Mouchko, Managing Editor, lAMFES, Inc.

News Releases, Updates and Cover Photos: Correspondence for **^UFACT(;reo press releases should be sent to Donna Bohun, Publication Specialist, lAMFES, Inc.

"Instructions to Contributors" con be obtained from Michelle Sproul, Publication Assistant, lAMFES, Inc.

Orders for Reprints: All orders should be sent to Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, lAMFES, Inc. Note: Single copies of re¬ prints ore not available from this address; address single copy reprint requests to principal author.

Reprint Permission: Questions regarding permission to reprint any With PETROL-GEL portion of Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation should be addressed to: Managing Editor, lAMFES, Inc.

Business Matters: Correspondence regarding business matters should be addressed to David W. Tharp, Director of Finance, lAMFES, Inc.

Membership Dues: Membership in the Association is available to individuals only. Dues are $70 per year and include a subscription to Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation. Dues including both Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation and Journal of Food Protection are $ 110.00. Student membership is $35.00 per year, with verification of student status, and includes Dairy, Food and Environ¬ mental Sanitation or Journal of Food Protection. Student member¬ CIP LUBE ship with both journals is $55.00. No cancellations accepted. Developed specHically to meet the demand lor a lebricant for use with stationary or in-place Sustaining Membership: A sustaining membership in I AM FES is avail¬ cleaning. Washes off easily—no dismantling ot able to companies at a rate of $485 per year. For more information, tubing, valves, gaskets and seals. CIP Lube is used by most of the nation's leading dairies. contact lAMFES, Inc.

Write for FREE Trial Tube Subscription Rates: $ 130.00 per year. Single copies $21.00 each. No cancellations accepted. For more informotion, contact lAMFES, Inc.

McGlaughlin Postage: Outside U S. add $22.50 per journal for surface delivery; add Oil Co. $95.00 per journal for air mail delivery. U.S. FUNDS ONLY —ON U.S. 3750 E. Livingston Ave. BANK. Single copies add $9.00 per issue. Columbus, Ohio 43227 Claims: Notice of failure to receive copies must be reported within 30 days domestic, 90 days outside U.S. All correspondence regarding changes of address and dues must be sent to lAMFES, Inc.

64 Doby, Food ond Environmental Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 PROCEDURES The 1996 Revised Edition of the lAMFES TO INVESTIGATE booklet, Procedures to Investigate Waterborne WATERBORNE ILLNESS Illness is now available.

The booklet includes 125 pages of procedures, forms and tables to be used for investigations.

Contact lAMFES at (800) 369-6337 • (515) 276- 3344; fax (515) 276-8655 or see the booklet order form at the end of this issue.


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R«ad«r S«rvic« No. 195 FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food ond Environmonlal Sonitotion 85 SCIENTIFIC EDITOR DAIRY. FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL

William LaGrange, Ph.O. Iowa State University Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition Food Sciences Building Ames, IA 50011 -0001 Sanitation (515) 294-3156; fox |515) 294-8181


Executive Director President, F. Ann Droughon, University of Tennessee, P.O. Box 1071, Knoxville, TN 37901- David M. Merrifield 1071; (423) 974-7425. Director of Finance President-Elect, Michael H. Brodsky, Ontario Ministry of Health, P.O. Box 9000, Terminal A, David W. Thorp Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5W 1R5; (416) 235-5717. Vice-President, Gale Prince, The Kroger Co., 1014 Vine Street, Cincinnati, OH 45202-1100; Accounting Assistant (513)762-4209. Bryan Ladd Secretary, Robert E. Brackett, University of Georgia, Center for Food Safety and Quality Managing Editor Enhancement, GA Experiment Station, Griffin, GA 30223-1797; (770) 412-4735. Carol F. Mouchka Past President, C. Dee Clingtrxjn, DARDEN RESTAURANTS, P.O. Box 593330, Orlando, FL 32859- 3330; (407) 245-5330. Advertising/Exhibit Manager Affiliate Council Chairperson, Joseph J. Disch, Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Division Rick L. McAtee of Food Safety, 613 De Forest Street, De Forest, Wl 53532-1614; (608) 224-4676. Advertising/Exhibit Account Executive Darci Davenport EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR

Advertising/Exhibit Account David M. Merrifield, 6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W, Des Moines, lA 50322-2863; Executive (515) 276-3344. Carolyn L Rubicam

Advertising/Exhibit Account EDITORIAL BOARD Executive SIDNEY BARNARD. .University Park, PA Matthew Triplett HAROLD BENGSCH. .Springfield, MO Membership/Meeting Coordinator FLOYD W. BODYFELT. .Corvallis, OR Julie A. Cottanach JOHNC. BRUHN. . Davis, CA Publication Specialist J.H. BURKEH. .Sioux City, lA Donna A. Bahun WARREN S. CLARK, JR. .Chicago, IL WILLIAM W. COLEMAN, II .St. Paul, MN Publication Assistant OLIVER D. COOK. .Rockville, MD Michelle L Sproul NELSON COX. .Athens, GA Publication Proofreader RUTH G. FUQUA. .Mt. Juliet, TN Pam Wenninger THOMAS M. GILMORE. .Rockville, MD DAVID GOMBAS. ...Arlington Heights, IL Lending Library Coordinator CHARLOHE W. HINZ. .Leroy, NY Tanya Smith RICHARD F. JOLLEY. .Branfor, FL Order Fulfillment/Receptionist JAMES W. LITTLEFIELD. .Austin, TX Karla Jordan PAUL F. MARTIN. .Chicago, IL DEBBY L. NEWSLOW. .Plymouth, FL DARYL PAULSON. .Bozeman, MT COVER PHOTOS DAVID H. PEPER. . Sioux City, lA Send your photographs to be MICHAEL PULLEN. White Bear Lake, MN J. REEDER. .Restan, VA considered for publication on the ROBERT L. SANDERS. .Pensacola, FL cover of Dairy, Food ar)d Environ¬ P.C. VASAVADA. .River Falls, Wl mental Sanitation to:

Donna Bahun, Publication Specialist lAMFES 6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W “The mission of lAMFES is to provide food safety professionals worldwide with a forum to Des Moines, lA 50322-2863 exchange information on protecting the food supply."

66 Dairy, Food and Environmentol Sonitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 SustainingMembers

3M Microbiology Products, 3M Capitol Vial, Inc., PO Box 446, Ecolab, Inc., Food & Beverage Divi¬ Center, Bldg. 275, St. Paul, MN 55144- Fultonville, NY 12072; (518)853-3377 sion, 370Wabasha St. N., St. Paul, MN 1000; (612) 733-9558 55102; (612) 293-2233 Celsis, 4270 U.S. Route One, Mon¬ ABC Research, 3437 S.W. 24th Av¬ mouth Junction, NJ 08852; (908)274- Educational Foundation of the Na¬ enue, Gainesville, FL 32607; (904) 1778 tional Restaurant Assn., 250 S. 372-0436 Charm Sciences, Inc., 36 Franklin Wacker Drive, Suite 1400, Chicago, ABELL Pest Control, 246 Attwell Street, Malden, MA 02148; (617) 322- IL 60606-3834; (800) 765-2122 Drive, Etobicoke, ON M9W 5B4; 1523 Electrol Specialties Company, 441 (416)675-6060 Chem Station International, 3201 Clark Street, South Beloit, IL 61080; Accurate Metering Systems, Inc., Encrete Lane, Daytcm, OH45439; (513) (815) 389-2291 1651 Wilkening Road, Schaumburg, 294-8265 Evergreen Packaging, Division of IL 60173; (708) 882-0690 Compliance Control, Inc., 8012 International Paper, 2400 6th Street, Alfa-Laval Agri, Inc., 11100 North Femham Lane, Forestville, MD 20747; S.W., Cedar Rapids, lA 52406; (319) Congress Avenue, Kansas City, MO (301) 735-2207 399-3236 64153; (816) 891-1528 Dairy and Food Labs, Inc., 3401 F & H Food Equipment Co., PO Crow Canyon Road, Suite 110, San AMPCO Pumps Co., Inc., 4000 W. Box 3985, Springfield, MO 65808; Ramon, CA 94583-1307; (510) 830- Burnham Street, Milwaukee, WI 53215; (417)881-6114 (414)643-1852 0350 Alex C Fergusson, Inc., Spring Mill APV Crepaco, 9525 W. Bryn Mawr Dairy Quality Control Institute, Ave., Rosemont, IL 60018; (708) 678- 5205 Quincy Street, St. Paul, MN Drive, Frazer, PA 19355; (610) 647- 4300 55112-1400; (612) 785-0484 3300

ASI Food Safety Consultants, Inc., DARDEN RESTAURANTS, PO Box Foss Food Technology Corpora¬ 7625 Page Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63133; 593330, Orlando, FL 32859-3330; tion, 10355 W. 70th Street, Eden (314) 725-2555 (407) 245-5330 Prairie, MN 55344; (612) 941-8870 Darigold, Inc., 635 Elliott Ave., PO Babson Bros. Co., 1880 Country FRM Chem, Inc., PO Box 207, Wash¬ Box 79007, W. Seattle, WA 98119; Farm Drive, Naperville, IL 60563; ington, MO 63090; (314) 5834360 (708) 369-8100 (206) 286-6772 H. B. Fuller Co., 3900Jackson Street, Becton Dickinson Microbiology Dean Foods, PO Box 7005, Rock¬ N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55421; (612) Systems, Inc., PO Box 243, Cockeys- ford, IL 61101-7005; (815) 962-0647 viUe,MD 21030; (410) 584-7188 782-1755 Decagon Devices, PO Box 835, Pull¬ Bentley Instruments, Inc., 4004 man, WA 99163; (509) 332-2756 G&H Products Corp., 7600 57th Peavey Road, Chaska, MN 55318; Avenue, Kenosha, WI 53142; (414) Difco Laboratories, Inc., PO Box (612) 448-7600 694-1010 331058,Detroit,MI 48232;(313)462- BioControl Systems, Inc., 19805 8478 Gardex Chemicals, Ltd., 7 Merid¬ N. Creek Parkway, Bothell, WA98011; DonLevy & Associates, Inc., 1551 ian Rd., Etobicoke, ON M9W 4Z6; (206) 487-2055 E. 89th Ave., Merrillville, IN 46410; (800) 563-4273 Biolog, Inc., 3938 Trustway, (219) 7364)472 Hayward, CA 94545; (510)785-2585 GENE-TRAK Systems, 31 New Yoric DuPont, PO Box80357, Wilmington, Avenue, Framingham, MA 01701; bioMerieux Vitek, Inc., 595 Anglum DE 19880; (302) 695-2262 (508)872-3113 Drive, Hazelwood, MO 63042-2395; (800) 6384835 Dynal, Inc., 5 Delaware Drive, Lake Gist-brocades Dairy Ingredients Success, NY 11042; (516) 326-3270 Bioscience International, Inc., Group, N93W14560Whittaker Way, 11607 Magruder Lane, Rockville, MD Eastern Crown, Inc., PO Box 850, Menomonee Falls, WI 53051; (800) 208524365; (301) 230-0072 Vernon, NY 13476; (315) 829-3505 423-7906

FEBRUARY 1996 - Daiiy, Food ond EmiFoamoalol SoMtolioi 87 SustainingMembers

Hess & Clark, Inc./KenAg, 7th & Nelson-Jameson, Inc., 2400 E. Fifth Sienna Biotech, Inc., 9115 Guilford Orange Street, Ashland, OH 44805; Street, PO Box 647, Marshfield, WI Road, Suite 180, Columbia, MD (800) 992-3594 54449-0647; (715) 387-1151 21046; (301) 497-0007 IBA, Inc., 27 Providence Road, NESTLE USA, Inc., 800 N. Brand Silliker Laboratories Group, Inc., MiUbury, MA 01527; (508) 865-6911 Blvd., Glendale, CA91203; (818)549- 900 Maple Road, Homewood, IL 5799 Idetek, Inc., 1245 Reamwood Ave., 60430; (708) 957-7878 Sunnyvale, CA94089; (408)745-0544 Northland Laboratories, 1810 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc., 1 Idexx Frontage Road, Northbrook, IL60062; Sparta Brush Co., Inc., PO Box 317, Drive, Westbrook, ME 04092; (8(X)) (708)272-3413 Sparta, WI 54656; (608) 269-2151 321-0207 Norton Performance Plastics Steritech Environmental Services, International BioProducts, Inc., Corp., PO Box 3660, Akron, OH 7600 Uttle Ave., Charlotte, NC28226; 14780 N.E. 95th Street, Redmond, 44309-3660; (216) 798-9240 (800) 868-0089 WA 98052; (206) 883-1349 OrganonTeknika, 100 Akzo Avenue, Tekmar Co., PO Box 429576, Cin¬ International Dairy Foods Asso¬ Durham, NC 27712; (919) 620-2000 ciation, 88816th Street, N.W., Wash¬ cinnati, OH 45242-9576; (513) 247- ington, DC 20006; (202) 737-4332 Perm State University, University 7000 Creamery, 12 Borland Laboratory, Univ¬ Land O’Lakes, Inc., PO Box 116, ersity Park, PA 16802; (814)865-7535 Uiupath Co., Oxoid Division, 800 Minneapolis, MN 55440-0116; (612) ProctorAve.,Ogdensburg,NY 13669- 481-2870 Perstorp Analytical, Inc., 12101 2205; (800) 567-8378 Tech Road, Silver Spring, MD 20904; Maryland & Virginia Milk Produc¬ (301) 680-7248 ers Assn., Inc., 1985 Isaac Newton Viatran Corporation, 300 Industrial Square South, Reston, VA 22090; PRISM,8300Executive Center Drive, Drive,GrandIsland, NY 14072; (716) (703) 742-6800 Miami, FL 331664680; (305) 592- 773-1700 6312 Metz Sales, Inc., 522 W. First Street, Walker Stainless Equipment Co., Williamsburg, PA 16693; (814) 832- Puritan/Churchill Chemical Co., 618 State Street, New Lisbon, WI 2907 916 Ashby St., N.W., Atlanta, GA 53950; (608)562-3151 Mkdielson Laboratories, Inc., 6280 30318; (404) 875-7331 Chalet Drive, Commerce, CA 9(X)40; Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., 702 S.W. 8th R-Tech, PO Box 116, Minneap>olis, (310) 9284)553 MN 55440-0116; (800) 328-9687 St., BentonvUle, AR 72712; (501) 273- Mid America Dairymen, Inc., 3253 4903 Ralston Analytical Laboratories, E. Chestnut Expressway, Springfield, 2RS Checkerboard Square, St. Louis, Warren Analytical Laboratory, 650 MO 65802-2584; (417) 865-7100 MO 63164; (314) 982-1680 ‘O’ St., POBoxG, Greeley, CO80632; NSF International, 3475 Plymouth REMEL, L.P., 12076 Santa Fe Dr., (800) 945-6669 Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105; (313) Lenexa, KS 66215; (800) 255-6730 769-5523; (313) 769-0109 Weber Scientific, 2732 Kuser Road, NASCO International, 901 Janesville Rio Linda Chemical Company, 410 Hamilton, NJ 08691-9430; (609) 584- Avenue, Fort Atkinson, WI 53538; N. 10th Street, Sacramento, CA95814; 7677 (414) 563-2446 (916) 4434939 World Dryer Corp., 5700 Me National Mastitis Council, 2820 Ross Laboratories, 625 Cleveland DermottDr., Berkeley, IL60163; (708) Walton Commons West, Suite 131, Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215; (6l4) 449-6950 Madison, Wl 53704; (608) 224-0622 227-3333 National Food Laboratory, 6363 Seiberling Associates, Inc., 94 Zep Manufacturing Co., 1310 Sea¬ Claric Ave., Dublin, CA 94568; (510) North High Street, Suite 350, Dublin, board Industrial Blvd., Atlanta, GA 5514226 OH 43017-1100; (6l4) 764-5854 30318; (404) 352-1680

81 Daily, Food ood Emiromiwntal Sooitolion - FEBRUARY 1996 Reward Industry Excellence

Nominate Now!

The 1996 lAMFES Black Pearl Award

Nominate a company superior in food quality and safety for the Black Pearl Award presented annually at the lAMFES Annual Meeting.

The Black Pearl Award, sponsored by Wilbur Feagan and F&H Food Equipment Com¬ pany, was first presented in 1994. The Black Peaii A^\^id was established to recognize a company for its outstanding commitment to and achievement in corporate excellence in food safety and quality. For more information and to receive nomination criteria and fcMins, contact the lAMFES office at 1-800-369-6337.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food ond Environmental Sanitation 69 THOUGHTS


It is easy to forget the tremendous the Dairy, Food and Environmen¬ amount of work which the lAMFES tal Sanitation Management volunteers and staff put into the Committee and confirmed by the planning and execution of the Board for the position of Scientific Annual Meeting. Each year the Editor for DFES to our team. He LAMFES programs seem to get officially began his duties as bigger and better. I hear people say Scientific Editor of DFES January over and over “This lAMFES 1st, 1996. He has many ideas for program is really great. From now improvement of the journal and is on this is the meeting for me.” This working with our lAMFES staff to year we will have over 200 topics implement them. presented. That’s no accident. I As many of you know, John believe the improvement in By F. ANN DRAUGHON, Sofos was selected as Scientific Co- educational programs can be lAMFES President Editor of the Journal of Food directly traced to the LAMFES Program Advisory Committee Protection and his appointment (PAC) and the involvement of our was announced at the Annual enthusiastic members. This year’s Meeting in Pittsburgh; however, talented PAC is expertly chaired by John officially took office January “Thinking Dr. John Cerveny and vice-chaired 1st, 1996. In September of 1995, by Dr. Jeff Father. We are very John began working with Larry ahead...” fortunate to have individuals of this Beuchat, who has been our Scien¬ calibre volunteering hundreds of tific Co-Editor since 1994. John hours to make our program a succeeds Lloyd Bullerman, who success. Another major factor was our Scientific Editor for over which has contributed to the eight years. During this time, the success of our annual meetings is Journal of Food Protection has the LAMFES professional develop¬ gained recognition as the foremost ment groups, task forces and journal in the world on food safety. committees. There were 18 1 would like to welcome Bill and symposia submitted for this year’s John as they join Larry in continu¬ Annual Meeting, most of which ing to increase the size and quality came from one of these groups of our journals and express our within LAMFES. This group involve¬ appreciation in recognition of the ment gives us a vital and dynamic arduous task they have undertaken environment in which to learn; an on behalf of lAMFES. environment that is hard to find Thank you! Thank you! I have elsewhere. If you’ve not attended received an abundance of mail on an LAMFES Annual Meeting, I hope World Wide Web interest and For me, one of the most you’ll plan to join us in Seattle. If addresses, and I am currently enjoyable aspects of belonging to you have, I know you’ll be there if putting the information together so lAMFES is looking forward to the at all possible. Please check this that we can publish a Networking Annual Meeting. Each year, 1 issue and upcoming issues of Dairy, address book in DFES on Food eagerly look over the educational Food and Environmental Sanita¬ Safety. We will continue to update program and think about the tion for program information. so please send more as they friends and colleagues with whom It gives me great pleasure to become available. Thank you for 1 will have the opportunity to visit. welcome Bill LaGrange, choice of your support.

70 Dohy, Food ond Environmentol SonHotion - FEBRUARY 1996 SEATTLE 1996

lAMFES 83rci Annual Meeting June 30 - July 3,1996

Sheraton Seattle Hotel Seattle, Washington & Towers


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FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiiy, Food and Emrironmentol Sonitation 71 PERSPECTIVES...

From the Executive Director

started the job the day I applied. bers to devise and implement such a During my job search, there were project. We need only to find those only a few positions I truly wanted willing to serve, then organize and and this one topped the list. fund the effort. If there’s one thing that my Through strong lAMFES leader¬ experience has taught me, it’s that ship and staff teamwork, we can seize the lifeblood of a professional the moment. I intend to do my part to association is its membership. It build yet a stronger organization that exists because the membership will continue to always put member¬ desires its existence. We, the staff, ship first. A dedicated staff can only have no purpose without those do so much for an association and what distinguishes a strong associa¬ professionals who band together to tion from a weak one is its leadership. create a forum in which to make a If you haven’t already realized it, your By DAVID M. MERRIFIELD, difference for their profession. We elected board members are great have no other mission than to lAMFES Executive Director leaders; dedicated to the profession implement the will of our members. and to you, the member. You have Membership is our highest priority. entrusted them with the power to Another high priority is wise and make critical decisions regarding the prudent fiscal management. It’s often association’s impact on the profes¬ easier to implement programs in a sion. When decisions are made “We have no piecemeal fashion than try to see the promptly, decisively, and with big picture. Looking at a project over resolve, what emerges is a strong and other mission the long term usually proves to be focused organization. Leadership more cost effective even if there may requires making sound decisions, then than to imple¬ be a greater initial outlay. As a staff we taking decisive action. It extends must continually remind ourselves to down through the entire staff. ment the will of think of the long term in all we do. As I move up the learning curve, As an educational association, the I know I’m going to need your help. I our members” publication of quality, refereed will need your help in educating me journals is imperative as well. The as to the directions you want your more highly regarded the publication, association to take. The best ideas the greater the benefit to our mem¬ almost always come from members, bers. lAMFES publications have and I intend to listen. Call me or write evolved into respected, authoritative me. I want to hear from you. publications which serve the profes¬ A final note; I recently attended sion well. But there is always room the Program Advisory Committee for improvement and our goal must meeting in Orlando. What a great I feel as if I’m taking a sip of be to continually improve and refine. group of professionals you have water from a fire hose. There’s so We can’t do this in a vacuum; we planning the program for the Annual much coming all at once and there’s need your help. Meeting in Seattle, June 30th-July only so much that can be taken in at Finally, a major endeavor for 3rd! Of the 142 submitted abstracts, one time. I don’t know how else to lAMFES should be to expand our 138 were provisionally accepted to explain how it feels to take over as involvement in countries that be offered as oral or poster presenta¬ the new lAMFES Executive Director. desperately need food safety and tions, with one session dedicated to To top it off, a board member sanitation. Taking the lead in this nontechnical subjects related to food remarked that they haven’t even endeavor is vital to our mission and safety education. Additionally, there turned on the hydrant yet! will allow us to provide a true will be 17 symposia as well as Officially, I started December 1st, worldwide forum for food safety. This workshops, a general session, just in time to enjoy the holidays in a is an ambitious undertaking, but there business meeting, awards banquet, new job. Unofficially, and mentally, I is abundant talent among our mem¬ and gala. Don’t miss this one!

72 DoiiY, Food ond Environmental Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 ATT III VtVtWtiWff*iv X JEUv

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Reader Service No. 216 Reader Service No. 108

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation 73 Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, VoL 16, No. 2, Pages 74-80 Copyright© lAMFES, 6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W, Des Moines, lA 50322

Application of HACCP by Small-Scale and Medium- Scale Meat Processors

Christopher C. Kukay, Larry H. Holcomb, John N. Sofos, J. Brad Morgan, j. Daryl Tatum, R. Paul Clayton, and Gary C. Smith Center for Red Meat Safety, Department of Animal Sciences, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523

INTRODUaiON SUMMARY Hazard analysis critical control The objective of the project reported here was to train person¬ point (HACCP) protocols are science- nel of two red-meat processing plants, one of small-scale and the based, preventive, food safety assur¬ other of medium-scale, and county extension agents in the prin¬ ance programs that use critical con¬ trol points (CCP) to prevent, reduce, ciples and in the development of hazard analysis critical control or potentially eliminate identified haz¬ point (HACCP) protocols for meat products. As part of the hazard ards in food products (5, 8, 9, 12-14, analysis process, samples of products from the two plants were 16). Application of the HACCP ap¬ analyzed for chemical residues (e.g., pesticides, hormones, antibi¬ proach involves thorough analysis of otics) and microbial contamination. Chemical residue levels were the process involved in producing a nondetectable or nonviolative, while aerobic mesophilic bacterial product so that any point at which a counts and total coliform counts varied with plant, product, and food safety hazard might occur has sanitary practices. No Salmonella spp. or Listeria monocytogenes been identified as a CCP. Unlike most traditional food inspection activities, were detected in the 44 samples analyzed. The study team assisted the HACCP approach is based on an the processors in learning about the possible hazards associated understanding of the factors that con¬ with their products, how they could contribute to control or tribute to potential outbreaks of prevention of these hazards, and how they could develop and foodbome illness. Information gath¬ implement HACCP-based food safety programs in their own plants. ered through applied research is used The HACCP plans developed for one plant applied to beef slaughter to control the presence, multiplica¬ and ground beef production, while the plans for the second plant tion and inactivation of foodbome were for bacon, ham, Canadian bacon, and sausage manufacture. pathogens or the presence of chemi¬ cal or physical hazards at each CCP. Two training workshops were held to introduce and explain the The Food Safety and Inspection principles, techniques and advantages of the HACCP system to Service (FSIS) of the United States plant personnel and area agricultural extension agents. The three Department of Agriculture (USDA) most common areas of concern identified for all of the products has been involved in activities lead¬ considered were (a) employee , (b) cross-contamination, ing to establishment of HACCP proto¬ and (c) control of heating and storage temperatures. Complete cols as a part of the meat inspection HACCP model plans and record-keeping forms were designed for system for several years (8). There are concerns, however, that HACCP use by these and other meat plants that may be interested in systems will be easily implemented implementing a comparable program. by large meat companies, but that

74 Doiiy, Food and Environmentol SanHotion - FEBRUARY 1996 small-scale and medium-scale meat plant from their suppliers. The prod¬ ows Laboratory (Fort Collins, CO), processors will have difficulty com¬ ucts produced at this plant were pack¬ and the hormone, tetracycline and plying with such regulations (17). aged, boxed and shipped to retail and sulfa-drug analyses were performed For this reason, the objective of the food-service establishments in the at Western Scientific Laboratory (Den¬ present project was to develop a pro¬ same geographic area as the plant. ver, CO). gram to train meat plant personnel The products produced in this plant The meat products (25 samples) and extension agents in the principles for which HACCP plans were devel¬ were analyzed for aerobie plate counts of HACCP and to assist small-scale oped inelude vacuum-packaged by the spiral plating method on plate and medium-scale meat processors in smoked bacon, Canadian bacon, count agar (PCA) (Difco Laborato¬ development of HACCP models for vacuum-packaged cooked sausage ries, Detroit, MO- The duplicate plates implementation in their plants. and vacuum-paekaged, smoked were incubated at 25 °C for 48 h and honey-glazed ham. counted using a laser eolony counter, model 500A with a com¬ EXPERIMENTAL Microbiological and chemical puter assisted spiral bio-assay data Description of plants analyses processor with bacterial enumeration Plant-l Samples of beef trimmings (2 program E 2.0 (2,3, 4, 15). Petrifilm™ (3M Company, St. Paul, MN) coliform This small-scale plant was a pri¬ samples), ground beef (2 samples), plates were used to analyze the meat vately owned meat company that pork fat (2 samples), bacon (11 products for total coliforms, which slaughtered approximately 600 beef samples), sausage (9 samples), ham were then confirmed in lauryl sulfate animals, 1200-1400 hogs, and 700- (9 samples) and Canadian bacon (9 tryptose broth and 2% brilliant green 800 lambs per year. The plant also samples), collected from the storage bile lactose broth (15). Detection of produced annually in excess of 13,600 coolers of both plants, were analyzed for microbiological contaminants Salmonella spp. involved use of a kg of processed . Processed micro-ELISA (Salmonella spp.-Tek, products consisted mostly of sum¬ (aerobic mesophilic plate counts, to¬ tal coliform counts. Salmonella spp., Organon TeknikaCorp., Duriiam, NO mer sausage made from wild game method. Any positive results from and beef, but also included jerky, and Listeria spp.), while 1 -3 samples this test were confirmed with the salami and pepperoni. About 90% of of each product were analyzed for official culturing method 64). Listeria the processed products were custom chemical residues. Analyses for chemi¬ cal residues included heavy metals spp. analysis was conducted using processed for the local community, (lead and cadmium); hormones detection and isolation methodology or for big game hunters from all parts (zeranol and melengestrol acetate); from the Bacteriological Analytical of the United States that hunt in the Manual (4). Rocky Mountains of Colorado and tetracyclines; sulfa-drugs; and a se¬ The lead and cadmium residue Wyoming. This plant also sold frozen ries of pesticides, which have been of levels were determined by graphite beef, pork, lamb and processed meats concern as present in foods, and in¬ furnace atomic absorption spectrom¬ to the public, and to local restaurants. clude hexachlorobenzene (HCB), lin¬ etry (GFAAS) and quantified using Although some animals were bought dane, heptachlor, aldrin, dichlorodip- the method of standard additions and slaughtered for retail sale, the henyldichloroethane (DDE), endrin, retail section of the operation was diehlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (11). Synthetic hormones (zeranol supplied mainly with boxed meat and (DDT), mirex, ethyl parathion, and melengestrol acetate), tetracy¬ carcasses purchased from outside malathion, ronnel, trithion, piriml- cline, and sulfa-drug residues were suppliers. The operations for which phos-methyl, alpha-benzene hexachlo- analyzed using solid phase extraction HACCP plans were designed in this ride (BHC), beta-BHC, delta-BHC, with high performance liquid chro¬ plant were the slaughter of animals heptachlor epoxide, dieldrin, matography (HPLO analysis (7, 10, and the production of ground beef. tetrachlorodiphenylethane (DDD), 11,24). The meat samples were ana¬ methoxychlor, diazinon, methyl par¬ lyzed for 25 different pesticide resi¬ Plant-2 athion, disyston, ethion and chlor- dues using gel permeation chroma¬ tography and dual column gas chro¬ This medium-scale processing pyrifos. These analyses were con¬ matography for final confirmation, facility, a division of a larger parent ducted as part of the hazard analysis with electron capture detection to company, produced approximately process of HACCP and in order to the limit of 0.05 parts per million 140 different cooked and cured, pork teach and demonstrate to plant per¬ (ppm) 6/). and beef products. They produced sonnel the value of sanitation, hy¬ more than 680,000 kg of product per giene and ingredient quality in meat month, including sausage products, processing operations. The microbio¬ RESULTS AND DISCUSSION hams and bacon. The bacon, and some logical testing and most of the chemi¬ Training of the hams, were sliced and pack¬ cal residue analyses were performed aged after processing, and most prod¬ at Warren Analytical Laboratory A project team was developed ucts were vacuum packaged. All prod¬ (Greeley, CO). The heavy metal analy¬ and members of the team (university uct ingredients were shipped to the ses were performed by Green Mead¬ professors, graduate students and

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmental Sonitotion 75 quality control {personnel from a large cated a definite need for improve¬ sults for all products were below the meat processor and a commercial ment in the manner in which product detection limits for residues of hor¬ testing laboratory) worked with per¬ was handled. However, none of the mones, tetracyclines and pesticides. sonnel from the two cooperating samples analyzed had a detectable Residues of the heavy metals, lead plants. Each plant was visited 2-5 level of total coliforms. Salmonella and cadmium, were consistently very times in order to establish flow charts spp., or Listeria spp. low, with the highest levels being for each product or process selected The chemical residue results 0.09 ppm of lead in Canadian bacon, and 0.1 ppm of cadmium in one and to determine areas of concern. In were collected from analyses of two sample of ham. addition, two training workshops (at samples of pork fat and one sample of the beginning and 6 months after beef trimmings (plant-1). The first Development of the HACCP initiation of the project) were con¬ pork fat sample was analyzed only for models ducted to teach personnel of each pesticides because they accumulate meat processing plant and the agri¬ in the adipose tissue, while the beef Important parts of a HACCP plan cultural extension sp>ecialists/agents trimmings sample was tested for are the critical control points. CCPs to design, implement and monitor heavy metals, hormones, tetracy¬ are defined as steps or procedures at which control can be applied to pre¬ HACCP systems specific for each clines, and sulfa-drugs. The hormones, vent, avoid, eliminate or reduce the operation. As part of the training pro¬ tetracyclines, and sulfa-drugs were severity of food safety hazards. The cess, the trainees visited a large meat all undetectable at the detection limit CCP may also be defined as any point processing op)eration and a commer¬ of 1 ppm. Residues of one pesticide, in the chain of food production and cial laboratory, where they were pre¬ endrin, were detected in both pork processing, from raw materials to fin¬ sented with HACCP activities associ¬ fat samples but only at the ished product, at which loss of con¬ ated with those operations. Further¬ nonviolative level of 0.07 ppm. The trol can result in an unacceptable more, model plans were developed pork fat samples contained 0.045 ppm food safety risk. In general, CCP deal for use by agricultural extension per¬ of lead and 0.0068 ppm of cadmium, only with product safety and may sonnel in Colorado and in other inter¬ compared with the beef trimmings apply to sanitation, formulation, con¬ ested states to assist small-scale and which contained 0.57 ppm of lead trol of cross-contamination, , medium-scale meat processors in and 0.04 ppm of cadmium. chilling, and employee hygiene. The implementing the HACCP system in Three samples of each product, International Commission on Micro¬ food safety assurance programs. The at three different sampling periods, biological Specifications for Foods HACCP plans designed for the prod¬ were analyzed microbiologically from GCMSF) has defined two types of ucts selected in each operation were plant-2. The bacon had aerobic plate CCP (6,18). These include CCPl, based on models developed and pub¬ counts ranging from 2.0 x 10^ to 8.0 x which should assure control of a haz¬ lished by the FSIS-USDA and the meat 10' CFU/g, while all samples con¬ ard, and CCP2, which minimize the industry and on the uniqueness of tained less than 1.0 x 10' CFU/g of risk, but cannot assure complete con¬ each plant studied. A manual was also coliforms and were negative for Sal¬ trol of a hazard. Others divide CCP develop)ed (14) to summarize the monella spp. and Listeria spp. The into process-CCP and CCP, at which work done in this area of food safety. sausage product had slightly higher action can be taken to avoid devia¬ aerobic plate counts, ranging from tion. In general, the term CCP has Results of analyses been used more loosely in recent 1.4 X 10^ to 1.2 X 10' CFU/g. Plate years than it was intended originally, The microbial counts from plant- counts for ham ranged from less than when the HACCP concept was first 1 were notably higher than those for 2.0 X lO'' CFU/g to 4.0 X 10^ CFU/g; developed, and CCP meant complete plant-2. The stored samples analyzed while those for packaged Canadian elimination or control of the hazard. from plant-1 were bacon, fresh beef bacon ranged from less than 2.0 x 10^ The terminology used is not impor¬ trimmings, ground beef, and pork fat. to 1.4 X 10' CFU/g and were highly tant, but application of the HACCP The bacon samples had an aerobic variable (among sampling times) sug¬ principles to accomplish the objec¬ mesophilic plate count of 5.6 x 10' gesting potential undercooking and/ tive of safe food is important. HACCP colony forming units (CFU)/g, the or post-cooking contamination. No is a concept based on a logical set of beef trimmings had a count of 2.7 x total coliforms. Salmonella spp. or principles; it is not a “canned recipe” 10“ CFU/g, the ground beef had a Listeria monocytogenes were de¬ for widespread application without count of 1.2 X 10“ CFU/g, and the tected in sausage, ham or Canadian modifications or adjustments to fit pork fat had 4.5 x 10^ CFU/g. Al¬ bacon samples. One sample of Cana¬ specific situations or industries (13)- though sampling was limited, these dian bacon was positive for Listeria Therefore, to avoid confusion, we results were considered typical for spp., but it was not the pathogenic did not emphasize designating a step the operation (plant-1) which in¬ species of L monocytogenes. in the process as CCP as much as we volved one or two individuals per¬ Three samples of each product emphasized the importance of apply¬ forming several tasks which might from plant-2 were analyzed for chemi¬ ing the appropriate process controls lead to product cross-contamination. cal residues including heavy metals, for production of safe products. Even if this was merely an isolated synthetic hormones, tetracyclines, Based on existing FSIS-USDA incident, these bacterial counts indi¬ sulfa-drugs, and f>esticides. The re¬ HACCP models (19-23) and the

76 Dairy, Food ond Environmenlol Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 uniqueness of each of the two plants spraying with tap water through a and microbial integrity prior to ar¬ and the products/processes exam¬ hose. Splitting the carcass can result rival of raw material. The meat should ined, we developed HACCP plans in cross-contamination, which can be organoleptically evaluated, and its along with forms for monitoring and be limited by applying hot water to condition and temperature recorded recording the important points in the saw, while contamination can upon arrival. The product received each process. The detailed models also be removed during the final trim¬ should have an internal temperature and monitoring/record-keeping forms ming/washing step. Chilling should of 5°C or below and immediately be are included in a manual developed be prompt to minimize growth of stored at 5°C or below, and it should as a part of this study (14). contaminants. be held for no more than four days Ground beef production: Major before being used, in order to mini¬ Fresh meat steps identified in the process of pro¬ mize bacterial growth and/or chemi¬ A common CCP identified for ducing ground beef were: cal deterioration. The processors should obtain letters of guaranty from both beef slaughter and ground beef Pre-operational and opera¬ the suppliers for all ingredients used production was pre-operational and tional sanitation > Assembling/ in the formulation of their products. operational sanitation. Equipment pre-weighing meat > Grinding -->■ Unwarrantable ingredients should not surfaces should be clean and free of Packaging Storage microorganisms and chemical resi¬ be used in processing. The first point of concern was dues. The water used for cleaning The weighing, packaging/box¬ the pre-operational and operational following pre-rinsing should be 55- ing, storage and shipping of these sanitation of the equipment and work 65 °C, and used in combination with, products were all very important environment, especially when grind¬ or followed by application of, bacte¬ points of concern due to the increased ing took place on several occasions ricidal sanitizers on a daily basis. Care amount of product handling during during the same day. Employee hy¬ should be taken to thoroughly rinse these steps, which increases the po¬ gienic practices before resuming meat all equipment, and to rotate the sani¬ tential for contamination and tem¬ tizers being used. handling and grinding are also impor¬ perature abuse. The weighing and tant. In addition, raw materials should Beef slaughter: The steps identified packaging of the bacon are important be continuously evaluated for visual because they are the last areas where in the slaughtering process included: quality, odor, appearance and tem¬ contamination of the product could Animal holding pens > Pre- perature, with unacceptable product occur directly. The temperature in operational and operational being discarded. The room tempera¬ the work areas should not exceed sanitation Immobilization -- ture must be kept below 10°C and 10°C, and proper employee hygiene Sticking and bleeding > Skinning product temperature should remain is essential. Storage temperatures ordehiding Evisceration ^ Car¬ at less than 5°C to inhibit microbial should be kept below 5°C, with stor¬ cass splitting - Final carcass growth. In addition, cross-contami¬ age lasting no longer than 14 days. trimming and washing > Carcass nation between products from differ¬ These procedures should be moni¬ chilling ent sp>ecies should be avoided. There¬ tored to eliminate cross-contamina¬ Clean animal holding pens are fore, packaging and storage of the tion, product mishandling, and tem¬ important to reduce the dirt and fecal ground beef product were also seen perature abuse. Specific points and material and other contamination as being very important to product concerns for each of the products are carried into the plant on the animal identity and quality. In order to maxi¬ discussed below. mize shelf life of ground beef, the hide. The first point of concern iden¬ Vacuum-paclu^edsmoked bacon: processor was instructed to chill the tified inside the plant was the pre- The steps involved in bacon manu¬ product to less than 5°C and store it operational and operational sanita¬ facturing at the particular plant stud¬ tion of the work environment. Stick¬ cold ( < 5 °0 within two h of process¬ ied include: ing (bleeding) was considered im- ing. piortant because of the possibility of Receiving raw materials ► allowing contaminants to enter the Processed meats Soaking of bellies > Skinning/ trimming ->■ Pumping/hanging blood stream through a contaminated The processed meats studied in ->■ Smoking + Blasting/chilling/ knife. The next two critical points of plant-2 were vacuum-packaged tempering Pulling combs concern were identified as removal smoked bacon, vacuum-packaged Sorting (grading) ^ Pressing -+ of the hide and evisceration of the cooked sausage, smoked vacuum- animals due to the possible introduc¬ packaged honey-glazed ham, and Slicing/grading Weighing -* tion of soil and fecal-bome pathogens Canadian bacon. Steps common in Packaging > Boxing ^ Storage ^ onto the carcass. By limiting carcass the processing of each of these prod¬ Shipping exposure to the contaminated side of ucts were raw material receiving, The receiving and handling of the hide, and by keeping the viscera weighing, packaging/boxing, f torage, raw materials (pork bellies) was de¬ intact, the incidence of contamina¬ and shipping. Raw material receiving termined to be a very important point tion can be greatly reduced. The only is very important because the plant of concern, because heating of bel¬ carcass washing performed involved has no control over product handling lies during bacon processing is only

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiiy, Food ond [nvironmentol Sonitotkm 77 minimal. Belly soaking is a process product (that is possible because tical for companies to monitor the unique to bacon which is important combs are brittle, and semi-frozen quality of all received spices, how¬ to monitor. Soaking the belly is in¬ bellies are hard to penetrate) called ever, periodic tests should be con¬ tended to raise the product tempera¬ for visual inspections and metal de¬ ducted to verify their acceptability. ture to the prof>er level needed for tectorscanning. Cross-contamination Additionally, letters of guaranty from pumping and curing. However, it also during combing, slicing, and to a lesser the suppliers, including certificates creates an environment that may al¬ extent during sorting, should be of analyses, and conditions for use low growth of microoi^anisms while avoided at all times. Bacterial con¬ may also be required. increasing the chance for cross-con¬ tamination from the exterior surfaces Blending, overnight holding, tamination. Therefore, it was recom¬ of the bacon, the slicing equipment, stuffing and cooking could also lead mended that soaking time be limited the employees, and even from iso¬ to microbiological concerns due to to less than 3 h; the water should be lated abscesses that occasionally oc¬ increased handling by employees, flowing continuously; and the prod¬ cur in the pork belly, can be spread which can raise microbial loads. Work uct should not exceed a temperature throughout the product during these area temperatures were recom¬ of 8°C in order to minimize growth of processes. To prevent and inhibit the mended to be below 10°C, and cooler spoilage and pathogenic bacteria. growth of the bacteria being spread, temperatures between -1 and 1°C, Cross-contamination is a possibility the room temperature should be main¬ with storage time no longer than 12 during skinning and trimming of the tained below 10°C; product tempera¬ h. Proper sanitation and treatment of belly, while brine pumping is of ma¬ ture should be maintained at -4°C equipment and casings is of vital im¬ jor importance. During pumping, it is (time should be controlled); equip¬ portance during stuffing to minimize essential that the brine does not con¬ ment should be sanitized; employees contamination. Casings should be tain a violative amount of nitrite in should use proper hygienic practices; kept dry before use; they should be order to prevent nitrosamine forma¬ and slicing should be monitored to rehydrated in cold water; and they tion or a direct chemical hazard from detect abscesses. should be used within a short (less excess nitrite in the final bacon prod¬ Vacuum-packaged cooked sau- than 2 h) period of time to avoid uct. This is accomplished by verify¬ Si^e: The processing of vacuum-pack- microbial proliferation. Cooking is ing that the nitrite concentration in aged cooked sausage involved: the most important microbiological the solution is correct, brine mixing Receiving raw materials ^ CCP if the stricv definition of critical is thorough, and that the belly is Batching -* Receiving spice mate¬ control point is followed (8, 9, 13, pumped to the proper level. rials Formulating spice mix 14). The critical limit of at least 68°C The blasting/chilling/tempering Grinding ^ Blending > Holding internal final temf)erature should be step was seen as a very crucial point overnight > Stuffing -* Cooking in place to ensure the destruction of of concern. Bacon was smoked to an * Cold showering * Blast chill¬ pathogenic microorganisms in the internal product temperature of 42°C, ing ^Cutting Packaging ^Box¬ product. which is not adequate to inactivate ing »Storage > Shipping Cold showering is a step useful pathogenic bacteria. In fact, the in¬ in reducing product temperature be¬ crease in product temperature to 42°C Points of concern for microbio¬ fore blast chilling. It is essential to could be considered an incubation logical contamination were estab¬ decrease the product temperature as period for bacteria proliferation if lished at receiving and storage, along quickly as possible to inhibit growth that temperature is reached slowly. with the point at which batching of of any microorganisms that were not For this reason, it was recommended the raw materials occurs. Increased totally destroyed during heat treat¬ that the time to achieve the desired product handling during these two ment. For this reason, a -6 to -2°C chill smoking temperature should not ex¬ stages can result in increased bacte¬ temperature for up to 12 h was sug¬ ceed 2 h. After cooking or smoking, it rial proliferation and the possibility gested to limit microbial growth. The is essential to reduce the product of cross-contamination. Along with major concern during the peeling and temperature quickly to inhibit poten¬ proper employee hygiene, the room cutting process was post-processing tial growth of bacteria. The time the temperature should be kept below contamination because the product produa is held in the blast chiller can 10°C, and the internal product tem¬ had already been cooked. Equipment be up to 12 h at a temperature of less perature should not exceed 5°C for sanitation, employee hygiene and a than -2 °C. Tempering should be done newly received product and should temjjerature constraint of 10°C in at a temperature between -4 and -2°C, not exceed 8°C for product rework. the work area should be enforced to and should not exceed one week. If these conditions are met, the prod¬ inhibit growth of microorganisms The sanitation of the cooler is of vital uct will maintain its quality and cook¬ that do reach the product through im{X)rtance at this point because the ing will be effective in reducing or high air movement in the blast chiller eliminating contamination. cross-contamination. Packaging/box¬ can distribute airborne contamina¬ The potential for accidental in¬ ing, storage and shipping were also tion of jjsychrotrophic bacteria. clusion of non-food grade materials identified as points of temperature/ The possible presence of metal- in the spice mix resulted in this step time control to avoid microbial comb teeth in the finished bacon being a point of concern. It is imprac¬ multiplication.

78 Doiry, Food and Environmental Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 Smoked vacuum-packaged 68°C during heat treatment to ensure hygiene of employees; confirming the honey- glazed ham: Processing of destruction of vegetative pathogenic sanitary condition of equipment this product followed the sequence microorganisms. This particular prod¬ through pre-operational inspections; of: uct was glazed with honey, which and maintaining work area temjjera- has the potential for being contami¬ tures below 10°C to inhibit growth of Receiving raw materials nated with microorganisms. Packaging, boxing, Formulating and mixing brine ->■ spores. The heat treatment received storage and shipping were again iden¬ Pumping and macerating Tum¬ during the cooking process does not tified as points for sanitation, tem¬ bling -► Holding overnight For¬ destroy these spores, so it is impor¬ perature and time control. mulating and chopping emulsion tant that the product not be tempera¬ -* Mixing ->■ Stuffing and racking ture abused. Product temperature * Cooking * Chilling Packaging CONCLUSION should be reduced rapidly during -* Boxing ->■ Storage ► Shipping chilling in order to inhibit the growth The causative agents of bacterial Raw material receiving was iden¬ of those bacteria not destroyed dur¬ foodbome illness attributable to the tified as a point of concern as it had ing the heat treatment. Blast-chilling consumption of meat or meat prod¬ been for other products. Formulating at temperatures below -2°C, followed ucts are normally those found in the and mixing the brine were labeled as by holding temperatures of 3 to 4°C environment of the living meat ani¬ points of concern for chemical haz¬ for less than 12 h, is an effective mal, on the animal’s body, or in the ards, while pumping and macerating method of retarding microbial prolif¬ alimentary tract of the animal, with were labeled as processing steps with eration. As with the bacon and the muscle tissues of the healthy liv¬ the potential of introducing physical vacuum packaged sausage, packag¬ ing animal being virtually sterile. Sani¬ hazards. As with bacon, it is very ing/boxing, storage and shipping tary slaughtering operations with important to ensure proper formula¬ were identified as microbiological antemortem and postmortem veteri¬ tion and mixing of the brine solution points of concern relative to poten¬ nary inspection for pathological con¬ to eliminate formation of nitrosamines tial for temperature abuse. ditions cannot eliminate bacteria, but in the final product. Processing in¬ Canadian bacon: Steps identified in are essential in limiting the contami¬ volved maceration with sharp metal processing of Canadian bacon were: nation of the raw meat supply. There¬ teeth which penetrate the muscle, fore, proper hygiene and tempera¬ Receiving raw materials -* making it pKJSsible for metal objects ture control should be practiced by Defrosting/tempering -* Trim¬ to break off and be present in the everyone from the producer to the ming » Grinding » Mixing product, undetectable by visual inspec¬ consumer to minimize further incor¬ Holding overnight ->■ Batching tion. It is crucial to inspect the macera- poration of bacteria into the product. and chopping emulsion Mixing tor blades on a regular basis to ensure Education of food handlers is another ->■ Stuffing and hanging Cooking that they are intaa, as well as to ex¬ vital step in preventing the spread of ->■ Chilling > Peeling -* Slicing ->■ pose the produa to a metal detector at bacteria in meat products, as is apply¬ Weighing ► Packaging/boxing » some point in the process. ing new technologies in microbial Storage * Shipping The product is held overnight ecology to avoid the problems re¬ after tumbling, creating another mi¬ The act of receiving raw materi¬ lated to pathogens. crobiological concern dealing with als was again labeled as a point of There are many potential risks airborne contamination and/or tem¬ concern. Defrosting, trimming, grind¬ and hazards associated with the prepa¬ perature abuse. This can be controlled ing, mixing, overnight holding, ration and storage of foods through¬ by confirming the sanitary condition batching, mixing, and stuffing steps out the supply chain from produc¬ of the cooler and enforcing a time were seen as concerns due to the tion to consumption. If these hazards and temperature constraint during increased handling, and the tempera¬ are not identified, shelf life of prod¬ the holding process. The cooler tem¬ ture changes incurred during each ucts will be shortened, and foodbome perature should be kept below 0°C, procedure. The cooking, chilling, illness may occur. HACCP is a com¬ and the product should not be held peeling, slicing and weighing steps mon sense system that can be used to for more than 12 h. were also identified as microbiologi- control any point in this chain that Formulating, chopping and cook¬ cally important due to increased han¬ could contribute to a hazardous situ¬ ing, as well as chilling, were identi¬ dling and the possibility of cross-con¬ ation—whether it be a process, a con¬ fied as points of concern due to po¬ tamination. Internal product temp¬ taminant, or a pathogen. The aim of tential microbiological contamina¬ erature during cooking should reach this project was to help processors of tion. The room temperature in the at least 68°C, followed by blast-chill¬ small-scale to medium-scale meat formulation room should be kept ing to quickly reduce the internal plants and county extension agents below 10°C, while the meat emul¬ temperature to <5°C in a p>eriod not learn: (a) about HACCP’s benefits, sion temperature during incorpora¬ exceeding 12 h. Avoidance of cross¬ (b) about possible hazards associated tion of trimming and rework should contamination during the peeling, with meat products, (c) how to con¬ not exceed 5°C. The internal product slicing and weighing processes can trol or prevent these hazards, and (d) temperature should reach at least be achieved by ensuring the personal how they could implement a HACCP-

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitotion 79 based food safety program in a meat 5. Bauman, H. 1990. HACCP: Concept, Meat Safety, Department of Animal plant. development and application. Food Sciences, Colorado State University, Technol. 44(5): 156-158. Fort Collins, CO. Technical Bulletin 6. ICMSF. 1988. Microorganisms in no. CRMS-7. 15. Speck, M. L. 1984. Compendium of ACKNOWLEDGMENTS foods. 4. Application of the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) methods for the microbiological ex¬ amination of foods. p. 264-275. Ameri¬ Funding for this project was ob¬ system to ensure microbiological can Public Health Association, Wash¬ safety and quality. Blackwell Scien¬ tained through the USDA Extension ington, D.C. tific Publications Ltd., Oxford. Service and the Colorado State Uni¬ 16. Sperber, W. H. 1992. Determining 7. Ikai, Y., H. Oka, N. Kawamura, J. critical control points, p. 39-49. In M. versity Cooperative Extension. The Hayakawa, M. Yamada, K. Harada, M. D. Pierson, and D. A. Corlett, Jr. (ed.), authors would like to thank the own¬ Suzuki and H. Nakazawa. 1991. Im¬ HACCP principles and applications. ers and personnel of both plants for provement of chemical analysis of Van Nostrand Reinhold, New York. antibiotics—application of an amino their cooperation and assistance in 17. Stevenson, K. E. 1990. Implementing cartridge to the determination of re¬ allowing us to conduct this study. We HACCP in the food industry. Food sidual sulphonamide antibacterials in Technol. 44(5): 179-180. also wish to express appreciation to meat, fish and egg. J. Chromatogr. 18. Tompkin, R. B. 1990. The use of J. D. Eilers and S. K. Sanders for their 541:393-400. HACCP in the production of meat 8. NACMCF. 1992. Hazard analysis and help in developing the HACCP mod-* and poultry products. J. Food Prot. critical control point systems. Int. J. els, and the extension agents for at¬ 53:795-803. Food Microbiol. 16:1-23- 19. USDA/FSIS. 1991. Cooked sausage tending our workshops. Dr. M. 9. Pierson, M. D. and D. A. Corlett, Jr. HACCP model developed at the in¬ Aaronson of Warren Analytical Labo¬ (ed.). 1992. HACCP Principles and dustry HACCP workshop in Fort Applications. Van Nostrand Reinhold, ratory and Monfort, Inc. personnel Worth, TX. FSIS, Washington, D C. New York. are also thanked for use of their facili¬ 20. USDA/FSIS. 1991. Young chicken 10. Reimer, G.J., and L. M. Young. 1990. slaughter HACCP model developed ties and their involvement in teach¬ Validation of a method for determina¬ at the industry HACCP workshop in ing of the workshops. tion of tetracycline antibiotics in Atlanta, GA. FSIS, Washington, D.C. salmon muscle tissue. J. Assoc. Off. 21. USDA/FSIS. 1991. Fresh ground beef Anal. Chem. 73 813-817. References HACCP model developed at the in¬ 11. Skogerboe, R. 1992. Personal com¬ dustry HACCP workshop in Phoenix, 1. ABC Labs. 1991. Standard operating munication, Rod Skogerboe, Lab Di¬ AZ. FSIS, Washington, D.C. procedure specifications for gel per¬ rector. Green Meadows Laboratory, 22. USDA/FSIS. 1991. Cooked and as¬ meation chromatography. Analytical Fort Collins, CO. sembled foods HACCP model devel¬ Biochemistry Laboratories, Inc., Co¬ 12. Snyder, O. P. 1992. HACCP-An in¬ oped at the industry HACCP work¬ lumbia, MO. dustry food safety self-control pro¬ shop in Baltimore, MD. FSIS, Wash¬ 2. Anonymous. 1984. Computerassisted gram - Part 1. Dairy Food and Environ. ington, D.C. spiral bio-assay/bacterial enumeration Sanit. 12:26-27. 23. USDA/FSIS. 1992. Swine slaughter program E 2.0. Spiral Instruments, 13. Sofos, J. N. 1993 The HACCP system HACCP model developed at the in¬ Inc., Cinciimati, OH. and meat processing and inspection dustry HACCP workshop in Minne¬ 3. Anonymous. 1986. Laser bacteria in the United States. Meat Focus Int. apolis, MN. FSIS, Washington, D.C. colony counter, model 500A user 2:217-225. 24. Weidolf, L. O. G. and J. D. Henion. manual. Spiral Systems Instruments, 14. Sofos, J. N., L. Holcomb, J. D. Tatum, 1987. Liquid-solid extraction condi¬ Inc., Cincinnati, OH. R. P. Clayton, J. B. Morgan, S. Sanders, tions predicted by liquid chromatog¬ 4. Association of Official Analytical J. D. Eilers, M. J. Aaronson, and G. C. raphy for selective isolation of Chemists. 6th ed. 1984. Bacteriologi¬ Smith. 1993- Model HACCP plans for sulfoconjugated steroids from equine cal analytical manual, Arlington, VA. smaller meat plants. Center for Red urine. Anal. Chem. 59:1980-1987.

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Vanilla and Other Flavored Milk Shakes Purchased in Consumer Containers from Fast-Food Outlets in Pennsylvania

Sidney E. Barnard,' Rodney Smeltz,^ Ruth Bicher,^ Barbara Miller,^ Annie Pipenhagen,^ Food Science Department, The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA


SUMMARY Bacterial quality of milk shakes, Over a period of three years, 808 vanilla and other flavored soft-serve, and yogurt products as pur¬ milk shakes were purchased, just as any consumer would buy chased from fast-food outlets has been of concern to regulatory agencies and them, from fast-food outlets. Within 24 h, these shakes were tested the dairy industry for decades. in Penn State’s Creamery Laboratory. Evaluations were performed Results of monthly regulatory in accordance with Standard Methods for the Examination of testing, along with surveys conducted Dairy Products. by the public media, and an occa¬ Thirty-nine percent of the milk shakes sampled showed less sional survey by an educational insti¬ than 1 coliform per g, while 42% contained more than the 10 tution have all confirmed the need for concern about the bacterial qual¬ coliforms per g permitted by regulations of the Pennsylvania ity of the product sold to consumers. Department of Agriculture. In regard to standard plate count, 34% In many cases the consuming public of the samples contained fewer than 1,000 organisms per g, but has not been getting a quality dairy 26% of the milk shakes exceeded the regulatory maximum of product, and all the educational and 50,000 organisms per g. punitive programs have seemed to These results would seem to indicate that at least one-third of do little to improve the situation. the freezer barrels had been washed the previous day and sanitized At Penn State we decided to look at the bacterial quality of milk shakes the day of purchase, but at least one-fourth of the freezer barrels available to consumers from fast- probably had not been cleaned for one or more days. food outlets, because of complaints It became obvious that Pennsylvania regulations requiring and an awareness that some were not licensing, inspection, and testing of monthly samples, even when up to standard. As we were already enforced by magistrate citations and cash penalties, do not neces¬ visiting many of the geographical ar¬ sarily lead to a high level of compliance. Late-evening part-time eas of the Commonwealth in routine employees must be provided with the know-how and motivated conduct of meetings, assisting pro¬ to drain, disassemble, and clean freezer barrels. cessors and dairy producers, and buy¬ ing milk and dairy products for qual¬ ity determination and flavor evalua-

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiry, Food ond [nvironnwntol Sonilotiofl 81 tion, we could visit a number of fast- 1 Table 1. Coliform counts of milk shakes from fas^food operations I food outlets without signifiant ex- I)enditures of time, travel, or funds. (808 sam iples. Three ranges [coliforms per g]) Pennsylvania is one of those states Year <1 1-10 >10 Total with a program, as outlined below, in the Foods Division of its Department 1988 61 34 99 194 of Agriculture. Division personnel know of the high level of noncompli¬ 1989 195 108 198 501 ance, because they have decades of 1990 51 15 47 113 experience with violations and sub¬ sequent punitive actions involving Total 307 57 344 808 citations and fines levied by local (39%) (19%) (42%) magistrates. Division regulations involve a program of annual licensing and monthly sampling with testing by Table 2. Standard plate counts of milk shakes from fast-food approved commercial laboratories. operations These functions reflect the Common¬ wealth’s intention to gain vendor (808 samples. Four ranges in [ 1,000 organisms per g]) compliance with bacterial standards of less than 10 conforms per g, and a Year <1 1-10 11-50 >50 Total standard plate count (SPC) of not more than 50,000 organisms per g. 1988 68 36 32 58 194 1989 164 156 61 120 501

PURCHASING AND TESTING 1990 42 26 14 31 113

We purchased 194 milk shakes Total 274 218 107 209 808 from fast-food outlets the first year, in the same way any consumer would (34%) (27%) (13%) (26%) purchase a shake. Without a regul¬ ator’s badge, or identification as an employee of the commercial labora¬ tory paid by the vendor to sample and working with Standard Methods for RESULTS AND DISCUSSION test, we found out that it was impos¬ the Examination of Dairy Products. sible to get a sterile sampling con¬ Samples for coliform counts or This is a typical survey. Many tainer filled from the outlet valve of other spoilage bacteria were plated hundreds of driving hours were spent the freezer barrel. at 1:1 and 1:10 dilutions, while expe¬ to purchase sufficient numbers of Therefore, we settled for milk rience quickly confirmed that it was milk shakes to be of significance to shakes in paper containers with plas¬ tic lids, just as if purchased by a cus¬ necessary to do SPCs at dilutions any reader, regulatory agency, or any¬ tomer. At first, attempts were made from 1:10 to 1:10,000. All samples one in the dairy industry. Results, be¬ to tape over the potential straw hole, were weighed out, even though cause they reflect compliance or non- and to tape the cover in place. But it milkfat content would have been in compliance with regulatory standards, was found that the heavy pap>er trays the normal range of milk. are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. provided by fast-food outlets for their Coliform counts were not con¬ Fast-food operations with milk customers to carry multiple shakes firmed because red pigmented colo¬ shakes containing less than one worked very well, keeping the milk nies were frequently accompanied coliform per g and less than 1,000 shakes upright in the insulated cases. by spoilage-type bacteria. The objec¬ SPC per g would appear to have been Ice packed around the containers kept tives of this study were to determine doing an ideal job of handling mix the shakes cold. Vanilla and choco¬ if the samples were contaminated, to and cleaning and sanitizing freezer late or one other flavor were the determine compliance, and identify barrels. Because more than one-third usual purchases from each fast food public health hazards. of the samples were of ideal bacterial outlet. Not more than two of the total of Within 24 h, the milk shakes were 808 milk shakes came from the same quality, it was believed that milk delivered to the University Creamery fast-food outlet. Samples were pur¬ shakes sold in consumer containers Laboratory for testing. All tests were chased throughout the year; how¬ capped with a lid, were similar in performed by laboratory director/ ever, only about one-third were pur¬ bacterial quality to samples drawn supervisory personnel or by trained chased during the warm summer directly from the outlet valve of the students. Each was experienced in months. freezer barrel. Therefore, the sam-

82 Dairy, Food and Emironmental Sonilotion - FEBRUARY 1996 pling procedure would seem to have If there is one thing that some of it tive action of all involved parties and had little influence on results. lacks, it is the microbiological rea¬ persons. Nor did possible container and sons that support careful sanitizing. Mix must be kept at 40°F or colder lid contamination appear to influence At least two videotapes (Taylor and used before the open date marked results. The same applies to the SPCs, Freezer Company and McDonalds) on the container. All employees must where one-third of the milk shakes have been produced. be convinced that disassembly and were of ideal bacterial quality, indi¬ With the help of dairy industry scrubdown of all freezer barrels after cating that the freezers sampled had representatives, corporate staff of fast- store closing is absolutely essential. probably been cleaned the previous food franchises, and regulatory Usually this involves young p)eople evening and sanitized that morning. agency sanitarians, the script for a who are working at after-school jobs, There was some improvement over training video has been completed. It as opposed to older employees who the three years during which these has never been produced because of work during school hours. Likewise, studies were being conducted. the concern about its distribution before store opening the following The challenge to fast-food opera¬ through regulatory agencies or fast- day, each freezer barrel must be reas¬ tors and the dairy industry is to con¬ food chains and the efforts necessary sembled and sanitized. vince management and especially to see that it would be shown to fast- If these operations, though rela¬ freezer operators that each barrel of food employees. The script empha¬ tively simple, are faithfully carried every freezer must be emptied, disas¬ sizes the reasons why and the how-to out, they will prevent unacceptable sembled, and cleaned every day after of handling mix, and cleaning and bacteria counts in fast-food dairy prod¬ use. Frequently this means working sanitizing a freezer; the current bac¬ ucts from freezer barrels, except in with school-age and inexperienced terial situation; and why prompt cor¬ the rare instance when contaminated employees, who usually will comply rective action is necessary. mix is used. with required procedures if they un¬ The secret to getting these prac¬ derstand the necessity for them. Fail¬ tices put into action is know-how and ure to adequately educate and moti¬ CONCLUSIONS AND motivation. The information required vate fast-food workers in regard to RECOMMENDATIONS is available, at minimal cost, in most the microbiology involved exposes educational media. The results of a sanitation survey the customers to potential foodbome Regulatory agencies should take illness, and the operator to costly of dairy products dispensed from whatever action is necessary to ob¬ lawsuits. The final step is to examine freezers in fast-food operations should tain compliance. If monetary fines parts and gaskets for cleanliness and be published. Data regarding bacte¬ and bad publicity don’t work, then condition while assembling each bar¬ rial quality of milk shakes from fast- regulatory authorities, in the inter¬ rel and sanitizing before use each food outlets is generally unavailable ests of public health safety, have little morning, a task usually performed by because it is in the hands of regula¬ choice but to temporarily shutdown older workers. tory agencies and used to determine the dispensing of dairy products from There is plenty of printed and compliance with public-health re¬ that fast-food operation. visual material telling people how to quirements. *Author 2 is a former research clean and sanitize a freezer. It is avail¬ The corrective actions are rela¬ assistant and student in the Depart¬ able from most fast-food chains and tively simple, but getting them put ment; authors 3, 4, and 5 are former fast-food equipment manufacturers. into practice requires the coopera¬ students in Food Science.

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Reader Service No. 218 Reader Service No. 136

FEBRUARY 1996 - Daily, Food and Environmental Sanitation 83 Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, Vol 16, No. 2, Pages 84-86 Copyright© lAMFES, 6200 Auroro Ave., Suite 200W, Oes Moines, lA 50322

First Things First: Supermarket Inspection Priorities

Kermit M. McKemie, Consultant 1359 Deerfield Ct., Concord, CA 94521

INTRODUaiON Unfortunately, these health offi¬ Deli Department cials often end up marking a few easy The deli needs to be inspected The “Pareto Principle” states that to find items such as broken floor first due to the variety of food handled, in love, work, and other things, only tiles or something in the refrigerator including the scratch preparation of about 20% of what we do really mat¬ not covered. They may accomplish barbecued chicken and other items. ters very much: “the first things.” The little in the way of meaningful con¬ There is some epidemiological asso¬ other 80%—which we often do sim¬ sumer health protection. ciation of foodbome illness such as ply from habit or because we have a Other health department inspec¬ to delicatessen items (6). little more skill in that area—should tors are confident in their interper¬ Ask the manager to p>oint out the be put off until the first things are sonal skills They have operation¬ location of the department’s hand accomplished. relevant food safety knowledge to wash sink. If the sink is not blocked Or, “first things first.” The Ger¬ share. and works, personally use the lava¬ man poet Goethe remarked, “Things They will bring store managers tory and demonstrate good hand¬ which matter most must never be at into the inspection process to do a washing techniques. If they haven’t the mercy of things which matter better inspection and help resolve got a sink at all or they point to a scrap least.” problems when noticed. By combin¬ of hand soap above a utensil sink, you Figuratively speaking, you have ing experience and food safety risk now have a first things problem to to capture and tame the elephants— analysis, these health professionals resolve. The manager may state that the first things problem resolution- recognize the store practices and health inspector after health inspec¬ before chasing after the mice. There conditions—the first things—that de¬ tor has “grandfathered” this lack of a serve more attention (4, 10). are certain inspection techniques that lavatory, and besides, everyone are effective and help bring store staff washes their hands at home, don’t Supermarket Survey Suggestkms into the inspection process. The pur¬ they? pose of this article is to share this Jurisdiction surveys are solidly One possible approach: com¬ experience. based upon retail food code regula¬ ment that any further grandfathering, tions and inspection priorities. To and possible consequences have to Rationale provide uniformity, certain areas and be reviewed in light of current knowl¬ practices are covered in a consistent edge of hepatitis A incidence and Some health department inspec¬ manner for each department. How¬ transmission (9, 12). tors may not want store managers ever, the inspection is not limited to Request that they send to the tagging along, asking a lot of ques¬ these areas when significant viola¬ chief medical officer of your jurisdic¬ tions, and possibly slowing them tions of other code items are encoun¬ tion a detailed plan on how a serious down during the inspection. These tered. disease outbreak would be handled, inspectors may feel obligated to com¬ “Point and ask” techniques are including public warnings and medi¬ plete the visit in the 14 minutes or so utilized to establish food safety knowl¬ cal treatment such as prophylaxis in¬ of time that some managers believe edge and base-lines of sanitation in jections to employees and custom¬ appropriate. the store departments. ers. Would a cash bond be posted to

84 Doity, Food and Environmental Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 defray possible medical costs in the own words just what the procedure Produce Department event of a disease outbreak? really is in the department. You won’t Again, first things first. Find the At first, this may seem strange. make inaccurate assumptions when hand wash sink and use it. However, if the store owner really you use this technique. Target chemicals in the produce thinks this through, the notion of An inspector might say at this section. Some produce workers will installing a hand wash sink and en¬ point, “Hey, we don’t have time to bring anything to the back to kill the couraging its good use becomes im¬ ask all these questions on food prepa¬ pesky fruit flies. These and other portant. Congratulations, you’ve just ration. We have the meat, Uquor, and strange chemicals end up stored near captured an elephant! all the other departments still to cover food preparation areas. Our next point and ask inspec¬ before the hour on the parking meter If there is a water spray system tion step relates to prepared hot-hold runs out.” over the produce, check it out. Look items. Point to the chicken in the Our response might be, “You’ve at the nozzle ends. If not cleaned, display. Ask how safe food cooking just covered Pareto’s important 20%. they can have ugly, slime-like mate¬ and holding temj)eratures are deter¬ The other 80% can wait—maybe until rial hanging out. For the benefit of the mined. You can even ask staff to the next inspection—until you get the manager you could fioint and make demonstrate their safety checks with this comparison: “These dirty nozzles deli’s first things resolved.” deli thermometers. If staff are doing are just like little kids with bad colds a satisfactory job, compliment them. and runny noses. Each time the kid Meat Department Seldom do store employees receive sneezes, germs spray out. Each time feedback on good food protection Assuming that the jurisdiction’s the water spray system turns on, a habits. bean counter gives you more time for similar thing happens, with particles Explore the potential for cross¬ the inspection, continue the survey of algae and other contaminants contamination with suitable inspec¬ with the meat department. But be¬ sneezed onto the lettuce.” tion and questions. In addition to fore starting your inspection, wash This graphically communicates checking where the raw chicken is your hands at the department’s hand the importance of a cleaning and sani¬ stored in the walk-in refrigerator (not wash sink. If this isn’t possible, you tizing schedule. There are some ultra¬ above the potato salad, we hope), have a “20% problem.” sound “fog” systems that need even ask where it is rinsed and cut. Have If the department carries raw more attention due to past associa¬ staff point out specific sinks, counters shellfish, point to display items and tion with Legionnaire’s disease. and rubber gloves used. ask to see the certification tags. These The number of potentially haz¬ Do you see any hand washing are to be kept for 90 days. Note if the ardous foods (PHF) found in the pro¬ going on in the deli? Do they practice shell stock (and other ready-to-eat duce section is on the increase. PHF good use of disposable gloves? items) are stored and displayed so as examples include sprouts, tofii in tub Since bacteria, such as Listeria, packs, and cut cantalou[>es (11). Use to minimize cross-contamination from can grow at fairly cold temperatures, your jurisdiction’s food code or guide raw items such as finfish or chicken. check displays and ask about stock to identify relevant PHF products for For the few remaining days fresh rotation of luncheon meats and simi¬ temperature checks. fish have when they arrive at the lar foods. If they say, “When it turns When the produce section pre¬ store, a very cold holding tempera¬ green, we trash-can it,” you have a pares items such as salad or fruit trays, 20% problem. Fortunately, the new ture is important. Otherwise, your we should expect food equipment to Food and Drug Administration Food nose will point and inspect! Dr. Rob¬ have adequate design to be clean- Code has stock rotation criteria. ert Price, Ph.D., University of Califor¬ able. The old bathtub placed on con¬ Don’t forget the store salad bar. nia, Davis in his book A Guide to crete blocks just doesn’t make it as a When does the store use up items California Seafood recommends for produce sink! such as dressings and clean the salad chilled seafoods an ideal tempera¬ Point to equipment used to cut bar stocking containers? ture of 30°F (3, 7). fruit and ask how and where it is Point to a product such as tuna Point to the crab salad bowl and cleaned. Some stores have identified attractive salad and fruit packs as high- salad in the display case and ask, ask where and how is it washed. Are the profit convenience items and have “How do you clean the tuna salad white polyethylene cutting boards set up exemplary department prepa¬ pan?” Follow the employee to the flipped over at night and their back¬ ration and display areas. Pass out com¬ sink to see just how it is cleaned and sides brushed? How often is that big pliments for well-maintained areas. what chemicals are used. Hobart grinder-mixer in the walk-in Some stores use juice extraction Point to other pieces of equip¬ disassembled and cleaned? Is it done machines to offer fresh orange juice ment such as the sheer or cutting according to the equipment manual? to customers. A very few will use the boards and carefully ask questions on With all the <) 157:H7 equipment to get rid of rotten or the cleaning and sanitizing, as if it was concerns, attention itiMsf be directed damaged culls, don’t rinse the exte¬ the first time you have ever seen this to satisfactory equipment cleaning and rior of fruit in potable water, and may equipment. This should elicit in their cross

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food ond [nvironmentol Sonitotioa 85 Bakery Department swells and leakers. Stores should ex¬ 2. Drucker, B. and J. Shaw. 1984. Hu¬ ercise care with mark-downs to dis¬ man relations in the inspection pro¬ Find the hand wash sink and use cess. Dairy Food Sank. 4:296-301. card severely damaged packages and it. 3. FAO/WHO. 1988. Fresh fish: quality Identify what may be PHF prod¬ to exclude toxic items such as hair and quality changes-fisheries series ucts and follow with point and ask coloring or insect spray aerosols. No. 29. Geneva. 4. McKemie, K. 1995. Food inspection techniques on equipment cleaning If you dare, check out the open, smelly, leaking dumpster. If it is mag¬ performance standards.). Dairy Food and temperature control. Sometimes Sanit. 15:17-20. got infested, it catches the 20% first pathogen growth barrier review (pH, 5. National Advisory Committee on Mi¬ A^, and/or preservative control) is things to be resolved. crobiological Criteria for Food. 1992. needed to identify if the cream-like We should inspect the employee The application of HACCP to the han¬ dling of meat and poultry in retail filling or pumpkin pie is PHF. restrooms. Well-fumished, clean fa¬ food stores, food service establish¬ cilities reflect an important manage¬ Check the bags of flour for tiny ments, and households. Washington, moving creatures (any added protein ment regard for worker welfare and DC. has to be declared on the label) or store sanitation. Maybe this should 6. Pinner, R. 1992. Role of foods in spo¬ mice nests. Occasionally, the crumb be the first place to start the super¬ radic listeriosis. JAMA 267:2046-2050. boxes of bulk self-service displays market inspection! 7. Price, R. 1994. A guide to California seafood. California Seafood Council. have motile “six-legged poppy seeds.” Santa Barbara. Open up and inspect the units. Closing Thoughts 8. Price, R., P. Tom, and E. Stevenson. 1993- Ensuring food safety... The We have attempted to exchange General Display HACCP way an introduction to part of our habit of walking around HACCP & a resource guide for retail First, go to the flour section and with a flashlight and check list to that deli managers. University of Califor¬ inspect the back areas of the gondola of more involvement with people nia. La Jolla. shelving for old, excess spillage and and food handling. 9. U S. Food and Drug Administration. 1992. Foodbome pathogenic micro¬ vermin activity. Borrow a grocery cart Certainly, our first things sugges¬ organisms and natural , FPB31, to help remove bags for access. Check tions are not intended to be inclusive. hepatitis A Virus. Washington, D.C. out the storage of pasta, rice, and There are other ways to orient in¬ 10. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. coconut. Why coconut? If there is spection focus and cover problem Food Code 1993. Annex 4, Food anything at all in the store that a areas. We haven’t even mentioned establishment inspection. Washing¬ little mouse will run to, it is shredded ton, D.C. the HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical coconut-they love the stuff] 11. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Control Point) word (5, 8). Food Code 1993. Definitions, Part 1- Review the frozen food displays. Last, if you listen and are sincere, 2 (B), Potentially hazardous foods. Items should be hard to the squeeze, people will be responsive. You will Washington, D C. with no high stacking over the load- . U.S. Food and Dmg Administration. feel a lot better about yourself and 12 line mark. Inspect representative Food Code 1993. Public health rea¬ your work. stock of packaged deli items to be sons, Part 2-201.12, “...foodbome transmission of hepatitis A vims is sure they are cold and not old with References unlikely if the employee practices . 1. Council for Agricultural Science and good personal hygiene, such as wash¬ Spot check the canned foods, Technology. 1994. Foodbome patho¬ ing hands after going to the bath¬ particularly the large #10 cans, for gens: risks and consequences. Ames. room.” Washington, D C.

Critical Cleaners & Accessories

•Aqueous Solutions •Sonifiers Send your updates to: •Homogenizers & Accessories MANAGING EDITOR ISO 9001 CERTIFIED Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation Contact: Ed Topolski 6200 Aurora Avenue, Suite 200W (800) 732-9262/(203) 7%-0532 Des Moines, lA 50322-2863 41 Eagle Road Danbury, CT 06813

Reader Service No. 117

86 Dfliiy, Food ond Environmentol Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, Vol. 16, No. 2, Page 87 Copyright© lAMFES, 6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W, Dos Moines, lA 50322

Book reviewed by: Bill LaGrange, Ph.D., Iowa State University, Ames lA

Book Review

"Dairy Foods Safety 1994: A Compendium of Abstracts"

Elmer H. March Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research

0r. Elmer Marth has compiled a very useful set cal influenced safety of dairy foods, this book is an of abstracts on dairy foods safety as influenced extremely handy reference not only because of its by several pathogenic microorganisms into a completeness but also because of the way in which it is 273 page soft cover book. Most of the abstracts in the formatted. book are from articles published during 1994, a few On page three, for instance, under the heading were published in 19SK)-1993. Campylobacter jejuni, the reader finds under item one; The abstracts cover these subjects: Aeromonas “during 1981-1990, in the U.S., 20 outbreaks of hydrophila, aflatoxin, , Brucellae, campylobacteriosis, with 458 cases, occurred in 11 Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium botulinum, states as a consequence of drinking raw milk during Coxiella bumetti, Escherichia coli. Listeria youth activities.” Then turning to page 55 under the monocytogenes, Mycobacteria/tuberculosis, Mycobacte¬ heading Campylobacter jejuni, and to CJl, the com¬ ria paratuberculosis, salmonellae, Staphylococcus plete abstract of the article on this topic that was aureus, Streptococci, and Yersinia entercolitica. Each published in the Journal of the American Medical of these subjects is divided into areas such as dairy Association in 1992 appiears. An individual can read a foods, other foods, control, testing methods, growth one line summary of the abstract then read the entire and virulence and other appropriate sub-topics. The abstract. If more information is desired, the reader first 17 pages of the book include a one sentence knows immediately where to find the original article. review of each of the numbered abstracts in the order Dairy Foods Safety 1994: A Compendium of Abstracts they appicar under the 15 subjects. Besides being a good is a very useful reference for those interested in dairy review of the literature on the subject of microbiologi¬ foods safety.

For copies of “Dairy Foods Safety 1994: A Compendium of Abstracts”: Mail requests to: Sarah Quinones, Outreach Program Manager, Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research, 1604 Linden Dr., Madison, Wl 53706; phone (608) 262-5970 • fax (608) 262-1578.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiry, Food ond Environmentol Sanitatioo 87 lAMFES Secretairy Candidates

John J. Guzewich Charles D. Price

John J. Guzewich has been chief of the food Charles D. Price serves as senior regional milk protection section in the Bureau of Community Sanita¬ specialist for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration tion and Food Protection of the New York State Depart¬ (FDA), Midwest region. He is responsible for the ment of Health since 1983. From 1991-1993 he served administration of the Cooperative State/FDA Program as director of training for the Center of Environmental for Certification of Interstate Milk Shipments in the Health. In his twenty-five year career he has also upper seven midwestem states. He conducts audits of worked as assistant director of the Bureau of Food Grade A dairy farms and milk processing plants, trains Protection, health program administrator coordinating and changes state dairy regulatory and rating officers, nursing home inspections, regional sanitarian, and provides technical assistance to regulatory agencies and public health sanitarian. He is in the process of being the dairy industry, and evaluates dairy processing appointed as assistant professor in both the Epidemiol¬ equipment for compliance with sanitary design criteria ogy and the Environmental Health and Toxicology and public health controls. He serves as chairperson of Departments in the Graduate School of Public Health, the FDA Milk Specialist, Processing Plant Technical State University of New York at Albany. Committee and the committee to set up the 19% FDA Jack developed, and has directed, the department’s Milk Sp>ecialist Training Conference. foodbome disease surveillance program and launched the Professional involvement for Charles includes being use of HACCP in their food service program. As training a registered sanitarian since 1970, member of National director he led a team that conducted a training needs Mastitis Council, Dairy Practices Council, Chicago Dairy assessment for all environmental health staff in the state. Technology Society, North Central Association of Food He then led the development of master training plans for and Drug Officials and the Association of Food and various environmental health titles, and standardized Drug Officials. He has also served two terms on the curriculum and lecture outlines for the Basic Environmen¬ board of Associated Illinois Milk, Food and Environmen¬ tal Health course. tal Sanitarians (AIMFES), was president in 1978 and Jack became a member of lAMFES in 1971. He has 1992, board advisor since 1992, and is newsletter served on the lAMFES Program Advisory Committee and editor. Committee on Communicable Diseases Affecting Man Charles has been a member of lAMFES since 1971 where he has participated in the development of all the and has attended all but five annual meetings. He has procedure booklets available through lAMFES. served as affiliate council chair in 1994, LAMFES na¬ Jack is a member of other various professional tional award’s chair in 1995, By-laws committee mem¬ organizations including the New York Society of Profes¬ ber, and farm methods committee. He also served as sional Sanitarians. He has authored 16 scientific publica¬ local arrangements co-chair for the 1976 and 1990 tions, presented numerous papers, lectured at several annual meetings. He received the lAMFES Certificate state and federal training courses, testified at Congres¬ of Merit in 1989 and the Sanitarian of the Year Award in sional Subcommittees and mentors graduate students. 1994.

88 Ooky, Food ood Environinenlol Sonitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, Vol. 16, No. 2, Pages 89-106 Copyright® lAMFES, 6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W, Des Moines, lA 50322

Holders of 3-A Symbol Council Authorization on February 1996

Questions or statements concerning any af the holder's authorizations listed below, model numbers or the equipment fabricated, should be addressed to; Administrative Officer, 3-A Symbol Council, 3020 Bluff Rd., Columbia, SC 29209; Phone (803) 783-9258; Fax (803) 783-9265.

01-07 Storage Tanks for Milk and Milk Products 793 Ampco Pumps Co. (9/14/94) 2 APV Crepaco, Inc. (5/1/56) 4000 W. Burnham St. 100 South CP Ave. Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53215 Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 214R Ben H. Anderson Manufacturers (5/20/70) 28 Waukesha Cheny-Burrell (10/3/56) Box A (A United Dominion Company) Morrisonville, Wisconsin 53571 575 E. Mill St. 212R Babson Brothers Company (2/20/70) Little Falls, New York 13365 Dairy Systems Division 117 DCl, Inc. (10/28/59) 1400 West Gale P.O. Box 1227, 600 No. 54th Ave. Galesville, Wisconsin 54630 St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 205R Boumatic (5/22/69) 76 Damrow Company (10/31/57) 1919 S. Stoughton Rd. (ADiv. of DEC Int’L, Inc.) P.O. Box 8050 196 Western Ave., P.O. Box 750 Madison, Wisconsin 53716 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935-0750 739 CSF Inox S P A. (6/25/93) 127 Paul Mueller Co. (6/29/60) Strada per Bibbiano P.O. Box 828 7 - Montecchio E. (RE) Springfield, Missouri 65801 440 Scherping Systems (3/1/85) Italy 801 Kingsley St. (U.S. Rep: Sanchelima Inti. Winsted, Minnesota 55395 1781-83 N.W. 93rd Avenue 571 Viatec Process/Storage Systems (8/21/89) Miami, Florida 33172) 500 Reed St. 709 Conexiones Inoxidables (1/18/93) Belding, Michigan, 48809 de Puebla S.A. de C.V. 31 Walker Stainless Equipment Co., Inc. (10/4/56) Vicente Guerrero No. 211 Elroy, Wisconsin 53929 Xicotepec de Juarez Edo, Puebla, Mexico (U.S. Rep: Ben Dolphin Consulting, 02-08 Pumps far Milk and Milk Praducts 4735 Lansing Drive 63R APV Crepaco, Inc. (4/29/57) North Olmsted, Ohio 44070) 100 South CP Ave. 820 Drum Industries, Inc. (3/17/95) Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 2501 Constant Comment Place 830 APV Fluid Handling-Americas (5/5/95) Louisville, Kentucky 40299 1(X) South CP Avenue (Mfg. by; Alfa Laval Pumps, LTD Lake MUls, Wisconsin 53551-1799 Easboume East Sussex 858 APV Fluid Handling-Americas (10/30/95) 100 South CP Avenue England BN 23 6PQ) Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551-1799 671 Flowtech, Inc. (4/1/92) 636 Abel Pumps Corporation (7/10/91) ISHX) Lake Park Drive 79 North Industrial Park Smyrna, Georgia 30080 511 North Avenue 466 Fluid Metering, Inc. (1/10/86) Sewickley, Pennsylvania 15143-2339 29 Orchard St. (Mfr: Abel Pumps, Buchen, Germany) Oyster Bay, New York 11771

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiiy, Food and Environmental Sanitation 89 828 F!ux Pumps Corp. (4/13/95) 400 Netzsch Incorporated (8/15/83) 4430 Commerce Circle 119 Pickering Way Atlanu, Georgia 30336 Exton, Pennsylvania 19341-1393 (Mfg. by: Flux Geraete GmbH 810 O.M.A.C. SRL Pompe (1/2/95) Talweg 12 Via G. Bernini 4,1-42043 D75433 Maulbronn Rubiera (RE) Italy (U.S. Rep: Sanchelima International Inc. Germany) 1783 N.W. 93rd Avenue 306 Fristam Pumps, Inc. (5/2/78) Miami, Florida 33172 2410 Parview Road 827 PACKO Diksmuide NV (4/14/95) Middleton, Wisconsin 53562 Cardijnlaan 10 65R G & H Products Corp. (5/22/57) B8600 Diksmuide, Belgium 7600-57th Avenue (Not available in the USA) P.O. Box 1199 684 PCM.POMPES (7/9/92) Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 17 Rue Ernest Laval 325 Johnson Pumps (U.K.) Ltd. (8/16/90) B. P. 35 - 92173 Vanves Cedex, France Highfield Industrial Estate (U.S. Rep: Alfa Laval Pumps, Inc. Edison Road, Eastbourne 9201 Wilmot Road East Sussex, England BN23 6PT Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141-1426) (U.S. Rep: Johnson Pump of America, Inc. 701 Pierre Guerin SA (10/27/92) 4825 Scott Street, Suite 306 BP. 12-79210 Schiller Park, Illinois 60176) Mauze-Sur-Le-Mignon 145R ITT Jabsco Products (11/20/63) France 1485 Dale Way (U.S. Rep: Alfa Technical Group, Inc. Costa Mesa, California 92626 601 Thompson Road N. (Mfg. by: ITT Jabsco, England) Syracuse, New York) 502 Inoxpa, s.a. (9/16/92) 241 Puriti, S.A. de C.V. (9/12/72) C/. Telers, 54 Alfredo Nobel 39 17820 Banyoles Industrial Puente de Vigas Gerona, Spain Tlalnepantla, Mexico 314 Len E. Ivarson, Inc. (12/22/78) (U.S. Rep: Waukesha Cherry-Burrell 3100 W. Green Tree Rd. 611 Sugar Creek Road Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53209 Delavan, WI 53115) 603 Johnson Pumps (U.K.) Ltd. (8/16/90) 148R Moyno Industrial Products (4/22/64) Highfield Industrial Estate A Division of Robbins & Myers, Inc. Edison Road, Eastbourne 1895 W. Jefferson St. East Sussex, England BN23 6PT Springfield, Ohio 45501-0960 (U.S. Rep: Johnson Pump of America 364 Roper Pump Company (7/28/82) 4825 Scott St. P.O. Box 269 Schiller Park, Illinois 60176) Commerce, Georgia 30529 604 Johnson Pumps (U.K ), Ltd. (8/16/90) 595 Seepex, Inc. (3/16/90) (Formerly Pumpen-und Maschinenbau) Highfield Industrial Estate 1834 Valley Street Edison Road, Eastbourne Dayton, Ohio 45405 East Sussex, England BN23 6PT 568 Shanley Pump & Equipment, Inc. (Not available in the U.S.A.) (5/15/89) 841 Johnson Pumps (U.K.), Ltd. (8/18/90) 2525 S. Clearbrook Dr. Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005 Highfield Industrial Estate (Mfg. by: Allweiler, West Germany) Edison Road, Eastbourne 678 Shanley Pump & Equipment, Inc. (5/11/92) East Sussex, England BN23 6PT (Not available in the U.S.A.) 2525 S. Clearbrook Dr. 792 KSB. Inc. (9/14/94) Arlington Heights, Illinois 60005 (Mfg. by Allweiler, West Germany) 4415 Satellen Road 507 Sine Pump (7/21/87) Richmond, VA 23231 c/o Sundstrand Fluid Handling (Mfg. by: KSB AK Tiengesellschaft 14845 West 64th St. Frankenthal, Ciermany) Arvada, Colorado, 80004 673 Alfa Laval Pumps, Inc. (4/16/92) 567 Stainless Products, Inc. (4/4/89) 9201 Wilmot Road l649-72nd Ave. Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141-1426 P.O. Box 169 654 Mono Pumps Ltd., Dresser Pump Div. (10/22/91) Somers, Wisconsin 53171 Martin Street 860 Sudmo North America (11/28/95) Audenshaw, Manchester 4403 First Avenue SE, Suite 500 England M34 5DQ Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402 (U.S. Rep: MonoRo, Dresser Pump Division (Mfg. by: Sudmo Schleicher AG Dresser Industries Industiestr. 7 821 Live Oak Drive D-73469, Reisburg Chesapeake, Viiginia 23320-2601) Germany)

90 Daky, Food ond Environmental SonHotion - FEBRUARY 1996 72R L.C. Thomsen Inc. (9/wri (Mfg. by; Stork Amsterdam B.V. 1303-43rd St. Ketelstraat 2 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 021 JX Amsterdam 26R Tri-Clover, Inc. (9/29/56) The Netherlands) 9201 Wilmot Road 770 Tetra Pak Processing Systems (6/13/94) Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 8400 Lakeview Parkway, Ste. 500 609 Tuthill Corp. (12/12/90) Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin 53158 Tuthill Pump Division (Mfg. by: Tetra Pak-Stainless Equipment AB 12500 S. Pulaski Road Lund, Sweden) Alsip, Illinois 60658 714 Union Homogenizer (2/25/93) 52R Viking Pump, Inc. (12/31/56) 4600 W. Dickman Road A Unit of IDEXX Corporation Battle Creek, Michigan 49015 406 State St., P.O. Box 8 87 Waukesha Cherry-Burrell (12/29/57) Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613 (Fluid Handling Division) (Mfg. by; Johnson Pump 611 Sugar Creek Road Highfield Ind. Estate, Edison Road Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 Eastbourne, E. Sussex UK BN 23 6PT) 05-14 Stainless Steel Autamotive Milk Transportation 29R Waukesha Cherry-Burrell (10/3/76) Tanks for Bulk Delivery and/or Farm Pick-up Service 611 Sugar Creek Road 379 Bar-Bel Fabricating Co., Inc. Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 (3/15/83) N. 3760 Hwy. 12 & 16 Mauston, Wisconsin 53948 04-03 Homogenizers and High Pressure Pumps 756 Beall Trailers of California (2/21/94) of the Plunger Type 9801 Moffat Blvd. 37 APV Crepaco, INC. (10/19/56) Manteca, California 95336 100 South CP Ave. 70R Brenner Tank, Inc. (8/5/57) Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 450 Arlington Ave., P.O. Box 670 75 APV Gaulin, Inc. (6/26/57) Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54936 500 Research Dr. 40 Hills Stainless Steel & Equipment Wilmington, Massachusetts 01887 Co., Inc. (10/20/56) 309 APV Homogenizer, Div., Rannie Prod. (7/19/78) 505 W. Koehn Street (Formerly APV Rannie, Inc.) Luveme, Minnesota 56156 445 Etna Street, Suite 57 201 Paul Krohnert Mfg. Ltd. (4/1/68) St. Paul, Minnesota 55106 811 Steeles Ave., P.O. Box 126 722 APV Rannie AS (3/23/93) Milton, Ontario, Canada L9T 2Y3 Roholmsvej 8, DK-2620 (Not available in U.S.A.) Albertslund, Denmark 513 Nova Fabricating, Inc. (8/24/87) (U.S. Rep: APV Crepco, Inc. 404 City Rd. 100 South CP Avenue P.O. Box 231 Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551) Avon, Minnesota 56310 390 American Lewa, Inc. (6/9/83) 85 Polar Tank Trailer, Inc. (12/20/57) 132 Hopping Brook Road Holdingford, Minnesota 56340 Holliston, Massachusetts 01760 653 Tremcar (10/10/91) (Mfg. by; Lewa, Germany) 1, Tougas Street 247 Bran & Luebbe, Inc. (4/14/73) Iberville, Quebec, Canada J2X 2P7 1025 Busch Parkway (U.S. Rep: Bay State Tr. & Tr. Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60015 527 Winthrop 486 Fowler Products Company (11/18/86) Rehobeth, Massachusetts 02769) 150 Collins Industrial Blvd. 25 Walker Stainless Equip. Co., Inc. (9/28/68) P.O. Box 80268 625 State Street Athens, Georgia 30608-0268 New Lisbon, Wisconsin 53950 657 Microfluidics Corp. (11/4/91) 623 Walker Stainless Eq. Co., Inc. (3/28/91) P.O. Box 9101 560 E. Burleigh Blvd. 30 Ossipee Road P.O. Box 358 Newton, Massachusetts 02164-9101 Tavares, Florida 32778 558 Niro Soavi S.p.A. (1/3/89) 437 West-Mark (11/30/84) 43100 Parma (Italy) 2704 Railroad Ave., P.O. Box 418 VTA M. Da Erba Edoari, 29/A Ceres, California 95307 Distributed in the U.S. by Niro Hudson, Inc. 09-09 A1 Instrument Fittings and Connections Used 16(X) Country Road F Hudson, Wisconsin 54016 on Milk and Milk Products Equipment Stork Food Machinery (9/7/95) 32 AB.i Kent-Taylor, Inc. (10/4/56) Airport Parkway (Formerly Taylor Instruments) Box 1258 P.O. Box 20550 Gainesville, Georgia 30503 Rochester, New York 14602-0550

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food ond Environmental Sanitation 91 428 ARl Industries, Inc. (9/12/84) 444 Tuchenhagen North America, Inc. (6/17/85) 381 ARl Court 1S)6 Western Avenue Addison, Illinois 60101 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54936-1458 747 Alloy Engineering Co., Inc. (1/11/94) 836 Valmet Automation (7/2/95) 304 Seaview Avenue 30 Thomas Drive Bridgeport, Connecticut 06607 Westbrook, Maine 04092 321 Anderson Instrument Co., Inc. (6/14/79) (Mfg. by; Valmet-Finland 156 Auriesville Road P.O. Box 237 SF-33101 Fultonville, New York 12072 Tampere, Finland) 851 Chicago Stainless Equipment (9/28/95) 612 Viatran Corp & Haenni Druckmittler (12/13/90) 511 Weston Ridge Drive 300 Industrial Drive Naperville, Illinois 60563 Grand Island, New York 14072 586 Diversey Equipment Tech. (12/14/89) 779 Wahl Inst., Inc. (8/10/94) 151 Harvey West Blvd. 5750 Hannum Ave. Santa Cruz, California 95060 Culver City, California 90231 315 Bums Engineering, Inc. (2/5/79) 522 Weed Instrument Company, Inc. (12/28/87) 10201 Bren Rd., East 707 Jeffrey Way Minnetonka, Minnesota 55343 Round Rock, Texas 78664 763 EG & G Berthold Laboritorium Prof. (4/21/94) Berthold GmbH & Co. KGCalmbacher Str. 22 D-7547 Bad Wildbad 1, Germany 10-03 Milk and Milk Products Filters Using Disposable (U.S. Rep: Berthold Systems, Inc. Filter Medio, os Amended 101 Corporation Drive 593 Filtration Systems (3/2/90) Aliquippa, Pennsylvania 15001-4863) Div. of Mechanical Mfg. Corp. 206 The Foxboro Company (8/11/69) 10304 N.W. 50th St. 33 Commercial Street Sunrise, Florida 33351 Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035 704 Pall Trinity Micro Corp. (11/6/92) 592 Claud S. Gordon Co. (2/27/90) 3643 State Route 281 5710 Kenosha St. Cortland, New York 13045-0930 P.O. Box 500 Richmond, Illinois 60071 720 R-P Products (3/19/93) 620 Larad Equipment (2/25/91) Box 388, 407 Jefferson Street 26 Pearl Street Three Rivers, iMichigan 49093 Bellingham, Massachusetts 02019 435 Sermia International (11/27/84) 794 Leeds and Northrup Co. (9/14/94) 740-212 Boul. Industrial 795 Horsham Road Blainville, Quebec P.O. Box 1010 Canada J7C 3V4 Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044-8010 (U.S. Rep: United Dairy 588 Minco Products, Inc. (12/20/89) Machinery Corp. 7300 Commerce Lane 301 Meyer Road Minneapolis, Minnesota 55432 Buffalo, New York 14224) 487 Pyromation, Incorporated (12/16/86) 296 L. C. Thomsen, Inc. (8/25/77) 5211 Industrial Road 1303 43rd St. Fort Wayne, Indiana 46825 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 367 RDF Corporation (10/2/82) 35 Tri-Clover, Inc. (10/15/56) 23 Elm Ave. 9201 Wilmot Road Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 495 Rosemount Analytical Division (2/13/87) 2400 Barranca Pkwy. Irvine, California 92714 11 -05 Plate-type Heat Exchangers for 826 Rosemount, Inc. (4/6/95) Milk and Milk Products 12001 Technology Drive 365 APV Heat Exchanger AS (9/8/82) Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 Platinvej, 8 732 SensoiTec, Inc. (5/18/93) P.O. Box 329 16335-7 Lima Road DK-6000 Kolding Huntertown, Indiana 46748 Denmark 420 Stork Food Machinery, Inc. (4/17/84) (Not available in U.S.A.) P.O. Box 1258/Airport Parkway 20 APV Crepaco, Inc. (9/4/56) Gainesville, Georgia 30503 32 ABB Kent-Taylor (10/4/56) 395 Fillmore Ave. 1175 John Street Tonawonda, New York 14150 P.O. Box 20550 120 Alfa-Laval, Agri, Inc. (12/3/59) Rochester, New York 14602-0550 11KX) No. Congress Ave. 690 Texas Thermowell, Inc. (8/25/92) Kansas City, Missouri 64153 P.O. Box 1535 17 Tetra Pak Processing (7/28/82) Hwy. 96 North 8400 Lake View Parkway Silsbee, Texas 77656 Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin 53158

92 Doity, Food ond Environmofitoi SonHotion - FEBRUARY 1996 718 Babson Bros. Co. (3/8/93) 248 Allegheny Bradford Corp. (4/16/73) Dairy Systems Div. P.O. Box 200, Route 219 South 1400 West Gale Avenue Bradford, Pennsylvania 16701 Galesville, Wisconsin 54630 243 Babson Brothers Company (10/31/72) 30 Cherry-Burrell Corp. (10/2/56) Dairy Systems Division Process Equipment Division 140 West Gale P.O. Box 35600 Galesville, Wisconsin 54630 Louisville, Kentucky 40232-5600 734 The Diversified-Berdell Group, Inc. (5/19/93) 14 Chester-Jensen Co., Inc. (8/15/56) 1710 Flushing Ave. 5th & Tilghman Sts., P.O. Box 908 Ridgewood, New York 11385 Chester, Pennsylvania 19016 605 Cherry-Burrell (8/30/90) 791 The Cobum Co., Inc. (9/14/94) Process Equipment Division 834 E. Milwaukee St., Box 147 P.O. Box 35600 Whitewater, Wisconsin 53190 Louisville, Kentucky 40232-5600 (Mfg. by: Elmega S./L. 103 Chester-Jensen Co., Inc. (6/6/58) Apartado De Cerros, 1 5th & Tilghman Sts., P.O. Box 908 Camino Vrejo De Mourelle, S/N Chester, Pennsylvania 19016 15840 [Santa Comba] La Coruna 824 DASl Industries, Inc. (3/17/95) Spain) 1414 - 5th Ave. SE 468 Niro, Inc. Evaporator Division (2/2/86) Decatur, Alabama 35601 9165 Rumsey Road (Mfg. by: Sacome Incapsa Columbia, Maryland 21045-1991 30001 Murcia Spain) 622 ITT Standard (2/25/91) 613 EfrexCorp. (12/27/90) 175 Standard Parkway 11 Kitty Hawk Drive Cheektowaga, New York 14227 Pittsford, New York 14534-1620 P.O. Box 1102 712 Enerquip, Inc. (2/24/93) Buffalo, New York 14240-1102 611 North Road 15 Kusel Equipment Co. (8/15/56) P.O. Box 368 820 West St., P.O. Box 87 Medford, Wisconsin 54451 Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 298 Feldmeier Equipment, Inc. (1/28/85) 360 Laffranchi Wholesale Co. (7/12/82) 6800 Town Line Road P.O. Box 1273 P.O. Box 474 Femdale, California 95536 Syracuse, New York 13211 414 Paul Mueller Co. (12/13/83) 307 G & H Products Corp. (5/2/78) P.O. Box 828 7600-57th Avenue Springfield, Missouri 65801 P.O. Box 1199 279 The Schlueter Company (8/30/76) Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 3410 Bell Street, P.O. Box 548 217 Girton Manufacturing Co. (1/31/71) Janesville, Wisconsin 53547-0548 Millville, Pennsylvania 17846 (Mfg. by: Samuel Parker, New Zealand) 616 ITT Standard (1/4/91) 650 Schmidt-Bretten, Inc. (10/3/91) 175 Standard Pkwy 20475 Woodingham Drive P.O. Box 1102 Detroit, Michigan 48221 Buffalo, New York 14240-1102 670 Skellemp Engineering, Ltd. (4/1/92) 711 Kusel Equipment Co. (2/24/93) 2 Robert Street 820 West Street P.O. Box 11-020 Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 Ellerslie, Auckland 5 238 Paul MueUer Co. (6/28/72) New Zealand P.O. Box 828 (U.S. Rep: Masp>ort, Inc. Springfield, Missouri 65801 6140 McCormick Drive 96 C. E. Rogers Co. (3/31/64) Lincoln, Nebraska 68507) So. Hwy #65. P.O. Box 118 658 Thermaline (11/15/91) Mora, Minnesota 55051 180-37th Street 532 Scherping Systems (6/8/88) Auburn, Washington 98001 801 Kingsley St. 610 Universal Dairy Equipment (12/13/90) Winsted, Minnesota 55395 Auckland, New Zealand 392 Stork Food Machinery, Inc. (6/9/83) 11100 N. Congress Avenue (Mfg. by: Stoik, Netherlands) Kansas City, Missouri 64153 P.O. Box 1258/Airport Parkway (Mgr. Skellerup Engineering, Gainesville, Geoi^gia 30503 Ellersie, Auckland 5, 614 Tetra Pak Processing Systems (12/27/90) New Zealand) P.O. Box 179 8400 Lake View Parkway, Suite 500 12-05 Tubular Heat Exchangers Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin 53158 for Milkand Milk Products (Mfg. by: Tetra Pak Stainless Equipment AB, 438 APV Heat Transfer Tech. (12/10/84) P.O. Box 64 395 Fillmore Avenue Bmggaregatan 23, S-221 00 Tonawanda, New York 14150 Lund, Sweden)

FEBRUARY 1996 - Ooiiy, Food and Environmentol Sonitation 93 591 Thermotech/Div. of Fristam Pumps, Inc. (2/8/90) 17-07 Formers, Fillers and Sealers of Single Service 2410 Parview Rd. Containers for Milk and Milk Products Middleton, Wisconsin 53562 366 Autoprod, Inc. (9/15/82) 632 Yula Coqx>ration (6/4/91) 5355 115th Avenue N. 330 Bryant Avenue Bronx, New York 10474 Clearwater, Florida 34620 382 Combibloc, Inc. (4/15/83) 4800 Roberts Rd. 13^9 Farm Milk G>oling and Holding Tanks Columbus, Ohio 43228 802 Agroequcpos Heker, S.A. (11/10/94) (Mfg. by: Jagenberg, West Germany) DeC.V. 192 Evergreen Packaging (1/3/67) Ind. Torreon, Coah, MEXICO 24004Sth St. S.W., P.O. Box 3000 (U.S. Rep: James Read Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52406 M. E. Stainless 488 Fords Holmatic, Inc. (12/22/86) 601 High Plain Dr. 1750 Corporate Dr., Suite 700 Bel Air, Maryland 21014) Norcross, Georgia 30093 49R Alla Laval Agri, Inc. (12/5/56) 619 Hassia Verpackungsmaschinen GmbH (2/22/91) 111(X) North Congress Ave. 63691 Ranstadt 1/Hessen Germany Kansas City, Missouri 64153 (Hassia U.S.A., Inc. 39 Plymouth St. 240 Babson Brothers Company (9/6/72) Dairy Systems Division Fairfield, New York 07007) 1400 West Gale 473 International Paper Company (6/12/86) Galesville, Wisconsin 54630 Extended Shelf-Life Division 4R Dairy Equipment Co. (6/15/56) 4020 Stirrup Creek Drive, Bldg. B2(X) 1919 S. Stoughton Rd. Durham, North Carolina 27703 Madison, Wisconsin 53716 735 Kvalitetsproduktion AB (6/11/93) 179R Heavy Duty Products (Preston) Ltd. (3/8/66) S-693 29 Degerfors, Sweden 1261 Industrial Rd. (U.S. Rep: Flowtech, Inc. Cambridge (Preston) 1900 Lake Park Drive, Ste. 345 Ontario, Canada N3H 4W3 Smyrna, Georgia 30080) (Not available in U.S.A.) 731 UEDER-Maschinenbau Gmhrfi & Co. KG (5/18/93) 12R Paul Mueller Co. (7/31/56) Postfach 1252/Im Laab 3 1600 W. Phelps, P.O. Box 828 3033 Schwarmstedt, Germany Springfield, Missouri 65801 743 Liqui-Box Corporation (11/16/93) 611 Universal Dairy Equipment (12/13/90) 6950 Worthington-Galena Road 11100 N. Congress Avenue Worthington, Ohio 43085 Kansas City, Missouri 64153 330 Milliken Packaging (8/26/80) White Stone, South Carolina 29353 16-05 Evaporators and Vacuum Pans (Mfg. by: Chubukkikai, Japan) for Milk and Milk Products 442 Milliken Packaging (2/21/85) 132 APV Anhydro (10/26/60) White Stone, South Carolina 29386 182 Wales Ave. 137 Elopak, Inc. (10/17/62) Tonawanda, New York 14150 30000 South HUl Road 277 Contherm, Inc. (8/19/76) New Hudson, Michigan 48165 P.O. Box 352, 111 Parker St. 281 Purity Packaging Corp. (11/8/76) Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950 800 Kaderly Road 500 Dedert Corporation (4/9/87) Columbus, Ohio 43228 200(X) (iovemors Drive 723 James River Corporation (3/26/93) Olympia Fields, Illinois 60461 One Better Way Road 186R Marriott Walker Corp. (9/6/66) Milford, Ohio 45150 925 E. Maple Rd. (Mfg. by: Thimonnier, France) Birmingham, Michigan 48011 746 Septipack, Inc. (1/11/94) 273 Niro Evaporators, Inc. (5/20/76) 2313 Benson Mill Rd. (Formerly Niro Atomizer Sparks, Maryland 21152 Food and Dairy) (Mfg. by: Remy Equipment, Druex, France) 9165 Rumsey Road 848 Septipack, Inc. (9/24/95) Columbia, Maryland 21045 2313 Benson Mill Road 639 Niro-Stemer, Inc. (7/10/91) Sparks, Maryland 21159 421-6th Street South (Mfg. by: ARCH Winsted, Minnesota 55395 4, avenue de I’europe 107R C.E. Rogers Co. (7/31/58) So. Hwy #65, P.O. Box 118 ZAC des Hawks de Chatou Mora, Minnesota 55051 78402 Chatou Cedex, France) 299 Stork Food Machinery, Inc. (11/16/77) 482 Setae, Inc. (8/25/86) P.O. Box 1258, Airport Parkway 300 Westgate Drive Gainesville, Georgia 30503 Carol Stream, Illinois 60188

94 Dfiiy, Food ood Emironmontal Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 681 Shikoku Kakoki Co., Ltd. (6/8/92) 439 JV Northwest, Inc. (1/22/85) No. 10-01 Nishinokawa 28120 S.W. BobergRd. Tarohachisu, Kitajima-Cho Wisonville, Oregon 97070 Itanogun, Tokushima, Japan 702 Paul Krohnert Manufacturing, Ltd. (11/6/92) (U.S. Rep: Elopak, Inc. P.O. Box 126 30000 South Hill Road 811 Steeles Avenue New Hudson, Michigan 48165) Milton, Ontario, Canada L9T 2Y3 351 Tetra Pak, Inc. (1/7/82) (Not available in the U.S.A.) 909 Asbury Drive 155 Paul Mueller Co. (2/10/65) Buffalo Grove, Illinois 6(X)89 1600 W. Phelps, P.O. Box 828 (Mfg. by: A. B. Tetra, Italy) Springfield, Missouri 65801 220 Tetra Rex Packaging Systems (4/24/71) 503 Ripley Stainless, Ltd. (5/1/87) (Formerly TetraPak/EquipUS) RR#3, Site 41 S)09 Asbury Drive Summerland, British Columbia VOH IZO Buffalo Grove, Illinois 6(X)90 (Not available in U.S.A.) 694 IPS (9/23/92) 479 Scherping Systems (8/3/86) 77(X) Camino Real, Suite 202, Bldg. D 801 Kingsley Street Miami, Florida 33143 Winsted, Minnesota 55395 (Mfg. by: Time Pack 675 Stainless Fabrication, Inc. (4/22/92) GmbH, Weissensburg 4455 W. Kearney Germany) Springfield, Missouri 65803 165 Walker Stainless Equipment Co., Inc. (4/26/65) 19-04 Batch Continuous Freezers for Ice Cream, Ices, Elroy, Wisconsin 53929 and Similarly Frozen Dairy Foods, os Amended 141 APV Crepaco, Inc. (4/15/63) 23-02 Equipment for Packaging Viscous Dairy Products 100 South CP Ave. 174 APV Crepaco, Inc. (9/28/65) Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 Filling & Wrapping Systems Div. 146 Cherry-Burrell Corp. (12/10/63) 100 South CP Avenue P.O. Box 35600 Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 Louisville, Kentucky 40232-5600 209 Doboy Packaging Machinery Incorp. (7/23/69) 286 Tetra Laval Food Hoyer, Inc. (12/8/76) 869 S. Knowles Ave. 7711 95th St., P.O. Box 0902 New Richmond, Wisconsin 54017 Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin 53158-0902 853 Elmar Industries (10/11/95) (Mfg. by: O. G. Hoyer A/S, Denmark) 200 Gould Ave., PO. Box 245 465 Leon’s Frozen Custard (12/17/85) Buffalo, New York 14043-0245 3131 S. 27th Street 674 Hayssen Manufacturing (4/20/92) Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53151 5300 Highway 42 North 573 Processing Machinery & Supply Co. (9/28/89) P.O. Box 571 1108 Frankford Ave. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19125 Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53082-0571 (Mfg. by: PMS Italiana, Italy) 447 Mateer-Burt Co., Inc. (7/22/85) 355 Emery TTiompson Machine & Supply Co. (3/9/82) 434 Devon Park Drive 1349 Inwood Ave. Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087 Bronx, New York 10452 343 Tetra Laval Food Hoyer, Inc. (7/6/81) 7711 95th St., P. O. Box 0902 22-05 Silo-type Storage Tanks for Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin 53158-0902 Milk and Milk Products (Mfg. by: Alfa Hoyer, Denmark) 154 APV Crepaco, Inc. (2/10/65) 679 Ice Cream Novelties (6/1/92) 100 South CP Ave. Division of Popsicle Inc., Ltd. Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 5305 Harvester Road 168 Cherry-Burrell Corp. (6/16/65) P.O. Box 610 (A Unit of AMCA Int’l, Inc.) Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 3Y5 575 E. MUl Street (U.S. Rep: Sunshine Biscuits Little Falls, New York 13365 1(X) Wo^bridge Center Drive 160 DCI, Inc. (4/5/65) Woodbridge, New Jersey 07095-1196) P.O. Box 1227, 600 No. 54th Ave. 635 Interbake Dairy Ingredients Div. (7/10/91) St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 2821 Emerywood Parkway 181 Damrow Co. (5/18/66) Suite 210 (Div. of DEC Int’l., Inc.) Richmond, Virginia 23294 196 Western Ave., P.O. Box 750 760 Jordan Manufacturing, Inc. (2/23/94) Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54935-0750 Rt. 1, Box42 A 1 312 Feldmeier Equipment, Inc. (9/15/78) Crossville, Alabama 35962 6800 Town Line Road 537 Osgood Industries, Inc. (7/19/88) P.O. Box 474 601 Burbank Rd. Syracuse, New York 13211 Oldszmar, Florida 34677

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiiy, Food and Environmental Sonitotion 85 666 Rapidpak (3/5/92) 837 Viatec Process/Storage Systems (7/10/95) 1725 West 8th Street 500 Reed Street Appleton, Wisconsin 54911 Belding Michigan 48809 740 Raque Food Systems, Inc. (6/25/93) 202 Walker Stainless Equip. Co., Inc. (9/24/68) 11002 Decimal Drive 625 State St., P.O. Box 202 Louisville, Kentucky 40299 New Lisbon, Wisconsin 53950-0202 222 Sweetheart Packaging (11/15/71) (Formerly Fort Howard Pkg. Corp.) 26-03 Sifters for Dry Milk and Dry Milk Products 10100 Reistertown Road 752 Andritz Sprout-Bauer (1/28/94) Owing Mills, Maryland 21117 Sherman Street Muncy, Pennsylvania 17756 24-02 Non-coil Type Botch Pasteurizers 363 Kason Corp. (7/28/82) 158 APV Crepaco, Inc. (3/24/65) 1301 East Linden Ave. 100 South CP Ave. Linden, New Jersey 07036 Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 430 Midwestern Industries, Inc. (10/11/84) 161 Cheny-Burrell Corp. (4/5/65) 915 Oberlin Rd., P.O. Box 810 (A Unit of AMCA Int’L, Inc.) Massillon, Ohio 44648-0810 575 E. Mill St. 185 Rotex, Inc. (8/10/66) Little Falls, New York 13365 1230 Knowlton St. 187 DCI, Inc. (9/26/66) Cincinnati, Ohio 45223 P.O. Box 1227, 600 No. 54th Ave. 656 Separator Engineering, Ltd. (11/4/91) St. Cloud, Minnesota 56302 810 Ellingham Street 819 JayBee Precision, Inc. (3/17/95) Pointe Clair, Quebec, Canada H9R 3S4 Kirk Pasture Road, P.O. Box 231 (U.S. Rep: Kason Corp. Bristol, New Hampshire 03222-0231 1301 E. Linden Avenue 166 PaulMueUerCo. (4/26/65) Linden, New Jersey 07036) P.O. Box 828 172 Sweco, Inc. (9/1/65) Springfield, Missouri 65801 (Division of Emerson Electric Company) 7120 Buffington Rd. Florence, Kentucky 41042 25-02 Non-coil Type Botch Processors for Milk and Milk Products 27-02 Equipment for Packaging Dry Milk 159 APV Crepaco, Inc. (3/24/65) and Dry Milk Products 100 South CP Ave. 353 All-Fill, Inc. (3/2/82) Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 418 Creamery Way 162 Cherry-Burrell Corp. (4/5/65) Exton, Pennsylvania 19341 (A Unit of AMCA Int’l., Inc.) 831 Custom Equipment Design (5/9/95) 575 E. MUl St. 1057 Highway 80 East, P.O. Box 4807 Little Falls, New York 13365 Monroe, Louisiana 71203 188 DCI, Inc. (9/26/66) 618 Hayssen Manufacturing Company (2/18/91) P.O. Box 1227, 600 No. 54th Ave. 5300 Highway 42 North St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 P.O. Box 571 725 Inox-Tech, Inc. (4/14/93) Sheboygan, Wisconsin 53082-0571 6705 Route 132 (Manufactured by Yamato Scale Co. Ville Ste-Catherine Akasi, 673, Japan) Quebec, Canada jOL lEO 625 Ishida Scales Mfg. Co., Inc. (4/2/91) (U.S. Rep: Michael Ripka, Pres., Bionex 44, Sanno-Cho, Shogoin 12615 E. Meridian Avenue Sakyo-Ku, Kyoto, Japan Payallup, Washington 98373) (U.S. Rep: Heat & Control 710 Lee Industries, Inc. (2/10/93) 225 Shaw Rd. P.O. Box 687 S. San Francisco, California 94080) 514 West Pine Street 409 Mateer-Burt Co. (10/31/83) Phillipsburg, Pennsylvania 16866 436 Devon Park Dr. 167 Paul Mueller Co. (4/26/65) Wayne, Pennsylvania 19087 P.O. Box 828 8I6 Pacmac Inc. (2/24/95) Springfield, Missouri 65801 1611 Armstrong Ave., P.O. Box 360 687 SANIFAB (8/3/92) Fayetteville, Arkansas 72702-0360 528 North Street 497 Triangle Package Machinery Co. (2/26/87) Stratford, Wisconsin 54484 6655 West Diversey Ave. 448 Scheiping Systems (8/1/85) Chicago, Illinois 60635 801 Kingsley Street Winsted, Minnesota 55395 28-02 Flow Meters for Milk and Milk Products 520 Stainless Fabrication, Inc. (12/8/87) 270 ABB Kent-Taylor, Inc. (2/9/76) 4455 W. Kearney P.O. Box 20550 Springfield, Missouri 65803 Rochester, New York 14602-0550

96 Doky, Food ond Environinonlal SonHotion - FEBRUARY 1996 272 Accurate Metering Systems, Inc. (4l2n(d 574 Hersey Measurement Co., Inc. (10/12/89) 1651 Wilkening Court 150 Venture Blvd. Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 P.O. Box 4585 253 Badger Meter, Inc. (1/2/74) Spartanburg, South Carolina 29305 4545 W. Brown Deer Road 512 Hoffer Flow Controls, Inc. (8/17/87) P.O. Box 23099 107 Kitty Hawk Lane Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223 Elizabeth City, North Carolina 27909 359 Brooks Instruments (6/11/82) 744 Honeywell (11/16/93) 407 West Vine St. Industrial Controls Div. 1100 Virgina Drive Hatfield, Pennsylvania 19440 Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 19034 660 DanfossA/S (11/20/91) 733 Honeywell, Inc. (5/18/93) DK-6430 16404 Black Canyon Highway Nordboig, Denmark Phoenix, Arizona 85023-3095 (U.S. Rep: Danfoss Electronics 265 GH Flow Automation (3/10/75) 2995 Eastrock Drive 9303 Sam Houston Parkway Rockford, Illinois 61109) Houston, Texas 77099-5298 692 Endress & Hauser Flowtec AG (9/14/92) 535 Invalco, Inc. (7/22/88) Kagenstrasse 7 (A subsidiary of Smith Meter, Inc.) CH - 4153 Reinach, Switzerland P.O. Box 1183 (U.S. Rep: Endress & Hauser, Inc. Hutchinson, Kansas 67504 2350 Endress Place 764 Johnson Yokogawa (4/22/94) Greenwood, Indiana 46143) 4 Dart Road 797 Endress & Hauser, Inc. (10/10/94) Newnan, Georgia 30265-1040 2350 Endress Place, P.O. Box 246 (Mfg. by: Yokogawa Electric Corp. Greenwood, Indiana 46142 2-9-32 Nakacho (Mfg. by: Endress & Hauser Flowtec AG Musashino-shi, Tokyo, Kagenstrasse 7 180 Japan) CH - 4153 Reinach 840 KOBOLD Instr. Inc. (7/17/95) Switzerland) 1801 Parkway View Drive 599 Euromatic Machine & Oil (4/26/95) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205 CO (UK) LTD (Mfg. by: KOBOLD Messring GmbH Westcroft Industrial Estate Frankfort HRB 29376 Rhodes, Middleton, Manchester Germany) M24 4GJ England 529 Krohne America, Inc (5/18/88) (Not available in the U.S.A.) 7 Dearborn Road 226 Fischer & Porter Co. (12/9/71) Peabody, Massachusetts 01960 125 E. County Line Rd. (Mfg. by: Altometer, Holland) Warminster, Pennsylvania 18974 755 Liquid Controls Corporation (2/21/94) 477 Flowdata, Inc. (7/31/86) 105 Albrecht Drive Lake Bluff, Illinois 60044 1817 Firman Drive (Mfg. by: Processautomatic Richardson, Texas 75081-1826 Box 117, 506 E G & G Flow Technology, Inc. (6/17/87) 61070 Vagnharad, Sweden) 4250 East Broadway Road 778 Magnetrol IntL, Inc. (7/27/94) Phoenix, Arizona 85040 5300 Belmont Road 224 The Foxboro Company (11/16/71) Downers Grover, Illinois 60515 33 Commercial Street 378 Micro Motion, Inc (2/16/83) Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035 7070 Winchester Circle 717 Gemu Valves, Inc. (3/4/93) Boulder, Colorado 80301 38(X) Camp Creek Parkway 729 Peek Measurement, Ltd. (4/14/93) Ste. 102, Bldg. 2400 Kings Worthy, Winchester Atlanta, Georgia 30331 Hampshire, England S023 7QA 649 Geo Technology (10/2/91) (U.S. Rep: Peek Measurement 12312 E. 60th Street 10335 Landsbury, Ste. 300 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74146 Houston, Texas 770S)9-3407) 661 G/H Products Corp. (11/21/91) 490 Rosemount, Inc. (1/8/87) 76(X)-57th Avenue 12001 Technology Dr. P.O. Box 1199 Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 585 Solartron (12/7/89) Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142 11321 Richmond Ave. 562 Great Lakes Instruments, Inc. (2/6/89) Houston, Texas 77082-2615 9020 West Dean Road (Mfg. by: Solartron, England) Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53224-(X)56 58"^ Schlumberger Ind., Measurement Div. (12/18/89) 630 Halliburton Services (5/28/91) 1310 Emerald Rd. Drawer 1431 Greenwood, South Carolina 29646 Duncan, Oklahoma 73536-0346 (Mfg. by: Schlumberger, France)

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiiy, Food and Environmental Sonitotioa 550 Sparling Instruments Co., Inc. (10/26/88) 361 N.V.Terlet (7/12/82) 4097 N. Temple City Blvd. P.O. Box 62 P.O. Box 5988 7200 AB Zutphen El Monte, California 91731 Netherlands 715 Thermal Instrument Co. (2/25/93) (U.S. Agent Manning & Lewis-NJ) 217 Sterner Mill Road Trevose, Pennsylvania 19053 32-01 A1 Uninsulated Tanks for Milk 386 Turbo Instruments, Inc. (5/11/83) and Milk Products 4 Vashell Way 397 APV Crepaco, Inc. (6/21/83) Orinda, California 94563 100 South CP Ave. (Mfg. by; Turoweric, West Germany) Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 803 Tuick, Inc. (11/18/94) 264 Cherry-Burrell Corp. (1/27/75) 3000 Campus Dr. (A Unit of AMCA Int’L, Inc.) Plymouth, Minnesota 55441-2656 575 E. Mill St. (Mfg. by: EGE - Eletronik Little Falls, New York 13365 Ravensberg 34 268 DCI, Inc. (11/21/75) D-24214 Gehorf 600 No. 54th Ave., P.O. Box 1227 Germany) St. Cloud, Minnesota 56301 664 Schutte & Koerting (12/16/91) 708 Lee Industries, Inc. (1/12/93) (A division of Ketema, Inc.) P.O. Box 688 XO Technologies Products Phillipsburg, Pennsylvania 16866 2233 State Road 844 Paul Mueller Co. (8/24/95) Bensalem, Pennsylvania 19020 1600 West Phelps St. Springfield, Missouri 65801 29-01 Air Eliminators for Milk 354 C.E. Rogers Co. (3/3/82) and Fluid Milk Products S. Hwy. #65, P.O. Box 118 340 Accurate Metering Systems, Inc. (6/2/81) Mora, Minnesota 55051 683 SANIFAB (7/9/92) 1651 Wilkening Court A Division of A&B Process Systems Corp. Schaumburg, Illinois 60173 528 North Street 662 G/H Products Corp. (11/21/91) Stratford, Wisconsin 54484 7600-57th Avenue 441 Scherping Systems (3/1/85) P.O. Box 1199 801 Kingsley St. Kenosha, Wisconsin 53142 Winsted, Minnesota 55395 436 Scherping Systems (11/27/84) 852 Viatec Process/Storage Systems (10/18/95) 801 Kingsley Street 500 Reed Street Winsted, Minnesota 55395 Belding, Michigan 48809 339 Walker Stainless Equip. Co., Inc. (6/2/81) 30-01 Farm Milk Storage Tanks 618 State St. 421 Paul Mueller Co. (4/17/84) New Lisbon, Wisconsin 53950 P.O. Box 828 Springfield, Missouri 65801 33-01 Polished Metal Tubing for Dairy Products 310 Allegheny Bradford Corp. (7/19/78) 31-02 Scraped Surface Heat Exchangers P.O. Box 200 Route 219 South 290 APV Crepaco, Inc. (6/15/77) Bradford, Pennsylvania 16701 100 South CP Ave. 812 A.T.I. s.r.l. (1/26/95) Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 Viale Resegone 7 323 Cherry-Burrell Corp. (7/26/79) 22036 Erba (Como) Process Equipment Division Italy P.O. Box 35600 (U.S. Rep: Norca Corporation Louisville, Kentucky 40232-5600 185 Great Neck Road 274 Contherm, Inc. (6/25/76) Great Neck, New York 11022) 111 Parker St., P.O. Box 352 413 Azco, Inc. (12/8/83) Newburyport, Massachusetts 01950 P.O. Box 567 496 FR Mfg. Corp. (2/23/87) Appleton, Wisconsin 54912 2807 South Highway 99 809 Damascus-Bishop Tube Co. (1/2/95) Stockton, California 95202 795 Reynolds Industrial Park Road 840 Kobold Instr. Inc. (7/17/95) Greenville, Pennsylvania 16125 1801 Parkway View Dr. 736 Kvalitetsproduktion AB (6/11/93) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205 S-693 29 Degerfors, Sweden (Mfg. by; Kobold Messring GmbH (U.S. Rep: Flowtech, Inc. Frankfort HRB 29376 1900 Lake Park Drive, Ste. 345 Germany) Smyrna, Georgia 30080)

Dairy, Food ond Enviroanwntol Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 308 Rath Manufacturing Co., Inc. (6/20/78) 680 Quadro Engineering, Inc. (6/3/92) 2505 Foster Ave. 613 Colby Drive Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 Waterloo, Ontario 368 Rodger Industries Inc. (10/7/82) Canada N2V lAl P.O. Box 186, R.R. 1 (U.S. Rep: Zajac Equipment Supply Blenheim, Ontario 270 Roosevelt Trail Canada NOP lAO Windham, Maine 04062) (Not available in U.S.A.) 766 Semi-Bulk Systems (4/28/94) 776 Siam Stainless (7/18/94) 159 Cassens Court Fittings & Tubulars Fenton, Missouri 63026-2543 Bangkok, Thailand 724 Silverson Machines, Inc. (4/14/93) (U.S. Rep: Kurt Orban Partners P.O. Box 589 Kurt Orban 355 Chestnut Street 450 Kings Road East Longmeadow, Massachusetts 01028 Brisbane, California 94005) (Mfg. by: Silverson Machines, 775 Trent Tube (7/18/94) Chesham, England) P.O. Box 77 East Troy, Wisconsin 53120 36-00 Colloid Mills 289 Tri-Clover, Inc. (1/21/77) 9201 Wilmot Road 808 Boston Shearpump, Inc. (12/16/94) Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 P.O. Box 390161 331 United Industries, Inc. (10/23/80) Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139-S>998 1546 Henry Ave. 846 IKA Works, Inc. (9/7/95) Beloit, Wisconsin 53511 2635 North Chase Parkway, S.E. Wilmington, North Carolina 28402-7499 608 Kinematica, Inc. (10/17/90) 34-02 Portable Bins 19 Normandy Road 647 Thomas Conveyor Company (9/18/91) Newton, Massachusetts 02166 Tote System Division (Mfg. by; Kinematica AG, 555 1-35 South CH-6014 Littau/Luceme, Switzerland) Burleson, Texas 76028 293 Waukesha Cherry-Burrell (8/25/77) 611 Sugar Creek Road 35-00 Continuous Blenders Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 527 Arde Barinco, Inc. (3/15/88) 500 Walnut Street 37-01 A1 Liquid Pressure and Level Sensing Devices Norwood, New Jersey 07648 590 Chemineer, Inc. (1/23/90) 738 ABB Kent-Taylor, Inc. (6/25/93) 125 Flagship Dr. 1175 John Street North Andover, Massachusetts 01845 Rochester, New York 14602-0550 417 Cherry-Burrell (2/7/84) 576 Ametek/Mansfield & Green Division (10/13/89) Process Equipment Division 8600 Somerset Dr. P.O. Box 35600 Largo, Florida 34643 Louisville, Kentucky 40232-5600 822 Ametek US Gauge Division (3/17/95) 825 GEI Processing, Inc. (3/30/96) PMT Products Machines Collette 820 Pennsylvania Blvd. One Indian Lane East Feasterville, Pennsylvania 19053 Towaco, New Jersey 07082 318 Anderson Instrument Co., Inc. (4/9/79) (Mfg. by: Machines Collette N.V. 156 Auriesville Road Keerbaan 70 Fultonville, New York 12072 B-2160 Wommelgem 659 Bindicator Company (11/20/91) Belgium) 1915 Dove Street 526 Hosokawa Bef>ex Corporation (3/16/88) Port Huron, Michigan 48060 333 Taft St. NE 525 Caldwell Systems Corporation (3/4/88) Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 (Formerly Zantel Instruments) 642 Mondomix Howden B.V. (8/7/91) 15(X) Kansas Ave., Suite 2A Reeweg 13 Longmont, Colorado 80501-6540 P.O. Box 98 850 Chicago Stainless Equip. (9/28/95) 1394 ZH Nederhorst den Berg 511 Weston Ridge Drive The Netherlands Naperville, Illinois 60563 (U.S. Rep: Donster and Co. 672 Computer Instruments Corp. (4/3/92) HCR-3, Box 128 1000 Shames Drive Johnsburg, New York 12843) Westbury, New York 11590

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food ond Emrironmentol Sanitation 706 cn Celtek Electronics (12/29/92) 832 H O. Trerice Co. (5/12/95) 5762 Royalmount 12950 W. Eight MUe Rd. T.M.R., Quebec, Canada H4P 1K5 Oak Park, Michigan 48237-3288 (U.S. Rep: CTl Celtek Electronics, Inc. (Mfg. by: Bourdon-Sedene 1000 Leonidas Street 125 Rue De La Marre New Orleans, Louisiana 70118) 41 lOOVendome 829 DCT Instruments (4/13/95) France) 1165 Chambers Road 557 Honeywell, Inc. (12/21/88) Columbus, Ohio 43212 Industrial Controls Div. (Mfg. by: Sensotec Inc. 1100 Virginia Drive 1200 Chesapeake Avenue Fort Washington, Pennsylvania 1S)034 Columbus, Ohio 43212) 629 Intrinsic Safety Equipment of Texas (5/20/91) 862 Delta Controls Corporation (11/30/95) 907 Bay Star 585 Fortson Street Webster, Texas 77598-1531 Shreveport, Louisiana 71107 598 Invalco, Inc. (3/22/90) 640 Dresser Industries (7/16/91) Instrument Division P.O. Box 1183 250 East Main Street Hutchinson, Kansas 67504-1183 Stratford, Connecticut 06497 572 ITT Conoflow (9/25/89) 663 Dresser Industries (12/4/91) P.O. Box 768, Rt. 78 Instrument Division St. George, South Carolina 29477 210 Old Gate Lane 798 Kay-Ray/Sensall, Inc. (10/14/94) Milford, Connecticut 06460 1400 Business Center Dr. 405 Drexelbrook Engineering Co. (9/27/83) Mount Prospect, Illinois 60056 205 Keith Valley Rd. 842 Klay Instruments B.V. (8/18/95) Horsham, Pennsylvania 19044 Nijverbeidsweg 5 861 Dwyer Instruments, Inc. (11/28/95) NL 7991 CZ Dwingeloo P.O. Box 373 The Netherlands Michigan City, Indiana 46360 (Not available in the U.S.A.) (Mfg. by: Ametek, U.S. Gauge Div. 3S>6 King Engineering Corp. (6/13/83) PMT Products P.O. Box 1228 820 Pennsylvania Blvd. Ann Arbor, Michigan 48106 Feasterville, Pennsylvania 19053) 501 Lumenite Electronic Company (4/27/87) 459 Endress + Hauser, Inc. (10/17/85) 2331 N. 17th Avenue 2350 Endress Place Franklin Park, Illinois 60131 Greenwood, Indiana 46142 768 MTS Sensors Division (6/6/94) (Mfg. by: Endress + Hauser GmbH, Hauptstrasse 1, 3001 Sheldon Drive D-79689 Maulburg, Germany) Cary, North Carolina 27513 524 Flow Technology, Inc. (1/14/88) 596 Magnetrol International (3/20/90) 4250 E. Broadway Road 5300 Belmont Rd. Phoenix, Arizona 85040 Downers Grove, Illinois 60515 463 The Foxboro Company (12/6/85) 627 MUltronics, Inc. (4/12/91) 33 Commercial Street 730 The Kingsway Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035 Peterborough, Ontario 668 GP: 50 New York, Ltd. (3/30/92) Canada K9J 7B1 2770 Long Road (U.S. Rep: Milltronics, Inc. P.O. Box 805 709 E. Stadium Drive Grand Island, New York 14072 Arlington, Texas 76011) 651 Granzow, Inc. (10/3/91) 597 NUOVA FIMA S.p.A. (3/20/90) 2300 CrownPoint Executive Drive Via C. Battisti 59 Charlotte, North Carolina 28227 28045 - INVORIO (NO) Italy (Mfr: Kubler AG (Not available in U.S.A.) Baar, Switzerland) 523 Paper Machine Components, Inc. (1/3/88) 633 Griffith Industrial Products Company (6/21/91) Miry Brook Road P.O. Box 111 Danbury, Connecticut 06810 Putnam, Connecticut 06260 554 Par Sonics, Inc. (11/30/88) 749 Haenni Cie & AG (1/17/94) R.D. #1 - Box 505 CH-3303 Jegenstorf, Switzerland Centre Hall, Pennsylvania 16828 (U.S. Rep: Viatran Corporation 563 PI Components Corp. (2/13/89) 300 Industrial Drive 350 Loop 250 South Grand Island, New York 14072) Brenham, Texas 77833 771 Hawk America (6/13/94) 644 Princo Instruments, Inc. (8/22/91) 1741 W. Rose Garden Lane 1020 Industrial Highway Phoenix, Arizona 85027 Southampton, Pennsylvania 18966-4095

1(H) Dairy, Food and Environmentol Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 815 ProMagPMLTD (2/24/95) 385 Stocking, Inc. (5/5/83) 4251 Rhoda Drive P.O. Box 127 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70819 Kiel, Wisconsin 53042-0127 328 Rosemount, Inc. (5/22/80) 12001 Technology Dr. 40-01 Bag Collectors for Dry Milk Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55344 and Dry Milk Products 784 Sensotec, Inc. (8/31/94) 453 Hosokawa MikroPul E. Systems (9/4/85) 1200 Cheseaf>eake Ave. 102 American Road Columbus, Ohio 43212-2288 Morris Plains, New Jersey 07950 515 Setra Systems, Inc. (9/14/87) 381 Marriott Walker Corp. (4/12/83) 45 Nagag Park 925 E. Maple Rd. Acton, Massachusetts 01720 Birmingham, Michigan 48011 583 S. J. Controls, Inc. (11/11/89) 456 C. E. Rogers Company (9/25/85) 2248 Obispo Ave. #203 P.O. Box 118 Long Beach, California 90806 Mora, Minnesota 55051 638 Span Instruments (7/10/91) 1947 Avenue “K” 41-00 Mechanical Conveyors Plano, Texas 75074 285 K Systems Corp. (Tank Mate Division) (12/7/76) 631 Flexicon Corporation (5/28/91) 4919 Butterfield Road 1375 Stryker’s Road Hillside, Illinois 60162 Phillipsburg, New Jersey 08865 641 TempressA/S (7/16/91) Engtoften 6, DK-8260 42-00 In-Line Strainers VibyJ, Denmark 855 Flowtech Inc. (10/30/95) 765 Tri-Clover, Inc. (4/27/94) 1900 Lake Park Drive, No. 345 9201 WUmot Road Smynra, Georgia 30080 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 655 Tri-Clover, Inc. (10/23/91) 754 Valmet Automation (2/15/94) 9201 Wilmot Road 30 Thomas Drive Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 Westbrook, Maine 04092 606 Waukesha Cherry-Burrell (9/18/90) (Mfg. by; Valmet-Finland 611 Sugar Creek Road P.O. Box 237 SF-33101 Delavon, Wisconsin 53115 Tampere, Finland) 410 Viatran Corporation (11/1/83) 44-01 Air Driven Diaphragm Pumps 300 Industrial Drive 713 Warren Rupp, Inc. (2/5/93) Grand Island, New York 14072 800 North Main Street 569 WEISS Instruments, Inc. (5/24/89) P.O. Box 1568 85 Bell St. Mansfield, Ohio 44S)05 West Babylon, New York 11704 833 Wilden Pump & Engr. Co. (6/22/95) (Mfg. by: Nuova-Fima, Italy) 22069 Van Buren Street 600 Weksler Instruments Corporation Grand Terrace, California 92313-5651 800 Mill Rd. 669 Skcllerup Engineering, Ltd. (3/30/92) Freeport, New York 11520-0808 2 Robert Street 646 WIKA Instrument Corp. (9/10/91) P.O. Box 11-020 Ellerslie, Auckland 5 1000 Wiegand Blvd. New Zealand Lawrenceville, Georgia 30243 (U.S. Rep: Masport, Inc. (Mfg. by: WIKA Ind. Corp. 6140 McCormick Drive 63911 Klingenberg Lincoln, Nebraska 68507) Germany) 805 Tri-Clover (11/18/94) 685 Winter’s Thermogauges, Ltd. (8/3/92) 9201 Wilmont Road 2220-3 Midland Avenue Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 Scarborough, Ontario (Mfg. by: KWW Canada MIP 3E6 Dusseldorf, Germany) (U.S. Rep: Winter’s Thermogauges, Inc. 100 Sonwil Drive 45-00 Cross Flow Membrane Modules Buffalo, New York 14225) 807 CeraMem Separations (11/30/94) 12 Clematis Ave. Waltham, Massachusetts 02154 38-00 Cottage Cheese Vats 813 Golden Technologies Co., Inc. (2/2/95) 541 Kusel Equipment Company (9/16/88) 1697 Cole Blvd., Suite 300 820 West St. P.O. Box 4040 Watertown, Wisconsin 53094 Golden, Colorado 80402

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmental Sonitotion 786 North Carolina SRT, Inc. (8/31/94) 50-00 Level Sensing Devices 1018 Morrisville Parkway 705 CTI Celtek Electronics (12/29/92) Morrisville, North Carolina 27560 5762 Royalmount (Mfg. by: Tohshin Seiko Co., Ltd. T.M.R., Quebec, Canada H4P 1K5 42-2 Aza Shinmei Tazawa Ohkuma (U.S. Rep: CTI Celtek Electronics, Inc. Watari-Cho, Watari-Gun 1000 Leonidas Street Miyagi 889-23 Japan) New Orleans, Louisiana 70118)

46-00 (Refractometers and Optical Sensors) 51-00 (Formerly 08-17R) Plug-Type Valves 785 Bran & Lubbe, Inc. (8/31/94) 801 Alloy Products Corp. (11/10/94) 1025 Busch Parkway P.O. Box 529 Buffalo Grove, Illinois 60089 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187 (Mfg. by: Bran & Lubbe 787 Cipriani, Inc. (8/31/94) Norderstdt Tassalini S.P.A. GMbH [Germany]) 23195 LaCadena Dr., Suite 103 859 The Electron Machine Corp. (11/4/95) Laguna Hills, California 92653 15820 CR 450 West 772 G & H Products (6/13/94) P.O.Box 2345 7600 - 57th Avenue Umatilla, Florida 32784 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 800 Epsilon Industrial Inc. (10/24/94) 780 L. C. Thomsen, Inc. (8/31/94) 2215 Grand Ave. Parkway 1303-43rd St. Austin, Texas 78728 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 783 James C. Camp (8/31/94) 239 LUMACO (6/3/72) dba Advantec Process Systems 9-11 East Broadway 95 Wyngate Dr. Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 788 Puriti, S.A. De C. V. (8/31/94) Newnan, Georgia 30265 Alfredo Nobel No. 39 (Mfg. by: BTG Inc. Fracc. Ind. Pte. de Vigas 2364 Park Central Blvd. Tlalnepantha, Mexico Decatur, Georgia 3(X)35-3987) (U.S. Rep: Waukesha Cherry-Burrell 737 Katrina, Inc. (6/17/93) 611 Sugar Creek Road 91 Western Maryland Pkwy. Delavan, Wisconsin 53115) Hagerstown, Maryland 21740 781 Robert James Sales, Inc. (8/31/94) 697 Liquid Solids Control, Inc. (10/21/92) 699 Hertel Ave., Suite 260 P.O. Box 259 Buffalo, New York 14207 357 Tanaco Products (4/15/82) Farm Street 3860 Loomis Trail Road Upton, Massachusetts 01568 Blaine, Washington 98230 751 Maselli Misure S.p.A. (1/20/94) 777 Tech Control Ent. (7/18/94) Via Baganza, 4/3 3725 N. Murray Road 43100 Parma, Italy Otis Orchard, Washington 99027 (U.S. Rep: Maselli Measurements, Inc. (Mfg. by: Tech Control, Taipei, TATWAN) P.O. Box 7571 271 The Foxboro Company (3/8/76) 7746 Lorraine Avenue 33 Commercial Street, No. 05-4A Stockton, California 95267) Foxboro, Massachusetts 02035 767 NIRSystems/Perstorp (6/6/94) 790 Tri-Clover, Inc. (9/14/94) 12101 Tech Road 9201 Wilmont Road Silver Spring, Maryland 20904 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141-1413 750 PT Papertech, Inc. (1/20/94) 759 VNE Corporation (3/16/94) 4850 The Dale 1149 Barberry Drive West Vancouver Janesville, Wisconsin 53545 B. C. Canada V7W 1K3 761 Waukesha Fluid Handling (12/17/93) (U.S. Rep: BD Services Corporation 611 Sugar Creek Rd. 3(X) North Commercial Street Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 Bellingham, Washington 98227) 742 Reflectronics, Inc. (9/15/93) 52-00 (Formerly 08-17H) Thermoplastic 3009 Montavesta Road Plug Type Valves Lexington, Kentucky 40502 577 Ralet-Defay (11/2/89) 817 Technitron Labs Inc. (2/24/95) 66, Blvd. Poincare 306 Looney Road 1070 Brussels, Belgium Piqua, Ohio 45346 (U.S. Agent GENICANAM, Chazy, New York)

102 Ooiry, Food ond Environnwntol Sonitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 53-00 (Formerly 08-17A) Compression Type Valves 652 Pierre Guerin SA (10/4/91) 484 APV Crepaco, Inc. (10/22/86) BP.12 -79210 100 South CP Avenue Mauze-Sur-Le-Mignon Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 France 730 APV Crepaco (4/21/93) (U.S. Rep: Alfa Technical Group, Inc. 100 South C P Avenue 601 Thompson Road N. Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551-1799 Syracuse, New York 13211) 552 Alloy Products Corp. (11/23/57) 551 Puriti, S.A. de C.V. (9/12/72) 1045 Perkins Ave. Alfredo Nobel 39 P.O. Box 529 Fracc. Ind. Puente de Vigas Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187 Tlalnepantla, Mexico 245 Babson Brothers Company (2/12/73) (U.S. Rep: Waukesha Cherry-Burrell Dairy System Division 611 Sugar Creek Road 1400 West Gale Ave. Delavan, Wisconsin 53115) Galesville, Wisconsin 54630 149R (^-Controls (5/18/64) 443 Badger Meter, Inc. (4/30/85) Subsidiary of Cesco Magnetics 6116 East 15th Street 93 Utility Court P.O. Box 581390 Rohnert Park, California 94928 Tulsa, Oklahoma 74158-13S)0 748 Richards Industries (1/11/94) 686 Bardiani Valvole S.R.L. (8/3/92) 3170 Wasson Road Via G. Vittorio, 53 Cincinnati, Ohio 4520S)-2381 43045 Fomovo (PR) Italy 762 Stainless Products, Inc. (12/18/80) (U.S. Rep: Sanchelima Int. P.O. Box 169 1763 Northwest 93rd Ave. 1649 - 72nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33172) Somers, Wisconsin 53171-0169 538 Cipriani, Inc. (7/31/86) 8O6 Steri Technologies, Inc. (11/23/94) 23195 La Cadena Drive, Suite 103 857 Lincoln Ave. Laguna Hills, California 92653 Bohemia, New York 11716 (Mfg. by: Fratelli Tassalini, Italy) (Mfg. by: Aseptomag AG 716 Conexiones Inoxidables (3/4/93) Bachweg 3, Postfach 415 de Puebla S.A. de C.V. CH-3401 Burgdorf Vicente Guerrero No. 211 Switzerland) Xicotepec de Juarez 804 Sudmo North America (11/18/94) Edo, Puebla Mexico 4740 E. 2nd St., Suite C-20 (U.S. Rep: Ben Dolphin Consulting, Benicia, California 94510 4735 Lansing Drive (Mfg. by: Sudmo Schleicher AG North Olmsted, Ohio 44070) Industriester 7 D-73469 376 Defmox Division (9/13/93) Reisburg, (Germany) Defontaine, Inc. 823 Sudmo North America (3/17/95) 16720 W. Victor Road 4403 First Ave., Suite 500 New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151 Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52402 530 G & H Products Corp. (6/10/57) (Mfg. by: Sudmo Schleicher AG 7600-57th Ave. Industiester 7 D-73469 P.O. Box 1199 Riesburg, Germany) Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 542 L.C. Thomsen, Inc. (8/31/57) 480 Niro Inc. 1303-43rd. St. Evaparator Division (8/8/86) Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 9165 Rumsey Road 34a Tri-Clover, Inc. (10/15/56) Columbia, Maryland 21045-1991 9201 Wilmot Rd. 607 Kammer Valve, Inc. (9/25/90) Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 510 Parkway View Drive 467 Tuchenhagen North America, Inc. (1/13/86) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15205 (Mfg. by: Otto Tuchenhagen, West (iermany) (Mfg. by: Kammer Ventile GmbH 196 Western Avenue Manderscheidtstr. 19 Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54936-1458 45141 Essen 1, Germany) 789 Tuchenhagen North America, Inc. (8/31/94) 570 LUMACO (8/9/89) 196 Western Avenue 9-11 East Broadway Fond du Lac, Wisconsin 54936-1458 Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 (Mfg. by: Scan Flow A/S 594 Oden Corp. (3/6/90) Skelhojsvej 9, d k 9541 Suldrup 255 Great Arrow Ave. Denmark) Buffalo, New York 14207 561 VACU-PURG, Inc. (1/26/89) 483 On-Line Instrumentation, Inc. (10/15/86) 214 West Main St. Rt. 376, P.O. Box 541 P.O. Box 272 Hopewell Junction, New York 12533 Fredericksburg, Iowa 50630

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food ond Environmental Sonitotion 103 584 Valvinox, Inc. (11/27/89) Mark James Company (3/17/95) 650 lere Rue. P.O. Box 23505 Iberville-QUE-Canada J2X 3B8 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53223-0505 796 VNE Corp. (10/11/94) (Mfg. by: Keofltt A/S 1149 Barberry Dr. Snaremosvej 27 Janesville, Wisconsin 53547 DK-7000 Fredericia (Mfg. by: EGMO LTD. Denmark) 1 Hayotsrim, P.O. 266 Nahariya, lsr.;el) 56-00 (Formerly 08-17E) Inlet and Outlet 555 Waukesha Cherry-Buirell (12/11/57) Leak-Protector Plug Valve 6l 1 Sugar Creek Road Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 Tri-Clover, Inc. (10/15/56) 86R Waukesha Specialty Co., Inc. (12/20/57) 9201 Wilmot Rd. P.O. Box 160, Hwy. 14 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 Darien, Wisconsin 53114 Waukesha Fluid Handling (12/12/57) 6l 1 Sugar Creek Road 54-00 A2 (Formerly 08-17B) Diophrogm-Type Valves Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 565 APV Crepaco, Inc. (10/22/86) 57- 00 (Formerly 08-17F) Tank Outlet Valve 100 South CP Avenue Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 531 G & H Products Corp. (6/10/57) (Mfg. by: APV Rosista, Inc., W. Germany & Denmark) 7600 57th Ave. 615 AsepCo (1/4/91) P.O. Box 1199 1101 San Antonio Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141-1199 Mountain View, California 94043 534 Lumaco (6/30/72) 814 Buricert Contromatic Corp. (2/2/95) 9-11 East Broadway 1091 North Batavia Street Hackensack, New Jersey 07601 Orange, California 92667 643 Paul Mueller Company (8/22/91) (Mfg. by: Buerkert Steuer-Und Regeltechnik 1600 West Phelps Christian-Buerkert-Str 13-17 Springfield, Missouri 65801 D-74653 Ingelfinger Germany) 58- 00 (Formerly 08-17M) Vacuum Breakers 745 Cashco, Inc. (12/9/93) and Check Valves P.O. Box 6, Hwy. 140 West 843 APV Crepaco, Inc. (8/24/95) Ellsworth, Kansas 67439-0006 100 South CP Avenue 617 Definox Division (2/1/91) Lake Mills, Wisconsin 53551 Defontaine, Inc. 691 Definox Division (1/25/83) 16720 W. Victor Road Defontaine, Inc. New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151 16720 W. Victor Road 856 Flowtech (10/30/95) New Berlin, Wisconsin 53151 1900 Lake Park Drive, No. 345 Smyrna, Geoigia 30080 835 G & H Products Corp. (5/22/95) 637 Gemu Valves, Inc. (7/10/91) 7600 - 57th Avenue, P.O. Box 1199 3800 Camp Creek Pariiway Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141-1199 Bldg. 2400, Suite 102 834 Stanfos, Inc. (5/22/95) Atlanu, Geoigia 30331 3908 - 69th Avenue 514 H. D. Bauman Inc. (8/24/87) Edmonton, Alberta 35 Mirona Road Canada T6B 2V2 Portsmouth, New Hampshire 03801 (U. S. Rep: Andron Stainless Corporation 203R nr Engineered Valaves (11/27/68) 8901 Farrow Road, Suite 101 33 Centerville Rd. Columbia, South Carolina 29203 Lancaster, Pennsylvania 17603 857 Steel & O’Brien, Mfg. Co. (10/30/95) 494 Saunders Valve, Inc. (2/10/87) 12850 Route 39 16516 Air Center Blvd. Sardinia, New York 14134 Houston, Texas 77032-5103 689 VNE Corporation (8/17/92) 1149 Barberry Drive 55-00 Boot Seal Valves for Milk & Milk Products Janesville, Wisconsin 53547 839 G & H Products Corp. (7/11/95) 7600 - 57th Avenue 59- 00 (Formerly 08-170) Automatic Positive ?.0. Box 1199 Displacement Sampler Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141-1199 (Mfg. by: Keofitt A/S 291 Accurate Metering Systems Inc. (6/22/77) Snaremosvej 27 (Mfg. by: Diessel, Germany) DK-7000 Fredericia 1650 Wilkening Ct. Denmark) Schaumburg, Illinois 60173

104 Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 284 Bristol Equipment Co. (11/18/76) 63-00 (Formerly 08-17R) Sanitary Fittings 210 Beaver St. 470 Advance Stainless Mfg. Corp. (3/30/86) P.O. Box 6S>6 218 West Centralia Street Yorkville, Illinois 60560 Elkhom, Wisconsin 53121 693 Micropure Filtration, Inc. (9/17/92) 380 Allegheny Bradford Corp. (3/21/83) 2323 6th Street, P.O. Box 7007 P.O. Box 200 Route 219 South Rockford, Illinois 61125 (Mfg. by: Olper Maschinen & Armaturen Bradford, Pennsylvania 16701 Olpe, Germany) 79R Alloy Products Corp. (11/23/57) 1045 Perkins Ave., P.O. Box 529 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53187 60-00 (Formerly 08-17G) Rupture Discs 682 Andron Stainless, Ltd. (6/30/92) 422 BS & B Safety Systems, Inc. (6/12/84) 6170 Tomken Road 7455 E. 46th St. Mississauga, Ontario Tulsa, Oklahoma 74145-6379 Canada L5T 1X7 407 Continental Disc Corp. (10/14/83) (U.S. Rep: Andron Stainless Corp. 3160 W. Heartland Dr. 8S)01 Farrow Road, #101 Liberty, Missouri 64068 854 Pike Metal Prod. (10/17/95) Columbia, South Carolina 29223) Div. Pike Corp. 349 APN, Inc. (12/15/81) 704 South 10th Street 921 Industry Rd. Blue Springs, Missouri 64015 Caledonia, Minnesota 55921 621 Bradford Castmetals (2/25/91)

61-01 (Formerly 08-171) Steam Injected Heaters P.O. Box 33 Elm Grove, Wisconsin 53122 728 APV Crepaco, Inc. (4/14/93) 688 Cajon Company (8/4/92) 395 Fillmore Avenue 9760 Shepard Road Tonawanda, New York 14150 Macedonia, Ohio 44056 811 Hydro-Thermal Corporation (1/1/95) 645 Cipriani, Inc. - Tassalini S.P.A. (8/27/91) 400 Pilot Court 23195 LaCadena Drive, Suite #103 Waukesha, Wisconsin 53188 Laguna Hills, California 92653 560 Pick Heaters, Inc. (1/19/89) 696 Conexiones Inoxidables (10/1/92) P.O. Box 516 de Puebla S. A. de C. V. West Bend, Wisconsin 53095 Vicente Guerrero No. 112 Xicotepcc de Juarez 62-00 (Farmerly 08-17L) Hase Assemblies Edo. Puebla, Mexico 795 Able Hose & Rubber, Inc. (9/14/94) (U.S. Rep: Ben Dolphin Consulting 2307 E. Hennepin Ave. 4735 Lansing Drive Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413 North Olmsted, Ohio 44070) 758 Crouch Supply Co. (2/22/94) 528 Dayco Products, Inc. (3/16/88) P.O. Box 163829 1 Prestige Place 902 S. Jennings Miamibuig, Ohio 45342 Ft. Worth, Texas 76l6l 677 EXCEL-A-TEC, Inc. (5/8/92) 721 Dixon Valve & Coupling Co. (3/23/93) Wl4l N5984 Kaul Avenue 800 High Street Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin 53051 Chestertown, Maryland 21620 838 Food & Dairy Quality Mgmt. Inc. (7/10/95) 774 The Briggs Co. (7/18/94) 245 E. 6th Street, Suite 4l6 3 Bellecor Dr. St. Paul, Minnesota 55101 New Castle, Delaware 19720 67R G & H Products Corp. (6/10/57) 757 Nelson-Jameson, Inc. (2/21/94) P.O. Box 1199 P.O. Box 647 7600-57th Avenue 2400 East 5th Street Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 Marshfield, Wisconsin 54449 773 HerrliAG (7/15/94) 727 Pure Fit, Inc. (4/14/93) 3210 Kerzers 924 Marcon Blvd. Switzeriand Allentown, Pennsylvania 18103 (U.S. Rep.: VNE Corp. 799 Rubber World (10/21/94) 936 Links Ave. P.O. Box 1698 Landisville, Pennsylvania 17538 Janesville, Wisconsin 53547) 698 Sanitary Couplers, Inc. (10/23/92) 454 Jensen Fittings Corp. (9/11/85) 696698 Pleasant Valley Dr. 107-111 Goundry St. Springsboro, Ohio 45066 North Tonawanda, New York 14120-5998 700 Titan Industries, Inc. (10/23/92) 389 Lee Industries, Inc. (5/31/83) 11121 Garfield Avenue P.O. Box 688 South Gate, California 90280 Philipsburg, Pennsylvania 16866

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiry, Food and Environmentol Sanitation 703 Parker Hannifin Corp. (11/6/92) 707 Valvinox, Inc., SG RM Div. (1/5/93) Instrument Connectors Div. 650-1st Street 9400 South Memorial Pkwy. Iberville, Quebec, Canada J2X 3B8 Huntsville, Alabama 35803 (Mfg. by: SG RM, France 200R Paul MueUer Co. (3/5/68) Not available in U.S.A.) 1600 W. Phelps St., Box 828 304 VNE Corporation (3/16/78) Springfield, Missouri 65801 1149 Barberry Drive 726 Pure Fit, Inc. (4/14/93) Janesville, Wisconsin 53547 924 Marcon Blvd. 82R Waukesha Cherry-Burrell (12/17/93) Allentown, Pennsylvania 18103 611 Sugar Creek Road 242 Puriti, S.A. de C.V. (9/12/72) Delavan, Wisconsin 53115 Alfredo Nobel 39 Industrial Puente de Vigas Tlalnepantla, Mexico 64-00 (Formerly 08-17N) Pressure Reducing (U.S. Rep: Waukesha Cherry-Burrell and Bock Pressure Regulating Valve 611 Sugar Creek Road 782 CL\SHCO, Inc. (8/31/94) Delavan, Wisconsin 53115) P.O. Box 6 424 Robert-James Sales, Inc. (8/31/84) Ellsworth, Kansas 67439-0(X)6 699 Hertel Ave., Suite 260 753 G & H Products (2/1/94) BufTalo, New York 14207 7600 - 57th Avenue 699 Rodger Industries, Inc. (10/23/92) P.O. Box 1199 P.O. Box 186 Blenheim, Ontario Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 Canada NOP lAO 769 Richards Industries Valve Group (6/6/94) (Not available in the U.S.A) 3170 Wasson Road 334 Stainless Products, Inc. (12/18/80) Cincinnati, Ohio 45209 l649-72nd Ave., Box 169 Somers, Wisconsin 53171 65-00 Sight &/or Light Windows & Sight Indications 741 Steel & O’Brien Mfg., Inc. (8/26/93) & Contact with Milk & Milk Products 12850 Route 39 Sardinia, New York 14134 849 Jacoby TarBox Division of (9/25/95) 391 Stork Food Machinery, Inc. (6/9/83) Clark Reliance Corp. P.O. Box 1258/Airport Parkway 16633 Foltz Industrial Parkway Gainesville, Georgia 30503 Strongsville, Ohio 44136 (Mfg. by: Stork Amsterdam, Netherlands) 845 L.J. Star Inc. (9/7/95) 449 Tech Controls Enterprise Co., Ltd. (8/2/85) P.O. Box 280 3725 N. Murray Road Fredonia, New York 14063 Otis Orchard, Washington 9SK)27 (Mfg. by: Herberts Industrieglas (Mfg. by: Tech. Control, Taipei, TAIWAN) GmbH & Co. 73R L.C. Thomsen, Inc. (8/31/57) 1303-43td. St. KG, Wuppertal Kenosha, Wisconsin 53140 Germany) 34R Tri-Clover, Inc. (10/15/56) 818 Tri-Clover, Inc. (3/10/95) 9201 Wilmot Rd. 9201 Wilmot Road Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141-1413


The Editors are seeking articles of general interest and applied research with an emphasis on food safety for publication in Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation Submit your articles to: EDITOR, Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation, c/o lAMFES, Inc., 6200 Aurora Ave., Suite 200W, Des Moines, Iowa 50322-2863

Please submit three copies of manuscripts along with a fourth copy on 3 1/2” computer disk.

106 Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 FederalRegister

“Proceedings of the 1994 For further information con¬ Evaluation and Planning Staff, Food Vibrio vulnificus Viotk- tact: Jeanette B. Lyon, Center for Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, Department of Agriculture, Wash¬ shop”; Availahility Office of Seafood (HFS-417), 200 C ington, D.C. 20250-37(X), 202-720- Agency; Food and Drug Adminis¬ St. SW., Washington, D.C. 20204, 7164. tration, HHS. 202-418-3177. Action: Notice. Beverages: Bottled Water Products from Foreign Summary: The Food and Drug Agency: Food and Drug Adminis¬ Administration (FDA) is announcing Countries; Eiigibiiity for tration, HHS. the availability of “Proceedings of import into the United the 1994 Vibrio vulnificus Work¬ States Action: Final Rule. shop.” The workshop was a scientific forum that was cospon¬ Agency: Food Safety and Inspec¬ Summary; The Food and Drug sored by FDA, the National Marine tion Service, USDA. Administration (FDA) is establishing Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the a standard of identity for bottled Interstate Shellfish Sanitation Action: Notice; affirmation of water. At the same time, the agency Conference (ISSC) to: Review the effective date. is recodifying the standard of current information available on the Summary: On July 28, 1995, the quality for bottle water. FDA is epidemiology, ecology, and patho¬ Food Safety and Inspection Service revising the definition for bottled genicity of Vibrio vulnificus, as (FSIS) published a direct final rule, water in the quality standard to well as industry practices affecting “Products from Foreign Countries; include mineral water and ingredi¬ the levels of this pathogen in Eligibility for Import into the ent uses of this product. In addi¬ seawater and shellfish, ongoing United States.” This direct final rule tion, FDA is defining “artesian education efforts, and other related notified the public of FSIS’ inten¬ water,” “ground water,” “mineral technical information obtained tion to amend those paragraphs of water,” “purified water,” “sparkling since the last Vibrio vulnificus the imported products sections of bottled water,” “spring water,” workshop, held in March 1988; “sterile water,” and “well water.” identify further critical information the Federal meat and poultry FDA is exempting mineral water needs; and identify the kind of products inspections regulations from certain physical and chemical research that will best address that contain the phrase “at least allowable levels. FDA is taking these needs using available govern¬ equal to” by replacing the phrase these actions, in part, in resjx)nse ment and nongovernment re¬ with the words “equivalent to.” sources most effectively. This action amends language in the to a petition submitted by the Federal meat and poultry products International Bottled Water Associa¬ Addresses: Submit written re¬ inspection regulations to correctly tion OBWA). FDA finds that the quests for single copies of “Pro¬ regulation will promote honesty ceedings of the 1994 Vibrio reflect the language used in the vulnificus Workshop” to the Uraguay Round Agreements Act, and fair dealing in the interest of Program and Enforcement Branch, which was enacted to comply with consumers as well as the interest of Office of Seafood (HFS-417), Food the General Agreement on Tariffs the regulated industry. and Drug Administration, 200 C. St. and Trade, 1994 (GATT). No For further information contact: SW., Washington, D.C. 20204. adverse comments were received in Sheila A. Davis, Center for Food Requests should be identified with response to the direct final rule. the docket number 95N-0281. Send Safety and Applied Nutrition (HFS- two self-addressed adhesive labels For further information contact: 306), Food and Drug Administra¬ to assist that office in processing Dr. Paula M. Cohen, Director, tion, 200 C. St., SW., Washington, your requests. Regulations Development, Policy, D.C. 20204, 202-205-4681.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation 107 NewMembers

ARGENTINA Jorge Saltijeral George W. Pilgrim UAM-XOCHIMILCO, Miami Enrique Cajide The Red Wing Co., Inc., Fredonia CEPA S. A., Buenos Aires GEORGIA OKLAHOMA Brian A. Costa Alejandro Vilarrasa Kim Payne CEPA S. A., Buenos Aires Kinnett Dairies, Inc., Columbus Seaboard Farms, Guymon ARIZONA GREAT BRITAIN OREGON Karl E. Olson Stephen T. Smith George H. Weber The Dial Corp., Scottsdale Olaf Foods, Wresham, Wales Georgetown Tech. Group, Portland BRAZIL GREECE PENNSYLVANIA Leo Kuniok loannis Hatzigeorgiou Universidade De Sao Paulo, Thessaloniki Alan D. Sauter S. Paulo Dietrich’s Milk Products, Angelos Theodoridis Middlebury Center Daniel S. Marques Greek Army, Thessaloniki Sucocitrico Cutrale Ltda., Nancy Winstanley Araraquara-SP INDIANA H. J. Heinz Co., Pittsburgh Tereza Cristina De Oliveira Russell L. Yearwood Universidade Estadual Indiana Packers Corp., Delphi SINGAPORE De Marinea, Clinicas MALAYSIA Daisy Lai Nestle R & D Center (PTE) Ltd. CANADA Lim Luck Peng Wendy Fraser All Eights (M) SDN BHD, UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Pepsi-Cola Canada Beverages, Selangor £>arul Ehsan Tim Fulton Toronto MARYLAND Forte Grand, Abu Dhabi Surinder Grewal Cheryl Trudil UTAH Health Canada, Edmonton New Horizons Diagnostics Corp., Jacqueline B. Sheeron Craig Oswald Columbia Canbra Foods Ltd., Lethbridge Western Country Pies, MASSACHUSETTS Salt Lake City Manon Quevillon Lynne McLandsborough Flamingo Foods, Ste. Rosalie Univ. of Massachussetts, Amherst WASHINGTON Ronald Simard Tania Busch-Weak Universite Laval, MICHIGAN Clallam Co. Division of Env. Health, Cite Universitaire Maria V. Tejado-Simon Port Angeles Michigan State Univ., DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA East Lansing Jeff Freshley Kristen Savage Unisen Foods, Inc., Redmond Food Marketing Institute, MINNESOTA Washington Doug Anderson WISCONSIN ENGLAND First District Association, Litchfield Darold Alderman Waukesha Cherry-Burrell, Delavan Richard Worsley Peter Nash Berkshire Camas Diagnostics Co., Eden Prairie Tricia Ciolkosz Garden Fresh Foods, Milwaukee FLORIDA NEW YORK Lucia A. James-Dovis John Grom Virginia Deibel Darden Restaurants, Inc., Gist-brocades Dairy Ingredients, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison, Orlando Liverpool Monona

108 Dairy, Food and Environmental Sonitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 Affiliate News

Kansas Holds Annual funding, the registration fee will be Specific uses for the funds are: waived for state, county and city to increase public and health Educational Conference government employees wanting to professional knowledge and The Kansas Association of attend this and other lead training awareness of breast and cervical Sanitarians Annual Educational courses. The only costs to qualified cancer; strengthen quality assur¬ Conference was held in Wichita, individuals wishing to attend would ance programs for mammography Kansas on October 4-6, 1995. The be travel and lodging expenses. and cervical cytology sites; opening session included a presen¬ Below is a list of upcoming strengthen existing cancer surveil¬ tation about GIS, an address by courses for which the fee can be lance systems; and develop an NEHA Regional VP Larry Gales, the waived for qualilying persons by evaluation system. history of sanitation by Howard contacting Stacy at (913) 897-8524. Information about the coalition Duncan, R. S. — starting with Lead Inspector Training: March can be obtained from the Depart¬ biblical references and including 25-27, 1996; Risk Assessment ment of Health, Breast and Cervical the “Broad Street Well” case of Training: March 28-29, 1996; Lead Cancer Control Program, at 605- London, England in 1854 (initially Abatement Training for Supervisors 773-3737, or the American Cancer investigated by John Davis, R. S.), & Contractors: May 6-10, 1996. Society, South Dakota Division, at and a motivational talk by mental There is no limit on the number 605-361-8277. health consultant Ronald R. Willis. of courses any one individual is Ken Robinson again provided allowed to attend through this offer. Group Organizes for and prepared the pork chops for Division of Continuing Educa¬ Public Health Week the opening dinner. A talk follow¬ tion, 12600 Quivira Road, Overland ing the dinner given by Dennis Park, KS 66213-2402 (913) 897- The National Public Health Foster, R. S., included some of his 8530, FAX (913) 897-8540. Week is April 7-13,1996. PubUc most memorable experiences as an health professionals and groups from environmental health professional. across South Dakota have organized The second day of the conference South Dakota Receives to plan for the week. involved several diverse presenta¬ Federal Grant The group is considering tions and the Kansas Association of reast and cervical cancer immunization clinics, health Sanitarians business meeting. New B control efforts in South Dakota screenings and other special events officers of the association were will expand with a $220,000 grant for the week. Media materials will then announced as follows: Presi¬ from the Federal Centers for be developed along with a packet dent, Dan Hutchison; 1st Vice Disease Control and Prevention for use in planning local events. President, Marvin Simonton; 2nd (CDC). CDC funds similar programs The group is also organizing a Vice President, Joseph Malinowski, Public Health Awards competition in more than 45 states. R. S.; Secretary, Galen Hulsing; to recognize outstanding public In I99i, 125 women died of Treasurer, Jerry McNamar, R. S.; health professionals and initiatives breast cancer in South Dakota and Food Section Chair, Greg Willis; with winners to be announced at the cervical cancer claimed 11 women. General Section Chair, Robert Rust; joint Fjivironmental Health and Public and Member-at-Large, Jim Cain. The grant will fund develop¬ Health Conference in Ap)ril 1996. ment of a comprehensive cervical Committee members include Lead Training Offered cancer control program for the representatives from the Indian state. As part of th.; grant, a state¬ he University of Kansas Re¬ Health Service, the Dakota Associa¬ wide coalition has formed to gional Lead Training Center is tion of Community Health Centers, now offering Lead-Based Paint Risk promote the early detection and the Sioux Falls City Health Depart¬ Assessment Training. This course control of breast and cervical ment, the South Dakota Public follows the EPA curriculum and cancer. Coalition members include Health Association, the South discusses how to find lead hazards health professionals, consumers, Dakota Environmental Health in a dwelling and advise the owner cancer survivors, and representa¬ Association, and the South Dakota on possible long- and/or short-term tives of the American Canct r Department of Health. solutions. Society, the American Association Anyone interested in helping or Because of the Kansas Asso- of Retired Persons, and the state volunteering suggestions is urged to elation of Sanitarians’ EPA Department of Health. call Sandi Durick at 605-773-3361.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Oaiiy, Food and Environmentol Sonitotion 109 UpDates

Nelson-Jameson Dryer’s new Lease and Lease Plus manage research and development programs. efforts, strategic planning, and Announces New Board coordinate with marketing and Members operations in all regions of the Beaulieu Retires from world to identify and meet global elson-Jameson, Inc., national N product needs. supplier to the dairy process¬ AMHIC She brings more than 17 years ing industry, has announced the Raymond Beaulieu of the of progressive experience in the addition of three new members to Division of Retail Food Protec¬ food industry, including ten with its board of directors. Jerry Lippert, tion in the U. S. Food and Drug the Kelco Division of Merck in George Douma and Don Lasecke Administration in Washington, D.C. Applications Research and Develop¬ have joined the firm’s board of received a plaque and the well ment. Ms. Lawson has also worked directors. wishes of Larry M. Eils, who serves with the Ralston Purina Company Jerry Lippert, Nelson- as secretary of the Automatic and Hunt Wesson Foods. Jameson’s sales manager, has been Merchandising Health-Industry She earned a Bachelor and with the company since 1992, CouncU (AMHIC). Master of Sciences in Food Science bringing with him 20 years of sales, Beaulieu is retiring from and Technology from the University purchasing and management AMHIC after 13 years of service to of California at Davis, is a member exf)erience in the paprer industry. the council, which concerns itself of IFT, and has been appointed to a George Douma, the company’s with food and public health issues variety of National IFT positions. director of operations worked 28 in the vending machine industry. Ms. Lawson has been an interna¬ years with Figi’s, Inc. before joining Eils is the director of health, safety tional speaker on ingredient Nelson-Jameson in 1S>94. Don and technical standards for the functionality and new product Lasecke, CEO of Delkor Systems, National Automatic Merchandising development and has published Inc. in Minneapolis has been Association (NAMA), the trade numerous professional articles. continuously employed in the dairy organization representing vending/ and food processing industry since Foodservice op>erators, equipment 1957. manufacturers and related suppliers Bectnn Dickinson Micro¬ throughout the United States. biology Systems Receives World Dryer Promotes ISD 9001 Cerliiication Scott Kerman Margaret A. Lawsnn Named Becton Dickinson Microbiology David Ring, Vice President- Group Leader, Product Systems, Cockeysville, MD, Sales & Service for World Development for FMC announces that, following an Dryer Corporation, has announced extensive audit performed in April Corporation 1995, its manufacturing facility at the promotion of a veteran em¬ 250 Schilling Circle, Cockeysville, ployee within the company’s sales Margaret A. Lawson has been Maryland has been certified as an organization. named Group Leader, Product ISO 9001 manufacturer by the Scott Kerman has been em¬ Development for FMC Coipora- British Standards Institution (BSi). ployed by World Dryer for 6 V2 tion’s Food Ingredients Division, one of the world’s leading produc¬ BSi, in assessing the facility, years, most recently as Northeast ers of functional ingredients for the covered the Becton Dickinson U.S. Regional Manager. Effective food processing industry. She was Microbiology Systems training October 1, 1995, he accepted the formerly Research Manager for regimen, process documentation, position of National Sales and New Zealand Milk Products, Inc. integrated policies, standards of Leasing Coordinator for the U.S. Ms. Lawson will supiervise production, maintenance programs, Scott’s responsibilities include global product development for proofs of control and other quality overseeing customer service, sales FMC’s hydrocolloid products, systems. ISO 9001 is the ISO SKKK) promotions, trade shows, lead including Marine Colloids™ Carrag¬ standard for quality assurance in generation and follow-up activities. eenan and Nutricol* konjac. As design, development, production, He will also suporvise World Group Leader, Ms. Lawson will installation and servicing, for use by

110 Dgiiy, Food ond Environmentol Sonitation - FEBRUARY 1996 a supplier to ensure conformance Eastern Sales Coordinator. Ms. opened in Hoffman Estates, Illinois, to specified requirements. O’Sullivan has been with Groen for in suburban Chicago. Following the The ISO 9000 series of stan¬ 20 years. previously announced Loders- dards were created by the Interna¬ Ms. O’Sullivan received a Croklaan (Europe/Canada) combi¬ tional Organization for Standardiza¬ bachelor’s degree from the College nation with Quest, the result will tion in order to promote common of St. Teresa in Winona, Minnesota, be a world

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmental SonHotion 111 Funds Available for Indictment in Veal Feed Food Export Promotion Cose Dour food or agricultural nn December 6, 1995, a company’s export program Grand Jury issued a 12-count may be eligible for up to indictment against Jaimes $200,000 in supjwrt per year. (John) Dopfienberg, Sherry Steffen, Market Promotion Program and the Vitek Corporation for (MPP) funds through the U.S. conspiracy and smuggling unap¬ Department of Agriculture are proved drugs into the U.S., and allocated to food producers and adding these drugs to feed mixtures processors and their export agents. sold to veal producers. Vitek Supply MPP funding is available through Corporation, located in Oak Grove, the Mid-America International Agri- Wisconsin, imports, manufactures Trade CouncU (MIATCO), a Chi¬ and distributes animal drugs, feed, cago-based association of the feed supplements, and feed Midwest State Departments of premixes for food-producing Agriculture or Trade Offices. The animals, primarily veal calves. funding encourages companies to Jannes Doppenberg is the president begin or expand international and owner of Vitek, and Sherry export programs. industry trends, information on Steffen is employed as Vitek’s office Companies may use MPP funds Hazard Analysis Critical Control manager. as part of a broad range of export¬ Point regulations (HACCP), convert¬ It is alleged in the indictment enhancing services. Under the MPP, ing Fahrenheit and Celsius tempera¬ that the unapproved drugs were companies can receive partial reim¬ tures, and the latest in temperature added by Vitek to its feed premix bursement for their promotional and humidity technology from Ryan products and shipped to feed expenditures. Small companies Instruments can access the Ryan companies and growers in Kansas, (usually less than 500 employees) homepage and receive the most up- Nebraska, Wisconsin, Minnesota, may receive up to 50 f)ercent reim¬ to-date information. This informa¬ Pennsylvania, and Illinois. It also is bursement; all others are eligible tion includes articles, brochures alleged that between 1988 and for up to 33 percent. Women and and spec sheets as well as photo¬ April 1994, Vitek sold over 1.7 minority-owned businesses are graphs of the products that Ryan million pounds of products contain¬ encouraged to participate. Instruments provides. It offers ing unapproved drugs, valued at To receive MPP funds, compa¬ hyp>er-links to other companies and almost $1.3 million dollars. The nies must be fully incorporated into government agencies for further unapproved drugs listed in the the United States, have a product information. Access is quick and indictment include: that is at least 50 percent U.S. easy. The Ryan address is http:// • Clenbuterol, one of a class of agricultural in origin by weight and www.halcyon.com/ryaninst/ or E- compounds referred to as beta be willing to promote the product mail us at [email protected]. agonists, which is a growth en¬ as “Made in the USA.” Eligible Ryan anticipates the homepage hancer. Clenbuterol has been associated with the acute poisoning expenses include attendance at will save people time and money by of humans who consumed meat trade shows and advertising. providing immediate, 24 hour a day from animals given the drug. Companies can receive an access to the information. In • Avoparcin, an antibiotic application on diskette or hard addition, this access is worldwide, which, through uncontrolled use, copy by calling their State Depart¬ breaking down the time change might result in strains of bacteria ment of Ag./Trade Office’s interna¬ issues that occur in day-to-day becoming resistant to other antibi¬ tional marketing division, or by business. In the near future, Ryan calling MIATCO directly at (312) will be offering on-line ordering otics. • Furaltadone, furazolidone, 944-3030. through the Internet. Today’s high standards of and nitrofurazone, all members of a quality, reliability and dependability class of compounds known as Ryan Instruments—On¬ demand the best. Ryan Instruments nitrofurans. Though previously has been providing monitoring approved, all of these drugs are line with the Internet systems and services, worldwide, now unapproved due to substantial yan Instruments, a leader in for over 70 years. With customers evidence that they are carcinogenic temperature and humidity in over 50 countries throughout the in animals. Furaltadone has not instrumentation, now offers world, why choose anyone but been approved since February 1985 information through the Internet. Ryan Instruments to protect your and the others have not been Companies who are interested in products. approved since January 1992.

112 Doiry, Food and Environmental Sonitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 The indictment charges a Dairy EXPO, the INTERNATIONAL cline. The consent decree perma¬ conspiracy to defraud the U.S. by DAIRY SHOW and NFPA’s 90th nently restrained and enjoined Arie circumventing the lawful functions Annual Convention to create an C. and Clara G. Van Leeuwen from of the Food and Drug Administration even larger U.S.-based, world-class administering to cattle any article of and the U.S. Customs Service, five food show. At the same time, the new animal drug and introducing or counts of smuggling, four counts of American Meat Institute (AMO will delivering for introduction into shipping misbranded drugs, and two co-locate their 1997 International interstate commerce any article of counts of shipping adulterated Meat Industry Convention and food consisting of cattle or their drugs. Vitek Corporation and Exf>osition to be held at edible tissues unless and until the Doppenberg are charged in all McCormick Place. defendants have established and twelve counts of the indictment. The presidents of the four implemented an identification coordinating associations, John M. system, a written record keeping system, a drug inventory and Martin (DFISA), E. Linwood Tipton accountability system, a system that Megashow Success (IDFA), John R. Cady (NFPA) and J. ensures that each animal has been Patrick Boyle (AMO made their Launches Plans for held for the prop)er withdrawal announcement about WORLDWIDE Worldwide Food Show period, and a quarantine or segrega¬ FOOD EXPOS ’97, at MegaShow, on tion system. in '97 November 5. They stressed that the ean Girton, Chairman of the new show is intended to mirror the n Quality Chekd Co- Dairy and Food Industries international trend toward large Supply Association (DFISA), shows that feature diverse products Founder Celebrates mentioned the 21,061 people in and services. “The presence of 95th Birthday attendance at MegaShow when 2,247 international attendees, referring to the flawless success of representing 102 countries at nrving B. Weber, co-founder the trade show, which was held at MegaShow, is an indication that we of Quality Chekd Dairy McCormick Place North, Chicago, are moving in the right direction,” Products Association, IL, November 4-7, \995. “The said Martin. They predict the event marked another historic milestone availability of technology on such a will require hotel rooms for 30,000 on Tuesday, December 19: birthday broad base has never before been visitors and more than 500,000 number 95. seen in the food industry, in the square feet of exhibit space. The lifelong Iowa City resident United States, or otherwise,” he founded the association in 1SH4, said. marking the first time such a pro¬ “Many of our members have Consent Decree Filed in gram had ever been offered to the commented that the quality of Drug Residue Case ice cream and milk industry. Today, attendees, in terms of buyers, will the association’s highest award for be difficult to top at any other trade On October 4, 1S)95, a Con¬ quality bears Weber’s name. show. Our policy at DFISA is to sent Decree of Permanent “The tremendous energy and provide food, dairy, beverage, Injunction was filed in the accomplishments of Mr. Weber are pharmaceutical and related sanitary U.S. District Court for the Eastern an inspiration to everyone who industry processors with educa¬ District of California naming Arie C. knows him and to the entire dairy tional opprortunities, technological and Clara G. Van Leeuwen, owners processing industry,” says Mel Rapp, breakthroughs and a variety of of Van Leeuwen Dairy, Modesto, managing director. Quality Chekd. exhibits that they can’t see any¬ California. This operation is prima¬ In addition to his notable dairy career, Weber has made great where else. Processors, in turn, rily a dairy farm, with a milking contributions to the town where he come prepared for that, and herd of 1,200 cows. In addition, the was bom in 1900. As the official exhibitors and processors share the farm sells cull dairy cows for historian of Iowa City, Weber has benefits,” Girton continued. “And, slaughter for human food. The injunction action against penned more than 800 newspaper DFISA’s commitment is continuing, articles chronicling the town’s past. Mr. and Mrs. Van Leeuwen was as will be witnessed at the next Many of those articles have since based on 16 reports of illegal drug mega event for the industry been compiled into books. Weber residues in cull dairy cattle offered WORLDWIDE FOOD EXPOS ‘97’ has been honored through a 1995 for slaughter during the jjeriod which is currently being planned, production of a play entitled “Irving and will be held at Chicago’s from January 22, 1991 through Weber’s Iowa City.” McCormick Place, October 30 November 17, 1S>94. The illegal A lunch was held recently at through November 2, 1997.” residues included the following the Irving B. Weber Elementary DFISA, the International Dairy drugs: streptomycin, oxytetra- School in Iowa City, at which Foods Associations (IDFA) and the cycline, penicillin, sulfamerhazine, Weber’s birthday was marked by a National Food Processors Associa¬ tetracycline, sulfathiazole, gentamicin, performance of the school tion (NFPA) will combine Food & erythromycin, and chlortetracy- children’s adaptation of the play.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiry, Food ond Eimronmontol Sanitation 113 IndustryProducts

fresh-squeezed. The CoolPure simplify cleaning and rotor disas¬ process can also provide substantial sembly, the pumps are designed product safety and shelf life ben¬ with a sealed spline area with rotor efits. nut O-rings located at the back of PurePulse Technologies, based the rotor. The T-Series shims are in San Diego, is developing and located behind the casing so rotor commercializing advanced systems clearance can be set without for sterilizing and pasteurizing gearcase disassembly. foods, packaging, medical/pharma¬ The six TSR pumps in the line ceutical products, water and air. enable processors to match frame, PurePulse Technologies is a subsid¬ rotors and seals to suit individual iary of Maxwell Laboratories, San applications. This design flexibility Diego, California, an advanced enhances operating efficiency and scientific and computer-based economy. Interchangeable rotors information systems and services accommodate a wider range of company and a leading developer temperatures and viscosities, while and manufacturer of high energy a choice of hard- or soft-faced seals pulsed-power components and accommodates abrasive or corro¬ systems. sive fluid applications. PurePulie Technologies PurePulse Technologies, San Termed the “ultra-clean” Diego, CA pumps, Tri-Clover’s five TSK CoolPure™ Low No. 380 models are designed for food, Temperature Pasteur¬ biotechnology, and pharmaceutical ization Process Receives applications. They feature an Favorable FDA Action Itl-Clover Introduces New innovative design that completely Line of Positive Dis¬ separates processed product from PurePulse Technologies, Inc. potential sources of contamination. announced that the Food and placement Pumps The pumps’ spline is totally en¬ Drug Administration has advised Introduction of a new line of closed in the rotor, eliminating the company that based on the positive displacement pumps for exposed rotor nuts, splines and extensive scientific data presented, high pressure, high performance front cover recesses—areas where the company’s CoolPure reduced operations has been announced by product can be retained and temperature pasteurization process Tri-Clover Inc. contaminated by bacterial growth. can be used broadly to treat foods This new pump design pro¬ Tri-Clover Inc., Kenosha, WI and beverages without further vides flexibility for different No. 381 regulatory action. processing requirements with a The CoolPure process uses wide selection of sizes, capacities, pulsed electrical energy to pasteur¬ tri-lobe or bi-lobe rotors, and other Diversey Introduces Diver" ize pumpable products such as options to accommodate a broad juices, beverages, milk, and liquid range of applications. Models in the White: A Powdered eggs at relatively low temperatures. line can deliver up to 290 psi. Enzyme Cleaner for CIP Because the process can be applied The new line includes TSK and at lower temperatures than those Systems to the Dairy TSR models, all of which have CIP used for conventional pasteuriza¬ Producer Market tion, no appreciable thermal capability and comply with USDA damage occurs, and the original and 3A requirements, as well as Diversey, a global supplier of fresh taste, natural color, texture international hygiene standards. milk parlor sanitation chemi¬ and functionalities of foods can be All T-Series models feature 316 cals and udder health products, retained. For example, orange juice stainless steel construction for introduces Diver™ White, a pow¬ processed with CoolPure tastes maximum corrosion resistance. To dered enzyme cleaner for CIP

114 Dairy, Food ond Environmentol Sonitolion - FEBRUARY 1996 systems on Dairy Farms. Diversey supplied complete with a stainless brings you this leading technology mounting bracket. An optional specially formulated to clean and corrosion-resistant fiberglass shine all milk pipelines and bulk cabinet which completely encloses tanks in various water conditions. the unit is also available. Its unique enzyme technology is Lynnwood Industries, more efficient and safer to use than Hawthorne, NJ normal chlorinated powdered No. 384 detei^ents because it is environmen¬ tally friendly. Diver™ White is non- phosphated, non-chlorinated and contains low amounts of sodium. Introducing the NEW Diversey Corp., Livonia, MI Universal K'“ Temperature

No. 382 Recorder Ryan^j Instruments has an¬ nounced the introduction of Cooper's Cooling the Ryan Universal K, a single Lynwood Industries Thermometer Protects channel, programmable, strip chan Safety Oriented Lynnwood temprerature recorder. The Univer¬ Against sal K is accurate, easy-to-use, Cooper Instrument Coiporation Series 4000 Oetergent- rugged, reusable and inexpensive. introduced the new cooling Iniection System Features It provides a permanent record of thermometer to protect against the Durabie, Air-Driven Pump temperature fluctuations that may number one factor contributing to affect quality and profits. This foodborne illness - the improper for Quick, Easy Washdowns versatile unit can be used in cooling of food. The new Lynnwood Series 4000 warehouses, laboratories, manufac¬ Designed with an eighteen inch Detergent Injection & Sanita¬ turing and processing plants, stem, the cooling thermometer tion System automatically injects during shipment of products and in sufficiently reaches deep into large easily controlled amounts of many other applications. Temjjcratures can be continu¬ pots recording center temperatures detergents and/or sanitizers directly ously recorded up to 40 days. It is where the cooling rate is influ¬ into the washdown stream, making easy to operate, just push a button enced the greatest. A convenient plant cleanups and equipment vessel clip attaches to the side of to start and stop. The clear window washdown procedures quick, provides visible access to recorded the container allowing the contents efficient and safe for sanitation data at any time. Chart and battery to be stirred with a cooling wand crews. replacement is quick and easy. The while reading the temperature. The Series 4000 can be hooked Universal K has a temperature “According to llACCP guide¬ up to any hose station—including range of -20° F to 100° F (-30° C to lines for cooling, foods must be Lynnwood’s own ultra safe 203 40°O with a temperature accuracy reduced to 40°F or below within Series Steam & Water and 303 of±2°F(± 1°Q Full Scale. four hours after cooking or hot Series Hot & Cold Water Hose Ryan^ Instruments, Redmond, holding otherwise foods must be WA reheated to 165°F within two hours Stations. The heart of the Series 4000 System is a compact air-driven or be thrown out. This product will No. 385 pump which eliminates elearical be key to monitoring food batches while in the cooling stage,” stated hookups. Donna Owen, Marketing Manager The durable polymer pump Nasco Introduces... The at Cooper. “The cooling thermom¬ automatically shuts off when the Whirl-Pair^ Retain Bag eter monitors internal temperatures water flow ceases. Detergent or of large food masses at this critical sanitizer concentrations are easily The new Whirl-Pak* Retain Bag control point to insure that tem¬ controlled by selecting mix propor¬ is now available from NASCO peratures are brought down within tions with an easy one-time adjust¬ in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, and the specified time frame.” ment. A single control valve allows Modesto, California. Cooper Instrument Corp., a choice of Hot Water Only, Cold The new Whirl-Pak® Retain Bag is made from a special, laminated Middlefield, CT Water Only or Detergent Wash. Lynnwood Series 4000 is barrier film that is designed for long No. 383 designed for wall mounting and is term sample retention. The bag will

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food ond EnvironniMtol SonHotion 115 IndustryProducfS, continued

hold liquids, semi-solids, or solids; 30% of full rpm, this minimum fan can be heat sealed; and will retain a speed can be adjusted. Full voltage sample for up to two years. The is applied to the fan motor on start¬ special film is 55% more effective up for 10 seconds, this hard start is against moisture and 99% more particularly important in cold effective against oxygen piermeabil- weather. Esfiecially when the ity than the regular Whirl-Pak* bags. served unit may have been out of It is ideally suited for storing action for some time, to ensure hydroscopic products. The new correct rotation of the fan even in Retain Bag is available in two sizes: windy and frosty conditions. a 6 oz. bag that holds a 4 oz. sample EDC International, Inc., Whatman Inc. and an 18 oz. bag that accommo¬ Stamford, CT dates larger samples. Protect Refrigerant/ NASCO, Fort Atkinson, WI No. 387 Desiccant Air Dryers from No. 386 Dll and Water! Sparta Introduces the Vent Prevent oil and water from entering Refrigerant and Itibe Filler Brush Desiccant Air Dryers with Mainline Sparta Brush Company has Coalescing Filters available from introduced the No. 105 Vent Whatman, Inc. Balston* K-Series Mainline Tube Filler Brush designed specifi¬ Coalescing Filters will remove cally to clean the vent tubes of 99.99% of 0.1 micron and larger oil, Federal and Fogg filling machines. water, and solid particles from The 105 features Sparlon compressed air and other gases. The EDC Inlemahonal, Inc. bristles trimmed with two different filters are designed to accommodate Head Pressure Controllers diameters for maximum cleaning line sizes from 3" to 10" at flow effectiveness, helping to eliminate capacitities of up to 40,000 scfm. EDC International in Stamford, the threat of bacteria. Plastic tubing The filters are constructed of CT is releasing a line of Head covers the exposed wire handle to carbon steel and have pressure ratings of up to 665 psig. All K- Pressure Controllers to maximize eliminate scratching. Series housings are ASME Code the operating efficiency of both air Brush part and trim lengths: 7- conditioning and refrigeration Stamped for the rated maximum 3/4" brush part with 13/32" trim, operating pressed. All K-Series systems. This is achieved by sensing and 4-1/4" brush part with 5/8" housings are ASME Code Stamped the refrigerant temperature to trim. The overall length is 25" with for the rated maximum operating modulate the condenser fan speed a wire loop handle for hanging up pressed. All units have built-legs for balancing the high to low circuit when not in use. floor mountings. vapour pressure, to significantly Sparta Brush Company is a Balston* Mainline Coalescing reduce the compressors electrical Filters are designed for easy installa¬ leading manufacturer of specialty consumption. The HPC eliminate tion, operation, and minimal main¬ brushes used in the dairy, food the possibility of excessive sub¬ tenance. Standard features include: processing, food service, beverage, cooling that occurs during periods a stainless steel automatic float gourmet, janitorial and recreational drain, a differential pressure indica¬ of low ambient temperatures, marine industries. tor, and a set of filter cartridges. reacting to even small changes in Sparta Brush Co., Sparta, WI Whatman Inc., Haverhill, MA head pressure. The HPC modulates the fan speed to a lower limit of No. 388 No. 389

The publishers do not warrant, either expressly or by implication, the factual accuracy of the products or descriptions herein, nor do they so warrant any views or opinions offered by the manufacturer of said articles and products.

116 Daily, Food ond Environmental Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 BusinessExchange


COMPLETE / LABORATORY DQD ervicesjnc. Boctwlotoglcal» Chenteal Tedkig SERVICES • Component Samples for Infrared Equipment Ingman Labs, Inc. • ESCC Control Samples • Chemical & Bacteriological Testing of Milk & Milk Products 2945 - 34th Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55405 Moundsview Business Park 5205 Quincy Street St. Paul, MN 55112-1400 612-724-0121 (612) 785-0484 FAX (612) 785-0584

Reader Service No. 153 Reader Service No. 129

NEW OPPORTUNITIES The CDT^Test Device* PARTIAL UST For testing all differential Sanitation Supv/Mgr (All Fields) controls on H.T.S.T. pasteurizers Prod Mgr (Ice Cream/Cultured) Model III ss X now shipping! QC Supv (All Fields) New adapters** connect directly to POSITIONS OPEN NATIONWIDE HTST’s sanitary pressure sensors Contact: Stephanie Menkens (813)877-7000 The Crombie Company FAX (813)286-0668 521 Cowles Ave., Joliet, IL 60435-6043 SOON.WestshoreBlvd. Model III ssx 815-726-1683 (Voice & FAX) Employer Calls Suite 850 **Adapters may be ordered separatety-fit aii previous models. Welcome Tampa. FL 33609 •05 Pal. No. 4,380,166 « Reader Service No. 213 Reader Service No. 124


In-Line Business Exchange Advertisements are now available in the Business Exchange Section of Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation.

85 « per word

Bold and capitalized words are charged as two words. Area code and phone number count as one word. All in-line business exchange ads must be paid in advance. $20.00 per ad minimum charge. For more information on how your organization may utilize these ads, call Rick NcAtee, lANFES Advertising/Exhihits Manager at (800) 369-6337 or (515) 276-3344.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmantal SanHotion 117 ComingEvents

MARCH tion, at the TREEO Center in Dept, at Purdue University. For more • 4,1996 Cornell Conference Gainesville, FL. This course provides information contact, James V. Cham¬ on Dairy Market and Product Re¬ guidelines for acceptable practices bers, Food Science Dept., 1160 Smith search, Syracuse, New York. The for annual testing of backflow pre¬ Hall, Purdue University, West program will begin with an overview vention assemblies used in cross-con¬ Lafayette, IN47907; phone (317) 494- of the potential implications of de¬ nection control programs. Individu¬ 8279. regulation of milk pricing in the dairy als wishing to register should call • 20-22, Food IrradiationTech- industry. For further information, (904)392-9570, ext. 112. nology, Chicago, IL. This course is contact Andrew M. Novakovic at • 11-12, IntemationalSeminar designed to bring food industry on Microbiological Criteria & Risk (607) 255-7602. people up-to-speed in this imp)ortant Analysis, Wolfpassing, Austria. Fur¬ • 4-5, IBC's World Summit on area of new technology. The basic ther information obtainable from E. Agricultural Biotechnology, A science and technology pertinent to Hopkin, International Dairy Federa¬ comprehensive, interactive forum on food irradiation are covered. For more utilizing biotechnology to improve tion, 41 Square Vergote, B-1040 Brus¬ information, contact Registrar, The agricultural processes, Santa Fe, NM. sels/Belgium, telephone +32 2 73316 Center for Professional Advancement, For further information call (508) 90; fax+32 2 733 04 13. PO Box 1052, East Brunswick, NJ 481-6400; fax (508) 481-7911. • 13-15, Symposium on Bacte¬ 08816; telephone (908)613-4500; fax •4-6, (Quality Assurance for riological (Quality of Raw Milk, (908)238-9113. the Food Industry, This course is Wolfpassing, Austria. Abstracts of oral • 28-30, Food Mycology—Em¬ designed to provide the participant presentations and posters are wel¬ phasis on Aspergillus and Peni- with a basic understanding of the come until January 31, 1996 and TQM process and its implementa¬ should be sent to: Dr. G. Hahn, Institut cillium Workshop, Dallas, TX. Par¬ tion in the food industry. For more fiir Hygiene, Postfach 60 69, D-24121 ticipants will review more than 40 information, contact Registrar, The Kiel (Germany), (fax) +44 431 species of fungi which are significant Center for Professional Advance¬ 609222. to the food mycologist in this three ment, PO Box 1052, East Brunswick, • 18-22, and Mycotox- day, hand-on workshop where cul¬ NJ 08816; phone (908)613-4500; fax ins in Foods, Lincoln, NE sponsor¬ tures will be examined and identifica¬ (908)238-9113. ed by The American Association of tion schemes will be discussed. For • 4-6, IBC’s Second Annual In¬ Cereal Chemists. For more informa¬ further information, call (504) 568- ternational Symposium, Obesity- tion, contact the AACC Short Course 2081 or (512) 458-7566. Advances in Understanding and Dept., 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, • 30-April 2, Dairy and Food Treatment, held at Washington Vista MN 55121-2097, USA; phone (612) Industries Supply Association, Hotel in Washington, D.C. Posters 454-7250; fax (612) 454-0766; E-maU 1996 Annual Conference, at the will be accepted up to Feb. 12,1S>96. aacc@ scisoc. org. Loews Coronado Bay Resort in San • 19-20, Carolina’s Association CaU (508) 481-6400 or fax (508) 481- Diego, CA. The Conference has grown of Milk, Food and Environmental 7911—IBC for immediate registration into an annual “must attend” event Sanitarians Annual Meeting, will or write IBC, USA Conferences, 225 for food, dairy, beverage and related Turnpike Road, Southborough, MA be held at the Best Western-Mer¬ processing industry suppliers. For chandise Mart in Charlotte, NC. Please 01772-1749. more information, contact Dorothy •4-8, Mold Identification contact Kay Sigmon at (704) 663- Brady at (703) 761-2600. Workshop, sponsored by the Food 1699 for further details. Science Dept, at Purdue University. •19-21, HACCP Workshops, For more information contact. Dr. sponsored by The Educational Foun¬ APRIL Maribeth A. Cousin, Food Science dation of the National Restaurant As¬ •2-4, South Dakota Environ¬ Dept., 1160 Smith Hall, Purdue Uni¬ sociation and the Food and Drug Ad¬ mental Health Association Annual versity, West Lafayette, IN 47907; ministration. For more information, Conference, Holiday Inn, Mitchell, phone (317) 494-8287. contact Kyle Gould at (312) 715-5369. •4-8, Backflow Prevention •20, Food Industry Confer¬ SD. For further information, contact Technician Training & Certifica¬ ence, SFKjnsored by the Food Science Rex Van Den Berg at (605) 773-3364.

118 Dutiy, Food ond Emiroameotol Sonitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 •3-5, Missouri Milk, Food & biology & Hygiene, will be held in town-Riverfront, St. Louis, MO. This Environmental Health Associa¬ Lima, Peru. The program of activities comprehensive 3-day seminar covers tion 1995 Annual Educational Con¬ includes plenary speeches by world¬ GMP’s, HACCP, ISO 9000, food safety ference, in Columbia, MO. For fur¬ wide known specialists, round tables, issues and regulatory trends, iasect ther details, contact Stephen St. Clair, posters and oral presentations, and rodent control, cleaning and sani¬ R.S. at(3l4) 221-1166. courses and seminars. For more in¬ tizing techniques, proper conditions •9-11, Backflow Prevention formation, contact Dr. Fernando for storage and transportation of food Assembly Repair and Mainte¬ Quevedo, Honorary President, 11604 products. For more information, con¬ nance, in Gainesville, FL. This course Deborah Dr., Potomac, MD 20854; tact Vicki Bodrow, ASI Food Safety is offered by The University of phone(301) 299-9291; fax (301) 299- Consultants, Inc., 7625 Page Blvd., Florida’s Center for Training, Re¬ 9448, USA; or in Peru: Santa Luisa St. Louis, MO 63133 or call (314) 725- search and Education for Environ¬ 155, Suite 204, San Isidro, Lima 27, 2555 or (800) 477-0778. mental Occupations (UF/TREEO). fax (5114) 218 317 or (5114) 373 • 30-May 3, Experimental Bak¬ This program provides participants 152. President of the Congress: Dr. ing and Dough Rheology, Fargo, with hands-on experience repairing Alina Ratto, Av. del Ejercito 467 ND sponsored by The American As¬ large diameter models from various Miraflores, Lima, Peru Tel/fax (5114) sociation of Cereal Chemists. For more manufacturers. For more information, 413 939. information, contact the AACC Short contact Tammy Gumbiner at (904) 17-19, Chemical Leavening, Course Dept., 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., 392-9570 ext. 129. San Diego, CA sponsored by the St. Paul, MN 55121 -2097, USA; phone •10-15, The Conference for American Association of Cereal Chem¬ (612) 454-7250; fax (612) 454-0766; Food Protection, at Adam’s Mark ists. For more information, contact E-mail aacc@ scisoc. org. Hotel in Denver CO. Information may the AACC Short Course Dept., 3340 be received from Leon Townsend, PUot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN 55121- MAY CFP Executive Secretary, 110 2097, USA; phone (612) 454-7250; Tecumseh Trail, Frankfort, KY 40601 fax (612) 454-0766; E-mail aacc@ •2-4, Symposium on Dairy or phone (502) 695-0253. scisoc. org. Microorganisms as Probiotics and •11-13, NAMA Western Con¬ • 21-24, American Dairy Prod¬ Nutrition Week, Potsdam, Germany. vention and Exhibition, Anaheim ucts Institute Annual Meeting and For further information, contact Prof. Dr. Chr Barth, Director, DIFE, Arthur- Convention Center, Anaheim, CA. Ex¬ Technical Conference, Rosemont, Scheunert-Allee 114-116, D-1505 hibitors of vending machines, food IL. Informative programs have been Bergholz-Rehbriicke (Germany); tele¬ products and services related to the arranged for these events and a wide range of subjects will be addressed by phone +49 33 20088216; fax +49 33 industry. For additional information speakers. Additional information can 200 85250. contact Larry Eils at (312) 346-0370. be obtained by contacting Dr. War¬ • 6-8, Third International Con¬ •11-13, The Association of ren S. Clark, Jr., Chief Executive Of¬ ference on Residues ofVeterinary Water Technologies Spring Con¬ ficer, 130 N. Franklin St., Chicago, IL Drugs in Food, Veldhoven, The ference, to be held in Anaheim, CA 60606; phone (312)7824888or (312) Netherlands. Inquiries to Dr. N. at the Disney Land Hotel. Please con¬ 782-5455; fax (312) 782-5299. Haagsma, Utrecht University, Faculty tact Mary Beth Belka at (703) 524- •29, Train-the-Trainer for ofVeterinary Medicine, Dept, of the 0905 or fax (703) 524-2303 for fur¬ Environmental Occupations, in Science of Food of Animal Origin, ther information. Gainesville, FL. This course is offered section Food Chemistry, P.O. Box • 14-16, Annual Meeting of the by The University of Florida’s Center 80.175, NL-3508 TD Utrecht, The Milk Industry Foundation Board, forTraining, Research and Education Netherlands; telephone +31-30- the National Cheese Institute for Environmental Occupations (UF/ 535365/535367; fax +31-30-532365. Board and the International Ice TREEO). This course provides par¬ •6-8, Introduction to Food Cream Association Board, to dis¬ ticipants with an understanding of Chemistry, Chicago, IL sponsored cuss current issues. For more infor¬ the agencies under which they may by the American Association of Ce¬ mation contact, IDFA, 1250 H St., be regulated: EPA, OSHA, and DOT. real Chemists. For more information, N.W., Suite 900, Washington, D.C. For more information, contact Rich¬ contact the AACC Short Course Dept., 20005; phone (202) 7374332; fax ard Zelonka at (904) 392-9570 ext. 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., St. Paul, MN (202) 331-7820. 122. 55121-2097, USA; phone (612) 454- • 14-18, The Fourth Latin •29-May 1, Food Piotection 7250; fax (612) 454-0766; E-mail American Coi^ress on Food Micro¬ Workshop, at the Holiday Lon Down¬ aacc@ scisoc. org.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food ond Eimronmentol SonHotioo 119 (onmgBvents, continued

•7'9, Food Regulations and and Communicable Disease Control. State University, Manhattan, KS. A Their Impact on Additives and For further information, call (01896) mini-symposium will occur on July Ingredients Seminar, Radisson 754751; fax (01896) 757003. 12-13. Contact Dr. Daniel Y. C. Fung, Hotel, Newark, NJ. This new seminar Workshop Director for further infor¬ presents the impact of regulations in mation, telephone (913) 532-5654; JUNE the EC, U.S.A., and some Latin Ameri¬ fax (913) 532-5681. can countries on the usage of food •2-4, IDDA's 32nd Annual additives and ingredients. For detailed Seminar & Expo; Dairy-Deli-Bake SEPTEMBER seminar agendas and registration 96, held at the Minneapolis Conven¬ please call (717) 291-5609; fax (717) tion Center in Minneapolis, MN. For • 2-3, Symposium on Years in 295-4538. further information contact IDDA, PO the Dairy Industry, Copenhagen • 12-15, Associates of Clinical Box 5528, Madison, W1 53705-0528; (Denmark). The main objective of Pharmacology 20th Annual Meet¬ this Symposium is to provide a com¬ ing, in Nashville, Tennessee. The phone (608) 238-7908; fax (608) 238- prehensive view of the role of , meeting will take place at the 6330. Opryland Hotel Convention Center. • 4-6,4th ASEPT International both positive and negative aspects, in For more information contact. Dr. Conference, Securite Alimentaire the dairy industry. For registration Frederic Harwood at (202) 737-8100 96/Food Safety 96, co-sponsored information contact Prof. M. Jakob- or fax (202) 737-8101. by lAMFES. Laval, France, with the sen. The Royal Veterinary and Agri¬ • 21-24, Wet Milling, Champaign, ASEPT/EHEDG Symposium 1996. cultural University, Dept, of Dairy IL sponsored by The American Asso¬ Contact AMGAR-ASEPT-BP49-53020 and Food Science, Rolighedsvei 30, ciation of Cereal Chemists. For more LAVAL CEDEX-France or call 33-16 43 DK-1958 Frederiksberg C Denmark; information, contact the AACC Short 49 22 22; &x 33-16 43 53 36 53. telephone+45 35 28 3215; tax+45 35 Course Dept., 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., •10-12, The 18th Mycotoxin 28 32 14. St. Paul, MN 55121 -2097, USA; phone Workshop, organized by the Insti¬ • 10-14, The 11th International (612) 454-7250; fax (612) 454-0766; tute of Mycrobiology and Toxicol¬ Packaging & Food Processing Ma¬ E-mail aacc@ scisoc. org. ogy, and held in Kulmbach, Germany. chinery and Materials Exhibition, •27-29, Principles of Cereal Further information available by Science and Technology, Chicago, Jakarta, Indonesia. For further infor¬ phone +49-9221 -803-221; or fax +49- IL sponsored by The American Asso¬ mation, telephone +44 (0)171 486 9221-803-331. ciation of Cereal Chemists. For more 1951; fax+44(0)171 4868773 or+44 •30-July 3, International As¬ information, contact the AACC Short (0)171 413 8222. sociation of Milk, Food and Envi¬ Course Dept., 3340 Pilot Knob Rd., ronmental Sanitarians, Inc. 83rd St. Paul, MN 55121 -2097, USA; phone (612) 454-7250; fax (612) 454-0766; Annual Meeting, in Seattle, WA. For OaOBER E-mail aacc@ scisoc. org. additional information contact Julie •3I-N0V. 2, NAMA National •27-31, Fourth World Con¬ Cattanach at (800) 369-6337; fax (515) Convention and Exhibition, gress on Environmental Health, 276-8655. Cervantes Convention Center, St. will take place in Aberdeen, Scot¬ Louis, MO. Exhibitors of vending ma¬ land. Subjects to be covered during JULY the Congress include Pollution Con¬ chines, food products and services trol; Food Safety; Occupational Health • 12-19,RapidMethodsandAu- related to the industry. For additional and Safety; Waste Management; Hous¬ tomation in Microbiology: Inter¬ information contact Larry Eils at (312) ing; Water; Environmental Protection; national Workshop XVI, Kansas 346-0370.

120 Doiiy, Food and Environmentol Sanitation - FEBRUARY 1996 Food Safety for Temporary Food Events Pamphlet Available

Published for local health officials and others who are educating personnel about Food Safety for Temporary Food events.

The 8 page pamphlet developed by the lAMFES Food Sanitation Professional Development Group outlines 14 steps to safe and sanitary food service events.

To receive a reproducable copy of the pamphlet, contact:

Karla Jordan, lAMFES (800) 369-6337 • (515) 276-3344 Fax (515) 276-8655

Advertising Index

Applied Research Institute. .73 Bar-Bel Fabricating Co., Inc. .73 Branson Ultrasonic. .86 Charm Sciences, Inc. .... Back Cover The Crombie Company. ... 117 Dairy, Food and Environmental Sanitation encourages readers and advertisers to submit DQCI Services, Inc. ... 117 8 Vi" X11" four-color photos to be considered for Dynal. .65 publication on the cover of the journal. Electro Steam Generator. .73 Environmental Systems Service, Ltd. .... 83 Send photographs, negatives and/or slides to: Food Analytics Inc. .80 Publication Specialist Dairy, Food and Environmentai Sanitation Ingman Labs, Inc. ... 117 6200 Aurora Ave. Judge, Inc. ... 117 Suite 200W Lechler, Inc. .80 Des Moines, LA 50322-2863 McGlaughlin Oil Co. .64 Nelson-Jameson, Inc. .61 Seiberling Associates, Inc. .73 Wisconsin Center For Dairy Research...... 83

FEBRUARY 1996 - Ooiry, Food and Environmental Sanitation 121 of the SS’^ lAMFES Annual Meeting

Monday Morning—July 1, 1996 • Large Herd Health Management Travellers Advisory—Don't Leave Home Without It! • Economics of Antibiotic Free Dairying • Medical Advice and General Food Safety Information • Planning for Adequate Waste Disposal for Travellers • Water Recovery and Reuse • Food Safety for Cruises • Western Hauling Concepts • New Findings in Washroom Microbiology Global Perspectives on f. eo/i* 0157:H7 and Other • How Safe is Airline Food Serotypes (Sponsored by I LSI) • Ethnic Food Safety • Canadian Views • The Safety of Mysterious Ethnic Foods • U.S. Views

Technical Session—Meat & Poultry Safety • Australian Views • Survival of Yersinia enterocolitica during Fermenta¬ • European Views tion and Storage of Yogurt • South American Views • Efficacy of Chlorine and Heat Treatment in Killing • U K. Views Salmonella Stanley on Alfalfa Seeds, and Growth of • Roundtable Discussion the Pathogen during Sprouting and Storage

• Inhibition of Listeria monocytogenes. Staphylococ¬ Posters—General Microbiology Pathogens cus aureus, and Bacillus cereus by the Hop fi Acid • Numerical Methods to Determine Suitability of Colupulone and Its Derivative, Hexahydrocolupulone Listeria monocytogenes Ribotype Patterns for • A Rapid Dot-Blot Immunoassay for the Detection of Normalization and Matching Salmonella enteritidis in Eggs, Poultry and Other • Differences in ELISA Reactions of Monoclonal Foods Antibodies EM-6E11 (Genus-Specific) and EM-7G1 • Antimicrobial Properties of Linear Furanocoumarins (Species-Specific) Against Live and Heat Killed Cells • The Influence of Divalent Cations and Chelators on of Listeria and Listeria monocytogenes Aflatoxin Degradation by Flavobacterium • The Incidence of Listeria Species in Market Mussel aurantiacum • Antimicrobial Agents Incorporated in Edible Films to • Determination of Nisin Activity Using an HPLC Control Microbial Growth Method • Influence of Temperature and Preincubation Tem- • Coliform and Enterobacteriaceae Coimt Compari¬ pierature on Survival of Listeria monocytogenes at sons Among Naturally Contaminated Food and pH 4.8 Environmental Samples • Significance of Preincubation Temperature and • Evidence for the Occurrence of Plant Specific Inoculum Size on Growth of Listeria monocytogenes Bacillus cereus in the Dairy Industry • Thermal Destruction of Listeria innocua in Solid • Generalized Evaluation of Isolation Methodologies Muscle Beef or Chicken for Foodbome Listeria monocytogenes • Effect of Some Additives Used in Meat Products on • The Antibacterial Effect of Tea and Tea Concentrates Behavior of Listeria monocytogenes on Clostridium botulinum • Evaluation of Rapid DNA Extraction Methods for Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in Dairy Planning for the 21st Century on the Dairy Farm Products Using the TaqMan™ Sequence Detection (part one) System • Large Farm Design from the Owner/Operator • Survey on Listeria spp. Contamination of Korean Perspective Market Pork

122 Daily, Food ond Envirooimirtol Sonitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 Predictive Modeling of Listeria spp. Inactivation in Monday Afternoon—July 1, 1996 Whole Bovine Milk in a High-Temperature, Short- Food Safety Education Time Pasteurizer • Using a Computer-Based CD-ROM Tutorial to Survival and Growth of Listeria monocytogenes Strengthen Understanding of Good Sanitary Practices Scott A in Beef and Pork Stored at Different Tempera¬ in Retail Food Stores tures • Different Ways to Get Food Safety Information to Disinfection Efficacy Against Pure-Culture and Mixed- Clientele Groups Population Biofilms of Listeria innocua and Pseudomonas aeruginosa on Stainless Steel, Teflon® • Codex Alimentarius: Its Expanded Importance in and Rubber Food Safety and International Trade Effect of Temperature and pH on the Growth of • The Management and Technology of Retail Food Listeria monocytogenes on Pork Packaged in CO^ System Food Safety Microbial Competition: Suppression of Listeria • ISO 9000/HACCP/Food Hygiene Practices: Food monocytogenes Growth by Pseudomonas Safety and Quality for the Food and Beverage Indus¬ fluorescens try Evaluation of a New Rapid Screening Test for Listeria • Food Safety Education for Teens Evaluation and Application of Listeria monocytogenes Specific Antibodies Technical Session—Sanitation Petrifilm” Listeria Count Plate: A Highly Selective • A Novel Enzyme-Linked Antibiotic Assay for Rapid Method for the Quantitative Recovery of Listeria Detection of Gram-Negative Bacteria from Environmental Samples • Quenching and Enhancement Effect on the ATP Time to Production by Nonproteolytic Bioluminescence Signal Using Different ATP Clostridium botulinum as Affected by Environmen¬ Extractans and Sanitizers tal Factors • Characterization of Alicyclobacillus Species Isolated Development of a Twenty-Four Hour Method for the from Fruit Juices and Tomatoes Detection of Bacillus cereus Spores in Raw Milk • Chemical, Microbiological, and Physical Quality of Development of a PCR Assay for the Detection of Packaged Ice in Florida Bacillus cereus • Assessment of the Microbiological Quality of Ready- Effect of Modified Atmosphere and NaCl Treatment to-Use Vegetables for Healthcare Food Service in on the Growth of Yersinia enterocolitica on Mini¬ Ontario, Canada mally Processed Broccoli Stored at 4°C • The Effect of Lactic Acid Sanitizer Treatment on Use of a Single Procedure for Selective Enrichment Listeria monocytogenes L-Forms Biofilms on Food Isolation and Identification of Plasmid-Bearing and Clinical Contact Surfaces Virulent Serotypes of Yersinia enterocolitica from Ground Pork Technical Session—General Microbiology Removal of Blood from Standard Culture Protocol • Ecology of Salmonella, Campylobacter and Listeria Enhances Recovery of Campylobacter in Chicken Production Multiplex PCR for the Identification and Differentia¬ • Evaluation of a Steam Pasteurization Process in a tion of Campylobacter coli and C. jejuni Commercial Beef Processing Facility Comparison of Selective Media for Primary Isolation • Characterization of Lactococcus spp. Isolated from of Campylobacters Using Numerical and Graphical Tools to Indicate Optimal iMedia Cooked Modified Atmosphere Packaged Poultry Meat Rapid Detection of Campylobacter jejuni in Chicken • The Optimization of a Lactic Acid Treatment for the Products by a Nested PCR Improvement of the Microbiological Quality and Safety of Poultry Carcasses The Apparent Heat-Resistance of Non-Proteolytic Clostridium botulinum Spores is Increased by • Level of Campylobacter on the Farm Associated with Endogenous Lysozyme Activity of Vegetable Extracts Levels on Processed Carcassess Microbiological Quality of Cream-Fillings from • An Effective Procedure for the Detection of Doughnuts Sold at Bulawayo, a Zimbabwean City Campylobacter spp. on Broiler Carcasses by Rinsing Cross Protection by Heat and Cold Shock to Lethal Directly with Enrichment Broth Temperatures in • Comparison of In Ovo Treatments for Reduction of Effect of Heat Shock on Sporulation, Protein Synthe¬ Salmonella Colonization in Broiler Chickens sis and Enterotoxin Production of Clostridium • Immobilization of Nisin in an Edible Gel for Reducing perfringens Bacteria on the Surface of Beef and in Ground Beef

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiiy, Food ond Enviroomeirtal SooHotioa 123 • Statistical Evaluation of a Poultry Process for the Isolation and Characterization of Lactic Acid Bacteria Determination of Overall Quality Using Conventional from Bean Sprouts which Inhibit Listeria Microbiology and ATP Bioluminescence monocytogenes • Environmental Analysis Methods Utilized to Deter¬ Occurrence of Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella mine the Contamination Source in a Sausage Process¬ spp., Escherichia coli and Escherichia coli 0157:H7 ing Plant in Vegetable Salads • Comparison of F+RNA Coliphage and Coliform Levels Growth of Listeria monocytogenes on Minimally as Fecal Contamination Indicators in a Pork Slaugh¬ Processed Broccoli with Antimicrobial Treatment terhouse Environment Application of ATP-Bioluminescence for Cleaning • Quantity and Distribution of Airborne Microorgan¬ Validation of Food Processing Equipment isms in Poultry Processing Environments Application of a Rapid ATP-Bioluminescence Method for Assessing Cleanliness of Milking Equipment Planning for the 21st Century on the Dairy Farm (part two) Monitoring Cleanliness of Food Contact Surfaces Using Rapid ATP-Bioluminescence Method • Eco-Agriculture—Sustaining the Dairy Cow A New Medium for the Quantification of Bacteria in • Proper Design of Milking Equipment Food After 24 Hours • On Farm Ultra Filtration Equipment Real Time Monitoring of Lactic Fermentations Using • Regulatory Concerns Impiedance Microbiology • Electronic Communication on the Dairy Farm The Efficacy of Washing and Sanitizing Animal • Farm Uses of Computer Technology Hauling Trucks Enhanced Detection of Pathogens in Meat Products Controlling Cscherichia co/i 0157:H7and Friends in Using Automated Malthus Conductance Assays Meat Genetic Characterization and Identiflcation of Lactic • Industrial Perspective Acid Bacteria Important to the Food Industry Using • Farm Prevalence of EHEC and Production Interven¬ Automated Ribotyping tion Strategies Growth of and Antagonism by Leuconostoc gelidum • Effect of Carcass Decontamination Procedures on UAL 187 in Vacuum Packaged Coarse Ground Beef Microflora Oregon Consumers’ Use of U.S.D.A. Safe Handling • Intervention Strategies in Primary Processing—New Instructions Label on Meats and Poultry and Their Zealand Experience Knowledge of Foodbome Illness Risks • Physiological Control of EHEC An Evaluation of the Efficacy of Two Beef Carcass • Control of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Dry, Fer¬ Decontamination Methods mented Sausage Isolation of Hafnia alvei from Commercially- Prepared, Chub-Packed Ground Beef, and Its Posters—Methods/Sanitation Importance in Meat Spoilage • Assessing Microbial Hazards from Chilled/Frozen Microbiology of Aquacultured Striped Bass Grown in Foods Exposed to Refrigeration Failure Earthen Ponds, Flow-Through Tanks, and Recirculat¬ • Microbial Quality of Vacuum Packaged Cook/Chill ing Tanks Foods Prepared in a Hospital Growth of Psychrotrophic Pathogens on Refrigerated • Automated Ribotyping-Based Assessment of Diversity Aquacultured Rainbow Trout and Channel Catfish in Bovine Mastitis-Causing Microorganisms Filets • A Comparison of Various Phenotypic and Genotypic Methods for Typing Enterobacter sakazakii Effect of Organic Acids on the Microflora of Channel Catfish (Jctalurus punctatus') • Comparative Recovery of Coliforms from Meat and Milk Using M-ColiBlue 24 and Standard Methods Comparison of Quality in Aquacultured Fresh Catfish • Rapid Coliform Counts of Raw Milk Filets II: Pathogens Eschericha coli 0157:H7, Campylobacter, Vibrio, Plesiomonas and Klebsiella • Microbiological and Sensory Quality of Milk • Fermented Milk Containing Bifidobacterium Microbial Evaluation of Salmon Roe Processed in longum Potentiates immune Respose of the Host Alaska • Survival and Growth of Aeromonas hydrophila and Biogenic Amines in Fish Sauces Listeria monocytogenes on Raw Cabbage and Celery Quality of Surimi Made from Tilapia and Carp

124 Doity, Food ond Environmental Sonitotion - FEBRUARY 1996 Tuesday Morning—July % 1996 • Round Table Discussion on Plant Design and Equip>- Use of Indicator Microorganisms in Food Safety ment for Aseptic Processing • Introduction—Purposes and Uses of Microbial • Regulatory Concerns of Aseptic Processing Indicators • Use of Microbial Indicators—Regulatory Perspective Emerging Issues in Communicating Food Safety Risks • Use of Microbial Indicators—Industry Perspective • Consumer Perceptions of Food Safety Issues; What • Research Perspectives: Value of Microbial Indicators do We Know and How are We Using That Informa¬ in Environmental Monitoring tion in Developing Risk Communication Strategies? • Microbial Indicators and Foodbome Pathogens— • Changing Patterns in North America Newspaper Salmonella Coverage of Microbial Food Safety Risks and Implica¬ • Microbial Indicators and Foodbome Pathogens— tions for Risk Communication Escherichia coli 0157:H7 • Food Safety Risk Communication—What’s Out There • Alternative Microbial Indicators and Food Safety and What’s Still Needed • Effects of Professional and Media Warnings About the Technical Session—Escherichia coli/Listeria Hazards of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Prior to and • Acid and Heat Tolerance of Acid Habituated After the 1993 Jack-In-The-Box Outbreak Escherichia coli 0157:H7 • Anatomy of a Campaign; Designing Food Safety • Changes in Heat-Resistance of Escherichia coli Education for Those at Risk 0157:H7 Following Heat Shock and Acid-Shock • Incorp>orating Risk Communication into an Overall • Survival of Unheated and Heat-Stressed Escherichia Risk Analysis Framework For Emerging Foodbome coli 0157:H7 in Salami and Suitability of Plating Disease Media for Its Recovery • Isolation and Characterization of Substances Inhibi¬ Posters—Escherichia coli/Listeria tory to Escherichia coli 0157:H7 and Listeria • A Definitive and Rapid Method for Identifying monocytogenes Atypical Salmonella from Seleaive Agar Plate • Outer Membrane Proteins and Adherence of Iron- • Control of Enteric Pathogenic Bacteria on Fresh Stressed Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli to HEp- Produce 2 Cells • Evaluation of the Salmonella BAX™ System. A Rapid • Survival of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 during Fermen¬ PCR Based Method for the Analysis of Foods for tation of Apple Cider Foodbome Salmonella • Sensitivity of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Isolates to • Establishing Baseline Risk for Salmonella enteritidis Ionizing Radiation at Refrigeration Temperatures in Shell Eggs • Application of a Fluorogenic 5’ Nuclease PCR Assay • Elimination of Salmonella and Staphylococcus for Detection of Listeria monocytogenes in Raw Milk aureus from Bison, Ostrich, Alligator, and Caiman • Development of a Bacteriophage—Mediated ATP Meat by Gamma Irradiation Bioluminescent Detection System for Listeria • Detection of Salmonella in Food Using a Novel PCR- monocytogenes Based Fluorogenic 5' Nuclease Assay • Use of Nisin to Control Listeria monocytogenes in • Rapid Molecular Method for the Detection of Human Queso Fresco Cheese Enteric Viruses in Clams • Response of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in the Pres¬ • The Effects of Some Extrusion and Canning Pro¬ ence of Sodium Lactate during Refrigerated Storage cesses on Deoxynivalenol with and without Temperature Abuse • Electron Microscopy of Fungal Spores Produced under Reduced Water Activity Increasing Dairy Product Shelf Life • Stability of Fumonisin B, (FB,) during Extrusion • Process Improvement Through the Use of Computer¬ Cooking ization • Inhibition of Growth and Mycotoxin Production of • The Use of Computerized Processing/CIP Controls Penicillium by Lactobacillus Species • The Cheese HACCP Pilot Program • An Easy Screening Test for Detecting Contami¬ • Round Table Discussion on Increasing Shelf-Life nation in Rinse Water Samples From 16 to 21 Days • Fumonisin Concentrations in Commercial Corn- • The Economics of Aseptic Processing Based Food Products

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmemal Somtolioa 125 • Rentention of Acid Tolerance and Acid Shock Wednesday Morning—July 3, 1996 Responses in Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Microbiological Issues in Seafood • A Model for the Interactions of Temperature pH, • Parasites in Seafoods Lactate, Salt and Nitrite on the Survival of Escheri¬ • Marine Toxins chia coli 0157;H7 • Control of Bacterial Pathogens in Seafood • Effectiveness of Sanitizers vs. Escherichia coli • Risk Assessment of Seafood in Canada-Initial Stages 0157:H7 • Epidemiology and Detection of Human Enteric • Heat Shock Response Protects Escherichia coli Viruses in Seafood 0157:H7 Against Lethal Acidity • Aquaculture • Survival of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Drinking and Recreational Water Microbiology of Wine • Heat Inactivation and Injury of Escherichia coli • Quality Control Aspects in Winemaking 0157:H7 Cultured at 10 and 37°C • Influence of Yeast Strains on Wine Quality • Studies on the Survival of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 • Yeast Enumeration and Identification in Fermented Meat Products • Interaction Between Yeasts and Malo-lactic Bacteria • Evaluation of an ELISA System for Detecting Verotoxin Produced by Enterohemorrhagic • Physiology of the Malo-lactic Bacteria Escherichia coli (EHEC) • Wine Spoilage Microorganisms and Their Control • A Multiplex PCR Assay for Detecting Verotoxin- Producing Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Dairy Foods Safety and Quality—Dairy Foods Research Centers • The Behavior of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Fer¬ mentation Systems with Thermophilic and • The Development and Use of Bacteriocin-Containing Mesophilic Dairy Starter Cultures Dairy Ingredients to Control Unwanted Microorgan¬ isms in Formulated Foods • Thermal Inactivation of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in • Survival of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Fermented Meat Dairy Foods • Validation of Pepperoni Processes for Control of • Mastitis Pathogens of Public Health Concerns Escherichia coli 0157:H7 • Microbiological Safety and Quality of Reduced-Fat • Survival of Escherichia coli 0157:H7, Listeria Cheddar Cheese monocytogenes, and Salmonella typhimurium in • HACCP Model Programs for the Dairy Industry Ground Beef Jericy • Acid Stress and Death in Pathogenic Escherichia coli Framework for Accessing the Risk of Microbial • Effect of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Growth in the Contamination (Sponsored by ILSI) Presence or Absence of Glucose on Its Acid Toler¬ • Role of Risk Assessment in Microbial Food/Water ance Safety Regulatory Issues • Prevalence of Escherichia coli 0157:H7 in Lebanon • Risk Assessment Principles Document of the U.S. National Advisory Committee on Microbial Criteria • A PCR-Based Method for the Detection of for Foods Escherichia coli 0157:H7 from Ground Beef • Overview of Risk Assessment in the Agri-Food Industry: Approaches to Identifying Intervention Tuesday Afternoon—July 2, 1996 Strategies General Session—Ensuring o Safe Global Food • Principles for Microbial Water Safety Risk Assessment Supply (Sponsored by ILSI) • International Risk Assessment Guidelines for Foods • Foodbome Disease: A Global Perspective of Animal Origin • Microbial Food Safety Issues and Concerns in Interna¬ • European Perspectives on Microbial Risk Assessment: tional Trade: Harmonization and Standards International Commission on Microbiological • Microbial Food Safety Issues and Concerns in Interna¬ Specifications for Food tional Trade: Food Industry Perspective Wednesday Afternoon—July 3, 1996 • Microbial Hazards Associated with Produce Surveillance of Foodborne and Waterborne • Emerging Issues in Produce Safety Disease • Microbial Hazards Associated with Seafood • Salmonella enteritidis Surveillance in New York • Emerging Issues in Seafood Safety State

126 Dairy, Food ood Enviroanwntal Sonitatiofl - FEBRUARY 1996 • Escherichia coli 0157:H7 Outbreaks in the North¬ • Immuno-Based Methodology for Detection of east United States Competitive Exclusion Cultures • Foodbome Disease Surveillance-A National Perspec¬ • The Utility of Molecular Assays for Understanding tive Microbial Gene Expression in Gastrointestinal Tracts • Foodbome Disease Surveillance in Latin America and Emerging Issues in Food Mycology the Caribbean-An International Perspective • Detection, Control and Toxicity of Fumonisns and • On Sites Investigation of Waterborne Disease Other Fusarium Toxins • Procedures to Investigate Waterborne Illness • Alternative Methods for Isolation, Culture and Identification of Fungi in Foods Current Methods and Future Prospects for the • Immunological and Genetic Methods to Rapidly Control of Foodbome Pathogen Colonixation in the Detect Fungi in Foods Gastrointestinal Tract • Biocontrol of Mold Growth and Mycotoxin Produc¬ • Historical, Current, and Future Prospects for tion Probiotic Research—International Perspectives • Heat Resistant Molds and Preservative Resistant • Strategies for Controlling Salmonella enteritidis in Yeasts Egg-Laying Chickens Intervention Strategies for Safe Meats: Production • Ecological Concepts for Developing Continuous- to Consumers Flow Competitive Exclusion Cultures for Food Animals • Probiotics • Slaughter • Virulence Mechanisms of Bacterial Pathogens and the Effect of Human Biota Interactions in the Gut • Chemical Treatments/Bacteriocins • Irradiation • Research Strategies for Understanding Foodbome Pathogen Competiveness under Strict Anaerobic and • Retail Gastrointestinal Conditions • Restaurants

83rd lAMFES Annual Meeting Spouse/Companion l^ours andS'pcciaC ‘Events

Sunday, June 30—10:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. the Pacific Rim cultural influences abound. The tour Sample Seattle — A Deluxe City Tour continues along Lake Washington into the Arboretum Registration: $30 (Late $35) Lunch on your own and on to the University of Washington campus. The Hiram Chittenden Locks and salmon ladders will be the Come sample Seattle — This tour provides an first stop. The locks connect the Puget Sound with overview of the many attractions Seattle offers its freshwater Lake Union and the salmon ladders feature visitors. You’ll enjoy a drive along the waterfront with seasonal migration of salmon returning to parent its impiort shops and fresh seafood restaurants. Then streams to spawn. Next you will travel to Magnolia BlufiT you’ll drive into Pioneer Square, the city’s oldest area for a breathtaking view of the Sound. Then back to the rich with early 1900’s architecture, much of which has city and the world famous Pike Place Maiket for been renovated into art galleries and specialty shops. shopping. The day will be capped off with a visit to the Next is the International District in which evidence of Space Needle observation deck.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiry, Food and Environmoirtol Sonitolioii 127 opening Session Country Sampler Ivon Parkin Lectureship Tuesday, July 2, 1996 — 9:00 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. Sunday, June 30 — 7:00 p.m. Registration: $30 (Late $35), Lunch on your own

Lecture: Sense, Nonsense, and Science presented This favorite outing begins with a scenic ride by: Joseph A. Schwarcz, Ph.D., Professor of Chemistry, through the foothills of the Cascade Mountains to Vanier College; Senior Adjunct Professor of McGill breathtaking Snoqualmie Falls. Once worshipped by University; Science Editor of CJAD Radio; TV Columnist Native American Indians as a place for the gods, these on The Discovery Channel. falls are actually 97 feet higher than Niagara! Next you’re off to Gilman Village in Issaquah. The homes are historic and provide a unique setting for shops which Cheese and Wine Reception held in the Exhibit Hall include hand-crafted jewelry, clothing, home accesso¬ Sunday, June 30 — 8:00 p.m. — 10.00 p.m. ries and freshly baked goods. You will have time to The traditional opening of the Educational Exhibits explore. The last stop will be Chateau Ste. Michelle, and an opportunity to learn about the latest industry Washington’s premier winery. Nestled on 87 acres of advancements as well as greet old friends and make rolling grounds, the original manor house was built in 1912 and is surrounded by formal gardens, a trout new friends. pond, and hundreds of lush shrubs and flowers. During your private guided tour, you will witness the marvel of Monday Night Gala wine-making and learn the “sniff, swirl, and slurp” Evening at Redhook Ale Brewery method of wine tasting as you sample world famous wines. July 1 — 6:00 p.m. — 10:00 p.m. Registration: $45 (Late $50) The evening includes fresh Northwest ales and Historic Seattle cuisine at Redhook Ale Brewery, one of the Pacific Wednesday, July 3, 1996 —9K)0 cun.-3:30 p^n. Northwest’s premier microbreweries. Enjoy an intimate Registration: $30 (Late $35), Lunch on your own look at the brewhouse and fermentation cellar with Discover the intrigue of Seattle’s history and its resident experts on hand to answer any questions fascinating architecture on this informative tour. You concerning the process of creating hand-crafted ales. will break into smaller groups and begin your tour with An assortment of Redhook ales will be available for a short walk to the Fifth Avenue Theater, a national sampling with your souvenir tasting glass. After a causal historical landmark, where you will hear about the brewhouse style dinner you can spend time socializing theater’s latest production and enjoy the dramatic while enjoying the natural beauty of the countryside in interior. Next is a short walk to Seattle’s most recent the outdoor beer garden. architectural feat, the Underground Metro Bus Timnel. You’ll experience an incredibly clean, beautiful marbled All Dolled Up: The Museum of Doll Art and tunnel on your trip down to Pioneer Square. The Shopping at Bellevue Square history of Seattle will unfold before you and come to Monday, July 1, 1996 — 9:00 a.m.— 3:00 p.m. life as you are guided through the streets on a walking Registration: $30 (Late $35), Lunch on your own tour of the district. During your tour you will visit the Klondike Museum and Seattle’s Underground where You will visit an extraordinary museum dedicated you will see “old Seattle." During the afternoon you will to the preservation and exhibition of dolls as an art have time to enjoy the area. The tour ends with a bus form. The nostalgia of Rosalie Whyel’s Museum of Doll trip back to your hotel. Art will fill you with memories of days gone by. Here you will witness one of the world’s fine collections of dolls, teddy bears, toys and miniatures. Over 700 dolls lAMFES Annual AwcrcPs Receprion and Banquet, ranging from rare porcelain pieces from the 18th Wednesday, July 3 century to Barbie and GI Joe are on display. After you Reception: 6:00 p.m. — Banquet: 7:00 p.m. experience the charm of the museum and its eloquent Registration: $35 ($40 Late) Victorian Gardens you will depart for Bellevue Square with over 200 shops and restaurants. Time will be lAMFES Kid's Pizza Banquet provided for shopping. If shopping is not your forte, Wednesday, July 3 — 6:30 p.m. — 9:30 p.m. visit the Bellevue Art Museum on the third floor where Registration: $15 ($20 Late) contemporary Northwest an is on display. Then relax while sipping a cappuccino at Seattle’s Best Coffee, or Adult supervised for children ages 4 and up. Pizza, savor a warm cinnamon roll at Cinnabon. pop and activities provided.

128 Miy, Food ORd Environinomal Sonitotioa - FEBRUARY 1996 83rd lAMFES Annual Meeting Registration Form Sheraton Seattle Hotel & Towers — Seattle, WA — June 30 - July 3, 19% (Use photocopies for extra registrations)

Please check where applicable:

E^lrst Name (will appear on badge) (please print) Last Name —_lAMFES Member _Non-Member _Local Arrangements Employer _30 Yr. Member _SO Yr. Member _Past President _Executive Board Mailing Address (Please specify: Home or Work) _Speaker _Honorary Life Member _Exhibitor State/Province Country Postal/Zip Code _lAMFES Sustaining Member _lAMFES Program Advisory Committee Telephone #

FTtZ ^o C2 Uj 1) c8 Sign up to become O « i: Credit Card payments may be sent via Fax today! a NEW member 515-276-8655 and take advantage of the member discount ♦REGISTER BY MAY 31,1996 TO AVOID LATE REGISTRATION FEES

REGISTRATION: NON-MEMBERS Registration (Banquet included) $195 ($240 late)* $275 ($320 late)* Student Member $ 25 ($ 35 late)* Not Available One Day Registration (Circle: Mon/Tues/Wed) $100 ($120 late)* $130 ($150 late)* Spouse/Companion (Name):_ $ 25 ($ 25 late)* $ 25 ($ 25 late)* Children (14 & Under), Names:_ FREE

NEW MEMBERSHIP FEES: Membership with Dairy, Food & Environmental Sanitation Membership with Dairy, Food & Env. Sanitation & Journal of Food Protection ••Student Membership □ Dairy, Food & Env. San. or □ Journal of Food Protection ••Student Membership with Dairy, Food & Env. San. & Journal of Food Protection •*Full-time student verification required. SHIPPING CHARGES: OUTSIDE THE U.S. - SURFACE RATE $ 22.50 per journal $ 95.00 per journal

OTHER FEES: PER PERSON # OF TICKETS Cheese and Wine Reception (Sun., 6/30) FREE An Evening at Redhook Ale Brewery (Mon., 7/1) $ 45 ($ 50 late)* lAMFES Awards Banquet (Wed., 7/3) $ 35 ($ 40 late)* Children’s Banquet (Wed., 7/3) $ 15 ($ 20 late)*

SPOUSE/COMPANION EVENTS: PER PERSON Sample Seattle (Sun., 6/30) $ 30 ($ 35 late)* Museum of Doll Art & Bellevue Square (Mon., 7/1) $ 30 ($ 35 late)* Country Sampler (Tues., 7/2) $ 30 ($ 35 late)* Historic Seattle (Wed., 7/3) $ 30 ($ 35 late)*

LJ Please indicate here if you have a disability requiring special accommodations.

Credit Card Payments: Please Circle: VISA/MASTERCARD/AMERICAN EXPRESS Total Amount Enclosed $_ Exp. Date. U.S. FUNDS DRAWN ON UA BANK

Name on Card_ Signature Registration Information Refund/Cancellation Policy Rental Car Information Send payment with tegistration to lAMFES, 6200 Aurora Avenue, The lAMFES policy on refunds and/or cancellations is as fol¬ Suite 200W, Des Moines, lA 50322-2863. Make checks payable to lows: Registration fees, minus a $50 processing fee, will be For information on special rental car rates from lAMFES. Registration must be post-marked by May 31, 1996. refunded for written cancellations post-marked by June 14, 19%. Registration post-marked after May 31, 19% will be charged the No refunds will be made for cancellations post-marked after Budget call I-800-866-6137. Please mention Rale Code: late registration fee. For additional information contact Julie June 14, 19%, however, the registration may be transferred to V9Y and BCD #: U009666. Cananach at 1-800-369-6337. a colleague with written notification to lAMFES.

FEBRUARY 1996 - Dairy, Food and Environmentol Sonitatioo 129 ^ s .s;^ S CO UJ CO . V*** mSk eg S5 u.1 = S o ^ ^ ^ ^CQ .I S S ^ 5 •r 2 *S |5| gp 00 » tt gg u o I 1^ S*f 1^ ^ (73 ^3*0? ^ CQ 2 7- s s s ^ e JL 33 -JS CO ^

•O flQ « ® 60 3 c o (2

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130 Dwy, Ftd aid EiwoMawlal SanHotioii - FEBRUARY 1996 The International Association of Milk, Food and Environmental Sanitarians, Inc. 6200 Aurora Avenue, Suite 200W • Des Moines, Iowa 50322-2863 • (515) 276-3344 or (800) 369^337

SHIP TOs (Please print or type. All areas must be completed in order to process.)


Job Title_ Company Nonre

lAMFES Address_

City_ State Of Province

Country_ Zip/Postol Code _

Office Telephone #.

lAIAFES Booklets

Member or Non-Member Description Gov't. Price Price

Procedures to Investigate Waterborne Illness $8.00 $12.00

Procedures to Investigate Foodbome lUness—4th Edition 6.00 9.00

Procedures to Investigate Arthropod-borne and Rodent-borne Illness 6.00 9.00

Procedures to Implement the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System 6.00 9.00

Pocket Guide to Dairy Sanitation (minimum order of 10) .50 .75

Mwltlpl* copi«s availabi* «t r«diK«d prk«s. Shipping/Handling (See Below) Phone our order desk for pricing information on quantities of 25 or more. Booklet Total 3-A Sanitary Standards

Member or Non-Member Description Gov't. Price Price

Complete Set 3-A Dairy Standards $48.00 $72.00

Complete Set 3-A Dairy & Egg Standards 70.00 105.00

3-A Egg Standards 40.00 60.00

Five-year Update Service on 3-A Sanitary Standards, 3-A Dairy & Egg Standards 62.00 93.00

call (515) 276-3344, (800) 369-6337 (U.S. and Canada); 3-A Sanitary Standards Total or fax your order to (515) 276-8655. Total Order Amount

1 Method of Payment Shipping and Handling



Each additional booklet.$1.00 Pocket Guide to Dairy Sanitation—per 10 .. $2.50 Exp. Date Outside U.S. First booklet.$4.00 SIGNATURE Each additional booklet.$1.00 Pocket Guide to Dairy Sanitation-per 10 .. $3 50 PAYMENT MUST BE ENCLOSED FOR 3-A Sonltoiy Stondonls ORDER TO BE PROCESSED Within U.S. (each item).$6.25 Outside U.S. (each item).$10.25 ★ U.S. FUNDS ON U.S. BANK ★

FEBRUARY 1996 - Doiry, Food and Enviroomoirtal Sooitalion 131 132 Dairy, FoodandEnviroomontol Sonitotion-FEBRUARY 1996

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