5976 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 5 April 21, 2010 and today that commitment extends to those burdened by this failure. When wounded or Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin on his dedicated individuals who care for our wound- disabled veterans return home from overseas, 10th year of service as of the ed warriors. family members often become their primary House of Representatives. Mr. ADLER of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I caregivers. However willing these individuals The Clerk read the title of the resolu- rise in support of S. 1963, the Caregivers and may be to care for their loved one, the truth tion. Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act. is that family members often lack the re- The text of the resolution is as fol- The Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus sources or skills needed to provide the care lows: Health Services Act is a comprehensive piece that our veterans deserve. S. 1963 will provide H. RES. 1216 of legislation aimed at augmenting the support training and financial assistance to family Whereas Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin has services available to family caregivers of caregivers, so that veterans’ families can af- served honorably and faithfully as Chaplain wounded veterans, improving VA services to ford to provide them with quality care. of the House of Representatives since being women veterans, preventing veteran home- In addition, S. 1963 will improve health care sworn in as the 59th Chaplain on March 23, lessness, and increasing mental health care for female veterans. For too long, female vet- 2000; access to veterans. erans have lacked access to comprehensive Whereas Reverend Coughlin was born on This historic bill achieves so many nec- November 8, 1934, in , ; health care. We cannot stand for this kind of Whereas Reverend Coughlin graduated essary and important goals. First, it provides discrimination. S. 1963 will break down this from St. Mary of the Lake University in immediate support for veteran caregivers by barrier and give female veterans access to Mundelein, Illinois, becoming a Licentiate of creating a program to offer caregiver training, health professionals specializing in the specific Sacred Theology in 1960, and from Loyola access to mental health counseling, and 24- health care needs of women. Among many University in Chicago, Illinois, with a degree hour respite care in the veteran’s home. Fam- other things, the bill will provide counseling in Pastoral Studies in 1968; ily caregivers sacrifice so much of their own and care to female veterans suffering from Whereas Reverend Coughlin was ordained lives in order to care for our nation’s heroes. sexual trauma. for the Archdiocese of Chicago on May 3, It is so important that we give them every sup- 1960; This bill will also provide an array of new Whereas Reverend Coughlin was appointed portive service they need so they do not be- health services for veterans, ensuring that the first Director of the Office for Divine come overwhelmed by the daily realities of every veteran has access to the care that he Worship for the Archdiocese of Chicago; caring for a wounded veteran. or she deserves. The bill will expand care for Whereas Reverend Coughlin spent a year- Second, this bill seeks to build a VA health veterans in rural areas, because where vet- long sabbatical in residence with the Trap- care system respectful of the unique medical erans live should never determine the quality pist monks of the Abbey of Gethsemani in needs of women veterans. For the first time, of care that they receive. It will improve mental Kentucky, and served the poor through the VA will be authorized to provide health care health support for veterans, because we must in Calcutta, India, in for newborn infants of women veterans. Our 1984; respond to traumatic experiences that our men Whereas Reverend Coughlin served as women veterans deserve private health care and women in uniform are braving in Iraq and scholar-in-residence at North American Col- that is respectful of their unique medical Afghanistan. Finally, this legislation will help lege in Vatican City; needs. homeless veterans find housing, because it is Whereas Reverend Coughlin was pastor at This bill also seeks to expand VA services simply unacceptable for our veterans to risk St. Francis Xavier Parish in La Grange, Illi- that are designed to end veteran homeless- their lives for our country and return home to nois, from 1985 through 1990; ness. It is unacceptable that the brave men live on the streets. Whereas Reverend Coughlin worked as and women who fought in service to our coun- Mr. Speaker, our men and women in uni- Vicar for Priests of the Archdiocese of Chi- cago under both Joseph Cardinal Bernardin try would go without a place to rest their form have assumed the responsibility of pro- heads at night. I applaud these efforts to aug- and Francis Cardinal George from 1995 tecting us and the values that we cherish as through 2000; ment Secretary Shinseki’s plan to end veteran American citizens; we, then, have a responsi- Whereas the Office of the Chaplain of the homelessness in the next 5 years. bility to them. We must provide them with sup- House of Representatives has served the The Caregivers and Veterans Omnibus port they need to live healthy and financially House since May 1, 1789; Health Services Act deserves our undivided stable lives upon returning home. This bill will Whereas Reverend Coughlin is the first support. I urge my colleagues to vote in favor do just that. I strongly urge my colleagues to person of Roman Catholic faith to hold the of S. 1963. join me in supporting S. 1963. Office of Chaplain of the House of Represent- Ms. RICHARDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise Mr. FILNER. I yield back the balance atives; and today in support of S. 1963, the ‘‘Caregivers Whereas Reverend Coughlin opens pro- of my time. ceedings in the House of Representatives and Veterans Omnibus Health Services Act of The SPEAKER pro tempore. The with prayer, and additionally provides pas- 2009,’’ which will finally give our brave men question is on the motion offered by toral counseling and arranges memorial and women in uniform the benefits they de- the gentleman from California (Mr. services for the House and its staff: Now, serve and provide their families and caregivers FILNER) that the House suspend the therefore, be it with the support that they need. Too many of rules and pass the bill, S. 1963, as Resolved, That the House of Representa- our veterans return home—many of them amended. tives congratulates Reverend Daniel P. wounded or disabled—after risking their lives The question was taken. Coughlin on his 10th year of faithful service as Chaplain of the House of Representatives. on our behalf and do not receive adequate The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the health care or benefits. Too many families fall opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- into debt as they assume the responsibility of in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ant to the rule, the gentleman from caring for a loved one who has returned from Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, on that I Massachusetts (Mr. CAPUANO) and the Iraq or Afghanistan. This bill will right these in- demand the yeas and nays. gentleman from California (Mr. DANIEL justices. The yeas and nays were ordered. E. LUNGREN) each will control 20 min- I thank Chairman FILNER for his leadership The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- utes. in bringing this bill to the floor. I also thank the ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the The Chair recognizes the gentleman sponsor of this legislation, Senator AKAKA, for Chair’s prior announcement, further from Massachusetts. working hard to ensure that our Nation’s dedi- proceedings on this motion will be GENERAL LEAVE cation to its veterans matches their selfless postponed. Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I ask devotion to this country. f unanimous consent that all Members Mr. Speaker, representing a district that is have 5 legislative days in which to re- home to over 24,000 veterans and the VA CONGRATULATING REVEREND vise and extend their remarks and to Medical Center of Long Beach, I understand DANIEL P. COUGHLIN ON 10TH include extraneous matter on House the work that must be done to uphold our Na- YEAR OF SERVICE AS HOUSE Resolution 1216. tion’s obligation to its veterans. Unfortunately, CHAPLAIN The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there for years the health care services provided for Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I move objection to the request of the gen- our Nation’s veterans have been inadequate. to suspend the rules and agree to the tleman from Massachusetts? Veterans’ families have been especially over- resolution (H. Res. 1216) congratulating There was no objection.

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Mr. CAPUANO. I yield myself such As has been mentioned, Father SKI and the rest of my colleagues in the time as I may consume. Coughlin is the first Roman Catholic House to recognize Father Coughlin on Mr. Speaker, this resolution recog- House Chaplain. Following after the this achievement. nizes the Reverend Daniel Coughlin. Reverend James Ford, Father Coughlin Father Daniel Coughlin is the first Where is he? has diligently, humbly, compas- Roman Catholic House Chaplain since Come on, Father. Come on up if sionately, and intelligently served this the position was created in 1774. He was you’re watching. We want to see you. House, its Members, our families, and ordained for the Archdiocese of Chi- This resolution recognizes the service this Nation. cago on May 3, 1960, and for the next 5 of Rev. Daniel P. Coughlin as the Chap- Born during the Great Depression, years served as an associate pastor for lain of the U.S. House of Representa- Father Coughlin has a prestigious St. Raymond Parish in Mount Pros- tives. record, one that demonstrates his deep pect, Illinois, before becoming an asso- Rev. Coughlin was sworn in as the desire to heal a broken society. A grad- ciate pastor at Chicago’s Holy Name 59th Chaplain of the House of Rep- uate of St. Mary of the Lake Univer- Cathedral. In 1969, he was appointed as resentatives on March 23 of the year sity in Illinois, he was ordained for the the first director of the Archdiocese’s 2000. The passing of that date this year Archdiocese of Chicago in the spring of Office for Divine Worship. marked a decade of providing spiritual 1960. In addition to serving as a pastor In 1984, Father Coughlin took a year- counseling and prayer to both Members and as a director in various offices long sabbatical, as my colleagues have and staff. Rev. Coughlin follows in a within the Chicago diocese, Father noted, which sent him to serve with tradition that has served this House Coughlin has studied world religions, the Trappist monks in Kentucky, coun- since May 1, 1789, when Rev. William has lived with Trappist monks, has sel the poor in Calcutta, and serve as a Linn was elected Chaplain of the worked with the Missionaries of Char- scholar-in-residence at North Amer- House. ican College in Vatican City in Rome. I urge all Members to support this ity in Calcutta, India, and has served Following his sabbatical, Father resolution and to support Father as scholar-in-residence at the North Coughlin served as pastor of St. Coughlin. American College in Rome. I would like to mention that Father We wouldn’t ask him which of those Francis Xavier Parish in La Grange, Il- Coughlin is the first Roman Catholic to he enjoyed the most and whether it linois, and became Director of the Car- serve this House, and as not nec- was more difficult working among the dinal Stritch Retreat House in essarily the best Roman Catholic in Members of Congress or living with the Mundelein, Illinois. Father Coughlin the world, I will tell you that I have Trappist monks. As a matter of fact, I worked as Vicar for Priests of the the deepest appreciation for what Fa- recall that no one has ever compared Archdiocese of Chicago under both Car- ther Coughlin has done for this House us to the Trappist monks. dinal Bernardin and Cardinal George, a as our Chaplain, as a friend and also in In March 2000, he was sworn in during position he held until he became House service to this country. I’ve had many the 106th Congress as the 59th Chaplain Chaplain. personal discussions with him, and I of the United States House of Rep- When former Speaker will tell you, in my opinion, if more of resentatives. looked to Cardinal George as he our religious leaders had the same de- Mr. Speaker, as you can see, Father searched for the next House Chaplain, meanor, the same personality, the Coughlin has brought a wealth of expe- one of the names that Cardinal George same openheartedness, the same at- rience, education, and discernment to kept mentioning was Father Coughlin. tempt to understand the differences be- this House. We have all benefited from First interviewed on March 13, 2000, Fa- tween us, and the same obvious will- his wisdom, from his patience, and ther Coughlin was sworn in just 10 days ingness to forgive our differences and from his kindness. We are right to later. our difficulties, I think this world honor the 10 years of service that Fa- Just as there were those who ques- would be a much better place. ther Coughlin has given us thus far, tioned whether President Kennedy, as I will tell you that I not only want to and I believe that we all wish him the Nation’s first Catholic President, congratulate him on his 10 years, but I many more days with us as we delib- could govern without forcing his Ca- also want to personally thank him for erate in the people’s body of this soft- tholicism on the Nation, there were the many services rendered to so many governing Republic. There is no doubt those who questioned whether a Catho- Members of this House and for his abil- we need his help. lic Chaplain could appropriately serve ity to stand in such an esteemed posi- I thank the sponsor of the resolution, the House. Father Coughlin has proven tion and to earn the respect of the Congressman LIPINSKI, and I thank the through his counsel of Members and Members here. chairman of our subcommittee for the staff of many different faiths and I reserve the balance of my time. bringing this resolution to the floor. varying degrees of spirituality that Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- I would urge my colleagues to vote in those concerns were and are unfounded. fornia. I yield myself such time as I support of this resolution. Hopefully, Many have benefited from his ecumeni- may consume. we will get a unanimous vote. cal approach as House Chaplain. Father Mr. Speaker, I rise today to join oth- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Coughlin goes beyond the requirements ers in expressing our support for House my time. of House Chaplain to make sure the Resolution 1216, congratulating our Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 spiritual needs of all Members, regard- Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel Cough- minutes to my friend, the gentleman less of their faith, are met. lin, on his 10th year of distinguished from Michigan (Mr. STUPAK). In addition to the Members of this service to the United States House of Mr. STUPAK. I thank the gentleman Chamber, Father Coughlin has pro- Representatives. I think the only thing for yielding as it is an honor for me to vided support to countless House Mem- Father Coughlin is going to be upset join my colleagues in honoring Father bers, their staffs, and families during about is that we’re going to reveal his Daniel Coughlin on his 50th year in the their time of need. In fact, right after age here on the floor today. priesthood and 10 years as our House Father Coughlin was sworn in as the Since the very first Congress, Mem- Chaplain. House Chaplain, unfortunately, I lost bers of the House have benefited from my son, and Father Coughlin, who real- the services of and ministers. b 1130 ly didn’t know me or my son that well, Throughout history, they have helped Father Daniel Coughlin was honored certainly provided great comfort to us all of us, the individuals serving in the last weekend by the Archdiocese of in a great time of distress for us. And Congress. They have helped us navigate Chicago marking 50 years since his or- a few years ago, my Chief of Staff’s our responsibilities to the American dination, the last 10 years of which he mother was battling cancer, which people, and they have aided us in our has served as Chaplain of the U.S. took a toll on him and their family. quest to integrate faith and reason in House of Representatives. I am pleased Father Coughlin not only kept Scott our execution of the law. to join as a cosponsor with Mr. LIPIN- and his mother, Pat, in his prayers but

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went above and beyond that, often his invitation to join him and others at Saturday, as Representative SENSEN- writing heartfelt notes to both of a mass celebrating the 50th anniver- BRENNER was just mentioning, I also them. Neither of them Catholic, the sary of his ordination to the priest- had the opportunity, with my wife, gesture from Father Coughlin meant a hood. There were many priests cele- Judy, to be a part of the celebration of great deal to Pat in her final days and brating with him, the church was Father Coughlin’s 50th anniversary as still means a great deal to Scott to this filled, and it was an extremely moving a Catholic priest. day. demonstration of the respect that Fa- Father Coughlin grew up on the Father Coughlin has offered insight- ther Coughlin has both with his col- North Side of Chicago and knew from a ful counsel to Members of this Cham- leagues as priests in Chicago as well as young age he would become a priest. ber through some of the most difficult the laity that did show up to fill the He received degrees from St. Mary of events in our recent history. He has chapel at the Archbishop Quigley Cen- the Lake University and Loyola Uni- provided spiritual guidance to those ter. Cardinal , who is versity. who sought it as they grappled with Father Coughlin’s ecclesiastical boss, He was a parish priest before he was some of the biggest issues facing our showed up during the reception, and I named the first Director of the Office country. think that his presence there also is a of Divine Worship in the Archdiocese of Therefore, I am pleased to join my tribute to the fact that Father Cough- Chicago in 1969. His time during his colleagues today in supporting this res- lin had done a very, very good job in year-long sabbatical, spending 5 olution to honor the contributions and Chicago before he was plucked by months at a Trappist monastery in service of Father Daniel Coughlin as former Speaker Hastert to become our Kentucky, serving the poor in India, House Chaplain, as a spiritual leader, Chaplain of the House of Representa- and serving as scholar-in-residence at and congratulate him on his 50 years of tives. North American College in Vatican service to the church and to the mem- All that being said, this House is in City really shows the breadth and the bers who make up the church. Father Coughlin’s debt for the work depth of Father Coughlin’s abilities. Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- that he has done with us as an institu- Upon his return, he spent 5 years as fornia. Mr. Speaker, now it is my pleas- tion, has done with us as individuals, pastor of St. Francis Xavier Parish in ure to yield 5 minutes to the gen- regardless of what our faith is, and has La Grange in my district. I know that tleman from Wisconsin (Mr. SENSEN- done with our families in helping keep he is much beloved at his parish at St. BRENNER), a distinguished Episcopalian our personal lives as well as our official Francis. I hear about it very often from Member of this House who is also a lives in a proper perspective. We are many of my constituents and friends. heartfelt friend and admirer of Father much in debt to Father Coughlin for Following this, he became Vicar for Coughlin. that, and I hope he is with us for many Priests in the Archdiocese of Chicago. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Mr. SENSENBRENNER. I thank the more years, rather than days, to come. gentleman for yielding, and I rise in time of the gentleman has expired. Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 Mr. CAPUANO. I yield 1 more minute support of this resolution. minutes to the author of the resolu- A lot of times people come to Mem- to the gentleman. tion, the gentleman from Illinois (Mr. Mr. LIPINSKI. After 4 decades of bers of Congress saying, Why do you LIPINSKI). service, Father Coughlin was appointed need to have a Chaplain? And I tell Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, I rise House Chaplain by Illinois’ own former them that we need to have a Chaplain today in strong support of this resolu- Speaker, Dennis Hastert, on the rec- here because of the tremendous pres- tion congratulating and thanking the ommendation of Cardinal Francis sures that are put on Members of Con- Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin for his 10 George. In announcing his choice, gress and their families, whether it’s years of service as Chaplain of the former Speaker Hastert predicted that politically, whether it’s spiritually, House of Representatives. ‘‘Daniel Coughlin will bring to the whether we have family crises and For the past decade, Father Coughlin House a caring and healing heart.’’ The things like that, and in order to keep has admirably fulfilled his duties as past 10 years has shown that he was un- the Members of Congress grounded so Chaplain, blessing this Chamber with doubtedly correct. I know this from my that they can better discharge their his thoughtful, eloquent prayers, con- own time in the House, having seen and duties, we need to have someone to ducting prayer meetings and spiritual experienced this. My own experiences talk to and to counsel us from a spir- exercises, and, most importantly, for- with Father Coughlin range from the itual standpoint. tifying Members, their families, and opportunity I had with him 5 years ago Father Dan Coughlin has done that congressional staff with his wise and this week in Rome to be a part of the for the last 10 years. He is the first generous counsel. inauguration of Pope Benedict XVI and Roman Catholic priest who has been March 23 marked the 10th anniver- also the many conversations I have had named as a Chaplain to the House of sary of Father Coughlin’s swearing in with Father Coughlin on what is cur- Representatives, and there was a lot of as the 59th Chaplain of the House of rently happening in Chicago, including chatter about that at the time, but I Representatives and, most impor- how his ageless mother and her Chi- would just remind everybody that most tantly, as some of my colleagues have cago Cubs are doing. I think this con- of his predecessors as Chaplain were or- mentioned, the first Catholic to hold nection, being a Catholic from Chicago, dained in specific non-Roman Catholic this position. If you look back to the has really especially made our rela- denominations and they had the same day that Father Coughlin assumed of- tionship close over these 5-plus years I job in dealing with Members of all fice, Pope John Paul II was visiting have been in the House. faiths, and sometimes even no faith at Israel for the first time. Gas was under The SPEAKER pro tempore. The all, and their families when times of $2 a gallon. And a certain attorney time of the gentleman has again ex- crises came, whether it be a personal from the South Side of Chicago, the pired. crisis or a political crisis. And I think newspapers were just reporting on his Mr. CAPUANO. I yield 1 more minute that in the last 10 years, a tribute to bid, unsuccessfully, to join this body. to the gentleman. Father Coughlin’s immense talents is It was indeed a long time ago and a lot Mr. LIPINSKI. Mr. Speaker, Father the fact that he is universally re- has changed in those 10 years, but Coughlin’s devotion to his faith and spected in this House of Representa- through it all Father Coughlin has re- spiritual welfare of his fellow men and tives and beyond. And I can say person- sponded to the demands of history, tra- women is an inspiration. I urge my col- ally that I think I am a better person dition, and faith with great devotion. leagues to join me in supporting this for having known Father Coughlin and As many residents of my district in resolution. having been counseled by him. the Chicago region know, Father Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- Father Coughlin also is respected in Coughlin’s service dates back far be- fornia. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes his home diocese in Chicago. Last Sat- yond what he has rendered here over to the gentleman from Nebraska (Mr. urday my wife, Cheryl, and I accepted the past decade. In fact, just this past FORTENBERRY).

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:39 Jun 17, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00039 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H21AP0.001 H21AP0 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD April 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 5 5979 Mr. FORTENBERRY. Father Dan, I Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank erfulness in the Trappist monastery in am glad to see that you have been able the gentleman for yielding and thank Kentucky, in his stint—is that the to join us, and I thank the gentleman him and Mr. LUNGREN for bringing this word, stint, Father, in Vatican City?— for the time. important resolution to the floor. It is his stay in Vatican City, his enrich- Mr. Speaker, I am also pleased to rise indeed a joy for us to salute our friend, ment, the enrichment of his faith and today to pay tribute to our Chaplain, our Chaplain, but our friend, Father religiosity became more intense. Father Dan Coughlin, whom we honor Coughlin. So we are all grateful to Dennis today in his 10th year of service as I am rarely in awe of anybody’s op- Hastert as Speaker of the House and House Chaplain and as its 59th Chap- portunity. As the Speaker of the the committee that worked with him lain. On this occasion, I also wish to House, I am afforded many. But when to make the choice of what would be a express my personal deep appreciation Mr. SENSENBRENNER said that he and new Chaplain for us 10 years ago. We for Father Coughlin’s steadfast support his wife Cheryl were present at the 50th were blessed that Father Coughlin had and wise counsel. anniversary of Father’s ordination as a worked with Cardinal Bernardin in Chi- Public service in its essence demands priest, I was frankly jealous. What a cago and Cardinal George after that, much from those called to responsi- great honor for you to be there. What a and he was recommended to our former bility for the future of our Nation. It great honor for Father Coughlin that Speaker, who was from Illinois and was presents many weighty challenges that you were there. And Mr. LIPINSKI, the well known to the people in Chicago. call upon Members of Congress to live maker of this motion, he was there as That connection is a connection that out the transcendent principles that well. So we were proud to be rep- has blessed all of our lives. mark the immutable character of our resented in a bipartisan way at that So as we honor his 10 years of service great republic. celebration. And it was a reflection of to the Congress, that is a small number Father Dan works tirelessly to focus the esteem that we all have for Father of years—I mean it is a long time to be our attention on the values that actu- Coughlin in this House. in Congress and to serve as Chaplain— ally do unite us at a time when so Father Coughlin has told me with he has seen us through the dark and many forces seek to divide us. He chal- great pride—now, not usually a proud through the bright. He has helped us lenges us to animate our drive for man, usually a humble man—with personally, and he has helped us under- truth with compassion and to fortify great pride that 35 priests stand our responsibilities to God’s cre- our quest for compassion with truth. concelebrated the Mass that celebrated ation. And he has always understood. Members and staff have come to rely Father Coughlin’s 50th anniversary of His generosity of spirit has given him upon his insight, his openness, his his celebration. How proud we all are of an understanding so that when he unique ability to lead people of all you. speaks to any of us we know that we faith traditions to thought-provoking But the proudest person in the world are hearing words of wisdom, words of introspection, based upon a lifetime is Father’s mother Lucille, 95 years values, words that are faith-based, but dedicated to understanding the pro- old. To see her precious son 50 years a words that recognize our responsibil- found motivations of the human heart. priest of the church, for 10 years the ities to this great Nation as elected of- Called upon so often to help us and Chaplain of this House of Representa- ficials. He knows to render unto Caesar our families shoulder the burdens of tives, the first Catholic. It’s really a and to render unto God. We could not state at discordant times in our his- remarkable achievement. be better served. tory and particularly given the chal- Every day of those 10 years when Fa- And so it is with great joy that I join lenging time in the history of our ther has opened the House with a pray- our colleagues, some little regret that world now, Father Coughlin exempli- er we have all listened attentively be- fate had not placed me in a situation fies what it means to be a selfless serv- cause we know that we will be guided where I could be where Mr. SENSEN- ant and a true peacemaker. We are in- well, that he will be our anchor, he will BRENNER and his wife Cheryl were last deed fortunate for the grace of his pres- inspire us with words that reflect the weekend, and Mr. LIPINSKI and 35 ence among us, and it is an honor and values of faith and country. concelebrants of the Mass of Holy Eu- privilege to acknowledge his 10 years of His particular strength I believe charist to celebrate the 50th anniver- service to this institution. springs from a sense of humility that sary of—how could it be 50 years, Fa- Mr. Speaker, I would like to close by he conveys. After his ordination, he ther? reading an excerpt of the prayer that spent time at a Trappist monastery in Father Coughlin delivered on Sep- Kentucky, building strength and his re- Congresswoman ESHOO and I were tember 12, 2001, which I do believe re- ligion and his faith. He spent time just talking about when we all went to- mains as relevant today as it was then. working among the poor in Calcutta, gether in a bipartisanship delegation to ‘‘Send forth Your Holy Spirit, Lord, India, again living his faith. Rome for the funeral of Pope John upon all Members of Congress, the St. Francis of Assisi, the patron saint Paul, and what a moving experience President, and all government leaders of my City of San Francisco, has said, that was. And what a force you were across this Nation. Free them of fear, ‘‘Preach the Gospel. Sometimes use for all of us. To have us see the role any prejudice whatsoever, remove all words.’’ While using words or deeds, that His Holiness played in history of doubt and confusion from their minds. Father Coughlin has been preaching course is well known to us. And I just With clear insight which comes from the Gospel for these many decades. And want to mention Paula Nowakowski You and You alone, reveal all that is we have been blessed that his path has here, former staff person to JOHN BOEH- unholy and renew the desire of Your crossed ours in this Congress. NER, for whom John Paul II was a hero, people to live lives of deepening faith, Every Sunday in Catholic churches, as he was a personal hero to many of unbounding commitment, and lasting and I know in other Christian churches us. But the guide that you were to us freedom here where liberty has made as well, we hear the words ‘‘Do this in to that funeral, to that liturgy, to that her home. memory of me,’’ the words of Christ at transition is something that we will ‘‘We place our trust in You now and the Last Supper. But I view it as not never forget. forever. Amen.’’ just about doing what happened at that So for this and for every reason every Thank you, Father Coughlin, for Last Supper, but doing the good works single day that we serve, we thank you. your outstanding service. that Christ performed here and set as Anyone who cares about the success of an example for us. our Nation and our ability to work to- b 1145 And every day in saying the Mass, gether is deeply indebted to you. Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I would Father Coughlin does this in memory Thank you, Father Coughlin. God has like to yield 1 minute to the Speaker of of Christ. But beyond the Mass, in his certainly blessed America with your the House, the gentlewoman from Cali- personal guidance to us and his work service to this House and to our coun- fornia (Ms. PELOSI). among the poor in India and his pray- try. We love you. Thank you.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:39 Jun 17, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00040 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR10\H21AP0.001 H21AP0 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 5980 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 5 April 21, 2010 Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- ly felt by the entire House. Thank you Representatives, and allows us to do fornia. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the bal- for your quiet faith, for your steely our job with a little more civility than ance of my time. faith, for the prayers that you offer we otherwise would, understanding Mr. CAPUANO. I yield 4 minutes to here that when each one of us take that what we do is important, maybe the gentlewoman from California (Ms. those to heart it’s a road map. It’s a we’re not that important, even though ESHOO). road map because it is faith that calls we might be from time to time in our Ms. ESHOO. I thank the gentleman us to everything that we do in life. And minds. from Massachusetts and the authors of today in 2010 in the 21st century those He reminds us of transcendent values this resolution honoring our Chaplain, words of faith are our reality. And it and helps us through very difficult Father Daniel Coughlin. calls us to do better for our country days with an objective of helping us to Mr. Speaker, when I think of Father and people around the world. do the people’s business here in the Coughlin coming to the House, I think So God bless you and thank you for House of Representatives. of the moment 10 years ago when our your 50 years and your 10 sterling years It is a pleasure and a privilege for me previous Chaplain had retired and the here. to serve in the House of Representa- Speaker and the Minority Leader ap- Mr. DANIEL E. LUNGREN of Cali- tives. It is a privilege and a pleasure pointed a committee to come up with a fornia. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such for me to have the friendship of Father recommendation. There was some tur- time as I may consume. Coughlin and the assistance of Father moil that was a part of that. But I have Mr. Speaker, it is somewhat ironic Coughlin as he gives that to all of us always believed that the Spirit’s hand that we are recognizing Father Cough- who serve here. was in this. And who came forward but lin’s service to our Nation and to this And so I would hope that all Mem- Father Coughlin from Chicago? House as the Chaplain of the House of bers would join us in supporting House Everyone has spoken about what he Representatives in the same week that Resolution 1216. did before he came here. But essen- a Federal judge has instructed us that I yield back the balance of my time. tially, Father Coughlin was a parish the National Day of Prayer is somehow Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, we’ve priest. And so from all of the experi- unconstitutional. heard lots of goods things about Father ence that he had in tending that flock, I look and I see, Mr. Speaker, over Coughlin, but there are still a few mys- he came to tend a new one, and that is your head the words ‘‘In God we trust,’’ teries left that he has to help us un- the United States House of Representa- the national motto, which indicates ravel. I will tell you, Father, with good tives. And tend this flock he has. that one does not have to be a person faith, with a lot of prayer sometime, As Mr. SENSENBRENNER said, there of faith to be an American citizen. But and a good team, the Cubs will actually are many constituents that have asked the idea of the worth of the individual win a World Series. As a Red Sox fan, why does the United States House of and the idea that the rights of the indi- I can tell you it works. Representatives need a Chaplain? Look vidual came from God and not from Father, the other great mystery, as a up above the Speaker’s chair. It says, some monarch is essential to the un- good Irishman myself, you’re going to ‘‘In God we trust.’’ But many times derstanding of the beginnings of this have to explain to me Coughlin versus what happens to human beings really Republic. And from the beginnings of Coughlin. That will come later. shakes that trust. So the Chaplain of this Republic we have had a Chaplain I wanted to do this today because of the House is the one that tends to each ministering to the needs of the Mem- my respect for Father Coughlin as a one. How important that is in not only bers. It is not a new idea or novel idea. human being and as a priest. But I the dark times, the dark periods in in- It is an idea that is firmly entrenched think to be a good priest you have to dividuals’ lives where they need the in the tradition of this institution and be a good human being first. I don’t spiritual guidance, the support, the this country. Father Coughlin has been think it’s the other way around. love, the quiet time, the trust with a great example of that tradition. And And I will tell that in the 10 years someone that will never break that we hope he continues. he’s been here I’ve come to consider trust. That is what Father Coughlin I might say that he ministers to all him a friend. I’ve come to see him as has done on an individual basis with of us no matter what party of which we somebody in my mind who is one of the Members throughout the House. are a member, but I sort of enjoy the best representatives of the Catholic It matters not, as was said before, fact that he ministers to those of us on faith that I have ever known. what faith background any Member this side since I found myself in the mi- And I will tell you, Father, from my comes from, and even if they don’t nority on most of the years I have perspective I want to thank you, not have any faith background. That guid- served here, and therefore by definition just for your service to this House, but ance feeds the soul and it helps to heal the underdog. So when I met Father for being such a good person. From each person here that has gone through Coughlin’s great mother, who is dedi- somebody who’s gone from the streets something traumatic in order to re- cated to the great underdog of all time, of Calcutta to the Vatican to the House sume the public duties that are filled the Chicago Cubs, I felt some kinship. of Representatives, you have main- with burdens and blessings as Members And I thought it interesting just a tained your modesty, you have main- of Congress. But there are national couple of years ago when Father told tained your dignity. And as far as I’m times of stress and burden, and he has me that his mother, in her nineties, concerned, you’re a fine and wonderful been with us throughout those times as still serves as an usher at Wrigley human being that I am proud to call well. Field. But to show you the ability that both the Chaplain of this House, but Fifty years as a priest. I can’t help Father has to take a situation that also my friend and someone I look up but think of the words that are said at may be fraught with some peril and to. ordination. ‘‘Thou art a priest for- give guidance, he told me that he fi- Mr. POMEROY. Mr. Speaker, I rise to ex- ever.’’ And 50 years. What a great nally convinced his mother that she press my deep appreciation of the ministry of blessing. An even greater blessing for should not be ushering both ends of a Father Daniel Coughlin, Chaplain of the your mother, Father Coughlin, to be doubleheader. So that we do under- House. present when you were ordained, stand that she now goes home after the His presence in this Chamber is comforting throughout your priesthood, and 50 first game of a doubleheader at Wrigley and supportive. His kindness and concern is years, 10 years of that priesthood here Field. evident to all who know him. Father Coughlin’s with the United States House of Rep- prayers before this Chamber are relevant, resentatives. We honor you and we b 1200 beautiful and timeless. I have no doubt his thank you for it. It is that type of pragmatic guidance, words—captured in the RECORD as a perma- And as a Roman Catholic, I want you combined with the great spiritual prin- nent part of the history of the House—will be to know that you are a special source ciples, that makes him such a great quoted long after all of us presently serving of pride. But that pride I think is real- friend to all of us here in the House of are gone.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:39 Jun 17, 2013 Jkt 089102 PO 00000 Frm 00041 Fmt 0688 Sfmt 9920 E:\BR10\H21AP0.001 H21AP0 pmangrum on DSK3VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD April 21, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—HOUSE, Vol. 156, Pt. 5 5981 I was co-chairman of the bipartisan chaplain dained priest—Father Coughlin’s fiftieth anni- Whereas more than 400,000 Americans live search committee commissioned by Speaker versary will be on May 3rd, and I want to con- with multiple sclerosis; Dennis Hastert 10 years ago. gratulate and thank him for that as well. Whereas approximately 2,500,000 people Father Coughlin has also, as this resolution worldwide have been diagnosed with mul- Unfortunately, a process begun with the tiple sclerosis; best of intentions by the Speaker and all par- points out, served God with the Missionaries Whereas every hour of every day, someone ticipants, ended up in partisan acrimony and of Charity, in India, and in Rome, as a schol- is newly diagnosed with multiple sclerosis; finger pointing with each party believing the ar-in-residence at the North American College. Whereas it is estimated that between 8,000 other was motivated by intentions highly un- I am sure that his experience in both places and 10,000 children and adolescents are living worthy of the task at hand—finding a Chaplain enriched his service to the House. with multiple sclerosis; for the House. Finally, I note from the resolution, that, while Whereas the exact cause of multiple scle- God’s hand must surely have guided Speak- the House chaplaincy was instituted in 1789, rosis is still unknown; in 2000 Father Coughlin became the first Whereas the symptoms of multiple scle- er Hastert as he jettisoned the failed selection rosis are unpredictable and vary from person process and—in consultation with church lead- Catholic priest to hold the office of Chaplain of to person; ers in his home State of Illinois—picked Father the House. He follows many others who have Whereas there is no laboratory test avail- Coughlin to serve as our Chaplain. been a blessing on the House—and I have able that definitely defines a diagnosis for Father Coughlin was a parish priest, and we known several of them—and has certainly multiple sclerosis; are blessed he accepted the assignment of filled their shoes well. Whereas multiple sclerosis is not genetic, the U.S. House of Representatives to be his Thank you, Father Coughlin. contagious, or directly inherited, but studies show there are genetic factors that indicate new parish. I urge members to support this excellent resolution. certain individuals are susceptible to the dis- He has served us all in a pure ecumenical ease; Ms. MCCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, I rise today spirit. He has been a faithful friend, counselor Whereas multiple sclerosis symptoms and minister to us all. in support of H. Res. 1216, a resolution con- occur when an immune system attack affects I feel privileged to know Father Coughlin gratulating Reverend Daniel P. Coughlin on the myelin in nerve fibers of the central and extend my deepest congratulations to him his 10th year of service as Chaplain of the nervous system, damaging or destroying it on the twin milestones of 50 years in the House of Representatives. and replacing it with scar tissue, thereby interfering with or preventing the trans- priesthood and 10 years as Chaplain of the Reverend Coughlin was sworn in as the fifty-ninth Chaplain of the House of Represent- mission of nerve signals; House. Whereas in rare cases multiple sclerosis is God bless you, Father Coughlin. Thank you atives on March 23, 2000—the first person of Roman Catholic faith to hold the office. In his so progressive it is fatal; for your wonderful ministry. Whereas there is no known cure for mul- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. Speaker, I decade of service, he has opened House pro- tiple sclerosis; rise in strong support of this resolution con- ceedings with prayer, provided pastoral coun- Whereas the Multiple Sclerosis Coalition, gratulating Father Coughlin on 10 years of seling and arranged memorial services for the an affiliation of multiple sclerosis organiza- service as House chaplain and want to thank House and its staff. tions dedicated to the enhancement of the Over the years I have come to know Rev- quality of life for all those affected by mul- my very good friend, Mr. LIPINSKI, for authoring erend Coughlin and value his service to the tiple sclerosis, recognizes, and celebrates it. House of Representatives. This resolution is a Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week; Since 2000 Father Coughlin has been a Whereas the Multiple Sclerosis Coalition’s fitting honor, and I urge my colleagues to join blessing to us, a presence of prayer, and a re- mission is to increase opportunities for co- me in congratulating Reverend Coughlin for minder of the grace we have to ask God for— operation and provide greater opportunity to his decade of faithful service. leverage the effective use of resources for the beg God for—as we exercise our responsibil- Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, I yield ities in this House. benefit of the multiple sclerosis community; back the balance of my time, and I Whereas the Multiple Sclerosis Coalition He has also been a personal friend to me would urge passage of this resolution. recognizes and celebrates Multiple Sclerosis and I want to thank him for that. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Awareness Week during 1 week in March Mr. Speaker, I particularly appreciate Father question is on the motion offered by every calendar year; Coughlin’s moving prayers and his Web site the gentleman from Massachusetts Whereas the goals of Multiple Sclerosis where he puts up a ‘‘Thought for the Day’’ and Awareness Week are to invite people to join (Mr. CAPUANO) that the House suspend the movement to end multiple sclerosis, en- keeps the House informed of spiritual events the rules and agree to the resolution, on Capitol Hill for Christians, Jews, and Mus- courage everyone to do something to dem- H. Res. 1216. onstrate their commitment to moving to- lims, and members of other faiths. I frequently The question was taken. ward a world free of multiple sclerosis, and read theses prayers and thoughts, and am The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the to acknowledge those who have dedicated grateful for his inspiration to me and my fellow opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being their time and talent to help promote mul- members. in the affirmative, the ayes have it. tiple sclerosis research and programs; and Today he has posted, as ‘‘Thought for the Mr. CAPUANO. Mr. Speaker, on that Whereas this year Multiple Sclerosis Day,’’ a quote from Pope Benedict XVI, from I demand the yeas and nays. Awareness Week is recognized during the his April 18 address to young people in Malta: The yeas and nays were ordered. week of March 8, 2010, through March 14, 2010: Now, therefore, be it God loves every one of us with a depth and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Resolved, That the House of Representa- intensity that we can hardly begin to imag- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the tives— ine. And he knows us intimately, he knows Chair’s prior announcement, further (1) supports the goals and ideals of Mul- all our strengths and all our faults. Because proceedings on this motion will be tiple Sclerosis Awareness Week; he loves us so much, he wants to purify us of postponed. (2) encourages the President to issue a our faults and build up our virtues so that we proclamation in support of the goals and can have life in abundance. When he chal- f ideals of Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Week; lenges us because something in our lives is MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (3) encourages States, territories, posses- displeasing to him, he is not rejecting us, but AWARENESS WEEK sions of the United States, and localities to he is asking us to change and become more support the goals and ideals of Multiple Scle- perfect. That is what he asked of Saint Paul Mrs. CAPPS. Madam Speaker, I move rosis Awareness Week by issuing proclama- on the road to Damascus. God rejects no one. to suspend the rules and agree to the tions designating Multiple Sclerosis Aware- And the Church rejects no one. Yet in his resolution (H. Res. 1116) supporting the ness Week; great love, God challenges all of us to change goals and ideals of Multiple Sclerosis (4) encourages media organizations to par- and to become more perfect. Awareness Week. ticipate in Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Thank you, Father Coughlin, for reminding The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Week and help educate the public about mul- us of this—we do our work differently, and tion. tiple sclerosis; The text of the resolution is as fol- (5) commends the efforts of the States, ter- better, when we carry with us an awareness of ritories, and possessions of the United States God’s love. lows: who support the goals and ideals of Multiple Mr. Speaker, Mr. LIPINSKI’s resolution also H. RES. 1116 Sclerosis Awareness Week; draws attention to Father Coughlin’s 50 years Whereas multiple sclerosis can impact men (6) recognizes and reaffirms the Nation’s of service to God, and His flock, as an or- and women of all ages, races, and ethnicities; commitment to combating multiple sclerosis

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