THREE BISHOPS AT SETTING UP OF NEW PROVINCE YOMING WILL Contents Copyrighted— Permission to Reproduce Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue ST. ANTHONY’S ET TWO FINE FRANCISCANS TO EW CHURCHES INSTALL MOTHER Rites Fri(iay Morning Are to. Be Attended by [lock Springs and Powell to Build— McGinnis Many Colorado Priests & Walsh Design Former Town’s The formal inauguration of the Western province of the Two new churches are to be buUt this year in Wyoming, according Poor Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration under the announcement by the Most Rev. Patrick A. McGovern, D. D., Bishop of iheyenne, who has been visiting Denver. Work will start on both just patronage of St. Joseph will take place at a Solemn Pontifical h soon as the weather permits. McGinnis & Walsh, the famous ecclesiastical Mass at 9 o’clock Friday, March 18, in St. Anthony’s hospital H'chitects of Boston, have'desigpied the one to be constructed at Rock Springs chapel, to be celebrated by the Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Bishop nr Our Lady of Sorrows’ parish. This edifice will cost $65,000. The The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Serrice Sappliee The Denver Catholic Repieter and The Regiater. We Have AUo Our Own Extensive Special Service, the K. of C. Service, the Central Verein Service, the Fides Service and the California Catholic Preea Service of Denver. The Most Rev. J. Henry Tihen, former Bishop of Pirish has already raised $45,000 o f ^ e amount needed. The other new Denver, and the Most Rev. Patrick A. McGovern, Bishop of lurch will be at Powell, and will Cost $20,000. The money for it has |ien raised. The Powell edifice will be brick and a beautiful building. VOL. XXVII. No. 31. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, MARCH 17,1932. $2.00 PER YEAR Cheyenne, Wyo., will assist in the sanctuary. The Very Rev. The pastor of Our Lady of Sorrows’ parish. Rock Springs, is the Rev. Dr. William Brennan, C.M., president of St. Thomas’ seminary, flvester A. Welsh. The pastor at St. Barbara’s, Powell, is the Rev. John will be archpriest of the Mass. The Very Rev. Leonard Schlimm-, tpillane. Father Spillane has Yellowstone Park among his missions. Ready for K. of C. Jubilee O. S. B„ Apostolic Administrator of Holy Cross abbey, Canon City, and the Rev. Eusebius Schlingmann, 0. F. M., will be dea­ cons of honor. The Rev. Francis Walsh and the Rev. William Higgins will be deacon and subdeacon of the Mass. The cere­ [\ncient Spanish Carvings The suicide within the last few monies will be in charge of the Rev. Justin McKernan, O.S.B., days of two of the richest men in the and the Rev. Roger Hoehn, O.S.B. The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Godfrey world, lyar Kreuger, the Swedish match king, and George Eastman, the Raber, P.A., V.G.; the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Joseph Bosetti, chancel­ in New Mexico Translated Rochester kodak manufacturer, gives lor, and the Rt. Rev. Msgr. Richard Brady will assist at the shocking proof that happiness is not Mass. All the local clergy are invited to attend. ______In its Sidelights of Washington emor and founder of Santa Fe. His to be found in great wealth. There Shortly after the Mass a banquet fiws feature, the N. C. W. C. News successor, Felipe Zotylo, is believed is no such thing as a completely for about eighty of the clergy will be the sisters did all the work them­ Ftrvice this week declares; to have written one dated 1620. This happy man on this earth. We need served by the sisters in their spacious selves, winning the highest encomi­ 1 Over 50 . Spanish inscriptions, in- latter inscription and others on the heaven for unalloyed bliss. But many ums for their untiring labor. luding those of five of the early banquet hall. A short entertainment monolith reveal that much of the people are fooled by thinking they consisting of vocal and several nov­ The forty years that have passed [Danish governors of the province, colonization by the early Spanish ex­,,would be made perfectly content with since the' completion of the first hos­ re carved on the sides of a giant elty numbers will be given by Ted plorers of that region was accom­ overwhelming riches more easily Day, Joseph Newman and several pital wing in 1892 have seen a tre­ Indstone monolith in west central plished or attempted with a Religious than by any other method. former Orpheum circuit performers. mendous change in equipment and lew Mexico known as El Morro and as well as a material object in view. The new Mother will meet informally facilities, but the charitable endeav­ [reserved under the jurisdiction of Another inscription, dated in 1737, Kreuger’s death was motivated by all the clergy after the banquet. ors of the nuns remain the same; it lie National Park service as a na- records the Visit of the Bishop of worry over inability to get necessary Mother Basilia, provincial of the is estimated that last year 68 per [onal monument. Durango, Don Matrin de Elizacochea. loans to keep his immense business oent of the work done at St. An­ The earliest inscription was carved The record reads: “ September 28, flourishing. Eastman’s suicide was new Western, province, and Mother Bernarda, provincial at LaFayette, thony’s was for charity. The hospital 1606 by Don Juan de Onate, gov- 1737, arrived here the most illustri­ probably caused by mental derange­ houses some 200 beds, double the ous Senor Doctor Don Martin de ment owing to illness. Sentimental­ Ind., arrived in- Denver Wednesday. Among the superiors of institutions original capacity, and has as its out­ Elizacochea, Bishop of Durango, and ists have already begun to make a standing features the surgical and September 29, passed on to Zuni.’’ great deal of the “ beautiful’’ senti­ conducted by the Franciscan Sisters legis College who are in Denver for the installation x-ray departments, A new wing was The discovery of the inscriptions ment he penned in his last note: built on the hospital two years ago is ascribed to Lieutenant J. H. Simp­ “ My work is done. Why wait?” No­ of the new province are Sisters Cres- [Saved, Result centia, Lincoln; Agnella, Columbus; at a cost of $75,000 to house these son, U. S. A., and R. H. Kern, an body but God can say that any man’s departments. Up to January 1, 1932, artist. They noted their discovery in work is finished. We are not the Theotina, Terre Haute, Ind.; Wal- frieda and Agnesa, Gallup, N. M., 65,259 patients had been cared for of Aid Given an inscription below the Spanish rec­ czars of our life span. But let us On Marcb 29, lome 600,000 Knights of Columbus in the , at St. Anthony’s, surely a fine tribute ords. They were translated by Even find no fault with Eastman, for he Canada, the Philippine islands, Panama, Cuba, Mexico, Puerto Rico, New­ and Elisa, LaFayette, Ind. Others were expected to arrive Thursday. to the work of the nuns. fefinite Announcement by Z. Voight, superintendent of El was a great man and was likely not foundland and Alaska will celebrate the golden jubilee of the founding 'The paramount factor considered Morro national park. responsible for the tragedy that of the order. Left to right, above, the Rev. Michael J. McGivney, founder The establishment of the Western- President Assures It province with headquarters in Den­ in St. Anthony’s hospital is that of closed hit useful life. Kreuger in both of the Knights of Columbus, who, as a curate at St. Mary’s church in New providing modirn hospital facilities ver marks a step forward in the work Will Continue his life and death was a man of mys­ Haven, Conn., in 1882, conceived the need for such an order; Martin for patients of all types. The utility tery. H. Carmody, supreme knight of the K. of C.; the Rev. John J. McGivney, of the Franciscan Sisters, a labor that has extended back nearly forty years and service rooms are in such loca­ ;The Very Rev. Joseph A. Herbers, brother of the founder of the K. of C., and present supreme of tion that the nursing and adjunct per­ Holy Week to Chief Plenty Coups of the Mon­ the order. here, with a record of achievement |J., president of Regis college, in tana Crows, who was buried a few under difficulties that is astounding. sonnel will not at any time be re­ address to the Regis College quired to travel more than 70 feet days ago after a , Solemn Pontifical The hospital was founded May 12, lirents’ association, Sunday, an- from patient to service room. In Mass of Requiem offered by Bishop 1892, in surroundings that seemed at Imnced that the good - will fund, analysis of the floor plans, every con­ be Observed Edwin V. O’Hara of Great Falls, was the time almost in the wilds. There [ider the fine leadership of Father K . O F a JUBILEE TO OPEN sideration has een given to provide a convert to the Church. The Office were no houses, no improvements of L. McMenamin, had already come facilitfes that will save time and en­ of Indian Affairs, in a statement is­ any kind. A round trip for a doctor close to its goal that it is <;lear! ergy of the hospital personnel. Am­ sued about him, declared that “ no from what is now downtown Denver tat Regis will not close. Father at Cathedral AT COMMUNION MASSES ple provision has been made for fu­ other member of his race was ever took about three hours’ time, and ferbers paid splendid tribute to Fa- more honored,’’ and tells how he was ture expansiin. ler McMennamin, to his associate I the physician had to fight bad roads, chosen to represent the Indian tribes KnigheS' of Columbus of Colorado to be picturesque and outstanding. severe weather and other obstacles. The hospital group consists of three l ators, to his little army of collec- ’The Holy week prog^m at the Ca­ at the dedication of the monument are out to set a record Sunday when The golden jubilee class of more buildings — the major one a four- thedral will be observed as follows; Dr. John Walsh was the first chief |rs, and “ to the magnificent efforts to the Unknown Soldier. “ At this practically every member of the or­ than 75 candidates will be escorted story hospital, steam laundry and a Palm Sunday— Low Masses at 6, surgeon and president of the hospital Father Matthew Smith and the time he appeared in his war bonnet der will receive Holy Communion in from the K. of C. hall to the Ca­ power plant. The hospital is well ven­ 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 and 12:15; Solemn staff. He was eminently resourceful, [aff of The Denver Catholic Regis- and the full trappings of his posi­ the opening ceremony erf the cele­ thedral by 150 uniformed Catholic tilated and lighted. The general build­ Mass at 10:15. Before the Solemn a born surgeon and a. profound diag­ “ who are bringing it about that tion in the tribe, delivering probably bration of the organization’s golden firemen and policemen, followed by ing scheme is red brick. The grounds legis shall not close.’’ Great ap- Mass, palms will be blessed and dis­ nostician. There were 25 doctors on the most eloquent of all tributes paid jubilee. Joining in the reception of all the men who are to attend the the original staff. around the buildings are beautifully lause followed his announcement. tributed, and the procession, com­ to the V.’ orld war hero.’’ A stretch Communion will be thousands of Mass. That the Cathedral will be landscaped. Adequate provision has memorative of our Lord’s triumphal The first superior was Sister M. 1 Father Herbers expressed his con- of the Custer Battlefield highway ly­ Catholic men throughout the state, entry into Jerusalem, will be held. filled to overflowing is almost a_ cej>| jj^yg^ta? OtherT'in the Varly'h^^ been made for parking of cars. In llence in the Regis College Parents’ ing between Billings, Montana, and who, though not members of the K. tainty, since approximately 1,000 The narrative of the Passion of Jesus "''"''w ere Sister M. Cosma and Sister M. front of the buildings, across the lisociation and outlined what it can the Wyoming state line is called of C., have signified their intention men, the majority of whom are not Christ according to St. Matthew will Hermana. There were no schools of street, is a picturesque park owned Thieve. Plenty Coups trail in honor of his of participating in a public mani­ Knights of Columbus, signified their be sung. Evening devotions begin at nursing in Denver at that time and (Continued on Page 4) 1 Eighteen new members were re­ early service as a scout. He won his festation o f faith such as has never intention, on cards distributed in the 7:45; sermon by the Rev. Hugh L. lived into the association. This was name Plenty Coups because o( his Denver churches last Sunday, of at­ McMenamin. before been seen in the history of Je first group to apply for admission prowess in warfare. He began his Colorado. Palm Sunday is to be in tending the Mass in the Cathedral. Spy Wednesday— Low Masses at jnce it was announced that the career as a soldier when he was 18. fact what the officials of the Knights Bishop Vehr is to offer the Mass at lembership is open to all who are 6:30j 8 and 12:15; evening services, He was very friendly to the Whites consisting of the chanting of the of Columbus had hoped for— a Cath­ 8:30, and it is likely that a number 500 JOBLESS TO (JET ■tally interested in Regis. The new and in 1928 with his wife, Strikes the olic laymen’s Communion Sunday. of priests from other parishes will Tenebrae Office by a choir of stu­ lembers were intoduced by the Iron, dedicated his home-site of forty The pastors in cities where there be present in the sanctuary. l esident, Mrs. D. F. Sullivan. The dents from St. Thomas’ seminarj', will acres, the gift effective at his death, begin at 7:45; sermon by the Rev. C. are no K. of C. councils have assured Immediately following the services |Dllege Parents' association aspires to the U. S. government for public State Deputy Joseph C. Maguire that in the Cathedral, a Communion break­ EASTER BREAKFAST achieve the work of a greater M. Johnson. Confessions in prepara­ use, also giving a 160-acre farm to tion for Maundy Thursday will be they thoroughly approve the move­ fast is to be served in the K. of C. egis organization. keep up the park to be thus created. ment and that they will expend every home, with Bishop Vehr as the guest ter house served 2,800 m eaia and ] The meeting opened wih an ad- heard from 4 to f:30 and from 7:45 A free Easter breakfast for 500 “ I, who have been called Chief of effort to have a one hundred per of honor and speaker. Members of gave 1,200 lodgpngs. Jess by Paul Feyen, ’32, president to 9. homeless unemployed men will be Chiefs among the Red men, present cent approach on the part of the the golden jubilee class and their served by the Society of St. Vincent Members of the various confer­ I the Regis College Student council. Maundy Thursday — Holy Com to all the children of our Great White men of their parish to the Holy sponsors will be guests of the council de Paul at the shelter house, 2541 ences alternate in the recitation of Ir. Feyen explained the organization munion will be distributed at 6:30, 7, Father this land where the snows of Table Sunday. Telegrams will be at the breakfast. Approximately 600 California street. A statement just the Rosary at the shelter every night lid aims of the student council, 7:30, 8 and in the 9 o’clock Mass; many winters have fallen on my sent to Bishop Urban J. Vehr at men can be accommodated at the each weeL Father Joseph P. puis C. de Baca, ’ 32, gave a ren-. Solemn Pontifical Mass will begin at issued by the society says: tepee,’’ he declared in his formal the Denver K. of C. club house, breakfast, and after the guests of “ Since Easter is the greatest holi­ O’Heron, the spiritual director of the Ition of the “ Ballad of Soulful 9 o’clock. The Holy Oils used in presentation of the gift. Were poets where he will be guest of honor at the occasion are cared for, prefer­ day of the Church it is only proper society, visits the house once a week lim” and “ That Old Sweetheart of the administration of the sacraments ever more gifted than the Indians in the Communion breakfast, informing ence will be given to non-members and a charitable act to give a feast and gives a lecture to the men. As a line.’’ He was accompanied on the of Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Or­ sublimity of expression! him of the number that have re­ who wish to attend. to the down-and-out men in honor result of the spiritual interest taken lano by Miss Patricia Lucy. The ders and Extreme Unction are to be (Continued on Page 4) ceived in the various churches. The exemplification of the first in the homeless men by the members, litertainers were given a vote of consecrated by the Bishop in this of the Risen Christ who loved the While there is no definite advance degree will take place at 11:40. The poor. Charitable minded persons the spiritual director and other lipreciation. Mass. Following the Mass, there will priests visiting the^place, many return 1 The Regis aid campaigpi was be a procession during which the AGED FATHER OF information as to the number of men golden jubilee class, the largest in have helped to make it possible for who will receive Holy Communion Denver irr the last decade, will re­ the society to feed the homeless men to the sacraments who have not been josed, so far as Denver is concerned, Blessed Sacrament will be carried to on Sunday, indications point to a ceive the second and third deCTees on other occasions. We feel assured there for many years. In some in­ 1st Sunday, with a total of approxi- the altar of reposition, where It will DR. ZYBURA DIES minimum of 5,000, and the number on Sunday afternoon. This fclass they will not fail us now. Anyone stances they had not made their First lately $93,000 pledged. In the remain in solemn state until Friday may reach as high as 10,000. will be the assemblage of four /units, wishing to contribute for the break­ Holy Communion and others had n(jt leantime, collections on the first (Continued on Page 10) The Rev. J. S. Zybura, Ph.D., The Denver celebration promises three of which have received the fast may send his contribution to been to the sacraments since their Tar’s subscriptions are coming in noted invalid author of St. Francis’ first degree in' recent weeks— the the society, 2541 California street” First Holy Communion. pily and approximately one-fourth hospital, Colorado Springs, lost his first unit of 18 on February 1'6, the The monthly meeting of all the (Continued on Page 4) SPECIAL CLASS father, James Zybura, by death Sat­ second of 16 on March 1 and the conferences was held at the K. of urday, March 12. The deceased FOR CATECHISTS 4 COLORADO third and largest unit of 34 on Tues­ C. club last Sunday. Surprising re­ JESUIT gentleman was aged 97. He is sur­ day night of this week. The unit to ports were made of the vast amount vived by his wife, aged 91, two Hshop Duffy Pays receive the first degree this Sunday of work among the poor, which ex­ Pueblo has an innovation in a spe­ daughters and two sons. TO SPEAK HERE cial class for the training of lay cate- GIRLS VOW AS morning will probably number ten hausted the treasury of many of the Father Zybura, despite his invalid- conferences. Some conferences, re­ \Hsit Here Before chism teachers. Twenty--five girls are isni, responded last fall to an irre- candidates. A degree from Omaha, ON GOOD FRIDAY taking the course, which is being Nebr., will have charge of Sunday’s ported as many as fifty cases on their sistible urge to visit his parents at MERCY SISTERS work. The initiates are as follows: list. Thousands of articles of cloth­ [oing to Arkansas given by the Rev. Joseph D. Segourn, their Cleveland home. Had he not Ph.D., LL.D., assistant pastor at The Rev. Joseph A. Ryan, S.J.; ing were given out at the clothes gone he would have seen his father In the semi-annual ceremonies of room. Many families were given Sacred Heart church, where the Very reception of the religious habit and the Rev. Edward M. Simpson, O.P.; no more. He has requested prayers the Rev. A. M. Townsend, O.P., the furniture and bedding. The burial The Most Rev. James Albert Duffy, Rev. Thomas J. Wolohan is pastor. for the repose of his father’s soul. the profession of vows of the Sisters D., who resigned as Bishop of Rev. Daniel O’Connell, .John S. committee reported that a number of of Mercy March 12, four Colorado funeral arrangements were made for and Island and preached at the girls, one of them from Denver, pro­ Meayer, Emmett M. Ryan, James P. the poor, and thkt there many cases stallation of his successor, the Most nounced their vows at the provincial Blake, Robert J. Bennett, Edw. M. l^v. S. V. Bona, D. D., arrived last Mayer, Michael S. Mayer, John H. of sickness among the Mexicans due house in Omaha, Nebr. The Most to bad housing conditions. The shel- [iturday in Denver and remained Apostle of Encouragement, Rev. Joseph Rummel, Bishop of (Continued on Page 9) Monday afternoon, when he Omaha, was celebrant of the Mass ft for Little Rock, Arkansas, where and officiated at the rites. In the was to meet Bishop J. B. Morris, province of Omaha 14 candida*tes re­ D., and then proceed to Hot McNicholas Calls ceived the habit and white veil and [irings. Ark., where he will make 19 novices made profession of tem­ Hundreds Honor St. Patrick home at St. Joseph’s infirmary. porary vows. iHis Excellency celebrated Mass The Colorado girls are Sister M. Iinday and Monday at S t Rosa’s Late Bishop Thomas Shahan Germaine, R. S. M., formerly Agnes Ime for working ^rls and was a Schriver, daughter of Mrs. Catherine at Pontifical High Mass Kst Sunday of Bishop Urban J. Schriver, 1820 Eleventh street, Gree­ A scholarly analysis o f the life and phr. Monday he was a dinner guest •“He was a prince of nature; a ley, who is a graduate of the State character of the late Bishop Shahan, the Rev. F. G. Smith at Littleton. pubic-spirited citizen who yielded to Teachers’ college in Greeley, where Most Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Celebrant; Bishop president-emeritus of the Catholic [Years ago. Bishop Duffy recalled, none in genuine patriotism; a priest she received the Bachelor of Arts de­ university, was presented at his fu­ J. Henry Tihen, D.D., in Sanctuary spent (some weeks at St. Patrick’s and Bishop wholly dedicated to the gree; Sister M. Francis, R. S. M., neral in Washington March 14 by Kis Irish, Denver, when Father J. P. things of God,” said the Archbishop daughter of Thomas P. Hunt, 2063 Excellency, Archbishop John T. Mc­ Denver’s little bit of Ireland, sons in Ireland and still talk with a strong, }rrigan was away on a vacation, in referring to Bishop Shahan’s pub­ W. Second avenue, Durango, a grad­ Nicholas, O.P., S.T.M., of Cincinnati. and daughters, grandsons and grand­ but delightful, Irish brogue. Others hop Duffy had come west from lic life. “ He was also a rare scholar, uate of the Durango public high St. Paul archdiocese because of Tribute to Bishop Shahan’s influence entitled to foremost rank among the school; Sister M. Bernadette Marie, daughters of the Emerald isle, know of the land of St. Patrick in public life and to his personal char­ health and had been appointed learned ecclesiastics of our country, R. S. M., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. turned out en masse Thursday morn­ by the stories their mothers and fa­ Rey. J. J. Clifford, S. J. the Cheyenne Cathedral, when acteristics and blessings led the Arch­ and a writer whose poetic fancy and Joseph Coming. 2001 Ninth a^renue, ing to honor, in an impressive spirit­ thers have told them. And seated |shop Keane wos in charge there, bishop to classify him as “ a daring graceful diction will give him a per­ Greeley, a graduate of Mt St. Gert­ ual demonstration, the great Apostle in a reserved section of honor were The Tre Ore serv'ice at the Loyola p Keane, now dead, later be- athlete of Christ’’ and even more manent place in our literature.” rude’s academy, Boulder; Sister M. of Ireland, St. Patrick. Following members of the Ancient Order of church will be especially fine this le Archbishop of Dubuque. Bishop especially ar an “ Apostle of Encour­ Admitting his audience to greater Magdalen, R. S. M., formerly Rose a custom inaugurated many years Hibernians, 62 strong. To familiar year. Father Devlin, the pastor, has |iffy, while working at St Patrick’s, agement.’’ In the farewell to the intimacy with the late Bishop by por­ Mary Nushy, an alumna of Annun­ ago, they attended Pontifical High tunes, the Hibernians marched into succeeded in securing the services of t)k treatments frCrn a Denver spe- saintly scholar. Archbishop McNich­ traying his leading personal charac­ ciation high school, daughter of Mr. Mass at the Cathedral, with the Most the Cathedral in a body, heading the Father John J. Clifford, S. J., of lilist. During his nineteen years as olas hears a ringing challenge !‘to our teristics, the Archbishop spoke of him and Mrs. Michael Nushy, 3750 Ma­ Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D., Bishop of procession of His Excellency, Bishop Chicago to deliver the sermons on shop of Grand Island, he frequent- priesthood thnt in the midst of our as one to whom “ Nature and grace rion street, Denver. Denver, celebrant. Priests and nuns, Vehr, and the officers of the Mass. Christ’s Seven Last Words. Father visited Denver, ard gained many excessively active life it is possible were prodigal of their gifts,” as one Last August, included with twenty- men and women, boys and girls of In the sanctuary, in addition to Clifford belongs to the Chicago d friends among the priests of for a man to become a saintly in whom nature .and grace lavished eight novices nrofe.-sed were Sister Irish descent crowded the spacious Bishop Vehr and those who took ac- province of the Society of Jesus, city. schular.’’ (Continued on Page 9 ' (Continued on Page ‘‘ I . edifice. Some were born and reared (Continued on Page 4) (Continued on Page 7)


ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION Telephone, Main 5413 Thursday, March 17, 1932 ALAMOSA TOTS SOCIETY WILL JOIN “ WHERE-CAN-l-BUY-IT?” iChoir of so to Qive ^^Stabat ARCHCONFRATERNITY____ • A Directory of Favorably Known Firms CROWD CHURCH Westcliffe. — Father Layton and Mater’* at Three Hours’ Service Brother Benedict of the ’Holy Cross MAYAKA FOX rPIEfyOLY THCATPE Alamosa.— The number of chil­ abbey. Canon City, were among those a«4:,.AOVV4Y *1 flW*.r AVF.SUi. ■ dren is 80 great that they are crowd- present at the confraternity meet­ BUILDING MATERIALS MEAT MARKETS BROADWAY AT 1ST AVE. Colorado Springs. — The Three jubilee of the Knights of Columbus, i .ig the adults out of the pews, dem­ ing Friday. Hours’ agony of Christ on the Cross the members of the order and onstrating that the time will soon and QUALITY MEATS ARE other Catholic men of the region Father Layton will enter the Francis J. Fisher, Inc. will be commemorated at the Sacred come when they must have a special names of the members of the Altar MORE ECONOMICAL will receive Holy Communion in St. TAbor 6204 Heart church on Good Friday eve­ Mass of their own. society and all those joining the so­ ning, March 25, from seven to ten Mary’s church on Palm Sunday at the ciety before April 1 with the Arch­ FOX ORIENTAL Cement - Plaster - Mortar Rabtoay & Simering o’clock. The Seven Last Words of 8 o’clock Mass. Following the Mass, The Knights of Columbus are to a breakfast will be served in the receive Holy Communion in a body confraternity in . Many indul­ 1030 Wait Colfax Christ will be explained by the Rev. 44TH AND TENNYSON ST. Knights of Columbus home. A spe­ at the 8:30 Sunday. Each gences are attached to membership Metal Lath - Stucco Idward J. Fox, 0. M, 1., an eminent in this group. Aero** from St. Loo’a Cbarch mi.ssionar}’. A special augmented cial program of talks and music has knight will be accompanied by a Tues., W ed., Thurs. 2363 BLAKE ST. DENVER Phone KEyatone 3fSS choir of fifty trained voices, under been arranged for the breakfast. “ little squire.” Provision is being the direction of Prank Gilles, will Cards were distributed at all of the made for a hundred men. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS March 22, 23, 24 churches Sunday, inviting the men to THEY ARE RELIABLE TYPEWRITERS AND SUPPLIES render the beautiful “ Stabat Mater” Matinee Wed., 2 P. M. by Rossini. The order of services join in this corporate Communion, UI. S. PRIESTS GREET NEW will be as follows: and afterwards to attend the break­ PRESIDENT OF FREE STATE "I fast. It is hoped that every Cath­ "Stabat Mater" ...... Dublin. — President De Valera The New TYIMEWRllrERS ( Solo. Frank GilieB, tenor. Quartet: Mrs. olic man will attend, as a telegram ym am fujas OLDEST Kathleen Leonard, soprano; Miss Esther will be sent to the Most Rev. Urban March 11 received members of the ALL MAKKS AND PKICES Colbert, alto; Frank Gilles, tenor; John diplomatic corps headed by Monsig­ REX THEATER Rosser. basF, and rhoruB. J. Vehr, Bishop of Denver, stating 44TH AND YATES SOLD— RENTED— REPAIRED Introduction; "0 all ye who pasH by the nor Ribcri, charge d’affaires of the the number present. Papal Nunciature. The Irish press is Adults 20c— Child 10c AMERICAN WRITING MACHINE CO„ INC. way attend and see if there .is any lorrow The stage is set and final rehear­ like unto My sorrow.” publishing numerous congratulatory Fri. and Sst., March 18-19 164* CALIFOENUST. KEYSTONB 1947 ESTABLrSHED 1989 DENVER. COLO. ZANE GHEY’S "Cujiis Animam” ...... Tenor solo sals are being held for “ Three Wise messages received by President De J William Jordan “RIDERS OF THE Fools,” which will be presented in St. h'irst Word: "Father, forgive them, for Valera from the United States, many they know not what they do.” Mary’s auditorium Thursday and Fri­ of them from Catholic priests. PURPLE SAGE” ELECTRICAL SERVICE HAIR PRESERVER "Quis est Homo"...... day evenings of this week at 8:30 With GEO. O’BRIEN Duet: Mrs. Kathleen Leonard, first so­ o’clock. The play, which is produced Sun., Mon. A Tues., 20-21-22 prano; Miss Grace Pitigerald, second DOUBLE FEATURE INDIAN HEAD soprano by special arrangement with Samuel Franciican 7th Centenary Second Word: "Amen, I say to Ihee, French of New York, is directed by Prague.— This year the Francis­ “HOMICIDE SQUAD” This day thou shalt be with -Me in Para­ cans are celebrating the seventh cen­ With LEO CARILLO and MARY H. G. REID HAIR GROWER Mrs. Gertrude Grimes Johnson, well BRIAN and dise.” tenary of their installation in the Electrical Contracting, "Pro Peccatii” ...... Baritone solo known in dramatic circles for her “YANKEE DON” Recommended oil for dan­ John Jones Kingdom of Bohemia. They were in­ Repairing and Fixtures druff and falling hair. ability. The cast is composed of With RICHARD TALMAGE Third Word: "Mother, behold thy son. troduced by the Blessed Princess Wed. * Thurs., March 23-24 MAin 2303 317 Foarteeiith St. Madam Delano’s prepara­ Son, behold thy mother.” some of the best talent of the city, "Eia Mater” ...... and an excellent performance is as­ Agnes of the house of Premyslides, “THE SPIRIT OF tion. Sold at Wm. W. Myer Solo: John Roeser, Bass. Quartet: The the seven hundred and fiftieth anni­ First Denver Showing Drug Stores. Price 50c. Swan quartet, Irving Sims, first tenor: sured. versary of whose birth will be com­ NOTRE DAME” Robert Fling, bass; Clifford Brown, second Corpus Christi guild entertained With LEW AYRES tenor; Sidney Phelpn, baritone. memorated this year also. INDUSTRIAL BANKS Fourth Word: "My God, My God, why at a St. Patrick’s day card party in hast Thou forsaken Me?” Corpus Christi hall Thursday after­ "Sancta Ifater litud Agas” ...... Quartet noon, March 17. Many reservations Mrs. Kathleen Leonerd. soprano: Mrs. A. DENVER INDUSTRIAL BANK D. Floyd, alto; Irving Slms, tenor; Sidney were made for the annual affair. CHATTEL LOANS ON FURNITURE AND AUTOMOBILES Phelps, bass. Fifth Word: "I thirst.” 1650 Welton St. • Telephona TAbor 5305 "Fac ut Portem” ...... Solo Mrs. Kathleen Leonard, soprano Our Service Is Different—Not Indifferent Sixth Word: "Father, into Thy hands I commend My spirit.” Passion Drama "Inflammatus” ...... Solo: Miss Ann O’Neil, soprano, and SERVICE STATIONS SHOE REPAIRING chorus. Flowers Seventh Word; ‘Tt is finished.” Will Be Given "Adoramus Tc Chriite” ...... V, Ruffo BLUE FRONT SHOE The Law quartet: Bernard Vessey, first tenor; Walter By bee, sedond tenor; Stanley Salida. — “ The Upper Room,” a G Rotolo O REPAIR SHOP Effinger. baritone; Joseph Schlotter, bass. drama of Christ’s Passion, by Msgr. Accompanists, Miss Madeline Schaffer, f o r Joepeb H. Cavalier Miss Nellie Kelley. Miss Margaret Kelley, Benson, is to be presented under Bring thia ad in for 15% diacount. Mrs. Robert Chadbourne. the auspices of St. Joseph’s P.-T. A. A Service I Sopranos, Kathleen Leonard, Hermina I 8th and W azee tt FINE SHOE REPAIRING AT Chonka. Veneta Weber, Rosanna Terry, Mrs. at the high school auditorium on the MODERATE PRICES Thomas Gibbons, Grace Fitigerald, Frances evening of Holy Thursday, March 24, S Colfax & Madison II ,j Reichert, Madeline Blnard, Dorothy Denton, at 8:15. The young people are prac­ 1529 Curtia St. Phone TAbor 3601 Ann O’Neil, Clara Blnard, Eleanor Me- Easter Morning Grady, L. Chandler, Mrs. Roy Waldron; ticing three evenings a week during altos. Mrs. A. D. Floyd, Sarah Higgins, Lent, and, judging from their ef­ INSURANCE CHIROPRACTIC Susan Horohoe. Mrs. F. Lee Coates, Doris Binard. Gertrude McGrady, Mrs. M. Moun­ forts, the play will be a powerful ser­ What will your Easter greeting be . . . . Eas­ “ The Beat in Chiropractic” tain. Esther Colbert; tenors, Frank Gilles, mon not only in word but also in act. For Dependable Insurance Clifford Brown, WUliam Jordan, Harley It is a finished product under the ter lilies .... gay tulips .... fragrant hya­ Remington. Irving Sims, William Bybee, Lifo— Accident— Auto— Fire Char)e.*i Binard, Bernard Vessey, Vincent able direction of Mrs. James Allen. cinths? Or a bright basket of fresh spring Reichert, Allan Binard; basses, Sidney Father Cawley motored to Canon flowers? Dr. M. J. Marek Phelps, Robert Fling, Frank Stark, Joseph City Thursday, where he secured cos­ McGrady, John Jones, Roy Waldron, John Former instructor io Pmlmer School Roeser, John McGrady, Kenneth Brown. tumes for the play, “ The Upper Jack Keniery Neurocalometei* «ad X'R«y Soryicc Stanley Effinger, Joseph Schlotter, William Room.” The costumes follow exactly Reichert. the styles used in the time of Christ. Res. 2442 King Sti GA. 2254-J Denver Theater Bldg. KEystone 2771 Holy Thursday evening at 7:45 a Sunday morning, March 13, the sermon on “ The Love of Christ Mani­ Rev. F. P. Cawley inaugurated the fested in the. Institution of the The firms listed here de­ LOCKSMITHING Holy Name society in the parish. It Daniels and Fisher’s Blessed Eucharist” will be preached was indeed an inspiring and edify­ by the Rev. James T. McDermott, 0. ing sight to see many men and boys Green Novelty Shop M. I. serve to be remembered of high school age respond to this On Holy Thursday evening, the Keys Duplicated 25c worthy cause and receive Holy Com­ when you are distributing Lock Repairing and Key Fitting Tenebrae service will be held at St. munion in a body. Flower Shop Scissors, Knives, Etc., Sharpened Mary’s church. A choir, under the The S t Patrick’s fete, given March direction of Father Woeber, will sing your patronage in the dif­ 17 at the H. E. & V. hall and spon­ Is taking orders now for Easter morning delivery. Choose the Dog Harnesi and Supplies the Tenebrae. , Since most of the sored by the K. of C. and the ladies OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE boys trained last year by Father blossoms you’ll send .... select the type of ^lant or the type of the Altar society, proved to be a ferent lines of business. 317 16th St. KEystone 3031 Woeber for this service have gone, it of bouquet. . . . and rest assured that your greeting will be as brilliant affair socially. was necessary for him to train an­ Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Plank of fresh and fragrant as the morning. other group. Those taking part are: Gunnison visited with Father Cawley First tenors, Tom McCarty, Junior on Sunday afternoon. Easter Lily plants...... $1.50 and up Gaughan, Mike Foley, Gilbert Hesse Lenten services in the week con­ Cathedral Parish and Paul McCarville; second tenors, sist of Stations of the Cross and Tulip and Hyacinth plants...... $1.50 Jim Pollard and Ed Delaney; first Benediction on Sunday at 2 o'clock Corsage bouquets bass, Tom Fagan, Andy Riedel, Bill for the Spanish-speaking people; a McCarty and Hugh Jones; second new feature introduced in the parish in new and smart arrangements...... $1.50 up bass, Frank Hammer and Bill Carey. TROPICAL INN this Lent, the beautiful devotion of Plans are being made for a min­ Special Lenten Foods the Holy Hour, held from 7 :80 to strel show to be given by members 8:30 every Sunday evening; on Served Only as Dever Can of the senior class of St. Mary’s Wednesdays, Rosary, sermon and some time after Easter. This show Benediction of the Blessed Sacra­ Remember, it costs no Colfax at Williams YOrk 9338 will be put on for the benefit of The paniels Srjpisher ment; every Friday at 4:15, the Sta­ more, the quality mark ______OPEN ALL NIGHT ______Marylin. tions of the Cross and Benediction of Daniels and Fisher. Mildred Stanton, a member of the Denver Owned Since 1864 ff?nuinely, are very appreciative ot for the school children, and services class of 1031, has been admitted to s W liy s lx H f your pleasing patronage. Business is good at 7.30 in the evening for the adults. the Press club of Loretto Heights 826 E. Colfax The church is filled at all these ser­ i4mt ^ ^ ^ y.. .a What! A Rendezvous for college. The Coziest Cafe on Colfax Delicious Breakfasts.” K. of C. to Ob(«rv« Jubilee vices. The funeral services of James In commemoration of the golden Leca Curtainii^ Drsparias, Lacst, Center Pieces and Ail Table Linem Coughlin, a long time resident of Cleaned and Hand Pretted. Salida, were held in St. Joseph’s NO PIN HOLES CALL FOR AND DELIVER church on Wednesday morning, 218 E. SeTenth Are. CITY LACE CLEANERS Phone TAber 7907 MUSICAL GIVEN March 9. His brother, Daniel Cough­ LOGAN ^^ARKET Com Fed Meat Fruit A Vegetables lin of Chicago, was here for the fu­ LOGAN — TABOR 9481 AT C / ^ N CITY neral. Daniel Coughlin is an actor Just Phone Those Roach Bros, for Quick Delivery Service in pictures and on the stage. Bear­ Any Time, Any Place, Anvwhere Canon City.— The musical given ing a great resemblance to Abraham by Miss Grace Elois Meade at St. Lincoln, he is often called to take ART LAMB’S QUALITY MARKET Scholastica’s of the Royal Gorge the part of this great American statesman. Strictly Corn-Fed Meats— Satisfaction Guaranteed Thursday evening, March 10, was outstanding in affairs of this kind Daniel Noonan of Salida was X019 E. Colfax Free Delivery KEystone 0724 in Canon City. Miss Meade, lyric buried from St. Joseph’s church on soprano, wa.s presented in this recital Monday, March 14. He was a re­ COMPARE THESE PRICES WITH OTHERS tired railroad man and had resided Suits and Overcoats Cleaned and Pressed...... 2 4 ^ by Mrs. R. L. Jones. The audience which filled the auditorium was de­ in Salida for over thirty years. Ladies’ Plain Dresses Cleaned and Pressed...... ,.-2 4 ^ CASH AND CARRY lighted and thrilled with the splendid program, when Miss Meade was as. ORPHEUM FLORISTS HOWARD 4c CLEANERS—629-31 E. Colfax slated by Mrs. Jones, Mrs. Fred W. Reiter, Mrs. William Manley, Jr., and Phone MA. 7060 1515 Welton Miss Elizabeth Dick.' The stage was JOHANNA’S HEMSTITCH SHOP Cut Flowers— Potted Plants 1113 OGDEN MILLENBRUCH YORK 3742MISS artistically hung with gold impres­ Spring Dresioi, 86c— Two $1.95 Dreues, $3.65 sionist* hangings and baskets of pink FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Rollins Hosiery— Ladies’, 70c up; Children’s H. Socks, 16c and 25c snapdragons were at either side of We Deliver the piano. Miss Meade sang three r> D n w a c u rtir c u o d e x p e r t s h o e r e b u il d in g groups of songs. Mrs. William Man- H. H. Bell Gene Darrow GLIKL lDlA drlLfC. o IILI a p u l l s o l e s a s p e c ia l t y ley read “ Prince Arthur” from King BRING THIS AD FOR A 10% DISCOUNT ON ALL REPAIRING John, by Shakespeare. Mrs. Reiter OP 50c OR OVER ~ MARGIE RYAN Satiifaction Guaranteed 853 Corona Street played piano duets with Mrs. Jones. Miss Dick played several violin solos. Stationery - Bridge Novelties Mrs. Jones accompanied Miss Meade Wedding Invitations and Seventh Ave. Garage throughout the recital. Miss Jeanne Announcements TTH AND LOGAN—ON THE CORNER **Pleasing Service** Meade, Miss Marie Esser and Miss Easter Greeting Cards Storage, High Pretiure Greailng, Frances Morrissey of Florence were Gas, Oil, Tire Repairing and KEystone 6404 High Grade Oili, Wething ushers. Miss Elois Meade was lit­ 214 McCllntock Bldg. 1564 Calif. Alweyt Open Greasihg at erally .showered with flowers. Miss PHONE TABOR 9280 1000 Yds. Inlaid Linoleum HARTLEY’S Meade has been taking an extensive COLFAX AT PEARL course of study the past two years. Edw. Gray Service Phone YOrIc 7013 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Alstyne LOUISE HAT SHOP announce the birth of a daughter MADAM LOUISE BROWN Regular No Limit EXPERT REPAIRING Wednesday, March 9. 27 Yean' Experiesee Designer of Distinctive Hats Miss Dorothy Sterling and Miss H B ^tt^ Service Moulded to the Head $1.50 and $1.75 as to Leone Hollister, students at the Uni­ Old Hats Remodeled TA. 9280 versity of Colorado, will arrive in Quality Shoppe Room 215, McCIintock Bldg. On Corner of Seventh and Logan 813 15th St. Canon City Friday to spend a week Grades Quantities visiting at their homes. 16th and California KE. 7921 Delicious F. E. Crawford returned to his Plate Lunches home Tuesday from Denver, where Your choice of 10 or 12 new, attractive patterns in all the most Salads and he spent a few days on business. The Smidt Drug Co* Sandwiches Mrs. Henry Morrissey of Florence DR. PARIS popular colors—greens, blues, tans, grays. This is heavy, long- M. E. RATEKIN. Owner visited in Canon City Thursday, DENTIST Prescriptions Our Specialty March 10, and attended Miss Meade’s NEW LOCATION wearing Inlaid Linoleum, with colors clear through to the burlap recital that evening. Delivery Service 207 Barth Bldg. back. All you want, cut from fresh, full rolls. Convenient Terms The ladies of the parish presided ISTH AND STOUT ST. 300 E. 7th Ave.— Cor. Grant St. FREY’S over a St. Patrick’s day social |n St. to all readers of The Catholic Register. KE. 3491 TA. 9271 Michael’s hall Thursday evening, Quality Baked Goods March 17. Various kinds of amuse­ THE DRESSMAKING Try Our Delicious ment to please both the young and Hot Cross Buns old were planned for this occasion. SHOP 702 EAST 17TH AVE. Germans Work for World Peace Bagnell’s Billiards Dreaamaking— Alterations Phone MAin 9198 Cologne.— With the world dis­ "Tht Buslnesi Men’i Recreation" COATS RELINED REASONABLE armament conference progressing at Billiards— Pool 1434 CHAMPA ST. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Geneva, Catholic groups in Germany Snooker— Lnneheonatte Notions are advocating the necessity for in­ 1623 Curtii— Opposite Baur’i N 8 lAST 17TH AVE. IT PAYS ternational peace. 1612 Gleaarm— Opposite Faramoant

.-ta. Thursday, March 17,1932 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE rifeNVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Main S413 PAGE THREE SNOW DELAYS Ladies Planning Local News PRIEST RACING Mrs. A. L. Lunny, acting secre­ TO DYING MAN to Serve Meals Snap tary of St. Vincent’s Aid, was Colorado’s Heme Store for Over Forty-Three Years awarded the pillow slips recently of­ Durango.— William (Billy) Cole, Greeley.— The Altar and Rosary Sixteenth Street at Stout—TAbor 2181 fered by Sister Angela. pioneer merchant of Silveiion, died society met March 10 at the home of The book by Mrs. Vernon Kellogg, Mrs. Anna Galland. The business Dash “ Jadwiga,” the story of a Polish Monday evening, March 7, at his home. He was in his 81st year. A portion of the meeting was spent in q^ueen, heroine of twenty million Saturday—Last Day Poles and second only to Joan of Arc native of Greenstown, Ireland, he completing arrangements for the had been a resident of Silverton for bretdefast and dinner to be held at Youthful in history’s annals, is this week put Introductory Offer on the shehffes of the Public library. more than half a century. Father Newman hall Sunday, March 20, and This was done at the instigation of Michael Mas of Durango was sum­ Tuesday, March 29. Mrs, M. J. Walsh of the Famous the Press club. A reserve list awaits moned in his last illness. Accom­ is in charge of the breakfast, and S ty le ... the book. panied by Steve Mullen, a son-in-law Mrs. Elizabeth Cole and Mrs. Frank The Regis guild will meet at Regis of Mr. Cole, and John Hunt, the trio Smith of the dinner. The following college on Sunday, March 20, at 8 hastened toward Silverton. From are committee chairmen: Mrs. Guy McCallum Silk p. m. The president, Mrs. E. T. Needleton they had to walk across Bradford, ticket sales for the dinner; Hart Schaf fner Gibbons, will preside. 14 miles of snowslides to get into Mrs. Frank' Smith, soliciting; Mrs. School stop signs and special “ dol- Silverton, reaching there just after Cold Taylor and Mrs, Lynn, tables; lar-a-day” traffic officers will be sta­ Mr. Cole’s death. Surviving mem- Miss Mary Barry, decorations. Din­ STOCKINGS & Marx tioned near parochial schools as well hers of Mr. Cole’s family are two ner will be served from 6:30 to 8 as public schools. Manager of Safety daughters, Mrs. Witliam Ennis and p. m. March 29. Carl S. Milliken, has announced. Miss Josie Cole, both of Silverton; “ The Catholic Press” was the title , At an Almost Miss Elizabeth L. Mulroy, Manual Jack Cole of Los Angeles; 15 grand­ of a very interesting paper given by Incredible Price high school teacher and sister of the children and two sons-in-law, William Mrs. Charles Crozier at, the Study 2 TROUSER Rev. John R. Mulroy, pastor of the Ellis and Steve Mullin, and a club of the Altar and Rosary so­ Church of the Holy Ghost, left an nephew, Jimmy Cole. When the ciety March 10. estate valued at $21,000. Her will, roads are open into Silverton, a date St. Patrick’s day was celebrated filed for probate in county court, will be set for memorial services to with an Irish program by the upper PREP named her mother, Mrs. Maria Mul­ be conducted for the “ best known grades of St. Peter’s school, fol­ roy, 1555 Gilpin street, sole heir to and best liked man that ever lived lowed by cards and, refreshments. the estate. Miss Mulroy left real in the San Juan basin.’’ Funeral ser­ This entertainment was in charge of pr. estate valued at $11,000 and $10,000 vices were held Thursday morning, the Holy Name society. in bonds, an inventory filed with the March 10, and the casket was placed The annual St. Patrick’s card party SUITS in the mausoleum. Hillside cemetery, court showed. was given by the Eaton Catholic An outstanding sale of a well- Mrs. Joseph Emerson Smith is Silverton. ladies on the afternoon of March 17. named a judge in the literary con­ known Silk Stocking of proven John P. Thompson passed away K. of C. to Receive Palm Sunday test of the Denver Press council, early last Monday morning after a worth and Quality— ^Lewis’ are which is held April 15. The Greeley council of the lingering illness. He is survived by glad to announce McCallum his wife, Mrs. Mary Thompson. Fu­ Knights of Columbus urges all the SODALITY WILL neral services were held Tuesday men of the congregation to join with Hosiery— sold exclusively in it in receiving Holy Communion Dress morning from St. Columba’s church Denver------in their RECEIVE SUNDAY with Father Kipp officiating. Inter­ at the 7:30 Mass Sunday, March 20. Up ment took place in Mt. Calvary After Mass, all the men will be (Holy Family Parish) served a breakfast in Newman hall Stocking Shop— Street Floor Smart— new spring light and dark cemetery. for The regular monthly meeting of by the ladies of the Altar society. colors— snappy youthful patterns and The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. the Young Ladies’ sodality was held The children received Holy Com­ Easter models. Satisfaction guaranteed. in the school annex on Monday night. James Cummins was baptized last Other Stockings by McCallum Sunday by Father Kipp. He was munion at the 7 o’clock Mass St. Pat­ Father Lappen is again spiritual di­ rick’s day. rector of this sodality. Miss Char­ called Dennis Otto. James McGue $1 to $2.95 lotte Hamburger and Miss Jorita Mc- and Margaret Gorman acted as spon­ The Holy Name society and the Nultv were hostesses. sors. Newman club received .Holjr Com­ munion in a body Sunday. ? See the beautiful colors— Sunday will be Communion day for Mr. and Mrs. Jack Connors arc John Delaney has charge o f col­ the sodality as well as for all the in California on a vacation trip. McCallum sets the color young women of the parish. They lections for the Regis college good Mrs. Anna Newnham departed Fri­ will campaign. mode for the world! 62/ Sixteenth S t will receive Communion in a body at day morning for Denver, where she the 9 o’clock Mass. is visiting. She was accompanied as Mrs. Elizabeth Cole, who was Palms will be blessed and distrib­ far as Alamosa by Mrs. Tom Cum­ called to Iowa City Tuesday because of illness in the family, returned uted Sunday before the 9 o’clock min*. Mass and distributed again at the 11 Sunday to Greeley. o’clock Mass. They may be obtained Miss Regina Piedalue is slowly re­ any time during the day in the covering from a severe attack of the church. STATE DEPUTY flu. The annual St. Patrick’s entertain­ Mr, and Mrs. Ed Smith spent Sun­ S t. Dominic’s Parish ment was held on Wednesday and day in Loveland at the home of Mrs. Get Your Proteins VISITS K. OF C. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob­ Thursday nighte and consisted of an from Irish play entitled “ The Lucky Em­ ert Jack. Pinon Fuel and Supply Co. erald,’’ together with several Irish AT FT. COLLINS Mr. and Mrs. Alyn Cole and son of Denver spent Sunday and Mon­ LUMP COAL, $5.50 UP specialties. COAL STEAM COAL, $2,50 UP The regular Lenten devotions will F t Collins.— The K. of C. were day with Mrs. Elizabeth Cole and honored at their last meeting on F. A. Mumford, Mgr. W. 25th and Decatur GAllup 6125 Meadow; Qold Creamed be held Friday night. family. The regular weekly bake sale will March 9 by having with them the Mr. and Mrs. John Domke from be held in the hall on Friday night state deputy, Joseph C. Maguire, who Sterling visited Mrs. Domke’s par­ LAKE’S QUALITY MARKET Cottage Cheese with Mrs. Crouse in charge. gave a very interesting talk, stress­ ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith, WE CARRY A FULL LINE OF QUALITY MEATS, FRESH EGGS, ing the golden jubilee and Com­ Sunday. SALT AND SMOKED MEATS, FISH ON FRIDAY Vary your menu by using Meadow Gold Creamed munion Sunday, March 20. There Mr. and Mrs. Frank Negless have S617 WEST 32ND AVE. WE DELIVER— UNION MARKET CALL GALLUP 4401 GREAT CHURCH IS .was exemplification of the first de­ moved from 1122 Nineteenth street jW jpiwiBiroii' npnm Cottage Cheese to make delicious salads gree by the local team. to 1421 Eighth street, having bought W FIREBUG’S PREY IraAY-GRAiN r « e o o r ; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Halloran mo­ the latter property from Albert and sandwiches that are both appetizing n ftSE C D » ALL KINM Hundreds of people throughout tored to Denver Tuesday. Squire. ROGERS SERVICE STORE and nutritious. ' the Middle West will regret to learn, Miss Mildred Modar of Boulder A surprise party was given Mrs. STATION that the magnificent spent the week-end with her parents, Frank Negless Sunday by a group GAS, OILS AND EXPERT < Prize Cheese Mold at Bloomington, Illinois, was de­ Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Modar. of her friends, it being her birthday. stroyed by fire last week entailing a The e^’ening was spent in playing five TIRE REPAIRING Soak for 10 minutes 2 tablespoonfuls of gelatine in Vi of Miss Margaret Hamilton, who is a cupful of cold water. Then dissolve it over hot water. To this loss of hundreds of thousands of dol­ hundred, at the close of which de­ attending the university at Laramie, Weft 25th at Decatur add 2 cupfuls of cottage cheese, Ms cupful each of evaporated lars., The fire was evidently started licious refreshments were _ served. is spending her spring vacation with NO. DENVER POULTRY SUPPLY milk and chopped stuffed olives, 2 teaspoonfuls of salt and Vi by a pyromaniac, and was the third Mfs. Negless was the recipient of PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS. 4227 W. 38TH AVE. GALLUP 2671 her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. t of a teaspoonful of pepper. Pour into a cold wet mold and set major conflagration in the thriving many lovely gifts. city, in as many days. The Hamilton. into the refrigerator until firm. Serve unmolded on a bed of The firms listed here de­ lettuce and garnished with tiny lettuce hearts and strips of firebug first caused the destruction W. M. Jackson was able to be at Dutch Proleil Attack on Jesuits EGYPTIAN BEAUTY pimento. Pour French dressing over all. Instead of the chopped of a large amusement resort with a his office Monday. Amsterdam, Holland. — Catholics serve to be remembered PARLOR olives, tfs of a cupful of pimento or green pepper cut fine may loss of $100,000; a day later, he The sisters of St. Joseph’s school of this city packed the Concertge- be used. One teaspoonful of chopped onion added gives just the burned the Jefferson public grade presented on St. Patrick’s day a one- bouw here at a demonstration held when you are distributing EXPERT BEAUTY WORK zest that some people like, too. school at an estimated loss of $300,- act play, “ The Good Little People.” to protest the dissolution of the Jes­ Nestle LeMur 000, and the following day Holy Several Irish specialties were fur­ uits in Spain, and approved a vigor­ your patronage in the dif­ Push Up Oil Wave Trinity church. All fires were nished by the children’s orchestra. ous resolution condemning the action Windsor Special started shortly after midnight and Absolutely Guaranteed Into a rich white sauce put equal amounts of cooked mush­ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Miller visited taken by the Spanish government, ferent lines of business. 2626 W. 32nd Are. GA. 2647 during the coldest winter weather several days in Denver last week. which was forwarded to the prime rooms which have been lightly browned in butter, and either Central Illinois has experienced for fresh or canned crab meat, cut in small pieces. Heat, and place St. Joseph’s Altar society held its minister of Holland, the minister of a number of years. W. L. Morrissey, justice and the burgomaster of Am­ on triangles of toasted bread. Serve with a garnish of balls of secretary of the Colorado boxing monthly meeting March 9 at the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Meadow Gold Creamed Cottage Cheese generously sprinkled commission, declares that Holy Trin­ Mountain Avenue tea room. H. H. sterdam. ^ with paprika, and slices of hard boiled egg. ity church was one of the show places Hale, grand knight of the Fort Col­ between Chicago and St. Louis and lins K. of C. council, gave a talk. Unusual Sandwiches on the main highway. It was built The ladies will serve the K. of C. on the highest point in Bloominrton, breakfast Palm Sunday. Try Meadow Gold Creamed Cottage Cheese as one layer II ' * in club sandwiches, using for the other layer and was the begrinning of the busi­ Mrs. Dorn Gill and Charles Russell Tomato, Lettuce and Mayonnaise ness section from the north. The presided at a dinner at their home Or sliced Cold Ham, Lettuce, etc. steeple and cross could be seen for Saturday, honoring their niece and Or sliced Tart Apples, Lettuce, etc. miles, as the country is very level. cousin, Mrs. Shirley True of Los An­ Or strips of Bacon, Lettuce, etc. The Stations of the Cross and other geles. paintings were the work of a famous Cottage Cheese Pie Italian artist, who spent months aid­ Orphan to Nurae Lepers ing in the decoration of the church Memphis, Tenn.— From Memphis, Line a deep pie plate with pie crust, and add the following: when it was built. The congregation Three well-beaten eggs, one cup Meadow Gold Creamed Cottage native city of the late Brother Jos­ had paid off all of . the church debt eph Dutton, internationally famed Cheese, one cup shredded cocoanut, nine tablespoons of sugar, years ago, but recently issued bonds 0LIN6ER MORTUARY 0LIN6ER MORTUARY one teaspoon of nutmeg, two cups of milk or enough to fill the apostle of the lepers of Molokai, will Sixtffntii ft BofWtr $p*«r Boolfvtrd' tf Shffiwff in the sum of $300,000 and used the soon go forth another laborer des­ pie plate. Bake as you would custard pie, being careful to reduce proceeds for a fine modern school. the heat to prevent it becoming watery. tined to devote a lifetime to the care The convent, rectory and abandoned and comfort of the stricken residents school building, all in the same block of the Hawaiian haven for the vic­ Cheese and Nut Salad with the church, were saved by he­ tims of the dread disease. This time To each 2 cupfuls of cottage cheese allow of a pound roic efforts of firemen. The firebug it is a woman, a nun, aged 21, who IN THE FINER MORTUARY of chopped and blanched almonds and ’A of a pint of whipped has not been apprehended. a few years ago was a dependent cream. Mix all together lightly. Heap loosely on beds of lettuce Five firemen were injured and six I orphan. Her name is not announced. and serve very cold. Pour over a little mayonnaise before serv­ were overcome by smoke March 13 ing and garnish with sliced candied cherries. at Pittsburgh, when fire destroyed the NOTHING IS HURRIED Church of St. Mary Magdalene. The Belloc 111, Cancels U. S. Tour Try this New Meadow Gold product. Put up in was estimated at $500,000. Convent Station, N. J.— Hilaire Belloc, prominent English lecturer, IT IS NOT ENOUGH tint Only a large and complete a large glass jar for only 10c. CHILDREN HOLD novelist and poet, in a cable just re­ ceived, said he has not sufficiently our services iochide many extra ganization can serve in this man. Just Mark Your Card FINE PROGRAM recovered from a long illness to make the trip, and, upon his doctor’s tefinements and comforti. Nor ner. Likewise only the finer Gardner.— The children of the pa- orders, has cancelled all arrange­ WINDSOR-MEADOW GOLD ijchial school held an elaborate cele­ ments made for lectures throughout is our duty dme when we safe­ mortuaries can endow an inex­ bration on Washington’s birthday. A the United States. parade was held in the morning with guard every family’s fiaancei, pensive funeral widi all the sat* Phone MAin 5131 about eighty taking part, dressed in Colonial costumes and representing providing all this beauty and trying featines desired in a final Day or Night historical incidents. A two hours’ program was held in the evening with attention at a very moderate tribute. Visk the Public Advi* several plays and an address by the Rev. Paul Belloni as features. Sev­ eo*t. It is also essential that sory Department at either of the eral of the students won praise for Now you may have your finest wool blankets and their description of the day’s events each service through the Olin- OKnger establishments, for com­ in papers prepared later. auto robes laundered by the same methods used by ger Mortuaries proceed calmly plete funeral information. Phone [heir manufacturers—the woolen mills. PROMINENT FOLKS TO : Phone, MAin 4843 and peacefully, with no fuss or or write for a copy of This is a strictly different process from ordinary washing. Special BE SERVANTS TO POOR Equipment— ^the only of its kind in Denver— is used. In the Hesrt of Denver’ s Business District hurry, with a complete roster of our helpful booklet, CItTiritO I It restores the life and beauty, brightening the colors and raising the Clergymen and social leaders will Si4-1& EQUITABLE BLDG. fimiiAi Aowm pap to a new luxurious, downy softness. become servants Saturday morning, attendants to meet every need. “Looking Ahead.” And there is a positive guaranty against shrinkage. at the annual S t Joseph’s day cele­ bration at the Mullen home for the Consult Naturally It’s the Ideal Laundry that can give you aged, Denver. After a Low Mass Ibis service. at 8:30 by Bishop Urban J. Vehr, BERNARD L. WHITE goodies will be served to the old peo­ Call the Ideal ■ft* ^ IbA UN PRV ptr/orm* cverjr OLINGER MORTUARIES ple and, following the world-wide For Honest Advice and Information on Your Laundry . *tr*ie* * Uundry thMi.u- cu.stom in homes conducted by the Sixftt«nH) af Bould«r Sp««r Bivd. at Sh«rmaN Little Sisters of the Poor, the guests About Life Insurance I v,he PlantPI Is at 2500 rCurtis rf from outside will be the waiters at 1109 E. Alameda Ave. SPruce 4018 table. Even Cardinals become wait­ AK Deparhrwfd's: GAHup 0303 D«oyar ers at homes for the aged on St. Jos­ eph’s day. M. J. CULLEN WALL PAPERING AND PAINTING FOR LANDSCAPE Complete Catholic Personnel and Equipment Bishop Kelley’s Brother Dies ATTRACTIVE NEW DESIGNS IN WALL PAPER FOR EVERY ROOM PLANT CHERRY, PLUM FOR FRUIT AND SHADE — MASURY PAINTS— Charlottetown, P. E. I.— Joseph JOSEPH E. BONA, Vice President FEED Kelley, an executive of the Canadian CHOICE CHINESE ELM WE ARE EQUIPPED TO HANDLE ANY JOB— ESTIMATES FREE I’el.' or write QUICK and I National railways and brother of the will call. GA. 03SO— 7 to 8 A. PARMELEE & SON Most Rev. Franci.s C. Kelley, Bishop a. m. ORDER NOW. Nurseries, W. 46lh Avenue 728 W. Colfax Phone TAbor 7432— Ret. TAbor 0992 of Oklahoma City and 'Tulsa, died and Wvandol here aged 59. Est. 40 Years The Denver Catholic Register St* Vincentes Plans President------Most Bev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr, D.D. President Emeritus.^ H.».^..JIost Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen, D.D. Fine Holy Week The Beautiful New Editor...... Srjtatariab ...Rev. Matthew Smith, Ph.D., LLD. Managing Editor...... Hubert A. Smith, Jour. M (St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish) AWNING STRIPES Associate Editors..Rev. Albin Ratermann, Edward C. Day, Jr., M. P. Everett Opinions of Associate Editors of The Register The schedule of devotions prepared Entered as second class matter at the post office at Denver, Colo. for Holy week will afford the parish­ Are Here ioners excellent opportunity to enter all that we are and have. It is for Catholic Action into the spirit of the week. Palms A few years ago a call went out Him who gave us our life to take it Phone for Published Weekly by from us when He wills, not ours to will be blessed before the-7 o’clock from the Vatican for all Catholic lay Mas.s Sunday and will be distributed people to participate in a strong pro­ throw His gift in His face. To take Our Estimator THE CATHOLIC PUBLISHING SOCIETY, (Inc.) our own life is to usurp the dominion after each o f the four Masses, Eve­ gram of Gatl(plic Action.,-This call ning devotions Sunday, at which Fa­ ‘ 938 Bannock Street has been heard in Golor^o, apd hm^ of God. It is , wronging ^ , the.... Lord been exemplified to a high dfg^e!?_by|j o r li^ and death. God has set us in ther Albin Ratermann will preach, Phone Main 5413 . P. 0. Box 1497 this world to work out our perfection will be at the usual Lenten time, many of our Catholic societies. The' 7:45. Rosary, sermon and Bene­ women’s organizations, banded ander here.' It is for us to remain at our appointed posts until we are recalled. diction comprise the devotions for V. $2 a year. Sold only in club arrangement with The Register. the Diocesan Council of C^Kholic Wednesday evening at 7:45. 1421 LARIMER ST* Women, have been among the lead­ Such arguments are very logi­ Tuesday edition. $2 covers subscription to. both weeklies. cal, but they make even poor rhet­ Holy Mass will be offered at 8:30 ers in this work, while no finer ex­ on each of the last three days of emplification of Catholic Action has oric for those ;who have aban­ doned belief in God’s judgpents and Holy Week, Holy Thursday, Good Thursday, March 17, 1932 been shown anywhere than by our Friday and Holy Saturday. (Custom­ St. Vincent de Paui societies. a future state. Atheism and ma­ terialism form the best breeding ary services of Holy Saturday, which Sunday vrill see the climax o f a year precede the Mass, will begin at 7:30. Nights 3^c • Matinee 25c OFFICIAL: DIOCESE OF DENVER places for the contagion of suicide. of intense activity along this line, Adoration of the Blessed Sacra­ when Ibe Cathedral will be filled with Will not present Godless education Colfax at Ogden St. The Denver .Catholic Register merits our cordial approval. force some future citizens futilely ment will continue throughout the OGDEN men who will receive Holy Com­ We confirm it as the official publication of the Diocese. Whatever to grope in materialistic darkness day Holy Thursday, closing with Holy March 18, 19, 20, 21 March 22, 23, 24 munion under the auspices of the appears in its columns over the signature of the Ordinary or those Hour, which begins at 7:46 p. m. Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday Knights of Columbus. This drgani- for an answer to “ Why wait?” — of the Officials of our Curia is hereby declared official. Rev. Albin Ratermann: Good Friday will be observed by FREDERIC MARCH In We. hope The Register will be read in every home of the zation has come to the front in recent following the Way of the Cross at WALLACE BERRY Diocese. years as an exponent of works, both CLARK GABLE In Lindbergh Pays for Fame 3 p. m. and again at 7:45 p. m. “DR. JEKYLL AND We urge pastors, parents and teachers to cultivate a taste in religious and charitable. The State Confessions will be heard Wednes­ council’s efforts in behalf of the Lay­ What price fame? In few cases, “HELL DIVERS” M R . H Y D E ” . the children of the Diocese for the reading of The Register. if any, does it ever amount to any­ day at 5 p. m. and again after the men’s Retreat movement have been Without a doubt the most sensational 4- URBAN J. VEHR, thing. And in the case of Charles devotions Wednesday evening. The You’ll be amased, you'll be thrilled, responsible, in no small measure, for hours for Confessions Holy Saturday and entertaining aviation picture ever you’U be horrified at Harch’s greatest Aug. 6, 1981. Bishop of Denver. the growth of this splendid branch and Anne Lindbergh it has given filmed. role. them nothing but money, a private are from 4 to 6 and from 7 to 9 of Catholic Action. o’clock. The members of Denver council estate and the loss of their dearest Coming One Week--Marie Dressier— “EMMA” possession, their baby. High Mass will be sung Easter have been sponsoring a minstrel show morning at 7 o’clock. The other for the past four years, in which Much has been written about the kidnaping. Little new in the way of Masses, aB Lew Masses, will be at most of the receipts have been turned comment can be offered. But it is the usual Sunday hours, 8.30, 10 and LISTENING IN over to the Catholic Charities. Last universally agreed that Lindbergh’s 11:30 o’clock. PHILLIPS “66” SERVICE STATION fall they made ?5,000 on a festival, aversion to publicity has turned out SPECIALIZED GREASING SERVICE WITH A 1,000 MILE GUARANTEE (Continued From Page 1) lalf of which went to the St. Vincent to be a boomerang which he little LEE TIRES AND TUBES yjwvwjvwM vwwvww* PHONE YORK 4788 M. B. HUSTON COLFAX AT EMERSON Plenty Coup* gave the land where the Catholic church from which de Paul men for maintenance of the su^ected. he was buried stands. He was a man worthy of honor, said Bishop O’Hara she'.ter house and the other half to In the first place it was his “ hor­ in his sermon, a man of integrity, of truthfulness and of faithful devotion their own relief fund. ror” for reporters that prompted him to his geople and his religion. Nothing succeeds like success. The to make his home in the wooded Denver Knights of Columbia are en­ wilds of New Jersey. Away from F. J. Kirchhof After the ceremony, the Crow Indians -gave a tribal name to Bishop joying a banner year. Strong Catho­ every one, protected by dense forests, LOOP MARKET O’Hara. “ Man Well Known,’’ they called him. The Indians* gift for telling lic Action is the answer.— Hubert A. Lindbergh was safe from the public the truth in a few eloquent words certainly showed itself again in this Smith. eye. But the Lindbergh estate Construction ' title accorded the famous Bishop, who was a national figure in the Church proved to be an ideal spot for the even before his consecration. Divorces Over Bridge dastardly abduction, and the dense Special for Saturday It is reported that 347 wives last woods provided a refuge for the Company Sha-Bob-Da-Shkong (John Driver), another great Indian leader, a year brought suit for divorce in con­ criminals. Large Selection of Fresh Cut Flowers at Our Usual Low Price councillor of the once-proud Chippewai, who died last Sunday in Odanah, sequence of ill-feeling engendered at Then the newspapers came along Wisconsin, was also a Catholic convert, having joined the Church years ago. the contract bridge table, more than and made the job complete. Here LOOP MARKET FLORISTS double the 163 bridge divorces in was a story which comes once in rne The clergy, alas, are merely men, with all the idiosyncrasies that fol­ 1930. Divorce wasn’t quick enough life time of the average reporter. The FREE DELIVERY MA. 3987 low human - nature. Some would have them angels, but we, being very for some. One lady crowned her hus­ public hadn’t been given enough of BUILDERS human ourselves, love the human side of the Church almost as fiercely as band with a cut-glass vase because Lindbergh. He was too silent, too we love the Divine, and nothing gives us more delight in life than the he overbid his hand. Another did the aloof. Here was a chance to gdve foibles one must expect to find even among those who are doing their level same with a skillet because he failed the public everything about him, his LOOP FISH AND POULTRY MARKET best to save their own souls and the souls df others too. We have been to enlighten her with an informatory home, his family, his reactions. As We Would WE WILL APPRECIATE YOUR ORDER FOR GOOD FRIDAY tittering ail week at the following, which we steal from Monsignor Crowley s double. A third took summary ven­ a result no little detail that would make a story has been overlooked. Appreciate FRESH HALIBUT. FRESH TROUT, delightful “ Frater Con’’ column in The Central California Register: geance upon her mate by shooting NOT FROZEN, LB...... 1 5 ^ POUND.....^...... 3 5 ^ And I believe the net result has been Father Moakler, chaplain of Immaculate Heart college, Hollywood, him wheh he raised an initial bid of FRESH CATFISH, FRESH HERRING. the greatest aid to the kidnapers. Your Patronage- POUND...... I 2 5 ^ POUND.______2 5 ^ told us of a former vicar general of Galway, Moniignor Fahey, who could two spades with only a seven-spot of Ohio papers lamented the .fact FANCY BALTIMORE ALL KINDS OF FRESH DRESSED best be described as dignity personified. His two~ assistants lived in awe that suit in his hand and a jack and OYSTERS, PINT...... 3 0 ^ POm-TRY of his tremendous importance. In the sacristy one morn they beheld the that their own kidnaping case, two queens as face cards. which stirred that state about the Right Reverend pastor on his way to altar clad in full Mass vestments, on How about a campaign to make 700 Lawrence Street his head his tall silk hat. “ You tell him,’’ urged the elder of the two. "You same time, engaged the attention of contract bridge safe for husbands? a handful of the local police while M Ain 5314 do; you’re the senior.” Finally one of them touched the venerable rector But then the fair sex may claim its on the shoulder (he was very deaf) before he opened the sacristy door. hundreds of the best police minds Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated We Call For and Deliver members have been maligned and dig of the world beat their heads against “ Well, what is it now? Can’t you wait until after Mass? I never saw such up some statistics showing how males Denver - Colorado impertinence!” At last they succeeded in convincing him that he was not blank walls in an effort to restore THE CASCADE LAUNDRY have lost their tempers and done the Lindbergh baby. Ohio citi­ dressed quite a la mode for the Holy Sacrifice, and he unwillingly made goodness knows what, or perhaps drag “ Denver’* , Mott Progrettive Laundry” — We U»e Soft Water the change, muttering, "It seems to me some people around here never zens were indignant, because their v\W^JWJWMWWMWA in their poker-playing proclivities. Branch 06Sces: 1642 'and 1746 Tremont Street, 1128 17th Street. learn their own business.” Ohio mother was just as broken­ One expert suggests that players hearted over the loss of her 1123 East Ninth Ave., 425 East 17th Ave., 604 East 18th Ave., 1460 York. should not become too good in bridge, child as Anne Lindbergh. But the lest they run out of suitable oppon­ Ohio mother got her boy back, BISHOP VEHR GIVES SERMON ents and be bored by having to play the kidnaper was caught and given < ^ ^ R iC H N Fix t u r e dubs. life in prison. And in the meantime Arapahoe Sc None seems to consider the very Lindbergh would have given his all Denver Co l o r a d o ST. FRANCIS’ COMMUNITY STORES AT ST. PATRICK’S DAY MASS simple method of cutting it out alto­ to have his baby restored as quickly and as quietly as was the Ohio gether. But it does seem that if MANTirACTURUI. JOIN THE EASTER PARADE bridge, like liquor, goes to players’ child.— Edward C, Day, Jr. WITH GARMENTS MADE BRIGHT AND SPRING LIKE (Continued From Page 1) ters to those people in the throes of BY OUR THOROUGH CLEANING AND PRESSING paganism and idolatry. heads so readily, the game should be or tive part in the ceremones, were the taken in careful doses; the indul­ DRIVE ASSURES THAT THE BETTER YET CLEANERS Most Rev. Bishop J. Henry Tihen and The officers of the Mass were: As­ 782 SO. PEARL V. R. STOKES. Prop. PHONE PEARL 7671 gence stopped the minute tempera­ C H U R C H 40 eight priests. sistant priest, the Rev. M. F. Cal- REGIS WILL CONTINUE tures begin to rise, good natures to W. A. OSBORN 275 SOUTH LOGAN ST. B. E. JOHNSON Bishop Vehr delivered the sermon, lanan, pastor of Annunciation church; LODGEROOM disappear and hard words to fly. (Continued From Page 1) dwelling on the missionary spirit of deacons of honor, the Rev. J. J. (lu- Seriously, how can people become of the first year’s cash has been LOGAN MOTORS g"IS aT rep"I? r7Ag Ireland and the strong faith which zinski, pastor of St. Joseph’s Polish FO R N TrU R E church, and the Rev. Terence Devlin, so enamored of a game, a diversion, turned in. Chairmen of the parish Creating, Waabing, Storage— Gaaoline and Oil, Towing has come down through history from relaxation supposedly, that they the time of St. Patrick. pastor of Sacred HearLLoyola par­ committees have been asked to make ish; deacon of the Mass, the Rev. lose all sense of decency and fair play complete returns before April 10. SCHATZ SERVICE STATION Leaving the sacrifices, the hard­ Eugene O’Sullivan, assistant at An­ and call one another all kinds of Although some of the payments are ships and mortifications of St. Pat­ nunciation; subdeacon, the Rev. Jos­ names, engendering the worst of ill- to be made semi-annually, and_ only Gas - Oil - Greasing • Tires and Battery Service rick, which. Bishop Vehr said, mark eph Regan, O.P.; master of cere­ feeling? How can they go so far as half will be collected now, Re^s ex­ 241 So. Broadway and 5th and Santa Fe Drive Open All Night all the saintly men of Christ’s monies, the Rev. John Wogan, assist­ to break up a home because of fool­ pects to realize a major portion of Church, he dwelt upon those things ant at Annunciation. ish quarrels about an unnecessary the ?18,500 yearly pledge on the ED’S MARKET coincident to the celebration of his sport? They do it; squabble like first collection. Judging from results feast and the things within St. Pat­ children fighting over toys. It seems thus far, it has been estimated that Full Line Groceries and Fresh Com Fed Meats rick’s own life which stamp the great CEREMONIES FOR as if grown men and women should 98 per cent of the first year’s pledges We Deliver—We Appreciate Your Patronage ED COKER. Prop. 491 SO. PEARL SPRUCE 0366 apostle as unique in the history of FRANCISCAN NUNS learn some time that bridge is a will be converted into cash. the Church. game, not a matter of life and death. Efforts to raise $30,000 in the First, the Church celebrates the . all right for fun but not worthy state, to be paid in the next five (Continued From Page 1) ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM BUS DEPOT Feast of St. Patrick in white vest­ of the seeming importance it has as­ years, will be launched immediately Street Care Not. 11-13-40 at Depot ments. On no other feast day on by the hospital for the benefit of con­ sumed for many.— Millard F. Everett. Stop at Hotel Door after Easter. In the meantime, the A. L. SMITH, Proprietor which the Church commemorates its valescent patients and their visitors. Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin, rector of Colorado Hotel 17th Street at Tremont Phone KEystone 2391 great apostles 'and missionaries are The view from the hospital windows Why Suicide It Wrong the Cathedral and director of the white vestments used, because in takes in two beautiful lakes to the The past week’s suicide of two in­ Regis movement, is laying plans for every other case where men have north and west and is interrupted ternationally famous millionaires, a campaign for students. gone into pagan lands to convert only by the peaks of the snow-clad State papers, weeklies and dailies, whole nations, they have died mar­ Kreuger and Eastman, challenges a Rockies in a distance of about 50 Christian world. That challenge was m every city in the state, are co­ tyrs to the cause of Christ. Only St. miles ‘west. The hospital is located sardonically epitomized in Eastman’s operating in a publicity campaign for Patrick died as a Confessor, only on high grounds at the edge of Den­ dying question: “ Why wait?” What Regis and 125 papers reaching ap­ from him no blood was exacted for ver. It is an ideal place for the care is the answer to his question? Is a proximately 1,000,000 carried stories conversions he wrought. of the ill, well away from disturbing man justified in determining for last week. Another distinguishing mark was noises of Wflic. himself when he shall die? To ask A large enrollment next fall will that St. Patrick lived to see the An excellent medical staff now the question is to answer it nega­ help Regds a great deal. Income from fruits of his labors. In his own life consisting of 95 members is headed tively: it hardly merits discussion. that source will help take care of time he saw the conversion of the by W. E. Blanchard, M.D., president Suicide is morally crooked, inordi­ current expenses and enable the col­ greater portion of Ireland. He saw and H. J. Freeland, M.D., vice presi­ nate. It is opposed to the very na­ lege to increase its educational fa­ Your Problems kings and peasants, slaves and mas­ dent. An organized record depart­ ture of the person who attempts it, cilities. Only a continuation of the ters, the tutored and the ignorant re­ ment is maintained for the keeping and is, therefore, a violation of the present depression will prevent Regis lieved of the bonds of paganism. Be­ of case records, with a registered natural law. The powers of man are from having a large increase in en­ fore he died he witnessed the build­ nurse, Miss Tepoel, in charge full directed by nature to the attainment rollment next fall, it is believed. ing of monasteries and convents time. The clinical laboratory on the of some end, and, through the attain- which dotted the countryside, in the first floor is equipped for the hand­ men of that end, to the development peace of quiet of these convents and ling of all laboratory problems. PLANS PROGRESS A banker who knows, the angles of your monasteries, while the rest of con­ of the individual to whom those powers belong. But in suicide a tinental Europe was being wracked The x-ray equipment is second to FOR BOYS’ HOME man makes voluntary use of his own particular line of business can advise you and torn by wars and persecutions, none in Denver, according to the hos­ powers, and by his act those powers learning and culture flourished. To pital authorities, and equalled by only Definite arrangements are pro­ are directed to attain an object the with better result than one who is not fa­ them Europe turned back for its cul­ two institutions in the city. The most gressing for the occupation of the very contrary of that which, by their ture. 'Without them our own learning modern equipment possible has been new Mullen Home for Boys about and culture would be considerably installed. It is located on the first own nature, they are directed to at­ April 1 at the ranch recently pur­ miliar with it. modified. floor and has the power room separ­ tain— ^they are used not for the de­ chased near Port Logan. Three ate. Facilities are provided for radi­ velopment but for the destruction Christian Brothers will form the In his life St. Patrick asked two of the agent. There could be no great favors of God: that the lamp ography, fluoroscopy, superficial ther­ nucleus of the teaching staff, which apy and deep therapy. more direct or unequivocal violation will be augmented as other courses The officers of the American National talk of faith should never die in Ireland of nature than this. To use a power and that virginity and. chastity The surgical wing is adequately of training are added. The opening for the acMmplishment of what is of the place will find eighteen boys your business language. You will find should mark its womanhood. And equipped with the latest modem ap­ most directly opposed to its own pliances, its air of shiny efficiency a sharing the home-like comforts of the during the tyranny of foreign kings, natural end is the most complete reeking the fury of hell, Ireland’s matter of avfe to the lay observer. school and benefitting by the train­ amongst them one who knows your line and perversion that is possible of nature’s ing to’ be given under the personal crown was its Catholicism. It was Especial uttention is paid to the purposes and aims. Suicide, there­ a crown of thorns, yet a cfown obstetrical department. supervision of skilled brothers. The fore, is a violation of nature, of the home, serving primarily to equip the its problems, and who is qualified by exper­ of guardianship. And no heresy, no An accredited school of nursing is natural law, and, through the natural false utterance has come from that maintained, requiring a high school boy past orphanage care for the daily law, of the eternal law of God also, brunt of life in the world, will offer ience to give you intelligent advice. land. ' diploma for entrance and three years' on which the natural law is ultimate­ a standard high school course while Striking closer to home and to our study for graduation. A three months ly grounded. also training ttle boys in various gain­ day. Bishop Vehr stressed the mission­ course in pediatrics is given in affllia' As an injustice to society, too, sui­ ful pursuits. An important part of ary zeal of the Irish, the sacrifice of tion with Children’s hospital. The cide is wrong. The individual is the training will consist in practical Ireland’s sons and daughters in the school is under the direction of Sister naturally destined for society, and methods of agriculture. battle against paganism. History has M. Cyriac and has two registered therefore belongs to society as the proven that the nation with the most nurses, Helen Ostheimer and Florence part of any organism belongs to the Catholicity, the nation where Catho­ Keegan, as instructors. At present a whole. To cut oneself off from so­ BOOK CLUB WILL licity thrives best, is the nation that six weeks’ course in nursing education ciety Is to deprive society o^ that sends its sons and daughters to pagan is being given to Franciscan nuns ol' which belongs to it. Suicide is a MEET MARCH 21 lands. the community, a departure in hos cowardly shirking of the duties one American National Bank In this. Bishop Vehr said, we are pital work. owes his fellowmen. The Christian The Catholic Daughters’ Book-of- trailing remotely. We must not only The hospital has a dietary depart­ Gospel commands us to suffer trials the-Month club will meet at the Cath­ 17th at Lawrence St. Frank Kirchhof, President cherish and build deep the founda­ ment under the direction of Miss Car' and sorrows in imitation of Christ’s olic Daughters’ club house on Monday tion of faith in our own land, but rie Cook, registered dietitian, a grad' sufferings in order to gain the King­ morning, March 21, at 10 o’clock. it is our privilege and a duty in­ uate of the University hospital, In­ dom of Heaven. “ The Cross in the Wilderness,” by cumbent upon us by God to think of dianapolis, Ind. Facilities are pro- But not only does suicide wrong Sister Monica, will be reviewed by the pagans and reverently and un- vided for special diets, classroom In-1 society; it is an insult to the Creator, Mrs. Thelma Raphael. Mrs. J. A. aelfishly to give our sons and daugh­ struction and laboratory work. The Author of nature has given us Seubert is president of this club.

, —--- - V Thursday, March 17, 1932 Office, 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Main 5413 PAGE FIVE CONTEST TO BE St. Philomena’s HELD APRILS Grade Gagers Out for Title Declamations by Students and Club Members to Fea­ (St. Philomena’s Parish) ture Program The St. Philomena’s basketball team played some splendid games (St. Joseph’s Parish) recently, with Frank Parslow star­ A very entertaining progp*am is ring. The team met the Cathedral being prepared for the evening of school March 7 at the Sacred Heart April 8 by declamatory contestants gymnasium, winning by a score of from the high school and the Dra­ 33 to 2. At the Annunciation gym matic club. The Dramatic club in­ March 9, the St. Philomena’s team augurated this feature last year and played the Annunciation team, win­ put up a beautiful loving cup for the ning, 43-2. On Friday, the St. Philo­ school prize. It must be won by the mena’s lads will play for the cham­ same class three times in succession pionship against St. Catherine’s team to remain in its permanent posses­ at St. Catherine’s gym. sion. Miss Eleanor Ross, sister of Mrs. P. H. Williams of 1355 St. Sister M. Mercedes of the Mercy Paul street entertained the ladies of order, and a member of the staff Mrs. Giles F. Foley’s club March 11, of the Cushing school of dancing, is with the high honors going to Mrs. H O R A M instructing two groups in dancing Hubert Smith. numbers. Miss Ross has traveled in Mrs. P. R. Otis, who had been suf­ Europe, and has appeared on the fering from a sprained ankle, is able AND r^ON CHAPEL London stage. Miss Dorothy Croft, to be out again. a parish girl, who has traveled on Mrs. 'W. J. Morrissey of 1347 St. the Fanchon and Marco circuit, is Paul street, who had been ill of the teaching another group. ■ flu, is now able to be about Rehearsals are progressing very ROMAN MEDIAEVAL PRACTICE seems to offer no foundation for the The pastor, the Rev. William M. distinction in position as regards priests and laymen, but very pronounced differ­ well for the club play, “ A Full Higgins, has returned to Denver, House,” to be given at the West high after spending several days visiting ences have been practiced in, the Greek Church from early times. The idea of both, auditorium March 30. Director however, is that priests should occupy the same position in death as in life. Of at St. Patrick’s rectory, P4aeblo. George Hackethal believes it will be Among the new members of St one of the most finished productions the symbolism of the layman’s position, Durandus says, “ . . . his head lies to the Philomena's parish are Mrs. H. C. the club has given. Tickets for re­ west, his feet are turned to the east; for thus he prays as it were by his very posi­ Fisher, 1007 Detroit street, and Mrs. served seats should be procured im­ tion. . ' J. F. Giuilfoyle, 1209 Madison street mediately. Reserved seats will be both of whom the ladies of the Altar 50c, and general admission, 35c.- It and Rosary society welcomed at their St. Patrick, whose feast we celebrate today, died at Saul, Downpatrick, was reported last week that the Ireland, March 17th, 493. His body was wrapped in the shroud woven by St. Dramatic club girls’ .basketball team last meeting. Thursday, March 10, Mrs. Charles Brigid. He was interred at the chieftain’s fort two miles from Saul, the site of lost to the St. Mary’s team of Colo­ F. Cassidy entertained Mrs. Ralph rado Springs, when it should have the Cathedral of Down. Taylor’s club at her home,. 1249 Fill­ read that the girls won by the more street, with honors going to score of 20 to 16, The girls’ team Mrs. Edward Poth. and a boys’ team, composed of the Horan & Son— Catholic Funeral Directors Eugene O’Fallon donated a radio Holy Name league stars, have booked for the sisters’ convent last week. For Good Friday and Easter Sunday games for Friday, March 18, in the HIGHEST QUALITY—LOWEST COST Children to Receive Sunday BOOKS Grace gym. J. Emmet Goggin, who The school childern will receive was transferred to Pueblo, has again Lumen Christi, by Mother St. Paul...... ^..$2.00 located in Denver. The club will hold Holy Communion in a body at the The Highway of the Cross, by Fr. Waring, C.P...... 1.00 1527 Cleveland Place Phone KEystone 6297 eight o’clock Mass Sunday. its regular meeting on Tuesday, Foot of the Cross, Fr. Faber...... 1.50 Miss Alice Gallagher, 820 St. Paul March 22. The Watches of the Passion, Galwey, 2 vols...... 5.40 street, has resumed her work after Sophomore Wins Essay Contest The Passion, Kippler-Brockland...... 1,75 a serious illness. At the Feet of the Divine Master, Huonder, 3 vols...... 5.75 The report of the essay contest Mrs. Jerry Halloran, 2570 Yates between the high school students The Princess of Garn-Sar (Mary Magdalen) Klaramann.... 2.00 street, was hostess to the members The History of the Passion, Belser...... 4.75 When Planning Your Garden or Party Will Be shows Betty Burns, a .sophomore, in of Mrs. Fred Schirk’s club March 9. first place; John Taney, a senior, The Three Hours’ Agony of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Guilday 1.00 Both Mrs. P. Brickendale and Mrs. Holy Week Book, Bound..—...... 75 second, and Charles Higson, a fresh­ J. A. Plumb won honors. Beautifying Your Home Grounds— man, third. The winner’s essay will “ Tre Ore” or the (Three Hours’ Agony of Our Lord, paper.. .10 Held M arch 31 Mr. and Mrs. W ., E. Schwenger, Way of the 10 We can serve you with the highest quality in Vegetable be forwarded to the state chairman 1414 St. Paul street, entertained at for entrance in the state contest. STATUES AND PLACQUES and Flower Seeds, Lawn Seeds and Lawn Fertilizers, Cards Will Feature Event in contract bridge March 8. Among Ornamental Shrubs, Roses, etc., at most reasonable prices. The seventh and eighth grades held those invited were Mrs. Gertrude Ecce Homo, Mater Dolorosa, Christ Carrying* His Cross, St. James’ Parish an elimination on Tuesday in the Russell, Mrs. M. S. Dyer, Mrs. • Resurrection. Prices from $1.00 up. Phone MAin 5024 for Prompt Service Washington declamatory contest, mary Beck, Mrs. Amelia Alt, Miss Easter Cards, Ea.ster Booklets, Crosses, 5c up. (St. John’s Parish) with three young ladies from Lo- Grace Houck and George Risley. Easter Egg Rosaries for the Children, 25c up. On March 61 at two p. m. a card retto Heights as the judges?. The Mrs. M. L. Dyer made high score. FOR THE CHURCH The Rocky Mountain Seed Co. party will be given .at the Civic build­ five awarded first places, all mem­ The Rev. Joseph Higgins, pastor Candlesticks, Crucifixc.s Altar Boys’ Cassocks, Surplices, 1325 ISth Street Denver, Colo. ing. Tickets are 35 cents each, and bers of the eighth grade, will com­ of St. Patrick’s church, Pueblo, vis­ Vestments, Alb and Surplice Laces. tables may be, reserved by calling pete again on next Tuesday for the ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Many other hrticies suitable for the Glorious Easter in Stock. Mrs. William Haffey, 1469 Valencia choice of one to represent St. Jos­ A. Higgins, 1419 Adams street, for street, Yo. 2961-J. eph’s in the district contest early a few days last week. The Altar and Rosary society held in April. The winners, in the order Miss Anne O’Neill was the soloist its regular monthly meeting March of their selection, were: Sidney Ben­ at the evening services at the Holy James Clarke 10 at the Civic building. There Yvas der, Louis Snapp, Dorothy Keough, Ghost church last Sunday. St. Vincent de Paul’s Parish a fairly large attendance considering Louis Doughty and Marie Hamilton. Mrs. Otto Kiene reports that Mrs. the cold day. Many business matters The juniors are planning an April Thomas F. McCann and Mrs. E. C. Church Goods House were atended to. Mrs. Cavanagh Fool’s social to be given on Friday, Henry are both improving. 1636-38 Treniont Street Denver, Colorado .said any, articles donated for the April 1, at Crystal hall. “ “ R A C O HI e I rTZ Benefit shop could be left at her The sophomores are staging a Phone TAbor 3789 home, 1243 Niagara street. Mrs. “ Guess Who” contest on their bul­ 70 PRESENT AT Plumbing and Heating— Hardware and Paints Gappae of 1580 Ulster street volun­ letin board. Baby photos of members SOC’Y MEETING teered to call for articles and leave of the class arc exhibited, and a SPRUCE 1679 1076 SO. GAYLORD them at Mrs. Cavanagh’s if donors prize will be given to those guessing Father Kirschenheuter Give* Talk on were unable to bring them person­ correctly. ULLERY AND DRINKWATER ally. It has been decided to dispose Donald Christopher, freshman, took Bible a* Literature to i REGISTERED DRUGGISTS of the large rug, and it will probably part in Msgr. Bosetti’s concert at Altar Ladici St. Philomena’s Parish 1000 So. Gaylord Free Delivery Phone SPruce 9785 be awarded about June. The rugs the City auditorium on March 16. were made frorti old church carpets Coach Harry Pemberton and Mau­ (St. John’* ParUh) and it is hoped to obtain enough Approximately 70 members of the LUCILE EVANS BEAUTY SHOP rice Rust left Friday by auto for ToSce How Your l>u:>ineHs is Appreciated I honc I;.'. money by their disposal to take care California. .41tar and Rosary society were pres­ La France Cleaners or Take AdvanUsc of Our Cash and Carry Prices See us regarding special rates for permanent waves for Easter of some of the parish expenses. Mrs. •The high school girls’ basketball ent at the meeting March 11. A de­ We Have Just Installed Cash and Carry Cut Rate Laundry Agency 1075 SO, GAYLORD ST. PEARL 9970 Ellithorpe, 1400 Oneida street, joined teanj traveled to Longmont Thursday licious luncheon was served at 1 BUSINESS IS g e t t in g BETTER the society at this meeting. Credit of last v/eck to capture a well-earned o’clock by Mesdaraes Stev/art, Plun­ 3238 E. Colfax Oppo*ite Blue Bird Theater Phone YOrk 3249 THE CHRYSLER GROCERY CO. is due Mrs. W. L. Murphy, 1350 Pon­ victoi-y over St. John’s by a score of kett, McNally and Beringer. Follow­ tiac, who was hostess that day, for ing the meeting, Father Russell Fancy Corn-Fed Meats, Groceries, Fruits and Vegetables 32 to 25. The hoys’ team is entered COURTESY CORNER GARAGE the splendid entertainment. Mrs. in the Y. M. C. A.— News tourna­ Kirschenheuter, C. M., professor of QUALITY—SERVICE-^PRICE FREE DELIVERY COMPLETE SERVICE WAiyiEN c. w u it n e y . Prop. OPEN ALL NIGHT Wood, 8225 E. Colfax avenue, sang ment, which opens next Tuesday at sacred scripture at St. Thomas’ sem­ “ When Irish Eyes Are Smiling;” John inary, gave an address on the Bible Greasing, Washing, Storage, Batteries, Expert Mechanic* the Y. gym. Forty promising candi­ E. COLFAX AND ADAMS OPPOSITE DLUE IJIRD THEATER PHONE YORK 39S8 Walsh gave a clever recitation, dates responded to the call of bas­ as true literature. Mrs. Johnson, ac­ “ Betty at the Baseball Game,” and companied by Mrs. John R. Schilling ketball practice Monday. at the piano, sang several favorite COMMUNITY PASTRY SHOPPE as an encore sang an Irish song; A Solemn Mass in honor of St. Jos­ YORK 4290 Juanita Forquer, sister of Mrs. C. J. Irish songs. Miss Hendrick and Mi*s eph will be celebrated Saturday, the HOT CROSS BUNS Parslow, 1337 Pontiac street, gave Hicks furnished some well-taken se­ patronal feast day of the parish. Large Assortment of Easter Cakes Salt Rising Bread St. John’s Parish two tap dance numbers, accompanied lections on the violin aijd piano. Five Leo Edward Collins, infant son of oh the piano by her mother, Mrs. dollars and thirty-one cents was Forquer. Miss Forquer was dressed Mr. and Mrs. William Collins, and turned over to the treasurer. Dona­ DENTINO’S GROCERY AND MARKET James Louis Everett, infant son of in men’s clothes. tions were acknowledged from Mes- 3525 EAST COLFAX PHONE YORK 4710 Mr. and Mrs. Millard Everett, were dames Hennessey, Kellogg and Spill­ THE BRIGHT SPOT A table with a St. Patrick’s day baptized Sunday by Father Zeller. After all it's the daily savings that count. At our store you save both time and money cloth and a birthday cake, with a man. New members are Mis. M. J. —as you please— serve yourself— at,k the clerk or telephone. Make thirf store your pantry. Flower Shop and Greenhouses Mary Haneberg and John Collins, by Dunlea and Miss Ann Marshall. shamrock candle on top, marked the proxy, were sponsors for the Collins fact that March is the birthday month Mrs. Nora Barnard of St. Jo,seph. JOSEPHINE AT FIFTH baby. Ed\yard Day, Jr., and Lillian PHILLIP’S “66” SERVICE STATION of several ladies of the .society. Two Missouri, is a guest at the home of A Large Assortment of Seasonable Flowers for All Occasions Kelly, by proxy, were the sponsors of “ COURTESY A POLICY” COLFAX AT MONROE of these. Mi’s. Rose McEnulty and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Barnard. TELEGRAPH SERVICE PHONE YORK 0690 the Everett boy. St. John’s will be renresented at GAS * OIL - GREASING - TIRE REPAIRING - LEE TIRES AND TUBES Mrs. .Vgnes Cavanagh, were called W. H. FLEMING. Aecnt PHONE YORK 007 9 on for speeches; Mrs. Joseph Barton Society to Receive Communion the deanery meeting March 21 by THE COLUMBINE SHOPPE sang an Irish song. Delicious re­ The Altar and Rosary society will Mesdames Lewis, Garland, Bruck- receive Communion in a body Sun­ Will Appreciate Your Patronage freshments were served. man. Rice and Rhodes. A. LEWAND— 3409 East Colfax day at the seven o’clock Mass. A Mrs. M. P. Pollard entertained her A COMPLETE LINE OF EVERYDAY NEEDS IN NOVELTIES, The collection for flowers for Holy SHOE REPAIRING pleasant social hour, which follhwed card club Monday. Contract bridge DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, ETC. T.'ursday and Easter Sunday was the regular business meeting last was played in the afternoon, Mrs. J. We Stress Quality— Not Price All Work Guaranteed taken up last Sunday, and will be Wednesday afternoon, \Vas enjoyed V. Carlin winning the prize for high Famous for Values taken up again this Sunday. The Denver Market Co, by the large number of members in score. Guests for the day were Mes­ SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES— The Lenten sermons are very much PER YEAR...... 2422 E. 6th— Phone FR. 5355 attendance. dames Nora Barnard. L. E. Simon­ JACLER’S appreciated. Last week the Rev. Mrs. J. C. Doughty is convalescing son and J. V. Carlin. The next meet­ Wc Stay Open Until 9 P. M.— Ample I’arkintr Space Henry Geisert of the Little Flower UNITED SECURITIES CORPORATION Olof Jacobson George Clcrisse Fancy Corn Fed Meats and at her home, 504 W. 8th avenue. ing will be at the home of Mrs. W. East Colfax Ave. at York St. Phone FRanklin 6023 parish, Aurora, gave a very fine talk, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bann and P. Horan, Jr., on April 4. JEWELERS Fresh Vegetables and this week the Rev. Leo F'lynn Buy Upstairs for Less Miss Mary Bann and Miss Julia Gar­ Pay Cash and Pay Less You Are of Blessed Sacrament was CAPITOL HEIGHTS PHARMACY Third Floor, University Bldg. land arc new members of the senior QUEEN OF HEAVEN AID .Assured of Quality Merchandise equally interesting. Next Tuesday 16th and Champa choir. This choir, as well as the HAS MONTHLY MEETING C. VAN ZANDT the Rev. Clarence Kessler of the Ca­ high school one, composed of mixed thedral parish will deliver the ser­ 12th Ave. Sind Clayton Phone YOrk 3340 Denver, Colo. voices, and 11:30 Mass choir arc all mon. The regular monthly business meet­ rehearsing Easter programs. ing of the Queen of Heaven Orphans’ PIERCERS HAND LAUNDRY & LACE CLEANERS Sunday, March 20, is Communion The palms will be blessed on Sun­ Aid society was held on Tuesday LACE CURTAINS - FANCY HANDWORK, ETC. COUNTRY CLUB COMMUNITY STORES Sunday for all children of the parish. day before the 9:30 Mass and dis­ afternoon at the orphanage, 4825 FINISHED - DRY WASH - ROUGH DRY Confessions will be heard Saturday tributed afterwards. at 1:30 and at 8 p. m. Stations of Federal boulevard, Mrs. J. M.' Har­ Phone YOrk 4789 Est. 1922 E. 12th Ave. at Madison Country Club Grocery and Market More than 100 men from St. Jos­ rington presiding. She briefly re­ the Cross will be held Friday eve­ eph’s plan to attend the K. of C. Week after week we give cur patrons absolutely the highest (luality at the ning at eight o’clock.' ported on the recent play given by loweM price in the city. We handle only guaranteed quality Corn Fed Baby Ccef. Communion Mass at the Cathedral DUCK INN Kept fresh by electrical refrigeration. Mrs. B. Lammerman is improving. the girls of the orphanage and out­ Sunday. lined future activities. 'The custom Featuring Barbecued Meato cf All Kinds 1121 EAST 4TH AVE. TELKPIiONE SO. GS'JO The little son of Mr. and Mrs. 3516 East Colfax Free Delivery— Open All Night Canjar is ill of bronchial pneumonia. of holding meetings at the home of COUNTRY CLUB GARAGE individual members will be renewed More magazines are needed for the PLAY PLANNED commencing with the April meeting, 580 GILPIN "The Best Service in Denver” TELEPHONE YORK 8053 •rack in the vestibule. Magazines BANCROFT when Mrs. M. L. Moauro will be the NELSON’S seem to be much enjoyed. MILWAUKEE GARAGE F O R APRIL 6 hostess. Mrs. S. h'. Chiolero was DECORATING CO. 657 MILWAUKEE YORK U271 elected corresponding secretary to Beauty & Barber Shop Experts in .All Kinds of succeed Mrs. J. L. Harrington. E. L. RONINGER— GROCERIES, MEATS jCollege^ Dean at (St. Dominic’* Parish) 3426 E. 12th Ave., near Madison DECORATING "It Takes the BEST to Make the BEST The Aquinas players’ production, day of the members of the Blessed Children’s Haircuts, 25^ Dealers in and Pays the BEST TO BUY THE BEST" “ Up in the Air,” will be given Virgin sodality. PAINT, VARNISH, ETC. 1718 EAST 6TH AVE. . TELEPHONES Fit. 0804 AND 0806 Chicago Meeting Wednesday, April 6, at North Den­ Holy week will be celebrated ac­ For -Appointment Phone YOrk 2711 6612 E. COLFAX YORK O'.t'J ver high school auditorium. The cording to the full Dominican rite. C o u n t r y c l u b b a r b e r & b e a u t y p a r l o r . cast is working with much zeal and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE TREND OF THE TIMES The Rev. Joseph A. Ryan, S.J., equal success and a successful pro­ Tenebrae will be sung by the priests, HAVE REDUCED PRICES ON ALL BARBER AND BEAUTY WORK dean of studies at Regis college, left duction is assured. assisted by a male quartet. The The Same High Standard of Workmanship and Service by Experienced Operators Dr. William Earley’s talk on 1110 E. 4th AVE. TELEPHONE PEARL 0869 Denver Tuesday for Chicago, where Three Hours’ will be commemorated he will attend a meeting of the “ Medern Dentistry” was the feature Good Friday afternoon and will be St. Louis’ Parish North Central Association of Col­ of the monthly meeting of the Holy followed by Stations of the Cross. LOES’ CLAYTON SERVICE STATION Name society, and a lively discussion UNDER MANAGEMENT OF E. D. LOES leges Friday and Saturday. He will Tenebrae on Friday evening will be return Sunday morning. In Chi­ resulted. followed by a sermon on the Passion. Building Material— COAL— Paints Gas - Oil - Tire Repairing - Battery Service The winners of the bridge tourna­ E. 3rd Ave. at Clayton We Appreciate Your Patronage t’ hone YOrk 6595 cago, Father Ryan will visit Loyola Elizabeth Gartland is seriously ill university and will stop in Omaha, ment were Miss Helen Dwyer, Mrs. in St. Joseph’s hospital. J. M. W w- WISE & FERGUSON LUMBER CO. where he will visit (Creighton en J. M. Harrington, P. J. Kirk and Jos­ ley is greatly improved. TRAMWAY LOOP ENG. 201-202 T H E STOBBE DRY GOODS CO. eph O’Gara. Thanks are due Mrs. route back to Denver. He will study THE MOST MODERN UP-TO-DATR DOROTHY STODHE JI. E. STOBBE Harrington,-chairman, and her able student records in both universities A reader wishes to public thanks­ M ARIE’S CAFE CAFE IN ENGLEWOOD Come in and Sec Us Before Buying Your Easter Goods in an effort to compare Regis’ stand­ colleagues for the of the giving to St. Joseph for the many 270-280 Detroit St. Phone YOrk 3953 ards with the arts department in event, which netted $110.50. favors obtained through his inter­ Chicken Raviolis, Chicken Tamales, Italian Spaghetti each of the large institutions. Sunday is the regular Communion cession. 3510 So. Broadway Open C A. M. Until Midnight Englewood, Colo.


ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION Schedule for Holy Week Rites Qiven iLTim sociFir

(St. Joseph’s Parish, Golden) F Holy week services will be carried Tl out with fitting pomp and solemnity. A visitor at the center on Mon­ Palms will be blessed at the Mass at St. Francis de Sales’ Women A N Y NON- day afternoon found the intermedi­ 10 o’clock on Sunday. Monday, Will Receive Communion ate group of girls very busy making Tuesday and Wednesday, Mass will CATHOLICS dresses under the capable direction be at 8 o’clock. Wednesday evening at 7 :30 Mass Sunday of Mrs. Ernest Durell. Some were devotions will be at 7 :45. Holy call on us when a cutting, others were basting and a Thursday, High Mass and procession (St. Francis da Salea’ Parish) Catholic relative few at the sewing machines showed to the altar of repose will begin at The regular meeting of the Altar skill that was commendable. Twenty- 9 o’clock. In the evening devotions society will be held this Friday after­ departs, because three girls enrolled in the class, much will be at 7:45. Good Friday there noon at 2 o’clock in the assembly to the joy of the teacher. will be Mass of the Presanctified at room of the rectory. Members will they have noticed In the past week Mrs. R. E. Mc­ 9 o’clock. In the evening at 7:45 receive Communion in a body at the Hugh sent a splendid assortment of Stations of the Cross will be held, 7:30 Mass Sunday. that’ we are juvenile books for the library, which with a sermon on the Passion and A collection will be taken up at thoroughly versed in the rules of the Church “I Highly Recommend Republic Bldg. & is constantly growing. Several libra­ selections from “ Stabat Mater” by all the Masses Sunday for flowers to rians have complimented the center Zygmund Mitera. Holy Saturday decorate the Altar for Holy Thurs­ in regard to funerals. They may be certain Loan Certificates for Saving” on its library. The care that the blessing of the new fire. Paschal day and Easter. ' Mrs. L. J. Holmes will lead the that the services will also be dignified, or­ Such statements come from depositors who have kept their children have given the books is in­ candle and Baptismal font will begin spiring. All efforts concentrated on at 6:30 in the morning. Confessions discussion at the next meeting of derly and worthy. money here for over a period of years. Their experience the library have been appreciated. will be heard Saturday aftenioon the P.-T.A. Study club, which will should guide you in placing your savings. Open an ac­ Mrs. Robert D. Hall was a welcome and evening. Another priest will as­ take place March 24 in the school Catholic Funerals count here. caller at the Center and gave $5 to sist with Confessions. Easter Sun­ library at 1:30 p. m. At 2:30 on the day, High Mass will be celebrated at same day there will be a meeting of %% Savings Certificates the Little Flower First Communion Conducted Without Confusion fund. John Quinn, brother of Sister 8 o’clock and Low Mass at 10 o’clock. the council members in the high t 5% Paid on Pass Book Accounts Irma, one of the catechetical instruc­ The Holy Name society and Altar school cafeteria. The vice president, tors from Loretto Heights, spent $18' society will join with the Newman Mrs. L. P. Weadick, will preside. for the same purpose. Sister Irma is club in the social at the Broadmoor The Rev. J. J. Donnelly gave a purchasing shoes, hose and trousers Country club on Tuesday evening, demonstration of number work on Boulevard Mortuary REPUBLIC March 29. Messrs. George Smith, March 16 at the Kiwanis luncheon for some very poor boys. Kathleen William McIntyre and Paul Paltridge at the Albany hotel. The pupils who BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION Gill sent ^5 for the First Communion Federal Blvd. at No. Speer GAIlup 0407 fund. As the center has a tremen­ will represent the men, and Mes- participated in the demonstration O Q C 7 • A. B. Williama, President were Margaret Weadick, Elaine lVi:.yflOne AOO/ ^ J,. Greene, Sec’y-Treas. dous increase in enrollment, it is only dames George Smith, Charles De Kergulen and Anna Douglas, the Becker and Mary Rita Book. Re­ JAMES P. McCONATY 1711 California L. C. Skelly, Asst. Sec’y-Treas. natural that this year’s First Com­ munion class outnumbers all others. ladies. cently Father Donnelly presented One hundred children from the cen­ A baked food sale will be held at these same pupils at a meeting of ter are expected to make their First Meyer’s market on Holy Saturday the Colorado branch of the National or Suit & Overcoat Holy Communion. The needs are morning. Mrs. Samuel Bolitho and Association of Mathematical Teach­ ers at the Olin hotel. Cleaned & Pressed many, coincident with depression, but Mrs. Alphonse Thuett, Jr., will be in 2 SUITS 75c Mrs. Mary Mesch, 118 South the unbounded faith the women have charge. CASH AND CARRY ' Logan street, is very ill at St. Jos­ in their many friends gives them Hollyfield & Swartz Meat Markets Call and Delivery— 90c eph’s hospital, where she underwent courage to go ahead with their plans. an appendectomy. 711 Santa Fe Drive IN BI-LOW STORES 13th and Penn Our Large Volume Makes These Remarkably Low Prices Possible The prayers of the children were Regis Institute 2223 E. Colfax 3441 So. Broadway 1055 So. Gaylord offered in the week for the repose A High Mass will be offered at 8 Ladies* Plain Silk or Wool Dresses and Coats o’clock Thursday in honor of St. Cleaned and Pressed— of the soul of Elizabeth Mulroy, Mrs. SPECIALS FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Joseph Horan, sister of a bene­ Patrick, and on Saturday at 8 in Hears Fr. O’Ryan honor of St. Joseph. The girls’ choir Freah Halibut, Veal Roast, Milk factor, Mrs. D. G. Monaghan, and for 75^ Cash and Carry—Call and Deliver, 85^ will sing the “ Missa De Angelis” on Not Frozen, lb...... 22<^ Fed V eal, lb...... 121^^ the recovery of numerous sick friends The Institute of Catholic Culture both feasts. Lamb Stew or Veal as well as for special intentions re­ Fresh Oysters, CLEANERS . DYERS at Regis college last Sunday after­ St. Francis de Sales’ schools were Stew, lb...... 5 ^ quested by friends. noon was treated to a very scholarly highly honored last Friday when a Full Pint...... 2 9 ^ Main Office Branckai: Sliced Bacon, Morrell’s Catholic Benefit Shop Stormed and impressive presentation of the visit was made to the classrooms by Beef Roasts, Fancy Com and Plant; 1573 The days in the office at the Cath­ early Irish culture that was the di­ Pride, 1 lb. Box...... 19^^ the Most Rev. P. A. McGovern, Fed Beef, Ib...... 700 E. Colfax. ______Broadway olic Benefit shop are so filled with the rect result of the activities of the Bishop of Cheyenne, Wyo., and the Weiners and Franks, MAin 6101. ^ j j s a E n n s a 65 Broadway demands and needs of the Spanish great St. Patrick. Father William Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, Bishop of Short Ribs of Beef, lb...6^ lb...... 10^^ people that one marvels at Mrs. Paul’s O’Ryan, popular lecturer and pastor WE WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE OPENING OF ANOTHER Denver. Lamb Shoulder Roasts, Cheese, Full Cream NEW BRANCH AT 419 FIFTEENTH ST. ability to serve all. It is not unusual of St. Leo’s church, addressed the Mrs. Fred Fyles, 530 Ogden to have thirty or forty people waiting largest gathering that has attended street, entertained at a birthday Ib...... 10^^ Longhorn, lb ...... to see her before 9 o’clock in the the meetings of the institute this party Monday evening in honor of morning. One man who needed emer­ year. It rarely happens that a lec­ her sister-in-law. Miss Hazel Fyles. gency treatment from the dentist re­ turer on St. Patrick can bring to his Other guests invited were Janet and turned in a few hours to thank Mrs. lecture a background of historical Emily Marroni, Irene Gardell, Irene Paul and to say he felt greatly re­ accuracy and fullness of detailed Quinn, Louise Dade and Marjorie St. Francis de Sales* Parish lieved. It is not unusual to receive knowledge of the peoples and places Fyles. B rid^ was enjoyed and 3 gratitude from the Spanish people mentioned that Father O’Ryan mani­ prizen were given. Birthday refresh­ THE CUT IRATE DRUG COMPANY' and it brightens the labor among fested last Sunday afternoon. Much ments were served. Miss Fyles is WE DELIVER.—South Denver'* Leading Cut Rate Drugffist* them. The one dark spot at present of the time of the lecture was spent prefect of the Young Ladies’ so­ Owned and Oparatad by C. E. J. Crawford and G. W- Miles is that the Catholic Benefit shop, the in presenting the character, the so­ dality. SAVE HALF ON MOTOR OILS New Store, 1069 So. Gaylord— SPrucc 7326 cial traits, the education of the A QUART, GALLON OR MORE AT WHOLESALE 2S4 So. Penn., at Alameda— PEarl 6433 201 Broadway, at 2nd Ave.— SO. 0184 only source of income of the Denver A surprise party was given for deanery, is not receiving calls for peoples in the Emerald isle at the Mr. and Mrs. M. Greely and son, FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE—COMPLETE SATISFACTION GUARANTEED discarded clothing, kitchen utensils, time that Patrick came to win them Gerald, Monday, March 7, who are BERT GUERIN ‘ 33RD AND DOWNING EASTER GREETINGS to the cause of Christ. The scholars bedding and furniture. Unless more leaving for Los Angeles to make “ Eaat Denver’s Largeat Drug Store” ERVINGTON FLORAL SHOP calls are received at TAbor 2916, the present found great help in the their home. Those who attended BERTHOLD’S volunteer ladies in the shop who have clever criticisms of the more recent were Fathers Donnelly and Harring­ Franklin Pharmacy Cut Flowers - Floral Designs - Plants served so faithfully during six years volumes on Irish history. ton, Mr. and Mrs. F. Campbell, John QUALITY BAKERY Tel. SOulh 5533 We Deliver Anywhere 38 Broadway will be compelled to resign from their The next meeting of the institute Gault, F. Berg, John Spillane, Mrs. Delicious Hot Cross Buns fresh The REX ALL Store Lilies, Hydrangeas, Rose Plants, Hyacinths, Tulips, Spireas, Primroses will be held on Sunday, April 10, at work. T. Tremlett, Mrs. Kimmons, Mrs. E. daily. Planta Ranging 50c up 3 p. m. The lectures on the pro­ Houtz, Mrs. Adele Grieblirig; Misses Bert C. Corgan, Mgr. Never in History of Our Business Have We Had Such a Selection Garfield Claaaes Thrive gram for that day are: “ Fitting PIES, CAKES. DONUTS, In spite of cold weather and snow Alice Berg, Frieda Holbeck, Betty 34TH & FRANKLIN ST. KE. 1753 at Such Reasonable Prices Youth for Life,” by the Very Rev. BREAD-AND ROLLS storms during the past week, cate­ Federhoff, Maria Bongner and Free Delivery Immediately Joseph A. Herbers, S.J., president of Messrs. Richard Tremlett, John Spil­ 2231 E. 34tb Ave. Phone YOrk 7856 Cut Flowers— Complete Line chism classes at Garfield Center car­ Regis; “ The Much-Discussed De­ lane, Ted Berg, Stanley Gault, Al­ Corsages and Beautiful Arrangment of Flowers ried on Rud were well attended, as pression,” by Prof. John E. Dunphy, fred Lee Griebling and Gerald Shea. usual. The date for their First Holy director of the department of eco­ Communion will soon be announced Mrs. Greeley was given a beautiful STAR MARKET ■We store nomics at Regis. picture. PARSON’S BAKERY for a Sunday in April. This is happily Meats That Satisfy Household Goods anticipated by the children and their Quality Goods Enter Holy 'week'>rith the Paaaion and Merchandise families. Bpt to those in charge of Ar­ at Prices That Please PHONE SOUTH 0975 126 BROADWAY Annunciation Five Play. Special showing of original DUFFY STORAGE AND rangements for the First Communion Oberammergau pictures, with lecture class there is still the problem of FREE DELIVERY MOVING CO. GRAY BROTHERS GARAGE by Father E. J. Mannix, and sacred money to furnish a breakfast for the Win HaN.Sa League concert at St. Catherine’s opera 2230 E. 34th Ave. Phone YOrk 4289 BATTERIES RECHARGED— STEAM HEAT STORAGE children, and great need for a fund REPAIR SERVICE BY EXPERTS— ESTABLISHED 10 YEARS house. Federal Blvd. at West 43rd, LATELY OF HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA to purchase shoes for about forty 1258 So. Pearl St. south 7247 Basketball Honors Sunday evening, March 20, promptly Ladies’ and Misses’ Pajamas and House Dresses— All Hand Made and pairs of little feet. at 8:15. No admission charge at the Last Wednesday Mrs. G. M. Dugan Most Reasonably Priced SOUTH DENVER MOVING & STORAGE CO. The Holy Name society basketball door. Free will offering will be taken and ja local bread company gave the up in the evening. 1460 GRANT ST. MME. ANNE COMPANY t a b o r 9428 Get Our Prices Per Hour— Reliable Garfield center children a most gen­ team of Annunciation parish walked erous feast of delicious sandwiches. off with Holy Name league honors 369-71 So. Broadway Phone Day and Night PEarl 1227 This is one school where there is no last Monday night in the closing ban on an occasional bit of lunch dur­ game of the first season of the Come to Falby’s for the Lowest Paint and W all Paper Prices ing class hqurs. league. The Annunciation five de­ Wallpaper From 4e Roll up-^Waterproof Varniah, $1.68 Gal. feated S t Francis de Sales’, 32 to Deanery' to Meet 1 Faraou* Armatrong Houae Paint, $1.89 Gial. 23, to culminate a season of com­ The Denver deanery, will meet 32 Broadway F A L B Y ’S PEarl 2940 petition so close that the champion­ Monday, March 21, at 2 o’clock in ship could not be decided in the *‘Come in and Gas With Us** K. of C. hall. A greater number of regularly scheduled time. The game affiliated organizations demands that last Monday was a play-off, the re­ T H E SHANE OIL CO. reports be brief. osiin s sult of a first-place deadlock between -at Josl 800 E. the two teams. The teams fought an even battle 1126 E. ALAMEDA in the first half, and it appeared as SMITH’S DRY GOODS (NEAR S. DOWNING) LADIES PLAN ROLLINS FULL FASHIONED SILK HOSE....89c though it might take an ‘extra period EASTER SPECIALS ROLLINS SEMI FASHIONED SILK HOSE....4Sc or two to decide the game. But GIRLS’ ANKLETS. NEW STYLES...... ISc to 25c FETE MAR. 28 Pure Dye BEAUTIFUL NEW FAST COLOR LAWNS...... 2Sc to 3Sc Yd. Annunciation team gained the up­ per hand at the start of the second (Bleaaed Sacrament Pariah) period and increased its margin as Have Your Easter Cleaning The Altar and Rosary society met the minutes wore on, finishing with Done Early last Friday at the rectory. The chair­ points to spare. BOB’S Send Your Clothes to the man of the annual Easter Monday Clark led the champions to victory entertainment and card party, Mrs. with 12 points. Clocker and Young Marillyn A. B. Wickstrora, urged all the ladies -provided the offensive punch for the MEAT MARKET DROADMOOD of the parish to give their whole­ St. Francis team. 1 2 ^ ^ ^ CLEANERS & DYERS** hearted support. Tickets may be ob­ Eggs S’Doz...... tained by calling the circle captains 529 E. Exposition— PE. 8485 1 pk(. dye free with eech 2 doz. or the chairman. FR. LYONS C.D.A. MEN’S SUITS B r n ^ Silk Crepe CLEANED AND PRESSED...... Mrs. William McEwen was hostess Butter C r«B .ry , lb. .. 2 2 ^ MEN'S OVERCOATS CLEANED AND PRESSED...... 4 for the recent meeting of St. Jude’s GUEST^PEAKER Cheese Lf”'**’”’-"- LADIES’ aj-| circle. A patriotic motif was car­ PLAIN DRESSES...... - ...... •...... V-*- The Rev. Fraricis P. Lyons, C.S.P., LADIES’ ffi-f ried out in the favors and refresh­ Cottage Cheese, lb ...1 0 ^ PLAIN COATS...... ments. founder and national spiritual direc­ At the lowest Price 10% Diacount Caah and Carry Mrs. T. J. Nelligan of St. Jude’s tor of the Converts’ league, was the Halibut 2 4 ^ All Work Guaranteed circle-is enjoying a sojourn in Hono­ guest speaker at the Catholic Daugh­ lulu. ters’ business meeting Thursday eve­ We Deliver Mrs. George Steele was hostess on ning. Father Lyons gave an inter­ 93 Broadway SPruce 8867 CHOICE BREAD, ROLLS, Thursday for a benefit bridge, given esting and instructive talk and out­ It has ever been sold CAKES AND PASTRY at her home. The proceeds will be lined a program of work for the com­ HOT CROSS BUNS jised to buy shirts, stockings and ing year. Special During Lent shoes for the First Communion class A report of the successful theater Baked Just* the Way You Like Them of the Little Flower center. benefit, sponsored by Mrs. J. T. Tier­ .49 THEY ARE RELIABLE ELLSWORTH BAKERY The Wednesday Bridge club met ney, was given. “ HOME OWNED BAKERY” recently at the home of Mrs. George The Business Woman’s club heard Yard IT PAYS 15 So. Bdway. Phone SPruce 8397 Steele. Covers were laid for twenty. Lenrel Deputy on Thursday evening Mrs. Walter Kranz and Mrs. E. in a review of “ Sparks Fly Upward.” H. Pigeon represented Blessed Sac; The C. D. of A. will give a literary rament mothers at the meeting on tea at the club house, 1772 Grant The Present Regular Price is $1.98 a Monday of the Regis high school street, on Sunday, April 3, from 4 to mothers. 6. All Catholic Daughters and their yard . . and you’ll recall that two Blessed Sacrament Parish The adult choir will sing at the 11 friends are invited. o’clock Mass Palm Sunday. The choir years ago you paid $2.98 a yard will hold rehearsal at the church fol­ EASTER GREETINGS Fr. 0*Heron to Address for it. lowing the Friday evening services. All members are urged to be present. Friends of Sick Poor St. Joseph’s circle will meet Fri­ — Marillyn Crepe is Guaranteed Wash­ The Children's Shop day at the home of Mrs. J. P. Wakh. The regular monthly meeting of EAST COLFAX AVE. with Mrs. Ray Noone as assistant the Friends of the Sick Poor will be able— 100% pure silk, 100% pure dye . . . soil hostess. held at Corpus Christ! convent, 2501 Gaylord street, on Tuesday, March has that dull finish so smart this season Rollins Hose Red Goose Shoes 22, at 2 o’clock. Wash Suits Rompers—Notions MINES NEWMAN CLUB TO Father Joseph O’Heron, pastor of . . . and is unsurpassed for making dresses, Vanta Baby Garments Girls* Dresses GIVE SOCIAL MARCH 29 St. Louis’ parish in Englewood, will blouses, lingerie and all types of wearing FRanklin 4054 We Deliver be the speaker of the afternoon, and The Newman club of the Colorado Mrs. John Schilling will present an apparel! 40-in. wide. School of Mines will' give an Easter interesting program. Mrs. J. M. La- SUCCESSOR TO Tuesday social at the Broadmoor vin, chairman of the' recent card LAKE’S MARKET C. A. WHITE MARKET — 1st Floor, Joslin’s— Country club on March 29. Don party, would like the returns on all QUALITY MEATS— We Deliver Cane’s M. C. A. orchestra has been tickets at this meeting so that a final 2808 COLORADO BLVD. J. E. Lake, Prop. PHONE YORK 0869 engaged for the occasion. report can be prepared. PASSION PICTURE erine’s hall. West 43rd and Federal, GOOD SHEPHERD given at the Daniels and Fisher tea Spain Ordered Humane Conquest commander of a Spanish expedition as a fitting opening for Holy week. room March 28. Refreshments will Austin, Tex.— Definite vice-regal sent into Texas and covering the In addition to the pictures, there will WILL BE SHOWN A I D W ILL G IVE be served and attractive prizes will instructions demanding that Spanish years of 1691-92, which has just been [yNi be a sacred concert. There will be translated and published in book be awarded. A large committee of explorers and conquistadores treat A special showing of the original no admission charge, but a free-will PARTY MARCH 28 the native Indians in a friendly and form by the historical commission of Oberammergau pictures of the Passion offering will be taken up. ladies is working very hard to make humane fashion and the clearly re­ the Texas Knights of Columbus. Play, with a lecture by Father E. J. The Good Shepherd Aid society the affair a success, and it is hoped ligious purpose of the entrada into Mannix, will be given this Sunday PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS has completed arrangements for an that a large attendance will reward Texas are disclosed in the diary of PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS evening, starting at 8:15, at S t Cath­ IT PAYS Easter Monday card party, to be Don Domingo Teran de los Rios, THEY ARE RBUABLE 'entative Plans Made for Base­ the women’s efforts. ball League

A very enthusiastic meeting of the lenver Diocesan Holy Name union vas held in St. Catherine’s hall Vednesday night, with thirteen par- shes represented. Election of officers iook place, with the following results: ’’red L. Kelly, St. Elizabeth’s parish, >resident; Joseph Walsh, S t Philo- nena’s, vice president; E. J. O’Grady, Bt. Dominic’s, secretary, and E. T. Hinton, Annunciation parish, treas-1 irei'. . The team representing Annuncia- GRAPE SHREDDED PURR jion parish was' congratulated for SOAP vinning the championship of the CRYSTAL WHITE |Holy Name basketball league in the FRUIT WHEAT LARD !)layoff of the first-place tie with the APPLE PIE Brown Sugar St. Francis de Sales’ team Monday Large, Green jiight. The East Siders will receive Two \ beautiful banner as token of their Seedless, Apples, Pounds victory. A baseball league was ten- i o t ‘2 3 Ea...... Ea...... For...... 2/S:s 1 5 c 4115c atively planned, with J; O’Grady RED STAR is chairman of the committee on PELLO’S BROOKS FRUIT CO. WEE SHOP BAKERIES ARCADE GROCERY SWAFFORD’S MARKET lules. A delightful Irish entertain- gnent was presented for the dele- [jates. , Priests present at the meeting be­ sides the spiritual director, the Rev. |E. j . Mannix, were the Rev. F. Greg- >ry Smith of Littleton and the Rev. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ^Eugene O’Sullivan of Annunciation hurch. FRANK’S Pride MARKET SWAFFORD MARKET The June quarterly meeting will Pineapple Layer Cake, 20c f)e Jield in St. Philomena’s parish. Buy and Sell ONLY the Beef* ‘*Home of Good Meats” The following parishes were repre- isented at Wednesday’s meeting: St. Apple Pie, 20c W E SELL QUALITY Leo’s, Holy Family, Annunciation, •St. Frances de Sales’, St. Louis’, St. PURE U R D , No Limit Lb. 5c TH E BEST CORN.FED 'Catherine’s, St. Elizabeth’s, St. Dom- Pound Cake, 20c inicls, Cathedral, St. Philomena’s, St. Steak ...... lb. FOR LESS MEATS P O P If Loin R o a st...... lb. Anne’s, Presentation and St. Mary rU lV lV Tender Magdalen’s. Shoulder Roast ,...... lb. 7 ^ ‘THE ACME BAKERS” [JESUIT WILL CONDUCT (YOUR BAKERS) DENVER TRE ORE RITE HENS, Fresh Dressed Lb. 14c Home Public Market Pure Lard iSJ. 4 Lbs. 15c , (Continued From Page 1) p rr r* Fancy POT ROAST, . LB. IQc ALSO AT [and special permission was Mked R F C r POT ROAST I L 1 1 and obtained for the famous Chicago D C L r , Corn Fed SOUP MEAT, . LB. 5c lialker to come to Colorado and give D E t r Extra Fancy Beef L D . 1 I C [Tiis sermons here. This man is OR SAUSAGE ROUND OR Known in every corner of the Chi­ cago archdiocese. His reputation as HAMBURGER 3 LBS. • • HOLLYWOOD SIRLOIN -a professor of moral theology is STEAK Extra Fancy Beef Lb.21c known to every member of the Chi­ cago clergy, and his scholarly, yet EGG SHOP fresh . LB. 12c simple and touching, sermpns have MONTEREY COFFEE SHOP Next to Swafford Market P n D V HAMS endeared him to the . Father **Look for the Large r u i v i v . loin ROAST .. . LB. IQc Clifford is professor of moral theol- SPECIAL PLATE LUNCHES, 25c and 30c EGGS, Fancy Mixed, ogy at the famous Mundelein semi­ Neon Fish Sign” nary, where priests are trained for Open 6 A. M. to 6 P. M. 2 D oz...... 25^^ the Chicago archdiocese. A ^ ea t deal MAY FRANCIS, Prop. HOME PUBLIC MARKET of his lime is taken up in giving spe­ Colo. Rainbow WHITES, Large, BACON, Lb. 19c cial sermons in the Chicago churches Fancy, 2 Doz...... 4 5 ^ and in preaching retreats to laymen. Trout, Vz Ib. size, UCNQ Father Clifford’s Tre' Ore, preached lb. 60c BROWNS, Doz...... 1 6 ^ IlElViJ, FRESH KILLED Lb. 15c at the beautiful Loyola church in Florida Fruit MARKET Chicago, has been voted by a number of Chicago pastors as the finest Tre C o m p a n y Jumbo Frogs, Ore sermon they ever heard. BARBER SHOP It is quite natural that this great About 1 lb. Each, ORANGES Get Your Haircut MUNDHENK WEE SHOP BAKERY Good Friday devotion, which was in­ Ea. 35c troduced and started by the Jesuit Large Stock - Best in City < While Downtown Home Public Market - Santa Fe Public Market j Fathers, should be featured in Jesuit Arapahoe Public Market churches throughout the country. Full of Juice and Sweet Modern Service Fresh Killed Poultry SALAD SHOP !The first public celebration of the at Half Price The Finest Cakes, Salads From Expert Barbers No Leghorns f Three Hours’ Agony, as the service and Pastries in the City is commonly called, took place Oct. FREE DELIVERY APPLE SAUCE CAKE, Ea...... 20c 2 STORES All Haircuts 20, 1747, and it was Father Alonzo Frying & Roasting TRY OUR Messia, a Spanish Jesuit, who sug­ Home Public Market..TA. 6800 GREEN APPLE PIE, 13c; 2 for... 25c gested and outlined the service. The Arapahoe Market__«TA. 7815 1452 Calif. St. TA. 9264 Springs, lb. 30c FAMOUS 1,000 ISLAND devotion grew each year until at the present time it is a part of the DRESSING AND DO NUTS, Cake or Sugar, Doz...l5c Holy week services not only in Jesuit THE ORANGE BAR Pullets, Young Hens TARTAR SAUCE churches, but in parishes everywhere. HYDRATED ORANGE JUICE MADE The service, which lasts for three FROM FRESH ORANGES VOSS BROS. 3^2 to 6 lb. Avg., In the Center of Market BREAD, 3 Large Loaves...... 10c hours, is made up of hymns, prayers "Come in and Watch Us Msks It." lb. 24c and short sermons, all bearing on By tbs Class, Sc a 10* the seven last utterances of Christ. Qt., 2Sc; >/i Gal., 40c; 1 Gal, 76c. BAKERY We Specialize in Parties snd Enter­ TURKEYS AND CAPONS 1 ASSORTED COOKIES, Doz..... 10c The Loyola church at York and tainments "Your Bakers tor All Oceasiona'' Pacific Coffee 23rd avenue will hold its Tre Ore on WE DELIVER PHONE TA. 6443 BELGIAN HARES Good Friday evening from 7 to 10. Black Walnut Cake, The musical part of the service will Small...... 23^ . A N D SQ U ABS Stores be furnished by the well-known Loy­ Large...... 46^ i WE ROAST OUR Brooks Fruit ola choir. Father Terence Devlin, POLLYANNA OWN COFFEE S. J., the Sacred Heart-Loyola pas­ Produce Co. tor, will recite the intervening pray­ Lemon Chiffon Pies, MARKET Santos Coffee, ers, and the sermons on the Seven 19^ Ea. D A IR Y CO. lb...... Last Words will be given by Father BAKERY GRAPE FRUIT, EGGS, Fresh From Breen & Corfman Clifford. Special arrangements will ASSORTED PIES, Raspberry Short Cake, Pacific Blend Seedless, Ea...... 3^^ Arvada, Doz...... 1 0 ^ Fresh Cut Flowers and Potted be made to take care of an extra Ea...... Ea. 23^ Coffee, lb...... large crowd. Father Devlin, realiz­ BUTTER, Castle Rock Plants for all occasions. Floral Also large stock of Fancy Designing at remarkable prices. ing that even .a greater number than ASSORTED CAKES, Danish Coffee Cake, Creamery, lb...... 2 3 ^ ASK FOR YOUR BAG OF , ever will be at the church this year Ea...... 1 5 ^ PEANUTS ' Fruits and Vegetables at FREE DELIVERY in order to hear this special orator, 5 ^ and 15^ Ea. New Crop Pecans, lb. 65^ PHONE MA. 1026 has arranged for extra seats to be HOT CROSS BUNS, PATRONIZE very reasonable prices. Dewey Corfman Jerry Breen placed throughout the entire church, D oz...... 1 5 ^ Hot Cross Buns, PECAN MEATS, REGISTER 1456 California St. and he hopes in that’ way that all GLAD BREAD, 19^^ Doz. Special, Ib...... 5 0 ^ Phon. TA. 1369 * TA. 1360 t who come will be able to get a seat, PRICES GOOD ALL WEEK A relic of the True Cross, which is 3 Loaves...... 1 0 ^ Price Good Through Mar. 26th ADVERTISERS in the possession of the Jesuit Fa­ thers, will be exposed for veneration after the service. Father Clifford PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS will arrive from Chicago a day or DO YOUR SHOPPING two in advance of Good Friday, and it is the hope of the priests here LEWIS FISH SHOP P e l l o’s G r o c e r y that he will be able to remain until after Easter. The Chicago man has ARCADE [ TURKEYS, Fancy IN T H IS MARKET never been west before, and, as he Dry Picked, Ib...... 2 0 ^ Soap, Crystal White, 10 Bart...... 23c puts it himself, he is as eager to talk HALIBUT, Fre8h, to the people of the great West as Grocery & Market Fancy, lb...... 20<^ his brothers in religion here are ; Pineapple, Solitaire, No. 2^/z Can, 3 for .55c GIVE US A TRIAL eager for him to do so. Tickets are MARKET not issued for the Loyola Tre Ore, SOAP CHIPS, Pancake Flour, Gooch’s Buckwheat, CIGAR SHOPPE RED STAR and no seats are reserved. The en­ Crystal White, 2 lbs.... 19c A Fall Lins o t tire church is thrown open to the 4 lbs...... 15c CASH STORES public, and a cordial invitation is ex­ Juliet Beauty Cigar* and Tobacco Home Public Market tended to all friends of the parish to COFFEE, Monthly and Weekly Mxgaxine* attend. ^ Catsup, Large Bottle...... 10c 2320 £. Colfax 979 Broadway Arcade Special, lb...... 23c Shoppe Candy Bars and Gum French Prelate* Rap Super-Patriots “BALC9 NY” Shredded Cocoanut, lb...... 19c Paris.— While the Geneva confer­ SUGAR, Home Public Market ence was studying the possibility of T U N A FISH, Pork and Beans, No. 2^2 Can...... 10c 10 lb. Cloth Bag limiting armaments, the Cardinals W lb. Can...... 17c EASTER SPECIAL Dispense Bros. With 11.00 Groc. Pur. and of France addressed Steam Oil Permanent 1 to the faithful an appeal urging them Butter, Meadow Gold, lb...... 24c COFFEE, to redouble their ardor in praying Push Wave With Quality Fresh Fruits to God that the outgrowth of this SALMON, Ringlet Ends...... $ 3 .0 0 Red Star Special, 2 lbs." conference will be the consolidation Fancy Pink, 2 Tall Cans 25c Just Push in the Wave and Vegetables of peace. They recommend to Cath­ Ph. KE. 5507 for Appointment olics that in the international do­ Free Delivery JELLO, main they keep aloof equally from VEAL AH Flavors, 3 Pkg*.... super-nationalism and an exag­ - —Phones— gerated pacifism; while remaining ROASTS, lb.. 9c faithful to patriotism as to a sacred patronize MA. S391— MA. 5392 MACARONI, duty, they work, out of respect for ADDISON’S mutual rights, to establish a frater­ V E A L 1 c WE APPRECIATE YOUR Ready Cut, 3 lbs...... nal collaboration among peoples, in- CHOPS, lb...... IDC Tea & Coffee Shop PATRONAGE •spired by Christian justice and char­ WIENERS ity. We Reserve the Right to We handle a complete stock of our or Frankfurters, ib.... Enter Holy week witji the Paition Limit Quantities Tea, Coffee, Spices and Nut*. TATER-FLAKES Play. Special showing o f original Oberammergau pictures, with lecture Our quality is never sacrificed Wa are now making oor own SMOKED brand of HORSE RADISH. by Father E. J. Mannix, and sacred for price. concert at St. Catherine’s opera Guaranteed Fresh Daily. 15c PICNICS, lb... house, Federal Blvd. at West 43rd, B U Y IT IN Per Bottle. GIVE US A TRIAL advertisers TATER FLAKES— We Reserve the Right to Sunday evening, March 20, promptly at 8:15. No admission charge at the TH E M A R K E T WE STRIVE TO PLEASE See Them Made Limit Quantities door. Free will offering will be taken 1 up in the evening. Thursday. March 17. 1932

Catholic Hour Singer I iLTim IT’S TIME TO THINK ABOUT BERG’S EASTER CANDIES socim IF YOUR EASTER GARMENTS Why Not Send Us Y'our Coat, Dress, Hat and Gloves and Have Them Returned-to You Like New? CANDY EGGS L «• Ladies’ Dresses Cleaned and Pre.ssed...... $l up " Ladies’ Coats Cleaned and Pressed...... $l up DECORATED TO ORDER Musical Numbers to Be Given The March meeting of the Cathe­ 11 Ladies’ Felt Hats...... 75c dral Altar and Rosary society was WITH ANY NAME Over KLZ by Loretto • • Men’s Suits Cleaned and Pressed...... 75c held at the Argonaut hotel on Friday, J J Men’s Overcoats Cleaned and Pressed...... $l And Heights Girls March 11, and despite the inclem­ i I Men’s Felt Hats Cleaned and Blocked...... 75c ency of the weather the attendance Up (Loretto Height* College) was large. Mrs. John Keating, Mrs. 10c Loretto Heights college will broad­ Ralph W. Kelly and Mrs. Thomas G. EXPERT DECORATING cast over KLZ Sunday afternoon, Barry were the hostesses. Jelly, Cream, Marshmallow, March 20, from 3 to 3:15. The pro­ The Rev. Hugh L. McMenamin and Chocolate, Cherry, Pineapple, gram will consist of a musical read­ the Rev. C. M. Johnson gave short Cocoanut, Whipped Cream, Tutti ing by Phoebe Pulver, with Suzanne talks. ^0li0f0lt Frutti and Maple Nut Eggs. Cassidy at the piano; a violin obbli­ Mrs. W. S. Wells and Mrs. Louis gato by Mary Elizabeth Hansen; “ Be­ Hough, who are in charge of the care DYEING & CLEANING CO. Fancy Easter Baskets as Low as 5c hind the News at Loretto,” written of vestments, cassocks and surplices ;; 328 Broadway Phone*: PEarl 3753 - PEarl 3754 - PEarl 3755 | Fancy Easter Grass, 5c by Marcella Murphy and presented used in the Cathedral, made reports Wark Called For and Delivered in All Parte ot the City • by Regina McMindes; “ Tipperary in of work accomplished the past month. 10% DISCOUNT ON CASH AND CARRY | A Most Complete Line of Easter Candies and Novelties the Spring,” by Denis A. McCarthy, Mrs. Hough is at the head of a group Place Your Eaater Order Early and Avoid the La*t Day’* Ru.h read by Virginia Coll, and a string of ladies at the Cathedral rectory ensemble, a Mozart composition, in­ on Wednesday afternoons with an­ Manufacturers of terpreted by four violinists, Evelyn other group of assistants. Both BETTER CANDIES Miner, Mary Elizabeth Hansen, Ruth Mr*. Clarence H. Mackay (the groups are in need of additional vol­ BERG'S Peteison and Jacqueline Greenawalt, former Mi** Anna Ca*e), interna­ unteers. Mrs. J. E. Flynn, chairman of mem­ 29 Broadway “A Colorado Industry” w’ith cello,, played by Isabel Win- tional operatic and concert *oprano, Holy Family Parish dolph, and'piano, Suzanne Cassidy. who will *ing in the Catholic Hour bership committee, appealed to each Sunday, March 13, at the Woman's of radio broadca*tin(’ on Palm Sun­ member of the society to assist her. club, Miss Lucille Riede tied for sec­ day, in honor of Cardinal Haye*. In the absence of Mrs. W. W. WEISS BAKERY— 4024 Tenny.on St. ond place with Delbert Ross of Den­ Adams, Mrs. Flynn reported on the The Catholic Hour will be broadcast Fresh From Our Ovens to You Every Day ver university in the elimination con­ from 4 to 5 o’clock over KOA, Den­ recent annual Valentine card party, test of the state George Washington ver. Sunday’* program will take an as did Ml'S. Barbara Schwalbe, who TELEPHONE GALLUP 1937 bicentennial oratorical contest. hour, instead of the customary half was chairman of the prize committee On St. Patrick’s day the Social hour. Mr*. Mackay will also sing on for the party. BURGRAF PHARMACY St. Patrick’s Parish Science club presented the weekly bi­ The members welcomed Mrs. Hat­ the program to be sponsored by the Prescriptions a Specialty— A Complete Drug Service centennial program. There were short K. of C. on March 29, in commem­ tie Myers. talks by Miss Louise Chesire, presi­ oration of the order’s golden jubilee. It was announced that' Mrs. John 4939 W. 38TH, COR. YATES PHONE GALLUP 062 WOODY’S MARKET dent or the organization; Marie Tren- B. Hunter will call every Tuesday for chak, Margaret Connelly and Doro­ donations for the Benefit shop as QUALITY SHOE REPAIR SHOP she has done for several years. Fresh Fish, Oysters and Lenten Delicacies thea Williams. A skit, written by WE MEET DOWNTOWN PRICES 145 MEN AND The gift to the society of a beau­ 4051 TEJON ST. DENVER, COLORADO Catherine Floyd, representing Christ­ — For Limited Time Only— mas eve in the home of Washington tiful brass-bound missal was an­ WM. SIHLER, Prop JOHNSON BROS. GARAGE was presented, and the orchestta of nounced. 4370 TENNYSON ST. Loretto Heights college furnished the BOYS RECEIVE The committee in charge of the REPAIR SERVICE— IF WE CAN’T FIX IT, GIVE IT AWAY Look for the Electric Sign EVERYTHING FOR THE MOTOR— But the Car and the License music. The program closed with a Lenten lectures, which have been Orential Creamery given by the Rev. Dr. William O’Ryan Cleaning • Pressing - Dyeing Gaioline • Oil*— Storage - Repairing 3300 Tejon Street tableau depicting George Washing­ Fresh Dairy Products ton as “ Father of His Country,” and AT ST. LOUIS’ in the Brown Palace hotel, reported Repairing Bakery Goods THOMAS FLORAL COMPANY St. Patrick, spiritual “ Father of His that the lectures have been yery well Let an Experienced Cleaner Country.” (St. Loui*’ Pari*h, Englewood) attended. Polar Ice Cream Do Your Work Easter Lilies The Woman’s Athletic association The number of men and boys re­ Among the visitors at the meeting FRESH DAILY 3708 Tejon Street Phone GAllup 0671 of Loretto Heights college held a for­ ceiving Communion Sunday at the were Mesdames Grover Stuart, Ralph We Appreciate Y'our Patronase O. K. CLEANERS mal reception for the freshman 8 o’clock Macs with the Holy Name Taylor and William Schultz. 4418 Tennyaon O. H. Troup 4120 Tennyson Phone GA. 508' pledges at the Argonaut hotel Satur­ society reached the 145 mark last Mr. and Mrs. Ralph W. Kelly have day, March 12. The Athletic associ­ Sunday. The society is very anxious enrolled their son, Eugene Kelly, as LOWELL GROCERY AND CREAMERY GIRVIN FURNITURE & AUCTION CO. a perpetual memorial member of the ation wa.s honored by the presence to enroll all the men and boys in the AT CHAIN STORE PRICES 1449-1455 WELTON ST. ' . KEYSTONE 5856 of Miss Margaret Christman from parish in the organization and asks Cathedral Altar and Ro.sary society. An unusually beautiful musical GROCEUIE.S, BAKERY GOODS. ICE CREAM AND DAIRY I'llODUCTS All the comfort *nd enjoyment of a well furnished home arc within easy reach Wyoming, Elizabeth Gillet of Colo­ the wives and mothers to help the Open Evenings and Sundays S-tgO W. 38TH A'VE. Call GA. 0600— Free Deliver, of modest incomes in our retail department. Denver’s cleanest, choicest stork program, which included selections of used furniture, used and new ruK'^. Simmons hed>, springs, new mattresses, rado college. Miss Kathryn Bruce of members in their efforts. Colorado Woman’s college, Cecile of sacred music, was given. Those tak­ day beds, wardrobes, dinin;; and livint; room sets* kitchen cabinets, sectionat St. Louis’ P.-T.A. acted as host to ORIENTAL CLE^ERS A Try Will Convince You bookcases to choose from. Cash or credit. Snouffer of Colorado Teachers’ col­ the Arapahoe County council on ing part were the Mi.sscs Jewel Keat­ Used Office Furniture our specialty. Auction Sales ot house furnishinfs Mon­ lege and Clare Putnam, who were Tuesday of this week. About one ing and Gerniainc'Haskin, and David Firsh Class Cleaners and Dyers days and Thursdays, 2 p. m. Any article exchanged or spot cash paid for Williams, baritone. The accompanist second-hand furniture. Gall KEystone 5556. guests for the occasion. The pledges hundred representatives from schools 4327 WEST 44th AVE. GALLUP 2271 are now officially recognized by the ir the county attended the meeting, was Miss Ruth Parisoc. association. which was held in St. Louis' parochial LICEN.SED PHIFER ELECTRIC CO. ELECTRICIAN: Mr. Bernard Dempse5% S. J., gave school. The session la.stcd all day, Recovering From Operation a very intere.sting and instnictive coffee being served at noon. The Charles Courtney, 1260 South Contracting - Fixtures - Repairing Elizabeth street, is recovering from talk on economics to members of the guest speaker was Mrs. Lail of Den­ 4368-70 Tennyson St. Alvin A. Sihler, Prop. GAllup 753' faculty and student body of Loretto ver, who spoke on “ Juvenile Protec­ an’ appendectomy at St. Joseph’s Heights college on Tuesday, March tion.” The third and fourth grade hospital. 15. children presented a short program. Oriental Creamery Nun* Live in Mud Hut* MAX NEUMANN Father Harold V. Campbell, profe.s- Mrs. J. Jackson, chairman of St. Special for Saturday and Sunday Louis’ P.-T. A. Study club circle, won Patna, India.— The lives led by the Dry Goods, Notions and sor of sociology and apologetics at missionaries in the stations among second prize for St. Louis’ school, in 1 Qt. Brick Ice Cream, 35^ Men’s. Furnishings Loretto Heights college, on Monday, the Santal aborigines arc “ nothing March 15, spoke to the faculty and the Child Welfare poster contest at ,Ylso Fresh Dairy Products and We Apiircciate Your I’atronaee the Arapahoe County P.-T. A. ban­ than heroic,” according to Social Science a.ssociation on “ The Mother M. Joanna Damascena. Bakery Goods 4395 YATES GA. 3040-M Coal Situation in Colorado.” He quet last Saturday night. mother general of the Institute of 4418 Tennyson St. O. H. Troup, Prop. i stressed the work of Miss Josephine The Holy Name men are planning the Blessed Virgin Mary of Munich, i Roche, president of the Rocky Moun­ a boxing tournament in Englewood after a recent visit to some of the tain Fuel company, who conducts her city hall on the evening of April 1. stations. Five of her nuns assist company on truly Catholic prin­ Permission for the tournament was American Jesuits in their work of ciples. obtained from the city council last evangelization, and live in the mud The Bankers Warehouse Co. On Tuesday, March 15, the Forty Monday night. houses of the natives. Bonded I Hours’ devotion began at Loretto Attendance at Communion during Complete Storage, Moving, Packing, Heights. It will close on the Feast Enter Holy week with the Passion the Forty Hours’ devotion compared Shipping. of the Seven Dolors, March 18, cele­ favorably with the meiPbers receiving Play. Special showing of original brated by the Sisters of Loretto at at Easter and Christmas time. The Oberammergau pictures, with lecture Rates on Application. ; the Foot of the Cross. The collegians school children marching in proces­ by Father E, J. Mannix, and sacred MAin 5259 2145 Blake St. will enjoy a holiday on that daj'. sion before the Blessed Sacrament at concert at St. Catherine’s opera the opening and closing of the devo­ house. Federal Blvd. at West 43rd, tion presented a very pretty picture Sunday evening, March 20, promptly at 8:15. No admission charge at the PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS Juniors Win in of piety and reverence. Eleven priests from neighboring parishes were in door." Free will offering will be taken THEY ARE RELIABLE the sanctuary at the closing. Father up in the evening. Pancratia Skits M. Boyle of Presentation parish de­ livered an eloquent sermon at this “You’re (Pancratia Hall) time, as did Father Donnelly and The competitive skits sponsored by Father Moran on Sunday and Mon­ the sophomore class of Pancratia hall day evenings. Wanted for the high school and junior high Morning services in Ijoly week were won by the junior class. The will be held at 8 o’clock, ex­ BOYS’ STORE name of their play vyas, “ Phantom cept on Hoiy Saturday, when they on the of the Studies,” WTitten by four will begin at 7 o’clock. The evening Third Floor members of the junior class. The cast devotions will begin at 7 :45 on included Rachel Wooldridge, Mary Wednesday, Thursday and Friday Telephone” Kate Bland, Theresa Connelley, evenings. Helen Tobin, Vivian Brookins, Helen The school children sang the music Deutch, Marie Russell, Ruth Church, of High Mass for the first time on-the Marion Lower and Eleanor Esser. third day of the Forty Hours’ devo­ The Gorgas Memorial Institute of tions. They also sang hymns in honor America •will offer national prizes of of St. Patrick at the Mass on March Easter Comes Early; Dress Him Up NOW! $750 and $150, and state prizes of 17 and will sing at the Mass in honor $10 and a Gorgas gold medal in the of St. Joseph on March 19. Is Your Telephone annual essay contest. Students at Pan­ cratia hall have entered the contest. Confirmation and Graduation The Pancratia hall basketball 650 PROMISE TO in Your Neighbor’s Home? team beat St. Mary’s in the Y. W. C. A. gym Thursday of week by AID UNEMPLOYED a score of 23-14. - Pancratia hall will meet Mount St. Gertrude’s Saturday, The campaign being conducted in You can’t conveniently wake your Denver by the American Legion to KNICKER SUITS March 17, in the Pancratia gym. secure work for the unemployed is neighbor at midnight if you need the under the direction of the Colorado DENVER PRESIDENT Regional Employment committee, 75 doctor in a hurry and haven’t a tele­ GIVES ADDRESS TO composed of Durbin Van Law, J. Leslie Brown, Floyd McCammon, A. *10 phone. Nor can you call the stores, the CATHEDRAL P.-T. A. W. Hahn and R. D. Mickle, director, in conjunction the Leyden- Navy blue cheviot fabric with two pairs market, the druggist, the dentist, the Mrs. Sherman C. Roe, president of. Chiles-'Wickersham post, Nti, 1, of the Denver ParenU’eachers’ associa­ the American Legion. J. J. Hanne- plus 4 knit cuff knickers. Carefully hairdresser, or chat with your friends tion, gave an address at the meeting mann is the chairman of the Denver of the Cathedral P.-T. A. Monday Employment committee, and at the tailored and styled especially for these whenever you want without a telephone afternoon, March 14. Mrs. J. M. present time a crew of 24 men is Elms spoke on the health program canvassing the city under his direc­ important occasions. of 5'Our own. outlined for school children and pre­ tion, on what i.s known as the sented bulletins on balanced meals “ Rochester plan,” which is to create for the growing child that can be pre­ jobs by contacting all home owners pared at a nominal cost. Sister Fin- in the city and urging them to do ian’s fourth grade children gave a any neces.sary repair work at this Denver’s Next Directory St. Patrick’s day program. time. This canvass v/as started Following the entertainment, Mrs. Thursday, March 11, and in the first JUNIOR HI SUITS Thoma.s Connelly conducted the busi­ five days of the di'ive 650 jobs were Soon Goes to Press ness meeting. Mrs. Martina Sundell pledged by home owners. These road the secretary’s report, Mrs. A. jobs will entail the services of an With Two Pairs Long Trousers A. Hauk the treasurer’s report and unemployed man ranging in time Mrs. W. J. McGcttigan the report of from one hour to several days. It W ill your name be listed? Will is hoped that 5,000 jobs will be se­ the council meeting. Room mothers $ 1 2 - 9 5 were urged to attend the council cured through this canvass. friends know where to reach you? Why Every home owner is being ap­ meetings, which are called for the pealed to at this time to do any not make the next call from your neigh­ Thursday preceding the general meet­ necessary repair work in order to ing. The following committee to bor’s telephone a call to us for service provide a job for someone. Anyone select candidates for office during the signing a pledge card, if he so de­ A special value at this low price. Long- coming term was appointed: Mrs. D, of your own? It costs just a few cents sires, may give the work to someone F. Sullivan, Mrs. D. V. Harper, Mrs. he knows to be out of work; other­ wearing fabrics, smartly styled and J. J. O’Neil, Mrs. W. P. Gibbons, Mrs. a day. wise the job will be filled by the Citi­ carefully tailored. W. J. McGettigan, Mrs. Frank Haberl zens’ Relief committee, located at and Mrs. Mary Dalton Walsh. 808 14th street. An entertainment to be given by Henry L. Stevens, Jr., national Boys’ and Youths’ Pfilo Coats Mrs. Fred Doyle at her honie Satur­ commander o f the American Legion, day afternoon at 2 p. m. was an­ spoke at the City auditorium the eve­ Shirts nounced. Instructions on contract ning of March 14, and in his address $18.50 bridge will 1 e given to those who wish sta^d that as great an emergency $1 to learn and the proceeds will be for faces the people now as in the years the cafeteria fund. Following com­ of the World war, and that it was Socks, 35c Caps, $1 munity singing, directed by Mrs. the patriotic duty of everyone to do Frank Krabacker, the meeting ad­ his bit at this time by supplying The Boy*’ Store— Third Floor journed until the second Monday in work which might help to relieve the April. unemployment situation.

ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION Teleghone^^^m^ GENIUS FLOWERS AGAIN AT Speaker Lauds DON’T FORGET Rogers-Platt Chevrolet Order Your Hot Cross Buns MSGR. BOSETTI CONCERT C.D.otA.Worfc and Easter Pastry Now Phone FR. 0284 Colfax at Gaylord The annual Lenten concert of the Masters A’Hem, Beck, Dameron and A large number of representative THOMPSON’S Rt. Rev. Monsignor Joseph Bosetti’s Haberl. A. Hauk was at the piano Catholic women greeted the Rev. vested Cathedral choir, held in the and Jos^hine Courtney at the pipe Francis P. Lyons, C. S. P., of Chicago Quality Home Bakery Municipal auditorium Tuesday night, organ. There was also an orchestra. at a luncheon sponsored by the Cath­ LAST CHANCE TO BUY A NEW 1931 olic Daughters’ Study club at the 579 Milwaukee YOrk 5699 proved outstanding. When one- re­ The difficulty of many of the CHEVROLET AT A SUBSTANTIAL members that such distinguished numbers offered on these annual pro­ S P U i lD RITES Argonaut hotel Tuesday, March 15. Retail Store: artists as Edward Wolter, the na- grams is such that only a genius di­ Sharing honors with Father Lyons SAVING 2924 EAST 6TH AVE. t onally-known radio entertainer, rector could present such a Mogram. The schedule of services for Holy was the Rev. E. J. Morgan, S. J. of week at the Church of the Holy Regis college, director of the Study lOO-lb. Flour Sax, Each 10c and Frank Dinhaupt, who under the Saint Saens’ “ The Heavens Declare” Special Sedan, New— ^Landau Phaeton, New name of Valentino has made the was presented Wednesday for the Ghost, 1900 California street, is as club’s controversial series. The presi­ grade opera grade to La Scala in first time in Denver. Every year follows: dent, Miss Margaret Fallon, presided Standard Sedan, 5,000 Miles— Std. Coach, 3,700 Miles Italy, received a good deal of the Monsignor Bosetti chooses some out­ Palm Sunday Masses will be at 7, and introduced Father Lyons, who prestige that set them on their way to standing feature new to Colorado 8:15, 9:16, 10:15, 11:15 and 12:15. is national director of the Converts’ These Cars Will Be Sold This Week fame as a result of Monsignor Bo­ audiences. The Sanctus from Pales­ The palms will be blessed and dis­ league. The speaker told of the fuom tr setti’s concerts in past years, one trina’s Missa Papae Marcelli was an­ tributed. Evening services consist­ work of the league in other cities. realizes why artists who are chosen other special offering of extraordi­ ing of sermon and Benediction will The local committee is composed of for leading parts in the annual event nary merit Wednesday. begin at 7:45. The Rev. Francis P. Miss Agnes Tierney, Mrs. W. J. Cam­ do their best They never did better Lyons, C.S.P., will be the speaker. eron, Miss Mary McKee and Mrs. J. Formerly Brown-Byers Studio than on Wednesday evening. The There will be a Mass at 12:10 Mon­ C. Hagus. Father Lyons commended ARCHBISHOP SPEAKS day with a five-minute sermon. Mass the Catholic Daughtes of America for Now Is Time to Think of elite of Denver, in both a social and an artistic sense, were present and AT BISHOP’S FUNERAL will be said at the same time Tues­ their vast constructive national pro­ Photos for Easter ' heard a program which allows the day, and evening services of St. Rita gram along educational, religious 1452 TREMONT city to take a place in the very first (Continued From Page 1) devotions will begin at 7:45. Mass and philanthropic lines. Father M or^n spoke briefly on Pk. KE. 6307 for Appointment rank as a musical center. "gentleness, approachableness, a keen will be said Wednesday at 12:10 and The MAY Co Three Bishops were present: The and refined sense of humor, a native evening services consisting of ser­ study clubs, and referred to the Most Rev. Drs. Urban J. Vehr, Den­ generosity ever ready to exceed the mon and Benediction will begin at Catholic Daughters' Study club as an ver; J. Henry Tihen, now living in bounds of reason; a spirit of hospi­ 7.45. The Rev. John R. Mnlroy will outstanding one in Denver. The vio­ etirement at Wichita, who came tality that imposed upon him an ob­ be the preacher. lin numbers of Miss Jane Brown, ac­ back to his former see city to attend ligation at once joyful and sacred; Holy Thursday there will be Sol­ companied on the piano by her sis­ ter, Miss Betty Brown, gave a fes­ the concert, and Patrick A. McGov­ impulses ever restrained and spirit­ emn Mass and procession at 7:45. tive note to the occasion. ern, Cheyenne. ualized; a charming personality that Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament RELIABLE Besides the guests of honor, the will continue throughout the day. John Pilon, Atwater-Kent winner won all hearts; a vividness of imagin­ following made reseirations for the Noonday services will be held at for Colorado, was featured on the ation and a keenness of perception luncheon: Mesdames Thomas G. 12:10. Evening services will start at program. The following appeared in that amazed even the most resource­ Bari-y, C. D. Lippincott, A. H. special solo work or small groups: ful of his colleagues; a delicate sensi­ 7:45 and will consist of Eucharistic Flood, Mary Tierney, John F. Vail, IN M IK A hiri Joseph Wildgen, Richard Hynes, Wil­ tiveness of soul that concealed from sermon, prayers and silent adoration. V/. J. Foehl, B. Cullen, Frank P. liam Trinnier, Joseph O’Neil, Lan­ others the wounds from which he suf­ Good Friday Mass of the Presancti- Bicknell, tVilliam Henry, W, T. Pren- caster Smith, Charles Kunzie, Joseph fered, and which he even minimized field will be said at 8 o’‘clock. The dergast, Otto Kiene, C. J. Hyland, Lilly, Hale Orin Davis, George Ker- to himself; a genius for friendship; a “ Tre Ore” Passion service will be W. J. Kirk, A. G. Douds, C. J. Dunn, J.J.CeUa win, Paul Harrington, George kindly and constructive criticism of held from 12:30 to 3:30. Father Thomas F. Savage, Lawrence M. Pur­ Denham Bldg. A ’Hern, Jack Beck, William Dam- the work of others; a priceless art of Lyons will be the preacher. The Holy cell, J. J. Ryan, 0. L. Pettepier, P. eron, Frank Haberl, Francis J. encouraging all who sought his coun­ Ghost choir, under the direction of R. Riordan, J. A. Seubert, John Lips­ Phone KEystone 2633 O’Drain. The boys featured were sel in rendering service to Catholic George L, Bradbury, assisted by other comb, Charles Burk, Harry Gorden, scholarship or to souls; a genuine artists and singers, will give Dubois’ T. J. Carlin, T. A. Triplett, George Editor ApologizOi After Proteit* humility that made him childlike, and “ Seven Last Words.” The program W. Coffin, Thelma Raphael, W. J. Latrobe, Pa.— A retraction of the yet did not blind him to the respon­ will be as follows: Johnson, W. P. Mulligan, J. M. publication in a column of The La­ sibility of making the best use of the Introduction— " 0 Voi Omnes” First Word—"Pater Dimitte," "Father, for­ Lavin, Grace Lawler, H. W. Law­ trobe Bulletin of a myth, alleged to exceptional gifts that were his.” give them.” rence, P. J. Sullivan, L. A. Bastin, have been gleaned by the columnist The Archbishop stressed the fact 'Tenor, baritone and chorus J. F. Toner, Joseph Walsh, James from a b o o k iy William S. Walsh en­ Second Word— "Hodie Mecum Eris.” "This that Bishop Shahan never permitted day thou shall be with Me.” Morse, W. J. Cameron, Frank Fleisch, titled “ Curiftities of Popular Cus­ a life so a tive to interfere with the Tenor and baritone duet George E. Smith, Frank Gargan, toms,” in which St. Patrick is said essential work of his life, that of Third Word-r-“ Stabat Mater,” "Woman, be­ Margaret Dick, Frank Kendlen, Mi­ Hand-Turned Soles! vN N MODERATELY PRICED//^ to have given the members of an hold thy son; behold thy mother.” chael Timmons, Miles Ross, J. C. O O 2(hlh-2lbs.35f 6lbs/t^C ^ saving his soul. “ He was before all Fourth Word— "Deue Meus,” "M y God, My Irish convent the “ privilege” of pro­ else a man of prayer.. He lived in God.” Hagus and Dr. Lida Russell; Misses Other Gradu25^andup ^ posing marriage every fourth year, Baritone solo Firm Arch Support! -V. N. SWWMin »!/////✓ ✓ ✓ -r- ^ the presence of God. He had the Margaret Fallon, Anna Fallon, Mar­ has been published by the paper. The Fifth Word— "Sltlo," "I thirst.” soul of a mystic, seeking the perfec­ Tenor, baritone and chorus garet Leary, Anna Gomiley, Agnes apology followed protests from St. -SANDERSONS’ - tion that comes from constant medi­ Sixth Word— "Consummatum Est,” "It is Tierney, Margaret Bayne, Martha Vincent’s college, the Rev. John Pad- consummated." Balkin, Mary , Coughlin, Julia Clif­ Combination Lasts! 1514 ARAPAHOE - TA. X59I. den, the Knights of Columbus and tation on the things of the spirit. Tenor and baritone Self-imposed discipline, ever constant Seventh Word— "Pater in Manus Turns," ford, Josephine Woeber, Jane Win- many telephone calls and letters. "Father into Thy bands.” bom, Blanche Egan and McMahon. in its demands, he regarded as essen­ Soprano, tenor, baritone, chorus tial to priestly virtue and to the per­ Conclusion-"Adoramus Te ChristL” fection of the episcopal state.” Chorus FOUR COLORADO GIRLS The following are the soloista and mem­ That the deceased Bishop enjoyed bers of the choir that will sing Good Fri­ VOWED AS MERCY NUNS WHEAT-85C “ the special privilege of an earnest, day; Sopranos, Frances Bechtold, Helen serious and varied preparation for Blair, Opal Bumgarner, P. J. Desilets, ^‘C on stan t Low Feed Prices Carrie Damiano, Marie Evers, Grace Gyeen, (Continued From Page 1) CORONA his priestly work” was pointed out Emily Grover, Nina Hendricks, Gertrude succinctly by the funeral orator. Jacobs, Margaret Koch, M. O’Connell, B. M, M. Mercedes Ross, R. S. M., an LUMP Colorado Coal Co. Ried, H. Rfeseman, Marie Sawick, H. C. alumna of St. Joseph’s high school, 4310 BRIGHTON BLVD. Tracing Bishop Shahan’s life course Shiel, H. Bums; altos. Mildred Blodget, — Medium sized from student days in Montreal and now a teacher in St. Peter’s school, Norah Brophy, Sarah Byrne, Estelle Camb- Greeley; Sister M. Martha Quintana, lump of good in Rome to the ofiice of Diocesan lin, Mary E. Cheair, Mary Setaell, F. F. Wagner; tenors, Joseph Clifford, A. S. R. S. M., who is teaching in the Sa­ quality. Chancellor, then back to Europe for lasillo. Dr. F. C. Peterson, H. E. Prose, cred Heart school (Spanish-Amer- C om fort” further preparation, the Archbishop G. H. Mlroslavlch: basses, Ferdi Cain, J. ican) Durango; Sister M. Austin told how, forty-one years ago, the E. Cook, R. E. Livingston, Ray J. Noone, Oar Martin O’Haire, C.' A. O’Toole: organist, Moran.^Jl. S. M., who before enter­ $5.50 Community future lector of the Catholic uni­ Wilma Gerspach; director, George L. Brad­ ing reason was among the promi­ versity came “ to this very spot where bury. nent business women of Denver, now Car* to East and West we are this morning assembled to The Three Hours’ service will con­ EMPIRE lit and 15th of Each Month clude with- veneration of the Cross stationed at Mercy hospital, Denver; dedicate himself wholly to the cause Sister M. Perpetua Mergen, R. S. M., of Catholic higher education.” and blessing with a relic o f the Tme SHOES LUMP Ottc* it Wartbousa, 1521 20tb it. who remained a student at Creighton Cross. Eve.iing services will consist — In large lump. Senrica—KEystona 6228 The life of Bishop Shahan at the university to complete her course in j university dovetails with the history of the reading of the Passion, Sta­ pharmacy before returning to Mercy None better at ' of the university itself, continued the tions of the Cross and veneration of hospital, Denver, the price. speaker. “ He' was here in the crucial the Cross. Those who received the habit at Omaha The Best in days when its very existence was at Holy Saturday the blessing of the March 12 are Frances Duran (Sister M. Easter fire, the reading of the prophe­ Cosmas), Springer, N. M.: Gwendolyn Daly stake.. . . What would have happened (Sister H. Gwendolyn), Mary Brown (Sis­ .45 $5.75 Used in those dark years, so full of fore­ cies and the blessing of the Baptismal ter M. de LelJis) of Marshall, Mo.; Char­ water will begin at 7:45 a. m. High lotte MacDoagall (Sister M. Josephus), Furniture boding, had it not been for the cour­ Mary Jones (Sister M. Emmanuai), Bemica ' 3 age— which might have seemed reck­ Mass will be celebrated at 9 o’clock. Costello (Sister M. Beatrice Marie) of Des Caih or Credit less, but was in reality spiritual— and Easter Sunday Masses will be at Moines, Iowa; Anne Egermief (Sister M. Leona), Rose Keane (Sister M. Rosalin) of the challenge of this daring athlete 7:15, 8:15, 9:15, 10,11.15 and 12:15. h ese shoes are neat looking, but comfort is Retail Rooms Omaha, Nebr.; Alma Emerald (Sister M. of Christ, who foresaw only victory?” The Easter High Mass will be at 10. LaurelLa) of (jrass Valley, Calif; Mercedes their main feature— ^they give that 100% ! Open Daily There will be no evening services. Welby (Sister M. Celeste) of Granger, T Eighteen years as lecturer and pro­ Iowa; Theresa Boudro (Sister M. Ernes­ All styles in fine kid— soft as a glove! A FULL LINE OF fessor at the university, in which •SIOGIIANDEFIIEL' tine) of Red Bluff, Calif.; Elizabeth Me- Approved by all Orders of Sisters in Denver. MMOMDMID OMITX tv OFFICE FURNITURE “ happy, blessed years of preparation Kearn (Sister H. Jnde) of Beloit. Wise.; FR. LYONS SPEAKS Teresa Hoff (Sister M. Valerian) of Note the size range: 4 to 9; widths A A to E. K E. 3146 We rent Folding Chairs, Card and for ripe scholarship” his students felt Seneca, Mo., and Helen Chapman (Sister Banquet Tables, Dishes, Silverware, the fascination of his magnetic per­ ABOUT JO B L E SS M. Francella) of Tulsa, Okla. sonality,” led to his elevation to the The following. In addition to those from anything in stock. Established 1888, Colorado, made profession of religious vows : Other **Comfort‘* Shoes $2.95 to $5 rectorship. PHONE KEYSTONE 4852 The Rev. Francis Lyons, C. S. P., Sister M. Adrian Schweiger, Sister M. Ce­ This space is offered, free of As rector. Bishop Shahan launched guest lecturer at the Holy Ghost celia Marie Healy, Sister M. Miriam Hoff­ The May Co.— Street Floor into a necessary building program man, Sister M. Cletus Dougherty, Sister M, charge to any parish for adver- church during Lent, was speaker at Edwina Comboy, Sister M. Louise Hosk, 'with the ardor of a true . . the monthly meeting of the Com­ Kansas City, Mo.; Sister M. Carmel Marie Itising parish affairs. upon a work naturally uncongenial to munity Chest at the Chamber of Allen, Sister U. Thomasina Ward, Sister M. Furniture Trading Co. Bernard Scott, Grass Valley, Calif.; Sister one of his gentle spirit and scholarly Commerce building Monday noon. M. Teresita Zaver, Sister M. Pania Radose- 1524-28 Court Place KE. 1668 tastes.” The Archbishop noted that vich. Council Bluffs, Iowa; Sister M. Do­ Sell or trade new or used Furni­ Father Lyons was introduced by Isa- W. T. ROCHE “ during the twenty years that he was dore Samuels. His subject was “ By­ lores Martinez, Sister M. Claire Tejada, ture, Rugs. Ranges and Office Raton, N. M .; Sister M. Raymond Torres, Furniture. rector most, of the great buildings products of Unemployment” Red Bluff. Calif.; Sister M. Eugene Ramey, Ambulance Service Co. CASH OB EASY PAYMENT Omaha, Nebr. I We Rent Folding Chairs and which now cover the university were Father Lyons specified the need CALL SPRUCE 3412 Card Tables built.” , The success of the building of careful charting of the present 1805 Gilpin St. YOrk 0900 For Quality Cleaning at Reasonable Prices WiU Give the Mont Reasonable program the prelate attributed to economic situation, cautioning that K. OF C. JUBILEE TO OPEN STORAGE Bishop Shahan’s “ vision, his love of there will be a flood of post-legisla­ Prompt and Efficient Delivery Service Everywhere Limousines For All of Your Household Goods by the AT COMMUNION MASSES Month or Year. Mary Immaculate, his courage, his tion concerning unemplojonent, and PEACOCK CLEANERS AND DYERS Estimates Cheeffully Given power to arouse enthusiasm in others that it is up to the trained social Occasions (Continued From. Page 1) L. E. BARNES 1137 E. ALAMEDA A. E. NELSON and to secure their co-operation.” It worker to keep an eye open to see was at the cordial invitation of this that the best legislation goes orter, John B. McCartin, Harry L. beloved rector, tOo, that most of the through. Father Lyons expressed clntyre, Thomas P. Rogers, Mi­ religious institutes of our country doubt at the advisability of a Na­ chael J. Shea, Leo Mariotti, Frank erected seminaries and houses of tional Smile week, saying that it is Heisel, Donald A. Yates, Louis THE MILES & DRYER PRINTING CO. Shields, Charles J. Lang, Frank study on grounds adjacent to the uni­ not possible to carry a beneficial Over 20 Y e^s of Satisfactory Service versity “ to enlarge the family circle smile when the stomach is empty. He Kinradl, Edw. J. Brinkhaus, Edward of the university.” said that Denver does not know pov­ C. Day, Jr., Fred J. Brinkhaus, M. The Oldest Printing Plant in Denver Specializing in Catholic Work Identifying the departed Bishop erty such as is now being combated P, Cunningham, William J. Evers, Established 1906 in major cities of the East. James V. DeCredico, Joseph E. Hor- with “ every movement that advanced 1936*38 Lawrence St. Phones: KEystone 6348, 6349 the cause of Catholic education in the The luncheon was attended by vat, Arthur C. Jacques, John M. United States for upwards of forty practically all the social workers and Mayer, William Scott, Joseph F. COBBS years,” Archbishop McNicholas em­ many rejiresentatives of the Chest Canino, John J. Yelenick, Leonard Two Stores phasized especially his , inspirational agencies, including, from the Catholic Videtich, Eugene T. Molloy, James work in the compilation of the Catho­ organizations, the Rev. John R. Mul- G. Cudmore, Joseph A. Clifford, Ed­ THE DeSELLEM FUEL & FEED CO. ward J. Anderson, Frank Bruno, Dr. 503 16th St. 1619 Stout St. lic Encyclopedia, which owes to him roy, Mrs. J. M. Harrington, Mrs. Eve CHARLES A. DeSELLEM Collins, Mrs. J. B. Hunter and Mrs. Kemp, G. Cooper, Thomas F. De­ “ the greatest debt of gratitude for Joseph Emerson Smith. . laney, Charles E. Flahie, William FIRST CLASS FUEL AND FEED his habitually sane editorial judgment M. Gleesdn, John Emmet Goggin, We Ship by Rail Paramount Shop— and for his hundreds of scholarly con­ Office Phones TAbor 3205, TAbor 3206 35th and Walnut Sts. ADDRESSES SOCIAL WORKERS Charles J. Grannell, John F. Hallo- tributions.” ran, David A. Haney, David Hayes, Residence Phone FRanklin 1058-W. Denver, Colorado The Archbishop singled out as a Mrs. Joseph Emerson ^mith ad­ dressed a group of social workers at Thomas V. Healy, Joseph J. Henry, marked characteristic in the deceased John A. Jackson, Albert J. Kessler, “ his passion for encjStogftgjM^eyepr dinner session Monday evening at the ^gonaut. Miss Helen Burke was John LaGuardia, Arthur J. Lingle, The Greatest Dress good work.” He noted TRY aiairman. Miss Helen Conway, pros­ James B. Micheletti, Warren D. especially evident in fi6ld pi edu­ Murnan, Michael J. McCarthy, Clayton Plumbing Co. pective member of the Press club, is for Your Noxt Rtpnir Job cation. . . . Conventions and gp’oups receiving national honors in her-^writ- Charles T, McGlone, Francis B. Mc- promoting Catholic education in any They Try to Please and Are Rea- ing on social service problems. Glone, Francis G. McNumara,’ George tonable in Price. Terms May Be way could always count on^him as M. McNamara,' W, H. McNichols Had on Larger Work if Desired Values in America a patron. He not only gave them in­ Church Gets Dauphin’s O^an (auditor of the city and county of YOrk 5000 Res. t YOrk 0288 spiration, but from the abundance of Paris.— The Church of St. Sulpice, Denver), John J. Negri, William 2408 E. COLFAX AVE. A ll at One Price his resourceful mind often suggested one of the most remarkable religious Powers, John F. Reardon, Robert E. G uaranteed a program of action.” Asserting that structures in Paris, has acquired Rohe, Carl A. Ross, Glen P. Schaf- “ a thousand times more than his life ownership of an historic and artistic buch, Francis J. Staples, Thomas J. COATS did he love the Church,” the Arch­ treasure, the organ called “ du Tynan, Cornelius J. Mahoney, Gerald Income bishop added that “ every scholarly 5-year Certlllcatea Jn and Dauphin.” It is a small pipe-organ, E. McAuHffe, Albert E. Schillinger, bond form, sums of $100 NO effort which reflected credit upon the the white and gold case of which dis­ William J. Thompson, Dr. Phillip C. and up. Church thrilled his very soul.” And plays the three golden lilies of the Allen, John T. Lappin and Ray J. Record of past 100 yeara provea building and loan COST SUITS here the speaker ventured the hope royal house of ‘France. The organ Staples. the safeat form of Invest­ For Man to Call and Give Iitl- A ll W ool “ that the surviving friends of Bishop was purchased before the revolution ment. mates on Packiag and Shipping Shahan who have known him from by Queen Marie Antoinette for the Our Certificates now Garments, A subscriber to The Register hold by investors In 46 KEystone 6228 young manhood will portray him as Dauphin^ the unfortunate boy who, wishes to acknowledge several favors states and 11 foreign Office a WarehouM, 1S21 KKh SL Silk Lined, the Apostle of Encouragement. Never after the execution of his parents, obtained through novenas to St. countries. have I known a more noble example Call, write or tclepbona One Price died in prison in 179 6< Rita, the Little Flower and St. Jude. for detailed Informr.tlon. of this art.” MORRISSEY, MAHONEY & Commenting upon the fact that lenge of a long life nobly lived, with Enter Holy week with the Paision SCOFIELD $ 0 . 9 0 Bishop Shahan had retired from ac­ utter self-forgetfulness, for God and Play. Special ihowing of original S il v e r S t a t e Attorneys-at-Law OUR ONLY PRICE tive service three years ago. Arch­ his fellow-men. It is a challenge to Oberammergau picturei, with lecture Building and Loan Awoclatlim 405-9 Symes Bldg. bishop McNicholas revealed that the our priesthood that in the midst of by Father E. J. Mannix, and lacred 1044 WELTON STREET DENVER. COLO Phone MAin 4106 Denver, C<^o. saintly prelate had recently told him our excessively active life it is pos­ concert at St. Catherine'! opera Live Model Style Show Friday and Monday at 1 P.M. 4 P.M. that he realized fully “ that God was sible for a man to become a saintly house. Federal Bird, at Weit 43rd, PATRONIZE JOHN H. REDDIN giving him the grace of ‘making his scholar. May the soul of Bishop Sunday evening, March 20, promptly Attorney and Counselor at Law and 8 P. M. at COBBS PARAMOUNT SHOP, 503 16th St. soul’.” The Archbishop, in bidding a Shahan, as well as all the souls of at 8:15. No admiition charge at the REGISTER 612-614 Ernest & Cranmer Block last farewell to Bishop Shahan, note! the faithful departed, through God's door. Free will offering will be taken 17th and Curtis “a ringing challenge. It is the chal- mercy, rest in peace!” up in the evening. ADVERTISERS Phone MAin 0557 Denver, Colo,

ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION “ Why Pay More? f f No Regis Intercollegiate (Trademark) JOHNNIE O’CONNOR SERVICE Football Planned in 1932 ALL CARS GREASED WITH NO-FREEZATOL ENDS YOUR ALEHITE HIGH PRESSURE... 7 5 ^ RADIATOR TROUBLES. GAL. $1.50 WIN smE-wm[ 2501 FEDERAL BOULEVARD TELEPHONE GALLUP 6488 WM. W. MYER DRUG STORES, Inc. Regis college will not resume foot­ look over the situation here. Father ball on an intercollegiate basis next Herbers did not commit himself one 2636 W. 32ND AVE. Colorado Owned Stores fall, notwithstanding rumors to the way or "the other until his statement EGYPTIAN CAFE PHONE GA. 6137 contrary. That declaration was made to The Register this week. That Eat your Turkey Dinner here Sunday, and you will be a regular patron. 17th and Broadway pmocHim iiiLE 15th and Welton this week by the Very Rev. Joseph statement, presumably final, takes FISH SERVED ON DAYS OF ABSTINENCE Broadway and Ellsworth 800 Santa Fe Dr. A, Herbers, S.J., president of Regis away all doubt as to Regis’ athletic Cathedral high school basketball All Meats Furnished by Cox’s Market collejge. policy for the coming scholastic year. team, four-time champion of the 15th and California 16th and California Father Herbers’ statement follows: Denver Parochial league, annexed In denying that Regis would take “ Please do not state in your paper additional cage honors last week in on outside football foes in Septem­ We net liaTe apeciel m Im but tell you at our lewoat price* OTory that Regis college will resume inter­ winning the mythical state parochial ber, Father Herbers expressed the collegiate football in September, championship from the Abbey school ITALIAN CHICKEN EN CASSEROLE day OB all drug mercbaBdito. hope that by September, 1933, Regis 1932. I have given no authority for team of Canon City. Staging a WITH SPAGHETTI AND RAVIOLI...... would be able to resume the sport. such a statement. We will have in­ thrilling finish, typical of a movie DINE AND DANCE Football activity this year will be tramural football and hope that by story climax. Cathedral eked out a SPECIALTY ACTS confined to intramural competition September, 1933, we may be able to 27 to 25 victory. OCCTONTS No Cover Charge among the various classes and or­ resume intercollegiate football.’’ Cathedral had everything its own TAbor 9232 ganizations of the school. A similar When the college discontinued in­ way in the first half, piling up a program was carried out last year Monte Carlo 4930 W. COLFAX tercollegiate football, Father A. A. comfortable 17 to 5 lead. But, with success. Breen, S.J., then president, called spurred by their coach, Oscar Herig- Since Father Herber’s arrival here the attention of The Register to the stad, the Abbey Bears staged a gal­ 3259 NAVAJO ST. in January he has been besieged fact that it was done in such a way lant come-back to tie the score with DE JOHN’S CAFE PHONE GALLUP 7945 with questions relative to his stand as not to tie the hands of any of only ten seconds to the end of the Specializing in THE ZIMMERMAN MERCANTILE CO. on intercollegiate football. Prefer­ his successors, provided they felt it game. Just before the gun and at SPAGHETTI, RAVIOLI, CHICKEN DINNERS AND BANQUETS ring to wait until he had time to better to reintroduce the sport. a time when the fans were certain DINE AND DANCE NO COVER CHARGE that only an extra period or two Call Gallop 0741 n»* red a white stm* Call Gallop 0936 could decide the issue. Captain Ed Maher of Cathedral sneaked under FOR THOSE WHO CARE Loyola H. N. Men to Have All-Night the.^hbey basket, took a long pass SEND TO A CLEANER WHO TAKES A PERSONAL INTEREST and sank a set-up to give his team Men’s Suits, 7 5 ^ — Dresses, Plain, $1.00 victory. LET US HAVE YOUR EASTER WORK NOW Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Doran starred for Cathedral and 3814 Lowell Blvd. CHESTERFIELD CLEANERS GAllup 6956 Welsh shone for Abbey. In victory (Sacred Heart-Loyola Parish) exception will be the Tre Ore service Cathedral ended its season unde­ ARMSTRONG SHOE REPAIR SHOP From the time the Blessed Sacra­ which will take place at Loyola feated. 'PRSS- Quality Workmanship, Service— Reasonable Prices Our Motto ment is carried in solemn procession ’alone, on Good Friday evening from Sacred Heart Girl* Win Sacred Heart high girls won the 3006 WEST 44TH to the respository on Holy Thursday 7 until 10 o’clock. Arrangements morning until It is carried back to are being made to take care of an title in their division of the Parochial «>"• 1612 & LAWRENCE the main altar at the Mass of the exceptionally large crowd, so there league by nosing out Annunciation NATIONAL SHOE REPAIR SHOP Presanctified on Good Friday, there will be room for all the parishioners girls, 15 to 13, last Sunday. The will be adorers in Loyola church. and all the friends of the parish who ^ m e was one of the closest seen Quality at a Very Attractive Price in the league this year, and in keep­ Our Work Guaranleed 4414 YATES Heretofore, the church has been may wish to attend. The people are locked as usual after the devotions asked to be seated in the church be­ ing with the championship affray. Holy Family girls and St. Joseph’s on Holy Thursday evening, but this fore the service starts. ' It will begin MUMMEY’S— 2964 West 38lh Ave. also staged a tight battle, with the year the case will be different. The promptly at 7 o’clock. former winning, 15 to 14. Annuncia­ Ladies’ Wash Dresses— $1, $1.25, $1.50, $1.95, $2.25, $2.49 Holy Name men arranged, aft^r their The girls’ basketball team of FIRE SALE tion team would have thrown first Special Dresses, 2 for $1.00 We Make Children’s Dresses Communion last Sunday morning, to Sacred Heart high school has again won the CaUiolic parochial champion­ place in the league into a tie if it keep an all-night watch before the had won. Blessed Sacrament on Holy Thurs­ ship. The parish and school are day. Men will be appointed for the proud not only of the team, but also Entiue Salvage Stock various hojirs, and there will be no of the splendid coach who trained it. This coupon is printed for readers of The Register who time in the night when there are not The Sacred Heart Altar society Parish Holy Week have not received pledge cards for the Regis Good Will fund, at least two Holy Name men kneel­ held a very fine gathering in the li­ ing in adoration. The parishioners brary room in the basement of but who wish to make a donation. Simply clip this coupon, in general were much edified when Sacred Heart church the past week. Rites Announced M. D. BARNETT fill in the amount pledged and mail it to Regis College. this announcement was made, and Mrs. Nellie Hullinger, the new presi­ there is no doubt that many men dent of the Altar society, asked the and women, besides those appointed, ladies’ help and co-operation. The (St. Patrick’* Paruh) REGIS GOOD-WILL OFFERING will keep watch before our Divine meeting time has been changed from Holy week services have been an­ at about 33% on the $ Lord on the eve of His crucifixion. the second Friday, in the evening, to nounced as follows: Palms will be I hereby promise to pay to Regis College the sum of $. Complete services for Holy week the second Thursday, in the after­ blessed immediately preceding the will be carried out in both Sacred noon. At future gatherings, refresh­ 10:30 Mass Palm Sunday and distrib­ EACH year for FIVE years. Heart church and Loyola. The only ments will be served and recreation uted following Masses. On Wednesday enjoyed after the business meeting. evening, services will consist of Ro­ $20 & $22.50 Men’s Suits, 0 ’Coats..$6.95 Payments to be made annually n semi-annually [H HOLY WEEK PROGRAM AT The Sacred Heart Ladies’ sodality sary, sermon and Benediction. Con­ Nationally advertiseH makes at a startllnf Mcrifice. CATHEDRAL ANNOUNCED is making plans for a card party to fessions will be heard after these be held in Adelphian hall on April services. On Holy Thursday, High NAME...... (Continued From Page 1) 14. Details of the affair will be an­ Mass followed by procession of $27.50 to $30 Men’s Suits, O’Coats $15.95 morning’s service. After the proces­ nounced later. The ladies in charge school children to the repository will Stylepius, Kirschbaum and ether renowned qualities. sion, the high altar and the others ask all their friends to save the eve­ commence at 8:30. Mass of Presanc­ ADDRESS...... •...... in the church except the repository ning of April 14 for the party. tified on Friday will be at 8 o’clock. altar will be stripped of their orna­ The Loyola Ladies’ sodality has Stations of the Cross for the school $35 to $45 Men’s Suits, 0 ’Coats..$24.95 PARISH...... ^...... ments. announced a bake sale for Easter children will be made at 3 o’clock, During the day, the members of Saturday. The sale will be held in and at 7:30 in the evening, together Part of the Barnett stock'. All famous trade-mirk lines. the parish will keep watch with God Loyola hall. East 23rd avenue and with a sermon on the Passion. Ven­ Total Subscription for five years $...... at the tabernacle of the ^repository, York street, and will open at 1 eration of the Cross will follow these striving to make amends for the o’clock. Home-made cakes, pies, services on Good Friday. Com­ Boys’ Suits & Topcoats... $3.95, $6.95 scorn and insult Jesus suffered for rolls and other delicacies will be sold mencing at 7:30 Saturday morning Well made of wonderful fabrics. Values to $15.00. pur -sins. The evening services, con­ at a nominal price. With the fine will be the blessing of the new fire. sisting again of the Tenebrae Office reputation as cooks that the ladies Paschal candle and Easter water, fol­ MOVING—PACKING—STORAGE chanted by the seminarians, will be earned through their many suppers, lowed by Mass. On Easter Sunday at 7:45; sermon by the Rev. Hugh they should have no trouble in se­ the first Mass at 7 o’clock will be a Pants, Breeches, Golf Knick’s..$l, $1.95 ONLY ESPECIALLY TRAINED MEN HANDLE YOUR L. McMenamin; Confessions from 8 curing patrons for the bake sale. High Mass. The senior choir, under Barnett’s $3.00 to $5.00 Values at these two prices. HOME FURNISHINGS to 9. The Ladies’ sodality, both branch­ the direction of Mrs. Blanche Os­ Good Friday— The Cathedral will es, will receive Holy Communion bourne, will sing, with Nell Finn as The Johnson Storage and Moving Co. be opened at 6:30. The Pontifical Sunday. organist. The children will sing 75c Boys’ Blue Denim Overalls.... 38c 221 BROADWAY PHONE PEARL 2433 Mass of the Presanctified will begin Holy Week Services hymns at the 9 o’clock Mass. Two Bib style, sacrificed at a sensationally low price. at 9 o’clock. At the beginning of the SACRED HEART CHURCH other Masses at 10:30 and 12 o’clock service the Passion of our Lord ac­ Wednesday evening— Rosary, sermon and Benediction at 7 :45. will be said. Confessions for the cording to St. John is chanted. The Holy Thursday— Solemn service: Mass children will be heard on Friday aft­ Up to $2.95 Boys’ Fine Knickers... 39c and procession at 7:30. Evening services cross is solemnly unveiled with the ernoon from 1 to 3 o’clock. Parents Wool mixed* corduroy* etc. Slightly water soiled. words, “ Behold the wood of the at 7:45. . , THE JOHN A. MARTIN DRUG CO. Good Friday— Mass of the Presanctified are urged to send them at this time, Cross, on which hung the Salvation at S o’clock. Way of the Cross and Ven­ as they will not be heard on Satur­ Corner Fifteenth and Curtis, Charles Building of the world.” The cross will be eration of the True Cross at 3 p. m. day. Adult Confessions will be Holy Saturday— Morning service at 7 Up to $3 Men’s Fine Felt Hats...... $1 venerated by celebrant, ministers and o’clock. Confessions in the afternoon and heard from 3 o’clock to 5:30 and Many are nationally advertUed brand*. Many satin lined. Reliable Drugs and Family Medicines people and then the Mass of the Pre- evening. again at 7:30 Saturday. DEPENDABLE PRESCRIPTION SERVICE PHONE MAIN 1900 sanctified will begin. The collection Easter Sunday— Low Masses at 6. 7 and 8 :30 o’clock. Solemn Mass and Easter ser­ Boxes for flower contributions for taken up at the services Friday is mon at 10:30 o’clock. Special musical pro- the altar of repose on Thursday and for the preservation of the shrines irram. for the church Sunday will be placed Barnett’s $1 & $1.50 Men’s Caps... 48c in the Holy Land. The Three Hours’ ST. IGNATIUS LOYOLA CHURCH Welt made of quality fabrics. Trade>mark brands. Wednesday eveninar— Rosary, sermon and in the rear of the church Sunday. Passion service, 1:15 to 4:15 p. m.: Benediction at 7 :46. All are invited to help make this Introductory hymn— “ 0, Smcred Head." Holy Thuraday’—Solemn service: HlRh year’s decorations adequate and RUDOLPH BROS. MERCANTILE CO. Chorus from St. Matthew’s Passion..Bach Mass and procession at 7 :30. Evening Opening prayer services at 7 :46. beautiful. Men’s Lounging Robes, Jacket$..$5.95 Most Rev. Urban J. Vehr, D.D. ‘TAe Leading Store on the East Side'' Good Friday— Mass of the Presanctifted In a recent prize Christian Doc­ Velvet and silk, celanese, rayon. Perfect condition. The First Word: “ Father forgive them, at 8. Way of the Cross at 3 p. m. Solemn Those Who Demand Quality Trade at RUDOLPH’S for for they know’ not what they do." service. 7 to 10 p. m. trine test held by pupils of the eighth T Meats, Groceries and Home Bakery Goods Choir— “ Pater Dimitte lUis" "THE THREE HOURS* AGONY" gn’sde, Elvira Habella and William From “ The Seven l^ast Words" Sermons on the "Seven Last WordsJ* the Looney tied for first prize with scores J 28TH AND DOWNING PHONE YORK 0318 - 0319 Prayer Rev. John Clifford. S.J. Intervening prayers, Men’s Blanket Bathrobes...... $1.95 The Second Word: "Amen I say to thee, the Rev. T. H. Devlin, S.J. of 99 each. Honorable mention was Beacons* Ombres* etc.* irood condition. $2.95 to $4.95 values. this day ahalt thou be with Me in Para­ DuBois’ "Seven* Last Words,", rendered earned by Elvira Lucero with score dise." Rev. Louis Grohman. by the Loyola choir. The entire service of 93. Choir— "Eja Mater," from the "Stabat will be in English. Books will he loaned Mater" ...... Rossini for the occasion. This will be one of the Thursday was the feast of the Prayer most elaborate and impressive Good Friday patron ^aint of the church. After $1.95 to $3.50 Men’s Dress Shirts.. .95c The Third Word: !'Woman, behold thy son; services held in the entire West. Venera­ Bamett*s stock. Well made of quality fabrics. son. behold thy mother." tion of the Tme Cross after the Three a High Mass at 9 o’clock school was ABC DIRECTORY Rev. William Powertf’ Hours* service. dismissed for the day. Sermons on Choir— "Hodie mecum eris." From "The Holy Saturday— Morning service at 7. Seven Last Words"...... Dubois St. Patrick were delivered at all 1 a THRILL OF FINDING EVERYTHING YOU WANT IN HARDWARE, Confessions in the afternoon and gening. $4 to $5 Men’s Dress Shirts...... $1.39 Prayer Easter Sunday— Low Masses at 6. y , 8:30 Masses last Sunday. A High Mass at i A SPORTING GOODS, TOYS. ETC., AWAITS YOU HERE. DENVER’S GREAT The Fourth Word: "My God, My God, and 12 o'clock. Solemn Mass and Easter 9 will be said Saturday in honor of Guaranteed finest fabrics and workmanship. I HARDWARE DEPARTMENT STORE. why hast Thou forsaken Me?" sermon at 10:80. Rev. W. D. McCarthy St. Joseph. ! GEORGE MAYER HARDw A e CO. Choir— "Deus meus," from "The Seven The Boy Scout court of honor will ^ 1 5 1 0 Arapsho* St. KEystens 4291 Last Words" ...... Dubois PUEBLO PRIEST "Fac ut portem Christi mortem"....A. Dvorak be held next Tuesday evening at 7:30 69c to $1.00 Men’s Work Shirts 39c Prayer at the Bryant Webster school. At Cheviot* charabray and cotton flannel ehlrts. SHfhtly mussed. The Fifth Word: "I thirst." DEPENDS ORDER Rev. D. J. Morning that time tenderfoot badge? will be awarded to Vosbert Peters and Her Choir-—"Pro Peccatls," from the "Stabat The Rev. E. Behiels, S.J., March Mater" ...... Rossini bert Stowell. John Horn, William 14 had an interesting letter in “ The $2 Men’sBroadcloth Pajamas.. .88c Prayer Looney and William Scholl have The Sixth Word: "It is consummated." Voice of the People” department in Full cut* well made* fine quality pajamas. Rev. C. £. Kessler earned two merit badges each. Wil­ Choir— "Plorati Filii" ...... Canssimi The Pueblo Chieftain, showing the liam Looney will receive the civic Prayer absurdity of anti-clericals in trying service star, the first boy of Troop 18 The Seventh Word: "Father, into Thy to make out that the Jesuits of Spain $7.50-$10 Men’s Nunn-BushShoes..$4.85 hands I commend My spirit." to acquire this distinction. Rev. C. M. Johnson were rolling in wealth. He showed Also Packards and other fine qualities. Shoes and oxfords. Choir— **0 Faithful Cross"...... Yon that the reason why the Jesuits were William Waring of 4211 Fox street The Way of the Cross expelled was simply because their was baptized Sunday by Father The congregation will join with the choir, DOES THE DIRT COME BACK work upheld religion and the anti- Clark. Katharine Lavellette and Wil­ singing the "Stabat Mater." One verse liam Raper were sponsors. Marie Or- $6.50-$7.50 Men’sBobSmartShoes $3.45 to be sung before each station. clerics wish it destroyed. WITH YOUR DRY CLEANING? The Veneration of the Gross lena Bashor, 3239 Vallejo street, Also other fine makes. Hi*h shoes and oxforda. Confessions from 3 to 5 and from CALIFORNIA JESUIT SCHOOLS fourth grade pupil of the school, was The reputable, responsible dry cleaners, both large and small, 7:45 to 9. ARE GIVEN NEW SUPERIORS baptized Sunday by Father Som- try to return your garments to you revitalized, with everything in Services at the Cathedral Good The Rev. Hugh C. Duce, S.J., has maruga. Angelo and Rose Bruno were $4 & $5Men’sSturdyWorkShoes..$1.95 them except- the dirt. Their prices are lower, in accord with the Friday evening, consisting of the been appointed president of Loyola sponsors. Values that will amaze Denver Shoppers. general trend for all products or service, but their quality standard Tenebrae Office chanted by the semi­ university, Los Angeles, succeeding Class leaders for February are as is being maintained. Upwards of an hour is spent in cleaning and narians, will begin at 7:45. The the Very Rev. Zacheus Maher, S.J., follows: First grade, John Healy; pressing a man’s suit, for example, and it is clean, when it is returned sermon will be preached by the Most the new provincial. The Rev. James second CTade, Adolph Piz; third Boys’ & Youths’ Shoes & Oxfords..79c to you— brushed, thoroughly cleaned, deodorized and properly pressed. Rev. Bishop Urban J. Vehr. J. Lyons, S.J., has been named grade, Virgil Pizzini; fourth grade, J. W. Carter* Endicott-Johnson and other food qualities. It is worth the price. Holy Saturday— The solemn ser­ president of Santa Clara university, Marcellus Betournay; fifth grade, But some cleaners, taking advantage of the public’s lack of knowl­ vices Ijegin at 8 a. ra. The blessing succeeding the Rev. C. J. McCoy, Louis Hladek; sixth grade, .Mary edge, make what is apparently an astoundingly low price, then scale of the new fire; the lighting from it S.J., who goes to Blessed Sacrament Brandi; seventh grade, John Horn; the work to fit the price, giving a man’s suit a total of eight to nine of the lamps and candles of the church, H oll^ood, as pastor. Both eighth grade, Louis Campanelli. $8 & $9 Men’s Mountain Boots... $3.89 minutes’ attention. You can judge for yourself in what condition it church, extinguished on Good Friday; the new presidents are alumni of the Plans for an extensive trip to Cali­ 16-inch top, moccasin, cap and plain toe. All sizes. will be returned to you. It is likely to be just as dirty, odoriferous, the reading of the prophecies; bless­ institutions they now head, the first and unhealthy as when it was sent out. You get only what you pay for. fornia were abruptly ended for Miss ing of the Paschal candle; the bless­ ttmc this has happened with either Margaret Dallolio when she fell in the The size of the plant is not an essential factor for good work, if ing of the font; Solemn Mass. 'school.e/i Both have ttvo years to go kitchen of her home, 3827 Vallejo Boys’ & Youths’ Mountain Boots..$2.79 it is properly equipped. The standards of many smaller establishments The Lenten fast and abstinence ends' before reaching 40. street, last Monday and incurred a Moccasin toe* leather soles, with storm welt. are as high as the larger ones. at noon. Confessions will be heard broken hip. The Better Business Bureau is not interested in the price you pay from 3 to 6 and from 7 to 9:30. ARCHBISHOP IS HEARD for cleaning service, but it is interested in protecting your garments Easter Sunday— The Feast of the OVER COLUMBIA SYSTEM Charles Blezek is rapidly recover­ and your health. Good cleaners will tell you how your work is handled, Resurrection; Low Masses at 6, 7:30, The nature of sin must be under­ ing at St. Joseph’s hospital. $3.50 to $4 Neckties...... $1.19 show you and be glad to do so. 8:30, 9:30 and 12:15; Solemn Pon­ stood and studied “ in the crucifix,” Father Boyle of Presentation par­ Barnett's finest hand-made domestic and imported ties. ish was the guest orator at the BEFORE YOU INVEST—INVESTIGATE tifical Mass at 10:30, at the conclu­ and in understanding and studying sion of which the Papal blessing, to sm in the crucifix, “ we must come to Wednesday Lenten services. BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU, Inc. which is attached a plenary indul­ realize that salvation is in Christ,” Fownes’ & Perrin’s Men’s Gloves..$1.39 gence, will be impart^ to the con­ declared the Most Rev. Samuel A. BIBLE EDITION PLANNED Pifskin, kid, cape and mocha. Majority in parfect condition. 1009-10 U. S. National Bank Bldg. TAbor 1200-1209 gregation; sermon by the Most Rev. Stritch, Archbishop of Milwaukee John Henry Nash, San Francisco Urban J. Vehr, D. D., Bishop of Den­ Sunday in the course of his address printer, is to issue an edition of the The Bureau welcomes inquiries and complaints, on dry cleaning as well pn other ver; special Easter music by the in the “ Church of the Air” period Vulgate Bible, under Archbishop businesses. Its service is offered without charge or obligation. It has nothing Men’s Up to $1.39 Union Suits..... 48c to sell. choir, the Rt. Rev. M sct. Jos. Bosetti broadcast over a network of the Co­ Hanna’s imprimatur and the editor­ directing. There will he no evening lumbia Broadcasting system, includ­ ship of Jesuit scholars of the Unj Winter* summer, medium weight knit and rayon farments. services. ing KLZ, Denver. versity of San Francisco.

ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION Thursday. March 17. 1932 Office. 938 Bannock Street THE DENVER CATHOLIC REGISTER Telephone, Main 5413 GE ELEVEN Will Present Oratorio at Pueblo Good Friday CostuDMS Rented St« Joseph’ s Parish For O p e ry Dramas, Plays SchooUA^n Buy U«ed C osin e* Cheap Colorado' Costyme Co. Phillips 17S1 Champa STt. D enT er, Colo.

*‘ 66” Service Station Optometrist W . 7th at Santa Fe Drive ^ and Optician Your Neighborhood Service Station’* “ HELEN WALSH Associate Complete Greasing, Tire and Battery Service W. R. JOSEPH A Real Buy in Battery EYES EXAMINED Phono TAbor 1880 Prest-O-Lite Murcury ^‘Please Note” These taking part in the oratorio, “ The Seven Last ords," which wi II be presented at the City auditorinm,, Pueblo, Good Friday evening, March NEW LOCATION will be heard in the production. 13 Plate $6.60 25, under the auspices of St, Patrick's church choir, directed by E. Walter Van Berggrun. More than 300 voices 218-219 Majestic Bldg. TWO NATIVES OF SPAIN ORDAINED IN TEXAS Qreai Choir of 300 Voices to Qive San Antonio, Tex.— ^Two natives Roy Stroud of Spain were ordained to the priest­ hood here by Archbishop Drossaerts. AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRING They are Fathers C. Castellanos and LANTZ Seven Last Words” in Pueblo, Mar. 25 F. Garcia, who hail from Leon, General Auto Repairing Spain. Ordinations of both were Sanitary Laundry Co. held up several months because of Phone MA. 6625 Night Phone GA. 0263-R Pueblo.— A massed chorus of 300 The Rev. Joseph Higgins of S t , Omaha, Nebr., the lack of age; Father Garcia was Phone PEarl 2461 voices under the direction of E. Wal­ Patrick’s parish spent the week-end was elected as prom chancellor, 22 years old on the day of his or­ ter Van Berggrun is rehearsing .the in Denver. which is considered a CTeat honor. dination. They belong to the Texas DENVER GARDENS DAIRY religious oratorio, “ The Seven Last The many friends of Miss Catha­ Last year McCabe was elected presi­ Oblate province, the largest of its Words of Christ," which will be pre­ rine Walsh will be glad to know that dent of his class and this year he was kind in the world, reaching out to Big New Clean Pasteurized Milk— Put Up Under Certified Conditions sented on Good Friday evening, she is improving at St. Mary's hos­ made president of the board of gov­ Spain and South America. Phone SOnth 2939 A. Anderson. Prop. 176 Vellejo March 25, at the city auditorium. pital, where she is a patient. ernors. The final rehearsal will be held be­ The Rev. J. Callahan of Albu­ Dr. F. W. Blarney, district deputy PARISH SCHOOL MARBLE ELATI CASH GROCERY fore the Catholic nuns of Pueblo on querque, N. M., who had been a pa­ of the Knights of (Columbus, will go TOURNEY WILL BE HELD SEED March 21. Rafaello Cavallo, con­ tient at S t Mary’s hospital for sev­ to Denver Sunday to attend the Kansas City, Mo.— A parochial Quality Meats and Groceries—Free Delivery ductor of the Pueblo Civic symphony, eral months, returned to his home initiation of a large class of candi­ school marble tournament has been 60O Elati W. E. Thomas & Son, Props. Phone KEystone 9184 will direct an orchestra that will as­ last week much improved in health. dates into Denver council. He will instituted in the city and entry CATALOG sist in the presentation. Soloists James Bradiah, a prominent mem­ attend the annual Communion break­ blanks and rules have been sent out. Send or Call for TED’S QUALITY MARKET are Josephine Cardillo, Eileen Mc­ ber of S t Mary’s parish, is quite ill fast of Pueblo council before leaving The date for the return of blanks Your FREE Copy Today Donnell, John Pagano, Howard at a hospital of pneumonia. for Denver. was March 15. The boys must be Dapendable Quality W e Handle Only Corn-Fed Meats, Fresh Fish and Poultry Kerby, George Litz, Frank W. Prie- Mrs. Charles M. Ford and Miss Catholic Daughters Meet 14 years of age or under. Two will at Saving Prieet 729 SANTA FE TABOR 9225 gritz and Joe Neary. Miss Lillian Eileen Ford, mother and sister of compete from each school. Lally is the accompanist. A special The Catholic Daughters held a Mrs. Frank Pryor, Jr., have come meeting Wednesday evening in the The Western S e e d C o . set of scenery for the show will be here from Santa Monica, Calif., on brought to Pueblo. The Rev. Joseph K. of C. hall, with Mrs. Isabell Lynch,! 1425 15th St. Denver account of the serious illness of Mrs. the regent, presiding. The Rev. A. Eucharistic Congress F. Higgins is in personal charge of Pryor, who died Tuesday. the mammoth affair and is directing J. Miller gave a talk on Lent and the DUBLIN Mrs. Thomas Stewart returned stage settings and scenery, which regulations, and congratulated sev­ June 22 to 26, 1932 from Salt Lake City last week, where The Jesuit Parish were selected in Denver last week. eral committees that had been espe­ Book Now With she was the guest of her daughter, IMI1 — I M11--T-aT-TTT------Miss Margaret Conroy was hostess cially active in the past month. Mrs. E. D. W hitley Mrs. Thomas Dugan, and family. OLSON & OLSON to members of the F.F.C. club last L. R. Balleweg reported the work BROWN DRY GOODS CO. Sunday she left for La Junta, where progressing at the Poor farm and S. S. and Tourist Agency 2760 W. 29TH. GALLUP 0606 week in her home. Official Agents. Thomas Cook Jk Son, 3080 E. 6TH AVE.. YORK 6266 3100 GILPIN— YORK 2548 she is visiting her son, Thomas asked for the sanction of the court One-of the really worth while ac­ Catholic Travel League and 1833 ELM ST., FRANKLIN 3892 FULL LINE EASTER MERCHANDISE AND NOVELTIES Stewart, and family for a few weeks. to give a treat of oranges to the in­ Other Tour Companies tivities of the Catholic Daughters is For Quality, S w lcc, Economy and Hofiery Special, 79c Pair their work at the Poor farm, where Miss Mildred O’Toole entertained mates for Easter. The needed sum Inquire Offices 1744 Welton St. the members of the J.M.C. club at Courte.y, Ba Sure and Trade they see that a program is given was raised. Reports from the recent Phone K£. 0462 at Oleon A Olson Grocery every second Sunday of the month. her home Monday evening. luncheon were read and the members and Market March 20 the program is being put Club Plan* New Constitution were delighted with the visit of the on by the boys of St. Francis One of the most enjoyable meet­ Rev. E. J. Morgan, S.J., and desire FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Xavier’s parochial school, with Mrs. ings of the Catholic Girls’ club was to have him come back again soon. Funeral Designs and Weddings a Specialty L. R. Balleweg, the C. D. of A. chair­ held Tuesday evening at the K, of They extended a vote of thanks to man, in charge. Father Miller will C. home. A dinner was served at the members of the committee, espe­ BIVENS & CRAFT FLORISTS give the religious talk preceding the 6:30 o’clock when covers were cially Mrs. Zeiger, Miss O’Connor, Mrs. L. R. Balleweg and Mrs. M. 607 16th St.— phone KEyttone 0400 program, which will be as follows: placed for thirty-two members. The MARY BIVENS ALLEN CRAFT Recitation, “ The One-Legged Goose," committee in charge was composed Dingman, who helped prepare the AURORA DRUG CO. CONSULT FRANK J. CONWAY of Miss Lilly O’Connor, Miss Leona luncheon. Mrs. Lynch voiced her ap­ Fresh Orucs— Rifht Prices Agent oi the New York Li(e (purely mu­ John Lynch; recitation, “ The Germ Waters Bros., Props. tual) for information aad ad vie* in raattere Stokes,” John Connors; songs, in dia V o^ and Mrs. Agnes Limes. A proval of the good work being done AURORA. COLORADO partaining to Life Ineurance, Incema Bonde, lect, James McGee; recitation, “ The business meeting was held after­ by the committees. It is planned to Phone Aurora 262 • 263 • 26i or Annuitiea. All forma of contract* srrftten have a card party some time the last for men, women and children. 200 Ineur- Folly of Telling Lies,” Herbert wards, at which a committee was ap­ FOR eye, ear, nose and throat troubles, ance Bldg„ I4tb and Champa Sts„ TAbor Jagger; piano solo, selected, R ^ pointed to draw up a constitution. of April, of which Miss May Langdon as well as nervous and chronic diseases, set 6281. SPECIAL OFFER Smelich; recitation, “ Dad Is It was decided to have a closed or­ will be chairman. It was voted to Dr W. A. O’Conntll, D.C., Suit. 247 Steel write a letter to Miss Agnes Lynch, Bldg., comer 16tb tod Welton etreet or Office Phone KEystone 8091 Stumped,” Elmer Glusic. ganization and vote girls into mem­ Residence Phone SUnset 1281-R Wt will move your furniture to our warehouse and give yo.u six who left last month to join the Sis­ telephone KE. 4063 tor an appointment. months to pay your bill. Private room or open storage. We have bership after the charter is signed. J. J. HENRY—SHEET METAL WORK Tuesday evening the committee will ters of Notye Dame, at South Bend, UMBRELLAS repaired, recovered. Gloves We Specialize in Heating Equipment low rate of insurance. Ind. Miss Lynch had been historian mended. Humming Bird hosiery. Denver 648-660 Cherokee St. Denver. Colorado Call KEystone 6228 and we will call and give you estimate on report again at a business session. Umbrella Shop, 1604 Arapahoe S t Second for two years. Miss Isabelle Gribben your work. SOC’Y CLEARS The constitution is being drawn by floor. MAin 3462. Miss May Langdon, Miss Blanche was elected to take the place of his­ PARSLOW MOVING, STORING AND PACKING MRS. ATKINSON has moved her millinery Record, Mrs. Georgia Zeiger and torian. to 1646 E 16th Avoh Apt. 2. Remodeling BROTHERS Miss Lilly O’Connor. The girls sent The Knights of Columbus of Pu­ aad order work a apecielty. Agent (or Nu- No Money Needed for Six Months $95 ON PLAY Bene corset and corselette; made to your Expert Body, Fender letters to two members who have eblo council and all men interested measurement. gone to become nuns. Miss Agnes are invited to attend the annual Com­ & Radiator Repairing DUFFY STORAGE & MOVING CO. (St. Catherine’s Parish) Lynch and Miss Cecelia McDonnell. munion at St. Patrick’s church Sun­ LAUER’S PRIVATE HOME FOR BABIES. 1425 Speer Blvd. Undernourished babies a spacialty. 3001 WEST SIDE 1521 20th St. Office and Warehouse St. Catherine’s C. T. P. A. met Newt De Joy, a well-known mem­ day morning at the 7:30 o’clock Vine street. FRanklin 3561. Tuesday afternoon, with Mrs. Mul­ Mass. The entire church will be re­ Phone TAbor 9117 ber of Mt. Carmel parish, is at St. GUARANTEED rebuilt batteries, 32.26 ler presiding. Mrs. Langsfeld re­ Mary’s hospital, recovering from an served for the men of the city; the and yonrs Tires all sizes, slightly nied, WEST 29TH AVENUE BEAUTY SHOP ported about $95 was cleared on operation. women and children have been asked $1.60. Tullob, 638 SanU Fe. Phone KE. 7796. Prices reduced in beauty work. Marcel and to attend other Masses. The Rev. shampoo, 76c. Finger wave and shampoo. the recent bicentennial play. Plans Miss Mary Connors, a sister of VIRGINIA BARBER AND BEAUTY SHOP 75c. Phone GA. 7158 for appointment are under way for some kind of en­ Mrs. Edward Hurley, left last week Francis Hornung, O.S.B., the newly- Gives a free shampoo with each Anger Alice K. Francis Hazal Hardie GUS’ S MARKET Dentist tertainment before the end of school, elected chaplain of the council, will wave. Shampoo 26c, when given with a 2746 W. 29lh Ave. for St. Louis, Mo,, where she is marcel. 2027 E. Virginia, phone PEarl 2686. For Good Meats DR. F. J. CLAFFEY The Study club was conducted by spending a month visiting relatives. offer the Mass. Following the JEPSEN COMPANY 1030 Republic Bldg. Father McCarthy. His subject was church service, a breakfast will be CATHEDRAL FOOD SHOP Authorized Service Dealers for Arabian 613 East Thirteenth Avenue “ Discipline and Character,” and his Mr. and Mrs. Ross Edmundson are served at the club, to which all of the 406 East Colfax Avenue Mothproofing. Guaranteed for Life. Prices 16th and Tremont PI. visiting a few weeks on the coast. Across From the Cathedral Reasonable. talk was very much enjoyed by the men of the city have been invited. Luncheons. 35c MAIN 9321 PHONE MAIN 1824 mothers. Forchan 'Vetre, the son of Mr. and The breakfast will be .served by a Chicken, Chop, Steak and Fish Dinners, 50c 1569 Broadway TA. 7949 Mrs. Joe Vetre, is at St. Mary’s Fried Chicken Dinners, Tenderloin Steaks. 65e Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Connelly are committee of women and girls. On We Serve Club Breakfasts MAXEY’S SHOE REPAIR SHOP suffering from a slight attack of March 29 members of the council Ladies’ half soles and heels, 90c and up. the parents of a son born March 1 Men’s soles, 76e and up. Heel taps, 25e Doyle’s Pharmacy at Mercy hospital. pneumonia. and their families vrill meet at the COLUMBINE BARBER SHOP The Rev. William Higgins of Den­ home for a program of entertainment It Pays to Look Well 2308 EAST 6TH AVENUE The Particular Druggist The Holy Name cadets will meet in which they will listen to the con­ Your Patronage Appreciated JANITOR and houseman needs permanent CAMERAS AND FILMS Friday evening at 7 ;80. ver celebrated two of the Masses at W. E. EWAN, P m . position. Geo. Worth. 726 Kalamatb S t St. Patrick’s church Sunday morning tinent-wide broadcast sponsored by 2434 E. 6tb Avenue 17th Ave. and Grant Sunday, the Young Ladies’ sodal­ Phone MAin 1098. and gave the sermons. the council as a part of the celebra­ CAMBRIAN COAL TAbor 8938— TAbor 8937 ity will receive Communion at the CATHOLIC DAUGHTERS’ HOME. 1773 Robert Leonard, the son of Mr. tion. The broadcast will start at 9:80 On the. market over 30 yeara. Formerly 18th and Clarkson 7 o’clock Mass. This organization p. m.. Mountain time. The Pueblo Better and Cleaner than ever. Grant. Pleasant home for girls. FREE DELIVERY held its March meeting Monday eve­ and Mrs. Frank Ipeonard, who has OWENS COAL CO. council is 31. years old, several of the SO. 5432 801 W. Bayaud MAN WANTS work haU-days or two or ning, at which time the Study club been seriously ill at the home for three days a week. Gallup 0361-J. several weeks of puenmonia, is re­ charter members still being active. was conducted by Miss Helen Brady, The Rev. John Patrick Phelan, DONEHUE PICTURE SHOP who talked on “ St. Patrick.” ported improved. Formerly FOR SALE— Flva-reom modem house, chaplain of the Sacred Heart orphan­ Ciller A Donebue garage. 3825 Gilpin etreet; n u r ehureh USE A very splendid meeting of the Plans are under way for the an­ and aebool. age, celebrated his feast day March Pictures and Framing Denver Dioce.san union of the Holy nual Easter Monday egg hunt, spon­ MAin 0962 622 12tb Street sored by George McCarthy. More 17, and in his honor a fine program ROOM AND BOARD for 3 or 4 children. CORBETT'S Name society Was held on Wednes­ was given by the children of the A TO Z Express and Moving. Prieei 2068 Clarkson street phone YOrk 4278-M. THE PIERCE HOTEL day evening at St. Catherine’s' hall eggs will be distributed this year as orphanage. $1.00 per honr; 2 men, 11.60. Big truck; California at 13th St. with representatives from all the Mr. McCarthy wishes to give the chil­ trunks and baggage, 60c and up. Phone FOR RENT— Strictly modem five-room ICE other parishes. dren a “ joy fest” that they will not PUEBLO DEATHS KEystone 6T41 Stand. 19tb and California house, full basement, fine eondition; walk­ DENVER, COLO. The funeral of Anthony Rurh took place street. ing distance, two blocks from St. Leo’s The Lenten sermon Wednesday soon forget. He plans to have the Wedneiday, March 9. at 8:80 from the and S t Elizabeth’s eburehes. Adnits only. evening was preached by the Rev. J. tots from Sacred Heart and McClel­ residence, 1210 South Santa Fe avenue, TAYLOR’S BAKERY AND CREAMERY 911 Champa street. CREAM 3 Minutee' Walk to Business District and from St. Mary’s church at 9 o’clock. HOME-MADE BREAD AND ROLLS J. Donnelly of St. Francis de Sales’. land orphanages at the City park and The Rev. Cyril Zupan, O.S.B., celebrated Fancy Cakes and Pies MAN, father of 7 children, needs work. A service that will satisfy—^t a TW Way of the Cross will be made the children from the Lincoln home Requiem High Mass and the children’s Full Line of Dairy Products Will do anything. P. Tixier, 716 36ttl 8 t price that will please you. Friday afternoon at 3:30 and in the at the Mineral Palace park. There choir sang. Charles Zobec sang *‘Ave 2742 W. 29th Ave. James Taylor, Prop. Maria” and Mrs. Katherine Jerman assisted ROOM and board in private home; reason­ When in Need of Help evening at 7:30. will be many awards for the children at the organ. Interment was made in PAINTING, PAPERHANGING, CALCI- able. 2068 Clarkson street Phone YOrk The Virginia baked ham dinner who gather the most eggs, and then Roselawn. MINING, all repairs on plaster, brick, ce­ 4278-H. of Any Kind, Permanent or Odd Job. ment and woodwork: by day or contract. which was served at St, Catherine’s the McCarthy newsboys will assist Frank Brady, an aged resident of this Call Employment Department, J. J. Gillen. 863 Bannock St Phone PEarl STRONG BOY over 16. wishes farm work hall on St. Patrick’s day was a great the tiny children in every way so city, died Saturday after a lingering illness. 3330. Experienced. 2337 Clarkson, MAin 4983. success. they will get their share of eggs. He was 62 years of age and had resided at the family residence for years. He is sur­ BOOKKEEPER and general office man. Catholic Charities Miss Gladys Steuber is ill in St. There will be many kinds of eggs, vived by his two children. Joe B. Brady RAY COAL CO. 8 years’ experience, needs position. Box Joseph’s hospital and Mrs. Mary not the least of which will be lovely and Mary Brady, both of Pueblo, and two 1100 Sonth Logan Phone PEarl 4604 B. M.. care Denver Catholic Register. 1665 Grant St. KEystone 6386 brothers. Michael and Albert G. Brady of Night Phone MAin 1491 Lombardi at her home, 4448 Hooker candy eggs made especially for this Vancouver, B.C, The Rosary was recited Frederick Egg..„ ...... 36.00 HOWELL’S SAFE DRUG STORE .street. event for Mr. McCarthy. Cars will at the family home. 912 East Fourth street, Genuine Boulder Valley Lump...... 36.00 Your Naborhood Druggist be provided for the children. Sunday evening. Requiem Mass was cele> Industrial Lump...... —.36.60 Phone SPruee 0688 700 So. Pearl brated Monday morning at St. Leander’s JAMES HUTCHINSON James Ottino’s mother, Mrs. Mada- church by Father Benedict, O.S.B. Inter­ HARBIN SHOE REPAIR SHOP ment was made Monday afternoon in Rose- YOUR BABY lena Ottino, a prominent Florence « Prices Reasonable FRANKLIN LUNCH H. N. DELEGATES resident for years, died Friday at the lawn. BF..ST LEATHER USED Joseph PoHto, Sr., one of the old-time Expert Workmanship “ 7 Years on This Comer” ARE /J O IN T E D family home. She had many friends residents of Pueblo and an active member 628 East 6tb Ave. Quality Lunches at Reasonable Prices MADE WELL here in Pueblo, many going to Flor­ of Mt. Carmel parish, died Saturday eve­ 1620 E. 34th Ave. TA, 9452 ence for the Rosary Sunday evening ning at the family home. He had worked FOR RENT— Furnished 6-room bungalow, (St. Leo’* Pariih) for the Standard Fire Brick company for including 2-room sleeping porch. Facing and the funeral Monday morning ROOM and board, eingle or double roomr; Intestinal troubles that thirty years, until its removal to Den­ Berkeley park, 'a block to No. B car. Near private home. 682 High St. FRanklin TIS.’i. The most Or Friday evening, March 11, a from St. Benedict’s church. Mrs. ver. He is survived by his wife and the school; reduced rent. 4664 Tennyson SO KENSINGTON APTS., 17th and Logan S t ravage children often meeting of the Holy, Name men took Ottino visited her son here at various following children: Mrs. Julia Sagona, Scientific Chiropodists modern Mrs. Mary A. iConcildi, Mrs. Angelina Gir- 6 rooms. $50 to 365 a month; Frigidaire. disappear quickly when place in St. Leo’s club rooms. Those times and had many friends in DR. BERTHA DE WOLFE, D3.C.— D.C. ratano, Mrs. Congetta Sichili, Mrs. Jos­ RUSSELL L. BOYD, D.S.C. appointed to represent St. Leo’s at Pueblo. ephine Anselmo, Joseph Polito, Jr., Charles, NICE room, modern. Garage. 2762 West PURE Drinking Water vacuum pack Denver place. Phone GAIlup 4442-R. 202-203 McClintock Bldg. the city-wide meeting were Messrs. Fr. Bahieli P.-T.A. Speaker li^ry and Rose Polito. Many other rela­ 1664 California SL Pbona TAbor 851!' is used. none better Lloyd Williams, William Knocken- tives live here. Mrs. Isabelle Catherine Cush passed JEPSEN COMPANY hauer and J. Breen. The Rev. E. E. Behiels, S.J., was SIXTH AVENUE MARKET __and your own health V the speaker at the regular meeting away early Sunday morning at a Pueblo Authorized representatives for Arabian Odor­ Choice Fruits and Vegetables The Young Ladies’ sodality will hospital following a brief illness. She was less Guaranteed fof Life Mothproofing for CORN FED MEATS depends on PURE receive Communion at the 9 o’clock of the P.-T.A. of Riverside public the widow of Willis H. Cush, who died Sep­ Upholstered Furniture, Rugs. Fur Coats, Free Dellverv tember 27, 1929. Mrs. Cush was born at Etc. Reasonably priced. Water, too. Mass Sunday. After Mass the mem­ school March 3. Father Behiels took 2800 East Sixth Ave. Phone YOrk 6977 for his subject, “ Home, School and Clinton, Ontario, Canada, October 18, 1868, bers will go to breakfast. Last Sun­ and had resided in Pueblo for many years. WANTED— By Catholic lady, office clean­ H. H. YORK SHEET METAL AND Church,” and impressed on the moth­ Children surviving are Mrs. Naoma Flagle ing. maid work Best of references YOrk FURNACE CO. day, several of the young ladies went of the family home, 1802 Wabash avenue; 6826 PHONE TABOR 5121 bowling. It is hoped they will have ers the idea of co-operation of all Furnaces installed, cleaned and rro. Gutter­ three. It v/as planned to have a Joseph T. of Long Beach, Calif.; WUiis L. ing spouting, cold air returns. Let us ex­ a team in good condition before long. of Los Angeles: Anthony J., Brooklyn. N. YOU fan be well. Get the facts of your amine your furnace. party for Mrs. Flores, the treasurer ease. Let chiropractic help you. Dr. James Choir.practice is being held every Y., and Carville of Washington, D. C: one 527 E, Exposition Ave. Ph. PE. 2218 ^NATURE MADE IT PURE* of the circle. sister, Mrs. L. A. Miller of Berkeley, Calif. H. High. 607 Cent. Save. Bank Bldg. Phone Shrine of St. Anne Sunday morning after the 9 o’clock Mrs. Marjorie Ford Pryor, beloved wife 'TAbo'" 5665 for an appointment. The regular monthlv meeting of C. V. SMOTHERS Mass and on Wednesday evening of Frank Pryor. Jr., passed away Tuesday Furniture Repairing and Refiniebing afternoon as the result of an infection of L. M. THALER, 36IB FRANKLIN ST. ASHTON MOTOR CO. after the services. All members are the Pueblo deanery, Diocesan Coun­ Carpenter, Cabinet maker, roofing, screens, a Specialty I cil of Catholic Women, will be held the throat. She was removed from her 723 E. 6th Ave. Phone KE. 4528 I AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS asked to be present at every prac­ home to St. Mary’s hospital Tuesday of the etc. General remodeling. Call TAbor 9450. Monday afternoon, March 21, at 3 For EconiimiPHi rransportxtion tice. Several fine selections- for previous week. Mrs. Pryor was born and I reared in Denver, where she was an in­ LONE woman wishes light house keeping THE DENVER PASTE AND Easter are being prepared. o’clock, in the K. of C. home. room in St. Joseph’s parish. Box G. care WALL PAPER COMPANY structor in the public schools. She attended Denver Catholic Register. Sale* Service Mr. and Mrs. B. Augustine of 1222 James Fimple, son of Dr. and Mrs. the University of Colorado and was a mem­ J. W. BEACH M U H m ip w ber of the Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority, Retail at Wholeeale Prices West (jolfax avenue are the proud Lorin Fimple, was initiated last week ATFRACTIVE two or three room front KEystone 3831 -:- 1855 Arapahoe parepts of a baby boy, born March 5. into 'Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity at in whioh se had always been active. She apts.. sleeping porch, garage, .light, tele- Ph. Arvada 232 148 Wadiworth Ave. met Mr. Pryor while in college. Since nhone. $26 and 327.60 a month. 2927 W. Father O’Ryan requests that all the University of Southern Cali­ coming to Pueblo she had been active in HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, clean and ARVADA. COLORADO 29th Ave. sunny: everything furnished; hot and cold the children of the parish be present fornia. many social affairs and had made many friends here. Surviving her are her hus­ w.*ter; near St. Elizabeth’s and St. Leo’s at instructiops on Saturday morning George McCabe, son of Mr. and ONE large front room, private family, churches; walking distance. 1007 Tenth St. band, a little daughter 5 years old. her two meals. 1570 St. Paul St. FRanklin PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS after the 8 o’clock Mass. Arrange­ Mrs. Edward McCabe of Pueblo, mother. Mrs. Charles Ford; a sister. Miss 3393-M. ______FOR RENT— 6 rooms, furnished, lower ments for the Holy Thursday pro­ who is a senior sudent on the college Eileen'Ford, and a brother. Robert Ford of floor, modern except heat: will rent to two Boston, Mass., besides many relatives of FOR SALE OR RENT— 1442 Pearl St., adults for 320 a month. No transients. Call THEY ARE RELIABLE cession will be made next week. of commerce and journalism, the Pryor family who reside here. near the Cathedral. Main 7601, at 761 Lincoln St.

ORIGINAL IN POOR CONDITION mm REQUIESCANT IN PACE City to Interest Congress Visitors MINNIE SPENCER, 254 Acoma street. Sister of Mrs. Kate Francisco o f Pueblo, SPORTSMAN! Mrs. Pete McCluskey of Los Angeles; aunt of Bill McCluskey of Los Angeles; daugh­ ter-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ladd of Better scores and Better Times invariably result from Denver. Requiem Mass was offered in the Better Vision. Stop putting off your greatest need— Holy Ghost church Monday at 9 :30 o’clock. Interment Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan & Son bring your eyes up to par. 4 Sportsmen in every 10 have service. caster uncorrected, faulty vision! Tinted lenses offer great relief JULIA S. CECCHINI, 576 Logan street, / 'r Mother of Joseph, Carrie 4pd Dr. A. S. from sun-strain with its resulting headaches, nervousness, Cecchini. Requiem Mass was offered at the Cathedral Saturday at 10 o’clock. Inter­ and poor playing. ment Mt. Olivet. W. P. Horan & Son service. Mrs. Cecchini had been a resident % Denver's Reliable Opticians of Denver fifty years. She was bom in the Swiss Alps. MARY REICHENBAUGH, 4330 Ames street. Mother of Thomas J. Reichen- ...... 7' JPe arlc/^- Swigert Bros. Optical Co. baugh. Requiem Mass was offered at Holy Ghost church Monday at 9 o’clock. Inter­ 1S50 California St. KEystone 76.51 ment Mt. Olivet, W. P. Horan & Son o / e verlasiin^Value service. Investigate Our Liberal Insurance Plan on Glasses ANNA BARRETT, late of Green River. Wyo. Wife of P. C. Barrett, mother of Mary Barrett of Claremont, Calif., and Alice Bar­ $1.50 and up rett of Green River,- W yo; sister of H. J. Earley and W. H. Earley of Denver and D. D. Duffy, Portland, Ore. Requiem Mass Rosaries was offered at the Cathedral Tuesday at 0 Gold Filled and Sterling Silver 11 Special Offer to First C