CEMENT MAY 9, 1992

·_···:·:~ ... '":' ··,. WSU Branch Campus and Center Ceremonies

Commencement-related ceremonies will be held at all WSU branches and centers according to the following schedule:

WSU Intercollegiate Center for Nursing 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 8-The Spokane Education Metropolitan Performing Arts Center WSU Seattle Center for Hotel and 7:00 p.m., Thursday, June I I-Pigott Restaurant Administration Auditorium, Seattle University WSU Spokane 4:00 p.m., Friday, May 8-The Spokane Metropolitan Performing Arts Center WSU Tri-Cities 7:00 p.m., Friday, May IS-Richland High School Auditorium, Richland WSU Vancouver 7:00 p.m., Sunday, May IO-Evergreen High School Auditorium, Vancouver COMMENCEMENT EXERCISES


Nine O'Clock

Saturday, May Ninth

Nineteen Hundred and Ninety-two

Pullman, Washington

Commencement Recognition Ceremonies will be held following the All-University Commencement Exercises. Time and location can be found immediately preceding the list of degree candidates, by college.

••• 2


Washington State University, on the occasion of its 96th annual commencement, cordially welcomes all those who have come to the Pullman campus to share in ceremonies honoring the members of the graduating class of 1992. All are encouraged to attend the College and School Commencement Recognition Ceremonies being held throughout the day. To the members of the Class of 1992, the university extends sincere congratulations. Washington State University is dedicated to the preparation of students for productive lives and profes­ sional careers, to basic and applied research in a variety of areas, and to the dissemination of knowledge. The university consists of seven colleges, a graduate school, an Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education in Spokane and Yakima, the Center for Hotel and Restaurant Administration in Seattle, and branch campuses in Spokane, the Tri-Cities, and Vancouver. It also has extension offices in all 39 counties, four research centers, and 16 small business development offices statewide. The university also is responsible for administration of the Washington Higher Education Telecommuni­ cations System, which transmits courses to four locales. For nearly a century, Washington State University has offered strong and diverse programs. From its founding in 1890, liberal arts and sciences have occupied an important place in the curriculum along with business, education, nursing, pharmacy, and the traditional land-grant programs in agricul­ ture, home economics, veterinary medicine, and engineering. WSU now offers more than 100 major fields of study to undergraduate students. Bachelor's degrees are available in all major areas. Master's and doctoral degrees are available in most subject areas. The Honors Program is one of the few all­ university programs for superior students at a major American institution of higher learning. The faculty, including a substantial number of scholars with national and international reputations, is charged with the development of instructional methods that will open students' minds to the most recent knowledge and discoveries. The opportunity for students to know and work closely with their instructors is one advantage of a residential campus. Washington State University at Pullman is one of the largest residential universities west of the Mis­ sissippi. Of the approximately 14,000 undergraduates and 2,000 graduate students, about half live on campus in university housing or in fraternities or sororities. Here, students of diverse social, eco­ nomic, and ethnic backgrounds from throughout the nation and more than 80 foreign lands come together in a community in which education is the principal industry and human development the primary concern. Approximately 1,700 additional students were enrolled in courses this year at the university's branch campuses. As the branch campuses in Spokane, Tri-Cities, and Vancouver develop over the next five years, this enrollment is expected to multiply to several thousand, providing educational opportu­ nities for place-bound citizens for whom access to higher education heretofore has been limited.

The 1992 Commencement Program includes those degree candidates from Au­ gust 1991 through May 1992. Those previously awarded degrees are denoted with an asterisk(*). Appearance of a name in this program is presumptive evi­ dence of graduation and graduation honors, but it must not in any sense be regarded as conclusive. The university diploma, signed and sealed by its proper officers, remains the official testimony of the possession of the degree. 3

The Commencement Procession Candidates for Advanced Degrees University Faculty Regents of the University Honored Guests of the University President of the University Order of Exercises Music by Washington State University Wind Symphony 8:15 a.m. Presiding-Dr. Samuel H. Smith, President

Processional Washington State University Wind Symphony Professor L. Keating Johnson, Conductor Posting of the Colors Army ROTC Color Guard

The National Anthem Washington State University Wind Symphony Professor Paul Klemme, Song Leader Greetings and Introductions Dr. Samuel H. Smith

Commencement Address Mr. James R. Ellis, Chairman Washington State Convention and Trade Center President's Faculty Excellence Awards Instruction: Dr. Richard S. Williams Research: Dr. Rodney Croteau Public Service: Dr. John C. Little

''The Lord of the Rings Gandalf" by Johan de Meij Washington State University Wind Symphony

Bachelor's Degrees Advanced Degrees Alma Mater The Assembly

Recessional Washington State University Wind Symphony

SPECIAL NOTE FOR PARENTS AND FRIENDS: Professional photographers will photograph all candidates as they receive their diploma covers from the deans at the all-university and college commencement ceremonies. A photo will be mailed to each graduate, and additional photos may be purchased at reasonable rates. Parents and friends of the graduates are asked to remain in their seats during the ceremonies. 4


BACKGROUND Universities that developed during the Middle Ages formulated academic practices that are still fol­ lowed today. This medieval heritage has provided us with a teaching institution-the university; a method of measuring academic progress-degrees; and a structure for an appropriate ceremony recognizing the student's achievement-commencement. In medieval times, a master (from the Latin magister, "teacher") was a person licensed to teach by the chancellor of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris. As the number of masters increased, they ultimately formed a guild. The word universitas was a common term applied to any collectivity, including that of guilds. The university probably took form around 11 70 as a guild of teachers rather than a union of faculties. It was sanctioned by Pope Innocent III in 1210 in a bull which recognized and approved the written statutes of the teachers' guild. By approximately 1250 the University of Paris masters were divided into four faculties: theology, canon law, medicine, and the arts. The arts students, by far the greatest number, correspond to our "undergraduates" of today. They ultimately organized themselves into "nations" based on the geographical regions of Europe from which they came. The universities, international in their appeal both to students and scholars, sought and received support from the papacy. Students attended classes, heard lectures, and engaged in disputations, but there appears to have been no examination unless a student determined to become a master. After four or five years of resident study, the student, indicating an intention to become a master, would be tested. Passing these trials, the candidate would don a special gown and take a seat with the bachalari, or bachelors. This ceremony was often followed by a feast. Between the baccalaureate and the master's degree, the student ob­ tained a licentiate, an authorization to teach. Until the Civil War, the American college system was based on the English model. Most colleges stood alone, rather than being part of a university, and the baccalaureate was the only earned degree awarded. The curriculum was invariably classical and essentially the same as in the Middle Ages. Since there was little opportunity for postbaccalaureate study in the , students sought higher education abroad. After 1815, perhaps reflecting the nationalism born of the War of 1812, students increasingly attended German universities and returned with the concept of higher degrees as earned degrees based on a specified curriculum and embracing independent research. The post-Civil War period received impetus from another direction also. The Morrill Act, adopted by Congress in 1862, established the land-grand college system-of which WSU is a part-which led to a rapid increase in public universities and an extension of graduate study. The expansion of the curriculum into new fields of specialization to meet the needs of an increasingly industrial soci­ ety led to multiplication of degree titles to identify the areas of educational experience and speciali­ zation.

1Information for this section was excerpted from the files in the WSU Registrar's Office and from Admissions, Academic Records, and Registrar Services, published by Jossey Bass, Inc., 1987 edition. 5

COMMENCEMENT Commencement is the special occasion that provides public recognition of the academic achieve­ ment of students after four or more years of study by awarding a diploma specifying a degree. This diploma is an official document certifying the completion of past academic experience. The first WSU commencement was held June 24, 1897, with eight members being advanced to degrees-three in engineering, one in biology, two in economics, and two in English. This followed a legislative act in 1895 empowering the college to grant the usual academic and honorary degrees and to issue diplomas. 1 With the construction of Bryan Hall in 1909, commencement moved to the well equipped Bryan Auditorium. Enrollment and the number of degree candidates increased over the years, and commencement moved to Bohler Gymnasium following its construction in 1928. Fol­ lowing World War II and the burgeoning enrollment created by the return of students receiving vete­ ran's benefits (GI Bill), commencement was moved outdoors to Rogers Field in the football stadium. From 1949 through 1973, commencement was held on Rogers Field. Since it was always possible that inclement weather would disrupt the ceremonies, it was necessary to duplicate arrangments in Bohler Gymnasium, but only twice in those years-1954 and 1963-was it necessary to move the outdoor ceremony indoors. In 1973, with the completion of the Performing Arts Coliseum, the ceremony moved indoors permanently. Commencement in the coliseum during President Glenn Terrell's years was sometimes boisterous and always exciting. However, because of the increasing size of the graduating class, undergraduates paraded through the ceremony in double file, and there was insufficient time to identify them individually by name or degree. In 1985, shortly after his inaugural, President Smith accepted a recommendation made by the chair of the Commencement Committee to decentralize commencement according to college. Thus, ef­ fective with the graduating class of May 1986, an all-university commencement assembly was con­ ducted, followed by seven or more individual ceremonies by college, all in the same day. This procedure is followed today, with the pleasant result that undergraduates as well as gradute stu­ dents are now recognized by name, college, degree, honors, and hometown, and photographers take individual color snapshots of each candidate. The new format has met with complete acceptance by the students and their parents, and the various commencement ceremonies have the appropriate dignity required for such events.


The University Mace, a traditional symbol of authority, was created for the inauguration of Samuel H. Smith as the eighth president of Washington State University in 1986 and is to lead the faculty march today. The mace is borne by the chair of the Faculty Senate with an honor guard con­ sisting of the presidents of the undergraduate and graduate student associations. Lawrence Meinert carries it today, accompanied by Jim Hanna, ASWSU president, and Weikang "Ken" Wang, GPSA president. The two-foot long, nine-pound scepter is cast in silver and bronze and features a globe atop a laurel branch, wrapped in a silver ribbon and inscribed, "Washington State University." According to designer and craftsman, Tim Doebler of WSU's Department of Fine Arts, "the globe represents the universality of education and the quest for knowledge. Laurel crowns were presented to academicians by the an­ cient Greeks."

'Historical Sketch of the State College of Washington, 1890-1925, by E. A. Bryan. 6


Academic dress arose by a process of evolution and modification Agriculture/Maize of the robes worn by medieval students, who were usually clerics in the cathedral schools and monasteries established by the church. Architecture/Blue Violet As early as 1321, a medieval statute required that all doctors, licen­ Arts, Letters, Humanities/White tiates, and bachelors wear academic gowns and hoods. Gowns were necessary for warmth in the unheated medieval buildings; and hoods Commerce, Accountancy, may have been designed to cover tonsured heads. Today, immedi­ Business/Drab ately after receiving a charter, new institutions adopt a distinctive Dentistry/Lilac design for academic attire expressive of their individuality. Economics/ Copper On May 26, 1895, a group of institutional representatives met at Columbia University to establish a uniform code for academic at­ Education/Light Blue tire in this country. Engineering/Orange The approved academic attire is composed of a cap, a gown, and Fine Arts/Brown a hood. The basic article of the attire is the gown, which is usually black in color for all degrees. The basic design for gowns is similar Forestry/Russet for all degrees; the minor variations in fullness and length of sleeves and trimming are indicative of degree levels. Cotton poplin fabric Home Economics/Maroon is used for the bachelor's and master's gown, and ribbed rayon or Journalism/Crimson silk material is reserved for the doctor's gown. Law/Purple The hood has become the colorful standard bearer of academic sym­ bolism. By examining the hood, an informed observer should be Library Science/Lemon able to identify the level of the degree, the academic field of learn­ Medicine/Green ing in which the degree was earned, and the institution that con­ ferred the degree. The hood is made of the same material as the Music/Pink gown. It varies in length from three feet, to three and a half feet, Nursing/Apricot to four feet, representing the bachelor's, master's, and doctor's degrees, respectively. The color or colors of the lining of the hood Oratory (Speech)/Silver Gray indicate the institution that conferred the degree (crimson and gray for WSU). The hood is trimmed or edged in a border of velvet either Pharmacy/Olive Green two, three, or five inches in width for the respective degrees. The Philosophy/Dark Blue border color represents the faculty or field of study in which the degree was awarded. At WSU, bachelor's degree candidates do not Physical Education/Sage Green wear hoods. Public Administration, including The approved cap of the academic costume is the mortarboard or Foreign Service/Peacock Blue Oxford cap-a stiff board nine inches square, usually covered in Public Health/Salmon Pink cotton poplin, Russell cord, or spun rayon, placed on a soft cap made of the same material and joined in a pointed design in front Science/Golden Yellow and back. The front of the cap is shorter than the back, but the color is always that of the gown and is uniformly black for the four­ Social Work/Citron year degrees. Soft square-topped caps are permissible for women. Theology/Scarlet The use of velvet material has been reserved for the cap for the doctor's degree. A silk cord with a tassel made of many strands of Veterinary Medicine/Gray threads is attached to a button in the center of the board. The length of the cord and tassel may vary with the degree of the wearer. The tassel and cord may be black for any degree, but gold metallic cord and tassel have been approved for the doctor's cap. The tassel may reflect the color of the field of learning in which the degree was earned, and a few institutions use tassels of varied colors to indi­ cate academic honors. The committee of the American Council on Education in its '' Aca­ demic Costume Code'' states the following: For all academic purposes-including trimming of doctor's gowns, edging of hoods, and tassels of caps-the colors associated with the different subjects are as follows: 7 COMMENCEMENT SPEAKER

James R. EHis

The 1990 Winner of the Washington Medal of Merit and current chairman of the Board of Directors of the Washing­ ton State Convention and Trade Center, James R. Ellis, will deliver the Commencement Address at this morning's All­ University Assembly.

A native of Seattle and a graduate of Yale University and the University of Washington School of Law, Ellis has long been active in local, regional and national affairs. He served as chairman of the Seattle Forward Thrust program which secured public authorization for the Kingdome, marine aquarium, many park improvements and transit system that operates throughout King County.

He has served as vice president of the National Municipal League, a member of the National Water Commission and the Urban Transportation Advisory Council of the U.S. Department of Transportation. In 1979, he chaired the Save Our Local Farmlands Committee which prepared and se­ cured voter approval of a program for public acquisition of 13,000 acres of endangered farmlands in King County. He currently is a trustee of Resources for the Future, Washington, D.C. In addition to many municipal and state awards, Ellis has received the American Institute for Public Service National Jefferson Award, the Fiorello LaGuardia Award for contributions to America's cities, the Environmental Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the American Motors National Conservation Award.

He served 12 years as a regent of the University of Washington and has received honorary doctorates from Seattle University and Lewis and Clark College, Portland, Oregon.

A veteran of World War II, Ellis completed law school and joined the Seattle law firm of Preston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz. In 1952, he became a deputy prosecuting attorney for King County, then returned to the firm in 1953 as a partner. The firm is now known as Preston, Thorgrimson, Shidler, Gates & Ellis. He is a member of the local, state and national bar associations and is a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation.

Ellis' brother John is a member of the WSU Board of Regents. A nephew, John F. Ellis, is a senior in electrical engineering at WSU. 8 PRESIDENT'S FACULTY EXCELLENCE AWARD The President's Faculty Excellence Award program is designed to recognize and encourage exceptional achieve­ ment by Washington State University faculty in instruction, research and creative activity, and public service. Those receiving the award have been selected by a careful process of peer review, and their careers represent truly outstanding accomplishments in their respective fields. The funds to support this program have been made possible through private donations to the Washington State University Foundation and the generosity of Lee and Jody Sahlin.

INSTRUCTION Richard S. Williams, Associate Professor Department of History Because teaching as a scholarly enterprise begins with what the instructor knows, those who instruct must be well informed and steeped in the knowledge of their disciplines. Based upon these "Rosetta stones" of education and enhanced by a broad academic background, a deeply ingrained contagious intellectual curiosity, and a true concern for students, Dr. Richard S. Williams has bridged the distance between instructor knowledge and student learning, and fully merits the Presi­ dent's Faculty Excellence Award for Instruction. Dr. Williams' outstanding suc­ cess in instruction has been derived from a deep and careful scholarship combined with the ability to present complex information in a manner that produces crea­ tive thinking and the desire by students to continue their learning after their univer­ sity days are completed. Peppering his instruction with puns, colorful anecdotes, and humor, and salting the mixture with a slightly irreverent approach to life, Dr. Williams continues to enhance his reputation as one of Washington State Univer­ sity's outstanding educators.

RESEARCH AND CREATIVE ACTIVITY Rodney Croteau, Professor and Fellow Institute of Biological Chemistry Since becoming a faculty member at Washington State University in 1975, Dr. Rod­ ney Croteau has distinguished himself by single-handedly uncovering the fundamen­ tal biochemistry of terpenoids and elucidating the physiology and function of these compounds in plants. He himself designed the specialized techniques required for isolating the relevant enzymes from various plants and for analysis of the terpe­ noid products. The results of his research have improved the yields of pepper­ mint and spearmint oil and enhanced our understanding of plant defense mechanisms. He has composed over 130 publications and has delivered numer­ ous invited addresses to scientific congresses of the highest importance. Having served on the Editorial Board of the Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics since 1981, he was elevated to Executive Editor in 1990.

PUBLIC SERVICE John C. Little, County Extension Agent, 4-H King County 'Tm here because I want to make the world a better place for children." These words, spoken by John Little, capture the essence of this remarkable WSU Cooper­ ative Extension County 4-H Agent. John Little broke new ground for Cooperative Extension programming by creating 4-H Challenge, a youth intervention program that is making a difference in the lives of young people in Seattle. Now, over 8,000 young people annually participate in a variety of King County 4-H programs. Aug­ menting traditional funding with grants, volunteers and community cooperation, John Little is very effectively carrying WSU's public service mission to a new au­ dience, the young people in our cities. 9 Candidates for Advanced and Professional Degrees

The Graduate School AGRONOMY Mark C. Mansperger Jerry J. Johnson Anchorage, Alaska Othello B.A., M.A., Washington State University The candidates will be presented by B.S., University of California, Davis Thesis: Tourism and Cultural Minorities. Dean Robert V. Smith M.S., Washington State University Major Advisor: Robert A. Littlewood Thesis: Use of Environmental Variables to Matthew James Root Exploit Genotype-by-Environment Interac­ Pullman Doctor of Philosophy tion for Barley Cultivars in Eastern B.A., M.A., University of Kansas Washington. Thesis: The Knife River Flint Quarries: The Major Advisor: Steve E. Ullrich Organization of Stone Tool Production. Major Advisor: William D. Lipe AGRICULTURAL ECONOMICS AMERICAN STUDIES Steven Douglas Shelley *Xiao-Yun Gao Kathleen Louise Burrage Quarryville, Canton, China Garfield B.A., University of Arizona B.S., South China Agricultural College B.A., Gonzaga University M.A., State University and M.A., Washington State University M.A., University of Washington Agricultural and Mechanical College Thesis: Economic Analysis of the Pacific Thesis: Self's Empty Cell: Imprisonment in Thesis: Analysis of the Fauna! Remains Coast Pear Industry. Antebellum America. from the Wallace Ruin: A Chacoan Outlier Major Advisor: A. Desmond O'Rourke Major Advisor: Joan Burbick near Cortez, Colorado. *Todd Alan Lone *Marilyn Sylvia Glaim Major Advisor: Carl E. Gustafson Sioux Falls, South Dakota Angwin, California B.S., M.S., South Dakota State University B.A., M.A., Washington State University BIOCHEMISTRY Thesis: Optimal Decision Rules for Selling Thesis: Failure of Androgyny in Edith James W. Baumgartner Farmer-Owned Wheat from Storage in the Wharton's Fiction. Eugene, Oregon Pacific Northwest. Major Advisor: Diane M. F. Gillespie B.S., University of California, Davis Major Advisor: Leroy L. Blakeslee *John Carol Jarvis M.S., Washington State University * Sarni Zaki Moussa Kooskia, Idaho Thesis: The Role of Transmembrane Du­ El-Mesaha, Egypt B.A., Brigham Young University (Provo, mains in Signal Transduction. B.Sc., University of Assiut Utah) Major Advisor: Gerald L. Hazelbauer M.S., Menoufiya University M.A., Washington State University * Gregory George Burrows Thesis: Exact and Inexact Prior Informa­ Thesis: Mormonism in France: A Study of Seekonk, Massachusetts tion in Estimating a System of Demand Cultural Exchange and Institutional Adap­ B.S., Clark University Equations for United States Fresh Fruits. tation. M.S., Washington State University Major Advisor: David W. Price Major Advisor: Armand Mauss Thesis: Purification and Biochemical Analy­ Jonathan Raymond Newkirk *Dagmar Weiler sis of the Chemosensory Receptor Trg Cheney Thomasberg, Germany from Escherichia coli. B.A., George Fox College Magister Artium, University of Bonn Major Advisor: Gerald L. Hazelbauer M.A., Washington State University Thesis: An Examination of Political Hegem­ * Mark Gijzen Thesis: An Economic Evaluation of Trans­ ony: Race, Class and Politics in Edgecombe Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada porting Fresh Fruits and Vegetables via County and Rocky Mount, N.C. 1865-1900. B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Saskatchewan New Rail Technologies. Major Advisor: Richard G. Law Thesis: The Monoterpene Cyclases of Major Advisor: Kenneth Casavant Grand Fir (Abies grandis): Regulation by *Se-Ik Oh ANIMAL SCIENCES Wounding and Immunological Cross­ Pullman Ismail Abdul Kadir Diab Reactivity. B.S., Seoul National University Baghdad, Iraq Major Advisor: Rodney B. Croteau M.S., Korea University B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Baghdad *Leslie Lynn Heckert Thesis: Managing Nitrate Groundwater Pol­ Thesis: Effect of Genetic Merit on Produc­ Missoula, Montana lution From Irrigated Agriculture: An Eco­ tion and Physiological Measurements in B.A., M.S., University of Montana nomic Analysis. Dairy Cattle. Thesis: Structure and Expression of the Major Advisor: Norman K. Whittlesey Major Advisor: Joe K. Hillers Folicle-Stimulating Hormone Receptor Kathleen Marie Painter *Sylvie Roberge Gene. Colfax St. Hubert, Quebec, Canada Major Advisor: Michael D. Griswold B.A., M.A., Washington State University B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Montreal G. Lynn Law Thesis: Projecting Farm Level Economic Thesis: Endocrine Profiles in Cystic Ovari­ Grand Junction, Colorado and Environmental Impacts of Farm Policy an Diseased Dairy Cows and Postpartum B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder Proposals: An Interregional Comparison. Beef Cows. M.A., Washington State University Major Advisor: Douglas L. Young Major Advisor: Jerry J. Reeves Thesis: Purification and Characterization of Walter Fernando Pefiaranda Sulfated Glycoprotein 2. Sucre, Bolivia ANTHROPOLOGY Major Advisor: Michael D. Griswold Ingeniero Agronomo, Universidad Mayor *Shila Baksi James Scott McElvain de San Simon Berhampur, India Beach, California M.S., New Mexico State University B.A., M.A., University of Calcutta B.S., California Polytechnic State Univer­ M.A., Washington State University M.A., Texas Tech University sity, San Luis Obispo Thesis: Multimodal Choice Analysis for Thesis: Topics in Bengali Morphology. M.S., Washington State University Grain Transportation in Eastern Major Advisor: Geoffrey L. Gamble Thesis: In Vitro Studies of the Kinetics of Washington. Edgar Kurt Huber Endogenous Dopamine Release and Reup­ Major Advisor: Kenneth Casavant Palouse take into Rat Striatal Suspensions Using Robert Douglas Scott II B.A., Metropolitan State College Rotating Disk Electrode Voltammetry. Tulsa, Oklahoma M.A., University of Colorado at Denver Major Advisor: James 0. Schenk B.A., University of Oklahoma Thesis: Archaeological Investigation at * Ahmed Omer Murad M.S., University of Arkansas Green Lizard: Late Pueblo III Community Lahore, Pakistan Thesis: Modelling User and Nonuser Values Organization in Southwestern Colorado. B.Sc., The Polytechnic, Wolverhampton for Non-Market Goods. Major Advisor: William D. Lipe M.S., DePaul University Major Advisor: Walter R. Butcher Ricky Ray Lightfoot Thesis: Selective DNA Damage and Repair Hongqi Shi Mancos, Colorado in a Glucocorticoid Inducible Gene. Taian, China B.A., University of Texas-Austin Major Advisor: Michael J. Smerdon B.S., Agricultural University of Shandong M.A., Washington State University M.S., University of Idaho Thesis: Archaeology of the House and Thesis: An Analysis of Consumers' Valua­ Household: A Case Study of Assemblage tion of Food Characteristics for Breakfast Formation and Household Organization in Cereals in the United States. the American Southwest. Major Advisor: David W. Price Major Advisor: William D. Lipe

*In this list an (*) asterisk before a name denotes that the award has been previously made. 10 Advanced Degrees

*Kazuya James Tsuruta *Peter Vern Raven *John E. Hite, Jr. Seattle Seattle Vicksburg, Mississippi B.A., Whitman College B.S., Cornell University B.S., M.S., Mississippi State University M.S., Washington State University M.S., University of California, Davis Thesis: Vortex Formation and Flow Separa­ Thesis: Characterization of Two Secreted Thesis: Communication Strategies in Ex­ tion at Hydraulic Intakes. Sertoli Cell Proteins: Sulfated Glycoprotein port Channels: The Effects of Environmen­ Major Advisor: Walter C. Mih 2 and Cystatin C. tal Uncertainty. Mohammad Ahmad Khaleel Major Advisor: Michael D. Griswold Major Advisor: James M. McCullough Amman, Jordan Bharatendu Srivastava B.Sc., University of Jordan Kurt Christian Wagschal Pullman M.S., Washington State University Davenport, Iowa B. Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Thesis: Reliability-Based Analysis, Sensitivi­ B.S., University of Iowa New Delhi ty, and Design of Partially Prestressed Con­ Thesis: Isotopically Sensitive Branching in M.S., M.B.A., Washington State University crete Systems. Monoterpene Biosynthesis. Thesis: Production Planning in Flexible Major Advisor: Rafik Y. Itani Major Advisor: Rodney B. Croteau Manufacturing Systems. Wylie Wing-Hay Wong Major Advisor: Wun-Hwa Chen Portland, Oregon *Denise G. Wingett *Dana Leigh Stover B.S., National Taiwan University Boise, Idaho M.S., Illinois Institute of Technology Lincoln, Nebraska B.S., Boise State University Thesis: Evaluation of Time-Dependent B.S., M.A., Washington State University M.S., Washington State University Landslide Model Based on Laboratory Thesis: The Horizontal Distribution of Fe­ Thesis: Characterization of Post­ Tests. male Managers Within Organizations. Transcriptional Mechanisms Involved in Major Advisor: Carlton L. Ho the Expression of the Pim- I Proto­ Major Advisor: William A. Mckinley COMPUTER SCIENCE Oncogene. CHEMISTRY Major Advisor: 0. Raymond Reeves Beth Davey Britt Anne Elizabeth Bragg Spokane BOTANY Kingston, Jamaica B.A., Rhodes College B.A., Cheyney University of Pennsylvania M.S., Eastern Washington University *Kelly Michela Cassidy Thesis: The Determination of Sampling Thesis: Reconstructive Derivational Analo­ Lewisville, Texas Constants in Geochemical Reference gy: A Reconstructive Approach to Plan B.S., B.S., University of Texas-Austin Materials for Use in Microanalysis. Reuse. M.S., University of North Texas Major Advisor: Royston H. Filby Major Advisor: Michael R. Wick Thesis: Factors Affecting the Establishment Michael Morgan Gallagher *Julia Jean Robinson of Colonizing Annuals: Theoretical and Ex­ Caldwell, Idaho , Lousiana perimental Studies. B.S., Boise State University B.S., Illinois Institute of Technology Major Advisor: Richard N. Mack M.S., Washington State University M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana­ Thesis: Characterization of the Hydrogen Champaign Bryan Douglas Ness Atmosphere Ionization Detector after Capil­ M.S., Washington State University Seattle lary Gas Chromatography. Thesis: Symmetry and Congruence of Con­ B.S., M.S., Walla Walla College Major Advisor: Herbert H. Hill vex Digital Regions. Thesis: Systematics and Evolution in Major Advisor: Chui E. Kim Calochortus (Liliaceae) with Special Empha­ Gregory E. Mercer sis on Subsection Nudi. Washburn, Wisconsin CROP SCIENCE Major Advisor: Douglas E. Soltis B.S., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire M.S., Washington State University *Shane T. Ball Kristina Ann Schierenbeck Thesis: The Distribution and Association of Pullman B.S., Sul Ross State University Berkeley, California Trace Elements in the Bitumen, Kerogen and Pyrolysates from New Albany Oil M.S., North Carolina State University at B.S., M.A., San Francisco State University Raleigh Thesis: Comparative Ecological Studies of Shale. Major Advisor: Royston H. Filby Thesis: Statistical Analysis of Spring Wheat an Introduced Species (Lonicera japonica) Variability in Breeding Experiments. and Its Native Congener (L. sempervirens). Martin Terence Morocco Major Advisor: Calvin F. Konzak Major Advisor: Richard N. Mack North Huntingdon, Pennsylvania B.A., St. Vincent College and Seminary ECONOMICS BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION M.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania Kim L. Chuah Thesis: Some Studies of Dopamine *Lakshman Anuruddha Charithasri Alles Penang, Malaysia Agonists and Antagonists. B.S., M.A., University of the Philippines Colombo, Sri Lanka Major Advisor: James 0. Schenk Associate, Institute of Chartered Ac­ Thesis: A Nonlinear Approach to Returns Predictability in the Securities Markets Us­ countants Neil Luther Redline Remsen, New York ing Feedforward Neural Network. Associate, Institute of Cost and Manage­ Major Advisor: Wayne H. Joerding ment Accountants B.S., Tufts University M.B.A., Washington State University M.S., Washington State University *Brian D. Eggleston Thesis: An Investigation of the Variation of Thesis: Picosecond Studies of Electron Warwick, North Dakota Transfer in Bacterial Photosynthetic Reac­ Skewness in Asset Returns and Its Esti­ B.A., M.A., University of North Dakota tion Centers under High Pressure. mation. Thesis: Essays in Economic Method and Major Advisor: Maurice W. Windsor Methodology. Major Advisor: John L. Kling Major Advisor: Warren S. Gramm Edward Earl Tarver III Annetta Mae Gibson Shreveport, Louisiana Sunyoung Hong Pullman B.A., University of California, Berkeley Seoul, Korea B.A., Walla Walla College B.A., California State University, Chico B.A., M.Econ., Korea University M.B.A., Andrews University M.S., San Jose State University Thesis: Government Debt and Productive Thesis: An Empirical Investigation into Thesis: Ion Mobility Detection after Super­ Spending in an Endogenous Growth Ethical Decision Making in Accounting. critical Fluid Chromatography with Mixed Model. Major Advisor: Albert H. Frakes Mobile Phases. Major Advisor: Wayne H. Joerding Major Advisor: Herbert H. Hill *Mehmet Emin Karaaslan Philip Mather Glassey B.A., Bogazici University Mercer Island CIVIL ENGINEERING Thesis: Strategic Product Choice under B.S., University of Rochester Caroline Yan Chin Technological Convergence. M.B.A., University of California, Berkeley Nanjing, China Major Advisor: Frederick S. Inaba Thesis: Extended Functional Fixation as B. Engr., East China Technical University *Arun Raha Evidenced by Market Reaction to Early of Water Resources New Delhi, India Adoption of SFAS No. 96. M.S., University of Texas-Austin B.A., M.A., University of Delhi Major Advisor: Michael L. Ettredge Thesis: Reliability Based Design for Wood Thesis: Policy Effectiveness in an Open Structures: Sheer Walls, Floors, and Flat Economy: The Impact of the Exchange Roofs. Rate Regime. Major Advisor: Rafik Y. Itani Major Advisor: Carolyn Clark Advanced Degrees 11

EDUCATION Ann Theresa McGuigan Diane Kay Wentz *Nancy L. Ahsan Kansas City, Missouri Spokane Fairfax, Virginia B.A., B.A., Western Washington University B.A., Evergreen State College B.S., M.A.C.Ed., Washington State M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Commitment of Academic Depart­ University Thesis: Transfer Students: Developmental ment Chairs. Thesis: An Impact and Process Evaluation Characteristics and Academic Persistence. Major Advisor: Walter H. Gmelch of a Cafeteria Style Student Rating System. Major Advisor: William P. McDougall Major Advisor: William P. McDougall *William C. Middlebrook ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER Robert Williams Brooks Meridian, Mississippi ENGINEERING Fairbanks, Alaska B.S., California State University, Los B.S., University of Idaho Angeles *Ben M. Chen M.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison M.B.A., Ohio State University Fuqing, China Thesis: Qualitative Analysis of Laboratory Thesis: The Participation of College and B.S., Xiamen University Learning Environment. University Chief Business Officers in the M.S., Gonzaga University Major Advisor: Donald C. Orlich Academic Decisions and Activities of Their Thesis: Theory of Loop Transfer Recovery Institutions. for Multivariable Linear Systems. John Stephen Burns Major Advisor: Thomas F. Trail Major Advisor: Ali Saberi Pullman B.A., M.A., Washington State University *David G. Miner Muntaquim F. Chowdhury Thesis: Dimensions of University Academic Salem, Oregon Dhaka, Bangladesh Department Chair Stress: A National Study. B.A., M.S., Western Oregon State College M.Sc., Moscow Power Engineering Institute Major Advisor: Walter H. Gmelch Thesis: Validation of a Model of General Thesis: Parallel Interpretation of Abstract Wil Chan Developmental Competence for Han­ Machine Language. dicapped Students. San Francisco, California Major Advisor: Mark L. Manwaring B.A., University of California, Berkeley Major Advisor: William P. McDougall Thesis: An Exploratory Study of Principal Jean Louis Poirot *Daqing Hou Behaviors to Impact School Culture. College Place Fushun, China Major Advisor: Richard David Sagar B.A., B.S., Walla Walla College B.S., M.S., Northeast University of Tech­ *Rhonda L. Clements M.S., Washington State University nology Lewiston, Idaho Thesis: Person-Environment Interaction: Ef­ Thesis: State Space Model Identification of B.S., M.A., Washington State University fects of Student-Faculty Congruence on Unstable Multivariable Linear Systems. Thesis: The Effectiveness of a Performance­ Academic Satisfaction and Achievement of Major Advisor: Chin-Shung Hsu Based Treatment and a Verbal Discussion­ Students. Based Treatment on Changes in Body Fat Major Advisor: Karen P. DePauw *Rajendra S. Katti Percentage, Eating Self-Efficacy, and Health Pune, India Skills Self-Efficacy of Female Participants. *Timothy S. Rehnberg B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Pullman Major Advisor: Dennis A. Warner Bombay B.S., Colorado State University M.S., University of Idaho *Ruth Ann Currah M.A., University of Northern Colorado Tacoma Thesis: The Effect of a Health Belief Inter­ M.S., Washington State University B.A., Southern Illinois University­ vention on Safer Sex Practices in a Sex­ Thesis: Analytical Models of High Level Edwardsville ually Active Female College Population. Language Computer Architectures. M.S., Eastern Washington University Major Advisor: Marianne Barabasz Major Advisor: Mark L. Manwaring Thesis: A Comparison of the Effects of Unidimensional and Multidimensional Patricia A. Ruzyla-Smith J-Iossein Pedram Classroom Organization on Peer Group Great Falls, Montana Tehran, Iran Status, Self-Concept, Locus of Control, So­ B.S., Montana State University B.S., Sharif University of Technology cial Behavior and Academic Achievement M.Ed., George Peabody College for M.S., Ohio State University in Fourth-Grade Students. Teachers Thesis: A Resource Sharing Approach to Major Advisor: Dennis A. Warner M.S., Texas Woman's University Multiple Robot Motion Planning. * Cynthia B. Dillard Thesis: Effects of Hypnosis and Restricted Major Advisor: Mark L. Manwaring Seattle Environmental Stimulation Therapy on the B.A., Central Washington University Immune Response: B- and T- Cells, Helper Ling Yee Sy M.S., Washington State University and Suppressor Cells. Hong Kong Thesis: Teacher Culture and Perspective Major Advisor: Arreed Barabasz B.S., Adamson University Transformation of United States Teachers William H. Samenfink M.S., M.S., Washington State University in Japan: A Qualitative Study. Knapp, Wisconsin Thesis: An Intelligent Memory Unit in a Major Advisor: Donald B. Reed B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stout Functionally Distributed Multiprocessor *Marion Elaine Hannaford M.B.A., Washington State University System. Victoria, British Columbia, Canada Thesis: Identify the Service Potential of an Major Advisor: Mark L. Manwaring B.Sc., University of British Columbia Employee Through the Use of the Self­ M.A., Washington State University Monitoring Scale. *Qing Yuan Wang Thesis: The Relationship of Teachers' Major Advisor: Walter H. Gmelch Shen Yang, China Bachelor, Shen Yang Polytechnic Pedagogical Beliefs and Knowledge of *Eileen Marie Philpott Starr Computer Applications to the Use of University Spokane M.S., Xian Jiaotong University Microcomputers in the Science Classroom. B.S., A.M., University of Michigan, Ann Major Advisor: Karen S. Swoope Thesis: Particle-in-Cell Simulation of a Radi­ Arbor oactive Potential Probe in Wind. *Kevin 0. Heid Thesis: Cooperative Learning: Effects on Major Advisor: Patrick D. Peclrow Davenport Geology Achievement and Science Atti­ B.A., Washington State University tudes of Preservice Elementary Teachers. ENGINEERING SCIENCE M.Ed., Whitworth College (Spokane, Major Advisor: Donald C. Orlich Washington) *Kenneth J. Allwine, Jr. Thesis: Comparison of the Relative Effec­ *Judith S. Teresa tiveness of Two Treatment Programs in Moscow, Idaho Richland Modifying the Perceptions and Behaviors B.A., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor B.S., M.S., Washington State University of Potentially Abusive Mothers. M.A., University of Pittsburgh Thesis: Atmospheric Dispersion in Moun­ Major Advisor: Dennis A. Warner Thesis: Increasing Self-Efficacy for Careers tain Valleys and Basins. in Young Adults from Migrant Farmworker Major Advisor: Brian K. Lamb *Samuel John Huxley Backgrounds. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada Major Advisor: A. Timothy Church Xiaoxin Feng B.A., B.Ed., University of Lethbridge Beijing, China M.A., University of Oregon Foster Walsh B.Sc., Changsha Institute of Technology Thesis: An Historical Overview and Critical Spokane M.S., Washington State University Analysis of the Literature and Research B.A., M.Ed., Whitworth College (Spokane, Thesis: Mixed Mode Fracture Toughness of Related to Age of Entry to the First Grade Washington) 2034 Aluminum Alloy. with Educational and Political Implications Thesis: Planning Behaviors of Distinguished Major Advisor: P. Hirth Pertinent to Alberta, Canada. and Award Winning High School Teachers. J. Major Advisor: Thomas P. Ruff Major Advisor: Donald C. Orlich 12 Advanced Degrees

Abdul Majeed * Reza Y aghmai INDIVIDUAL INTERDISCIPLINARY Lahore, Pakistan B.A., M.S., University of California, San B.Eng., University of Peshawar Diego Lonnie Jean Dunlap M.Sc., Agricultural University, Wageningen Thesis: Genetic Dissection of Intramolecu­ Pullman Thesis: Computer Model for Crop Growth lar Signal Transduction in a Chemotactic B.A., San Francisco State University with Saline Waters. Receptor of Escherichia coli. M.A., Washington State University Major Advisor: Larry G. King Major Advisor: Gerald L. Hazelbauer Thesis: Managing Normative Transition in Times of Economic Distress: Adolescent, *Park, Joung-Man GEOLOGY Parent, and Gender Differences in the Fa­ Pullman mily Life Cycle. B.E., M.E., Pusan National University Jeffrey Winston Brooks Major Advisor: Dorothy Z. Price M.S., University of Utah Millinocket, Maine Thesis: Interfacial Aspects of Mineral Fibers B.A., University of Maine, Orono Debra Lynn Nelson Reinforced Wood Composites. M.S., Washington State University Pullman Major Advisor: Ravanasamudram V. Thesis: Geology and Geochemistry of the B.S., North Dakota State University of Subramanian McCoy Gold Skam, Lander County, Agriculture and Applied Science *Binyan Ren Nevada. M.A., Washington State University B.S., Northeast University of Technology Major Advisor: Peter B. Larson Thesis: A Model of Factors Affecting Con­ sumer Decision Making Applied to Agricul­ M.S., Washington State University Andrew I. James Thesis: Mechanical and Microstructural tural Food Products. Los Angeles, California Major Advisor: Dorothy Z. Price Characteristics of an Al-Li-Cu-Zr Alloy Dur­ B.S., University of California, Los Angeles ing Superplastic Deformation. M.A., University of California, Santa *Jennifer Lynn Wilkins Major Advisor: C. Howard Hamilton Barbara Bellingham Thesis: Mathematical Models of Single Lay­ B.S., Western Washington University ENGLISH er Folding in Shear Zones and Transpres­ M.S., Columbia University *Mark Robert Dodd sional Regimes. Thesis: The Role of Environmental Con­ Berkley, Michigan Major Advisor: Anthony J. Watkinson cerns in Food Preference Among Food B.S., M.A., Eastern Michigan University Cooperative Members and Non-Members in * Brian S. Zimmerman Thesis: Shavian Phases of Faust: Woman as Washington State. Creative Evolutionist. Lititz, Pennsylvania Major Advisor: Dorothy Z. Price Major Advisor: Virginia M. Hyde B.S., Juniata College M.S., Ohio State University MATERIALS SCIENCE Thesis: Geology and Geochemistry of ENTOMOLOGY Epithermal Gold Mineralization in the Lake Yi Liu * Erin Elizabeth Riley Borden Owyhee Volcanic Field-Western Snake Beijing, China Mercer Island River Plain Region of Eastern Oregon and B.S., Tsinghua University B.A., Pitzer College Western Idaho. M.S., Washington State University M.S., San Diego State University Major Advisor: Peter B. Larson Thesis: Metal Induced Embrittlement of Thesis: Community Analysis of Arthropods Aluminum Alloys. in Small Grain and Legume Crops HISTORY Major Advisor: Richard G. Hoagland Produced under Conservation and Conven­ * Steven Ross Evans tional Tillage. MATHEMATICS Major Advisor: Gary L. Piper Lewiston, Idaho Azhar Bin Ismail B.A., Willamette University *Cai, Zhi Ya Perlis, Malaysia M.A., Washington State University Jiangsu, China B.S., University of California, Davis Thesis: Voice of the Old Wolf: Lucullus B.A., M.S., Nanjing Institute of Technology M.S., Washington State University Virgil Mcwhorter and the Nez Perce Thesis: Numerical Techniques for Nonstan­ Thesis: Ecology and Management of Cocoa Indians. dard Eigenvalue Problem in Electromag­ Pod Borer in Malaysia. Major Advisor: David H. Stratton netics. Major Advisor: Garrell E. Long Shizhang Hu Major Advisor: James A. Cochran Daniel A. Suomi Pullman *Koonchan Kim Bad Axe, Michigan B.A., Sichuan University B.S., Michigan State University Honolulu, Hawaii M.A., Washington State University B.S., M.S., University of Idaho M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Stanley K. Hornbeck and American Thesis: Biology and Management of the Thesis: The Effective Integration of Sim­ Policy to China, 1919-37. plex and Interior Point Techniques. Part I: Structure-Infesting Beetle, Hemicoelus gib­ Major Advisor: Edward M. Bennett bicollis (Leconte) (Coleoptera: Anobiidae). Decomposition Part II: Null-Space Affine Major Advisor: Roger D. Akre Kathryn Evers Meyer Scaling. Dayton Major Advisor: John L. Nazareth FOOD SCIENCE B.A., M.A., Washington State University Thesis: 'Optima Mater': The Life of Agrip­ *Thomas L. Richards *Adelmo Monsalve Gonzalez New Plymouth, Idaho San Felipe, Venezuela pina the Younger. Major Advisor: Richard S. Williams B.S., College of Idaho Licenciado, Universidad Central de M.S., Washington State University Venezuela *Mary Angeline Watrous Thesis: Basins of Attraction of Newhouse M.S., Washington State University Portland, Oregon Sinks. Thesis: Protein Composition and Function­ B.A., M.A., University of Portland Major Advisor: Donald W. Bushaw al Properties of Spring and Winter Wheats Thesis: Fiscal Policy and Financial Adminis­ as Affected by Vernalization. tration in Mexico 1890-1940. Tian, Jimin Major Advisor: Yeshajahu Pomeranz Major Advisor: John E. Kicza Pullman Graduate, Nanjing University GENETICS AND CELL BIOLOGY HORTI CULTURE M.A., Washington State University Patrick David Lyon Gibbs Thesis: Positive Conditions for Quadratic Hollywood, California Jan W. de Weerd Forms. B.S., University of California, Irvine Pullman Major Advisor: David C. Barnes Thesis: Studies of Fish Transgenetics. B.S., Rijks Hogere Landbouwschool Major Advisor: Gary H. Thorgaard Groningen Diana Lynn Wells M.S., Agricultural University, Wageningen Pullman Seong-Ryong Kim Thesis: Growth, Development, and Tuber B.A., Carroll College (Helena, Montana) Seoul, Korea Quality of Potatoes as Affected by Physio­ M.S., University of North Dakota B.S., M.S., Seoul National University Thesis: Lucas' Theorem for Generalized Thesis: Isolation and Characterization of logical Age and Environmental Stress. Major Advisor: Larry K. Hiller Binomial Coefficients. Male-Organ Expressed Genes from Major Advisor: William A. Webb Monocot Flowers. Luo, Yaguang Major Advisor: Gynheung An Shijang, China MECHANICAL ENGINEERING *Christopher John Robert Paszty B.S., Sidman Agricultural University San Francisco, California M.S., Southwest Agricultural University Ernest Baker B.Sc., University of Toronto Thesis: Enhanced Control of Enzymatic Pullman M.S., Washington State University Browning of Apple Slices by Plant B.S., M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Novel Vectors and Strategies for Proteinases. Thesis: Modelling and Optimization of the Genetic Manipulation of Plants. Major Advisor: Max E. Pattersen Shaped Charge. Major Advisor: Paul F. J. Lurquin Major Advisor: Walter J. Grantham Advanced Degrees 13

Ismail Demir Marti Foster Wolfe POLITICAL SCIENCE Elazig, Turkey Seattle B.Sc., University of Istanbul B.S., University of California, Berkeley *Osita George Afoaku M.Sc., Technical University of Istanbul M.A., San Jose State University Awoiclemili, Nigeria M.S.E., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor Thesis: Age-Dependent Toxicity and Com­ B.A., University of Ife Thesis: The Theory of Dislocations and Its parative Metabolism of Counter and Diazi­ M.A., Washington State University Application to the Fibrous Composites. non in European Starlings and Reel-Winged Thesis: US Foreign Policy and Authoritari­ Major Advisor: Hussein M. Zbib Blackbirds. an Third World Regimes: A Pattern and a Major Advisor: Ronald J. Kendall Case Study. Hakan B. Gurocak Major Advisor: Patrick M. Morgan Pullman B.Sc., Middle East Technical University PHYSICS Jerrold Arthur Beyer M.S., Bogazi,;i University *Jiawen Fan Caldwell, Idaho Thesis: Approximate Measurement of Error Caoyang, China B.A., M.P.A., Boise State University with Fuzzy Logic for Robotic Precision As­ B.S., M.S., Jinan University Thesis: Administrative Decision Making un­ sembly. M.S., Washington State University der Risk: An Evaluation of Pre-Trial Release Major Advisor: Anthony De Sam Lazaro Thesis: Point Defects Quenched in NiAl and Community Impact. *Byoungsoo Lee and Related Intermetallic Compounds. Major Advisor: Nicholas P. Lovrich Korea Major Advisor: Gary S. Collins Michael Anthony Caldero B.E., Hanyang University *Carl King Frederickson Pullman M.S., Washington State University B.A., Eastern Washington University Thesis: Chaos in an Optimal Control Fresno, California B.S., California State University, Fresno M.A., Washington State University System. Thesis: Community Oriented Policing. Major Advisor: Walter J. Grantham M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Wavefields Near Transverse Cusp Major Advisor: Ben A. Menke Julie Albertson Lovato Caustics Produced by Reflecting Ultrasonic Spokane Transients and Tone Bursts from Curved Masahiko Matsuoka B.S., M.S., Washington State University Surfaces. Misato, Japan B.A., Utah State University Thesis: Active Control of the Separation Major Advisor: Philip L. Marston Region on a Two-Dimensional Airfoil. M.A., Schiller International University Major Advisor: Timothy R. Troutt *Digala Mudiyanselage Kulawansa M.A., University of Akron *Jon Rowan Phillips Dehiowita, Sri Lanka Thesis: A Study of Foreign Policy Decision­ Tacoma B.Sc., University of Sri Jayewardenepura Making in Japan. B.S., M.S., Washington State University M.S., Bowling Green State University Major Advisor: Patrick M. Morgan M.S., Michigan State University Thesis: Simulation of Unsteady Buoyant John Kevin Olson Reacting Jets Using a Lagrangian Field Ele­ Thesis: Scanning Tunneling Microscope Observations of Fracture Surfaces of Poly­ Pullman ment Method. B.A., Whitman College Major Advisor: William Grosshandler meric, Silicate, and Metallic Glasses. Major Advisor: J. Thomas Dickinson M.A., Washington State University Guven Yucesan Thesis: Law, Gospel, and Civil Liberties: A Trabzon, Turkey *Steven Leslie Shropshire Denominational Analysis of Support for Po­ B.Sc., Technical University of Istanbul Walla Walla litical Tolerance. M.S.E., University of Michigan, Ann Arbor B.S., B.S., M.S., Washington State Major Advisor: Terrence E. Cook Thesis: Modelling of Cutting Forces for University Milling Operations. Thesis: Studies of Point Defects and Defect Marty Ramsburg Major Advisor: Abdel E. Bayoumi Interactions in Metals Using Perturbed y-y Marlboro, Vermont Angular Correlations. B.A., Wittenberg University MICROBIOLOGY Major Advisor: Gary S. Collins M.A., Washington State University Thesis: Hegemonic Decline and Inefficien­ *Laura Ruth Hendrix Harry J. Simpson cy: The Pentagon and Innovative Activity Germantown, Maryland Denver, Colorado in the Postwar United States. B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College B.S., Colorado School of Mines Major Advisor: Patrick M. Morgan M.S., Washington State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Identification and Characterization Thesis: Ultra Sonic Four Wave Mixing in PSYCHOLOGY of a 27-KDA Immunoreactive Protein Suspended Latex Microparticles/Ultra Sonic Found in Both Acute and Chronic Coxiella Three Wave Mixing Off Tree Surfaces. Alberta Ann Arviso burnetii Isolates. Major Advisor: Philip L. Marston Fort Wingate, New Mexico Major Advisor: Louis P. Mallavia B.S., Northern Arizona University Steven K. Roof PLANT PATHOLOGY M.S.W., Arizona State University Los Alamos, New Mexico *Waqar Ahmed M.S., Washington State University B.S., Kansas State University Lahore, Pakistan Thesis: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Adaptive Thesis: Membrane Topology of Eschericha B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Agriculture, and Cognitive Effects of Prenatal Alcohol coli TonB Protein. Faisalabad Exposure in Navajo School Age Children. Major Advisor: Kathleen Postle Thesis: Movement of Plant Viruses in Major Advisor: Harold A. Dengerink Jonathan T. Skare Mixed Infections. Robbin Willis Barksdale Mission Viejo, California Major Advisor: Peter E. Thomas Philadelphia, Pennsylvania B.S., University of California, Irvine Radwan Mahmud Barakat B.A., University of Dayton Thesis: Mechanism of TonB Protein Func­ B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Jordan M.A., Towson State University tion in Escherichia coli. Thesis: Epidemiological Studies on Leu­ Thesis: Deficit and Inappropriate Social Major Advisor: Kathleen Postle costoma Canker of Sweet Cherry (Prunus Skills: Two Dimensions of Social Compe­ avium L.). tence and Their Differential Relation to NUTRITION Major Advisor: Dennis A. Johnson Psychiatric Symptoms. * Kim L. Dittus Major Advisor: G. Leonard Burns Elgin, North Dakota Frank Matthews Dugan B.S., Colorado State University Missoula, Montana Carol Mohr Batt M.S., University of Wyoming B.S., University of Washington Spokane Thesis: Use of the Health Belief Model to M.S., University of Montana B.A., Eastern Washington University Examine Food Safety and Nutrition Atti­ Thesis: Comparative Morphological, Cyto­ M.S., Washington State University tudes and Behavior Related to Fruits and logical and Behavioral Studies of Cryp­ Thesis: The Use of Peptidase and Peptidase Vegetables. tosporiopsis curvispora and C. perennans. Inhibitors to Manipulate Endogenous Lev­ Major Advisor: Virginia N. Hillers Major Advisor: Gary G. Grove els of Angiotensin in Normotensive and Hypertensive Rat Strains. *Michael Herbert Walter Major Advisor: John W. Wright PHARMACOLOGY AND TOXICOLOGY Santa Barbara, California *Todd Thomas Sherer B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara Robert Frank Calhoun Ione, Oregon M.S., Oregon State University Nampa, Idaho B.S., Oregon State University Thesis: Virus and Host Genetics Involved B.S., Boise State University Thesis: Changes in Thyroid Hormone in Seed Transmission of Tobacco Streak M.S., Eastern Washington University Receptor MRNA Expression and the Effects Ilarvirus in Beans. Thesis: Chronic Pain and Hostility: Toward of Thyroid Hormone in the Developing Rat Major Advisor: Stephen D. Wyatt. an Empirical Relationship. Cerebellum. Major Advisor: Patti Lou Watkins Major Advisor: Richard J. Bull 14 Advanced Degrees

Gerarclo Diaz Canul *Steven Edwin Meier Dennis Maurice Alhambra, California Marysville Chicago, Illinois B.A., University of California, Irvine B.S., M.S., Washington State University B.S., Bradley University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: An Analysis of the Relation Be­ M.A., Howard University Thesis: The Effects of Ethnic Identity and tween Blood Alcohol Concentration and Thesis: Race, Media, and Crime: A Content Acculturation Levels on MMPI Validity the Effectiveness of Punishment Analysis of Three News Dailies. Scales. Procedures. Major Advisor: Louis N. Gray Major Aclvisor: Herbert J. Cross Major Advisor: Thomas A. Brigham Lawrence Mark Salinger *Jacqueline Denise Foster *Cindy L. Miller-Perrin Solana Beach, California Los Angeles, California Rosemead, California B.A., University of California, Irvine B.A., University of California, Irvine B.A., Pepperdine University M.A., Indiana University M.S., Washington State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Antitrust Enforcement: An Analysis Thesis: Woman and Aids: The Effect of Thesis: Cognitive Mediators Affecting the of Ninety-Nine Years of Federal Criminal Health Locus of Control on Protection Psychological Impact of Sexual Abuse. Price-Fixing Cases, 1890-1988. Motivation. Major Advisor: G. Leonard Burns Major Advisor: James F. Short Major Advisor: Herbert J. Cross *Gail Lynn Rowe *Monica A. Seff Brooklyn, New York * Patricia Lynn Gunderson Wildwood Crest, New Jersey B.S., Oregon State University Spokane B.S., Morningside College M.A., University of B.A., Saint Olaf College M.S., University of Idaho Thesis: The Relationship Between Welfare M.A., University of Minnesota, Minneapolis Thesis: The Effects of Matching Individual Anxiety Response Patterns to Treatment. Dependence and Dimensions of Self­ M.S., Washington State University Esteem. Thesis: The Effect of Self-Management Major Advisor: Harold A. Dengerink Major Advisor: Viktor Gecas Skills Training on Aclolescent Use of Alco­ *Todd David Sosna hol, Tobacco ancl Marijuana. La Mesa, California SOILS Major Aclvisor: Thomas A. Brigham B.A., Pitzer College M.S., Washington State University *John George Annandale Soonie Ann Kim Pretoria, South Africa Hilo, Hawaii Thesis: The Effect of Parent-Child Interac­ tion Training on Disruptive Behavior and B.Sc., B.Sc., M.Sc., University of Pretoria B.A., University of Hawaii at Hilo Thesis: Two-Dimensional Simulation of B.S., Washington State University Verbalizations. Major Advisor: G. Leonard Burns Nitrate Leaching in Potatoes. Thesis: Evaluation of a Model High School Major Advisor: David J. Mulla Drop Out Prevention Program for At-Risk *Laurie J. Wilson Anandacoomaraswamy Aruliah Youth. Sandpoint, Idaho Talawakele, Sri Lanka Major Advisor: Thomas A. Brigham B.S., University of Montana M.S., Washington State University B.S., M. Phil., University of Sri Lanka *Patricia A. Kondrick Thesis: The Comparative Efficacy of Alter­ Thesis: Modeling Water and Nitrogen Use Ogden, Utah native Treatments in the Prevention of of Tea in Relation to Growth. B.S., Weber State College Marital Distress. Major Advisor: Gaylon S. Campbell M.S., Washington State University Major Advisor: Herbert J. Cross James Alan Montgomery Thesis: The Impact of a Parent Acl­ Houston, Texas ministerecl Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment SOCIOLOGY B.S., M.S., Baylor University Program on the Reading Skill, Self-Concept Thesis: Long-Term Soil-Landscape Change ancl Motivation of Chilclren with a Learning *Donald Martin Beck in the Palouse Region of Eastern Washing­ Disability in Reacting (Dyslexia). Seattle ton Induced by Water and Tillage Erosion. Major Aclvisor: G. Leonard Burns B.A., M.A., Washington State University Major Advisor: Alan J. Busacca Thesis: The Impact of Social Network Vari­ Christine Ladish ables on the Diffusion of No-Till *Shihe Xu Los Alamos, New Mexico Agriculture. Sichuan, China B.A., University of California, San Diego Major Advisor: Don A. Dillman B. Agron., Sichuan Agricultural College M.S., Washington State University M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Group Treatment of Depression in Simeon Hein Thesis: Use of Solubility Method for Deter­ an Elderly Population: A Comparison of Scarsdale, New York mining Al-Controlling Solid Phases in Acid Cognitive-Behavioral and Supportive Group B.A., Hampshire College Soils. Approaches. M.A., University of Arizona Major Advisor: James B. Harsh Thesis: Connections: The Ecology of Time Major Advisor: Gregory L. Wilson and Information in Large-Scale Technologi­ VETERINARY SCIENCE *Charles Joseph Lammers cal Development. Sioux Falls, South Dakota Major Advisor: Don A. Dillman *Mustafa Kemal Aydintug Ankara, Turkey B.S., University of South Dakota Dean Harold Judson M.S., Washington State University D.V.M., University of Ankara Bend, Oregon M.S., Washington State University Thesis: Progressive Muscle Relaxation Prac­ B.S., George Fox College tice: Effects on Total and Antigen-Specific Thesis: Role of Specific Antibody, Comple­ M.A., Washington State University ment, and Neutrophils in Tritrichomonas Parotid Salivary Immunoglobulin A in Thesis: Decision Making in Social Net­ Human Males. foetus Infection. works: Models and Simulation. Major Advisor: R. Wesley Leid Major Advisor: Harold A. Dengerink Major Advisor: Louis N. Gray *Randall J. Basaraba *Dawn Karen Levine Rose Louise Krebill-Prather Kent Inglewood, California Billings, Montana B.S., D.V.M., Washington State University B.A., University of California, Los Angeles B.S., Montana State University Thesis: Mechanisms of In-Vitro Im­ M.S., Washington State University M.A., Washington State University munosuppression by Bovine Parainfluenza Thesis: Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syn­ Thesis: Society-Environment Interactions: A Virus Type 3. clrome: What Works? Cross-National Trend Analysis of Societal Major Advisor: R. Wesley Leid Major Advisor: Harold A. Dengerink Well-Being and Global Climate Change. *Eric Charles Burdett Donna M. Lidren Major Advisor: Eugene A. Rosa Lehi, Utah Seattle *Cecile A. Lycan B.S., Brigham Young University (Provo, B.S., University of Washington Pullman Utah) M.S., Washington State University B.A., M.S., Washington State University D.V.M., Washington State University Thesis: Differential Efficacy of Self-Help Thesis: Rational Choice and Mental Illness Thesis: Kinematic Analyses of the Strides Bibliotherapy and Group Educational in a Clinical Population: A Study of Treat­ of Horses Galloping in the Straightaway Treatment Approaches in the Treatment of ment Compliance. and the Turn. Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia. Major Advisor: Steven R. Burkett Major Advisor: Marc H. Ratzlaff Major Advisor: Patti Lou Watkins Dan McWethy Noel Y. Calingasan Alan W. London Manteca, California Batangas, Philippines Helena, Montana B.S., California Polytechnic State Universi­ D.V.M., University of the Philippines B.A., University of Montana ty, San Luis Obispo M.S., Obihiro University of Agriculture and M.S., Washington State University M.A., Washington State University Veterinary Medicine Thesis: Assessing Transference in Hypnotic Thesis: Change and Stability in Self­ Thesis: Neural Substrates of Metabolic Con­ Settings: A Test of Archaic Involvement. Concept. trols of Feeding. Major Advisor: Herbert J. Cross Major Advisor: Marilyn !hinger-Tallman Major Advisor: W. Sue Ritter Advanced Degrees 15

*Vickie I. Cook ZOOPHYSIOLOGY Nathan Brian Jones Rye, Colorado *Jacquelyn Lou Banasik Seattle B.A., University of Southern Colorado Sequim B.A., University of Washington Thesis: The Comparison of Perinatal An­ B.S., Washington State University B.A., Evergreen State College giotensin Binding in the Brains of SI-IR and M.N., University of Washington M.A., Washington State University WKY Rats. Thesis: Endothelin Binding in Brain of Nor­ Thesis: Comparison of Instructional Strate­ Major Advisor: Joseph W. Harding motensive and Spontaneously Hypertensive gies for Teaching English in a Taiwan Col­ Inge S. Eriks Rats. lege: Traditional Chinese Approaches vs. Needham, Massachusetts Major Advisor: Joseph W. Harding Natural Language Approach. B.S., D.V.M., Michigan State University Major Advisor: Robert J. Harder Thesis: Epidemiologic Significance of Carri­ Thomas Allen Moore III er Cattle in Tick Transmission of DOCTOR OF ARTS Yakima Anaplasmosis. B.A., M.A., Central Washington University Major Advisor: Guy H. Palmer MATHEMATICS Thesis: The Schools for the 21st Century: * Keith Lester Hall *Glenn Allen Adamson An Evaluative and Predictive Study. Pullman Cashmere Major Advisor: Donald C. Orlich B.S., Washington State University B.A., Whitman College William Dale Parks Thesis: In Vitro Systems for the Study of M.S., Eastern Washington University Yakima Angiotensin: I. Development of Vascular Thesis: A Mathematical Analysis of a Hu­ B.A., M.A., Central Washington University Smooth Muscle Cell Lines from Rat Aorta. man Communications Model. Thesis: A Qualitative Study of a School Su­ II. Characteristics of the Angiotensin II Major Advisor: Donald W. Bushaw perintendent's Leadership Strategies. (3-8) System in Bovine Adrenal. Major Advisor: Richard David Sagor Major Advisor: Joseph W. Harding Paula A. Radich * Susan Lee Kraft DOCTOR OF EDUCATION Astoria, Oregon Pullman Jean Marie Brickell B.A., Marylhurst College for Life Long B.S., University of Alaska Fairbanks Kodiak, Alaska Learning D.V.M., Washington State University B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder M.S., Portland State University Thesis: Evaluation of the Biodistribution of M.S., University of Alaska Anchorage Thesis: Access and Entry to the Public Borocaptate Sodium in Dogs with Spon­ Thesis: The Community Health Aide Pro­ School Superintendency in the State of taneous Intracranial Tumors. gram in Rural Alaska: Responding to Washington: A Comparison Between Men Major Advisor: Patrick R. Gavin Change. and Women. Carol A. Lichtensteiger Major Advisor: Donald C. Orlich Major Advisor: Walter H. Gmelch Van Wert, Ohio Dennis L. Carter William Max Randolph B.S., D.V.M., Ohio State University Othello Kirkland Thesis: MHC-Restricted Lymphocyte­ B.A., Northwest Nazarene College B.A., Cascade College Mediated Cytotoxicity and Antibody Neu­ M.A., University of Idaho B.A., Northwest College tralization of Variants of Caprine Arthritis­ Thesis: Funding of Education in Washing­ M.Ed., Seattle Pacific University Encephalitis Lentivirus. ton: The Impact of Levies on Fiscal Equity. Thesis: The Effect of Cooperative Learning Major Advisor: William P. Cheevers Major Advisor: Walter H. Gmelch on Academic Achievement in Introductory *Yong Ho Park Norman Merrill Drake College Biology. Seoul, Korea Yakima Major Advisor: Donald C. Orlich D.V.M., M.V.M., Seoul National University B.A., M.A., Central Washington University * Carl F. P. Selnes Thesis: Suppression of the Immune Thesis: The Principal's Influence in Pullman Response in the Bovine Mammary Gland Elementary Schools: Four Areas Affecting B.A., Western Washington University with Staphylococcus aureus Infection. Student Outcomes. M.S., Western Illinois University Major Advisor: William C. Davis Major Advisor: Walter H. Gmelch Thesis: Humanistic Education: Reflections *Harold Charles Schott II *Allen Douglas Evans on and Analysis of Its Aims, Methods, and Cincinnati, Ohio La Grande, Oregon Content. B.S., Cornell University B.A., M.A., College of Idaho Major Advisor: Mary Elisabeth Henry D.V.M., Ohio State University Thesis: The Relationship of an Elementary Kathy Lee Small Thesis: Alterations in Renal Function in the School Practicum Experience to a Pre­ Walla Walla Exercising Horse. Service Methods Course: Situated Cogni­ B.A., Ed.M., Washington State University Major Advisor: David R. Hodgson tion, Theoretical Orientations, Content Thesis: Career Patterns of Women Adminis­ *Huang Zhuo Knowledge, and Self-Perceptions. trators in Washington Community Pullman Major Advisor: Carole S. Johnson Colleges. Masters, South China Agricultural College *George Arthur Guidera Major Advisor: Donald B. Reed Thesis: Pontospinal Enkephalinergic and Modesto, California *Philip M. Snowdon Noradrenergic Pathways of the Cat: Ana­ B.A., Concordia College (River Forest, Il­ Spokane tomical and Electrophysiological Studies. linois) B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara Major Advisor: Charles D. Barnes M.A., California Polytechnic State Universi­ M.Ed., Southern University and Agricultural ty, San Luis Obispo and Mechanical College ZOOLOGY Thesis: Citizenship Education: A Field Thesis: The Effects of Bargaining Style on *Robert D. Fields Study of Its Practice in Two High Schools. Negotiations in Select Public School Sys­ Chicago, Illinois Major Advisor: Robert N. Grunewald tems (K-12) in Washington State. B.S., M.S., University of Illinois at Urbana­ *Susan Lee Jensen Major Advisor: Walter H. Gmelch Champaign Pullman Thesis: DNA Fingerprinting and Androgen­ B.A., Ed.M., Washington State University esis in Rainbow Trout. Thesis: Issues Governing the Work of the Major Advisor: Gary H. Thorgaard Specialist in Gifted Education: An Explora­ tory Study. Major Advisor: Dennis A. Warner 16 Advanced Degrees

College of Veterinary Medicine Commencement Recognition Ceremony

3:00 p.m., May 9, 1992 Compton Union Building Ballroom

Master of Ceremonies Dr. Steve Parish Processional Introductions Dr. Steve Parish Welcome Vice Provost for Instruction Donald Bushaw Greetings Dean Borje K. Gustafsson (College of Veterinary Medicine-WSU) Dr. Richard Battaglia Chairman, Department of Animal and Veterinary Science (University of Idaho) Dean Loren Koller (College of Veterinary Medicine-OSU) Guest Speaker Dr. Leo K. Bustad Dean Emeritus-College of Veterinary Medicine, Washington State University Presentation of Class Dean Borje K. Gustafsson Dick Albrecht Conferring of Degree Board of Regents Awarding of Diplomas Vice Provost for Instruction Donald Bushaw Veterinarian's Oath Dr. Richard Wescott Associate Dean Recessional

Doctor of Matthew Leno Bertagnolli Jean Wells Cypher Brett Thomas Hamilton Wendell, Idaho -Cum Laude Nampa, Idaho Veterinary Medicine David Paul Bingaman Austin, Texas *Darin K. Hisanaga Pearl City, Hawaii John Theodore Ahmann -Summa Cum Laude *Carolyn Diane Damewood -Summa Cum Laude Fruitland, Idaho -Summa Cum Laude Heidi Ann Houchen Chehalis Patrick Christopher Black Albany, Oregon Palouse Sarah Judith Anderson -Cum Laude *Robert Michael Dammeyer Michael Patrick Howell Spokane Pullman -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Ontario, Oregon Kirkland David Russell Ard Sonja Esta Bohland Kennewick Salt Lake City, Utah Marie Kathlyn Duffy Salvador Gomez Hurtado -Cum Laude Glenns Ferry, Idaho *Thelda Joy Atkin William Scott Brown Seattle Bruce Wayne Hutton Peoria, Arizona -Cum Laude Pullman Julie Lynn Eihl Albion M. Wayne Ayers Brian Mitchell Butt -Cum Laude Jack T. Hyder -Summa Cum Laude Issaquah Pullman Fort Benton, Montana North Ogden, Utah *Christopher Frederick Camp David L. Faught Jay Dee Ipsen • Brenda Frances Bailey Fallon, Nevada Montpelier -Cum Laude Lake Oswego, Oregon • Kerri Beatrice Jackson The Dalles, Oregon *Donald Thomas Campbell Linda Sue Fineman -Cum Laude -Cum Laude *Brett W. Bauscher Igo, California Fairbanks, Alaska Gig Harbor -Cum Laude Kimberly Lahela Miyo Carvalho Tawnya Marie Jenkins Caldwell, Idaho Hilo, Hawaii Gale Hudkins Ford -Cum Laude Moscow, Idaho *Ursula Susan Bechert *Terri Lynn Clark Tucson, Arizona -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Saundra Renee Forsyth *Rita Marie Lawler Tucson, Arizona Fall Creek, Oregon -Summa Cum Laude Pullman Pullman Lisa Gayle Bennett Lisa Lee Clemetson • Susan Rena Libra Walla Walla -Cum Laude Teresa Lynn Gehlen Lebanon, Oregon Toppenish Jeff William Bennetts Castle Rock Kenneth James Lust -Summa Cum Laude • Alan Blain Cunningham Noelle Giddings -Cum Laude Challis, Idaho American Fork, Utah Sandpoint, Idaho Yakima Advanced Degrees 17

*Rebecca Bozarth Maas *Thomas Eric Pitzer Vernon Sheleby Streeter Donielle Marie Watkins -Cum Laude Hermiston, Oregon Spokane Port Orchard Terrebonne, Oregon Leslie Darlene Pollock *Thomas Ray Timmons *Diana Lynn Weston Grant Lindsay Madsen Deming Milton Freewater, Oregon -Summa Cum Laude Pleasant Grove, Utah * Patti Ann Prato Alan Dorr Tomkins Center Valley, Pennsylvania *Leanne Beth Mellbye -Summa Cum Laude Greer, South Carolina Susan Marie Whiton -Cum Laude Belfair Verna Irene Tremel Adrian, Michigan Forest Grove, Oregon Rose Marie Rakow La Verne, California Milray Christine Wight Shane Mikael Miller Atwater, California Esther S. Trueblood -Cum Laude Pullman Kathleen Joan Rasmussen -Summa Cum Laude Elk *Nancy Renata Morales Iroquois, Canada Oakesdale Rhonda Jean Wiler -Cum Laude *Kellee Ann Roberti *Thomas Ling-Hoi Tsui Stanwood Salem, Oregon -Summa Cum Laude Portland, Oregon Janice May Willard *Michael David Motschenbacher Idleyld Park, Oregon Gisella Jai Tuttle Moscow, Idaho Roseburg, Oregon Deena Sadek Mesa *Dean Michael Wilson *Karen Louise Mrazek Los Angeles, California *Andrea Glass van de Wetering -Cum Laude Corvallis Patti Lynn Schaefer Philomath, Oregon Klamath Falls, Oregon Brian Garth Murphy Pullman Dennis James Villani Michele Diane Winder -Cum Laude LeeAnne Sherrod Flemington, New Jersey -Cum Laude Lemoore, California Pullman -Cum Laude Lisa Michelle Lloyd Vitale Tina Jo Owen Gig Harbor -Cum Laude Elizabeth Wolfe Fort Wainwright, Alaska *Douglas Michael Slama Pocatello, Idaho Bourg Achard, France *Chad W. Pilgeram -Cum Laude Susan Sumiko Wada Jill Karin Youde Plains, Montana Salem, Oregon Torrance, California -Cum Laude John Charles Smith Vancouver Okanogan 18

Advanced Degrees

The Graduate School MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOLOGY M. Rashidul Islam Rangpur, Bangladesh Charles A. Hoover The candidates will be presented by Dean B.Sc., Bangladesh University of Engineering Ashland, Oregon Robert V. Smith and Technology B.S., Southern Oregon State College Steven Wayne Kohut Shelia Marie Jackson Federal Way Master's Degrees Natchitoches, Louisiana B.S., Washington State University B.S., Northwestern State University of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRONOMY Louisiana *Ruth Anne McLain Tumwater Molly Welsh Maddux *William Richard Wright B.S., Washington State University Camas Montesano B.S., Eastern Washington University *Md. Musa B.S., Washington State University Dhaka, Bangladesh Brett Kelly Sowers B.Sc., Bangladesh University of Engineering Murdock, Kansas MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMICAL and Technology B.S., Kansas State University ENGINEERING Khaled M. Shawish *Allan Ray Fluharty Amman, Jordan MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ANIMAL SCIENCES Pullman B.Sc., University of Jordan B.S., B.S., University of Washington *Mutassim Mohamed Abdelrahman *Duane Lawrence Stone Khartoum, Sudan Joy T. John Pullman B.Sc., University of Alexandria Kerala, India B.S., Washington State University Karen Dianne Christensen B.S., South Dakota School of Mines and Arlington Technology MASTER OF SCIENCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE B.S., Washington State University *Steven Richard Jones * Rachid Kerkouche Gig Harbor Matthew Michael Burke Algiers, Algeria B.S., B.S., Washington State University Pullman B.S., Institut National Agronomique B.A., Earlham College *Devdatt Laxmikant Kurdikar Jennifer J. Michal Bombay, India *Vinod Chandran Olympia B.Ch.E., University of Bombay Bhopal, India B.S., Washington State University B.Tech., Indian Institute of Yong Wang Technology, Madras Meri Carolyn Miller Kunming, China M.S., Texas Tech University Auburn B.S., Chengdu University of Science and Ph.D., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University Technology Juan Du *Mahi Baddu Rangngang *Ailian Zhao Chang Chun, China Ujung Pandang, Indonesia Shanghai, China B.S., Beijing University Sarjana Peternakan, Hasanuddin University B.S., Shanghai Jiaotong University *Rakesh Dubey Hiroshi Saito Ranchi, India Tochigi-shi, Japan MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CHEMISTRY B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, M.S., Gregorio Araneta University Foun­ *Stamatia K. Chroni Kharagpur dation Athens, Greece *Duane D. Frank M.S., University of California, Davis B.S., University of New Mexico Richland B.S., Washington State University Scott Stephen Waltner J. Ward Hills Mount Vernon Pullman Stephen Garinger B.S., Washington State University B.S., Bradley University Kennewick * Randy L. Williams B.A., University of Santa Clara Jennifer L. Kahl Pullman Omaha, Nebraska *Richard Heffel B.S., Washington State University B.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln Walla Walla Yalcin Yavas M.S., Washington State University B.S., University of Washington Pullman *Diann Marie Hitzel *George W. Pon D.V.M., University of Ankara Bellevue Alhambra, California B.S., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURE *Jiing-Yih J. Jou Shilajeet Banerjee *Adam J. Regner III Richland Bombay, India Eagle, Idaho B.S., National Taiwan University B.Arch., University of Bombay B.S., Boise State University M.S., University of Washington Pedro Azevedo de Magalhaes Castro Robert Lee Thomas, Jr. Anthony Aaron Kempka Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Omak Pine River, Minnesota B.Arch., Instituto Metodista Bennett B.A., B.S., Eastern Washington University B.A., University of Minnesota-Morris Marjut Anneli Wood *Dat T. Tran Ying Li Mendota Heights, Minnesota Sichuan, China Turku, Finland B.S., Sichuan University B.S., B.A., Washington State University B.A., Macalester College *Lou, Jing MASTER OF SCIENCE IN BIOCHEMISTRY MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CIVIL Shanghai, China ENGINEERING B.S., East China Textile Engineering Richard J. Appleyard Institute Canterbury, England *Ihab Mohamed Ayoub B.A., Oxford University Khartoum, Sudan * Robert T. Miller B.Sc., University of Khartoum Moscow, Idaho *Paul Diehl B.A., B.S., Evergreen State College Collingdale, Pennsylvania *Philip Frank Boyd *Burke H. Norton B.A., La Salle University Hayden Lake, Idaho B.S., University of Idaho Grandview *Robert T. Miller B.S., B.A., Whitworth College (Spokane, Moscow, Idaho Grant Cyrus Buckingham Washington) B.A., B.S., Evergreen State College Toppenish B.S., Washington State University William Norbert Rausch M.S., Washington State University Richland *Xiaoyu Yang * Shannon Anderson Emerick B.S., South Dakota School of Mines and B.A., South China Tropical Crops College Seattle Technology M.S., Academia Sinica B.S., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University Advanced Degrees 19

Laura A. Stoltz Steven A. Martin Jessamyn Marie Lindauer Lemmon, South Dakota Sunnyside Oroville B.S., South Dakota State University B.S., Washington State University B.S., Evergreen State College John M. Mathew Richard Kerr Menicke MASTER OF SCIENCE IN CROP SCIENCE Pathanamthitta, India Pullman John Konovsky B.S., University of Allahabad B.S., Texas A & M University, College Olympia M.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Station B.A., Earlham College Kharagpur Eliza Rayner Patrick J. Tranel *Yutaka Matsuno Los Angeles, California Galena, Illinois Tokyo, Japan B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder B.S., Iowa State University of Science and B.S., Nihon University *Christopher H. Stewart Technology B.S., Washington State University Denton, Texas B.A., Hendrix College MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL *Roger P. Sonnichsen ENGINEERING Twisp B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOOD SCIENCE *Keith Andrew Birney Weihua Zhang *Armando J. Castro Richland Pullman B.S., Washington State University Xian, China B.Eng., Jilin University of Technology Biologo Marino, Jorge Tadeo Lozon Michael James Campin Anup Chilukuri Custer MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENTOMOLOGY India B.S., Washington State University William Brian Kreowski B.Sc., Osmania University Curtis Matthew Davis Woodstown, New Jersey M.S., University of Idaho Richland B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and *Partha Sarothi Kunclu B.S., Washington State University State University India Jeffrey David Earls * Paul William Mclellan B.Eng., Birla Institute of Technology and Pinole, California Denver, Colorado Science B.S., University of California, Berkeley B.S., Colorado State University Larry J. Mulenburg Robert Fuhrmann * Charles Edward Olsen Dayton Renton Pasco B.A., Winona State University B.S., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University *Embola Ernest Ncli *Mohamed Abdelgalil Imam Pullman Khartoum, Sudan MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL B.S., Wuxi Institute of Light Industry B.Sc., University of Khartoum ENGINEERING *Brenda Jean Walker *David Carey James Ping-Hung Chen Boise, Idaho Kooskia, Idaho Taipei, Taiwan B.S., University of Idaho B.S., University of Idaho B.S., Tunghai University Douglas Robert Webster Christine Lee Schettle Mulhim M. Eltayeb Detroit, Michigan Colbert Khartoum, Sudan B.S., Western Washington University B.S., M.S., California Polytechnic State B.Sc., University of Khartoum Steven Andrew Werner University, San Luis Obispo Michael K. Foget Onalaska Brian Roger Schladetzky Hayward, California B.S., Washington State University Bellevue, Iowa B.S., Humboldt State University B.S., University of Northern Iowa *Christopher Sean Haling MASTER OF SCIENCE IN FOREST AND *Mohammad Ali Shafaei Great Falls, Montana RANGE MANAGEMENT Isfahan, Iran B.S., Montana State University *Michael Lee Burton B.S., Washington State University *George Edward Johnson Yakima *John A. Snodderley Seattle B.S., Washington State University Howard, Kansas B.S., Washington State University Andrew Kent Jaussi B.S., Kansas State University Pullman *Craig A. Martin B.S., Brigham Young University (Provo, Bum S. So Salem, Oregon Utah) Boise, Idaho B.S., Oregon State University B.S., University of Idaho Anton Paul Kavalok II Clifford Iden Roberts * Merlin Everett Stafford Seattle Boise, Idaho Gig Harbor B.A., University of Washington B.S., Washington State University B.S., Walla Walla College *John Hobart Lawrence *Siew-Lian Tan *Michael J. Truex Centralia Commonwealth Close, Singapore Normal, Illinois B.A., Evergreen State College B.S., University of Illinois at Urbana­ B.S., Washington State University *Daniel Earl Lucas Champaign Steve Tremaine Dubois, Idaho Battle Ground Matthew Darrell Udell B.S., Humboldt State University B.S., California Polytechnic State Lincoln, California Rashid B. R. Msangi University, San Luis Obispo B.S., University of Nevada, Reno Mwanga, Tanzania *David A. Watola MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENVIRONMENTAL B.Sc., Sokoine University of Agriculture Tacoma SCIENCE MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GENETICS AND B.S., Washington State University *Rhonda Lynn Beyke CELL BIOLOGY Bo Xuan Felicity, Ohio Kunshan, China B.A., B.A., Miami University Lori Lynn Cowley Pritchett B.Eng., University of Science and Wayland, New York Technology of China Cheung, Ivan Ka-Yan B.S., Cornell University Hong Kong *Gregary Charles Zweigle Diploma, Hong Kong Baptist College Tacoma MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GEOLOGY B.S., Northwest Nazarene College *Corinne Dobbins * Sharon Elizabeth Burkett Tacoma Oakhurst, New Jersey MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ENGINEERING B.S., Pacific Lutheran University B.A., Franklin and Marshall College Blas Barletta Michael Gregory Holthoff Holly J. Corner Barranquilla, Colombia Benton, Arkansas Moorhead, Minnesota Ingeniero Mecanico, Universidad de! Norte B.S., University of Arkansas at Monticello B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Burhan N. Girgin Susan J. Hueftle *Debi Jay Farnsworth Ankara, Turkey Pullman Angelica, New York B.S., M.Sc., University of Ankara B.S., University of Nebraska-Lincoln B.A., State University of New York, Mark C. Henning Jeffrey Edward Lafer College at Geneseo Rosalia Pullman *Su Han B.S., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University B.S., The Wuhan College of Geology 20 Advanced Degrees

* Sarah Morgan Koerber T. P. Sarathy *William Brian Tuff Pullman Madras, India Vancouver B.S., University of Tennessee, Knoxville B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, B.S., Washington State University Sandra Page Lilligren Madras * Christopher Lee Wiltz Pullman * Sanjay Kumar Sondhi East Wenatchee B.A., University of Oregon New Delhi, India B.S., Washington State University B.S., Southern Oregon State College B.Tech., Banaras Hindu University *Scott Michael Price *G. Sundar MASTER OF SCIENCE IN NATURAL Laramie, \1v yarning Bangalore, India RESOURCE SCIENCES B.S., University of Wyoming B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, George R. Scherer *Frank Edward Shore Bombay Cashmere Hellister, California James Leo Tansy II B.A., Western Washington University B.A., California State University, Chico Spokane B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICAL Grant Douglass Smith EDUCATION Garden City, Kansas *John L. Wasniewski B.S., Kansas State University Stevens Point, Wisconsin * Penny Quinn Bakke B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point West Terre Haute, Indiana MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HORTICULTURE B.S., Indiana State University, Terre Haute Richard L. Deibel MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMATICS * Paul Daniel Carlson Lockhart, Texas Wolfgang G. Boehnke Spokane B.A., l3.A., Eastern Washington University Viersen, Germany B.S., Washington State University ·•·1rene Yichin Ho Zwischenprufung, Universitat Bonn *John Allen Chen Seattle Ronald Andrew Chernak Caldwell, Idaho B.S., Fu Jen Catholic University Annapolis, Maryland B.S., Loma Linda University *Paul Stephen Kaczmarczyk B.S., Southern Oregon State College *Michael Vance Durrett Meriden, Connecticut Richard Roy Drake Seattle B.S., University of Massachusetts at Priest River, Idaho B.A., Pacific Lutheran University Amherst B.S., University of Idaho *Leland Kent Fife Robert Arnold Purvis *William Alan Kimball Nampa, Idaho Havertown, Pennsylvania Olympia B.S., Boise State University B.A., University of Delaware B.S., Washington State University *Carlos Rene Gambetta M.A., University of Virginia Pete Barnaby McGill San Martin, Argentina Carlos Mauricio Serrano Marquez Redmond B.A., Washington State University Bogota, Colombia B.A., North Park College and Theological *Susan Kathleen Harbour Biologo, Pontificia Universiclacl Javeriana Seminary Pullman M.S., Rutgers University *Allen Richard Miedema B.S., University of Oregon Marysville Catherine M-B Klarich MASTER OF SCIENCE IN HUMAN B.S., Washington State University Connell NUTRITION B.A., Washington State University *Constance C. Copetas MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MECHANICAL *Kelly M. Lanelle Spokane ENGINEERING B.S., Cornell University Great Falls, Montana *Darin Richard Aaby B.S., Montana State University D.M.D., University of Pittsburgh Bellevue *Janet Kay Gilliam Douglas N. Maynard B.S., Washington State University Sedro Woolley Spokane Christina Colby Barsotti B.S., Iowa State University of Science and B.A., Central Washington University Vancouver Jon W. McKenzie Technology B.S., Washington State University Susan Jean Lockwood Washtucna Thomas Meneffee Bassuer B.A., B.S., Central Washington University Bellevue Ephrata B.S., Washington State University Kenneth Robert Olson B.S., Washington State University Gaithersburg, Maryland Nancy Mather Brett D. Breuel Pullman B.S., Salisbury State University Issaquah *Roger Louis Scharnhorst B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia B.S., University of Southern California Joan Elisabeth Milton Orcas Island Rand Nelson Conger Spokane B.A., Western Washington University B.S., Eastern Washington University Fall City *Paul J. Schwendel B.S., Washington State University Kathleen Louise Zilys Lake Hopatcong, New Jersey David Thomas Engquist Spokane B.S., Rutgers University Waterville, Minnesota Tina Leigh Sipp B.S., Eastern Washington University B.I.E., University of Minnesota-Duluth Spokane MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATERIALS Jeffrey Richard Franson B.A., Westmont College SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING Spokane B.S., Washington State University *Brian Keith Brashaw MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PHYSICS Two Rivers, Wisconsin Simin Heydari *Thomas James Asaki B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Edmonds Pullman B.S., Washington State University Carolyn E. Graves B.S., California State University, Long Kennewick *Terrence D. Jander Beach B.S., Washington State University St. Louis, Missouri * Christos Bandis *Mark William Hutnik B.S., Eastern Oregon State College Thessaloniki, Greece Stevens Point, Wisconsin Jason Kaufman Ptyhion, Aristotelion University of Thes­ B.S., University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Ellensburg saloniki *Rodney E. Jacobson B.S., Central Washington University *David E. Haggerty Enumclaw Marwan Kamal Khraisheh San Jose, California B.S., Washington State University Hebron, West-Bank B.S., University of California, Davis *Michael Freeman Maxson B.Sc., University of Jordan * Satoru Kobayashi Kennewick *Dale Allen King Yokohama, Japan B.S., Washington State University Odessa B.S., M.S., Kyoto University *Ryan H. Pestes B.S., Washington State University *Sunkyo Lee Pasco *Reginald R. Maas Incheon, Korea B.S., Walla Walla College Newberg, Oregon B.S., Chung-Ang University R. Ramprasacl B.S., Walla Walla College John Wallace McIntosh Trichy, India *John C. Massenburg Redondo Beach, California B.Tech., Indian Institute of Technology, Half Moon Bay, California B.S., University of Portland Madras B.S., Washington State University Advanced Degrees 21

*John Steven Stroud * Catherine Anne Perillo *Roberto Foschi Indianapolis, Indiana Upper Nyack, New York Ravenna, Italy B.S., University of Indianapolis B.A., Middlebury College D.A.S., Bologna University John Co Sy Daniel L. Randolph *Ryoji Fukuoka Manila, Philippines Pullman Tokyo, Japan B.S., Santa Clara University B.A., University of Colorado at Boulder B.A., Waseda University *Zhang, Ligang Karen Elizabeth Sowers *Robert Lee Halvorson, Jr. Chongqing, China Manhattan, Kansas Toppenish B.S., Peking University B.S., Kansas State University B.A., Washington State University Thomas Michael Vaughn Juli A. Loomis MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PLANT Fairburn, Georgia Alliance, Nebraska PATHOLOGY B.S., University of Georgia B.S., New Mexico State University Becky S. Allaire * Cindy Hill Wilcox *Karen Kay Loreno Lind Los Altos Hills, California Marion, Ohio B.S., Washington State University B.A., Humboldt State University B.S., Washington State University Brion Duffy *Stuart A. Nelson Hilo, Hawaii MASTER OF SCIENCE IN VETERINARY SCIENCE Fort Worth, Texas B.Sc., University of Hawaii at Hilo B.S., Colorado State University *Bobby Cowles Jin Huan * David Alan Reed Hangzhou, China Waitsburg B.S., B.A., Washington State University Yakima B.S., M.S., Zhejiang Agricultural University B.S., University of Idaho Erina Mark R. Wildung *Elizabeth Ann Reilly Richland Banda Aceh, Indonesia Sarjana, Syiah Kuala University Brooklyn, New York B.S., Washington State University B.S., University of California, Davis *Yudha Fahrimal MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PLANT Banda Aceh, Indonesia *Michael Andre Thoren PHYSIOLOGY Sarjana, Syiah Kuala University Oroville B.S., Washington State University Robert John Anderberg *Kathryn L. Grimes Spokane Spokane MASTER OF ARTS IN AMERICAN STUDIES B.S., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University Stanley Mwangi Kihara Myrna Anne Hall MASTER OF SCIENCE IN PSYCHOLOGY Muranga, Kenya Pullman *Brian Jon Boe B.V.M., University of Nairobi B.S., University of Oregon LeSueur, Minnesota * Patricia Susan Hart B.A., Gustavus Adolphus College MASTER OF SCIENCE IN VOCATIONAL Moscow, Idaho *Gerardo D. Canul TECHNICAL EDUCATION B.A., University of Nebraska-Lincoln Alhambra, California *Mary Lee Bonwell Linda McConnell B.A., University of California, Irvine Curlew Pullman Rafael Diaz Canul B.S., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Alhambra, California * Casey Edward Cox David Russell Moore B.S., University of California, Irvine Tacoma Pacific Grove, California B.S., Washington State University * Mark Curtis Cartiglia B.S., University of Tennessee Placentia, California *Anne M. Lowe M.A., Boston University B.A., B.S., University of California, Irvine Monroe M.A., Santa Clara University B.S., Washington State University * Mary Ann Chapman Lauri Renee Sagle Blackfoot, Iclaho *Justine C. McMullen J-Iilo, Hawaii B.A., University of Idaho Tacoma B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara B.S., Washington State University *Monique M. Cherrier MASTER OF ARTS IN ANTHROPOLOGY Anchorage, Alaska *John Lee Page B.A., University of Washington Renton Albashar A. Abdullah B.S., Washington State University Wilmington, Delaware Christopher Michael Davis B.S., Cheyney University of Pennsylvania Normandy Park * Marie Agnes Page B.A., University of Puget Sound Renton Anthony G. Cain B.S., Washington State University Port Orchard *Denise Catherine Dibb B.A., B.A., Washington State University Modesto, California * Richard Dan Scott B.A., University of Montana White Swan James Alan Carter B.S., Western Washington University Arcata, California Gina Maria Formea B.A., California State University, Fresno San Carlos, California MASTER OF SCIENCE IN WILDLIFE Alan Dean DePew B.S., California Polytechnic State Univer­ BIOLOGY sity, San Luis Obispo Anchorage, Alaska *Kathleen Ann Griffin B.S., University of Alaska Anchorage Lonn David Friese Saratoga, California Traverse City, Michigan B.S., Humboldt State University Neal Andrew Endacott B.A., Michigan State University Lincoln, Nebraska Michael J. Pipas B.A., University of Montana Susan Gloria Keortge Emporium, Pennsylvania Lancaster, California B.S., Indiana University of Pennsylvania *Lynn Mayer B.A., Westmont College Portland, Oregon *Paula Michelle Nordstrom MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ZOOLOGY B.S., Southern Oregon State College Nampa, Idaho Peter J. Fonken *Frank Myka B.A., Boise State University Galesburg, Michigan Pullman *Alisa Lynn Ostgard-Murray B.A., Hope College B.A., State University of New York, College at Fredonia Kent *Jane Jie Li B.A., University of Washington Guilin, China Margaret Reed *Kenneth Russell Roughton Graduate, Zhanjiang Fisheries College Pullman Dayton B.A., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University MASTER OF ARTS IN AG RI CULTURAL Michael Vincent Reilly ECONOMICS Boone, Iowa MASTER OF SCIENCE IN SOILS *Gian Luca Bagnara B.A., Iowa State University of Science and *Paul Edward Kennedy, Jr. Forli, Italy Technology Santa Barbara, California D.A.S., Bologna University James Mitchell Rotholz B.A., San Diego State University Mohamed Ali Elmadih Wharton, Texas B.S., California Polytechnic State Univer­ Medani, Sudan B.A., Gordon College (Wenham, Mas­ sity, San Luis Obispo B.Sc., University of Khartoum sachusetts) 22 Advanced Degrees

Linda L. Switzer Jane Marie Williamson *David Arthur Coffland Concrete Bloomer, Wisconsin Rock Hill, South Carolina B.A., M.L.S., University of California, B.S., University of Wisconsin-River Falls B.S., Virginia Polytechnic Institute and Berkeley State University MASTER OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATIONS B.S., University of Miami MASTER OF ARTS IN CHILD, CONSUMER *Allen Tien-Jen Cheng *Karen L. Eitreim AND FAMILY STUDIES Pullman Olympia *John Franklin Beal II B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Casper, Wyoming * Karen Lee Dade Shairlyn Joanna McDowell Fish B.S., University of Wyoming Salem, Oregon Moses Lake Valerie J. Brodeck B.A., University of Puget Sound B.A., B.S., Washington State University Oak Harbor *Vincent Francis DeMiero Tracey Leigh Kirk B.A., University of Washington Lynnwood Bowen, Australia Kristine A. Burns B.A., Washington State University B.Ed., James Cook University of North Pullman *Can Du Queensland B.A., Washington State University Chongqing, China *Dorothy Jean Loveland *Debra Michelle Eastman B.A., Southwest China Teacher's College Wantagh, New York Sacramento, California *Jin Du B.S., Springfield College B.S., University of California, Davis Pullman *Barbara L. Mannion *Carolyn Marie Grohn B.A., Sichuan University M.A., Washington State University Richland Elk Mound, Wisconsin B.S., University of Mary Hardin-Baylor B.A., Concordia College (St. Paul, Min­ Kenneth Lyle Beazer nesota) Ephraim, Utah *Cynthia Marie Ramirez B.A., Weber State University Baldwin Park, California *Susan Dianne Walton B.A., Loyola Marymount University Sacramento, California Vance Lavoie Julien B.A., Indiana University, Bloomington Renton Shelly A. Watkins B.A., Washington State University Camano Island MASTER OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATION B.A., Eastern Washington University B.A., Western Washington University * Adel Akh Al-makinzy MASTER OF ARTS IN CRIMINAL JUSTICE Riyadh, Saudi Arabia *Fahad Nasser Al-Mennaa MASTER OF ARTS IN ENGLISH B.A., King Saud University Riyadh, Saudi Arabia *Gary David Altman B.A., King Saud University Julianna Case de Magalhaes Castro Grangeville, Idaho *Kari A. Burton Redmond B.A., Lewis-Clark State College Auburn B.A., B.S., Washington State University * Lawrence J. Baltezore, Jr. B.A., Washington State University Donald Peter Chambers Carmichael, California *Andrew L. Giacomazzi Lakewood, Colorado B.A., California State University, Hayward Mission Viejo, California B.A., Colorado State University Eric R. Bechtel B.A., B.A., University of California, Irvine Roseann Marie Delp Pullman *O'Tammany Dee Joy Dayton B.A., University of Idaho Tacoma B.A., Washington State University *Kevin James Brown B.S., Washington State University *Alan Jeffrey Gordon Shelley, Idaho *Christie Rene Neal Los Angeles, California B.A., Idaho State University Auburn B.A., M.A., California State University, Los Angeles Noelle Kristine Colby B.A., Washington State University Kailua, Hawaii Aerin Dawn Dunkle Barbara Janet Guilland B.A., Eastern Washington University Renton Moses Lake Camille Elizabeth De Blasi B.A., Washington State University B.A., M.A., Central Washington University Chandler, Arizona Anthony Patrick LaRose Johanna Davidson Harness B.A., University of New Mexico Holyoke, Massachusetts Clarkston Karen Friend B.A., University of Massachusetts at B.A., College of Idaho Spokane Amherst Philip R. Hull B.A., Washington State University Edward Michael Vukich Los Altos, California Sowon Kim Montesano B.A., Luther College (Decorah, Iowa) B.A., Washington State University Seoul, Korea Pamela Hursey B.A., Myong Ji University Pullman MASTER OF ARTS IN ECONOMICS *Svetlana Zenobia Lucas B.A., University of Idaho *Alpaslan Akcoraoglu Hattiesburg, Mississippi Ankara, Turkey Jane Louise Liljedahl B.A., Tougaloo College Graduate, Ankara University Los Angeles, California B.A., University of California, Los Angeles Andrea Marie Joan Luoma Mark Anthony Baselice South Haven, Minnesota Queens, New York *Sandy M. Nuxoll-Willard B.A., Saint Cloud State University B.A., Washington State University Clarkston B.A., Washington State University *Margaret McDermott Miller Jack Scot Campbell Pullman Yakima B.S., B.S., University of Kentucky MASTER OF ARTS IN FOREIGN B.S., Central Washington University LANGUAGES AND LITERATURES *Christina Leigh Nelson Robert D. Funk Pullman Custer Andrea Elaine Anderson B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Spokane Juli Anne Reynvaan B.A., Whitworth College (Spokane, Kang Yu Washington) Hoquiam Shanghai, China B.A., Washington State University B.A., Fudan University Miguel Sebastian Cortez Pullman * Shirley M. Sikes Xiaoyun Zhang Lynnwood B.A., Eastern Washington University Beijing, China B.A., Washington State University B.A., California State University, Chico B.A., University of International Business *Laura Janine Sumner and Economics Jennifer Anne Cowgill Calgary, Alberta, Canada Pasco B.P.E., University of Calgary MASTER OF ARTS IN EDUCATION B.A., Washington State University Kari A. Volyn Denise Argentine Annie Lamour Wenatchee Seattle Bellevue B.A., Washington State University B.A., Monmouth College (West Long Maitre, Universite D'Angers Addie Kathleen Foster Wilcox Branch, New Jersey) Jeanette Lenore Lujan Billings, Montana George Albert Bombel Richland B.A., Eastern Montana College Seattle B.A., University of Washington B.A., B.S., Eastern Washington University Advanced Degrees 23

MASTER OF ARTS IN HISTORY *Debra A. Henderson *Nancy K. Smith Ronald George Hanson Grants Pass, Oregon Walla Walla Moscow, Idaho B.S., B.S., Southern Oregon State College B.A., Washington State University B.A., Northwest Nazarene College Shawna Lynn Huggins Toniann Maria Tilden David C. Heath Ashland, Oregon Lewiston, Idaho Olympia B.S., Southern Oregon State College B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Lee Arthur Kagan MASTER OF ARTS IN THEATRE ARTS *Jonathan David Knight Skokie, Illinois AND DRAMA Spokane B.A., Drake University B.S., Washington State University *William J. Luchansky Max Baker Jerry M. Scott Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania London, England Grand Junction, Colorado B.A., Grove City College B.A., Southeastern Oklahoma State B.A., Mesa State College *Timothy McGettigan University Scott David Stratton Reading, Pennsylvania Susan Rae Drew Pullman B.A., University of California, Santa Barbara Renton B.A., Washington State University Shin Alexander Takeuchi B.A., Washington State University Susan M. Vetter Osaka, Japan * Colleen Marie Gallo Delhi, New York B.S., B.A., Washington State University Albany, New York B.A., Beloit College B.S., Russell Sage College MASTER OF ARTS IN SPEECH AND Martha Catherine James *Laura Ellen Woodworth-Ney HEARING SCIENCES Rupert, Idaho Pullman B.A., University of Idaho Neil Wesley Aiello B.S., Arizona State University Kennewick M.S., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University MASTER OF ARTS IN INTERIOR DESIGN *William Henry McLaskey Sigal Friedmann M. Yvonne Wernicke Brooks Mt. Vernon Rehovot, Israel Vernon, British Columbia, Canada B.Mus., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Terri Ruth Hosken Victoria Jo Chamberlain-Bailey MASTER OF ACCOUNTING Anchorage, Alaska Yakima Ying-Tao Chang B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Taipei, Taiwan Jennifer Lynn Davis B. Com., Feng Chia University MASTER OF ARTS IN MUSIC Richland B.A., Washington State University *Gerald William D'Souza Yu-Wen Chou Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania Taipei, Taiwan *Ivy Ncamsile Dlamini B.S., M.B.A., Washington State University B.M., The Johns Hopkins University Mbabane, Swaziland B.A., University of Botswana and Jinq-Meei Hsu Teresa Anne Geronazzo Swaziland Miao-Li, Taiwan Trail, British Columbia, Canada B.B.A., National Cheng-Chi University B.A., B.Mus., Washington State University Lori Sue Egelhofer Spokane Ajay Kumar David John Hagelganz B.A., Washington State University Pullman Pullman B.S., Panjab University Shari Elizabeth Foose B.A., Washington State University M.B.A., Washington State University Spokane *W. Robert Hogeveen B.A., Washington State University Carl Alexander Mackleit Abbotsford, British Columbia, Canada Lacrosse B.A., George Fox College Susan M. Gamman Asotin B.A., Washington State University Douglas J. Wood B.A., Washington State University Wendy Ann Pearson Idaho Falls, Idaho Spokane B.A., Northwest Nazarene College Kelly Lynne Gettles Seattle B.A., Washington State University *Kenneth S. Wriggle B.A., Washington State University Pullman *Kelly J. Rice B.A., Washington State University Lori G. Halfacre Hermiston, Oregon Great Falls, Montana B.S., Eastern Oregon State College MASTER OF ARTS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE B.S., M.B.A., University of Montana *Richard Alan Saville *Craig Howard Johnson Julie Ann Henning Twin Falls, Idaho Seattle Pullman B.S., University of Idaho B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Mieko Nakabayashi *Kathleen Renee Jensen John M. Thornton Fukaya-shi, Japan Bremerton Vancouver Graduate, Atomi Gakuen Women's B.A., Washington State University B.S., Central Washington University University *Marcella L. McLam Richard R. Willott Scott Parker Revell Escalon, California Selah Richland B.A., Washington State University B.S., B.A., Central Washington University B.A., Washington State University Martha Anne Brown Murrey Zhiping Xu Duluth, Minnesota MASTER OF ADULT AND CONTINUING Shanghai, China B.A., Brigham Young University (Provo, EDUCATION Utah) B.A., Fudan University *Steven Dale Aagard *Sarni Alexandra O'Neill Worland, Wyoming MASTER OF ARTS IN SOCIOLOGY Palouse B.S., University of Wyoming Alicia D. Cast B.A., Washington State University *Marilyn B. Campbell Grand Island, Nebraska Jill Renee Oscarson B.A., Beloit College Michigan City, Indiana Friday Harbor B.A., Whittier College Delores Elaine Connor Cleary B.A., Washington State University Coulee Dam Carolyn Sue Peterson *Ronda D. Cordill B.A., B.S., Central Washington University Alberton, Montana Cheney B.S., Washington State University Steven Randolph Cureton B.A., University of Montana Greensboro, North Carolina *David R. Renne *Catherine Elizabeth Day B.A., North Carolina Agricultural and Tech­ Richland Twin Falls, Idaho nical State University B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Thomas Francis Ebele Dawnelle Marie Reynolds * Carol Elizabeth Flatt Gackle, North Dakota Colville Kelso B.A., University of North Dakota B.A., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University Jennifer Cecile Lincoln Hanson Leanne Marie Schultheis Donna Christine Graham Rainier Uniontown Spokane B.A., Northwest Nazarene College B.S., Washington State University B.A., Eastern Washington University 24 Advanced Degrees

L. Adele Heise Cheryl Elaine Haskins *Anke Pruust Swift Current, Saskatchewan, Canada Tacoma Limburgerhof, Germany B.Sc., University of Manitoba B.A., Washington State University Diplom, Fachhochschule Rheinland-Pfalz *Diane Clara Horton *Mark Paul Hattrup *Sangi ta Sardana Detroit, Michigan Yakima New Delhi, India B.A., M.A., University of Colorado at B.A., Washington State University Bachelor, Copenhagen Business Academy Denver John Andrew Hauser *Donna Lee Schiffner *Harriet Lynn Johnson Mequon, Wisconsin Spokane Connell B.S., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee B.A., B.A., Eastern Washington University B.A., Eastern Washington University Mark W. Hilde Joseph G. Schneckenburger *Marita Jane Johnson Great Falls, Montana Grand Junction, Colorado Spokane B.S., Montana State University B.A., James Madison University B.I.S., Brigham Young University (Provo, *Wen-Cheng Wendy Hsiao David F. Schweiger Utah) Ping-tung, Taiwan Lacrosse *Judith Ann Lyon B.A., Tunghai University B.A., Washington State University Wenatchee Chi-Cheien Huang B.S., University of Idaho B.S., Washington State University Taipei, Taiwan *Steven K. Seljaas *Irene Overath B.A., National Tsing Hua University Salt Lake City, Utah B.S., Brigham Young University (Provo, Suquamish *Robert D. Hughes B.A., Evergreen State College Utah) Vancouver *Marieluise Frei Raven B.S., San Diego State University Scott P. Simpson Seattle Lewiston, Idaho B.A., University of Washington Scott Hughes B.A., Washington State University Vancouver B.B.A., University of Portland *JoAnn M. Reilly Smith MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Moscow, Idaho *Jodi Leigh Barnard Deirdre Huston B.S., Lewis-Clark State College Bay Village, Ohio Issaquah B.A., Washington State University *Beverly Anne Stautz B.S., Bowling Green State University Olympia Diane P. Baselice *Sitthichai Jiwattanakul B.A., Evergreen State College Seattle Bangkok, Thailand B.A., Thammasat University *Takao Sugata B.A., Washington State University Tokyo, Japan * Celeste Thibodeau Becia Frank Scott Johnson B.A., Meiji University Anchorage, Alaska Olympia B.A., Washington State University B.B.A., University of Alaska Fairbanks B.A., Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri) Rajat Taneja *David W. Binge New Delhi, India Wenatchee *Anireddy Padma Latha B.E., Jadavpur University B.S., Washington State University Nalgonda, India B.A., M.A., Osmania University *Gabriel Jean Louis Tiacoh *Randall G. Bostrom Marietta, Georgia Spokane * Christine Dawn Lehmann B.A., Washington State University B.A., Eastern Washington University Richland B.A., Eastern Washington University * Cathy R. Tillotson Charles Lewis Carlson Cheney Cambridge City, Indiana *Liaw, Yi-Long B.S., University of Washington Nantou, Taiwan B.A., M.A., University of Northern Shin-Yuan Tsai Colorado B.B.A., National Taiwan Institute of Tech­ nology Taipei, Taiwan *Mei-Jun Chang B.B.A., National Chung Hsing University *Lim, James Swee-Fah Taipei, Taiwan Tanavudh Tulyathan Singapore B. Com., Feng Chia University Bangkok, Thailand B.A., Washington State University Chang, Shih-chi B.S., King Mongkut's Institute of Tech­ Taipei, Taiwan *Lim, Wai-Fun Jessie nology Hong Kong B.A., National Chung Hsing University * Sarunya Tungassawawech Pi-Shuang Christine Chi B.S., Hong Kong Baptist College Nakhonpathom, Thailand Taichung, Taiwan Lin, Hung-Ju B.S., Chulalongkorn University B.L., Feng Chia University Taoyuan, Taiwan *James Scott Vorous *Gus B. Coolidge B.A., National Chung Hsing University Clarkston Calgary, Alberta, Canada *Greg Linden B.S., Wayland Baptist College B.Sc., University of Calgary Yakima *Kevin E. Voss *Michael L. Crawford B.S., Washington State University Olympia Benton City David Francis McFaul B.A., Washington State University B.S., Utah State University Pullman *Wang, Chao-Yi Jenny *Anastasios Djonis B.A., Gonzaga University Hong Kong Limassol, Cyprus Cynthia Brown Meade B.S., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Vancouver *Jennifer Woo *Douglas Earl Engle B.A., Wilmington College (Wilmington, Singapore Bellevue Ohio) B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University *Anita Maria Merz *Brian Workman *Timothy]. Feagan Nbrdlingen, Germany Troy, Idaho Spokane Diplom, Fachhochschule Mi.inchen B.S., University of Idaho B.A., Eastern Washington University *D. Andy Moberg *Wei Xiao James Monroe Filsinger Silverdale Diploma, Sichuan Institute of Foreign Lan­ Richland B.S., Washington State University guages B.A., Washington State University * Kelly A. Moore *Jin Wook Yun Linda Ann Finnegan Colfax Seoul, Korea Spokane B.A., Eastern Washington University B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University James S. Mueller *Julianne Fisher Portland, Oregon MASTER OF EDUCATION Walla Walla B.S., Oregon State University Michael Andrew Alford B.A., Walla Walla College Steven L. Payne Schenectady, New York Jeffery Stephen Gaal Wenatchee B.S., The King's College (Briarcliff Manor, Kent B.S., Central Washington University New York) B.A., Washington State University Suparngpun Pisitkasem *Douglas H. Ammon * Brian Stuart Harris Bangkok, Thailand Los Angeles, California Ellsworth, Ohio B.Eng., Chulalongkorn University B.A., Walla Walla College B.S., Miami University M.Div., Andrews University Advanced Degrees 25

Betty Jean Bardwell Yvonne M. Holt *Leonard N. Taruscio Selah Spokane Walla Walla B.A., Central Washington University B.S., Washington State University B.A., Gonzaga University *Dianne Buehling Beeson *Mary Helen Jacobs *Rebecca Irene Tate Moscow, Idaho Richland Walla Walla B.A., Fort Lewis College B.A., Eastern Washington University B.A., Washington State University *Michele A. Blakely-Heitstuman *David L. Jamison * Charmayne Gennete Taylor Quincy Renton Shelton B.S., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University *Pamela E. Blevins Cynthia Lee Johnson William A. Vadino Whidbey Island Selah Pullman B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Deborah Bracks *Suzanne Michelle Post Kimble *Sally Ann Vogel Pasco Newberg, Oregon Pullman B.A., University of Southern California B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Darrelle Morgan Koonce *Cynthia Stuart Witeck *Sandra K. Bradley Anchorage, Alaska Richland Okanogan B.M., University of the Pacific A.B., University of Redlands B.A., Washington State University Susan E. Brown * Ann-Michelle Lochner Spokane MASTER OF ENGINEERING MANAGEMENT Kennewick B.A. Washington State University B.A., Washington State University Lori A. Blau *Joyce Ann MacDonell Colbert *Rebecca A. Brunton-Paup B.S., Washington State University Walla Walla Fernie, British Columbia, Canada B.A., Washington State University B.A., B.A., California State University, Eugene Joseph Daspit Sacramento Spokane *Melanie Renee Charvet Esther F. Marsh B.S., University of Wisconsin-Madison Grandview M.A., Peppercline University B.A., Eastern Washington University Richland B.A., Portland State University Cynthia Lynn Christensen James Richard Deehr Pullman Heather Christine McNab Spokane B.A., San Diego State University Enumclaw B.S., University of Idaho Patricia Ann Clark B.S., Brigham Young University (Provo, *Sean Lawrence Driscoll Kennewick Utah) Spokane B.S., University of Idaho *Bevin Jay Modrak B.S., University of Idaho *Michele Lynn Coles Colfax Emmett W ooclson Drumheller, Jr. Clarkston B.A., Washington State University Olympia B.A., Washington State University *Sue Molitor B.A., University of Washington *DiAnna Frances Corrigan Issaquah Leslie Alan Fort Laurel, Maryland B.A., Washington State University Richland B.S., Texas Christian University *Deborah Jean Montgomery B.S., M.Engr., Brigham Young University *Sharon Anne Crist Richland (Provo, Utah) Richland B.A., Boise State University Wade Amory Franck B.A., Central Washington University James D. W. Newton Vancouver *Lola Jane Dissmore Pasco B.S., Washington State University Pullman B.S., Washington State University *Louis H. Goldmann B.A., Washington State University *Marlene J. O'Halloran Benton City Cristianne Lane Duke Prosser B.S., University of Washington Eugene, Oregon B.A., Central Washington University Martin Clifford Goss B.S., Oregon State University *Kristine E. Oman Spokane *Steven Clayton Ellis Battle Creek, Michigan B.S., Washington State University Prosser B.S., Western Michigan University Ronald William Higgins B.A., Eastern Washington University *Michele S. Ortega Buffalo, New York *Kristina Marie Elze Santa Fe, New Mexico B.S., Rochester Institute of Technology Sunnyside B.S., University of New Mexico Kenneth King Humphreys, Jr. B.A., Washington State University * Pamela G. Parks Washington, DC Connie Enriquez Sumner B.S., West Virginia University Wapato B.A., Washington State University *Marshall Kirk Kendrick B.A., Central Washington University *Robert J. Phillips Pell City, Alabama *Jeanne Marie Far Richland B.S., University of Alabama at Birmingham Chattanooga, Tennessee B.S., Western Baptist College B.S., University of Tennessee *Thomas B. Melancon M.A., Washington State University DeWayne J. Pritchett El Paso, Texas Woodland B.S., Washington State University Frances M. S. Finfrock B.A., Washington State University M.S., Air Force Institute of Technology Richland B.A., University of Washington *Jason Harrison Rabedeaux James L. Nelson Richland *Masako Fukuoka Eau Claire, Wisconsin B.S., University of California, Davis B.S., Washington State University Yokohama, Japan M.S., University of Washington B.A., Rikkyo University *Renee B. Rao *Micheal John Hansen Pullman Michael Robert O'Neill Bellevue B.A., Washington State University Kennewick B.A., Washington State University Robert R. Record B.A., B.S., Washington State University *Margaret Roberta Hawes Pullman Phillip Charles Ohl Walla Walla B.A., California State University, Spokane B.A., Northwest Nazarene College Sacramento B.S., Washington State University *Ronald Steven Higgins *Larry D. Ruddell *Dennis L. Stiles Walla Walla Newman Lake Belgrade, Montana B.A., Carroll College (Helena, Montana) B.S., Warner Pacific College B.S., Montana State University *Nancy Lynn Palmanteer Holder Kathleen Desiree Salinas George H. Sudikatus, Jr. Omak Reel Bluff, California Richland B.A., Eastern Washington University B.A., Humboldt State University B.S., United States Naval Academy Janet Snyder Hollenback Angela Jeanne Stone *Dieu Van Dinh Washtucna Seattle Vancouver B.A., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University B.S., M.S., University of Portland 26 Advanced Degrees

*Roland E. Wanzenried *Vicki Christenson Glenda Gayle Vancouver Spokane Vancouver B.S., University of Texas-Austin B.S.N., Gonzaga University B.A., Washington State University *Joseph Hajnoczi Westsik, Jr. * Laurie Kate MacDougal Henke Dawn Marie Heaney Richland Cashmere Vancouver B.S., Washington State University B.S., Washington State University B.A., Washington State University M.S., University of Washington *Nancy J. Ligman Priscilla Anne Meddaugh John Arthur Widder III Walla Walla Vancouver Portland, Oregon B.S., Andrews University B.A., Washington State University B.S., University of Portland * Carol Ann Melin Lisa L. Nelson Clarkston Naselle MASTER OF FINE ARTS B.S., South Dakota State University B.A., Western Washington University Barbara Bryan Babcock *Shirley Jean Tennant Skillen Richard Curtis Peters Ketchikan, Alaska San Diego, California Vancouver B.A., University of Utah B.S.N., Montana State University B.S., University of Oregon Marit Barbara Berg * Patricia Ashford Stec Laura Anne Purdy San Diego, California Spokane Austin, Texas B.A., San Diego State University B.S.N., University of Texas Health Science B.B.A., Southwest Texas State University Luisa Elena Betancourt Center-San Antonio Mary Ann Rogers Maracaibo, Venezuela Vancouver Diploma, Escuela Superior de Arte Neptali MASTER OF REGIONAL PLANNING B.A., Washington State University Rincon Jane Higginson Lorinda S. Schaeffer Margaret Ellen Groff Lakeside, California Vancouver Seattle B.S., Utah State University B.A., Washington State University B.A., Goshen College James T. Schroeder B.F.A., Cornish College of the Arts MASTER IN TEACHING Vancouver Jeffrey Aaron Olson Carolyn Marie Benjamin B.A., Washington State University Spokane Vancouver Shelly Renee Spadaro B.A., Washington State University B.S., Portland State University Stevenson Sharon Kay Tetly Cindy Truman Bluemel B.S., Washington State University Medora, North Dakota Vancouver Pamela J. Staples B.A., Cornish College of the Arts B.S., Portland State University Vancouver Yolanda MarieLouise Treland Valorie Ann Brunsch B.A., University of Washington Menomonie, Wisconsin Vancouver Candice L. Talbott B.F.A., University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire B.A., Northern Arizona University Vancouver Hannah Caroline Ueno Sharon Ann Carmichael B.A., Washington State University Kawasaki, Japan Camas Kelly Ward Thulin B.F.A., Nihon University B.A., Washington State University Vancouver Susan A. Zaluski Sandi Mari Christensen B.S., California Polytechnic State Univer­ Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Vancouver sity, San Luis Obispo B.F.A., University of Manitoba B.S., University of Washington Kathleen Sue Wolfley Lori Elaine Coker Vancouver MASTER OF NURSING Vancouver B.S., Washington State University Cheryl LeBlanc Adams B.A., Evergreen State College Deer Park B.S., Washington State University Candidates for Baccalaureate Degrees 27

College of Agriculture and Home Economics Commencement Recognition Ceremony

2:00 p.m., May 9, 1992 Bohler Gymnasium

Processional Washington State University Brass Quintet Introductions and Welcome Interim Director of Academic Programs Ronald L. Kincaid Commencement Address Dean L. E. Schrader Dorothy G. Bowers Ellen M. Weber Introduction of Graduating Class Dean L. E. Schrader Presentation of Degrees President Samuel H. Smith Diploma March and Presentation Dean L. E. Schrader of Diplomas Recessional Washington State University Brass Quintet

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Chad Joseph Bughi BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN AGRIBUSINESS Walla Walla AGRICULTURAL AGRONOMY Sergio Cervantes MECHANIZATION *Lee C. Gale Grandview Brad L. Birch Malaga Willard F. Bauscher, Jr. Prosser Mark Wayne Crowley Colfax *Lisa Anne Goodwin Leoti, Kansas John Calvin Derrick Pasco Jeffrey Alfred Duren -Cum Laude George Eric Desmarais Seattle Prosser Eric Max Harder Moxee Kahlotus Michael David Weller Shane Royce Logozzo Jeffrey Roy Emtman Albion Grandview Eric Michael Lund Valleyford Lind Todd Alan Lupkes *Brandon Dean Hansen Tumwater Gregory John Nordheim -Summa Cum Laude *Kurt David Noonan Walla Walla Sedro Woolley BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Salem, Oregon Craig Karl Nuthak Carmelia Ann Holt Walla Walla AG RI CULTURE *Charles Jay Schafer -Cum Laude Burlington David Ross Oldenburg Connell *Khalid M. A. Abomozeh Pullman Patrick Michael Stevens * Tracy Lorraine Honour Doha, Qatar Moses Lake *Marcus David Pflugrath Seattle Miranda Noel Brothers Leavenworth Clifford John Tims Reinhold Kristel Spokane -Cum Laude * Lisa Meri Ruff Westlock, Canada Michael Scott Brownlee Warren, Ohio Moses Lake Gina R. Ledesma Granger Ryan Lee Schilperoort Pullman Marla Louise Busch Sunnyside Greg E. Lum Colton Takashi Suzuki Prosser BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Kevin James Coffman Shimizuka, Japan ANIMAL SCIENCES Jesse Dean Lyon Wilbur Stefanie Gayle Windsor -Summa Cum Laude Jeffrey Eric Dejarnett *Dorothy G. Bowers Mount Vernon Latah Orondo -Summa Cum Laude *Perry P. Menard Renton Gary Mark Gibson Wapato Toppenish • Mark Jesse Call BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN • Alexandra G. R. Phelps Pullman Bellevue • Stephen John Grill AG RI CULTURAL ECONOMICS Centralia • Steve Luther Carlson David James Piepel Bothell Glen Ronald McKay Larry G. Alexander East Wenatchee Troy Willis Crowe Pasco Ferndale Peter Anthony Thein Yakima Patrick Lydell Oster Victor J. Andrews Tacoma *Jeffrey Scott Foster White Swan Enumclaw • Damon Michael Thompson Brush Prairie Jeffrey Michael Beksinski Yakima Brian James Parrish Andrew Byron Fox Selah Camano Island Eric Richard Williamson Redmond • Scott Michael Bleeker -Summa Cum Laude Robin Ann Heutink Starkenburg Heather Elaine Freeman Medical Lake Quincy Everson Brush Prairie Paul Frederick Brandt Marc Richard Zimmer Stephanie M. Steiner Klisse Goodey Wapato Lacrosse Tillamook, Oregon Benton City Frederick Carl Broersma *Kurt John Tabert Joseph Jay Hatton Outlook Yakima Blaine Lori Ann Brown Christina Marie Heintzman Eltopia Moxee Raymond Matthew Brown *Jacob Lawrence Hofstra Farmington Monroe 28 Baccalaureate Degrees

Katrina Sue Johnson Jean Cruz Leung *Anne Marie Galdabini BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Sedro Woolley Everett Tacoma FOOD SCIENCE AND HUMAN Steven Wayne Johnson Shawn Elizabeth Miller *Barbara Ann Ganyo NUTRITION -Cum Laude Escondido, California East Wenatchee Selah * Elizabeth Janet Alkire Angela Sue Missildine *Anne Elizabeth Griffin -Cum Laude Helen Mariana Klapprich Olympia -Cum Laude Seattle Cottonwood, Idaho Humphrey, Nebraska *Christine Misao Motoyama *Brenda Marie Baker * Paula de Sousa Hull David Jay Lenssen Honolulu, Hawaii Bellevue Lynden Stephanie Lynn Myers Maadi Cairo, Egypt Allan Dean Borchardt Bellevue Margo Theresa Hutchings *Jill Ellen Lydigsen Maplewood, Minnesota Selah Trina Marie Pasckvale Seattle Leanne Kay Burkhalter Jody Leigh Petty Hoquiam *Mija Leah Johnson -Summa Cum Laude Asotin Spokane Susan Lynne Peterson Rosburg *Jeffrey Robert Rosman Spokane Linda Kallgren Creston Silverdale Kim Luise Culbertson * Kristie Ann Petrettee Richland *Robin Marie Schneider Spokane Roanne Yooko Kan Spanaway Hilo, Hawaii Cheryl Leigh Enger Michele Denise Pittman Port Orchard *Janice Kazuko Simpson Tacoma Rula Khoury Deer Park Amman, Jordan Julie Anne Evans Teresa A. Riggle Bothell Val Alsa Skelton Yakima Denise Rae Kringen Benton City Tieton Wendy Lee Fear Amy Marie Rowe Spokane Lori Faye Sorrell Kent Stephanie Anne Lileks Teresa Sue Frazier Bellevue Michele Lynn Schleuter Moscow, Idaho Mount Vernon Terri Denise Tamboer Kennewick Michelle Eileen Linahan Gardiner *Susan Lynn Sharp Spokane *Jennifer Marie Galbraith Heidi Ilene Thomsen Federal Way Kimberly Rae Lobe Pullman Olympia Dena Lea Spencer Spokane Teresa Marlene Girt *Katherine Christine Uhlman Harrison, Idaho Teresa Ann Mancinelli Port Angeles Olympia Tanya Sue Sweet Yakima Andrea Lynn Goebel Christopher Roi Wellman Kelso Melissa Lee Marlow Seattle Pullman *Hyla Catherine Taylor Edmonds Wendy Marie Hansen *Frank W. Winters -Summa Cum Laude *Connie Ann Mulalley Tacoma Walla Walla Olympia Pullman Lisa Marie Holst *Carmen Lynnette Thorsen Jennifer Elaine Muma Lynnwood Clinton Aberdeen *Lisa Anne Hughes *Rose Marie Murphy Almira BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Shannon Renee Unger Bothell Spokane APPAREL, MERCHANDISING, *Ann Marie Hulet AND TEXTILES Karri Ann Vernam *Martha Ellen Nelson Aberdeen Pullman Vancouver Sheila Kim Hutchinson *Rebecca Kay Andahl Shelley Rae Watts Joanna Lee Niedermeyer Puyallup Tacoma West Richland -Summa Cum Laude Margaret Yeuk So Li Julie Arlene Ask Tina Marie Williams Vancouver Burnaby, Canada Seattle Goldendale John Charles O'Neill *Jennifer T. Lipo Cindy Jean Avery Melissa Anne Witters Seattle Everett Spokane Clarkston *Sheryl Ann Patterson Rebekah Ellen Oxford *Dana Marie Borovich Ferndale -Cum Laude Puyallup Kimberly Marie Pattison Salem, Oregon Andrea Michelle Brakebill Seattle Karen Lee Payne BACHELOR OF ARTS IN CHILD, Koby Allan Pennick Yelm CONSUMER, AND FAMILY Puyallup Carla Rae Burton -Cum Laude *Sheila Maureen Reisenauer STUDIES Colfax Pullman Richland Katrina Marie Petersen *Shannon R. Byrne *Melanie Francis Ackerman Donald C. Samson Seattle Shelton Mt. Shasta, California Seattle *DeeAnn Prince Amy Jean Calnon *C idnee Toone Beazer -Cum Laude Kimberly A. Schell Bothell -Summa Cum Laude Montpelier, Idaho Edmonds Michelle Lee Carlson Ogden, Utah Jason Lee Vernam Chehalis Heidi Lynn Bleasner *Cynthia Jo Reeves Vancouver Colfax Shanley Ann Curtis Spokane * Carla Ann Reyes Gladys Kim Mei Wan Everett Teresa Laurie Bower Vancouver, Canada Port Angeles Tacoma Kelli Elizabeth Daugharty Ellen M. Weber -Summa Cum Laude *Susan Lois Buffan Carmen Lynn Swent St. John -Cum Laude Edmonds -Summa Cum Laude Ritzville Aberdeen Diane Lynn Wagner Linda J. Delegans Harrington *Marci Anne Wheeler Yakima *Lesley Kay Burks Eagle River, Alaska Richland *Tzung-Ming Wang Laurie Sue Denney Lesley Ann Wigen *Shannon Kathleen Burleigh -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Taiwan, Republic Of China -Summa Cum Laude Loomis Richland Lacrosse *Tamira Marie Dissmore Tina Lynn Werran *Heather Marie Drury Seattle *Connie Marie Woolery -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Tacoma Pullman Pullman Kimberly Lynne Wiley Vallejo, California Kelly Michelle Hankins Ann Marie Feryn La Mesa, California -Cum Laude Cheryl Elizabeth Jenkins Mead BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN -Cum Laude Ann Michele Franklin BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN FOREST MANAGEMENT Seattle Enumclaw ENTOMOLOGY Sang Van Le Alison Marie Franz David Lester Hooks, Jr. Renton Enumclaw Jim Philip Pearson Colbert Heather Lynn Lehmann Keylee Nichole Gaffrey Issaquah *John Randall Nelson -Summa Cum Laude Vancouver *David John Sherrod -Cum Laude Ephrata Sitka, Alaska Rosalia Baccalaureate Degrees 29

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Nancy Gail Gilliland Jacqueline Kate Jones BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN HOME ECONOMICS Redmond Eltopia WILDLIFE BIOLOGY Robin Mackey Grabler Laurie Jo Larson Tracy Lynn Gunderson Bremerton Tacoma *Dorothy G. Bowers -Summa Cum Laude Deanna Johnson Harris Scott Aaron Morris -Summa Cum Laude Lynnwood Renton -Cum Laude Tacoma *Maria Rene Ball Kamps Michael Charles Gould Farmington David Bruce Morrow Federal Way Kent Tina Henriette Johansen Dowagiac, Michigan *Robin Louise Robertson Jeffrey Carl Heinlen -Summa Cum Laude Kelly Young Nam Napavine Okanogan Drangedal, Norway Everett Amy Elizabeth Rollins Portia Isabel Jelinek Lori Ann Lawrence David Mathew Schwartz -Cum Laude Great Falls, Montana Richland Tacoma Selah Dean Russell Johnson Wendy Wai San Lee Michael A. Semerad *Michele Lee Simpkins Seattle Kowloon, Hong Kong Spokane Yakima Linda Rae Mae! *Timothy John Morgan Clarkston -Cum Laude Mary Paige McClure Tacoma BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN *Leila Tsuyako Nagatani BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Richland NATURAL RESOURCE Kaneohe, Hawaii HORTICULTURE Paula Ruth McClure MANAGEMENT Pasco Mark David Shipley -Cum Laude Julianna Gothard Kamela Sue McDonald * Kristi Renee Alben Redmond Olympia -Cum Laude Vancouver Joseph Grant Harlington Moclips Geoffrey James Warren Eric Edward Haakenson -Cum Laude Issaquah Christel A. Hornung Nunnallee Snoqualmie Naches Pullman *Eric Allen Karlsen Michael Gibson Hartwell Kelly Ann Robbins Maple Valley Battle Ground Gig Harbor *Jasen Xavier King Stephen C. Kennedy Jennifer Ann Young Ulmer Olympia BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Quincy Yakima WILDLIFE AND WILDLAND James Leon Priest Michelle Rene Larcom RECREATION MANAGEMENT Tracy Michelle Woods Wenatchee Des Moines Camarillo, California Jonathan Andrew Ross George Northrop Moore *Donald M. Hand -Cum Laude Seattle Belgrade, Montana Packwood Phillip Nienaber Jill Louise Harding J. *Jon Mark Sherve -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Bellingham BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Northport Renton Eric Paul O'Neal LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE Jill Marie Van Cleave Rebecca Leigh Harless Buena -Cum Laude Deer Park William Burke Aukett Bellevue Scott Edward Wall Camille Annette Horner Spokane Enumclaw Darren D. Strenge Vancouver *Cynthia Munro Becker Richland Christopher Dirk Whitmore Lucinda Louise Riggle Seattle -Summa Cum Laude Ronald Eugene Tilley Deer Park Mike Hill Berg Zillah Goldendale Seattle *David Harold Weymouth John M. Wood Kelli Lynn Bugbee Mount Vernon Lynnwood Adams, Oregon * Ko Ervin W eyns Daniel Robert Corlett Othello -Cum Laude Vancouver BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN RANGE MANAGEMENT Michael E. Dalziel Tacoma David Jeffrey Bible BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Brian Fredrick Elston Colville INTERIOR DESIGN Vashon Margaret Druscilla Anderson Mike A. Fleming Spokane -Cum Laude Scott David Fedje Aberdeen BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Eugene, Oregon Michael Thomas Geppert SOILS Natalie Sharp Gates Tacoma -Summa Cum Laude Heidi Britt Guerin Darin Scott Heiland Calgary, Canada Everson Seattle 30 Baccalaureate Degrees

College of Business and Economics Commencement Recognition Ceremony

Graduates, parents and friends are invited to join faculty at a reception in Todd Hall (268), from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.

11:00 a.m., May 9, 1992 Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum

Processional Washington State University Brass Quintet Introductions and Welcome Dean Rom J. Markin Commencement Speakers

Achievement Awards for 1991-92 Associate Dean D. Stanton Smith Introduction of Graduating Class Dean Rom J. Markin Presentation of Degrees Provost Thomas F. George

Diploma March and Presentation Dean Rom J. Markin of Diplomas

Recessional Washington State University Brass Quintet

BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Marc Leonard Baxter Margaret Alice Bowe Trina May Burroughs BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION Seattle Pullman Bremerton George Christopher Bean *Scott Walter Bracken *Matthew Paul Busch Eleanor Zabala Abad Redmond Kennewick Colton Bremerton Robbie Alan Behymer John Robert Brandvold James Randall Bush *Muniba Naseer Ahmad Omak Snohomish Kotzebue, Alaska Manila, Philippines *James Dean Bendickson Gregory John Braun Benjie Marie Allen Butts *Michael Troy Ahmann Spokane -Summa Cum Laude Pasco Tacoma Caldwell, Idaho *Darren A. Bennett Lida Janene Campbell *Michael Ajifu Chehalis *Timothy Doyle Briggs Bellevue Federal Way Everett *Todd Allen Benson *Troy James Carissimo *Sunny Kristine Aldrich Kent Terri Marie Brock Tacoma Seattle Kennewick *Mark A. Berg *J. Michael Carter Andrew Gregg Alexander Ravensdale Julie A. TerMaaten Broersma Pueblo, Colorado Chehalis Pullman *Robert J. Cassetta *Curtis James Anderson Stacy E. Bergevin Walla Walla Brad Brian Bronchetti Pomeroy Issaquah Spokane *Dwight Siu Fai Chan Kathryn Marie Anderson *David Michael Bertelsen Mount Vernon Charnez LaTina Brown Kowloon, Hong Kong Spokane Aurora, Colorado Kay Mei-Tak Chan *Deborah Lenore Beyer Shane Andrew Anderson *Lynette Florence Brown Pullman Cathlamet Leavenworth Phoenix, Arizona Nicole Lynn Chapman *Stephany Maren Andrews * Sondre Au dun Bilet Mollie Theresa Brown Auburn Hovik, Norway Pasco Cashmere *Chuen Horng Chen *Rieko Asada *Robert Graham Bixler Darrell Dwight Brush -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Auburn Kent Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Osaka, Japan Mark David Blehm Karen Marie Bruskland Billy Ching Wai Cheng Mark C. Atkins Port Angeles Woodinville Kowloon, Hong Kong Fairchild AFB *Mary Lucile Boddington *Wayne Todd Buckley *Traci Rae Christensen Valdis Yanis Atvars Kalispell, Montana -Cum Laude Aurora, Colorado Renton Kenneth Duane Bogh Moses Lake *Geok Peng Chua *Suzanne Marie Bachler -Summa Cum Laude *Louis William Bugenig Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Seattle Enumclaw Woodinville Kuk Young Chun * Elizabeth Mary Barberia Jon Paul Boisoneau Stephanie Lynn Bunch Seattle Boca Raton, Florida Richland Bellevue Julia Kirsten Clark • Ernest Barela *James Christopher Bold Darrin Craig Burchak Alameda, California Vernonia, Oregon Spokane Cle Elum Brian Lewis Cobabe Timothy Alexander Barela Douglas Allen Borneman Randall Troy Burgess Battle Ground Tacoma Vancouver Anacortes • Randall Searles Coe III David Michael Bartosh *Dana Marie Borovich *Azrim Burhan -Cum Laude Tacoma Puyallup Seremban, Malaysia Sea Cliff, New York Sigrid Maria Bauder Dawn Marie Wise Bowden *Michael C. Burley *Tina M. Coffing Kimberly, Idaho Puyallup Federal Way Tacoma Baccalaureate Degrees 31

*Trace Glenn Collier * Long Thuan Duong *Cathryn E. Gamlem Mark Tillman Hanson Wenatchee -Cum Laude Selah Salem, Oregon Andrew Stillman Colson Richland *Jolynn Marie Garcia Susan Michelle Harman Vancouver Doug Allan Eby -Cum Laude Spokane Pamala Sue Clark Conrad Pullman Richland * Beth Anne Harris Pasco *Kryst! Renae Edwards *Michiko Juanita Garcia Kennewick Scott James Cooks Bellevue Oak Harbor Keith Alan Harris Renton Christi Lynn Egger Richard Harvey Gardner, Jr. Gig Harbor Jami Lynn Corcoran Spokane -Cum Laude Jeanene Fay Harrison Seattle *Bradley Miles Ehlers Spokane -Cum Laude Renton Mark Albert Cox *Daniel Keith Garman Colfax -Cum Laude Timothy Lee Ekberg Auburn *Yoshiyuki Hasegawa Boise, Idaho Vancouver Amy Marie Garrett Woodinville Philip Morgan Cox *Lonnie Ray Ells Richland *Kaname Hata -Summa Cum Laude Clarkston William Thomas Gaskins Osaka, Japan Valinda, California Paul Andrew Ellyson Pullman *Ryan Scott Hatfield Jeanine Louise Crabtree Milton *Lem Ray Gaswint Othello Pullman Paul Francis Engels Clarkston *Susumu Hatsushiba Bruce Gail Cramer Vashon Island Ronda Sue Geschke -Cum Laude Fayetteville, Arkansas Debra Ann Enochson Cheney Chiba-ken, Japan *Ann Marie Crosswhite Vancouver * Coleen Nadine Gibson *Steven Jon Hatt Bremerton * Kraig Roland Enyeart Mount Vernon Moses Lake Edmond *Janos Csukas Daniel Charles Gidlof *Duane Yoshio Hattori Pullman David Lawrence Erickson Seattle Moses Lake Kirkland Joseph Matthew Cucinotta Kristina Marie Gilmore Jim M. Hawkes Woodinville Kirk A. Erickson -Cum Laude Yakima Vancouver Yakima Ronald E. Hawkins Paul David Cucinotta -Summa Cum Laude Woodinville John Dee Evans, Jr. *Steven R. Gire Longview Richland Spokane Chad John Cushing Robert John Hawksford Janesville, Wisconsin Tyler Roy Everitt *Chong Sian Johnson Go Pasco Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Bothell Heidi Kay Dahl *Michael Lee Fenner Russell Gregory Golden Helana Marie Haytas -Cum Laude Salem, Oregon Ellensburg Seattle -Cum Laude *Erin Patricia Ferguson Puyallup *Steven Heslin Heaps Damin Deane Daling Connell Spokane Waterville *Brett Edward Gores Michael Howard Ferguson Spokane Gregg Steven Hecht Brian Lawrence Dalpez Seattle Everett Redmond Mary Elaine Goucher Amy Marie Figgins Vancouver *Mark Erick Hedin Ramsay James Daly Walla Walla Colville Seattle *Michael Scott Graff Tod Martin Filer Steilacoom Randy Lee Hefty *Muhammad Imran Daudi Mercer Island *Daniel Patrick Gray Madison, Wisconsin Pullman *Monica Mae Fisher Seattle Kendall Kathleen Heggenes Barry Douglas Davis Kennewick Dalene Marie Greninger Sequim -Cum Laude Mansfield Darren Wayne Heppner Bellevue Samuel Alfred Fitch Seattle * Christopher Robin Grunst Pullman *Perry Robert Davis Oroville Russell Allan Hermann Tacoma *Richard Norbert Flanigan Ephrata Matthew Kevin Guay Lynnwood *John Michael Dawson Ward Anthony Fleischmann Renton *Jeffrey Alan Herold Spokane Lynnwood Mark Carl Gustafson Issaquah *Jeffery Michael Deal Scott Douglas Florek Brush Prairie *David Roy Hetherington -Cum Laude Vancouver Aberdeen San Jose, California *Vanessa Anne Haapala Randy W. Foley Yakima Kevin L. Hill *Glenn Leslie Dean Tacoma Palouse -Summa Cum Laude Devin Michael Haas Bellevue Charlene Gillette Folker Bellevue *Sean Burdick Hilt Tooele, Utah Seattle Michael Lloyd Dechenne *Sheryl Marie Hagen-Zakarison -Cum Laude Vern Alexander Ford -Cum Laude *Patricia Ann Hinman St. John Omak Pullman Mead Patrick Michael Deitch *Jennifer Lynne Foreman Robert Anthony Hall * Clinton Adam Hirz Issaquah Spokane -Cum Laude Moses Lake Aaron Albert Frakes North Bend Wendy Noel Hjorten *Lisa Marie Dembiczak -Cum Laude Seattle Kent *Marietta O'Byrne Hall Pullman Anchorage, Alaska Victoria Michelle Hodges *Vincent Charles DeRubeis Kelli Lynn Frank Kennewick Bellevue Daniel Leif Halvorson Veradale Olympia Barry Alan Holldorf *Paul Christopher Deyhle *Martin David Fredrickson Renton Merrick, New York Clara Lea Ham Kent Seattle *Brian William Holloway Dean L. Dirks *Heidi Erika Friebe Bellevue Pullman Cynthia Ann Hamide Mercer Island -Cum Laude Tuan Nhuoc Hong * Karen Michelle Dolley Christopher Phillip Fuller Vancouver Pullman Graham Tacoma *Eric M. Hamm *Judy Ann Hoogendoorn * Kirk Rodney Dosser David James Fuller Lyle -Summa Cum Laude Wenatchee Wenatchee *Mark Leslie Hammette Pasco Danelle M. Downer Stacey Barbara Fulton Bellingham Kathy A. Horn Boise, Idaho Vashon *Amber Dawn Lye Hanchette Vancouver Teresa Marie Driggs Tracy Jane Gaddis Pasco Wade Jarrett Howden Spokane Port Orchard Derrick Gavin Hannigan Kelowna, Canada Cheryl L. Meyer Druffel *Ronald Maurice Gadeberg Richland *Edward Lawrence Hoyt Pullman Omak Jens Jonathan Hansen Seattle Don D. Dunkle Charlie Victor Galante -Summa Cum Laude Chih-Hsien Huang Seattle Seattle Bremerton Taipei Taiwan, Republic Of China 32 Baccalaureate Degrees

Jenny J. Huang *Shigenori Koga yo James Gavin MacGregor *Dave Michael Minkiewitz Spokane Aomori, Japan Auburn Bellevue Elizabeth Marie Huckabay Miles James Kohl John Maddux *Rogelio Aragones Miranda, Jr. Issaquah -Cum Laude Redmond Juneau, Alaska Jon D. Hudspeth, Jr. Yakima Heather Marie Madison Douglas Wayne Mitchell Richland *Akio Koide Las Vegas, Nevada Spokane William W. Huffman Osaka, Japan Hafeez Aziz Malik Tom D. Mitchell Kennewick Lucy Tung Kong Plantation, Florida Pullman -Summa Cum Laude *Ayako Hufford *Maria Lynn Mangio Ronald Mako Miya San Francisco, California Kawasaki, Japan Federal Way Othello Karey Ann Huske Paul Joseph Kristek *Mark Allen Manthei Auburn Greg James Moeller Richland Richland Walla Walla *Chet William Hutchins *Brian Douglas Krueger * Anthony Steven Marcell Wenatchee *Kelly Ann Molitor East Wenatchee Lynnwood Woodinville Todd Ronald Kruse Mie Inoue Tracy L. Markham Kent Brad J. Moore Kanagawa, Japan Brush Prairie Pullman Carol Ann Kutch *Diane Louise Jackson *Darren B. Marsden -Cum Laude Eileen Marie Moran Lacey Everett Washougal -Cum Laude *Kyle Erik Jacobson Aloha Ranada Mateo Albion Poulsbo *Annie Choi Kam Kwong Pullman Honolulu, Hawaii Jonathan Paul Morgan *James Matthew Jaekel Sam Garrick Mauch Omak Centerville Diane Michelle Kyriazis Kennewick -Cum Laude Sachi Morimoto Julie Marie Jasmer Coeur D'Alene, Idaho Wakayama,Japan -Cum Laude Cuong Kiet La Pullman Patricia Lee Mauritson *Lynn Ann Morrison Orting Kennewick Olympia *Dave C. Laird David Joel Jeffers Tacoma James Gerald McCauley James Albert Moser III Palouse Tumwater Spokane *Michael Todd Jennings Rita Coreen Lamb Stanwood *John Frederick McCauley *Stefan Muhle Vancouver Olympia -Cum Laude *Arthur Sidney Lambert Michael Glen Jensen Berlin, Germany Bellevue *Joseph Edward McCauley Snohomish Tumwater Michael Murphy Jane Darlene Lampotang Coeur D'Alene, Idaho Hans Christian Jeppesen Portlouis, Mauritius Amy Irene McClelland Bay City, Michigan Kent Aaron Carl Murray * Leong Hai Lang Centralia *Patrik Carl Johansson N. Senibilan, Malaysia Nan Turner McCollum Vasteras, Sweden Seattle Corey Sean Lanterman Cindy Deann Muske Brett Lyle Johnson Spokane John Michael Mccomas Ridgefield Kent Renton Yim May Lau Sam Mutch *Jason L. Johnson Singapore, Republic Of Singapore *Amy Lynn McDonald Snohomish Olympia Federal Way *Danny Shun Tak Law David Aaron Nagy *Jill Anne Johnson Pullman *Seanne Kimberly McEwen Tacoma Butte, Montana Edmonds *Kristine Ann Lee *Erina Nakai Mark Durston Johnson -Summa Cum Laude *Terri Kay McGaughey Nagoya, Japan Bellingham Everett Klickitat Ahmad Mujtaba Naseer Steven Douglas Johnson *Sharon Chuang Lee *Jennifer Lynn McGourin Makati Manila, Philippines Port Orchard Spokane Rosamond, California Lori Ann Nelson Tamara Marie Jolly *Sung Hui Lee Robert Lee McKenzie III Richland Pullman Tamuning, Guam Federal Way *Thomas John Nelson Jay Steven Jones June-Man B. Leung *Steve Ward McKinley Maple Valley Richland Kowloon, Hong Kong Seattle Daniel Robert Nersveen *Mark E. Jones *Vivian Siu-Ling Leung *Jeffrey James McNally Issaquah Richland North Point, Hong Kong Tacoma *Erik Christopher Newman *Lesli Marie Joplin Steven James Levers Eric Charles Mease! -Cum Laude Elma Colville Bellevue Palouse Chikako Kamemoto *James Michael Lewis Susan Ann Melton *Carolin Jane Newton Uda Nara, Japan Richland Sumner Pasco *Darcy Kate Kamm *Robert Michael Lichtenwalter Kerri Lynn Mencke *Scott David Newton Nine Mile Falls Greenville, North Carolina Spokane Richland *Joseph Alan Kaufman Sylvia H. Shya Lim *Scott Steven Merz *Wing-Yan Wendy Ng Maple Valley Selangor, Malaysia Woodinville Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong Adrienne Kaun *Wendy Shin Shin Lin Elaine Marie Messina Minh Tu Simon Ngu Liberty Lake Taipei, Taiwan Burlington Chelan Irawaty Kesuma Kelly Ann Lines Christopher Gerard Michaud Madeline Le Nguyen Jakarta Utara, Indonesia Bellevue Vancouver Pearl City, Hawaii Kimberly Sue Kieffer Jason Jeffrey Little * Corey William Middaugh *Thuy Mong Nguyen Federal Way Spokane Chattaroy Kirkland Steve Laurence Kimble Laura E. Little Tara Michele Mikkelson *Cristian M. Nielsen Pomeroy Vancouver Puyallup Kirkland Lamar Anthony Kinney Amy Marlene Lofgren Bonnie Christine Miller Brian David Nilsen Seattle Battle Ground Bremerton Port Orchard Teddy Lee Kinzer *John D. Loschky John Robert Miller Gregory Steven Nolting Kennewick Mercer Island Astoria, Oregon Medical Lake *Shawn Robert Kloke *Steven James Lumbert * Lori Jane Miller Scott Ophus Norton Mount Vernon Seattle Pullman Vancouver Christopher James Knauer Pa Ly Timothy James Miller *Tod Channing Nybo APO, New York Seattle Manson Pullman Kyle Thomas Knigge Chad Clare Lynch *Vicki Kaye Mills Trina Rae Nychay Spokane Bellevue San Jose, California Issaquah Joseph Allen Kobeski *Kevin Bradley Maas *Michael John Miltenberger Steven Carl Oberhofer Puyallup Grandview Clarkston Kent Baccalaureate Degrees 33

*Kevin J. Oberst David Michael Rancour Heidi Ruth Shanafelt Susan V. Sullivan Spokane Spokane Woodinville Pullman *Toshiaki Odawara Brent Todd Rasmussen Aleatha Erawan Shepley Robert Louis Sutherland Chiba Chiba, Japan Kent Port Angeles Richland Holly Jo O'Donnell * Leif Allen Rasmussen Michael William Sheppard *Bryan William Swartz Kennewick Silverdale Bellevue Seattle Daniel William Olsen Robert Evert Rasmussen *Lynn Marie Showalter Kevin Dale Swartz Washougal Redmond Bellevue Seattle David Paul Olsen Thomas Frank Rausch Paul Dee Simpkins *Scott Dean Swenson -Cum Laude Brush Prairie Richland Sedro Woolley Zillah *Andrew James Reddaway *Jeffrey Scott Sims *Barbara L. Syms *Joel Michael O'Neill Bellevue Woodbridge, Virginia -Cum Laude Redmond Thomas Christian Reimer *David Alfred Skold Palouse *Toivo Jacob Orni Lynnwood Seattle Andrea Carmen Taht Issaquah Bellevue Holly Ann Reugh Leah Marie Sletten Matt J. Oser -Cum Laude Graham *Hitoshi Takahashi Vancouver Spokane Tokyo, Japan *Stephen Aaron Sloan Jack K. Otterson *Brian Scott Richards Spokane *Kazuyuki Takahashi Waitsburg Bellevue Hokkaido, Japan Gregory Alan Smallwood *Pal Herman Ottesen *Stephanie Renae Riggs Tacoma Terry Nan-Chuang Tan -Cum Laude Pullman Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Hovik, Norway Mary Elizabeth Smathers Christopher Lane Roberts -Cum Laude *Hong Peng Tan *Linda Kay Overstreet Richland Kirkland Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Kennewick David Tobias Roberts *Eric M. Smith Ben Clark Tanke *Josephine B. Park Tacoma Redmond Mohler Bremerton Paul Lawrence Taylor Mark William Roberts Lora Janette Smith Jennifer Gail Payton Kent Richland Tacoma Wenatchee Robert Michael Taylor *Michael William Roche *Sharon Kay Smith *Kimberly Ann Peacock Spokane Yakima Prescott Woodinville Jeff T. Rogers *Susan Elizabeth Telford Robert Todd Smithline Shelly Jenkins Pecot Topeka, Kansas Goldendale Ridgefield Dayton, Ohio Jeffrey C. Rogers Sherrilee Joan Teter Elisa Michelle Perez Anacortes Jennifer Deanne Snow Tacoma Tacoma Veradale *Lynette Dee Rominger *Houth Leang Thiem * Gregg Alan Perrigoue -Cum Laude Steven Howard Soelberg Everett Granite Falls Vancouver -Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Vouch Leang Thiem *Michael Alan Perry Anthony Vincent Roscelli Everett Tacoma Puyallup Michelle H. Sok Seattle Caroline Marie Thomas Karin Lynn Petersen Paul Roger Ross Bainbridge Island Tacoma Battleground *Kelly Norman Soncarty Potlatch, Idaho Dori Nicole Thomas *Erik Stephen Peterson Michelle Marie Rothmeyer Renton Windsor, California Redmond *Ronald Christopher Spahman Kelso *Terrance Raymond Thomas III *Scott Charles Phillips *David Alan Rounds Seattle -Cum Laude Sunnyside David Steven Spratt Wenatchee William L. Thompson Woodinville *Jeffrey C. Rowe Ridgefield *Brian Keith Pickering Everett Denise Kelli Springer -Cum Laude Carole Elizabeth Thomsen Redmond -Summa Cum Laude Felicity Anita Saberhagen Ellensburg Mark Edward Plymale -Cum Laude Quincy Jennifer Lynn St. Peter Everett Monitor Michael Rodney Thronson -Summa Cum Laude Michael Lee Podkranic Pasco *Kenneth James Safford Mill Creek Buckley Tacoma Gregg William Thummel Steve Ross Stamper Jeffrey Robert Poe *Stephen Lewis Sala, Jr. -Cum Laude Richland Spokane Richland Pullman *Steve Joseph Ponto Thomas A. Saladin *Steven Rob Stark *Douglas Gordon Thurber Pullman Walla Walla Poulsbo Seattle John Paul Popp *Kurt Wayne Sarchet *Robert George Starritt *Lee Patrick Tilleman Bellevue Port Orchard Bremerton -Cum Laude Stewart W. Poths Brigitte Katherine Saunders *Michael Roger Steele Great Falls, Montana Aberdeen Vancouver Spokane Charles J. Tingstrom *Scott Clifford Powell *David Allan Sawyer *Andrea Caroline Stephens Spokane Bellevue Tacoma Richland Dinah Faye Tippett *Lance J. Powers Sarah Ann Schmidtke Jennifer Eileen Stephens Clarkston Bickleton Olympia Spokane *Pauline Phei Giek Tong Michael Edward Powers *Donald William Schneider Michelle Joy Stephenson Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Aberdeen Pullman Kent Mark Brendan Turner Jason Richard Pratt *Judy Ann Schulenburg Catherine Cherise Stevens Vancouver Renton Ferndale Sparks, Nevada Philip John Turner *Jody Lynn Precious Toby Charles Schwarz Daniel Gene Stewart Tacoma Cle Elum -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude *Edward Robert Turpin Scott Mitchell Putnam Puyallup Otis Orchards Sumner Bellingham W. David Scobie *Richard Michael Stohr Paul Douglas Twedt *Teri Lynn Putnam Kent Yakima Seattle -Cum Laude *Todd Christopher Seiger Richard Thomas Stone Ginny Trude Tyssen Pasco Yakima Port Orchard Pasco *Janet Lee Quirk Jennifer Jean Sekreta *Joan Marie Straka *Richard Keane Ohlrich Wilbur Redmond Deming Richland Ryan Nicholas Radovich Pamela Renee Sessum Joseph Michael Stuart *Cheryl Denise Vanderyacht Everett Edmonds Seaside, Oregon Everett *Mary-Elayne Rains Nigam Anil Shah Shannon Lee Sullivan Jason Eric Van Slyke Seattle Renton West Richland Richland Baccalaureate Degrees

* Reinert Engelschion Vigtel *Debra Lynn Young BACHELOR OF ARTS IN HOTEL Denise Ann Folsom Norway Pasco AND RESTAURANT -Cum Laude *Jamie Lynn Vitt Peter Alan Yurovchak ADMINISTRATION Colfax Redmond Bellingham *Jennifer Elizabeth Frank *Nadia Akhmisse Bellevue David Joseph Vitzthum -Summa Cum Laude Puyallup Morocco, North Africa *Karen Ann Fraser Seanna Michele Vivion Olympia *Jose Miguel Avila Edmonds BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Redmond *Alison Elaine Ganung *Stephen Ernest Voorhees ECONOMICS Seattle Spokane Michael Andrew Barret Olympia Jason Hiatt Gillespie Thomas Eugene Wagner Daniel Morgan Alling Kingston Issaquah Gig Harbor Jacob Charles Belz, Jr. Kent *James Gimurtu Daniel Wayne Wakefield Chris Scott Anderson Spokane Naselle Seattle Heidi Marie Berger Seattle Peter Erik Good Eric James Waldo * Ernest Barela Seattle Richland Vernonia, Oregon Brenna Joy Berquam Rainier, Oregon Kelly Lee Grass Edward Lee Walker *Sondre Au dun Bilet Lewiston, Idaho -Summa Cum Laude Boks Hovik, Norway *Samuel Lee Black Enumclaw *Stacy Lynn Green Spokane Scott G. Chong Federal Way Lisa Lynn Wallace Spokane Katya Marie Blum -Cum Laude *Rikke Harning Kennewick * Patrick Micheal Cole Vedbaek, Denmark Oak Harbor Kirkland David Tai Wang *Stephen Ted Hawksford San Jose, California Patrick Kelly Bonham * Richard A. Freeman Seattle Tricia Louise Webb Richland Naches Langley Sean Patrick Boutz *Pamela Sue Hedlund *William B. Gallwas Arlington *Eric Allen Weitze Spokane Spokane Colfax Jerelyn Ann Boyce Diedre Snow Hill David Lawrence Geisbush Anchorage, Alaska *Michael Allan Welch Tracyton Bainbridge Island Renton Terry Michael German *Heidi Louise Brady *Tara Vanessa Hinds Prosser Steven Lowell White Phoenix, Arizona Auburn Sunnyside Ashef Kassamali Gillani Ronald E. Bryan Melanie Dawn Hobbs Federal Way *Michael Scott Widdifield Pullman Green bank Poulsbo Matthew Kevin Guay *Devin R. Buckner Heidi Lynne Hoff Maple Valley Ming Ming Wijono Renton Marysville Pullman * Grant Thomas Hooper *Kelly Rene Burgess Robert Hayden Hunt David Mark Wiker Mill Creek Redmond Mercer Island Woodridge, Virginia Junichiro Inouye Brian Matthew Cantrell Luna Idichi *DeAnne Rae Wiley Redmond Seattle Tokyo, Japan Grandview * Peter Jason Jones Ken Steven Carpenter *Bradley Alan Jenson Casaundra Louisa Williamson Seattle Spokane Calyton, California Vancouver Clint Jorgenson Darci Marie Carstensen Crystal Johnson Monte Allyn Willis Kelso Lynnwood Issaquah -Summa Cum Laude David John Kane Elizabeth Ann Castleberry Laura Leydet Johnson Beaverton, Oregon Tacoma Marysville Mountain Home, Idaho *Daniel Jay Wilskie *Kyle Lee Kolsky Bao Chang Kelli D. Jones -Summa Cum Laude -Cum Laude Seattle Bellevue Edmonds Kent Kui-Suk Choi Tyler Ward Jones Cynthia Marie Wilson Siu Man Kong Port Gamble Olympia Federal Way Hong Kong Tamara Rae Clark *Hee-Dat V. Jung Darren Paul Wilson Oi Kwok Lee Woodinville Tacoma Seattle -Cum Laude Steven William Jungen Hong Kong *Jill Ann Cochran Jason Allen Wilson Pullman Hayden Lake, Idaho Bellevue Albert Roger LeMay, Jr. Sherri Anne Kiteley Renton Andrew Zane Cook Tracy Larmond Windhorst Mililani, Hawaii Seattle Otis Orchard *Doug Eric Loft Kristen Dawn Kludt Seahurst * Hillary Elizabeth Crowe *Roy Dale Wiprud Puyallup Orofino, Idaho -Summa Cum Laude Peter John McEnderfer Spokane Clarkston Joseph Matthew Cucinotta *Hisham Mohamed Kurdi Woodinville Seattle *Kristin Lynn Wolfe Gabriel Olajide Oladipo Pleasant Hill, California Houston, Texas Sandra Lynne Davidson *Shannon Irene Kussman Seattle *Fu! Chin Wong Herbert Benjamin Pasaribu Bremerton Singapore North Sumatra, Indonesia Patrick John DiGiacomo *Jeffrey Thomas Landers Veradale *Helen Wong Jeffrey Hall Peterson Bellevue Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Spangle Tammy A. Dillinger Lynne Annette Usack Larson Bellevue May Yen Wong Srikanth Seshadri Ocean Shores Singapore, Singapore Tamilnadu, India Anne Karin Drury David Charles La Viollette *Wai Po Wong *Anthony Ray Shumpert Smyrna, Georgia Olympia Richmond, BC, Canada Flower Mound, Texas Lisa M. Hamilton Drye *Lawrence K. Lee *Dawn Marie Worley *Derek John Skyta Burlington Kwun Tong, Hong Kong Bonners Ferry, Idaho Snohomish Rachel Jean Durbin *Michael E. T. Lehr Teresa Raquel Wright David Douglas Smith Pullman Bremerton Wenatchee Spokane Albert Douglas Dyer Yiu Chee Christina Leung Susan Renee Wyborney Wayne Earle Strayer Seattle -Cum Laude Wilbur Bainbrdge Island Constance Patricia Egan Pullman Vincent R. Xaudaro Wei Wei Lake Stevens Andrew Lyle Logerwell Kennewick Shanghai, Republic Of China Marcie Annette Fauske Seattle *Tetsuya Yanaida *Brett Avery Weston -Summa Cum Laude *Jessilyn Joyce Lu Tokyo, Japan Kent Warrenton, Oregon Bellevue Li Lin Yeo Daniel Trigg Yonge Carrie Ann Fawcett Todd Phillip Ludwig Singapore Kalispell, Montana Spokane Bellevue Baccalaureate Degrees 35

Siw Marit Oserod Lunde *Teresa Lynn Orwiler *Steve Eugene Schuster Jodi Sue Thomason -Cum Laude Bainbridge Island Richland Seattle Tjome, Norway Osman Mohamad Oussta *Sirlijani Sekar Endahjati Setiadi Sonja Elisabeth Thorkildsen Carol Anne Mason Pullman E. Java, Indonesia Seattle Bellevue Absorn Pachotikarn Steven Michael Shern *Jay G. Tilley Theresa Deanne Matthews Muang Rayong, Thailand Concord, California Redmond Kirkland *Lisa Linn Paprocki Jeffrey Sterling Shilling Laura Lynn Titus *Suzanne Kathleen May Seattle Edmonds Richland Mercer Island *Anna Maria Parth Nicole W. K. Shiu *Leiza Ann Tobin John Raymond Mech -Cum Laude Lynnwood Montesano Pasco Bellevue Michelle Anne Simpson Leung Yau Tsang *Sherilyn Ann Metzger Jan Marie Pederson Bellevue Seattle Edmonds Poulsbo Dawn Irene Smith Cindy Louise Tucker *Anthony Joseph Miller Barbara W. Pemsel St. John Port Angeles Tacoma Issaquah Kristi Ann Smith *Sandra E. Turner Ken Bruce Miller Darla J. Piercy Seattle Vashon Port Orchard Everett *Lynann Janean Smith Jeri Lynn Udd Mark James Milner Pamela Paige Pratt Anacortes Castle Rock Cashmere Yakima *Janene Marie Sorkness Gunther Van Hoosier * Ross William Milroy Kathleen Marie Presten Renton Seattle Johannesburg, South Africa Redmond *David Elliot Spak Jessica Harper Whaley *Jody Elizabeth Minton *Anafe Sison Quinto Mercer Island Spokane Enumclaw Seattle Amy Parks Stickrod Meghan Annor Wiley *Christina Elizabeth Moir Traci Ellen Rasmussen Seattle -Cum Laude Livermore, California Pasco *Todd Edward Stoner Puyallup John Russell Murphy *Heather Anne Rigelman Davenport Jodi Lynn Wilgus Seattle Bellevue Billy Roy Strong Ocean Shores *E. Waiyego Ndungu *Robert Mitchell Robson Richland Mark David Williamson Bellevue Hayden Lake, Idaho Dallas N. Summers Fountain Valley, California *Marlene Yvonne Ness * Scott Andrew Roland Spokane *Kimberly Denise Willis Edmonds -Cum Laude Anne Devney Tallman Bellevue *Pamela Lung-Ngan Ng Auburn Redmond Poyee Wong Kwan Tong, Hong Kong Tonja Renae Romberg Anthony Hai-Wee Tan Kowloon, Hong Kong Christopher Todd Nickle Woodinville -Cum Laude Sandra Michelle Wright Spokane Jacqueline Monica Ross Singapore, Singapore Olympia Michael E. Noyd Olympia *Jennifer Louise Teel Hsi-Li Yang Pullman *Philip Gregory Schade Seattle Taipei, Taiwan John Bradford O'Connor Boise, Idaho Maria Therese Teich *Emily Teri Youngers Seattle John David Schiffer Post Falls, Idaho Ephrata Janene Marie Ohlsen Redmond Meseret Tesfaye *Teri Lou Zepernick -Summa Cum Laude Derek Alfred Schmidt Seattle Vancouver Snohomish Issaquah Darin Jay Thomas *Christopher Mark Zoloth Christine Lynn Olsen Kayla Dawn Schober Enumclaw Edmonds -Cum Laude East Wenatchee Auke Bay, Alaska 36 Baccalaureate Degrees

College of Education Commencement Recognition Ceremony

11:00 a.m., May 9, 1992 Compton Union Building Ballroom

Processional Welcome and Introduction Dean Bernard Oliver Scholarships and Awards Dean Bernard Oliver Distinguished Alumnus Award Albert L. Ayars Baccalaureate Degree Speaker Norma Downey Department of Elementary and Secondary Education Baccalaureate Degree Speaker Jason Wallis Department of Physical Education, Sport, and Leisure Studies Introduction of Graduating Class Department Chairs Lawrence 0. Bruya, Walter H. Gmelch, Dennis A. Warner, and Forrest Parkay Presentation of Degrees and Interim Vice Provost for Student Affairs Professional Certificates Gus Kravas Diploma March and Presentation of Department Chairs Diplomas and Professional Certificates Lawrence 0. Bruya, Dennis A. Warner, Walter H. Gmelch, and Forrest Parkay The College of Education in Review Closing Remarks Dean Bernard Oliver Alma Mater The Assembly Recessional

BACHELOR OF ARTS *Maryjane Boyle Stacey Patricia Dickey Dawn Marie Fishburn IN EDUCATION Vancouver Kennewick Spokane *Jennifer Ann Campbell Bonnie Colleen Dodd Elizabeth Faye Fletcher James Michael Albers -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude Edmonds Seattle Creswell, Oregon Mountlake Terrace *Nicole Kathleen Anagnos Kellie Lynn Carroll *Tonya Ann Dodge *Suzanne Joy Gernert Kirkland -Cum Laude -Cum Laude -Cum Laude *Wendy Sue Appelgate Chattaroy Wenatchee Renton Sunnyside Kerri Lynn Cassetto *Leslie Gray Dodson *Alexandra Mae Ghenov Lorena Aranda Pomeroy Fairfax, Virginia -Cum Laude Pasco Edmonds • Carol Ann Clingan •Kimberly Joyce Donahoe *Nancy Marie Gibson *Lori Lynn Armstrong -Cum Laude Kirkland Ritzville Seattle Pullman Erin Rose Doody Maria Elizabeth Goodwin *Dani Christine Arnold *Jody L. Kammerzell Conrad -Cum Laude Coulee Dam Colville Colfax Kent Shannon C. Griggs David Cecil Atchison Lynne Michelle Corless Loon Lake Norma L. Downey Enumclaw Fox Island -Cum Laude Brian Scott Bartels "'Jolie Ann Gross •Jona Lee Crosier Kendrick, Idaho Ritzville -Cum Laude Othello Pomeroy • Franca Catherine Drake Audrey Agnes Hale *Christine K. Crum Spokane Wapato *Alan H. Beaulaurier -Cum Laude Sunnyside Heather Lynne Edde • Lisa Michelle Hall Gig Harbor -Cum Laude *Barbara Ann Becker Kirkland *Michael D. Cull Bellevue -Cum Laude Amy Kristine Hanford Marysville Great Falls, Montana *Julie Ann Egan Olympia *Marci Jo Cummings -Summa Cum Laude Kim K. Harper Sarah Jane Foley Becker Port Orchard -Cum Laude Gig Harbor Mossyrock Battle Ground Stacy Kay Dellinger *Laura Jean Fanciullo *Kimberly Dawn Hatfield *Ronda Kay Bircher Richland Yakima Spokane -Summa Cum Laude • Charles Andrew Demarest *Erin Jane Finn • Sandra Kay Hawk Richland Richland La Conner East Wenatchee Baccalaureate Degrees 37

Diane Madeline Heersink Larissa Kay Nelson Kelli Sue Thorsen *Wendy C. Heines Tacoma Seattle Camano Island -Cum Laude *Eva Diane Herold Christy Alise Nielsen Jeanine Diane Tresner Olympia Grandview Pullman Vancouver *Julie Ann Hughes Linda Melaine Hosler Suzanne Mae Olson Cynthia Kay Roedell Turner Richland -Summa Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude -Cum Laude Susan Ann Kaastrup Richland Pullman Port Angeles Bellevue Michelle Marie Jacobs Francisco Ortiz *Marci Heather Urquhart *Tim Lloyd Kuykendall Arlington Pharr, Texas Clarkston Gridley, California *Kristin Ann Jacobson Cassandra Marie Pearsall *Amy Hayes Valenti Troy Aron Larsen -Cum Laude Cameron Park, California -Summa Cum Laude Waitsburg Seattle George William Pennington Marshfield, Massachusetts Tammy Sue Larson *Kelly Marie Jarmon San Jose, California *William Nuttall Vetter Woodinville Tacoma Kelly Ray Peters Redmond Mcma Rochelle Lofing *Tamara G. Johns Bremerton Rhonda Michelle Weaver Tacoma Kent *Milissa Marie Pfeiffer Olympia *Robert Shawn McGuire Chaney Louise Johnson Tacoma *Denise Lynn Weed Kirkland Tacoma *Kimberly Lynn Pick -Cum Laude *Lisa Christine Merrill *Anna Maria Johnston Ridgefield Lynnwood Pullman -Cum Laude *Steven Michael Pugh *Julie Duvall Welch Spokane Todd Charles Miller Kennewick Bellevue Enumclaw Heidi Ann Jurisich Rochelle Anne Raupp Catherine Marie Williams Seattle Kimberley Diane Myers Toledo Gig Harbor Chelan Kristi Ann Kanzler *Mary Ruth Redal *Nancy Lynn Williamson *Nicole Marea Neff Pullman Tacoma Kelso -Cum Laude *Kelly Lorraine Kay *Tracie Marie Rein * Candice Caroline Wilson Olympia Bellevue Spokane Puyallup JoDee Marie Nelson *Linda Michelle Kendall *Janet Lynn Reinbold Diane Tracey Wilson -Cum Laude Hartline Davenport Rutherford, New Jersey Port Orchard Tracie LeAnn Kendall *John Gerald Rice Kimberla Lu Woltering *Edward D. Orr Richland Vashon -Summa Cum Laude -Cum Laude Tammy Marie Ketler Ann Marie Roberts Clarkston Granite Falls Graham -Cum Laude *Shawn Michael Woodward *Steven Lee Piller *Lynnell Jane Kolowinski Snohomish Bremerton Vancouver Puyallup *LaRonda Jo Robinson *Debbie Ann Wroe Megan M. Robinson Beverly Ann Koskiniemi Deer Park -Cum Laude Vashon -Cum Laude *Laura Noelle Rouse White Salmon *Peter Mikel Rosenkranz Vancouver Yakima Suzanne Marie Zemetra Eatonville Amy Elizabeth Leonard *Maria Elizabeth Scheurich -Cum Laude Tumwater -Summa Cum Laude *Matthew Simonet Olympia Kent *Julie Ann Lesmeister Lacey Manson Staci Lynn Schlechten Kelley Kalyn Smith Issaquah *Fred Rudolph Loertscher II Puyallup Montesano *Holly Lynn Schmidt William Eugene Smith -Cum Laude Sequim *Tracy Jean Long BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Pullman Mansfield Robert John Stepan PHYSICAL EDUCATION Kirkland Ping Lu * Lisa Melanie Seeber *Patrick S. Teichmer Stanwood Newport Thomas Johnston-Rich Adams Clarkston *Kirk Lee Maddox *Lori LaVelle Seekins Gearhart, Oregon Kennewick -Cum Laude *Mark Allen Agrellas Mark Aubrey Verstegen Washougal Sequim Jennifer A. Maiuri -Cum Laude Richland David Schwarze! Serwat Auburn -Cum Laude Michelle L. Malone Bayview, Idaho Kris Ann Cox Allen Electric City Colton Karen E. Sharman BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Alicia Lynn Maniatis Grandview Danette LeAnne Arneecher Fox Island Salinas, California RECREATION AND LEISURE *Marjorie Elizabeth Smith STUDIES *Rebecca L. Marz Tacoma Darin Craig Beierle Reardan Long Beach, California *Wesley Paul Smith Michael Jerold Aceto Julie Lynne Maxwell -Cum Laude Kimberlee Diane Cleveland Kirkland Grandview Fergus Falls, Minnesota -Cum Laude Enumclaw Kenji Akagi *Susan Ketta Mccutchen *Mary Annette Stach Redmond Albuquerque, New Mexico -Cum Laude Mary Lynn Cunningham Chicago, Illinois *Dawn Michele Allinger Marianne Elizabeth McDowell Yakima Bozeman, Montana Poulsbo *Craig James Davis Deanne Carrine Stephens Atsuko Amase Karen Marie McMurray -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Tokyo, Japan Seattle Redmond Oakville *Karla Lynne Anderson *Jody Renee Michael * Germaine Marie de Pinna *Pamela Marie Stepney Mead Bellevue Kent Seattle Todd William Anderson *Kimberly Ann Aydt Micinski *Cecily Rose Stevens *Nicole Marie Dunsmoor Bellevue -Cum Laude Auburn Raymond Pullman *Alisa Gai Sutter *Jennifer Lynn Galka Paul Ray Barrett Diana Josephine Miller Seattle -Cum Laude Omak Pomeroy *Andrea Kay Taylor Gig Harbor Tanya Jean Blaylock * Laura Anne Moyer -Summa Cum Laude Shevaun Xandraia Garrison Seattle Hilo, Hawaii Idaho Falls, Idaho Vancouver * Edward C. Blount Bridgette C. Murphy *Jill Ann Telecky *Kelly Susan Hall Pomona, California Snohomish -Cum Laude -Cum Laude *Ken Martial Borello Ann D. Neils Ritzville Naselle Yakima -Summa Cum Laude *Molly Ann Thorpe *Aaron M. Hammons *Scott Keith Brucker Spangle Colville Selah Kelso 38 Baccalaureate Degrees

Steven Edward Burns Artrese Simone Hartman Bradford Rhys McCray *Kevin John Schmidt Lynnwood Seattle Olympia Spokane • Stuart Francis Bussey *Gregory Roberts Heuss *Lori Ann Mitchell *Randy Ray Schneider Vancouver Port Orchard Seattle Grandview *Brady Michael Crook Jack W. R. Hills 'Erin C. Myrin *Richard 0. Schroeder -Cum Laude Silverdale Seattle Bellevue Pullman *Jennifer Louise Jasmer Moya-Antonina Olson *Rodney George Scott II Jeff S. Culbertson Orting Seattle Tacoma Pullman *Kevin Scott Kalal Pamela Sue Ormiston *Jody Ray Sears Kurt Nicholas Dahmen Longview Kirkland Pullman Colton *Todd Arthur Ku rth Evan McCrae Parker *Michael Lee Smith *Christine Juliann Eder Loves Park, Illino is Olympia Everett -Cum Laude *Mike C. Lee *Air ion C. Pein *James Marvin Sorensen Anchorage, Alaska Bellevue Spokane Vancouver *John Wesley Felver *Julie Anne Leonardy Kimberlyn Lee Phillips Leah Kelly Stackpole Aberdeen Bremerton Kennewick Bellevue *Jerrod Ro land Gibbons Julie Anne Lorenzen *Eric Jerome Popowski Barbara Ann Tidwell Bothell Redmond Renton Bellevue *William Barrett Goddard Mark Andrew Lovelady Cynthia Lee Ross Daron Scott Trim Pullman Tacoma Mill Creek Chelan Shannon Colleen Gray *Brandi Layne Mann Stephanie Lynn Ruark ' Mark Harris Wascher Recl rno ncl Asotin Yakima Lilliwaup *Marv Anthony Grossman *Peter Milton Mayer *Kal eigh Zane Everett Anacortes Bainbridge Island Baccalaureate Degrees 39

College of Engineering and Architecture Commencement Recognition Ceremony

Engineering and Computer Science

11:00 a.m., May 9, 1992 Bohler Gymnasium

Processional Washington State University Brass Ensemble Introductions and Welcome Dean Reid C. Miller Presentation of Degrees President Samuel H. Smith Recognition of Graduate Degrees Associate Dean John A. Ringo Student Address Thad D. Saunders Presentation of Baccalaureate Diplomas Associate Dean Denny C. Davis Closing Remarks Dean Reid C. Miller Recessional Brass Ensemble

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Patrick David Horton *Thad D. Saunders AG RI CULTURAL ENGINEERING CIVIL ENGINEERING -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude Cinnaminson, New Jersey Oak Harbor Rick Wendell Bajema Martin Leo Ahmann *Wei Xien Huang Myron Edward Savage Lynden Chehalis Seattle Seattle Ryan Stanley Bartelheimer Mark Vincent Allen *Bryson D. Huie Andrew Erik Schenk Snohomish Spokane Tacoma Puyallup Scott Allen Hackett Brook Austin Anderson John Edward Kalvelage William Morgan Shinstine Custer Seattle Olympia Sumner Jennifer Ann Jenks Anna Marie Baker *Joseph Donald Sims III Ellensburg Sandro Kaoru Kodama Puyallup Tacoma Bellevue *Kevin Monroe Knight * Paul R. Beaver *Joan Marie Soran Naches Christopher William Lewis Kennewick Spokane Tacoma *Wade A. Rehberg *John David Blake Patrick Charles Stanton Pullman *Todd Ray Linn Prosser Renton Kirkland James Randolph Booth Erik W. Lombard Christine Michelle Stengel Grandview Kirkland Marietta, Georgia BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN *Jeffrey Scott Brauns *Christian Joseph Mazziotti Linda Ruchert Stilson San Jose, California CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Eugene, Oregon Pomeroy Timothy Bruce Brockway * Patrick Sean McElroy Kevin L. Stuss * Kristine Marie Amos Seattle Spokane -Cum Laude Sunriver, Oregon Eric Gunar Damberg Renton *Heath Lee Mellotte *Amy Lenore Vanderheiden Vancouver Seattle *Cheryl Lynn Anderson Kirkland *Daniel William Deegan Camarillo, California *Thomas Virgil Merz Ray P. Watson Spokane Pomeroy Kirk David Barlow Sunnyside *Paul Steven Duby *Phillip Roger Weld Pteros Joseph Daniel Murphy Longview Wenatchee Michael Thomas Gilmartin Husum -Cum Laude Paul Allen Ferrier Ian Lawson Wylie Sumner *Kristin Alexandra Myers Papaaloa, Hawaii Virginia Beach, Virginia Poulsbo James Edward Ham Jeff Blaine Finlay Ilwaco Scott Donald Nutter Pasco Bellevue Monica Gayle Herrington Kenneth Michael Geibel Shawn Martin O'Brien Americus, Georgia -Cum Laude Ephrata BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Pui-Wan Lam Spokane COMPUTER SCIENCE Shamshuipo, Hong Kong *Mary Elizabeth Gilbrough Jeffrey Kenneth Olson Arlington Neil Marvin Olsen Seattle *Michael Parker Baird -Cum Laude Robert Bradley Ginn John Keith Parsons Benton City Corvallis, Oregon -Cum Laude Juneau, Alaska *Michael James Burford Paula Kathleen Rawls Sitka, Alaska *Paul Matthew Pellicer -Cum Laude Silverdale Dina Renae Haugland Cowiche Spokane Troy F. Ross -Cum Laude Stephen Edward Rich *Dorthea Fae Callahan Kent Port Angeles Kirkland Everett Stacey Jay Stone *Paul Albert Heitman Paul M. Ringstad *Andy Robert Carman Seattle Marysville Stranda, Norway Walla Walla *Heather Ruth Trumble • Sean Lee Hoisington *David Lee Running *Todd William Coon Pasco Cusick Granite Falls Shelton 40 Baccalaureate Degrees

*John David Croft Matthew Dana Woodward *Edward John Frie *Francisco Morales Eugene, Oregon Kent -Cum Laude Pasco * Ronald Peter Decker *Kin Kwok Yu Okanagan Centre, Canada Joseph Talley Morgan Spokane Hong Kong *Inderjit S. Gahir Longview *Sherry Ma ugh Griffin Kennewick Thomas William Muehleisen Kennewick *Michael Frederick Garcia II Pullman Richland Arnold Sean Hall *Charles Robert Nash, Jr. Everett * Frank Elbert Geczi II Richland BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Issaquah * Kevin Robert Hayden ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Hoi Ng Genesee, Idaho * David Joseph Gembala Shing, Hong Kong Larry L. Aberg -Cum Laude *Vu The Nguyen Donald Allen Hetrick Issaquah Richland Renton Kirkland Peter Christopher Gerrald Thach Quang Pham Ryan Heath Hiller Mathew Lee Adsitt Pullman Richland Renton La Conner Michael Joseph Gourd Basem Saleh Ahmad Robert E. Quella Rodney Warren Ivarsen Spokane Pullman Edmonds Ephrata *Bobby]. Gray *John Patrick Quirk Patrick William Anglin -Cum Laude Won Kang Vancouver -Cum Laude Pullman Oilton, Oklahoma Hillsboro, Oregon * Claudment Ah Lam Aw Brian John Keller Lawrence Charles Gross, Jr. *Brian Scott Rahman -Cum Laude Richland Mercer Island Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Petaluma, California *David Scott Gustafson *Abid B. Khan Manha! Saleh Azar *Richard Jerry Ramos Karachi, Pakistan -Cum Laude Richland Pullman Sunnyside *F. Andrew Reynolds Stephen John Krigbaum *Samuel L. Backus *David Michael Hampson Spokane Issaquah -Cum Laude Spokane *Jounghee Veronica Lee Fife Eric T. Hansen *John C. Roeder Kennewick Seoul, Republic Of Korea Michael Owen Baker -Cum Laude *Tong Li Richland Boise, Idaho *Joel Layth Rowles Ellensburg Beijing, People's Republic Of Kevin Ray Barron *Frank Desmond Hastings China Spokane -Summa Cum Laude Thomas Edward Sackett Ellensburg Pasco *Yong Chuah Lim John Kenneth Bartleson Singapore, Rebublic Of Singapore Brentwood, Tennessee *Charles A. Heaton *Jayanti R. Sangani Tacoma Redmond Ching Yun Liu Phillip Ragnar Bergmann Longview Tacoma Ron Icayan *John Hunt Schubert Sandpoint, Idaho *David Miller Lowe Richland *Daren Michael Bitterling Douglas Alan Scott Kirkland Auburn *Heather Lynne Johansen Federal Way Bremerton Douglas Allen Mangini *Kyle Randall Blumenschein Yakima *Russell Dean Johnson Cara Shillington St. John Richland Natal, South Africa * Charles Allen Martin William Steven Brueske *George Joonsik Shin Lacey *Michael King Johnston Othello Pullman Honolulu, Hawaii Richard Allen May II Steven Joseph Brunelle Albert S. Kacoroski David G. E. Slaughter -Summa Cum Laude Quincy Richland Pullman Kennewick *Scott Gerald Burke *Frank William Kern *Robert Dale Smith Randy L. Miller Port Angeles Bellingham Kennewick Mill Creek *Dackary Ronald Busch Michael E. Khaouly *Mark William Steeds * Kamyar Moinzadeh -Cum Laude Seattle -Cum Laude Bellevue Ellensburg Michael Chong Taek Kim Kent *Leslie Robert Morgan Samuel Brady Churchill Honolulu, Hawaii *Robert J. Steele Aberdeen Centralia *Woojung Kim Oak Harbor Michael John Murphy Gregory Michael Cooley Seoul, Korea Hardi Sutjipto -Cum Laude Grants Pass, Oregon * Christopher Linn Kinsman Sul-Se!, Indonesia Snohomish Ronald Francis Cormier, Jr. Pullman Jeffery Aaron Taylor * Selda Odabasi Kent *Robert Charles Kircher III Kirkland Kartal, Istanbul Michael Lee Cozart Tacoma Pamela Ann Titzler Jenita-Beverly Sanders Patubo Federal Way *John Robert Knutsen Richland Kennewick * Russell Croman Seattle Danny Allen Traicoff *James Vanner Ramsdell III Kingston Maciej Jan Kormicki Carnation West Richland Brett Wayne Crump Nashville, Tennessee Henry Tran *Joel Layth Rowles Oak Harbor *Tylen Christopher Larson Richland Eastsound Ellensburg John Vincent Dale Judy Kim Tran Seattle *Yuriko Sano Moses Lake Andrew Khoa Le Vancouver *Loe Van Tran Kokubunji Tokyo, Japan Richard Anthony Damiano Hang Huu Le Tacoma Anthony Scott Smith Mead Lynnwood *Loi Van Tran Greenacres Nasser Hosseini Dehkordi Karen Jean Leeds Tacoma Donna Lynn Starr -Summa Cum Laude -Cum Laude James Carroll Turner Kennewick Tehran, Iran Seattle -Cum Laude Jian Wang Swenson Aaron Gregory DeWitt Kermit Likes Leavenworth Richland Wuhan, People's Republic Of Olympia Roger Dennis Turner China *Khai Thanh Diep Shaowei Luo Pullman Seattle David Shigeru Taniguchi Seattle *David George Wagner Seattle *Afshin Emam George William Martin Walla Walla *Randy Dean Taylor Pullman Prosser Tim F. Waite Tumwater *Joseph M. First *Dale Brian McLean -Summa Cum Laude Patricia J. Titzler Woodbridge, Virginia Sunnyside Kennewick Richland Mark Thomas Fischer Jason Alexander McLees Eric James Waldo Ted Preston VanderWeyst Bellevue Richland Richland -Summa Cum Laude Stanley Kendall Frederick Jeffery Larry Meinert Wayne Edward Weidert, Jr. Monroe Pullman Auburn Juliaetta, Idaho Baccalaureate Degrees 41

John Edward Weiss, Jr. *Ghassan Edward Bou-Habib Scott Daly Haseman Raymond Louis Nicoli -Cum Laude Lebanon Pullman Seattle Spokane Sheldon Arch Bradley, Jr. L. Scott Henderson *Yumiko Nishikimi *Dennis Lee White Yakima San Francisco, California Everett Spokane David Dale Branson Steven Virgil Henning *Daniel N. Olson *Clint Robert Whitney Seahurst Northfield, Minnesota Kent Kennewick Dirk Trevor Burgess *Corey Neil Hert Laurence Paul O'Neal Sylvia Jean Wiggerhaus Charlottesville, Virginia Yakima Bellevue -Cum Laude John Wesley Campbell *Stephen W. Hiller Scott William Osborn Olympia Kennewick Kennewick Renton Mark Conrad Willis Jon Bayard Carlson *Michael Joseph Holle Steven John Otis -Summa Cum Laude Poulsbo Kennewick Graham Livermore, California *Keith Evan Carpenter Jeff Allan Holter *David Allan Rademacher Daniel Burgoyne Young Richland -Cum Laude Renton Pullman Edward Julian Cassady Toppenish Kurtis Paul Recknaglc Snoqualmie Morten Hopland -Cum Laude *Srinath Srinivasan Chakravarty Renton Pullman Madras Tamil Nadu, India Buddy Oren Hughes Angel Roberto Romero BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Shayao Chuang Brush Prairie Tacoma MATERIALS SCIENCE AND Spokane *David R. Jackson Dan Boyd Rottier ENGINEERING Kevin Joseph Cleveland Richland Poulsbo Kennewick *David Leroy Jacques *David W. Schaefer Scott Marshall Baines *William L. B. Constantine Seattle Bremerton Kent -Cum Laude *Steven T. Johnson *Kary A. Schaefer *Gregory Wayne Coffey Auburn Seattle Aberdeen Seattle *Kevin Wade Copeland *Nathan Stuart Jones * Grant Scott Scott Alexander Ellwood Auburn Seattle Bellevue Bothell Michael John Corcoran Anne C. Kimble * Peggy Lee Scott David Martin Greer Seattle Pomeroy -Cum Laude Yakima *Daniel Joseph Cragin Dennis Mark Knippel Richland *Jay Desmond Hall Tacoma Camas Jeffrey Allen Seidel Grapevine, Texas *Michael Thomas Crocker Wade Alan Koglin Richland Eric Gregory Holmquist Spokane -Cum Laude * Craig Lawrence Shaull Auburn *Steven John DeSteese Benton City Renton *John R. LaSalle -Summa Cum Laude Thomas Floyd Kuykendall Kenton Allen Shipley Richland Kennewick Kennewick -Cum Laude Robert James Martin *Timothy Ayres Doughty *Patrick James Lane Woodinville Hephzibah, Georgia -Summa Cum Laude Shelton *Lowell Jack Smith III Spokane Kapaakea Charles Puaa * Giang Truong Le Puyallup Kirkland *James D. Edgerton Pullman .,,Ronald A. Smith Yakima Bruce A. Saari Meng Leak Lee Renton *David Brian Edwards Olympia Singapore, Republic Of Singapore David Matthew Snow Spokane Jeffrey Michael Sedgwick Moon 0. Lee Seattle Pasco *Thomas Michael Eldridge Tacoma -Cum Laude *Jonathan Kent Spanier Thomas Ralph Uribe Renton Phillip M. Lee Sumner Pullman Kennewick *Harold Erick Ellis Kurt Fredrick Spann Brenton Lee Vieselmeyer Mount Vernon Steve H. Lee Spokane Tacoma Kent John Wonkil Eun *Troy Scott Spiger *Sally Ann Woodward Tacoma * Chad Daniel Leinweber Spangle Spokane Spokane *J. Chris Feely *William Dirk Stegeman Shari Iwalani Yasuhara Milton *Robert Josef Lenaburg Puyallup Ewa Beach, Hawaii Auburn *Ian Alexander Ferguson Kerry A. Stevens Olympia Eric H. Leung -Cum Laude Federal Way Spokane *Mari Anne McBride Byram Ferguson Kristina Joyce Lobb *Rick Lee Stevenson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN San Antonio, Texas Issaquah Aberdeen MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Glenn B. Ferny Michael D. Lockbeam Dianna Lynn Stone Puyallup Yakima Pullman *Kurt John Ahmann Bryan Douglas Flanagan Christopher Scott Lundquist Patrick Joseph Sullivan Tacoma Mountlake Terrace Pullman Kennewick * Greg R. Allen Thomas Michael Galioto Bryan Carl Lust *Stephen Everett Surratt Vancouver Kennewick Yakima Bremerton *James Alan Andersen *Patrick Francis Gallagher *Allan Wraymond Mark Eric John Swanson Olympia Renton Bothell Pullman *Tracy Sean Anderson *Thomas Karl Glasenapp *Mohammad Reza Mazloomi Cecil Lee Swarens Kent Bellevue -Cum Laude Federal Way Kevin Jon Arent Robert D. Gustavson Shahreza, Iran William Joseph Tanasse, Jr. Issaquah Richland *Mark Nevan McCullough Olympia Paul Andrew Austin Yonas Ogbe Habte Arlington Mark Richard Tangvald Tacoma Seattle Ronnie Moore Aberdeen Charles Raymond Baccus III April Kathleen Hale Fort Lauderdale, Florida John Larry Thomas Pullman -Cum Laude Binh Hai Nguyen -Cum Laude Jeffrey Scott Bakkom Dayton Pullman Mission Viejo, California -Cum Laude *Erik Sheridan Halvorson *Due Dong Nguyen *Richard Lee Thomas Bellingham Pullman Everett Yakima *Daniel James Beitey Timothy Harold Hargraves *Matthew Van Nguyen *Philip Bruce Tolley Espanola Pasco Auburn Kennewick Pushpa K. Bhatia Jeffrey M. Harpster *Darrel Jay Nice *Vinh N. Tran Richland Twin Falls, Idaho Moses Lake Spokane 42 Baccalaureate Degrees

Joseph Clarence Tucker Donnell Matthew Washington II Brent Allen Weyer *David Seiji Yamada Bellevue Tacoma Spokane Redmond Scott Alan Unger Dennis Michael Weller Paul Richard Whyatt Joji Yokoyama Bellingham Seattle ~Summa Cum Laude Federal Way Robert Scott VanBeek Robert Vernon Westphal Spokane Ommid Zarafshan Enumclaw Kennewick *Marcus Titus Wojcik Tehran, Iran Daniel Richard Wahlstrom Bellevue Seattle Baccalaureate Degrees 43

Commencement Recognition Ceremony

School of Architecture

2:00 p.m., May 9, 1992 Bryan Auditorium

Processional Introductions Professor Rafi Samizay, Director School of Architecture Welcome Dean Reid C. Miller College of Engineering & Architecture Presentation of Degrees Vice Provost Jo Ann Asher Thompson Presentation of Baccalaureate Degrees Bachelor of Science in Construction Professors William Mincks and Management Robert Allen Bachelor of Science in Professors David Scott, Architectural Studies Douglas Menzies and Bachelor of Architecture John Abell Presentation of Master's Degrees Master of Science in Architecture Professor Donald Mirkovich Closing Comments Professor Rafi Samizay, Director Recessional

BACHELOR OF ARCHITECTURE Brett Tyler Ingham Darren Stuart Pollard Michael David Cole Ione Bothell Anchorage, Alaska Mark Anthony Beardemphl Jerry Arthur Isaksen Preston Stuart Potratz Andrew Douglas Croasdell Tacoma Tacoma Veradale Issaquah Timothy John Biggers Michael Anthony Knowles J erett Jeffrey Price Michael James Davey Cowiche -Cum Laude New York, New York Dixon, California Jon Arthur Campbell Issaquah Dennis Allen Rovere Philip Andrew Dobbin Walla Walla Karen Chimene Laird -Cum Laude Aberdeen Nancy Ann Clark Bellevue Calgary Ab, Canada Leslie William Eerkes -Cum Laude Yew Choe Lam Thomas Alan Schilb -Cum Laude Spokane -Summa Cum Laude Pullman Oak Harbor Michael David Cole Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Ward Bryan Schwider Todd Kim Enoki Anchorage, Alaska Wendy Marie Haunani Lee Maple Valley Hilo, Hawaii Andrew Douglas Croasdell Pearl City, Hawaii Russell Lee Thomas Thomas Mathew Glenn Issaquah Mihkel Kaikane Lepson Yakima Shelton Michael James Davey Pullman Todd Joseph Vedelago Katherine Lara Hanpa Spokane Helena, Montana Dixon, California Tommy Tsz She Liu Philip Andrew Dobbin Kowloon, Hong Kong Stacy J. Weatherhogge Karl Edward Heitman Aberdeen -Cum Laude Marysville Bradley Richard Madden Lynnwood Leslie William Eerkes St. Louis, Missouri Julie Ann Herr -Cum Laude Richard Roger Wedderburn Seattle Sandra Alison Matthews Harare, Zimbabwe Oak Harbor Aiea, Hawaii Martin Lee Hill Todd Kim Enoki Mark David Wierenga Issaquah Ross Stuart McKenzie -Cum Laude Keith Francis Howell Hilo, Hawaii Seattle Kirkland Stuart, Florida Thomas Mathew Glenn Raymond Charles Mow Shelton Brett Tyler Ingham Belfair Ione Lawrence Edward Gropp Kathleen Susanne Nagle Jerry Arthur Isaksen Pullman Palouse BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN ARCHITECTURAL STUDIES Tacoma Katherine Lara Hanpa Arthur Ferdinand Nerbas Helena, Montana Michael Anthony Knowles -Cum Laude Mark Anthony Beardemphl -Cum Laude Karl Edward Heitman Calgary Ab, Canada Tacoma Issaquah Marysville Gabrielle O'Connell-Collins Timothy John Biggers Karen Chimene Laird Julie Ann Herr Wenatchee Cowiche Bellevue Seattle Anita M.K. Parker Jon Arthur Campbell Yew Choe Lam Martin Lee Hill -Cum Laude Walla Walla -Summa Cum Laude Issaquah Pullman Nancy Ann Clark Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Keith Francis Howell Robert Warren Paulsen -Cum Laude Wendy Marie Haunani Lee Stuart, Florida Kelso Spokane Pearl City, Hawaii 44 Baccalaureate Degrees

Mihkel Kaikane Lepson Thomas Alan Schilb James Randall Bush Bradford Lee Magruder Pullman Pullman Kotzebue, Alaska Seattle Tommy Tsz She Liu Ward Bryan Schwicler Allan Dean Cavaletto Todd Lawrence Miller Kowloon, Hong Kong Maple Valley Renton Issaquah Bradley Richard Madden Russell Lee Thomas *Dwight Siu Fai Chan *Chris J. Murphy St. Louis, Missouri Yakima Kowloon, Hong Kong Tacoma Sandra Alison Matthews Stacy J. Weatherhogge * Corey Patrick Condron Scott Joseph Richardson Aiea, Hawaii -Cum Laude Nine Mile Falls Seattle Ross Stuart McKenzie Lynnwood John Charles Croskey Scott Arnold Rountree Seattle Richard Roger Wedderburn Albion Spokane Raymond Charles Mow Harare, Zimbabwe Damin Deane Daling Louie Sanft Belfair Mark Davie! Wierenga Waterville Seattle Kathleen Susanne Nagle -Cum Laude Brett Eugene Davis Darren McRae Seaman Palouse Kirkland Hadlock -Cum Laude Arthur Ferclinancl Nerbas Edward Ray Deen Olympia -Cum Laude Brookings, South Dakota Jonathan Earl Tillman Calgary, AB, Canada Paul Eugene Duckworth Seattle Anita M.K. Parker BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Asotin Randy Lawrence Varin -Cum Laude CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT Brian Robert Eko Medford, Oregon Pullman Centralia Edward Lee Walker Robert Warren Paulsen R. William Anderson Douglas S. Greenwalt -Summa Cum Laude Kelso Mercer Island Tonasket Spokane Darren Stuart Pollard Scott Adam Battrick *Timothy Lee Jones Michael Smith Walker Bothell Redmond Selah Kent Preston Stuart Potratz *Cheri R. Belsaas *Warren Todd Lengenfelcler Charles Richard Wells Veraclale Ellensburg Olympia Gig Harbor Jerett Jeffrey Price Joseph D. Branclvolcl Lawrence Michael Livingston *Michael A. Wolfe New York, New York Snohomish Renton Rolling Bay Dennis Allen Rovere Christopher Allen Brinkley Michael Craig Lansford -Cum Laude Kent Tacoma Calgary, AB, Canada Baccalaureate Degrees 45

Intercollegiate Center for Nursing Education and The College of Pharmacy

Commencement Recognition Ceremony

11:00 a.m., May 9, 1992 Bryan Auditorium

Processional Nancy E. Davis, Organist Introductions and Welcome Dean Mahmoud M. Abdel-Monem Dean Thelma Cleveland Commencement Address Richard L. Doane President, Evergreen Pharmaceuticals Posthumous Tribute to Darrell Wood Dean Mahmoud M. Abdel-Monem Special Music Robin Davis-Reed Presentation of Degrees Robert V. Smith, Vice Provost for Research and Dean of the Graduate School Presentation of Awards Dean Thelma L. Cleveland Dean Mahmoud M. Abdel-Monem Introduction of Graduating Classes Dean Thelma L. Cleveland Dean Mahmoud M. Abdel-Monem Diploma March and Presentation of Diplomas Nursing Dean Thelma L. Cleveland assisted by Associate Deans Pauline Bruno and Marion Sheafor

Pharmacy Dean Mahmoud M. Abdel-Monem assisted by Associate Dean Keith Campbell Recessional Nancy E. Davis, Organist A reception in Room 212 in the Compton Union Building will follow this ceremony. All graduates, family and friends are invited.

BACHELOR OF PHARMACY Karen Kay Fitzpatrick Brady Morgan Jens Nhuong Hoang Nguyen Spokane Spokane Tacoma John Michael Amini Maurice Edward Forseth, Jr. Angela Rene Judd Peter Trang Ngoc Nguyen South Jordan, Utah Tacoma -Cum Laude Spokane Dobierre Gerard Bassuer Hans W. Fredericksen Walla Walla Amy Colleen O'Donnell Ephrata Moses Lake Chad Guy Jungert La Conner Dean Warren Bays Jamie M. Fuchs Cottonwood, Idaho Sheila Ann Pilkington Ione Lewiston, Idaho Christine Ann Kerrick Clarkston Leslie Anne Boland Dianna Lyn Gatto Spokane Cathleen Louisa Podoll Kennewick Buckley Arthur Joseph Kirk Republic Michelle Rene Budman Lisa Ann Gauthun Olympia Shelley Lynne Porter Fountain Valley, California Federal Way Rudolf Vaclav Kucera Sandpoint, Idaho Cherf Lorraine Bull Galen Wayne Goertzen Edmonton, AB, Canada Behzad Razmjouy Yakima -Cum Laude Lisa Michelle Kwong The Dalles, Oregon Elizabeth Anne Burke Newport Richland Marcy E. Rathjen Rouse Seattle James Gregory Gosar Virginia Lee LaNier Conway, Arkansas Maria Pascua Cabacungan -Summa Cum Laude Tacoma James Arthur Ruster Seattle Waukegan, Illinois Stacey Coreen Lewis Spokane Shereen Marie Capps Mimi Gulelat Chattaroy Joseph Edward Samek Sumner Wapato Bradley O'Connell Luton Ill Spokane Kari Lynn Cederblom Afsan Hadadroshan Vashon Mary Catherine Sandlin Edwall Federal Way Randal Craig Malm Joseph, Oregon "'Diane Sue Chin Michele Mari Hayashi Moscow, Idaho Tammy-Jo Schab Yakima Hilo, Hawaii Nancy Davis Martin Spokane •sandy M. Emtman Robin Renee Hillman -Cum Laude Gregory Charles Seeber Cheney Lenore, Idaho Anniston, Alabama Newport Lee Arnold Evenson, Jr. Greg Koji Horiuchi KimJ. Moody Edith Ann Stredwick Elk Hilo, Hawaii Castle Rock Pasco 46 Baccalaureate Degrees

Brett Nicholas Touchette Glenn Charles Colclough Dianne Marie Uskoski Hubbard Janice Wilson Pilcher Dayton Bellingham Brush Prairie -Cum Laude Lisa Ann Trenkel Vern Dean Commet Amy Elizabeth Hughes Mead Spokane Tieton Bellingham *Naomi Joy Rheiner Carl Melvin Unfred Sharon Elaine Cooper Thea Sharp Johnston Grandview Valleyford Kennewick Tacoma Lori Lea Ruth Randall Wayne Watson Lynn Ellen Coffield Crawford Karen Louise Jones Stanwood Kennewick Vancouver Kent Kari L. Ryan Darrell J. Wood Mary E. Cummings-Cosgrove *Roni Lynn Kelley -Summa Cum Laude Posthumous Vancouver Lynden Bellevue Clarkston Linda Dohrman Peggy R. Kerr *Brett Arthur Scamfer Michael Jae Wright Yakima Camas -Summa Cum Laude Redmond Sally Glaze Douglas Joy Ann Knox Tacoma Michael T. Zagelow Selah -Cum Laude Chris A. Schrantz Odessa Alison Ann Duke Monroe -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Reiko Kumayama Yakima Spokane Seattle Dawn Annette Schuler Bellingham Lanie L. Ethridge * LeeAnne Marie Laird -Cum Laude *Elaine Vivian Short BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Colville Spokane Yakima NURSING Micaela R. LaRue * Chantile Marie Evans Richland Elisabeth Anne Sleeth Seattle Gail C. Abbott Spokane *Lin Lee Glen Ellyn, Illinois *Teresa Lynette Farland Spokane June Elaine Smith Debbie Sue Anensen -Cum Laude Kimberlee Jane Martin Ridgefield McCleary Longview Clinton Anne-Marie Czerwonka Spolar Lincolnwood, Illinois Patricia Ann Ariniello Annette D. Fenner Patsy Jo Mercer Vancouver -Summa Cum Laude Lewiston, Idaho Sheryl Lynn Metz Steinhauer Boulder, Colorado Theresa Ann Barenz Deedra Lynn Mooney Yakima -Cum Laude Loretta Adreen Fisher Pullman Kayoko Sasaki Stetzel Vancover Spokane Dory Colleen Bowman Niece Hiroshima, Japan Valerie Rae Barnett Dierdre Holland Flieder Yakima Connie Louise Sweetman Vancouver -Cum Laude Betsey Timberlake Norton Tacoma Yakima Judy M. Ford Sarasota, Florida Jody Beck Underwood Medical Lake * Andrew Spencer Beeman *Cindy Michelle Obert Wapato Selah Cipriano C. Garcia Tacoma *Joanne Margaret Waddell Grandview -Cum Laude Diane Carol Beernink Lynda Kay Osborne Spokane *Heather Jeanne Grant -Cum Laude Kent Kimberly Louise Bicknell Olympia Yakima Karen Amalie White -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Christine Elizabeth Hanson Gerald Joseph Parmantier Federal Way Bremerton Vancouver Spokane Michelle Antoinette Williams * Frances R. Bonny Julia Selvidge Heldman Mariko Hamano Peckham -Cum Laude Yacolt Yakima Tacoma Keizer, Oregon Kimberley Ann Hilburn Simone Marie Schmidt Perich *Cathleen Womble Margaret Irene Bowles Poulsbo Yakima Hayden Lake, Idaho -Cum Laude Jerry Leon Hinkle, Jr. Tamara Renee Pettis Yoshiko Yamashita Yakima Yakima -Cum Laude Hyogo-Ku Kobe, Japan Urana Regina Brown Kathryn McCann Horsager Naches Winnifred Mary Kerian Zeamer -Cum Laude Richland Michele Dee Phelps Minto, North Dakota Yakima Daphne Gabrielle Howe White Salmon *Leslie Josephine Bull Spokane Enumclaw Baccalaureate Degrees 47

College of Sciences and Arts Commencement Recognition Ceremony

2:00 p.m., May 9, 1992 Beasley Performing Arts Coliseum

Processional Washington State University Wind Symphony

Introductions, Welcome, and Remarks to the Dean John C. Pierce Graduating Class Dean Leon J. Radziemski Distinguished Achievement Dean Leon J. Radziemski Dean John C. Pierce Presentation of Degrees Provost Thomas H. George Diploma March and Presentation of Diplomas Dean John C. Pierce Recessional

BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Robin Lee Syverson *Rachelle Yvette Sutton Richelle LeAnne Elliott AMERICAN STUDIES Kingston Spokane Spokane James Anthony Valdon Amy Lynn Emerson *Jennifer Amy Nolan Spokane Kodiak, Alaska -Cum Laude Derrik Byers Van Nimwegen David William Ewell Pullman Mead Seattle BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Peter Frank Willard BIOLOGY Robert Ralph Foster Pullman Benton City BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Erin Baily Zarafshan *Marlo Druffel Anderson *Stacy Rae Fox ANTHROPOLOGY Olympia -Summa Cum Laude Redmond Colton *David Philip Frick Laurie Lynn Blessing Tracy Lynn Bale Seattle -Cum Laude Kennewick Kalama Mary Jo Gadler *Ward Francis Bartel Mercer Island Christopher Allen Cook BACHELOR OF ARTS IN ASIAN Spokane Lisa Suzanne Galley Seattle STUDIES Karen Michelle Bolt Bellingham David Mario Evans Bellevue Todd Allyn Gatz Ellensburg *Bridget E. Bayer New Baltimore, Michigan Allison Suzanne Bradley Woodland Jeff Greg Gehrman Mercer Island Junitta Bee Guzman Camano Island Jeffrey Ronald Gibbs Weiser, Idaho Holly Dione Brown Oak Harbor Charith Dolores Hitchcock Benton City *Brian Joel Hadfield Auburn *David Ronald Hufford Pullman Libby Ann Brown Seattle Holly Ellen Irish -Summa Cum Laude *Trisha Ann Hakala Yasuka Shimazaki Anchorage, Alaska Libby, Montana -Cum Laude Osaka, Japan Rumi Ishii Lynne Marie Buechler Kirkland Saitama, Japan Teresa Marie Tsushima Medical Lake Sam Jens Harbo Naohiro Kitamura Pullman *Rocky Christopher Caldero -Cum Laude Osaka, Japan Pullman Fairbanks, Alaska Jon Charles Klarich *Yong-Yoon Chung Rodney Scott Hart Zillah Pullman Puyallup Karen Elaine Knutson BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Paul Andrew Cook Michele Mari Hayashi Colbert BIOCHEMISTRY Seattle Hilo, Hawaii *Brian F. Kuhn Laura Janine Crnkovich Darrah S. Hee Seattle * Lars Douglas Ensign Republic Honolulu, Hawaii Lane Lafayette Ledgerwood -Cum Laude William Charles Dalton, Jr. *Linda May Herrick Edwall Bremerton Gig Harbor Ferndale Jill Paige Mellstrom Jill Marie Heineman Raymond Keith Denton Heidi Marina Hiob Spokane Richland Odessa, Texas -Summa Cum Laude *Kristin Diana Metson *Ai Koshimizu Lisa Jerilyn DeVlieg Okanagan Falls, Canada Napa, California Musashino, Japan Bellevue * Kelly Marie Jarvis Matthew J. Palmer *Hanzhong Li Ronald Scott Devries Renton Posthumous Pullman -Summa Cum Laude Robin Elizabeth Jeffreys Tacoma Gerald Steve Sawicki, Jr. Mount Vernon Clarkston Gail Esther Pritchett -Summa Cum Laude *Beth Ann DiDomenico Angela Lynn Johnson -Cum Laude Port Orchard Federal Way Sunnyside Vancouver Andrew Sing Tiong Soo *Jeffrey L. Doke Lee Marvin Johnson Donald Anthony Rotell -Cum Laude Mercer Island -Cum Laude Yakima Sarawak, Malaysia Joseph Biety Early Duvall Leslie Steincipher Cheryl Jean Suitt -Cum Laude Curtis James Jones Federal Way Idaho Falls, Idaho Spokane Seattle 48 Baccalaureate Degrees

Kristen Marlo Kibble Miranda Nomfanelo Mamabolo Kerenza Allison Boyd Oydis Dike Spokane Richland Boise, Idaho Seattle Daniel Paul Korslund Srikanth Seshadri *Shannon Lyn Brady Kurt Joseph Dolan Gig Harbor Pullman -Cum Laude St. Louis, Missouri Jody R. Lange *Rachelle Yvette Sutton Seattle Bonnie Claire Donich Mount Vernon Spokane Derek Raider Brandes Federal Way *Matthew Eugene Luttrell *Sherry Lynn Weise Richland Steven E. Donley Ferndale Seattle Lara Kristin Brown Spokane *John Frank Martinez *Matthew David Wessel Spokane Gregory Allan Doss Maple Valley Bremerton *Jennifer Marie Brunaugh Tacoma Jeremy Joseph Meyer Vancouver Rebecca Vandora Drevecky Spokane *Christine Lamont Bryan Seattle Tacoma Yoko Miyasu BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Shannon Alice Eddy Japan CHICANO STUDIES Kyle Jason Buckner Port Moody, BC, Canada *Carrie Anne Murphy Gig Harbor *Kerry Wayne Edlemon Kirkland *Ronda Kay Bircher Gary James Burckhardt Seattle *Erin Dianne Norris -Summa Cum Laude Spokane Tina Elisa Edwards Medford, Oregon Richland *Steven Craig Burman Renton *Jennifer Therese Okemah Tacoma Theodore Thomas Efron Yakima *Angele Burton -Cum Laude Tacoma Spokane *Jennifer J. Campbell Olney BACHELOR OF ARTS IN -Summa Cum Laude COMMUNICATION Janette M. Buss *Bobbie Marlene Ellis Palouse Renton Seattle *Lesli Lorraine Overstreet * Chere Dyan Abbott Terry Lee Caldwell *Vicki Lynn Erickson -Cum Laude Bellevue Auburn Seattle Nine Mile Falls Brian Thomas Abker *Timothy Stuart Cameron *Peter James Ernst Matthew Thomas Parker Bellevue Des Moines Seattle Puyallup * Elizabeth Mary Adwell Robert Dennis Campbell Colin Robert Findlay David Douglas Pearl Yakima Redmond Puyallup Quincy Crystal DeeAn Allen Carl Edwin Kurt Carlson Jeannette Lynn Finley Jason William Probst Seattle Colville Mead East Wenatchee *Edith Louise Alverson Kimberly Ann Carter *Helen Marie Fitzpatrick Ryan Davis Quesenberry Bellevue Spokane -Cum Laude Kennewick *Patti Jo Annable * Christine Renae Chaffeur Aberdeen *Helen Joanne McGreevy Quirk Vancouver Tacoma *Danielle Bethowen Fleury Hillsboro, Oregon Scott Russell Ashleman Nicole Lisa Channing -Cum Laude *Michael Stephen Rappe Seattle -Cum Laude Auburn -Cum Laude *Jeffrey Neil Auter Merced, California Rolita Baclagan Flores Richland Seattle *Jennifer Annette Chin Honolulu, Hawaii Lisa Marie Recknagle *Bram Michael Babik Seattle Christopher Michael Frary -Cum Laude Freeland *Selene Su Min Chua Seattle Port Orchard *Heidi Ann Baier Republic Of Singapore Krista Ann Freeman Phillip Monson Renninger Redmond *D.J. Clark Bellevue Oak Harbor Craig E. Baldwin Spokane *Joel Belcourt Fry *Kelly Sue Rochelle Pullman * Sally Elizabeth Clark Seattle Spokane Marceline Louise Bamba Portland, Oregon *Julie Ann Geer *Kirk Aaron Rosema Agana, Guam * Laureen Nicole Connolly Newark, Delaware Seattle Angela Jeanne Barker Alameda, California Taryn Kama Gerhardt Steve Shannon Roylance Edmonds * Kellie Linn Crawford Olympia Moses Lake *Timothy Michael Barrett Seattle Susan Frances Gibbs *Jason Matthew Sanders Kirkland Stephen Daniel Crawford Puyallup -Cum Laude Federal Way David Scott Goedde Bellevue Julie Elizabeth Bartz Seattle Stephanie Marguerite Cross Bellevue Jennifer May See Teri Ann Bates -Cum Laude Matthew Lewis Goode Camano Island Lynden Bellevue Pullman Scott Allen Swartz Todd Eric Dahlberg Todd Richard Gordon Moses Lake Jana Kay Battin Federal Way Las Vegas, Nevada Bellevue Nathan Marc Tarlyn Johnna Clar Bergstrom Susan Anne Dale Kristina Marie Gorenson Bellevue Othello Chattaroy Puyallup Derrick Dow Thompson *James W. Berwick III Mark Laimon Damberg Gretchen Ann Gove Sunnyside Seattle Vancouver Federal Way *Tina Louise Toler Christopher John Biggs *Jill Denise Damon Diana Maureen Gowing Waterville Walla Walla Lind Port Orchard Eric Ray Tomlinson *Teresa Marie Bingman *Samantha Anne Davenport Victor James Greer, Jr. Spanaway -Cum Laude Federal Way Seattle *Douglas Teruo Uyeda Pullman Roderick Pearson Davis Wendy Lea Grigar -Cum Laude Brian Christopher Bird Reno, Nevada Poulsbo Bellevue -Cum Laude David Christ Dean Garth S. Griswold Theron George Vanhoff Gig Harbor Centralia Gig Harbor Veradale Jeffrey Scott Blevins Eric Kent Delong Kevin Michael Guiberson *Kimberly Hunsaker Vela Lynnwood Spokane Bothell Moses Lake Mark Allen Boeker Michael Thomas Denny Matthew Webster Hall *James Anthony Young Bellevue Nine Mile Falls Kirkland Poulsbo Elizabeth C. Boerner *R. Jason Dick Sean Russell Hamilton -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Tacoma Orting Silverdale BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Jenny Marie Hanson CHEMISTRY Angela Michele Borst *Randy Dickey Snohomish Anchorage, Alaska Tumwater *John David Harris *Anne Lise Dragoy *Sherri Lynn Bowe Michelle Marie Dijulio Henderson, Nevada Seattle Westport Issaquah Baccalaureate Degrees 49

*Carrie Jean Hartman Michael Todd Kirby Michelle Frances May *Christine Ann Parsons Spokane South Bend Seattle Cheboygan, Michigan Todd Alan Hayek Northrop Hardy Kirk *Alex F. McBurney *Debra Ann Pastore Colbert Pacific Grove, California Silverdale Tacoma Kenneth Heeb Kristin Ann Kivland *Heather Rose McCall *Joanne Marie Payne Kent -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude Kirkland Darren Scott Henne Nordland Kennewick *Kristina Marie Pearson Mercer Island Linnie Renee Knoop Christopher Robert McDonald -Cum Laude * Carolyn Suzanne Herb Winlock Olympia Bellingham -Summa Cum Laude Jamie Elese Krein *Rena Marie McGrath Rory Albert Pederson Edmonds Connell Mukilteo Napavine Damon Anthony Higgins Kelli Christine Krook * Gordon Scott McLean Tamra Kristine Peitersen Colton Burlington Colfax Pullman *Judith Renee Hill Kristin Kay Kuntz Paulina Leesa McWilliams Amy Marie Peterson Port Orchard Chelan -Cum Laude Bellevue Ronald Howard Hill Paul David Langdon Kent *Pamela Joan Peterson Cerritos, California Hermiston, Oregon Melissa Ann Meddock Milton *Maureen Jean Hoiseck Ellen Gro Langlo Aloha, Oregon Cary James Pieroni Seattle Stranda, Norway John David Metcalf Spokane Michele Christine Holder * Lisa Lynne Larsen -Cum Laude Lora Anne Pintar Auburn Seattle Vancouver Redmond *Matthew Valen Honeywell *Holly Jean Larson Brian Keith Miller Jason Oliver Polich Seattle Kirkland Seattle Seattle Sandra Christine Hood Tami Jackson Latsha *John Patrick Miller Tricia M. Polt Pullman Pullman Mountlake Terrace Bellevue *Jay Holland Hopkins James Brian Lawson John Philip Miller Jodi Leann Pope -Cum Laude Renton Spokane Lacey Spokane * Karen Marie Lechner *Tait Thor Miller *Jan Elizabeth Powell Boise, Idaho Troy Goodwin Hopwood Everett Ellensburg Bellevue Hilary Suzan Lee Nicole Jeannette Mirante Kristi Lyn Powell Mercer Island Stacia Lee Houston Kent Royal City Beaverton, Oregon Jennifer Ann Lee Molly Denise Mirkovich Tessa Marie Prine Federal Way Peter Ewart Hughes Bellevue Poulsbo Bellevue Mark Edward Lewis David Justin Mitchell James Robert Prophet Bellevue *Jason Laurence Hunt Issaquah Post Falls, Idaho Bellevue Patricia Diane Liljenwall * Katherine Ann Mitchell Kimberly Karae Purdy Boring, Oregon Bradley Neil Hutcheson Seattle -Cum Laude Seattle Laurie Beth Limbrick *Morminette Kauionalani Miyasaki Bellevue Armuchee, Georgia Trova Katherine Hutchins Hilo, Hawaii *Toni Lynn Radonski Tacoma *Darcy Ann Liming Greg Bruce Monrad Seattle Arlington *Julie Layne Indorf Concrete Richard A. Rappe Spokane *George Huei-Che Lin Vallere Jo Monroe -Cum Laude Bellevue Wenatchee Karen Diane Irwin Kirkland Kimberly, Idaho *Rolanda Jean Lobdell *Christopher Brooks Morgan Steven Chad Reames -Cum Laude Bothell -Summa Cum Laude *Daniel Christopher Jackson Lewiston, Idaho Vancouver Poulsbo *Nora Harolean Morrison *Lynn Carol Lockard Vancouver Darcy Anne Reinhart Jennifer Kate Jackson Olympia Poulsbo -Cum Laude Monica Margaret Moshier Ryan Thomas Lockwood Tacoma Redmond Karl John Reinke Des Moines Edmonds Lovie Jewell Jackson *John Kenneth Mullen Jodi Beth Long Gretchen Alise Reitsch Vancouver Wenatchee Spokane Longview Tanya Lee Jacobson Kevin Ray Murphy Kimberly Ann Lucassen Charles Mitchell Richey Shaughnessy, Canada Port Angeles Spokane Seattle Beth Jakubanis *Paul Eugene Murphy *Carmen Emily Lystad Vienna, Virginia *Matthew Farrell Roberts -Cum Laude -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Simi Valley, California Blaine Miho Nagao Monroe Gifu, Japan Bethann Sue Johnson Kimberly Anne Maclean *Donald Gerald Robinett -Summa Cum Laude Portland, Oregon Robin Jeannean Neal Kent Billings, Montana Bellevue Julie Elizabeth MacNeil Trisha L. K. Roeber Monica Jean Johnson Seattle Kristina Lea Nelson -Cum Laude Port Angeles Tacoma Jennifer Elizabeth Madison Nine Mile Falls *Deron Robert Jones -Summa Cum Laude *Linda Lee Nephew Matt Albert Rogers Lake Oswego, Oregon Port Orford, Oregon Everett -Cum Laude *Stephanie Elizabeth Jones *Mitsuko Maeda *Vibeke Bjorneboe Nicolaysen Puyallup Spokane Tokyo, Japan Blommenholm, Norway Wenche Rosseland Laurie Kathleen Kalhar Rochelle Germaine Magnuson Amy Suzanne Nielson Mill Creek Colbert Kennewick Bellevue *Wendi Michelle Rowlands Teresa Marie Kay Jay Michael Mahnke Karla Michelle Nold Seattle Kirkland Naselle Bellevue *John D. Ruddy Brian Ray Kelly Candice Marie Maloney Sean Paul O'Connell Issaquah Veradale Glendora, California Centralia *Miryka Sue Rygg Lance Michael Kent Tamara Leigh Marberg * Gilbert Rico Ojeda Mount Vernon Pullman Renton Duvall *Danille Marie Salzetti Jeffery Scott Kerby John Laurence Martin Anthony Charles O'Keefe Federal Way Kennewick Seattle Tacoma *Sean Gary Sanders Casee Mary Kindy *F. Daniel Mathis Jennifer Ann Parda -Cum Laude Redmond New Braunfls, Texas Seattle Vancouver *Jerod Scott King Thomas Francis-Micheal Matzelle * Everette Michael Parker Gina Laurette Saunders Tacoma Olympia Richland Vancouver 50 Baccalaureate Degrees

Kasey Luke Schmidt Jennifer Michelle Tucker *Curt Andrew Beaupre *Timothy Michael Kelly -Cum Laude Lacey Auburn Veraclale Steilacoom *Mark Alan Tucker *Keith Lesley Bendix *Darin John Keuler ., Carie Christine Schooley Port Angeles Spokane Kirkland Plano, Texas Michelle LeMay Valdez *Julie Annette Berggren Frederick Philip Kilian Steven Michael Selk Federal Way Tacoma Indianola, Iowa Puyallup Michelle Jean Valley Willard E. Bill, Jr. *Jeremy Darr Kirk Kelly Marie Sharp Shelton Seattle Camas Brush Prairie Peter Bernard VanRossum Barron Lee Black Peter Mark Knutson Dave Michael Sheldon Mead Kennewick Bellevue Tacoma Valerie A. Wade Larissa Anne Blonarovych Christopher Matthew Lewis Michelle Kathryn Shepard Clarkston Seclro Woolley Veraclale Spokane Christine Marie Walker *Brenda Lee Board John Arthur LoBash, Jr. Teresa Dawn Sherwood Martinez, California Kennewick Puyallup Deer Park Gregory Scott Walker Davie! Scott Brown *Yoshiko Shibutani *Martin Leo Mac Gillivray Puyallup Yacolt New Westminster Be, Canada -Cum Laude Darin John Wallace Kenneth Adam Burger Kanonji Kagawa, Japan Faamomoi Pulesa Masaniai, Jr. Bothell Lexington, Kentucky Seattle *Kelly Kimi Shinoda *Catherine Eileen Warner Gabriel Caballero Michelle Kathleen Mastor Bellevue Seattle Warden Kenneth Edward Simpson -Cum Laude *Taimi Marie Warnken Bradley Stewart Carr Port Angeles Walla Walla Aberdeen Tacoma Richard Daniel Matrisciano Leslie Ellen Skov *Scott D. Champlain Hansville Michelle L. Warren Hiclclen Hills, California Elma Kent Angela Marie Mattox *Amy Burrows Sloan William J. Clem Tacoma *Whitney Catherine Webber Tacoma Kirkland San Diego, California * Linda S. Maule Tonia Leigh Slocum Craig Steven Culbertson Redmond *Erin Lea Weber Reclmoncl Kennewick Kennewick Michael Dale McAtee Davie! Randolph Smith John A. Dernbach Olympia *Jonaca Irene Berry Weeks Moses Lake Spokane Bellingham Joel Lauren Smith Leon Joseph Doclroe Lora Kay McKusick Vancouver David Michael Weinberg Battle Ground Tacoma Kennewick Nancy Lynn Smith Michael H. Melzo *Kim Lynn West Kelly Martin Donohue -Cum Laude Puyallup Seattle Moses Lake Sequim *Kerry Scott Nelson *Wayne Donald White Dennis Linh Duong Philip Doclcl Smith Seattle Pasco Kennewick Puyallup *Kristin Amber Whiting Colby Lee Eelkema Kara Ann Nunamaker *Rebecca Lynn Smith Bellingham Washtucna Folsom, California Montesano Tammy Renea Williams Marvin 0. Fletcher *Christopher Dale Old Megan Marie Snow Pullman Puyallup Port Orchard Olympia Andrew Emil Fritz *Jennifer Lynn Palmer *Jeffrey Scott Sobieski Tawnya Ann Williams Richland Renton Portland, Oregon Medical Lake Mark Christopher Willison *Aaron James Gass Steven Kyle Parsons Jeffrey A. Soriano Blaine Anchorage, Alaska Seattle Stamford, Connecticut Robert Paul Giantonio, Jr. *Jon Edward Pfister Davie! Carr Spelger *Sara Jane Winchester W ooclin ville Vancouver Seattle Seattle Craig Laurence Glasser *Stephen Phillip Stalin Matthew Harris Wolcott Steven William Powell Sherman Oaks, California Seattle Bellevue Kent *Karl W. Gosch *Kimberly Joanna Stamm Jeanette Louise Woods Terry Glen Preuninger Reclmoncl Bremerton -Cum Laude Veraclale Brian Lee Hansen Hilary Claire Starling Edmonds Michael Charles Purcell Auburn -Cum Laude Matthew Allen Woolsey Spokane Reclmoncl -Cum Laude Tracy Lionel Hansen Jeffrey Marion Rasmussen Spokane Lance E. Steggell Elma Longview Yelm *Audrey L. Wren *Jaima Kaye Harteloo *D. Randy Reed Battle Ground William Brady Stowell Lynnwood Camas Bainbridge Islancl Sung-Jong Yoo Amy Louise Helm *Jeffrey Michael Reigle Lake Stevens *Jill Denise Strom Kwanakgu Seoul, South Korea Sumner Spokane *April Marie Zepeda Mary Elizabeth Henry Michael Brent Richards Everett Stefanie Jane Swannack -Cum Laude Bellingham Seattle -Summa Cum Laude *Sara Michelle Hogge Brae! G. Ridgeway Olympia Pullman Bothell Jodi Marie Swanson Liana D. Honeysett Coquitlam Be, Canada *Paul George Rogojin Chehalis Seattle Kathryn Lynn Swayne BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Charlotte Lynette Houston Seattle Michael Scott Rustik Bainbridge Island CRIMINAL JUSTICE Kent Tonya Mae Tecca *Michie! Dwight Hu glen Paul James Aguirre Stanwood Jon Erik Schorsch -Summa Cum Laude Bothell Puyallup Preston Aaron Keith Iacolucci *Darrin James Tegman Susan Lynn Alley Snoqualmie *Robert James Schultz Ft. Sasktchew Mountlake Terrace Renton James Andrew Jacobs Timothy Norman Thomas *Alan Ray Anderson Pullman * Curtis Grant Schuster Bothell Sumner Montesano Jeffrey Aaron Johnson ·"Victoria Lynn Thoms *Jack William Anderson Reclmoncl Jay A. Schwartzmiller Oakville Eugene, Oregon Anne M. Kelleher Snohomish *Ryan Dale Toso *Naomi Elnora Andrews Spokane *Barbara Jane Steele Gig Harbor Tacoma *Scott Eclwarcl Kelley Olympia Sean Christopher Tresvant *Robert Ray Ashley -Cum Laude *Denise Lenore Stiffarm Kirkland Enumclaw Fairbanks, Alaska Clarkston .Baccalaureate Degrees 51

Joseph Michael Straub Valerie Anne Erickson Edward Michael Kosnoski *Anne-Katherine Courtney Stolpe Auburn Newman Lake Kent Stennette *Steven Creig Sundstrom *David Devere Fairchild * Dana Karl Larson Anchorage, Alaska Puyallup Wenatchee Pullman Suzanne Suares Todd Michael Terhaar Nikole Dean Faith Lisa Ann Leffel Alameda, California Monroe Bellevue Davenport Debra Ann Sullivan Kelli T. Turner *David Morgan Finnell Randy William Link Washtucna Seaside, Oregon Seattle Tacoma *Sheri D. Terjeson *Shon Wayne Webb Richard Norman Fisher Richmond Thomas Lothian Tigard, Oregon Spokane Spokane East Wenatchee David Jon Thietje Daniel Reid Willson Sarah Elizabeth Fitzgerald James David Massee Olympia St. John Kent Pullman Joel Eric Tompkins *Francis Joseph Wolf *Brian R. Fosseen *Brice Andrew Matson Mercer Island Spokane Spokane Cinebar Megan Malia Town Thomas Matthew Worthy *Jennifer Lynn Fox Jason Inayoshi Matsumoto Redmond Pullman West Richland Bremerton Shawn Rae Towner *Kirsten Lea Freeberg Marcianne Maurice Bothell Kennewick Bremerton Beth-Ann Varon *Thomas William Goodenough *Patrick Eugene McKenna Seattle Spokane Elena Kay Victorine BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Seattle -Summa Cum Laude ENGLISH *Barbara Josephine Gorham Diana Josephine Miller Seattle Pomeroy Tacoma Daniel E. Abbott Keith Ryan Granger Kristin Elizabeth Mitchel! Lance Jeffrey Voss Colfax Wenatchee Seattle Clarkston *Audrey Lewis Ahmann Roberta Nelson Gray Julie Lynn Nelson *Katrina Susan Wamhof -Cum Laude Spokane Puyal!up Kirkland Onalaska Samuel Lloyd Greene *Sandra Maureen O'Hara *Lance Nathaniel Watts Craig E. Ballain Vancouver Loomis, California La Habra, California Colville Todd Michael Griffith Michael Patrick Oboy Maria Elena Weakley *Tracey Stewart Baron Newman Lake Spanaway Richland Sunnyside Melanie Ann Gust Julie Christine Opitz Laura Emilia Weber *Dennis Patrick Bartlett -Cum Laude Mukilteo Snohomish Spokane Ritzville Stacy Lynn Orness *Alex K. Weick Sheila Kay Bier *Marty Garrett Hagens ton -Cum Laude Tacoma Steilacoom Arlington Puyallup David Eugene Wellington *Brian Mark Born *Annette Rae Hammer Kimberly Dawn Oswalt -Cum Laude Mount Vernon Great Falls, Montana Richland Des Moines David Jon Bosland Erik Laird Hansen Randy Lee Parker Stacy Marie Williams Redmond Bothell Seattle Rockford Teresa Marie Bray Stephen Lee Harms Stephen Francis Pellerine *Willis Jeffrey Worthy -Summa Cum Laude -Cum Laude Trail -Cum Laude Pul!man Pullman Bonners, Ferry Idaho *Erik A. Perryman * Curtis Alan Brown Colleen Healy Yakima Larry Michael Wright Redmond Poulsbo Tacoma Francoise Renee Zelenka Phillips Carolyn Elizabeth Calhoon Cassandra Rae Held Spokane *Melinda Leigh Yeomans -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas *Julie Rae Pietrowski Seattle Tieton *Jennifer Anne Helgason Clarkston Shawn Michael Carkonen -Cum Laude Jane Yung *Christina Elizabeth Price Richland Seattle Vancouver Orlando, Florida Gemma Roselle Chase Kristen Marie Herrera Kristi Lee Queen Sunnyside -Cum Laude Redmond Manhattan Beach, California BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Kurt David Clark *Anand M. Rao ENVIRONMENT AL SCIENCE Chicago, Illinois Heidi Kathryn Hibbard Bellevue *Christine Marie Cline Kent Laurel Robinette Roy Brunskill Kent *Anne Elizabeth Hoban -Cum Laude Olympia Michael Lee Cloyd Tacoma Pullman James Milton Hanna Pullman Julie Ann Hoffman Shawna Lynn Rorem Olympia Bradley Douglas Frank Cole -Cum Laude Gig Harbor Kevin Lon Henry Missoula, Montana Seattle Scott Thomas Sala Atlanta, Georgia Cheryl Ann Cowan Kimberly Sue Holcomb Spokane Suzen Marie Hyde Kirkland Moor Park, California Kevin Dennis Schmahl Hamden, Connecticut *Warren Lee Crable Phillip Gardner Jackson Vancouver *John Matthew Keating Spokane Oak Harbor Victoria Annette Sellers Richland Julie Ann Dalton Theresa Ann Jacobsen Edmonds Kevin Orvold Kytola Burnsville, Minnesota Gig Harbor *David Brian Shay Kent Nancy A. Darby Steven Paul Jacobson Bellevue Steve Mitcheal Larson -Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Shana Lisa Sherrill Sitka, Alaska Kenewick *Raymond August Kempf, Jr. Centralia Eric Donald Limmer Leslie Jean Daversa Woodinville * Le Ann Shill Liberty Lake -Cum Laude Shannon Mary Kennedy Spokane * Edward George Neal Edmonds Granite Falls *Jolee Danelle Smick Port Angeles Michael Thomas Denny *Katherine S. Kidclle-Tsiorvas -Cum Laude Brenton Robert Porter Nine Mile Falls Vancouver Edmonds Kennewick *R. Jason Dick Beth Gayle Clothier King Marjorie Elizabeth Smith Jason Clay Ritter -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Tacoma Pullman Silverdale La Conner *Serena Lynne Sorensen *Rick Jay Schumaker Mark Allen Doninelli * Gary Lawrence King Kennewick -Summa Cum Laude Puyallup The Pas Mb, Canada S. David Steelman Colville Katy Geneva Duran Teresa Sue Kirtley -Summa Cum Laude Dena Marie Sonneborn Pullman Pullman Pullman Spokane 52 Baccalaureate Degrees

BACHELOR OF ARTS IN *Jess Willson Saurwein *Renita Lynn Hall Tracy Catherine Gruber FINE ARTS Auburn Everett Seattle Deborah Lyn Baxter *Jodi Jenelle Schuler RexAnne Rachael Hawley *Shannon Waunneta Mccombs Pullman Buckley -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude Okanogan Ridgefield *Melissa Ann Bohm Kristie Michelle Severn Redmond Yakima Sherry Kathleen Hoffeld Dean Kenneth Malte *Tracy Lynn Sherman Sequim Bellevue *Rob Dalton Casey Everett Seattle Irene P. H. M. Hollick Brian Albert Martin * Karyn Akiko Tanaka Heerlen, Netherlands Wilbur *James Prescott Chaplin Kurtistown, Hawaii Posthumous Sarah Louise Hollis * Shaun Collins Miller Pullman Kyle Allen Trusler Renton Colbert Helena, Montana Kristy Carol Clerf *Brionna Rae Johnson *Sharon Ann Murray -Summa Cum Laude Rex Jay Watson San Ramon, California Salmon, Alaska Ellensburg Dayton, Ohio Dennis Harold Irwin Robert B. Roe *Kim Nicole Collins Marjorie Reid Welch Pullman Spokane Walla Walla -Cum Laude Robin Kay Kalahar Eric Andreu Semsak Deer Park Deborah Ann Czajka -Cum Laude Tacoma Bellevue Woodinville Robin Lee Syverson *Stacey J. Danielson Sara Christine Kent Kingston -Summa Cum Laude Seattle BACHELOR OF FINE ARTS Pullman Gina Marie De Anda Kent * Bruce Christian Andersen Andrew D. Koller Bellevue Dayton BACHELOR OF LIBERAL ARTS *Lorie Ann Meyer Druffel Plummer, Idaho Geoffry Scott Archer Jennifer Anne Logan *Shannon Waunneta Mccombs Ephrata Allyn Nancy Jean Larkins Ellison -Summa Cum Laude Puyallup Allen Abry Bush, Jr. * Kari Kristine Lokken Ridgefield Anacortes Olympia * Elizabeth Eileen Gifford *Sharon Ann Murray -Cum Laude Phillip Sagum Espiritu-Santo Andrea Jane Long Salmon, Alaska Renton Bremerton Olympia *Michael James Heys John Corban Gossett *Nancy Lynn Lucht La Conner Mercer Island -Cum Laude *Victor Patrick Hudak Centralia BACHELOR OF ARTS IN *Douglas John Harder Pullman HISTORY Pullman Eva Marie Lust Howard Thomas Hull Yakima Kirk Joseph Avaiusini *Raquel Dianne Hawkins -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Jill Paige Mellstrom Seattle Renton Spokane Bow Robert Kenneth Beggs Young-Sun Kim *Vandana Girish Hiremath Mechthild E. Miller Woodinville Oakland, California -Cum Laude Kirkland *Tim A. Bisson Marilee Ruth King Mudersbach, Federal Republic Of Steven Jon Hulbert Pullman Germany Richland Olympia Timothy Robert Bloom Todd David Morasch *Patricia Ann Nave Medical Lake * Courtney Renee Ingebritsen Stevenson Poulsbo Spokane *Kenneth Roland Brincken John Ignatius Polle Thomas Gary Neemeyer -Summa Cum Laude *April Lynn Johnson Pullman -Summa Cum Laude Orlando, Florida Bridgeport Kathleen Jones Ponto Kennewick *Mark David Jones -Cum Laude *ChongMin Oh Scott Francis Brooks Redondo Bellevue Saipan Everett *Reid Everett Jordan Matthew Roy Rantanen Eric Todd Olson Matthew B. Brown Pullman Redmond Fallbrook, California Longview *Anthony Peter Callen Yvonne Alice Kamrowski Brian Len Sostrom Brent Vaughn Peters Seattle -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Cayucos, California Megan Michelle Kelly Enumclaw Pullman Brenda Rene Charles Seattle -Cum Laude *Christina Lynn Sykes Kimber Lea Risse Spokane Great Falls, Montana Spokane Wendy Lynn Cranfill -Cum Laude * Kevin Lee Kilstrom Allison March Witherell Matthew Anthony Sadler Seattle Seattle Kennewick Randle *Layne John Samuel Crocker Mara Elizabeth Levinthal *Stephanie Lynn Schroeder Seattle Bellevue -Cum Laude *Deborah Diana Lockett Richland *Rex R. M. Crum Pullman BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Tacoma FOREIGN LANGUAGES AND Sean Alexander Seip *Michelle Renee Maryatt Pullman *Thomas Andrew Failor LI TERA TURES Tacoma Woodinville William Lawrence Smith, Jr. Herman B. Medeiros Joyce Kristine Apple -Cum Laude Danny William Fenner Kailua, Hawaii Sumner Mission Viejo, California Snohomish *John Leonard Milbert Jimmie Allen Chevrier, Jr. Lori Anne Taylor John Patrick Flanigan Potlatch, Idaho Maple Valley Olympia Ephrata Mechthild Elisabeth Miller Christopher P. Coumidis *Andrea Schmidt Tranbarger Barry William Fletcher -Cum Laude Athens, Greece -Cum Laude Pullman Mudersbach, Federal Republic Of Dale Byron Dougherty Bernau, West Germany Ken Philip Gard Germany Tacoma Anthony William Will Richland Melissa Marie Moselage Roger Phillip Flores -Cum Laude Rachael Ann Garner Tacoma Yakima Spokane Goldendale Mary Kathryne Mulenburg * Andree Francoeur-Jones *Steven Joseph Gendreau -Summa Cum Laude -Cum Laude Puyallup Madison, Wisconsin Pomona, California *Randall Stuart Gleasman BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN *Garrett John Pawlitschek Michael Erik Graves Chelan GEOLOGY Redmond Federal Way *Bret Scott Gray Ernie Reynolds *Mark Douglas Grossman Michael Glen Bednar -Cum Laude Trout Lake Spokane Olympia Seattle * Donald Robinson *Jeffrey Thomas Gutierrez *Paul Steven Duby Tammy Marie Green Richland Renton Longview Milwaukee, Wisconsin Baccalaureate Degrees 53

Brent Davidson Hardwick Bruce Donald Smith Mark Robert Field Denise Marie Rupar Bellevue Rochester Redmond Walla Walla *Tracey Lee Harris Ryan Victor Smith Brandon Scott Firkins Laura Enid Russell Bremerton Anderson, California Lacey -Cum Laude Gregory Ervin Heroff Mary Danielle Steinmetz *Branislava Stankovic Foster El Cerrito, California -Cum Laude Espanola Vancouver David Allen Savelesky Minnesota City, Minnesota Vanessa A. E. Sternberg Eric H. Fournier Walla Walla Scott William Hopkins Hobart Seattle *Joan Marie Schappel Spokane Chad Frederick Stone *Jennifer Elizabeth Fox -Cum Lau.de Michael Gorospe Juguilon -Summa Cum Laude Seattle Pasco Spokane *Christopher Y. Shinoda Richland *Lynn Janiese Gardner Bellevue Shannon Mary Kennedy Rene Elizabeth Sundby Seattle Granite Falls Washougal *Alexis Edward Shogren *Sharon Arlest Gartrell Seattle Jon Charles Klarich *Daniel F. Vaughn Seattle Zillah -Cum Laude Cidney Jane Sims San Francisco, California Kim Marie German Vancouver Scott L. Klein Roy East Wenatchee *David Evan Weed *Robert Lynn Smart, Jr. Issaquah Peter John Hanson -Summa Cum Laude *Jeffrey Mark Knutson Kirkland Kent Ted Neal White Kennewick -Cum Laude Eric Trevor Heisey Susan Ann Smith Michael Dan Kobeski Orting Kennewick Puyallup Port Angeles Jacqueline Nicole Winn Kimberley Holste *David Paul Somers Todd Allen Kuntz Sequim Bremerton Port Angeles Kennewick *Elizabeth Gene Hooker *Jeffrey Michael Spencer Michael Alvin Lawson Seattle Kennewick Seattle Gloria Jane Hopland BACHELOR OF ARTS IN *Candy Lou Morris Starr Kirk David Loschky Hoquiam Vancouver Mercer Island HUMANITIES *Peter Joseph James James Eclward Stone Daniel Joseph Lucas * Donald Charles Adkins Gig Harbor -Cum Laude Vancouver Tacoma James Durell Johnson Kennewick Stephanie Ann Manke Betsy Jean Andrews Renton Ted William Stormo Bremerton Seattle *Cynthia Marie Jonientz Poulsbo *Alan Edward Marchand * Paul Thomas Atwood Seattle Kaori Suzuki Redmond Wenatchee Kevin Michael Kinzner Kanagawa~ken, Japan Jennifer Rebecca Matson David E. Aydelott Tacoma *Marni Ono Takechi Bothell Seattle Gary Michael Kleingartner Osaka, Japan Peter John McEnderfer Sheri Jo Backous Federal Way Daniel Alexander Turpin Clarkston -Summa Cum Laude Brett Damon La Mar Oak Harbor Scott Andrew McPhee Vancouver Manson *Corinne Michelle Tyler Anacortes *Matthew Ward Bender *Andrew Grant Larive Seattle Shawn Cameron Merchant Olympia Pullman *Susan Diane Upington Olympia *Becky Cain Bevier *Jana Michelle Lien Kennewick Scott Robert Mitchelson Kent Pullman Jay Jerrold Wampole! Vancouver *Nicole Ann Bisping *Kathlyn Dawn Love Seattle Seattle Kurt Gregory Morris Kennewick *Michele Marie Watkins Tacoma *Karl Frank Bjorklund Edmonds Spokane *Donna Lynn Lufkin *Christopher Edward Moton Kent *Yvonne Nadine Watt Inglewood, California Dale M. Bull Pullman Olympia Keira Denise McCall *Debra Lynn Nakata -Cum Laude Lesley Robin Scrimgeour Weston -Summa Cum Laude Bryce Robert Campbell Richland Vancouver Pullman Vancouver Connie Suzzanne McConnell Shelly A. Wright *Daniel Colt O'Hara Marci La Vonne Chasco Clarkston -Summa Cum Lau.de Yakima Richland Bountiful, Utah *Heath Joseph McKeon *Lily Chou Aaron John Olson Lacey *James L. Wutzke Spokane Richmond, BC Canada Sunnyside Shannon Jack McKinney *Theresa Renee Napiontek Jill Marie Christie -Cum Laude *Shellie Jeaneen Yerton Osborn Vancouver Vancouver -Cum Lau.de -Summa Cum Laude Sean Patrick Clark Ft. Smith, Arkansas Wenatchee Bellevue * Ross Alan Morgan Bremerton *Bruce Matsuo Yoshikawa *David Jackson Overman *Leah Ann Collins Kaneohe, Hawaii Maria L. Musselwhite Amboy Richland Christine Elizabeth Young *David Laurence Pearson -Cum Laude *John Albert Combettes Seattle Vancouver Walla Walla Oak Harbor *Lance Dion Zeober James Ralph Peitersen Eric James Nett Sandra Lynn Costa Vancouver Ventura, California -Cum Laude Modesto, California Chris Ziegler Pullman *Corinne Yukiko Nomura *Darcy Monique Coyne Kaneohe, Hawaii Pullman *Stuart Nicholas Plumb W. Richland Elli Ziegler Diane Marie Ortagus Seattle *Kent Edward Curran -Summa Cum Laude Richland Leonard Quientin Poi! Calgary, Alberta Canada Nurnberg, Germany Seattle *Debra Lynne Dolgash Heather Andrea Price *Patrick Micael Poppe -Cum Laude Seattle Laguna Niguel, California Olympia Shanti LaRue Reeves *Robert Christopher Price Shannon Marylyn Donnelly Mill Creek BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Yakima -Summa Cum Laude Laurie Leigh Reinhart MATHEMATICS *Richard L. Roble Spanaway Poulsbo Redmond Elizabeth L. Elfendahl Theresa Ann Richardson Terri Renee Barnett *Liza R. Rognas Mercer Island Bend, Oregon -Cum Lau.de -Cum Laude Clayton P. Erickson *Catherine Diane Robinson Anchorage, Alaska Lewiston, Idaho Everett Bellingham Timothy Scott Byers *Jeffery Michael Sauve *Michele Elizabeth Fallon *Julie E. Rodda -Cum Laude Mabton Spokane Seattle Eatonville 54 Baccalaureate Degrees

Kara Lou Cushing BACHELOR OF ARTS IN MUSIC Patrick Flint Lee Allen Fowble -Summa Cum Laude Liberty Lake Edmonds Bellevue *Kelly Marie Antone Dale George Fried Ray French Wi lliam Ben Graffis -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude Pullman Pullman Hunters Tokyo, Japan *Jeffrey Joe Gerharclstein Mary Elizabeth Cain Lani Deanne Hoberecht Lawrence J. Hi ller Kennewick -Summa Cum Laude Spokane Woodinville Pullman Christine Nicole Gesch Maria Fung Hui Thomas Paul Luedeke Tacoma *Matthew Dean Estes Port Angeles Kowloon, Hong Kong Bothell Jennifer Louise Gibison John Calvin Mendenhall , Jr. Anacortes Natalie Faye Keylon Lisa Carin Garcia Seattle Oakton, Virginia Yakima Tod Alan Gilbertson Ronald E. Washburn Tacoma Lisa Ann King Alan Lane Hardwick Yakima Pullman Centralia Helen Gilchrist Bremerton Heidi Lynn Jacobson *Alfonso Diego Lacson *David Michael Hahn Bothell -Cum Laude Puyallup BACHELOR OF ARTS IN -Summa Cum Laude Frank Fue Lee POLITICAL SCIENCE Deary, Idaho Modesto, California Zachary Philip Matthews -Cum Laude Michael Montgomery Harlan Noraini Manan Pullman *Kimi Ann Aacllancl -Cum Laude Vancouver La Conner Taiping Perak, Malaysia Douglas Wayne Morasch Hoi Ng Walla Walla David Lee Allen Charles William Harris III Woodland Seattle Taikoo Shing, Hong Kong *Ethel Emily Eastman Vosburgh Yakima *William Edward Anderson Jennifer Anne Harris Jamie Russell Nordstrom Springfield, Virginia Lake Hauasu, Arizona -Cum Laude Yakima Anthony Dean Anton Julie Rhea Hawkins Sumner -Cum Laude Michael Raymond Ramey * Christian Alexander Aronow Kent Tacoma BACHELOR OF MUSIC Spokane John Larry Heaton Dona.Id James Rogers Kimberley Jean Bailey -Cum Laude Hadlock Brian Allan Akesson -Cum Laude Tekoa Renton Daniel Anthony Sipila Snohomish Charles Stanley Hilliard, Jr. Issaquah Kelly Marie Antone Christian Gunnar Baker Pullman -Cum Laude Wenatchee Nancy Anne Sullivan Pullman Danelle K. Hoddevik -Summa Cum Laude Karli Colleen Ballard Seattle Redmond Cynthia Teresa Arbogast Laguna Beach, California -Cum Laude *Jon Walter Hossfeld Lisha Ann Comstock Weeks Sumner *David John Beach Redmond Tacoma -Cum Laude Tricia Dawn Horne Charles Edward I-luff Potlatch, Idaho Pullman *Stephan Kyle Bigovich San Diego, Cali fornia Gig Harbor Rand Thomas Whiteaker Darren Dee Johnson *Peter Lynn Hughes Idaho Falls, Idaho -Cum Laude Christopher John Borgman Tacoma Kennewick Bellevue Curtis Ray Hutteball Michael Kamrowski *Robert Dron Brodie III Kennewick Seattle Bellevue David Reeves Irvine *Reginald Victor LaPlante Julie Ann Bryant Seattle BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Seward, Alaska MICROBIOLOGY -Cum Laude Roger Joseph Jacobsen Rossland, Canada Krista Dawn Bunch Redmond Suzanne Elizabeth Bassett Zachary Philip Matthews Othello Lisa Ann Jenney -Summa Cum Laude -Cum Laude Timothy E. Burch Snohomish Spokane Pullman - Cum Laude Patrick Kenneth Johnson Graham Stephen Naegeli Bradley Douglas Wayne Morasch Seattle Clarkston Walla Walla Michelle Lee Cafferty Timothy Darren Johnson Bellevue Maple Valley Charla Kay Harris *Robert James Sorensen -Cum Laude Bothell Brad Orvan Campbell *Donald Ford Jones Ontario, Oregon Freel A. Winkler Boulder, Colorado -Cum Laude Spokane John David Canaday Brentwood, Tennessee Pamela Kirsten Hoeft Bellevue Kennewick Jeannie Rae Justice *Damon Hooper Canfield Puyallup Deepika Jayagopal Anacortes David John Kane -Summa Cum Laude Tacoma Pullman BACHELOR OF ARTS IN *Susan P. Cook PHILOSOPHY Pullman Daniel Forman Kathren *Diane Elizabeth Judd Brent D. Curran Richland Fox Island *Richard David Briney Bellingham *Russell Thomas Keller Kipchoge Neftali Kirkland Clarkston *James Alexander Davidson Seattle Sacremento, California *John Bradley Guyer Victoria Be, Canada Bruce Pembroke Kelly *Joy Anne Krekow Sunnyside Steven Elli ott DePoister Seattle Aberdeen John Michael Harkness Tacoma Montgomery Charles Kilcup *Wesley Raad Luckey -Summa Cum Laude Jennifer Lynne Edwards Lakebay Richland Bremerton Pullman Debora Marie Kunka *Michael Owen Stacie Kirkland Mark Kenneth Slifka Jason Ellis Fenberg Longview -Cum Laude Pullman Jennifer Louise LaCounte Toston, Montana Julia Marie Zurcher Stella Elaine Finley Seattle En umclaw Beaverton, Oregon *Susan Louise Smart Kenneth Allen Lisaius Lynnwood Ji!J Allyn Flood Colbert -Cum Laude Steve Carl Lofquist *Karen Lynn Smith Aberdeen Issaquah Seattle BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Keelin Alison Flynn Scott Wayne Madsen Teow Soon Tan PHYSICS -Cum Laude Everett Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Spokane Jennifer Kristine Maki *Abeba Werecle Kirk Shannon Burris Michael Eugene Manuel Foote -Cum Laude Centralia Bellevue Yakima Issaquah Baccalaureate Degrees 55

Gina L. Martinis BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Shellie Luwayne Dunning Christianne Marie Lewis -Cum Laude PSYCHOLOGY Eugene, Oregon Barrington, Illinois Everett *Daniel David Eddy Jennifer K. London Rick Randall Matthews Brady Michael Alexander Richland Bellevue Mukilteo Tacoma Jane Marie Ensley Mary Elizabeth Lowry Lauris Clarke Mattson *Jennifer Anne Arnold Enumclaw Renton Bellevue Seattle Brittainy Leigh Every Anthony John Luera *Christian Michael McCabe Rene Ann Bajadali Vancouver Seattle Veradale Bakersfield, California Paul Bernard Fairbanks *Lisa Anne Lysne *Geoffrey John McGrath Benjamin H. K. Balderson Lake Stevens Spokane Anchorage, Alaska -Cum Laude Dawn Michele Forseth Tacoma Jerome Francis McCarthy III Kathie Louise Meyer Tacoma Tacoma Yucaipa, California Marceline L. Bamba Curt A. Freed Agana, Guam Heather Leeanne McWhirter *Thomas Michael Mooney Richland Gig Harbor Edmonds KayLynn Stevens Banken Michael Jerome Frostad -Summa Cum Laude Scot Alan Meeker Matthew Edward Moore -Summa Cum Laude Kelso Walla Walla Pullman Silverdale Megan Sue Melton Kathleen Renee Bliss Amanda Jean Gilmartin Stuart Charles Morgan Kelso Olympia Fullerton, California Seattle Nathan Jeff Bopp Sally Joann Mernaugh *Everette Michael Parker Maria Ann Godderis Tacoma Longview Tacoma -Cum Laude William Gregory Breaker Derrick Anthony Mikkelsen Richland *Janelle Marie Godding Tacoma Bellevue Everett Anne Elizabeth Parrish Charles Monroe Miller Ronald Gene Brett Christina Dorothea Gokee Tacoma Kent North Bend Lawrence W. Paulsen Spokane *Jeremy Edward Brigham Rebecca Jane Hall Richard Allen Miller, Jr. -Summa Cum Laude Pullman Bothell Yakima -Summa Cum Laude Jennie Marie Brouillard Edison Laurel Ann Modrak *Vincent Thomas Portulano Oak Harbor -Summa Cum Laude Monroe Wendy Dilyn Hart Ty Alan Brown Spokane Clarkston Craig Allen Rath Spokane *Cyril Patrick Morgan Yakima Kathleen Leah Harvey *Daryl Dean Bryant Sedro Woolley Pullman Scott Alan Reisnouer Pe Ell *Michael John Morgan Spokane Brian Dean Hays *Robert Ashley Buell Yakima Bellingham Mark Edward Rerecich Vancouver Christopher Ian Higginson William Winslow Eaton Mulry -Cum Laude Wenham, Massachusetts Seattle Kevin Scott Burchatz -Summa Cum Laude Kelso Kelowna, Be Canada Donald Troy Myers Lesley Ann Rhodes Snoqualmie Everett *Brent Niven Burke Julie Ann Hildebrand Olympia -Cum Laude *Christopher L. Nash Bryce C. Richert Tacoma Mukilteo Bellevue Matthew Paul Burnett Salt Lake City, Utah Steve Walter Hinshaw Meleah Lynne Nelson Michael Joseph Rummel Mercer Island -Summa Cum Laude Yakima Gordon M. Cable -Cum Laude *Christine Anna Hodge Morton Amy Louise Ruppert West Richland -Summa Cum Laude *Chi Gia Nguyen Kent *Brent Nicholas Carney Pullman Wenatchee *Kevin Louis Rutkowski Poulsbo *Anna Lizette Hooper Tom Joseph Nimchuk Kennewick Kristina Marie Carvill -Summa Cum Laude Vancouver, BC, Canada Colin Matthew Samuels Kailua, Hawaii Pasco Michelle Christine Nock Richland Jamie R. Champion *Edward Matthewes Hunt -Cum Laude Patrick Alan Sawitzki Pullman Lyle Federal Way Silverdale * Christy Marie Chanslor *Hiroko Isogai *Kathleen Carol O'Bryan Heather Elizabeth Schwall Kirkland Mercer Island Cashmere Ft. Walton Beach, Florida *Soon Soon Chu ah Robert Martin Jackson *Mary Bernadette O'Keefe *Jennifer Carolyn Sehlin Alor Setar Kedah, Malaysia Prescott Gig Harbor -Cum Laude Marlee Marie Clyborne * Phillip Charles Jerman III Oak Harbor *Patrick Daniel O'Malley Woodway Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Clarkston Charissa Sahran Shaoul Amy Michelle Cole Demetrius Zhivonne Johnson Kingston Larry Edward O'Neal Fernley, Nevada Seattle Puyallup *Kelly Kimi Shinoda Scott Edward Conrad David Imai Jones Bellevue *John Eugene Orrico Seattle Bremerton Mercer Island Cynthia Leigh Sieler Jill Diane Joss *Kathy Ann Cox *Todd Arthur Osborn Federal Way Spokane Burlington Renton Katherine Ann Simpson Michael Todd Crosier *Kristi Michelle Keller Silverdale -Cum Laude Eric Scott Pederson Tacoma Gig Harbor * Greggory Scott Snyder Pullman William Charles Dalton, Jr. Elizabeth Grace Pfeiffer -Cum Laude Gig Harbor Stephanie Anne Kellis Vancouver Tacoma Tacoma Steven James Davis Ty Davis Phelps William Patrick Spurlock Gig Harbor *John Harold King Seattle Seattle Quincy Mark James DeSalvo Bryan David Suits Christopher James Knauer *Michael Douglas Philips -Cum Laude Medford, Oregon Sequim Issaquah APO, New York *Lars Michael Talbert Kathleen Ann Kramer Tracy Anne Premo John Curtis Dippold Kent Tacoma -Summa Cum Laude Ellensburg *Amy Susanne Tanska Bellevue *Jay M. Kreshel Sarah Jean Pritchett Pasco Patrick Casey Donahue Spokane Seattle Richard S. Thompson Spokane Hong Nb Le *Steven Warren Raab Pullman Brenda Kay Donehower Pullman Kennewick *Heidi Lee Vander Stoep -Cum Laude Lan T. Le Steven Robert Range Kent Moses Lake Rockford Mercer Island Michael Patrick Walsh Mark William Doss Adam S. Levant Nikolaus Karl Rebhuhn Tacoma Anchorage, Alaska Tacoma Woodinville 56 Baccalaureate Degrees

*Heather Kay Reitmeier Teresa Marie Wood John Phillips *Daniel Cohanim -Cum Laude -Cum Laude Spokane Seattle Tacoma Richland *Julie Christine Schink Molly May Collins Jay H. Reyna * Carrie Christine Wurz burg Mount Vernon -Cum Laude Bellingham Spokane Mary Esther Shepard Kennewick * Patrick Andrew Rollosson Linshan Yao Carrington, North Dakota * Lisa Marie Cook Federal Way Seoul, Korea John R. Sheppard Spokane Karla Vaughan Roughton *Sonya Nichole Zilka Pullman * Paul Douglas Cooke Walla Walla -Cum Laude Paul Edward Smith Tacoma Lisa Marie Rullman Spokane Olympia *Donna Lee Coulter -Summa Cum Laude Kimberly Kristen Zutter * April Ruth Surman Quartzsite, Arizona Wallace, Idaho Issaquah Vancouver Kimberly Nannette Crane Leigha Marie Rusk Shana Sue Treadwell Spokane Chelan Tacoma Pamela Jean Cummings * Rose Marie Russell Steven Lawrence Victory Moscow, Idaho Aberdeen BACHELOR OF SCIENCE Palouse *Judi Irene Daugherty Douglas Phillip Salada George Lyle Wheeler, Jr. Richland -Cum Laude *Alison Lynne Lokelani Beckett Seattle Spokane *Christine Louise Davidson Honolulu, Hawaii Andrea Michele Wilson Seattle *Shannon Lee Sandifer *William Christian Bonner Clarkston -Cum Laude Gary Oscar Davis Anchorage, Alaska * Eric Stanley Wilson Seattle Tacoma Hillsborough, California *Paul Andrew Campeau *Shawn Marie De Church Daniel Bryan Santjer Spokane -Cum Laude Renton Richland *Kian Foh Chong * George Phillip DeMare Singapore, Republic Of Singapore William Russell Sawyer Silverdale Battle Ground *Jim K. Clifton BACHELOR OF ARTS IN SOCIAL Davenport Dean DeMeyer -Cum Laude SCIENCES San Ramon, California Kimberly Anne Sheedy Puyallup Kirkland Kristin R. Dengerink Jeffery A. Cox ·•Tony C. Adkins Pullman Kim S. Shively Olympia Richland Moses Lake * Gretchen Frances Dent Todd Eric Dahlberg Andres Feclerico Aguirre Everett Angie M. Shrope Las Vegas, Nevada Pasco Tekoa *Bonnie Lee Dickey Vicki Lynn Day *Mark David Ainsworth Kevin Dennis Slack Vancouver Spokane Issaquah Wenatchee David Edward Dickinson Joy Ann Fay *Pamela Dore Alford -Cum Laude Kelly Jeanette Smith Gig Harbor Olympia Grandview Beaverton, Oregon *Kristin Noel Smith Fischer *Michael Joseph Anastasi LeAnne Gibson Smith *Jennifer Sue Dickinson -Cum Laude Bothell Port Orchard Dayton Walla Walla *Alicia Louise Anderson *Melissa Ann Smith Renton *Tamara Lynn Dinesen Pullman *Rachel Ann Hall Pullman -Cum Laude *Dorn Andrew Anderson *Erik James Stauber Bothell Lisa Joanne Dodd Bellevue Vancouver Sanely, Utah Jennifer Renae Anderson James R. Hamaker Linda Dianne Dole Steven Douglas Stock Vashon Vancouver -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude Kevin Scott Hamrick Todd C. Andres Vancouver Yakima Bellevue Olympia Edward C. Dolfay *Jennifer L. Strauss *Stephanie Lynn Andrews Bothell *Carla Lynn Hoines Seattle Everson Gig Harbor *Robin Jo Swanson Lori Lynn Dougherty *Joseph Melbourne Holbrook Gail A. Annett Vancouver San Ramon, California Vancouver Pullman *Jason Alan Druxman *Mark Howard Templin Keith Norman Bailey *Nor Hazizan Ismail Mercer Island Chelan St. John Besut, Terengganu Malaysia Jennifer Muriel Duncan ·'Michael Brian Thompson Susan Gail Bauer Chehalis Auburn Tia Renee Twaddell Jensen Vancouver Florence, Kentucky *Jessie Diane Mirosh Thummel *Richard Jerome Benoit Robert Reidar Dunn -Cum Laude John L. Jones II Issaquah Harbor, Oregon Sultan Corvallis, Oregon John J. Betzsolcl Peter Martin Eckblad Andrea Ann Tipton *Bryan Van Jorgensen Seattle Kent Moses Lake Mead Thomas Reed Bottemiller Deborah Allison Edwards Catherine Y. Toporke * Ann M. Knudson Brush Prairie Tacoma Deforest, Wisconsin Kennewick *Nicholas Clyde Bowen *Linda Ferguson Erickson Melissa Carol Traner Robert Dean Kuhlman Bickleton Longview Yakima Richland Douglas Gordon Broadbent Steven John Ficker *Janna E. Trefren Miles David Lansberry Kent Bellevue San Diego, California Spokane *William H. Brooks *Bonnie Gail Fisher *Heather Lin Tulloch *Dana Diane Larson Olympia Spokane Elk Grove, California Olympia Therese Colleen Brown Loretta Amelia Susanna Flessas *Sarah Lynne Vancleve *Brett Duane Macisaac Battle Ground Kelso Lake Oswego, Oregon Richland * Gary Orian Buchholz Sandra Rae Forlancl Kristen Renee Voss Paul Robert Martin Tacoma Vancouver -Cum Laude Olympia *Robert Dixon Burk Sean Patrick Fortner Acme Connie Colleen McBride Kirkland Tacoma Deshuncla Dee Wallace Pullman David Mark Campbell *Tami Lynn Gallien Puyallup *Greg Shane McGrath Fox Island Richland Bradley Steven Watts Selah Kimberly Sue Chambers *Shannon LaRae Gay Amboy *Sharon Thompson Mclees Yakima Bothell Kristin Ann Welton Richland * Marisa G. Chan Dean Lee Gerry Ft. Lewis Sally Ann Morehead Sumner Seattle Cyndi Dawn Willcoxson -Summa Cum Laude Millie Ellen Christensen *Bridget Marie Greenwood Redmond Issaquah Battle Ground Spokane Baccalaureate Degrees 57

Derek Scott Grove *Thomas H. Kim Laury Adams Olson *Sherrilyn Schneider Bellevue Carson City, Nevada -Cum Laude St. John Yi Jiang Guo *Kimberly Ann King Portland, Oregon Blaine Conrad Sellie People's Republic Of China Casper, Wyoming *Billy Joe Owen Redmond *Marcia Arlene Gwynne Mara Michelle Kinnaman Pasco *Steven Wayne Sheets -Cum Laude Federal Way Erika Lynn Palmer Kent Kelso *Timothy]. Koerner Bonney Lake *Todd Allan Shirley *Michael L. Frederic Haight Coeur D'Alene, Idaho Heather Janice Palmer Seattle Redmond Mark R. Kroll Redmond *Cayce Lin Short *Wilfred Otis Halfmoon Vancouver * Charles C. Parks Tacoma Lapwai, Idaho Boyd William Kruzich Spokane *James Michael Shoughro, Jr. Jeff L. Halstrom Bellingham Kevin Wayne Parsons Las Vegas, Nevada Woodinville Kristin Kaye Kucera Bainbridge Island Shinichi Shutto *Steven Andrew Harbinson Richland * Edward Brian Pasco Chiba-Ken, Japan Snohomish Richland *Monte Ray Kuntz Anita Sihite John Andrew Harris Vancouver * Daniel Frederick Paskett Jakarta, Indonesia Port Orchard Michael Lawrence Smith Yakima *Dwight Robert LaLone *David Lee Harris Spokane Mindy Anne Pear Auburn Jamestown, North Carolina Ridgefield * Anne Lyn Holm Smith Denise A. Lathim -Cum Laude *Michael Martin Harris -Cum Laude Chad Murdock Peffer Pasco Vancouver Vancouver Spokane Bradley Alan Peterson Christina Lynne Springer Kevin David Hauser *Nancy Kay Marsolek Lathrop Richland Kirkland Brush Prairie Bellevue * Cari Anne Peterson Sharylin M. Starner Karen A. Hayes *David Louis Lavine Uniontown -Cum Laude Issaquah Pacific Canandagua, New York Kristy Phernetton Caramia Stearns Michelle Ann Lewellen Seattle *Michael Alan Hayton Woodland Westport Columbus, Ohio * Kellie Marie Pickering Lea Marie Stencel *Maria Elaine Lillquist Camas *Scott A. Heimdahl Seattle Maple Valley *Ted J. Stonebridge Kirkland Katherine Sue Kidd Plamondon *Traci M. Maesner Langley *Bradley Scott Henderson Lacenter -Cum Laude Vancouver Mindy Lee Straub Bellevue *Julie Roxx Maloy Karen Schriener Rankine Camas *Brian Paul Henderson -Summa Cum Laude Traci Ann Straub Tacoma Vancouver -Summa Cum Laude Vancouver Camas Gregory Allen Hess Nick Peter Manolopoulos *Denise Suzette Reddinger *Slate H. E. Studer Kennewick Richland Kennewick Danville, California Bradley Lloyd Hillard * Brian J. Marin Justin Tyler Regis Mary Ann Sundberg Mercer Island Redmond Poulsbo Longview *Spencer Craig Hines Glenn Norman Martin Jeffrey Edward Reichelderfer *Mary Jean Tamplin Puyallup Tacoma Lacey Walla Walla * Grant Frederick Hopper Julie Ann Maryott *James Floyd Reischling Warren F. Tastad Everett Renton Bellevue Lake Stevens * Kimberly Rae Horlacher Rueben Andrew Mayes Shauna S. Revello *Susan Marie Taylor Deer Park North Battleford, SK, Canada Spanaway -Cum Laude Vancouver Amanda Jean Howell Scott Ransom McArthur *Mark B. Richardson Washougal Seattle Hilo, Hawaii *Juan M. Thomas Waterloo, Iowa Vanessa Lee Huling Brooke Michele Miller *John Burton Ritter Kennewick Bremerton Vancouver David Toralf Thorkildsen Seattle *Dana Elizabeth Hurteau Susan Renee Miller Roxanne Renee Roark Renton Vancouver Vancouver Hiroaki Tokumoto Hyogo, Japan Jay R. Jacobs Geriann M. Moore Katie H. Roarke Bellevue -Cum Laude Buckley Karen Lynn Tomac Redmond *Mark Lee Jacobson Laguna Hills, California John Frederick Robinson Tacoma *Mark John Moran Sagle, Idaho *Carolyn R. Triplett Andrews AFB, Maryland -Summa Cum Laude Ronald Vernon Jenkins *Ronald LeRoy Rodeman Richland Lake Oswego, Oregon *Mark Edward Moseley Rupert, Idaho Brush Prairie *Masahiro Tsushima Edith Louise Johnson Teresa M. Rogerson Okayama, Japan -Summa Cum Laude *Sara J. Moss Olympia Santa Clara, California Seattle *Berinda F. Van Cleave Troy Paul Romine Battle Ground *Lavonne A. Lott Joiner Lisa Anne Muirhead Omak Vancouver Renton David Arthur Vincent *Stephen Christopher Roper Mahwah, New Jersey Karen Krauss Joy Tracy Ann Mukensnabl Poulsbo Tempe, Arizona Vancouver *Eleanore Marie Voreis *Sandra Lynn Rowe -Cum Laude Kathryn J. Julyan *Patricia Kay Munson Pasco Port Huron, Michigan Spokane -Cum Laude *David Richard Russell *Lisa Rae Wagner Thomas Reinhart Jung Vancouver Kirkland Soap Lake Seattle Christopher Reid Nelson Christine Carol Russey Sarah Carleton Warner Scott H. Kaczmarek Snohomish Vancouver Bellingham Bainbridge Island *Jeffrey Scott Nelson Michael Andrew Ryan *Richard F. Warren Desire Lynn Kammerer Port Orchard Pullman Vancouver -Summa Cum Laude *Scott Christopher Newton Neil David Sadis Sarah Carleton Warner Las Vegas, Nevada Kirkland Mercer Island Bellingham Kim Lea Keepers *Robert Wayne Nichols Timothy Wayn Sattler Kenneth Russell Weaver Centralia Anacortes Renton Odessa *Victoria Gienna Kenmir *Frank Edward Norelius Kimberly Ann Savery Daniel Douglas Webber Mill Creek Vancouver Creswell, North Carolina Tacoma Kelly Colleen Kennedy Darin E. O'Kelley *Colleen Marie Schau *Dan Pat Webber Granite Falls Clarkston Seattle Bellevue 58 Baccalaureate Degrees

Kirk Alan Westerfield Ronny J. Antone *Esther June Kim *Michelle J. Stiller Benton City -Summa Cum Laude Federal Way -Cum Laude Scott Stephan Wilme Sumner Patrick Brian Knodel Pullman Ocean Shores *Thomas Edward Ashley Mountainside, New Jersey Shelly Sue Talbot Lorraine Leigh Wilmot Renton *Elizabeth Jane Kramer Yakima Nine Mile Falls *Kathleen Gail Bell Seattle Hamid Reza Taraghi Jack Wojnowski -Summa Cum Laude *Patrick John Kroetch Bellevue Vancouver Coeur D'Alene, Idaho -Cum Laude Jennifer Lynne Tekel *Ron D. Young Susan Chalmers Bothwell Spokane Yakima San Diego, California Redmond *Valerie Rose Lamb Sena Leah Towner Diana K. Zemp Veronica Mae Caballero Spokane Bothell North Bend Warden Al B. Lillehaug Richard Thomas Traaen Joy M. Ziegler Debra Marie Tudela Cabrera Woodinville Gig Harbor Redmond -Summa Cum Laude A. Sherrill Loftin *Andrea Jeanene Tucker Saipan, Missouri San Diego, California Concord, California Bonnie Lynn Carlson Kristi Ayn Lorentson *Ann Michelle Van Ackeren Pullman -Cum Laude Pullman Gina Lynne Caviezel Olympia BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Nancy Rebecca Waite Tacoma SOCIAL STUDIES Laura Stephanie Mantilla Veradale Holly Lorraine Chapie Renton *Daniel G. Wald Brad Ernest Abels Gig Harbor Julie Ann Markham Seattle -Cum Laude Martin John Cline -Summa Cum Laude Tawna Nachelle Walker Marysville Tacoma Brush Prairie Walla Walla Lanee Alaniz *Tiffany Ann Cole Kevin Edward Mason Terry Adam Werner Pullman Brush Prairie Olympia -Cum Laude 'Brian Jay Beckley Lori Ann D'Amico Angela Marie Mattox Tacoma Moses Lake Port Townsend Tacoma *Robert Dale Wilkinson Kelley Lynn Bullion *Polly Ann Diaz Jennifer Deanine McGregor Yakima Yakima Port Orchard Leavenworth Craig Robert Woodson Cory William Crossett *Andy Duane Drop Angela Leanne Miller Seattle Spokane Centralia Pullman *Shannon Rae Woodward *Barbara Dee Freier Katrina Dyko Krystie Rose Millich Puyallup Pullman Spokane Vancouver Scott I. Wylie Raymond Peter Funk *Kuo-Ren Ee * Connie Jane Moore Seattle -Cum Laude Singapore, Republic Of Singapore Palouse Harrah Christopher Brooks Morgan Daniell Renee English-Baxter Bothell Paul Jerome Gammicchia Tacoma Marysville Andrea Kristine Moss Larraine Katharine Etter Yelm BACHELOR OF ARTS IN SPEECH *Randall Stuart Gleasman Spokane AND HEARING SCIENCES Chelan Lacie Ann Myhre Gregory Dean Ferguson Federal Way David W. Goodwin Seattle Jennifer Ann Acres Gig Harbor *Kelly Marie Norton Moses Lake Robert Mitchell Fischer Renton Thomas John Gresch II Seattle Jennifer Cunnane Otis Orchards Christine Anne Nye Bainbridge Island Shanna Lyn Fletcher *Karin Alese Isaksen Federal Way Olympia Erin Kay Davies Puyallup Eric Lee Parker -Cum Laude Cynthia Denae Fliger Bothell Issaquah Jon Charles Klarich Lewiston, Idaho Zillah Shaun Christopher Pedersen Shelley Maureen Fancher Keylee Nichole Gaffrey Jeffrey Mark Knutson Rockford Moses Lake Vancouver Kent * Sandra Dawn Plowman Bethany Sue Farstad *Kathleen Mary Gibson Mark Edward Macdonald Newton, New Jersey -Summa Cum Laude Seattle Spanaway Roderick Roscoe Plummer Kellogg, Idaho Regan Kathleen Glasgow Randi Lynn Merchant Oakland, California Tarra Lynn Gronski Spokane -Cum Laude * Karl Frederick Prater Pullman Everett Jodi Lynn Grove Bainbridge Island Lisa Jean Houger Moses Lake *Daniel Colt O'Hara Carla Gaye Prince -Summa Cum Laude Yakima *Gretchen Riedel Harder -Cum Laude Seattle Ruben Peralta Kahlotus Anacortes Darcie D. Kline Pasco Jacob Richard Hazen *Denee Rochelle Redemann Seattle *Heath Jon Tayon Bellevue Tacoma Christine Louise Krkovich Sunnyside *Andrew Hirsch Elizabeth Whitney Richardson Tacoma Claudette Anice Thoren Bellevue Mercer Island Carrie Mae Marks Oroville Liana D. Honeysett Kevin Gerard Riley Spokane Erron Nathan Williams Coquitlam, BC Canada Vancouver Wendy Lyn Mowbray Kent Sarah Jane Howland *Peter Joel Rockom Bellevue Bellevue Seattle Shannon E. Neilson Carolyn Sue Hull Jerrod Dean Schei Everett -Summa Cum Laude Everett *Kelly Reed Paulson Pullman BACHELOR OF ARTS IN Angela Claire Schlabach -Cum Laude Pullman SOCIOLOGY Mary Kathryn Jacobson -Cum Laude -Summa Cum Laude Kennewick Cristy Ann Powell Cynthia Marie Adams Ocean Shores Erinn Marie Shannon -Summa Cum Laude Kent Wilhelm Marcus Jeg Yakima Meridian, Idaho Michael Aaron Agrellas Enumclaw Stephanie M. Shaw Keri D. Rinard -Cum Laude Jamie Annette Johnson Shelton Clarkston Auburn Clarkston Sheri Lynn Skievaski Natalie Jean Stewart Cindy Ann Albertin Emma Jean Jones Pacific -Cum Laude Kent Yakima *Anne M. St. Hilaire Spokane *Tamara Rae Anderson Leo John Kapust -Summa Cum Laude Michael Aaron Stone Tacoma Olympia Harrah Everson Baccalaureate Degrees 59

Stephanie Jensen VanderWeyst Mitchell Scott Sebolsky Robin Elizabeth Jeffreys * Paul Robert Smith Monroe Los Angeles, California Clarkston Kennewick Michelle R. Bayless Varas Avril Dawn Watson Jayme Lee Jones Robert Keith Smith II Anchorage, Alaska Tacoma Spokane Tacoma Debbie Rene Wilson Mark Christopher Willison Christie Ann Ivy Kelley Craig Randall Spencer Spokane Mercer Island Kaneohe, Hawaii -Cum Laude *James Gunther Wireman Neil Thomas Kenny Clarkston Tacoma Kirkland *Douglas David Thomas Eric David Kitts Seattle Puyallup Michelle Leigh Thomas BACHELOR OF ARTS IN -Cum Laude THEATRE ARTS AND DRAMA *Cynthia Michelle McCormack -Cum Laude Richland BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Spokane Sherri B. Tibeau *Philip Joshua Peter Bell ZOOLOGY Australia Andrea Kelaine Oncken Albion Lisa Marie Fiorito Wade Harmon Dixon Seattle *Marc Stephen Tillotson Kirkland Spokane David Douglas Pearl Tacoma *James Mcconkey Michelle Christine Feddema Quincy Miyuki Tsumita Bremerton Redmond Dianna Lynne Ramming Chiba, Japan Michael Blywise Porter Spanaway Pullman 60 Baccalaureate Degrees

College of Veterinary Medicine

Commencement Ceremony May 9, 1992

See College of Veterinary Medicine, Advanced Degree Section, for listing of Doctor of Veterinary Medi­ cine Degree Candidates and ceremony information.

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN Keith Richard Frisbie, Sr. *Donald J. Lay Jeffrey Alan Reh VETERINARY SCIENCE San Diego, California Omak Broomall, Pennsylvania *Brett Thomas Hamilton Corrina Lynn Lester Lisa Marie Scher Michael Loren Baker -Cum Laude Yelm Seattle Vancouver Nampa, Idaho *Bonnie Jean Logen *Brad Carlton Scheuch *Kimberly L. M. Carvalho *John Edwin Harris -Cum Laude Edmonds Hilo, Hawaii Pullman Stanwood Paula Jeanne Sommerville Seattle *Sherrie Lynn Crow Lynn Marie Hopper Grant Lindsay Madsen Aberdeen -Cum Laude Pleasant Grove, Utah *Alan Dorr Tomkins Kennewick Julie Marie Donavant Vancouver *Tawnya Marie Jenkins Monica Lee Messinger Duvall Spokane Steven Martin Torrence -Cum Laude San Diego, California *David Leon Faught Tucson, Arizona Nicholas Rucker Nelson *Katharine Amon Yoler -Cum Laude *Larry Chris Kolste Kent Fallon, Nevada -Summa Cum Laude Highwood, Montana * Michael Oran Nield Bellevue *Beverly Fay Flores Lynne Marie Kremer -Summa Cum Laude San Antonio, Texas Helena, Montana Paul, Idaho Matthew Eric Fricke Sabrinne Rachelle Larson *Leslie Darlene Pollock Kahului, Hawaii Rosburg Deming 61

Commissions Honors Program Mechthild E. Miller Eileen Moran Maria L. Musselwhite Graduates in the Honors Pro­ Ann D. Neils To Receive Commissions * Lesli L. Overstreet as Second Lieutenants in gram are distinguished by the Amy Elizabeth Parris the United States Army crimson and gray stole, with John Keith Parsons the letter H, draped over the *Kimberly A. Peacock Kimberla Lu Agrellas left shoulder. *Erik Allan Perryman *Christian Alexander Aronow Preston Potratz Kevin Ray Barron To Receive Certificates *Helen J. Quirk James Randolph Booth *Michael S. Rappe of Completion of the Paula Kathleen Rawls James Randall Bush Honors Program Mark Wayne Crowley Steven C. Reames *Scott A. Roland *Daniel David Eddy Cynthia T. Arbogast Felicity Anita Saberhagen *Brett Edward Gores Craig E. Ballain Gerald Steven Sawicki, Jr. Jens Jonathan Hansen KayLynn Stevens Banken *Maria E. Scheurich *Marty Garrett Hagenston Terri Renee Barnett *Julie C. Schink John Arthur Lobash, Jr. Brian S. Bartels *Kelly Kimi Shinoda Thomas Gary Neemeyer *Ronda K. Bircher Mark David Shipley Terry Glen Preuninger Jon Paul Boisoneau Angie Shrope Dena Marie Sonneborn *Sherri L. Bowe *Marjorie E. Smith Daniel Gene Stewart *Dorothy Garland Bowers Robert Keith Smith II Steven Douglas Stock Teresa Marie Bray William Lawrence Smith, Jr. Michelle LeMay Valdez Libby Ann Brown Paula Jeanne Sommerville David Michael Weinberg Timothy E. Burch Kurt Fredrick Spann Marla Louise Busch Craig Randall Spencer Debra Marie T. Cabrera Nancy Anne Sullivan *Rob J. Cassetto *Bryan W. Swartz Kari Lynn Cederblom *Amy Susanne Tanska Daniel Robert Corlett Gregg William Thummel To Receive Reserve Leslie Jean Daverso *Jessie D. Mirosh Thummel Commissions as Second Michael Lloyd Dechenne *Douglas T. Uyeda Shannon M. Donnelly *Amy L. Vanderheiden Lieutenants in the United *Heather Marie Drury Tim Waite States Air Force *Christine Juliann Eder Jodi Claire Walker *Thomas M. Eldridge Mark David Wierenga *Kyle R. Blumenschein *Kraig R. Enyeart *Melinda Yeomans Charles W. Harris *Dave D. Fairchild Rexanne R. Hawley *Kristin N. Fischer Amy L. Marchegiani Elizabeth F. Fletcher Brian A. Martin Keelin Flynn *Shaun C. Miller Denise A. Folsom *Kristin A. Myers Dale G. Fried *Brian P. Henderson Michael J. Frostad *David E. Spak *Jennifer L. Galka Robert M. Taylor *William Bush Gallwas Ted N. White William Thomas Gaskins III Dawn M. Wisebowden Todd Michael Griffith Heidi Britt Guerin *David S. Gustafson Clara Lea Malalang Ham James R. Hamaker *Annette Rae Hammer Michael Montgomery Harlan Erin Gail Harper Graduation To Receive Commissions Julie Rhea Hawkins as Ensigns in the United John Larry Heaton With Academic States Navy *Carolyn Suzanne Herb Lawrence J. Hiller Honors Mark J. DeSalvo Tricia Dawn Home Daniel L. Halvorson Jennifer Kate Jackson Students in the class of 1992 who have Russell A. Hermann Lisa Ann Jenney demonstrated exceptional academic perfor­ Rodney W. Ivarsen Angela L. Johnson mance will be graduated as members of one *John R. Knutsen Tricia Kay Johnson of the following categories: *John G. Rice * Eric Allen Karlsen *David E. Weed Sara Christine Kent SUMMA CUM LAUDE: Graduates who have Joseph Allen Kobeski completed at least 30 hours of graded work Sandro Kaoru Kodama at Washington State University with a cu­ Lucy Tung Kong mulative grade point average of 3.80 or Scott Robert Lawrence better. *Kristine Ann Lee Amy Marlene Lofgren CUM LAUDE: Graduates who have com­ To Receive Commissions as Jennifer Elizabeth Madison pleted at least 30 hours of graded work at Second Lieutenants in the Jay Michael Mahnke Washington State University with a cumula­ United States Marine Corps Jennifer K. Maki tive grade point average between 3. 50 and Jason lnayoshi Matsumoto 3.79. *Matthew P. Busch Zachary Philip Matthews HONORS PROGRAM: Graduates who have Paul D. Cucinotta Keira Denise McCall *Cynthia M. McCormak participated in the Honors Program and who have satisfied the requirements of the Pro­ Ross Stuart McKenzie gram receive certificates of completion. Randi Lynn Merchant 62 Candidates for Provisional and Initial Teaching Certificate

Thomas Johnston-Rich Adams *Stacy Rae Fox Michael D. Kobeski *Tracie M. Rein Kimberla Waitering Agrellas * Barbara Dee Freier *Lynnell Jane Kolowinski *Janet Lynn Reinbold *Mark Allen Agrellas *Anne-Marie Galdabini Beverly Ann Koskiniemi *Tawnya Dawn Richard *Audrey Lewis Ahmann Glenda Gayle Amy Elizabeth Leonard Ann Marie Roberts Lanee Alaniz *Steven J. Gendreau *Julie Ann Lesmeister *Robin Louise Robertson James Michael Albers *Suzanne Joy Gernert * Patrick Licari Laurel Robinette *Alice-Marie Albertson *Alexandra Mae Ghenov *Anna Louise Linde *LaRondaJo Robinson *Nicole Kathleen Anagnos Gary Mark Gibson *Ann Michelle Lochner Mary Ann Rogers Kelly Marie Antone *Nancy Marie Gibson *Fred Rudolph Loertscher II Peter Mikel Rosenkranz *Jeffrey Todd Appelgate Margaret Anne Gieszelmann Mona Rochelle Lofing *Laura Noelle Rouse *Wendy Sue Appelgate *Randall Stuart Gleasman Kirk David Loschky Jon William Russell Lorena Aranda Stephanie Denise Goen Jennifer Ann Maiuri Matthew Anthony Sadler *Lori Lynn Armstrong Maria Elizabeth Goodwin Michelle Lynn Malone *Jeff M. Sauve *Dani C. Arnold *Thomas Hamilton Goold Alicia Lynn Maniatis Lorinda S. Schaeffer David Cecil Atchison Thomas John Gresch II *Rebecca L. Marz *Maria Elizabeth Scheurich *Margaret L. Baker Shannon C. Griggs Julie Lynne Maxwell Julie Christine Schink Julie A. Barberia *Jolie A. Gross *David Gene Mayden Staci Lynn Schlechten Brian Scott Bartels *Joseph Russell Groves James D. Mcconkey *Holly L. Schmidt Sarah Jane Becker Melanie Ann Gust *Susan Ketta McCutchen James Timothy Schroeder * Barbara Ann Becker Marcia A. Gwynne *Kimberly Anne McDonnell *Lisa Melanie Seeber *Brian Jay Beckley Audrey A. Hale Marianne E. McDowell *Lori LaVelle Seekins *Timothy Scott Bell *Kelly Susan Hall Karen Marie McMurray David Schwarze! Serwat Carolyn Marie Benjamin *Lisa Michelle Hall Priscilla Anne Meddaugh Karen Elizabeth Sharman *Ronda Kay Bircher *Renita Lynn Hall *Heidi Kay Meili *Michele Lee Simpkins *Tim A. Bisson Annette Rae Hammer *Lisa Christine Merrill *Sean Cameron Simpson Cindy Truman Bluemel Kevin Scott Hamrick *Jody Renee Michael *Guy William Smith *Teresa Lyndell Boad Amy Kristine Hanford *Kimberly Ann Aydt Micinski *Marjorie Elizabeth Smith Sherri Lynn Bowe *Joan M. Harding Diana Josephine Miller *Wesley Paul Smith *Mary Jane Boyle Kim Karine Harper Todd Charles Miller William Eugene Smith Miranda Noel Brothers *Kimberly Dawn Hatfield *Tracy Jean Moore *Robert James Sorensen * Cynthia May Browne Sandra Kay Hawk *Laura Anne Moyer Shelly Renee Spadaro Mike S. Brownlee Colleen Healy Bridgette C. Murphy *Mary Annette Stach Valorie Ann Brunsch Dawn Marie Heaney Debra Lynn Nakata Pamela J Staples Marla Louise Busch *Raymond Lawrence Heberer *Robin Claire Naumann S. David Stedman Carolyn Elizabeth Calhoon Diane M. Heersink Nicole Marea Neff *Anne-Katherine Courtney *Jennifer Ann Campbell *Eva Diane Herold Ann D. Neils Stennett Sharon Ann Carmichael Angela Jeanne Heyn Douglas Roy Nelson Deanne Carrine Stephens Kellie Lynn Carroll *Lewis Gerald Hinton, Jr. Larissa K. Nelson *Pamela Marie Stepney Kerri Lynn Cassetta *Amanda Lyn Hitt Lisa Lynn Nelson *Cecily Rose Stevens Gemma R. Chase *Anne Elizabeth Hoban *Vernie Alan Newell *Alisa Gai Sutter Sandi Mari Christensen Sherry Kathleen Hoffeld Christy Alise Nielsen *Jim K. Clifton *Carla Lynn Hoines *Lance Wayne O'Dell Candice Lee Talbott * Carol Ann Clingan Sarah Louise Hollis *Daniel Colt O'Hara Andrea Kay Taylor Lori Elaine Coker Wendy Susann Holm *Chongmin Oh Heath Jon Tayon *Jody L. Conrad Tricia Dawn Horne Suzanne Mae Olson *Patrick S. Teichmer Lynne Michelle Corless Linda Melaine Hosler *Karen Marie Onorati *Jill Ann Telecky *Jona Lee Crosier *Judy Kay Houser Robert D. Oram Claudette Anice Thoren *Christine K. Crum *Julie Ann Hughes Edward D. Orr Kelli Sue Thorsen *Michael D. Cull *Paula de Sousa Hull Francisco Ortiz Kelly Ward Thulin *Marci Jo Cummings John William Hyatt Patrick Lydell Oster Nancy Joane Waterman Tilden Nancy A. Darby * Courtney Renee Ingebritsen Kimberly D. Oswalt *Jacquelin Lee Toolson Craig James Davis Carie L. Jackson Amy Elizabeth Parris Jeanine Diane Tresner Vicki Lynn Day Michelle Marie Jacobs Steven M. Parris Cynthia Kay Turner Jeffrey Eric Dejarnett *Kristin Ann Jacobson *Cheryl M. Patton *Marci Heather Urquhart Stacy Kay Dellinger *Kelly Marie Jarmon Cassandra Marie Pearsall *Amy Hayes Valenti *Charles A. Demarest Andrew Kent Jaussi *Terry Alan Peluso *Robert G. Valiant Ronald Scott DeVries *Teresa Lynn Jensen Ruben Peralta *Kimberly Hunsaker Vela Stacey Patricia Dickey *Tamara G. Johns Erik Allan Perryman *William N. Vetter Bonnie Colleen Dodd Chaney Louise Johnson Brent Vaughn Peters Diane Lynn Wagner *Tonya Ann Dodge *Anna Maria Johnston Kelly Ray Peters *Mary Alice Walker * Leslie Gray Dodson *Carolyn Eleanor Jones Richard Curtis Peters Stephanie Wallace *Kimberly J Donahoe *Shawn David Jordan Larry Fredric Peterson *Katrina S. Wamhof Erin Rose Doody *Darrin Lyn Kamps *Paul Dennis Peterson *Donald C. Weber Norma L. Downey *Maria Rene Ball Kamps *Milissa Marie Pfeiffer *Denise Lynn Weed *Franca Catherine Drake Michael Kamrowski *Heather Gail Phenneger Julie Duvall Welch Heather Lynne Edde Yvonne Alice Kamrowski John Phillips *Rhonda Kay Wilkins *Julie Ann Egan Kristi Ann Kanzler *Kimberly Lynn Pick Catherine Marie Williams Mendy Lee Ellis *Kelly Lorraine Kay Lennie Quientin Poi! *Nancy Lynn Williamson Nikole Dean Faith *Linda Michelle Kendall * Robert C. Price *Candice Caroline Wilson *Laura Jean Fanciullo Tracie LeAnn Kendall Dewayne J. Pritchett Kathleen Sue Wolfley *Todd Gary Feldman Tammy Marie Ketler *Steven M. Pugh *Shawn Michael Woodward *Erin Jane Finn *Lisa Noel Kincaid Laura Anne Purdy Willis Jeffrey Worthy Sarah Elizabeth Fitzgerald Beth Gayle King Rochelle Anne Raupp *Debbie Ann Wroe Elizabeth Faye Fletcher Jon Charles Klarich *Mary Ruth Redal Jane Yung Patricia Ann Foley Jeffrey Mark Knutson *James E. Reid Suzanne Marie Zemetra 63 Faculty Retirements Academic Year 1991-92

Years of Years of WSU Service WSU Service

BISHOP, DONALD H. 32 MERRIAM, BARBARA 12 Professor Student Affairs Officer 3 Philosophy Counseling Services

COOPER, JACK 23 NORTON, ROBERT 29 Professor Scientist Educational Administration and Super­ WSU-Mt. Vernon vision ORSBORN, JOHN 27 COOPER, BEYERL Y J. 2 Professor Librarian 4 Civil and Environmental Engineering WSU Tri-Cities PATTON, ROBERT J. 27 GRAMM, WARREN 26 Professor Professor Architecture Economics PETTIT, GHERY D. 30 GREEN, FRANCIS 30 Professor Professor Veterinary Clinical Medicine and Surgery Music and Theater Arts ROSS, DONALD 30 HALL, JEAN A. 7 Associate Professor Lecturer English Accounting and Business Law SCHUMAN, JACK C. 19 fENNINGS, GLADYS 26 Associate Professor Associate Professor Fine Arts Food Science and Human Nutrition STROTHER, DAVID B. 24 fONAS, ROBERT 25 Professor Professor Communications General Biology and Zoology WADLEIGH, PAUL 26 KIM, HACK CHIN 25 Professor Professor Music and Theater Arts Foreign Languages and Literature WINDSOR, MAURICE 20 KITTRICK, JAMES 34 Professor Scientist and Professor Chemistry Crop and Soil Sciences

LUCHTING, WOLFGANG 25 Professor Foreign Languages and Literature



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Washington, My Washington,

The Crimson and the Gray,

'Tis the songs of memory

That we sing today,

When the sad hours come to you

And sorrows 'round you play,

Just sing the songs of Washington

The Crimson and the Gray,

Just sing the songs of Washington

The Crimson and the Gray.