0-C Robberies Down from Last Year the Weekend

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0-C Robberies Down from Last Year the Weekend server Vol. XI, No. 31 an independent student newspaper serving notre dame and st. mary's Tuesday, October 12, 197& No complaints voiced about 8 a.m. exams by Diane Wilson students or the teachers have to go Staff Reporter on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Although there are some prob­ lems with the new scheduling most With midterms upon Notre of these can be worked out by the Dame, one of the most notable student and his teacher. When a changes has been the time of the conflict arises it should be worked exams. There will no longer be any out with the teachers involved. If a evening exams. All exams will now solution can not be worked out the be scheduled 8TT10. that's Bam on student should go to student affairs Tuesday and Thursday. This has or to the Provost for help. caused some scheduling conflicts According to Gassman, the new as some students have more than exam policy will "benefit the stu­ one exam scheduled on the same dents" but will cause more work day. for the faculty. Teachers will now According to the Registrar's have to work harder on exams to Office there has been no student make them the right length cover­ feedback concerning over sched­ ing the right material. If a student uling of exams. Mike Gassman, takes a test that is so long nobody student body president. hasn't had comes close to finishing and a The Holy Cross "Hogs" hammed it up with a Hall. Entertainment included a juggling act and a any feed-back to the student gov­ curve is not adjusted to this fact dinner serenade last night in the South Dining choral presentation of "She's too Fat for Me." ernment. Although there have then the student should report this [Photo by Anne Frcrtel] been some problems, there have to student affairs or the Provost. not been enough to cause any real Fr.·James T. Burtchaell, Univer­ worry. Most of these are worked sity provost, was the founder of the out between the student and his new exam system. Burtchaell says Candidates receive criticism, professor. the system will "be kept all year" The exam schedule is under· its and then evaluated. He claims that first test with midterm exams. there is no way to make any There were several reasons for the accurate appraisal of the policy praise on Columbus holiday change. First, by having exams in after such a short time. Gassman A major ethnic holiday domina­ . Midwest. Soviet Union. the morning. the evenings are free noted that many of the people who ted the campaign movements of At a wreath-laying ceremony at a Carter went to a Columbus Dav to the students to study, relax and are complaining are upperslassmen President Ford and Jimmy Carter statue of Christopher Columbus mass in Chicago with Mayor Rich­ join in extracurricular activities. who have not given the new system yesterday as they continued a quest outside Washington's Union Sta­ ard J. Daley and various Italian­ Second, by having the tests in a set a try. "Half of one semester is not for votes among immigrant families tion, Ford declared that "the American political leaders, and was time slot--presently one hour--they Iong enough," he said. "If they and their descendants. Ford, in a people of the Old World still look to a feature attraction of the city's can not be excessively long. This would use more time to test the published interview, accused his the New World as the champion of Columbus Day parade. will mean shorter tests for students new system they would have a Democratic opponent of "pure human rights. America has been Daley gave Carter another ring­ which will "benefit the students" more accurate idea of how the demagoguery" in recent campaign their hope and their help and we ing endorsement, praising him as a according to Gassman, although it system works and many of the attacks. will never let them down." president who would eliminate will be more work for the teachers problems would be worked out." Each candidate used a special He made no mention in his brief "leadership without direction" and to make shorter tests. The third According to Gassman the sche­ Columbus Day event to attempt to speech of the Eastern European heard Carter declare a joint com­ reason midterms have been moved duling of exams is an administra­ gain favor among predominantly nations which have occupied a mitment by himself and Democrat­ to the morning is to encourage tive decision. It is not the decision Catholic ethnic blocks of voters, central place in recent campaign ic leaders could "restore our more teachers to give tests during of the Executive Council, and it viewed by some observers as a key oratory. following Ford's remark in people's confidence in their own class. rather than out of class. If should be left up to the Administra­ to winning some populous industri­ the debate with Carter last week government." the tests are given in class neither tion. al states from the Northeast to·the they were not dominated by the Ford's attack on Carter appeared in the San Francisco Examiner. whose editor, Reg Murphy. inter­ viewed the President in Texas over 0-C robberies down from last year the weekend. Ford accused the Democratic nominee of impugning his integrity by raising questions by Mary Mungovan ted. vandals because they live in low-in­ last Tuesday to discuss' the· problem · about his past campaign finances Senior Staff Reporter ''So far there have been no come areas. have many portable of off-campus crime. and relationship with lobbyists. complaints of a failure of police valuables like stereos, TVs, calcu­ "South Bend police informed us Carter has demanded Ford hold cooperation,'' she explained. ''Po­ lators and typewriters, and come they are putting increased foot a formal news conference to answer South Bend Police report ten lice normally respond quickly to and go at predictable times. patrols into the 'five-points area' off-campus student residences questions about a 1973 audit by the calls. On their arrival, their just south of campus," Gassman Internal Revenue Service which were burglarized during the month procedure includes checking for announced. "Squad car patrols of September, Darlene Palma, Gassman talks to Pollee said in 1972. Ford used money from fingerprints. determining the had already been increased for this off-campus housing director, an­ a home town bank account in method of entry. pinpointing the Student Body President Mike area. .. Michigan which contained some nounced yesterday. Palma noted time, and talking to neighbors. this figure was somewhat lower Gassman and vice-president Mike Gassman indicated the foot pat­ political contributions to pay for They will also call in detectives if than the fourteen robberies repor­ Casey met with . City Attorney rols will be primarily concerned some clothing and a family ski ted in September, 1975. these procedures produce no Brunner, South Bend Police Divis­ with the prevention of burglaries vacation. leads." "Most of the city's burglaries ion head Ford, Captain Gisch of the and assualts, while regular patrols The audit report said Ford occur in areas of high concentration Palma noted that students are a Midnight Patrol and Captain will still be handling most alcohol agreed to count the clothing ex­ of student or elderly housing, •' she "good target" for neighborhood Thompson of the evening patrol and nuisance problems. penditures as personal income and indicated. · "Because the foot patrols aare pay tax onthe amount. The audit The highest incidence of thefts voluntary," Gassman advised, indicated Ford reimbursed the occurred in census district 10 (just "students should not try to hassle account for the vacation. south of campus, bordered by Hill, officers or aggravate residents with He also said Ford should explain Madison, Twick.ingham and Edison drunkenness or rowdy parties if the IRS finding that he got along on streets) which reported 16 burglar­ they want the extra patrols to stay $5 or less per week in pocket money ies. Residents in census district 6 around." during ·1972. The IRS accepted (west of the river between Lincoln­ Palma suggested off-campus Ford's explanation, which was that way West and Portage) reported 12 students should take the following many expenses were picked up by burglaries; district 19 (north of precautions: others. downtown) reported 11; distr;ct 7 --install locks on doors and win­ Carter, while not accusing Ford (between Portage and the river) dows. of any wrongdoing. has criticized reported 10; and district 8 (just --report all burglaries immediately long-term federal officials who south of Notre Dafle) reported only (students can dial 911 for a direct develop close friendships with lob­ 1 four. line to the police). byists. as Ford acknowledges hav­ The highest concentrations of -vary their schedules, ·trying not to ing done. l students occur in census districts leave residences vacant at predic­ "l personally resent this attack six, seven, eight, nine and ten, table times. on my integrity." Ford was quoted according to Palma. -not leave valuables like jewelry as saying inthe interview. "He Police _have apprehended one and cash lying around. knows the charges are not true. suspect who is allegedly respon­ "If students plan on leavin~ the1r They are pure demagoguery.'' sible for four or five of the student residences over break, they should In a statement issued Monday, robberies. The suspect is reported­ try to leave vah:ables either on Carter also assailed Ford for trying ly a minor and had only a small campus or with their landlord," to take credit during the foreign amount of the stolen property in his Palma advised.
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