Glossary of Stratigraphic Names

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Glossary of Stratigraphic Names Downloaded from by guest on September 23, 2021 Glossary of stratigraphic names This index attempts to list in alphabetical order all proper strati- completed here in square brackets where it differs. Constituent graphic names from Svalbard literature. It cannot be complete, units are listed generally from the top down. although most names encountered during work on this book have As explained in Sections 18.3 and 19.3.2 correlated units in the an entry. Each entry begins with the name and its stratigraphic rank Hammerfest Basin have been included. abbreviated. The name occurs and may be defined in the translation of the Aavatsmarkbreen Fm (Harland et al. 1993) Comfortlessbreen Russian Publication of Gramberg et al. (1990, Dallmann & Mork Gp; V2, Edi; 9 13. 1991 (eds)). This is a valuable source of further information which * Aberdeenflya Fm (SKS 1996, after Rye Larsen ) McVitiepynten supplements this work. Gramberg et al. is indeed especially valu- Sbgp; Pg; 9 20. able because the Russian entries are interpreted by the authors' *t Adriabukta Fro. (Birkenmajer & Turnau 1962) Billefjorden Gp; colleagues. However, the presently recommended equivalents of Meranfjellet, Julhogda, Haitanna mbrs; Cl,Tou-Vis; 10, 17. many named units are different from that work. :~t Adventdalen Gp (Parker 1967) Janusfjellet Subgp; Carolinefjel- * Names have been recommended for use by the Stratigrafisk let, Helvetiafjellet, Rurikfjellet, Agardhfjellet, Kong Karls Komite for Svalbard (SKS) of Norsk Stratigrafisk Komite (NSK). Land, Kongsoya fms; J2-K~; 4 5, 19; it has been suggested to At the time of collation of this book the SKS had provisionally include Kolmule, Kolje, Knurr, Hekkingen and Fuglen fms of agreed only on post-Devonian stratigraphic nomenclature, hence Hammerfest Basin. there are no names as yet recommended by the SKS for pre- t Adventfjorden Schichten (Vonderbank 1970)~Firkanten Fm; Carboniferous stratigraphy. Tertiary names were approved by NSK Pg, Pal; 4 20. in December 1995, Carboniferous and Permian names by SKS in Advocat Seam (Orvin 1934) Kongsfjorden Fm, Kolhaugen Mbr; April 1996. They have been cited as Dallmann et al. (1995/96). Pg, Pal; 9 20. $ The Mesozoic names, in draft yet to be recommended by the Agnes-Otelie seam (Orvin 1934)= Otelie Seam. Mesozoic Subcommittee and SKS were available in July 1997 only t Agardhfjellet Fm (Parker 1967) Janusfjellet Subgp; Slottsma- after this text was finalized (Mork et al. in 1997 SKS). noya, Oppdals~ta, Lardyfjellet, Oppdalen mbrs; J2-3, Bth-Tth; All names printed in bold type are favoured in this work. 4, 19. Italic type denotes those names that are not favoured for current t Akademikerbreen Gp (Harland & Wilson 1956; Harland et al. use. However they are included in the list so as to relate to other 1966) Lomfjorden Spgp; Backlundtoppen, Draken, Svanberg- literature. Their equivalent preferred unit is indicated by the symbol fjellet + Grusdievbreen fms; Neptz; 7 12. ~meaning that the relationship may be approximate only. The Akkar Mbr (Mork et al. SKS) Fruholmen Fm in Hammerfest reason for preference or not is not explained in the glossary, but it Basin; Tr3, Nor. may found in the text of the chapters noted at the end of each entry. $ Alge Mbr (Mork et al. SKS) Fuglen Fm in Hammerfest Basin; Names in plain roman type are awaiting consideration. The J3, CIv. upper or lower case initial of the rank term indicates formal or t Alasdairhornet Fm (Harland et al. 1979) Peachflya Gp; V ?Var; informal status. 9, 13. The second part of each entry is the reference to the early use of t Albertbreen Fm (Friend et al. 1997) Siktefjellet Gp; D1, Lok; the name. No further reference is given where a name changes rank 8,16. or status because it is the rock units which retain their name in Albreen Mbr (Wallis 1969) Vildadalen Fm; Neoptz; 7 12. successive schemes. However, where some significant change of Alfred Larson-toppen unit? meaning has been recommended, e.g. by SKS, the reference added. t Alfredfjellet Fm (Krasil'shchikov & Livshits 1974)~Hamberg- The reference is followed by the unit of next higher rank (if any) fjellet Fm; P1, Art; 11, 17. then by the units of next lower rank in it (if any). The penultimate t Alkhorn Fm (Holtedahl 1913; Harland et al. 1979) St Jons- entry is a rough indication only of age. Some are in two parts; a fjorden Gp; six divisions not formalized (Harland et al. 1993) period or era symbol, followed by the three letter stage code. These V1, Varl; 9, 13. [Alkhornet]. conventions generally follow Harland et al. (1990) and are listed Alkhornkalk (Holtedahl 1913)=Alkhorn Fm; V1, Vara; 9, 13. and modified in Chapter 3. This list should not be used as a source t .&lryggen Mbr (Wallis 1969) Vildadalen Fm; Neoptz; 7, 12. for the ages of the units. It is intended to be a helpful clue. Ambigua limestone (Andersson 1990)~Kapp Kgtre Fm; C2, In attempting to avoid multiple entries for the same unit Bsh-Mos; 11, 17. separated only by alphabetical sorting many original foreign terms Anasibirites horizon (Buchan et al. 1965) ,.o part of Iskletten Mbr. are put in an English language form. Such terms as French Niveau t Andr~e Land Gp (Harland et al. 1974); Liefde Bay Spgp; Mimer etc., German Schiehten, Kalk etc; Russian Svita; Pashka etc. may be Valley, Wood Bay, Grey Hoek, Wood Bay Fms; D1-D3; translated so as to be listed with related unit names. Pra-Frs; 8 10, 16. For the same reason to streamline the list the proper name is Andr~ebreen Fm (Friend 1961) Red Bay Gp; Buchananhalvoya listed only once with its current rank (e.g. formation) regardless of Mbr; DI: Lok, 8 16. changes in rank (member, group etc.) or earlier terms such as series. t Andvika Mbr (?Birkenmajer 1972) H6ferpynten Fm; Neoptz; Thus later authors introducing a new classification may not be cited 10, 12. if the same package of rock is still identified by the original name. t Angellfjellet Mbr (Birkenmajer & Narebski 1960; Birkenmajer SKS is pressing for all names to be spelled as in current official 1992) Skgtlfjellet Fro; Ptz; 10, 12. maps. This recommendation is followed here for all relatively new t Anhydrite member (Bates & Schwarzacher 1958)~part of names established when the then current official maps were readily Gipshuken Fm; P1, Sak-Art; 4, 17. available. In this work older names, long in use in the literature, t Annabreen Fm (Wilson in Harland 1960; Harland et al. 1979) according to the priority principle are not changed whatever their Comfortlessbreen Gp; V2, ?Edi; 9, 13. grammatical form. It is preferred here only to change a name from t Anservika beds, mbr (Cutbill & Challinor 1965)~Terrierfjellet its first published use when a significant investigation has shown a Mbr; C2, Mos; 4, 17. new scheme to be necessary. The practice of changing a name with Asbestodden unit (?) Chamberlindalen Fm. no more than linguistic justification, and claiming authorship for it, Antaretiefjellet Fm (Armstrong & Smith in press) Ymerdalen is deprecated. Nevertheless in some cases the current place name is Gp; (= Tetradium Limestone of Holtedahl 1920); 03; 11, 14. Downloaded from by guest on September 23, 2021 464 STRATIGRAPHIC GLOSSARY t Arctoceras horizon (Frebold 1930) ~ upper Fish Niveau ~ Sticky * Bayelva Mbr (SKS 1995) Breggerbreen Fm; Pg, Pal; 9, 20. Keep Fm. t Bellsund beds (Smevskiy 1967)~Pleistocene strata at Calypso- t Arctoeeras layers (Stolley 1911) ~ lower Sticky Keep Fm. byen, Kapp Lyell. t Argillite unit (Klubov 1965)N lower Edgeeya Fm. Bellsund dolomite (Hjelle 1962) = Lower member of LAgnesrab- t Ariekammen Fm (Birkenmajer 1958, 1992) Isbjernhamna Gp; bane Fro; Va ?Var; 10, 13. Ptz; 10, 12. t Bellsund Group (Krasil'shchikov & Kovoleva 1976)~all Ven- t Arkfjellet Fm (Major & Winsnes 1955) Sofiekammen Gp; O; dian tilloids in W Spits., includes Early and Late Varanger. 10, 14. t Bellsund-Dunderdalen tillite (Hjelle 1969) ~ all Vendian tilloids N t Arnesodden Bed (Smith et al. 1976) Wilhelmeya Fm in and S of Bellsund, mostly Early Varanger but not distinguished. Svenskoya; Tr3-J1; 5, 18, 19. t Ben Nevis Fm (Kiaer 1916) Red Bay Gp; D1, Lok; 8, 16. Askeladden Seam (Major & Nagy 1972), Firkanten Fm in t Bergnova Fm (Birkenmajer 1975) M. Deilegga Gp; V; 10, 13. E Nordenski61d Land; Pg, Pal. ?CH. t Bergskardet Fm (Birkenmajer 1975) U. Deilegga Gp; V; 10, 13. *t Aspelintoppen Fm (Major & Nagy 1972) Van Mijenfjorden Gp; t Bertel(toppen) Member (Barbaroux 1966)~ lower part Nielsen- Pg; 4, 20. fjellet Fm. Astarte horizon (Feyling-Hanssen 1955); Holocene raised beach t Billejyorden beds (Semevskiy 1967)~ Quaternary, older than his deposits in Billefjorden; 21. Bellsund beds. t Atomfjella Complex (Krasil'shchikov 1970) Stubendorffbreen Billefjorden Stage (Boulton et al. 1982) Quaternary equivalent to Spgp; Harkerbreen + Finnlandveggen gps. Paleoptz; 7, 12. Semevskiy's (1967) Bellsund Beds. t Aucella Shale (Hagerman 1925)~ Janusfjellet Subgp; JK; 4, 19. *t Billefjorden Gp (Cutbill & Challinor 1965) Btinsow Land Spgp; t Austfjorden gneisses (Harland & Wilson 1956),-~Eskolabreen Mumien, Herbyebreen, Vegardfjella, Orustdalen, Sergeijevfjel- Fm; Palptz; 7, 12. let, Hornsundneset, Adriabukta, Nordkapp, Reedvika fms; Austfjorden Mbr (Vogt 1929) Wood Bay Fm, D1, Pra-Ems; D3-C1; Fam-Tou-Vis; 4, 17. 8, 16. * Birger Johnsonfjellet Mbr (SKS 1996) Mumien Fro; C1, Vis; 4, t Austfjorden series (Harland & Wilson 1956)~ coastal completof 17. Harkerbreen § Finnlandveggen gps; Palptz; 7, 12. Biskayerfonna Subgp (Friend et al. 1997) Krossfjorden Gp; t Ausffonna Fm (Flood et al. 1969) in E Brennevinsfjorden Gp; Biskayerhuken + Montblane fms; Ptz; 8, 12. revised (Gee & Teben'kov 1996) in middle Nordaustlandet, t Biskayerhuken Fm (Harland et al. 1966; Hjelle & Lauritzen 1982 ?equiv. Lower Franklinsundet Gp. in W; Neoptz; 6, 12. after Gee) Biskayerfonna Subgp; Ptz; 8, 12.
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