Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools

Early Childhood


Educating G-A’s Littlest Rams.


General Information for both programs

Philosophy 5 Mission Statement 5 Vision Statement 5 Staff Directory 6 Attendance (general) Attendance Policy 7 Emergency Dismissal 7 Enrollment Information 7 Required Paperwork 7-8 Discipline (general) Bullying/Harassment 8 Discipline Guidelines 8-9 Termination Policy 9 Dress Code 10 Gum Chewing 10 Make-Up 10 Playground Rules 10 Toys/Electronics 10 Health (general) Birthday Celebrations 11 Blood/Bodily Fluids 11-12 Cleaning and Sanitizing 12-13 Hand Washing 13 Health Threatening Conditions (including allergies) 13 Illness/Injury 14 Medication 14 Wellness Policy 14 Safety (general) Animals at School 15 Fire/Disaster Drills 15 Lock-Down 15 Parking 15 Releasing Children 15 Safe School Environment 16


Staff Screening Policy 16 Tornado Watch/Warning 16 Volunteers 16 Zero-Tolerance Policy 17 School Services (general) Pesticide Use 17 Photographs 17 School Supplies 17 Special Education 18

Pre-K Program

G-A Pre-K

Daily Schedule/Weekly Schedule 18 Enrollment Information Admission 19 Conferences/Home Visits 20 Withdrawal Policy 20 Tuition Payment Schedule 20-21 Family Fun Nights/Parent Workshops 21 Field Trips 21 Late Pick-Up Fee 21 Outdoor Recess 21 School Closing/Severe Weather 22 Snacks 22 Rest Time 22 Transportation 22 Dropping Off and Picking Up Children 23


Learning Center

Attendance/Absence Policy 23 Change of Schedule 23 Vacation Policy 23 Withdrawal Policy 23-24 Closing/Severe Weather 24 Fee Structure 24 Financial Assistance 24 Late Fee 24 Registration Fee (annual) 25 Sibling Discount 25 Preschool-Age Care 25 School-Age Care 25 Field Trips 25 Hours 26 Late Pick-Up Fee 26 Rest Time 26 Snacks/Meals 27 Tax Credit 27 Special Circumstances 27 Other 27 Changes to Handbook 28



We are delighted you have chosen Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools to build a foundation for your child’s success. We are dedicated to providing a safe, caring, and stimulating learning environment in which your child can grow.

Philosophy We believe that children will learn only when they feel secure and have a strong sense of self. Our job is to facilitate their play, because children learn through play. We are here to listen and not to judge. We are here to help them explore their individuality and provide individual attention. We are here to help develop self-control and foster relationships. We are here to help parents as they grow with, and through, their children.

Mission Statement All children in the G-A school district will receive a quality, affordable early childhood education, from birth to age five.

Vision Statement To become the preferred small school district and early childhood program in our region.

Cultural Competence Cultural competency is a broad concept that impacts student self-worth and acceptance in the classroom environment. G-A Early Childhood Programs strive to provide culturally sensitive environments in which all families and children feel welcomed and accepted. G-A Early Childhood Programs, in accordance with the Department of Education Early Childhood Standards of Quality, will show respect for the cultural, home language and family composition for all children. Encompassed within the G-A Early Childhood Programs and Program Quality Assessment are specific measures to ensure cultural awareness within the classrooms. This includes but is not limited to materials reflecting the cultures within the classroom and supporting children who speak multiple languages. Every measure will be made to understand and reflectively respond to families and children from all cultures.


Galesburg-Augusta Primary Telephone 484-2040

Wendy Somers, Superintendent (269)484-2000 Shaun Sportel, Principal (269)484-2021 Diana Lewis, Secretary (269)484-2050 Jane Adams, Secretary (269)484-2080

PreK Staff Direct Classroom Line (3 & 4 year olds)

Joan Bell, Lead Teacher (269)484-2057 Amelia Martin, Associate Teacher Beckey Murray, Lead Teacher (269)484-2073 Theresa Mezo, Associate Teacher Patricia Schuring, ECSE Lead Teacher (269)484-2043 Pam Pfister, Paraprofessional Jillian Turner, Program Director/Lead Teacher (269)484-2075 Crystal Smith, Associate Teacher Angela VanHorn, Lead Teacher (269)484-2013 Kristen Flores, Associate Teacher

Galesburg-Augusta Learning Center Jillian Turner, Program Director/Lead Teacher (269)484-2075 Joan Bell, Assistant Director/Lead Teacher (269)484-2057

Special Education Staff

Jennifer Chiechi, Special Education Supervisor (269)484-1005 Emily Herrinton, Social Worker (269)484-2063 Sarah McCollum, Speech/Language Pathologist (269)484-2054


General Information for both programs

ATTENDANCE Attendance Policy Regular and punctual daily attendance is an important factor in the success of your child’s education. Parents are asked to call the office (484-2040) by 8:00 AM if their child is going to be absent or tardy. A written excuse, stating the date(s) of absence, reason for absence and signed by a parent/guardian, should accompany the child upon their return to school.

Letters will be mailed home when a child accumulates 10 and 15 days absent. If excessive absenteeism continues, a conference will be held with the parent, teacher and principal.

Emergency Dismissal Occasionally there are times when children must be sent home from school early. The cause of the dismissal may vary. Parents should discuss this possibility with their child. The school will not make individual phone calls, as we must keep the lines open for emergency purposes. Children will be directed to go to their usual destination should the emergency dismissal policy be put into effect.

Enrollment Information The Child Information Record must be filled out completely including parent/guardian signatures. This card is essential; it must be accurate and kept up-to-date.

Required Paperwork All forms must be on file before your child can attend the program. • Application (Pre-K only) • Registration and $30 non-refundable fee (GALC only) • Legal birth certificate (Pre-K only) • Validated proof of immunization (Pre-K only) • Doctor completed Health Appraisal Form (Pre-K only) • Child Information Record • Parent contract (GALC Only) • Media release • Copy of Driver’s License (Pre-K only)

7 • Volunteer application (Pre-K only) • Handbook Acknowledgement Form signed • State of Michigan Food Program registration form • Statement of Good Health (GALC only) • Medication form (if needed)


Bullying/Harassment Bullying and harassment should not be a part of growing up. We are committed to keeping all children physically and emotionally safe. Parents are encouraged to work with the school, reporting incidents their children may discuss with them, as well as supporting and instructing their children in non-bullying behaviors.

Discipline Guidelines Any disciplinary action will be done in a positive non-threatening manner ensuring a relationship between the behavior and the discipline method. Young children do not always understand the why and the psychology of what they are doing. We use the following techniques to maintain a safe and educational environment. These include but are not limited to: • Redirecting a child – Distracting a child from the unacceptable activity to a constructive one

• Planning Ahead – Planning ahead to prevent problems

• Modeling – Encouraging, Teaching and modeling appropriate behaviors

• Age Appropriate Rules – Setting consistent, clear rules

• Positive Communication – Talking to the child about feelings s/he is having

• Problem Solving – Offering an alternative solution to the problem making sure to encourage the child an age appropriate manner.

• Time out – Time out is only used as a last resort to help the child to gain a better sense of self control. We allow only one minute per age of the child, never making the time out last longer then it takes for the child to calmly return to the group. During a timeout, children are


never left unsupervised, humiliated or made to feel threatened or afraid. Children under 3 years old are never placed in time out.

The G-A Early Childhood Programs adhere to discipline policies outlined in Rule 400.5107 of Michigan Licensing Rules for childcare centers. All of the following methods of handling children in care are prohibited: 1. Physical force or any other form of corporal punishment, including spanking;

2. Restricting a child’s movement by binding or tying him or her;

3. Using mental or emotional cruelty as a means to discipline a child;

4. Withholding necessary food, rest or toilet use;

5. Confining a child in an area such as a closet or locked room.

Termination Policy Either parent or provider can terminate the Early Childhood Handbook agreement upon two weeks written notice. Payment will be required regardless if the child is in attendance. We reserve the right to terminate the Early Childhood Handbook agreement immediately, without notice if: 1) Fees are not paid when due; 2) the child’s participation in the program creates a direct threat of harm to the child, other children or staff; or 3) the parent engages in inappropriate behavior. In the event that your child’s behavior is deemed unmanageable the following steps will be taken: 1. A verbal warning will be issued and the parent will be called and expected to pick up the child immediately. 2. A written warning will be issued and the parent will be called and expected to pick up the child immediately. 3. A second verbal warning will be issued, the parent will be called and expected to pick up the child immediately and a 2 week probationary period will be given. 4. If the behavior still continues after the two week probationary period then your child will be dismissed from the program immediately without written notice.


Dress Code Please send your child to school in comfortable clothing that can get dirty. In the winter, children will need shoes to replace boots. Children are to wear appropriate clothing to school and school-sponsored activities. Headgear (hats, bandanas, visors, etc.) must be removed when entering the building. Non-acceptable clothing includes exposed midriffs, spaghetti straps, bare backs, and short dresses/skirts (within finger length when arms are at your side). Shorts must have a minimum inseam of four inches. For the safety of our children, shoes with built-in wheels are not permitted at school. Preschool students are asked not to wear flip flops for the safety of the child.

Gum Chewing Children are not allowed to chew gum at school.

Make-Up Children are not allowed to bring any kind of make-up to school, including body spray/perfume. Lip balm products will be permitted.

Playground Rules • Fair and cooperative play is expected at all times. • Children must come inside promptly when the bell rings. • No throwing of inappropriate objects (stones, sticks, snow, snowballs, sand, etc.) is allowed. • Children must stay in designated playground areas.

Toys/Electronics Children are not allowed to bring toys, trading cards, radios, electronic games, CD/Tape players, lasers, etc. to school. The school can not be responsible for such items in the event they may be lost, stolen, or damaged. The only exception is when a teacher gives permission and/or for Show and Tell.



Birthday Celebrations Children may celebrate their birthday by bringing in non food items to share such as pencils, stickers, bubbles, etc…(see Wellness Policy on p.15) and/or a store bought food item. Please remember to make prior arrangements with the teacher. We also ask that party invitations not be delivered at school unless the entire class is invited.

Blood/Bodily Fluids Michigan law requires that a child that has bodily fluids on his/her clothing cannot be exposed to other children. The home will be contacted for a change of clothes, if one is not already in his/her backpack.

The State of Michigan Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers requires the following procedures for handling bodily fluids: Vinyl or latex gloves will be worn whenever the possibility of direct contact with any body fluid with another person is anticipated. Gloves are available and easily accessible in any setting where contact with body fluids could take place. They should be worn when treating bloody noses, handling soiled clothes or cleaning small spills by hand. Gloves and other materials used for this purpose are to be put in a plastic bag or lined trash can, secured, and disposed of daily. Soiled clothes are bagged in secure bags and sent home. Hands should always be washed thoroughly after gloves are removed, even if the gloves appear to be intact. All equipment, environment and working surfaces will be cleaned and decontaminated after contact with blood or other potential infectious materials. Minor spills will be cleaned by gloved staff in work area and sprayed with disinfectant spray. Staff are to report incident to office for cleaning by custodian, if needed. If you have unexpected contact with body fluids or if gloves are not available (for example, when wiping a runny nose, applying pressure to a bleeding injury outside the classroom, or helping a student in the bathroom), you should wash your hands and other affected skin for at least 10-15 seconds with soap and water after the direct contact has ended. In addition: • If any body fluids come into contact with surfaces of the nose or mouth, the area should be immediately flushed with water. If the eyes are contaminated, they should be rinsed with clean water.


• Precautions should be taken to avoid injuries with sharp instruments contaminated with blood. Needles should not be recapped, purposely bent or broken by hand, removed from disposable syringes, or otherwise manipulated by hand. After they are used, disposable syringes and needles, and other sharp items should be placed in puncture-resistant, leak-proof containers for disposal; the puncture- resistant containers should be located as close as practical to the use area. • Persons providing health care that have skin lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct care, and from handling equipment, until the condition resolves. Additional steps to reduce the risk of transmission of communicable diseases include the following: • If a child is injured or becomes ill, the parent will be notified immediately. Ill children will be sent home. • Toilet tissue, liquid soap dispenser, and disposable towels are available in all restrooms. • All children wash their hands, with direct supervision as necessary, before eating. • Children are discouraged from sharing food, personal grooming items, and cosmetics. • Children are discouraged from placing fingers in their mouths and from mouthing objects that others might use. • Children are taught to sneeze and cough in their elbows and to wash hands immediately as needed. • Proper sanitation procedures are followed with regard to food handling and preparation.

Cleaning and Sanitizing The following steps are to be followed for cleaning and sanitizing all surfaces, toys, equipment and articles: • Wash the surface or article vigorously with warm water and detergent. • Rinse the surface with clean water. • Submerge, wipe or spray the surface or article with a sanitizing solution. • Let the article or surface air dry. Sanitizing solution: • If we are using 5.25%-6% sodium hypochlorite bleach we will mix water and non-scented chlorine bleach solution with a concentration of


bleach between 50-200 parts per million (1 tablespoon of bleach) to 1 gallon of water. Test strips are used to check the concentration. • If we are using 8.25% sodium hypochlorite bleach we will follow the manufacturer’s instructions for diluting the product for sanitizing or disinfecting, as well as for the contact time. • Bleach used for sanitizing must have an EPA number indicating an approval for food sanitizing.

Hand Washing The State of Michigan Licensing Rules for Child Care Centers requires the following procedures for hand washing: Proper hand washing requires the use of soap and warm water (comfortable temperature between 60 and 120 F) and vigorous washing under a stream of running water for at least 10-15 seconds. Rub areas between fingers, around nail beds, under fingernails, jewelry, and the back of hands. Rinse your hands under running water and dry them thoroughly with paper towel and dispose of paper towel in a waste container. All children are taught proper hand washing procedures and practice this after using the restroom and in other situations as needed. The following are not approved substitutes for soap and running water: • Hand sanitizers • Water basins • Pre-moistened cleansing wipes Hands should be washed… • After using the bathroom or helping a child use the bathroom. • After blowing a nose or wiping a mouth. • Before and after changing bandages, giving medication or taking a temperature. • Before and after any food service activity. • After removing gloves to do any of the above mentioned tasks.

Health Threatening Conditions (including allergies) Please notify the school if your child has a health threatening medical condition (including allergies such as bee stings). It is important that we have specific instructions from your physician for proper treatment.


Illness/Injury Sometimes children become ill at school and it is necessary for them to go home. It is important the school have up-to-date information. If the parents cannot be reached, the emergency person(s) identified by the parents on the Child Information Record will be called. If contact cannot be made with the parents or their designated representative the school will secure emergency medical and/or surgical treatment in accordance with the signed permission of the parent/guardian on the Child Information Record.

If your child is ill, please do not send him/her to school. If a child contracts a communicable disease (any disease that is easily spread through direct or indirect contact), parents should keep their child at home for at least 24 hours after the contagious period has passed (this includes a fever).

Medication Administering medication that is essential to maintain a child in school, such as insulin shots, disease control medication, etc. continues to be the responsibility of the parent/guardian. If a child must receive medication, parents will follow these guidelines:

• District forms must be completed by the child’s physician for prescription and over-the-counter medication. • Provide the completed authorization and the properly labeled prescription/over-the-counter medication. • Children must never bring medication to school. • Inform school personnel of any changes in medication, dosage, etc. • Inform school personnel of all currently prescribed medications their child is taking (even at home). • Supply refills in a timely manner. • Cut tablets in half prior to bringing in the medication, if indicated.

The teacher/assistant will keep all medication locked up and safely out of the reach of children. Medication will be administered exactly as directed by the prescription label and the signed physician’s authorization.

Wellness Policy We have implemented a district-wide wellness policy. Please provide healthy and nutritious food for all parties. Thank you for your support. 14


Animals at School Children may only bring animals to school with teacher permission. Due to the possibility of injury to other children, animals are never permitted on the bus.

Fire/Disaster Drills Fire and disaster drills are conducted periodically throughout the school year. The state requires these drills be conducted quarterly to ensure the safety of the children.

Lock-Down When given the signal, doors and windows will be locked. Blinds will be closed and lights turned off. Children will be removed from the line of sight until dismissed by police or EMS personnel. The state requires a minimum of two drills to be conducted throughout the school year.

Parking For the safety of all children, there will be NO PARKING in the rear parking lot from 7:15 to 7:45 AM and 2:45 to 3:15 PM. Preschool parents should park in the parent/visitor parking lot or in the east parking lot. Do not park in the fire lane, parking tickets are frequently issued by the city police.

Releasing Children Children will be released only to parents or authorized persons specified on the Child Information Record. It is the parent’s responsibility to notify us of any changes. Photo identification will be requested before the child is released to anyone. No one under the age of 16-years-old will be permitted to pick-up a child from the Early Childhood programs.

In the cases of separation and divorce, we must have a court document that states visitation times. If the non-custodial parent should not pick-up the child, the court document must state this information. Parents should inform the program if there is any problem with custody.


Safe School Environment Creating a positive, safe learning environment at school is the joint responsibility of children, parents and staff. No guns, knives, or weapons of any kind (real or toy) are allowed at school at any time, for any reason. We will work together to teach each child responsibility and independence.

Staff Screening Policy All staff are required to have an ICHAT Criminal History Check done through the administration office to be kept on file prior to an offer of employment. All employees must also have a DHS Central Registry Check stating that they have not been named on the Central Registry completed and on file before the individual may be present in the classroom or center. All employees for Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools will also be required to have a background check performed by having their finger prints taken electronically through the FBI fingerprinting system.

Tornado Watch/Warning School may or may not be dismissed during a Tornado Watch. However, children will remain in school during the event of a Tornado Warning. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL. Individual calls tie up the telephone lines so emergency calls cannot be made. When a tornado warning is issued children will immediately be moved to a secure area with no windows. The state requires a minimum of two drills to be conducted between the months of April and October.

Volunteers Parents are always welcome to volunteer in our classrooms! All volunteers must fill out a volunteer application form and it must be approved before volunteering can begin. Volunteers are screened using the Michigan State Police-Internet Criminal History Access Tool. The G-A Early Childhood Programs are committed to maintaining an environment in which dignity of each student is respected. Therefore, all volunteers will adhere to a strict confidentiality policy to protect the privacy of our students and their families. It is the family’s responsibility to share this policy with any family members who wish to volunteer in the classroom. Volunteers will have supervised contact with children at all times unless it is their own child.


Zero-Tolerance Policy Galesburg-Augusta has a zero-tolerance policy towards violence. Any verbal or written threats against children, school personnel, or property will be taken seriously. Violence includes any mean look, sign, word, or act that hurts a person’s body, feelings, things, or friendships.


Pesticide Use The G-A Early Childhood Program and Learning Center adhere to Pesticide management policies outlined in Rule 400.5940(9) of the Michigan Licensing Rules for childcare centers as well as the pursuant of Michigan Environmental Law. We will provide 48 –hour advance notice prior to pesticide applications.

Notification of pesticide application may be found at: • Written notification will be placed at the entrance door of the school or sent home with your child. • Website notification can be found at • Verbal notification will be made via Robo-Call

The following pesticide applications do not need prior notice: • Common products such as germicides, disinfectants, sanitizers and antimicrobials

• Bait pesticide formulation

• Gel pesticide formulation

Photographs Every year photos are taken of each child as a service to the children and their families. There is no obligation to purchase pictures. Yearbook pictures will be taken of all children unless a written note has been provided.

School Supplies A full size back pack, without wheels, is needed daily. See your classroom teacher for a list of other supplies.


Special Education Galesburg-Augusta Pre-K program provides limited services for children with special needs. These services may include speech and language, Occupational Therapy, and Physical Therapy, but excludes Pre-K special education classroom services. Arrangements can be made for students to attend an off campus Early Childhood Special Education Pre-K program at Gull Lake Community Schools and Comstock Community Schools. Bussing is provided to and from this program.

Pre-K Program

Learning happens continually and spontaneously as the result of personal discovery. The teacher’s role is to be supportive and provide an environment where children learn to work and play cooperatively. Play is children’s work. It absorbs their interest and serves as the framework for much of the learning that takes place in the G-A Pre-K classrooms.

Play is the freedom to test possibilities, to create and discover ideas and to practice new strategies in a safe environment. It is an essential part of learning physical, social, emotional and intellectual skills. The teacher will provide the proper stimulus and props that allow the children to explore their own capabilities.

Daily Schedule/ Weekly Schedule Full Day Pre-K: Monday-Thursday 7:45-2:53 Half Day 3 year old Pre-K: Monday-Thursday 7:45-11:15

The daily schedule will be posted in the classroom and shared with parents at the beginning of the school year. A typical day will include the following: Welcome, Table Time, Large Group Time, Choice Time, Small Group Time, Snack, Puzzles/Books and Outside Time. Our Full Day Pre-K program also includes a Full Lunch and Structured Rest Time.


Enrollment Information


Admission– Children must be 4-years-old on or before September 1 and must meet the income qualifications or have two or more risk factors.

Further details on the Great Start Readiness Program can be found in the Great Start Readiness Program Handbook.

If interested in enrolling your child(ren) in the Great Start Readiness Program please contact the Program Director Jillian Turner at 269-484- 2075 or [email protected]


Admission– Children must be 3-years-old to start the 3 Year Old Preschool Program. If your child is not three years old by September 1 of that school year your child will have to repeat the 3 Year Old Preschool Program the following year. Children must be 4-years-old on or before September 1 to begin the 4 Year Old Preschool Program. Children must be toilet-trained. S/He must be an independent bathroom user. This means that you child can independently go to the bathroom, pull down his/her clothing, sit on the toilet, wipe, redress, wash hands and rejoin the group. If there is any part of this process which your child need help with, now is the time to teach him/her to be independent. Each day before school, choose your child’s clothing carefully so that s/he is wearing clothing that is easy to get on and off. A child who is wearing pull-ups or has at least 3 accidents a week is not considered toilet trained.

You must also complete a preschool application. Children are enrolled on a first come, first serve basis.

Please have current phone numbers, including cell phone numbers, of all contact people (moms, dads, grandparents, babysitter, etc.) on the Child Information Record, so we can get in touch with you in case of an emergency, illness, etc.


Conferences– Parent-teacher conferences will be held twice a year. During the conference, the teacher will discuss your child’s growth during the year and you will receive a written report. Of course, parents should feel free to schedule meetings with the teacher at any time during the year.

Withdrawal Policy– If parents feel it is necessary to withdraw their child from the preschool program they should meet with the teacher and discuss their concern. Money is refundable only if the family moves out of the G-A School District. Any money still owed will be prorated through the week the child withdrew.

We must have two weeks notice before the child’s last day. Once a child withdraws, that position is considered an open position and any child may fill the spot. In the event a child does not attend for a period of time, they will be charged full tuition in order to be allowed to return.

We reserve the right to withdraw services with or without notice if: • We are unable to meet the needs of a child and /or the child’s parents • Violation of contract and/or parent handbook • Nonpayment, Late Payment or Repeated NSF checks • Repeated drop off/Pick up Violations

Tuition Payment Schedule

Pre-K class times are tentatively scheduled for: 4 year olds 7:45 AM – 2:50 AM 3 year olds 7:45AM – 11:15AM

Age Days of Total Cost Monthly Attendance Payments 4 years M-Th $2600.00 $325.00 3 years M-Th $1300.00 $162.50

Payment is due on the first day of each month (October-May). If payment is not made on the scheduled date, a $10.00 late fee will be charged. If payment is not received within one week, the child will be excluded from class until full payment is made.


Payment should be made in the Primary School Office or Online using the school district’s website by clicking the link on the school website. In order to use the website you will need to obtain your child’s student ID number from the office staff.

PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Galesburg-Augusta Community Schools

Family Fun Nights/Parent Workshops Parents will be notified of the dates and times.

Field Trips We take several field trips during the year. Three year old preschoolers may not ride the bus. Parents must transport their own child(ren) to and from the field trip. If a parent is transporting child(ren) other than their own a Volunteer Certification for Field Trip Transportation form must be on file with teacher before day of field trip. When bussing is available, four year old preschoolers may ride the bus to and from the field trip.

Late Pick-Up Fee In the event a parent is late picking up their child, the child will remain in the classroom and a late pick-up fee will be charged. For each occurrence, the parent will pay $5.00 for every 5 minutes or fraction thereof (for each child). The first 5 minutes will begin when preschool is dismissed, according to the classroom clock. (For example: If preschool is dismissed at 12:00 PM, the first 5 minutes begins at 12:00 PM.)

Outdoor Recess We make every effort to go outdoors on a daily basis. However, when the temperature (wind chill or heat) is excessive, we will stay indoors. Wind chill of 10 degrees or below Heat index of 94 degrees or above


School Closing/Severe Weather G-A Pre-K is closed whenever Galesburg-Augusta Schools are closed. Announcements of closings will be made on the following media stations: WKZO 590 AM WFAT 96.5 FM WWKN 104.9 FM WBCK 930 AM WNWN 98.5 FM WQLR 106.5 FM WKMI 1360 AM WQXC 100.9 FM WRKR 107.7 FM WKPR 1420 AM WMUK 102.1 FM WWMT CH3 WBXX 95.3 FM WKFR 103.3 FM WOTV CH8 & 41 If a field trip is scheduled on a day when school is closed, the field trip is also cancelled.

Snacks Our 3 Year Old Pre-K classes are supplied with a nutritional breakfast type snack. Our Full Day Pre-K class are supplied with nutritional breakfast type snack in the morning and snack in the afternoon. Also children enrolled in the Full Day Pre-K and Pre-K Wrap Around program will receive a full school lunch. (As part of the State of Michigan’s Child and Adult Care Food Program we are required to follow their strict rules and guidelines to help curb childhood obesity.)

Rest Time After lunch, there will be a rest time (licensing requirement) for children enrolled in the Full Day Pre-K class and Pre-K Wrap Around program. Children do not have to sleep but must rest quietly during this time. You may want to provide a blanket and pillow for your child.

Transportation Bus transportation may be provided for four-year-olds that wish to ride the bus to school. You must put your child on and take your child off the bus each day. To ensure your child’s safety, special buttons will be provided to identify the person taking your child off the bus. If your child is returned to school because the bus criteria were not met then your child will be cared for in the learning center. A non-negotiable $30 emergency care fee will be charged. The learning center charges an additional childcare fee of $5 for each half hour or fraction there of and must be paid in full before your child can return to class. The drop-off or pick-up location cannot be changed once it’s been determined. If you are involved in a car pool, please make sure all drivers’ names are listed on the Child Information Record.


Dropping Off and Picking Up Children If not riding the bus (including all three-year-old children), you must accompany your child to the designated drop off/pick up area in our front lobby. Please also make sure the teacher is aware you are leaving and you have signed your child in/out for the day. If you arrive late, please go to the front office. Do not go directly to your child’s classroom as you need to check in at the front office.

Learning Center Attendance/Absence Policy If your child does not attend the program you are still responsible for full payment based on your set schedule (this includes child absences due to illness). In the event of a prolonged illness, arrangements may be made on a case by case basis. It is your responsibility to sign your child in and out daily.

• Change of Schedule Change of schedule forms must be filled out at least two weeks prior to any change. * If a schedule change form is not filled out, parents will still be committed to paying their set fee and any additional charges for extra programming.

• Vacation Policy If your child will not be attending for a week or more, you are required to: o Fill out a Change of Care/Vacation Form and inform the staff as to when he/she will be returning. o You are allotted 10 free vacation days per school year. Any additional days are billed as normal.

• Withdrawal Policy If a parent chooses to withdraw their child, we require two week’s notice, in writing. At the end of each school year, families who are not interested in summer care will withdraw from the program by giving two weeks notice, and will be asked to fill out a new registration form for priority enrollment in the fall. Paying the registration fee will confirm your spot in the fall!


We reserve the right to withdraw services with or without notice if: • We are unable to meet the needs of a child and /or the child’s parents • Violation of contract and/or parent handbook • Nonpayment, Late Payment or Repeated NSF checks • Repeated drop off/Pick up Violations

Closing/Severe Weather If school is closed or delayed due to weather, the Learning Center will remain open. Under extreme weather circumstances (such as a Snow Emergency declared by the State Police) the Learning Center reserves the right to close. Announcements of closing will be made on the media stations listed on page 22.

Fee Structure Our fees are based on a set weekly attendance schedule for your child. Parents will be charged whether or not their child attends. Each program has fees and your bill will total the sum of all programs. Payment is due every Monday (by 6:00 PM) of the week your child will be in attendance. (All fees are subject to change.) Please make checks payable to: GALC.

• Financial Assistance The Learning Center accepts Michigan Department of Human Services (DHS) payments. We do not offer scholarships. Families who are receiving assistance from DHS will be required to pay a set amount based on the percentage of fees paid by the agency. A case number will be required prior to your child’s attendance. The registration fee is still expected in full.

• Late Payment Fee Failure to pay by 6:00 PM on Monday will result in a $20.00 late fee. Your child will not be allowed to return to the program on Tuesday if your bill and late fee have not been paid. Continuous failure to pay your bill on time could terminate your contract with the Learning Center.


• Registration Fee (annual) The registration fee is non-refundable. It reserves your child’s spot at the Learning Center.

o $30.00 for the first child. o $20.00 for each additional child.

• Sibling Discount See learning center staff. Preschool-Age Care (3-5 yrs.)

Children are walked to and from the G-A Pre-K classrooms.

6:00-7:30 am Before School Wrap Around Care $20 for 4 days a week $20/day

3:00-6:00 PM After School Full Day Friday $40 for 4 days a week $30/day

*LUNCH INCLUDED! (if child is enrolled for Full Day Care and Wrap Around Care)

School-Age Care (K-5th grade):

Transportation will be provided to and from the Intermediate Building.

6:00-7:30 am Before School $25 for 4-5 Days a week $20 for 1-3 Days a week *BREAKFAST INCLUDED! 3:00-6:00 PM After School $50 for 4-5 days a week $35 for 1-3 days a week All fees subject to change.

Field Trips Field trips may be taken occasionally. Permission slips must be filled out completely before the trip. A field trip fee may be charged. If it is inconvenient for your child to accompany us on a planned trip, individual arrangements may be made.


Hours The Learning Center is open year round, Monday-Friday from 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM. We are also open on the following days although rates will be different: • No School Days*-$30 per day • 1/2 Days*-$20 per day • School Breaks*-$30 per day • Snow Days*-$30 per day • 90 Minute Delay Start Days*-$10 per day • Other School Delays*-Price to be determined by length of delay • Summer-See Learning Center Staff

*There is limited space on these days due to staffing and ratio. These are first come, first serve. The signup sheet is put out next to the sign in/sign out sheets.

We are closed on the following days: • Friday before Labor Day • Labor Day • Thanksgiving • Friday after Thanksgiving • Christmas Eve • Christmas Day • New Year’s Eve • New Year’s Day • Memorial Day • Independence Day (4th of July) • In the event there are too few children signed up for the day

Late Pick-Up Fee In the event a parent is late picking up their child, a late pick-up fee will be charged. For each occurrence, the parent will pay $1.00 for every minute (for each child). The late pick-up fee begins at 6:00 PM, according to the cafeteria clock.

Rest Time After lunch, there will be a rest time (licensing requirement). Children do not have to sleep but must rest quietly during this time. You may want to provide a blanket and pillow for your child. Children may also bring a stuffed animal to sleep with during rest time.


Snack/Meals The Learning Center provides breakfast and snacks that adhere to licensing guidelines. During the school year, children who attend the program before 7:20 AM will be provided breakfast. Children that attend Wrap Around Care or Full Day Friday are provided with lunch. Children must bring a sack lunch on half days and days school is closed.

Tax Credit The Learning Center is licensed by the State of Michigan and qualifies for the Child Care Tax Credit.

Special Circumstances If a staff member suspects that the person picking up the child is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, the child will not be released. Another person authorized to pick up the child will be called. The safety and well being of the child in our care is of primary importance. If any child care staff believes that an adult who is picking up a child is not in a condition to drive or adequately care for the child’s safety, the staff will not release the child is assured. Staff will call another authorized adult to assist in picking up the child. Staff will call the police to help assist in this matter.

Other For matters not covered by the preceding policies, the G-A Early childhood Programs and Learning Center will abide by all applicable Federal, State and Local laws regarding care of children. In absence of aforementioned regulation, we reserve the right to make a final determination in resolving in resolving instances without established policy.

Changes to the handbook The G-A Early Childhood Programs and Learning Center reserve the right to amend. Remove or otherwise change existing policies in order to comply with Federal, State and Local laws regarding the care of children. We reserve the right to amend, remove, or otherwise change existing policies in order to maintain a safe, healthy and productive educational environment for the children served. In the event of a change written notification will be given.


Inspection Of Licensing Notebook

• The licensing notebook contains all the licensing inspection and special investigation reports and related corrective action plans since May 28, 2010. • The licensing notebook is available to parents during regular business hours. • Licensing inspection and special investigation reports from at least the past two years are available on the childcare licensing website at The website address must be in bold print.


We have read and understand the information and policies in the G-A Early Childhood Handbook. We agree to abide by the policies contained in the handbook and understand that we are responsible for asking questions, should we have any. It is the family’s responsibility to share these policies with any family members who wish to volunteer in the classroom.

______Child’s Name

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

______Parent/Guardian Signature Date

Please sign and return to the program prior to the first day of attendance.