
Andromeda NGC891 is a spiral with prominent dark lanes.

Aries Lambda Arietis. Double . Mesarthim. .

Augria B34 (Dark ) situated two degrees west of M37 Auriga Flaming Star Nebula in Auriga IC 405

Bootes. Mu ( Alkalurops ) is a fine triple and Epsilon, Izar, a fine double.

Camelopardalis 1 Camelopardalis. Double Star.

Cancer . Double Star. M67. . Cancer Zeta Cancri Tegmen/Tegmine. Multiple .

Canes Venatici M51. The Whirlpool Galaxy. Canes Venatici NGC4631. Barred Spiral Galaxy.

Canis Major 17 Cma. Double Star. Canis Major H 3934 ( SAO 0173 57) Double Star. Canis Major “Winter Alberio” h3945

Cassiopeia Eta Cassiopeiae. Achird. Double Star. Cassiopeia NGC281 Burnham1 is a triple set in the nebulosity IC1590 in this young cluster. Cassiopeia NGC7789, " Caroline's Rose" , a very beautiful open cluster.

Cepheus NGC188 is the most distant open cluster. Cepheus Mu Cephe. The Garnet Star 2.4 Billion miles in diameter.

Cygnus NGC6910. Open Cluster. Cygnus 61 Cygni. Piazzi's flying star.

Gemini , NGC 1514 (Abel 21). Gemini . Double Star. Gemini Eskimo Nebula (NGC2392) - lying close to a similar magnitude star and unmistakable as non-stellar, with a bright core and fainter but well defined outer region. Gemini NGC 2158. Open Cluster. Gemini NGC2371/72 lovely bi lobed planetary nebula. Gemini Wasat. Double Star. Gemini NGC2355 is an open cluster 1 Billion old.

Hydra M68. .

Leo Gamma Leo. Algieba. Double Star. Leo 54 Leonis. Double Star. Leo Denebola. Double Star. Leo M105. Elliptical galaxy located 36.6 million light Years. Leo M96. Intermediate spiral galaxy about 31 million light-years. Leo Triple M65 and M66 NGC3628 Leo NGC2903 is a lovely bright edge on spiral up in the lion's tongue.

Lepus M79 a globular cluster

Lynx NGC2419, the Galactic Wanderer (globular) at 210,000 light years.

Lyra NGC6791 an open cluster 8-9.5 Billion years old and ten times larger than most others.

Monoceros NGC2349 very variable central star in this planetary nebula. Beta Monocerotis - celebrated triplet, just great! Monoceros Epsilon Monocerotis. Double Star. Monoceros Beta.The finest triple in the sky.

Orion 32 Ori Orion Delta Ori Orion Iota Ori Orion M78 Orion Open cluster NGC 2112 Orion Sigma Ori Orion Struve 761 Orion Barnard's Loop Orion Lambda Orionis Meissa Orion Monkey Head Nebula Orion NGC 2169. Open Cluster. Orion Rigel, Beta Ori Orion NGC 2194. Open Cluster.

Perseus Eta Persei. Miram. Double Star. Perseus HR 890/891. Double Star. Perseus The California NGC 1499, an emission nebula Perseus NGC1528 NGC1545 (running man) is a binary cluster. Perseus NGC1023 mag.9.5 is the nearest lenticular galaxy.

Pleiades The Nebula in M45

Taurus 118 Tauri. Double Star. Chi Tauri. Star System. Taurus Crystal Ball Nebula Triangulum 6 Trianguli. Double Star.

Ursa Major NGC2841 is a bright (9.3) spiral galaxy here. Ursa Major NGC457 The Owl Cluster is 30 light years in diameter and includes several thousand with Phi being 200,000 times the size of the . Ursa Major M101. PinWheel Galaxy.

Virgo NGC4567/68 are "The Siamese Twins ". Virgo NGC4697. Elliptical galaxy some 40 to 50 million light-years. Virgo M59. Elliptical galaxy contains 2000 globular clusters Virgo Pairs of ; NGC4435/38.