CONTENTS Volume 77 Nos 8 & 9 October 2018 in This Issue

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CONTENTS Volume 77 Nos 8 & 9 October 2018 in This Issue Volume 77 Nos 9 & 10 October 2018 Volume 77 Nos 8 & 9 October 2018 CONTENTS Editor’s Notes ...................................................................................................................................... 137 Hubble’s Law renamed – now Hubble-Lemaître law ............................................................ 139 New Observatory for the UNW ...................................................................................................... 141 Obituary: Sergio Colafrancesco (1957-2018) .......................................................................... 143 Special Award for UCT Chair of Astronomy .............................................................................. 144 Special IAU Prize Awarded to Carolina Ödman-Govender .................................................. 146 Albireo – the Enigmatic Double Star ........................................................................................... 147 The Wind Tower at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope ....................................... 151 Colloquia and Seminars ................................................................................................................... 162 In this issue: Hubble-Lemaître (?) redshift-distance relation Obituary: Sergio Colafrancesco New Observatory UNW Awards: Carolina Ödman-Govender and Renée Kraan-Korteweg Albireo – the Enigmatic Double Star The Wind Tower at the Royal Observatory, Cape Colloquia and Seminars The Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (ASSA) was formed in 1922 by the amalgamation of the Cape Astronomical Association (founded 1912) and the Johannesburg Astronomical Association (founded 1918). It is a body consisting of both amateur and professional astronomers. EDI TORIAL Mr Case Rijsdijk (Editor, MNASSA ) Publications : The Society publishes its electronic journal, the Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa (MNASSA) bi-monthly as well as the annual Sky Guide Africa South. BOARD Mr Auke Slotegraaf (Editor, Sky Guide Africa South ) Membership : Membership of the Society is open to all. Potential members should consult the Society’s web page Mr Christian Hettlage (Webmaster) for details. Joining is possible via one of the local Centres or as a Country Member. Local Centres: Local Centres of the Society exist at Bloemfontein, Cape Town, Durban, Hermanus, Johannesburg, Natal Mr James Smith (Web Manager) Midlands, Pretoria and Sedgefield district (Garden Route Centre). Membership of any of these Centres automatically confers membership of the Society. Prof M.W. Feast (Member, University of Cape Town) Sky & Telescope: Members may subscribe to Sky & Telescope at a significant discount (proof of membership is Prof B. Warner (Member, University of Cape Town) required). Please contact the Membership Secretary for details. Internet contact details: email: [email protected] Home Page: MNASSA Mr Case Rijsdijk (Edito r, MNASSA ) PRODUCTION Dr Ian Glass (Assistant Editor) Council Members 2018 President Case Rijsdijk [email protected] Mr Maciej Soltynski (Book Review Editor) Vice-President Dr Pierre de Villiers [email protected] Mr Willie Koorts (Consultant) Vice-President Chris Stewart [email protected] EDITORIAL MNASSA, PO Box 9, Observatory 7935, South Africa Membership Secretary Wilmi Nel [email protected] Treasurer AJ Nel [email protected] ADDRESSES Email: [email protected] Secretary Lerika Cross [email protected] Web Manager: [email protected] Scholarships Dr Claire Flanagan [email protected] MNASSA Download Page: Members Clyde Foster [email protected] Dr Ian Glass [email protected] SUBSCRIPTIONS MNASSA is available for free download on the Internet Bloemfontein Chair Prof Matie Hoffman [email protected] ADVERTISING Advertisements may be placed in MNASSA at the Cape Chair Eddy Nijeboer [email protected] following rates per insertion: full page R400, half page Durban Chair Piet Strauss [email protected] R200, quarter page R100. Small advertisements R2 per Garden Route Chair Case Rijsdijk [email protected] Hermanus Chair Dr Pierre de Villiers [email protected] word. Enquiries should be sent to the editor at Johannesburg Chair Jerome Jooste [email protected] [email protected] Midlands Chair Steffan Devos [email protected] CONTRIBUTIONS MNASSA mainly se rves the Southern African Pretoria Chair Johan Smit [email protected] astronomical community. Articles may be submitted by Section Directors A - Shallow Sky Clyde Foster [email protected] members of this community or by those with strong B1 - Deep Sky Douglas Bullis [email protected] connections. Else they should deal with matters of B2 – Double and Variable Stars Dave Blane [email protected] direct interest to the community . MNASSA is published C - Photometry, Spectroscopy Percy Jacobs [email protected] D - Cosmology/Astrophysics Bruce Dickson [email protected] on the first day of every second month and articles are E - History Chris de Coning [email protected] due one month before the publication date. F - Dark Sky Vacant RECOGNITION Articles from MNASSA appear in the NASA/ADS data G - Imaging Martin Heigan [email protected] H – Instrumentation and ATM Chris Stewart [email protected] system. I – Citizen Science Allen Versfeld [email protected] Cover Photo: The renaming of Hubble's Law to the Hubble-Lemaître Law. Edwin Hubble (left); George Lemaître (right). See article on page 137. mnassa Vol 77 Nos 8 & 9 October 2018 Editor’s Notes The re-naming of Hubble’s Law is nothing new, it was proposed before, and like the “demotion” of Pluto, there will no doubt be many years of argument for and against the IAU Resolution; see below. In an arXiv paper received 31 October, 2018, entitled “Reasons in favour of a Hubble- Lemaître-Slipher’s (HLS) law”, the author Emilio Elizade mentions that earlier attempts were made to change the Hubble Law. Based on historical facts, revisited from a present-day perspective, and on the documented opinions of the scientists involved in the discovery themselves, strong arguments are given in favour of a proposal to include the prominent astronomer Vesto Slipher to the suggested addition of Georges Lemaître's name to Hubble's law on the expansion of the Universe, and thus eventually call it Hubble-Lemaître- Slipher's (HLS) law. The discussion on the Resolution B4 (see main article) was very lively but it had to be stopped in order to keep up with the schedule, in particular, the subsequent Closing Ceremony. Some additional questions were sent by email, as this one: Q. Should other contributors to the data used in the early expansion law (Slipher, Leavitt, Stromgren, ...) be acknowledged as well? A. No because they did not use their data nor invent new theory to discover the Universal Expansion. The author (Elizade) is essentially in agreement with all the considerations above, as they were formulated; in particular, with the last one, which refers to Slipher and Leavitt. Sure, one cannot object the sentence, as formulated, that these prominent astronomers “did not use their data” (in particular, Slipher, even if he calculated MNASSA VOL 77 NOS 9 & 10 137 practically all redshifts used subsequently both by Hubble and Lemaître) or methods (Leavitt’s law) profusely used by Hubble as his main tool to obtain all his measures of Abstract: “Always Calling Home” explores matter wandering over the Earth, its distances, “in order to invent a new theory to discover the Universal Expansion.” landscapes, the skies and ultimately the Universe. Eternal matter that exists within, However, some crucial historical facts, which have been overlooked by almost and outside its original body, from which they got expelled. Exobodies, asteroids, everybody till now, and which the author has rescued, contain documented opinions meteorites, and exoplanets. Rocks made of stories, material time records and data of the scientists involved (Hubble, in particular, on several occasion), as well as more storages. Perhaps receivers or emitters, sometimes interfacing the invisible around recent bibliographical studies (duly mentioned below), have led him to formulate us. The outside within; the storytellers of the yet-to-come. During this South African – strong arguments in favour of a proposal to include the prominent astronomer Vesto Swiss exchange and Artists-in-labs residency I am interested in sharing knowledge Slipher in the planned addition of Georges Lemaître’s name to Hubble’s law, to with my future colleagues at the South African Astronomical Observatory SAAO in eventually call it Hubble-Lemaître-Slipher’s (HLS) law. Cape Town/Sutherland and the South African artist George Mahashe hosted by the Astronomy Department in Versoix/Geneva while learning about how to make The paper then lists in some detail evidence for his argument. He finally summed up meaning out of data coming from the outer space. I imagine myself also exploring the his proposal: mesmerising landscape inhabited by giant architectural machines in dialogue with the stars, rocks and other bodies that eventually reply. 1. I consider the role of Slipher in the derivation of Hubble’s law to be of paramount importance, as recognized (implicitly and explicitly), to begin with, by the two other actors of this drama, and subsequently by an increasing number of reputed specialists. His role was invaluable, both in inspiring the whole development (Hubble’s dixit) and in providing one of the
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    k MEN OF MAKK IN CONNlXniCUT Men of Mark in Connecticut IDEALS OF AMERICAN LIFE TOLD IN IHOG- KArillKS AM) AUTOHIOGRAPIIIES OF EMINENT LlVlNCi AMERICANS KDITKD BY COLONEL N. G. OSBORN EDITOIl " NKW HAVEN JOURNAL AND COURTKB' VOLUME III WILLIAM R. GOODSPEED IIARTFOHD, CONNECTICUT 1907 Copyright 1904 by B. F. Johkson ' LiBTiftsViTcONfiKESSl Two C-oles Heudived < APR 14 1908 cuss 0^ -nAc no, Tmb c«mc. LocKwooo 4i. Brainaro Co.. Pbintcrs. H*RTrono. Comn. MEN OF MARK IN CONNECTICUT OoL N. G. OsBORN, Editor-in-Chief ADVISORY HOARD HON. WILLIAM S. CASTE Hartford JUDOK OF 8UPERI0B CODBT. HON. GEORGE S. GODARD Hartford STATE UtiRAKlAN HON. FREDERICK J. KINGSBURY. LL.D.. WATE31BITBT MFMBER corporation yaij: umvinisiTT CAPTAIN EDWARD W. MARSH Brtdoeport TREASl'BER PBOPLE'S 8AVINGS BANK COL. X. G. OSBORN New Haven EDITOB NEW HATEN BBQISTEB HON. HENRY ROBERTS Hartpobo KX-<X)VEBNOB. HON. JONATHAN TRUMBULL Norwich LXBRARUJf PUBUC UBBABT JAMES ARTHUR ATWOOD A'l'WOOD, JAMES ARTHUR, manager of two of Connecticut's foremost manufacturing industries, bank president and lead- ing citizen of Wauregan, Windham County, Coimecticut, was bom in that town. May 18th, 18(31. He is a descendant of Francis and Mary Williams Atwood, of Providence, Rhode Island, the latter a great-granddaughter of Roger Williams. Francis At- wood's son, John Atwood, had a son John who was a sergeant in the Revolutionary War. Sergeant John Atwood married Roby Kim- ball and lived in Scituate, Rhode Island, where their son Kimball Atwood was born. Kimball Atwood's son John moved to Williams- rille, Connecticut, and became part owner of The Williamsville Manu- facturing Company, which present representatives of the family own and manage.
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