Federal Register / Vol. 86, No. 114 / Wednesday, June 16, 2021 / Rules and Regulations 31955 regulations to substitute channel 22 for Federal Communications Commission. significant as originally determined and channel 7 at Hannibal. India Malcolm, are being adequately managed. DATES: Effective June 16, 2021. Assistant Bureau Chief for Management. Therefore, the species no longer meets the definition of an endangered or a FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Final Rule threatened species under the Joyce Bernstein, Media Bureau, at (202) For the reasons discussed in the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (Act), 418–1647 or
[email protected]. preamble, the Federal Communications as amended. This determination is SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The Commission amends 47 CFR part 73 as based on a thorough review of all proposed rule was published at 86 FR follows: available information, which indicates 16686 on March 31, 2021. The Licensee that this species’ populations and filed comments in support of the PART 73—RADIO BROADCAST distribution are much greater than were petition reaffirming its commitment to SERVICE known at the time of listing and that apply for channel 22. No other threats to this species have been ■ comments were filed. The Licensee 1. The authority citation for part 73 sufficiently minimized. continues to read as follows: states that VHF channels have certain DATES: This rule is effective July 16, propagation characteristics which may Authority: 47 U.S.C. 154, 155, 301, 303, 2021. 307, 309, 310, 334, 336, 339. cause reception issues for some viewers ADDRESSES: This final rule, the and that the reception of VHF signals ■ 2. In § 73.622(i), amend the Post- supporting documents we used in requires larger antennas generally not Transition Table of DTV Allotments, preparing this rule, and public well suited to the mobile applications under Missouri, by revising the entry for comments we received are available on expected under flexible use, relative to Hannibal to read as follows: the internet at http:// UHF channels.