OREGON /; Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 181 '"--. ii ._+ ,m, PARr State Police; Crime Reporting and Records; Police and Parole and Probation Standards and STATE POLIC~ 181.400 ~ ca nmmbe~ d smm poac~ 181.010 Defln/~o~s for ORS 181.010 to 181..580 lSI.O~O Deparmumt M State Police umblishod " lSI.410 181.060 Powers msd du.ttes of dmpmrtm~ and ibs mmbers ISL040 Depm,Umm to mstorw l,slm reim:tn8 m lst~lsw~ys and opm'mtou d vehic/a on lst~w~ power of ~ poamsu~ CRIMZ IUmPORTING persons not members of d~mrmmat " 181.511 181.080 State poUe~ m enforce laws and • tlmm of ageing-- . ISI.~1 C~.~ m ,.po~ dlm~o,imm of ,m,~,~ 181.0~ Bu~u of ~ td~ S~ Court Adm/m/mS~. to in- lSI.O~O ~tsto ~ buresu . ~ ~m~ s~ d m~ lSI.O~O Cm detoc¢ion htbor~o~ms .. m~ ISI.O00 Hmdqum,m~ and patrol s.m.~ons imm/m~Mm o~ cm.~n mma~ lSLI00 Ormmlza~ o+ work ot ~ 181.~a C'h,/m/md ldeB¢lff~as/on int~ avail- I~IAIO msu.ibu~ ol po~ tlu'oa,e~ts~ m 18L120 Slmsdard unihn~ lor m pollee CommLmdoa 18L130 Sm,'v/ee wlthoul ~ ms/tom Crtm/n~ ~ tnt~ avs/l- wm ,-~ by other penom sbk, m ~t d H.,,,---- ~ 181.140 C~jl~leamLak~7 o~ some ~. h/bitod " :.'" ..... " U ISLI60 suppuu and equipmea~ of m,poUee U 1SLAM ~H~smem o~ ~ fme ~ m ISL170 Dsm~e m. lea of property by ~ c~ record i~Morma~ms " member, d~ h'om pa~ U Peoeedu~ when into~ ~ by 18LI~ Sta~ Police Account -' :+" . " - othm- than crtm/nat jura:tee alemcy I~LISO Pew~ cMh ~count Specifl= inf~ not m b. a,Uommd m" 181.190 m~mmined 181.200 Supe~/n~m/e~t M State Police: appoint- me~ contirma~iom removsl 181.210 osm an~ bond ot s~e~ds~ and deputy 181.220 Deputy Su~t of Sta~ PoUe~ . STATE POUCE quailflcaflomh.appoinUmms and removsl 181.240 Powers and duties of deputy superinum- 181.010 Defin/t/ons for ORS 181.010 to debt 181.560. As used in ORS 181.010 to 181.560, 181.2.,50 State police force; appointment; emunina- tion and enflsUnent of appl/csnm unless the context requL-es other: . 181.260 quaflflcacions for appoinUnenS and .rap- (I) "Bureau" means the Deparmmnt of poinunen¢ as membe~of sm~ police S~ PoLi~-~ B,a~au of Cr~nina! ~.en!~fi~- ezecueve security persoamd tion. • - - 181.271 SaJaries of state police 181.280 rules and ret~la~ona for (2) "Criminal offender ix~ormation" in- discipline and coms~l dudes records and related dam as to physica/ 181.290 Grouads for re.oval of state police description and vital sta~stics, fmgerpr~ 181..~0 Proeeedl~ for removal received and compi/ed by the bureau for put- 181.310 Superintendent to make rules and regula- ttmm governing proceedi~Ks for removal poses of identifying ~ offenders and 181.320 Trial board: members; presiding offices" alleged offenders, records of arrests and the 181.330 Hearing on charse~ compell/ng atom. dance of wimesse~ wime~ fees and nam.,'e and disposition of criminal charges, mileage including sentencing, confinement, parole and 181.340 Ftndins of u~d board: a~ou by supertn- release. tmldent 181.3~0 Procedure for review of decision of board 181.360 Di~ectm-s of crime detection laboratories 181.;]80 Oath of members of state police OR-I OREGON T (3) "Crime for which trim/hal offender 181.020 Depm-m,ent of State: police information is requL-~" means:. .. established. There is established a Depart- (a) Any felony;, : ment of Stare Poli~ The ~t. shall Co) Any misdemeanor or ~ offem~ cons~ of office personnel and the Oregon which involves criminal sexual conduc~ or " State-Police. The Oreson State Police shall consist of members of the staZe police force (©) Any crime which involves a violation ot" appointed under 181.250, state police the Uniform Controlled S~ Act. ORS cadets and lesislative security personnel ap- pointed under ORS 181.265. [~ by 1963 of State Police established under ORS e.&t7 §& 19TI =4e7 §2] " " 181.020. - ..... .:. .- : ~. "- 181.030 Powers and dudes of depart.. merit, and itsmembers. (1) The Department De .p.uty Superintendent. of State Police, ""'" " of State Police and each member of the • -(S) 'Law en£orcement."a~m~c~" means Oreson State Police shall be charged with the county sheriffs, municipal police departments, enforcement, of all criminal laws. .... State Police, other police officers of this and other states and law enforcemant agencies of .. (2) Each member"of the smate police is the Federal Government. ..-. .. authorized and empowered to: . .. (7) "State Police" means the members of (a) Prevent crime. " .the. state police force appointed under ORS Co) Pm'~e and apprehend offm~ and 181.250. • . .: .. obtain Iegal evidence necessary to insure the (8) -superintendent" means the Superin- vi o. in oe h off d , i; t~mdent of State Police. " -',. ,- .... - (d) Exe©ute any & o er of (a) The Governor, " :, " • . ..,." - : arrest isaued against any person orlmrsons for (b) Courts of criminal jurisdiction; my violation of the law. ,:. ,. -.. (c) The Attorney General; (e) Make arrests without warrant for ~ (m Dis~ct; attorneys,city stT~=eys with violations of law in the manner provided in ORS 133.310. criminal prosecutive functions and public 2 -:.o- .: • .. defender organizations established under ORS " (f) Give first aidto the injurecL chapter 151; " .° .,.' ..... (g) Succor .t~he helpless.. (e) Law enforcement agencies; .. • .(f). The Corrections Division; " (3) Each member of the state police shall have in general the same powers and authori-. • (g)The State Board of Parole; and ty as those conferred by law upon sheriffs, (]1) Any other s~:ate or local agency ciesigo" police, officers, constables, peace officers and hated by order of the Gover~r. may be appointed as deputy medical examin- er~,'" " . ". ..o .%. - .... - • " ... (I0) "Disposition report:" means a form or .?"" • • oZ' pr~ess prescribed or furnished by the burea,_~- (4) The'm~bers of the state police shall conl~ininS a des~p~on of the ul.tima~ a~ion be subject to the call of the Governor, ~ are taken sul:mequent to an arrest. [Amemded by empowered to cooperate with any other insl:z-u- 1963 ¢.547 §1; 1971 ~46"f §1; 1975 e.548 §1~ 1977 c.748 menta/ity or authority of the state, or any 146; z.qsze..qos I1] .. - " political subdivision in detecting crime, appre- bending criminals and preserving law and: order throughout the state; but the state po~ lice shall not be used as a posse except when ordered by the Governor. [Amended by 1961 ~4~4. §7; 1971 a467 §3; I973 a408 §30; 197T c595 ~ ~] r OR-2 OREGON •18L040 Department to enforce laws (d) Underr.ake such ~cherprejects as are r~iatinl to • hi~hw.ym~ and" ope~tion ot necasm~ or appropriate to the speedy ceUeo vehicles on ?m~lhwayl; power ot arrest tien and ~on of inf~ou relating _l~.:Iry ~ not members of to crimes and ~ l+IsE40ls(en.~i; department- (1) The Department of State limaof ZSZ.0eb~, Zg"m~S0~ +X~ 198, ~ 02] enacted r, la~ ~ h~hwa~, aud to the ol~a- "- 181.070 Statb" detective bureau. (I) of on or oth The superintendent may, with the a~al of (2) Members of the state police have the~ the Governor.. mnl--tn;n, a stato detective bu- power to arrest violators of any provision,af reau under, his im,~to m,-pervis~ -.. the laws applicable to highways, m'"to:the movementof vehicles on highwa~m c8) The e&' j x" (a) Maintain facilities for the detection of crime by the.state police. ". -; " "" "': " ' "" m ~'' ," " m section shall be paid from the $~te High • • . ". - way Fund'and from th/e monmvs "r~-~,,ed ui~ !-(b) Supply. exp,., infection on hand- der ORS 481.950. .-':,n'iting and ballistics. • (4) ORS 181.010•to 181.550 does not In- "(3) To accomplish the purposes of subset- vent a~offfcer or employe of the Deplmament tion (2) of this section, the superintendent of Tmnspormtion from ~ any person may, with the approval of the Governor, uti- for any crime committed in his presence and: lize the services of such members of the state does not affect: other powers of arrest granted police, as'assistant state detectives as he by the laws of this state to persons other than deems ex0e~ent~ [Amend~ xsea c.~47 §~, 1971 peace officer~ [Amendedby 1967 ~170 I~; 19"/1 ~4B7 122] $l'~aOM4 as~ ~ " ~ ~0~ I~ (1)~'18L080.D.elmrtment Statet"rime~. detectiOnpoiicelaboratorieS.may estab- ot qeneieL ,The state liabThe potiee, with the approval of the ~or, nm~y' " crime detection laboratories, to be operat- ed by the department in coqperation with the be called upon by any other branch Or depart,-" Oregon H.ea!th ,~,'.~'Um.'~'ersity./... merit of the state government to enforce crimi- ~ml laws or any regulation of stlch ~ or • (2) The Oregon Health.Sciences Universi- ty may :.furniab adequate.quarters, heat and • - " ' " . .o8 .. - " . *SLm0 tRep~ted by ISeZe.547 111] : light for the laboratory ~ the. buildings of the school at Portland and may assist the person- • ISLO~ [1963 e,647 J6; repealed by 1978 ¢,64S 12 (181,066 enacted in lieu of 18L06~].. nel of all laboratories with technical advice- and assistance. -.:t 181.066 Bureau of criminal identifica- tion. (1) There is established in the depart- " (3) The laboratories shall furnish service merit a bureau of criminal identification as available to all district attorneys, sheriffs' which shall be operated by the department.
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