1 (31) IPMS Uppsala University The numbers below refer to Dag Hammarskjölds väg 31 corresponding numbers in SE 752 37 Uppsala, Sweden Information for Applicants. Fax: 46 - 18 4713495 GRANT APPLICATION RESEARCH PROJECTS OR NETWORKS (Information for Applicants must be read before completion of this form) Applicant (Project leader/Network co-ordinator: title, first name, family name) DR. JOHN MAGERO MANGO Address Department/unit: DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS University/institute: MAKERERE UNIVERSITY Street (visiting address): DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS, MAKERERE UNIVERSITY O Box nr: 7062 Post code: City: KAMPALA Country: UGANDA E-mail address:
[email protected] or
[email protected] Telephone Telefax Office Private Office Private +256(41)4540692 +256 -7 72649455 +256(41)4531061 Title of project/network: EASTERN AFRICA UNIVERSITIES MATHEMATICS PROGRAMME (EAUMP) Approved by the Department : Dr. John Magero Mango Signature by Head of Dept./Name in printing Budget requests (amounts in SEK) 2008 2009 2010 Total Fellowships for training/exchange 545,000 584,600 584,600 1,714,200 North – South South – South 30,920 30,920 30,920 92,760 Visits by co-operating scientists 50,968 50,968 50,968 152,904 Equipment 96,300 10,000 15,000 121,300 Consumables/literature 60,000 60,000 60,000 180,000 Conferences/workshops/meetings 240,000 330,000 190,000 760,000 Support to students 270,000 270,000 270,000 810,000 Networks: administrative costs 52,560 52,560 52,560 157,680 Total 1,345,748 1,389,048 1,254,048 3,988,844 Grant application submitted with enclosures : Date (indicate those enclosed with yes ) Project description/Network program YES Fellowship application(s) YES Applicant's signature Applicant's CV YES Progress report YES List of publications YES 2 (31) Specification of costs in the first year (2008) Cost (SEK) Total Fellowships for training/exchange North-South Two one month research visits to Sweden 50,000 Support for 7 Ph.D.