THE JOHNS VuLUVK X.—No 49. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. THI^RSDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 27. 1899. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. door, ALREADY AT WORK. NO FEATHERWEIGHT “<), p« ia dMull" uwmic WASBAOnMUATSOM Th* ttent* whAdi foUuwad w ..ORELESSNESS! ooovoM nuuuuASMi van MOT ***11 pwsvAMMu nusTma mwamr, ilTORMIpilBI wlurh would batra muMd tmn to flow from Um* erw ol m ntnuturr. To the Was Fo—d by tbt Vtrdict of Altbounh it MMua quito a woiyo uC to Willhun Mntphy. wou rMeotlyrrtnnied the dote mti ior the niotoo C'cmnty Fair, writh the eoldiere fnim (Tuba, learned Fri­ Oreit IM of DMMfe to QMi TILE TOO friroda it waa liaartraadiiuc. the Coraaer ’t Jury the work of preporatlou on the port of day moralag laat that I>r. Ihiao ie juet aad Com RoporM. Hamiau Martin waa Imrn in (Hitario, Prweident Trnrie, Herretnir Frink and ae heavy ae be looke. Mr. Murphy wae th* other oflleere luw already uom- oat ridiag hie hiryele for pleaeore and ( anada. .\uciiat IH, 1m44). In 1H71 he meoeed. The fair ie to be held ^le year when at Un * head of Cliatoo aveane be (*ame to Ht. .lohna, and haa aim** reaidad CERTAIN DEGREE SHOWN the laet week in rtefisetnber. •'Omiac oo collided with Dr. Duan ’e carriaio*. The SEVERAL PEOPLE STINNED the 26th. 27tb, 2Hth aad JBth. From lontbaepot witan* be flrwt IfM-ateil. He ^ canianr wae aot “daehed ruthleeely to lenun Martin Laid it Satnrdav¥ at the preaent appearancee. the crope. (aepe. the other Hide of the pareiueat" ae if it I waa loarriad at bla oWI botne. in < Ontario, j ffity TMlk M tiK PflH •! ‘ dally thoee which aid in inaklaa the pro- bad hem a otniw for the iwaeoa that the Sknie Trooo Wore Oiroa o Twist for •iuee feature of the fair attxawtitrej are Doctor wae himerif in the uloremid rw i about thirt.v-flre yenra ago, and to the | Charic •< tlie Wurfc. irond. ium I the ollloerM wUI make an ea- hide. Mr. Man*h.y wae thrown off but TMr Uroo. Cost of His Life. I ciHipl** hare liaan boni eiirht ehildrra. all j ______jieeial effort to jiroride attvaetlTe ep*- fortunately eeeap^ with but a few cialtiew. The fair efiould be the meeting bruieee. The wbed however looked very I of are lirinir and %ver«* preaent at Many Wltacsscs Were Sworn and Ib- plan* for all the fanuere tbroughtiut the laueh ae though it had been “out along I their fatlwr'e fnnaral. They an* W. H. , Pet Colt Bcloafluf to O. C CUrfc UUofl portaat Facts Brouftat Ont. rounty. .4t thie time, the rueh of their the line ” and when the -hapetene man- work ie over, and tbiry •■ao well epeod wae gathered from out the dirt ite ralne Over laBMfAl. I -Martin, of (trand liapida. Mm. T. ('. eeeeral daye lueetiuir the fanner* from wae inrentonei] by eome of the hy- TuhliM. of l.auainK. and Stewart, Hattie, | rariouM |NUt» oi tbei*ooot.T aad diaruMN- •taadere, at tire cente. Thie however, iuic with them the ji-rplexiBic problem- wae a low eetimate. and the nqinir idiop Tbr moat orrere otorm oi the rraion .letiiiie. Ida. Matie mid I.illiiui, all of , STATE OF laCBICAH, ) _ of their work, .knd no leee ehould the will make “a new man of it.” Tb«* Doe- paoaMl over .St. Jobtw* Mouday "veuiag TO LEAVE whom reeide in St. Johtu*. Mr. Martin ; cooimr OF cLuntw , f **• faniier'e wife be •■•ineideted in thie idaii- tor and hi- bnree * made. All that ie iieed<*d iethehearty Was the Body of James Marsh txvMted, ami it i* i* •lonhtful if the culti­ I the iiiominu tlie m-ident *H*eiirred a scribed, who belnf sworn to vator xrill In * run through oomeol the in«inlrc tn benalf of the people c«>-4i|Nn*ntioa of the farmere and all in-; Found. ' iieiifhlNir who wae futeeiiut eaw him with I termte.1. ttehl* which cauglit it the worat. of this state, when. In what Tin* Ntorm •■aim* from tin* weet and ap- hi- arm anuiiid hi- wife, ae Ih * ki-eeui eiiiphiye at Tlie Steel, allnwnl hie l-diev to la|M*e. j J. S. OSGOOD, xx'ii* Hitting by an open window, during tiiHii thir*. and I can I'arry it ihniuali all ritrht. ‘ iiur in the family, who har** aeke«1 Judin* I “I wonder what take- lather -o long'.* ” THOS. C. BUTLER, th^ ’-tonn late in tin* evening, wlien a Mr. .Martin hiwi liaeii a *an*ful manii- .Merrill to ap|Niiiit a iruardian for their I It wa* Mr*, .lame- Mamh %vho *|N>ke. TiicT«»* \v»T»' th** Wfinli* which liermaii Martin •»iMikc to .lohn <*'lln**n aUnit ten THOS BROMLEY, SR., father, whom th**y iill,*!^* ie mentally in- ' Itult •!! lightning entereil lier room and trer. hut the expen-** of reariiiK -o larir** a | W. W. BRAIRARD, ami her word- wen* uildrewNed tt» her -In* xx-a- rendered utH-iin-i'iiiu*. Dr. ruiniitct* liefoiv lie uai* kill«*^>t Hewer, .'*^tnnlay a(tern(Mr leAiiinir on hie ehovel. with hi- liea--t- after it hap|H*nei]. I •if tlieev«*nini: !•»-wear the witti*-*-e-ami .U-l I M'l'.t »» IvvIVE*** 1 ftn*. at th.*ir home on I.4tu*ing -freer. Ir th** graiM. Life wiw* extinct and then* Th.* fuiienil -erri.-e- were lield at the . evi.lemv. ------eetmil to roll acroo* the floor in the The men went to work iw* ii-uid .'-atiinlay afternoon. .Mr. Martin had eaten waM nothing to do which •-•inld avail, Mi.n.iav afternm.ll ! ...... I .. .* ------A rRHTTY WKUIMNU ON ULINTflN rmini xx'here they xven* *ittiag, and ita .Nlctliixli-t ••hiirclt The jury wa-•••uni-••♦*»l •»! tIn * irentb*- ami the -ail new* wa* taken to the ag»**l hi- dinner in tin* -hmleoi th** Iiik -hade tree- on theea-t -ideoi theMcKarlan home, AVKNI’K •lOlTH. light xx'a-aiuioet blinding. It could not In-1 men wImhm * mini**- ur** -ul*N* ’ril*e*l !•» th* ••om|tanioii. •'•imiilcteil by lb*v. W 1.. Ibiliiie-. In * fiiuml that an.v damage wa- •loin*, with-oine of the otlier men who liv*-l a di-tatn-* from tin* -<'ene of work. The J a mm .Mamh. who wo* one of the pio- t«*rrm**nt in .bihii- •■cnmtert . ' v**niict. i.a-t Thur-*lav .*v**uiug a pretty w<«l- and neitlier .Mr. ('arb*r mir hi* wife felt inenl had I'een hroiitrlit to him foan hi- thoiiirhtfiil wife, that it luiirht <-ont4iin uecr* .if thi- -ectiou, wa- a loan well anv ill ••ff*vt* from the preoeno* of th** A .N».xx-reiN.ri..rrall.*.lat the Imme •»!'/*'•;; ding **er.*im.iiy wa- at the known on th** went -ide of the county. ' ... Mar-hall. I'r»*-ecuting .\tt»»rn**.v .-mitti r—Mien* ** ol th** hn*l** - pan*nte. Mr. ami in.v-teriuu- affair. -oiiiethiii^ \Mirtn .-*0011 aft.-r the men ha^l commen* —! work, contractor ('rich Me WON bom in Ohio. Mamh >'10. IHlii, in St, John* many -hade tree- were (i***inr** l.«in-bur\ y**#t*\. ami huiml ,jj,j piin -ipal ii wa- the atT**mpt to ItMsrii gan Infantry, and wa- honorably •!!-• clerk- in the grocery -ay. and they in*Mr The work of luyinif tin* tile wa* pnartv —itq{ -lowl.v l-*>*au-e the -and wa- run- uenth a canopy of -milax and roee-. iie J charged, at MnniTy-tKjro, Tenn.. .'wie the riMiiii wh**n* h** i- brH<'**«l up in u > til** ue«|diug inarch wa- lN*ing pla.v**«l hy | that *om«*tmng •>xplnde«| liki* the di*- ninj: in from tlie -id**- and hml t4i l*e -hoveiei*line n*-,- nr ii**gllgem"e on the part 01 ••**ii little .Miee |{t*na Clark, who fumiehed cliarg** of a revolver. Xo ilamage wa- kn**** while in the -enrice, and had aiway- •lone, but tlie men who wen* at xx'ork oa With Mr .Martin - a.—uram-* that then* wit- no dainr* ‘r. contractor t'rich threw -Inc* the a.-ci.l.-nt, but . an w alk .imnml tractor ('rii li .ir on the part .>f Mr. .Mur-1 the tnu-ic for the . rroing. H^''* '^J* -uff* ‘re«) from that ai'indeiit, uml wa- tlolin*w, who ha- lN*eii -|N*mliug the paet an lnventor.v Int^* in the ex-ening are -an* that fntiii hi- mind, hut wa- iiardl.\ **ati-he.l with the-|o»v fan-* at which tl»e work -hmlv whem the -urfa.*.* 1- |.eriectlyi^»‘‘'''"'»‘“‘'f oblige*! t«i <*arry a can**. !!•* wa- a niein* that it inuNt Imre Inea a bolt of light ­ twii week- at Day View, returneil home ; tier of the lliihhard-ton (I. \. U. Pont, • oiild In * iH'compli-h.-l with the -and nintiitit; in at the iMittotu. rk lN*tw**eii m*wly weihied couple had rweive*! the 1 vina Uobin-*ib, of i/**hauun. He had le«i tfrav»*lly -«iil and then lolloweil flvt* or iii«*n*feet of -iui* *N*rr**il. .Vta; M. K. church, lie hn*i alway* lN*«ni a cav.*d III in plin-*- ioi a foot oreu'ht.-*n inche- from th** -hh*. tait not in larjfe ipiati. fer»**l rou- man. an i. i*«)u*ideriDg the night, xvhen the fluid enterwl th*- window titi»*-, and hail not I—*11 coti«iilen-l daiiaerou- lo any of tta- men -eeij hy Thi .Nku - , -.1 II , I priN-e —-m-c* —|***l in getting out •»! the lieet wi-he- for their future happinee-and wik- l•*lv**r*•*^ iiji with **arth. 11** -aid I • - - tniubi** with hi- knee, wa- very active. ami iMith the iiuui ami the hor*e were {trem h with hi- life. pr«N«|N*nt.v. Mr. and Mr-. Matotm w'ill The fiiueral nervice- wen* held at the n*f»n-**ntative after the aci-nleiit that there wii- at le«i-t eight.-eii inch**-I i.r^.rge ( i—atiatieil ikt the proijn--- l—mu made. Mr. ('rich approH<*he«l the tnuich when* of.lirt .m t.ip.if hi- head, but that for-1 til** to Martin, lieanl Mr. ''*|iT'; ’V*truViful ^ •iucteil h.v ll»*v. E. .Mudg**, of Maph* UH|e and it i* tlnnight that the horae i* not Mr. Martin wiu* at w«irk ami -»»id he h.-nl conclud —1 that then wa- only om* thiiitf . IISIISIIVItllSIVffS ( rich .'aiilioii .-11Mr Martin ami in-i-t t*i "’f* iMith lN*nutilui ami ueeini. id*, anil th** interment wa- mad** at llule tnnately.-oiiic *»f th«* pie.'e- wen* hnni h,},,, rj„. |*,ti,.r way t*» g** ahea.1 injured. ttard«ton. Th*- funeral wa- i-onducte*! .\ thro* .x-ear old •■olt lielongtiig to o. to do. ami that wa- to coiniiiem-.* ciirhiiiu. ami li-the chunk- tell they left a-light | "ith the w..rk w«inl.l In * t** • urb. H**i tiHEAT.tnE.NTKtN ' under the auapK***- ot the (traml Army C. Clark, which wae |ia*tareii 011 the lai hml l-*tfer i .um* oat aiiil \vt* will l>.*;rm getting the plaiikmg ill at on.*e," . ,i,_ ,, ,1. ...i.i i, .nr ..*.*11 1 ...**. I • "*• l*o*T. farm (if Itenjaraiii .\cker. in Dengnl, wa- ' .TevK*** tnrougli wliicli the air couid< *>nic 11|„. ,|„v of tin* IK-* nlent. -aiil th** 1**111 ra« tor ... . IN CHAN WA.NI»X.»r- NKI'IIKVr -ST-, frighten**«l hy the *torm, iiud in attempt ­ ami In* wa-not-miither**il f«* ileath. He; .'ie\-**riil xvitm*— *-* -wor** that ( m-h 1 thai 'TIMo in knocanii ing to jump a feiMN*. Ml ami broke it- leg, I toDl Miirlui to ••omiin*m-** ••urbing wln*n- ; TiiAiTiNfii. k . ocanii . Thi-••*iiivi r-atj**u. which \v.i--worn t** by Mr ( n- h iit the ini|Ue-t. *i*« urn**l DRANK FI.V I’dlSdN. *0 that the animal had to he -hot.abort* \va-c**ii-<-loii-all tin* tinn* of what wa-| j|,. jt n***-*--ary. To thi- ly after lieiug found Tue-day morning. not thrw minute-| h >(oi >-th**cavc 111 oi*b-l. All tin* xxorkiiieii xvho hail l.e,*ii in*ar to ' nej»ln*« who ha* In -*!! attracting the at-1 Ll.t HAIIS. ly, and i* a jtarticular loo* on that ac­ -a.v •'Hiirr.v up ami get tho-e -hov«»l-.” .Mr. Martin .luring tin* diix .iml over- , 1*1111011 of the-jMirting worid by ntiMin ' count. Mr. I n« h turu***l f*i -eii”".r.l . am .•..nver-alnm l-txv*-*n II*;; Several hog- helongiug to (ieorffx* X. L iiiiii I n« h, t«» th** i Th*-l« the -i*| —. anil Durt i.Mnlimr. who wa- pa--iiig at the tune, ami had -topj****! Seifert were killed by lieiug -truck b.v • idling out. "X**. *l*>n t tak** any rhanc*N» -ame fact-, .lohn (I'Dnen hml limi a inche- tall, and weigh* liw thau-ixry- ! idialin la-t Sunday, when th** two ami a lightning 00 hi* farm -outhw —t of St. to look into th** me«>m* -ay. "Tlie that |*Hrti. ular jwirt of tin* xv..rk. that in the mo*t cnmpliinentar.v manner of: jMiinoii. The little one wa- taken vio ­ Tiiewlay evening wa- ju*t two inch**, on lie dill It him***it. Lon-iairy w a- not >0 fortunate, ami wa- •‘iiught ami •'omj*lete|y other iiiHii I-deml l*or- -o u*** all voiir *•** «•«•»•>••••'•'•I him to k.-*p hi- i*.!** *iiit j tin* little fellow. He conm* from a fami-1 her iiifl along tin* liin* and to onler »-uri»mg I l.v of horwmien. Hi*«>lder brother wa* a ' lently ill ami a iloctor workul ox-er it all -hown by th«*goveranieiit imiieator. Xo luiri«*il iimb*r •*ight**en or tw**nt v im-h*- of cbiy. -and ami gravel whii h f**ll. U'illing previou* -torm in St. John- ha* evor film* hen* ami iiui .v In * xx-e can laive thi- xx'h**never In* riiti-nb*ri*il it in'**»*-«ary. j‘*ckey iinil ilrew a* high a- for , •lay, ami it will recox-er. It wa* a Hinn * -hown Ml great a fall of rain in mi -hurt hatiil- hml -oon t.iki*ii off thi*i*arth whi* ’h i-oven-l hi- h•*ad anil h** wa- ••nabl*-l to felbxw ’ : lie naiil that In* knew him ti* I-* an ohl ■ n -iogh* -*-a*on'* work. The little la*]., n |N-riod. , hand at tin* work, that he hml I-***!! ••m-; 'vhfi i* now the ceotr- of much adniirn-1 •’all. howex-iT, ami it* life huog in tin* limtth. I’l-ir Martin wa- mu -** foitiinat*' how**ver. ami th** h«Hrth fell in a lump and tin* men wer** biirietl. .^inlflent that then* wa- m. | tIh * M. K. AIU s..r»*fy Ile.g.1 will m-v, He Mixy* that h** Iwli-ve* that In * wouhl ' in (Ivid •MTurred th.* funeral of Mr*. Kliia- M..r*h«l• III*- Kceiiex xv»-..fth..*.,.1 pinion. ’ XIM*.mlay I .Uthat . Martinti . xva-ai . h*.*-t-**venI . .ir. , ^ „,,, | wen a ,'felt *l reel that-ewer tlie.V xvitlniut Wiiiihl anxretwli -eri**u- the State,tn.ii- 1 .Tia anPvir** ii.Co'cltaTlnritaW K IUr«* TharwIaT •ft«*rfi*>**ii•.ten.bSi Loni* I*lar»*r'* h'lu —. ii-ar the Wil-on I heth Ingerwill, wife of K. K. Ingeraull. ■n -rbool h.iii — ill (Ivid town-bip. wae role , She wa* •iiH* of the prominent and rm- ••ight f*-*f from the eml *if th** tiling. -h*ixviiig that he lm*l h**4inl th** warning and u it 1 if”'** *h** -aiul, whh-h wa-• aving in 1 lied Sunday night, at which time ft'i.'t in III .W . , I If TI.. Ill . * . -trongmaii.*trong man. he did not limr,[ ^ VIS will be jwrve.i erjwiaa iierteti r—ident* of that village and bar ha*l mMtIr loi **flort t men-ureil the «h*tam*e*...... _____ ! ** -j .* . .,*..* __ .* ______*.._:. __ : i* the Koiiiiod --ifirr *t ilw bead of iflint**ii ••urreiicy and Mr*. Placer’* watch were I hi** will be keenly felt. Th.* —n ieoi tlie wimi* of warning ami tb** flrat no- ' 11** -aid that lie felt that tliey were lo-itig i ,|«.eNN«> by tk* liMlIe- <>l the <'•lagrroatlomil *tolen. The laniily had lieen vioiting ! xvere held from the family reeideiice. ainl i- .-jiiite -im* that h«* i- ••*im- ’t 4 _ I time bv not eiirliing. ami wa* inor** imix - i rbarrb. , . 11 ... li<'e he liH*l ••! the eaxe in wa-when the , liegin it bir that ri*«-<»n than for any ; TIm* Heagai uaion *bl-oclery wUj^r** ixn daring tbe «lay w—t of .St. John*, ami { The remain* were laid to reat in the Mid- The t,**w- .,f tlie iliMx-ter -pn*o*l like wihlfln*. iiml daklaml -tn-t xva- -.on ,Urt., omniefi**-! t«i fall. He took ju*t I other, a-lie did not ••on-hler then* xva- rrewBi .kw I-i *.1. tb* rharrb Uwo TWay after Mr*. ISaeer had retimi for tbe night dlehury •-emeterj'. -he oalMI .lut tn her buahaiid who wa* Mr*. Ellarx- K. Ingeronll dMl at her lim-1 with (leoixh* ixnxioii- t** lenm if th** fixet- xx***re ix» Ino I ix- tliev hml been r*- ’ ,i,r«.. m* n-iu oMiiobt 1 any danger, and wa-grentl.x rvnMureil , n,,. Nboabl tbe wMith 4*r b* -till down -taiiw. to bring up her watch home on K. PenrI *tr —t, Tnoodar morn ­ , . ' ...... three *tefi* iNq..rPlH*wix* caught. I hv Mr. Martin - iNMltire manner that It iiat*v*irNh4* tb* ter reeaia mmI >-ab* will br |Nirte*|. Attention wix* flr-t tiiriN-l t** l-on-biirv iiml It rr.|Uire.| .-•n»iderable time) „j„ ap|ie.xr to be .piite -erera i Wix* -ale without planking. rrrrrd «l|Hev. I. J. Tripp'* *< tbe parooNi ^ and hi* jmeket hook which were iu tb.* ing of iineumoRia. Kiixabath Strader- A rordlal larltAtlon U exte« liati an axx'ful color in hi- fa*-** ami lb wa- [ilain to be —11 that lie bail lieen Nevetvly .NEW HEALTH OFFICER. the wa.v then to Hn * engine lioiioe to gel ' Heotge II. ( bapmm In hi* ail- (Iwooao, (Ir—nrllle and IMding. l-aot ------ixcrnN*i*ut*awi^ieh they intendni ii-tng , verti-ement ^ *^^, *** in cfioh in hi* pantaloon j-M-keta. hut *ammer tbex- returned to (Hid. Mr*. •xhtN'ked. He wa- tak*ii home in a <'aiTiage ix- Mion a- be hail revived Miniewhnt that wa* not mol**ted. ami it coaid not I>R HOLLARliw NAM»: WILL HR -RNT , in getting the plank- in -liaiie to iiee for ' an* worth file time ol -vary reailer Iiigerooir* dine —wa*-hort but Merious from the effect- of the arriilent. T»xli-) ^ ***?!?(arpootwr: Song. Orac* f’.ile. Muade Friday, Augaat 4. aacl it ie expected that J.S (higiMNl. who ilrove to the home near lienderMin ’* mill *b.irt|y after the fatal-i Mr*, laini —(’oomer. Khde Doad. Willie I land *tr-rt The doctor .mmI that Mr. 1 Sheriff waa adriaw. Tnere waa Naid White; Paper. (»^n and ITugrwaa of one of the mxMt profitable m—tlap* ia •tv Hamer. Mi- (Dwiiia Hodg-. launa Martin had put down many weil. in idtiHiiighJhe tytSariebiN the (Iraage, K. E. Moore: Soag. Mr*. the biotory of the uaanaiatfon xeill he ^ ' le-oaanl. Miu. K. K. Morrfaon, Joe .atne kiml of -oil, and is wa* jNi-ihie ‘fot »P *».▼ the ofll— thi* weA. (Ira Mead; Rerttatatlon, Mre.Lewi*('ar- held. Prof. Herbert W. Mumfoid of the M- Martin came *Htl l.» hi* •arriage with a happy -mile on her face to enquire Maill—. Maurice ProauH*. Mr*. Sadie Sa-1 that he knew how •mie thpy hail provfd ------ter; Soag. Mioo — Kawial. Pike and agrimltural collage, will give thefaraiiia what ohe might do. aail in a* roiW and gentle' a maimer a* becouW. Mr. (logood , '^•‘9* ilr*, I'ta F. j to he, ami hardly rmliiwl tim .langer in - fwapay —. Crttk*; ReeltatioB, Mark Norrie: Song, a good practical talk 00 form matbmu , Smith. Ml—I addle Sbnaer. (lay L. War-1 the *ewer, whorv the oaptiort*. a* in a Pgy roar taie* briore Aagaot 10. aa Mr*. D. M. Sanford; R—ftatiou. Hattte Prof. (leo«|p» A. WateraHW xrill dfo- brok.* to the loving. .-onAding wile the new* of her awful loa*. | ^*11. x — romoved. The well, like a I on and alter that date aa addHfoaal lee Kiaaer: Soag. (lain Belle Shw: Solei*- exma the oahjoet of twereatfag •Noaaa* tfoa, kia, Boteihi DfUe; Soag. DeWitt amoag aaimal*. by pr x ipar ewe. N. L. HNNn.i.vWd»-N.wb..i«M..««i.. Wwi-mi h .w. I Hragge choir. OoolaT ie ocmMoat of thx taraad toward the boua*. aad ••allod out bo oa* of the •laughte — who wue at the Morrfu’. (>|ipoaHe Foot offfoe. | which, ia the wuU. ruadrted It ooie. CNIfoagit Huat'a Druif fMoar Mai. C. L. PBAaes. LocUMur. aad Pied Wpp. ooifuiary. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSADY AFTERNOON, JULY 27. 18M.


Rsllo Uanwtt, of ONre. is rMtiagatO. j (laods Loskawod is on tbs Msk Use. L. Brtstol ’a. Ailbur Chubs nallsd oa frlsads la Ht. Mrs. S. J. Tamer is adll i|aite sisk. Is Jobas laat weak. oot able tu sit ap. E. Waldraa has beagbt tbe (Isoigs j It Is tba oaw srhiaw tliat papa, aoir* Mrs. Rose Patersoa aad Mrs. Wbssisr I ('iiaipbsH bcNBS. aiaira. The lateot I4ia la a seboal for Bargfains in Lots aiw risitaar frtsads ta Mt. Jobas. Mm. Cbaa. Hpiarbwibsr%i oa tbs sisk eooMMrelal saleeami wb atu the aaeies Mrs. Lsaa Ksteer aad little mam bars I list, bat la Iwttsr aow. [ eoB ba taaght tha tilths at the tiada goae to L*»diagtoa to visit ftisads. ! Holly (Jbarad Is viMtiag at Pstooksy aad an the dseiew wbish Mrs. Pbsbe Hodge, of St. Jobas, sueat I aad expsets to rstam writb bis wUs tbis AT THE last wrewk with bsr motber, Mm. Man ala ■ tha rslartBat bayer. A Hoiss. Mm. J. E. Hiabaoa aad baby am at at the srhssi railsd on tha boad of a Mm. ratberiae Rbaw, of ilianin, waa a Haaalac cooaty visltiag frlsads for a fsw Mg magical dm la Cblcago ysatarday aaeat of Mr. aad Hm Robert Tsai to tntormc him tu tho stb sms. Mo wfdassday. Junction City. Mm. L. Davis ha oiatsd hlo case aad waa llstud to at^ Tbe ('. B. MIts sosisty trill meet with vioit ia .New York moeb improved ia tsotlealj. Tbs maaifal omn aaaaaad Hm. L. LsClear oa Thomday. Attgast 8. bsaltb. j tetersotad aad «ld that the Idaa waa CUNTON COUNTV^ at lUa. m. Holly Roae rallsil oa Aebley frisade good, bat that thslr gooda pcartlealty DaaM Tnraer aad eon (’barlsa bare tbs loot week. Mias Rath Roos noow booM said tbamoelvea and that tbolr salaa Until Auf^t 5th the following bar­ OVID. boose that tbay wwte tmildioglor Robt. with hhn. warn nwlaly aasfal la b esp iag tba Team oompistsd. r Daniel* has retamed from New York pollsbed with thalr flagora Mm. Maria Whitney aad son Janes nty to hie boom brrr. He is laaeb im­ Wrmm OtM llumw Uatoa. while talking to the eaoiomers . Bo gains will be offered by the Whitaey, of ('besaaiag. ware guests of proved ia hsalth. Ml*. Htuody Ml down on Thurs- last wesk from an attack of malarial offered cheap. Mere is a chnnee for investment of idle money. aata laat waak. Hr. t’orart is a non of ilsy. where they are tbe guests of Hm. (ever. Mr. and Hra. lieu. Coarrt. and xrau the lieathen mga?” ftlurtsd .kaotbaritmat dioeorery ba« been made, Heniy Sober bad tbe misfortune to j Mr. and Mm. .Ulen Jickiss went to out Mr. Rlykine. who had been elt- J FITZQERALD, and that too. by a lady in thie rountrv. lose n raloabb* cow. Pstoskey last week to rsmaiii during fie ting liealdc tile ••vening lamp for mar- **Diasaae laatoowi its cintcbea upon her warm w**atber. Mr. J'cklee lieiog a victim At The state Bank of 5t. Johns. The whistle of tbe thresbiog machine i era! minutes in sileat communion writb aad for naron yearn aba withstood its ran be heard in erei r dirertino. of hay fever. hie faraway thoughts. '^Tbera's tba sarsrast tests, bat bar rital oraana warn Mise Kmncte IVltier. of Watertown, is | The ladies' »ud society of the I’niversa- aadirmiiii il and death aertned immincat. qnastlon. Why do tbayP* working (nr Mm. T. .*4tam|itly. list church will meet next Tuesday after­ Pbr three monthssbrcouffbad inesssantly “I give It up. dear," h!s wife ra- w ^ .SeremI from this filaos went tishiogiaat noon .Vugnst 1. writb Mm. Bert Steams. aad roald not alsap. Hbe finally diacnT* All are invited. eponded. her eyes sparkling with gan- sard a way to recorary, by purcbasinx of Saturday and rsporf gnod luck. j as a bottle of Dr. Kind ’s New Discorery Mr. and Mm. F. (leyseoharer and fam-1 Then* will he no prsarbiog at the Uni- lal expactant y. lor ('onaamptioD, and was ao inoch re- ily spent Sunday at the M. .\. (\ versalist church until Seplemlier, as the This Isn't a •'onuodmm. It's one of lirred on tba flmt dose, that she imstor will be out of tbs. state on his vn- theaa goesthme |i**ople ask In order to .Mr. rtud -Mm. Milo Walket sismt Sun ­ iwtion trip until that time. «^t all nlicht ; aad with two bottlaa baa day with their root tier. Mm. .\lbert Lott. humiliate you by a rsmiodar that you been abaolntaiy mred. Her name ia Hm. don't know the Answer. It Isn't origi­ Lather Lntz. ” Thus writes W. C. liam- The rami'ineetinx held at tbe Whitney PRICE. grore, last Suudiiy, was largely attended. nal. anyhow. There Is every mason _Petoskey, ’| Charlevoix, Traverse otok A Co . of tbirlby. N. r. Trial bottlsa fraa at Plldaw 4 HOItnan'a Drax Rtore. The Mimes (tertie Pettier, Mary and J. Kisenian is going to bnild a bam. why tbe heotheu sbonld not rage. Bsipilsr (das oOc. and $1.00. Erery Emma Ileiler spent Sunday with tbeir Misf* (irace Hakrr sfieot last week with They have ••verythtag tbetr own way. oottJa goarantard. (-1) aont. rHatli-es in (ivid. Look at the Phillpplas natives. Look Vlckey I'hilaon anil Carrie I.s»wis vis­ Maud Iwittinier is attending snmmer at Agnlnshhi. All tbsy'd have to do ited Mr. and Mm. (ieorge Murphy last LOW RATE EXOIRSION ELSIE. smool in St. .fohns. would be to .innaxod peacafnllj and week. Carev Vanburger wheelsii to I.4ineiag, come over to this eounlry sad bold Pmm The Hen. Mr. and Mm. Melvin I'mwoer, who SarurJay, rstoraing Snnday. nice, easy jniw In dime maaaoms for Oao. Craddorkaad L. ('lark barei wen* married last Wtsineadoy, spsnt a tbe rmat of their daya." fsw days with Mm. J. iKity. Mrs. C. Ilitiden and son, Leon, of To­ bean proapectiux n little (or railnNid | ledo, are visiting relatives here. "Tbis country is going to be a per ­ work, and bare under (-onsidemtion lui j Th»re will be a social held on tbe pleas* I Aigist 22, via D. 6. R.& W. '''*■> C. & W. IM. • fect athnoloctcnl ■ongrsaa pretty sooa." offer from the .\nn .%rbor comiNiny. I ant lawn of the Catholic rburcli in Lane* J. ('baff«** and family s|ient Saturday Rridxr work woold be tbeir sfirciaJty. ' iug. Wednesday evening, .\ugnst '2. .IP and Sunday with an aunt nt Beuniug- •be commented. ton. TICKETS GCX)D 15 DA VS. ♦ The members of tbe F. H. chareb of ; are cordially invited. “It might In * a happy family of all Bleie are rejoidtix at the |»ros|iePt of i llie social befd nt the pleasant home of Rev. Houck and son, of Sbepardsville. oatlooa nut tbsoc bsatbens wtU s|ient lost Weiinssdav night at Willanl Hearinx up a debt of nsariy $0ini which . .Mr. and Mrs. P. Kmus, last Thursday mgr. If there Is anything that makes TRAIN TIME AND ROUND TRIP RATES. 2 was on tin* iMrsonagf at tbe liexinninx ! evening, was largely attended and proved Stocker's. me tired, it’s a heathen. And I want of Rev. W. (i. Kiss's pastorate. Tin* j to Is* a sucres in evsry way, \ fine pro ­ Word has rsarhsd here of tbe sab* ar­ to say this. Mm. Rlyklns. If I find IJEAVE A M. LJE.iV*g. rererend xenilamaii has tborouably in- gram wne given and tbe Imnd fumiabed rival. at the Black Hills cftootry, td that yoa an* knitting any more tidies tarested himself in tbe work and has re- ' some very appropriate music. .\lto- Frank I Hi vis and wife, who visited liere Saginaw. F^ S. i F'. 4 I*. M.)...... (Regular train I Fsimom...... Arrive flsotly seniretl pledaes enouxb that with getbrr it pmve«i to be su evening tbnt the Hmt of the month. and burins any moia rad flannel to Saginaw, (icnewee .St...... tbe aesistancf of tb*- ehurcb, will leave will long b** remembeml by those pres ­ make weaiins apTNual for the heathen Saginaw, Court St...... Ionia ...... (lUgntar train) I-sav** Stanton Jonction ...... about $,'•41 unpaid. Truly a x ^'imI show- ent. OLIVE. I'm going to pmtest. Yon mean wall: I'ahiss ...... Shiloh ...... inx ami one that tbe cburrli ImmI.t sbonld Hsmlock...... your motlr*** an* lofty, but the heath ­ Feu wick...... tbomughly appreciate. DEWITT. \. Palmer and wife spent Friday in en don't desf*rTe If* Merrill...... I-ansing. Wbssisr...... Hhmdaii ...... Local intereet in tbe national xanie Stanton ...... has lieen pren a slight impetus of lata Brscksnridgv ...... K. Hement, of Ithaca, visited bis motber Hr. and Hm. J. Sbatto spent Snnday j J«*t m PessiniMly. St. I.lmorp ...... trrive care a ball name on tbe home grouad .\lma...... Miss (irace Hill, of I.ansing, is calling Rain and wind lodged oa*s quite badly ; bnndlea. and It may be Dote«| at thta ElwrMI...... ALL CONNECT AND LEAVE with some ueigblMiring ninefor this weak on old friends in this place. Monday night. point that It is almost always the cime baring been in eormspondance with Rivwrdah* ...... Edroore ...... »:u» V«*ataharg...... Owosso. l.siiogsborg, Ithaca, Ht. Cbartes Invitations are oat for tbe marriage of A. F. Currier and wHe spent Satarda.v that the lars«*r s laily Is the hirgar and Wyman ...... -...... It .80 Carrie Hale and Neison Howe .lugnst 2 and SnoflAy at .\. \. Palmer's, in Olive, i □mra nnmerons are tbe bundles she ('**lar Lak*' ...... ami ('besaiiiiw. but in each I'ase bare FXmors...... Vrrlv** Blanchard ...... (t4H been disappointed. Som* ‘ of tbe local Mm. Rhnda liames, of Missouri, visited •Vlfred Doyen, mention of whose mar- j carrte*. atwl when she entered tba rail­ HUIbro«ik...... 9 .’’»a eathueiasm will be allowed to break her unch*. Wm. Emery, a few «la.VB last riato* was made in lost week’s Nkwts . i Hem us...... 10 (W road station she* was pnflliig no that Portland ...... (Special train) l.aavs loose, howrerer. os teams reprswenting wesk. most have found tbe dssimi certlfleate.' a drowsy msn in tha froat seat Jumped ss he returned home Monday with bis j Collias...... Barrvfown ...... O.Vt opposite siiiee of Hain strset will stmggte Misses Etta Webb awl Eva Simmons up suddenly, thinking it was the en ­ for national honom on the diamond. bride, smiling and bnppy, iNissing cigars ; Lyons ...... visit Hattie Kinney, of Watertown We«!- gine of the train he was waiting for. Ionia ...... Herosta ...... Kt 18 We |»rediet a sharp adrance in tbe price nesday. to the gentlemen and i*a^y to tbeladits ; of arnica nod witch basai soon. She appmachtil tbe ticket wrladow, and •Stanton Janetion ...... Itodnev ...... 10 20 Mr. and Mm. Hymn llaytnoml. of there she put bar bundlee In all the Orieaas...... (Meet .No. 22) IligiUiMds...... 104.' Chicago, visited ber annt. Mm. J. K. Come* from Dr D. B. Cargile. of Wasb- avallaMe span*. ’Hiey ware nice, new Chadwick ...... * Stop oa Sigasi. Tsleealr Brwattee* Ja.vne, last wesk. Rsidiag...... (»«, I 7. He writes: "Foar bottles of store bundles, however, aad no objec ­ .\re graad. hot akiiiamptioasmb iifauj Mr. and Hm. Earl Scott, of Isutsing. (Irssavills...... RATE $iJOO PROW ALL STATIONS. )oy. Hocblatrs .\micaMalre cores them. EWtn** Ilirters has cured Mm. Brewer of spent last week with bis imrents, .Hr. cridula. which had nauiwd bsr gnat saff- tion was made. * .North (imsavill** ...... alM Old. Running aad Farar Sores, ITIcare, and Hm. (ieo. Scott. **1a tbe train for Jnaglaville goae doasa ...... I,Mive Big Kaiiids via C. 4 W. H. Ky...... at 11 (Mt a. m. Boils. Fskras, Coras. Warto, ruts. Hums, ••n*'g for yearn. Terrible sore* would Honda.v ereniog as Bsryl IJno. break out on ber bead and fare, and tbe yetT' she Inquired. Trulant ...... White (8oud (Stop for dtoaer)...... }A *' [J] Bruisia. Roalds. Cliappad Haads, Cbil- Coral...... about 8 (.^ m. blalns. Boot Pile curs oa earth. Ihires da* ghter of Wssicy 1-inn. was riding her iemt doctom ('oald give no help; bather "No. ma'am." reapondsd the clerk. pony she fell breaking both Itowes of ber curs is complete, aad her hsaltb is excel. "How far Is It thersT ’ Howard City...... (llsgalar rraiii) cMt Palos aad .iebss. < Hily ‘if* cts. a box Ambis ...... Arrive Cbarieroix ...... alsmt 0 40 p. ro. Coregnaraateed. Sold by Fildsw 4 Hlf- Mt arm. I>r, .'(aafoH reduced tbetrac- Isot." This sbowr* what tboosands have "About 70 miles. I gussa. ma'am pmved. —that FSeetne Bitters Is tbe best I,4d(svirw...... Irrivs I'etosksT...... about 0 10 p. m, BMm. Druggists. (‘i) turn. for ba was new to that place aad was Six l^Akss...... trrive Bay Vi«»w...... about 0 -Vt p. m. Hm. S. A. Toppiiur. of Columbua. (Htlo hloo "One nlneiy-elgfatT" she repeated. Tieketa will bs goml to retura via Big Rapids, health. through to Pstoskey. Baggage will be<'beeke■’• thr- Usadoadsenm Fssd Uw swvss sad Hood tovy at Oheooyaae homed Motorday earht. affb Ov. A. W. Cbsm* Nerve and Meod PMO RHEWBOTTOM. YWa pallrt neaa wan uaaaaaRy asr- ,$4.0011. with ft.3 tael trolley larentors, and elaliaa alt mea were urged to persevere la their IH i STilE OF SIEEE fight against the Big Coaeolldated. Rev. lible iron and steel, is the •MTTfflS WHfCM WIU. M or the trolley companlea In the ronntry suddult qallbd fbom babth . are Indelited to him becanae of the 41* Horatio Brotherton and Rev. Arthur NRW8 OF INTtmUT CAUQMT fiflUII strongest and licst, (|uick, ■ST TO OUR OWN PCORLft. la«al aae at hla laventlona. The Ludlow, pastors of local churches, TNfi WIRU. amount he aaaa for la 40 per cent, of About th» Situation at Clavatand fpokc at the meeting. They pro ­ jiowerful and perfect, forcing what be clalaM the Coaaolldated com- ■aglag. mm Mis Baeaua# of tha Straat tested against the presence of the material together like a pany baa earned aince adoptlac the soldiery, snd rasolutloae to that effact 1 M lassaal Car Strikara. were adopted and will be presented to vice before setting the rivet. wtm Om* MMl wMk m rwr* the mayor. The preachers as well as WILL wan A Bxvar m (»b >«r ri. Mil* mt mieainee aalSIeew I U other speakcra advised strict observ ­ 890fiMD. .til ordinary lengt h tnbeiar IroBwood. Mkh.. July 21.—The Sol- MOBE TBOOPS READT TO 00 TEEBE. ance of the law. rivets used. VO ADJOSTMWT Detroit. July 24.—Resardleoa of poll* Jacob Newman and Ferdinand Luka, .Aelx IB RVOUIMD, a (satnre not found on Uea or creed the repree entatlre dtl* dlera' Aid commission of Oogebk oonn- ty. conelatiBg of the probate judge, the New York. July 22.—Colossi Robert non-union men claiming Chicago aa Oeneral Harrtsoo. of Washington.the ; nuy o Umv rivHing inn**liia* OMuiv. Jnsi neaa of Detroit snthered In Mayor May* O. Ingersoil died at bis home, Walaton- their home, were arrested last evening tin* rone h in* f«>r llarnsi Mak*vs. Livery prosecuting attorney, the county trana All the City Soldiers Are mi Duty, but federal expert who Is supervising Ban- Imry'e ofBce during the noon hour urer and the county clerk, met at the OB* Hudson, nssr Dobbs' Ferrry. T*** for exhibiting their weapons In a ator Stout's road at Msnomonle, Win.. ^ Men, Threshing Machine Men. Mill Msa Saturday and expreeaed their Indigna ­ court house, Beaaemer. to look after tsrdsy. His dssth was suddsn and un- Rio's Co.nicue. threatening manner. Newman's pistol, delivered an address at Bau Claire oa and Farmers. tion at the manner In which Oeoeral the bill of soldlera of company H. who axpacted, and rasultad from the heart while the owner thereof waa threaten ­ the good roada movement. Alger had been "forced out of the mat- were akk during and after the war. ing a small mob with death If be was Bphrlam MeKInley, an uncle of the dtiaase from which he had suffered not left unmolested, was accldentslly ffetarvahlp of war." "We people In De­ Theee Mils are paid by the sUte under since ISM. In that year, during the Cleveland. July 24 —A Euclid ave­ preeldeat, died Monday at his hoSM in the law paaaed by the laat legislature. discharged, the bullet narrowly mlaa- Ogden. Ills. troit." eald Don M. DIekInaoo. speak ­ Republican national convantion. he nue tnr lu:.(.tu Mith pa^hcr.gcrs waa Ing Patrolman McOInty, who was sn- ing of Oeneral Alger, "know that we The claims placed before the roaunla- waa taken 111 and had to return boms. wrecktil liy an •■' of nltro- The Madison (WIs.) Baptist church Sion amounted to more than 112.000. dsavoring to disperse the crowd. honor him. We honor him becauae of Ha never fully recovered from the at­ glycertoe or gun Colt on shortly iefore congregation has decided to take ths The commission adjourned until aSt- LOUBM Liaa WAB IN IHOIAMA. offer of IlS.OdO for lu church property hla great ability, becauae of hla tender urday In order to get the attorney gen ­ tack of heart disease, and waa under 11 o'clock last ni&ht. The nsmss of and srtll b^n the erection of a new heart and because of hla well known eral's meaning of the law, over which the care of physicians constantly. For the Injured are Mis E. C. Martin, Nssoi Nas-Velae Mea An srt tmr ■■Use- prartiral charity. We are proud of hla church at ones. there la some dispute. | the last three dsye Ingereoll hsd not compound fracture of the skull, right lies ead striker* Alaa ArieS. Rev. Dr. Aldus, president of the admlolatrallon of the war department been feeling well. Thursday night be arm broken and Internal Injuries Evansville. Ind.. July 24.—The negro et*ee« <*erm !■ Um C««atry. Amertcan Protestant Mlmlon at Val- THE PONY NO. I and we are proud atlll of the dignity waa In better health and spent a por- which may prove fatal; E. C. Martin, miners at the Ingle mine came out with which he haa giren up hla ulBee. Calumet, Mkh., July 22.—Eastern I paralao. is dead. .'ihowiug Vice for holding strafe, while 'It la fitting that we gather here to- I capllallata are again agitating the Idea right arm badly rut and bruise*! alraut early Saturday afternoon because of a I Horatio Alger, the writer of boys' alilrUIng, or r*}da, b«>lts. Etc. day without respect to party and with- ' of putting In a street car line around legs and l>ody; Mrs. Catharine Harris, report that was current on the streets stories, died at the home of bis sister. out a sense of divisional faction In the | the copper country and the people here suffering from uervous prostration; that the union miners Intended to ; Mrs. Amos Cheney, at Natick. Mam. I have the state agency lor thin ion- parties to manifest our disapproval of > are making a big demand for the line, F. A. Smith, Injured shout legs and make an attack upon them. They were { Great Britain Is sseembling a large chine and ehnll lie pl eased tu |>ere«>ually the Injustice that has been done our The one objection It that the mining body; Albert E. Faasett. lemi Injured; marched from the mine In charge of I fleet of warships at St. John's to settle call ao*l ahow tlie uiarbine and ite work- fellow townsman and In cordially companles do not want to allow the Dora Schirssler, bruised atx>ut the deputy sheriffs. They carried Winches ­ the French-Newfoundland flsberlm iugs. I* made ill thr*** nixes. I'.istM Irom greeting (General Alger In bis home ­ lines to run arroea their properties, body. Mrs. Martin will probably die. ters. and as they marche*! through the I troubles. Imni 9I..’>() up nci-ording to eixe and Sheriff Grow, of Philadelphia, has rs- coming. I wish also to pay my respect and they own so much of the territory The imllce are now out searching for streets were met with epithets. It style. DROP MS A X*IVS. to that gentle and graceful woman who that the lines cannot poesibly get Into I celved a letter from a man at AugusU, the bugg)' tu which the dynamiter Is was only the arrival of a squad of has sto^ lieside him and of whom we the business portion of the town with ­ police Friday evening that prevented ; Kan., who claims to be the long-lost J. D. JANES, State Agent, Hre ail pmud." out emssing It. Petitions asking for suppose*! to have rtddeu, and all sta- bloodshed. The Btrlkers assembled Charley Ross. ______Onvernor Plngree was the next the franchises have been circulated tloiu have lieen notified to be on the near the Ingle mlnecntranre and bead ­ lookout for It. Therstfey, Jsly se. St. Johns, nich. speaker. Hr said that his feelings and largely signed by business men. ed off aud attempted to surround the I Another battle Is reported In Samoa were such that he was afraid to give L'eser MIrhIswn l'••«t•rteh•r•. non-union men. The negroes hurried ! July 4. In which one Malletoan chief expression to his deepest sentiment at Columbus. O.. July 26. — Adjutant back to the mine, armed themselves Marquette. Mich.. July 21.—About ' was mortally wounded and two Mataafa this time and this occasion. He de­ General .Vxllne last night ordered the with Winchesters, and prepared to chiefs and one Suatele were killed and clared that be was not afraid of any twenty undertakers from towns In the Eighth and Fourth rcglmenu. O. N. fight, le quickly developed that the Just the Moment upper peninsula and nearby points in three others were wounded. newspaper or any person. "Neither am G.. and six unattached companies to miners were also armed, aad prepara ­ Ur. David Rosenthal, who died at I afraid," continue*! the governor, Wisconsin are In the city In attend ­ tions for a guerrilla battle bad been ance on the second annual meeting of Hi bold themselves in readiness to pro ­ Chicago of paralysis had been sub ­ "that I'll be read out of my party. made when the police arrived. jected to an attack of cougblog that Michigan has been Insulted. Of course the Northern Michigan and Northern ceed to Cleveland un an Inatant's no ­ The union miners held a secret meet­ Wisconsin Embalmers' aasoclatlon. lasted fouytsen dajrs. you all know where I stand. But I tice. These are In addition to the whole ing in the West End Saturday and It is Angus M. Cannon, preaident of the have no apologies to make for the at­ They will continue In session through reported that they decided to take this afternoon. The meeting is at once of the military force of Cleveland, the Salt Lake Stake of Zion, charged with titude taken tfiward General Alger and l\' remainder of which was called out by steps to disarm the nsgro diggers In polygamy, entered a formal plea of the administration." s convention and a school of Instruc ­ case Governor Mount refused. Public tion. the latter feature l>eing In charge ' oou HoaaaT a norasoLU the mayor yesterday. guilty at Salt Lake City. Sentence was J. L. Hudson said: "If we had taken sentiment la wltb the strikers and oa deferred. u vote among his fellow citlxens as to of Professors J. H. Clarke and Joseph tion of the evening playing billiards all sides Governor Mount la lieing ds- who was the most generous and the Frelbery, of .Springfield. O.. who are with Walston H. Brown, bis son-ln- Cleveland. July 26.—A special to The Five hundred and fifty pasasugera Dounced for permitting the negroes to and 13.000.00(1 In gold dust arrived at most charitable of them all the honor lecturers and demonstra tors. Isw. and C. P. Faitc II, bis brother-in- Leader from Columhua says: Adjutant i arm themselves. The strike situation would surely have Iteen accorded to law and private secretary. He seemed Yancouver Tuesday night by the steam­ Hte Hervsst of I*•ee*vwl1wt. General Axitne shortly after midnight I Is certainly grave aad even the moat er Garonne from St. Michaels General Alger. As soon as I heard of Niles. Mkh.. July 22.—The harvest- to be In better health sod spiiiu whan received the following message* "Send I ftmaervatlve predict serious results In his resignation I said at once that he At the coroner's inquest over the tng of the great peppermint oil crops be retired than he had been for several regiment at once." The regiment re­ I caae the negroes are not disarmed, as should be given such a rousing wel­ the strikers are determined and well body of Mrs. Ida Mott, found dead at In southwestern Michigan will begin days. sponded Immediately. Chicago. It was found the Immediate come home that we of his own city In al»out two weeka. The product la Sekl Hs Had m Itad Nl«ai. I organised. might show to the world how we honor I The striking miners held a big meet- cause of her death was starvation. mostly confined to Kslamaxoo. 8t. Jo ­ Yesterday morning be roae at the him and how we feel about the perse ­ Cleveland. July 26.—Tesierdsy failed ' tng at the Central l.dibor Union hall WMbf. Jelr St. seph. Cass. Van Buren and Allegan usual hour and joined the family at to bring any relief to the strike situa­ cution he has suffered." counties. The outlook In the spring ; yesterday afternoon. After the meet- Representative H. M. Cheerer then breakfast. He then said be had spent tion. which Is regarded as more ssri- I Ing the bead of the police department. Trenton. N. J.. has a club of "red- lion't wait, if you think of having vonr was very discouraging owing to the beaded ladles and gentlemen." summed up Secretary Alger's part In a bad night, but felt better. He bad out. The state Imard of arbitration Detective Fre*l Brenneck*-. and Sheriff cold and unfavorable weather, but the been itufferlng from abdominal pains Mrs. Blanche Davis, of Kansas City, picture taken. V asked him to disarm bis negro min ­ »uspici*iu* moment when your health, goat view of the situation. "But this not think his condition at all danger ­ ers. He said he would willingly dis­ husband. R. H. Davis, for 110.000 be ­ Is not the occasion." he conclude*], output Is valued at hundreds of thou ­ ous. After brrakfsst be telephoned to former employers. The resentment of cauae be did not keep bis promise to sands of dollariL______arm bis miners If he had assurance y*>ur coMtume and tbe iitmue|>bere. lint *'upon which tr> discuss the deep dam­ Dr. Smith, his physician, who Is at the conductors aud motormen who quit i that the striking miners would not remarry her after be was divorced from nation of his taking off." Among the rirv I'p • I'lent. Belle Haven, and told him of hla ex ­ work and the more turbulent spirit ; carry arms. He said that while his her. most of nil your mood lire all in time. other speakers were James E. Scrlpps, perience during the night. Dr. Smith of Ibeir sympathliors is held In check John Sherman Is able to be out driv­ Escanaha. Mkh., July 22.—The boiler told him. he said, to continue the use men carried arms openly the strikers \V*< srnnt you wlien y*»a yourself want to The*)dore K. Qulnby, Judge-elect Al­ tu a degree by the presence of the po ­ i did not display thetr weapons. ing but looks thin and haggard. house of the Bscanatui Woodenware of nttm glycerine, nnd that he would c*>me, uiitl we will make n iiictnre ni you fred Murphy, W. A. Fungs and John comitany was completely destroyed by lice and the militia, memliers of which Francis Murphy, the temperance MeVIcar. see him (iuiing the day. Colonel io- ride In the cars or arc held In readiness FAHMIN* UlIKH INTO lecturer, wants the president to send fire Thursday, which will necesalute geranll spent the morning swinging In that will In * a revelation. closing its entire plant for several days. at the barns and terminals. N*w Vark l.akar L.MMler start* a Naw l*ar- him to the Philippines aa chaplain In M*k ‘I.NLET A.MI .VLGEIL a hammock and sitting on the veranda Small riots occurred during the day, one of the volunteer regiments The loss In about tl.SOu. fully^covered with the members of the family. He ty »rk»M»v la Maltaa. HA-IILTON. The Artist Osssrsor I'laaiwc lisa Ssniaiblsa !• gay by insurance. The origin of *the lire but wltb one exception they were with ­ Aebbishop John Ireland has sailed said he was better and bad no pain. out serious results. In the death of New York. July 24.—The trolley car for the rotted States on board ths About Their Melsitoaa. Is unknown. Only the great efforts of At 12:20 he started to go up stain. ' strike, both In Manhattan and Brook ­ the firemen saved the matn factory Henry Corn welt, slain by a bullet fired steamer Britannia. Iktrolt, July 22.—Governor Ptngree UU t.11 WitrUaoii Iterth. by Ralph P. Hawley, a conductor un lyn. seems to lie practically at an end. The Chicago postoflici' receipts for Wionth aiMl V»l«r*t]r . . . banded to the Associated Press a pre ­ building from destruction. A strong wind was blowing favorable to th« On reaching the head of the stairs the Broadway line, is recorded the first General Master Workman Parsons says tbe last twelve months were 16.140,470, CREAMS pared, signed Interview, giving what spread of the llamea. Colonel Ingersoil turned Into his wife's fatality of the strike. Shortly after It Is not, and yesterday at a meeting of against 96.669.186 tn 1898. the governor asserts to be. "facts room. Mrs. Ingersoil was there. To­ noon Hawley's car approached Orange the Ontral Federated Union he Man- M. Uartelme Is tbe first woman •il ICES far which sre absolutely rellsbie. Iwarlng Ilrswsed fUssMlf. gether they discussed what they would street and was lieset by a crowd of launched a scheme tor a new labor attorney to be admitted to practice In upon the relations between General Al­ St. Joseph. Mkh., July 24.—An un ­ have for luncheon, and Colonel Inger- men and t>oys. ('ornwelt. the ik-year- political party and at the same time the United Sutes coufta for the north ­ SUNDAY DESSERT ger and President McKinley, with known man. supposed to be from Chi ­ aoll said be had better not eat much, old sou of a butcher, waa astride a . urg***l upon the delegates of the varl- ern district of Illinois. which the public Is not familiar." At cago. was seen by several bystanders owing to the trouble with his stomach. horse and rode at the slile of the car. i ous tradse unions tu New York the Wr luakr ii .prrisi lestuiv of iMIi.-liag the outset the governor aays. "I have Friday to wade out Into the lake and He seemed In good spirits then. After keeping pace with It for some distance. expediency of ('ontrltaitlng to a fund eateiMsy. Jsir sa. « resui. anO l.'e. on Hun.lsy*. Wr take talking for a few minutes Colonel In- u (ler* Ml not lime .Inrlaa tl- upon his band. Mrs. Ingersoil asked to Its senses by the sight of Hawley, I ter W*)rkman Parsons and District Judge Norrell at Salt Lake has sen ­ ICE CREAM Governor Plngre*- aatd his informa ­ ry. The police believe be deliber dy him bow he was feeling and he re­ who Jumped to the street and started Master Workman Plnss to promlae tenced Angus M Cannon, who recently Hervetl plain nn«i In Hrh k* tion did not ivime from General Al­ rommltted suicide. plied: "Oh. better. ” Theee were bis In pursuit of Cornwelt. < Important derelopmeots In tbe strike pleaded guilty to the charge of poly ­ • »nr liu*ine*M I* nut mnSMMl. bowerer, ea- ger. but from "one whose knowledge last words. A second after they were gin 9 gstel |(Nll*4. j situation this weak. gamy tn having married State Senator rluelTf^y to .*anilar •Mlrrrle*. •* wr are of the farts can not be disputed." N« M<»p« Tlirss i'eat Veiss. uttered he was dead. plrnrril to .MOrr «i nay hoar nay .lay la The latter, closely followed by hts Tbe projprt of the organisation of a Mattie Hughes Cannon, to pay a fins tkr wrek, ^|•rrinllty *»l mai la larae Pro<-eedtng. he aays that repeatadly Detroit. July 21.—After riding for a DisO AreerUlns t* HU WtsU. pursuer, turned up Perry street. At new labor party was enthualastlcally of 9100. qnaatltlrM for .orlnW, rharrb itolaa* etr since the eastern newspapers began week on 3-cent fares with universal There was not even a sigh or a groan Woodland jivenue the latter pulled hla Indorsed by the delegates at the Can- George Geddea. of Springfield. Mo., •k fall nn.l rompletr liar of their attack upon Secretary Alger the transfers Detroit people today resume*! as death came. Mrs. Ingersoil was the revolver and fired. His victim fell, tral Federated meeting, a number of managing editor of the Republican, secretary Informed the president that their former custom of spying 5 cents only person In the room with him fatally wounded with a ghastly wound speeches being made In Its advocacy. A died of poisoning from eating craw­ FRESH PURE CANDIES. If theee press comments embar rassed straight, or six for 2& cenu. The when he died. I>eath rame to him as In the left temple, and died soon after the admlnlstrstlno In the sligbtsst de­ convention was formally called for Aug. fish. street railway rv>mpanles announced be bad recently expressed desire that It being removed to the hospital. The 7, the place of meeting to be announced The Columbia and Defender suited gre* b* would resign at once, but the ' 3^0, ended laat night, should. He often In old times said be crowd which before the Incident had later. Evary union and reform body on s trial race yesterday, but the De­ president as often protested emphatic ­ wished to die slowly, with a full cou- been so violent was awetl by the seri­ fender bad to withdraw because of an ally that he had the utmost confidence In the city of New York will be aaked W. E. SLADE, sclousnesa, ao be might tell those about ousness of the affair and permitted the to send delegates, and an organisation accident to her rigging. In Secretary Alger and bis conduct of The contract for constructing the him bow It felt. Recently be exper ­ conductor to walk Itack to his car. He PhM* lao. at JnSw*. Mlsa the war department, and that the coun ­ will be effected. At the meeting Sam­ In an erect poaltlon. crushed be ­ Columbus. Marshall A Northeastern ienced a change and desired to die pain- was arreste*! and taken to the station, uel Prince, president of tbe Central tween two piles of lumber, the body of try could not afford to Itjse bis serv­ railroad has been let to John Seymour lemly and without warning. where a charge of murder waa entered ices. The governor says that at the Federated union, presided. Master an unknown youiig man was dlscov- of Hudson, Mich. Robert G. Ingersoll'a fame will rest against him. When the car returned In Workman John M. Parsons sad Dla- ere*l at Chicago In a box-car. time bia "alleged alliance" with Gen ­ Judge D. ti. Robinson, of Hastings. upon his war on the Christian religion. charge of another man and laden with eral Alger was announced, and be ­ trict Master Workman Ptnes were w. T.“Jennings, of Texas, has pur ­ Bargains for Saturday Ml(b.. died Wednes«lay. aged M. He He was an agnostic: bis creed was "I police thousands of people were crowd­ among tbe speakers. Parsons said tbe chased from H. B. Spaulding. Clarence fore hts disavowal of Interviews crit­ do not know," to put It briefly. But ed round the fatal spot. The track waa icising the president had reached was prnl»sbly the oldest banker in time for action had arrived and that W. Turner and D. H. Middleton, of Michigan. the God of the Bible was a person blockaded and the stalled cars were tbe unions of this city must either Washington, General Alger told the upon whom be never tried of pouring Muskogee. I. T.. 12.000 head of beef Joseph Shulte and two of hts chil ­ boml«rded wltb stones,pieces of hrtek. i show their power as American people cattle for 9460.000. Jnly 29th. president that upon the president's out bis wrath, ciitktsm and sarraam. and sticka of wood. The police roan- slightest Intimation be would resign, dren have been bitten by the kissing- I or gu down to destruction. It was de- He was an author of many books mak­ * aged by dint of using their clubs tu I elded also to Institute a boycott against M^MAay. J«lr S4. One $50 Royal Flush Co* but the president refuse*! to entertain bug St Calumet. Mkh. ing sport and otherwise of Christianity Fire completely destroyed one of clear the way after a delay of al>out tbe Second avenue line —the line af­ Earthquake shocks that did no dam­ the Idee for a moment. and his lime was largely devoted to half an hour. lumbus $15. Oovern*»r PIngree states that Mr, Ho- the powerhouses of the Escansba fected In the present strike In New age were felt In California Satunlay. lecturing against what he believed to The police lielleve they have a clew York. bart was finally prevailed upon by At- i iMIch.) Woodenware company, entail- bs the superstitions and worse of that The committee on construction of One $75 Waverly, new to the man who placed nltrr»-g|yrertne Dne of the delegates denounced the the Illinois lioard of agriculture has torney Oeneral Griggs to convey to | Ing a 16.000 loass. religion and the Bible. Ills profession which Sunday night blew up n Euclid tire5 $15. the secretary that his resignation was Major Charles A. Vernon has l>een was that of the law and there bis fame boani of aldermen, saying: "They had awarded the contract for constructing avenue car and Injured four paaeen- tlSb.ObO to give to <*ntertaln Admiral the woman's building at the sUte fair <1eslred. “and save my alleged alliance detailed as professor at the Michigan will rest upon bis oratory, which was ^ gers Mathew Robison, who was seen with the secretary as a pretext." Mlltun- Academy, Orchard I.Ake. Dewey, liut not a penny for the poor grounds for fT.600. One Sioo Bicycle for $9 simply msichleas In some of his utter­ at 2 o'clock yesterday morning driving strikers. For them there were police ­ Commenting upon the whole matter Mkh. ______ances. ______a horse and lNigg>' said to resemble the The messenger boys at Cincinnati the governor says that General Al­ men ’s night sticka and prison cells." are on a strike snd their places have These wheels have been exchanged for CASTLE CASE RECALLED. Nlghi Week mm tiM* CSleasn CSawL one In which the mysterious wrecker ger's "sacrifice'* was compelUd by de- rode, has Iteen placed In a cell. Robi ­ MKaaNNUBR IMITe ABB RIOTIII'H. been fllle*!. The strike Is practically new om nnd are in g*NM| order. manlS». with ptetols drawn and began firing at what waa thought tn be a couple of the newsboys aad soau to b acco strip ­ Bucks conaty. Pa., la dead. health wtll permit he will be In at- Dtlloa. the oldsat woman In Back's VIncennss. ln

6*1* Itfcw/C rtsht. Ttk* ehareh ad kaa thtm tar *'odd iiiim** to the ommi : “The man with BI'SLNESS IS (idOl). IIIC Ol* •IVnniSi In CW^ tlft naim aad ■***•» MMa they am a haakarfug dmiw lor a paaa ovar the commanded by Iffin whom It aa- C. A W. kl. road whoa ha riaita flaoarai »«AL rAT« Aumtva hw *obt i m. U. m«UBMAl.U. PtTMl SUMimiTIOII kaowfedimi aa niaat«w. TW dfflerwme at l*aaaeagir Agaot (lao. Hallaraa’N uMee, UkMUR IIKnUIAaK IM T«AMBVBMk. moritra may be eetaeoMd of ritai momeat ia mat with a rathar coM recaption when TENTH YEAJt. lUaf eatate h nai u— ia Michigan ohowa | bat it iaiapoaafble lorco mamn hamgaity he rmda thamotto which ia fraiaed aod KOMfi AMcriM wrim uncr* a great impmvoiear aooordiag to the r»-1 to took npoa oae who dkiea ao mach fur cuaraaieatly huag in front of the coaatar Iwriag )M>rta of vntate agvnta Ihrougnt the i Tt aui ATioirn W alAwlH. Kmc. taManly ol Hit. it ae a munetor. orar which he maat loan to make bin rw' Ntate, waiah have beea Bled adtb ladwr j y HD kffha With all hia eloqaeaee and all bin qamt kaown. The mottoeM are a coller- Crt on HIX Mti.NTMN______aoll aaeorad danug hia loag |Mrmd of ('nder foUown the adoMNiition Co thafMaa out active. Moat of the ageoeia* com- i THUKK miXTHK------2fl CiiBpt tMidBr* dillBkMMs E^kcrr taachiag. Were all thorn wfioacaa(>ted eeeker to “Moarrh the aertptnrea. ” The Mgch WHfe SliMi He tim inentod upoa the iacreaaau activity ia | hia viewa in their eatirety to be aaaem foliowiag qaotatioaa from thebible coma th* niarhat, many of the repotN bring - Tut SKWm wUl crat^^aJly rM**wf *11 r«»Bi- Sang There. wry vneouragiiig. tint uf thm 1(I2 re>; Aonld Int tfagQh mmy pHBon il auirat|4>iM 4»l |4>ri») iir mMrnl IntM^t wbMi hied inoae|ilooe it would make bat a mem next: “Thun ohalt not NnmbarN rto, 72 aaaiirt that vaJuaN are higher, ' Ifaem. And tfag tnt k fai tfas MMMMiMtaW*! Ity ib» wrurr'a luumr. handful comiwued with the great lunea XX. IH; “HoSer not a man to paaa, “ .lu- rthat vataa* are lower and 24 report Tbt* |M»brr U tally twabiant t4» 4I0 |t>baB«i of huBiaa kind. Indirectly, it may be^ dali: “The wicked ekall no more jiaaa." Will Came Hook With aa AwfW Slock that valaoa are about the aame. The! roauarrrial uHatlaa. It* aiatarlala arr u> average inewaoa iu vaiooN reported hy ; tbr lalf^t aiyW. a«4l lb* w4>rkmaaablplaKa«r> bin iofloenee baa been eery great. While Mark xU., HO; “Thungh they roar rat of FUh Siofles. wat«*4i «>( llw bbtbMt 4|aalit.v. OR aganrim i* IR per «wnt. Sevraty-' AUrartlarm atuwt l4* llnf asorllrat mrrrirr failing to unthrone the Hibte. hie rriti* tlio ’ ahalt not pam." Jaretuiah. Tbhi ia eight agent* report that aaie* have ia- r>art»fTil hr Tai. Nawa, I la «-trraUtlt>a la ixania tna.v bare been tvNpuneible for ia the way ol frieodly wunia of wiadom. mi kw cfeaaad. briag -ill per I'ont. iMtaa S>t*. aa4l lla aabavHpiUia Hat la alwaya T : N * ia iu receipt of a letter from ranch of the rhauge which baa takaa but the loot ia more definite. It mna: Cfdtmei lUiht. .Anderaou. of Maple Rapid*, Heven ograt* report that local cauaw* Un eeda Biscuit «»|wtt to InaiiartlnB. place in genaml Nantiment in raapecr to * So be paid hia fate and went," Jonah 1, wtu, it enfoyiog a trift in the northern rvwoltad in iucreaiivd vaium. while 3ti Michigan aumiaer reourt*. It reaila a* gave iDi’raaend nonfldemx* in burin*** a* gfg tfag hisfaMt and fiMt dttHglopmgat ol THnWDAY. Jn.Y ‘JT, iMtttt. •'ertain portioue of it. The change Itaa fi. follow* : the cauae. Sixteen attributwl the in-1 reaulteil in higher and broader coneep- “Thinking, perhafai. thatiicommiiaioa- craaae to lowi-r rate* of intereat, ami IH tfag bhktr't ikflL Evniyt faiag tfagt tnomy It ia aaauaaml that .imertcan-grown to improveil agrimltural ixindition*. | A api.mtiu aMftwiNii. tiooo, without iu noy way weakeaiag re­ tion from oae who i« taking in tbeNight* ten warn placed on the market iu New of Niirtbeni Mk*higao might b*ofinter- Mining tiud b**t nugar cultivation have . am iMfT contrib kitgg to makr tfagm goo^-* Altboutfh tba tml«*lNdaiio> in oar fa- ligion. nod if he wae io any ineaenrv m> impmwd couditinn* ia N*v*ral liMuilitiw*. ' York for the flrat time in the biatory of *at, not oiil.v to yonraefl, hot tn your aiiouaible for that, the wuridia batter, in- many reader*, I take thi* opfiortunity of .Aimeultural laud* ar* finding a raaily j tfag bgrt miirtthky tfag faiBt mgehtngry, tfat Tor for tha T«aat jraar, which •nh IwI Juiw therountry laat week. Thic ia a very :tu. waa aomcthiDK Ilka N^ railliona >«wa Mtmd of worne. for hie bai'iag lired in it. Mending a few item* from the twat end of mareet in a ma)ority uf the loealili**. | Df 1(111(11 CJCpCff PSCUff CZp(nBn6B* im|iurtaat aad intereating twwnt. and the StraitN of Mackinaw. than that ol tin* firaviotiji .Tear, tha yoar INOALLA .AMU THE THCaTU. ma.v mark the anbetantial iwgiouiag of We left Ma|ile Kapni* on tiw* afternoon gfg gg good gg good can bg. Onirfoidia m a whok wan aa |troa|>«roaa am any thr N'EW^'IlEME Kx-Senator John J. Ingalle naya cun* a grmt indaatry in the aonth. For year* of Jui.v 14, arriving at Mt. IVeaaant on country artT aaw. The total ••xfKirta tlie evening i»f the name day. M’e ataid S egnt inoktofc proof cemiug the tmat iirobleni ; the agrtcultnral department hoe tiefieved U. a M. AIM»mNU HTANAglft aTWTKM worr only «ibt>ut tbm* milHoaa Icaa than the latter city eex-eral day*, tuid while fwiMi Agfa yom mnu Tol “The truat ipieetion ie really the uioat the (xinditione wei>> favorable in certain there virited different fMiint* of inteivat, OPTRLMOMAPHV. laat year, and the balanor la rrduci^d by imfiortatit and lagnittcant of all the po- aouthem localitieM for the prolltabfe iiK'Indiog the \ortiMii and IodiaoMr*b«M>l*, the in • real'll ini|N)rta. Tlic trade bai- liticai problem* of tin* tiinea in ahieh wa growth of ten, and urgeil that practical liaaket factory, etc. Mt. Pl*xtaant i* a Tb«- Stonanl NyNteni of doutiie-cirder - aiic*'. aa it ia. iMnttettateM urer 5Hi» mill- buNV aw well a* a pretty place, linaiue** lire. Ifoth imnim will undouhtadly in- ex|ieriineatM be made. Tb*- pnaloct put tram dripatchiug ha* Iweti a«lopt*x| on i iuaa, and ia the laniaat on niigii bnain*** the exception of 1h 9H. which Avon over Trunk lin** and ba* ni>w )M*eo in uiiera- > ogaiiiei tlie reetraint of trade and the d» I'inehorat. about 20 tnileH froml'haHee* men and tlw word* “to rent ’* im* con- Don lor a w*x*k, with goiMi ixwultn. The I 01A niilliona. l*reA'ioue to 1h ‘.in , the I Last Siioda.r u teacher in a Hiindn.v Mtruring of th«* o|>p«irtUBitiiiH fur .iOHTi- too. S. C.. and in quality In of Moch a *|iicinue liy tii**ir ali«en«x*. **uttre Nyatem oi di*|Mtchiug in u *h eior*- TRII' Tint wa* plainly made, and lie veo- flrant. When thnt •Nx-nr*. the rendjiMl-j •Miuth, (Uh I ite Nucceae would be a great We vi**ite«l Hex'eral |Niint« of intervxtt, I'liloier, who «*nlisl*xl with i‘om|Mtiiy I*. lunttuatiiig t«i over iiiilliima. and net tamed etrict objeetion for a long tune. I tunsf to qm-r^- member* of thecla«NU|e ment w'ill take platx*. Ttien* in a tmiien -1 triumph for the ilefiartment of agrtcul among which wen- the dock*. Cit.x* Hall, .An u|i**mtnrM ’ echoui wa* ,x>iMliict*xl at IHth liifniitry. It I* diit**! “DaciMc im|airtaol gold atorregaliog aouiething . on the momi of the talk h*bnddHix*er*d. ^ doue *uider -4 Uiraiit of indignation and | ture. church hiiildiiige. etc., and at 1:Pi p. m. Battle t'nxfk for iiiontb*. and mo«t of the! iN-vun. .May 4tli Kulloiite” ami rends a* over A1 luilliotia. learing a aeeroinKly ti»- tiNik the Michigan Central direct for •'nmiian.v'N employ** nttdideil in order follows : I “Noxx, ” said he to flu* youugster at oianii about the imlaatrialMtunlioo. In . Ch*d»nygaii wtier** we arrived on th** “T*>u lire undoufite*lly ex|wx'ting to eettled boianci' to our cmlit of over riOO \ Jackoox Nfax'iHl May* that th«* trad­ to famiiiariz*' th«inNei\'e* with the n*** jthe*-iidof iIh - suit, “now that I hare [the laet thirty' day*, price* of u large) evening of the samedny. eomewhat tir*x1. Imirfmiii me, but by tin* time tiiat yfui millioiia. The (irand Uapida I'reaa in lui ing etninp «'om|iany ha* cloNed it* diMir* re*|UirenientM. Tin* new eyNteni hae lieen ! tohl y«)u xvliHt a go«i«l wan Je*u* wa*, ' nuoit>er of mxxweiticN and *tapir : prorttn. I think 11 vTy largi* pro|iurtion jiaet tw«-ive year* have lieeii citixeneof on every Ntenin line in the l'nite return of aeruritiea. rhant* of the country to tiie extent of teaching that he Im*! b*s>ii won't to bear ' of the Mtrikee of the preaent time an* real Chefaiygan where the flnctor ho* al*>au- except th* ‘Mulligan ('*iitril road. Itie| I will *iid**«ivor to rehit** II little about ocaan »nrnag»- chanraa. and trai'efer’a a handaoiDe fortuu**. Tbe buoii,**** men, tiful htiroe as w*4l ,»s a large practici*. my trip siiKx* Itxftving Ft. .Niagara. .New Ht hi* fnther ’N table, th** lad n-plnsl xvith- I Ir iiiNtigateii hy the truate to give th 4>m regnrd«xl a* the eafe*t. ino«t effleient and ; exia-iiaea. blit whether auch ia thecaae or : however, have alwny* ta^ievixl they Cbetaiygaii I* located ut tlie enat end mneiee form ol train dieimtchiag ever ! York Of c*iiir*e y»iu ns-eivixl letter* out lMs*itation. "Brynn ’” an exniee for *toppiug pnaluctiou and of th*' Strait* of Mackinaw, -’Ohi mile* hy from me along tlie line, but it was al- not th»i>' ia no meniia of aacertainiog. were Mupporting a nuimuK-e, a* all of th** inventeil. I raining pn«>*« on Ntork on hand. i water fr*,m fletroit. DOJ mite* north of m«i«t imfiossibi** to writ** on the train. l.sitns l4iT liMlgr. I Inter nf Ihe tUiSfrra Some Ol the detail* wae ivieked and ! learn of it* derivation*, means “Through Kansas I'ity, Mu., from ther** t*i I’ueblo. the previoii* ymr. they W4*r»‘ leaa than in i half-rtll**d bookN could not I** (xtmpleted. neem tiarti<*i|>ation tb** imrtiige of the riv*T and hail to lav xvith tie* mountain* over 7 .immi feet high DtCsilllsr SuD^lay It Is sDptMi*ie*l to lie a biiatneaa activitr. and the iiniMirta of the biidnee*. Tbe merchant* *o.v thnt low ufactar«xi by tbe raJifomia Fig Syrup i raee *>1 solrlde. ; in lynching affair* by the wick«-«lnee* of , ox'er whil** hie e*|uaw pr*xwnte*i him with •’o. ! on **acli si*le, *-oX'**re*l with smiw, xvas a preTioua year wer^- verj' euiail, thiawonUI priixx* without the aid of truck thrown a new j»at»o***e. an*! wh*-n that ev*mt <**• grand sight. Dlk**'s l‘*i»k. sixty mil**s I tb* act wouUl at lea*! b#* nwtrained by j Iiogs are kllllnic larvr numbevs of sheet* In be aignihciint. It would *eem to k Ihoa in (which mu*t be |iaid for) i* a much cnrre*f and he l«>arfied the sex of tb** new IMINIKTANT .NOTICK I axx ay, liMik***! iis tiioiigh only a few hiiii- Hnd Ud *' '-ounty, and farmers mre tslklng of iirKNDlfttng It ‘log haailDg party thnt thi* countrv ha* .x-nee,! to buy from ) ‘‘'‘’H-hj,*** of that methmf of meting mure ;M>puhir tnethiMl with tW bo.ving *ximer. h*' di»gu»le*llv n>mark*xl. ‘Cgb* Not lee. “I ka**w Dot *rh«i the tmth tnar hr g»*t some e.xi'ix'ise The air xx'as so light habit of getting in that market, and the> “^ ‘‘“'e »**.n Iwtter ,f the you cannot “get Nomething for n«itbing" I tell the tMir !%• tulU to inr. Fire laeitraaee ('oMitNU«> of Cllatun Notice is herx'hy gix'*ii that the meetiog ium I Orallot. that s*ime had n*k-ian' •*rate. lint ot the mo*T *o Ih 1 and *uli*tHii- Y'our attention ia at thi* time again i aisive sAlft lexel. From tllere We went >x>miiig to lilenxviHMl Springs, where tl** water of railixMid iu Ihhii Ch*'lM>y- read* a* folbiwe : | ImiiI* tint of tlie gnaiml at a tempemtitre sioii. is (KMitiMined tn .August 7 tfi. IRIM*. In l-.m. agnniUnml pnalact* .xon- . of being railroad through .\sia will be completed giin wa* a etrnggling village of 1.*SH» in ­ Ski . •'!. AA'hile uring et**am for motive I ol l2i* ft Is a very iirettv plais- aiming at 7 ;Ho p. in. M. McDonai .u , priNcl about TO i-r .xmt. ol tbe total eX-. »nunlere,| by a -ar.Mp. mob. The effect i ie-tdr** the ciuee of ItNNi, and that habitant* tlevotfxf to lumb^ng and Heh- (Miwerin thriwhiug, the iu*aniiKx> ehail tlie mountains. .April 24th wc reacbe*! A'illnge f'lvrk. ports. Thi* rear then* irm- a d«*n aw- m i *>««*,through train* will !*• niouing within ing. Tiaiav it i* a thriving rit.v of h .imni etaiid Nue)*eiideiue. a* it la. th.*** who that tim*- lietx*e.'a I’ort .Arthur ami impulation. having all iIh * ixinv*aii«*n*w oplKirtunity for *lrill Lunch xvas serv*sl A Safe and Convenient Cure of citi«x* luan.v tim*-s her *ite. Her city boildinga. and at lea*t ionr priiU of wa­ b.x' the imfies Iw^on* xx*e Wt. . .1 ... /.tile ‘ lA'cngerw ha»'e Ihx ^adm ' mon* yet the net tlecnxi*** in exjM,rt* wa* only » " Sr, I’ercraburg. If thi* oNeertion prov*'* hail ie a *|ii*Nidid building <*n*ting -'*40.- ter. iudeiMiideot of tlie tbraeiier*' eiifiply. i AVearrixe*! at ogiien at -I p. m., with a deepH'alkl** law brxiker* than wer** the for Stomach Troubles. aboot thm* millkni*. *hoAviag that the true, th** evixit will *'«taiNili*h a new iHNi, containing all th** tiiiNlem improv- are within xi*4xl their offender* whom they murder***!. They r*x*onl 111 railroad building. It i* iioi*-:i mente, iiicimling Hremau'e hall, city three hours for re|iain«. s*i that twoiuon* bar*' caiiMxl the nation* inetitiition* otftHy of lyiirhiiig i* very which ladkatc th*- pr,***'nt -tat'- of trade. to ♦•lifer the riiiiiu pn,vid**nc** of Ch*'boygaii <*nunt.v whicii has piet built ii liev«* |M- an* faxximing nniix* c*ar*iul in ing cjirs. so wen* veiy iumfortabl*- troulilc* oiilx . Heariy apfMirent. lN *'\cept oiits* III a xvhil** a a Methisl Tmitineiit, xvhich is indis- with May. and oi alwiut two million* over which it ran wa* rr»ll**«l in I’enn- which fxist Sl.tNMi ••xtni. mil* and other (iMir woo«l i* the pnoci- bum h *if Imiii*** Theimxt *Iay xve struck (lensafite in tiwaliog th** various forms of wrnnge«i Mub)*x'T* of a friendly |M,wer. tor ixtmiMkixxl with th*' *ame mtmtli a y*-ar *ylvatiia. and that the tiet* on which rh*-fiovgnii e ix*iiirnl e*'ho«>l lioiis** le a lull ca Uee of tlnx* from tbreeh**re. Don ’t' a siunlstorm which liist*sl all day. AA'** dys{s*(isia «uc*ss***fnll,v, the rni*trentment of whom our Knv«>ni- the iron reNte*! wer** cut in th*'for*wr* of S4o ,*nh > hiiilditig and it ,s one of th** tin- lie*'euch w«>«ei. •’ll.VM. B. «t|»'PKl>t. isiiiid Sts- mithing at all. I'*T««ins having stomach tntuhle re- ago. Mxiwirt* ol *tiiple article*, by which 4'.iw*J .'Secretary. ment will I*' rail'd UfM>n to render an Oregon The next few y«xir* proiniee ••Mt echoole in tih* etat*' IWi- ..'itlionin, ..I tb.-n«.' in .A*ia, and jmlgiug fr«,m thi* incident, Tbe Iiarb*»i*e are txvti in number. Ch**- “ButtiTiiie can not ooni|e*te with go*Ml ha*l 11 man'll thmiigh tin* ».*••xfMirt* ol i' tion in an emlMirnia*ing i>o*itlon., Non , .Americtt will profit by It uiini**o*ely. iMiygau Itiver au*l liuncaii Bay, xvhirh butter, «*ontentione to th** control.v not- •liH-k. where w»- found txxn tnins)sirls matter, but remlily tlisfiris aiix intiam- that th** I'nit*-*! Stat*x* ha* a«x]utml arq*x»nre*lr*i t«i ie* th** riiie*f and eaf*wt witheturniiog.” eaul a local groc*T to wairiiitt. title tie* "Ohn*. ” fie* «iiher tlie mation ot its membrau**. and toitfs* the roanufartuml article*. prominence in theey*-* of the world *u* h ^ on the chain of the (irxxit I*ak**e. They Thk .N'Eive yeetenia.v. “Tlii'n* ie no euch j “Seinif*ir.' ’ lUir liattalion was marclesl stomach pnqs-rty for th** OMsimilation of Tbe-»* ttgun** an* the m«Mt emxiurtkgiag .\ writer iuth* Waehiiigton Star, die- an' >«afe ami eney tn*>nt**r in all kinde oi thing a* meiliuni bntt**r. If it ie n*-nal*ir. ” AA'e lai«i at the iiicth**! thnt will produn* pun* bt«ionim**mal rrxmeing volume of mniinfnrttnxxl ex- Hh 'maiiufactiiniig ol pin** runitwu'. Her in making it. In Kuntie* liairy Mcboole ! we left |Mirt ami atichonsl in tie* luiy. wonderful ims-nm of thi* n*w treatment. |M>rT*. and a* long a* «nc^i i* th«* ra*e standfioint, but tbe fact that the |topu- annual output le from **q.iMHi.iHMi to have lieen >e*tabiNb«xi for many y*xii>. I III the morning of .A)iril 2Nrh. at a. m.. Tntvis ,A Bakiw sell Dmk**'* Dy*p**puia .\ KKH day* ago it iva* mreti out that the country will continue to I*- flaaiicinl- lation I* overwhelmiugly .\fncaii might i;{o.(HMi,(NNt feet. )iewid* ‘e untold ipianti- the re*ult lieiiig o rapid mlvaiio-in the > we |iulled anchor and st**aiae«l lor Ma- < iin* and Nerv** Be*torrr. Try it. the government w*nil«l grant »x,mml»- tiee of shingle*, picket* anil lath. There metbode of butter making. In tkie nilu. {lansing tlimugli th** ii«il*leti Date ly Ntnmg. tb* lalMinng man will hiiv** rxmiplicate th** |K,litical '■ondition*. The *ioii to rniunteer* who would eecuix' the an* many l»*xitUiiul farm* ne well aapro*- •'oiiiitry ifair.v echnol* an* lieginniug tn at tb-'bia. m., into the iMSMiti xvhich xvas t'roo «»l ChMrg*. employment, and the country ivill t** I'niteii .State* now take* sixty |mu *«'ent |ieroue lartnep* in thi* vicinity and rro|iM lie *x*tHblieiie*| and ar* ‘ w* 4l attMid***!. x'erx' mugli that ilay. and .x*«iu certainly ••nliNtmt-nt of m or more a*** idatw* lor .Any adult '•uffering tnioi n col*|iert,as TIm* fact thnt thi* iocixwee of the ielamr* ex|*,rf*. but fumi»he*i,nly of all kinds are in epiemlai evindition. Butter making iMgine when the milk le x\*iul*l lllive lailgbeil IlHil you seen ilil tie* on the breast, bninrhitia. thnxat or lung eerx'ice in the Philippine*. On aennnd in onr foreign «aie* i* a«xx»mjt,ioie*i by ,1 <*omj»aratlvely email |H»rtion of the im- l-aud can I*- bought, iiwluiiiiig the tim- •Imwn fmm the udder, tbewtricteat Hmn- si* k Mloxv* on Isiiirii. I xvo* very lucky, tntublef* of au.v iiatun*. xx-ho xvill call at thought thi* pmmiw wa* withtlmwnniid Iwr, at fmm two to ten liollare on acr**. litHxa* Imog oliwrvixi. Hlth and can*- as I xxosmit sH'k at oil. tiuiugh almost higlier wage* in many bmiicfMx* of in- |N,rt*. It ie clainici that if the ielaud Fild«*w A Millmaii's. xvill lie pnwsnteri thewiMlomoi the action i* unqueation- .Apple*. )exir*. |ifllllie lind cliemee of the leeanew* are oftentiiue* tbe otielacle* in ev*-rx*ine XVI*. Tie* wax»i* mll*s| ovi'r ilnetry. *how* that a*- umipy a *rrong wen* fiart of the Cniteil State*, it would xvith a samiiielMittleof B'jsrhee's Derman able. t IIIr ho*in**** ill the I'hilifipiiHw i* rtneef kind can lie m,e*x1 einx-eMalnlly. tlie way of go«id butter. ” i forty feet high, but il line lss-n calm Syrup, free of charge, flnly on** iMittfe fioeitioii in the market, and nee*! I'earnn take mon* of onr mannfactunxl artief** The wimh I* are full of wild lierriee, euch siie-e iiml a x ’*>ry iiiemuint trip suh 1 aaw tbe great auffering. one two |Miun*is of tnliM*i'«i tieiny, wliH'h the only Thntat and Lung Ueni<*dy gen- chnrrhe*. few ixxiple anticipated that he *x|*we*l >team iiarg*- Kiixa H. Strong eail for AVhile no woman ia entirely free froik XVill help Us M[H'ti«l th** tiim*. •*mily •ndontni by physicians. On** 7 * ’» It i* gratifying to not** that the uee ol Toiiawanda with the largeel cargo of A\'* 41, I pist i-Hine liown from *in d**«'k. would live lung NSougii to I** r*>gnrded ^ p|nfj>«,n„ hqi J mtiid rna***** of troop*. If i perioftlical pata,it doa*not aaamtohgf i*ent liottle will cure or pnttre it* value. .Ainertraii Hour aliromi ha* ixxiched ile liimlier that ever eailad from the jiort of AA’e hnx'e just sighfe*! Iiuk I for tlie Hr*t been na- Stild by in |Niri f*x*t. tnre'a plan pwiple. An exchang.* that |*i**ibly „|Prer*. with no exfwrience at HfMexI with an exportation«>f Im.ihmi .ihni tomomiw. I will semi this letter fnmi I will rlnwe by Naving that we are in that womoa Honobilii. I will try t*i write yon nil It may te* to*» much rii *ay that fl*** ‘ *i| ip war. would la* hut |*w*r leader* for liarrel*. The avrrng*' |uici' |»er bnehel churrhw. have come to regartf Mm with cinver NO far a* enpivtnetit i« ixmceme*! otherwiaa aleait that plni'e wlwn xx*- get then- A $40.00 Bicycle Given for the wheat ex|M>rl in the form of Hoor ami are taking in the eiglitN aroun*! the healthy I wish I knexx xx'here a letter wniihl friendliae**. for rHatfoa* which ore truly , men. for eeveral ihouMuidhave wae NT.nTe., caloninting that baehele Strait* of Mackinaw a* fa*t a* tlivT <'an ahould anfikr mwli me. but you will have tinn- amount of money reneirtxl for txich a eearrity of m*MW|uilo**. ” ham'* Vega* Kvsry farmer who ha* cut Hover earlv |Ni|ier. nr** giving a hkrh grad** bicycie woHd. ootwithataading, hae long ns ^ •wch day for the largaat Hat tti worda tmoiiel id wheat «eat abroad in t hie form. tablaCams has notirrd how quickly the new growth spring* up aftsr the Brat ha* lie*n r*- made by using ftp* letter* contained in garde*! Mr. Ingerwoll with a *ort of good |||^,^ captain or coloael who i* rrmkiDg over $lfl.iNMI. nv limilNTgR aOI’LS*. Dictitiiiary to I** iMnsHh ml a* aathorfty. eqnaiiimitr. The kindlia*** oi hi* per- enough for the Ntate militia* male regnl^ air ill thesoii, making iu* nitnurm ax*ail- biieheie of grain into the 1H,(nni ,,hmi MMrilNII THR PAWrWRRK. Two itiMMl AA'aicuee (first ciao* tint*- tor known to able a* iilant IimmA. This pmrew* i* un- aonal nature, hi* happy treatment of ueniilly unlit to rximninnd a i kes|mre) will li»' given daily for seo tind barrel* of Hour export**! daring th* year. medical eet- donhtsdiy hastened by the wastage of thoae who came into iwraoaai «xHitart > of tro«»p* in camp, aa waa ohown ^ KUwlrmakiUi rial, Ii^ciIn .to C. M. anti thini lewi liat*. aiiil iiiany other vain- I'makii*. wadlTPtwl I-I4**•• I m*I 9. Mneii lift Wd |. among the Hnxrsr n*ota, whieh they *uf»- duce this NiHveetuI weekly into new bomew, arif In opfwaition to long .wtatdiahe*! be- 1 ^mm^mier* in the PhiUppion* raoet ea- b*r A rttael'a ■al»-«ll*iriaa. (H. Johaa. dotM for me f HHien I wroi* to yoa 1 and all iiri*** will b* awarded pmraptly miuga, M. f'., I'-ol.. .A«a Him (iardn*r, rttaa », L**haaaa aaka all tk* tlma, an appatita. that Utai .A Imon t4i tmvHeta. Dr. Fitwler'* Kx- aiilawnptlon xvith full (larttcaiar* aad chailrnge, and paamhly in large meaanre : Tan nwiet uaique raifnmd idlleiai la 4 known name* in their IPmux I ot iHrer- faaliag, and did not car* tor anything. traet o( AYfId Strwhevry. 4 are* d.rseii- Hot of over •U ni ralnatile reward*, t'oa- baawaaofit, the churrh ftoeff haa twan* thi* conatry ia itetwg* liellaven. th* gea- t*»ra. 47wA.) Mfra H. Kaarnn to A. H. kMifwa, oa- I kava taken three boUlaa of Lydia & mry, dlarrii*en. seaairknen*. nausea. teat opene aa«t aarards comwtenre Mon ­ alri4*< l J| at lot I, hlaak X. St. Jriia* l*t**aaant to take. Fecfeetly harmlen*. day. Jnne 24Dh. and Hoeee Monday, .Ang- to take a < aw *«, o( ipttlBa Ik. would like to havn thoaa who saflgv titled for that day, and yonr name will BtauNl The aetl aaaaal rsaatoa nl Ihe XIasiseath hawaaworidag toward the aaoie goal, oil th* detail* of the boNiman. aad non- Cavg •• TY mmOm know that I am ana of tka atony wk* Wchhian lalaatry will he hebt at VIehAbarg. bo printed in th*- fofiowrftig ianae at Th* Win . j. WhlllMek aad wrir to* trilrUi Ment.tfa-Tt. Oea abatter. * ‘tbe h*e<* of oaa- New A •»rk Star, i inly one Hat (-an he The chareh advaeata* parity of Mr.; aidam) aa aathorfry, but h** i* a* oloear We, ta* nailiiWgNi it wMi *«> eaprea* nar Kriger. Nrda ng •ridDidaeVi ofm i* havn haon envad at famnla aomplateta BaMwta. anti ftbfa I'. lAa. *n- tiiaaite t«* nar fHemte mmI iirigkiwini f««r thetr <4 •* l«, (*t metlaa BL OrmomOmA It a* byyanrwondarfal faidlrina and advian eoRi aes e»n*si*i| t«i attend. teml by the Name |i*Tnon. Friasn ace on loaiiaetoall ama. love for hooMui kiad. a wrftar a* Hva* •« the want Ntde of the bsip aad eywiaaiiiy la oar Hear nf Iwraarr lahiNtioii at The Star bnainaa* ofReeN. wwt. la the loa* or wMT ami aiatlwr. Alan JtmUUD. PWwavi at ah to WaUoaa A. —lilMa JBMMni R. Mium . Lana, Wla. toward tbe mtag, rhor fty, otata, aad a noui who m^oym Urn “laa of AatSa atal, wkka(«ta*«otawl«aad Tm tkonanatl dmnona gnawing away IVvnua* securing hicyrknmgy hnveciHaee tn tkaae wtm gave tUetr awrtce* la eeag. etAariwia«4 rwlt*** wattaa 91. If yon nraanfto rin gintkhiwny. wfftk r> ooe'a feUoaro. Hoaloo Hte** with all the vtmofhiaai'ilmi t aatate T H. PEAar. 4xe KAAinA. aa Him Milan did to Mr*. Ptakham M IM one'a vital* cnnMa ’t be mueh aroraa fit Lndies ’.fientlemefi ’nor Juvenile* ’ iRBk imidH, rotor or sta* daaiml. ('all or ad­ did Imerooll. He odromited tboaaiTbe foBowtag rttppiag from tlmOraad KtM Crtaikita at ^ kf W. Skth atraat, Nww Y'ork City. THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THTRSADY AFTERNOON, JULY 27, 1899.

NEWS IN BRIEF. O. P. UaWltt waaia loalaoa boaiMoa. Hao. II. Chapaiaa waa la Owoaao Mian Klomaoe Tenehoat ia the aaeoi «4 IT \V.\S TRAVIS & BAKER. Pridajr. boaiaaaa, yraRarday. Rev. K. M. IHaiiehardaud wifeiof Vemoa. i lor a law dayn. tm •HttMrHhM* mt tit* R—rrt—ry laMitf with li. L. Haat. Mm. U. L. TlaeooHi opnat Haaday with Ilioa Alirr llraarh Mt Matarvlay to tinu. Tajrlor nfwat Haaday with frwvitln frinwfe in Fowlar. np —d a two wwnk ’a vamtioB with frtrada W. E. HttUar. of Texan, in a ganat o^i ia IVwaoMi. Mm. II. C. lasain vMtad friMMln la ia bsUairr, Pntuahay and (Imad Haiadn. Mr. aad Mra. F. H. Hoah thU wswk. Mr. Owoaao, SatardNy. HaHkr In a brother of Mra. Hash aad { llartiix uMuk a oarilul i'mmvmm «rf tbM WautMl. a atriirJ for il hooanworh. Mian Lara Shrrmau. who haa bnno l•rlnrf« u( (liotuu who Imv* par* Mvn Harry Maiik C. VaaNhan mada a h aniapai trip to n p rodian nrvoaal wroNn ia Ht. Juhaa. m- iiialMa a vodt to Ht. JcHinn rerry naa iBrar 1 l.aaaiBN. yaatnrtla.v. tarord to bnr kooir near Ionia, Hatur* danag hii^ vaontioa. I rhai -j (»Mr Imiu Iui , \r» fliiil mu mIumhi I uoi- Um. (hFump tUkf ia trioitias fri«a tawak at f'ryauU Lako. Mm. K. Sfpknanon ia apnadlas a iaw ton. arrivrd Tunaday alteroouu to onead than the mib) total caat for ail uthrr darn with Irtnida in Ionia. two wmka with her meter. Mm. W. ■..•if Tniwday. The groaod fw divorce wan I Math J. ituhr in apMidias waak oaalar. croaity aad uotiaappurt. j of thn fimt of thn work la < Ivid. Mm. Moneoa CImmw and Mm. V. J. Id the Owtanm .\raonean appeare the i>ar lusoka. «*• ha**** uoatmctnl with Wm. KInwam ia riaitliis ratatima ia Wiln^- retamed yeatrrday from a two following ragardiaK a former rmideut of | Tmrta A llakar, t»f Coraar ItruK Straltcml, ('aaada. thin tk-tuk. Williaai l^om, of Portland, wan ia Ht. wreka’ viait with reiatlvwi ia Detroit aad St. Johan: H. Hnrron, formerly in Htorr.” to at all tiiu»« paiar ‘M'omar buaiDaan tha fom part ot tha wn ak. Minn llulah Brown in npnndiaK a fww elmeta, anti make other improreoMratn in to be laoaehMl at Houghton. Mr Her* ; ItrocHturv* ’hatoir thr oalr piaca wbrrr Miim('om t'ullian a|inut i^aaday with dayn with frtnadn la Daraod. thr near latam. nin ia an indefatigabb* worker aloag the I That is a summer fabric or tmr r•«Hpt^ two hr |>roftrHy flllad with line of eirralatioo aad ban dom* eonnider- ' atnrtl.T^ri' dnifp. hfT fathar, J. 11.1'ulliaa, of liNiia. Fmd Emrattn. of find, wan ia Ht. There will be an iee craaoi nueial na thr , Johan on baninnnn, Satarday. able w«*rk in flmt defauSmaat of a newn* i any article that is for summer Thi : VrTKRUiAur t<« mso* Am'y. Wm. Howland ip naamJioc a law dayn lawn at Oeo. H. StrtdMNinoo ’a thieerea* |ia|ier work. Hie labora on the F>raiBg in timad llafHtln iR fVpOTal l,Hkka. Horn. July *i8, t4i Howard Pop* and ioK for the Imaeilt ot Ht. Johne chnrrh .Iripia of thin dty, aud iwwuD.v with the I wear only will have no place __ Wu. Hurd, of {.aaainc. apaatHatarday witr, of itnosol, a naimi (NNiad boy. Saada.T aehool. F'lint Joamal, deiaonatmten bia ability : in and Kaoday with fnfuda in (ft. John*. Mian Hamiltoo. of Tnramnnh, ia work* .\rthifr Newtou, of Ison .timelm. ('all* tor thin kiatl id work. If hn nrreptn the i our store after today. We begrin ^ WANT COLUMN, Mr. and Mm. .N'ormau II. Kohnaamaa* iuK io fhn Mtodio of J. L. Hamilton. foraia. wan tie* mtent of hie brother*in* piMiitloa he will evideatly prove a vain- io.T4iit{ a watdi’M uatiuic at t'ryatal Idtkr. f'han. Harroo wm ia Ht. Charlm thn law, (loo. A. Judd and fnouly, a ouapb* of able addition to the above paper." ilaye lant week. now MIN NALK. Wiu. Uilaon anti family am at ( ryntal lattrr |iart «*f lant wnnk on booiiinan. The nammer nomuil in proving to be I.aUcr. Thay will ramaiu Martial w-oidta. Mm. Wai. Crich tinitnd frirtidn ia Minn Joair Ikiylr, of CedarS|iriaice. who oae of the boat, and ojieaed Montiny han bren a Kueet in thr bonir «>i H. M • >l uar ho .Vrtbor Lyon, of I.MniMaN, wan tha Pom|w«i, thr lattnr part of lant wwnk. rooming wnthanatteadaum «4fifty-three Niiil huaa> • KB<|uir^ «tf It il.i.fc. IfidOMw for thr pant two weake, reUinird |Hi|Mln andtheeartdltnentisrapidlvon the tfumt ul Miiut Vonta WtMMlbnry nYfY* Hon- Minn F'raomn Yatm. ot Inaia. in thn homr SHtunlN>'. « OMl.l day. fu«wt of Minn Julia Storknr, this work. inereaae. The studentn are well ph oned fCUniNfi and CLEANINfi 'oKSAhKolt KXrilANiii:—Farm of 40 Mian Imoa.Newton, of I nn Xnirriiii Cmli* with the iontrortion given, and are mak­ F I .Mr. and Mm. H. K. Kirbr, of .Sanuua-, Minn William MnnwoKvr. of .tllaaau, in foraia. in the Komit of her •■unein, Mim itrrw*, mlira arai iom I on* mtia north ol tb.* KtHwt of Mm. f). MT. .Milinr thw w'rwk. ing m|»«d prtjgrenn. The lieginniag cioon l.urrlui. Will M>ll oHtrtahi or trn*(or«iMf»U- HfiHit Sunday with Mr. and .Mm. ibwiton ThurtnJudd. She will npetid tie* ram* in .\lg^ra ban oumpletisl factoriog, aud J We have many lots that we will rr fnmi. fall on tir loldrr — Startwa. .Mm. J. H. Hathaway and aou am OHT in .St. Johne. I lOttI IViLLIAM UILLmiN. an* DOW working in fiactionn. .Ugelira Mr. aod Mm. Wm. 11. .MHiniatitm, of apradioK tla* wf*nk with ndativnn in Lh*- Mm. Wm. J. Muiray, of lirtroit, ar* II ban covered pniblemn involviog one, A throw on the market and will I kItOA.V lor oah* rlMN»|>, a tlrat rla»> aiorr»iuK. 8|iant Sunday with raiatiTm in troit. hx ’ed in Ht. John* Suiiday rvrnlBK. aod two aod three unknown oiiantithai. and Ira ftarK orican K(i<|Ulrr of I*, .s. linrk, .St. .lathnn. ttinv* bUirli* wr*t t.l ualoh arb.Mil, •Mrn. .tndmw Hiirkne Mt for f'ryntal will n|irtid nevrral w»*ekN with tier mother will take up Involution, Evolution luiil # make a Ion Handamuii ratumail homo 'roanday l*ake TuwHlay nvmioK to n|H*ad a •'oapi** and .St. Johae frieude. Uadinals thin week. The .krithmetie 'lt*.\.\TKIi — ailv In ihU •lr|*artiurnt. fmiii a two waoktt viait with frtatidN in of fv«0 aril wt* ran lanK** you a Mth*. If f'haMHuina. FIiKbty.ntx liHivtn w«av noid at thin and Ibinnld, Mt Tnmday inomiaK for uunitiem, comnten ’mi fomin. and areooA* \ ou havr anvthliitf to iratir ora hotipr to Mina KvanirHinf McFarlauo in npaod- ntatioD for F'orpfmuKh'ncimMiiif Iwonao, for an rttrodrd vinit with hrr meter. Mm. working in Meoeumtioii. Phratra clana rrnt, Invral l.trrtlt* In tliU ilriiiitvmrnl . It in working in Ilydmntatien; botany clmm M III Ilf thr iMait Inrraiiurni voii call make of itiK tho at .\r|p*utiii» ‘ with Minn y«*ntwlay. F!. .1. Hradarr and family, of Itirhiand. on the nuhjeet of I iiHomncence; elane in tli.-Bum. Ktrr.vlHMly rra*U THI Xt.WBaani Hraat' Kiiimtina. Minn fom Huiiday, of tilivft. in a tpM ’nt Ilyrun Daiile>’ and tiunily left ymter- (olaian. Mm. t'baa. Spraini** and tlaoKhtar, ill tb«* boiiK- of Mm. f’. (irtnwolil for a I'niteil .Stalm liintory in working on tlie ilny for Crystal l*akr. Mr. Danley will Count it utional in-riiNl: fieoeml hinlnry Sale Dry| I'Mli ha I.K—Thr llam-il nrni*>Mth Kork U Idllh', an* HfiaiitliuK a faw' ila.VM vndtiuK fnw 'V«nSln. return the lent <4 tie* wmk hat hin wife f thr iniwl |N*|»ular fowl In Aiiirrlra t.Miajr. friatidn in < iwtMMo. elann han ttoinhetl the hintory of Flantern M« atork •« liawklir> • ••irlirair.l Itoyal Mm. (*. iirfty aad ohildmn Mt yantrr- and children will remain for eomr time. iwsipian and alno «4 (ireece, and tiegiin Itlar Mtrala. Kica« for hatrhlua at raaaoa- Harry .Saott and Harry F'itifcaraid day for a imiuthn' vinit with bvr |»arrntn Eli Mann left thin moraioK for .\n-oaa. that oi th«* Homan rcfiublie. The other ahlr |trlrr* un* makiog e(|ual progriwn and ••t Johns. MIrh. iiiainad orar Sunday. Mr. and Mm. N. Mn'rackm vinitml hrr who have liern vinitiuK then* lor two doing flmt clans work. The iiintmctom. .V. J. Hildrath haw a iHmititin in Hi- pHr«*nin in Hubbanlniou, tin* lattiT |»art wreke. They'will remain for a fortniKht Mr. Holhnmk and Mr. Daley, am well i W.kNTKIt Goods, cock'it pholoirraph itallary ui loiiiu, and of lant ws>.>k. l«>UKrr. plenneil with renultn and tb** geniiia** in* Imitaii Work Mtindny. t han, and Hmwnn* .'^t'fihrnnon Mt y«w* _ Mm. K. StrooK. a t* ‘a<‘hrr in .Vlliert Iaw temnt niaiiifente.] among tie* ntiidentn. It'k.N’TKI* at oi»rr. »ftrl for m nrral housr- tt w«irk Krn(iilivi>l \|n. It, K. M*ik. (imi'o Mark ent*Traino«i fdirhr Siftlo tnmiay for a tw*o w.n*kn ‘ ramtion at CiillvK**, MimieaiMilin, arrived in .St..lohuM Kiri friatida lant iltiuday ••vaoiiiK m limufi l.•slK.•. F'riday. to nfietid tie* summer voration ORAL. That will relieve all doubt where ■ll'AXTltlt—* aWiiri makrrs. stra.Iy work, honor of bar '-iKhth birrhtlav. Mm. W. fhiindirr anti non. of ftimi>- a'ith her imrrntn, .Mr. aod .Mm. .1. .S. | tv \<|f|fVM K. II staffoni ftral. < oroi>any. Hrintol. .Mm. Jenne Monher in on the nick lint. Mnakraon. MIrh. 4t*w..'t .1. M'. KitzKarald and It. \. IlaMho sjiant tou. Illmoin, w»Tt- KUmtn of .Mm. FL \v. bargains are to be found. •Sunday at .4rKantiii«* as tlm Kumta of (tould, F'riday. Mm. H. FL WaihridKr, who war threat- M'alla«*e Huggett han bis ham [minted. APY —If .'OH wiint Ihr Imi fiao. \V. Hiiiiiionn and family. iCtiy lifndt'mon Mt Momlny for a two •*ihh | with lyphu'd fever laet w'wk, in The Minnen U'eicely, of Itetroit, are vin- 4 inonrt ta.tsrr. you must h.tvr our 1 wm> much b»*tter. Thr fever from which nhr lirthI i-rniur' ahiri waist ami Bslrt sU|>|>ortrr. MrH. .M. K. llundHl iHt fitr liaidinK wtvk’n vacation with fri«nln in llay fliy itiog at S. Ire's. nitriiis vlrnrintf from 10 ^7 iwr ilaj . writ.* Tiiamiay inoniiuK to rinit liar dauKhtar. and .Vncnitin**. HUffrmI 'XOM brok*'n townnl the doer of at onrr ami M-nd !.'• rrnt- ho saninV. A«l- th»* week. Mra. .\lvin Itendle in s|»endiuK a weak OrvM Mrs lliistwirk 2'*7 l^•»fn.rrtlr avr., Ilr- •Mm. Ilich, fur itavarnl w-Kak*. • Murry Williams Hp«.nt Sumhiy luid thi* with relatives h*T»*. Millinery, Laces, Em- trolt. MIrh .Miss Ktlnii Hrow'n anti Mina L'tta flmt Ol thf w»s.k 'vifh frirnds in iMroit Work on the Lyon home, comer of Stale and M«vitl stmetn, in ininK rapidly .1 flne non'vae iKim to Mr. and Mra. ViiuKhaii, of Hay f'ity, an* tpi* ‘wtH of Minn ami .Northvillv. Howanl PofieJuly 22. RiJ.V.NTKP—Salrsmrn for « llntoii rount>. Hishup'n aunt, Mrn. .lainan I.aH, td Vu-tur. punhrd, aiel the im|>rtivefnmt in tlir Ty with horw an«l huioc.' . to rail t>ti farm* Mr. nml Mm. W. H. l.yon 'vill n|Maid plao* will In* marked when the work luia I.ittb* Florenc** Huggett has had the J broideries. Hosiery, rrs, thrrshlnn raa<'hlnr turn, iiiill imu, hats Mins Lizxh ’ Nawton. I’oaliiar at .hthii th** lattrr imrt of thr wrrk with n*lativm all been tlnialied. iitisfortuae to huv** her arai broken. iirssmakrrs, llrrr' mrn. a hustirr can inakr Ilirks', Mt Tutswlay iiittminu for a twti in (irniMl I.*-* !«»• fri*ia to aJI..'o a -lay. I'arry aouhi Mm. F'. I^ewin, of Hymn, in vimtinK Hev. K*»ne and wib- called at sev*vwl 'tram ^1.' or !*2'* to luvrst In stork. .\. at. John*. MIrh tier imrentM, Mr. and .Mm. O. .Siev**nA homes in the neighlMtrhmMl .Satunlay. Underwear, Fans and .Mm. K, Mtmon and lilth* mid ra* Sumlay and thr timt ol thr wrrk with and otbm St. .lohne fneads for a i*oa|»lr tuniatl .Monday from a two 'vtwdcs vinit .Minn Mar Tripp. Chas. Chant and F'ml (io«Mles. of St. tl’.VNTKIi. at onrr U m. « rich |»ays rash of Wfvks. Mr. I.rwtn spent u lew days in Johns, with their wires, sfsvit .Sunday VV f»»r s*,«-«,nlarr..f laisiurss I .Mins F'rnnrrs Nriiuin Irit thin momiuK -Mr. and Mm. C. E. VanSioklr and two in lieWitt, Saturday. ralativan in .**t. .lohim for a law waakn ra- for fryntal I«akr. Hrnrir rtiunty, ttinfirnd a 111 do a .-Il to SOI' us. '‘t .lohus I--»nO < o. children udiUK a parvuts at Itrmun. Mr. and Mm. Warren Halsey are visit* from .**1 JohUs, 4 l.ra)i. of a ill takf In r»* fan dayn in tha homa of tlmir uiiHn, J. .Sev raJ mrmbem of F'*iwler •‘umfi. .M, log their daughter. Mrn. C. K. (ierberieh. Mm. .1. L. ItiiiK i* sts-nilina a frw dayn rbanitr rlllaKr (iroiH-rty. or a smallrr fartn .'Xhiniiort. W. *4 A.. vinitr«l their iiriKhtMim hem near .Niles. Miss .Sylvia and her iie|Hiew, J II I'l 10 " « with hrr •lautfhfrr. Mm. K. H. .Ivrrill Tuenslay r«-raiUK, and witnrMwsI .si. (irbv Huggett, aceHnie«| them ixn far .Mm. K. I. Inaball. of .lnrkn«tD. and family, of Ionia. Johan team exnatWify the drtrr's* work him ls*ati tha iftianf of har sintar. Mm. an fheCa( AT niK ('«»>l4IKKrtter toda.v. The momiug nervice at the ueual hour, WtiM .vnii do tti>. Its .YOU prolialil.' will, Tum»|av fvmiiiK 10 n|»rnd two w«Mcn nubps-t. * ‘Conf*s*emg tle'Chrint." plmm- rtmshlor th ‘- ••jivllout MsTvir.* iii* d/iv niurnimr f«»r l>atrt»it. .Mr. llohlati aa- with hrr iiarrntn at foral. The apiwmrance of the f'nion ftiork. DIOIOIOIOIQIOIOIOIO nidtatl at tha ila|Mtt in tin* ab»»*nca of lu the evening ther** will be a union (sml hr tim WEST HICHIOAN rtuito. comer ol (Tinton avenue and Walker service Oi nil the chlirchtw and young with four truiiia jmr dH.v f«» Tnivorw I .Stntiitn .Xieaiit Hiirka. Miss Hrsnir Hammond, of Morrin. waa ntmet. is linnK KTraHy improv*sl thin thr Kurn' of Mins I Tan* Hop»* Sumlay |•eopb•'M S4irieties. Th«Ti* '•ill lie gir*si at f’ifr. mill thr*a* t»i f'hitrioroix, iVttrak*'.'' ’ Mm. .M. M. Pinromb and lftti>‘dwuKhfp.~ wr»dt by a new coat of (taint. l(rtiMirs that hour ‘‘Echose from the Detroit I'on* iiik I Hay Viow N«i lin** oaii »»ffrr Imtttr M'f IUk Uapids timva,! Moim Ihv avaniiiK and th** flmt of thr wrrk. have iiino lnrYico iintl will In- ulnd tti hiiro your Mm. T. M. forfirtt. of .\nn .\rtMir. in thr huilditiK. aod it in in iiiueh hnttrr us>sl. F'olhiwing in an outlim* of the mtnmna*-. \*k rnur luniio Nirriii itir I aaids. ; nml otipilaliM of that plat***. land, will a ''•omiiHiiy them on the trip. • )uiet hour. Mr. Hunt, tlieSahbathspirit. Flrtt CUSS TUBULAR WEUS made Itols-rt Toan and Minn F'dna Hnthii* ■Mm Hunt; a miiming service, in Tent aod repaired. Ail work Guarraateed. fimnf I'nrtins in rinitink' hin sisti-r in What an ill-miviseil |Hilicy in that of Emletivor. Mm. Dr, Weller; the miseion* i way, of ."^t. .lohiin. vinit<'i| Portland the firm whith isill s(*end a lot of money [ F’tis-mi'nl. this w-»n>k. Earl \Va«ivar. wht» (riru'ln a |Nirtion of hint w-tn*k. erv fentarsN, Mm. tt«s-tte; theeloniug ilay Two Dozen for Cents. F.J.LOVE, South Riley, Mich. has baan visitiiiK Hi St. .lobiin tor sarartil; in iirwM|ia|H>r iidvrrtisinic and jnnt wlieii Mm. l-fsitianl. Mimie at intervals. waaks, ratuniatl fittma with him. Miss Miiymr FImmonn rrtnmrd hom<* it Imn Iterom** wHl known and niior»*nn- aurrrsaor t«i I' t Younn A < .1.. Ktnihall Tiirmlny from .\nr**nfinr, whrn*nh**han ful it nhutn off tb»* advrrtinioK and ib*. Mr. and Mm. W. H.Eamanand littia Mnrrinwe Mrenses *7'r7p Imm siirndinK thr (Hint frw 'vrakn. I'idrs to do liiininmn on a|tantre|iutatiou. dauKhtam. I’ltiram'.* and Kdiia. Mt .Mon* ; In the price of nacewn, newM|M|irr ml* The following mamnge liew nee have I day momiutf for a month'n rinit with ; Mm. K. 1. Ulwll. of Jm-kntin. who wan vrrtinitiK in the verv Itswt "hustb*" any lieeti granteil during tie* laont Week byi s hit Ciiiinty Clerk Wm, .M. Smith. THOS. S. SPRAOUK A SON, ralativan au«l friandn at ftrniid Hlaur. thr Kurst ol hrr U , Mm. H. \. Hrown, firm «*an rm|>loy. It will ko into thon* .Mm. M. J. Hurlay. wht> has lw«*ii vinit* ! lant wr.*k. rrturmsi hoiiir Sat unlay. naudn of hoinm aud reach (nsiple wi o Ilnir, Name. Jaljr ‘Jo —K. Jny .MnttiN>n. Ni Jittins.. The News Office. tiiK ralatiT*vt in .Sf. .lohus for tha |iant ; Mr. and Mm. <», (\ Clark and thrm am appntachabi** in no ntlier way. It m Knte L. Wlrkes, .Ht. Jehns PATENTS. thraa wtsden, mtnrna»l to liar horn*- iti' rhildrrn Mt ymtrrday to nfimd a wrrk an indin|nTinnble part of ererv' miMlrm m* Wayn« Coaniv Baak Rida.. DETROIT. ill—IlniTT llnmartl, Virttir...... Tontnuuniy. 1 ihio, Tiiantlav mnniioK. with rrlativm in iiwi»nno and Prrrv. tail hitninmn orKanifntion. I.uln^tlnek. (Illvr...... DIOIC

Big: Clearance Sale of Desirable Summer Goods at The New Store of Geo. H. Chapman, St. Johns, Mich. Sale Good From Friday, July a8th to Aug:ust 6th.

27 Fine Silk Waists worth Slil to $7 ilduring this sale $3.95too Shirt Waists worth 75 c aid $I.N to close at 49^ 33 Fancy Parasob at HALF PRICE. Best Bancains Ever offered in Silk Waists. $3 00 ...... $1*90 $6.00 $3.00 75 Shirt Waists wortli $1J5 aid $I to close at 79^ 4 00 ...... 3.00 8.00 4.00 3 dozen Likerty Silk Ties worth 8 Sc. diriig this sale 53^ 9*00 ...... 3.90 10.00 9.00 This is less than manufacturer's cost of makinjc them. $13.00 ...... $6.39 Very Fine Silk Capes, worth $7.50 to $13.5030 pieces of Wash Goods, worth 13}^ and 19c at..... h^^c pieces 8c Percales at...... 4^ at HALF PRICa II pieces soc and 39c Wash Goods at...... *3^ 13 100 Corsets at...... 90 pieces Li|^t and Dark Prints ...... 10 pieces Silkaline, worth loc at...... 64fe 17 Children's Jackets at HALF PRICE. 40 36 inch Umbrellas worth 79c and 89c at...... 49c 39 pieces Challies, worth 9c at...... 3^ 30 Muslin Bonnets, Babies, worth 50c to 6m: at...... 33c dM. Crash Skhts, worth $ aid $L a c Wednesday, Aug. 3nd >4 off on all our Plain Skirts 2 1.09 25 75 8 patterns $a.j|o and $2.79 Crepons at...... Sa.oo We will sell our 9c Bleached Cotton, quantity limited at 914c 6 Taffeta Silk Underskirts, two ruffles at...... $3*98 5 CottM Covert Bicycle Stits, worth $4.M a $2.75 3 pair 30C Hoee for...... 39c 8 (bzen 75c ieits' Shirts with 2 detachable Collars at 43c each. 15c aad aoc lose two pair for asc. 15c 4 ply Collars at loc 6 THE gT. JOHNS NEWS TIH?RSDAT APTBHNOON JTLY 2T. ISW.

Bl*tllNBW Dikkctoky . SUGAR BEETS. NOV TRET m B0RO4VL ATTOHNKYH. ^■•••a ■■ Uawwl— TImb Oo Abw Bm eSwatMM. HWI« MtVMimCK. A. n, AtUTMl. In bis iniBreatlng report on tba ptOB* IT •CKRI8 NANO WOmu TO SAY ium I Mr. Ht. MIHi FOR TILLERS OF THE SOIL L raaa of tbe bast sugar indnstry In tba THt FINAL WOmO. United Hiates In IHW Bpecl^ Apnt O

HOair A m W AllurM^ i nMintBlBod in Bnrope that beotBcnanot P •t LiAw. OMwov«r ConMT Unut Hlor* j BUYING BULLS. be anooaasfnlly grown nndar Irrijattan Um CoeaoMair toaotaad —«t IbbbI it Is asrionaly gnsa Honsd. LL M. aaOVHUM^ttorwy At u»«. la Um rarity Mt. iohM. ISA bat tbe egp erience at Labi, Utab and Ceieaaearise Plaw. Bddy, N. M.. baa foraeer axplodad that But few people know bow to make H. U. I'BMUM. P. K. PBiMua. A. J. BAUfwm TO BE CORED. Tbe neceaalty for iraprovement In tbe ‘OBMaiN* » BALUgrill. Atl«rW7*«l tbeoiy. There la a large onMont of laave-laklng easy and rob It of Ita at* iTLiAv mmI Holtrttora la ('liM4wt7 , laal mm- ty|M* of ealtk* uialutaituAi on tbe arer- land arailablr for tbe raiolng of mgor teodant drawbacks. Here la a olory tat«-aa«aui.coar»jraar»niaatl loaay laaarf I Age dooa aot uge farm Is aiHain-uL says The Breed* beets by irrigation In ColonHo. Utah. af a lady l>i«ldlng a family good-by: feebleaeaa and ill heal •aaauiir tltlaa. pay taaaa. paasloii ...v.. (•r'a IJasette. and tbe iirartical tray of 111 b 8 Gnfl infli to p>p»r«. aa«i aiak* roUartluaB. All baBla—» I HANDLING CLOVER HAY. Montana. Wyoming, wsatsm Nsb rnek a “Well,** aajrs the vialtor. witboat ris­ noarly all ot the a _ promptly aatl ar(>aral«ly atiaaAad tu. (iMrr bringing alwut a4M*b impruveuient la and otbar ataias baring like conditioKs, Qaw|Aa H IHmbb ThlRI older paople oan he avoidod Mosl eldariy o«ar uatrbvr'a HAttaaitir* ai Nu. 11 Cllatoi. ing. “I must he going,** and Immedi­ Jobaa. MlrliMran. DarvAak aaA I » Kav Balatt tbe IntrudttcTloii ami tlae of gowl balls There are a few things that moat yat II I MM P's'piv w wry snareptible to Ulaoto. la« K tka Bwalh. of various «*ataldlalietl tytiea. Tbuae be learned abont tbe application of ir­ ately priN-aeda to sit 1« minutes long ­ but it ia wholly unoeesaaarv. By kaap UWIM IM. L.T(IM, Attunwy at t.aa.Mt. **Wbrr** cknrer hay ia atachad uoMda who are enimgiAl In fee«llug fur tbe rigation to growing sugar baste, bat er, Ulklng «ia a variety of sabjerta. iag tbrlr Iduod pure tbev can fortify thefnaelraa Joaaa oo aa to sacapa three-/ourtbs of the allmeola E maoj fanncni naa tbf Javicaa daacribad great twef markets timi Im'reaslng dif* tbe ohstaclsa are fast being orarcome. “I really must be going.** oke aajra In am o M Ub. again. from which they suffer so generally. H. B. 8. ia H. aMira. Atii>ra»y at ^ar. at. Jubas j t)T Mr. Jaiolaoo in tbw foUowlBH ar- ttnilty tweli j-ear In prui*uring steers of Irrigation b aepecislly adapted to rais­ ransady which will kaap tkair oystoms young, by purifying tbe blood, Sa Mlrb. car, orar HXWc ttaBaar. xbr darrick raroWaa In the fraiDa tile re«|Ulalle <|uallty. ami there Is an ing sugar bsets where tbe particular j No one bad said she sboald not go Uwcoughly racnovi^ all waste aocumuiatlona, and impart ­ e(|iial uetsesalty for animals lietter I when she said tbe first time that ska Ml'rtir TKACHEHH. Tba bi|(fa ami parmita tba aliniifal ai region is farored with rainfall at plant ­ ing new strength and life to tbs whole body It inersaaaa bay to bp lifted abovp Ibe atack. Than adapted for the piirfaNM* In distrk’ta ing time. Experience has demonotralad **muBt.** tbe ophite. nuUds up the energies, and acada now Ul^ la. UK. IMIlMiK, TtarbM- ul 1‘Uau. Ur- by pnllinff un the lair abown OBar the where ilalry' pnMiurts bud a ready luar- itbat irrigation sbcold be bald off as But still she lingers, haring be- giving blouil throughout the entire system Itaa. V«trai Maalc aa' ihwa not ex* posHbla. Watsr sbonld not be applied ■ wants to say ahont a trilling matter. for twentv rears 1 was sick in different ways, and ia PHYKUTA.Nrt. wanted. The rake rUdeaon the gmand eeetl 180 |MMtmls |M*r nuuuiii: whereas by irrigation until tbe natural supply “Well. 1 must gu,** she says fur tbe addition, fwd Bcaema terribly on one of my laps Tba M. U. a\|i'AIH, I'bralrtaa aad Bar- A good borae with a amart boy on bia It has Iteeu denionstrateil rime uml him failed, and eren then tbe grower third dine. This time she rises. dcM-tor oaid that on aeoount of my age, I woubl navar ba BVitB. oBkv Mr>>ad^ It aroBa UBri* aatl n. .K. II.. I'byalrlaii farms the iiiiml*er of <'ows kept woiihl tbi* ueceosities of tbe case demand it. this time lust year? Mb. by the wny, old people, because'it is the only one winch is guaranteed tatl ^ara**oa, At. Joboa, \llrb tiBIrr not Justify the piirrluis** of a high class in iirrtar toprtA-nre inoistnre. Bnt if tbe orrrD Hiair liana hav«‘ yon lN*«-n to the new play yet? free fmm potash, mercury, arsenic and other •iamaging sin*. .\s a mattiT of fact. howev«*r. water is applied too lariahly in tba be ­ No? I liaven ’t <*ltlier. \Vt* went to minerals It is made fn»m moto and herlw. and has no chemicals whatever then* Is no cximim * cvim In then* cases ginning this tendency of the beat is ar­ h«*ar the bvlun- «Hie iiiKlil. It was In it. 8 8 B. cures the worst iwses of Hcrofula. Cancer. *=lcxema. Rheumatum, rNIiKHTAKEIl.s. .la. In hreether disease of the likssl. oQ these diseases will be sent free by 8wift Spacillc Co., Atlan ta, (ia. . HI:l.1. rutlrrlakrr. .Nti. iti I'llaioa ! DSaUCK PnasTACKIXU HAT. It should In * a comparatively easy on the artificial supply of OMiisture near Friibiy evening Is to la- splemlid. Hut E.' Art*. Haaltlrarr :;iHt (tinie At. 11«>»I. ^ back is bitcbed at each end. They drlre inatter In any gtsMl fanning commu­ tbe sorfare rather than to seek its own I n-uJIy liiiist go.” alonK the nwatb and paab or poll tbe nity for two or three iielghliors to Join at greater depths Tbns irrigation may .Vfter tin- <|(M»r Is o|H>n<*«l for her she ‘JHK ••Ll.NTtl.V t’Ur.VTY AAVI.VUA IIA.NK bay into banebte at tbe aide of tbe In the pun-base of a brst claas imn IL Interfere with a oatnral tendency that atamls «hi the sle|»s and suys; gnssi mah* In such a way tliat tls* cost is desirable in tbe growth ami matnrlty .ST. JUIt.N'A. Mil’ll,, stack. “ says Tbp Rtiral New Yorker. •lib. I'm Mt glad spring Is un the In the article alladwl t«i Mr. Jami* to each would Is* rfNliM*e o(>:>y>.* »x>rv7T '.'x<.xyAXXJUEy PAYA .1 I’E.NT I.N’TKIIKAT 0.\ Dfc . son adriaea in part as fullown: atlvely small sum. The lncn*ase«l tbcae circnmstances that tbe taproot ttUe me siiiniiier. What u pleasant X vaim* of tiH* brst lot of calves from will divide and tbe beets become bnneby POAITA A.N'I) I.UA.NA MUNKY 0.\ A f- j As clorer bay in stacks or ricks, tn stn«»*i this is! You have taken in y«Hir i be kept from spnilinK. mast be coTered siieii a hull as «'oiu|NinNl with a crop and sprangled. assnming a form enttiw* plants. I see. Sti liave I. Some of PKOVEP BOMIA AND UKAl. BA- with some otb^ material, the stacks fntiii an Inferior sin* would much inon* ly undeairabla Tbe beet may show a mine don't hwik very thrifty. W,-U. I ! What Have You T.ITK AEi’I’KlTY. sbonld be as large as puosiblv. rjr the than retiini the outlay the brst year. tendency to droop Its lanves slightly must giMNl. loMsI-by.** coot of the coeering will approximate TIm* plan of fonulug symllcates or and to Itecuae lighter tn color, bnt this it rx A icxycxjLWCtxxxx x »A r/xaoc/xx3tx:oc ALBBIIT J. BALDWIX. ITrsMrnt. ‘*t J«HNl-ilHy.“ •4. PENNELL. Vlc«>-I*re»blrat. in cost tbe valne of the hay. The risk “laiols** for such {nirraiM* la fnNiuently doas not indicate that irrigation Is “I'd no Id4*a of staying s«> long. Why. »• E. W.kLAITUKrH. Treaserer in alltiwing the bay to core in tbe cock rpaort«*m. TIm* typ«* to dfiee not oeceeearily indicate need of ir* ' awa.v.*' By tbe nee of a derrick, with arm be sele<*t«sl must In * settled by th«‘ par­ rigatlon. If tbe bMt recovers its vigor .\nd at last she is off. to the inflaite Rank nf inhne "^‘“King M feet high, a hayallng in* ticular nN|utn‘m«‘nts of different see- in the evening, it is a snfficient indira* i relief of her hostess. —Tit-illts. ^ Print? J *3UtlL Dtllln Ul *?U JUliU^t stead of borae fork and tbe bay bronght tious. Ill some (-aaes It wouhl tie lieat ticn that it is getting along all right. ^ 9 to tbe rick with a large rake, it can Im to bnasl for a (inmouneed lN>er forni; When it liegina to snlfer from dmngbt. An«l»w* t« ^fTVXXXXBKnCMXXaSKlLXy • of St. jonns, Nichiiran. pat ap rery rapidly. This plan will in otlieni special ihiliy sorts may prof ­ tbe taodency will be to droop and get A WiNMlwanl avenue man. who looks MVe tbf cnckiog. bat it siamld be drier itably In * malntalneil. and thmugbout darker In color, and it will not appa ­ after large business Interests. blr«<tHled upon to meet all tlie } pole can be neenred in tbe nearby btui a salisfjictort' bull for tin* di*stn*u ranners. frame. lU should take the mutter up with Uielr fall It is tb** aim of the grower to pro­ «! wlih tls- sl«-eping aiNirtineiit of his , Why shouldn't good printing hold prece ­ PORTER K. PERRIN. President. feet bigb. Tbe |Mde t^r sling aae sboald nelghlioni and nrraugi* for tiH* owiht- duce bis crop with four or five irriga­ employ**r by u privati* telephone llm*. j 0. W. MUNGER. Vice President. be 80 feet long; long boom. 17 feet; ohlp of a brst class hull In common. tions of tbe lieets. After they begin to “Tom." said the man of the Inuise dence over common])lnce efforts ? A J. W. RTZGERALD. Cashier, short end. 4 feet; long end. 13 feet; ripen sll irrigation most cease, tvr tbe the other eveninu. “Whafs the tlm«* hy ■ thoiightfnl expenditure in printing is aaroiMaire Chaasploas. k. A. BEEBE. Teller. •bort bract*. 7 feet long; brace. 14 feet same reasiHi that makes it undesirable your watch?" j Top of frame sboald he ft feet sqaare. to have rainfall after the beets are ripe. "It’s 7; ;in. sir.** I the wisest economy. Test the Three |ier cent intereet |Niid on ivrtifl* Tbe whole shonltl In* Udted together, so \ “itight to the minute." he agreeil. as ' matter—save the dollars. Kvery eaten of deiMtnit iitid on HHViugn IwHik ar- that it can betaken ttiplecaaaud stored Tn Peaaervr Waaaa Wheels. Ih - suapiNNl his gold re|N*aler. ".Now, 1 roaiitn. Dmffn inniieti ((ihm I III any (mrt in shelter when not in ose. If ballt to if Farm. Field and Fireside tells of a taste finds satisfaction here. ■‘41 I must l«*avc on an early train In the ' of th«* I'nit^il Staten or <*HUHda itnd in nse H sling, tbe long end of tbe arm method of preventing wagon wheels nMirniug. and I want .vou to call me at I the priiiri)tiil mien i»f F^irofn*. .Irrountn sboald tie 8ft feet high. from shrinking in dry weather, which 4. It's i-»*ry inifsirraiit. untlorsuind. ' of faniietv, iiierrhantn and lll•<•*hlkoh■n p>*- Printing That Pleases. Full Count. Qaick Work Tbe lung rake shown Is IB feet long, a North Carolina man says avoids the ('an I de)M-iMi ou you. Tom?" ceired on favornble terinn, and erery im*- with 12 teetb 0 feet long. The bead* conuxlation cxtcnde is set my | nafe banking. Suiterior fiKslitien for piece is 2 by a iucb bsrd pine. Tbe mlml «•! it. I can wake at any time. I PRINTING FOR makiiig rollertioun of all kindn. teetb are heart bickt.ry. 1H by 8 Four o ’chw-ic It irlll lie, sir.*' j PARTICULAR inches and 6 feet long. Tbe teetb TWO SMlTliriBUi WlNHERa Alsiut l:8i* the man of the house waa sboald be ast in tbe headpiece an inch PEOPLE AT iMey Loaned 00 Approie Seeorlties. Two of the prise winners at Um* last startleil from u sound ami Invlgomtlug in front and one*baIt an inch at back sleep hj ’ thi- lelepboue liell whirring ' PLEASING DIRECTORS: Hmitbth-hl show In Kuglaixl are owmsl and tbe teeth slopeil for about a foot hy r. L. Mills of Nottingham. They away like # liiitx saw moving through PRICES. 0. W. MHttcer.: Jesse Snlllran, hack from tbe point on the lower aide an> hlgli types of the |N>|iular hived. a knot. In his alarm he feared all Geo. F. Marrin.' James Richardson. Set in beedpiece as illrected. This will kImU of tnuiNe uod hurried to tbe ! J. H. Corirtt, Dr. G. E. Corbin, cause them to follow tbe groand close­ Hertlleal Horaea. *ptiun« ‘. I J. H. Fedewa, Forter K. Perrin ly. <>Ter the teetb where set in tbe TIm- hardiest hreeil of iHiraes In tin* "II»-llo. Tom.” In- sbouteil. "wbafa The St. Johns News^ J. W. Fltzfcnild, .lobn J. Reiser, headpiece sbonld be placed a plank 1 world, says the Ixindou Live Stock tbe matter? Ham .ifire?*' j Geo. w. Emmons. by B inch by IH feet ami bolted Jonrual, Is imtlaihly tltut on Sahk* is- "Hurglars?" ! Phone No. i. ST. JOHNS. MICH. tbnmgh teetb. plank and headpiece. lantl. notorious for the iiumlier of "No, sir, I Just-----*' The teeth sbonld not be set tisi rigid, wn-cks which liave «N*curre«l iiism IL , “(Hi. no. I—” r. I mans ss they wilt work better with some Sable Islaml. at tie* eiul of the last tvn- "Anything wrong with the horses? ” ! play. The rake sbonld have three stand ­ ttirj. was atH>ut 44' tulles long by 2L, "N«>. sir. I wanteil tn ask whether ards in tbe headpiece ahoat 2 feet miles at ita widest. It fias tmw tieen Compound TAUlUao A WAOOK WHSEU to call you hy sun or rallriaid time."— high. A bolt is pnt tbrongb each end worn «lowu to a length of 2i* miles ami l>*trolt Fret- Press. I of tbe headpiece. Two small hulas are necessity of having tires reset and in PEOPLE WITH LEVEL HEADS - - a maximum bn*H4lth of 1 uim I <'oualata ibis way soon save* itself in blscksmltb of twi> (airaliel riilgee of I«wmm*, gray Ksvrav MIMIrwtNd. The Lading bills Iwsidss preserving tbe wagon Mini II lair amount of biisiiieeM abiiit.v alsuys go and ne.- their home oatul, which gmw-s i- lunl Just it looks n-asohnble. Tliey realiie the fact that y*tu «-aii *1*» lietter at Blood Purifier tion. is made of sheet iron In it be lent storms ami the densest of fogs, st«*p|N*ros and work shof) will f-oiivince the most »k*-pti*-al that we are ONOCHh UAKX rOK HAT. lued tin* climate Is a c-okl nte* The what ever\ imui In hnsiueiMt ihnn Ix and Kidnev Cure. place*! under it ami tbe wheel lowered F^very man In i»itsineas tie«-«la a foun ­ getting our shar** nf biisiii*-****. bored in each end. the narrow way of oiigloal Iturae st«s>k Is SUPISSMSI to so that tbe tar will cover tlie felluea have lieeu lntr>Mluce«l alN»ut tin* year tain tN>u. Yon will say at odin *. of the piece, anti snffleient wire mn Tbe wheel is then slowly tnmrd in tbe OPPOSITE St. tbrongb to make a atrong loop. 173K liy th** U»*v. .V. Is* MerrIVr, a cnuriN ’, that m ffMiutaln |»en la a mils- POSTOFFICE F. F. .nURDOCK, .Hlctolgan. Pleasant to tbe taste. tar. which fills every nick and crevica anr-e. I thought MO myself, until I For bitching nae a light c^in H feet Ilugut'iiot. wIm* obtaln<*il leni*«’ fivtai in tbe wood and between the wood snd miiH- a«*meN th** kiixl I asii now lntn>- tlie Cauaillaii government to try ami tire, tbns making it impervioos to Aftk vour DruiriFisUFVVW for It. "* “Kewair5^’ mf ■* duclng Into this neigh iMtrhtNNl al n and grab book at the other. make this wnMchisI s|s>t Intiatdtable. moisture or sir. With s bmali the bnb merely iHHidnal price In onlcw to sd- chiefly with the view of extending aid is also treated with a coat of tar. and vertlMe H. Ia*t m** eall your attention Seerr Use Ksr Tlllatre. to shl|iwrecke«l iN*rsi**is. Tie* horses, if the wagon ia mker of S«'ntb Dakota, tn whlcti wen* of the onlluan New Eug- lien of paint Ul the mgpiier In which this feeits. It TAPE an intereslltig talk before the (^miell laml stock, have miw ilwludhil in shn* Is slmpli |N>rfe,-tloii Itself, In the or^ Laxy chib, reported in Rnral New to men* iiontee. from 12 hamls to 14. IHie Tfcloa UMt A04Hher. dlnarj' fountain iieti the it«iw is luade nun ns :x;Bi ’iaa'jr.dafaa»,a~,aa;« Y'urker. says: tin* latter height lN*lng seklom attain- Montana men are said Pi have bean Ui defienil on —’* ?? ^tmmorn eatois tSsauiw oi otiiisse. WORMS isl. nig lieadnl. Uoinau nuaeil, ('oatwe "Say." Iniemipteil the man at the ^ lUpnat o«r MISS, MSaa ssdMerwMcasrssa **A tmpm wsens aSgluaaa Hsei laws al I Iver a large |«rt of Month Dakota inveatigating tbe beet palp ontpnt of ~~>*aMiUwB sswsisasBt a(>^ to«a.tasn least casappa the saaae arter oif laSl^ two artesian wells may be readily sank and Jowleil and wltfi very lienvy eoata. they New York and iMnsiderlng tbe mattar desk, "this Is my busy day. (lo nml TflamMAOMMEMI MBTRTITFM tOOAft CAM va KETB Thto I mm aara has eaaaSd an- not very attractlie tieasts ui look , talk that inu* a halloun. liuod ttrsasMtoseSMtlTHlMasSwato tasiasrhios,hss9a.<4hsr had Beaua far the aast three vaara 1 aai atUi watsr reached at a depth of ftO to I.MHi of bringing AU.UUU baad of sbeap and mas rstotm a to ttos Miesas sMau sad ni II riT* rmi sll tahtaa C’aaiiarets. tbe ealr eaibartlc wortbr ot feat Aiteetso walls are largely oasd at. bat they an* ••xtn*iuely liardy, ami lamba eaat and fattening them on this tnomlug." losr BMasy last. It you p^sr. eswm■tojs ^Viakt sad aetlee toy eeaeltoto gtoepte “ naLtSwaS ynar sfwa Sssto. dnfl sassSei ts for iiTigation and for watering stock. Uh * noly shelter they seek from tlie polp with a view to having them nearer , uau. W BowLas. Baird. Miss A Nattital MlstaU*. A six inch straam thrown to a height worst weather is umier tlw lee of a the ready market when the feeding Is Htranger "My! Bnt this mnst he CAMOV of 80 feet ia not naeommoo. Moiaatlmas sand dune. If •'wnght ami confined. : complat^. SEX an unhealthy town.** CACTHAimC it onol ,000 to pnt in they will eocaiM* tn the roughaat weath ­ SSA ^ PrnfsBBOf Parrot of Kansas soggaats Native- "rnhealthyT My friend this treraMra, N>»ml an Sri is tbe price er, caring nothing for aheher. I that late plowing in tbe fall by which _ H>wrTMvv^/^6l1»ltMKMi^N.UdA'. Opposite **Thf! Steel”. I a natoiai and normal market for a Ulvsa b lood OMwas s cisaa akia. No Dr HsSSs' SsasMnM rUtesassMI htSasr Ills. SSW Tbe under boriay neeaosBrv food pfwdttct at a protltolile bsaetr wttboet it. Cassarats. Candy Catim Sterns ASS Ms|«aaasnsSrdto..C'totsmswFT mmm snrf __ i, ' tie rison TOOTvoer hktodblood sodsad keep' it daaa. b) : price for the prvsiarera. i_**^Vl* I ••iTnag up tbe 1^ liver sad dnnag sll lai- All the last yi dltloB la *1.4 I ao rsoaoaahle rss ^•*y Mrmer's panties from tbe body. Bogin to-dsy to A yoosg to-dsy pg ss wlw« asaa crcon Jane of laol fktlMT oranty pmfli fmon five caot cot Uaiebaieb ptisisiBlii. beds. Metckss, Msekbsads. rtrs.irL**-rs,Biy Yoif Slioes (rf C A. Pitt, s If JoBaovar , ton shool d aot be materially soppls sad tkat atralv b diaos coomlexion by uktaa Cassatvts, b aasty lor ted nste All drw ns tl Latest Noycltics.:: t ' aasatad by nova of tbaoe **s4da loatma** ffsts, saUeisetMo gasraatss^ Me, 2Sc, Ms. ftooi Ms NO. 17 CLINTON AVENUE THE ST. JOHNS NEWS. THURSDAY AFTERNOON. JTLY 27. 1899.

A aivl^ Mnew rknat. It Is a very uive fancy for n girl to hnee Bcmt tpopy her Individual toilet and bed llaeti. In- at otend of iioing that itf the general bonae- tbn oad owd pitiful I hold. In the Aral place, ahr can have a FIOM THE MAiAZINES. of tlMl ' WOMAN AND HOME very pretty linen ch«-«t of carved x. prettily up- Indstered. If she is a girl with an npti I WoBMO mmn* tnde for ttmis. she mn make the Imx her ­ wbnrn wbo self. with the help of a carpenter —tmC THE ZI0NI8TIC MOVEMEMT. SUGAR IN HAWAII. faal tbpt tbav A Ooo tety to smo*o reteoMtr. ■eCnally make the hog. bat dr coral* iL ! hnua a won HKJHEK EDUCATION. “Seven rlalts to make In ooe aftemootll The otoe depends upon the nmonnt of Urn- Well, I think I ona manage It. Home of II Ap p an e m. on* wtahrs to bare, rhre* pairs of •No LmA of Hto FMlmen. them may md be at home, and I oao Mtoeta. three piHowcases to cneb (illlow, •cenrrvd during the pop- tr 18 WOMAN'S RIGHT ANO AS OESIR* An iucideat % * make an enrty start. Let me see! Tbere'a six towels, three bath towels, two thin “The Jews gre derelopsag a achsma daocy of tbe llawaiinu question, long be ­ CCMnllMD ABLE FOR HER AS FOR MAN. that has for Ito object Uw pnrehna* of that aaeidute about Kthrl's fox terrier bedaprenda for night uae, two pretty fore the war with Sfotin liroke upon no. bin woaVla wuiwill op- ami the cote sfieech uf little Uub and that spreads for the day. witb two Imreau Pnleatlne from the Turk and the fotuid- The diploOMiUe representative of the la- insUntly W*rM % TrMtMi*** Wmmmm to awfully clever thing that liexter told th* ararfa. bed. table covers and waahetnn d log of a Jewish govern meat la the laud Inada waa urging bla plen upon the for­ other night about the tsoddess of Liberty, covers, are enough to start with. The ' ixarit of Mi ImAv IIM* SUilM Mi tk» wt of iheir fathers." write* Edward A. eign committee* uf «vingrana. and aoaung ■totorr — Ntoktiii toMilAlMS mm tli* la that all 1 haw in stock? Oh. dear, tlneu ohonld he Aae and hemstitched. Hteiaer In the July WtHann'a llonm CXon- Vnnhnm, TO no! There's that «iaotation from Tbs •Kber evidemv* be prudneed very full k Coupty , niiaoia. CItotoito* IAmU. 'Hiis can also be done by the owner If pnnlon. "Already the movement has be- rnenmntic Wuiano* that stmek ms so. map* uf each island, drawn on a oenle toon dab Nr Mean yu expeoec Is to he con sidered. The linen coiBe a formidahle one in oome of the BuI- ! T1»r l»d«Ubto xaio no tb* PNW of hto- 1 haren ’t got It <18 to any nos yet. and I ohoaki all be marked witb the girl's Ini ­ snSIcleotJy large to show every plnatn- ropenn conatrie*. The lender of this torr I* tbf wurltl'a trratiuMit wf woomb . dare any it srill go as original. Not ooo tials or a imm<»gram. tlon , unwilling to hear longer the tannta Inrrenoe to snefa an extent that Lunlotona isidiasi he evsv triad Nr a cough Leafc St Johns 3:12 p. m.* Bh** waa bia diutlgr, bla alavr, hla vhattrl. ways the wsother. Really, if It came to the mngh aides tamed together, ami cov- of the anti-Semitic moli of hla native • laiaohighNv Dr. Hevee'a madiMaa* interrets wtuahl \me jeopnnUaod. As It was. Bther lady, Mr*. A. T. Moodwt. of Lahan D. G. H. & N.t Bally. Leave ■br uraa a tbinic to br bi»ucbt aud aold. the point I'd rather talk interostiagiy eml on the upper side with oUk. Sachet city, and unable to erase from his fne* Wanvn Co.,0., Ohio. oay*. “1 thiak Dr. nml iM'urt the marks of hla race, has the C*nlifi*mla markets could absorb the i i to br |>laxt'«l witb in Idir buura. and for shout any old subject th an stupidly powiler or lavender la sprinkled on tb* smoal DNciivrry th* toJ'JSkto:Anoot ;naskegon, rla neamer 6 p. about a brnmi new uo*. Thera's more pUuneil thla egndna with the view of re­ ougnr prtHlncta of the lalanda. hut even ocord I hove tahes a anahsr thr rral to br immurrd in thr twofold Anom'l befiwe making It up. It ahonid A ia tlH only andiciar that id darkoraa of icuwrancr and i-oalluiiuf art ia it. I wonder if I dare rink that not he very aecnrely faateued ao that it storing to bla people the land captnrrtl bis woiuau in war or hr •he vary place* I'm going. Might try it tight Atting covers of sheeting, which are beleth of Hoasla. one of the noblest ami lands along the const and between It and br had aaTwhm in Anmricn and entirely , ITeiEht lUlC. without cimigr Neither the "Golden m. ** *____ .. iMiugbt brr. Thr cirtllarf| them fn'«-ly. wa* aold at $i.m each. The proAt from thit induced Dr. Aetce to carry out hi* cher ­ No. 11 Morning Kxpi to lid. Haven howorrr. but a partial light It waa MeOnement of lAffe. keeper: government, where they will no longer TIh - erent ilevHoped the tinexpeeted. It*;'!? a m. Christianity that garr tb* first impuis* Pour half a pint of lioiting water on Is- the despiaeil and perseentrsl beings In INIM the imports of sugar from Ha­ ished intention of i**aiaga me edition one ‘N'leanliiiess la next to giMlIlneoa" — copy of which in praer-cover* will be aeni .No. I.N Mall sad Cblcaco Exprve. to Ud. to tbr rrcogiiitiuu of hrr dignity and and after that cornea reAnement. In- two tabieatmoaftila of comtneal ami add they now are. In Uoim*. in Venice and waii weri' .HKVHNMaat (wumls; In for the bare cost of moiling, >i one-ceni I Haven It: 1:1 |t. nt. laiasiuii. micrncc ia a well concedetl aafegnarti, a pinch of oalt. Let this stand ten In many other places in Europe the exo ­ when tin* produrtioii waa siippostsl to Is- ■ump*. or a hnnvi cT ctotb-bouad copy for I No. 17 HteamlM,*! Expre*. to (bl. Haven and Tbr transformation has iudrrtl brrti but. unfortunately. Innocence wears out minutes, then stir in two tahleapnoofuls dus fever is spreading and bnmlng In the at It* niaxironm, they were •Uto.TTfM*** SI atamp* Milwaukee 7:.*>U p. m. of Aour ami set in a warm place to riae ak>w, as th* wind* upwanl mormirnt after a few years, and if it la not then hearta nf the downtmihien Imt hopeful pounds, a gain in two years of 4^ |ter .\u. IP Wreiern Kxpr to ttraad Haven. of tbr ravr has l>rru slow, laat thr forr* brace«| up hy a knowkdgi' of thiuga. it over uight. In the morning alr, nr pbilosopby. nr norance. Hut rt'Anement la a |>aaaport ami Hour enough to make the yeast well kmiwn author, is the leadi-r. From tuk) iwVund*. an IncTeam* of 14 per cent. An oM whitewncher stood Itefore the smooth. Tlien pul it in a kettle of water Ftrla. from Marseille*, from Boulogne. I and it i* now sabl that ftlanting* cover .No. IP dnUy. srirncr, hut thr Cbnsttan rriigiou. which that lasta for life. It la very gallant of court an a wltnena. The lawyer for the consrcratr.! purity and driftrd lor*. hot enoogli to liear the baud In. the .lews expect to go in largi* numbers, I more gronml than crer iiefore. More than tasT iMii'Mi the sterner sex to assert, as they often defendant tried to coofiiae him. Tbr <*oslom nf ugra, lirconir a arcond do, that women are much Aner than men. When thla rise* pour it Into a hatter leaving liehind them a country where ! that, the production ha* outrun the nblll- No. in Kxpreas lo'Detrtdt^aad East *':;io *. in. “Your ore Jamea MUlerT' naturr, wbidi Ini man to look u|M>n wo­ It la true in many cases, of coarse, but which haa Iwen made of two <)unrta of jnaticc weeps liecauae she i* not only | ty of tin* western market to absorb It, .No. JO Mall to Hetroit 1 J:0P p. m. the rooming's milk, acaldetl. Be careful liRmi. hut fetteref ciotbes and the meal indicated a well “You ate. perhnpa. the Miller wtio human worth, and woman's delicacy nf too hot. not Inieml to leave th** l’nit«vl Htates. yet No. IH dally. Allcil p«icketh years' ImprlsoD- htMlily stnictur* in erasing to >•* a dis­ to commami the admiration of an on ­ Now put in Hour enough to make a stiff they ari> encouraging it for the sake of Welfare oa Uefcaela oad l.lhearleo. E. H. HniHEM. W. H. HI'liKK. grace baa Itrcome tbr veatuiv and symlad hatter that canmd lie atlrred with a their oppress etl l>rethren all over tbe meat for theft, then?" A. <1. I’. A T. Aarnt .\gent. looker when she was beanl to say to the “Mcarce a village is too small for public I'hicago. .Ill Nt. Johne. of brr spiritual excrilencr. spoon, then pour It out «»n a mtilding world." “I am nut that Miller, either." waitress. “I,ady. will you change this or­ huUdlng* for vdacatioo. for the adminis ­ The Christian idrnl is moral rather der?" She left the cafe with a mnacu- Isanl, which haa liem well covcre»l with "Were you ever in prinon? ” aiftfNi Aour, ami add a piece of lani the THE MAN WAS GREAT. tration of the law, for religious instruc ­ than intrllrctual. Thr followrrs of lioc awing, took a hunch of toothpicks on tion ami for amuaementa. bat bow many “Yea; twice." Christ And thrmarlrr* in a scbl of r«- her way out. and one after one iliapatcheil alar of a large apple and mix it well with "How long the Aral tlmcT’ the dough. \\’<»rk It well, and after divid­ TNe Inau ressiaa Daalel Welmtee Made ^ are tbe towns that can show a hospital?" ligion and rirtur. nut in a school of phi ­ them with a Anesae th “t would At very aaks Helen C. Camlee In tbe July Wom­ "On* afternoon." losophy. nicely into the dinnera of Fitssimmuna, ing It up in small loaves put them ia well t'poa Mis t aaiemperaeles. grenscil pans ami set them In a warm an's Home ComiNiniuo. writing of “The “One afternoon! And the second THE III IHBOl HMD In one respect Daniel Webster is tbe Nerrrtbelras. reason is man's highest the pugilist. .VII of the time her skirt Nenl of TVtwn Hospitals" ami telling attribute —it ia what makes him man; it place to rise again. MTien risen anfficient- most striking Agun- in onr history ami : time? Yfiu must make a truthful state­ was making a dean sweep of the side­ how to start one. “Matters are very —rok — is the power which girrs meaning atnl walk. and the sight was positively dia- iy hake aa quickly aa itoosible. WTten etroit Free Press. Franklin. Wehater ami Emeraon are : The lawyer dkl not aak any inora Durand with D. wde«l cottage*, whooa rorse in tbr direction of dirin* and eter­ attendants know nothing of hygiene ami liicyciing all day ami dancing all night of them wn« a great puldic teacher. If | questions on that subject. nal puriHiars. A Health aivlug Kaerela*. who wait tiHi long liefote seeking the Ttme T*Rl>le* ami ••ur grandmothers playing golf" is Wcliater did m>t lack, at least be dkl not i It ia not thr pririlege of a few; but all, Breathing •xercioea alone will do moch oeivice* of a doctor, dreading the ex ­ Theuglit Be Cewld Improve Them. if they b* ngbtly ealucotral. may be pernicinns in physiological resolts and manifest. Franklin'* wonderful cnmtmm In effect Noremlier Ard. 1 Mttft. to inprovs the general health of nearly pense thereof? Three are the people It was a Ideok afternoon. Init thef made capable of judging truly and dis- all women. Htand Iwforc a mirror in a Bubrersive of domestic happiness and tbe aense. aa applied to common thing* and ! whom it la a delight to help ami wh^ 0411 MCi MflRTB—Lv. Uaraad. welfare of the race. “In deisising her common life. He bad not Emerson'a ' ntrolled through Jackson Park to tbe ermiog wiariy. and tbr public opinion, room into which a gouil supply of air Is tbe hospital most lieneAt*. There is, etna A. M...... aad...... Sig# P. ■ veomanhoml. in Incoming n neuter, she profound •piritnal dl*cerninent or w«>o- > lake front, under the miserable pre ­ which recognises this principle in theory, coming aud raise the hands straight over however, a growing inclination on the For EUsle. Ashler. Ithaca. Mt. l.oals, Alma, impels ma>re an*l mure to its actualisa- the bend ami then let them drop natu ­ descends from the stamlisdnt wliereat drrful (Hietic instinct. But hi* iotellcct i |iart of well to do peopk* to seek hospital text advanced by the young man that Mt. Pleasant, ('fare, ('adlllar and Frnnktort tlon. In the primary and secondary rally to th* side without attempting to life was interesting. Ami more ami more aeem* like a vast quarry. When yta ; It would be Interestini; to aee the have excavated the gn-at rork* at th* i treatment for surgery ami certain kinds OOIMO nOITTB —Lv. Dnraod. achools throughout Chriatendum girls and square th* shoulders. Then, rlc»*ing the ever?' year, dim-anling the duties nature of ilhieas. This makes it advisable to At wave* come rolling in. hoys are taught the same things, by the planncil for her employment and delighu aurface. you know there i* an inexhausti ­ ViSS A. M...... and ...... aiM F. M mouth, take a long, deep breath and hold up one or two private nMtms for such pa ­ Wliat a dreary progpectr she cx- For Howell. Ann Arbor, Mllaa, Toledo aad aame methods aud with equal snecras; it in tbe luug* a few second* Be|>eat she cries out that life Is dull and empty. ble supply left. When be dieal. the peie tient* aa wish to occupy them Patienta ' claimed, as they sat *lown on a (lark sll Honthern Polnte, (tie felt a* if the <'ornerstooe of the cap- ' but the Inrrtrratr prejudice which held this as often as yon can without feeling Rho no longer preserves and brews. She of this kind may ami generally do pro- bench. H. BEXN ETT. H. P. A. Toledo. OhI woman to hr mrotally as well as physic ­ no longer weave* and fashtons. Her chil ­ itol hail been removed, a* if tbe elephant tired. Each day try th* same exercise vkk- their .mn private nurse, but in sddl i .., myaelf," replied the young ally Inferior to man has not yrt altugrth- until you ran hold m breath for a minute dren are nurseal, fed. (dothssl, taught ami had dieil that Imve tbe unieerae on hln I tion pay generoualy ami are a weicotne man. antlafying himeelf hy a ewnpre- rr or rrerywherv been ovrromc when or a minute ami a half. This will in- trained hy hin-lings; her sick are tcnde, carefully remove the yolk ami ruh tween him ami wt many other oratttrs. the hospital in small tosms, it* IwneAt to wrelfare of the race ao largely deprmis. Aral. Every woman must b* a guide to tbetn very *m«s«th. To six Inileil egga Even in Ghisite ami Phillips you arc ad­ the phyidcian*. .Vlthouch their *erv ice* | Eilncatlon is simply the process where ­ herself. Always stop exercising befori' add one tesBfMMmful of melted Irntter. miring the phrase ami tbe 44ocntiou ami are fre«- to the tnatitution. except in the ’ not the men. In Wi'hoter you are think ­ by thr (Miwers which constitute a human fatigue sets in. as overexercise and no taldespnonfuls of eery Anely cboppal case of patient* In private room* who . niWN IIN THE fAKM ing of the man ami n4>t tbe phrases Tbr Iwing are stn-ugthroed. ilerelopeal and exercise at all bring tbe same results. ham or tongue, salt ami pepper; All the are aide to pay for treatment, they are | brought into act. If these endowments Iwot things that he said r*«ak* • Lillian Baynes GrilAo in Woman's Iluiue leeel; press one half to another; dip in aoeociation with the famous doctors who ; Wao.i*r ITnrher , -aw ••rb .ais*e. rhals-s-M larb hsM ! is the lieat, whether for man or woman. egg, then in .-rumla. then in egg, then in seem to his listener to he equal to tb** from time to time are called from large I • bsfOesel *aa Hro** iliMn sssi» U» a brot S (Companion. man who sai.l them. There U plenty of ‘ ussUl, >. »wsw i-»bWr bad MiMd iKw Tmmm- f What interests the one must interest the crmnla again. Fry iu hot .leep fat. re­ cities for an .ipemtion or a .'onaolta- j tWsIsrSlilsrb. 0*4*0* WortSIbsO — Plstm-Tiin ? other; what l•mrAts the ‘ine must beue- Rosa Ranliear** Vanity. move. drain .m a piece of |M|>er. arrange reserve power behind — tIon." i X*«r tile little tfiwn of IVfio«|s r.imers. At the other. Women not less than men Nobody wbo ever saw Bosa Bonheur'a on a hfd (datter ami serve with a cream Hslf kU atrsogth Iw pst set (wta. bat tlwcfcal nhout six milro from lonm. rroideM II. i,. Dee'• bs*t Ho.aSVTrnbt.Mr*sr Tlis* 4 like nil hiinl urorking tiller* cf the mu I be 4* A WrUrSt do*bio tbb* Tmt $ judgments, to de«luce conclusions logic­ bceec h o are uot the dress of a woniao gether; add .me cup of milk, salt and pep ­ George F. Hoar, in RcrihneFa For July. r the Oallaai rail* Fisaasaily. Ho —------^^.4---- w ally from premises, to weigh erideoce who thinks much ats>ut her looks. But per; le< it boil Are minutes. Is .koteed to Deelaes Mis latewtioa*. line found the burden* the tmek must and to satlmatc tb* ralue of proof. They, the painter was proml of her feet. Once FIRE PROTECTION. lovir n** light burden to cnrrx . F.*w more than men eren. may lie heiiMsI if Far Tired aod Teader Fast. “When th* girl ha* arrived at what la an Eugilah artist painteortrait. conaklerMlvwl a tnarringeabl*tnarriageah age in Ger-j |ie<,file who never lire on n farm nppre- they art' permitted to lire in the high Rhe was oatiaAe*! with It. bat noticed one There is nothing more Btrengtbeoiog to la tbe Ttoll BalMlaw* It Is la Mamv IlSOOSSoMln 1PRR| and serene worlds which the study of the feet than salt. Bat bathing tbe feet many, her parents Invite yonag men to ivat** whiit it imviD* to folkinr the |»|ow • IPaaa good as any wtwei made. All modem • detail srith disapproval. tWoo* Totallr laadeuaate. the hiaiae." write* CharioCtc Bird of philosophy, poetry, history anti science in salt ami water, howeeer, is not enough. ' IwprpTcnmnt*. o iiaranleed for on* year. If ( "But my feet.” she aakeil. “where arc Extremely tall bnsiace* buildings, shy “tlirl Life In Germany" in the July fr«>m sniiriro to *iiii *et. but if the put>- • not found a* rspresenaed. istore at amt ex- • will throw o|>en to them; for they, more they? You must put my lioota in. be ­ Pnt shout a quart of warm (not hot! wa­ Ik* in genernl tion t KU«iw hf>nr hiinl such • peme both sray«. aad you ean have your I ter in a Imsin and add a taldeapoonful of scrapers, as they have lieen familiarly Ladlea' Home Journal. “Two or three ! money tawk on .Wmaad * thaii men proluihly. dwell In thr present, cause I have such small feet." dobhetl. have recently afford*.! opportu ­ are Inviteit at tin- same time, at that the are toti ranch dominateti by thr srnsrs salt. Having Arst thoroughly washed tbe work is, the kidney* do. Ixing hour* of » ASKtSTOnNPirOUOIBPgRMCVCUUTALOO • Tlicy were small in n*ality. hut In tbe nity f4>r a number of interroting testa by atteotloo may not aeeoi too pointed. Bat • mmd Mcenufor our ijm page caiaiogiie. * and a lietter rducation by enabling them general careiesaness of the artist's attire feet with warm water ami soap, place work of lui.r kinil mean* i.iag bourM for S It data everything uasd by awaklDd. * them In tbe salt hath for ir> or min ­ the Are ilepartment of New York dty, no yonag man ia ever invited to the hone* to lire more in the imst ami the futnre, they did not come in for much attention. until after he has catteii at least .me* and th* kidney*, noil they can ’t stand it with ­ I MOWWOBSgT MAffO A CC.. CtRCAffO. ; ute*. then wipe dry. An .M-casional treat­ with th* resttitant .-.loclaaloa that in- will tranquilise. deepen ami purify their She was as proud of her l.egiou of Honor st*nd of bring a s4Hirrv of Ar* .laager, a* tbn* signlAal bis wish to have social ia- out n*helllng. When the farmer comm whole being. roedsl as of her feet, ami it always bad ment of this kimi is very restful, hut con- tercourae with th* family. If be call home tired ont nt night, if he only rm- tlnuni persistently once a week at least had began to h* su*p4Ht*«l. soch build- What shall women learn? Whaterer an especial value In her e.ves, liecause ing* woukl really l>* » great prvdection to several time* in tmi Hose snccsaalen. It to llfcd that the tired leeliair* mo*tly ai- eTperienc* ami the Insight of the wisest she got it from tbe Empress Eugenie's for several months It will he foumi that taken for grantnl that he has ‘inten- wny* cami'from tinvl kiilnev*. ami that th* feet are not only rested, but strength- th* older uae*. proviileil they were salt- hare shown to bare moat efficacy in own haml. M women or of men. A few noly are nrgeil liekMig to Great Britain. Tbe islanders the 4^11** of the carpet not only give the extent that tbe Hr* otreniaa. which, ac­ Tided whenerer the yonag people go out wa* tb* irst IIm* I requireil Boch a preparn- lief. Dr. wiliiaaw'IadlaaPltoOlae hy the impniae to grow <-essetesaly in deterroineld hy all who uplift th* ideals in whose light the tbiroty ami callcl at a cottage door for with n oom II scrnbhtog brush and aonae lag or to 111 advtoed vcaaomy in equip In the latter cane n notice to posted in a tianlsrs. I*rice .’dh* |ier iatx ..>r «ix hiixro aaltltnde walk->lt la they who open water. The good woman of th* bouse aonp roolatened with rain water. Riaee It HMWt. Tlw fart rvoMlaa that the piping ffrrS2..’dl. Mailed by Kcmtcr, Milhurn ways to iindlscorered worlds —it la they was busy and refnaeil to go for th* thuronghly la dear, cold water aad hang to often almost worse than neelM In pabltc place notifying all concerned of th* of th* conple to marry." ('«•.. Buffalo N. Y. Sole agent* for the whri show to the crowd what right hop ­ water. She. of course, did not know who on a line In the shade to dry. Any stnlaa that It tends to cvente a fatoe soRoe of United Stntro. ing and right •laring haman aonls may th* princess was; she was busy Ironing; which will not yield to snap and water ooenrity. Ampto pip* diameters aad a Kctoembrr the name "Dona'*" and tnke LI.MHIftK TNe fiewwvli of Onr Fneeto m Mnll*. achlere. Were it not for them the whole she was inmlng a shirt for her hnsbnmt will probably he ennily removed hy mb- t4aar waterway are reqntoite* of the nil ■uhatltae. people wonki aiak to lower planes of to wear at th* receptkm of tbe queen's Mng tbem with a little nmtooaln. Arst importance. With them, and, of In IHdD the foreign ntnll from Bngtoad thought and aapiratlon. -Right Itee. J. daaghter, she said.

■ iW'iIRM 8 n, IBM.


Mr. aad Mm. (kroMilii i^plMr rlMlMl Krosst Hasfliag U in Ustrnit. Matt titt is abis to bs unt again. rvteUvM lit KUtr la«t ««»k. (inris (lark, of rit. 4ubas, waa ia town Him .4aaa fieorgr is working in louia. Fmsii Hmitb aad (aaiil.r afiMit Hmmdmx Moaday. Mm. Moggis Ulllsr vMitsd frisads uses with Wbi««4tr .NWiiuui is Bath. Sunday. Ow SencAniBd iiverioiy Sale Mr. aad Mm. N. (i. IVarer are visltiag Mrp. Kraak .'Mtloa'*, aiatar N«41ia, ol Iriswds in Flint. Mias Mwfisaa Baxter spsat F'ridgy in Hrnnt Cvntfv, m ^fwodlac tW virmk with Mr. aad Mrs. Tbos. HairsspsatHanriay St. Jubna. hrr. in Hbaparrtsviils. U. C. Blank, of Maple Hapids, was in Mm. Kut* Sl«i(iit aad JMiair Bathto r town Tuesday. Satwdi^ Hkni^. Miss Anna Fobb ki riaitiag frieadc in Nrp rWtlac a Mr ia PortJaad Uib Flint aad < iwosso. Misa liaiay KinWy spsnt Saturday with Mrs. HsHaa Dark is ia Branawiek, (Nuo, Miss Fsarf Baldwin. QrBflt prepBrstiofM have bemi made throughout thle entire department — MMat U. L. lllMn»liott Tlisfeti and family spsot Sunday stock (|uickly is a Qood Deep Cut in Prices. In al­ Totedo. are %'iaititic ber iwrente, Mr. and Im FIddy and .kndrsw MiggiusnMttt with MMr. and Mm. (Jroas. most every ciise cost price has been ignoretl enti.cly. Mm. I*. Terry. Frystnl fur n few days Hshiag. Mr. and Mm. M. Sutton, of Bengal. Acts gcntly on the Mm. 4. H. I^eoiiii aad Mm. Fred Kinit, Ur. Travis is M|ieuding n fsw in sfMNit Sunday with friends. of Wiliiamaton, nfieut the latter part of tbe uurtbero |inrt of .klkrhigao. Mr. Fieemau and family areN|H*ndiBg Kidneys , Liver laat week with Mm. E M. ('badwic4. Filins MaireJr..of New I«nthro|ie, visited tbe week iu Mubbardston. Here are Oily a Few Represeitatives: .411 ineiiibeM of L O. T. M. are ret|iieiit* at T. linire's Sntunia.v and Huu-ln.v F'erdie F'edewn aad Mies Mattie Sage AMO Bowcls ed to Im) prraent at the next meetinw;, an Miss fisorgin Ikirsl, nf Toiedo, Ohio, sfisat Sunday in Westphslia. One lot of Ladies* Tan Shoes, sold fur $4 buetiMM ol imiMirtaaoe ie to be trau* visited at tbe home of Mm. Will l^etts. .Mr. and Mm. FI. Baldwin were in St. now ...... w y 5 CttANses »Ke ysT^M aacted. last week. Johns Thniwday, on business. Mr. and .Mm. Uealien Mnnk, of Merle .MesMM. Weinfiurg nod I'ayue attended .klr. und .Mm. Droete spent Suoday One lot of Ltulies’Tan Shoes sold for $11 ^ i Beacli. and Mm. Byron Kniabt, of South tbe iiudertakiT'sconreutUHi at Owosso, with friends iM-ttr kVrstpbalia. ^.i^EFFECTUALLY r^Sina. rieited M'ill Kiiiffht>aad fainil.T Iasi week. Mm. Fllnier Fliick und children s|s*ut and $2.75 now ...... laet .Sunday. Mattie Wilcox wiieeisil to Oakley last Friday with Mm. J. .InnUenmu. Lfmoaca liiiN Boron Miye the next time that hie wtwk to visit Mise Mima Johnston, of .Miss IJIlie KiMimer, of Bengal. s|ieat dm-lot iKidics’Tan Shoe*, sohl for 0^^C ■ I'ACn' l-«dic**’ Vici Kid I'oinlail Toc^ nriKhlHiriceteliMit. Ik * holme it wont be in that |ilace. -Siiuday with Miss Berthn Briggs. hie ami T.V now ...... ^ :iAL m Hiirprieetl, Tiieeday eveninit. h.v alMint 40 i- M|iendiiig the summer with her {larrate, i M . .ken*, of Bengal, e|s-nt Suudiiy ovy TMf ACHviNt • mah 'f o ©y nf her yoiiiiK friend*, it lieiiiK her oin«*- ! with her |wn*nts, Mr. and .Mm. Vtiu .km- wer»- $it..'i(i ami fCi.iMi now ...... » -Mr. and Mm. M. .\|ee«»mls*r. teenth birthday. .She rereiv»*«| ae a me- I biirg. Is*xie kViMill IS visiting iu Midland IH pairs of .Men s Tan Shoes. (1*ith or IMain _ Q — 4*» pair of Men- work .vfioe- all wilid Q _ Db @!NfNIA|TG,SVRVP(§. mento ol the oeraeion a lieniitUul trold Mrs. Dr. Buss, of l.ake t klessa. ie vi-il- Top, wen* $J.-V(( and $‘J.*J**'i, n«iw...... O^ watch chain from ber frfendx. I'ount.x* at the hoiiK- of (ieurge Johnson, former editor of tie- Fllsie Fluterfirise ling her |Mirt*iiis, .klr. and Mrs. Jaiiiee Bew lii«*e acimpteii a cnnhal iiiritation ' l.unce. kV. IV. kVooll. of Detroit, who has lieen from I.ainK*t>un; Hive to help them eeie~ I Mrs. F'ilo I'arke s|s-nt F'riduy with her m liverv item in this list nn enp< ivell iiisurt-d. I itaiisch took in th** excursion to Deiivtil. Mrit. S. W. Nom» vi»ithne,siieiit Mrit. K. I). l'ol« aud ot louia, an* .Mm. a. D. I.inman. Mr. Darling has tend thie Mire another iiiritation, nnleee taki-n a iiiail route iu that stat*-. ! .Monday with tier daughter Mm. FIriiest visitiuK frinid* ar<>uud ht*n'. platee are laid lor all. itrahani Mire ie j Schemer. Mnt. iMouin Si|piK, ol liwoitno. vinited KoiuK to hare a fair. The date and (dace , .Mrs. l.evi Baldw in is -iieudiiig tlie week friMiiih aniund hart- raonitiy. will Im- announcei] in th«- near future. SHEPARDSVILLE. j with herdaughter, klM.-lobn Mcl'bersou. Iir. and .Mrt«. Siniuii>n», of ItaiKToft, ! of Iietroit. ar** rallinir on friMMawvn^i'i ht-n*. To Car* Cooatiwwiloa rovweer. F\ D. nevelaiid sfsnt Sunday at .kr- Take I'xM-arati I’MMlv CallMritc IWc ortto Mr. nnd Mrv. .lain*-* I^iice an* visiting Mtv. (iracrr prone to taiUeiiiK. C C. C. tail to cure, Jruxf laia refuau mooev gentiiK*. i their daughter, .Mtv. F’loyd kVarren, and will lieinn hoOHekt^ifUK euuu. J. Munson was in iiwosso a fexv days j near St. .lohn-. Miiw< Ktffe llyiie and Jiiliii'* F'unk riit- RILEY. this week. I Miee Lizzie rihr left kVetineetlay for Ii*h I at Kdirar Ilyde’w lar*. U iii liame?'. ni Miiteouri, vinit*^! Merie (.ainci- linn reron-reil fnim la-r lAJUgcor's in Vernon. Ionia, -|ient a few daye with her |»areuts,; her eouein. Mr»*. l'hn«. NVilcox. laet \v»-ek. recent illnee-i. Mr. ami .Mrs. FI. Brown, of Fllsie, Mr. and .Mm. .Myers. Mrn. Varney I’mnv hae l»»**n art1:cte«l M. li. Bliee and I'hae. Brooke were in visii4<«i at \V M. WinHeld ’s Thursday. Then* will le- a harveet art of last w*-ek. when it is hot and the “men folks” are “well Orriii Marie hae n-corereil wad ie airain •iaughicr, r ■•turt<*a* tzatliennK aelnv for the Hiley {witueh The iri**u«i- of .Mr. and Mr-. Wni. kVhil* kotu thix week where they eX|iwt to Th*- .kli-**- Sti-lln and .Mable Diiiiiells of ! tak**r wer- stirry to hear tliat th**ir Inai-*- IA ppreciate nigh bushed” when they come up from the lactory. :nake tln-ir future home. burm-ii •'-iimluy. w hile they xvt-r* visiting M.S. Bliee and I'liae. A. Kimitall at- (>vid, vi-it*-«l th«-ir aunt. Mm. (F. !'..StiiitFi | th** jmsf few day-. in Miibl»irl-t«ni. The Iht and Jud dtitre* — wereeonfemtl teiideii thecaiii|> ime-tituc at lirand leehte field and “too busy” in the morning before u|M>n a claMt* of three Siiturda.v eveninu, Sunday. The FIpworth l.**«urm' will give an i*v'^ ■Mr. ami Mr-. S«3beiner, .Mr. (Fniler ami •liilv line Mpplieatitui r«'eive«l. Mr. the Ml-***-- Ir-ne .'v-heiner, .kim-lia aad (J. r iittiiiar and wife hare nioreii cream wjcial at M. I*ariual»-*'s next Saf-1 and Mre. < . I.oix-nz treateal the irninKe iirlay night July ‘JB. Fliniiin (iriiler leil la-t w^-ek mr I'ettw- commencing work. Now honestly don*t to deiinuuK ftearw. itiio their new hoiie*- 'iinl will Im- at home key and other fioints. to their triende alter September -"th. J. MHFilliciiddy V. S., of Wntfonl.ont., | WESTPHALIA. was th*-guest of Fiis f>rolh**r. Dr. .MctFilli-1 Mr. ami Mr*. Jam*-- Knughiiiaa, of Miee t'liirii I'offiiiMii le rimtiiq; in loniu co*l«iy ami w ile, part *il last week. I'harltitT**, and .klr. and Mrs. Lon Baugh* you believe eonniy. inaa and Mr. iimi Mr-. (1ap|iaml daugh ­ Born, to Mr. and Mn*. lie Memiiiinit- Mi— Fllectn Smith, of ovid. u Imi Mi— Mi-e Miller Bt-ek in theshoxx' in Owo—«»kVi-diie-- •Mr. ami .Mr-, .klicii Dayton hax'*- To let me erect a mill on your place. I would be glad to figure on it any- I *v ‘ar (tiddiutfe, of Kalkaeka county, but IM iiuprOviuit. f LtUeiliK, wiu* tle- Mr. and Mrs. F'. Hazel and littb*; way and will not urge you to buy; simply place the whole matter before .kire. L. 1' Mateii. Sunday -chtMil at the Stncklaml next KUieit of hi- inther .Sunduy. •laughter, ol Ovitl. aiui .Mr. and Mm. FI ; Sunday at th*- u-ual h«»iir. !•> a. m. Mr. and .Mm. Itennie Zarliariae and Maz*-I, of Diiplain. s|s-til Sunday at It. | you and let you make your own decision in the matter. Freil .liieon luid I'laiid B«»ml e|M*nt -Sat* Mazle’s. Mr-, .kiina Tail ha- l-*en -|--ridinu a ilauwrhter. of t imnir* ‘, ep(«nt .Sunday with unlay and Sunday in Tort land. B. .k. Minniiin'e |N-«ip|e. few liny- wiifi h*-r iluughtcr. Mm. J. kV. The lit-ary etomi «>i .Monday ereniui; kV. t , Tnl'b'r is getting th** evaimrator j I’altcnMat. in reailiii**-s to o |m-ii up as -oon Im- np(»le i iiamnipel the i-nqie in thi- ririnity ipiite t-nip is ready lor market. Me will pay ' J«)hii kVhitacr- and si-tcr of kla|»b- Imdiv. the highest pn*** — bir all kiml- of apple-, | Unpid-. w*-n* th* ‘gut*-t- of Mr. aad .klr*. .Mtv. .lohn .kdain- wae made happy b\ and xve ar* ••ertain tb** fanner* will Had FInord .N'asti, on*- day last w—k. Iteinic pn*eeiii«- ’i with a tine new orKUii no Is-tter miirket for their fruit than U-v. .''*h**ll,v. of Ionia, preach*-! at tin- mini her niietuiinl. .She]ianlsville. Mr. Tnllier -ays, "full | .'-trii'kiami m'Ikmi I lion — last Sunday Geo. J. Munro, Agt. I'hilip I'arke dml at hi- home in Uiley, xvfight ami lull iNiy" is hi- motto. I I aftermHiu. Me will prrarh th»*n* again .Inly'JotIt, of <*oiieiimptioii. eauwMl from ; lU two w*--kM. .kiign-t O. at -l p. m. St. Johns, Mich. the irnp Further {urticuian* later. MAPLE RAPIDS. 'I .klr-. .klurv Nii**h. who iin- Is-cn visit­ .Samuel .laeon and linuahter .klice, who ing h**r -on nnd daiight«'r II. Z. Nash ami Dio:o:o:o:o:o:cxo:ox):o ever hare Ihm »ii e|M-ndiiu( the fiaet few week- ! Mrs. Flllu Sitliagtou, nf I-*banon, rs- with fm-ml-* ami n-latireu here, left ye»- kV. It*-dfsrn ha- l-s-n >|ait*- ill during > turn*-*! to her hoim* in Canton, Wavm* tt-nlay tor their horn*- in .iHck-on. th«* |Mist \v****k with heart dittl*'iilty. Mt* j i*nunty, Inst w*--k. steismm hail a iMid -HI -"(umlny. p. A. Brown had th* ITIU.ISIIKK S .NOTK'K. Dioiaoiaoox) MERLE BEACH. Th** fourth (piarterly (’•»nf*-r»*m'*-of the ple«i-ure ol eiilertainiug his |air*-nis and •kl. II. church ••onx-enes on Saturiny at !• ■i»l*r, Mr. and kirs. (Fe«». Brown, of F'rieiid- ami reader- of Tiifc .Vkss will Mn*. lU-lle ie on tie- eick li-t •I'clock a. 111. al the rhiirHi. Tin* preeid- I'inkney, and Miss Kale Broxxii. of confer a Invor «>n th*- )Ni|Mr. ami them- SNrafe iag ebPr, Bev. kV. M. l*nfb*r will lie pm»- Chicago, ox'er Sumlnv, Th**y l••ft her** .Mm. Frank Murphy le eenouely ill with ent. On-Sunday L*iv»- F’east ata. Moinbiv ev*-iiiag (or Mtiw«*ll. wfur*-they ■ritnnitle. Ill . prvtrhiiig at I(i:.'ler»- tiites in xvhich they may Is* int*>rssted. in ' CLOSING We never dM; bat ve beee churrh. I'rvtching at (Freenbush in the t'lajton rioivfiiHii bad the miefortune kVas the result of his spb-ndid health. Tilt; .Nkws . Tin* Juifg*-IS [s*rit*ctly w'ill-i seen tbc cksblipR at tbia time to run a fork in hie ttuin'r. ••vening. lndr^ Htorc. (2) owh tbc falling aaov ao will fMini at Bristol. Ontario ctiunty, N. V., I'ear tree-tbrf*«Bh*4(t ami died on b^ Hfty- ‘iks KAUXTB. ItelbK atlsekeil t»y n refiHlsire lo<*klbic worm friende in the rictuity of .Merfe Ib-ach, : of a ereealsli •'olor about tbe -Iss ol s Israe thinl birthday. Her maiden name xvns nt . Jobss. MIeh., July 'J7. IHia*. ! raiertUilsr. H*ta»e trees have lieen etrtpp«>«l SuDilay. .klarialla I*. Fox. She was a sister of Wheat n-il...... of their (olMure. tiwiiMCto eickore-. Mm. Twaile. who (Feorge Fox, of this villaoe. ami caiue to Wtiest wMle...... (tT iKtS Corn lb ear...... :m hae le-en viaitiUK At J. 4. WtMxFu, waa .MFrhignn in Isipi. .She was rnatried to I New Bicycles $l8i0 «»sts ...... ('ailed to I,aaeiim- L. M. I'rnse Ortuber ir», iHtll. and they i <-i«>ver He*-*i ...... fa a.'i nettled in FInsex in lH7r», TFh - union was ■ ■ns**»ih.r ...81 40 I itooaid MclKiiiaid returned .Monday lire...... VI I CnmolatiYe ETidence to hie home in F’t. kVaya*-, Ind., after a bissneil with eight r4iiblren. four of whom Ilaekwheat < ...... 7.4 A proof of merit la any nrtiela la iba week'e nait at tbe Beach. ourvfve. Nelson, .kllie. Xettb- and Bow- I.IV|CSTsiA4 JAja I Tha “Bant ” Toole, la Innaly the boifie of .k. Munulet last week. woman, wae intersatml in tlie welfan' of tier family and tbe I'ommunity in which Hoe* per rwt...... AA A«»«tf4 iMI dna to (NM poroonM lalliaf anotber of Uemilar msetioK of (Mire ffmanv. -lal.r Ijtmhs ...... 4« tbn boolfita dorlvad from 1» uoa. It ia she lived. Me loss will be felt by all who waoi.ies4i.>: csttmvK xvit rartr MABser Jit. SiMv-iai work, .k iruod attemiaiiee knew ber. oold 1b aimoot nvory eitr aad town la desfrvq. (iraam' will open at 8:Sti o', Hatter...... iiiHta tbennltoclHlntna. lu ponty and efBcnrr Yours for Bicycles, Cheese...... hnm flTnii It tbe imminoaa popularity Tt elurk sbarfi. Daafaeas Claeast »• C}are4 Kea* ...... -...... Hmii vi9$r tbi Sunday, a nnniber of gentlemeti by losal applications, as they rganot I isinas ...... AO ban aMalned. It la Indorneo by tbou- Heaas per hw ...... ------TAwHA mndg of phyaMnna nnd pntlenU. It OMlt tbooa flokM of dan druff In from our iH4irhborhof)d took a trip up rewch the diaaaaed l-irtion of tbe ear. Hease luMsI pfeke*! ...... ------HAWUA tbo aenlp. It goea hmbor than the rirer towanl Lyons, report a )oily Ttrsra is only nae way to curs Ftsafneas. Ah«»akler saiohed tier lb...... MS110 mnkoa otraniph. It glroo vigor aad tMo: itp rne eawtbefrfOrmetlon. tiUK- and a fine rnteb ot Hab. ami that ia by conatitulFoaal reonedies Larti ...... 7sf M bonitb when nvory nvaatw of bopo onnnin .k| ptes tier ba ...... AOSt TA lo ba oloaod. BUSH It baa aril] other properriee: Ihwlneas hi raitaed hr an intlanie«i mmii .k rerx- |4eaaaat tfme is reported h.v irrieU ap p les per lb...... —...... As»4 When you aak for Pnbnl Malt Bxtrnnt, It vlU reeaefc color tn g^ heir those who Htti-nded tbe soeiiri at Mr. tion n( tbe mucona lining of tbe Fluatach- bried nearhss pseted...... MM lu in KHt-dHi riOMa out of avery ian Tube. When this tabe gets iaflam PiWatose...... It* Tba “Brat** Tonie, do not bu lad into Futon's on F'rtday last. Sometbing over Htoae llaie per bbl ...... 7A bnying oometblng nloa. Many imitn- OlCiCiOXm OIOIOIQ f1 (t was add«vl to tbe rbiirrfa (unde. metl you have a rumbling aoumi or im- HaUsio reateat per hbl...... A m Aad it does avip oMre: It UodM nave rerantiy gnponrail xUaMOi* (irand Ixelgr musician s will furnish perfret hearing ami wlien It la eutirel.v* l‘ortlaad ______aa .VI faeda enn notafabnn tbc roota Mtoee** per t>bl ...... B J '-(A bar that Pabot Malt music tor tbe pnrtv at tin* Bench Fridny •dosed deafness is the remilt and aaless Hay____ Iliaothv...... nr* uosf ou «M» BstmoATha 'Boot' ofNnIaJr. Tblabalrbacomea th** inflammation mu be taken nut aatl I iia^ Mixe*! ...... on iMi tbiafe awl abort botr be* evenina. 4aly'is. Btll for dance, horss n ...... 'M* Ton kc, was tbe on ly tn hay and fMicgnge ebecked. .’>(» cents. ♦his tube reetoreil to Its normal t?*m*ll- Atraw haleil thm, hearlag will Fie deetroyetl fwrever; MISCKI.t.AKrot-S. malt prnpnration F you want it promptly A very enraynMe dnneina imrty wna ChWkees dressetl per lb ...... a dnclnrntl perfeol Draying We beve e book on tbc Hair given at tiK' ll^rh last Thunstay sveninv nine naaea out of ten are caneed by by tbe Jndges at end Seelp. It le ynnra, for tbe mtarrfi. which is iHithing but an inflatu Chlrliebs lire...... 7 and carefully done at rea­ in honor of MonnM llclknMifd. of Fort Turkey itrsMeil per Ih. litre7M 10i...... „iauio tlw Woiid ’e Fair, eekiag. luetl condition of the mneona aurfaaes. Heeswat per lb ...... itnoli.X Warne. The rwafnrit.T of tbe ivimpnn.v Wi* will give One llandiwl liollara fnt Tallow fier lb ...... Jw A nnd ninaa marked wNs from St. Johns, .kmoag tbe out-of- Calf sklas arsra...... u...... at« wftb 100 pointa of sonable prices call for any case r.f Deafnsaa (caused bv catan h ) Beef bWes ______and town guests were FI. W. Ilnany, Betdiag, perfartioo. Tha ‘hat cannot Fie cured by Flall'e Catarrh nbeef* sklas...... J.kstf I A** way to obtain tbn kficb.. .Miss Trwssn llristnl, .klmont, Mich. •ir**. Semi for rirctila*w free. Desros aklas ...... efla AA m pier*- Miss Flnimoas. Dstmit, Miss Newton, F*. J. 1 HrvKv A Co.. Toladti, O. Beef *trsssii it rwt ...... Coowf^ no grentnot amount of Los .kugsios, f'nl.. MMs Kn,vtnsr. rWr**- pork •irrwsed rwt .v^Aoo buneflt for the Innot amonn t nl monny In *4»dd li* drnacists. 7oc. G-W Wo«»*t bard aad dry...... ei .viwai1J.J .A to bavnKsew yourjour druggion dnlirnr yon Richard Inad. O., I^nw frnri' Ounid.Owosso, Mich., Calves I Brel__ ...... !: Trucking aad lioaald McDoaahL Ft. Warns. lad. Hall'a Family Pfltoaietbe best. calres «dteeseil>...... Naan bontloa nk n tlma.