THE JOHNS Vuluvk X.—No 49

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THE JOHNS Vuluvk X.—No 49 THE JOHNS VuLUVK X.—No 49. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. THI^RSDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 27. 1899. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. door, ALREADY AT WORK. NO FEATHERWEIGHT “<), p« ia dMull" uwmic WASBAOnMUATSOM Th* ttent* whAdi foUuwad w ..ORELESSNESS! ooovoM nuuuuASMi van MOT ***11 pwsvAMMu nusTma mwamr, ilTORMIpilBI wlurh would batra muMd tmn to flow from Um* erw ol m ntnuturr. To the Was Fo—d by tbt Vtrdict of Altbounh it MMua quito a woiyo uC to Willhun Mntphy. wou rMeotlyrrtnnied the dote mti ior the niotoo C'cmnty Fair, writh the eoldiere fnim (Tuba, learned Fri­ Oreit IM of DMMfe to QMi TILE TOO friroda it waa liaartraadiiuc. the Coraaer ’t Jury the work of preporatlou on the port of day moralag laat that I>r. Ihiao ie juet aad Com RoporM. Hamiau Martin waa Imrn in (Hitario, Prweident Trnrie, Herretnir Frink and ae heavy ae be looke. Mr. Murphy wae th* other oflleere luw already uom- oat ridiag hie hiryele for pleaeore and ( anada. .\uciiat IH, 1m44). In 1H71 he meoeed. The fair ie to be held ^le year when at Un * head of Cliatoo aveane be (*ame to Ht. .lohna, and haa aim** reaidad CERTAIN DEGREE SHOWN the laet week in rtefisetnber. •'Omiac oo collided with Dr. Duan ’e carriaio*. The SEVERAL PEOPLE STINNED the 26th. 27tb, 2Hth aad JBth. From lontbaepot witan* be flrwt IfM-ateil. He ^ canianr wae aot “daehed ruthleeely to lenun Martin Laid it Satnrdav¥ at the preaent appearancee. the crope. (aepe. the other Hide of the pareiueat" ae if it I waa loarriad at bla oWI botne. in < Ontario, j ffity TMlk M tiK PflH •! ‘ dally thoee which aid in inaklaa the pro- bad hem a otniw for the iwaeoa that the Sknie Trooo Wore Oiroa o Twist for •iuee feature of the fair attxawtitrej are Doctor wae himerif in the uloremid rw i about thirt.v-flre yenra ago, and to the | Charic •< tlie Wurfc. irond. ium I the ollloerM wUI make an ea- hide. Mr. Man*h.y wae thrown off but TMr Uroo. Cost of His Life. I ciHipl** hare liaan boni eiirht ehildrra. all j __________ jieeial effort to jiroride attvaetlTe ep*- fortunately eeeap^ with but a few cialtiew. The fair efiould be the meeting bruieee. The wbed however looked very I of are lirinir and %ver«* preaent at Many Wltacsscs Were Sworn and Ib- plan* for all the fanuere tbroughtiut the laueh ae though it had been “out along I their fatlwr'e fnnaral. They an* W. H. , Pet Colt Bcloafluf to O. C CUrfc UUofl portaat Facts Brouftat Ont. rounty. .4t thie time, the rueh of their the line ” and when the -hapetene man- work ie over, and tbiry •■ao well epeod wae gathered from out the dirt ite ralne Over laBMfAl. I -Martin, of (trand liapida. Mm. T. ('. eeeeral daye lueetiuir the fanner* from wae inrentonei] by eome of the hy- TuhliM. of l.auainK. and Stewart, Hattie, | rariouM |NUt» oi tbei*ooot.T aad diaruMN- •taadere, at tire cente. Thie however, iuic with them the ji-rplexiBic problem- wae a low eetimate. and the nqinir idiop Tbr moat orrere otorm oi the rraion .letiiiie. Ida. Matie mid I.illiiui, all of , STATE OF laCBICAH, ) _ of their work, .knd no leee ehould the will make “a new man of it.” Tb«* Doe- paoaMl over .St. Jobtw* Mouday "veuiag TO LEAVE whom reeide in St. Johtu*. Mr. Martin ; cooimr OF cLuntw , f **• faniier'e wife be •■•ineideted in thie idaii- tor and hi- bnree *<era|ied without a and tbrougii the night. iiiiiK to atteod the fair. At thie time, -cratch. ItojMirt* from rarion* (lart* oi thr {joined Uie .M. K. church about ••i|rht : An Inanlsltlon taken In the county ohow that many thoaaaud- of Tiilacc of St. Johns, connty aad -he can Ret away from her work for a J yean* airo, and ha- -iiHf Inn ^ii lUi H**tive j few daye, and eojoy the met ami plene- dollar* of •iainoge wo* doae to growing state aforesaid, beflore Geo. H. um of roeetiuR frieode aad uetghbon« ao<i croiw. Oat* ••aught it the wont, and iiieiiil»er. I Marshall, one of the Jnstkes of makiaic new tw*«|uaintatram. all of which where thev were rather gnw u. Ihey wer** the ftcce,or said cnnnty, upon laidly linigefl. The t^feet will be a iw*- ' lie wae a n*inilMr attendant and took | the rtew of the body of Herman will lie heoeflrial iiud reeult in jiotiitirel r «nm 1. There will In * new feature- thie j vere loo*. < urn. in many jilaoHN. ia re- When the Bank Caved in and Bur­ irreat intereet In «*hun*h work. He wae Martin then aad there lylnr .year, and there In erery reaenti to lieliere j jiorted eoaM^I**rabl.v damogfil. In Nome dead, by the oath of the jnrors I a kind father ami a lorinu hu-lwiml ami that an excellent -how •*an and will In * ; UeldM the -talk* are liadl.x' broken and ied Him Alive. whose names are hereto sab> made. All that ie iieed<*d iethehearty Was the Body of James Marsh txvMted, ami it i* i* •lonhtful if the culti­ I the iiiominu tlie m-ident *H*eiirred a scribed, who belnf sworn to vator xrill In * run through oomeol the in«inlrc tn benalf of the people c«>-4i|Nn*ntioa of the farmere and all in-; Found. ' iieiifhlNir who wae futeeiiut eaw him with I termte.1. ttehl* which cauglit it the worat. of this state, when. In what Tin* Ntorm •■aim* from tin* weet and ap- hi- arm anuiiid hi- wife, ae Ih * ki-ee<l her manner and by what means the peare<l to (la** over the -outhern, jiortinn said Hcnnan Martin came to his WANT A (il ARDiAN. ITimh I b.v. ami i-ommentnl *01 the fiwt , alniiit ••ight •I’Hock. but wnen once the death, upon their natb do say I HAD (DINE F(»R THE OtWS. •■anuoumliug had tieofi coinn **uced, the No Chance for Escape After the First Warning that then* wouhl I-* mon* happ.v hotm- | that said Berman Nhrttn's death r-AMII.YOS* CMIL.UKKN IMI NOT AtIHKK rattling and iNiugiiig libore uppean^ to was caused by the enrtne in of if mon* men wen* a- conehlenite of Uieir | ON WONKT MATTRMN. In * in it fur all night (fae nwidei.t Maid Which Barely Preceded the the east bank of the sewer ditch Orcr M Years of A^e and ao Old Rooi* Tuoaday momiug be wrould take liiN^mth \vivi*e a- Mr. Martin. on Oakland street In which he that he wa* up and clnaeil and ojiened Falling Earth. was laytnr sewer tile, on the Th« ntt**iitiuii <if the probate court ha- dent of Lebaoo a. irn*at niatiy yean* ain* lM*joinnl tlie; Iweti ocmpie<l two thi- week hear ­ the xrlnilow- at hie honn*, at tbeleoat, 22nd day of July 18M. Wc also ing teetimony in the leraei M. lirnr ea-e. fourtwn ttinea. Thk X lwm inquired if I'liile*! Friend- ami for year»» .-arrieil iiti j find that a certain decree of Mr. lirn.v. who ie iin old reeMlent of lien, that xxoM not rather a liberal •*«tiinate. carelessness was shown ^ tbooe Death Is Thengbt to Hare Resulted from and the reporter hod to Hee for hi* 11^ ineuntno* poli«*y for W.tHio on hi- life, j trul, <ie»*<iei| rpiite a fMirtion of hi- profier- In charire of the work tn not t.v-nnie lime atpi to oae of hie dauich- Heart Disease. for even *0 roach a* in«inaating that an •VlKMit five yean* imc** unfortunately, he ; barlnrw excaratUm properly l•"rH. .Mre. Frank I'arke. There are eix •-rrnr might have lieen made. cnrbM. ••Hh no. .Iithii. I tloirt think th»*n* i« anv ilaiwr. l’v«* l»««»n in iiiu<'h wor«^ children him I two imtmi I'hildreu remaiti- Lillie .Stile*. >ui eiiiphiye at Tlie Steel, allnwnl hie l-diev to la|M*e. j J. S. OSGOOD, xx'ii* Hitting by an open window, during tiiHii thir*. and I can I'arry it ihniuali all ritrht. ‘ iiur in the family, who har** aeke«1 Judin* I “I wonder what take- lather -o long'.* ” THOS. C. BUTLER, th^ ’-tonn late in tin* evening, wlien a Mr. .Martin hiwi liaeii a *an*ful manii- .Merrill to ap|Niiiit a iruardian for their I It wa* Mr*, .lame- Mamh %vho *|N>ke. TiicT«»* \v»T»' th** Wfinli* which liermaii Martin •»iMikc to .lohn <*'lln**n aUnit ten THOS BROMLEY, SR., father, whom th**y iill,*!^* ie mentally in- ' Itult •!! lightning entereil lier room and trer. hut the expen-** of reariiiK -o larir** a | W. W. BRAIRARD, ami her word- wen* uildrewNed tt» her -In* xx-a- rendered utH-iin-i'iiiu*. Dr. ruiniitct* liefoiv lie uai* kill«*<l on the Oakland Hir>^>t Hewer, .'*^tnnlay a(tern<M»n. •■ouiiieteiit. .\ number of witneme- huv»* 1 iwm, ut their home in Ie*banoii towuohip, fatiiil.v liaii pn*venteii hi- tw* umulatinv . A. E. RICHARDSON, tieeii -woni ami there ie etill nohm - te-ti-1 IhMlgi* wa- -ent for aiwl worked ox*er the .lohn • • llrwn. who had diaiv of the men m c<»ntnn tor I’rich ’H alHe-nc*-. ntood A. J. NELSON. alMiut four mile- %v**Nt of .Maple llupid*. i iiiouy to In * heanl. Court udjourneil laNt ; The ••onveraation occurred la*l Thun»- yiiiing woman for -ex-eral hour*.
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