THE JOHNS Vuluvk X.—No 49
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THE JOHNS VuLUVK X.—No 49. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN. THI^RSDAY AFTERNOON. JULY 27. 1899. ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. door, ALREADY AT WORK. NO FEATHERWEIGHT “<), p« ia dMull" uwmic WASBAOnMUATSOM Th* ttent* whAdi foUuwad w ..ORELESSNESS! ooovoM nuuuuASMi van MOT ***11 pwsvAMMu nusTma mwamr, ilTORMIpilBI wlurh would batra muMd tmn to flow from Um* erw ol m ntnuturr. To the Was Fo—d by tbt Vtrdict of Altbounh it MMua quito a woiyo uC to Willhun Mntphy. wou rMeotlyrrtnnied the dote mti ior the niotoo C'cmnty Fair, writh the eoldiere fnim (Tuba, learned Fri Oreit IM of DMMfe to QMi TILE TOO friroda it waa liaartraadiiuc. the Coraaer ’t Jury the work of preporatlou on the port of day moralag laat that I>r. Ihiao ie juet aad Com RoporM. Hamiau Martin waa Imrn in (Hitario, Prweident Trnrie, Herretnir Frink and ae heavy ae be looke. Mr. Murphy wae th* other oflleere luw already uom- oat ridiag hie hiryele for pleaeore and ( anada. .\uciiat IH, 1m44). In 1H71 he meoeed. The fair ie to be held ^le year when at Un * head of Cliatoo aveane be (*ame to Ht. .lohna, and haa aim** reaidad CERTAIN DEGREE SHOWN the laet week in rtefisetnber. •'Omiac oo collided with Dr. Duan ’e carriaio*. The SEVERAL PEOPLE STINNED the 26th. 27tb, 2Hth aad JBth. From lontbaepot witan* be flrwt IfM-ateil. He ^ canianr wae aot “daehed ruthleeely to lenun Martin Laid it Satnrdav¥ at the preaent appearancee. the crope. (aepe. the other Hide of the pareiueat" ae if it I waa loarriad at bla oWI botne. in < Ontario, j ffity TMlk M tiK PflH •! ‘ dally thoee which aid in inaklaa the pro- bad hem a otniw for the iwaeoa that the Sknie Trooo Wore Oiroa o Twist for •iuee feature of the fair attxawtitrej are Doctor wae himerif in the uloremid rw i about thirt.v-flre yenra ago, and to the | Charic •< tlie Wurfc. irond. ium I the ollloerM wUI make an ea- hide. Mr. Man*h.y wae thrown off but TMr Uroo. Cost of His Life. I ciHipl** hare liaan boni eiirht ehildrra. all j __________ jieeial effort to jiroride attvaetlTe ep*- fortunately eeeap^ with but a few cialtiew. The fair efiould be the meeting bruieee. The wbed however looked very I of are lirinir and %ver«* preaent at Many Wltacsscs Were Sworn and Ib- plan* for all the fanuere tbroughtiut the laueh ae though it had been “out along I their fatlwr'e fnnaral. They an* W. H. , Pet Colt Bcloafluf to O. C CUrfc UUofl portaat Facts Brouftat Ont. rounty. .4t thie time, the rueh of their the line ” and when the -hapetene man- work ie over, and tbiry •■ao well epeod wae gathered from out the dirt ite ralne Over laBMfAl. I -Martin, of (trand liapida. Mm. T. ('. eeeeral daye lueetiuir the fanner* from wae inrentonei] by eome of the hy- TuhliM. of l.auainK. and Stewart, Hattie, | rariouM |NUt» oi tbei*ooot.T aad diaruMN- •taadere, at tire cente. Thie however, iuic with them the ji-rplexiBic problem- wae a low eetimate. and the nqinir idiop Tbr moat orrere otorm oi the rraion .letiiiie. Ida. Matie mid I.illiiui, all of , STATE OF laCBICAH, ) _ of their work, .knd no leee ehould the will make “a new man of it.” Tb«* Doe- paoaMl over .St. Jobtw* Mouday "veuiag TO LEAVE whom reeide in St. Johtu*. Mr. Martin ; cooimr OF cLuntw , f **• faniier'e wife be •■•ineideted in thie idaii- tor and hi- bnree *<era|ied without a and tbrougii the night. iiiiiK to atteod the fair. At thie time, -cratch. ItojMirt* from rarion* (lart* oi thr {joined Uie .M. K. church about ••i|rht : An Inanlsltlon taken In the county ohow that many thoaaaud- of Tiilacc of St. Johns, connty aad -he can Ret away from her work for a J yean* airo, and ha- -iiHf Inn ^ii lUi H**tive j few daye, and eojoy the met ami plene- dollar* of •iainoge wo* doae to growing state aforesaid, beflore Geo. H. um of roeetiuR frieode aad uetghbon« ao<i croiw. Oat* ••aught it the wont, and iiieiiil»er. I Marshall, one of the Jnstkes of makiaic new tw*«|uaintatram. all of which where thev were rather gnw u. Ihey wer** the ftcce,or said cnnnty, upon laidly linigefl. The t^feet will be a iw*- ' lie wae a n*inilMr attendant and took | the rtew of the body of Herman will lie heoeflrial iiud reeult in jiotiitirel r «nm 1. There will In * new feature- thie j vere loo*. < urn. in many jilaoHN. ia re- When the Bank Caved in and Bur irreat intereet In «*hun*h work. He wae Martin then aad there lylnr .year, and there In erery reaenti to lieliere j jiorted eoaM^I**rabl.v damogfil. In Nome dead, by the oath of the jnrors I a kind father ami a lorinu hu-lwiml ami that an excellent -how •*an and will In * ; UeldM the -talk* are liadl.x' broken and ied Him Alive. whose names are hereto sab> made. All that ie iieed<*d iethehearty Was the Body of James Marsh txvMted, ami it i* i* •lonhtful if the culti I the iiiominu tlie m-ident *H*eiirred a scribed, who belnf sworn to vator xrill In * run through oomeol the in«inlrc tn benalf of the people c«>-4i|Nn*ntioa of the farmere and all in-; Found. ' iieiifhlNir who wae futeeiiut eaw him with I termte.1. ttehl* which cauglit it the worat. of this state, when. In what Tin* Ntorm •■aim* from tin* weet and ap- hi- arm anuiiid hi- wife, ae Ih * ki-ee<l her manner and by what means the peare<l to (la** over the -outhern, jiortinn said Hcnnan Martin came to his WANT A (il ARDiAN. ITimh I b.v. ami i-ommentnl *01 the fiwt , alniiit ••ight •I’Hock. but wnen once the death, upon their natb do say I HAD (DINE F(»R THE OtWS. •■anuoumliug had tieofi coinn **uced, the No Chance for Escape After the First Warning that then* wouhl I-* mon* happ.v hotm- | that said Berman Nhrttn's death r-AMII.YOS* CMIL.UKKN IMI NOT AtIHKK rattling and iNiugiiig libore uppean^ to was caused by the enrtne in of if mon* men wen* a- conehlenite of Uieir | ON WONKT MATTRMN. In * in it fur all night (fae nwidei.t Maid Which Barely Preceded the the east bank of the sewer ditch Orcr M Years of A^e and ao Old Rooi* Tuoaday momiug be wrould take liiN^mth \vivi*e a- Mr. Martin. on Oakland street In which he that he wa* up and clnaeil and ojiened Falling Earth. was laytnr sewer tile, on the Th« ntt**iitiuii <if the probate court ha- dent of Lebaoo a. irn*at niatiy yean* ain* lM*joinnl tlie; Iweti ocmpie<l two thi- week hear the xrlnilow- at hie honn*, at tbeleoat, 22nd day of July 18M. Wc also ing teetimony in the leraei M. lirnr ea-e. fourtwn ttinea. Thk X lwm inquired if I'liile*! Friend- ami for year»» .-arrieil iiti j find that a certain decree of Mr. lirn.v. who ie iin old reeMlent of lien, that xxoM not rather a liberal •*«tiinate. carelessness was shown ^ tbooe Death Is Thengbt to Hare Resulted from and the reporter hod to Hee for hi* 11^ ineuntno* poli«*y for W.tHio on hi- life, j trul, <ie»*<iei| rpiite a fMirtion of hi- profier- In charire of the work tn not t.v-nnie lime atpi to oae of hie dauich- Heart Disease. for even *0 roach a* in«inaating that an •VlKMit five yean* imc** unfortunately, he ; barlnrw excaratUm properly l•"rH. .Mre. Frank I'arke. There are eix •-rrnr might have lieen made. cnrbM. ••Hh no. .Iithii. I tloirt think th»*n* i« anv ilaiwr. l’v«* l»««»n in iiiu<'h wor«^ children him I two imtmi I'hildreu remaiti- Lillie .Stile*. >ui eiiiphiye at Tlie Steel, allnwnl hie l-diev to la|M*e. j J. S. OSGOOD, xx'ii* Hitting by an open window, during tiiHii thir*. and I can I'arry it ihniuali all ritrht. ‘ iiur in the family, who har** aeke«1 Judin* I “I wonder what take- lather -o long'.* ” THOS. C. BUTLER, th^ ’-tonn late in tin* evening, wlien a Mr. .Martin hiwi liaeii a *an*ful manii- .Merrill to ap|Niiiit a iruardian for their I It wa* Mr*, .lame- Mamh %vho *|N>ke. TiicT«»* \v»T»' th** Wfinli* which liermaii Martin •»iMikc to .lohn <*'lln**n aUnit ten THOS BROMLEY, SR., father, whom th**y iill,*!^* ie mentally in- ' Itult •!! lightning entereil lier room and trer. hut the expen-** of reariiiK -o larir** a | W. W. BRAIRARD, ami her word- wen* uildrewNed tt» her -In* xx-a- rendered utH-iin-i'iiiu*. Dr. ruiniitct* liefoiv lie uai* kill«*<l on the Oakland Hir>^>t Hewer, .'*^tnnlay a(tern<M»n. •■ouiiieteiit. .\ number of witneme- huv»* 1 iwm, ut their home in Ie*banoii towuohip, fatiiil.v liaii pn*venteii hi- tw* umulatinv . A. E. RICHARDSON, tieeii -woni ami there ie etill nohm - te-ti-1 IhMlgi* wa- -ent for aiwl worked ox*er the .lohn • • llrwn. who had diaiv of the men m c<»ntnn tor I’rich ’H alHe-nc*-. ntood A. J. NELSON. alMiut four mile- %v**Nt of .Maple llupid*. i iiiouy to In * heanl. Court udjourneil laNt ; The ••onveraation occurred la*l Thun»- yiiiing woman for -ex-eral hour*.