Landon in Warning Declares U. S. Again on Inflation
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AVnUta OAILT OOMJDLATION t m tfee Meath m l Mareh, 1888 6,154 ^ aabm e( tha AaMt uw(. PMtIy eloafiy aad tonight; ^MANCHESTER — A VILLAGE CHARM Saturday fair. CITY OF VOL. L V n , NO. 173 M Paga U), (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTO; ^ ^ Henry Ford to Visit Roosevelt ^ LOAN APPUCATlONSlI 1 PLAN 20,000 H E ^ TOUR TO WEIGH LANDON IN WARNING FLOOD R FC OFFICES U. S. DEFENSES ALL OVER COUNTRY DECLARES U. S. AGAIN [Two Honse Committees WiU 426 tiDTemmeotBrnmeot Directors R ^ Make Sommer Trip Orer JAPAN GIVES UP ON INFLATION ROA port Hea^ R e fu s e To HOPEH TO SAVE Coimlry, Taking In Alas- l*<HMiiDE P ro p o sa ls Eqie* ka, Panama And Hawai. Calls On Citizens To TiH Pershing to Attend ciaOy By Small Bosiiiess. CENTRAL ar my! Washington. April 28—(AP)— Congress H ^e S p e n £ ^ Membem of the House Naval and His Son*s IVedding Waahliigtaa, April 32—(AP) —j Faces Critical SitoatioB As Frognni Must Be Met if Military committees wlU make Onelala of the Seenritlai Oommle- ^ ^ I thorough checkup this summer on xkm UK] the Reconatruetlon Finance | the nation's defenses, from Maine Taxes; "?fot Too Late Osg^mtlon Kported today that More Chinese Gather; Japs to HawaU and from the Panama Despite the' Weather Canal to Alaska. The objecUve will men were reaponding in in- New York, April 22.—(AP) — creasing numbera to adminlatration be to obtain Information to be used Sare Ourselyes,” He S a ^ lending propoaala. Head For Taierhchwang Occasional rains and dreary sittei as the basts for future legislation to were New York’a portion today, but A apokeaman aald the RFC was strengthen weak spots. CSiairman the weather would not deter Gen- "putting the steam on" U> take care In Hopes Of Retaking It Vinson (D.. Ga.) of the Naval Com- eral John J. Pershing from attend- 'Topeka, Kas., April 22.— , of loan applications pouring into Its mittee and Chairman May (D„ Ky.) ing the wedding of hla son, bis phy. of the MUltaiy Group said today 88 regional offices, chiefly from siclans said. ' CAP)—Alf M. Landon callad emaU bualnesa men wanUng some Shanghai, April 22.—(AP) _ the aurvey would include every The General, who Is 77, ta atlU upon “an articulate citixem ^ of the agency’s 81,800,000,000 of Japan Is sacrificing much of the major navy yard, air base'and em- weak from the recent critical Ulneoa today to make it clear to leadAble funde. placement of anti-aircraft and sea Hopeh Province area she won early he suffered In Arisons. Drenching Kress that “ this huge appro^ P*rom ui SE!C olflctzl emme word coast defense guns. The tour may rains fell this morning over the city that the oommJeeloQ hsm be^ In the war to throw more troops In- tort in June and cover as much os and It was suggested the weather priation” proposed in ’ PnSU, 20,000 miles. **zwamped** with Inqulrlee about Ite to the Central China front. Keep Pershing from going to dent Roosevelt’s new recovery* MmpUfled reglstraUon pfocedui.. Vinson said a aubcommlttee would St. Thomas church. In Fifth avenue, program must be met by ade- nia greatest concentration of •make a special trip to Alaska with for the wedding. Undertaken at the request ci Preal Chinese forces since fighting start- quate tax provisions. dent Roosevelt oa part of his eco- reference to mllltaiy needs for lo- "The wedding plana will go on as ed July 7, 1987, and continuing cating air, destro wr, submarine scheduled,” one of his physician The 1936 Republican presi- nomic program, thla simplification guerrilla raids against Japanese out- 3 was deadgned to make It easier and and mine basea there. said. "The General will attend In dential nominee, in an addr«8f PoaU have created for the Japanese spite of the weather.” faster for bualneas Interests to reg^ a critical situation. "They are going to be asked to (or delivery to ths Ister small loaues. go to Honolulu to look over the Warren Pershing, the General's ^tim ist Club, said the Pred- ^SEC regional offices In Seattle, The flghUni. is centered in south- situation there, particularly the son, will be married to Mlaa Muriel JJenvor, Chicago, San Frandsoo and ^ t e m Shantung, and along the nor give any advice. It wUI be Fort’s first visit feasibility of establishing a graving Bache Richards late this afternoon. dent 8 proposal haa ended tha Pvpmg-Hankov* and Peiping-Sul- at the White The physician said the General New York, it was learned, have House since Roosevelt took office. dock. They also wlU look over the 4'i period of uncertainty” as to '4 been so pressed by bualaesa men for yuan railways. advisability of a supply depot at waa "bright and pepped up’’ in an- UdpaUon of the wedding, that he Rovernment’a fiscal policy. iwormatlon on the new procedure Forced to muster every available Oakland, (>l. man since the sharp defeat at h.' 1 a good night's rest and a hearty We are again upon ah in- that they have telephoned headquar* Ooir Ooaat iDcluded tera here for more details. Taierhchwang first major lorn in May said the Gulf coast also breakfast. “ •j^nsry course,” he said. ngores Unavailable modem Japanese ralUtaiy history, would be Inspected, and that mlll- Misa Richards Is the granddaugh- The speech waa read by The RFC lacked definite figures tte high command waa said today to TRIES TO GET RANSOM, tory committeemen would study ter o f Julea S. Bache, financier and art patron. “ (•te Supreme Court Justlos on Increaies in loan applications, “ irtthdrawlng garrisons from coast defenses primarily to deter- The huge art coUectlon In Bache’s Hugo T. Wedell after* L a n ^ because the latest requests are still Hojeh, betweet. the two railways. mine the need for new coast ortlF Fifth avenue home will be the back- Mlaa Muriel Bache BlciWfSa WM (^ e d to Kansas City by pwdlng in regional offices, but ac- Beplaoed By Soviet lery and anti-aircraft guns. ground of the wedding reception. tivity was described as espeds-'y ChlnGGG Itods Already have set np IS ARRESTED BY G-MEN “We are going to eee for our- the illness of his father, JohE Mlae Richards chose a bridal the Court of S t Jamea'a, of lee blue heavy In New York. The Small s Soviet state In the area, with an eelvee what dUapidated condiUco gown of Ivory satin with rose point M. Landon. Businaas Men’s Amoclatkm set up army of ae*^eral hundred thousand our coast defenses are In,” be eaid. eattn with a short train. lace over lU long court train. The bridesmaids. wlU wsor veils, Stay <to Boakrap* headquarters In a hotel there and troops, and It now seems likely all Federal Agent Impersonat- "We apparently have a bunch of The brideemaldo* gowns are cut U everytlBe there Is a reesMtaw aselsted In flUIng out applications. long Ice blue opera gloves, and will of Ontral Hopeh soon may be un- simUar to gowns alwaya worn at in DuzlneM th« only way out The Treasury advanced Its pro- der their domination. (Japanese still cany pink apple blosaoms. n Bovenunent can fttid u » furtbir gram to expand credit resources by retain firm control of Peiping and mg Mnrray Le?me Traps LATE NEWS^ II What5 ^ wa need U moblUty. nuK * * P ^ to re program to bo ap-' ^ deciding to begin moving Its II.- I’lentaln, major dUes they won "Moet of thla natlon'e coast line pUad on toy of expendituraa alreoitF 4(X),000,000 gold credit to t ^ na ahorUy aftsr the conflict atarted Man h Chicago; Not Con- Is wide open to aerial bombartment. too great, then we eholl go r . - ^ tlon’s banks at the rate of 880,000,- with a clash of troops on midnight FLASHES! "The beat way to atop theae TREASURY MOVES FATHER OF QUINTS nipt. 000 a week. maneuvsra outslds Peiping nine aggraaaor natlooe la to ahow Congressional laadam meanwhile months ago.) T f the government spends moMar. nected WiA K idnai^. wo hav« the etreagth to bock up It must collect revenues to mstoK were disctisslng a proposal that a Tha Chinese, with more than 200,- CREW RESCUED our poaltton.” - — C. R** wpendltutes. public works program for railroads CREDIT TO BANKS DEMANDS A PROBE 000 troope said to hive reinforced H a l ^ N, S-. April May said it waa natieaable that ^Tt to not ytt too tots to pun iqv be woven Into the Preeldent'e lend- the central front army In the past ®^,*^«ee)—A. measoge from the as soon as tbs United SUtea served ing-spending campaign. Chicago. April 22.—(AP)—Fed- snd save ourselves and pay oar three weeks, were estatilsbing a new Bell Isle, Nfd-, radio station received notice on Japan that It Intended to in . «1 n n tenest debts. We ca.’i pay ths pubEs 'To Supply Mateitol defense line today, crescent shaped eral agenta announced today the ar- here by the radio branch of the Tha carriers would suK>ly ma- rest of Charles Eldmund Lavendsr, Ofiva Dionne debt of these United States tt wa Transport Department reported to- Tryni? are honeat and economlcaL But wo terials for maintenance projects, (Ocntlmied ea Page Twelve) 36, on chargee of attempting to ex- day the 82 crew membera of the and the government would pay for t^ler Ora had been picked up by ulll have to economise—we wM tort 330,000 from Murray Levine, U»l (Wy Rflj MaEmn Get An have to stop our spendthrift couisa.’' labor.