[email protected] Volume: 5, Issue3, 2018 (July-Sept) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF LAW, EDUCATION, SOCIAL AND SPORTS STUDIES (IJLESS) ISSN:2455-0418 (Print), 2394-9724 (online) 2013©KY PUBLICATIONS, INDIA Editor-in-Chief Dr M BOSU BABU (Education-Sports-Social Studies) Editor-in-Chief DONIPATI BABJI (Law) ©KY PUBLICATIONS Int.J.Law.Edu.Social.&Sports.Studies Vol.5.Issue. 3.2018 ISSN:2455-0418 (P), 2394-9724 (O) International Journal of Law, Education, Social and Sports Studies (IJLESS) Volume: 5, Issue 3, 2018 ISSN:2455-0418 (Print), 2394-9724 (online) Research Article A STUDY ON CHANGING LAND USE PATTERN OF CHANDRAGIRI MUNICIPALITY IN KATHMANDU VALLEY MADHABA NEUPANE1, DHYANENDRA BAHADUR RAI2 1Masters Student, Central Department of Geography, Kirtipur, TU 2Associate Professor, Central Department of Geography, Kirtipur, TU 2(Corresponding author- Email:
[email protected]) ABSTRACT Land use and land cover is a changing phenomenon of the earth's surface. Various reasons are responsible for dynamics of land use changes. Different categories of land use patterns are appeared over the space and time. Basically, from agricultural to non-agricultural based activities and phenomenon are vivid in urban surrounding due to population growth. This study is mainly based on both spatial as well as attributes data. For this purpose, data were calculated from Toposheet 1994, Google image 2004, and 2014. Intensive lab work was carried out for digitizing and geo-referencing. After that, field verification was carried out sincerely. Finding clearly indicates that rapid urbanization due to excessive population growth in the area has played significant roleof driverfor land use change in Chandragiri Municipality in Kathmandu Valley.