49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–20 Edition)

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49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–20 Edition) Federal Railroad Administration, DOT Pt. 213 (c) The highway-rail grade crossing § 212.233 Apprentice highway-rail inspector shall demonstrate the fol- grade crossing inspector. lowing specific qualifications: (a) An apprentice highway-rail grade (1) A comprehensive knowledge of crossing inspector shall be enrolled in a highway-rail grade crossing nomen- program of training prescribed by the clature, inspection techniques, mainte- Associate Administrator for Safety nance requirements, and methods; leading to qualification as a highway- (2) The ability to understand and de- rail grade crossing inspector. The ap- tect deviations from: prentice inspector may not participate (i) Grade crossing signal system in investigative and surveillance ac- maintenance, inspection and testing tivities, except as an assistant to a standards accepted in the industry; and qualified State or FRA inspector while (ii) The Grade Crossing Signal Sys- accompanying that qualified inspector. tem Safety Rules (49 CFR part 234); (b) Prior to being enrolled in the pro- gram the apprentice inspector shall (3) Knowledge of operating practices demonstrate: and highway-rail grade crossing sys- (1) Working basic knowledge of elec- tems sufficient to understand the safe- tricity; ty significance of deviations and com- (2) The ability to use electrical test binations of deviations from equipment in direct current and alter- § 212.231(c)(2) (i) and (ii); nating current circuits; and (4) Specialized knowledge of the re- (3) A basic knowledge of highway-rail quirements of the Grade Crossing Sig- grade crossing inspection and mainte- nal System Safety Rules (49 CFR part nance methods and procedures. 234), including the remedial action re- [59 FR 50104, Sept. 30, 1994] quired to bring highway-rail grade crossing signal systems into compli- § 212.235 Inapplicable qualification re- ance with those Rules; quirements. (5) Specialized knowledge of high- The Associate Administrator may de- way-rail grade crossing standards con- termine that a specific requirement of tained in the Manual on Uniform Traf- this subpart is inapplicable to an iden- fic Control Devices; and tified position created by a State agen- (6) Knowledge of railroad signal sys- cy if it is not relevant to the actual du- tems sufficient to ensure that highway- ties of the position. The determination rail grade crossing warning systems is made in writing. and inspections of those systems do not [47 FR 41051, Sept. 16, 1982. Redesignated at adversely affect the safety of railroad 57 FR 28115, June 24, 1992. Further redesig- signal systems. nated at 59 FR 50104, Sept. 30, 1994] (d) A State signal and train control inspector qualified under this part and PART 213—TRACK SAFETY who has demonstrated the ability to STANDARDS understand and detect deviations from the Grade Crossing Signal System Subpart A—General Safety Rules (49 CFR part 234) is Sec. deemed to meet all requirements of 213.1 Scope of part. this section and is qualified to conduct 213.3 Application. independent inspections of all types of 213.4 Excepted track. highway-rail grade crossing warning 213.5 Responsibility for compliance. systems for the purpose of determining 213.7 Designation of qualified persons to su- pervise certain renewals and inspect compliance with Grade Crossing Signal track. System Safety Rules (49 CFR part 234), 213.9 Classes of track: operating speed lim- to make reports of those inspections, its. and to recommend institution of en- 213.11 Restoration or renewal of track under forcement actions when appropriate to traffic conditions. promote compliance. 213.13 Measuring track not under load. 213.14 Application of requirements to [59 FR 50104, Sept. 30, 1994] curved track. 213.15 Penalties. 83 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:04 Dec 11, 2020 Jkt 250229 PO 00000 Frm 00093 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Pt. 213 49 CFR Ch. II (10–1–20 Edition) 213.17 Waivers. Subpart G—Train Operations at Track 213.19 Information collection. Classes 6 and Higher Subpart B—Roadbed 213.301 Scope of subpart. 213.303 Responsibility for compliance. 213.31 Scope. 213.305 Designation of qualified individuals; 213.33 Drainage. general qualifications. 213.37 Vegetation. 213.307 Classes of track: operating speed limits. Subpart C—Track Geometry 213.309 Restoration or renewal of track under traffic conditions. 213.51 Scope. 213.53 Gage. 213.311 Measuring track not under load. 213.55 Track alinement. 213.313 Application of requirements to 213.57 Curves; elevation and speed limita- curved track. tions. 213.317 Waivers. 213.59 Elevation of curved track; runoff. 213.319 Drainage. 213.63 Track surface. 213.321 Vegetation. 213.65 Combined track alinement and sur- 213.323 Track gage. face deviations. 213.327 Track alinement. 213.329 Curves, elevation and speed limita- Subpart D—Track Structure tions. 213.331 Track surface. 213.101 Scope. 213.332 Combined track alinement and sur- 213.103 Ballast; general. face deviations. 213.109 Crossties. 213.333 Automated vehicle-based inspection 213.110 Gage restraint measurement sys- systems. tems. 213.334 Ballast; general. 213.113 Defective rails. 213.335 Crossties. 213.115 Rail end mismatch. 213.337 Defective rails. 213.118 Continuous welded rail (CWR); plan 213.339 Inspection of rail in service. review and approval. 213.341 Initial inspection of new rail and 213.119 Continuous welded rail (CWR); plan welds. contents. 213.343 Continuous welded rail (CWR). 213.121 Rail joints. 213.345 Vehicle/track system qualification. 213.122 Torch cut rail. 213.347 Automotive or railroad crossings at 213.123 Tie plates. grade. 213.127 Rail fastening systems. 213.349 Rail end mismatch. 213.133 Turnouts and track crossings gen- 213.351 Rail joints. erally. 213.352 Torch cut rail. 213.135 Switches. 213.353 Turnouts, crossovers, and lift rail as- 213.137 Frogs. semblies or other transition devices on 213.139 Spring rail frogs. moveable bridges. 213.141 Self-guarded frogs. 213.355 Frog guard rails and guard faces; 213.143 Frog guard rails and guard faces; gage. gage. 213.357 Derails. 213.359 Track stiffness. Subpart E—Track Appliances and Track- 213.361 Right of way. Related Devices 213.365 Visual inspections. 213.367 Special inspections. 213.201 Scope. 213.369 Inspection records. 213.205 Derails APPENDIX A TO PART 213—MAXIMUM ALLOW- Subpart F—Inspection ABLE CURVING SPEEDS APPENDIXES B–C TO PART 213 [RESERVED] 213.231 Scope. APPENDIX D TO PART 213—MINIMALLY COMPLI- 213.233 Track inspections. ANT ANALYTICAL TRACK (MCAT) SIMULA- 213.234 Automated inspection of track con- TIONS USED FOR QUALIFYING VEHICLES TO structed with concrete crossties. OPERATE AT HIGH SPEEDS AND AT HIGH 213.235 Inspection of switches, track cross- CANT DEFICIENCIES ings, and lift rail assemblies or other AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 20102–20114 and 20142; transition devices on moveable bridges. Sec. 403, Div. A, Public Law 110–432, 122 Stat. 213.237 Inspection of rail. 4885; 28 U.S.C. 2461, note; and 49 CFR 1.89. 213.238 Qualified operator. 213.239 Special inspections. SOURCE: 63 FR 34029, June 22, 1998, unless 213.241 Inspection records. otherwise noted. 84 VerDate Sep<11>2014 10:04 Dec 11, 2020 Jkt 250229 PO 00000 Frm 00094 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\49\49V4.TXT PC31 kpayne on VMOFRWIN702 with $$_JOB Federal Railroad Administration, DOT § 213.4 Subpart A—General than for its own purposes or industrial processes, will not be considered a § 213.1 Scope of part. plant railroad because the performance (a) This part prescribes minimum of such activity makes the operation safety requirements for railroad track part of the general railroad system of that is part of the general railroad sys- transportation. Similarly, this exclu- tem of transportation. In general, the sion does not apply to track over which requirements prescribed in this part a general system railroad operates, apply to specific track conditions ex- even if that track is located within a isting in isolation. Therefore, a com- plant railroad; bination of track conditions, none of (2) Used exclusively for tourist, sce- which individually amounts to a devi- nic, historic, or excursion operations ation from the requirements in this that are not part of the general rail- part, may require remedial action to road system of transportation. As used provide for safe operations over that in this part, tourist, scenic, historic, or track. This part does not restrict a excursion operations that are not part railroad from adopting and enforcing of the general railroad system of trans- additional or more stringent require- portation means a tourist, scenic, his- ments not inconsistent with this part. toric, or excursion operation conducted (b) Subparts A through F apply to only on track used exclusively for that track Classes 1 through 5. Subpart G purpose (i.e., there is no freight, inter- and 213.2, 213.3, and 213.15 apply to city passenger, or commuter passenger track over which trains are operated at railroad operation on the track); or speeds in excess of those permitted (3) Used exclusively for rapid transit over Class 5 track. operations in an urban area that are [63 FR 34029, June 22, 1998, as amended at 78 not connected to the general railroad FR 16100, Mar. 13, 2013] system of transportation. § 213.3 Application. [63 FR 34029, June 22, 1998, as amended at 79 FR 4256, Jan. 24, 2014] (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, this part applies to § 213.4 Excepted track. all standard gage track in the general A track owner may designate a seg- railroad system of transportation. ment of track as excepted track pro- (b) This part does not apply to track: vided that— (1) Located inside an installation (a) The segment is identified in the that is not part of the general railroad timetable, special instructions, general system of transportation (i.e., a plant order, or other appropriate records railroad).
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