Serving our communities since 1889 — Beekeepers Battle Parasites, $1 Pesticide and Weekend Edition Public Fear Saturday, Sept. 17, 2016 / Life 1 Fresh Fair Perspective Loggers and Porcupines New Southwest Washington Fairgrounds A Look at the Long and Storied History of Manager Taking Charge After Fair / Main 4 Competitions in the Pacific Northwest / Main 7 Napavine Lewis County Service Dogs Fire District ‘Enrich and Enable’ Owners Might Sell Assets if Levy Fails STRAPPED: Fire District 5 Asking Voters for Money to Support EMS for the First Time By Natalie Johnson
[email protected] Of the about 1,000 calls Lewis County Fire District 5 in Napavine responded to last year, between 75 and 80 percent were for medical emergencies. Despite that, the fire district has never collected levy fund- ing dedicated to emergency Election medical ser- vices. This No- 2016 vember, the district is asking vot- ers to approve its first EMS levy to raise an estimated $300,000 per year to continue paying for full-time paramedics and to continue to Pete Caster /
[email protected] maintain its ambulances. Phyllis Taylor, left, Frank Henderson, center, and service dog trainer Sara Gingerich cross Tower Avenue with their service dogs on Thursday afternoon in Centralia. please see LEVY, page Main 14 WORKERS: Canines Sooth Post-Traumatic Stress, Spike in Help Owners Get Up Projected Cost After Falls By Natalie Johnson of Flood Project
[email protected] Has Bucoda Service dogs are always working, even when resting Looking for at their masters’ feet during a lunch outing, trainer Sara Gin- New Options gerich said Thursday while two of her clients’ dogs did just that.