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NASA-CR-I92689 N93-71976 (NASA-CR-192689) NASA/USRA --THRU-- UNIVERSITY ADVANCED OESIGN PRnGRAM N93-7200q F_URTH ANNUAL SUMMER CONFERENCE Unclas (USRA) 166 p Zg/OI 0153300 NATIONAL AERONAUTICS & SPACE ADMINISTRATION UNIVERSITIES SPACE RESEARCH ASSOCIATION Kennedy Space Center June 13-17, 1988 NASA/USRA UNIVERSITY ADVANCED DESIGN PROGRAM PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH ANNUAL SUMMER CONFERENCE HOWARD JOHNSON PLAZA-HOTEL COCOA BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 13-17, 1988 A Cosponsor: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics NASA/USRA UNIVERSITY ADVANCED DESIGN PROGRAM FOURTH ANNUAL SLrMMER CONFERENCE Cosponsor: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics The NASA/IIniversity" Advanced Design Pr(_gram is operated by the Universities Space Research A._sociation (USRA) under grants from NASA Headquarters (NGT 21-002-080 and NGT 80001 ). Inquiries regarding the program may be directed to the Program Manager: John Alred, Ph,D. Universities Space Research As._x:iation 17225 El Camino Real, Suite 450 Houston, Texas 77058 (713) 480-5939 FOREWORD The Program The NASA/lAURA University Advanced Design Program is a unique program that brings together NA,Dt engineers, students, and faculty from United States engineering schools by integrating current and fitture NA_DI space/aeronautics engineering design projects into the university cur_culum. The Program was conceived #1 the fall of 1984 as a pilot project to foster engineering design education in the universities and to supplement NASA's in-house efforts in advanced planning for space and aeronautics design. Nine universities and five NASA centers participated in the first year of the In'lot project. Close cooperation between the NASA centers and the universities, the careful selection of design topics, and the enthusiasm of the students has resulted in a very successful program that now includes tbl'rtyfour universities and eight NASA centers. The study topics cover a bro_ul range of lX)tential space and aeronautics projects which could be undertaken during a 20-305,ear lmriod beginning with the Space Station Initial O[_,rating Configuration scheduled for the mid 1990"s. Both nmnned attd unmanned endear.ors are embraced, and the systems aPlmoach to the design problem is emphasized. The student teams pursue the chosen problem during their senior year in a one or two senzester capstone design course and submit a comprehensive u_tten report at the conclusion of theproject. Fimdly, student representatives from each of the universities summarize their work in oral presentations at the annual Summer Conference, held at one of the NASA centers and attended by the unive,xity faculty, NASA and USRA personnel, and aerospace industo_ relwesentatives. The Proceedings Volume As the Advanced Design I_)gram has gmu,n in size, it has also matured in terms of the quality of the student projects. Distribution of the comprehensive fimd reports is t,ery limited, so the restdts of the studies have reached only a snmll audience, principally thosewho attend theSummer Conference. In order to broado, the distribution, the deciMon was made to publish a Proceedings l_olume u,hich summarizes the project results and roughly parallels the Conference presentations. The present volume is the first in this series and represents the student u_rk accomplished during the 1987-1988 academic year and reported at the 4th Annual Summer Conference held at the Kennedy Space Center, June 13-17, 1988. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This publication was made possible through the efforts of a great many people. First of all, we are grateful to the students, the university faculty, and their teaching assistants for the excellent technical work. Second, we are imlebted to those irulividuals from NASA Headquarters and from the NASA centers u,ho conceived the program in the beginning have provided valuable guidance throughout, and, through their keen interest in the student projects, are in large part responsible for the boundless enthusiasm of the sttutents. Finally, we thank the staff at the USRA Advanced Design Program Office for the preparation of the manusoipts and the staff of the Publications Services Office of the Lunar and Planetary Institute for their excellent work in the preparation of the final Proceedings tmlume. TABLE OF CONTENTS AERONAUTICS PROJECTS University of California, Los Angeles 3-1 HYPERSONIC DRONE VEHICLE DESIGN: A MULTIDISCIPLINARY EXPERIENCE 11 - a.... California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo AIR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS FOR THE CALIFORNIA CORRIDOR OF 2010 17 --_ California State Polytechnic University, Pomona A STUI)Y ON THE PlAN-FORM EFFECTS OF HIGH-SPEED VEHICLES Case Western Rcscrve University A PRELIMINARY COMPONENT ANALYSIS OF A MACH-7 HYPERSONIC VEHICLE University of "Kansas PREHMINARY DESIGN OF TWO TRANSPACIFIC HIGH-SPEED CIVIL TRANSPORTS 35 -6 Ohio State University HIGH-SPEED TRANSPACIFIC PASSENGER FLIGHT 41 -7 Purdue Univcrsity MRCRAFT INTEGRATED DESIGN AND ANALYSIS - A CLASSROOM EXPERIENCE 47 - Rcnsselaer Polytechnic Institute THE APOLLO LIGHTCRAFT PROJECT SPACE PROJECTS University of Arizona 57 -f AtTTONOMOUS SPACE PROCESSOR FOR ORBITAL DEBRIS REMOVAL FLAME AI3GMENTATION ADDITIVES IN SCRAMJETS FOR THE NATIONAl. AEROSPACE PIANE Auburn University 63 -/6 DESIGN OF THE IL_qMANNED MULTIPLE EXPLORATORY PROBE SYSTEM (MEPS) FOR MARS OBSERVATIONS University of Central Horida 67---// THE SPACE STATION INTEGRATED REFUSE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 71 - / "2-" Clemson Univcrsity DESIGN AND MANUFACTUq_,E OF SOLID ZrO 2 ELECTROLYYE 75 _/--_ University of Colorado, Boulder THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CISI,UNAR SPACE INFRASTRUC-qT_YRE Univcrsity of Horida DESIGN OF COMPONENTS FOR GROWING HIGHER PLANTS IN SPACE 89 _/.._/ Horida A&M University/Florida State Universit3, DESIGN OF A LUNAR TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM Florida Institute of Technolog T 93 LUNAR IANDING AND lAUNCH FACILITIES AND OPERATIONS Georgia Institute of Technology 99-/7 THREE-LEGGED MOBILE PLATFORM: SKITTER University of ttouston io3 -I _ THREE SYNERGISTIC KH3DIES: A MANNED LUNAR O[FI'POST, A MANNED MAILS EXPLORER, AND AN ANTARCTIC PLANETARY TESTBED University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign 109-]_ MARSPIANE University of Maryland 1.s& cJ A DUAL-ARMED FREE FLYER University of Michigan 117 \ PERSONNEL TRANSPORT BETWEEN EARTII AND MARS: CAMELOT II University of North Dakota 123.0_ _'" VARIABLE-GRAVH_" RESFARCH FACILITY CONCEPTUALIZATION AND DESIGN STUDY SUMMARY Old Dominion University MARS OXYGEN PRODUCTION SYSTEM DESIGN Prairie View A&M University CONCEFIITAI, DESIGN OF A WATER TREATMENT gYSTEM TO SUPPORT A MANNED MARS COLONY University of Tex_ts, Austin RESULTS OF THE 1987-88 ADVANCED SPACE DESIGN PROJECTS Texas A&M University SUMMARY OF AEROSPACE AND NUCLEAR ENGINEERING ACTI%qTIES FOR 1987-88 United States Naval Academy PROJECT LONGSHOT r# Utah State University 145 "d THE LUNAR ORBITAL PROSPECTOR University of Virginia A COMPARISON OF TWO OTVS Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University SPACE-BASED lASER-POWERED ORBITAL TRANSFER VEHICLE (PROJECT SHCK) University of Washington DESIGN OF A RAM ACCELERATOR MASS I)R_qCH SYSTEM University of Wisconsin, Madison MALLSROVER VEHICLE Worcester Polytechnic Institute 177 HRE SAFETY DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS FOR ADVANCED SPACE VEttlCLES A eronautics Projects PREOEOING PhGE BLANK NOT FILMED 3 HYPERSONIC DRONE VEHICLE DESIGN= N 9 _ "_o_ 7 A MULTIDISCIPLINARY EXPERIENCE /_ _ / RSITY r J UCLA's Advanced Aeronautic Design group focussed their axisymmetric geometries. SEAGULL is used to calculate the efforts on design problems of an unmanned hypersonic vehicle. shock structures over the drone fi)rebody and the expansion It is felt that a .scaled hypersonic drone is necessary to bridge waves in the exhaust plume of the nozzle. EDDYBL is a two- the gap between present theory on hypersonics and the future dimensional/axisymmetric, compressible, turbulent boundary- reality of the National Aerospace Plane (NASP) for two layer program. Using the freestream conditions from SEAGULL reasons: (1) to fulfill a need for experimental data in the EDDYBL is used to calculate the boundary-layer growth along hypersonic regime, and (2) to provide a testbed for the the vehicle. INLET uses an inviscid analysis to design scramjet engine which is to be the primary mode of propulsion hypersonic engine inlets. For given inlet conditions and desired for the NASP. combustor entrance conditions, INLET calculates the cowl The group concentrated on three areas of great concern to geometry required. Data from SEAGULI. and EDDYBL will be NASP design: propulsion, thermal management, and flight used to generate inlet conditions for use with INLET, and systen_. Problem solving in these areas was directed toward EDDYBL will be used to calculate the boundary-layer growth design of the drone with the idea that the same design in the inlet. Finally, CPIPE is a one-dimensional code for the techniques could be applied to the NASP. analysis of scramjet combustor performance. CPIPE will use the A 70 ° swept double-delta wing configuration, developed in output conditions from INLET to calculate the combustor the 70's at NASA Langley, was chosen as the aerodynamic and efllciencies, An overall momentum balance on the engine gives geometric m(xiel for the drone. This vehicle would be air the actual thrust of the scramjet engine configuration. The use launched from a B-1 at Mach 0.8 and 48,000 feet, rocket of these codes allows a detailed analysis of scramjet engine boosted by two internal engines to Math 10 and 100,000 feet, performance from nose to tail of the vehicle. A more detailed