Interstellar Flight: Discovering the Limits of the Possible Kelvin F. Long
[email protected] Executive Director Institute for Interstellar Studies Chief Editor, Journal of the British Interplanetary Society Presented at UKSEDS, University of Bristol, England, February 2013 Contents • The British Interplanetary Society • Interstellar Studies • The Institute for Interstellar Studies 2 The British Interplanetary Society 3 The British Interplanetary Society 4 BIS (from imagination to reality) THE IMAGINATION WALL THE REALITY WALL BRITISH INTERPLANETARY Ideas SOCIETY (DOMAIN) Industry Conjecture Academia Creativity Government Concepts Inventions Stories Technologies Solutions Spin-offs philosophy careers SPIN-IN SPIN-OUT 5 BIS Projects (Imagination to Reality) BIS Project Megaroc (1946) NASA Project Mercury-Redstone (1960-61) 6 BIS Projects (Imagination to Reality) Ross, H, “Lunar Space Suit”, Jbis, 9, 1, January 1950. 7 BIS Projects (Imagination to Reality) J.Verne, “From Earth to the Moon”, 1865 H.G.Wells, “The First Men in the Moon”, 1901 Ross, H.E, “The BIS Space-Ship”1939. NASA Project Apollo (1969) 8 BIS Project KickSat Project KickSat is an initiative of Zac Manchester, Cornell University, USA and the BIS are launching a fleet of ChipSats or Sprites into Earth orbit. RECRUITS NEEDED!! 9 BIS Project 2033 (NEW Launch) What is the state of space exploration in the year 2033? Are you the next visionary? Send us your submission RECRUITS NEEDED!! 10 Alpha Centauri Prize (New) RECRUITS NEEDED!! 11 BIS Project STARDROP (New Launch) Solar Thermal Amplified Radiation Dynamic Relay of Orbiting Power A project to design a 10 GW Solar Collector station in space capable of delivering energy to a space habitat at the L5 point.