Cal Poly

FIN I flTUATIO N—ihodod ofoo obovo would bo oara lining tlook Itroot (right) would loot to upcoi tSobiloho!*1, HMfln° da,#* hav* no* v** off-Mmlto to otudont voMclss If • noighborhood flnoa If ms proposal la awontually proposal to rootrlot parking la approvod, Studont proposed panting ordlnanoo w ill bo

Off-campus student parking could be Untied 0 0 0 IV MIO MaCONAMBY Such aation would dawn the number thtOrand and Hathway “anperiment"could bumper atkkan and a limited number of of parking ipeooa avatlahk to Cal Poly ha analyead. guaal sarda to dktlngukb thorn from student escoawweewyBludAlllA. ihhouAh^eeeeew*caggws aamoi Ka boHchiI w^waaa ill aawaaM l nowha ewNaw w v* co vew^oe^ueeo um U membereeewree* e^^oe M tea elaiikw iw iw o woeoe^^pyBillie, la* * * theeeww Cal Poly1! parking problem may ka com* Biwiijfivutliu mgA■oil IhdWMfnww m mumMU7 mmov Asu wlarmtiai v n v kaAA first macting of her term, qualified her David Bonn, Paly English professor and a plicated even further if ajp* opaaal adopted affect ad hy aueh an otdinanaa until a fairly approval of tha concept by suggesting the * w w|c IBw4mul nl g H ^ B I H i n i By tha Ian In k Obispo CHy Council lW accurate count aan ha made during tho neat counall look at other method! af resolving cam# out against the propaml. terming it day itanda up la puUk scrutiny at future •avaral weeks, according to Howard Wait, tho prebkm. bUMggmvfMBBMi bfm M M Alg H lig n v g|aj|bn v pogAgUod * vwhsvii |kgiim rival iupi invviti|iiivi| inv m iu v . eating onooutlvo vka president. I arry Robinson. A8I president, Mid Iha lUb^MlIflBa tagmov t a a#a* a||mg * aaaaa ivwvvv w w vmv a iona as il^g sc^w APAA m a n kg *ra Tha eou nail unanimoualy voted to endorse Waat does not aapaot It to have any direct council In aim ing to aonsidcr tha papaaal forced la pay far the prtvHoga af parking In tha concept submitted In caution farm hy impact an the aahool eaoopt fir an inaraaoo at furthar puMk hearings. took tha only IHaI, AMA |§ y |k g fk m t£ privala raaidanu of a nina-aiock araa south In tha number of students, faoulty and ataff action Ii could under tha ilreumatiMO. "If Rann disagreed with a her gas that an af iha Cal Paly oompue, whkh would eeeon- applying onwampua parking parmlta they didn't, thara would only ha more gad oversbundanaa af aan In tho am orntas a mmEpI h . I vviaiiaiu ||v iffwPwm ikfl wiua mv wvvwvwvwunauthortfAd vaHIcIa pwiwwDirk Ad y^ni told I Ha council I Ha bcHoo! HAd ’ more pant ions cad preesure to deal with the WmWlf In tha rona durlna school haura llaala la a seen tha ipoaifks of tha prapoanl and an okjgiB a , Rann mid tha agogod attitude of non* im l MAHMsI Haa a m ^m n §M gA|^o|^ Ma apu fine. By vlrtua af tha vote, thaaeunailaaraad a1 v ftkiiMw w i i w nnw h cam> a ii ee^eKa ayavabaai ^M^nacvriw^^aHIiaa w aaaaith All^bM flillflA I |haul T| U a., BIII thara la a problem ‘NMMI whAthAr of not HolH bIAab oC raaidanu of tha area, hut la uaeomforabk nudant money "but don't park near w \> I l M a i anaanaaM bam W |W « « ■ _ Aflar public hearings ara hald an tha AH^M WwUW m MliWlAw BeaM with tha InfbraaM that unauthorised parking "Wa’ra working toward a ghetto idea of pi 1‘t* trial, tha aaunall w ill make Its dookion. fk m m I u | W b > |UAf HW ltn iw j | u j M g l u M l g la lha preaoaod R • I aoaa la purely a student ualng atudenu for our own banaflt without Hearing date* ara not yat determined. robkm. Faculty gad Miff, aa wall aa non* • BMidarallan af ihatr neeiti “ ha said "W hat uaad la ha a baautlful, quiet Ha Mid hk eonaorn was that aa tho Foly paopk using aa aampua facllltka ara According to Rann. lha propoMl "move# i MAMVvnllAI VOMS BifB MlU Ww^P^^rH(|ui Afl^P A A K M lt^ ordlnanoo la halni drafted hy ataff and City alio to Mama for tha oeugaolioo, he laid, toward dkorimlnailen." Ha added atducnti parking tatcom plained Charka Melnlni, wIlglf^Milo o la a o a r W WBJffW a u o a A• afH lO Milvfa iU a |IIM k a mtlaaBlip AwiYl nnawa la anawtr to tha iwmetlon of acme am •bouid not have to " pay for Cal Poly** bad pat ii ion aaardinatar, Ha suggested haavy munkata whh tha unlvaralty nan concar mng |km| Polv AlMlinAf A pgd aeaea |m planning." traffic In tha narrow, curved Hillside iiraata tha ordinamo's pr reeled influence on Paly. provide for more barking along tha aohaafa Council member Jeff Jorgensen. wbik aneompaaalng an araa roughly bounded by If adapted into tha sky's traffk coda. It wider avanuaa, Robinson replied tha no- r ung to vote in favor or further con* Grand Avanua. Slack, Fredericks, Hathway w^^ul^l mean ^lesl^tissiing tha araa M *l, a parking lonm ware mads to accomodate tha atlon of the motion warned that it was and Bond Rtroets, haa baaoma a ' definite prafarantkl parking lone. more desires hk bicycle traffk Eliminating •rwnCMikimnd iniw apa v^^wIaa itaoawaw*nuitiAf voub w innrohlrrm “ wiaitia lhncam aafaty haiard," with email children being the Tha city could Imokmoni auah a eod# tha rones would only coat rad kt tha policy of neighborhood raaidanu would have to face moat vulnerabk vktlma of potential traffk under kgltUMioa ad aped last year In "encouraging km vehkk flow* hy aa* "Cal Poly naada to be made aw art of the m la ha pa Sacramento panting loaal governments tha comodatlng more vahkka on aampua, ha serious nets of their parking problem and Tha petition aalla for a parking ban In the authority to sstaMkh preferential parking Mid. atudenu shouldn't bo made pawns.” ha said araa with ipacai limited to thoaa eari with te.r* e M maIdanlatnlu* nil, Aatltlnaarav itltlvV^^M baiM aitomoala^ v^M|ka Robinson ako spoke to tha keue railed hy Jorpsneen suggested tha council begin to ipaaial parmiti "not to anooet IS par words “rastrkted or residential parking" ha •om t raaidanu that Poly hM pknty of land to develop a "dklogue" whh the unlvaralty household par year." Parmlta would ha in luhailiuted for "prafOramlal— convert to parking and Mid; “We won't concerning the parking Isaua and afTaat durlna tha peak aahool houra of I a m According to the prop oaad measure, aaphalt over ag land' and I don’t think raaommandad a moratorium on ilmtllar to f p m Monday through Friday. raaidanu of tha am would aa provided with anyone aapacta or wanu ua to." propoMk for ona year whik the outcome of

• M while sorority's move Into new zone approved ■V M IG Ma CONAKRY miaalon at Its March 14 matting, the council tlb k , quiet netghbon, Ha Mid ha views their Association. A___ p laMllnsr t llwljrfttttltt nniuvppfitvvw itwoii IIMI Mm pfm WHMMirniisagil MVTIVafBrmbhiI* situation m M ing "MUgbi up In the She ako said tha IMROOOprketaf for lha mem. Alan Bond changed hk mind and tachnkalltks of lha law," and after Inapaa* maneion puts It way above lha rnmna af most Tha Cal Poly Greek syttam look a mklor decided lo vole for it after dkeuaeion. IIIgiA••A l *aiv km nrnuwluip ii^p v iij kimimlfnimwiti ko*^v iI imtui^paIaaa R io be •mala famlltaa daalalon Tuesday night whan tha City Coun* JATIIjJf JOIgVnBAflIfiaMaaao AnO IMAIinif AlUio VOIAO ann'ideal location for a sorority," The proposal now poos to City Attorney all daoidad lo amend the oMy toning law to against tha araabMl citing the amendment ■ A ilsaabk delegation representing tha George Thatcher, who wIN draft an or- allow fratarnltki and »

I April 5, 1070 Mustang Daily <§ARQYAN Karl Marx and disco 9 SP* Kart M »r» waa wrong lubmarged In tw irling Hghta, pulaatlngmuilc In hi* many aaaayt and dtaaouraoa on ataia and aaaualky that aoat Amarlaam ovar M ruiala. ih* rote of man in naiura and (ha billion laat yaar. ayXltem of a Moial ayatem, M i« waa far D itto hat tha taahaology navar avallablt ahead of hla lima. H« pavad tha wav far new ta lha laumanhal CountlL Commtrcia! and ravolatlonary rhatarla, ead atto off tha yoke m tonal raaorda ara new catalogue by PHOTOK in frA BOtTOH k y of aoaaaloua oppreaakon. Vat Mara failed la K par mlmria. Ipatial aeund aquipmtni MWiMvUonrKx antlalpata oaa vital phenomena* Dlaao. hat baan datlgnad analualvalv for dltcn A ir n t r t nmfitM Anna mom. Diaao, not rallfion. la tha oplata of tho amartainmant. And tha markat for mlrrorid Chuck Porter Kflik ball# haa Intrapat dram alhally ovar tha put John Keljar T lm lm e t ntai MiiTMitii Mini IfllSASI M trkLiuilir To da Mara JuatlN, religion waa the grand faw yuan, , ,. , - ______dalialon of tha paopia, laaomad to darn ritual and alotaaorod Mila, religion hold tha DcvcMuSk ' m g D ally elaaaaa In a firm, payahla tranaa. gut today, Ina • ragular lha myitarlm of a auprama aabtatwa hava AeveAttng ram an nquoat. M * U44 m Muaiani D a* OMw, OrapMa Arts a u t* * , l SMrg^PSn yialdad to moia Immadlata aaparlanoa, to imtoAg ||ii KaiiiUna” SSwllflg wniual tymboli of an alaatronia apa, t®__r~ dlraat paraonal Involvement In tha aanatum •anatorum of our tlmaa Tha maaaaa hava Iona dlaao. Ivan roak'n'roll la not immunt from tha Untifnwt ratlMt IMt1 oontrovaray, It no doubt will do R ecording new students production worthy of A lP i andorumcm tha aama harm Tuaaday night tha oounall mombara andoraad tha Kdkart' natai Thfa tetter wataaat la AM M la alee an tnaaltem way to let naw Vlaa-Prat. Fhfbp Dana by agraapaakodtha itudanti know lha vaat offering of elubi and looking Into of tha parking ban. goma with raaarvationa, aama with o fia n iia tlo m that Cal Poly naa to offer. non# a *a p y^tm jcl^l^w *rit aaat ta why Naqer hava waaaanauah loom prahanalvi list Apparantly, if thla original propoaal la paaaad, and wa hopa It la imm i|g O f llif O l O M>AA M M a d h g P ' u l a oompromliad, raaidanta wHI ba givan apoolal bumpar atiakara dla- •rP we wWiiMy gee w im e y w n e g volved. With ipetifte regard to r*ll|luua grouaa tuah aa ouraatvai. aver tinea tha tingulaNng thair aara from othara. fehnten,MJk . J — Wnynaf , ChdPa, U Dari | Zone, Ltea a*— What it amounta to la that Poly atudanta, again, wHI hava to auftar WHSggeri r M W fS Vf OTIS ■rfOTHf sun raligiotia prafarenoa enrda were banned, wa OTOTVOTV kPPPH hava baan looking far way* la offer ouraelvai baeauaa of blind planning thla unlvaraity aaama to ba notortoua for, Dm p PMti to eludamt without puaeing aomathmi nn Tha unanimoua oounall andoraamant of tha parking plan waa dona Wa tha aabinat af th* Watlay Poundatlon them. At raglalratlon lha naw ttudenii art avan attar mambara of tha Oal Poly oommunity taatlflad—aoma wtah to tnpreta our dlaappatatmam wkh the aaaaultad by many group* juat after going atringantly, othara paaalvaly—about tha propoaal, Mtudam dtnat* daaltlon ta eat approve through powlbly a traumatte ragtetratlon Tha foika who park out thora avaryday, ought to think hard about publ laat Ian af the Naw Student Reeerd, Wa Thla daaa not afTaatlvaty ahow what thaw tea no bneta fa r yaur dental from tha arttetea •lube hava ta offer. Tha Naw Student Ratord oaahtng a chock at tha loaai markat and lining up for a parking parmlt In the Muatang Daily, Wa did not taka la an anaaltent method for ua and lha lari* ooon, Th#y ought alao to ba thinking about ralalng hall at tha naat advantage af lha Naw Student kaaord laat amount of other orgahteationa la dOMrlbc oounoi moating. viir bM iuii sf i lisk sf isMRM^Hdles. ounwlvaa add let othara know that wa aalat a einaaa toanoaidwa A l»W« Dki At any rata, wa would Ilka to auggaat • lyrla for tha raaidanta aadid ana aki.a-raw uaaiya m awwififaAuheill ptruaargantiiWngfigho wptm PVHigg^ g kagigM M M »^ses rsgevmesr i^gAnVing mgns * n» ilelenisfit a km it m u spasm s s a i Ipai g»g^ a t a i a m i i n i p w i win gfW g aw MSe IMW Omaaa to pr aduaa thla naallfnt publication bumpar atiakara^ (aung to tha tuna af Moon Pfyar)—1‘Poly IlildilM l QMiid kaaitma AMIUlllMdd Mf&tlh i atudanta.. Wa Ilka to taka yaur eaoh., .Than wa atab you In tha book, ah* otaaw w m * warwmi t^^aarf im a^^mgueapapuv^ma w aa if * whiah Inaidantally data not draw an A ll wiof poiivpwviwTaimm nt/ mi ion. Inaaa leeklsi awqMaa^eg tlfiiiifcthraugk aaaa w^^a? i aawIm Mew™ww fund*. yaan.„ A path with heart - Fernando Quttarraa la ambarklng on a baitia that may aoat him hla Ufa. Outiarraa naada epan heart aurgary and la dapanding an aon- trtbutiona from hla fallow paopia to pay for tha ltt.0 00 aparaban. Ha doaanrt want to apply for MadlOal though ha aartalnly aualifiaa What autlarraa la attamptlng la honorabla but wa wandar If H wHI da any good. Ha la trying to fight a ay atom amladdad Into aoaiat/i thinking and thla may prevent him from aurvlvlng. Outiarraa doaarVt want a hand out from tha government. Ha la ahowlng a tramandoua truat In paopia and believe# thay wNl aoma to hla aid, Per hla aaka wa hopa ha la right, - •u t dapanding on paopia to haip you avaaoma a plight la Indaad • tanaoioua aot It la aapaalally tdhaoioua In thaaa daya of apathy. Out whathar or not ha gata tha monay for tha oparatian hla conviol In* ara nothing abort of nobla. Per Outiarraa toknowhlafaaing a much ahortar Ufa without tha oparatlon and atlM be abla la put hla batiafa bafora hla phyalaal woii-baing la aomathlng af a navafty, i rtwrwwiillailll vvhathnam HiifSVwnwISf iiitim a^i i aimnw anaMmam sn ir uw ik n kit Saiwuuian ip p vfii, IkaiAiiMin n ve uiiwrr m ioao m la atupid to not taka advantaga of tha raaauraaa avakabia to him via gvvvrnmw?iAMuafNiNmAl rrioniovi m|k|k|ma V i nsrv |k i« i pAlAdb w ivsvpvviimmlm aacSbAw w w n * inffis SSbidb^ MkAominvrv wla wnjami ^iMmwmmaamoiufrsnw Inin laiwung k lim 'dI ka*unsny i mout il Smdbma M tntia imamaAaaiikljjuvmnmmn aaMathj muvannmufl»va w jn m g monay from paraonal aontrtbutiona. In aaaanaa thay ara right but in a o a ^ l a a t h a i i mam i*j*a a a *1— pricuo9 oVfwjr IT9 w ronj' Tha monay Ourtarraa rvyMPH raoahra from MadHJal la • faaalaaa demotion T ho nonty ooffltt, not Iron^ paoplt who oara a^t^nat or tnow mm, but from allat of auatmaakona, Pram Nm to not taka advantaga af tma opportunity ta no mara atupid than tha atudant who rafuaaa monay from mom and dad baaauaa ha wanta to maka N an hta awn, Outiarraa la appaakng ta tha gaadnaaa and aanaa af oaring ha

Wa applaud him for hla aonviationa and hopa ha la not wrong in la idaaa about tha human aptrtt r r Mustang Dally Thursday, April 5, 1079 Paga 3 Fall housing hunt underway,

r y f ' vacancies are hard to find IV MASVAMM Dan Mooaarny It galling GILPATRICK "They hang up tho phono marries In tho tprlng He's D t* IMM wm#r whin ihoy find out yotrvo got Marling hlo homing Maroh klda," Mid Poly Mttdont Paula fMMV gg IlIMVWS llQW I f you thought iho f i l l houe* Anton, "One plaoo I rnhod fa il aprimonti got snapped up lag nwti tu rii In Auiuet, act •aid thoy allowod ktdi In tMo it m . your. aakndir beak four youngor than If month! and like many other Cal Poly monthi Ii'i already Merted oldor than If yoara." itudomi, V it tot oo. Oorman Cal Poly itudenti iri Anton hai a ila*yMr*old and Moeiarny are Martitjng ilrndy puttlne depot It* on ion. tholr homing hum m > W apartment! they know will be Nman Jonoi, a nuno1! aldo chocking newipapon VM inl In tho fill, according to at Cabrlllo Convalescent have lined tholr namet. Mvtrtl houtlng complin H wpltal, laid ihohad twooati numhon and preferred living nwnsrsiklU H M l rsMWOUuMO ns wing IlimiOins if vsasssI a a m m * that "definitely made It hardor •ituatlom In the Cal Poly In June. lo got a plaoo,* Homing Office M m i apartment eompleaei "They're wually a llttlo Tho Houilng Office mar eampiM roordlMU tholr moro lonlont with oaU If you catalogue* Hating* of available ooMraoti with Cil Poly*! oan talk to thorn a llttlo," homing throughout Ban Lula •ilo n d ir to Ihoy begin and end Jonoi Mid, "But If you've got a Oblipp County. in Juno. big dog. you've got trouble," Student! who want homoa, "I've got dopoilu on ivory finding an amply apart* apartment! or trailer! and ■pirimont that tenant* iro mam at tne boginning o f PaU itudomi who want room* loivlng." Mid PoothlllOordon Quarter oan bo a challenge. mate* oan fill out card* at tho Apinm onii monogor, Bronda Homing Offtoe. Landlord* "W rt Ilka to find our own needing tenant* can ako fill r m T Poly iluddnu Mart plaoo." Mid Jan Gorman. Tho out cardi at Iho office M irahing oarly to (hoy «an bo 22*yoar*old animal Mlonoo Once a itudent f illi out a BHurod o f having a plaoo major and hor roommato warn card, It'* available for i hoy*11 Ilka In tho fall, ihoy an apartmom or homo to unyhtxh who ootMa Into thomMlvoi, theofflee to mo. Gorman laid iho itartod And plenty at paopic come “I llk i lo plan ahoad and homo-hunting now boon mo la King of beasts comes to life nay on lop of things" laid •ho thlnki "you got moro " Ifi really busy. Every day Iv ll «pir in outlies of ths dining m il wore In troubia rooonily whin onglnooring Mlonoo major Tim roipomo and IhorO'i moro to there are people In and out •oboi Choli, • itudtnt of th i mortlol orti, own# by with • (lin t llon'i viimow “Apartment* itart ohoow from if you Mart •omMImei all day long," a opining up now," oarllor." hood which lo uood ooportof on onolonl Ohlnooo ritual to guirO off ovll Homing Offloe ila ff member Many people looking for Computor Mlonoo Mid. •pints. G hotihodjuit fimohod a lion donolni pr actio# ot Soouola Hall vaunt apartment! or for una « ■■illsaia Ifeueins ileasncs iiiie Iisp pvnormvam m I m m s iI ainalaojoaunng spscw occasions oy pspailplmaniai apartmonii that allow artlata to Olaplay tholr aklll rather than tightlne abiiltiaa children or pou alto Mart looking month! ahnd kooauM Ihoy m W ihoy know homing U hardor for thorn to m m Nuke workers’ health will be monitored i f * . I WASHINGTON (APh Bartnoff acknowiodpcd •yitorn for dealing with Robert Bonoro, and NRC of* The health of plant worker* that an additional harard Ii nuclear aMidenti "broke fWal. He Mid,other nuclear and people who live near the pond by effort! to clmn up down" and proved "eomplMo* ipM laliiii feel it would bo itrlkon Throo Milo liland the plant and remove high*, ly inadequate" oMier to fill tho roaMor with nuclear reactor w ill bo radioactive gatai and liquid Kennedy called for oe* cement and icrap It, monitored for yeari to come within It* wall* tablbhment on and Indepen­ "W o oan heave a ilg h o f oven though no Incroem In "If we cannot have thorn dent agency lo InvoMigato relief.1 Thornburgh Mid In a cancer Ii oapoctcd In tho area emmlailoni releaied from the nuclear acoldonti, television Interview, "Now wo 1147 - 12-17 HEW Secretary Joaoph plant In a *afc manner, they "It b wrong to have the mmt face up to the long-term Callfano iatd Wednesday w ill not be releuad," the agency that M il tho ilandardi conMquoneei o f thl* event. But, Callfano and other power rompanv ofTloal Mid, amen tho miooom or failure of We heve Mriou* public health \-T W tk W fae- health official* acknowledged . The leittmony wai in own rule* where human life problems, environmental at a Sonata twarina that they delivered at a hearing pn a l» at Make," problem! and economic triMuMs, ¥o InMm I Um, aua do not know enough about the Senate health lubcommittee Replacing tho damaged fuel problem* I o-grapple with." harard of oapooure to low headed by Sen. Idward M, core and decontaminating tho level radiation iuch aa that Kennedy. D-M i m . who la id reactor building could omt at roleaaod during tho p a il week the goverment and Induitry learnt SIvo m illion. Mid from Iho plant near K a m i burg. Pa, The Mcreaarty of health, education and welfare Mid federal official* plan long- range health itudiM of Paying too much for ! ■ a # mm employee! at the plant ai well |A C 6 M P L IT t c o p V i n o b E r V I c i : aa reiidenti of the arm who were exposed lo higher than Imported Auto Porta? normal radiation lovola. "We will have to follow •— r thorn Individual! wo ehooce PER C O P Y X o r o x ■ ft for many yoari," laid Callfano. Ho prdonleod to *CRANKSHAFT KEROS 1100 •400 make publictho result* of the IMPORTBR • DtBTRIBUTOR continuing monitoring. Bated on the ben available Iniranr printing b %" a » r material from monitoring 5 4 4 -8 2 7 0 f r m f M k . * WMOLIBALO - RITAS. ■■ lim e the accident tail week, if i - * a* everyone living within five Bpoolotiatng in free cdlarlng . * — t „ M —- N u mile* of the plant received tho QIRMAN JAPANIBI ITALIAN t l >• ft 0 M hlghoet recorded doM of rrdufrtoni ■ - M m H radiation, Callfano Mid, "We ironi uanta « . . ( * » would Mill expect to find no mwoiw 1M0WMWM overtlyi original/ tei -. m H ■; * additional cancer dM lhi." VOUtSWAOIN DATIUN < Jf! ** IN I M f Ho noted, however, that POROCHO TOYOTA automatic two tided radiation level* decline BMW FIAT Irrn rr rrf i ’gradually, railing Iho /rapling-binding i n i r poMibillly that level* would n ::: MfRIdPlyfR continue higher than normal ru ttin g * padding winnimii t for month* or yean. . XSSm If 4PIN8> i ii ift 8fp etoBio ; "Tho period ii not year*," NEW - LARGER Imcrhad -labdi »w§ MtrqinmfN r»«pondcd Shepard Bartnoff, V' ) an offiolal of Joraoy Central ntwipanwkr Power Co, o m of the owner* 1 of tho Throo Mile Island in* CALIFORNIA CRANKSHAFT CQVdiXOCn ~C&0Vtu p c ip r T Iit illation "It Ii wooki or 771 A Fee f h I II Bhd. month! at mmt." rubbrr /ramp*' B io L n le Oblepa Dr. Arthur Uoton, director pkeae of tho National Canoor In* FOREIGN CAR PARTS buifauwamlf •tlluto, lupported BartnofTi 944*3629 cMlmate. 1 MOB, t tli, O tJO lM -7100 pm , "I would hope within day*, now 663 HIQUERA 6L0 e le e t r e f 1 " • e*rkie« lovob would return lo nor* l i t , IOIQO* not) m il." Upton Mid, I i

■* - .* - r - -a-.— PtQt 4 Thursday, April 5, 1979 Mustang Dally Poly women ■V JEANN1NE FRANUSICH might not ha abla to do aa much at man could physically, Th* man In ths Army hut they ware willing to glva ROTC program at Poly war* I )0 percent, They never team­ apprehensive whan the first ed to give up. aitd that lm- woman was allowed Into tha prfivcu nw. p rii|iRHIM m ftlukuvt UAHM wars mOMWa|o« ouik ill Amundaon y td ha th ln k i their attitude* nava changed. there la a place fo r woman In PAn (#tkilaw iiftirJfBmTa i UQ ita" aemmeH^^RnW tha army. There are tome Ilka the guys didn't want aa •reat t hat women ancel In, and around." said Patti Thaakar. a other areaa that they ahould junior majoring In ornamantal atay away from , ha u ld . horticulture, and an POTT "Woman don't do u wall In cadat. Thav didn't think comhat. They don't have tha woman belonged in tha impulalvaneee that la program, aha uld, ncceaury," Amundaon uld. Thaakar u ld that tha Army "Woman have a tendency to POTT program know 30to tread the middle ground whan %g u>|Muauga • w | u T w « 1i r W W S W 1" making a decision. It taku Kurt Amundaon, a unlor them longer. Every aacond civil anginaarlng major and a counta whan making a deal* mamhar of ROTC,said whan tion in comhat. You've got to . ha fWot cama to Poly ha had know what to do and react," nagatlva feeling* about ha u ld . utiummmwvmttn kwinat*rin| ailiriuorlmuww ifi iu ins iftam Amundaon u ld he haa eaen army, woman break under praaaura a " I thought woman to ha lot more oftanthan man flakse," Amundeon uld. "I "I don't fad right now, that had envisioned that If woman woman ahould go Into com­ wfTi kn ntrix u ikwiiinf) mmiLdwouiy nt bat" ho uld. "T don't think w hi nan and moaners, and they ahould be up In tha front that It would ha hard to gat line*," ha aald. _^iitytnmg ^ oonr ^ witn R tnVMi t — Amundton alto com­ INSTRUOTIONS -Ann Brtnngn. P it ROTC ingtructora. Tha throe nava varying Idtaa lu t Amundion toon chang­ mented ha didn't know o f Thggpgr, and Kurt Admundion who 3 on tha rola woman oan andrdo play In thsROTC ed hk mind. many woman whocould pull a tha ROTC, ohtoh In with ont of thalr I a. in othor m llHarj^glluallong. ------IMLpound man In combat JSSSSStSL "Altar a year I found that nanM t admittedrimliwd IKai man ware k a little harder for a woman 7 m eon- among everybody. Everyone th k w at to tally wrong." ha gur to aafdy, more phyelcally adapt than to be accepted and taken hard to ha k going for the tame goal*," •xplelnai. "I found that they POTC member Ann Bran- the woman. aerloualy, aha aald. feminine whea l draaa up In Brennan uld. hoota and run around With "I think that bacauu Being aurrounded by malaa Thaakar uld POTC hat woman are In the program, tha camouflage paint on nw fhaa." given her conftdanea, haa not bean tha aaeleai thing Both Brennan and Thaakar guya w ill put out antra effort for Brennan. feadarthip ability, and to out-do them,"ahe uld. deecrlbed POTC aa a "cloaa- phyakoal conditioning Becauu tha army haa b u n "Ouye will lw^guy^thcjj knit" group at friends. traditionally a man'* world, It uy and do off- "Thera k a com radary "It’a a challenge," tha aald.

NAIROBI. Kenya (API— apparent * morale-building It appeared to wltnaeaee ponent* ware tortured and T anranlan and Ugandan-aalle tour. that Amin had loat control of killed during tha pact eight infantryman iwapt Into tha The Tanunlan-Ugandan the eapital on the tame day hk year*. Source* In Dar Ft downtown area of the Ugan­ war began laat October when enemlet launched what they Balaam u ld tha hlllald* com­ dan capital of Kampala on Amity-who caked power In u ld would be a fin a l aaaault plex of low building* waa Wednesday night, tending I91T In a eoup against Praal- on Kampala. overrun ai midday Praaldent Idl Am in't eadrt of dam Milton ohota—unt ' Witnataea and toureaa In Libyan eoldlara fleeing Into troop* Into Tanunla to annex Dar Et Balaam, tha Tatua- They uld tha road cut to the fountryiide. raaldenti land he u ld belonged to nign eapital. reported limited Jlttja, Uganda'* aacond largest COMPETITIVE PRICES reported, Uganda. refinance from tha few Amin elty, wat deliberately left open Exile toureat uld the A Kampala raaldent reach­ unit* atlll holding out. to allow the Libyan* an eeeapa route WITH STYLISTS government of Am in, who hat ed by tekphone Wednetday Before dawn, tha Tan- b u n aeeuaed o f murdering night u ld ha u w the Invader* ranlana began ahellina the Observers aald the Tania- . WHO LISTEN tana of thouaandi of hla coun­ running at duak to potltlona national military police naad- nlan plan appeared to be to tryman. could fall In a few around Kampala'* clock quartan at Maklndye. three drive Amin't force* Into PERMS 2300 to 3300 dayt or a few hourt. tower, a landmrrk at a road mllet aouth of Kampala, •eatern Uganda, where they Amin't regular army had junction a quarter mile from where format Inmatea tay would have no way out axeept already dialntaarated. the an­ the elty earner. thouaandi of A ml h'a op­ to croat Into neutral Kenya (Biu0 ile toureat uld. claiming the HMHjHT cOovt troop* tent by Libyan leader iBtauty Salon Col. Moammar Khadddafy to aid Am in, a fallow Moslem, Republican elected to fill were (ba Only force praurvlng Amin't eight-year reign. Amin't whereabouts ware slain politician's position k l m i i aaaeoCH can luic oatano cal. not publicly known OftTuet- •WHIM amoni a««.iaia day. ha vkttad towns In area* REDWOOD CITY (AP>- Congress three timet before flatlon and the economy " he atlll eontrok in aaatern Voiert hava ahetan hk death. *- f Royar, a veteran county ! Uganda. Jovially greeting millionalrt Rapubltcan real Tha dktrlet include* tome tuparvkor polled S3,4)0 to toldiert and civilians in an aatat* devalopar B ill Royer to of the wealthiest-and ako Holtinger** J7.4M, with *9,1 fill the tlth district sett of tome of tha most populace percent of the returns In. Two ■lain Democrat Lao J. Ryan, tuburbt jual aouth of San minor party oandiatet polled a In an upeet which the Francisco. total of about I.SOO vote* SPECIAL STUDENT AUTO INSURANCE Democratic loacr tay a may "The voters In Ban Mateo Ha described hk win at 118,080/10,000 BsOBy Injury M i •pall trouble for Praaldent County have turned ultra- "obviously a big boost for the 110,000 OrspBRy D— qi P hu Carter In 1*10 eoneervatlve," Holtinger, ST, Republican Party.” aiding Royar, SI, defeated uld after mealing with a that, "whatever problem* ws Man W om an Oemderat Joe Holtinger, group of saddanod campaign hava Incurred In tha past aft R yin't top aide, In • special v IB-1312.00 worker* gat'.ered In now gone and w* can look runoff alactlon Tuesday It Burlingame. forward to tha future." waa an abrupt turnabout for The decisive vote, the loser "It waa ilfneull waging • votara In Ian Mateo County, added, "la an indkation campaign against the spirit of who traditionally have elected Carter and the Democrat* era Lao Ryan, but tha past k the member* of the OOP but In deep trouble In 1910 unless past, and the paopla rseognk* returned the liberal Ryan to they do aomathlng about ln> tha need to gat on w ith the business of thk county," Thoee rate* apply to atudontg who havo oorrlad a valid Collfomla driver's Royar aald In a speech claim­ iican a a for throe yaara with no tlokofa Of Moldonta and are taking San Lula Oblapo'a ing victory. twelve or m a rt unlta and who hava prior Insuranoar A "0" average o r *1 can't dwell on tha pact. bettor will raduoo tha above ratal. HELPFUL Camara Stara Thai's dona and now It's our husinatt to offer good Of farad Ixafuahraly In Oan Lula OMapa by representation for thk county Strand-Murrel Agency CAMPUS inr C9il9^9 Sty09ftl Sgfvlos CAMERA Drive by or o«H M ay for • quotatton-Ph. 549-2699 643-2047 7M Hlgufi - Downtown 5m Luts Oblipo Mustang Daily Thursday, April 5, 1079 P a g a S A Alternate energy source at students disposal Turning waste Into energy BV ANDBIW JOWBKB in tha tank aan ba umd aa naad • w ind," a added that IWatlNabr. T||§ nudtar 909M911I i l A system this small ia not nrohltmtgee wwwweewars such ii ihon *ww*lhal n g f j |ba aiialeB i 1 m ^ 4ia w Cw bj Three M ile Island and steadily affiaient, however The vi»niiovv« tvw n w iiiif muustry, rlalna o il aosu have made two manure-water miature mutt boaauto it burns cleanly Into Cal Poly students' senior pro* ba kept within lOdagmaeof 49 carbon dioxide and water Joel tim ely indeed. degrees Fahrenheit or the vapor, Doug Hartsoek, 22, and Las proem will slop, and the H||lg111 VHN aiu'K m O OTVW|Vmkimnla V|Vm am|w 44 Oong. 24, both machaideal digester won’t produaa Hartsoek said. “Wests, to gas engineer majors, have design­ enough gaa to heat itself suf­ and fartllkior, to oropa and ed and buut an Innovative ficiently. Because of thiaOong animals, back to woete. That’s methane d ig a ate r-a system in designed a water heater using a lot simpler than finding, which oriinlc m ilirlili •n outside energy aourot. drilling for and roflnihg non* decompose at^^as2 jyr^s^tuaa "Maybe you oould cook raniaoaable fomd funk" methane gaa. Sines aommor* breakfast with It," said Hart- Oong. from Fresno, hems alal natural gas Is TSparoant to sock, "but you’d hovo to wait to work in aeronautic* while « ) pares till tha next day far tha gaa to Hartsoek wants to continue In IoIqaI m il if f build up again."' altarnatlva intfiy riN ift Hartsoek first got tha Idea W hat ia Innovative about The llutfflHlama t nope to I of developing an attentate WalwaA aA M gjr U asass^^olOUiVo Vtlfttcioo U fIlf s*1*0L a BBl ly ItVOr oil embargo. Tho whoio prooooa m BVMIA w I s m Hooll^sJIloUoa i IWIwIVni iHNJ------»|.. i d m i M to M t* Im iiM < lo ao natural' Tatar, just out af a Hart sock's and O Maryiviltf hi|li nim i in tiller dlgaatar dlaplnyad during d ifN tc r is that it ia Poly Royal, culminating mare worked nights at Aetna Rein* noiHMtallic; up unti forced Plastics, a firm using than 300 hours work. After «nv p riH w iiv f N rvra n n gallon metal drums have bean makingiking lhathe system "idiot the norm, such a t thoea used prooT- one requiring little several guard dogs (very in iii yfUtft nwr im v w night the dogs produced more maintenance they will given Poly rifle range. Mctel cor* to Cal Poly. than 99 pounds of watts, aom* rodas quickly, whereas mantad Hartsoek Their efforts still foot two fiberglass should list In* tests. Tha first, whathar or not "I got to thinking all that iioflnitwty. manure mutt be good for the digester will work; Il re­ "I was vary Imprmad with quires a few flnlsklng touches. something," ho said. their design. They put a lot of Last summer, Hartsoek “ It was hard and rewarding, work Into tha project," said and h's going to ba lik t magic worked on the mold for the Dr, William Stlna, project ad* digester's tank during tha day, when that first methane bub­ visor ble comet through," said using company materials. He "The whole proeaM it to was still working nights at Hartsoek. natural," said Hartsoek, "and ■ The second test It whether Acme. It happens all the lima. For , " It was great," ha said. " I their Idem will he udpttd on solar power you naad tha tun ■ large scale. didn't have to buy a thing; like to thine; for wind power, you I had lha whole company at my dinposal." WHATAOAS— Meohanleal animal waate Into methane gaa. The By the lima ho and Oong PRODUCTION MANAGUA WANTSD •nginearing major Doug Hartaook dlgeeter la part of hla aonlor projeot. pulled senior prqjeet card No. WhotmU Nuntty Nanhsm GaMarMt impeota the tank that will turn 441, much of tha work had fsrmtntM pmiikMt la: |tU iiu PataniUI lutur# Sm nan |rUu*M . 1 j been dona. The mechanical Prop«f«ilaniklUialOaM*il OtnwMMtli nwnir, engineering department didn't (r»ll»f* a huut» plant initrnw naad nai apply). discourage their idea, "but •’ T Brentwood Oardona Baa n Xyamwa^ c*. n s li everyone wanted to make sura PO Radiation in everyday life wa knew what It Involved," Hartsoek said. What the prqjeet Involves Is Tha rloka from avaryday, southern area— Dallas-Port BV LOUIBB COOK collecting and grinding up 9 a l t K * ~ low*laval radiation ara W orth-had more than dou* manure with water. Any ,,R!, minimal eomparad to tha his tha skin earner rata of a organic substance, anything k | i m. *»^^1 of SAN LUIS OBISPO A How much radiation art a at tWSIa POeeH By B HSelBSr S^BI* lass sunny, northern one— that w ill rot, can substitute the ou xbeorbina avary day? dam. But aalantlatt do not Minneapolis**!. Paul, laian* manure—sugaroano and MANDARIN CUIUNI • DINNIR ONLY Slow much of It aould you know whathar thara la any lists say 40 pereent of the seaweed have bean used avoid! (aval of radiation, no mattar ultravlolat rays striking tha successfully In other digesters. Restaurant operated end food The accldant at lha Three how imall, which It abioluisiy larth reach the surface This mixture Is pumped cooked by Cal Poly grad. M lit Island nucltar plant near aafa. between 10 a m and 2 p.m. If Into a fiberglass tank, 4 feet Harrisburg. Pa., points up the “Ihort of wearing a radio* you must act a tan. try to do long and 2 fact in diameter, 10% discount with this ad naad to weigh tha banaflti and tlon badge, thara la no wqy of sohafora I0 or after 1 where it undergoes anaerobic tha risks of rradiation and to determining what level you’ve VIM w decomposition (tha eonvar* toe HICUERA IT . PMONBi 14* 0 X4? tllm ln a ts on* bean aapoaad to," aaya Allan Baparts say 10 parcant o f tlon of waste to methane S a n I.UII oiiiPOCAwaot______poaura. MaOowan of tha Icientlata the manmade radiation wa through bacterial action In lha Tha average Amtrlean gata Institute for Publle Informa­ face comas from dkaandatia X - h absence o f oxygen). The 100 to I JOmlillrcms of natural tion. rays. You aan absorb up to 20 methane Is pumped out and Is background radiation a yaar Dr. lolomon Mlehaelaon million rams from a dental X* ready to burn; the residua left • m m 1 hia Inaludai radiation from of the U nlvcrotty of Rochoatar ray and M from ashost X-ray. alamanti In lha earth, from Medical Canter sddi; - We're OddaHawn Chevy Cham outat apaoa and from tub- always surround by radiant itsnoaa Ilka potaaalum 40 In energy...You hove to put lha tha body dmipar in perspoetive aa to Wa alto art aapoaad to what soaiaty really wants." manmada rad at Ion, moat of It gacaa In tht form of madlaal and Radiation from the suit's dtntal X*rayt, Talavlaion ton Infrared and ultravlolat rays is t ' tmh i tiny amount of radio* parllaulary dangerous Hon andaoma amokodotaotori because It Is dirsetly absorbed glva off toma radioactivity. In lha skin. Tha Pood and Wa faoa a dlffarant. but atlll Drug A dm inistration potentially dangtroua, kind of radiation from lha sun la the BJ T H O M A S radiation from tha aun and lin g souse o f skin cancer. A from mlarowavaa Hka tha onoa the National Canaar In concert with In ovtna. tuta showed that a sunny, Sweet Comfort Band ejwttojs Thursday April 5 ,81OO p.m. Cuesta College Gymnasium u s V r ~ jrrr .. Ttetwlei I f .00 in aivaneei M 00 at lha deer * Avail- NOW OPEN SUNDAYS ■ate all u.u. A m i and an Oheep Thntie toaaUoaa. * . MSay.AstSS 5,7:90X10 Par tleket tntormattan, cell sa-noa * Praaantae ky 1*9 Leva noek Oonearte P t Io b s 8 1 -0 0 Chumash Auditorium 441 Chorro lt.S *n lute Obtepo, CaW, 41401 ” ^V898fit88 by A it 9t9vta P»g# 6 Thursday, April 6, 1979 Mustang Dally ;k’s Breath Is. a real quack up - V BY KRIS ANOIU

Duak'i Breath Mystery Theatre entertained an enthualaitk audience with uny humor-Friday nl|ht In the Cal Poly Theatre. • ,i *'* The Ban Prsmiaao»baasd iroup of five talented humorist* . performed with aid elethee aad throwaway prep «ht» that mined eatlre with absurdity. The openlM aet of the ihow aerfarmed by two Cal Poly Btudenta pot the audlenee well to tha'mood far Duak'i Breath’* particular type of humor. Weird A I(A IY ertw k)pkyln|tha aeeordian with Me partner Jammln Joel (Joel M llirt on the bongo drum* played aueh favorite* aa M r. Prtimp la hb Iron tuna. Mare than a Hiking and You don't take your ahower ""Sue?* Breath atarted the parformanm with a aarkaaf abort skits, aueh a* Sugar W orth* (a howl full of aommaenttel vitamins), Zippy the pinhead end aa UltMtratloa of tarty Amerleaa theatre. The aecoad half of the ahow waa a rowdy weetcrn. Tha five had men were out to ateal gold from aome terrifying daagerottt orphana. The audlenee laughed hycttrtcally when they die- covered that the dangeroua orphan* wae a group of doll*. The Duak'i Breath MyMery Theatre proved that load old Amerleaa I manky eon compote with Monty Python1* Britiah - . humor anytima. la fact k aaa evea tad up aa tap.: DUCK'S BIIBATM-Mombors of tho oomedy group Duok'a Sroeth por- NBC receives boost;

t o . n * •• Let youndt go PMon H o f' ABC takes No. one ..; NEW YOUR (APV- NBC lo t a ha . OFF game and e repent_____ hrondemt______of"Jeaua cfNaiareth,"butltwa» $ 3 < & ____hardly_____ enough... to i puah the troubled networknet out of tkeratlngi ANY LAOGf PIZZA O* cellar, figure* frem the A.C. Nletaen Co. for the wart ending April I Mtfw, ANY LARGE PIZZA OR NBC dipped to a aeeaon'a low tw o week * ago. and alnee then B * to regain aome loet g ro u n d -from a rating of MOO■ OFF UlMiunadrrtDfeD 19.6 to 14 week and now IS. The network! any that mean* ANY MIOIUM PIZZA In an aver prime-time minute Met week. IS percent of the P lm H u T homea In tho countrycountry with TV'* were tuaed to NBC. There la atlll plenty of dletanee between NBC and front- V 1 OFF . running ABC end No. 3 CBS, for that matter. ABC* rating DELICIOUS PIZZA AND DELICIOUS SAVINGS for the week wea 30.1 with CBB juat over a point behind el Not aood In combination with any other offer. 11.9. Anceiimnted IS m illion people witched Michigan State •J- ANY MEDIUM PIZZA 1 One coupon per pine, defeat Indiana Btete In the NCAA ohnmpiomltlp basketball game, end nearly aa many aaw the opening chapter In a four- | Offer Expiree Apr. 12 part rehroedeaet of Franco Zeflrelll'a drematlaetion of the life tIB I Brood Bt. B41-B47S o f Jeaua Chrlat. But neither ahow could cm rtN ie b e n ,i Top 10. ABC, In feat, had eight of thoae program*, and CBS tho other two. Topa for the week waa "M ora and Mindy," with "The Maekonales ofParadbeCove." ••poiiaLlnieoond place. CBB’a heat waa "10 Minute*," No. S. ■P SPECIAL SALE CBB did well with the premiere Inctallment In ha new frontier mlnberiei, "Tho Chlehelma," 14th In the retina*, and with the flrat chapter in the two-part production of C.S. Lewla’ 8woot Comfort "Brookin' tho Ice "The Lion, the wkoh and the Wardrobe," No. 3 i The raiin|| & for*M ork and Mindy" wea 90,3. Nlebenaa vat hot mean* of all tha hotnee In the country with televlalon, 903 percent aaw at B.J. Thomoo "Happy Man" I anal part of tho ahow. "Home Where I Belong" Comedian competes £- 0NLY $5J 111%2 ■ more with coupon plan w/f/j Comedy Store HOLLYWOOD (AP>-A atrlkt hy eomadlam againat a CHS BIBLE Burnet atrip aomedy club over It* policy of not paying now World Record V m April 12th entertainers has prompted comedian Jackie Meaon m open a were even unknown performer* will "I don't thinklink eomadlamcomedian ahottidi work for nothing." Mason ------/ 1" a telephone Interview from the aet of "The Jerk," a movie In which he atari with Carl Rainor and Steve Merlin. "To me, people con* •*> ■<■ *u------**— u u m i ■ Whon Bean bo so oaey, valid eeeuM to not pay a i . .2 1 * ••Slag peanuts, do I have tha right to alnlm I * • * “ »• "V *«thlng haaauae \t% the flrat lime why do It any other way ? he^ iellTit« ihem r Maaon addad. < .* *• * „**r _ v ' ■ . *« The IBfmamher Comedians for Compensation atnirt the m . \ . ■ • * :f ■, * S • t: Cornady Store a wart ago Tuesday after nagotiatlona with Jf°" P*ff*rtnera want N peraciN of the S4 V) cover chargo. 'J we’re close • we're easy • we’re available A ipokccwomanforM*. Bhorcaeld aha had aocomment on Mmon'i plana, hut addad that partial In tha Cornady Store Slav I CIS AT NO IX T M CHARS!t t •" JJH JJW * «o meet at the end af tktw srt In an effort to receive CAMPUS INFIRMARY ALLKRQY SHOT The store rempendd Monday niahi after helag eloaad for 'Tr^S?: PHYSICAL THtRAPY ORAL HEALTH iTm aST’ " W ,h* •Pakeewoman, who aakad t hathor name no ;* V- . U FINN CLINIC * RIQUI AID PHYSICAL SRAMS Huh’i regular parfUrmara are APTS A HOURS IHSRBtNCV CARS______.

HEALTH CARD fob uoui convenience • -■» . ’ - :r-V 1 V *■' • '? ; .•» % \ ■ ~ wMwi. ito# U u.M fiu W.IHM In,-

In tho Hollywood and Bevarty H ill* anas. Mustang Dilly Thursday, April 8, 1979 Page 7


•n- I We wlSpn* SiSWVSBR Laser irocks gym o f tha ahow waa tha gym .-* BY JA N E T Tha aaouatlaa aran't ax* "Automation aotly parfbat and (hart Horoscope" by Ntktar, uolint^^f Mnittia^^oouuw wiMPOow^^mou^^umrfmlMMftlayM tha light baglna at a far ruch es the lls h l shoeviwe With afastest Is array off point, progressively • lit Dt^Jii, I Il^R w* of color and getting biggar uotll tha Laaerrook M l 1 ha vtowing condition* ' laaar light atraaka and at Laaeriumto Ian Pratt* Col Poly's MalaOym Sal bouitda to all point* of oiaao or Loa AngMa ora Saturday night tha aaraao. Tito IntoaiiMiolliaii tJt much hotter a* you view During two shows, • we mwpmsuon or tha akow Wmoet on your m • akout an hour gptess, the theview asouse, w i^g o , wklek wravoav IneludM MOBJnMiMaM m o a duo o swwiwf wSB w a tunaa by Joa Walah, Ye*, lights f ngu 11 yoyt temple of what Laaerium Jour nay and Emerson, ll all about. Lake and Palmar, la ex- •ut tha Cal Poly adi* Ualng a larga aaraao aaMam. W alah'i "Ito a ky lion of Laaar oak, anon* aod a laaar haaiu to pro* Mountain Way*1 waa ex* aored by Daita Sigma the vivid aod vib* eeptlonally wall It* Phi, waa definitely worth imagMk Laaerook luatratad aa tha brilliant thaSdtlakatThaahowla a jm araotaa a tru ly aoaiola M * color* viaualixad tha tarn* W n e W* ituiaorlt v S S nuotfataoV III IO IIS go of tha hard driving thing* in llfa that juat haa A t the first song kegin, aong. to he seen, Professor makes Darwin live

1 L - a

■ Sorb tidy protoidor Dr ho rootly looha, and oa ho prooonto hla looturo on Richard I akin will ba bringing aulok-ohangt Ohorloo Dorwln. act to Cal Poly todoy ot 11:0Di Ho Id shown horo aa

by KARIN GRAVES it wUI diaauaa hie literature, aaid Thurm ond, n la addition to his lecture*, theory i if narural itlection former iiudani of Bakin, B a in haa puWished n book and hla boob, "Origin of gain about tha portrayal of Ms Charlaa Darwin bna baan an lecturing charei*w* wwewewtsot ass. "Ortat net ww* wActant w iw w ieIsti w dead for 100 yaara but ha w ill »«b|acn >t»k, I famous bToWlet.igiatain in l*RIf90lni ) in nn u comment* about hi* wife attempt a to torevive Interest in Agiliv," ami pfoiliiotd eoma aliva tha In Cnl Poly and hla rmoarch may also ha m , in im w t six fUmivona about cash of hla ThMtar today nt 11 a m biology lectures nl Ineludad, anid Thurmond, , irketay , He hna publish! Laaturlng aa D arw in w ti ba Eaktn portrays Darwin Dr. Riabnrd Sabin, attired Bakin haa ta ld thnt hla ditional nooks," towards tha and of his life at original Idea was lo “dress up Embryology" and "Tha Third UC Berkeley roology shout 90 years. Na makca uae profeaaor. and tnokamake up naaa btome o im of o f tbatko B y a * of makeup aw ‘ full eonatume great kiologiii olaaists.e^ew^gpewew* indme^ue arcacntp* w^wee. MH a I haa nw iwvivw wUfHWlBV td a*i Bakin mnkaa Darwin oome to transform in to itheir diecover im and thoughts publicity for hh portrayals In aliva through a carefully Darwin. in their own rords. I o o m Boo Life magMlna and through rvsvircnetianannankn^ ■gnuaglnnrtpenoirt af01 to expounding lhair aaiantifk Yet D nrw in la not hla only Tha Aiaoelatad Pma. •peach natterna, manneriamt, work, portray them aa para on* Thia lecture wilt ba penonxllty. and costume. character. Ha also protrnya with nvpaa and ambitions, TO Louis Pasteur, Willia ill m lometlng to remember, said "Ha haa a real atory to tall with friMtrationa over failures, Thurm ond Harvey, Gregor M

h Pag* 8 Thuradty, April 6,1979 Mustang Dally

R ioting In F rts ta n erupta A olor Edgar Buohanan dan

PALM BPRINOB (ARK-Chameter amor Edgar . RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (AP)-Rlotlng and demonatratloni m ip id hare and in the neighboring Indian p%— ______— l . - i ------^ eamannaroua untta joa on wsovmwrs •lata of K aehmlr Wednesday protesting tha hanging m former o t w 6 dieddied Wednesday Wadnaadny at at llaanhowCr Eiaanhowir Memorial Memorial Hoaphal. Hoaokal. Ha Ha waa waa H Prlma Mlnlaiar ZuMlhar A ll Bhutto. World leadora, who had Bar may approve JU0Q66 triad lo save him (tarn tha gnllows, expressed ra|rat and an§ar and had recently undergone brain auraary. BACK AM INTO (APV-AaaomhlyBpaakar Lao McCarthy The gravelly-voiced performer had bean for lie at tha okoeulloii. weeks a*nd dtodLofsiJO a m ns a result of tha prolonaod coma, Thraa persons warn raportad killad In tha Kaahmir riots. propoaad Wadnaadny requiring tha Btata Bar to approve all praepcetlvc Judaea, a change that would make It harder for Lt. sompltsaisd by pneumonia and a etroke. aaid hoapllal Moat of Pakistan waa calm, hut aoma obaarvaraaald violence ipokaeman John Mlllrany. could coma latar. Gov. MikaCurhtofilljuSeialvacanaiaa, McCarthy, D4lan Francisco, aald ha would Introduaa a bill Tha haavyaot gator, usually oaat aa a likable rogue, I n Washington, tha State Dapartmant expressed regret over appeared In more than 10 movlca. Including many westerns, tha aaaaution. Spokaaman Hoddlna Cartar noted that Praal- barring tha appointment on any judge who had not bean reviewed by tha Btata Bar, and In 190 televielon dramaa before landiM the rtde tf Uncle dam Cartar had aaked for maray for Bhutto on humanitarian Joe lnthe“ Pet»lcoat Junction" ear ice on C P i-TV in tha IfM k grounds. A dapartmant offtaial mid privately that tha Ha denied that hie intention waa to tie C urb'i hands. But that would bo one of the effect! of the hill If it pataad. Among Buahanan'a other fUmi ware “Whan tha Daltons president's plea waa baaed In part on feara o f politica l violence Rode,*' “Etcape to Glory," “Tanga," .“Tha Desperados," after the hanging. Laat weak Curb, a Republican aorving aa acting governor with Democrat la Oov. Edmund Brown Jr. out of the Mate, “ Buffalo Biir and “Coroner Creak." _ .___ Police aald that baa idea tha thraa dead, aavan persons ware Ha waa alao a regular on “Cadrfe County," a CBE-TV lipurad In tha damonatrationa In Kaahmir, which harden nominated a eoneorvativo Republican Judge to tha atata Appaale Court in Loa Angelos. talavlaion aariaa which aired for a year in the aorty lOfOi, In Paklatan and Iim a heavy pro-Paktalan Modem majority which ha played Deputy J.J. Jaekeon to Glenn Por#iBharlff M any Kaahmlria Identify more with Paklatan than with I adia. Brown withdraw the nomination whan ho returned, hut Curb reaffirmed It thia weak, Bam Cade. Pohaa opened fire on damonatraton who atoned the U.N,® ||n|m |n w jlM flM i |km B M iA la OChllPf BBBm iRlllliRl Obaervar poet la the Kaahmiri city of Brinanan Bhutto and Brown had twelo Iw 1BEWRppVl^g WIBVt SEg^^^^PaEggSEgwEvE Buchanon la aurvlved by hie wife of 11 yaare, MUdrod, and a i * required approval of a thraa member eommleoion eon, Buck. moat Kaahmlria favored aaffdataiwdagliMim Kaahmiri, a fu n e ra l eerviece ware aahadulad at Poraat Lawn Cemetery In aiabned by both India and Paklatan. Than la of tha ohlaf justice, attorney general and a aanior a in Kaahmir baaauta tha Unhad Nationa did not appm laj Hollywood, hut the date waa pending, a epokeewoman aald. Tha iproapaot of Curb appointing laporior and Municipal plkfetaS'^aiSn mSStwin the mjnaaoe, Bhutto tried to Inffiff R lflO h SOCO D lttlt StfiVS 00611 gat the United Nationa to act up Rfflgiee of Zla wen burned m many pone « Cufk ^ nol , 0 makl My Immediate trial COUTt W e d n iid iV nliht , ■ r SACRAMENTO (APK The Senate's Republican lander ua T m iE ii i | km S a ha Ha S i b a nualeer nowgr nleffet etuiulil not In Rawalpindi nolle# with bamboo aluha moved imo appointments. w^g aag lewwqgm/ anew ■ws^qcsnqp grvSBEvB areewpgggqg eewne chanting groupe of Bhutto supporters after a prayer meeting Starting with Bari Warren’* administration, tha laat four be ihui down without proof Hint nn accident like the ona In 1 f o r Bhutto turned into an ami-Zta damonatratlgn. Witnaaaaa varnort have routinely auhmittad tha name of potential Pennsylvania could happen there. k| k m l U lM a I r AIIVA |MR|aU km -m meneimtlmna idilo ii ml |)|U r *• mid the crown ihouted “Shame, shame, lia tha dog" and Klicial appoint am to tha Btata Bar, tha lawyera* group that g tfoiifv* utwowii w w w ■ vivgipiNniv ■uiivn me inm “ Death to Zla." No li^urian ware reported. reguiatai the legal profm lon in California. point," mid Ben. William Campbell. R-Haclend* Height*. "I think w haf we need more th in anything elec la aoma m o titia iio n on the whole laeue o f .nuclear power.” Rancho Beeo la similar to llw one it Three Mile lalnnd, Rn„ end wee built by the tame firm , Rehoeek A WHeoa Co. Rut Campbell contended there are enough difference* in dmign ao •A Immediate cloture ia not needed. He eaid cloalng the plant now would ralee queationa about where electricity could he found to replace that generated by '£ L CAREER ■; the plant, although other officiate have mid that would not he a problem thia time of year, OPPORTUNITY Trucking shutdown oontinuee WANHINOTON (ARK The nellon'e most extensive truck- Ing shutdown, already hurting the aui» industry, ia likely ta IN stretch at least Into nest week and ratm the proepcct of widespread economic disruption*, government offWiale laid Wednesday In the third full day ef a loek-oui of striking Teamsiera by ELECTRONICS major trucking firms, administration official* aaid Iha impact waa limited mostly to the auto industry. Negotiators for the Taamatara and a group representing 900 of the largest trucking firm* planned to resume talks with If you ar« graduating with a dagraa in Electronic*, federal madiatora Thursday far the Aral lima line* negotiations broke off laat weekend loured close to tha talks WILTRON may havajuit tha cartar opportunity you who aaked not la he Identified saw na likelihood of swift art looking for. program. . L T ■ » ... w 1 h* two side* ware eloee la aa agreement before the talks broke down lalurday ovar Induetry fears that union wage • - . i demands eould not he mat without eaeoeding President Wa manufacture itatt-of-tht-art microprocanor-baaad Carter's V percent antMnflation guideline far wage Increases. ewgHw9 M B U li ihesg*nwv m lsn|ngi ngugf>m v wi hgeav w ii g■ p* vivn p w neivqpe electronic teat instrumentation for the microwave and trucking ihutdown, government and Induetryndustry officialsoffieial say they sannot predial how severely the economy would ho hurt. The telecommunications Industries. Our proprietary pro­ cone* ns us, though, ia that worker layoffs and iMeruptions of IamammimNim m i i n i v i « « oawmMiuallL v v ris IB B IIp WlamttM IRI9W FelirlgFfg■■ #wasmd lakaemlb i N i l p l j - ducts have an International reputation for excellence The Labor Department mtimeted the lookout of 211.000 Tsamsttn would not creel# serious shortages of food and that has halped provlda a history of steady growth. other critical consumer goods for seven to 10 days. Leber Beeretiry Ray Marshall sold ho hoped the two sides would You will enjoy challenging work In a modern facility settle soon and avert a crisis. ' with an outstanding benefit package that includes Byrne wine big In Chicago Cash Profit Sharing and Flaxlbls Work Hours. CHICAOO (ARK- Tha promise of fresh leadership and the help of regular Domoersti secured a routing victory fo r Mayor-elect Jam Byrne. Byrne won an overwhelming victory Tuesday 12 percent A WILTRON technical representative will be on cam­ of the vote. Her margin over RepuhtldM Wallace Johnson and Boeialiat Workers' candidate Andrew Pulley wae bigger than pus . Friday. April 6, to conduct pre-employment any of the five victories wen by the late Mayar J. Delay. Interviews. Contact your Placement Office today to She did it by capHakiag on bar mpertemm aa bath an Insider and an outsider. Originally a protege of Daisy, aha arrange a convenient time. * * ■ ,•% became a maverick under Mssimsesar. Michael BUandte, then unseated BUaadie ia the primary and wan far her awn campaign the Datcy-buiU machine that had M pgrlad him. Byrm vowed during her campaign that the wetdd replace OTJrady and d*po«tl*iM the dapartmant. But flm ahe must appoint a poll** hoard from which thraa namlnatltm far superintendent emerge Byrne’s final a sleet lea ia subject in approval by the City Coumil.

OtSOLAIIten A *frt««i£ ,

l2 imn uf auflh uammataisl u m iim i'k i. rwa" PofwiMhniL “ f'miinie TtHTi“'**■ •'""“erB^f/ Jml-IrZili SLT!gin I 826 EAST MIDDLEFIELD ROAD man. narNMC in Sii. ptam in Mnae MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA 94043 mttim m iha «if». at iw wrmTsr! etwiieeg i iiiimmn 1 AN IQUAL-QMOATUNITV EMPLOY1A SAHartstl ______Mustang Dally Thursday, April 6, 1070 PagsO

Hungsr ssmimr Travel Centsr Beokgsmmon Ooesn power T h e W o rld H u n ia r Tha Uni vanity Union Awarei Yoacmftc Hair* Tower Alan Klein, theByawamIn­ w ill Traval Caniar offart a wida Sevan ia .aponaoring a tegration Contact Prefect begin Sunday at 3i 30 p.m. and aalaailon of traval eataloga Western dsnoe Crs#t workshops backgammon tournament for the Energy run thrmtnh Tumday. TSt and traval irlpa bulletin* Saturday at I p.m. in tha mala Technology Engineering ihraa-day want ia iponaoreC eowring lueh araaa aa Bu- 1 Tha Ag Buainaaa Club ia Tha UU Craft Caniar atlll wwv^Mlo iifiiA w*of V a osamUew^oiirraw Hat ellerne* Center of Rockwei Inter­ by the Cainpua Hunger C otil­ ropa. tha Waatarn Unit ad aponaoring a waatarn awl« haa worhahopa opan in batik, national. win apeak on “ Ocean lion and will Thera ia a II entry fm and fe a tu re Ita ta a and Hawaii. Tha aantar danaa Saturday at 0 p.m. In aaramiaa. woodworking, priaet .donated ay Thermal Power Deaerating worhahopa, fUma, la loaatad downatalra In tha tha Vata Hall. Monta M ill* photography, waavlns, marahantt w ill be Program” today at 11 am. in and l l gglluM ii Mgttgli ranelr ts4 union aaroaa from tha iaa and Hia Lucky Horaaahoa vW l^fiptlyi arivyaio i»po mawo Intaraatad Enpneering Beat 140. A dm it* •olutiona loth# i araam parlor and ia opan land will provida tha muaie othar araaa. Intaraatad par- bring thair own board. cion la free. Tuaaday through Friday from for lha evening en4 aoat la S3 aona ean aign up at lha UU 10 am. to 3 p.m. . par paraon or 13 par couple. Craft Caniar. PnmmjeMmnomanoo S-~—love * Senate positions Rsprsssntattve Profaaaor Rouaaaufrom the Unlvaralty of California at m in i fo r AII ll praatdanl, Tha Computing Advieocy Lo* Angaiac will be tpaaklng Committaa hat an opening for vlaa ana nudani nne alinEnnl fomenenntoilaia on how romamle love haa iinaior poeitlona opana April siwssin represemauve Influenced waatarn alvilltat- l l lla a tlo n rulaa and daiaaara Week will focus on women The CAC reeommanda com­ von today at II a-m. in UU puting policy to tha anaautlva HVNiiahi* In lha Aallvliiaa vliiMIfflsi^Mkl maul InJ^nallu 330. The (packer la part of the Planning Caniar. Making woman and thair con- Worn#nr by Dr. Jcannlne Schmid; * wnawwora Bfml llHBRf^SPBIW Art and Humanltim feature trlhutlona mora vtaibla ia tha purpoaa “ Intimacy; Enhancing your Saauallty" to tha atom DMelon of Infor- aariaa. behind "B very Woman Can," Cal P ot/* by Dr. Jcannlne Schmid and Laura In- M a s k s t i p aaaond annual Woman'a Waak. Lehman; “ Mr. and Mra.r What ara tha Reoquetbel Club A aariaa o f aaminara daaling w ith AharnativadT by Linda Ahraaaa, at* An organiiational maatlng occupational, pcyehologionl, aaaual and tor nay and Tara Todcrlek, paator, “In There will be a matting of fo r tha Juna 1970 Alaaka trip aoai w ill Search of Equality and Juatiea4.agal 1 tha Raequetbail Club Sunday aponaorad by ASI Outlnga highlight tha waak whiah will haaii Right* for Woman" by Dr. Sueanna M ester flutist In theUU 314 at 7 p.m. w ill ha bald Tuaaday at I p.m. Monday and run through April fond laI M oran; “ W hen Qod Created the W orld. In UU 330. Thoaa paraona being apoi aponaorad rapraaanlalivaa Did She Maka a Big MlatakdT by Dr. O.B. Saehdav, a matter, Auoion vouohere Intaraatad In tha trip amuld ha from variouaarloi oampuaput organliatloniniiatlona. Judy laltim an; “Why Can't a Women flutlat, will be performing Vouahara for Itama ma jrwaeaavmeMil t teal m ^^are^oWi he More Lika a Maim Communication raady to aign up with a 130 Suaan Moran, cliiiicel # Indian r**av*ivv pnieces r v v m *rr*on tha**fw purchased at KCPR'c Fourth dapoait fo r tha 1300 baaa am t - profaaaor who la chairwomenchairwoman for tha Between tha Seam* by Dr. Pamela bamboo flute Saturday alb II Annual Auction laat Sunday of tha trip. woman'a Coordination Committee, Cook Miller; “Rape-The Problem of p,m, in Chtnnaah. The porfor- can be, picked up at KCPR, Rape" by Dr. Dorothy Popklm “In* mmumm Ik innninrnrl Let ihm mid tha waak ahould maka people tlHSimi OfrWraVeW BWS Graphic Arte 301, from 9a.m. aware oCtha talanta of woman. tlmaey; Enhancing your Saauallty” by ASI Pina A ru Commit tea and to 4 p.m. through Fridoy. Weight loss Bha aaid there it “a lot of talent on -Jonn Cirone, R.N.; “Money Manage* aoat la 11.50 for atudenta and aampua that la laying ton I mam" by Dr. Oaraldlna B. Illarbrock. 1150 for the general public. CnrtesJe Tha haalth aantar'a To bring the talent* and. Carolyn Banka, Mary Hill, and Daria Application to aeN craft women lo liih t. femele students, s tiff, nutritional aounaaiora ara Raynolda; and many other*. warm at the Craft Canter'e ofTaring a waight raduatvon and faeulty mam bar* w ill work together Everyone la welcome at tha apeeehee Poly RoyalCraft Sale ara now and aaminara during tha weak. Moran ia aouraa dmlgnad to put to preaeni the aariaa o f leeturca. • available In thei CraftC Center atudaota on a aanaihia ro d to tha weak of leeiuree and panel die* hoping for a good turnout and aaid the Tha Student Senate haa an f-7 |J waight lorn. Thaw wSI ha a eumion* w ill be accented by a Monday Womeifa Week w ill be an annual event. opening for a repreeentailva pra-ragiatratloo for lha night concert of woman mualelana from “Wa Intend to kmp ll every year," aha from the School of SolotlN program today at 3 p.m. In tha tha la y area and a Wednoeday temlnar m id. ' and Mathamatim. Any m u- L -.fii, mmgiO^m nAtafoaomta nvgNtn wiafet arsossb ^pt ^oBW^^o by a guaat apeakcr Oatl Chriatlan a new* Tha * pace hat and temlnar* will be dent In the aehool may be room. Claaam w ill hagln A p ril reporter from KNOC. held at varioua timet and varioua placet nominated. Tha aehool aoun* 13 from 3 to 430 p.m. and Topic* and tpeakara during tha waak on aampua. For Information on lima* ell maata Tuaadayt at 6p.m. In aomlnoa aaah Thuraday for Include: “ Women in Academia," by Dr. ■ and placet, Intaraatad pertona ahould UU 319. Intaraatad paraona five waaka. Tha program la Haiel Jon#., "Do Women Support sail 546-2540-2491. ‘ ahould attend tha neat fraa maatlng or call 543-4634 NEW & USED CAR SUPER-MARKET CADI VILLE (U c 4 & *tf*** + E«U*pfU 4* 4, FLEETWOOD EL I ADO

OMEQA HATCHBACK m ; i r m i i «]-h u *: CUTLAS8 PORSCHE

J 9P 3300 Spring If . • VW RABBIT WfBI IT COMES TO CMS,r### Wo Do It...And Wo Do H Mora Thon Anyono on tfto Control Coootl VW CATAUNA C«n* m to my wi* *r aur tv«* M*(*nt CONVERTU a*t * auran m m mywnf * •* • JKTAZW VW to SCIROCCO » CADILLACI lASvrihMK pmcNOLv sinvici 1144 M o ttfr o v I t , • 541-1009 » w m m m tm tiim m

V “P lflllO Thursday, April 6, 1979 Mustang Dally Basketball, baseball game telecasts I denied in May prime time schedules NEW YO RIKAPHThe start of tha baaaball season and tha Aoaordlng to a atatamam ralaaaad by baaaball and ABC Bourses say baaaball wttl ba Batting a lonMarm oommlt* •nd of tha baakttbail Maion will ba missing on prime tlma Tuaaday, tha two orpnlaatlona ara In lha final negotiating m ini, lo ti of monay tm l Saptamber aapoaura, Not prime time, television In M ay baaauaa tha natw orki ara bananlnf sports ita n a of a naw multlyaar contract Tha agreement la expected mind you. but Sunday afternoon baaaball and, maybe, an during tha oruelal sweep month of ratlnp. to ba oomplatad latar ih li month and would ataat with tha If 7* occasional prlms-ttm* game Tha eonoluaion to ba raaahad la that sports may ba fun and season, raplaalng tha currant contract with ABC that waa to The Sunday afternoon games wUI buck tha National gamaa but it aan’t com pets fo r ra tln p and audlanooi w ith raal expire afkar thla taaaon. Football League on CBB ondNBC and, consequently, ara not television antartainmant- iltuatlon comedies, varlaty ahowa Tha I97t contract that ABC and baaaballagraad to tear up axpeeted to ba rating hits. and shoot*em'*upa. And with a lot of monay to burn, ABC aan pay baseball to called for II prlme*llme broadcasts Baseball waa satisfied! keep the network's oalusivhy on prime lima, Baaaball Intaraat it normally highest at tha beginning of tha with tha numbar of lalaaaati but unhappy that they ran out in •oeebaUon Sunday afternoon and in prime tlma at ABCs taaaon whan all taami ara In first placa or at tha and whan tha September when ABC opted for Monday Night discretion seams a small prise fo r tha network to nay fo r what It rather than lha national paatlma. division raaaa ara on tha Una. Tha aaaaon opana Wadnaaday. really warns-lha World Berles, playoffs and All-Btar game, Tha flrat Monday Night Baaaball broadeaat aan ba expected " ABC, however, waa not ploaaod with baaebairi ratlnp. It ABCswould have to alternate these three Jewels with whianever flva day* later. Right? would win the rating! war moat nights of the spring and network p is baseball's ISaturday poskage-probably NBC. Wrong. summer but come In th ti ird on Monay nights whan baseball waa On tha other hand, lha NBA's Jewel Its championship Tha puna matching Bata Roee and the Philadelphia Philltao tha prlmeHlmo fare. series-Is becomingmoi a tarnished. For the first tlma In years, •galnet Dave Parker and tha will not ba on A K wamtad out o f tha IB-game contrast, m ainly booauae the weeksmightj| finals In May will not bq on during the prime* tha air Monday night. Not this Monday, the neat Monday or May Is one of tha months whan the ratlnp at looal stations are time slots. CBS l says tha decision was made before the eurrent tha Monday altar that. In float. Howard Coaell, Ralth Jackion u»«d to sat future advertising ratea. But ABC had to give season because of pressure from tha affiliates who ware loalng and Don Dryidale will not bo In tha booth until June 4 baaaball something In return. rating points. Long Boaoh, B e rk e le y F a l l 1 9 7 9 Poly sailors go north and south ■V SBIAN MILLS! Rasingin g Assoalallon providedovtded In Longl ong Beat Beach, ed. Both Johnston aM -

Wo art looking for Oonoral Counselors for boys cabins aa woll as thooe •killed In: Gymnastics, loccor, W.S.I., Riding, Photography, THREE QUY8 FOREIGN AUTO Poncing, Golf, Bcuba Diving, Tannla, Archery, RJ fiery, or R.N, 8PECIAL8! All applicants muat have two yaara of collaga, Wa an Intoraatod in people who havt a aincorw deeirt to work withih children and lovo of tha vw out-of-doom. University credit avallabla. VW Bug Wo art located on MO aerai of Rodwoods In the lanta Gnu Mountains Ihort bloc* overlooking Montaroy Bay. Both the General Camp and Sport Comp upf to 1971 art only ft miloa from tha ocaan. 4 0 H P *36 P e rm Information, ajpj>llcanta and/or Intorvlow information 1OOOoo contact the Placement i on thla campus • IMMEDIATELY, tuna-up Good through lirussorl i f M I I k )i ji •(, i Mustang Dally Thuraday, April 6, 1979 Can the Mets repeat history in 79? mi# a# vi i wt uiiev ™ ^ pitching Hair. and wm named MVP for Um •trangth The Infield waaa tha pennant. In Chlaago, tha league*. Brook* Robhwon TIm Matt pounded Oriole **rla*. mlxtura of veteran emt-offb Cub* war* itartlng to fold, wa* considered to ba tha ba*t piiehanL the New York Tan year* lata?, only Id S0*1* >" ,N Whath*d**am*dllk*a*irong fielding third aaakar in tha throw n* dlcnccd lha Kranapool ramalna with tha outfield, tha Now York taam pltehlng attack lad by hliiory of tha gam* by many Baltimore bate, and th* Mata Mata. Nolan Ryan throw* for boaatad Tnmmla Agee, tha Penmen Jankin* and Kan profcHlnal haaaball moot* won tha aarlai In aavan game*. California, and Tom Banyan '•** Amarlaan League Hoilman, began to gly* up bav* MaNally and Jim Donn Clandanon powered a h pitching for tha Rada. Jarry Rooki*>of*tha>Yaar, and run*. Finally, tha Mat* naught Palmar handed tha Oriol* homa ran In tha Anal name Kooaman hurled for tha Mala Claon Jona*. Bd Kranapool, tha Cub*, and hung on to win , the N ational Laagu* Baal ihempioruhip ■ ; _ Tha Mat* nwad tha Atlanta.. 1^1 ■ ■ Tha Mat* that yaarlbaturad field petition, BravM In tha National Laagu* K U IH IfllS a pitching ataff o f Tom Soever Whan tha aaaaon itartad, playoff*. Tha Mat*, bahlnd B ■ !* ■ ■ ■ " w l W and Jarry Kooman. Saavar, th* Chicago Cub* movad out Saavcr1. pitching and tha out of lllC C wm on hi* way to ImoAret plan*. ThaCub* war* power hitting of f&it baaaman _w ______bacom* ona of tha National load by a powar hitting llna*ug Donn Clandanon. dlapoaad of >V 0B100B B0B,N itrengh. ThI* I* whan time* 400 matar relay, Laagu*'* ton *, Also on featuring Billy William*, Ror aoma down, competition gat* In th* diatana* event*, that Naw York pltchlna itaff Santo, and “Mr. Cub,” Brnh batter. If* lha Mart of tha big Ralph Sern* of UC Irvin*and war* Mart** Nolan Ryan, Bank*. Toward tha and ol pmh. Our National Mam la Brian Hunaakcr of Ban Dlago year* before ha baaama a Aug tut, th* Mau itartad ar (cm than two month* away, State will pom problem* for itrlkaout leader, and Don mating aomabaak. Out' ami conference it in flv* the Mutiangt, mid Millar, Cardwell, a going National fielder* Ago* and Jona* lad a Brook*. Prank Robintonwm, weak*. Nothing would ba Serna will probably double, Laagu* pitcher. hitting attack that began to and itUI I* tha only player aver Unfortunately, pitching produo* AAar year* In th* j 0 win tha Moat Valuable

Texas Instruments Special Prloes Storting march 191979

T33333I** MsScTlyn

Following thru* day* on public hearing* Tumday. list price $124»5 Board'mid h* Mill beiiavm there »hould ba an umbrella Now $8695 organiaation to mt boning •tandard* for tha SO Mata*. “I think everybody I* in

ftrogrommoble list price $60°° Now $38°5

Slmlin§ 5 0 j ’ ' ' ,*v list price $40°° Now $28°5. Page 12 Thursday, April fl, 1979 Mustang Daily Umpires protest Cincy’s first game

wNr* the American League the It w m u ndtntood that tha returned to tha M u o n open* W*dne*4ay • major four minor leaguer* who *lgn- • id aomraati raaalvad The altornay mid no talk* ara lehedued with American League President La* ABC’s Cosell blasts TV sports MaePhall or National league WASHINGTONi NO TON (AP)—Howard (APh-Howard Coeell I*la up*etup*at by m wall tN weakly wire service rating* on tcollage team*. tN Prasidant Chuh Feeney organlred sports•port* In America. If* a “spinning“•• ipiral of ' "llomration"“ llonisatlon" of athlete*athlete* and vtoicnoa.vlaliagfc Tha baaeball taami hava Originally, the two longue* hypocrisy, contradiction and ripoff," N says. Coeell, who practiced law for 12 years before turning to i preparation* to start tha had hoped to sign a doaan T N ABC-TV sport* commentator attended a staff tune Non •ports, said N felt “a little bit troubled...! little bit cm- in with minor league and minor league umpire* and at IN JuattecDeMftment Tuaaday at tN Invitation of At­ harrsued*' In spoking about g career In a fM d tN t *omc •mataur umpire*. assign one to each game to torney Oeneral G riffin B, Ball, who ealled tN iportaaastar'i regard as “ tN toy department of life.- But N added that iports work with three toMil umpire* hour-long talk “an Inspiring lecture on ethka* and iports." Is Tntertwinedwlth politic* and eeonomles and that hie purpose “Every umpire within 12 recruited by the home team*. Coaail'i erltlclam focused largely on owner*, who N said w m to make tN public aware of tN conneetlagii»,... •- hour* driving lima of Cincin­ But eight of tN I2 minor thifiad tporti franchl*#* to make bigger profits. But It took In nati will ha pickatlnf tha hall park." altornay Richla Phillip* mid In a telephone Intarviaw from Philadelphia Tueiday "It will ha Infor­ mational pleketlni to Inform tha fan* that hatehall for yaar* ha* ahuaad tha umpire* and wa w ill no longer *tand fo r It." H H ADUferenl Tha umplra* ara Making In- craata* In (hair ulerla*,which range worn 117,000 for haainnan to a top of about 140.000 for veteran* Kind td JlereftStonl Tha dlapute ha* Id lad 10 of tha S2 major league umpire* Paul Pryor, a veteran Nutioruil I etguti. and rookie Tan Hendry of the American I eagua. are the only major league umpire* to tlg n 1979 AUDIO fC/TA/T "State of the Art" contract* Phlillip* tald there would ha no picket* at laattla. Your stereo system will be It changes constantly. New living with you for a long time »A*hnfUnni«a continue to nd-

11 - Audio Ecataay wanta you to l vanca tha quality of stereo last year, wa* traded to hi* hava a ayatam that will pro- i while helping to reduce. thathe home town team, the vida tha baat poaaibla sound J Minnesota Twin* I cost of fine sound. At Audio a for your money, Achieving I I Ecstasy you'll find thathe latest O il Hodges, tha M et. this raqulraa up-to-date I equipment from only the most manager in '99. died a few i.... of equipment, I reputable manufacturers, year* ago from a heart attack " and i of how r Names Ilka ADS, Ohm, and I* now the M at*' to match tha \ manager HI* team I* picked s com- Onkyo, along with exciting new in flnwh near the bottom, if ponenta in a system ' new concepts and designs from not last in the National what sats Audio Ecstaay apart y companies like Denon, KEF & LUX. I aagua ia * t H it pitcheri ara from othar stereostores young. Not many paopla have' \> ^/w h e th e r you're starting from scratch heard of tha pitcher* In Torre’* s ^ S o o a new system, or upgrading or addingj pitching rotation- Pale to your existing system, we'll help you" you I- akone. Pal Zaehry. Craig choose just the right equipment to give you the Nwan. and Tom Hausman. System Design performance you want. I ha Matt of today Nhavatft msde a threat to IN N.L last It's a.simpla idea. Each ol tha componanta in yeuf front runner* sltwe 1972. systam should work togalhar so that thay compla­ However. It Nppened ones, inant aaoh othar Aa The AUDIO IC/TA/Y Concept and It could happen again Bud Harrelson ws»n*t well- a chain la only as Audio Ecstasy Is the result of a dream The dream know n wNn IN Mweti won strong as its waakast of a group of local people who are themselves in ‘99. Don Clendenon wun't link, ao la a starao audiophiles, and who have long felt that the San * houMhotd word Neither art systtm . For In- Lula Obispo area needed a place where people Doug Flynn and Steve Henderson. But. who knows, stanca: Soma speakers raqulra large reserves of who love stereo could go (or competent advice some September, maybe peo- power to provide optimum sound, while others raqulra and personalized ser­ r will iw talking about IN very. iiHle Yat both types can offer excellent perform­ vice When you come et* of 1979. another miracle, Sand another championship for ance. Designing a systam. than, is a matter of balanc­ to Audio Ecstasy, the New York's other team ing all tha factors—the size and shape of your listening people you'll talk with room, tha kind of music you Ilka, tha fea­ are the owners—not tures and capabilities you want. Ind tha just clerks looking (or WORD Records amount you want to spend on your sys­ a quick sale We feel P resents. tem Audio Ectasy offers a wide range of !!!•_ important to take B.J. Thomee systems and components from the the time to find out “Mappjr Sfen“ moderate to the’ ultimata—all with one what you want, and " 5 thing m common: The equipment we W here to give personal attention to helping you design •e g " offer has been carefully chosen to pro­ a system you'll enjoy living with, Alter all—Isn't IW lP fl vide the beat performance and value in Its rangB that what really counts? plus

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