Cal Poly FIN I flTUATIO N—ihodod ofoo obovo would bo oara lining tlook Itroot (right) would loot to upcoi tSobiloho!*1, HMfln° da,#* hav* no* v** off-Mmlto to otudont voMclss If • noighborhood flnoa If ms proposal la awontually proposal to rootrlot parking la approvod, Studont proposed panting ordlnanoo w ill bo Off-campus student parking could be Untied 0 0 0 IV MIO MaCONAMBY Such aation would out dawn the number thtOrand and Hathway “anperiment"could bumper atkkan and a limited number of of parking ipeooa avatlahk to Cal Poly ha analyead. guaal sarda to dktlngukb thorn from student escoawweewyBludAlllA. ihhouAh^eeeeew*caggws aamoi Ka boHchiI w^waaa ill aawaaM l nowha ewNaw w v* vew^oe^ueeoco um U membereeewree* e^^oe Mtea elaiikw iw iw o woeoe^^pyBillie, la* * * theeeww Cal Poly1! parking problem may ka com* Biwiijfivutliu ■oilmgA IhdWMfnww mmu mMU7 mmovAsu wlarmtiai v n v kaAA first macting of her term, qualified her David Bonn, Paly English professor and a plicated even further if ajp* opaaal adopted affect ad hy aueh an otdinanaa until a fairly approval of tha concept by suggesting the * w w|c IBw4mul nl <M llgM1 I1 M nvlBIVwlBrVflPRMl III1 1 1 naioat|j%a>g H ^ B I H i n i By tha Ian In k Obispo CHy Council lW accurate count aan ha made during tho neat counall look at other method! af resolving cam# out against the propaml. terming it day itanda up la puUk scrutiny at future •avaral weeks, according to Howard Wait, tho prebkm. bUMggmvfMBBMi bfm M M Alg H lign v g|aj|bn v pogAgUod* vwhsvii |kgiim rival iupi invviti|iiivi| inv m iu v . eating onooutlvo vka president. I arry Robinson. A8I president, Mid Iha lUb^MlIflBa tagmov t a a#a* a||mg* aaaaa ivwvvv w w vmv a iona as il^gsc^w APAAm a n kg*ra Tha eou nail unanimoualy voted to endorse Waat does not aapaot It to have any direct council In aim ing to aonsidcr tha papaaal forced la pay far the prtvHoga af parking In tha concept submitted In caution farm hy impact an the aahool eaoopt fir an inaraaoo at furthar puMk hearings. took tha only IHaI, AMA |§ y |k g fk m t£ privala raaidanu of a nina-aiock araa south In tha number of students, faoulty and ataff action Ii could under tha ilreumatiMO. "If Rann disagreed with a her gas that an af iha Cal Paly oompue, whkh would eeeon- applying onwampua parking parmlta they didn't, thara would only ha more gad oversbundanaa af aan In tho am orntas a mmEpI h . I vviaiiaiu ||v iffwPwm ikfl wiua mv wvvwvwvwunauthortfAd vaHIcIa pwiwwDirk Ad y^ni told I Ha council I Ha bcHoo! HAd ’ more pant ions cad preesure to deal with the WmWlf In tha rona durlna school haura llaala la a seen tha ipoaifks of tha prapoanl and an okjgiB a , Rann mid tha agogod attitude of non* im l MAHMsI Haa a m ^m n §M gA|^o|^ Ma apu fine. By vlrtua af tha vote, thaaeunailaaraad a1 v ftkiiMw w i i w nnw h cam> a ii ee^eKa ayavabaai ^M^nacvriw^^aHIiaa waaaa ith All^bM flillflA I |haul T| U a., BIII thara la a problem ‘NMMI whAthAr of not HolH bIAab oC raaidanu of tha area, hut la uaeomforabk nudant money "but don't park near w \> I l M a i anaanaaM bam W |W « « ■ _ Aflar public hearings ara hald an tha AH^M WwUW m MliWlAw BeaM with tha InfbraaM that unauthorised parking "Wa’ra working toward a ghetto idea of pi 1‘t* trial, tha aaunall w ill make Its dookion. fk m m I u | W b > |UAf HW ltn iw j | u j M g l u M l g la lha preaoaod R • I aoaa la purely a student ualng atudenu for our own banaflt without Hearing date* ara not yat determined. robkm. Faculty gad Miff, aa wall aa non* • BMidarallan af ihatr neeiti “ ha said "W hat uaad la ha a baautlful, quiet Ha Mid hk eonaorn was that aa tho Foly paopk using aa aampua facllltka ara According to Rann. lha propoMl "move# i MAMVvnllAI VOMSBifB MlU Ww^P^^rH(|ui Afl^P A A K M lt^ ordlnanoo la halni drafted hy ataff and City alio to Mama for tha oeugaolioo, he laid, toward dkorimlnailen." Ha added atducnti parking tatcom plained Charka Melnlni, wIlglf^Milo o la a o a r WWBJffW a u o a A• afH lO Milvfa iU a |IIM k a Blipmtlaa AwiYlnnawa la anawtr to tha iwmetlon of acme am •bouid not have to " pay for Cal Poly** bad pat ii ion aaardinatar, Ha suggested haavy munkata whh tha unlvaralty nan concar mng |km| Polv AlMlinAf A pgd aeaea |m planning." traffic In tha narrow, curved Hillside iiraata tha ordinamo's pr reeled influence on Paly. provide for more barking along tha aohaafa Council member Jeff Jorgensen. wbik aneompaaalng an araa roughly bounded by If adapted into tha sky's traffk coda. It wider avanuaa, Robinson replied tha no- r ung to vote in favor or further con* Grand Avanua. Slack, Fredericks, Hathway w^^ul^l mean ^lesl^tissiing tha araa M *l, a parking lonm ware mads to accomodate tha atlon of the motion warned that it was and Bond Rtroets, haa baaoma a ' definite prafarantkl parking lone. more desires hk bicycle traffk Eliminating •rwnCMikimnd iniw apa v^^wIaa itaoawaw*nuitiAf voub w innrohlrrm “ wiaitia lhncam aafaty haiard," with email children being the Tha city could Imokmoni auah a eod# tha rones would only coat rad kt tha policy of neighborhood raaidanu would have to face moat vulnerabk vktlma of potential traffk under kgltUMioa ad aped last year In "encouraging km vehkk flow* hy aa* "Cal Poly naada to be made aw art of the m la ha pa Sacramento panting loaal governments tha comodatlng more vahkka on aampua, ha serious nets of their parking problem and Tha petition aalla for a parking ban In the authority to sstaMkh preferential parking Mid. atudenu shouldn't bo made pawns.” ha said araa with ipacai limited to thoaa eari with te.r* e M maIdanlatnlu* nil, Aatltlnaarav itltlvV^^M baiM aitomoala^ v^M|ka Robinson ako spoke to tha keue railed hy Jorpsneen suggested tha council begin to ipaaial parmiti "not to anooet IS par words “rastrkted or residential parking" ha •om t raaidanu that Poly hM pknty of land to develop a "dklogue" whh the unlvaralty household par year." Parmlta would ha in luhailiuted for "prafOramlal— convert to parking and Mid; “We won't concerning the parking Isaua and afTaat durlna tha peak aahool houra of I a m According to the prop oaad measure, aaphalt over ag land' and I don’t think raaommandad a moratorium on ilmtllar to f p m Monday through Friday. raaidanu of tha am would aa provided with anyone aapacta or wanu ua to." propoMk for ona year whik the outcome of • M while sorority's move Into new zone approved ■V M IG Ma CONAKRY miaalon at Its March 14 matting, the council tlb k , quiet netghbon, Ha Mid ha views their Association. A___ p laMllnsr t llwljrfttttltt nniuvppfitvvw itwoii IIMI Mm pfm WHMMirniisagil MVTIVafBrmbhiI* situation m M ing "MUgbi up In the She ako said tha IMROOOprketaf for lha mem. Alan Bond changed hk mind and tachnkalltks of lha law," and after Inapaa* maneion puts It way above lha rnmna af most Tha Cal Poly Greek syttam look a mklor decided lo vole for it after dkeuaeion. IIIgiA••A l*aiv km nrnuwluip ii^p v iij kimimlfnimwiti *^vko iI imtui^paIaaa R io be •mala famlltaa daalalon Tuesday night whan tha City Coun* JATIIjJf JOIgVnBAflIfiaMaaao AnO IMAIinif AlUio VOIAO ann'ideal location for a sorority," The proposal now poos to City Attorney all daoidad lo amend the oMy toning law to against tha araabMl citing the amendment ■ A ilsaabk delegation representing tha George Thatcher, who wIN draft an or- allow fratarnltki and »<Horitka in B*2 tonaa pr aaaaa of tm ally toning aoda was not lha aororlty ragktarad surprlta and outspoken dlnanaa. If lha ordinance paaaaa, Oamma Phi UfidAf A ttlilfi oondnioni. proper course of action. An actual amend* pleasure from lha audknaa after tha aounall Bata and at bar fraternal organlratiom PrtvioMily, OrAAk Ho u ia i w in m ir lc iid lalAfll•Hgut inIO dMMMamllwVviAll vlljroitu piBnnlnu lUAiililwouiu lu*iv Arn u▼OIA» n l o *** such as Um Blgma Kappa sorority, sacking to A Muumoau Tollou m m a U o o I Iko flooauio •Misam ikm kUtnik Brossta •• AJB BI a i b k i io R *| and h-4 tonaa. Thk lathe first time a better long-run M int Ion to tha dilemma, they' V% OAATHHi / I MlIV 71 pmNMIA W llw WMUllflM BAAUa A "VIA BAIInA AV^wA B ^A A A* » IMrlw fraternity or sorority w ill baiUoavadln anR* wM|ki all BfVHiAglg nWWVBVHkiisiatw MilfAliftil kAAfd^RAww mawl Bt,—juet need to apply ter • mm i rrwindlmA^Aggallsi iw w ^^w iV w fi rBA^AtUI• omwowec^oa aamaowm* Mayor Lvnn Cooper countered tha argu­ _ Patriae Rtrshaw, president of the aororlty, sg|| nm m (Hki mnua M k iM lI iL aGamma Phi Bata sorority provided IN ment by Mytag that tne property had alraody 'iMw mi M •| nvkm vnivim kilf SAMIBIHMIMmH ifng i^p s^^va km ^ppBfAUA m pi of property In Ia n Lida Obtepo aanka uaad L m b waamikmAAA glim iriffsn lti mggjA iMmft ••npi"*VU a m i i s a immIW* |kgHIV wPAMABM^vigolgimai ikgAAlBkalwwBHMM •M ^^Maw pHl 1 ngMNNi w^^V IwMM •long with Jean Parrinl, another student Is oram fpitariuli wavs rwi sngonmoHvimnraanlf attnni tn*w|um * ^m^oaald glflffllil tA il ARMHldd In hug dmed ku Jung iwiiiviNimAAHIBl klIMkAfllAllAKBi v^m wiwnigt msppvBi iil gggov i^v gllmmgdm ii w w i w i sorority member.
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