Filllens MARKHUHL Mystery Disease Toll Continues to Mount
PM3E FOURTEEN - MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Manchester, Conn., Tues., Aug. 3, 1976 O b itu a riM V i . , The weather ^ Inside today Sieplien A. MikoloWgky Mra. Christine N. Harvey William J. Turkington I - " ’ ^ :1 Fair tonight, low in the 50s. Mostly Stephen A. Mikolowsky, 19, of 41 Mrs. Christine Nelson Harvey, 82, William J. Turkington of Sarasota, * ■ . ••• -s J sunny Thursday, high in upper 70s, low Area news.......12 Family..........20 Alexander St. died as the result of in of 30 Griswold St. died this morning Fla., formerly of Manchester, died 80s. Precipitation probability zero Business...........,.27 Kitchen..........19 juries received when the motorcycle at Manchester Memorial Hospital. through Thursday. National weather Classified — 14-16 Obituaries ......... 18 Thursday at a motel in Georgia on his tjThe Bright : Comics............... 17 Sr. Citizens.........3 he was riding collide with a car Mrs. Harvey was born Dec. i 1893, way home from a visit in forecast map on Page 15. TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES early this morning on Center St. in Manchester where she lived all her Dear Abby.......17 Second Thought 19 Manchester. TWO SECTIONS MANCHEST»R. CONN., WEDNESDAY. AUOOSTH, UTO - VOL: XGV, No. 260 PR ItE i FIFTEEN CENTS Editorial ............4 Sports......... 10-11 life. The funeral and burial were in The operator of the motorcycle, Before her retirement many years Florida. Richard L. Brown, 21, also of ago, she was a timekeeper at Cheney Mr. Turkington was born in Manchester, was also killed. Bros. She also worked at G. Fox & Manchester and attended local Co. in Hartford and at Manchester schools.
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