Congressional Record—Senate S146
S146 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 10, 2019 ROSEN, Mr. ROUNDS, Mr. RUBIO, Mr. Edwards and Kim Binsted, AAAS fel- APPOINTMENTS SANDERS, Mr. SASSE, Mr. SCHATZ, Mr. lows in my office, be granted floor The PRESIDING OFFICER. The SCHUMER, Mr. SCOTT of Florida, Mr. privileges for the remainder of this Chair, on behalf of the Majority Lead- SCOTT of South Carolina, Mrs. SHA- Congress. er, pursuant to the provisions of Public HEEN, Mr. SHELBY, Ms. SINEMA, Ms. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without Law 99–93, as amended by Public Law SMITH, Ms. STABENOW, Mr. SULLIVAN, objection, it is so ordered. 99–151, appoints the following individ- Mr. TESTER, Mr. THUNE, Mr. TILLIS, Mr. f uals to serve as members of the United TOOMEY, Mr. UDALL, Mr. VAN HOLLEN, States Senate Caucus on International Mr. WARNER, Ms. WARREN, Mr. WHITE- COMMENDING THE CLEMSON UNI- Narcotics Control for the 116th Con- HOUSE, Mr. WICKER, Mr. WYDEN, and VERSITY TIGERS FOOTBALL gress: The Honorable JOHN CORNYN of Mr. YOUNG) submitted the following TEAM FOR WINNING THE 2019 Texas, Chairman; The Honorable CHUCK resolution; which was considered and COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYOFF GRASSLEY of Iowa; The Honorable agreed to: NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP JAMES RISCH of Idaho; The Honorable S. RES. 16 Mr. MCCONNELL. Mr. President, I DAVID PERDUE of Georgia. Relative to the death of John Chester Cul- ask unanimous consent that the Sen- The Chair, pursuant to the provisions ver, former United States Senator for the ate proceed to the consideration of S. of section 1501 of Public Law 115–254, on State of Iowa. Res. 15, submitted earlier today.
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