To see 'There is a boat you can lake lo lhe derslanding. the word A STILL FOREST POOL. The of Insight other shore. Why nol jump in? Or hatred in print is not the same as I as ooze and slime? . Achaan Chah. do you prefer the experiencing anger, jusl hearing time, but I a person's name is diflerent from and edited Jack Kornfield and Paul Breiter. (The could paddle away any Complied by him. am wailing for you." meeling Only experiencing for House, 1985, 192 ., Theosophical Publishing pp.) yourself can give you true failh . is basically advice for who are Reviewed Shana For a book so chel­ "You must all words, all by Klinger praclicing wilh him or persons who are full of spirilual go 'beyond all praclicing in intensive retreat sellings. Still lenges, pracOCal instruction and timeless symbols, plans for your practice. have a seclion on wisdom there is un­ Then can see for lhe If you your bookshelf lhe wisdom of his. advice often goes somethiriq slrangely you yourself a.bo!!11. the overall A here. do for books-straight beyond lime and place, and sometimes satisfying elleci of Still truth, arising righl If you Forest Pool a nol lurn will never from the horse's mouth, you'll be happy to aboulthe of commitment and Perhaps lhal is credit lo inward, you depth purity " make this new eddi­ Achaan Chah 5 and his edil�rs. know rea space for wonderful ofpurpose which underlies monaslic prec­ leaching If lily. we could the book and it down lion, But don't keep it on the shel(. Leave it lice is communicated in an [mish put inspiring way. Thank you Achaan Chah and edilors of on the room table or even in wilh a ofple4sure or artistic lying dining sigh epprecie­ A Still Forest Pool. [J "We musl use the solitude the bathroom (there are still a few medi­ physical lion, we uioulld be missing the message the to tators who read on because the of [orest develop , entiretq. thejohn), a Dharma Teacher in the' nol isolalion and (Shana Klinger,' power of Achaan Chah '5 words, the depth jusl for escape. is nol itn­ Kwan Urn School, lives wilh her hus­ How can we our "Outward, scriptual sludy and seriousness of his practice. and his escape mind and band and her one old et the three portent: or course, the Dharma. year daughter inoitetions to in such a the characterislics of condi­ daring join praclice Dharma Zen house in Prooi­ lioned books are correct; but lhey are nol Hope Group are worth confronling daily, no mailer phenomena? Really, sutter­ cannol un- dence, and no are righiL They give you righl RI.) what flavor of meditation you practice, ing. impermanence self everywhere. They are like the smell ofexcrement. Whether you have big piles or lillie piles, the smell is the GIVE THE GIFT OF ZEN same,

Such earthy metaphors are f1 striking and often delightful aspect of Achaan :TEACHING Chah 5 teaching style. Back copies of PRIMARY POINT are available for low cost and are "Some people think that the longer la solid resource .in anyone's library of contemporary spiritual you can sit. the wiseryou must be. I We. will numbers to you and to the or­ haVe seen chickens sit on their nests ,thought. ship larger of copies g:ani� and your just the mailing ana for days on end. Wisdom comes groups of choosing for costs. In this 'who are in from being mindful in all postures... handling way, people prisons, hospitals, Don't be concerned about how long ,halfway houses, remote areas; etc. can share in the valuable encour­

,. can sit. agement Buddhist Fill out the enclosed order to­ you of teaching. form ' day. We think you will find it a gold mine. Perhaps the most unsellling quality of Achaan Chen's teaching style is .that of

... ___--l,anuary 1984 (Vol. I #I) teaching articles by Seung Sahn and Master daring-inviting-chiding us to seriously fol­ iDhanna Teachers Barbara Rhodes and Mu Deung Sunim. Report on, 1983 "Women in low a meditation practice and come to Achaan Chah is a living master of Bud­ - Conference. Won Hyo, famous Korean . The new Diamond Hill Monastery and true peace. Over and over again there are dhist oipessene or insight meditation. He badcgrourui of Zen monasticism. Creation of the Kwan Urn Zen S�hool. statements like. "Do want to a a you practice is monk and his "home" is forest " �- or not?" or "From now on, it's up to 1984 I #21..... Buddhist on world on 1982 monaslery in where be practices you. May (Vol. perspectives peace," report World As one who has persevered and met his Peace at Providence Zen Center. Talks Ven. Tulku and teaches meditation. Il is a world of Assmilily by Mahaghosananda, Chagdud own demons of laziness, doubt and desire Rinpoche" Teesugen Glassman Sensei, Jack Kornfield, Zen Master Seung Sahn. Talk by Master thatched huts, silence, simplicily and re­ (to name a few), he speaks with a combi­ Dhanoa Teachers Lincoln Rhodes and George Bowman, "Journal of a Solo," part I. nuricietion. Like all who have pracliced a nation reassurance and of impatience 0Ii' meditation his wisdom . technique deeply, 1984 3 ..... and meditation in the nuclear on about the Buddha 5 Path and the diificul­ July (Vol. #3) Prayer age," report 1984 is universal and his words are useful be­ lECUIIlmicaI oonference featuring 22 eloquent speakers from Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Hindu, ties theron: . yond the parliculars of his situation and Sufi and Native American traditions. treiniriq.

___---'October 1984 (Vol. I #4) .....The roots of American Buddhism" by Zen Master Seung

, "The original hearl/mind shines like Sahn. R.rprm: on the Polish sangha by Master Dharma Teacher Mu Deung Sunim. Chagdud pure, clear water with the sweetest Tulku Rinpoche on carving a Buddha. A Zen student writes to his Hindu father. Practicing in Burma ami Thailand a student. of Diamond Hill Zen laste, But if the hearl is pure, is our by Vipassana/Zen Opening Monastery. Second Annual of the Kwan Urn Zen School. praclice over? No, we must not cling Congress even to this We must be­ - purity, go \:">- ____.anuary 1985 (Vol. 2 # 1) ...."Women and American Buddhism," 1984 conference at yond all all all duality, concepts, Rvovideooe Zen Center. Talks by Maurine Freedgood Roshi, Toni Packer, Gesshin Myoko bad, all good, all pure, all impure, Midwer• .Jan Chozen Soule Sensei, Master Dharma Teacher Barbara Rhodes and Jacqueline We must and no go beyond self self. Schwaroz-Mandell. (special 16 page issue) beyond birth and death. To see a

self to be reborn is the real trouble of ___�April 1985 (Vol. 2 # 2)...."How can sitting save this hungry world?" by Zen Master this world. True purity is limitless, Seung SaInn. Master Dharma Teacher Lincoln Rhodes on family life and practice. A Korean untouchable, beyond all opposites master ...'JIDdcarver. The art of Zen sword by Maria Kim. " and all crealion.

___.....,.u1y 1985 (Vol. 2 # 3) ...."This universe gives us everything" by Zen Master Seung A Still Forest Pool was translated, Sahn. Ma!mer Dharma Teacher George Bowman's "Journal of a Solo," part 2. Death of Zen compiled and edited by two Western men Master Hae Am. "The flowering of Polish Dharma," by Ellen Sidor. "Engaged Buddhism" by who pracliced and' look monastic vows Ruth KlIem. Stephen Mitchell's unpublished translations of Rilke's Sonnets to Orpheus. for varying periods with Achaan Chah in his forest monastery. They have arranged ___�lNIovember 1985 (Vol. 2 i4) ...."A gentle rain," visit by Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Robert Aitken-Roshi mat H.auili.. "The sword that kills, the sword that life: balance in Zen practice" the book into seven chapters-many less gives finding by Zen M25l!Ielr Seung Sahn. Article on his recent trip to China. Talks by Dhar�a Master Danette than a page long-which are either direct . Choi and Master Dharma' Teacher Lincoln Rhodes. "The 'Heart of Buddhism" reviewed. teaching quotes from Achaan Chah or H. H. the Dalai Lama stories related about him and his students. ... ____Februarv 1986 (Vol. 3 #1) ."Four posts to build a strong practicing house"> Seen Sa In each seclion is a addition, prefaced by Ven. Maha Ghosananda Nirn's ..",., reaching in Europe. "The Balancing of American Buddhism" 1985 conference at short explanalion by the editors. What re­ Providence Zen Center. Panel discussion and talks by Bhikshuni Perna Chodron, Dr. Joanna sulis, though sometimes choppy as far as Thich Nhat Hanh Macy,;mrlI Ve. Prabhasa Dharma, Roshi. "Buddhist Faith and Sudden Enlightenment" reviewed. conlinuity of style, is the kind of book you (J,(i page m.e) can open to almost any page lo read a Jack Kornfield complete and engaging quotation or anec­ dote. Joanna ORDER FORM In many ways A Still Forest Pool is Macy a manual for vipassana meditation. The Volume Orne Volume Two Volume Three RATES words Achaan Chah uses, the concepls , and others. ___:_jl ____III 1-5 copies $1.00 per copy (US & Canada) he employs, are often particular to that ____112 $2.00 per copy (foreign) style of Theravadan Buddhism. In this ____113 6-50 copies $5.00 total (US & Canada way the book is a lreasure house of in­ Edited Fred by Eppsteiner only) struction and insighl into the melhodology and Dennis ____II 4 Foreign, see below. and Maloney. difficulties of oipessene, particularly 51-100 copies $10.00 total (US & Canada the sections eniiiled "Meditation and For­ only) mal Practice" and "Questions for the see below • Foreign, I, The' Path of is avail­ Teacher. Compassion ___Tom! copies ordered able mail for Post­ by $9.95 per copy. ___Tom! $ enclosed (checks or "You uiill see thet. when the tieert./: age and handling charges are $1.05 money orders only, drawn on (For more than 5 copies to be sent over­ mind is it is in unattached, abiding US banks or their seas, write us first and the cost for for one copy and $.25 for each addi­ agents) request its normal stele. When it. stirs from a specified number of copies.) tional copy. * lhe normal because of various single copies aniy lhoughls and feelings, the process Buddhist Peace Fellowship of lhoughl construction takes place, Rochester Chapter Send to: Name in which illusions are created. Learn P.o_ Box 10605 Address " lo see through this process... Rochester, NY 14610.

______Zip � Since Achaan Chah is himself a monk

and since the context in which he leaches 1fagift,smtbywhom? _ is monastic, a notable portion of the book