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10 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. THURSDAY. MAY 16. 1901. HIEA APPOINTS EXPERTS. BURIED IN TUNNEL CAVE-IK. Ijß^ pUNT^pNEpURNITURB DIE-OTHERS IX- THEY WILL WOn OUT THE PROBLEM ONi: ITALIAN MAY O'Neill's WORKMEN- OF iM\\in\<; \T BRIDGE irucD- wvuunm "By Orient Fingers Wrought." THEM OUT. i:\ii:an« i; DIG Japan believes that everything In use should Offering of be decorated, A Special laborers were buried last from mattlnßs to carved ivories. Thomns C. Clarke, of No. |Sf East Thlrty-elKhth- A number of Italian To show the taste, Bkill and love of beauty she in the Rapid Transit Tunnel lr.to work, *t.;Alfred P. Jloller. of No. INassau-st.. livingat night ln a cave-In puts her we offer this lot of High Groceries! ©'Neill's Grade Fourteenth-si, and I'nlon Square. East Orange, N.J.. and Henry G. Proat. Editor of at SEAMLESS JAPANESE C. MATTINGS, "The Riillror-d Gazette," of No. 12 Nassau-st.. liv- INJTRED. W. Note the prices. They willinterest every ing nt Nutley, yesterday appointed by Mulberry leg $8.50 per roll vA'. who reads of Suits. nf No. "44 Sale Women's N. J.. were < thahii Mi<"h»«'l. : tefl of 40 money-saving housekeeper the JJridpe Commissioner Khfa to Investigate the Man- "rokrn: lntcm.l lrlurl««: llktlyto dl*. thtrty-sacsa Japanese Jute Hucrs, from 3x»*i ft., at $'_\.V>. Tribune. A Special Serge nrldp^ to de- Antoni". years oli. of No. 244 Mul- to Purchase of Women's Cheviot Suits goes on sale this mmhim hattan terminal of th" Brooklyn and nOMIO fra. tured. 9x12 $15.00. and colorings typi- brrrj'-»t-: riirtit luc ft.. Pattern* Sample Teas, mixed, per They have collarless bands cide on plans for the re!l«-f of BSi laSS of traffic. ally Kffe> tive Tt> 3Oc Eton Jackets finished with three taffeta around neck • lU>.«Sf*. Je»»o. thirty-nine years old. cf No. ISO Tlilrd-»t.: Oriental. combinations to cult 'ommlssloii. r Bhea, regarding tha selection of left Urn tur«-J each room. BLUE. and front and lined with silk ;Skirt is the new notM top of flounce has rows of Shese men, H.-ild: pang flft?«-n men was wr.rking In the A larp.* variety nf enamelled reed furniture stitching, silk drop. A sf Morris Chairs, JSD.73, cushions, per rtaii it. «c ti,. on $3.50 set. O"N'clir» niue. X- Ithink men lhave esked to work the of John Dunn, ! ttsras the tunnel und^r direction the U'Neill's Ital*. Blue. IT. He thla matter t« »><• the Iwst that Insa lind In foreman, "quyoftme MAKER* O'Neill's Itall Hlue. 1 It> l!«»e "•lty. Tii.;. are all able and experienced, ana of One-hundr-d-and-elghty-seventh- Hall Ulue. Imported French, per It> 3*»* Special Imve done Important B,lmIdas' work ln past st. and Broadway, when, without any warning, Lrst<r'» TabsMs, 21 ln j.rt.-kitKe Be 16.98 v.-ars Colonel J'rout has an international reputa- i.,.::iry Starch. 3-tb. lioi Ms tl/.i, lihs about six tons of earth the sides of the Starch, pr pa.kat?^ I***" having •-••I. s. rvi.. In Egypt, «n.l decora- from Geo. G. Co. niastle Flint Mezzant Iholl-vr stem). lOr tlont. from crowm-1 h«-ads for his work BbrSSl tunnel, which spars not planked up, rolled down lii..z.. net a« fast hk Bpasbcttl <tli!n>. 1(5 cz.. n»-t ... Iam going to puarti rhi*mwtter Just •• ¦43.45 A-o 47 . *JJ»"1-e Exceptional Value in jxjSKlble. report to on the men. Thr> of them arctu buried under WEST 2375T.. Y. .-111. "for noups." 1G oz.. net, per box and hmw the . ntlemtti will Taste, "for BMBBS," oz., net, per b0i.... 1-c rnt iit their «-firlk-st .f.v.-ni-nc,-. They will thor- this huge mass sf i-arth. sand and rock. near BROADWAY. ItaMaa M oughly examine the Manhattan terminal, «nd will construction, foreman at oakce set other twelve men BACON. ¦decide whethf- reconstruction or a The the factory: 154-ano 156 w£sr 19?str«t. HAMS AND Taffeta Etons, womblrmtion of l.olh Is advisable. Iwill coincide to work with i>icks and shovels, and in a short '•*<• Silk -w-ith thoir views and leave the mntter entirely to Choice tlisnr CSiaii Hams, tt> Taffeta, at burled were to Choir* Ibmelens Rioon. n> *•*«* neatly tucked and lined with heir judgment. time those rescued and taken In 1 tb. a-lass jars—Straw- S. Vincent's Hospital in an ambulance. They HOME MADE PRESERVES. Damson, Henry r, Prout was graduated In civil enplneer- berry. Itssplisiljf. yiiln.-<>. I>ach. Apricot. gave their names a<? Jesso Rosso, thirty-nine KILLS BIMBELF ANDCHILD r.rr+n riajje anil Pineapple. Jar IS«* ing from the I'nlverslty nf Michigan. He was for years old. of No. IS<» Third-st.; Antonio Romlo, FORMOSA OOUOXG KNOI.ISH BREAKFAST AND Mixki. *goal ln quality to any Tp» s.»M ssh 4.98 nearly five yenrs ln the service of the Khedive sf thirty-seven years Mulberry-st.. TEA. old. af No. 244 w-h.-re at >*> o»nt« n>.. BS>.| three pounds f.r.. l.«H> 3-".trypt As major of ensineers he wus ln charfte of and Michael Murray, of No. 1!44 Mulberry-st. ITALIAN BARBBB ALSO SHOOTS HIS CHOICE IXPIA CEYLOX, n. «••<• the Engineer Rureau of the Wur Department Raaas a fracture of Urn left leg. three pounds 1.1.» awstabsed lO«-.j .loz ,-aw. _.^.-. liegan survey Romio had his fractured, and WIFE—HEB CONDITION SKKIOIS. Fancy Maine «'orn. can. l.lSl . find the cadahtrnl of T.ower Egypt. ri«ht leg Gerard Fancy .T<T.«ry Tomatoes can, lOo.j doz.. 1.1.ij casa ti.li.i jj. tl. Soudan, had his left leg broken, and h<* also sustained <loz.. U.-1O Great Bargain in Shirtwaists! rommn :.n exjwdltlonIn the Eai ) June iv.-i*.can. llr.i IJSSI easa injuries, hospital au- Giplona Dl— an Italißn barber, twenty- JAVA WM MiiiIt A COFFEE, Ib -¦">c icoverliic the territory for seven hundred miles Internal from which the uto. BEST COFFEE; -<»<? it likely will die. years old, 1,305 Lexlngton-ave.. J\M*>KA" • ML.RND lt> Linen Colored Lawn Shirtwaists, with deep Sailor Collar, insertion of em- v.m af Khartoum. He succeeded sersJ Gordon thorities think that be irs cf No. last xi ii N" •11 .•>>rri:K 1-tTi. n*<* great gathered scene . bass 4."m» and finished white shield and collar, *is of the provinces of the A crowd at the of the Blfjht shot his wife, twenty- four years old; his XL I.'N'H COFFEE, :t Ib. bad broidery with fiovornor-Gt."!irral accident, with pr*-at difficulty Mackerel 1.23, 1.5.1 and I.MS iquator. and it was that Marie, Kits- ot police daughter, eleven months old. and then •>. i>all.« Markarc4 SB»B Th<.m;i!> th<- could keep it bark. Policeman K-'ti- SardliM Paste per iloz •• C. Clarke was graduated at Harvard in W. shot himself through Ht*-.: Msa n«ly. sf the st Thlrtleth-st. station, found It the head. The child Is I'otte.l Ploater hi tin. lllr.isoa I-" H.» BSBBi iln- U.40 98C. Each. 3KIS. second bridge constructed over impossible to hold the crowd incheck. He blew df>ad. and the mother Is In the Presbyterian Salmon Steaks. «'o!uml>la Klver. 21c.j.1-z ihe Mississippi River, at Quincy. 111., whistle, adjoining Salmon, rholoe Aamsha, l-tt>. tins. |a%.| one doz... I.SO for the Chi- his and the men from th< Hospital in a perious condition. Mrs. Louisa cago. Burlington nnd Quincy Railroad. He also posts ln the Sixteenth. Fifteenth and Eighteenth Brusoto, of the murderer, was also We do not sell wines, liquors or fcullt the Cirard Av,-nu.- Bridge In Philadelphia, precincts came to his assistance. mother taken BCS* SIXTH AVENUE. 20TH TO 21ST STREET. the Kg bridge at Pouphkeepßie and one in Au- The cars on both the Fourth-aye. and cross- to the hospital, hysterical from fright. cigars. Itrail*. town lines were stopped for about Bfteen of Policeman Garsan. of the East Kißhty-eißhth- Allpurchases ofGroceries delivered free Alfred P. Boiler le a graduate twenty minutes The foreman said that the men ifthe I'nlverslty of were below Ft. station, was at Lexinston-ave. and Elghty- to any railroad station within ioo miles of J'ennsylvunla. wus working about twenty-five fed th.- Ha consulting engineer for the surface of the street, and that the twelve who elphth-st. a few minutes before 11 o'clock, when rindli:y. Fort ss*l New York City. 1 sTaims Western Railroad and w.-re not bsjrted escaped only because they were he heard four s=h<>ts coming from Brusoto'a 'Amusements. the CafJS Cod Canal project and the Sault Ste. working in another part of West St the tunneL barber shop. He ran to the shop anil Into the Marie I'i.vfr Development Company. He wrs. con- Aye., to sulting engineer f.>r the city of Newnrk in con- two roar rooms used by the family. Brusoto lay 6th 20th 21st St. nection with the Pennsylvania i^2L,J 25, tracks of the nnd THIXhs THE OUTLOOK 18 BRIGHT. <>n uneonscloua, Proctor's 15. 50 Jersey fVntralrailroads. He is consulting engineer the floor and Mrs. Brusoto was ni'ilifs, c Vnrletien nnd Xoveltlen. tfor the IYabash entrance to Plttslwrg.