Copyrighted Material
INDEX Note: Page numbers in italics refer to photos and illustrations. accretion disk, 180–182 AF (After the Fall), defi ned, 6 acetylcholine, 68n Agathon, Hera actuators, 49 Mitochondrial Eve and, 59, 60 Adama, Admiral William, 3 pharmacopeia and, 70, 72 astronomy and, 157 Agathon, Karl “Helo,” 63 defi ning life and, 9 Cylons as men vs. machines, 18n genetic research and, 24, 26 physics and, 184 memory and, 38 “silica pathways” and, 43, 46 pharmacopeia and, 71, 72 technology and, 267, 269 physics and, 83, 86, 101–102, 130, Agathon, Sharon “Athena,” 42, 43, 46 177, 189 physics and, 184 “silica pathways” and, 43, 48, 50 technology and, 262, 280 technology and, 212, 248, 263, agents, 31 276–277 air, radiation and, 126–127 Adama, Lee “Apollo,” 3, 125 airborne transmission, of disease, 63 Colonials as humans and, 53 Alcubierre, Miguel, 219 genetic research and, 24 algae, 157–158, 168, 286 physics and, 130, 162, 176, 183, Algae Planet, 168, 172 187–188 COPYRIGHTEDalleles, MATERIAL 54–55 technology and, 236, 246–247, 249, Alpha Centauri A, 161, 213 260, 272–273, 283 Alpha Centauri B, 161, 213 adenine (A), 13–14, 70 alpha rays, 122 adenosine, 68n Altair (Forbidden Planet), 152n adenosine triphosphate (ATP), 58 aluminosilicate minera, 74–75 Advanced Anti-Radiation Guided Missile amino acids, 13, 54, 71 (AARGM), 264 ammonia (NH3), 12, 170, 173, 174 297 bbindex.inddindex.indd 229797 99/8/10/8/10 22:13:29:13:29 PPMM 298 INDEX ammonium cyanide, 13–14 moons and, 171 ammonium perchlorate composite propellant “one atmosphere” rule, 166 (APCP), 198 atoms, 116–119, 117 amnesia, 72n amphetamines, 68 Baah Pakal, 207, 208 analog transmission, 287–288 back door schemes, 274–277 Anders, Ensign Samuel Baltar, Dr.
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