"I Am the Resurrection and the Life; He That Believeth in Me, Though He Were Dead, Yet Shall He Live
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014700k April, 1988 Mid-America I Inion Conference of Seventh-day Adventists "I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live . John 11:25 Guest Outlook face with the practical side of the theologi- Righteousness cal issue of righteousness by faith. I was in Om Look an intensive care unit dying of a rare blood Official organ of the Mid-America Union Conference of disease. Seventh-day Adventists, P.O. Box 6128 (8550 Pioneers By Faith Is A There had been no warning except some Blvd.), Lincoln, NE 68506. (402) 486-2550. tiredness. But all of a sudden I had been quickly taken to the emergency room of Editor James L. Fly Editorial Assistant Shirley B. Engel Relationship Huguley Hospital, diagnosed first as having Typesetter Cheri Winters hepatitis. Later they realized they didn't Printer Christian Record Braille Foundation "For when we were still helpless, Christ know what I had. They only knew that it died for the wicked at the time that God was deadly. Change of address: Give your new address with zip code and include your name and old address as it appeared on chose. It is a difficult thing for someone to Flat on your back with all kinds of tubes previous issues. (If possible clip your name and address die for a righteous person. It may even be in you, having been anointed, you begin to from an old OUTLOOK.) that someone might dare to die for a good realize what's of value and what's superfi- person. But God has shown us how much cial. At that crucial time in my life, the most He loves us—it was while we were still important thing was a relationship—a rela- Mid-America Union CONFFRFNCF OF SWENFFI FAY ADONFIFTS sinners that Christ died for us! By His death tionship with a personal Friend, Jesus we are now put right with God; how much Christ. I have never felt Him any closer than more, then, will we be saved by Him from at that time. I sensed His loving presence, Mid-America Union Directory God's anger! We were God's enemies, but His calming assurance that He would see President J 0. Tompkins Secretary George Timpson He made us His friends through the death of me through this crisis. He would take care Treasurer Duane P. Huey His Son. Now that we are God's friends, of my family. To me this is the essence of Assistant Treasurer Arthur Opp how much more will we be saved by Christ's righteousness by faith. Adventist Health System life! But that is not all; we rejoice because of At a time when all the externals are Middle & Eastern J. R. Shawver Church Ministries Ken L. Bushnell what God has done through our Lord Jesus stripped, when you have to trust beyond Communication, A.S 1 James L. Fly Christ, who has now made us God's friends." what the eye can see and humanity can Education Don Keele (Romans 5:6-11, Today's English Version) grasp, you come face to face with right- Associate Education Melvin E. Northrup "God's friends" rather than enemies! eousness by faith. He is able to lead me Health, Temperance, Inner City George Timpson What a beautiful thought! A friend of God. through the shadow of the valley of death. Ministerial & Evangelism You and I are invited to be a friend of God! He is able to deliver me from an unseen Coordinator James A. Cress We, if we choose, can join the illustrious enemy that is destroying the very life- Publishing and HHES Hoyet L. Taylor company of Abraham whom the Bible says producing cells of my body. He is able to Associate Publishing William Dawes Associate Publishing Lynn Westbrook was the friend of God. Notice the words of comfort when all hope is gone. He is able— Associate Publishing/HHES Bob Belmont James 2:23, "And the Scripture was ful- when no one else is. Religious Liberty D. J. Huenergardt filled which saith, Abraham believed God, Righteousness by faith. A relationship— Trust Services George Woodruff and it was imputed unto him for righteous- day to day with a personal Friend named ness: and he was called the Friend of God." Jesus Christ. What a friend we have in Local Conference Directory CENTRAL STATES: J. Paul Monk, President; E. F. Carter, Secre- (KJV). Being a friend of God is what right- Jesus! tary; Leroy Hampton, Treasurer; 5737 Swope Parkway, Kansas eousness by faith is all about. Don Shelton, President City, MO 64130; Telephone (816) 361.7177. Correspondent, A little over two years ago I came face to Dakota Conference Nathaniel Miller DAKOTA CONFERENCE: Don Shelton, President; Marvin Lowman, Secretary; Douglas Hilliard, Treasurer; P.O. Box 520, 217 North Grand, Pierre, SD 57501; Telephone (605) 224-8868. ABC, Star Route 9, Box 170, Bismarck, ND 58501; Telephone Outlook for April (701) 258.6531. Correspondent, Marvin Lowman IOWA-MISSOURI: W. D. Wampler, President; Walter Brown, Secretary; G. T. Evans, Treasurer; P.O. Box 65665, 1005 Grand Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50265; Telephone (515) 223-1197. The Chimes That Charm page 4 Correspondent, Herb Wrate KANSAS-NEBRASKA: Gordon Retzer, President; J. Roger McQuistan, Secretary; Norman Harvey, Treasurer; 3440 Urish Thoughts At A Schoolhouse Door page 6 Road, Topeka, KS 66614-4601; Telephone (913) 478-4726. ABC, 4745 Prescott, Lincoln, NE 68506; Telephone (402) 488- A Little Lady With Big Dreams page 7 3395. Correspondent, John Trento MINNESOTA: C. Lee Huff, President; Raymond R. Rouse, Secretary-Treasurer; 7384 Kirkwood Court, Maple Grove, MN Martial Art Marshalls Peaceful Participants page 8 55369 Telephone (612) 424-8923. Correspondent, Barbara Huff ROCKY MOUNTAIN: Don C. Schneider, President; L. D. Cleve- A Little Wine is Good? page 10 land, Secretary-Treasurer; 2520 So. Downing, Denver, CO 80210; Telephone (303) 733-3771. Con .pundeni, Robert McCumber The Dual Human Nature of Jesus page 12 Vol. 9, No. 4, April, 1988. The Mid-America Adventist OUT- LOOK (ISSN 0887-977X) is published monthly by the Mid- America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 8550 Pio- Outlook On The Cover neers Blvd., Route 8, Lincoln, NE 68506. Printed at Christian Record Braille Foundation, Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Apra- While he was principal of Campion Academy, Richard Duerksen and his family waited for an Nebraska. Annual subscription price, $8.00. POSTMASTER: Send Easter Lily to bloom and for a Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly to emerge from its cocoon. Both events took address changes to Mid-America Adventist OUTLOOK, P.O. Box place close together and they let the Swallowtail dry its wings on the lily. Duerksen is now vice president 6128, Lincoln, NE 68506. for enrollment services at Pacific Union College. 2 OUTLOOK April, 1988 "Winning Back the Church: II. The Liberals" BY ALDEN THOMPSON n the last issue of the Outlook we talked Issues for the Liberal Cry For Help I to the conservatives. Now it's the 1. Intellect, curiosity, a love of beauty 2. Patience. This is a hard one. When liberals' turn. But first some hasty and excellence. If you're hungry for a your outstretched gift finds no receptive generalizations. thought-provoking sermon, and the church hand, and your cry for help no listening ear, As far as the church is concerned, seems austere, without aesthetic qualities, you would be excused for looking conservatives have the reputation of being don't give up. The church needs you more elsewhere. Because we have so far to go, the more bombastic than liberals. They contend than ever right now, both because you church will often appear barren and austere. for the faith. And if they leave, they go out recognize its weakness, and because you have But it needs your talents. with a bang. the sensitivity to help bring it to maturity. Pray that you might find in the church By contrast—with exceptions, to be The world is populated by mostly average the receptive hand and the listening ear. sure—liberals struggle along more quietly, folks. So is the church. That spells a lonely And pray that the Lord of Creation will finally slipping away into the dark night. life for exceptional people. They are seeking grant you patience to endure both the Later, the church wakes up and suddenly answers to questions most have never asked, average and the mediocre while the church remembers, "Whatever happened to . ?" and conversation partners are rare. struggles to appreciate your gifts. But they are already gone. If you are one of the lonely bright ones, You will also need patience to understand Right here, however, we should clarify you need to know that there are others like those who are so overwhelmed by the divine what we mean by "Adventist liberal," you in the church. Somehow you need to presence that they obey without questioning. certainly a contradiction in terms in the find each other. And together you need to You may feel that you can challenge God, broader religious world. A typical help us shape a believing community for all like Abraham or Moses. Don't neglect that sociologist, for example, would see any the people. When guided by the Spirit, the previous right—just remember that others Adventist willing to carry the name as depth of your insight and your insatiable simply melt in His presence. hopelessly conservative. After all, curiosity can bless the household of faith. Ponder, for example, what it means Adventists believe in a God who hears and And then there is your love of beauty when the whole church stands for the answers prayers.