014700k April, 1988 Mid-America I Inion Conference of Seventh-day Adventists

"I am the resurrection and the life; he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live . . . John 11:25 Guest Outlook

face with the practical side of the theologi- Righteousness cal issue of righteousness by faith. I was in Om Look an intensive care unit dying of a rare blood Official organ of the Mid-America Union Conference of disease. Seventh-day Adventists, P.O. Box 6128 (8550 Pioneers By Faith Is A There had been no warning except some Blvd.), Lincoln, NE 68506. (402) 486-2550. tiredness. But all of a sudden I had been quickly taken to the emergency room of Editor James L. Fly Editorial Assistant Shirley B. Engel Relationship Huguley Hospital, diagnosed first as having Typesetter Cheri Winters hepatitis. Later they realized they didn't Printer Christian Record Braille Foundation "For when we were still helpless, Christ know what I had. They only knew that it died for the wicked at the time that God was deadly. Change of address: Give your new address with zip code and include your name and old address as it appeared on chose. It is a difficult thing for someone to Flat on your back with all kinds of tubes previous issues. (If possible clip your name and address die for a righteous person. It may even be in you, having been anointed, you begin to from an old OUTLOOK.) that someone might dare to die for a good realize what's of value and what's superfi- person. But God has shown us how much cial. At that crucial time in my life, the most He loves us—it was while we were still important thing was a relationship—a rela- Mid-America Union CONFFRFNCF OF SWENFFI FAY ADONFIFTS sinners that Christ died for us! By His death tionship with a personal Friend, Jesus we are now put right with God; how much Christ. I have never felt Him any closer than more, then, will we be saved by Him from at that time. I sensed His loving presence, Mid-America Union Directory God's anger! We were God's enemies, but His calming assurance that He would see President J 0. Tompkins Secretary George Timpson He made us His friends through the death of me through this crisis. He would take care Treasurer Duane P. Huey His Son. Now that we are God's friends, of my family. To me this is the essence of Assistant Treasurer Arthur Opp how much more will we be saved by Christ's righteousness by faith. Adventist Health System life! But that is not all; we rejoice because of At a time when all the externals are Middle & Eastern J. R. Shawver Church Ministries Ken L. Bushnell what God has done through our Lord Jesus stripped, when you have to trust beyond Communication, A.S 1 James L. Fly Christ, who has now made us God's friends." what the eye can see and humanity can Education Don Keele (Romans 5:6-11, Today's English Version) grasp, you come face to face with right- Associate Education Melvin E. Northrup "God's friends" rather than enemies! eousness by faith. He is able to lead me Health, Temperance, Inner City George Timpson What a beautiful thought! A friend of God. through the shadow of the valley of death. Ministerial & Evangelism You and I are invited to be a friend of God! He is able to deliver me from an unseen Coordinator James A. Cress We, if we choose, can join the illustrious enemy that is destroying the very life- Publishing and HHES Hoyet L. Taylor company of Abraham whom the Bible says producing cells of my body. He is able to Associate Publishing William Dawes Associate Publishing Lynn Westbrook was the friend of God. Notice the words of comfort when all hope is gone. He is able— Associate Publishing/HHES Bob Belmont James 2:23, "And the Scripture was ful- when no one else is. Religious Liberty D. J. Huenergardt filled which saith, Abraham believed God, Righteousness by faith. A relationship— Trust Services George Woodruff and it was imputed unto him for righteous- day to day with a personal Friend named ness: and he was called the Friend of God." Jesus Christ. What a friend we have in Local Conference Directory CENTRAL STATES: J. Paul Monk, President; E. F. Carter, Secre- (KJV). Being a friend of God is what right- Jesus! tary; Leroy Hampton, Treasurer; 5737 Swope Parkway, Kansas eousness by faith is all about. Don Shelton, President City, MO 64130; Telephone (816) 361.7177. Correspondent, A little over two years ago I came face to Dakota Conference Nathaniel Miller DAKOTA CONFERENCE: Don Shelton, President; Marvin Lowman, Secretary; Douglas Hilliard, Treasurer; P.O. Box 520, 217 North Grand, Pierre, SD 57501; Telephone (605) 224-8868. ABC, Star Route 9, Box 170, Bismarck, ND 58501; Telephone Outlook for April (701) 258.6531. Correspondent, Marvin Lowman IOWA-MISSOURI: W. D. Wampler, President; Walter Brown, Secretary; G. T. Evans, Treasurer; P.O. Box 65665, 1005 Grand Ave., West Des Moines, IA 50265; Telephone (515) 223-1197. The Chimes That Charm page 4 Correspondent, Herb Wrate KANSAS-NEBRASKA: Gordon Retzer, President; J. Roger McQuistan, Secretary; Norman Harvey, Treasurer; 3440 Urish Thoughts At A Schoolhouse Door page 6 Road, Topeka, KS 66614-4601; Telephone (913) 478-4726. ABC, 4745 Prescott, Lincoln, NE 68506; Telephone (402) 488- A Little Lady With Big Dreams page 7 3395. Correspondent, John Trento MINNESOTA: C. Lee Huff, President; Raymond R. Rouse, Secretary-Treasurer; 7384 Kirkwood Court, Maple Grove, MN Martial Art Marshalls Peaceful Participants page 8 55369 Telephone (612) 424-8923. Correspondent, Barbara Huff

ROCKY MOUNTAIN: Don C. Schneider, President; L. D. Cleve- A Little Wine is Good? page 10 land, Secretary-Treasurer; 2520 So. Downing, Denver, CO 80210; Telephone (303) 733-3771. Con .pundeni, Robert McCumber The Dual Human Nature of Jesus page 12

Vol. 9, No. 4, April, 1988. The Mid-America Adventist OUT- LOOK (ISSN 0887-977X) is published monthly by the Mid- America Union Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, 8550 Pio- Outlook On The Cover neers Blvd., Route 8, Lincoln, NE 68506. Printed at Christian Record Braille Foundation, Second-class postage paid at Lincoln, Apra- While he was principal of Campion Academy, Richard Duerksen and his family waited for an Nebraska. Annual subscription price, $8.00. POSTMASTER: Send Easter Lily to bloom and for a Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly to emerge from its cocoon. Both events took address changes to Mid-America Adventist OUTLOOK, P.O. Box place close together and they let the Swallowtail dry its wings on the lily. Duerksen is now vice president 6128, Lincoln, NE 68506. for enrollment services at Pacific Union College.

2 OUTLOOK April, 1988 "Winning Back the Church: II. The Liberals"


n the last issue of the Outlook we talked Issues for the Liberal Cry For Help I to the conservatives. Now it's the 1. Intellect, curiosity, a love of beauty 2. Patience. This is a hard one. When liberals' turn. But first some hasty and excellence. If you're hungry for a your outstretched gift finds no receptive generalizations. thought-provoking sermon, and the church hand, and your cry for help no listening ear, As far as the church is concerned, seems austere, without aesthetic qualities, you would be excused for looking conservatives have the reputation of being don't give up. The church needs you more elsewhere. Because we have so far to go, the more bombastic than liberals. They contend than ever right now, both because you church will often appear barren and austere. for the faith. And if they leave, they go out recognize its weakness, and because you have But it needs your talents. with a bang. the sensitivity to help bring it to maturity. Pray that you might find in the church By contrast—with exceptions, to be The world is populated by mostly average the receptive hand and the listening ear. sure—liberals struggle along more quietly, folks. So is the church. That spells a lonely And pray that the Lord of Creation will finally slipping away into the dark night. life for exceptional people. They are seeking grant you patience to endure both the Later, the church wakes up and suddenly answers to questions most have never asked, average and the mediocre while the church remembers, "Whatever happened to . . . ?" and conversation partners are rare. struggles to appreciate your gifts. But they are already gone. If you are one of the lonely bright ones, You will also need patience to understand Right here, however, we should clarify you need to know that there are others like those who are so overwhelmed by the divine what we mean by "Adventist liberal," you in the church. Somehow you need to presence that they obey without questioning. certainly a contradiction in terms in the find each other. And together you need to You may feel that you can challenge God, broader religious world. A typical help us shape a believing community for all like Abraham or Moses. Don't neglect that sociologist, for example, would see any the people. When guided by the Spirit, the previous right—just remember that others Adventist willing to carry the name as depth of your insight and your insatiable simply melt in His presence. hopelessly conservative. After all, curiosity can bless the household of faith. Ponder, for example, what it means Adventists believe in a God who hears and And then there is your love of beauty when the whole church stands for the answers prayers. We believe that God and excellence. Adventism's Puritan benediction, but in the middle of all the became man and lived among us, that He heritage has woven a thread of intense standing saints, one family kneels out of has spoken to us through prophets and practicality into our souls. Aesthetics are deep reverence for God. Pray for patience apostles, and that He is coming again. easily ignored. Recently I overheard to understand the intensity of that devotion. Outside the church—at a typical state someone remark that if it were left to university, for example—all that marks us Adventists, there would be no museums Sacrificial Giving as thorough-going conservatives, regardless and no art galleries anywhere in the world. 3. Gifts. In recent months I've heard of how we label each other inside. Sensitive and creative people with God- educators discuss the demise of Under that very conservative umbrella, given talents for enriching the world are philanthropy in American culture. The however, some differences between burdened with a sense of guilt because they younger set of wealthy industrialists and Adventist liberals and conservatives are have been taught—or at least given the businesspeople are not nearly so inclined to worth noting. A liberal, for example, finds distinct impression—that time spent on art give their money to worthy causes as their the creation at least as interesting as the is time wasted. predecessors have been. Is the church Creator, much prefers a probing question to Adventism was born with an urgent afflicted by the same disease? You may a revealed answer, and is tempted to spend message: the Lord is coming soon! That need to ponder 1 Corinthians 16:1-2 and more time with human beings than with urgency tended to cheat us out of aesthetics decide what it means to give as God has God. and to overshadow the kind of deep piety prospered you. Or, if you really want a So if you consider yourself an Adventist which inspired godly craftsmen to beautify sobering thought, consider what "sacrificial of liberal stripe—not wild, just liberal— both the wilderness sanctuary and giving" might mean. concerned about the shallowness of the Solomon's temple. During medieval times, Conservative causes prosper because church's preaching and writing, alienated artisans were believers who dedicated their conservatives are gripped by their convictions because you have ventured thoughtful lives to building and adorning cathedrals in and give accordingly. The church would be questions when the saints wanted clear-cut honor of their God. We haven't done much healthier and more vibrant if liberals would answers, and feeling condemned because of that. do the same. Our schools, in particular, your love of beauty stands in a certain You can begin to reach us about the could do exciting things if they really enjoyed tension over against the church's call for beautiful. In this bitter world, we have the wholehearted support of the church. simplicity, sacrifice, and practicality, then attempted to maintain our sanity by looking Think about it. Then do something about it. this piece is for you. Read on. These are to the future. And we must cherish that 4. Worship. Liberals tend to be better at issues for an Adventist liberal. hope. But we also live in God's creation probing and exploring than they are at now. If He has granted you the gift of worshiping. And by worship, I don't mean Alden Thompson is Provost and Dean for sensing the beauty in creation, accept His just sitting in church. I'm thinking of an Academic Administration at Walla Walk gift and use it to bless His world. You can attitude toward God, an attitude of College. Reprinted from North Pacific help us catch glimpses of God's goodness, submission and acceptance. Union Gleaner by permission. even in the midst of chaos. (continued on page 28) April, 1988 OUTLOOK 3 Maplewood Academy and Union College. "Everyone thought I should be a nurse," Donna says, "and I took the nursing course for two years but I didn't like it!" Between her sophomore and junior year at Union, the educational superintendent in Minnesota asked her to come teach the eight-grade school in Maple Plain. Donna had decided to change her major to education, but she hadn't as yet taken any education courses. After a lot of persuasion, she decided to give teaching a try and she loved it. After teaching the year in Maple Plain, she went back to Union, graduated in 1965 and then she returned to Maple Plain to teach for two more years. Donna took a vacation from full-time teaching to raise her family (she and her husband, Charles, have three children). For several years she did substitute teaching at MJA, and then resumed full-time teaching first at Maple Plain again and then in 1977 at MJA where she has taught ever since. Donna is pleased with the "Bible Lab" concept in Adventist education, but says that she and her students have always done this type of thing. At least once a month she takes her students somewhere to witness and share. Before the days of the hand chimes, they would sing, make cards and banners, bake cookies, et cetera. Now they add the chime concerts to their activities. All witnessing activities and outings are Minneapolis Junior Academy teacher Donna Cox poses with four of her "chiming" woven into the school day's activities. The students. Each of her 15 students plays the chimes. Donna's students raised the money class will often play a few songs on the for the chimes through a fun festival and auction. The Chimes That Charm


eachers of multigrade rooms in The children who are more proficient in chimes for morning worship instead of TAdventist schools usually have to- wear music are given more notes to play, but each singing. They might make tray favors for many hats and for Donna Cox of chime is melodious in itself and she says that shut-ins during their art class and then Minneapolis Junior Academy (MJA), those an occasional mistake isn't noticed. Donna perhaps make cards during a Bible class. At hats include a chauffeur's hat as well as a highlights their notes on their music and the the end of the day, or any time she feels the clown's! And on the serious side, she wears children carefully count, many of them kids need a change of pace, they might play the hats of friend, musician and role model. tapping their foot as the music progresses. a song or two on the chimes. She says the Last school year, Donna's third and fourth All of them concentrate intently. "They love students are always eagerly anticipating grade class put on a fund raiser in the form to perform," Donna says. what's coming next. of a fun festival and auction and raised Why did she choose hand chimes? "They In early December last year, Donna $1,400 to purchase a three-octave set of are a wonderful teaching aid," says Donna. brought her class to the Minnesota Suzuki Hand Chimes. Donna hosted the Hand chimes were recommended to her for Conference office because she wanted the affair wearing a clown suit and now she elementary students because they are very children to see what the church's drives the 15 students in the school's mini- durable and very portable. There isn't as headquarters was all about. They gave a bus to nursing homes and hospitals so the much care involved with hand chimes as concert for the employee's worship and children can witness and bring cheer to there would be with hand bells or other then were given a tour of the office. After shut-ins as they sing and play their chimes. instruments. the tour, they loaded into their bus again Each of her 15 students plays the chimes Donna Nielson Cox was born in Spicer, and Donna drove them to a nursing home. although many of them cannot read music. Minnesota, and her aunt, the late Oleana After playing a number of Christmas songs Houston of Albert Lea, Minnesota, on their chimes, the children mingled Barbara Huff is. the Outlook encouraged Donna in her Christian comfortably with the residents. It was correspondent for the Minnesota experience and supported her emotionally obvious that they felt at home with these Conference. as well as financially as she went to elderly people as they touched them and

4 OUTLOOK April, 1988 talked with them. Then the children moved Donna's classroom. "Many adults have on to other floors in the nursing home for never experienced the joy of service that the highlight of this particular day was the these little kids have experienced," she says. visit they were going to make to five This mother also went on to explain the strangers. Previously Donna had asked the amazement of watching rough and tumble nurses to choose patients for them who boys on the playground one day and then didn't get visitors and who wouldn't be the next day seeing the same boys in a IOU HMS GODS WORD having a special Christmas. She found out nursing home take a frail little hand in specifics about the people so the students theirs and ask, "How are you today?" She 101 HR.440. could buy meaningful gifts for them. These says that although the children are working people became the children's Christmas as a group, Donna makes them each feel project, and this was the day the kids would special as individuals. She says that Donna meet them, bring them gifts and wish them explains to the children that although some a Merry Christmas. The youngsters filed of the old people may not seem to know into each room, stood around the bed and what is going on, God can still work asked the surprised patients what their through them to bring some joy to these favorite Christmas songs were. Then they people. sang that song for the residents and gave Recently, during a Week of Prayer at them their gifts. The oldsters were MJA, the students were asked to think flabbergasted. The children reluctantly left about and then write about what they each room and then eagerly approached the wanted to be when they were older. Jenny next, radiant with the joy that comes from came home thoughtful and told her mom ministering to others. about the project. She told her mother that Donna Cox attributed her Christian what she really wanted to be when she experience first of all to her beloved Aunt grew up was just like Mrs. Cox. Probing Oleana who encouraged her and sent her to further the mother asked her why that was. Donna Cox shows Rebecca Swanson Adventist schools, and then to her teachers Jenny replied, "She makes learning fun and and Erik Grimm a Bible memory verse and associates at the Adventist school. And she helps us to share Christ with the old device. now she is passing the torch. The mother of people. She makes me feel important and one of Donna's students says that to be with special." Donna is exciting. She says that it is an What more reward could a church honor to have her daughter, Jenny, in school teacher ask for?

Donna Cox's students frequently visit hospitals and nursing homes to bring cheer to bedridden patients. Cox has a special talent for weaving witnessing activities and outings into the school day. April, 1988 OUTLOOK 5 So I pushed on through the door, thinking: "Christian love, character building, and selfless service are the great principles that organize and focus all the learning activities of a Christian school—but will I find them in operation here?" There was no vestibule, so I walked into the class and found myself right in the middle of the action. And oh, what action it was! I saw: • The children and their teacher in Bible class grappling with some of the knottiest theological dilemmas that would ever challenge their minds throughout life (and eternity!). They sensed together that the character of God is the basic issue of the Great Controversy, and they plumbed to the depths the question, "What is God like?" I wish every parent in our church could have been privy to that class discussion! • A short, tough quiz on history, with some high-level conceptual questions that required the students to deal with the Why? of the facts and issues at hand, seek to find God at work in human affairs, and make some personal value judgments. • I watched the teacher having a heart-to- heart talk with one of the older girls, apparently over some little unresolved discipline problem. I saw some tears, on both faces, and two generations on their knees together as they sought the God of All Comfort—and I saw the radiant countenances that emerged. I witnessed the difference between mere punishment and Christ-centered redemptive discipline. Thoughts At A • Older, gifted students coached and drilled younger, struggling students in their match, with both learning a great deal, in different ways. Yes, I thought, cooperation Schoolhouse Door is so much superior to competition. These kids are learning compassion and selfless BY GEORGE H. AKERS service to one another, right here in the classroom. They are receiving planned and meaningful practice in family life as they t was an unassuming little one-room As my hand lingered on the doorknob, I serve in the family of Christ. I school. It could have passed as a sod reminded myself that the annual test scores • Students carried out their assigned "jobs" house frontier restoration, so modest and from homey, unpretentious little one- and for the month, learning faithfulness and unpresupposing it was, snuggled back two-room schools like this one (which accountability. So natural, so uncontrived, against the woods. I wondered, as I made represent about 80 percent of our NAD but so educationally intentionaL my way to the simple front door, what elementary system) speak for themselves • An old-fashioned spelling bee, with a lot would await me on this unannounced, and baffle the experts with their results. The of laughter and learning. supervisory visit. Would the shy little slip of Adventist system's track record on this front I slipped out quietly before the final a girl, who so recently finished college with is well known by now. Yes, I chuckled period, pausing once again at the a provisional teaching certificate, have the quietly, small is beautiful, and can be schoolhouse door, and offered up a personal dominance to ground all these live mighty powerful also. It's just beginning to whispered prayer: "Dear Lord, when the wires? And then I saw it—a dog-eared 3 x dawn on the theoretical architects of the special offerings are taken for Christian 5 file card tucked under the corner of the huge consolidated learning factories, that in education*, I hope our people will be crossbar of the screen door, printed out in their rush for impressive school plants and liberal. What I witnessed here today is an bold letters: "To all who pass by, or lock-step institutionalized processes, they indispensable part of the legacy and venture within: take off the shoes from off lost the educational Pearl of Great Price— birthright You planned for all the lambs of thy feet, friend, for the ground whereon "educational intimacy"—along the way. the flock. I know You want none of these thou walkest is holy ground; for this is a They seem to have forgotten that children deserving ones denied. Please help our school." My eye followed down a little learn best in a small "family" educational people see what a blessing our schools are postscript, scribbled at the bottom in small support group, under a benevolent surrogate to our Christian families, and what a letters within parentheses: ("Caution. "parent." This is what the small Christian privilege it is to give heartily to this Handle with care. People growing here!"). school specializes in—familial caring and evangelism within the church, to help make sharing, and a pervasive call for excellence Christian education accessible to all our George H Akers, director of education, in all that is undertaken in the school, with children who desire it. Amen." General Conference of Seventh-day a special emphasis on the excellence of *Note: Sabbath, April 23, is the special Adventists. personal integrity. Education Day offering.

6 OUTLOOK April, 1988 he's a hardworking, practical little lady S with big dreams. She runs the community service center, organizes community outreach programs such as cooking schools and stop-smoking clinics, and in general seems to have at least one finger in just about everything the church does. Her name is Helen Gussner, and her work is centered in Mandan, North Dakota. There wasn't always a church or a community service center in Mandan, and that's where Helen fits into the picture. She and her husband, Otto, along with other church members who lived in Mandan, were attending church in Bismarck a few miles away. However, they felt like they needed to do more work in Mandan— needed to get more involved with the community they lived in—and decided that the best way was "to be there", to have a church of their own in the town. The Mandan church community service leader Helen Gussner (left) poses with her Bismarck church at the time boasted over assistants, Esther Walker, Joyce Schaffer and Ruby Bruington. 400 members, and it seemed to be a good time to act. So, in the summer of 1977, a group of people met in a park in Mandan and drew up a committee to look into starting a A Little Lady church there. By September of that year, they had called another meeting to find out about renting a church. Their first choice was the Episcopal church, as it seemed to With Big Dreams meet their need best. They rented it. On September 10, 1977 their dream of a BY BONNIE MARACLE Seventh-day Adventist Church in Mandan became a reality; on that day they held services in Mandan for the first time. On of course, miscellaneous items and literature wiped out the crop! October 25 there was a special program given away, and blood pressures taken. At that time, Helen's father portrayed a with conference officials making the Helen has three helpers at the center: strength and courage that have influenced Mandan church an official organization. Ruby Bruington, Joyce Schaffer, who her to this day. Surveying the ruin and the Helen was treasurer and clerk for the joined the Seventh-day Adventist Church in hail lying everywhere, realizing that harder new congregation, and one of the 52 February, 1987, and Esther Walker, who is times were ahead, he was still able to say, charter members. On July 1, 1978 Helen a Lutheran. Together they have had a very "Let's get out the ice-cream freezer," and was given the office of community service positive, strong influence in the surrounding they made good use of some of that ice. She leader. Three days later a tornado struck in area. Ben Dove, a Presbyterian minister, has learned courage, perseverance and hard Elgin, 80 miles away. Helen and several this to say about Helen: work from her parents, and all have been others responded to the disaster, providing "Helen is one of the most caring and evident in her work with the church and the clothing, bedding, and other goods to the practical Christians I've ever known. She community service center. stricken people. As a result of this gave me a whole new view of her Helen finally did get to go to the experience, Helen felt the need to have a denomination when I worked with her to academy. She went on after that and took more active community service, an actual settle a refugee family. She has a cheerful up nursing, devoting 20 years of her life to building to use as a center, so the church face, and it's a joy to work with her. She that profession. Much of her work was began looking for a suitable place. They lives her faith in Christ." done in Bismarck, both in a hospital, and as found one—the basement of a building on Helen Gussner, one of six children, was a private duty nurse. She's retired from Main Street. The rent was right, the size born in Bismarck, North Dakota, and nursing now, but she hasn't slowed down. met their needs, plus it had a little room in raised in McKenzie and Baldwin. Growing Up until the beginning of 1986 Helen was which to hold community outreach up on a farm, she learned early how to still the church treasurer. Since then she has programs. work hard. Her parents taught her honesty, been the assistant treasurer, as well as They opened their doors on May 15, kindness, unselfishness, getting along with Sabbath School pianist, and whatever else 1979, and another of Helen's dreams was others, and love—both for God and for her "hand finds to do." realized. other people. As she moved into her teens, Yes, she does have yet another dream—a Since that time, the community service she wanted very much to go to academy, new community service center. They have center has been very active and growing. but it seemed that circumstances would outgrown the basement room they've been Last year, for example, nearly 1,200 prevent fulfillment of that dream. In the using. The overcrowding makes it difficult individuals received help from the center, spring of the year her mother had to have to respond adequately to the needs of the over 8,750 articles of clothing were given surgery. Then in June, her mother fell and community. Helen's dream now is for a away, as well as over $680 worth of food, broke her leg, a situation made worse by building large enough to house their bedding and travel aid. That's not counting, the fact that she was pregnant at the time. expanded inventory, as well as provide Thankfully, they had a good crop growing rooms large enough to accommodate Bonnie Maracle, communication which would be needed to help pay the cooking schools, Breathe-Free Plans, and secretary, Mandan, North Dakota. medical and school bills. Then the hail other outreach programs.

April, 1988 OUTLOOK 7 peaceful world and to regard all humanity with respect. Through the use of Martial arts, a person can become a better Christian, Buddhist, Jew, or whatever his faith may be. A person can also become a better husband, a better wife, a better son or daughter." Vargas says there are people in Christianity who bring a bad name to the word Christian because they are bad to live with and argumentative. They are poor losers, always wanting to win and they are never happy if they cannot have their own way. There are Christians, who bring a bad name to Christianity because they disobey the laws of the land. There are Martial artists who smoke, drink and/or use drugs, but still claim to be true Martial artists. The true Martial artist, however, will never do anything to harm his body, his mind, or his relationship to God or his fellow men. A bad Martial artist will bring a bad name to Martial arts just like a bad Christian can bring a bad name to Christianity. /Nom. In response to Matthew 5:38-41 where Pastor Greg Vargas (left) and Andy Oimei (right) are dressed in their Taekwondo Jesus declared, "But I say unto you do not workout clothes. Pastor Vargas's classes in Taekwondo were instrumental in leading resist one who is evil. But, if anyone strikes Andy back to church. you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also, and if anyone would sue you and take your coat, let him have your cloak as well: if anyone forces you to go one Martial Art Marshalls mile, go with him two miles." Pastor Vargas suggested that this passage refers to Peaceful Participants For Lincoln Pastor


ne of the many contributions of techniques of defense or holds or basic OPastor Greg Vargas to the Capitol moves required to achieve various levels or View Seventh-day Adventist Church in belts. Then the participants continue Lincoln, Nebraska has been the Taekwondo practicing their techniques or exercise to classes which he started with six students in strengthen their bodies. The classes close his basement. It was a chance for young with worship which includes a reading from people, both in and out of the church, to the "Morning Watch,"—a devotional gain proficiency in Taekwondo; to get a book—and prayer. Each session lasts two good work out, to study God's Word, using hours. the "Morning Watch," and to have prayer Taekwondo or Tae Kwon Do comes together. from three Korean words meaning hands Now the class meets on Sunday and feet or the way of hands and feet. mornings at 8:00 at the Plainsman Center at Pastor Vargas adds that the self-defense 48th & Huntington Streets in Lincoln. The techniques he uses come from many basic instruction is still the same and disciplines such as Wrestling, Aikido, Judo, interest is growing. There are at least nine et cetera. students who attend regularly. Bernice and "Martial arts and Christianity are both Andy Oimei, two participants, agreed: "The attacked by outsiders, who know nothing or classes help to bring families together since very little about either," declared Pastor all of the members can participate including Vargas. "A Christian who is living in the children provided they are at least five accordance with Bible teachings will not years old." criticize it (Christianity), but a person who After stretching to loosen their muscles, does not want to be a real Christian and the participants practice and review does not want to be self-disciplined and subject to Christ, will find fault with Philip Marino is a member of the Capitol Christianity. A true Martial artist View Church in Lincoln, Nebraska understands that he is to build a more

8 OUTLOOK April, 1988 those who were being thus treated for for a long time with the thought that maybe blessing upon their efforts for the day, and righteousness sake or because of their belief he should change his lifestyle. Meanwhile, the ability and wisdom to keep them from in Christ. He cited the example of losing his his wife, Bernice and her parents were using this to hurt others or each other. Also, job because of the Sabbath and stated that praying for him that he would come back everything that is taught is of practical he did not go to court about it although he to church. value, not just to display power or for could have. On the other hand, Vargas In January 1987, Pastor Vargas invited show. In any rase, both Andy and Bernice pointed out that Abraham rescued Lot and Andy to work out with him in his agree: "Taekwondo can never take the noted that in Patriarchs and Prophets, Mrs. basement on Sunday mornings. At first, place of God in our lives." Andy prays that White suggested that if Abraham had not only Andy and his son Jed went to the he will be able to use Taekwondo to help defended Lot, he would not have had the class. It was hard for Andy to come others who may be traveling down the respect of those around him. regularly, but Jed kept insisting that they same path he once did and that his children Speaking of Taekwondo's sucrTss as an attend class. As he continued to come, he will continue to learn to keep their bodies outreach to young people, Pastor Vargas noticed the love and respect the people had and minds fit through proper exercise and referred to the experience of a California for each other, the courtesy, the proper eating habits so that they can think pastor who was able to reach 21 members perseverance, the self-control, and the clearly and be a blessing to others as they of a street gang through Taekwondo. indomitable spirit they were developing grow older. Several of them were led to Christ and were and the way they had prayer and worship Pastor Vargas says, "Taekwondo baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist together. Andy realized that these were strengthens the body, teaches control and Church. things God wanted him to have in his life love of the Lord, and builds a more Andy Oimei, one of the ranking students too. He felt as if he had been sick, and now peaceful world. If you know how to defend in Pastor Vargas's class, told how through Taekwondo he was "picking up yourself, you can protect yourself without Taekwondo was used to turn his life the pieces" of his life and "healing up the you or anyone else getting hurt and by around. wounds." Soon his whole family started preventing more violence. The knowledge After leaving Union College in 1978, coming to the workouts and soon came of knowing how to defend yourself provides Andy began to drift away from church. He back to church as well. the individual with self-confidence. was homesick and missed association of In response to the question, can Taekwondo also teaches courtesy, integrity, other young people. So he began to look for Taekwondo become a religion in itself for perseverance, self control, and an companionship wherever he could find it. him,-Andy Oimei says no because, "The indomitable spirit—all of which are needed While he was out enjoying himself, his instruction is centered on God, and not on for a Christian life." church attendance became less frequent. self or power or other kinds of meditation A person who is trying to mug you, Ten years later, as his children were found in other kinds of instruction." He Pastor Vargas notes, is probably scared and growing, he felt very insecure and struggled notices the pastor asks for strength, a does not know how to handle a knife properly. Therefore, if you know the proper techniques, you don't need to be afraid of a knife-wielding assailant. He does advise, that it is wise to allow the mugger to take your money rather than to risk your life for it, though!

Andy Oimei demonstrates Chung-gun, a Taekwondo move needed for a high blue belt.

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God." Matthew 5:9

April, 1988 OUTLOOK 9 he has never gotten creative. All he does is look at what God does and he does the opposite. Just like that. Automatically. God is love, so the devil has a kingdom of hatred. God is freeing so the devil is captivating. God brings fulfillment, the devil offers emptiness. The problem is it all sounds the same to our ears. Because we have those ambiguous hearts now, called sinful hearts. So what the devil offers us and what God offers us sound almost identical except for one thing—the devil is a liar and we don't know that. Isaiah 14 says Lucifer wanted to become God because it was the only way he could ensure that he was going to be the highest created being in the universe and prevent us from rising higher than the angels which believe it or not is what God originally intended. (See Hebrews 2:7 and Education, page 20.) It was absurd to think that a creation could become god. But sin distorts the mind. The devil is seeking to somehow destroy the creative ability in us so that for eternity we are less than what God had envisioned us. There are a lot of ways the devil does that. But the way we are going to look at now is through the power of addiction.

The Definition of Addiction Now the definition of addiction is someone totally given over to a particular A Little Wine Is Good?


n the third day of creation, God much, you must love me in return. And so purpose or practice or habit. Addiction can Oplaced two special trees in the God placed that tree of the knowledge of be something that you are hooked on— Garden of Eden. In their respective places good and evil in the garden so that if Adam clothes or cars or eating, or even an He placed the tree of life and the tree of the and Eve someday at some point, would attitude. It can also be drugs and alcohol. knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life choose not to love Him they would have I invite you to open your scriptures to God placed there as the sustainer of eternal that opportunity. God's whole purpose in Proverbs 23, because we find here a man life so that whoever ate of that fruit could life in the universe is to give His creation who expresses his concerns to his son, live and live in the presence of His love for the opportunity to be free in His love. To giving him wisdom to fight his way through eternity never having to ever deal with the expand themselves and to live throughout the morass of voices in a very sick and issues of separation, pain and death that we the ceaseless ages of eternity in an sinful world. He talks to him about are so frequently acquainted with. He environment where they are free to choose addiction of drugs, specifically the drug of placed the tree of the knowledge of good and to do whatever their heart desires. And alcohol. It begins at verse 29. Verse 29 is and evil in its respective place to give Adam as He created this form on this earth, that the sounding board of a person who has and Eve the power of choice. You see love very essence of His character, freedom, was just come off a party of the night before. cannot be coerced. You cannot create manifest in how He created that garden that Maybe it was a big party with a lot of someone and say now you are forced to week, as he planted that tree of life, and as people there. Maybe it was a little party love me. You can never force love upon He planted that tree of the knowledge of with just a few close friends. Or chances are someone else and say because I love you so good and evil. it may have been a party where he or she But along comes the devil. The devil is so was the only one present. Does that ring a Bob Bretsch is the senior pastor for the predictable. He is the most unoriginal bell? Verse 29: "Who has woe and who College View Church in Lincoln, Nebraska creation in the universe it seems. Somehow has sorrows?" The Hebrew puts it this way,

10 OUTLOOK April, 1988 "Who says oh? and oh no?" Who is there is sometimes in some people a on the Lord Jesus Christ. Secondly, make holding their head as it is throbbing and chemical in the brain that one drink will no provision for the flesh. Those of you saying, "What happened last night anyway? produce and release throughout the body an who live in homes with alcoholics, don't Why did I drink so much?" In the context opium feeling like you have never make it easy on the alcoholic. Don't say, of pain and agony, who has woe, and who experienced before. The only way you get it "Well, Daddy is always sick." Or, "He has oh no? It goes on, it says, "Who has is to drink more. doesn't feel well today." Or don't say of strife? Who has complaint? Who has And so the world is saying don't do it. teenagers, "Well, listen, this is just a phase. needless bruises? Who has bloodshot eyes?" But at the same time that the world is All teenagers go through it and when he It is the sound of someone whose head is saying don't do it, isn't it ironic that gets to be 21 or 22 he'll leave the alcohol splitting, whose mouth feels weird, and Christians are now wanting to take a new behind and go on to be a productive wonders why in the world they were such look at this thing. They are saying, is it person." Hey, don't buy into that. Don't an idiot the night before. The context of really all that wrong? To take a little wine make it easy. Don't make excuses. Don't woe and oh no is the context of strife. with a meal? Are we really after self protect. Sometimes tough love is the hardest Somehow, the person who is occupied with control here and not abstinence? Isn't love of all. Don't think that better parenting an alcoholic or is an alcoholic or of the abstinence simply an acknowledgement is going to help. Don't say, "I know my family of one who is an alcoholic, that we are really too dumb to really know child is into this. Maybe if I'm just more understands what it is like to have strife. It what we are doing and maybe self control loving and I spend more time and we did can be physical strife. It can be plain is a higher virtue than abstinence? And more things together, maybe that's the meanness. It can be beatings. It can be didn't Paul say, Listen, a little wine is good answer." Listen, better parenting is not the bruises. It can be sexual abuse. It can be all for the stomach? So let's go for it here. answer. That person needs help. That kinds of strife associated with that alcoholic And all of a sudden now Christians are person needs confrontation. That person problem. Or it can be psychological strife, getting ambiguous on an issue that the needs to know that you love them enough the verbal tearing down of those around. world says don't even touch. to risk their anger to get help for them The absolute ripping apart of any value of before it is too late, before they have to self-worth, so those around are only hearing An Old Man Dies crash, before they end up on skid row negative things, only hearing ideas and I read in the paper yesterday where an somewhere. Don't make any provisions for concepts that seem to degrade them beyond old man died alone, 60 years of age. the flesh. Get help, and probably that won't what is even humanly possible. Divorced. Lived in parks and garages and be an Adventist pastor. It says, "Who has complaints?" The laundromats, wherever he could get a good Hebrew word there is despair, depression. night's sleep, died of malnutrition, God Loves Alcoholics Where they look ahead and they only see pneumonia, and probably loneliness. The second thing it says, "Put on the the black abyss. Who has needless bruises, Nobody knew when he died or cared. It Lord Jesus Christ." Do you know that God unnerpssary hurts, silent tears, incredible was him and his bottle. Well, if you think I loves the alcoholic on skid row? Do you fears, and sense of helplessness, deeply am using fear tactics to get you into really know that? Do you know that God longing for a simpler day. Only those abstinence, you are misreading what I am loves the alcoholic sitting in this pew right people who have lived with an alcoholic saying. What I am saying is that it is a now in this church? And do you know that know about those needless hurts. No one fundamental choice—captivity or freedom. God loves you, that God loves me can share the agony like the person who And every choice we make takes us down identically? And that He will do anything to lives in the dimension of someone that they one path or the other. Do you want break us from the hold that the devil has on desperately love going down and down and freedom? Then walk with God. Walk in us? He'll do anything to break us out of down because of the addiction. the light of the robe of His righteousness. that. To put on the Lord Jesus Christ, You want captivity? Then go for it. Look Romans 6:16 simply says that how you do Solomon's Experiment at the bubbles, drink the bubbles, and that is to choose who your leader is going In Ecclesiastes 2, Solomon, who had all enjoy them. But guess what you will to be. Don't you know that when you offer the time and money to experiment with have—sorrow, despair, grief and yourself to someone to obey him as slaves, anything he wanted to do, experimented unnecessary hurts, physical pain and you are slaves of the one whom you obey, with drugs and alcohol. In verse 3, he said, trauma, poison and death. The choice is whether you are slaves to sin which leads to "I tried cheering myself with wine and yours. As Christ died on the cross, death or to obedience which leads to embracing folly, my mind still guiding me someone put a sponge up to His lips and in righteousness. with wisdom." What he was saying here is the sponge was the concoction that people Alcoholic, you want freedom? Put on the that intellectually he experimented with the had in those days to alleviate the fear of Lord Jesus Christ. Choose Him as your fruits of the vine. He did all kinds of trauma of dying the horrible death on the Master, not the bottle. Break through. Get experimentation to see which would work cross. Jesus who was dying for the whole help. Go somewhere. Don't crash. Go now! best. What would give the best results. world, including alcoholics by the way, You see, all of us are people for whom What kinds of results he knew he wanted, refused to take that sponge. He died with a Christ died. So let us love one another. Let he knew exactly what mixture to conjure clear mind because the issues were too us build each other up. Let us support one up. He said maybe this brings fulfillment, great to be numbed with alcohol. another. Let us cry with those whose maybe this is where meaning to life is. Then Paul says the hour has come for us to parents are crying right now. Let us share in verse 11 he sums it all up. He says, "Yet wake up from our slumber because our the sorrow and the grief of the wife who is when I survey all that my hand has done, salvation is nearer now than when we first bearing it all alone. Let us understand that all I toiled to achieve, everything was believed. (See Romans 13:11-14.) The night God specializes in new beginnings. That meaningless. Chasing after the wind, is nearly over. The day is almost here. So God is a specialist in new hearts, and in nothing was gained under the sun." Isn't it let us put aside the deeds of darkness and repairing grief and pain and loss and all the interesting that the world out there, who at put on the armor of light. Let us behave things that come associated with the best Christians tend to think of as amoral decently as in the daytime. Not in orgies, captivity of Satan whether it is alcohol or a and at worst tend to think of as immoral, is drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and million other things. Let us build each other saying to its fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth debauchery, not in dissension, and jealousy. up, let's support each other, let us love each graders, "You guys don't be stupid. Don't Put all that aside. In verse 14 he says, "How other till the Lord Jesus comes and gives us take that first drink. Say no to drugs, say no do you do that?" First of all, clothe that ultimate freedom of living in eternity to alcohol." They are telling our kids that yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ. Put together. April, 1988 OUTLOOK 11 Pacific Press Book Chapter of the Month The Dual Human Nature of Jesus


decreasing in physical strengh, in mental Jesus power, and in moral worth; and Christ took upon Him the infirmities of degenerate humanity. Only thus could He Thesis 90 rescue man from the lowest depths of his degradation." The Desire of Ages, Jesus was like Adam before page 117. So Christ accepted less physical strength the fall in that He had a sinless than Adam had possessed. He was not as nature—He was not born tall as Adam, for the race had been separated from God. Jesus was decreasing in size since the time of like Adam after the fall in Creation. He was not as strong as Adam. He got tired and needed rest when Adam physical strength, mental probably would not—such as that night on power, and moral worth the lake and by the well in Samaria, times (backbone). when even His disciples were able to keep going. on Righteousness Christ the human was not as smart as eople sometimes ask if Jesus was like by kdth Adam! The wisdom seen in His ministry pAdam before the fall or like Adam came from above Him, not from within after the fall. The answer is Yes! Him. He did not use His divine "IQ". He In order to understand the answer, we depended upon His Father for wisdom and have to understand what aspects of Jesus' says: "He was to take His position at the even for His plans for each day. life we are talking about. We might divide head of humanity by taking the nature but Neither did Christ have the measure of His personality as a human being into four not the sinfulness of man." moral worth that Adam had. What is aspects: spiritual nature, physical strength, At first glance, you may see a moral worth? Ellen White, who used the mental power, and moral worth or contradiction here, for there is a sense in term, did not define it. But moral worth backbone. which Christ took upon Himself our guilt, has to do with how much backbone a Jesus was like Adam before the fall in our sin, and even our sinful nature. person has, how much control over his His spiritual nature. "Christ is called the Although He took our guilt, He did not behavior. If Christ had less moral worth second Adam. In purity and holiness, become guilty, or He, too, would have than Adam, then He would have been connected with God and beloved by God, needed a Saviour. When He took our weaker than Adam, less able to resist He began where the first Adam began. sinful nature, it did not make His nature temptation in His human nature apart from Willingly He passed over the ground where sinful. He took our guilt and sin as our power from above. Adam fell and redeemed Adam's failure." Substitute. What a statement of the love of God, S.D.A. Bible Commentary, volume 7A, When the angel came to visit Mary with that He was willing to allow His Son to page 650. the tidings of the Messiah soon to be born, come and take such a risk in our behalf! Christ was completely human, but he said, "The Holy Ghost shall come upon The Desire of Ages tells us that the Father completely sinless—the only human being thee, and the power of the Highest shall permitted Christ "to meet life's peril in since Adam to be able to make such a overshadow thee: therefore also that holy common with every human soul, to fight claim. He could say, unchallenged, at the thing which shall be born of thee shall be the battle as every child of humanity must close of His ministry, "The prince of this called the Son of God." Luke 1:35. Jesus fight it, at the risk of failure and eternal world cometh, and hath nothing in me." was born differently from the way we were loss." We long to shield our loved ones John 14:30. Selected Messages, book 1, born. None of us could ever be called "that from Satan's power. But "to meet a bitterer page 256 says: "We should have no holy thing." Like Adam before the fall, conflict and a more fearful risk, God gave misgivings in regard to the perfect Jesus had man's human nature, with the His only begotten Son, that the path of life sinlessness of the human nature of Christ." possibility of yielding to temptation. But might be made sure for our little ones. And Ellen G. White Comments, S.D.A. since He never yielded to sin, He remained `Herein is love.' Wonder, 0 heavens! and Bible Commentary, volume 7, page 912 sinless. See The Desire of Ages, page 117. be astonished, 0 earth!" Page 49. Thus He became the second Adam and During the remaining months of 1988, redeemed us from the failure of the first Outlook will feature a chapter from Morris Adam. See 1 Corinthians 15:21, 22. Venden's new book 95 Theses On But Jesus was also born differently from Righteousness By Faith to help our readers Adam. In the first place, He was born! as the church celebrates the centennial of Adam was not; Adam was created! But the 1888 General Conference Session held Jesus did not begin with the advantages in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Reprinted by with which Adam began. "For four permission of the Pacific Press. thousand years the race had been 12 OUTLOOK April, 1988 and changed when needed. which health habits you need to im- Health-Wise The computer can now transform a prove to increase your life expectan- medical practitioner's office from a cy. There are nutritional profiles Can Computers Make You Healthier? simple medical shop for the sick into which can tell you how much protein, J.A. Scharf f enberg, M.D., M.P.H. an office for the preservation of pa- fat, and vitamin C you are getting and If I had a child now he would be tients' health. The doctor will be able what changes will improve your learning to use a computer. In fact, my to recall all patients needing pap health. There are programs which can grandchildren at age four began to smears. He will be able to identify identify your stress problems and tell operate a computer. But what do com- various high risk groups. you how to handle them better. puters have to do with health? When a doctor interviews a patient, With the great interest in reducing The day will soon be here when a he can store the information on a flop- risk of hearth attacks, the major killer physician without a computer will be py disk. How does the patient feel in the more developed countries, com- considered as negligent as he now is about this? People expect doctors to puters are again useful. Nowadays the if he doesn't keep up a patient's keep up with modern technology. results of lab tests in coronary risk record. However, in a study in this United evaluation programs can be fed into One physician has developed a recall Kingdom it was found the physician a computer by a secretary. Recom- system for the children in his practice spent exactly the same amount of time mendations based on these tests and who need immunizations. With the with the patient as he did before, 7.41 the completed questionnaire are computer he has managed to immu- minutes. Interaction with the com- printed out to help the patient know nize 96 percent instead of the usual 65 puter took 2.17 minutes. Patients were what must be done to lower the risk percent. therefore losing time to the computer. of a heart attack. The computer can Another physician expects to reduce The doctor-initiated questions rose but tell which foods should be eliminated the stroke rate in his practice to one- the time for the patient information from the patient's usual diet and what fifth of the national average. He ex- decreased. Social chitchat decreased. other lifestyle changes should be pected to have 26 stroke cases among The human touch seems to decrease as made. his patients in three years. He had half technology increases. Physicians will Computers will never replace doc- that number and expects it to drop have to make a conscious effort to tors. But as diagnostic and educational even more. He did this by avoid this problem. aids they can motivate us to improve systematically checking up on his pa- There are many computerized pro- our lifestyle so that sickness may tients with high blood pressure. He grams from which patients can receive become more of a rarity than it now is. was able to ensure that his patients • A community service of the Seventh-day help to improve their health. The Adventist Church. ©General Conference of were placed on proper medications Health Age Appraisal program shows S.D.A.

the child's needs. When one mother caught her son with V4) Dloi In fact, I realize that I'm not always the someone else's toy car, she talked to him Al best one to meet all the divergent needs of very seriously about it and made sure that my children, so I'm very thankful when he returned it. Then, she assumed that the others step in to help. lesson was learned. But, a few weeks later a For example, I had been trying for 14 "lost" item from school was found in his WITH DR. KAY KUZMA years to teach my children the importance of pocket. This time Mom called the teacher keeping things in an orderly fashion but I and asked for help. The teacher kindly and had failed miserably. Fourteen years of privately confronted the child. After tears of Meeting Children's nagging and we still had Fibber McGee confession, a prayer of forgiveness, and the closets. Then, Kimberly had a chance to visit teacher's hug of affection, the lesson stuck: Needs Norma's lovely home. And now my wildest Stealing doesn't pay! dreams have been realized: fresh flowers on So, parents, if you've been led to believe he best parents are those who meet all the table, the car washed for the weekend; that you're the only ones to meet your T of their children's needs by the smell of chocolate chip cookies child's needs or if you've been tempted to themselves. Do you agree or disagree? baking—and clean closets! I used to have to exclude outside influences from your There is a destructive myth floating do all this myself; now I have wonderful children and have tried to parent them all by around the nooks and crannies of our support from Kim, thanks to Norma. yourselves, get rid of that foolish notion and modem day homes which states that parents Kari had a need, too, that has been better reach out for help! ought to be able to meet all the needs of met by someone other than her parents. Your children can benefit by positive their children without any outside help. In Kari loves horses and is the proud owner of association with others. Don't feel guilty fact, many believe that the closer you come a beautiful Arabian mare and colt. I know when others are sometimes more effective to this ideal, the better parent you are. nothing about horses, and they aren't my teachers of your children than you are. Just Well, that just isn't true. In fact, I'm first priority, so Linda has stepped in to praise the Lord for bringing these people more inclined to believe the opposite. In the help. Linda has trained, groomed, doctored into your life. majority of cases it's the isolated parent and nurtured horses all of her life. As soon And think about it; if you need others, (one who has no support system or who as Linda's car drives up, Kari dashes out to perhaps others need you! The Lord didn't refuses help) who most often becomes the corrals to absorb all the knowledge that put us on this earth just to meet our own frustrated and ends up abusing his child. she can. I just thank the Lord for sending needs. James 1:27 says that true religion is The best parents are those with a wide Linda into our lives. visiting the fatherless and the widows—in circle of friends and relatives who help meet Sometimes important lessons can be other words, meeting the needs of others. better taught by others than by parents, such So reach out: first, for the help that Dr. Kay Kuzma is a noted Adventist child as the importance of honesty. Most kids, someone else can give your family, and development specialist and author of more ages 3 to 8, have at one time or another second, to give what you can to enrich the than a dozen books. taken something that didn't belong to them. lives of others. yk April, 1988 OUTLOOK 13 Outlook On Dakota

Members Vote We, your children, are sorry Air Force and Al Zeeb's Bible studies at the that we have not taken better prison in 1983. Lewis, at times, To Reopen care of you. Our neglect, our Limits attends the Bible study now car- careless attitudes, and our greed ried on by Bismarck and Mandan DAA have brought you pain. Your Smoking pastors Elder Marlyn Kurtz and constant giving to us has depleted Pastor Duane Maracle and Delegates of the Dakota Con- your wealth and your strength as BY RON MATEO church members. ference constituency assembled we take continuously, without The United States Air Force Calling Lewis's gift a "labor of February 28 on the campus of considering the cost to you. SAC Command has gone smoke love", Olson himself had pre- Dakota Adventist Academy to Granted, some of us finally saw free on their bases and for this viously made a contribution to make a decision as to the school's the pain we were inflicting upon reason Ellsworth Air Force Base Pine Ridge Mission—a commun- future. you and feebly attempted to at Rapid City, South Dakota ion table. Constituents voted to close the remedy the situation, but we invited Pastor Eugene B. Young Zeeb is urging for Olson's re- school temporarily for financial know now that our attempts of the Rapid City church to hold lease, but Olson commented that reasons in August 1987 by a nar- were too little and too late. stop smoking clinics there. The he is probably doing more good row margin. The vote to reopen Those who know best, tell us first was held in January. right where he is—behind bars. the school carried 229-158. that your prognosis is grim, that Pastor Young has conducted Olson has been active in the Since the school was closed in we cannot expect you to survive similar clinics at the local vete- Seventh-day Adventist Bible August, members of the confer- much longer. But we rejoice in rans hospital which has also gone study group the longest of any ence have contributed over God's promises as we accept the smoke free. Since the first class at attending. $42,000 toward back operating fact that your end is drawing near. the USAF Base, Pastor Young debts and have given $213,000 God has promised that once again has been asked about other areas in cash toward the reopening you will be young, beautiful and that his church may offer help to effort. In addition, members have wealthy—even richer than you the base personnel, such as posi- pledged over $32,000 toward the were before—with treasures un- tive parenting, stress, marriage en- first year of operation and nearly imagined by our finite minds. So richment and even Revelation $110,000 per year for the next happy birthday, Mother Earth! Seminars. This is proving to be a four years. You have served us well, but your rich area for' outreach. Constituents accepted the pro- time is short. posed budget based on an enroll- Ron Mateo, member, Rapid ment of 55 students. Lay leaders City church. who have pushed for the reopen- ing of the school are confident the Inmate's enrollment will exceed 55. Vem Olson Delegates present at the Feb- Labor of Love ruary 28 meeting also endorsed Berneice Lunday, communica- an educational program based on Goes to Pine tion secretary, Bismarck church. a work/study concept with great- er emphasis upon practical in- Ridge Mission Breathe Free volvement in religious activities and the development of Christian BY BERNEICE LUNDAY BY CANDACE REARICK social skills and standards. Nine Redfield area citizens have benefited from recent stop smoking seminars sponsored by Birthday On a recent Sabbath, the the Redfield Seventh-day Ad- Minot Seventh-day Adventist ventist Church. Celebration Church celebrated with a birth- When the Redfield State Hos- day party for Mother Earth host- pital and School restricted smok- BY PHYLLIS HEHN ed by Alice Boyko, Sabbath ing on the grounds, the church Happy birthday, Mother! We School superintendent. Gifts began a community outreach in have come today with a birthday were presented to several Sab- the form of the Breathe-Free Plan cake and gifts to celebrate your bath School members, who in to Stop Smoking. The third birth. That was a long time ago. turn were asked to share their seminar ended February 3 and Tim Lewis and his "Labor of talents with the congregation. more are planned. You were perfect then, replete Love". with beauty which your Creator Music, prayers, and readings Two of the leaders, JoAnn had lavished upon you. Not only were followed by class study. As North Dakota State Peniten- Woll and Allayne Martsching, were you beautiful, but you were Mrs. Boyko closed her Sabbath tiary inmate Tim Lewis respond- agree that the outreach is making also vital, and your opulence School program, she invited all ed to Pine Ridge Mission's need friends for the church by letting surpassed all imagination. Sabbath School members to fel- for quilts by knitting a colorful the community know we care. The ravages of time and the lowship at her home in the after- red, aqua and white blanket. The effects of sin have changed you noon and complete the celebra- blanket measures 101 x 109 Candace Rearick, communica- over the years. Your beauty has tion with birthday cake and ice inches. tion secretary, Redfield church. faded and you are no longer able cream. Lewis learned of the Mission's col 414" to do the things you once did. needs through Vern Olson, one You groan with the pain of your Phyllis Hehn, communication of the inmates who was baptized deterioration. secretary, Minot church. through Elder Lowell Rideout CHANGES LIVES 14 OUTLOOK April, 1988 Outlook On Dakota

Investment tithe on unexpected income; sav- the ivories. grade. His parents describe him ing of dimes, nickels and pennies; Alexenko, a senior of Killdeer as a self-starter. His mother For Van collecting aluminum; refunds; High School, was kept very busy pointed out that he began playing quilt making and others. with his sixth performance as an piano on his own, about two Ministry The goal device, drawn by one accompanist for the Killdeer years before she started him in of the youth, Russell Jensen, was Elementary School Christmas lessons. BY AGNES SCOTT a van to be "loaded with tokens, program under the direction of While music is important to each representing $20. There was his first piano teacher, Sonja Brent, it is not his whole life. He a total of 39 tokens. The van Bergstedt. admits his second love is com- motif was chosen because the "He proves himself every puters. Detroit Van Ministry was one of time," she said. "I don't know Brent is active on the news- the beneficiaries of Investment what I'll do without him next paper staff where he is editor. He this year. year when he is off at college. I'll is an officer in the Future Busi- have to go back to work myself," ness Leaders of America. Agnes Scott, Investment lead- Bergstedt laughed. When he graduates from high er, Hot Springs church. Scott Larsen, who inherited school in the spring and goes Brent as an accompanist with the away to Union College it will not Alexenko At high school chorus from Berg- only be his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 1987 Investment Device stedt, echoes her thoughts. "He is Llewellyn Alexenko, his brother, The Keyboard very talented," Larsen said. "If he Brad, and his sister, Tiffany, who The Investment program for works hard, he should go far in miss him. The whole community the Hot Springs church was an BY KAREN TODDEN the music field." of music lovers will be sorry to interesting and successful event "Alexenko on Piano Delights Brent also is the Sabbath see him go. again this year. With nearly Music Lovers," was the title on a School accompanist for his His home church of Grassy every member participating and detailed article in the Dunn home church of Grassy Butte, Butte, North Dakota will greatly a varied number of projects, County Herald, as written by North Dakota. He is very dedi- miss his many talents. nearly $800 was turned in to the Sheila Murphy. cated and conscientious about treasurer. For three nights in a row, area his duties. Karen Todden, communica- Some of the investments were: music lovers had a chance to Brent began taking piano les- tion secretary, Grassy Butte raising and selling birds; a second listen to Brent Alexenko tickle sons when he was in fourth church. Outlook On Central States *

Legal Notices for the transaction of such other business as Mrs. Barbara Taylor, wife of Beautification may properly come before the session. Elder Taylor was presented a SIXTH TRIENNIAL SESSION J. Paul Monk, Jr., President plaque with the picture of Elder CENTRAL STATES CONFERENCE E. F. Carter, Secretary Project OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Taylor engraved with these Notice is hereby given that the sixth words, "Compassion, the Gift." Elder Albert White, pastor of triennial session of the Central States Con- Compassion, An award that is presented to the Philadelpha church in Des ference of Seventh-day Adventists will be the most outstanding individual Moines, reports on the local held at the Chapel Oaks SDA Church, that resides at the U.S.D.B. by the church beautification project re- 6910 Riverview Avenue, Kansas City, The Gift Kansas on Sunday, April 24, 1988 at 8:30 African American Cultural Or- cently completed at their church. a.m. The purpose of the meeting shall be to BY ROBERTA WILLIAMS ganization, is being renamed This project was done quickly elect officers and departmental directors A memorial service was held "The Donald H. Taylor African and with a spirit of "brotherly for the conference, to consider and at the United States Disciplinary American Cultural Award." This love," togetherness and unity. recommend amendments to the constitu- tion and bylaws of the conference, and for Barracks at Ft. Leavenworth, is the group Elder Taylor was The members were inspired to the transaction of such other business as Kansas, in memory of the late worshipping with when he work by adopting this theme, may properly come before the session. All Donald H. Taylor. Elder Taylor passed away. "Let us have pride in our church, regularly elected delegates from the var- had been active in the "prison The Taylor family, along with let's keep it beautiful." The entire ious churches should be seated at that meeting. ministry" for fifteen years. the Chosen Four, are still carry- church responded. J. Paul Monk, Jr., President Several inmates gave testi- ing on the prison ministry at the The project included a com- E. F. Carter, Secretary monies in songs and words as to United States Disciplinary Bar- plete exterior paint job, repairs to SIXTH TRIENNIAL SESSION what Elder Taylor meant to them racks. "I was in prison and ye the roof, the boiler and the air CENTRAL STATES CONFERENCE and how through Jesus Christ, he came unto me." To God be the conditioning, and a new stone CORPORATION OF SEVENTH-DAY had helped change their lives. glory great things He has done. garden was added to the entrance. ADVENTISTS Since Elder Taylor's death, two After the project was com- Notice is hereby given for the sixth inmates who had studied with Roberta Williams, communi- pleted, the Sabbath School Vis- triennial session of the Central States Con- ference Corporation of Seventh-day him, have been baptized. Others cation secretary, Shiloh church. itor's Day took place. The church Adventists, to be held at the Chapel Oaks had been baptized during his was filled with members and SDA Church, 6910 Riverview Avenue, ministry there. guests. Several persons took their Kansas City, Kansas on Sunday, April 24, The Chosen Four, a young stand for Christ. The guests ex- 1988 at 8:30 a.m. The purpose of the meet- ing will be to elect officers and a Board of male quartet from the Shiloh pressed feelings of fellowship, Directors for the Corporation, to consider Seventh-day Adventist Church, brotherly love and friendship proposed bylaws for the Corporation, and also sang several selections. N I . N( 7. I N: from the members and the pastor. April, 1988 OUTLOOK 15 Outlook On Central States

Agape Brings ing a new light house in the St. where the Draggons are currently Team Places Louis area. serving. In The New • The Great Plains Youth Fed- Fourth In Anita L. Clay, communication eration of Central States Confer- Year secretary, Agape church. ence had a good time in the Lord Bible Bowl at their recent federation meet- BY ANITA L. CLAY News From ing. Our lead off speaker for the We are reminded to "remem- The New Year's service, on Friday evening services was ber our Creator in the days of our the first Sabbath in January, fea- Agape Elder B. T. Rice of St. Louis, youth." Bethesda Temple is tured a candlelight dedication Missouri. He preached until the proud of its youth and is able to ceremony with all officers pres- • The Bible says train up a Holy Ghost came down and say congratulations to its more ent, including a full crop of child in the way he should go and filled our hearts. recent set of champions, the Beth- newly trained junior and senior when he is old he will not depart The Great Plains Federation esda Bible Bowl Team. The team officers, resplendent in new uni- from it. At Bethesda they really was privileged to have the Presi- is the Central States Conference's forms. The service included believe in this text. So it gave dent of Central States Confer- champion for 1987 and recently prayers, special poetry, special Pastor Draggon a privilege and a ence, J. Paul Monk, Jr., to speak placed fourth out of fifteen teams music, as well as insights into pleasure to baptize two children for divine worship on Sabbath. in a national competition in Dal- officer's duties and responsibili- of members, Leonard Jackson He challenged us on our assur- las, Texas, sponsored by the ties. In addition, a large souvenir and Lovely Stewart. They gave ance of salvation. The Sharon Southwest Region of Seventh- booklet containing the material their hearts to Jesus at an early and Bethesda churches were day Adventists. The team consists used in the service, as well as age and this is a blessing. pleased to host this federation in of two families: Captain Ruth other items such as "Six Steps for their fair city of Omaha. Williams and her sister Midge Giving Bible studies," "Ten Duncan, and sister and brother Commandments for Officers," "Re-birth Day" Teri Lee and Densil Lee. Thomas "How to Win Souls Without a Bennett is the coach. Bible," and inspirational poetry Celebration Bethesda has a rich heritage of was given to each member and youth participation in Bible-or- visitor. BY LEE CARRELL iented events, having won the The afternoon hours of the January 9, 1988 was a very Central States Conference Bible Sabbath were spent in deep special day at the Kirkwood Bowl and Spelling Bees on a prayer and meditation as a dif- church for Lambert W. Rusan. It number of occasions, and having ferent program with speaker, was his "Re-birth day"! Approx- won the National Bible Bowl in special music and specific prayer imately seventy members and 1981 in Detroit, and placing friends watched as brother Rusan second in Pittsburgh in 1985. focus was emphasized each hour. Leonard Jackson is being went down into the watery grave Under the leadership of our The final prayer hour was de- baptized by Pastor Draggon. voted to testimonies of divine and came up a baptized disciple youthful pastor, Rodney Drag- healing as well as prayer re- of Jesus Christ. Brother Rusan's gon, the membership of Bethesda quests. Many persons present first visit to the church was two looks forward to doing greater have since reported their prayers years earlier when he was the things for the Lord in the future. have been answered. best man at his lifetime friend We realize at Bethesda that youth On February 20, Community Rolla Johnson's wedding. is no excuse and that "we can do Guest Day was held. Mrs. Myr- It was brother Rollo who all things through Christ which tle Thomas of St. Louis was urged Lambert to attend a Reve- strengthens us." honored for her great efforts in lation Seminar at the church. raising funds•for the purchase of Brother Rusan said, "I didn't Bennett Wins the current sanctuary. Not only know what a true friend was until was Mrs. Thomas instrumental Rollo invited me to learn of Essay Contest in arranging a benefit concert by Lovely Stewart appears eag- Christ." The Holy Spirit had con- her daughter Lauren Thomas er to be buried in baptism. victed Lambert previously as he Bethesda congratulates broth- Griggs, but she also invited many saw Rollo's character changing er Thomas H. Bennett for win- people and secured many dona- • Pastor and Mrs. Rodney W. during the prior years. Rollo's life ning the Eighth Circuit Bicen- tions, not the least of which was Draggon witnessed the dedica- and the meek and quiet spirit of tennial Essay Contest, a com- her donation. Although not a tion of their daughter, Alesia seminar leader Marian Sharpe petition open to all law students member of Agape, Myrtle Tho- Marie, to the Lord. During this impressed Lambert, and with the in the region. The Eighth Circuit mas has been a faithful friend. past year Alesia has undergone truths of the Holy Bible, he de- consists of 36 law shools in the Also in February, Agape was major heart surgery, as well as cided to follow Christ all the way. states of Nebraska, Arkansas, pleased to open its new sanctuary kidney surgery. It certainly has According to brother Rusan, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, to members of the Eastern AY been rewarding to see the Lord "When I was in the world, I had North Dakota and South Da- Federation. Inspiring and provoc- sustain her little life, and as a no love for anyone. But now I kota. ative essays, cartoons, speeches result she is very strong and have compassion for others as Brother Bennett is a senior at and jingles were presented by active today. well as myself, due to the Spirit of Creighton Law School in youth representing local St. Louis Elder Eugene F. Carter, secre- God!" May the Lord bless Lam- Omaha, Nebraska, and expects area churches in the Temperance tary of the Central States Confer- bert on His Christian journey! to graduate with honors in May, Run-off. ence, performed the dedicatory 1988. He received two sets of a Agape, "the church where services at the Bethesda Temple Lee Carrell communication three-volume constitutional law love abounds," is busy establish- church in Omaha, Nebraska secretary, Kirkwood church. treatise and a check for $3,000. 16 OUTLOOK April, 1988 Outlook On Hospitals

New Single- that room for labor, birth, recov- transferred to one of the private additional OB/GYN at Moberly ery and postpartum care. rooms. Regional Medical Center. The Room 3) Unit policies are flexible, During the six months of ren- hospital previously had two meaning the patient and family ovation, maternity services will OB/GYNs, Charles H. Lin, MD Maternity Care have more choices. be continued at the medical cen- and Fred A. Dalgleish, MD, on 4) Labor techniques, along with ter. The current labor and deliv- their medical staff. Coming To the birthing bed, are conducive to ery area will continue operation, the natural birth process. while postpartum care will be SMMC 5) Hospital stays are often short- transferred to another wing on ened. the same floor of the hospital. All In March, Shawnee Mission The same technology, equip- clinical services and amenities Medical Center began renova- ment, staff and expertise used in offered on the current unit will be tion to convert its existing mater- traditional delivery rooms will be available to women delivering g Adventist nity unit to a 27-bed single-room available on the single-room during renovation. Health System maternity care unit. The new unit maternity unit. The medical cen- is scheduled to begin operation in ter will maintain its status as a early September 1988. provider of Level II maternity New The new unit will provide care. maternity care in a dramatically Shawnee Mission Medical Obstetrician different manner than traditional Center will also benefit from the SMMC Offers maternity units. Women will be new maternity unit. Officials At Moberly admitted to a private room expect an increase in patient "Wellness" where they will labor, deliver, satisfaction, a rise in flexible staf- Moberly Regional Medical recover and receive postpartum fing, and a decrease in length of Center welcomes Lawrence Classes care. The unit will be the first of stay and costs. Harms, MD, and his family. A its kind on the Kansas side of the Patient rooms on the new unit specialist in obstetrics and gyne- Shawnee Mission Medical metropolitan area and the largest will be designed to be functional cology, Harms is the newest Center conducted a winter "sem- in metropolitan Kansas City. for labor and birth and comfor- member of MRMC's 107-mem- ester" of wellness courses and Single-room maternity care is table for the postpartum stay. ber medical staff. support groups offering support a relatively new concept in The rooms will be decorated in a Harms is a graduate of the to the bodies and minds of local maternity services that has gained feminine decor with mauves and University of Nebraska College residents. widespread acceptance in other dusty blues as the primary colors. of Medicine. He received his spe- The health education program parts of the country. Shawnee Each room will have a birthing cialty training in obstetrics and at Shawnee Mission includes six Mission Medical Center is im- bed, in-room dining accommo- gynecology at A. B. Chandler levels of aerobic fitness classes as plementing single-room matern- dations and a hide-a-bed for the Medical Center, University of well as nutrition classes such as ity care for its ability to deliver father. In addition to the 27 Kentucky, Lexington. He is cur- bread baking, CPR, first aid for the benefits that area women patient rooms, the unit will also rently a Junior Fellow in the children and adults, smoking ces- have requested. include family waiting/visiting American Academy of Obstet- sation and stress management Those benefits include: areas. rics and Gynecology. He began classes. 1) A high degree of family Women scheduled for Cesa- seeing patients on February 1. Shawnee Mission Medical involvement. rean births will be admitted to The increasing popularity of the Center also launched eleven sup- 2) The assurance of having a the current labor and delivery Birthing Center at MRMC neces- port groups to help cancer vic- private room and remaining in area. After birth, they will be sitated the recruitment of an tims and their families, mothers of multiples (twins and triplets), those with diabetes, stroke vic- tims, new mothers, those with eating disorders, heart patients nqu 11111111111 and their families and more. "These programs of support 11111111111111 and education are an outgrowth of Shawnee Mission's commit- ment for caring for the whole person—not only treating the sick, but helping to prevent sick- ness of all kinds," says Jim Boyle, president of Shawnee Mission Medical Center. Other AHS/NEMA hospitals in the Mid-America Union such as Porter Memorial Hospital, Moberly Regional Medical Cen- ter, Platte Valley Medical Center N and Memorial Hospital - Boul- Shawnee Mission Medical Center's single-room maternity unit, which will open in early Sep- der, also offer their local com- tember, 1988, will allow women to labor, deliver, recover and receive postpartum care all in one munities a regular program of room. "wellness" courses. April, 1988 OUTLOOK 17 Outlook On Iowa-Missouri

What Is Camp Meeting? missed by all. Having lived in Des Moines most of her life, Dorothy is a very strong pillar in her church. Eve- ryone is her "family" and she is very interested and caring for all. She has been the church clerk and hostess for many years and her smiling face will meet you at the door most every Sabbath. When she isn't there, it just isn't the same—she has a charm that people love. Dorothy has two major hob- Dorothy bies: church and her grandchild- Fredregill ren. She always enjoys reading a Ryle Hall at Northeast Missouri State University is the camp good book and she does many meeting location for housing and meals. creative crafts. Retires Living in Des Moines is Doro- 1888 was a historic year in the Ellen G. White Estate. After 26 years of faithful ser- thy's daughter, Rhonda Karr, experience of the Seventh-day Additional features planned vice, Dorothy Fredregill retires who works at the Iowa-Missouri Adventist Church. "Christ Our for the May 31 to June 4 convo- from working at the Iowa-Mis- Conference as an accountant. Her Righteousness" is the theme of cation are: souri Adventist Book Center. husband Ron works at remodel- the 1988 camp meeting in the • Health talks by husband and Dorothy has been a dedicated ing for Goering Plumbing. They Iowa-Missouri Conference. In wife team who are both physi- worker at the book center, work- have one son that keeps "Grand- keeping with this theme, which cians, Dr. Henry Wiebe and Dr. ing through three major moves ma" going. Dorothy also has a was also the important message Beverly Wiebe. and ten managers. son Duane, who is the Production presented to the church in 1888, • Free one-to-one counseling Dorothy has always enjoyed Manager for Christian Record the following speakers are sche- with physicians as schedule meeting people and she is very Braille Foundation in Lincoln, duled to be in Kirksville for camp permits. well liked in the Iowa-Missouri Nebraska. His wife works part meeting this year: • Inspiring music. Conference. She has always been time as a secretary and takes care • The Venden Brothers: Louis • Nice accommodations. excited about her work and the of their three children. Venden, Pastor, Loma Linda • Good food. people that she dealt with on a Dorothy was honored at a Church; Morris Venden, Pastor, Plan now to come to Kirks- daily basis. Her smiling face and retirement brunch by her work- Keene, Texas Church. ville, Missouri for an outstanding cheerful words have touched ing "family" in January. She was • Robert W. Olson, Secretary, camp meeting in 1988. many people and she will be presented with a special Memory Book that the staff had made and Iowa-Missouri Camp Meeting Accommodations she also received other presents. Kirksville, Missouri—May 31-June 4, 1988 Dorothy, you will be missed at the Adventist Book Center and whereby meals and room accommodations are provided by the university (no A PACKAGE PLAN the Conference Office, but please linens) is available as follows: (a) Private room (one occupant) + meals = $110.00 per person enjoy your retirement—you have (b) Double room (two occupants) + meals = $96.00 per person earned it. (c) Multiple room (3 or more occupants) + meals = $84.00 per person OTHER ACCOMMODATIONS are available such as rooms only or meals only. Also there are special rates for children. For more information about accommodations and rates write or call the Iowa- Pray, though the gift you Missouri Conference office. ask for May never comfort your 1988 Camp Meeting Reservation Blank fears, May 31-June 4—Kirksville, Missouri May never repay your Name Phone pleading, Address Church Yet pray with hopeful Number planning to attend: Adults Children tears. Do you want the package plan'? An answer—not that you long for Other pertinent information- But diviner—will come one day, Your eyes are too dim to Please include a check for $20.00 as a deposit and send this reservation to: see it, Iowa-Missouri Conference Yet strive and wait and Locating Committee P.O. Box 65665 pray. West Des Moines, IA 50265 —Adelaide Proctor (515) 223-1197

18 OUTLOOK April, 1988 Outlook On Iowa-Missouri

Baptism At Oak Grove SIOUX CITY CHURCH HOMECOMING An opportunity to renew old acquaintances and have a rich spiritual experience! If you are a former member of the Sioux City Seventh-day Adventist Church, or have any connection at all with this fellowship, we invite you to attend our Fourth Annual Homecoming Sabbath, June 11, 1988. Guest speaker: Elder Earl W. Amundson, Sioux City pastor, 1952-54. Positive Influence of Church School BY MARY M. ROBINETTE mother is a Christian who, the The Nevada, Missouri church children learned, had been pray- school has an enrollment of 17 ing for help. Not only had the students, five of whom are non- children the privilege of witness- Adventist. Their non-Adventist ing to the non-Christian father, parents are extremely pleased but they had the opportunity to When Frank and Ruth made getting in contact with their with the quality of education help answer the prayers of a their decision for baptism all was daughter in California. "I said to their children are receiving. Christian mother. smiles for Pastor Ketelsen of the her," Mrs. Hampton explains, These same parents have bought We discussed the importance Oak Grove and Independence "you know what is right, and a refrigerator and a microwave of loving our youth uncondi- churches. And here's why! Frank God's holding you responsible for the school to show their tionally. The teacher added, "It and Ruth were faithful attenders because you know the truth. I got appreciation. will be necessary to discipline of the "Prophecy Lectures Sem- right to the point," says Ruth, and Located behind the Nevada them, but they still know you inar" by Jim Cress this last fall. she's happy to report that her church, the school has two class- love them." To illustrate her Frank and Ruth attended 32 of daughter is back in Sabbath rooms, a lunchroom, and an point, our teacher told of one the 36 meetings all the way from School and church. The people of office. The teacher, Helen Job- little girl who said to her, "Why Blue Springs, about 65 miles of that church welcomed her back son, is not only certified for ele- is it when you paddle us, you traveling each night. "But the with open arms and are so happy mentary education, but for cry?" remarkable thing about the Hamp- for the witness of her parents. learning disabilities and Educa- As I stopped the car to let our tons," says Pastor Ketelsen, "is The Hamptons wasted no time ble Mentally Retarded. Mrs. teacher out at her home, she that they weren't content on just in getting involved in the church. Jobson is ably assisted by Bar- turned to me and said with a being baptized." Their daughter, Ruth has helped out in playing bara Underwood, teacher's aid, glow of quiet conviction and a former Adventist had slipped the piano. Her liveliness at the who, Mrs. Jobson says, is always enthusiasm, "I just love what I'm away. Once Frank and Ruth dis- keyboard has been an inspiration on target. doing." covered the truth about the Sab- to the church. Their presence is a Believing she and Mrs. Under- After my interview with Mrs. bath they made no hesitation in real blessing. wood and the Nevada church Jobson concluded, I became have a mission, Mrs. Jobson more aware of how grateful I am states, "The Lord has given us an for a loving, committed Seventh- opportunity to witness in a spe- day Adventist church school Clothing Give Away cial way, to show the love of teacher who, together with her BY VERNON FISK God through the church school." assistant, prays for and with her This last Christmas the church children, and for a church which school adopted a family of five gives her their support. for special help—the parents and I believe God is giving us an their three small children. The opportunity too, don't you?

A Community Service Free Day was held in Jefferson City, Missouri. Newspaper and radio advertising were utilized to bring Mrs. Jobson, far right, and Mrs. Underwood, left, with their many people to Allison's home. We are now praying for a build- students. ing to house our Community Service Center. Mary M Robinette, communication secretary, Nevada, Missouri Vernon Fisk, pastor, Jefferson City church. church. April, 1988 OUTLOOK 19 Outlook On Kansas-Nebraska

Down The eyes lit up, the smile on her face Why A dopt-A- and the question she asked me. REMEMBER Winding Path Rather than quoting chapter Student? SUMMER CAMP and verse, which alone would BY AUDRA SHUMAN have been like "music falling on a BY HARRY REILE BEGINS IN JUNE deaf ear," Anne asked me why I "Without the help of the believed in Catholicism? We Adopt-A-Student program, I Contact Church talked about many Bible truths couldn't be here," said a Platte Ministries Department that day. The next day she gave Valley Academy senior girl. "I me a "Sunday law" book and really appreciate those who help. For Details then a Revelation Seminar. Here I can get involved in activi- Three weeks later we were ties without conflict in my stand- studying with Steve Elmquist, ards, which was one of my prob- head elder of the Lamed church. lems in public schools." Spiritual Steve not only explained the Such remarks make giving to Bible truths but exemplified what the Adopt-A-Student program Weekend Set he believed. seem very rewarding. An Enter- For Arrowhead I began attending Sabbath prise Academy junior put it this School. I sat in a class taught by way, "You can get close to other BY HARRY REILE Rod Schmidt. The class taught kids because they feel the same A spiritual celebration will be Hutchinson church pastor me and continues to teach me so way about religion that you do." held at Camp Arrowhead July Mike Pionkowski baptizes much more about the Bible. Rod Another junior boy from 22-24. Please set these dates aside Ruthie Clark. not only taught but through con- Platte Valley Academy said, "I so you can attend and receive versation and friendship pointed feel special at PVA because the inspiration and blessings. "I suppose your first contact the way over any remaining faculty really cares. I'm not Richard Duerksen, a dynamic with the Seventh-day Adventist doubts and fears. embarrassed like I used to be at speaker, will be the featured Church was with your mother-in- Pastor Thearon Staddon and high school because everybody speaker. Three music groups will law, Mrs. Bertha Clark?" I asked the Lamed members are in my here believes the same." perform. A youth speaker will Ruth (affectionately known to us prayers of thanks for their reflec- It's great to hear young people inspire the youth. Sabbath School as "Ruthie"). tion of God's Spirit. Their every- talk like that! If you have given to divisions will be arranged. It will "Oh, no," she said, "when I day words are what led me to the the Adopt-A-Student program, be a thrilling experience to be was a child I attended Vacation Remnant of the Lord. you can be rightfully proud of long remembered. Bible School at the Harper SDA Proverbs 3:13 says, "Happy is your action. If you forgot to give, The camp committee met Church, and two people made a the man that findeth wisdom, it is not too late because both recently and set the following real impact on my life—Mable and the man that getteth under- schools are short of student aid camp use rate schedule: Cole and Dr. Carrick." standing." The Lord has truly funds and your giving now will Cabins with bathroom use per And now, a few years later blessed me and made me happy. help insure a successful school day: down the winding path after (Judy Jordan was baptized year for such students. One family $2 per adult, 50(C attending a Methodist Church as into the Lamed church January "If it hadn't been for people per child 12 and under; a child, joining a religious group 16, 1988.) helping me through the Adopt- Two families $1.50 per adult, while in college and belonging to A-Student plan, I would have 50¢ per child 12 and under; yet another church while living been forced to go to public school Tent space with bathroom use, in Wichita, Ruthie has found a and I would have been very $2 per tent per day; church home here with the Hut- uncomfortable about that," Trailer, no hookups, $3 per chinson Seventh-day Adventists. stated an EA senior girl. day; May I encourage you to send a Trailer with electricity, $5 per Audra Shuman, communica- worthy gift, small or large, la- day plus $2 extra for air con- tion secretary, Hutchinson beled Adopt-A-Student and mail ditioner; church. it to either Enterprise Academy, Riverside cottage, $25 per Enteprise, Kansas 67441, or to day; Platte Valley Academy, Shelton, Lodge and kitchen, $25 min- Laity +Pastor = Nebraska 68876. imum or $1 per person if more Thank you for supporting our than 25; $15 for second day. Baptism young people who desire an Special rates to small groups. BY JUDY JORDAN Judy Jordan baptized by Adventist education. If your family or church would My conversion is not a flashy Pastor Thearon Staddon. enjoy a pleasant camping expe- story, nor material for a best- Harry Reile, Academy Devel- rience, call Tracy or Liz Wolzen selling book. Rather, it's a story Judy Jordan, new member, opment Director, Kansas-Nebras- at (402) 756-2854. The camp is of love, the love that radiates Lamed church. ka Conference. located near Lexington, Nebras- from our Father in Heaven. ka just off 1-80 and beside the Anne English, a friend, helped great Platte River. where I worked for a few days in The highest reward for man's toil is Welcome! October, 1986. In making "small not what he gets for it, but what he talk," I asked Anne why she went Harry Reile, chairman, Camp to church on Saturday? I'll becomes by it. —Ruskin Arrowhead Development Com- always remember the way her mittee. 20 OUTLOOK April, 1988 Outlook On Kansas-Nebraska

Adventist Receives Scholarship from leading song service to Platte Valley presenting skits to lifting the Academy offering to preaching. "This experience provides stu- Homecoming dents with the opportunity of sharing their love for the Master April 29-30, 1988 with the members in our Confer- ence," Gibson said during a HONOR CLASSES: recent service at the McCook 1928, '38, '48, '58, church. "By leading out during '63, '68, and '78. services, not only is it a blessing to the members, but it also allows students a chance to show the leadership qualities the Lord has Mary Burton, third from left, member of the Manhattan church, P VA Students blessed them with." received a $200 scholarship from the Kansas Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Shown with her are Share Joy Glenn Pyle, Shelley Hogle, and Dr. Helen Hooper, all represent- ing the Kansas Association for Supervision and Curriculum BY JOHN TREOLO Development. Burton is working towards her Ph.D. degree at We're all familiar with the Kansas State University. Her emphasis is in curriculum and phrase from Proverbs 22:6, instruction in education. After completing her degree, she plans to "Train up a child in the way he teach in a college. should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Faculty and staff at Platte Val- Enterprise Academy ed in getting Smoking Sam to ley Academy have taken this perform for the Golden Age Club counsel seriously. Homecoming and for a group of elementary Jon Gibson, math instructor, Deseree Dancer and Beki April 8-9, 1988 school students. directs weekend touring groups known as Expressions of God's Walter share a skit during Honor Classes: '23, '28, '33, Love and Son Cast, who lead out church service in McCook. '38, '43, '48, '53, '58, '63, '68, '78 during Sabbath services in church- & '88. es throughout Nebraska. John Treolo, communication Special Guests: According to Gibson, mem- director, Kansas-Nebraska Con- Bob Lebard, R. R. Hallock, Ed bers of the groups do everything ference. Stacy, Lolita (Newman) Thomp- son, Terry St. Clair, Belko Brass, with pianist Ed Wagner Manhattan Students Happenings At Present Play The Nelson BY ESTHER BURTON Ruth and Ira Robbins, mem- Church bers of the Nelson Women's Christian Temperance Union, BY VERA B. PARKER introduce Smoking Sam to the The members of the Nelson club. Church are caring and sharing their faith with the community in Listen magazine is sent to sur- many ways. rounding schools and Liberty to a Marjorie Mann has a unique number of influential people in ministry. Not being able to get the area courtesy of the Nelson out much, she wins the confi- church. The church also sponsors dence of her friends so they come Voice of Prophecy and K FRS to her with their problems. Her radio in nearby Superior on ministry even reaches out to Sundays. Australia, where she has a pen Every faithful member is a pal. witness for their Lord. Let us daily Donna Troudt provides a draw closer to Him, so we will During its presentation of the program, Star of Hope, the children's story hour. She cooks know what we can do to help Manhattan school students portrayed the Jerusalem school as at the school and has many finish the work, and be sure of a taught by the rabbis. The scene shows Jesus at the age of 12, when opportunities to witness there. place in His kingdom. He went into the temple and attended the Jerusalem school for One of the Nelson members is three days. president of Women's Christian Vera B. Parker, communica- Temperance Union. She succeed- tion secretary, Nelson church. Esther Burton, teacher, Manhattan school. April, 1988 OUTLOOK 21 Outlook On Union College

Educational Shirley Boyer Freed, Pakistan the void of instruction in areas Phonathon Diane Johnson Vyskocil, Korea where a majority of pastors feel Relations Visit Arlene Blecha Hagensicker, specific needs for continued edu- BY TAD STRICKER Australia cation. The 1988 Institute placed For nine evenings, the Sky- To Taiwan Barry Bacon, Africa emphasis on building effective- view room of the Union College Shelley Dickinson Bacon, ness in public speaking. Pastors Dick Building buzzed with activ- BY TAD STRICKER Africa attending received one Continu- ity as faculty, staff, alumni and Marilyn McArthur, professor Dennis Mercill, Africa ing Education Unit (CEU). Each students made contact with of nursing at Union College, Student Missionaries had the option of receiving one alumni and friends around the visited the Republic of China- Beth Brown, Marshall Islands semester hour of college credit by country. The occasion—Union Taiwan, November 7-14 as part Kevin Devnich, Pohnpei paying tuition fees and complet- College Annual Fund Phona- of an educational exchange pro- Kent Habeck, Guam ing extra work. All pastors are thon, February 15-25. Volun- gram. The government of the Kristy Hargreaves, Pohnpei required to earn six CEUs per teers and director, Becky Heavi- Republic of China paid for hotel Heidi Hawkins, Pohnpei year. can, spent approximately four accommodations, meals, a 2-day Jeff Sparks, Iceland The instructors for the insti- hours each evening, except Fri- tour of the island, and provided Collette Winklemann, Truk tute included John Wagner, day and Sabbath, soliciting funds discounted airfare on China Air- Karen Woll, Marshall Islands Union College President; Jerry and telling alumni what's hap- lines. The purpose of the trip was Fore and James White, senior pening at their old alma mater. to establish educational exchange pastors in Kansas City; leaders The goal of $30,000 was shat- relations with government and Pastors Study from the Mid-America Union tered with a grand total of education officials. Currently, office; and professors at Union $47,708 in pledges plus numer- only junior college graduates At U.C. College. ous unspecified pledges. The may study overseas. However, a Numerous compliments were faculty, staff and students of new development in policy will The Institute for Professional received by Dr. John Wagner Union College would like to say soon be announced which is Pastors held its semi-annual regarding the high quality of the "thank you" to all friends and expected to allow high school meetings at Union College, Jan- Institute and the Union College alumni for your generosity. graduates to attend overseas col- uary 18-21. Elder Jim King, campus, faculty, staff and stu- leges this fall. Ministerial Secretary of the dents. One pastor wrote, "If this While in Taiwan, Mrs. McAr- Iowa/Missouri Conference, was is the quality of education that thur, representing Union College, the host from the Ministerial the students are receiving, then I signed sister school agreements Association. would be glad to encourage all of with twelve private high schools, The purpose of these profes- our young people to choose ranging in enrollment from sional pastors' meetings is to fill Union College first." UNION COLLEGE 5,000-21,000 students, and Nat- ional Taipei College of Nursing, a junior college. "We were treated royally by Band Tour the Ministry of Education and BY TAD STRICKER the people of Taiwan," said Mrs. McArthur. "Our campus will be enriched by the addition of stu- dents from this region, and we look forward to giving them the same warm welcome we were accorded in their homeland."

Tad Stricker, student writer. Hanging of the Golden Cords At 7:30 Friday evening, April 8, a special ceremony will be held Union College Concert Winds and director, Steve Hall, on tour. as part of the Homecoming Weekend. This ceremony, the On March 30, Steve Hall and Sabbath; and Mile High Acad- day, all members who wish to go Hanging of the Golden Cords, the Union College Concert emy on Saturday night. Mr. Hall skiing will head for the slopes. will honor Union College stu- Winds will be taking their music- has also invited the academy Those who don't want to go ski- dents and alumni who are cur- al magic to other lands and other band at each location to join the ing will visit the sights of Denver. rently serving or have served in people, not returning until April Concert Winds for a couple of The band has currently raised the mission field. A Golden Cord 3. They will perform for Platte numbers. its membership to 61 members. will be hung for each of the fol- Valley Academy on Wednesday With the many concerts the At the beginning of last year, lowing individuals: evening; Campion Academy on band will be performing and all there were approximately 35 Regular Mission Service Thursday evening; the Boulder the practice hours in preparing members. Steve Hall is very David White, Guam church on Friday evening; sev- the tour, the band members de- pleased with the growth thus far Robert Martinez, Bolivia eral Denver area churches on serve a little recreation. On Fri- and has high hopes for the future. 22 OUTLOOK April, 1988 Outlook On Rocky Mountain

Eden Valley found she loved it and felt that Mrs. Clark would like to say that God makes no mistakes the Lord had given her a special encourage other single mothers in our lives. Even in the Garden Outreach talent of caring for the sick. to go for their dreams. If you of Gethsemane, Jesus prayed, After the break-up of her third have a God-given goal, you can "Father, not what I want but BY KEN MILLER marriage in 1986, Bonnie obtain it. It hasn't been an easy what you want." A popular Loveland, Colorado dropped to the lowest point in year, but with God all things are In conclusion, Mrs. Christen- restaurant was the location for a her life. She had very little will to possible. son emphasized the importance Breathe Free Plan to Stop Smok- live and felt that she was incapa- of prayer chains in churches and ing sponsored recently by the ble of amounting to anything. It Theresa Fisher, communica- asked each woman to initiate Lifestyle Center at Eden Valley was at this point that she told the tion secretary, Delta church. prayer chains in her own church Institute. The six-session pro- Lord He was going to have to run as she returned to her congre- gram was conducted by Mark things from now on. Prayer Power gation. LaVanture and Bob Simenson, "When you turn your life over assisted by members of the Insti- to the Lord, wonderful and mar- BY CONNIE NOWLAN Connie Nowlan, communica- tute's Health Skills Class. velous things begin to happen," Christian Women's Ministry tion secretary, Boulder church. Six persons attended the class- stated Bonnie. presented Evelyn Christenson, es, with five able to claim free- nationally known author and lec- dom from the habit on gradua- turer on prayer and prayer Legal Notices tion night. groups, to the Boulder area The respondents included a churches on Sabbath afternoon, OFFICIAL CALL FOR THE REGULAR TRIENNIAL SESSION mother and daughter, a young January 16. Two hundred and OF THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN husband and wife, and a 58-year- thirty-one women from 13 de- CONFERENCE old woman who had smoked two nominations in the Boulder area The next regular session of the Rocky packs a day for over 30 years. attended the meetings held at the Mountain Conference of Seventh-day Follow-up meetings are con- Seventh-day Adventist Church. Adventists will be held Sunday, June 12, 1988, beginning at 10:00 a.m., at the tinuing at the Lifestyle Center at Our church was represented by Campion Academy Church, Southwest the institute seven miles west of women from as far north as 42nd and Academy Drive, Loveland, Loveland. Cheyenne, Wyoming, as far west Colorado. The purpose of this meeting is to As another community out- as Palisade, Colorado, as far elect officers and departmental directors for the ensuing triennial term, to consider reach, the institute is presenting a south as Castle Rock, Colorado, amendments to the Constitution and By- Vegetarian Natural Foods Cook- Bonnie Clark, with God's as far east as Hinsdale, Illinois, laws, and to transact such business as may ing seminar. This program is a help, made a perfect score on plus Loveland, Greeley, Long- properly come before the session. Don C. Schneider, President joint venture with the Loveland her L.P.N. State Board. mont, Fort Collins, Brighton, Adventist Church. There will be Fort Lupton and all the churches Lloyd D. Cleveland, Secretary-Treasurer demonstrations, films, lectures on She realized that raising four in the Denver-Boulder area. REGULAR SESSION OF THE nutrition, samples and a vegetar- children alone would be a chal- Beginning with "prayer pow- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST ian buffet on the closing night. lenge, but doing it without a pro- er", Mrs. Christenson challenged ASSOCIATION OF COLORADO The fellowship hall will be used fession would be much harder. the women to the limitless possi- Notice is hereby given that the next reg- for these activities. She decided to apply for the bilities available in prayer with ular session of the Seventh-day Adventist Association of Colorado will be held at the Licensed Practical Nurses' train- the promise of John 5:7, "Ask Campion Academy Church, 42nd and Ken Miller, communication ing course offered at the Delta- what ye will and it shall be given Academy Drive, Loveland, Colorado on secretary, Eden Valley Institute. Montrose Vocational Technical to you." Continuing her discus- Sunday, June 12, 1988 at 10:00 a.m. The Training Center. She was accept- sions in eight sessions, Mrs. purpose of this meeting is to elect a Board of Trustees for the ensuing triennium, to All Things Are ed but faced the challenge of how Christenson led the women consider revision of the Articles of Incor- to pay the tuition and support her through the steps of no uncon- poration and Bylaws of the Association Possible! family at the same time. She fessed sin in the life, forgiven as and to transact such business as may prop- turned her financial need over to we forgive, praying in God's will, erly come before the session. All delegates to the regular session of the Rocky Moun- BY THERESA FISHER the Lord and watched Him make making sure it is God to whom tain Conference of Seventh-day Adventists Bonnie Clark, a member of the opportunities out of her prob- together with the members of the Board of Delta, Colorado Adventist lems. Bonnie received two grants Trustees of the Seventh-day Adventist and two scholarships and was Association of Colorado are the delegates Church, received a perfect score "Ask what ye will of the regular session of the Seventh-day of 800 on her L.P.N. State able to work 32 hours a week. Adventist Association of Colorado. Boards. Bonnie's story of how the When Bonnie took her State and it shall be given Don C. Schneider, President Lord has led her the past year is Boards in October, she felt she to you." I. B. Burton, Secretary had failed. When she received one of courage and faith. REGULAR SESSION OF THE Mrs. Clark is the single mother her test results and realized she INTER-MOUNTAIN CONFERENCE of four children and a high school had made a perfect score, she was you draw nigh, personal prayer ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY dropout. She took her G.E.D. surprised! The Lord has been life which includes closet praying ADVENTISTS test and after completing the very near to her this past year, and praying without ceasing, Notice is hereby given that the next reg- basic Emergency Medical Tech- and He didn't let her down. intercessory prayer methods and ular session of the Inter-Mountain Confer- ence Association of Seventh-day Advent- nician course, started working Bonnie is presently attending methods of small group praying. ists will be held at the Campion Academy with the Delta Ambulance Ser- Mesa College in Grand Junction Calling for a revival of God's Church, 42nd and Academy Drive, Love- vice and the Delta County three days a week, studying Spirit, Mrs. Christenson emphas- land, Colorado on Sunday, June 12, 1988 toward a degree that will help her at 10:00 a.m. The purpose of this meeting Memorial Hospital Emergency ized that God gives no promise of is to elect a Board of Trustees for the ensu- Room. The more she worked in reach her goal of a nursing power unless one is obedient to ing triennium, to consider revision of the the medical field, the more she instructor. God's leading. She went on to Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of April, 1988 OUTLOOK 23 Outlook On Rocky Mountain the Association and to transact such busi- Korean Students Learn of Christ of the Board of Trustees of the Wyoming ness as may properly come before the ses- Conference Association of Seventh-day sion. All delegates to the regular session of BY LOIS VLOYANTES Adventists are the delegates of the regular the Rocky Mountain Conference of Sev- session of the Wyoming Conference Asso- enth-day Adventists together with the ciation of Seventh-day Adventists. members of the Board of Trustees of the Don C. Schneider, President Inter-Mountain Conference Association of I. B. Burton, Secretary Seventh-day Adventists are the delegates of the regular session of the Inter-Mountain Conference Association of Seventh-day Adventists. Spring Book Don C. Schneider, President I. B. Burton, Secretary Sale—Rocky REGULAR SESSION OF THE Picture shows Richard Nam, lay pastor, and Mr. Park, local SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST Mountain ASSOCIATION OF WESTERN elder, with the group of four students recently baptized into the COLORADO membership of the Korean church in Fort Collins. Pastor John Bookmobile Notice is hereby given that the next reg- Martin, of Fort Collins, and Pastor Hyung Man Huh, serving the Apr. 16 Farmington Sundown ular session of the Seventh-day Adventist Denver congregation, stand to the right. Association of Western Colorado will be Apr. 17 Cortez 11 a.m.- 1 p.m. held at the Campion Academy Church, Lois Vloyantes, communication secretary, Fort Collins church. Apr. 17 Durango 4:30-6:30 42nd and Academy Drive, Loveland, Colorado on Sunday, June 12, 1988 at Apr. 30 Casper Sundown session of the Seventh-day Adventist be held at the Campion Academy Church, 10:00 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is Wyoming Association of Western Colorado. 42nd and Academy Drive, Loveland, to elect a Board of Trustees for the ensuing May 1 Sheridan 11 a.m.- Don C. Schneider, President Colorado on Sunday, June 12, 1988 at triennium, to consider revision of the Arti- 1 p.m. 1. B. Burton, Secretary 10:00 a.m. The purpose of this meeting is cles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the May 1 Gillette 4-5 p.m. to elect a Board of Trustees for the ensuing Association and to transact such business May 1 Newcastle 7-8:30 p.m. REGULAR SESSION OF THE triennium, to consider revision of the Arti- as may properly come before the session. May 2 Torrington 5:30-7:30 WYOMING CONFERENCE cles of Incorporation and Bylaws of the All delegates to the regular session of the May 7 Rock Springs Sundown- ASSOCIATION OF SEVENTH-DAY Association and to transact such business Rocky Mountain Conference of Seventh- 9:30 ADVENTISTS as may properly come before the session. day Adventists together with the members May 8 Lander 12-1:30 of the Board of Trustees of the Seventh-day Notice is hereby given that the next reg- All delegates to the regular session of the May 8 Worland 6-8 p.m. Adventist Association of Western Colo- ular session of the Wyoming Conference Rocky Mountain Conference of Seventh- May 9 Greybull 5 - 7 p.m. rado are the delegates of the regular Association of Seventh-day Adventists will day Adventists together with the members Outlook On Minnesota

Pastors Set City Adventist School in St. Paul. intention of planting a new try to the Twin Cities," says Elder Conference secretary-treas- church there. Elder Paul Larsen, Pichette. "The Twin Cities' pas- Strategy To urer, Elder Ray Rouse, says that pastor of the St. Paul First church, tors have been meeting regularly besides making a greater aware- has had experience and special for several months and our philo- Evangelize ness impact, holding the seminars training in starting new churches. sophy is to pull out all the stops to and the evangelistic meetings in He says that Adventists need to unite and finish the work." Twin Cities the same time frame, will greatly plant churches in the heavily Elder Bill Wilson said regard- multiply the effectiveness of the populated bedroom communities ing the first meeting of "tWIN "Our goal is to hold 48 Reve- advertising dollar. that surround the Twin Cities, CITIES ministries," "I've never lation Seminars in 1988," says Elder Ray Pichette, pastor of that Adventist churches must be attended a meeting like this Elder Bill Wilson, chairman of the Minneapolis Northbrook where the people are. where lay people and pastors "tWIN CITIES ministries." Wil- church, is preparing radio spots "The thrust which begins on from several churches have the son, who pastors the Minneapo- to increase the awareness of the September 11 is just the first purpose of working together in a lis Southview Church, reported Adventist Church in the Twin phase of an ongoing team minis- unified effort. It's exciting!" that 65 people attended the first Cities. The first of these spots was meeting of this organization, aired on March 1, on station which was also a training sem- KUXL (FM 1570). Contracts inar for conducting Revelation with other radio stations are Seminars. This meeting was con- being negotiated. ducted by Elder Bob Boney from Conference President, Elder Seminars Unlimited in the Texas Lee Huff, says that half of the Conference. Besides the nine pas- state's population is on one tors, one layman from each of the phone line and that is in the Min- eleven area churches form the neapolis/St. Paul metro area. He committee for "tWIN CITIES says that a great amount of effort ministries." Their strategy is to is going to be put forth to "break hold many of these seminars through" and evangelize this simultaneously, beginning on region. September 11. At the same time The evangelistic meetings there will be an evangelistic which will be conducted at the Elders C. Lee Huff, Bill Wilson, and Ray Pichette study a meeting conducted in the Anoka Capitol City Adventist School, Minneapolis/St. Paul map to locate the areas of population where church and also at the Capitol have been planned with the there is no Adventist Church. 24 OUTLOOK April, 1988 Outlook On Minnesota

Students Duane Madden, principal at loaf of bread and a note. On the are enthusiastic about these pro- the Thief River Falls school, says next visit they left some fresh jects, and just as noticeable is the Reach Out And that for years his students have applesauce and a survey sheet love relationship that is growing been going once a month to a which asked what the needs were and strengthening between the Touch Lives nursing home. Besides minister- in that community. Leaf raking students themselves. ing to the whole group at the was one of the needs noted, so the Most of the students in Minne- Throughout Minnesota, Sev- home, each of his students (who students went back and raked sota thoroughly enjoy, and look enth-day Adventist teachers are are in grades 1-8) adopt a resi- leaves. Another time the students forward to Bible Lab. As Beverly leading and encouraging their dent and then give particular left a sack which was to be filled Lamon, Minnesota Education students to reach out and do attention to that specific person. with food for the local Food Superintendent, says, "Our Ad- something for other people. Al- A few months ago, these students Shelf. They later picked up the ventist schools are different. though Adventist teachers have dressed in costumes depicting full sacks. At Thanksgiving time These kids could get a good edu- been doing this for years, this famous people such as Florence the Adopt-A-Block residents cation in the public school sys- concept of helping others, which Nightingale, Daniel Boone, Or- received a pie from the Hutchin- tem, but we offer much more is now called Bible Lab, has ville Wright, et cetera. This pro- son kids, and at Christmas time, than an academic education. Our become a recommended part of ject was a game for both students they received Christmas cookies. teachers show by example the the curriculum in Minnesota. and nursing home residents, as Reeve says that the students joy that comes in serving others." John Deming, principal of the elderly folk guessed who each Minneapolis Junior Academy, student was trying to depict. says that at MJA the staff is Clinton Anderson, the teacher teaching the kids that they will at the Bemidji school, says that never be really happy unless his students also regularly visit a they're doing things for other nursing home and they, too, have people. Some of the projects that "adopted" specific grandparents. Deming has encouraged his older These students recently visited students in are shoveling snow elderly church members taking for the elderly and cleaning a them a loaf of fresh homemade house fora young mother who bread and singing to them. A had been hospitalized. Then one unique ministry for the Bemidji day he called the Conference students was in contacting former office to see if there was anything Bemidji church school students his students could help with who hadn't gone on to Maple- Julian McRoy, John Heinrich and Eric Harl from Minneapolis there. That phone call has result- wood, writing them a note and Junior Academy share their faith as puppeteers. ed in saving many hours and dol- sending them cookies. One of lars for the Conference, as the these young men is in the army. students have put address stickers Derral Reeve, principal at the on Bible Study request cards for Hutchinson school says that his Huenergardt Court actions which benefit the Personal Ministries Depart- students are divided into three Adventists. The Hobbie vs. the ment and they are presently col- groups: Adopt-A-Block, Adopt- Speaks At Lay State of Florida case affirmed the lating and stapling the Minnesota A-Shut-in, and Adopt-A-Grand- right to receive unemployment Minnutes before it's mailed each parent. These fifty students are Advisory compensation when a person is month. also teamed up as Big Brothers/ discharged from employment Also at Minneapolis Junior Big Sisters; that is, a first-grade because of religious beliefs. The Academy, Marcy Munsterteiger's girl is paired with an eighth-grade Amos vs. the Board of Bishops of fifth and sixth graders are prepar- girl. For the Adopt-A-Block min- the LDS Church case established ing a puppet program which they istry, a city block containing the right of charitable organiza- will present at nursing homes or twelve homes was picked in Hut- tions to hire employees, taking "wherever we're asked to go." chinson and every few weeks into account their religious be- The topics of the puppet pro- each home is visited by the same liefs. grams are health related. team. On the first visit they left a The Lay Advisory Council meets twice a year and delegates are elected from each church in the Minnesota Conference. The Attorney Darrel Huenergardt, purpose of the Lay Advisory Religious Liberty Director for Council is to get a pulse of what the Mid-America Union Confer- the laymen think and of what ence, updated the Lay Advisory they want for their conference. It Council on Religious Liberty is not a policy-making board, but issues. He also showed from many of its suggestions are re- scripture that God does not pro- ferred to either the Conference tect from trials or prevent trials, Committee, the Association but that God's presence is with Board or the Maplewood Acad- His people during trials and that emy Board. These boards have His people grow through trials. historically put many of the Lay MJA Principal, John Deming, helps Justin Harl and Shaun Huenergardt said that there Advisory Council's referrals into McRoy prepare the Minnesota Minnutes for mailing. have recently been two Supreme action. April, 1988 OUTLOOK 25 A Broader Outlook

Church to reveal Himself, namely His love to mankind. Communica- Ministries tion is described as giving and receiving of information. In order BY KEN L. BUSHNELL for a person or the church to communicate effectively—influ- encing others to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour— ADVENTIST-LAYMEN'SflSi SERVICES AND INDUSTRIES both elements of communication (giving and receiving) must be MID-AMERICA CHAPTER maximized. The giving aspect of our information can be anything ANNUAL CONVENTION from actively showing others what God has done to reveal At Sylvan Lake Resort, "The Jewel of Himself to verbalizing this expe- the Black Hills" rience through doctrinal beliefs. The receiving aspect is just as April 28-30, 1988 Ken L. Bushnell important. It comes to the corpo- rate church or individually to the One of the objectives of the church member mainly in the • See famous Black Hills attractions like Mount Rushmore and Church Ministries department is form of identity. This identity is Custer State Park. to motivate and encourage church revealed in two ways—reinforce- members to have an effective ment and confirmation. • Enjoy fellowship and family recreation. witnessing ministry in their per- Both can be perceived as being • Listen to inspiring music and exciting missionary experiences. sonal Christian living. Jesus said similar, but still have their distinc- • Health screening at moderate rates. to His church, ". . . and ye shall tion. Reinforcement is to establish be witnesses unto me . . . " When one's self, or the church as a • Christ Our Righteousness sermon by Joel Tompkins, Mid- the word witness is spoken or whole, in its conviction of how America Union President. read somewhere in connection God has chosen to reveal Himself. • For reservations and details, please contact ASI, P.O. Box with Christian living, what do Confirmation is having a sense of 6128, Lincoln, NE 68506, (402) 286-2550. you think about? What is Chris- knowing that this conviction is tian witnessing? I would like to right. As the church and/or provoke your thinking by offer- church member receives this ing a definition of Christian wit- identity, it should motivate them nessing. You may, or may not to share more information. "My career in agree with this definition. Either Witnessing is just as much way I hope to challenge you to what we are as what we say long-term health care come up with a workable defini- and/or do. The more these two tion for yourself. (what we are, and what we say administration Christian witnessing is an effort and/or do) are in harmony with to influence a person or persons to the life of Jesus Christ, the more pays me accept Jesus Christ as Lord and effective will be our effort to Saviour of one's life. This effort influence others to accept Christ twice, can be corporately organized by as Lord and Saviour of their lives. offering not only the church or by an individual To sum up the answer to the financial security church member. It can also be a question of what is witnessing, but the continuing spontaneous experience on the we can say that witnessing in the part of the church and of the Christian church is the corporate reward of serving church member who is caught up response of the church or of the Senior Americans." in its or his/her relationship with individual church member to the CUE DEls. Class of '81 God. It can also be a combination great gospel commission of Jesus Regional Director of the above. Christ found in Matthew 28:19, Life Care Centers of America Witnessing is communicating 20. formerly Administrator, Life Care Center of what the church believes corpo- New Market, Virginia. rately and/or what a church Ken L. Bushnell Church Min- member believes individually istries director, Mid-America For information about the Long-Term that God has done and is doing Union. Health Care Administration Program at SOUTHERN COLLEGE 71j PREPARE NOW! OF SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS Contact Dan Rozell Pathfinder Friendship Camporee Southern College of Seventh-day Adventists P.O. Box 370, Collegedale, TN 37315-0370 Agape Farms, Pennsylvania August 7-12, 1989 Call Toll Free Mid-America Pathfinder Clubs are invited. 1-800-624-0350 Plan now! Contact your Conference Youth Director for details. In Tennessee Call Collect 615-238-2844 26 OUTLOOK April, 1988 A Broader Outlook

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This issue of the Outlook has a chapter from 95 Theses on Righteousness by Faith by Morris Venden. Each of "This week study with us..."- the 95 chapters explores a vital tenet of righteousness by faith as researched by Elder Venden from the Bible. This CAT# ST-882 7 Cassettes US$14.00 riveting hardback book is a must for your library if you want Please add $2.00 shipping (UPS - 48 States) to know, from a single source, how the Bible stands on P.O. Box 922 Christ's righteousness and righteousness by faith. Harrisburg, PA. 17108 USA Available now at the Adventist Book Center for just US $14.95. TOLL FREE ORDER LINE 1-800-233-4450 Looseleaf study guide, three-hole punched, US $6.95. Complete set just US $19.95. 1988 Pacific Press Publishing Association 2388

Suggested Bibliography For The (Additional Adventist Author) Venden, Morris. From Exodus To Advent. Message of Righteousness By Faith Review & Herald Publishing Assoc./Southern Publishing Assoc., 1980. Ellen White Publications Compiled by Intissar Issa, associate superintendent of schools, Iowa-Missouri. Christ's Object Lessons Sanctified Life Editor's Note: The Minneapolis Centennial Planning Committee of the Mid-America The Desire of Ages Selected Messages Vol. 1 pages 121- Union recommends the following books for your personal study of the 1888 message this Faith and Works 152; 233-289; 350-400 year. In the February issue we published a list of Adventist authors whose last names begin God's Amazing Grace Steps To Christ with B-L. In the March issue we published authors whose last names begin with M-Z. This Knowing Him Better Testimonies month we will conclude the bibliography with non-Adventist authors and Ellen White Vol. 5 books. Patriarchs and Prophets Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing Revival and Beyond (OOP 78) E. G. White 1888 Materials Bunyan, John. Pilgrims Progress. Sterling: Reiner Publications, 1975. (M) Horn, Robert. Go Free. Downers Grove: Inter Varsity Press, 1976. (M) Code: (M)—Message; (Ch)—Christ-centered; *—Any books by the author *Lewis, C. S. Mere Christianity. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1952. are good. (M) Luther, Martin. Commentary on Romans. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publishing, 1976. (M) Miller, Keith. The Second Touch. Waco: Word Book, 1967. (Ch) Miller, Keith. A Taste of New Wine. Waco: Word Book, 1965. (Ch) *Muffey, Andrew. The Prayer Life. Chicago: Moody Press. 1981. (Ch) *Murrey, Andrew. The Spirit of Christ. Christian Literature Crusade, 1972. (Ch) *Nee, Watchman. The Normal Christian Life. Christian Literature Crusade, 1963. (M) *Ridener, Fritz. How to be a Christian Without Being Religious. Glendale: Regal Book. (M) Thielicke, Helmut. The Waiting Father. San Francisco: Harper & Row Publishers, 1959. (Ch) Unknown Christian. How To Live The Victorious Life. Grand Rapids: Zonder- van, 1986. (M) *Vigeveno, Henk S. Thirteen Men Who Changed The World Ventura: Regal Books, 1986. (Ch)

April, 1988 OUTLOOK 27 A Broader Outlook

"Winning you have the blessing in hand. witnessed the baptism of 200 of FEHRER, Bill, born Jan. 13, 1900, I want our church to be a their contacts! Working out of a Hillsboro, KS and died Jan. 15, 1988, center called Bonanza (place of Shattuck, OK. Survivors include his wife Back The channel for at least part of that Emma; 2 daughters, Irene Allmen of blessing. That will be difficult, I peace), the ASIers are working Denver, CO and Lila Fehrer of Shattuck, Church . . . know, for conservatives have a with the conference in their out- OK; 1 granddaughter Karen, and her hus- hard time understanding liberals. reaches. A clinic also houses a band Pastor Richard Roethler, Ft. Mor- (continued from page 3) Some even think you are out to health food store and lecture hall gan, CO. A son died in early childhood. Now I don't mean to diminish destroy the church. I'm not tell- for sharing Adventist principles GRAVES, Jesse Philip, born Apr. 19, 1947 in Cleburne, TX and died in Buffalo your ability to confront God with ing you anything new. That's on healthful living. In the North Lake, MN on Dec. 16, 1987. He is sur- your questions and perplexities. part of the loneliness you've American Division, ASI empha- vived by his parents, Jesse and Betty Lou Not at all. Some of you have learned to live with. sis has turned to college cam- Graves, of Buffalo Lake; a sister, Linda But maybe we are all more puses, where they are forming Kay Strickland; and nephews, Jeremy and struggled long and hard to win John Strickland. through to that openness. But lonely than we care to admit. chapters with business students, GRIEBE, Lana Sutton, was born Mar. there comes a time when ques- That's why the blessed hope is so according to ASI president Hen- 18, 1899 in Minona County, IA and died tions fall silent-we admit that precious. Let's share that hope ry Martin, an auto dealer in Jan. 22,1988 in Greeley, CO. In 1924 she God is God and we are merely and keep it alive. That's what the Grants Pass, Oregon. Vice Presi- married Frank C. Griebe. He died in 1963. His creatures. That's when true body of Christ is all about. dent Ray Hamblin, a Michigan Survivors include 2 daughters: Mrs. Har- printer who heads the member- old (Donna) King, Evans, CO; and Mrs. worship begins. George (Leota) Busse, Decatur, NE; 3 It happened to Job. He com- Credit Union ship committee, is working on sons: Frank C. Griebe, Omaha, NE; W. plained, grumbled, and pro- official guidelines to lead the stu- Joe Griebe, Evans, CO; and Richard Lee claimed his innocence-almost dent chapters being structured as Griebe, Boulder, CO; a sister, Mabel Rich- Meeting a result of requests from Union ards; 18 grandchildren; 28 great-grand- shaking his fist in God's face. But children; and 4 great-great-grandchildren. when the Lord appeared, Job sur- Another excellent annual College students. HAGELGANTZ, Henry J., was born rendered: "Behold I am of small Seventh-day Adventist Credit May 5, 1903, and passed away June 29, account; what shall I answer thee? Union meeting was held on Feb- Radio Spots 1987 at Olathe, KS. In 1941 he married I lay my hand on my mouth. I ruary 7, 1988 at the Mid-Amer- Ruth Helscher. He was a member of the have spoken once, and I will not ica headquarters in Lincoln. Dur- Olathe church. Survivors are his wife; a For Local sister, Molly Yeager, 1 niece and I nephew. answer; twice, but I will proceed ing the business meeting, Eugene Schander and Jerome Lang were HOBBS, Clem, born in Red Oak, IA no further." (Job 40:1-2, RSV) Church Use May 17, 1919, died Feb. 15, 1988 in elected to serve three-year terms Omaha, NE. He was a member of the Sentiment Echoed on the Board of Directors. Wes- Telling people about seminars Omaha Memorial SDA church. Hobbs The sentiment is echoed in ley Jaster was elected to serve a and clinics offered by a local served as an elder for many years at the church is easier than ever with a Omaha church and was instrumental in Ecclesiastes: "Be not rash with three-year term on the Credit beginning a tape ministry there. Survivors your mouth, nor let your heart be Committee and Monte Morris new set of eight professionally include wife, Mary, from Omaha; daugh- hasty to utter a word before God, was elected to serve a one-year produced radio spots called ters Carolyn Early, Spring, TX, Sherry for God is in heaven, and you remaining term as an alternate on "Announce Yourself." Lettrell, Gentry, AR, Sally Hobbs, Omaha; Supplied without charge by son Clem, from Keene, TX, and 7 upon earth; therefore let your the Credit Committee. Recipients grandchildren. the North American Division words be few." (Ecclesiastes 5:2, of the outstanding service award JESSEN, Selmer L., born Oct. 25, RSV) were Chloe Foutz and Merlin Communication Department, 1915 in Jackson County, near Lakefield, A more recent pilgrim, C.S. Anderson. Door prizes of $20, the public service announcements MN and died Dec. 20, 1987 in Hutchin- Lewis, a conserative liberal (or $10, $5 and $1 bills were given to were produced in cooperation son, MN. He is survived by his wife, Joann all attending. The Platte River with the Adventist Media Center of Hutchinson; sisters, Ethel Bieser of was he a liberal conservative?), Windom, MN, and Arlene Bedel of Alex- described his own capitulation Boys presented a fine 30-minute and the Voice of Prophecy. andria, MN; and a brother, Alfred Jessen after a long and arduous search: concert of guitar and banjo music. A 60-second and a 30-second of Wadena, MN. "You must picture me alone in All members were asked to join spot are provided for each of four KILEY, Alvin, was born Oct. 22, 1917 that room at Magdalen, night together in the lower level of the church programs: Revelation at St. Paul, MN, and passed away Feb. 13, Mid-America headquarters build- Seminars, stop smoking plans, 1988 at Lincoln, NE. He was employed for after night, feeling, whenever my several years as a printer in St. Paul, then mind lifted even for a second ing for tasty refreshments pro- cooking schools, and stress clinics. moved to the College Press at Columbia from my work, the steady unre- vided by Pat and Joe Parmele. Union College, and later transferred to lenting approach of Him whom I Union College Press in Lincoln where he so earnestly desired not to meet. Obituaries served until his retirement in 1983. Survi- ASI vors are his wife, Rita; 2 daughters, Mrs. That which I greatly feared had James (Maureen) Russell, Brainerd, MN at last come to me. In the Trinity BESCH, Clarence M. "Clancy," was and Mrs. Robert (Lou Anne) Staeheli of Enthusiasm born Apr. 21, 1925 in Sioux City, IA and Term of 1929 I gave in, and Mahtomedi, MN; a son, Dennis of Good- died there Feb. 23, 1988. He is survived by lettsville, TN; his mother, Emma Kiley of admitted that God was God, and his wife, Alice; 2 sons, Lawrence and Rob- Expands Lincoln; 9 grandchildren and 9 great- knelt and prayed: perhaps, that bon, Sioux City, IA; a daughter, Tanna grandchildren. night, the most dejected and A new ASI chapter for at least Spencer, Apopoka, FL; 3 brothers, Law- rence, Benedict and Herman; 4 sisters, LESEUR, Jean C., born Feb. 9,1922 in reluctant convert in all England." 11 businessmen in Venezuela has Anna Belch, Marcella Hamm, Dorothy Shenandoah, IA; died Feb. 17, 1988 in (C.S. Lewis, Surprised by Joy, been organized. Already at work Belch and Veronica Little. Hutchinson, MN. In 1945 she married Harold LeSuer and in 1952 they became Fontana edition, 1955, p. 182) in Ciudad, Bolivar, an ASI team BONJOUR, Lloyd Herman was born members of the SDA church. They have As you search after God, you from Eden Valley Institute near June 28, 1901, Franklin County, IA and been long-time residents in Hutchinson. can know that He is searching Loveland, Colorado has been died Dec. 11, 1987 at Springfield, MO. Jean was active in Dorcas and Sabbath after you, too. So don't give up showing the laymen how to wit- Survivors include his wife, Eula; I daugh- School Investment work in the Hutchinson ter, Desa; 2 grandchildren, I great-grand- church. She is survived by her husband, too easily. Lay claim to your ness in the marketplace. Over the child, 4 step-great grandchildren, and 1 Harold; 2 sons, Jeffrey of Jonesboro, AR, blessing and don't let things go. last two years, they have helped sister-in-law, Edith Huston-all of Spring- and Hal of New Prague, MN; 2 daughters, Stay with it-until, like Jacob, organize five new churches and field, MO. One son preceded him in death. Sharon and Spring of Hutchinson. 28 OUTLOOK April, 1988 A Broader Outlook

MACK, Lena, was born Nov. 11, 1899 Thames, Athol, MA; 16 grandchildren; 34 PORTALES SDA CHURCH at Emerado, ND and died Jan. 30,1988 at great-grandchildren; and I sister, Nellie SCHOOL. Anyone who attended church Classifieds Aberdeen, SD. Survivors are 5 daughters: Bowen. school in Portales, NM at any time is invited to return for a reunion Aug. 13, Employment Mrs. Fred (Mabel) Blanchette and Mrs. WALKER, Estella, was born at Belle- 1988. Please send your name and address V.W. (Marion) Jones both of Concord, ville, KS and passed away Feb. 26,1988 at NURSING OF THE FUTURE! Seek- and those of anyone you might know who CA, Mrs. Morris (Manette) Halberg of Lincoln, NE. She was a member of the ing motivated professional to join our car- attended to: Johnnie Firestone, Rt 2, Box Fremont, CA, Mrs. Duane (Maxine) College View SDA Church. Survivors are ing and dedicated staff to beautiful Okla- DeWalt of Aberdeen, SD and Mavis And- 278A, Portales, NM 88130. her children: Rosemary McGowen and homa City Long Term Care facility. erson, Denver, CO; 6 sons: Melvin of Mrs. Darrell (Janice) Nilsen, Donald and NEWBOLD IN THE 60'S. If you Challenging ADON position available for Hawthorne, CA, Marley of Sioux Falls, Richard Wagner all of Lincoln, NE; Mrs. were there, join us for an alumni reunion, assertive, self-directed, experienced R.N. SD, Morris, Merlin, Martin and Murray all Wendell (Barbara) Winters, Gifford, IL; July 15-17, 1988. For more information, Responsible for staff development and of Aberdeen, SD; 2 sisters, Olga Esty and Mrs. Shelly (Carolyn) Donner, Oshkosh, write to: PR Office (Alumni Reunion), management of large nursing dept. Great Esther Spray and 3 half sisters; 4 brothers: WI; Merle Walker, Hickman, NE; Daryl Newbold College, Bracknell, Berks RG 12 opportunities for growth and career ad- Elmer, Art, Reuben and Ed Holweger; 24 Walker, Elkhorn, NE; Kenneth Wagner, SAN, England. vancement. Salary commensurate with grandchildren, 23 great-grandchildren and Dallas, TX; 31 grandchildren and 22 experience, excellent benefits. Interested 3 great-great-grandchildren. FEA-FED REUNION. Far Eastern great-grandchildren. candidates please send resume to Patricia Academy invites all former students, par- Stokes, R.N., Nursing Service Coordina- MERKEL, Clara Myrtle, was born WATERHOUSE, Elton, born July 11, ents, and Far Eastern Division employees tor, Care Givers, Inc., 509 S. Burleson Apr. 2, 1906 at Canon City, CO and 1908 in Duluth, MN and died Jan. 17, and friends to the reunion at Winter Park, Blvd., Burleson, TX 76028 or call collect passed away Feb. 20, 1988 at Selby, SD. 1988 in Duluth. Elton was a graduate of Colorado, July 28-31. For more informa- (817) 447-1166. She was a member of the Mobridge UMD and taught for 42 years in the tion contact: Julie (Gouge) Roe, Rt. 6, church. Survivors are 2 daughters, Arloa COMPUTER SCIENCE/MIS Cromwell and Esko schools later becom- Box 402, Pocatello, ID 83202, phone Person of LosLumas, NM and Rosalyn OPENING. Tenure-track teaching posi- ing principal. He was the longest continu- (208) 238-1086. tion at Walla Walla College. Require- Ann Manharth of Selby, SD; 2 sons, Eldon ous member of the Duluth church, having ments: Master's Degree (minimum) in of Gillette, WY and Kennis of Lincoln, been a member for 66 years and serving as CONCILIO HISPANO DE EVAN- computer science or management infor- NE; a brother, Dr. Burt Wade; I 1 grand- deacon and Sabbath School Superintend- GELISMO DE LA DIVISION NOR- mation systems, experience in business children, 11 great-grandchildren and I ent. He is survived by his wife, Malena; 4 TEAMERICANA. THE HISPANIC computer applications, strong interperson- great-great-grandchild. children, Ronald E. of Duluth, Tim L. of EVANGELISM COUNCIL for Hispanic pastors in the North American Division al skills, ability to motivate students. Excel- RANDALL, Dorothy May, was born Madison, TN, Gwen Pritchard of Connell, will be held this summer, Aug. 8-14, 1988, lent opportunity to join young professional Feb. 19, 1924 at Madison, NE and passed WA, and Lynette Wheeler of Merlin, OR; at the LLU/LaSierra campus in Riverside, staff committed to quality Christian educa- away Jan. 31, 1988 at Lincoln, NE. She 9 grandchildren and 3 brothers, Raymond, CA. All active Hispanic pastors should be tion. Send written application, resume, and was a member of the College View SDA Thurston and Russell. certain that we have their current address transcripts to: Provost, Walla Walla Col- Church. Survivors are her children: Mrs. WEHLING, Edward Dedric, known to so they may receive information and lege, College Place, WA 99324. Kenneth (Mary) Yocum, Coon Rapids, friends as "Eddie," was born Jan. 12, 1906 applications. Hispanic retired pastors, lay R.N. Tired of rotating shifts? Want con- MN; Mrs. Don (Diana) Sorenson, Den- near Diller, NE. On Jan. 24, 1988, Eddie pastors, professionals—attorneys and bus- tinuity of patient care? DON Needed to set ton, TX; Mrs. Dave (Shirley) Merrill, passed away. In 1929, Eddie moved to iness people are also invited to attend. standards of care and utilize proven leader- Vicky Randall and Mark Randall all of Lincoln, NE where he worked for Cole- Write or call Elder Joseph Espinosa, ship skills in our progressive Long Term Lincoln, NE; and Michael Randall of man Gipson in the Auto Repair Shop at General Conference, 6840 Eastern Ave- Care facility in the big beautiful state of Douglas, NE. Also her mother, May K. College View. Eddie and Gertrude Camp- nue, NW, Washington, DC 20012. Tele- Texas. Seeking experienced professional Bennett of Lincoln, and 16 grandchildren bell were united in marriage in 1954. Ger- phone: (202) 722-6563. dedicated to quality care of the elderly. and 13 great-grandchildren. trude died in 1983. He was a member of THE FIRST SDA CHURCH OF Responsible for total coordination and REA, Thomas Jesse, born Apr. 11, the Fairbury SDA Church. Survivors DULUTH, MN will be celebrating its management of nursing care. Those inter- 1930 in Minneapolis, died Feb. 2, 1988 in include brothers Alfred and David of 100th anniversary on July 22 and 23, ested please send resume to Patricia Stokes, Hutchinson, MN. He graduated from Diller; a sister, Mrs. Alan Roberts of Bea- 1988. All members, former members, and Nursing Service Coordinator of Care Giv- Maplewood Academy in 1946 and in trice, plus a number of nieces and nephews. former pastors are invited to attend. For ers, Inc., 509 S. Burleson Blvd., Burleson, 1948 he married Betty Joyce Syvertson ZIMMERMAN, Geraldine, was born more information, write to: Centennial TX 76028, or call collect (817) 447-1166. who preceded him in death. In 1974 he in Wichita Falls, TX and passed away Feb. Committee, Duluth SDA Church, 1331 E. COLLEGE TEACHERS NEEDED. married Nita Syvertson. Tom and Nita 23, 1988 at Lincoln, NE. She was a Superior, Duluth, MN 55805. Canadian Union College invites applica- were extensively involved in SDA Mar- member of the College View SDA Church. LIVING LIGHT, a 26-guide portrayal tions from persons interested in teaching in riage Encounter in Minnesota. He is sur- Survivors are 2 daughters, Susan Zim- of Christ's life, is again available without the following areas: Mathematics, Physics, vived by his wife, Nita; a daughter, Connie merman of Lincoln and Rosemary Lee charge from the Voice of Prophecy Bible Sociology, and Psychology. In each case Seeker of Minneapolis; a son, Dan of Bouther, San Diego, CA; son, Dr. Roland School. The author is Beatrice Neall, a the applicant must be an SDA in regular Calimesa, CA; a step-daughter, Rachel C.E. Zimmerman, Jr., Redlands, CA; 6 religion professor at Union College. Other standing, have a Ph.D. degree, some teach- Christensen of Hutchinson; and 2 step- sisters, Delores Robertson, Iris Malin, Bible courses are presently offered on doc- ing experience, and must be willing to be sons, Dean and Brian Syvertson of Man- Gladys Roberts, Thelma Woolsey, Charity trinal topics, prophecies of Daniel and involved in research. Send a resume to: The kato; his mother, Dorothee Rea; and a Stone and Hope Worth; I brother, Charles Revelation and a series for early teens. Vice President for Academic Affairs, Cana- sister, Althea Roderick. Wisdom; and 6 grandchildren. Partners in Faith are invited to enroll dian Union College, Box 430, College SIVERTSON, Pearl S., was born Apr. friends in Living Light. Lists cannot be Heights, Alberta, Canada TOC OZO. 23, 1913 at Oakdale, ND and died Jan. 6, accepted. Each person should send a per- 1988 at Harvey, ND. She was a member of HERITAGE SINGERS now accepting Notices sonal request to: Living Light, Voice of the church at Watford. Survivors are 5 auditions. Tour beginning August, 1988. Prophecy, Box 55, Los Angeles, CA daughters: Mrs. Ben (Sibyl) Herr, Lincoln, NEWBURY PARK ADVENTIST One year commitment. Need experienced 90053. NE, Mrs. Roger (Joyce) Miller, Warren- ACADEMY celebrates its 40th year with singers, keyboard, bass guitar. Send cas- ton, OR, Mrs. Alice Boyko, Minot, ND, a special alumni weekend, April 8 and 9, sette, picture, resume to Max Mace, P.O. Box 1358, Placerville, CA 95667. Dead- Mrs. James (LaVonne) Fandrich, Man- 1988. Friday evening concert at 8 p.m. Health Lectures line May 1. Auditions non-returnable. fred, ND, Mrs. Victor (Marlys) Jensen, Registration, Sabbath, 9 a.m. Former Inspirational Talks Tekamah, NE; 1 son, Daryl of Keene, ND; teachers Larry Wolfe and Ed Broadbeck Cooking Classes CERTIFIED NANNY, SDA, age 27, a sister, Nora Austin and a brother Len relive 40 years of memories at 3 p.m. available April I. Loving and experienced. NEWSTART Hornestyle Kits Foreman; 25 grandchildren and 8 great- Anniversary cake served at 4:30 p.m. Indi- Prefers live-in position in Kansas City area. grandchildren. vidual class suppers. Basketball team plays Choose from a variety Contact Markham School for Nannies, the alumni at 8 p.m. Further information: TURNER, Ed, was born Dec. 7, 1890, of video & audio tapes, 14700 West Kellogg, Wichita, KS 67235, Margaret Collins or Martha Johnson dur- Haxtun, CO and died Dec. 17, 1987, Eck- (316) 722-5660. (Placement fee) ing school hours at (805) 498-2191. cookbooks, & bakery itons ley, CO. At the age of 97 he was still a MED-TECH—PRN, approx. 24-32 cowboy and a rancher, looking after his ANDREWS UNIVERSITY WILL Call Toll Free hours/week. ASCP or equivalent and I 1,800-acre ranch the way he had for 57 BE HOSTING THE ANNUAL ALUM- 1(800)525-9191 year's experience required. 58-bed Advent- years. Lillian, his wife, passed away in NI HOMECOMING April 28-May I. for your free products guide ist Health System hospital near Adventist 1984. Ed died when his car was struck Honored classes this year are: 1918,1928, K-12 schools; 30 minutes from Boulder head-on as the driver of another vehicle 1938, 1948, 1958, 1963, 1968 and 1978. a division of and Denver; 2 hours from ski areas. Send swerved across the highway. Survivors Contact the Alumni Office, Andrews Uni- /WEIMAR INSTITUTE resume to Platte Valley Medical Center, include 2 sons: Roy, Armstrong, IA and versity, Berrien Springs, MI 49104 for \ P.O. Boa 486, Wezrnm, CA 95736_1 Personnel Dept, 1850 Egbert, Brighton, Dean, St. Helena, CA; I daughter, Goldie further information. (616) 471-3591. CO 80601, (303) 659-1531, Ext. 402.

April, 1988 OUTLOOK 29 Classified Advertisements

Advertisements are not solicited but are published as an accommodation. They YOUR SUPPORT IS NEEDED in STAN AND EMMA'S AFFORDA- MUST be sent to the local conference for approval before being published in the the growth of your Lincoln SDA Credit BLE HAWAII: Hotels, Condos, Beach Mid-America Adventist OUTLOOK. Ads appearing in the OUTLOOK are printed Union. All family members are now eligi- Cottages, or Guest Rooms, one island or without endorsement or recommendation of the Mid-America Union Conference ble to join. We are paying an excellent rate more. Economical package prices include and The Mid-America Adventist OUTLOOK does not accept responsibility For and offer a variety of loans for all your airfares. Accommodations, Transfers or categorical or typographical errors. The advertising rate for these columns is $10.00 needs. For current information, call (402) Rental Cars. 7-night Waikiki Budget Pack- for each insertion up to 40 words, plus 25 cents for each additional word, for ads 489-8886 or write 4733 Prescott, Lincoln, age, including airfare, from $664.00 per originating in the Mid-America Union. The rate for ads coming from outside this NE 68506. Always prompt and courteous person, double. Free information. P.O. Box territory is $16.50 for 40 words or less, plus 50 cents for each additional word. service awaiting. Ask also about the 808, Kaneohe, HI 96744 (808) 239-9940. "BUCKS" promotion starting April 1. Payment must accompany advertisement. Rates for display advertising are available VACATION OR RETIRE IN OR- upon request. AURORA ADVENTIST ELE- LANDO FLORIDA! Newly opened MENTARY SCHOOL, 1159 South retirement complex near Forest Lake The School of Business at Andrews SDA SINGLES-Brighten your life by Moline St., Aurora, CO, serving grades Academy and church. Our affordable University is seeking a QUALIFIED finding new friends in the largest Adventist preschool-8, is now accepting registration monthly rates include three meals daily TEACHER IN ACCOUNTING. Prefer- worldwide correspondence club! Exchange for the 1988-89 school year. Call: (303) ( vegetarian provided). Housekeeping, ence for Ph.D. in accounting, or someone ideas, photos, goals, dreams and hobbies. 755-4483 or (303) 371-1188 for informa- transportation, activities and more! SDA with CPA and Master's degree in account- Ages 18-90. Reasonable rates. Send a tion concerning a Christian education for medical director. Write or call: La Casa ing. Send vitae to Slimen J. Saliba, Dean, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Box your child. Space is limited, register now. Grande, 433 Orange Dr., Altamonte School of Business, Andrews University, 5612, Takoma Park, MD 20912. SALINA, KS SDA ELEMENTARY Springs, FL 32701, (305) 260-2433. Berrien Springs, MI 49104. JOIN THE LONDON STUDY SCHOOL welcomes additional students. TERRY-A story of unparalleled in- NANNIES/MOTHERS HELPERS: CENTER June 15-July 15, 1988 with Salina, at the crossr. (Is of 1-70 and 1-135 tensity . . . Gripping . . . Factual. Don't Mature, dedicated individuals to share Loma Linda University. Tour England, is a growing city with a population of miss it! Coming to your Adventist Book their love and talents with young children Scotland and Ireland for amazingly low 42,000. Salina has an active SDA church. Center this spring from Pacific Press. of working professionals. Live-in oppor- costs. Earn graduate or undergraduate For a bulletin providing more information, tunities in beautiful Northern California. credit. Package includes transportation, write or call Clea Houchin, 1019 Mc- Real Estate Adams Rd., Salina, KS 67401 or call Excellent salaries, room, board and bene- two meals daily, and first-class hotels. An FOR SALE: New modern executive (913) 823-6774. fits. Must be at least 18 years old and have ideal family vacation. Write: Tours, Eng- home in Arkansas on 43.45 acres, paved good references. Please call Mother's Wee lish Dept., Loma Linda University, River- THE SCRATCHING POST state highway, 2 miles from small town. 6 Care, Inc. (415) 686-0766. side, CA 92515. FRIENDSHIP SERVICE, a fun and bdrms, 2 baths, built-in kitchen appliances, exciting way of meeting new friends. Bring- carpeted, finished walk-out basement, cen- AUTOMOTIVE MECHANIC. INTERESTED IN JEWISH OUT- ing pets and their owners together world- tral heat (propane) and air. Attached dou- Needed to work full time days. Offering REACH? Send for a free one-year sub- wide. Send large, self-addressed stamped ble garage with opener, developed spring competitive wages and benefits. Must have scription to the Project Gamaliel Newslet- envelope to: The Scratching Post, P.O. flows 4,400 gallons a day. Marketable a minimum of 2 years experience in ter. Published quarterly. Write to Editor, Box 3142, Citrus Heights, CA 95611. timber. Could be "bed and breakfast" mechanics, body work, elecronic ignitions Project Gamaliel Newsletter, Box 80, home. Write Maxine D. Derham, 4144 and some maintenance. Please send a Interlaken, NY 14847. A project of the TRAVEL ISRAEL AND STUDY at 51st St., Des Moines, IA 50310. resume with references or call. Memorial Ithaca SDA church (NY). the Adventist Study Center in Jerusalem Hospital, Boulder, 311 Mapleton Ave., FLOAT IDAHO WHITEWATER: with Dr. Kenneth Vine of Loma Linda FOR SALE: 3-bdrm. ranch-style Boulder, CO 80302, (303) 443-0230 Ext. Salmon Middlefork and Lower Salmon. University Aug. 17 to Sept. 5, 1988. home in Sturgeon, MO, 4 miles from Sun- 110. A nonsmoking institution. Individual, group or family. Experienced Cost: $790.00 plus airfare. Write: Bibli- nydale Academy and 17 miles from Mob- cal Research Institute, General Conference erly, MO. $27,500.00. Must sell. R. C. HOUSEKEEPING DIRECTOR Adventist Outfitter. Sabbath camps. Vege- of SDA, 6840 Eastern Ave., NW, Wash- Lehman, 301 W. Harris, Sturgeon, MO. needed full time for 92-bed hospital to plan tarian food. Drury Family, Box 249, Troy, ington, D.C. 20012. (314) 687-3981. work and supervise staff of 23 maintaining ID 83871, (208) 835-2126. high quality cleaning. Requires knowledge ANDREWS UNIVERSITY AN- of equipment and supplies, 2 years supervi- NOUNCES A SUMMER SCHOLARS Sunset Calendar sory experience, training as an executive PROGRAM July 10-Aug. 4 for the 1988- housekeeper. Apply to Personnel Office, 89 academy juniors, seniors and college Reading Rehabilitation Hospital, R.D. # I, freshmen with 3.25+ GPA's. Study litera- Apr. 1 Apr. 8 Apr. 15 Apr. 22 Apr. 29 Box 250, Reading, PA 19607, (215) ture, economics, writing, math, water- Denver, CO 6:24 6:31 6:38 6:45 6:52 775-8203. sports, word processing and science in a Grand Junc., CO 6:38 6:44 6:51 6:58 7:05 lively, challenging, rewarding environ- Pueblo, CO 6:21 6:27 6:34 6:41 6:47 Miscellaneous ment! Scholarships available. Write for Cedar Rapids, IA 6:32 6:40 6:47 6:55 7:03 NEWBOLD SUMMER MUSIC information: Merlene Ogden, Andrews Davenport, IA 6:27 6:35 6:42 6:50 6:57 FESTIVAL, July 1-21, 1988. Three University, Berrien Springs, MI 49104. Des Moines, IA 6:39 6:47 6:55 7:02 7:10 wonderful weeks of music making! Mas- Sioux City, IA 6:51 6:59 7:07 7:15 7:23 terclasses, instruction, sightseeing, concerts Dodge City, KS 7:02 7:09 7:15 7:22 7:28 and tours of England, Scotland, France, Goodland, KS 6:10 6:17 6:24 6:31 6:38 Belgium. Orchestra, Chorus, Keyboard, MAX MACE Topeka, KS 6:46 6:53 6:59 7:06 7:13 Chamber Music for Strings, Winds, Brass, Wichita, KS 6:52 6:59 7:05 7:11 7:18 Handbells. For all ages! Spouses and fam- PRODUCTIONS Duluth, MN 6:38 6:47 6:57 7:06 7:16 ily members welcome! Intent Falls, MN 6:44 6:54 7:04 7:15 7:25 "If it's Music.... Minneapolis, MN 6:41 6:49 6:58 7:07 7:16 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION We Can Do It!" Rochester, MN 6:36 6:45 6:53 7:02 7:10 SERVICES SPECIALIZING IN ALBUM Columbia, MO 6:33 6:40 6:46 6:53 7:00 For church, school and medical facilities. PRODUCTION FOR: Kansas City, MO 6:42 6:49 6:55 7:02 7:09 For information call or write to: Springfield, MO 6:36 6:42 6:48 7:01 • Solo 6:55 Design Build Group, Inc., P.O. Box 6169 St. Louis, MO 6:24 6:31 6:37 6:44 6:51 • Group Lincoln, NE 68506. (402) 489-6900. Grand Island, NE 6:58 7:05 7:13 7:20 7:27 • Instrumental Lincoln, NE 6:51 6:59 7:06 7:13 7:21 AM NOW COMPLETING THE Over 20 Years Experience North Platte, NE 7:07 7:15 7:22 7:30 7:37 BIOGRAPHY OF DR. HORACE J. Special Bonus: Backup Omaha, NE 6:48 6:56 7:03 7:11 7:18 SHAW "Love's Story From Teen Time vocals on your album by Scottsbluff, NE 6:20 6:27 6:35 6:43 6:50 To Sage Age." If you recall any incident or Bismarck, ND 7:12 7:21 7:31 7:40 7:50 experience worth sharing when he was an the Heritage Singers Fargo, ND 6:56 7:06 7:15 7:25 7:34 evangelist, pastor, teacher or television CALL NOW! Projects taken Williston, ND 7:24 7:34 7:45 7:55 8:05 personality, write: Pat Wick, Box '126, in order of call. Pierre, SD 7:08 7:17 7:25 7:34 7:43 MAX MACE, Producer Angwin, CA 94508. Rapid City, SD 6:19 6:27 6:36 6:44 6:53 TERRY-The most powerful true (916) 6229295 Sioux Falls, SD 6:53 7:02 7:10 7:18 7:26 story since They're All Dead Aren't They? P.O. Box 1358 Casper, WY 6:32 6:40 6:48 6:56 7:04 Coming to your Adventist Book Center Placerville, CA 95667 Cheyenne, WY 6:24 6:31 6:39 6:46 6:54 this spring from Pacific Press. Sheridan, WY 635 6:44 6:53 7:01 7:10 30 OUTLOOK April, 1988

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