Executive Summary Conditional Use HEARING DATE: NOVEMBER 30, 2017 Date: November 22, 2017 Case No.: 2014.1364CUAVAR Project Address: 1555 UNION STREET Zoning: Union Street Neighborhood Commercial (NC) District 40-X Height and Bulk District Block/Lot: 0546/001B Project Sponsor: Michael Stanton Stanton Architecture 1501 Mariposa Street, #328 San Francisco, CA 94107 Staff Contact: Brittany Bendix – (415) 575-9114
[email protected] Recommendation: Approval with Conditions PROJECT DESCRIPTION The project proposes the demolition of an existing two-story, approximately 16,040 square foot tourist motel, and the construction of a four-story 40-foot tall, approximately 58,620 square foot tourist hotel. The project would include 100 hotel rooms, 29 below-grade off-street parking spaces, one off-street freight loading space and eight Class 1 bicycle parking spaces. SITE DESCRIPTION AND PRESENT USE The project site is located on the south side of Union Street, between Van Ness Avenue and Franklin Street; Lot 001B in Assessor’s Block 0546. The property has 116 feet 8 inches of street frontage on Union Street and is 137 feet 6 inches deep, with a total lot area of 16,042 square feet. The lot also slopes upward to the east and to the south. The property is located within the Union Street Neighborhood Commercial District and a 40-X Height and Bulk District, and is improved with a 40-room two-story tourist motel (d.b.a. Pacific Heights Inn) and provides 30 off-street surface parking spaces, seven spaces are perpendicular parking accessed directly from Union Street at the front of the site, and 23 spaces are in the central courtyard.