Volume 2, Issue 5, May 2015, PP 170-181 ISSN 2349-0373 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0381 (Online) www.arcjournals.org International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE) Contrastive Linguistics: An Exploration of Ideophones in Yoruba and Edo Speech Communities Ayoola Oluwafunmiso Moses Department of English, University of Zululand, Private Bag X 1001, KwaDlangezwa, 3886, Republic of South Africa
[email protected] Abstract Crystal (1997: 189) defines “Ideophones” as “a term used in linguistics and phonetics for any vivid representation of an idea in sound, such as occurs through onomatopoeia”. Ideophones tend to be longer in terms of the combination of sounds than lexical classes. Thus, it enables the users to pack meaning into single morphemes thereby making the words semantically multidimensional. (Woodbury1987:715). Vowel repetition or lengthening is also a characteristic of ideophones. Ideophones are often phonologically anomalous in terms of sounds and sound sequences, tonal structure and phonological behaviour. (Welmer1973:27). In any case, these features have an income relation between sound and meaning. Just like any natural language, ideophones represent a robust word category in African language. To this end, this work is designed to arrive at an applicable analysis and classification of Edo and Yoruba ideophones using a contrastive approach inspired by the idea of canonical typology. The theory of Autosegmental morphology as propounded by Welmer (1981), Marrantz (1982) and Anderson (1992) is employed in this study. This theory proposes that reduplication is essential affixation, but what is affixed is a prosodic template, that is, a syllable foot or even a phonological word is the affixation of a consonant- vowel (CV) skeleton which is itself a morpheme to a stem.