1Deaotad, totha rruterests of the Jltethod,ist Episoopa.l, Cth,wrclr, Sqt6t, i7t ,Arlaonsas.|

*BS;foF; D'l rarto'", " Speak th'ou't7t e tTdngs wh,vah heaom,e sou,nd, d,oattt)rre,r, flffi5Tts?'"'.; !'xTRrrrs, { f"?Jt'lt!h (Sir"H Drontbsr i6 YOL.4. LITTLE R,OCK, ARKAT{SAS, SEPTEMBER 5, 1885. NO.20

GENERAIT NEWS. STATE IVEWS PERSONAI-I. N$WS Al[-D NOIIES. Trrn P]IISS. lruf ('wn oouDttlf. J. M. Bottle, Beebe, 'Washlngton, was aoqultted Rev. Thornas A.Crelghas boen very W. B. Ba,rrett hag bought theEele. ..Tenperanod, AriS. Sl..-The whlte last week. S. W. Mothbdfut : ls iU. Eope he wlll soon be well again" na World. We wtsh htm guo@gg. houge wos reopened to the publlo to a theme whdoh belonga to tJre pulpit Eelena ts naktng extonslve pre- Rev. ae n39h r.rlghteousneea day. The butldlng has been oleaned Basoom Monkts-fathotr-ln-law A glrl ehould manJr for proteodon u and-fudgl paratlons fora falr thla fall. dled roaerdy. Weextend eympathy. ment to @Ee.t,- and renovated durlng the presldentts lnsteadof for reyenue only.-[N. O. absenoe arrd ls now in oondltlon for GkfldnanTtmes: Buslnogg ts geh Rev. Dr. Euntor has bson eonoe ftem. Naghvllle Advooate: The effort to hls return. ting better and the merohantg are what Indhpored, Itft up the but able to work Rev. J. J. Tariton, Cllnton, one of degraded m&sses wlll nev. ft tu estlmated at the treasury de- happy. agaln. er sucoeedln our best workers, sends more subsorl. any couatry unHl they partment that there has beon a do- ice provlded The TemperanoeEerald ls thename Bev. Dkon O. Wlllianes reporto bers and. money. Many thanhg. wtth deoent houser. Eu_ cro&se ofabout$8,000,0001n the publto 166 man belngs herded ) ofa new papoqJuot startod at Dovale oonverstons at Lanpassas ln slx days llke oatilewill be \ debt durlng tho month of August. 'We One orumb of dlvtnegraoe and help bruflsh. . Bluffl have not seen lt,however. and the meeting sttll golng on. '' An lmpresslon ts satd to prbvail may be noulttplted to feed f.ve thou- Paotfla Methodlst: The Moravlan emong'the aattle-men that the ord.er Dsrdanollo Post: Mr. Murpby has Rev. A. T. Galloway is at Eot sand wa,nts and anxlotlos.-[Abbott. I mlsslonary shlp, Earmony, wtth threo . of tJre prosldont ot ,\ugust 14; oalling made all tho brlok for the new sohool- Sprtngs for hls health. May he soon Coal was not mlsslona,rles, recenUy seiled on the for the removal oI all fenoes on the house, and thts week ls burnlng them. be well, and rsturu to hls loved em- t ulned ln the Unlted I States trU ll6th annual voya,ge ftom London publto lands wtll not be en foroed. ploy. 1812. In England lt was to I It X'ayettevillo Sendnol: The sohool ugod ln Labrador, whloh the Soolet5rrr I ls statod at' tho departmout that thlg thedaysof thoRoman oooupa- shlpo butldtng lo now up lnto tho seoond Frof. J. W. Conger, president publio have mado slnoe 17?0 to ordor wlll be enforcod to the tlon. that blaak lettor, story, and boglns to look ponspiououe sohools, Presoott, and seorotarlr of the and lsolated ooagt. and wlth the full foroe of the military ln the distance. State poaohers Assoolation, reoelved Dr. Allen, auperlntondont of our Alabamn Advooate: presbyte- if necessary. a most oordlal. greetlng at Searoy, last misslong fur , wants 160men a,nd The Bev. , 'Wittsburg, Tho oattlo.men a,re leavlng the tor- W. C. Malone, w€ets wotnen sent to that ffold ln the nsxt rtan Churohrit is said, has twelve rltory with tbelr cattle, as ordered wrltos. us a brlef lotter, ln whloh ho flve yea,ra. pbyslolans in Chtna. I)r. Kerr hqn by the presldent. says he sent us an aooount of his dtg- Prof. Midyett, of TVheatly, eoaorn- praottced thlrty years tn C&nton. panled Bro. Moore, of the Boonevllle llnter- In trlot oonferonce. Sorry wo did not by hie wite, attonded the asgo- 1888 ho, wtth hts two asslstants, New York, Aug. 81.-Col. X'red 'We prlse, has beon holdlngan lntoresdng get lt. olatlon at Booroy. wore glad to treatsd 16rfi)0 persons and performed. Graot, Mrs. Gtragt and Mrg. Sartoris good n€ot them, &lrd wlsh then rovlval near towu. Ee ls a 2,000 operattons. arrlved. at the X'lfth Avenue otel Jaokson oountJr Eerald: The orop preaoher. thls ovenlng. The party wlll renaln suoooss fur thelr aohool. r€ports are not as good ae they were New York Trrdepondont: A llttlo at the ,hotel unttl Wednesday, when several weehs Bros. Bennett' and Wiley Ths Anerlcen Aglaulturist oomes ago. Dry weather has held a quiot rhutttng of tho mouth when Mrs. Eartoris vtll soll for Europe. unlon meetlag at Gunq to hand wlth tte usual sploo and va. wo done oonsldorable damage to oorn and Sprlnge, near 616 6smptod to toll what we .rhea,rd Mrs. Gr&nt wlll then go to lV'estchos- ootton. Searoy, last weok. T[o rlety. It ls ladened, wlth good advlce were thero about eomebodytr would Boon tgr oounty to visit her son. two nights. There were between g0 to farmors. 91.60 per year. oure Des Aro Cttizen: Ae the that abomlnable, soul.curstng, rntn6- The buslneas fallures ooourrlng a rule and 40 peoltonts when we left. orops of Prairle oountyare good, The shatlng rlnks have been re. d,estroylng hablt of smelt throughout tho oountry d,urlng the but t&lk ln some few of our bestfarmers Rev. B. A. Morrle and J. J. Bagleg opened at Argenta and Clarendon. wbioh we lndulge. lagt seven days nnmber: X'or tho sey orops are very litUe better than they have Mt. Zion, havo written and urged us O, DI I What havothesegoodpooplo Unitod Statee, 166; Canada, 21.; total, Los Angelos been for four years post. to attond thelr protraoted meedng, dons to be thus aflloted? Advooate: Chrlstleft 1891 compared wlth U7 last weok and hls graveolothes whloh beglns Saturday, September bebtud him tn ths 168 the week prevloas. Paragold Pross I ThatthefaU busi- Becretary of the Navy, Wbitnoy, sepulcher 5th, tr6 seems now slmply lrnposstble. bscause he rosci to dlo no .r - Cnarlesto.n. S. C., Aug. 28.-The re- nese Ig about to be lnaugurated. ts oyf- has not yet taken a pleasuro exour- more; death was to havono mole do- vised estimate ot the loss by the storm denced by the lnoreased amount of Mr. J. O. Blakeny has reslgned hls .slon ln e governrnent boa,t and at minlon over blm. Lazarug oame out ls $1,090,000, inoluding 9400,000 along rolltng etook beingplaoed on both tho posibion with tho Demoqrat, and, will gov ernment expenso. as hisimnoedlate with hts gravo.olotheA on, for hei was tho wharves and 9550,@0 of prlvato I. M. and T. & St. L. roads. horsaftor be oonnested wtth tho Cal- predecessors dld. to use thon agaln; but Chrtst, rlstng property. One-fourth the houn Dand of houses St. tr'rancls counfir News: The Oompany, head-quarters Rlngs tn the woody flbro of trees to lmnnortat llfe, oame out freo frono ln the ott5r rfero unroofed. Lunars 'We merohants ofourtownhave bedn ex- at Landlng. wish him &!e now seld to bo a very unoertaln thoso inoumbr&noes. I'orelgn. peodng a big trade suocegs ln hrs new fleld. 'Wogtsru this fall, but the lndlootlon of age. Mod.oan trees only AdvoooJe: Thers ls no Cholora, ls reported at Nagasakt, long drouth oontlnued has marred, to Col. Wood X!. Thonpson,e uany twenty.twoyearo old are found to longol any usefor ohuroh bells. They Japan. a oonsiderable extent, nlends the onoe splen- wlll regrot to hear of the aon- have 2$0layers or rlngs. sound pleasantly at a dlstonoo bu6 Ruesla ls watohhg nngilsh manceu- prospeot. dld tlnuod, illnegs of hls wlfe, to whose to thoee nea,r bythey are troe ln Japan. Rov. E. C. Castleberry hae gone to a nulsanoo. CamdonBsacon: Several balos of bed-slde ho hes beeu frequenily sum- Sulton county for health. Bro. Csnturles ago, when nobody hait a Mr. Gladetone has left Norway tor moned reoently blg newoottonfoundthelr w&y to towD by telograno. We J. T. Smlth, has gone to olook or watch, bells were usefbl, but the Shetland fehnds. hope lArgenta, thfs 'been soon to announoe her recovery. people who oa,n go to tho depot on Russlan naval maneuvreg at Eol- fss!.-fqplps have Joln hln. We wlsh them rostorod sownlnmany loe,lttles down here, 'W. health and a speedy ' tlme can go to churoh on dme. singfors are to be oonduoted ln seoret Rev. R. !'oster has so far r@ov- returrr. but for want of rain, they have fallod ered from hls reeent Bev. Mr. Talmbge preaohed to tu- serlous lllness ag A fea,rful oyolone struok Charloston, St, Loulg Advcoate: Sptrltual ltfe to aoue up. to bo able mense orowds at Bolfest, Ireland. to vlsit hle appoiatmente B. O., last week, and unrooled one. does not advance bylts own ruor[€tr. agaln. Wo were glad Germany has assursdSpatn ol a de- Brother T. C. Eumphrey, Parls, to weloomo b,lno fourth the butldtngs In the tum, but lt takes oonstant dally oare. to our offioe ..go otty. ft slre to settle the Carollne lsla,nds dls- wrltes us oalllng our attentlon to e Monday-tf ho dld Ilfted a large sohooner out of the wa- Tho readhg Godteword and the fre. for,, us about pute amtoably. fewerrorg ln his rbport of the dlstrlot tho skatlngrtnt.-[parar ter a,4d landed aorosg quentlng of the olosetls as necessa,ry gouldPress. lt the rallroad The ktng of Dahoney ralded the oonference. As we &re so orowded, track. at the mlddle and end as at the be- and X'ronah p"rotootorate of Porto Novo to the errors &re of small monent, Jarnes E. Wlneott, Soaroy, arid than gtnnlng. A sad spectaclo to gee a goul publlsh ds6sldlng to tho returns mad.e to carry ofi 1,000 oaptlves wbom. he pro- wo do not his letter. whomSearoy has no better olflzen, foedlng on tho memorles of pastbless- the Japanese Glovernment in 1886, posod to saorlffoo in oannlballetlo re- was oalled reoently lngs, tnstead, of real and prosent oneg, Clarendon Bun: Work on the now to the dytng bod thero woro then about 80,fi)Oohrisdons llgtous festlvals. of hle aged mother, the lruit of a living preeent tatth. Methodtst ohuroh has boon euspended at Elomervllle, s.Protestantsrtt 26,0(X) Boman Caloutta has a popnlatlon of 800,000, for quito Tenn. 3'ull of yea,rs, fatth good -461000 a wlille, laok' of means to and Catholios, and 10,000 ..Greek Ortho- Chrlsttsnlndex BlohopMogroho, ot whom only 6,0fi) are Europoans. oornplote worksr she'passed away. Bho tt betng the oause. It is awatts doxtt-ln the enplre. ln an address on Churah r:rtenglonr Tho streets are stralght, but the hoped arrangononts wlll soon be per- hlrh on.tho other and goldenshore. houses are ol tho sleuderest oonstruo- Tho Paragbuld Press tolts of & man made a polnt veryneatly and.sharplg feoted, by whloh lt oan be flntghed. Eon.Cleo. Thornburgh. ktnflly tlon, a bamboo frame fllled tn wtth [- ruthat @unty who put hls too on the when he sald, "God wlll blogs Jaoob vlteg ug to the -drled brioks ct! nothlng. Rev. C. Pope, tho aaoonpllshed Counfil Sunday-aohool hanmei of hls gun and blew lnto the lylng down on a stone, but when prosl.dent Couvendon at Portla, September got Itely of Mlllersburg F,emale CoI- l?th. barrdll to ees 11 lt were loaded. Els Jacob to be bettor off the Lqrd re- loge, oalled last woeh. Ee passed Ee has reoslved a letter fron Gerheral qulred hlnto bulld touse.tt .Tho , Enall pox has oppeared tn up toe sltppedotr, and away went hts a ltaly. the Ir., I. Paseenger Agent Townsea, dooltntng A terrlble thonder stora ytd.ted St. M. & S. road -Thursday, head. Jaoobs vho &re sleeplng on atoneso Elept.9, en routehome. o nanr- any further reduoHon of fa,ro on lron because they are.too sthgy to butld tJre olty of PIss on the 80th The Qulte ult. ber ol young ladler aooompe,alofl htm. Mountarn road to the nenbers of the Fltnoe 1886, tt ts stated, 4,609 persons of please Itghtntngwas awfnl, great housos worghlpr wlll mako and oaused oonfetenoe. have been struok deed by llghhtng appltodon. dechuodon. It gbuok and shatterod Sheridan Eeadltght; A pantJror ln X'ranco, l,fiD have reoelved fatol Evangellst paosed the tower of the ohuroh of St. Ceoella, sprong lnto the house of a Mt. Eobbs, Robrson throueh tnJurle-s, 4r0fi) have been selzod FttJr New Yorts ftlbune: ft ls an lntor- Llttle Rook 'and thatof theohurohof San Gule. at Porter, antl trled to oarry off a Septeuber lot, en route momentary and tennpora,ry pa,ralysh, esHng faot that msny Aururl@a rnon toMlLan, p. soppe. The foruer was so badl;r spllt bsby. It was drlyen away by a fugll- Tenn. Eedroppedoffa have been struok wlthout ro. of letters a,re not oollege graduats. C., on r.Volce @fiD it Is erpepted to fall at any 6me. ade of rolllng-ptns, pltohers, wash whloh he sald, goaeand oelvlng auylnJury. Whltuan, 'WhtpBle, lnrow- alnost W<, I Although subJeoted to tJre hrrdest bowles, boot"Ja,oks and othot arfloles slok. Ead 100 oonveralons at brldge, Fleltl, Pa,rton, Bayand, Tay- Nashvllle, The flret-year gt the hfstory ' storm ln Plsa durtng the presgnt gen- of fanlly use. Arh,, and 00 at Lookes- of Can- loi, trlggleston, Earte, Eowells, Janaes ..leanlng burg. Eope to be ablo to he yan ada Methodlm nnlff6rd has passed. eraflon, the towort, rou&lns Three cotor€d boys tn Argentn at Aldrloh, Lothrop Stockton, P,latt, t dls. Buren 10th lnst t, Tho returus have beon uhhJurod. turb€dpublloworehlp nade rerpeotr Cablo, Chawford, X'awoett, Glld,er, at oneof the tng tho oonferenoes sltuated ln Gormoay oolored ohurohes Bev. C. C.lGoddonrour exoollent Queboo, Earrls, Ca,rleton, Twala.r there last Sunday sub. Onta,rlo, and Manltoba, and the ln- 'rMarh Berlln, Aug. 8l.-Xlnperor mllla,m nlght, and to avoid arrest w€nt Blshop, and hts falthful oorps of gtoddart, and Burroughs, lt .ls satd, to the sre&so of naembenshlp exodeds 17,000. yestdrdaygavo an exhlbtflon of the Unlon depot to take the south bound workeis, dld aplendld servlco at the have galned all thelr kno.wledge .and exoellent health he ls at present en- passonger traln (or Canp-neetlng. ft was glo- oulture oub)slde of college walls.tt Texarkana. _ They 4*Uo e Chtoago Sodaltstg hada ploulo re- Joylng. Ee attended .the annnal lald dowuuador some rlous suoaegg. Tg'e were wtth them oabooses whioh oently, sDd one of the nottoeg dls. Terag Advooate: Oneof thea,rgu- shoottng for aD eogle by the foot were or the aldo-traok one nlght only. Revs. Broo&s, A. O. playod ptooesslonal end went to on the banner pents (?) used by llquor- rr guerds at Potrdau, fuedgeveralsbots rleep. and E, N.EvansrParker, Davie, r.Our countantly Durlng the ntgbt o traln Olay- wao, Chfldren or5r for Bread.rt trade pollffot&ns ls that plohiblHon hlm'eelf, and node an addreis to the baoksd ln on that traok, and moved ton, Blggs, and perhops othen, were No doubt but they dld, for 8$ kegs marhgmen on aohlovenents. does not prohlbtt. Ifaot,whynot? thelr tbe e,rs they were undor, and oqt one there. of beer.wore fl1nnk s,! thesprneBlcnlo. Blmply beoause llquor.dealers a,re not, Bpatn. leg off of one of them, and out the leg P.mf. W. C. Stubbs, of the A. & M. [Conway Denocat. aae olale, law abtdlng olHzens. Yet Ctolera ls gradually deor6astug, but of another;off, and broke hts baok. College, has reetgned hls professo$ Arkansaa Gazette: The ootton re- thts ts the olass whose tho panlo contlnueg. The thlrd awakened "personal ln. fime to es- rbt1tof Chgmtsbyln tbat tnsfltuflon, oelpts at Memphls for the year ended freedonrtr to work ruln ls so pr€oiou! Madrld, Aug. 31.-The Bpunlsh gov- oapo. The way of the.fransgrosror le to take a ltkelnsldonln the Loulgtana Augurt 81st, aggregzted 480,G10 balee, ln the eyer of greot statesnen. When- grnrnent has forward€d to Getuany a ha,rd, lndeed. The anothpr, {eg of A. & U. Collego-[New Orleann 20rfi)0 leae than last yeu, owlng to ever tble a,rguneat le used, soors lt as nan in Little Rook n'as out tJre off Advooate.J Prof. Btubbs ts a short orops ln the Memphle dtstrlot. & thredt. 'IVhere prohlbtdon ts voted, sane day, and the foot of another ln ooueln ofthe wlfe of the Junlor edltor Thereoelptsot Llttle Rook lor the let ltl frlends mo to lt that prohtbt Argenta. I'our hy the halns-a[ ln of thlspaper. W'e wlch htm.s[un sane pertod were la,rger than tn any tlon shall prohtblt ln splte ofllquor. oneday. ,----, guooecr ,. dant ln hlr rcs fleld. DrcYlouB !foa,l. deelerg and polldotanr. 2 THE ARI(ANSAS METHODIST.

twelve days, wlbhout mrnfuterlal aid; Conterenoe assembled, that the Field Notes. Rev. T. A. Glraham, Walnut Tree: ARKANSAS METHODIST but havo bosn materlally asrlstod, by nano of our ohuroh bonot ohanged.t' r'W'e have held two protraoted neet- geveral of the good brethren of the Thls wrlter aooepts Bro. Eallts Bro. J. W. Bryant, Van Buron o1r- lngs, whloh rosulted l"n about twenty rnn,rry ADUllCATE FAMILY. nelghborhood, ptomlnont emong 4lne ro&sons &s suflolent why oult: "Tle a,ro havlng glorlous revl- oonverslons and as acgesslons; whoml wlll montlon Brothors Whlte the name of our ohuroh shoulil not be vals. At Pralrle Grove we hail 66 the ohutoh was greatly bevived. At and Clrlues. I lesl that Glod hag been ohanged. arldtdons.toourohurob. Broo. Bmlth, s€oond meetlng I was takon slok on gaTIIRDAY, SEPTTIMBTIR 6, 1885. wtthus ln thls moettngrand for whlqh Our pastorDr. B. WlUlams, la dolng Mcfntlre, Weoms and myoelf dld the Monday'end oould not bo p;eront any f am buly ffunnkfsl. f orpect to agood work; and the' preaoher thrt preaohtng. At Oak Gtove we had 26 more. The neetlng'fron tlat time Letterftou Rev. E'. R. Noe. brtng tho neetlng to a olose to-nlght, followshlnonthls *or[ uay be sure adcltlons to our ohuroh, ond others on w&s oonduoted by two dkhorters. Pursuaut to,a oall nade bY Rev. E. though I wlll bog{n ¬hor protraot' that he wlll havs flrn aud ample profeaaed. The seme brethren assist- The Lord was wltlr them lb power "a . M. G$ranade, P. E. of BatesYlUe Dls. edmeetlngat Oll Trough Aoodeny baseon whloh to bulldrtt for the Doo- od me there, also Bros. Copeland and and demonstratton of the sptrit. trlot, and others, the preaohers lnestr on thePrid, when Iwouldbedellght- tor lg planntng welt, Chambllss of the Beptlst ohuroh. Plenty of ooro nads tD thlB dqunby, you Tbere have besn some or but the present drouth le tblntng tng was held at LaOrosse llth and ed to have elthor or both to oons thlrty Three nore neetlngs yet to'hold.tt - the revlval over aod asglst fortyconverslong on the olroult al- cotton. Sgnd Anressas MtrtrEoDrstr 12th ult.; though owlng to ue. I wtll ooavey Kelly M. Eulsey, Oll Trough Bot' busY of the youfronthe you ready, and wehope for ar nany nore to David Wllllams, Blue Bal!, Ecott atBatesvllle, and time depot and retura Brady le havlng one and looal before conferenoe. Bro. T9llllams ls ton: 'rB'othet Co., Ark. We have an aged looal year, not many traveUng rh"o"r% of the gteateet revlvolg thls coontr;r preaohero wore presentn Theclttzens a One preaohen and a good dlsolplinr preaoher, Rov. E Eorrleon, tr$b h*s J..W'. 3'. hag ever wlhessed. Some flft5r oon made Letter&omRev. Soott. artalr, a,nd of f,ne eppea,ranoo, andwe always thought uD paper 6ould 8$ual ofLsOrosse had PreParadons verglons and sdll the good work goes wbo nlght mne, We havoJuat olosed our flrrt omp- [hlnlup here thet hewould do for a tho Nashvlllo Advooote, eoye now the totakooareof all on wlth lnoroased lnterost, but he ls and were grestly dlsapPolntd-not ne6tlng, Bro. MoKlnnon was wtth P. 8., or a delegate to tho Glenerel ABBANSaS trllBTEoDrsr ts' tho best [E Itterally worn out now. My dear enougbigame to eatup thegood tblsss thteodsys, Bro. Earry trfay was Conferenoe. paper he ever sew. W'e say amo[ to wltJr ug tur the sptrlt and power of tho brother, entt you oomeover and help proporod. Though thg turn out w&s .W. The AcKANsas Mnnrousn, llke that.t' Iord, Bro. JrDayis was us, hln out,or send that dea,r old veteran, snall, yet the preaohera moetlng was wlth the pureJutoe ol the vlng, ,lnproves Rev. J. M. Cltne, Glalloway hls the Benlor? Oh how glail we would oiroult: by no ueans a fallure. bodi ls aff.toted but,hle splrlt ls *tthug"-_ ,'We probaoted --'- edllvlgorous, be lf one of you oould oome; we want begon a neetlng at llhe needng was oponed wlth Bro. Gluffey, the evan- Indtan Bayou, on gertst slnger, To the Preaohers of Eelena Dlst- to hear you onoo more; you oan make Sriturday bdfore the piayer by Rev. E. M. Glranade, who w&s our helper both Sabbath ln August-was pto., wlthsongand tagtremlnlrtry rlot. It pay ln subsorlptlons.t' thlrd was ofterwa,tds eloot€d td $reslde of the traoted eix days and nlghts. Iirrger/, word, Bro, Wtthers favored I)naq Bsn'rgnnnr:-f am urged by srOur over themeetlng whtob he dtd wlth us wttJr Rev. E.'W. Brooks, Dog Aro: attehtlve, well behaved oongregatldns " hls prosonoe, but w&B too uuwell to prlvate letter lrom l)rs. I). C. Kellj at Des resulted ln about a degtee of eadsfasflon to sll. neetlng Aro all the flme. The splrtbof Ghod worked preaoh for and R. A..Young, Troasuror and Seo. A oommlttogon progt&rnme wasep- us, Bro. Slngleton, of the lq) oonrorelons. Evangellst Roblson upou the hoarts of all the people. ![. D. Churoh, old retary of our Board X'oretgn Mls. polnted, whosubnltt€d tho followlng fathers Nowoll, of ls a nan ol srtraordlnary naturel taot Evorybody was touchsd and mdd,e to MoDonald, Tyler, other looal slonsrJolatly, touake a vlgorous ef- power-euoh fearlese toplor for dlsilusslon : and and splrttual a feel by the good eplrit,eptnt, It rdelW&H ghe brethron, rendered fort to oolleot the ondre agsossuent the 1. What prepardtlon ls neoesrar5r ug eflolent aervl- man. Ee condedns rln ln whatever most rptrltual meetlng thot I hdve Regult-between and nado upon our tlistrlot thts yea,r lor for the work of the ninletry, eto? oes. thlrfi form. Ele never abuses a man, but wltnesgod on Arkanras soll. PSoSIe thtrty.flve@nverslong, nlneteeu ao- X'orelgnMlsslons. They also lnform 2. The tslnd of preao.hlng neoded. sh. The oonverts wlllJolu the dtffer- were oonvorted and made to rbJdJoe oesslons that a fallure upon pa'rt, 8. Pastoral work and fa,hrly wor- to the ohuroh, odd to thls ae out to- ent ohurohes. Many have already durlng the sermong, and on thd *ey gether wlth the shlD. thlrteen eooosforu whlohyeheve had enflre'ohuroh, to do rnany rnore toofollow. hone, and at honoe, and everywhdre. olter gervloes. wlthtn the last nontlr" The Lord ls thls wtU neoessltats a oontf,aodon Ilvery Ba'n @'nnot be an Evangellet. 4. Eow to oondnot rrleglona,rJr Thlrty.elght remlvod lnto the ohurph. 6. Tempera,noe and prohlbldon. wlth ug. Our rogulaf olroult oanap- our operatlone. Thls Ig lt not ponrlble tbat eome wlll ab Durlng tho speolal sermon for phe welnduce our people to needngat the GlaztePole Carnptng would lndeed be a oal,amtty, not to tenpt to lmltate, and thereby brlng on Tuesday'nornlng 0. Eow en rnltes pest ohlldren of the take andreadour ohuroh Uterature? Glrounds, elght of Eot eay adlsgrano, for a grot and aggres- the mtntrFy lnto dlerepute? Do you meettng, we had a.glorlous flme ln- slve ohurohllkoouis, to beg{n glve ?. Chrlstla'n ltberallt5r-the tythe Bprlngs, on tJre Eot Sprtngs and Mt. to not suppoFe t'h6t soue anoug. tbe deed. The ohlldren, theparents, And, eystem. Itla road, wlll begtn on Thursday upheroutrposts and, reooll her ad. lstty flll unwlsoly erpeot the mlnls. everybodJr orled, and many of guardr lthe ft wa,s deolded to be the pastors nlght before the thfud Sabbath tn vanoe tor look of auppller, by generally to nake radloal ohanger dear llttle people wero oonyortod And dut5r, when vlstttne a fanlly, lf not Beptenber, ws a,rs extrleotlng Bros. whentJrerels an abundanoe ln tho tn the rnannor and natter of thelr added to tbe ohuroh. It was a ieal of her otherwtse oolled on by aome uember of the Guftey, Earrleon, A. S. Ehott, hands loyal rubJeots preaobtpg? Awellohosenparagrepb old.faehlou Eoly Glhost revlval. Tgere .rold home,'lf be put famtly to pray, to nane lthlrnsella,nd Dr. Klng, of Anlty,'ard the at lt oould on\y la' the on thls polnt.t' wltl be a oomfortable new ohuroB ou hands of thoBs whogo buelness lt ts to aek petulrolon to do so. Pllgrrnr', (Earry May), Bro. Wlthem, Rev. Mlohael Martz, Ososla: thot grouad bofore next oonforohoe. and othors. We supply the wants of those who are 'ron In vlew of tJre faot tJrat we now would be deUghted tJre Oso@l& olroultuuoh lo botng dono To God be all tho glory t Pray for us.tt nr pushlngthebattleevsn to the gatee have two dlsdlledesln Izard oounty, tohaveonoor both of. you favor tn the woy of getttng dlsorganlzed, your prolonoe, tn the forsfront ol our atlvanolng hosts. R. K. \ililkerson, Mnoral olroult; one owaecl by three nen--ong e wtth and fesl llko you and eoa'tered forces together andln rnrght popleandussone good Beyond questlon lt ls wlthta the lrord has dono gnoat thlngg trfethodlst, another a Baptlst and do the olorly worklng order, and at work. Wo 'tAs easyreaohof every peotor ln Eelene for us at Mt. Ollvo, where of wo &rs sHll gnet[s1 a,otually aohrlstlan. Tbe by brlnging the !firrsoorgn more havs. &om tlme to tlme, a few oon- Dledot, to ralse every oont asssssod glad, I thought lt no0 out of plaoe tq subJeot of tenperanoo and prohlbltlon prondnently before then than we verslons g'nd s' few aooesglone to tbe to hls oharge thlsyea,r, Uonly ptoper drop you a note. We haveJust olosed- was dteousged at length by ntntsterr have tlme to do. Please teke the churoh. The ohuroh appears to be dots and plans and due dlllgenoobe employed. e ten d&ys meedng with happf, re- and laymen. Wlth one exceptlon all wrtts us a short notloe for oommenolng & new ora, ln growth and Let every prdaoher aad laynan ln our sultr; twenty-oae brtght oohverslons were ln favor of prohtbltloa. our @rnp.B€otlng, and oone and see sptrltual poworr and I have greot hope has bounds nowrerolve, Glodts graoe, and glatoen acoelelons, add many Altogether the meetlng was 16- what the Lord done, andiedo[rg. by that she ls enterlng on a futuro, tar not stop of baohsllders reolalmed, and Zlon wag markably lnteresttng. was differ- By the wey tJre water at tho grounds we wlll short tJre last oent brlghter than all tho past." ft ..Come strongthened throughout oub entlre ent from anything evet segn before ln ls very flne. over lnto Mace- ofour&slessment for thls, tho flrst year of seoond century of our oommunlgr. Bro. J. P. Brlggi, looal thls country. TFe nust baveanother. donla andhelp us.tt tho Rev. f. T. Morrle, Smlthvllle: : Methodtsm. &nnoun€o thedeathof Bev. preaohsr ofElpaseo olroult, wlll ever Irott€r fromR6v.'W'. D. "Ple&se prayers Letter from Rev. J. Lovtng. Matthews. J. M. Cr,l.m. Davld Meade, which sed event oo. haveourloveancl fol labor The preaoher on ihe Conway olr- Please a,nnoun@ that our oa,Ep- Mr.I"ogggfL ourred at hls hgme. Bontta Sprlngs, bestowsd durlng the nneotlng, &B our Dover beloved P. C., Rev. E. C. Caetleberr!, oult, Rev. T. M. Brakeblll' held a meeflng for olroult, Dar- Mlnutes one nlle west of Blaok Rookr.Ark., Dlstrlog, held Oopy of of Dlstrlot Oon- was takenill and had toleavdr thgugh aeedng some threo or four mllesfton danelle wlll bo f,oreaoe Eeld at Mulberry. Aug.- 9, 1885. Bro. M. M. Snlth, P. at Glravelly Elll oamp-ground, dve h.oe beon'oon8ned our pr&yers follow him, and wri hope Conway, ln a nelghborhood where no The oommlttes on tenperanoe made E., iho to hic room mlleg east of Dover, oomuenoing on lor w€eks, le ablo to be up now he ls oonvalosolng. As I am the Fliiper. ohuroh of eny d6a6mln6tlqn had ever repori as follows, whloh was adopted: flve beenorganlzed. The proaohlng was Thursday rtght, September 10th, and and wtll make hls last round on the lntendont of the Suqday.eohool here, W'eyour oonmlttee on tonperance does heart good done under a bush" arbor,. It was to oondnue one week. Teatere dlstdot. Ee was near deathts gato, It my to anrdtrnco a,re glad to report that we flad our fact and eornest, and wasblessed of wlll please tahe nofloe and govern but tbrough the tender neroles of the that thlrteou of tho above nllain people ln hearhr sympathy wttb the number weremembers thelord. Slxor elght profesaed. re- thomselves aooordlngly. Wo ertend God he is gettlng wellD of myEdpday. you temporaDog oause throughout the drs. sohool; but to God be glory. llgton, all of mature ago, lnoludlng to a oordlal luvttatlon to attend, all tbe you go. trlot. Theprogrem of the temperanoe Rev. A. E. WilUams, Boblnson, The trflprsoorsn ls etlll growlng ln ono rnau over flf$r years old. Many and urge upon to do WIU oause ls attrlbutabLe to the advan- Arh.: r'The meeHng dld well near favor wlth thopeople in these pdrts.tt baoksllders wero toolalrned. and not neet Jrou at RussellviUe wlth oon- tagog{ven under the 'rlooal optlon Etm Fprlngs. Ther€ wete four oon- who become aold, had thelr vey&noo and teke you out. Let ne Rev. J. Fl. Strlbltng, Walnrit Rldge: a few had law" wlth the unlted efforts of the verslong and a very great lnterest- wa,rmed by the pow- know what day you o&E oomo. you deem thls note worthy of a hearts strangely T&llous rellg{ous denomlnationg twoJolnod the ohuroh. At tho umt' 'rff EoIy And, as ln the Betseen ssven a,trd etght hundred place ln your oolumnorl say to the peo- er of the Sptrtt. agal-urt lntemperanoe. lng now ln progress at Roblnson, danolout convorts oonverglonswlthta tholast two months ple that Old Walnut Ridge, on daysrt' dld those Resotoed,, That we the nenbers of thore were flie oonverst6nson Sunday at ghout aloud, sa5dng, and tho work oontlnuss. $qpefhlng Walnut Rtdge oiroult, that a meoting lebapfized souls the Clarksvt[e Dtshiot,'Coeferenoe nlghb, and four havo the r.Gllory, ovor three hundred acoesaions up to Jolned ts betng held by Bro. F. D. Evans, glory to Clod.t' And one pledge ourselves to do all ln our pow- ahuroh. These a,re the boglnulng P. praieed dats. Eavotf,aveledover flve hun- C., oommenolng ten days ago, and preaohe[ Jolned them and er, oonststent wlth our dudes, agalnst moetlngs. We glve only a week at God as ln the days ofhle flrst lovo- dred mtles slnoe the flrst of JuIy, that euoh &powor ot the Holy Gthost quarterly the oauge of lntemperanoe eaoh polnt and the plan is togetround ffty years ago A soolet5r wlll be or- boldfng from two to throe has not been manifosted before ln per .Am Resol,aed. That we the menbers of through the olrouit before the oanp- ganlzed a ohuroh bullt, as the le- oonforgnoes weo&. at hou.e Dr&ny yo&rs at thls plaoe. Slnnera and Olarksvllle Dlstrlot Conferenoe recog- mee0lng, whtch ls to oonvene llhurs- All for three days thls weok onJoytng the r'Southern' are belng convtsted and mourhers oon- sultof oneweektslabor. vleg*tr6 ntzo bhe Rtslng Wave;r day ntgbt before the thtrd Bubday tn answer to the effeotual, fer' assoolatlon of vlfe and ohlldren and verted, and spmo, too, of the hardeg"t melnly ln publlshed by Bev. John M. Clayton Beptomber, and then we wlll rrraks a prayer of one rlghteous tna,rl, ao rorHng. Prospeots for an abuadant ktnd; and tho ohuroh wonderlully re- vent parts and devoted exoluslvely to the tem- flnal flnish up so far os protraoted I belleve, a la5rman, Bro. Jobn M. orop novei better ln most of lnetstod. Up to date there hab been my terrltory. A good deal of sloh- per&noo o&usg, &s one of our bost tem- sorvloes are @noerned.tt Johnson, of Pontotoo oountY, Mlss., pera,Dce pepgrs, and an Invaluable thirty oonverslons, elghteen Jotur the necs and muoh of tt proving, tatol. now ln the ?6th year ofhls &ge, vlsl. adJunot to the euoooseful work ot the Bev. W. A. Pendergrass, Turner: M. XL Churoh, South, sone yet wlll WlUwrlteogaln.soon. Be sure and ..Eelena and fourJolued t€d hfs ohlldron and old frlonde ln tomDeranoe oauee ln tho strte. dlstrlot has sald llttle or Joln, tbe BaptLst, and oome to our oamp-neeflng. thtsvlclntty, and found'theui oold E6,sotaed, Jurther, that we hoard\r re- nothlng thls year, but by your oon- the meodng goss on. Tell Bro. Dye safl bsokslldlng from rollgiong and, oommend thls papor to all the temper- ssnt I wlll say for Marvel clroutt, we soqeof hls bestrrlends here are yet wes X,etter from Bev. I. B. Eloha,n. anoe rforkers in our bounds and elss. aro moving The tn thetr slns, and help un pray lor llke Paul at Athons, hls hesrt where. W. E. M. BusNs. on. thlrd Surrday ln stirrod wlthln htm, and ln the fanl. Porh&ps a few llnes from thls Part J. M. Wnr,r,s, July wo began a meeting of C;press them, that they nay yet be saved. . lies he prayed' ln tho oongrega' of thevlneya,rd of the Lord vouldnot G. W. TIrr.Ir. Grove. Monday ntght Brother C. E. May God bless you and the Mnnno. tlou he exhorted andled penltonts to beout of plaoe. The fourth guarterly F'ord of Clarendon, oamo down, rrsr, and may God sparo tsro. Wln- the altar of prayer,and when thoywore ocnferenco lor Charloston olroultt "Elre Slougllr of De6trrortCleDoy" proaohed and staygd with us ten daye, ff.eld and res0oro hlm to hls wonteal blessed he rejotced wlth them. I'ull Artsansas Conference, wa,s held hero ln whloh you a,re wallowlng, on &o- did most of the preaohlng. Dr. Thos health.,'' of fatth and the Eoly Glhost he oamel on the l6th and 16th ult. Our unthe- oount of somo of thoss dlseasos peou- Lane oamo' the fourth Sunday and, ,, Dudley 31. Jones Co Llttle Rook, anil tn tho ssme happy stPte ho has lng P. 8., the Rev M. D. Butt' was llar to yoo, mada,mo, aud whloh have preaohod a flne setmon; wc hod some , eella Brluley Plows and ths God of peace go on hand ln good. preaohlng trlm, end robbed you of the rosy huo of health, 12 or 14 oonvqrslonsl 19 addltlons; Botary Ear- gone. And.may rows. wtth h,tm. Thoposstbtlitios of fervent held the dlsslpttnary relns wltha flrm andnadellfeaburden to you, you Bevsral reolalded: ohuroh revlved.. proyerl O, howgreatl greep. On Eunday at 11 a. m., ho oaneasllyget out of. Dr. Pleroets Wo are buildlug aohuroh here,soon to preaohed & sgrmon on "Eanotlflos- 'rFavorlts Presorlptiont' wtll lreo you be oompleted. Atour thlrd quarterly AGENTS WANTED ! Letter fronRsv. N. E. BradY. dou,tt and preaohed lt too,as a eeoond flom all suoh troubles, and soon re- oonforenoe, BrotherJ. M. Olarts, P. X!., In every count5r in Arkans&s to eell I am now ln the uldst of ono of ths work of gtaoti. Thte poor sorlbe hed odl the roso-dat of health to your preaohed Thursda'y and F'rldayntghts the Worldts Renowned Glonulne Stne- been on the fence a long tlme in ro- ohoek, andtho dlasttolby to your step. before sesond Sunday in A.ugust, at er Bowlng Maohine. We now handle gmndest revlvals at AYdelott's the new gard to the rio'cond work of graoer but It is a nost perfoct speol0.o for all the Indlan Bay, Monroe oounty, .aud Etgh Arm and Oeolllattnc Ohapel thatl have over conduoted or "Slngore,tt something entirely newl wltnessed; we havs had 60 conY€!' now he hesltates no longor. weaknesses and irregularltlos peou- preaohed until Mondaynight. Thero Prloes greatly reduoeai. Good-wason sions, sono of the oldest slnnere in Thequarterly conforenoe put ltself llar to your sex. ft oures uloeratlon, wero some nlis or teu professlons and furnlshgd free, and llberal semrits- tho vlolnlt5r have boop oonvsrtod. onreoordinregard to the ohango of dlsplaoenrents,'slnternal feverrt' bo&r- ssveu addltlona. Truly we had' a slons paltt tooanvaesore ln ths ooun- r€moYea the be try. Call on or addresg, Eavshad thlrt5r-seven acoosslong to the name of our ohurh, bY the ad,op- lng-down sensatlons, good meetlng; to God allthe glory. , TEE SINGEB M'T'G COJ theohurch up to thls tlme, and I ex' tion of the followlng resolutlon: tendenoy to canoerous affeotlons and W'e have othor meeEings to hold. 624 Maln Strool. Lltils Rock. A;k. peot uore to-nlght. I havo labored 3tfuesoloed' That tt is the gengo of oorreots all uunatural dlscharges. Pray for ur. We buried our babo re- Subsoribo for the ABKANSAg uETEi tho wholo of the meetlng, tho Charleston Clroult' ln Quartorly By drugg{sts. cently.t, l ODIST.. -clurlns

, l I t THE ARKANSAS METHODIST. F/AIIJ'V\IAYS- futicura.A traMES SATIIRDAY, BEPTEMBER 5r 1886. m. WA5ItmmS I,ITTLE BOOX, SOEI:|rIII,EB. P0stnvE cuRE for every foro of JEFFARSON ILI'.CHINE WORKS, Htlll-|trS\fIIJIrEi gKllt and Br.OOD *%ffi-$3,,'mrmE;'"tg"$ggTf{# DISEAgxi PI$I.EI EIIJTIE-F, AR/T-- FEIHALE GOLLEGE, moE EUNTSVILLE, nilPLE$ t0 $cB0[mL ^LA. Manutachre *ITdffiE;ioes ard Borrers. TEIRTY-SDKTE SESSTON BEGINS Spectal attentlon pa,ld to repatrs-on plantatlou and.saw ff"H'8H*%* yrill machtnery, 'shaffing Toxas Exprois..... Wednesday, September 2, 1886. Eealthy, pulleys, pnmpe' ptpt trtdngs-antr bras-s goooe or all sLeJat-wave I/oo&l Frotsht...... oiGid.' Toxp. gtocE,...... well furnlshetl, full faculty. Otrere ENGINES AND BOILERS BOUGET ToxaB gtook.- AND SOI/D. &6t'6 a^r-- thorough lnstrucdon tn Bll DDepartmonis -....J56vua s, .4. of Female Eduoedon. A 1':4! s I puDlls. lle.ltghrfur osHi.*fttfitT,:?*Hf 3uff ffi f.ff Sfpstomochrne*T"$al,JflHu'9 f"H3"##f::::::::::B!io "' ohrlsdan hodehons for Foicate- tfr loguee antlspeclalIspeclal lniorfoatlon,lnformatlon, applyBpply to *ffi,a:f;F::::::::::::fi'd8Bfr0u !i rdi". -njrt rii " ;:19 n 9'€ o n BEv. A. B. Joxcs. d. fi., fi3iffi PresldenL $HlSi::::::::::::: l,$8froa@ o I iStIril|| ![enphls anil trltfle Boots Bollrosd. PABSETOE la,^ltrs. ROCK SPRINGS lfo. tt['D a$s0ctaTl0t[, IIo. No. ACADEMY, Gon Ualn and Seconrl Sbeets, UT$,E n0CK, ARK No. Is concluctetl upon the Agsessme4t or Co-oporate Plan anil issues Btnele Pollcles I llartolgrile, ltor Co,, ArL, AreYo.u. Gtola.g.te . Arlsnsos Ysley Bouta !o -a,e or temale applicaD_ts, and companlon Pollcle's tobusband and 'iilfe. oranv I rw_o porso!8 blvlng a legal Interost ln each other. At tbe death of the holder df I Iseavelgr Eort g_ml!! D:lg o.r. Kansas, S-t p.n- OPEN TO BOTHSEXES. Missou ri, Golo- e uompanton Pollcy, the whole aEount due on both pollcles ts pattl to the survt- l !,rrlvo_fron Bmtth...... a!D yor. AoHye Bg€Dts rado, want€il. Addrees I HI3 I3I : : : The gtxth Aunual Term of forty (40) Galifornia or fffio?F.ru'ai; :-P :m iF I {rrlve ^from Ar-kanses City. . :...-. . . .. Ui20 B:d rveeks, under the present mallagement, any of the West- Arrlvellom Arka,nsas Orti (fretCht)...0:{t -1885. J. R. RUTHERFORD, Secretary, t;il vlillvllll openSeptoben SeDt 7,7. 1886. ern states? f,ot Sprtngs Ballroad. Ouq-currtc-uluni, ln the classlcs. Eng. T Ifso you should avall yourself of the p"H ffiterature, er..ature, Mathemutics,Mathe'm u t ics, anda-n tl the Pbvrjl-PUy,ii- f'"Tnut,"35k.tq$"f i"ia;;;:::31fi cal Sclenc'es, le as ertenslve as that of g9vantagesadvantages thatr.Eat aro lownow oferedo-trererl by the ff Kaneal our b€et MaleMal-e Colleses.Colleges. Ctty Routq the o4lydlrectioute E. D. SMITH & CO., itrff"'trif H:3.THffi ;'rlu;a; : :ili18 from iH Igstruction thomugh and praodoal. the Eouth to the WristWdst antlancl North- Arhsnsgs west. ThiB llne rung lts entlre tf,alns.tf,alns Mfullonil Ballroad. None but thorough- and accompHehed- wEoLEgaLE tebcbere employed fn the eohool. wrtn'eorrman pilir" sf6"pli?crffi?i ltnar.ilrRs IN _ -Tret4!. _ Depart. AEtvc. Locatlon nealthy, flss B,sslining Chatr Cars-, fi6m Mem- ti H$"%XtHSfifr :: : :.: ::::'s:il'B H Flf$H trforal stetus of th€ commuulty flrst-ffret- pbis to Kanedb Crty, eavlnf many hours cldss.aas. No whwhlekey eold wlthtnwtthtn tZ'milii.l2-miles. tiTe over any othe_r_ route. If you a,re g-olngg.olnF vr ru Board_ and wadhltrg from 92.fi) to g2.60 Wtet you wlllwru eaveSaYe monev oneybypur- DY our- |T=TEI per weok cDa rrngLg your UoE€tttoket vlaYla ItoxleEoxte brMem-or M€m- STAPIE AND FANCY GROCERIE$ pbis anilnd Kansas T[trTrol{, PEB uoNll|s. the Kan8sQlgyioute.Ctty Route. SondSon forror_-rarge large map ofor thls-Shortuus short fioute;Routo fn PrtmaryDepartmont,ont, f2.00 to $2.60. ualledmalled frss. Addrees.Addrees, PB,ODUCE ra0N [I0uNTtrN n0uT4 Intermedlate.rtermediate, 93.(D. Acedemlc,Ace 94.00. J. E. LOCKWOOD, AND COMMISSION. InbtrumentalLbtlnmental Musto, $4f4 00.0l Incldental r(snsn.q QltJr, !lls. fee, per seselon, gO obrits. W. A. GARMGARNXIB, A. M.. |'.22 taln St,. . - LITTLE ROCK, ARK. uug22.lm hln. and Ploprtetbr. WEEN YOU WAlIlT St. Louis Any of theee Artlcles Womaro a speclalty o1 trstdllng0ouaEy Prodqce on constgauon! and unr . UEI'IGAI IEPANTUENT' der lxonpt account seles. IS IEE ARKANSAS FA\ZORIEE E{ENfiE ffi@sffib 1871 " 18E6 S. N. UARSEAI,I. INDUSTBIAT UNIVIBSITY, eDO. B. AIJ:IS. . TO TEE LtfiLE ROCK, ARKANSAS. NORTH aND EAST. \ 1, @sffi$@ MAMSffiAG& & AEIhES, the Seveuth Annoal Courge of Lec- tui'es of tbis Institution wlll commenoe [Ire, Marhe, Gyolone and Hle ol Tfednes(lay, Qct. 7,1836, and con- 2 Daily frains 2 f,rnue trventy weeks. For specidl informadon, apply to @ - INSURANCE ACENTS,'*i, R. e. JENNTNdS.IC-. O.. glf€€t, aug22-4t Sec,ty oiFaculty. @_@' 2OA Iv. Markha,D I,ITTI.EIBOOE, A.Bt. FAST TIMEI S%HXLP*E|' Agfsgah or anything inthe lineof Allfu lrvedy'f,ro [i[iol Dolhu, *TH"tT-HtsBt** SuBerlor Accomnodatons I lncludingSaw and Plalnlng Millen Lew ScgooL Glns and F. CEANDLDR, MAGHINERY, Farm PropertYy, Gen. floketAgenL "O$ WAIfiSI$OI| Al|D I.EE UMTEISIIT. Seed.en Pr*a.3re, Dra,la, Plpe r/. c. fow:NsBND, GEN. G. W. C. LAE, Prosld,ent. Gen. Passenger Agtt. Inetructlon by prbrted text-books antl -oR- Br. Lours, lectures, with coureee of lectures bn sne- THE 0'NEAIiE & STEVENS C0. Mo. cial srrblects by emlnent jurtsts. Tultion Farm Implements, antl rfees $80 for ebselon df nlne mouthe. Wrtte to 3O4 Haln 8t., !.ITTLE ROCK, ARK, beginnlng Sept. 17. tr'orFor cataloEuecatalogue auci WELLS & DUNGAN, full iaformation, address Cses. A. Dudley E. Jones Go., Gaavns, Prof. of-Law, Lexlngton, Ya. I/IITr'ri!IlOCKt ARK' WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Glg,g e,:rd. Ettee,a. Fltttrag:, IN- -DnAr'T!RS Flurn 1cfue.g., Vanderbilt Universitv, Ed-- Ea,utora, BOOKS AND STATTONERY. r ' DEAthS il W00D AN! n0$ ruu{, NASEIIIIIIJF{ TmfN. wmE _Gou.rt_.Records and County Glerks *'ntlif Supplieela 817IIrUN St., LITTLD aRr. f,l*TlX'irfn'"l".lls,t$r,g6gla uHlt$0, .a0lBtcffi,D tB0I$tBs, Specialty. BOCK, EATS, CAPS All-D UMBB,EIJDAS. Sclwol, Boolae ut Net Whotesqle prlaes.. WITTIAUSON. +oI.& +Oe lif Elroad.uze,5z, Merr, Ononns Ruonrvn Pnoupr Arrp,urron N.B. m;ffiffiffi"ffi ST. I/OUIS' UO. 2OA Ilast Ma,rtsba,n ildfrfffi#iqTffiffiir*,*' TONSORIAL ARIIST, Ern. todlio. Arkalsaw Steam Ilye Co., G+. IYf.T[nrr'ntrr)ler, For a clean, €asy shay€, praoUoat l& l[o. 7f? Meral cut, antl spleudld baths, Wtllla,msodi h Srrmrr tJle placo to go. Ee has no -hosdftl reEEodD sulerlc. rastrEBlt Ar l{s LTTTLE ROCK, ABKANSAS, 1c,7 L-2 AEaS:a. St., Llttle Rocl=, , \XZUI D:fe EreC.lee' Dregsee wltlro'u.t rlppla.gl' up. *-IIEALER lll- w.:El+JEe'\EdNr.6.ER, ot ltlt . O|tafc. Oaf L Oent's Dine Clothins Dyeil. IfiIl not ' T0NS0R|AL ART|ST, Color the-[[ilng, GUNS, GUN X'IXTURES, aa Main Steet LITTLE ROCK Eah, &c,, lloui ir &o hst of drls, For a olean, comfortable ehave. pracfir Cleauing Sults,92.60. cal hatu out,and cnjoyable-Ee bath.Ifc][alt's ffa'Htui"Stb_q$,gi-tffiffiffigmaUest'to PhEhf,str"ffi to go. has no sirperlor Dyeing " $8.00. &o_m the tho largest, Gammdt-XiG,'dc. lg ll€-plao€ h MESSRS, WEBB$' SCHI|OL, Ladiee'I)ressesrg2.00. Spechf_atte_ntlon glvm to rep-alrtng. All woik guarantced. thraclty. may_l? ly " Maroh lst 8&'1y. - cuLLEoS$ TENN, A. J. CABDDN, Manager. l85l Established I C. M. MoNEIL, OFerls .A.rr.grret a4, 1gel5. BSt. T'\I'DEIR,|rAKER/. Dr. Garleud, or?ilI' Yanderbtlt. 622 Menv .'The eays: Srnovr, - Lrmr.n Botft Academy of the Messrs. Webb [ae Koeps oonstantly on hand !o superior *ith,!" my howledge ln the trAMES E. GffiES@M, Southern Statee." WOODE.ItrETALTO Btshop McTyelre saye: I how uot lts (succnsson no ruc]lr,uovr & erBscN,) CASKETS - superior I ifs equal woulil be ha,rtl to flnd fot al,l tl& parts of eduoadon.tt \XZlroles_a,ffi Prof. Eumphreys, formerly of Yander. Reta,ll bllt, now of the Unlversittr of Texas. *pd says: "The young men whb como to thri Yantlerbllc Untvertity from the echool ol DBUGS, MEDICtr,iYES, CHEMICAf,S, the Messrs. IY'ebb, at Cullooka. exhlbtt as thorough preparadon ln Greik as any students I have ever met with. whether Surgic4l fnstruments, in thts institution or ln W'ashiicton antl Lee University, where for sevoial years I tpught students prepared ln tho- best Trusses, cldssical schools in Ytrgluia. as well a.e E|,B'LOIY'S rrl)rco BLIIFA Fr,*eTFonet="?Fie-Fff other EIltg E*its s a $lSR BLf E have L,een fully t6tcdud t!. in many Statos oflhe llnlon.', by thousrnds of h€usekeeperg. you GrGd bf&*fi AEfg5ezrFu-a.eqzonc hase it on gle. julyl9- @Ibt-dsed tb Ca- AsK HrM FoR IT, & 8. SILTBEBGEE Prup'r, !:li, !1. Ce.ord EL, PllLdGtltl|. P lt y si oi,an' s ?r e s crip ti on s A o owr at el,y C ormp own il,od,, I i:4 .:-T-


_l OURSIOKNESSES. guest of Bsv. Z. T. Bennett ald f1ml- of us who lovs tho word should, UoCe" sad unexpeoted, fNE ARKANSAS ffiTHODIST. [those I hls aud loss, Thsre are twq ertremes on thlsllf. *" have oertalnly faUen lllolbewllltngtoyiold. Iftheyarourgedlthecomnnunity tnwhtoh he oasth,te PUBLISHEDPUBLISEED WEEKIJY. Th6!o r|'|dy by tholo ol WEEKITY. lqu.!do!: one sot paovtdmor rids lcpod b' r' w. |Io lptholDrl vho .I€ ort | lotEoutD!. rtrr.ntssnoFour ftt.nE thtng to do wLth our belng slok ot let us rost a few wesks we hope to re- to oonneot thonselves wtth er. Those who glsy hlm best wlll -Ei:,**f*i:#-11'"'Si,#i;ffi;'Irrili'il1d1E;:*;l;;t;e'v.'rnio.ai-ii-"pl"h.Jtfh-;buh."i;;#1il;;---i.i--o-o.tI | 9o !a I rot^ ls thoresuttof violated ltw and our lwe wers here Just at thls rearon lment, our 5rleldtng would resemble ltho saduess of hls fqneral hour there Osoot P14 1-9 Eest Uarkham Streot. owulmlrudonoorwhlleon the other loltheyearraidtnglna moodng andlthebartertng of a ohorlshed fomllylfaUs tUe swe€t arsura,trooof htslm- hand drlntlng thls sulphur w&ter. In 1862 helrdoon for posl,tlon and mortallty and personal galn-sprlng- Drrrl,s BooK.. aBKANSAF. lt ls oontonded thet Goal ls the I | Bower. I n we were \Mhon the author of all our maladteg and tho I here agaln wlth wlfe and | unlty of our ohuroh de- llng from the noble quaUHes if nls t p'1"'itl" .id r{vro€ dlnmdrlt Lt ir ob.sftiv aeai, gEPIEUBE& l-"il,rin-"* tr"tii la-a. ..*rL lp'il6, r-a i[ci'r.t"lr" SATUaDAY' !' 1885.lthlro .tr D.,rt""1"a"g,."a ud ;!o.t ot tt. lDrs4hlng tho l1trd of Utr x. .E loEt L.ltr$i b[tLtu !ovc runo' leevou6nto oo tno,'tuo baruflmd gt.t.Tadhat'Arroo|riloE'|uo€'t]tbth.'|t6'.[dJodldoU.d-||h.o'ltl.qdt.rdF!o'.w.hd|o!tt,ltth.rlghtfttdtbdo(Er,D|doEoD&t.I|atothlr.'bE|F I'h6 abtsT-0lr6r.r A.roor.$onDd lDtidrE Emof f, vto|3 ror. 8[ llo ghu6h th@, ttldt.t .€Ydd. ltl.ot aIor whr0h brbr [Io! nd'.l.[orD.d d t\y cod r d.td. geeroy. wr[ te the law of the unlverse. Tuo oae hotol only. t}3tr, now seYeral very Lgt ed9-k oropry hst we€k &r T;;;;";d""; I I lohuroh F .gt*. y Oulleoka laetltute. .horr L oEdDy lou l h tob of Eor!--tt-ETtg $r.o th. .dtr-l l:ii -*. h;'t;!ry llrth -codr ltl.ms.' _+*d ltooul.dldlouv.ll4or. Apcd.Da-t-lo b fllbao|l. or th. iue"Jr'ii-ir&1" lfti p..*r ir. Lurc or rro,rrd@A rr nu tspt louc,l6oo or lucr, ua thc obrlot drl ltL."_u"*1"n, g l-19W.io.t 1t!. trt,t dltbEi ao,To*. r,h!.b..mosor oyt[ hru of tb. D.u- trr.lEudvo r|..tr ri"p"uavq - lllitt" "ty,ln.q lt*cat.{crr.u. lHPPlg!F,--t-y:-":P' ffiTH"i;ffi.'d;?iira"ilililt..-"y lmry.'f-tr.iiili:l+d€vrt€E r;i'pv-'s.''e.-Ll-row- j&. r.nr;', att. fy 6"iir'*dJL tren6.ou-r ua *1. ogr*o tdta lw.lgY,*3:-*::*gt B. w.bb, cdror!' roD", no f,i".-ot-#liliii. iifilii|tx"* lo'vrce _e*^--:-- !o tt r o.a-- w" n"t tui-slod cot- drou-l!. r6tc.r6ro tue','- 195 lc-fio"-&-eGigiV lW"t' 3*.-yor l-i: I ..t"..!9t"--?":y,' Tq lytq*P*T* f"e.t ST ffi;ffiffiil;i;.-d"--;:6:'€ lur; rtriJftA-*:; d"n l-i"ror- -." ro B-rrq4 rod tr loerc ot tobeooq rod !..d th.lr wi r,ifrl.uu"riiiot rrtr,*ia*i--i it t",t-l-."u,omoloscni'irod-rh;tr'lIa19l11l,T1pn-:1Y:9uTgFll*:':-Y,-TH.;E*^-t1g.*Y ffii;irfffi;.rsht qr$,bo. r o.n'r, | b€tr8 plr.€d l4 r or !u.h to- -f;if[iii#$i*,["-f'.: l;i"u r-. ; t;:i"J 1r"*ii* l* aooir wett,oouc o-riotcr roairtt, lto rd t r ar'i no' Dodnon i*trrJr.drrr.D.DEonD'"er,lr@rq:g"i-gy:fu"'j{il"i suar-x"-.r"o-r"m lTj.t*-rr-..0",.*tilli.ll#"Y9,3ffi,t#,tfrffi *.".ffi *."gu.,rymq,lrffi D|.d Ed[o.U(lltDrDaffisEss:#|ffi or l|rs|rmo lo!3 or HFHHFistffi ! l,*ffi ffi;i*r##lllq,*lFrss#, ffi',S}trffi r,IlHl*:xlr,:r"L*mr"mlffid#Smffi*"H1,i3rx,r,xi';rmlg"'fi'syg.#:S-:m- H'ffi #'ffinsf #$l##ffi ffi #;#l#ffi ;ffii'i$-E;;-.;Ud';ffiil+-tq',;;-i;b.;"";;;lqt'tnoo'*'f;ffiff;:i'g";l&"t ffi ;#;;;ffi;;;;ilt""pqr."*"anddearhaw&y;.""1*:_".',T:l:::Ii-?::1h:J:::g:"1,1fuH#:{#l#w'#r#dHlmf".**#xffi ilS ffi.f"-ili *i ;-i" dlfi^t rlt1ootr,lrtu qucuor we tcttevo-tlc guoa r, svr,r rhe .hnxri trl'ffiffijffi::Hffi l-riijf*ll o*boo-"t r, !o,-^ |tlr* 8rv€ n, tr. *--*:TLiY ucq E !v uEtu no*, thr'r to - "taCy fi, | ff:f.8tr-"-ffi;;i:iffi I ffiiilffi,.r ilI;ff ffi I :"J. ll :-13. -*;-; 'qvthrra rh@r|@uvu@lsq.".{'..-.* . ":i [email protected],'x. E'v o*o"1'o.o-ffi|,.if,-D;"ifr]iffi15-XHl-*-"y^-1*,:,*l*SYjT?,y.*ii"flH:l:*-".9*-H-glP:l'.I nru., ot do.i I ar't |.Il rbdr I .r.t I ".,{ .o'D'kt Eort !ro' brm' rad dru .ohorr, ltrilrt llorlti dyo ltbt to !ro! baor.o I hrvo larrsd --i -r.l""ty, ;a lu. . ITJ::9-T pnro*P-T?S-T::=:: totrurt tb.lrnl ltrjil.:.:"-tr"'^'":'""';" L'v', G vhrt? a.B.$. Ithrttrihsl:.'1^P f-".lfP--' hrd lrto!ot -T.P. urth€ n .t ,rrtrly tr.rt rlthol| i'ao Dor I!e.lrnd ,ul ono lorE rnno--i;- otlo".h-i lv.:.tac nSooth,D'ilc r !umr, nrd. tho l A!.t{6'rltlot .tlyihbg rbort volka [email protected] _.-_,_ ._ bltr,-. or r'fllotno!. rD€dG'Il66 |lEodat - lAttbul ! bdr i F [email protected]. But tho strydt @t.dsi h I ^.i-*;;;cr rhs -*j;- :Y"" r"-ra," .;q""i r i-iiit r.' .- tnrt ortu nrut and tr !;ii?npii'"6;; I | ;#;d. ;;*"ffi;il;r!., h, oornudu.Jddg;ot rr. lor t- t-, rt$ tr.lY-"]jT-Ymrssovs, Ery tj t.Lo rulltcumto rl||F. o gq.- u_,1 "r-v*re{l' rurrr.iri'.ooo|!pn|hr"e @taru4s ''"ir4t rsmgr|.dqa"rt t[tL, th.gr.lrtc|toh.do{hf,t,.,ld.---. --,,.- l!.n cprleo.'ot*;;-,..'-;;;;;;; tho!|ruL ol o!!; l1*-Ir.rt\r-" -Y,'qgf--' -- ltr ffi"*"#i.H#ffilr,r*rox;-:X,m*#l{:,ffih"#-r*j_luilfil#ff:fr{#ffii,#filtr1&yxfr-?i#nT.: rlffi m:r'*,ffi 'n*n ffi d,{,^-;1|*ffi '#l#;g; ;:*#-l:rffi lffi"tift.:ff'##*Hffi :&TS"{tr|ffiXroffi_ffiffi lffi:T+rfoBff lffi .#lffiHdli*#F:ffi *""".:'.'l*ilffi,fiffilffi,f#;iHTffiffi_#dr#ffi d*il-:-+**^:rg-*^g*:g:I'i'#,".*".0 ;-dilffi;:"-,LE#;;f,i1ffiffi;T"#;,."ffi.trii1:.1y.,*^*l.orrr."*,Ullr*.lTrlr*:r.s.ffi"dl*mi rl.t v.r rh. tb!!D|!s mgi,y."y:tth€.trn! .rd srrq bur tt.lioor6liac,.@rt ,r}otdeti.!|.: rusaEMmsss6o"" NrDd Dau6m.*U",,u !...ree..tvdurr,iioT#,i.iilii-l"iil:Ii.-Hg*g:.1\l:j:l*l'":P.#:li*if.P"i?.*,"H'l:*Y*T'3f:.13"'T-m*j:lru.wEr | u ErvEE! url".rer 'tho{tentolhaold}llotE.u.rd plotth.E !!d6t,eo,lt-Irtt&upibrtlto" tbrt ntdrGrgs was 'srv{/itidc.oid,.nd to pts..*tll?9If'llT Lttht|ro- -'tWi-""aartraa .'rrDap€'"r€r,r,torrsath","".Fc6,crllvll';;*;d;;:;llg,"!:lH^TITf_--93_i-:lH:" lthu ,Y-:"g:".Y,'.,?gll*f--F#:-"9:.*;g-g ffi *fl Hffi ?Htrlffi rtr#;-;#ffi lffi ttr6 #frd'v ffi or 'tr!l'E&!*.i&ry;l;:y**"r'vo":r''{od-*|fl".il#frff "'t m*! #:[E'1"#HHl#trffiTfld{?Jlffi'#*rtr'l'';ffFiffil.mnan*,sm*.1**#:q " rhlohrhtoh tllorcro hlrtlthtrtlr cldltrDL .Drlrnd lh.a&luuar ofot oor God. ItL .rld tbrtl:l*.ttrtl9loe- * lbdr ot othslohnh.;,vhohrvo rlth- I r$tt attPonta-ch4lnq, .[dt€d fooret-rDDlNr4 wo h6td lJ6!! to.& dt hftEld.. rna lce|r.16 rE.l,J!|t to th. drhodory or ir€ arodrtlm |} lott dorrd.-. olt cod prontra to 1119-4IY-T,*1--_".:" -Y_: lErIyorth. E@bE , blt r..4oi lr?th tlnd, ud'rs E to t"fi;fr;fib.;ffi';l;.r..u th.il;-.;;?i[ti lp-ro. tr- I .dryqq b PYly.*'p.p* *r urG'-t iill.se ort iiu ri*--oi; fi rocasa xtrrlmr b. Gou.ot rb rdd.i. Urrm llqrrrr ro rcria I riorarr. Eor to ta-1toe. oot ra. | !*.!Tm.: .l .l- . t!!* low I rtsht rd tbxil'.ii rc rrc uoorratg. I d tnn .roh D; " t- Aq i u|t th. b.dr d tb. r.p.st r.r lhrt l!d or ddhc., .!d tirn tt t seort lror lttti*P 11 lDldrt T. ilt dlhtt gu6d! to tb,ltorrl6hrSr l! Dy dldrroh Ir t DV |.v.rrt Eb.n oloi erroo.a"" luoounr. Wh; oEE -"T- Fo!.tV rEtgsE'hot!'. r-r,$, bl.L: lI Ttlr..yTrrr..y yoryotl Dly.rp.oiD$f.rD.ot nrnnru r.d$r-r.d$r_ .cv.rrt n tliftr |.|odrtio! ll.oourt, wh.. ddr-,ddhsr oE4 ;bellolgtD9atho l:-:maYlro l1'r*'J.urs-E lxrrlEolm.r.lXs'Eoocr. lr anrolt Ls th. F.rtEurtou. v6[- l@.. r.Er, Dd|tror dryr raa wcry.ll tl6-Ecj-trqgttrtq r|l Ar.wd,:lso" Yourt rlusvuoDa.lnmh ioE 3h oh!tg!. Alt-dy tl b. thc Arsr.lr fcdoorra. rna lrettlco ntcht . tor!-t! o yoottcii lm tPT Tffi' wq$ na6.r!:lB.lms to Do ohtl!!4 but ror .ter l|otw.l d th. dslgs th6.{orDt i rnil Irnb you!611. .r4.d, tL rr0fEmt. th.tttoth.t tro olot lt nubgr.Eqbst. }!otnor. nor-Ro!- loht|ilo(.dlot,lohtldo( lortor. .[itlcrdrs.[d l..trhr-a-i t\rtLv ov;ovr lP!Tr-!'lg"F:- Y-*.* Oho! Oel l.!$cr!.d ..U .!d r[othas$u.6r;; or rlon ltslcr,Doc .|lal rd!.!! v"*1.'.T.,l1T lr^Trj:-a :9e:I bmt l'o th..!ur{h It rh" wtu t L.lThc Dehc! &. !or b6shdrs to ;;h.d-!rt-h;.e-l"rb,-*d;;;l;"y;;tbr"j;;""t"h.d;td;[email protected][ttorth.Udldlyou,urrhrrpourcorrr;;b;;ilp!..tturorrrn.,v.v.irar,er, o|.cl, A*', i'rg. tr' r88t. rhrt ..vd.ly odttd|.d it vhro[ by I o,Do to $o6[v. you. Eor 116 it l. | :!u :E-98^ry,TBT1j ,.lP | *b"- .rd trtorq .o. *pa_ ___lttr ua. I h._;;hil;. ft_fi;_'-; l;;;;i&,,;_;;; J_"tr*. _rf,|F__!9ccwourdtusrsr drv+|rorrh,nnbd!. *ao'u im,*. on tL! ------ffi, lTr.seg|\v, ir-qdt . dlftrodt lor.hrd I€yd|lb bro'' s"* lf9 -'-Y"i T-4" "' I c-*.*,-v*'" rrqutd.nS.nr rura todo .DdDrr"tdrr*,*r..1..*'roiHii'.ii.T.iullt*Tr,ill.:}**t*---j-tP,^ jg-:":,i"--'Tjl .,- H;""-111:-_,- a_r__- rurosdrs to rbr'"s", ftr &r oru F;ili;""m-**nl*|ffi*#i*n:Hk#,*iitlfh1fiffi#ffiF,3"1"i1##'-*$iffiil:;ldilffiffs";S,frS#i"g3,",oE- t'##:Js.ffiHritil*pF;il"sn1#*,.yilFiqi.ff$ffi:{i*il!1ffi."#'}HfiE':i{ir1!l##,kiHil,flf"*:rul-'"u md' tHtrffi.rrdorr.,'. ^'-*****ll;ffiiiJ#*1"#-ff,f,J#1*-ry9+y-gry** r*'-"1::'l:*il,HHlil;;rf;"p.p",r;n.;i;"rt;th.louh;",rq".-_+-j.-'--'-'rr!uryvout!. T,b:l*:-r-d^qt"'d-u-t;'il;;;1;5""-fl'. "'7o'! ru roffiFffififfi[ u6br! lL.rdrrtsDo' ar€d. ror. [... Br +rl;;.:1---i'#;"-';-.;,_;;l;;:: il'.:';.;j:;,-.*;="1 n.Eplrros, p$rot. d€nd th*mhoo, b. o,o,€d eo!rri,-!"'o'I{"frj{:'{"re4,l**qmXflmn"tll-"--"-'*i#*t"*f#l '-*. *';*.lTff;lL, *, ffi l l ffir":"s#.##ftli ff.+H-{1uruffiffi*-S:tl'*-Y:l ffif,m.:f-+*il+,'ffi l ,rTffi H{-r,ff; - - lJrif,Jil--"ii'i1Tn',il-,i#il*tcryr4*ry11ry1:."*lf ll:tl"gqgqea'g"ter'.,;l*r-"---fE*b3!'.:-"--'l1ll-It ..H"T;*T'f&"*;T;ldrffi:"#i*r":i**jlm."##:","* "ffitri fl trl#"g.::"f":&'tr?f,tr,%ii:lm;Hffi#ffii:,Htrs r lthth'abto' l;i;iilT';;;;".Ti"jlil"i-ilEr-1.:f:'-T-1'g;-ipfry:lt1gyl-:9111-'51qt*t"*1*::I3aJP-::"S-'*-^IIg-.'ob,l.otb;rire, or tt! Et'rd ;; lro[€||€o, ur!|ourt' Eotuotr', uF rr" 6i'ffim li;rfr fi #*ffiff'dflrTi ;;* .Dot l@EDr,!cpo!.€dm .nqJ Y recss'-" "-""to;Ir._'rot .,qyro.torlo"'rco"..*r"-,1.-,dfi.Tiii;;;"roi:i;11--Tygj:1'*-%:5"c-T.grl-**Y*,*-:::fTtg,-lj*:l*'d*"-"-'--;::Jloquauty. Ittrresprctfultyeubmlttedrlblyuponhlsxv,lrhrrtt d'lbv[lorlt| o-h&rsotsr.t Ee.dovoted PBtaiDI'(o ar'D!!. the;trd"ii;-;;tilfiffi:i: grand Jmy havlng adJourned.-lmfghtygood l;uAfrdfr;;; to knowwehFYoL #;i#;t;i; l:g-':1*,':'.-'!p-E.L^d .Lar^ .'aa L-^*rrc L*lLr*-^rr -r^--^4htr.t . F3ilvot.d | _ lwoodrln(burb,ykr.n. -'fu-,"-i ^-sc 1".t-"aiiii-Gai,"iG;r"rdl$::y.i:i$-:ii"-Yf:-T'Jl$g::g1-1*_"o-ry.ry:lhrlp.r trth. rrothodr.t ot-nrot" whlor whoo r-'y'"'Yfy hr orlod fE ooricib!- f;;;; ;;;; __d"d li.# iJio-til_rl,YyLjlll1fxah.howo't ooEtba|'l l - ot tbrrltDs r|rd ttltlrg byo[tll"l"ll-,: hd'om rbolt tlth lnbu.rsurEuus lar-r |ndruo l60o1Indt erltlqs!6rrhrdg! xbdof!.rErqlrFuLdofl.t E qnrF Ort,iiir,IJ thar to6.uo"yilii,'";l Li_iioure b.;.tr*T bL- llt".lum * tu,ii*-."i-.aa"* iy'-,lp-tu". : ::*-*lbd'94-b-:Poh?- Eplt'opd tode!,'ru !rdt, Gmr !;.rfi;;; d;;" d ah.|!Y, -d lF6rt Td c'rrp'nrctrgt, oom ar rhdrh.r t t!tn. $b.o ooh,rlltt "T:l dow['oEIXi[dl vo'k.I"-!r Fltdv ptcdg.i ;;,f;-;;:;'';;i"l''iT"'|&.ro' rortberholrd *l:Hf;:T'1"ii,ffifr"tr*iliTl9'9.15"-v11-*:'f*-mll*:'f*:*i51;.g.id;l;trffffi;'trrTfi#i'uT;' A""gil;.*"h"d lfu;-.irh |P.lldt". a Hg-:19-11]lftf-:I':1!.Ylg!! -o{ r- tai io neet |!- i*'.:"i-ff ''rt |ilil;;;;;d": n'.*;J;-irl*"^9,..T51r-T*:d_"^lT-P_ltll:y'gh!l-j:T-1"g1"$!:qlrrcltroo$c tiroogrout triomeouon P.qd--t r" r.d;dll,1b-tr.:^Y*^:*:ttr-^TT[o:YYllliy,-:l w.rtrds- E S.T. A.esootauon; T*9r'hrs addregsT.th.T."bT| ruesday l;."y;;;;d @--@ -T-dI:':- Y.9.1d..P'lu! oEpoddorldrsposrtron Aroot ir hrn ur rddts$ r'8..&y l]ffiil;;;sd;"il.drbtv ertr. r$"yu"'d* €tthe ;.-k;-;;o$6ked or l:ilt_"-d_9j.':yl^11":^_cl::1i',^^T-1i:l6ua :-_I l*ly$l'_l9--Y:* T1",1pt.:.'ndP_r"1-P,"r IW a.rpM6. "lrn""rcr D.d, rerva.u*ollrr.hobo'!€.rdh- *g!-:9jg*.1{ l:1Tff1b""d. it w- . rylfff*:?r#T-T:"::lH*:l::.Hj5-Tli.-'"-T"1Y.tu3t1-llh6 r!ov.l. {toE pE dfod .bDd- ra;oDtrEroE lt|.,?podag' r p"n".li'J'iiroei;;i;- rb"br""c . l.€u. h:.::::bbglqlygll lt r"i.i ir, o"t br.d[cuo[.-[ArlN![B€i'6[.Irbout$Drt4NdfotthE.;.ct'.96|Ddn..!:..'-'-.|.EiEPr.E0u.Dr'owEoo[vrotnoUrDord|95lrrrearnmttcx.oi.l8iul..loh"i-ii*6,,iL".;-i rho .ar&.'E' u'rroDi'! r"""tl",iiri-liip:,--i-h;'l-;n$l,Jg::hflyT::*Y:t'-:31:_:]91'-Y-",b.3""q' t e""*; l.riiara-, J **- ri-'"-t r.o."a t wui -s"r qrdtror r@ dtL@ lou.lv 6do!'i.dtocvoy -r'."-"ao.t i""&i.ii*e-d,,"- "E*d -: D"!dn;;;d*: li*t-..iifir "iifrffi1iffri*'{lg'--.Yt-.:993.-^"F:"il*}1-1149':1j:-1t9t999.r.."*ll1illi'-iw-';;;;dfi;o""*d.""i,""*L ",li lt:1- -_tt|l l3"6JJ.- ;;;;;'"di;.;d;?li6ni."*-'"ir"g""ri:'"h;ec;lffi;'ffi: *-liih*"ii*l-a";i;;;;t!ry:y'',t-Y-"*1*t'::'^.Tll]il-lbg1v--:Y-lt...ai' t1li"i'ir-.ii.iriii,il?rffr"ilu"'".c F-:.ffi'r"s"*:l5"**R.tr*tr'*'*'sSjl#ffirts$H:*$Sill#ff"#{{:ffi.F!$lq-,mffi;-*tu*"l;; ffi ig#trtr*1H,".t'$k-"rtrtr"rrffi lffi ffi RPffi "}Hiffii::i;l*F"Hlffi ffi.ffi itrp ;xu ihffi#u'":d#".,m'f-+*H*S[*ll##:i'l;,'i*{iffi [i#,#F-ffi f 'hTi*Iffiffi fl#,ffi;l ##-Htr"'jlJr""3,Hbisl:*_lffi.si#,{''k1;""rqqpry_1.,1igsslF^Hti4E1i-:"}T[;[ff""#[1tr#;s,ffiT,""xlffij- ----Ea:f";"e-. r*ort3, v6 rlo tbo worl'lb. rp!|othdrwor wby vho& !! r!!',vo to lqttrto.liii -.. l.trr o@!o[!rv. Ih;l& 'ls€ il,hs!€ lrrlha a;;; - -*Li TEE ARKANSAS METEODIST. 5

Murfreesboro ct, (camp-meetlng at Eackett City ct, at Mt Olive, 7, 8 ARKANSAS METIIODIST Saline,) October, 2, 7. Parlsanrl Roseville, at Paris, 14, 16 Saline circult, (camp-meetlng at BetJr- Local preachers mnst report as requlred gATIIRDAY, BEPT.EUBIIR 6, 1885. el) 9, 14. in the Disclpline. OAHM BROTIIERS & 00,, PaIInq sfugulf, 17, 18. A,EA.FU:REEID, Cove mlssion, 20, 21. WHTTN BIYDB COITtr'EBENCE. Eilea,d.qr:la/rters for 26. Chopel ElU, 24, Ngwlrort Dlsdot--n'ourth RouDal' At the rosldenos of Eoh. Ild. S. Lockesburg ctr 81, Novembor 1. M, M, gtnlthr Pr St Oa,rllree, June 1, 18t6, bY Bev. A. B. Rlchmond antl Roclv Oomfort, 7, 8. Imboilen ct, Beptember-Li1, 13. tsl,aokwood, Capt Sr E. Dent to Mlss Little Rlver Gt, 10, 11. B. f. Avery anil Son's Plows, Htll ct, 19,20. Blanohe I!. Banoroft; all of Augurta' Fulton clrcult, 16,15. Walnut ct 26, 27, Ark. Mlnoral Sprtnge at, zLr22. Pocabontas r Elloamct, Oct. 8, 4. Berr5z Wilkenonts, fatJrer of Mftlway,26,n6. At I&. 'Washlngton,28, Pleasent Eill ct, 10, 11. bY 20. the,,brlde, Jone 10, 1886, Rev.A.S. Corntng pt, 17, 18. -_a.IfiD- to tslaokwood, Mr. V. W..Wlllltms Smlthvllls oncl Powhatan at'a, 2l' W. !flss Mlnnle TYllkersonl allof Augus- Phe Blufr Dlstrlot.-'troErtlr Boud|. if.E. Blg8iln' P.E.--P, o{ PlnoBluf. Nowport sta, 81, November 1. BanilolBh Combinef, ts, Atk. Jacksouport 7, 8. Toletle, September 6, 6. ot, Bitlge ct, 14, 16. AttheMethodlgt ohuroh in DeWttt' Flat Bayou, 12, 13. lYalnut May 6, 1886, by Rev. Ba,scom Monk' Pleasant Yaltey ctr 2l,22. '!V'. Arkansas Post, 19r 20. Harrow and Cultivator. Mr. O. Mennard to Mlss A. I'. De'Wltt, October 3, 4 Oil Trough ct, 8, S. Thompson; allof Ara,ansas @., Arh. Calamlner mles., December 61 6. Old Rlver, 10, 11. r ! At the bridets father's, Mr. Wllllau Auburn, at Eawleyts, 17, 18. 3lo & 312 Front Streetn - il|EMPHISTTENII. Batosvlllo Dlst#lct--I'orrth B,ourd. Stlllwell, May7, 1886, by Rev. Bascon trlow Ettinburg, fuL,, 26 . E, M. Granailo, P. E. Ltr o Monk, Mr. l. V. John.on to Mlss fl. A. Sherfulan, 81, Novembor 1. F Melbourne ct, at Fonest Chapel, Sep- B Sttllwoll; all of Arkansas Co, Arts. Leb,l, 7,8. F tember 13, 14. 6 Pfure Blufr mles, 14, 16. o^ ?r At tho resldenoe of tJre brlderg Bethesda Flat Rook" 19, Plne Bluff Stadon, 21, 22. ct, at 20. { other, near Rlson, Ark., Juno 8, Ash Flat ct, at Aeh I'latr?{3r27. s o< ts 4885, by E. L. Beard, Mr.Ja,s.E. F$a D Rsv. Evenlng Shatle ct, at $axville, Oeto- Ll$ 5 gF Waters of Plne Bluff, to Mlss lrul,e (\b o Llttlo Rook DlstFlot.---I'ourth Bounat. ber 3,4. BF l- K,ondall of Clevetqnd Oo. ropo, 3$1 % @= o O. O. Goiltlenr f. xi. Salem ct, at lrTew 10, 11. sh o On the 21st ol Juuo, ln the ohapelof Iuka ct, at \fl'ayland, 14, 16. BF tr Elckory Plains, September 5, 6. F F Q,ultma,n oollege, by Rev. ll. E. Bab- Des Aro, 12, 13. Ylola ct, at New Pro,pect, 17, 18. E:B cockr Dr. Eamilton to Mrs. Wiltle Mqmmofr Spring ct, at Mammoth s d5rFH rl! z Collegevllle, 19' 20. sHi s otr Weeks; both- of Qultman, Ark. Flrst Churchr26t27. 31, Nov. 1. (\sl .B o Newburg ct, at Flat Rook, 7,8. p lE At the resldcnoe of the brldets father Whlte Blver, October 8, 4. z.'. Bulphur Rook ot, 14, 16. {n. Eoward Co., Atk., June 14, 1886, Bcnton Clrcuit,10,11. H$ F ts Jamestown atr2lr22. s Hgg &y Bev. J. M. G. Douglaer, Mr. J. F. G$alloway, U, 18. BatesYllle eta, 28r 20. E Harrison to Mlss M. T. Arnold. Monmello, 24;26. E BEa Lfb€rty antl Pleasant Gmvo 27r 28, $ tr At the resldence ol the brldets noth- 5tri E&Zen, 31, ancl NoYember 1. EoloDe Dtsdot-Fourth Boundl: or, in the town ol Suga,rloaf Bprlnge, ' it. ![. ()16r&, P. E. b F Carlfule 71 8. s ETH Jube 10, 1886, by Rev. W.Arnold, Mr. Mqrlnnna q{. ts Ausdn ot, 10, 11. Sta, September 6, 6. RFss P60 Eenry Patlson of Mt. Yernon, to Mlss Bentoq StsdoDr 14, 16. LaGrange ct, lt,13. s, .Fg fruoy Johnson. Forrest Ctty sta, 97,28. $R; Fa Lonot'en 21, 22. l,8. BF ts o FortestClty October 17, . June 25, 1885, at the parsonage ln Sprtng Str'eet antl CttyMleslon, 28, 29. cl, 18. 8oF Fp o Sprl-ug Creek otr 24, 26. o Waehington, Arkansas, by Rov.J. R. 3EF N FE 0 Mlsg Eelena sta, Novenber 1, ,oz TI ts Sanders, Mr. Iree Sdles and Eillen ANT,TNSAS CONTDBENC'D. "2. Brtnklen Claxsnclon and Eolly Groye, F ts iBrown, both of Ionoke Co., Ark. ID&rilaroUo tDtstrtct--Foutth Boun.t. $B€ s ba Wn. D. Mattlrewg. Prcstalla8 Eldos. statlon, Nov 7r'fl. s' gs r ts 'Wleatley ct, t4r16, s|r .I Danvtllo olroult, A'ugust 22, 28. MEETIi{GS, De Ylew ctr 21-r 22. (:s 90 o QUARTEnLY Da,rtlanelle station, 29r 80. r Cypress Rtilge ot, 28, 20 N r H Oaklaud mlsslon, Sept. 5r 6. EHF s z9 LrTTr,n BOCX CONBDB,DNCE. Marvel ot, Decembor 6, 6. 6 F Dover clrcult, 12r 19. "5( @a CamderDlstrlct-X'ourthBotld.' Perryvtlle olrcultr 19, 20. . J. af. al€nltlns' P. It. Long Creeknlss.r 22. a Eampton circqit, at Eampton, Scp- tonoiboro DlstrlotF-X'otrrth BoDrd. Hg n Opelo mlsslon 28, 27. 6ember5,6. t S. Ir. Ooohra,n, P. E. The ilomertlc department ancl tho health of tbe puplls are under thecare of thr Chtohalah mleslon, October 8, 4. Ca,mden sta, 12,81. WtttsburE ct, Septembor 6, 0. Larly Prlnoipal, and a Matron of forty year&'b4p-ertenee. Elgh eoholarshlp. W'alnut f,ree clrcult, lQ 11. qoral and phystcal culture, and rehglorrs development, are the alms of the sohool. Carnclen ct, at Ten Sprtogs, 19, 20. Earrtsburg ct, 12, 18. Atktna olrcult, 17, 18. Send for e cstaloque. Fall term beqlns Sept. 3d. Magnolta sta, 961 27. Gatnesvillo ct, 19, 20. clroult, 24, 26, _ Rnrsnusors-ir. A. R. W'lnfleldl.-Ltttli Rock; Rov. I[. B. Flzer, Forrest Ouacbtta ct, at Xlbenezer, Oct. 8,4. Gravelly Eill Jonosboro ctr26127, Clty; Rey. p. $. Sllllnmn, Arkarlelphla. Darclanelle ctrcutl 81, llovember 1. I,ewievtUe ct, at Lewlwllle, 10, 11. Greensboro ct, October 3r4. Bover clroul-t, 7t 8. Earmony Grove mlssr etFancdna, 17, Boydsvlllo cb,10, 11. R. L. COBB. T.EABT.IIAIS s8. Pralrle Ylew clrcult, 14, 16. $ronza mlss, 17, 18. Falconct, Jufy 84,26. Bussellvllle stationr 21r 22. LtAngulle mlss, 24,26. R. L. COBB & Co., Carolina. June 25, 26. Osceola ct, Bl, November 1. AA e, ra. r:L fa, c t rL r e r s' A gjente Atlanta ct, 41, November 1. teltvllle Dlsdo6---4th nould.-Peftlal Ohtokasawba ctr 7, 8. AIID DEAIJERS IN AT'IJ KINDg OX' ,Laptle ctr 7, O. T. !tr. O. Btrmbghau' P. E. Marlon ct, 14, 16. Bufralo Island ct, 21,22. Bright $tar ot, 14, 16. Yellvllle, at Camp Groundr Eept 61 6. EllDoraclo, 21, 22. Lake Ctty mlss, 28, 29. Mountaln Eome, atBlg Pontl. 12, 18 tlaylorts IR fA,GE:[IIiifElFB,Tf -trfagnolla ct,28r29. Big Flat clrcult, at BlgFlatr 19r20 Creek ot, Deeember 6, 6. Lead Elll, at CamP Glmund.' 28, 27, Southwostern Founilry and Machino shop. Montlcello Dletrlot--trourth Bound. Thoe. E. IFaro' P. ni. tr&yottovluo Dletrlot--X'o[rth Bound. I d Selma et, Eeptember 6. ilae. A. Anderson'P. Di. I t Hombur6l sta, 19. Clifty mission, August 22r23, 9i g ',Collins ct, 26. Center Polnt circult, 29' 30. Snalny Iulln[u, g€ Lacy ct, October 3. ; Bloomfleltl circuit, SePtember 6, 6. HE rb trfit Pleasant ct, 10. Bentonvllle clrcult, 8, 9. MALE AND FEMALE, dct dE Eamburg ct, 17. Goshen ciicult, 12r 13. ' OPENSSEPf$MBER1st"1886. Folly Gh'ove ct, 21.. F€ Maysvllle, mfus, 16, 17., X5 .iPaleedne circnit,31 Nlne nroEreselve teachers who keep eE Sprlngdale.ctrcult, 26, 29. abrea"t SttFthe sptrlt of the New Ettu-- 4t^ Elc Arkansas City sta, Novembor 7. Ullnote olrcult, October 10, 11. oation. TF [:nlaantl Lake Village ct, 14. tt Whlto Rlvernleslon 17, 18. Mllltora Trotlas Taught. tr!o:fi Bartholomew ct, 21. Soonsboro clrcuit, 94, 26. H$ 5 Monticello sta, 25. Prohibldon lsln full force ln Searcy. o Bentonville and Bogers, 31, Nov. 1. yards a Tfarren Wlthln 200 of the eelebrat6tl ct, 28. Pralrlo, Grovo clrcult, 7, 8. Whfte Sulphur Sprlngs. EE Fayettevllle st'adon, 14; 16. Sond for cot$logue. $ W. E.-'IEARP. -r, l.B Brentwood n168ion 21, 22. , hnotpal, Arkoalolpbla Dtsttrlct-iDourlh Bound. Searcy, Ark. Itr.D.UoKltrnon,P. S. Eot Sprtngect, Canp-MeeHng, Morn- Fort Bnlth Itletdot---Foufi,h Boudo. {ng StarrAugust 16, 16. tr[. E. BEtt. P. E. Clarkct, CampMeedng, Eolly Wootl Charleston, ot. Auguet 16, 16. 29, 30. Fort Smtth Statlon, 28, 24 Malvern sta, Septomber 6,6. MAOHII\HRY. Salem, August 27. Boclal Elll ct, at Antlooh 1.2, 13. Fourche ct, at Eolee,29r 30. Inaild,ttdon,to owr large Utme of EngC,mesrBafleme, Baut Arkadelphla sta , 1.g, 20. 'Walclron, Beptomber 2 Tulip ct, 26, 27. MdlAs, &c., u)a ltaoe'Jm STOCK, reatly for immediate shipment, Cauthron ct, at ElawCreek 6,6. Amit5rct, Octob€s3r 4. Wlnfleld 8 o* 11. MIIWERS, REAPERS AND llAy RAKES, Gurdonct,10r 'Waldron, I "ffi$ff8$3*1'* {adtlo ctr 17, 18. Also, Cane MJlk Tvaporators._Threshe_rs and Fans, antl Mills, PilotPra\e, 11 gr9 Colp Sltrsaf Princeton ct,2,4,r 26, (lins, I'oeders aud Condensers, Cotton antl Eay Preseeg. TFalclron ct at Pleosant Eill 12 13 Hot $prings ota, 30, and November 1. pr.mps,shaftingr_ Center Blutr, 16 The Bla,B,esleo stea.m Leathei antl Rubber Beltlng, pulloys, Malvernct, 7r8. lfprlng Et1l,26 Boxee and ilangers. Mt Iila ct, 14, 16. Fort Smtth ct, at Oak Bowerr26r27 BEINe SIIAIIE AGENTS FOB {ettar Glactes mlss, 21, 22. IrARengT IJINA OF If./|CEINEBY Webb Clty,29 GINIIINC, E$lrilrin. Or' ANY EOUSE IN TEE SOUTEERN STATES. Natlonal Sprtngs; at New Eope, Oc. and .Fhrpping everythfurg tn'bai loarl lots, we can give buyers tro\ antl itrE:R\4S than our competitors. fElR TRIC)E$S E_A.€!IEC} 'Weslrlngton tober 3, 4 I)tEtrlot--Bourth Round. Magazlne ot' at Llck Greek, 10, p. ll D. T. Ilolm€8, Ii. Boonevllle, 18 "Frescott sta, Septembex 6, 6. Boonevllle ct, at French Pralrle, 17,1S n0enter Point, (camp-meefing) ll, I Greenwood ct, at Glreenwood, 2,1,, 86 BAfiRA & BRTETffiT, Eopo, 19, 20. Witchervllls, 3L, November I Terarkana ctr24r27. Eaeket City November 6 E{i"ttle GB,o(elG., -A,r$.arrsta,sD. 6 tHE AR,KANSAS METEODIST.

ffiMN$t$ MnTH0$t$T. CIifAS- ttr- AEETTEIS & CO. (Successors to EBTDBToKS s ABnr.ng.) SaTURDAY, SXIPTEMBXTR 6, 1886. JWanwfaatwrers, ayod, Deale,rs in Fones Brothers, Llttle Eilelper€- PAINTS, OILS B W[!{DOW GLASS WEOIJESALE AIID RETAIL DSAI,IIRS IN tr. il. GBAIIAIID, Eilitor. E[-A'ffi&DTIyA,FBEI, Bltosvllle, Ark. $ash, Iloors anil Blinils, \M.AIJIJ PAPE]R, &'\^rI}rDO\^7' S=IAJDEISI Seprember. Iron, Nails, Cutlery, Axoso Hchre Frame$ Uoulding+ tElrrorq &G., &G. Eeptember, you'd be very nloe, t16 'luArN Srnsr - [LrTrI;E BOCK, A3K. Cooking and Hoating Stoves, But, always &8 rulo, Aprl4r'88-1y I Corty ln gtooh Thet when our fun the well-haown SeemsJust be€Fa, You take us baok to eohool. G+. Sl. E3E3A.(CIS., Ohelte! Oa,k, Bose Oitn El{a,bts trbre"nple of kayen TTEOI,ESAID & BETAII/ DEALDR IN andl Bio Gtaadle Oooking Stoves Inell thy Holsthrough tbts world of CROCKEBY, O[ASSWABE, v@; Avery & So$'Plors, Ollver GhlIIed plows, Bubber In all thy llls, aud thou hast tlls to anil I know, Lampe and Ghandellere. er Beltlng, Ice Cream lteezers and hetstgeratold Go to thy God,ln patlenoe for redress: Glo geven tlu,os, and eeob theproml EIND CErNA DTNNSB SETS, Our sto€k ts both Iarge antl complel,e; havlng a rosldont buyor ln NEW yOBKo lEO DteS8. - we are enabletl to cohpets wlth any market. But leavdtg Elm tho mode, the rlme, FrNE CErN+TaA SETS, the plaoe. 200 & 202MAn{ gmEET, - - . LITTI,ABOCK,ASK. To hear-thy froyerraad renedy thy . FINE CEINA CEAMBER SETS, s" ooflili;*dentot a qutck reolv. FANCY LIBRARY AND: STAND LAMPS, Eee r[Ilynay-delay qor&y it.lt,lu. buf,Eebut-EeDu[ tle oanit-dbny!o&n,E(lenvloanit-di Pray,tay. wait.wa_it, anda-nil wgtoh-thenwatoh-then watoh,wef,ch- a eENE4Ar. IJINE Or_ . pnd-walt, end pray, Ittuslnym And do lt aeyen tldes bh every dav: DECORATED-AltD CHINAWARE. Fsniln Instrtntn, The tull dellversros lE surelv-ai plinnef,. Althoug-h lt oones but a llttle 220 MLrN SEnnnn deo8,88tl STAUNTONT.VtRGtNtA. Iralrq: The bleaafuig ln gome elmple medlum rutE8. Fo-r_not by_ulraole, but by Ee&ns, Ee wdrks. -IW:.N.WTLKERSON & OO. Een Fledge. TIEOIIESAIJE Dnar,EBS IN A llttle Chl tn Ponnoylvanla who had ltstonsd to a temperanoe address for the flrgt tlme ln her llfe, w&E so Drugs, Medliciaes, Chenica,ls, G1ass, lnpreased and lnterested that she went home and, wrote out the lollow. lng rather novel pledge: .,I pronlse Glassware, Palnts, Olls, surglcal hsbuments, Trusses, Etc. not to drlnk jnrn, otr wlne, ot brandy, -.' or snohe, ot gweairr or clder elther.t, ./ Flne Tollet Boaps, Brushu, Conbs, Perftnory and Fanoy Tollet Arfloleo . Bhe elgned lt, and gotsoveral of her sept.2r'str-.]!ss6. of the t'nsr scsools ron youxc T,rprrs *_9pul.uNnrDuNrrsD 't'norough9og rN r'rs playnates to sign lt also. 'llYhat do srarms.I'TATES. Thorough tnln all tlepartments.departments. nuadlrge-;noBqildilgs and s"-"6u"oinqgsurrounrtinqs 3€4 \de,lr. Streett - \EE[16;5r5;trtg- bealtiful.. Cltmate and. Eome cg4foits unsurpassea. yoo thfdkof ft?.-.t*: -f iits;"di; ,il;iF- f*.; :"*'tlT;ngii'm:ift ,,';"mr,l ateBfi f:Ei,?iF+riiT.ttj:.{ii,r$,i""H,Ta-i;trfi -a TIre DlsobEdlent Boy. DR. JOII]I BULL'S ATHEI\I'S are sorgFl!_fg aqq-qiqs as teach:ers. Refers to over thousanat'nunils and. course. -yi"-r-irffitS.i1 I-dttlo Readers, want yoq Latiu. French. Germjn, Music, &o., for entite scioiaiir I to tura M o D' tember to Jude' $288" For to Doutoronomy xrd: rli"qJo tlu l8-tl-'iAd read; ""%W:+XfN"1gARRrs, D. D., presrdenr,. then wrlte me ln your odn words anal $mitr'sTonfu $rru lnn thoughtswhet ttsays and whatyou FOR THE OURE OF I Charterett 1&a. The properby of thlnk of tt. And Buppose the sa,ne law was observed FEvER and H now & days, what lg_u I il#',itrtr"'i'"'T,iriH"r#;,f; be !F- \Z- would the result ? The boy or g{rl 0r CHILLS and FEVEB, IF Y"'ryr*g3qtemter,rssor^Eeanhy ZT,AAAAtE\A"4A. Iil',' under fffteen years old who wrltee looatlon, beaudful grounds and commo- AtD AtI tlgEASES. I {EAIJIIR IN- me buildings. the best and uost oorreot letter 'ALARIAI :l::::^,_- ltltous Competear faculry, on that subJeot wlll got a gooC ttttte r"ff &ffi?f,"[:,H j#JSf,Xil1"S*l!;*u.*;:;;,#;id;;*;;;i: boots. ed[fueeveroferoittothbpuhltdfoltheBAFI, lObeaprates. Total expenees for flve wtTcm. c[00ffi, HND JDIIIDmT ffit DIAMONIil; + ses'ton, inoludlng boardl antl tut- 8ffiffi.Frprjrffiirirffiffirffii l'm.ontis Bolltl silver and sllver-Plated ware. Goldl pens, penolls and footh-plcks. .A.re we Growtng? er olsio* oiioaiotenotni. tiou' $90. further lnforuatlon ad- eoldo fe ie:6ii1i-tf,e I _For sllver and rvory-Eeadetl canes. opera, Fleld ancl ue-rrne gsdrowssteraaidsouthehoo-urEei;-btui i alress. Rnv. trI. G. \finrrevg, p1'sg. Gflaeses. spectacles_ I nnd Eye.Glasses. compasses. In the waru sprlng ttme IliE tsstuloBy to tbe buth of tihe areerdotr Thermometers. Gokl and sflverThtmblis, euc. t[at ta rO_oasg vtatgver slll it fsil to oure ll I T r rn nn n Oet 4-'84€m. everythtng wae growlug tnto llfo and beaut5r, I found a tender lltde plant m un unl ffi a IN $ T I T u Til, ffiP*ptr;1ffi#m.u$trHi'fs[ltoloat l0r o ouro, aail wholc femllieg I down tn our llttle oellan. The stalk hevcbeeaolleatvasiriiebo_ntl;]rl6;E;:l_0s0r I QgIlf\lE-ti!il. CENTRAL g6neral Riplgy, TenneSsee, was as slendei as a splre of grass, and feotrestoradon of the heiltl. liis. I lowovoa'pruceBBsldr!0v0ry0a50!I0ge-,0,0r_- Thts rnstt'ution, $0ILEG|ATE |NST|TUTE, on the top there were only two vory aiH';_'J;xil$i?3isty.:IHi:i"f fi1$..';|_F"r*,*.*sg""o;^3""b^?tr*1.*T;#ltl for both sexes, fu lo- IIAI,E AI{II IEMAI,E CCII,T,EGE, sm&ll leaves. I oould not tell what m,L',T?f,'f.l?H:fi 44.-ritrgE, Aql^s9{ll.rylterloutiohr6;l&-ffi4;r:-Me";i,rig;;point on tbu c., O. & s.'w. ktnd of a plaut lt was, beoaueo tt was beeaoheokeil,mo"r.roroiuri'olligfi::i3"Ti Ilneltgp6gq [:#ffi ft Quitman, Ark. FnANKLTN Corrtr[Tr, a.BKANSAS, so very So walted ffi ,ljrqffiiff#ff irTilF:#,{&ir$Hi-sam":#*tt'$"s;a llttle. I week aftor stilnotrequlr;d;"ti'66;pff;;'oiirii;tfl,#.l"'lil*P;aT"'f I in section noted-for its h-ealthfulnee6fffigi week to sso lt gtow lnto somethlng gogd,orileri"m;*l;&tl#imiffi lhoulilthepeti,eai.lovdibi-.re. land for the intelllgonceandgoocl"""f#-f""'H""x'"hffi morals Qpery^tlo 8th annual tern Soptonbor {Eltoa0stba,Ltomeillolne,efterbevtagtsLon of the communlty. Fa,eir-1t52: 4th,1884. pretty or usefirl, but lt dtd not grow t_,n!Er!lf.oErdoresotttreTodo,osilRlsalose I I Ad'ua'n'ta,ges:tz^.-^^n^^^^. REIV. S. E. BARCOCK. Prestd€mt. Thqrsday one blt. AII tho plantb ln the garden or-riiirr"diatltAEii'ret"'.r prra t And Professor of Montal and Moral antl Frltlay, stuctents wiU be and flower.yard grew, but thle baby- ttul be aufroloBa Use !o otho& | Over two hundrerl cholce volnmes Phllosophy. enamined and claeses 6rganlzett. grace the shelves ofthe Library: plaat reuatned a beby an ex- S._ all the flme. on. .to]iffiEE r.L'tf tensive &ssortment of Appar-afus fllls Mts U. A. Babcook, Latln and, ,. Sunday, 7th, at 11, a.m., the epsntns At l&st tt Juet qult llvlag and dded silTH's Tot{to tte tobleg of tJro Laboratoff; hglleh Ltterature. Sermon, by Bev. W. C. Parha,m.-A. Ifl sYnu4 M_eps antl- r. u.-A Lecture up, wlthout ever havlug but the two BUI.L'S Charts ornoment tho waUs. irlrrat ;ne;i Mrs. U. J. Eohler, Modera Ianguagee , or Sdrmon for thc SARSAPARILIA, ' and beneflt of the two organfuecl Llterarv So- Ieaveg-ao bloons, no frult, nothlng- rlcheet aud beet arrangeit Solenoe. tutl'g woB[ DESTRoYIF, hof. nlebury MnthernRdOg. cledee, and a Young-Mens' Chrlsdail As- poor Ilttle thlag, tt dled. Ifhat woe Tlra FoFutar I4TISEtTIAAS l:eyne. eocledon to be organlzert. icmGdl.! ot thc Drt MrE. W. Westss, Prtira,rv Denartment the natter all thts flme? I'll tell of sclontlflo speclmene and surlosldos- Mlgs Eel€n Padifett, ltublo. - A.d,uorutq,ges, idlolDrl 0n6f, 80 trrh St.r I.(|fttrmlt&tL Fosslls, Mlnor;nls. Goms. Ctfietals. you. The 1mr plant bod nollght, Ma. Iootednea,r the center rlne Invertebrates, eic.jall freatlv of the etets.' Elght o4pertenced, Chrlsfi Bn teacherg" aor heat, nor prus, fresh alr down ln put Drnong the hills of Clebunre oounty. ivlcle-awake in thetr places, and up TADAIE mounted anO label'od. and uo ti good wl0i, theoellrr. Jugt eo wlth our heastg large oa"oes glass Pure alr, water, qutet vUlige. thetlmes. wlth fionts. fre exfrseal ronoved tngq6ao6g; and soulsg lf we are shut out fron to the darly vlew of vleltord antl pirptle. ton corrupdng Boardlng accommodadon amplo andr mnle qf g@Or Jesus, the Sun of Rlghteouotrolo- FOY'S An adtlitlonal fgssfus1 btcfi q-usl- UPENSASPTB UOITTEi lflcatlone and hatnetl abtlti? -will A Sohool Butldlng. ln ms.ny r€E!€ctsa. ' eway fron the llght of hls word- prtmarxr depa,rtment g1 60 - OONSET strongthen the Faculty the rinsulns !u!!on !n -lntermldtete ,, equalto tho besttrfiie SoutJrwist. oway from the pure, heart,warntng year, which wlll Ueg!4 Aug. Bl, te86. - tru!flon tn t$.2 @ Locatlon most beautiful antl healthftI., atnosphere E. !_ul{on ln college dopa,rtnent $e OO no equal 14 tJre Stalo. Every schoob of the Sund,ay-sohool, the rf,D E. RZNDLE. A.'M.. Mudo, -hae ohuroh, the home altar, augS- Hnctpbl. common to tho bost colleges Are- taucht how oaa wo Useoflnsttprnent, - - OO n&ny Of here. It is a ce€ducadonal schoolr buh grow? IIow people have been Sklil Supporter, Boa,rd, with best Ianilles. laslsdlns notproperly a mixed one. ln th9 world foryea,rs and are yet oaly wasblng, llghts, &o., $10 (h. Glirls are aclmittecl tnto all classes where btg babies ln the way of reUg{ont boys are taught. They do not grow, have Stud.ents may elect their own stud,- Rev. W. C. Parham, an A. u.. of Wtl- no flowers or les,s, but lt ls al-together deslrable that frultg of love and good liam & Mary College, Ya., ta,kes the. works. We theyoonform to-the regular oollege school of Latin and- Gtreek, wtth the are exhorted In the Btble to ,rgrow ln oouiee,oouroe, and thus seourg ai follroU dtplo- English Language. xn&. Glerman knowledgo and ln tn the '1, ..--.r(i: and French. Drawlne and Sr&oe.,r ::j I fr'e pledge ourselves to tJre moral sPrlng'tlmE of Youth ls the time to irTCFr,.ll Paihtlng. will be teugbt by a nafive of. ; -f'! and lntelleotual' culture of studentE Switzerland-an excollent gentleman. beg{n thts growth. IJet us all have >-,J e il oommltted to our oare. Irhe mpnaAement of the sohool secur€$ feith ln God, and oonstanfly add to I thg best mor-al, mental and rellglous in- out falth, vlrtue, knowledge, temper- terest of pupils. ame, paflenoe, godltness, brotherly Man and Beastl Enponses klndness antl oharlty. Then we shall F**+*1#rr;, O :l*.-1rwixusl{ a,re li,qht, owtns to locadon. &c. Tutfiod from to g4,q).- . neltJrer be barren nor unfrnttful. Mustang Linimeat is older t$an $'1.60 ,,O, Muelo from $a.OO to $4.Oil. happy servant he, most Den, and used more.asd Roardlng 910,00 for soholasdo month". posture For Clrcular or Catalogue, In suoh a found, EOre every yea8. Address Ee ehall hts Iord wltb eee, Bev. I" L. BUR'ROW, ites. Aqd be wlth honororowned.rt Or, J. P. COr,lcMAI[, Secty. Altus, A!k. iulyl2,84'tf,* a


gEPTEMBER 1886. '\Mm,R. SATIIRDAY, 5, @.L. A. SrfrnK, Mooredc Co. W. L. FUNSTON'S Orrroo:-604 Mqh Sboot. BrsrDpilsog :-121 Ioulslana sheet. OBITUARIES. (EXCITUSilfSITY WEOL'DSAIJE. ) ilIarble Works. MnDtocr'-Laura V. Medlookt DR. D. J. PRATHER. New Goods 0penhg Itatty tlroughout the Tear. MONUMnI(IS, ESADSTONSS, of and M. Ir. Medlook' daughter C.4. Officc-ll2 T9'est Seveath street, nea,r '' COPINGS, eto. botn at Collegovllle' Ark.' Aug. was corner Floventh antl Matn. DRYSooDS, FUnT$ISmTGS, 22. 1887, and dled tur the s&rno GorwtrE' Bx tlealing direb you saveAgent s Beslalence-Corner Fifteon antl Arcb. get ntt5r, ,Aug. 8, 1886; aged 18 Yea'rs. Commiseions, and the best H0stEBY, it0Tt0Ns, wHtTE G00Ds, ETc, and cheapest work. the profersed rollglon andJolned the Sept. l8 '84'1y. Conarsrornmron S or,rorrno. M. I!. Churoh, South, when l0 Yeare Dr. f. !f. A4o4..lnoraL Entrance, E96 Main Steet, : : r Memphle, Tenn. old. Durlng the lagt ten nontJrs of lfDesigns s€nt on application" her earthly ptlgrlmage sho was lnd@d/ OrrrsFU2 West Seventh St, near Ornamenting Graves Maln. SEELLS for the ohlld of aflrotlon, belng prostra' InE ITABGEST NTABLIgoit*m of its ktud tr ttre Eouthern States. snd Gardens eto. teil nearly all the whll,e' and often BnsrD6rcr-8{n Cumberland Street. BUILDING DruENSI9I!S' 11^6 by 3-26_feet,. runnlng through from AIW(. oct 1l t841y. 605 Main St LITTLE BOCK, eufrerlng tbe most erorualatlng paln. Maln toSecond Streets. Ja,rl I t88-tf Yet sho wagnovorknown tonormut, DN. P. O. HOOPEN. DR. I. L. BBETSACIIEB. .oven ln her darkest and most terrlble hour of afltotton. Thln wrlter knew $t, tooPtB & lBfflatEEB, her well, and often vlelted her durlng A NEWENTERPRISE! hor long, last sloknoss aid oonversed Llttle Roots, ArL. AA=iltrE:fODISE freely wlth hor on the subJeot of re- OFFICtr-Aalame Bloc'k. cornor Matn and Markham Streets.' SoPL fA 84. Xigion. It was a real pleasure to talk colircEED{:. wlth her. Eer way was porfeotly DE- !l'- AA- E-111, =looKc. c. coDDEll & co., PRoP'Rs. olear, not & doubt ot fear. Bhe fslt ' ffiAsoll & HAMLlll wtth tho Psalmlet, "It ls good for rhe Operates for PUes or Eemo$holor, Fls- 6Oe !4sllr Street, Dtttle Roots, A.rts do be ofrloted." And wlth St. Paul, tuldln Ano, Illcor, Ffusure, and all dls. eases of theRectum. Guaranteeg a cure The onlv Southern Mothocltst look Concorn ln thol-Nashvllle, State. Carrv the mrbllca' "For our llght afllodon, whlohls but ln everv caee of Plles wlthout Dein or dons of tlie Southern Methodtst Publishlng Eouse, T6nn.; tt'e lo,tosr dor a nonent, worheth for ug a fa,r Etndra-nce from buslness. Names of hymtr anal tune ehurch and Buntlay-school song booke. AlsoSstantlarcl seourar puh porlodlcals, notiono, more eros€dlng and oternal welght partiescured furnlshed at office' corner oadons anil stadonery, etc. glory.,f A few ntghts previous to her Itrain antl Second, overEall & Matthewst, Llttle Rook. Ofrce hours (daily, exoept Good anal Close Prices. doath, tJre good Savlour gave her a I to 12 a, m., I to 4 p. m. Quality Sundays), Pronptattenffon glven all ordera. mar l!-84!t most wondertul blerslng, her oup ol Consultetlon freo. Patleats cen come joywasmade tooverflow. Sheolasped flomalmost any pert of the State' re- her hands and eruldngly exolalnaed, celve treatmen[ aud return sa'me day. .rOwhate beautlfulplaoel seel And Sept &-'84"1Y. ESTABIJSEEII I84t here my dear brother, (who ls llttle W.G. W.EATE-FESOBD, Ir. If. ESIES'tB' ,has beon ln heaven many yeare.) Eere he le t'r When her laet rtruggle Weatherford & Estes, C. L. BYBD 8a C0., came, ehe oolled up.her weoplng rela- tlves aod frlends, and gave thom her ATTORNEYS, blerslng and oxhorted then to neet 228 iletn St r . - - UDtrIPEISr TDNN. ,her in heaven. She then oq,rmty sDd Practlce ln the Oourte atMemphls antl J EW E LEIRS, beautlfully fell asleep ln Cbrigt The fun Eastern Arkans. 808T0ll,t64frenontst GHlcAoo,l4swllt|[&d oouutry aiound where dea,r Befer to tho Edtbors of tbls Paper. *hole thls 89ll lFotn Street, Cor. ffaillson, .f& IEW l0RK48 Esd t4tb 8L (Unlm &urrd good glrl llved and died., oxtend to the lffi. . uDm@ftit bereaved parents-ineir-offi -efi ffi STRONG, felteympathy. Eappylleurat May WAT IrAFG|-ESE SltrOOK, we all raoet thee ln thot brtght hea- ATTORilEY AT LAW. wtBs.fEB's ven ! fer ltfe long frlond, UNABBIDGDD. Assortnent ln theffiso at owest Prlces. In Shsop. Ru8shard fuhcy BlDdlrgr. JaMEs M. Cr.rNn. 6O COUBlI STBEET, IlBest i !t Naghvllle Chrlsilau Advooste ploase Our repalrlng and mauucaoturlng deparbments lUlemphio, Tenn. 'Watches were never as complete as now. €opy. or Jewelry sent-to lrs by express or mall, for repalrs, wlli tecelve as Dr. T. E. Murrellt prompt attentention as if left ln person. Wuss.-Fllster Mary L. Webb, 3zo West Markham Street, GOODS ,(nalden nane Coohran,) was born -.dlt!IHlJ:E! ROCE, A.'tg., SENT ON APPROVAL. Jan, 7, 18471 was happily marrled, to Praotloo Umtt€d to brother J. K. Itrebb, Oot 17, 1860; dled, Aug. 10, 1885, at hor home ln DhoaloE of tho tye, lu, trhoal aai l|ost, I:onotse Co., Ark.; aged 88 yeare, T Ofloehours-Oq.n. tolha.; 2 to 6 A[hEE mm G(DmEm, months, and 12 days. Thls wrlter, p.m. 41? M.rru Srnnrn, between 4l,h o Bocxr Anr- hor . pastor, recelved her lnto the 6th. Lrrrr.r DA. E. qBOSg. DB. O. WATKINE. theUnabrldesd lsuow soorlled. rt o snell a churoh oneyearstnoe. Shsembraced Oldest Jewelry nouse In the Gity. ditioid costr wtth IDEISIEoN'S I and enJoyed rellg{on. was a , PATEITT N,EEER,DITOD trXDDE. the cR0ss & wATKll{s, sTho Feat€st lnprovement lnbook"neldas tbrt SPECTACLES SPECIALTY. beeu y6qn r - devoted, ahrlgtlan. She loved and Office: Over Oghander & Eogants A las ciade ln e huailrsd worked ohuroh. was The Out gives butan tuoompleteftleaof tts u6llty. for the She hardwqro store, cornor!tratn antl Thtrd fdthftrf to the end. Bhe war ln overy AGEIN|r FOR, TED STANDAN,D. sheets. fi IllTlwcbsto!-lt hg t.lt,O0owotaL, 'respeot a good woman. Every ono 'W'est l|fSal qgoo En_gF&yr9!.!__rEd. !i6w Besiclences. Dr. Cross, 620 JOHN HOLIAND'S CEIEBBATEI} qho had the pleasure of her acqualnh GOTD PENS. Thtal streeti Dr. TV'atlidne, 41! Cum- .ahoe says she was good. .rA good Splendld Stock of Watc4es, Clo_ch, and Jewehy. Personal att€n- ruu$ffi$l$;flSffis berland streot. don paltl to naEo ls rather to be ohoseu thangreat Jan. 1, l88B-tf 'repalrs' ,cloheg.tt Sbe leaves a. devoted hus- BDsrffim'ffi#si#F band, two dear ohlldren, naany Webstor ls Sts,qda,rd Authorlty vlth thc U. l. and J0HN V. $PAIN0, ilI. ll. EEDr€me Oourt. Recomnsnaled by the Sbtc uelatives and dear frlends to Eourn gEi,t8 of Sofrggls ln 8O 8t,sl6sr alral by oy.r !O gr&ve. da lTose. ANT,HR, OollegoProsldente. O over hor But dear, weeping El5zen Ea,rn ltrlrroe,t SIIHIMAil & C[|., ..A I.IBRAn,Y nv xTgDLF.' frlends, we wlll see good Slster Webb 'OTFTOS O\r&B E. h. IIAYIOB & O0. lfho Iat€st edltlon" ln the quanflty of Esttor ll .agaln in that blessod mornlng of oontalns. lB belleved to be the lrigort vol'me the !q-1y PINEBLUF'F' ARK. pubushdL lt hqF Ao(XD Eoro Words h lts vo- &esurreotlon. .'E[&ve folth ln Godl,t iabulary than are found ln aoyother tm, Dlct'y. G@ffiEr@ffiffiAGm0ms rnd aerirly 3 ttmee the number of Elgravbgc. JAMES M. Cr.rrrs. lr tr tne rerii6Edffi DtorioDr,rt o:lrtsnt.-hndar qnrbrlt BsvirlrD. --Alil'D-- It ll an sver-proront cndr6lbblc rohool. EEBtsr to tha sbol€ g -E6"al4 t E[aYcooD.-IXed, on August 1, 1886, 0. & C. UEBBI U & EO. Pub'rr'"rn|r!'Fq 8prln5f,.ld' Mr.r. lEdlon Eaygood, daughtor of Brother Thomag C. Eaygood. Eer tather passed over tho rlver last sprlng as [umru$$ion ilItrulililt$, the bude were puttlng out, andnow !ffi. oomes the daughter of thegame dread 2[.4 Gravler street, Maln sheet. NEW ORLEANS, IJA. ST. lJOUlg, MO. .dleease, consunptlon. She was Just I sEteon yea,rs of age, and F&B & rDorn- ber of the M; E. Churoh, Bouth, ln NAPOLTON EILL, N. T'OI{TAINA. JIBoUtrl Ffr Ie Amity ohargo. The meekuess ond .reslgaadon shown tn thts young suf- forer, are suffioient evldenoeg of a F{INTATHE Gt|.. bxight expetlenoe of religlon, even lf ffiT[[, & 'she had been ellent on tbe subJeot. .tshe often expreseed her submieelon F. m, Vemm ffiottogg. ffiffi,etors to Godts wlll conoernl.ng her suffer- a $o , ings, and ln faoe of all that ab thtg IMPOBTEBS AND DEALERS I![ -AND_ delightful a,ge would, by mani strong temptatlons, lead to rebollion unrier Marblo anfl Gradte Monunents 'euoh dlsappolntment of earthly hopes by graoe she overcomlng was-as Comffifl$$flom fllorohmnfs she TOMBSToT{ES, STATUARY, &o. often oxpressed hersoU-wllllng to leave all and dio when God oatled g. S. Oot-ner Second. and ifefrerson Etreetgr aa€ Elorrth \6e,1a. Eltreet, lagqg ege Fro:e.t ettrest, ,her. She so expressod to me the last Neor CoErt Squar€, c stEtr. IjOE,1Eg. A6Q. | \E=!:!!ltrPEC!S,tFElirlir, {ime I vlsrted her, a few days before TI,rAMPHTS, IIENN. her death. Thus it ts in both the , 'TV'e make a speclaltyof flne and artls- aprtng and fue of youth, and thi faU tlc work, aud refer to the followinE o' -F6ts-'i!{-E' and lengthenlng sbadowe of old age, Monuments erected bv rre in Mt. HoIIF evEniTnJN c dEFD EN." tull of_ yaluable oEllusl allrstlond, contslnlDR thres colored Dlates. md embraolnc that religton onables ug to rellnqulsh Cemetery. at Little R-ock.' JudEe Wai- gvst':ttlhlng lst Bnd latc tr gc€da ud Plm-ts wiU be mi{fed o;i*elni ot Btsnn-s to coysr IFBtage (6 cs[t8r. To mtomrs ol lst BeaaoD sent Ir@ a,ll hold on earthly thirrgs wllltngly. kCns. JualEe Waeeel. Dr. Pevto"n. Mai. wltholteBpuBtio-n. Jno. D.-Adanrs, Gen. B. W. Green. IIENDERSON L. Cl. Jomrsou. Fones Bros., Mies Chrisman, Capt. J. E. FETER, dr G0.. Amlty, Arkansas. Eaney and others. ?6 &37 GORTLAflDT STREET. NEW YdRK.


PUBTISHEBS DDPABTMENT BATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1886. POPUNAfrB RHMSI}HH$. QTIII\I\ & GRAY, _TERMS_ HUCI{ES' CHILLTONIC. -DXIAIJIIR,S IN- (lno Year, ln advance, $1 60 8lr Monthe 'lo " '3 This tonic is a safe and oertain remedy for ohills aod fever. rt is prepared with great care, only the best material being used! antl the rapidly BATES OF ADYEBTISNO. increasing salee attesb that it ls one of the best ohill remeclies $tauln ailil Famy ilry $nuils, uade. Read the following testimonials. These are only few of I mo. 3&o. 6 mo. I yr. a cfthe Sl,aco mauy lettere we have reoeived. I Square I $8 60 | $7 00 $r0@ | $16 00 2&[uares 60011000 1600 26 00 Hosiery, | | .R.E._Gllover,Bandallr-Ark..wrltes: Out of the Eughesr Todc f 'iJtu".have sold Iraces, notions, S$quares | 80011l|00 1800 I 3000 sl'ee I have bebn selllng tt, not a raturJ nas- nee; (X) ' Ei;rv'.p-ded|"cure n*, X ooln*' | 16 00 I 26 86001 60 00 $ygn negeot sa,tisfaotio;n. I reco--endtt-;;rtail;-di;,nd"ufr"frfr. ror chllls a,nd fever. spaco, speclal oontraots *[%H"tr"1 Iradies Undergarments" .rtte wilh ploaeure r testtly to the rnpr:lts of Eughesr ronlo, as Yea,rly adverdssments payable qua.r- shllls a remedy for anfl fever. I recomrd_ end tt wnenCver -an-occoslon- rirecint..-;;ilf'"';i* torly fur aclYanos. case havo I known tt to fall, even ln the most ;bsdnate. (Sf;;iil*' All tr-unslont adverdsements must b€ J. E. Menrs, of Eudson & Marlisrtamhen, pald for at the dme of thelr heertlon. Ark. Millinery' and Fine Shoes. - TFhonthe number of ineertions is not rpeoffied. the advertisement wtU be in- oerttfv to the faot that s&rtCd until forbict, and charged for ac- F;i!3''Tlr""3lit""ffi r #f; ",'lyi"' J-AT I consirler tt better than oordlnsly. 6fu1: DN,ESSffi ![o c-oinnudcation will bo publlshed rnless the authorts na,me is known by P. w. Ivithere. Denut5r steriffJetrerson co., tihe edltor. _Ark., writes: r oan certalnly sav that lrug_hestToritc is_ tho test outii-remeot' r evei heartdf-mJ. o;;;d: r used All communlcadons for publicadon only a part rif a bottlo and used no oroubuslness, should be adireseed to euintne aof tt co"-ea Suinn & Gray, A.BKAttsag M&TEoDrgr. Messrg. 3O7 & 3O9 ifiain St TITTI-E J.4. Scull & Bro.,pino Bluf,_Ark., say: We encloge herewlth a ROGK ARK" feww teetlmonials ou Eughec''Tonlo So?ar as'oui knowleitol-=J*t"Ir1iJ"rtknowleclEe r,," SAM JONDBT Sormons and Saylnge; glven Eughec, extends. lthas mo'e qatlsfacttodttsan qny .oqperrer ctitttchill to"i"tonic we havo sdld. 'Ihe iicreaqe p&pef,, 50o ; oloth, $1; 26 por cent. off no in ,ur s:r-tes. both wholesale and ietail. is an indtcation tnat it i-i'g"fitgG pip: \ ZrLSOlq dz \XZE!E!E}, nlnlsters. C. C. Gooppx& Co. ularity daily. +- r Tbefuneral ol MIss Laura Y. Med- Paieley, Dobyville, n-riteg: 212 MAIN ST., - LITTLE ROCK, ARK- preeohod _,Yp, _Ar\. Igur Fughes'Tonic having been look wlll be at Halem Camp- Ip.hll_t^:loT4itflo-dd !o,-9r f ordered a shorttiT'e sinc-e, one Obzen boiii"*, .ooo rneedng, on the Collegeville olroult, sorq eyery DocElo. and 4?ye ye! to hear of a siugle instance of lts thiliirg to BOOKS AND STATIONERY. efect a speody in September, by hor llfe-long ftlend, our'e of chills ahd fevor" Ja,nesM. Cllne. E. J. Miss., you Wa,l,l, Paper, Sheet MusC,c, NotC,ons, .eta,, eta. l-radden'Damascus, writes:'ltfies. wilr please send mo another Dr. Sage'a Gbtd'rrh Romedy oures case of Hushes' Tonio. to It_ie astonlsdtng,to rapiOty increasing Toq.lt, l|te-iftffJ A; when evety othor sooallod romocly demantr'we ror .Eugb-es_' To'nic i lo .6ti- J,i6 toiu" ?f ft a much MARKETS, l}, FEMATE |NST|TUTE, larger sal6.. p-r-onouncl tt by far the besr medtctil;; i;riil;ffi4;fierfurit lM, falls. recommend rt to all those trotrb-led with ohills ancl fover. Correci:ed weeklyby E. D. Smtth & | Ta,cl=so:r., iEea.:r. Qo,r 622 Main - Btre-et.- | 'W'aarted, I pBoDuoE. R.-K,. (lreenless, Randall, Ark.,_wrltes: r certify pleasure I . wlth to the follow- The Forty-flrst Collegiate year A sltuatlon for a young lady as a mg tacts: No DresoriDtion over effeotecl more than a tedporary eupDression Qrea,mery Butte4, 26 to 30c. | .. - besine -I. of Dairy Butter, 20 September Tthr 1886, qrith teaoher as prlnolpal or asslstant ln a thE chllle on m-yeelf. to 26c. I addttidnai it- a r,.i:il a*er ,fr" ,".6fi#+"Til$P"{sHn:;"-," g*" ,i*n:*}is _fftrJ-_?;fiilPees-kete[ l2|crii"""p1f,ro" per r!oz. lb;fioiilsfu'dil.'.""ui!h;",ffi,,#["..I puiidingg andin.creaeed_advantages. ro*For publlo or prlvato sohool. Also a sltu- pJete uule. r#: Eggs-by tbe casc, 1.1c per doz. lfurther-inform&tion, address Prdf. G. C. affoir for a lady ag muslo teaoher.. hiba Poiatoes, 60 to 60c. per bu. I Jones, M.'A., or th6 Presideut. ,Tems re&son&ble. Charaotor and Oooking Appl'es, 80c per bu. I augz-ly A. tV. JolrFA. rt lg ailvisablo to uso Eughes' rdvsr pills beforo taking Frying Ghickens, g2.6010 3- per cloz. qualiffcotlonsgood. Roferences giv- Hughes, Tonlo. I on. Wrlto D., .A.rkanpas Methodlst -*,,-l'"tgxi"'"6s9' ;; I ofrce. Hughes' ""*Bulk meats-shoit clear DS 7% | l({//-///ffrfr/2V2/l/OtGrflifrIifffi-., Liver Pills. tW t''We 'IheseThese PillsPille are of a purely vegetaQ:e c_omposition, they do not expoie those gJ;ffi3"J*",'"f"*. Y,u *o,D-*" Y weremuohdtsappotnted at not rauu uss Ltrcur u., oange-r, -;! lsii\; jlf j"-g1g&nv g1:fff &^nu tqerf etrects aie&re asa s certain as tt*ythey are ;nsalu I - totrgueal ThoseH*:":.: n ?,"$kil €"cti ,#;.:"s"'.t*#."Tq;'lfl"r|f.c.ertdin Lafcl. tierce 73/ | havtng the tullto edltor of the 'ihili;fftroubled bt,r;ildd;.";id"A;ilT-1fi";1"ff wit6 con3tifation, s-irruuJatt"6t.,-s-ii.ri-ri"?oiliius5;*p. "-t.6: 3( 'half Roel Ark, establt-shett Diseases J$ttrg' tierce oPol Jan--le, Mprsoorcn or hls asgool- of the sktn, Yertigio, !os_r of appetite,-treiait etci,;t% *iii"h;d-jilfrdururu .. ,irt | l"t*" "q,BKANsAs letf by the u6e of a few doeeebr these pi'Ui. pricepric6 buckets 10 | *%.&i,etovtsi[ ats with us.,,-Cotrespondont Arkan: ne"per box25uo* zr-..t cents. i.- "u- cofton eLed ou per'lar ;ifi;ft.""-i"td:"111ffiftTff"?"Jrl"1Ht a,A.fr-cir- b-a-r-ii8."fi35if""#" (Fto?_ ^e-o | sas Mothodlgt. We havgtrcad of the fako these Pllls before ta,ldng the Tonlc. Flour, 6 O0perbibf. l- .'gllver- GBOCEBIES--IIY BOIIND ITOTS. "goldon morrthtt and the MITTEBSBUBG tonguott oratols, It ls reserved. for Cofee, lO to l4%c Hughes' Carminativo Oorilial. Sugal s/, to 8ftc Arkpnsas to ocltpse the ages by a lln- Molaeses-New 'e6 A remedv for Dla*hea. Orleans. io ZEfd- FEMALE COLLEGE" gual phenomenon-"& tullio-tongued choleralrorbus, cbolera rnfantum,- lyseutery, etc., Fl_ce, 6)/io 7t/ etoo.^^ Sreygrylf_ears-.exlerienceS_evefr,l years q|ll thir pi-eparaiion rn some ol lne mo,t Eevere qalt 6(rto gi15 Thls popular soboolforyoung ladtes editor.t, Eo ought to'tllok all crea' c4 e_s, hag proven _ $t it td be ono of the_ver!'r6si iemeclies in use fdr ;he irea ,rrent Corn Meal-per brt |tA 96 to % will be opened tdon.tr-[Btobnond Advocate. ofof_tnese distreFsing dlAea6eg; gonerally "crne $4 undor ondrely now _th'esedi6nesstngdleeasee; one _orJrtwo two aosesdoses efeitE-etrect a cure.ioi"-'' Cramncro-. urakers, 6V" togc gth, \Jutluoolio ||'ruand wlndvv IItu on-theou ure ausploos September IggE, wttb 0 s.tgmlcnDlom&cnSt-omq:ch p.{gp^{gafg ofrploftg!olrcn ituweorellevedrelleyed ry-aby a .i'sir ?i6gle 0i...*dooe. Traveilefri"";;ffifi Gtnger sna,pps, S'io 1216 Young or mlddloaged men suffer- should carry a bottle of the CordihlCordlh,l wlth themthem'to to pievent tfie hconvenie"t rplendld bulldings and outflt, mag- extaustingexhaugting irr,i uneese, 70 to 14t/" lng from nervons debtUty, losg of Dtarrhea occarlonerloecarlonerl bybv thotha frequentfi.eonent ohiangen of wateiand foo*- RJ Candy, l0 2G nlffoent oountry aud ollmate, faoul: tails at 26-cente per bottle. to a mqmory, premature old age, as tho C.oal-Oil, 06 to 65r unexoelled, and chargos reasonable, -Ejupron, 26o per gal.-o. result of bad hablts, ehould send 10 (*raln-oa[s, No lnsdtuH.on offers greater tnduoe- b0 to 66 ments parentsor cents ln stamps for lllustrated book MeA.llister's corn, shelled, 70c per bu to puplls. For oota. Ginger. logues, offerlng Eure rne&tra of ours. Address slmple remedy we preqare from-the best Jamalca , " ln ea,r 60o ber bu eto., address. Tll" GinEer alone. rte val- Eay-prlmeper Rev. CAD.ESMAN pOpE. TForldts Dlspensary Medical Assoola- uaDle propertres are so \veu known tl_rat a repetition of tEem here le useless. ton tO OO to fS OO tion, Buffalo, N. Y. Taken in small doses ir ie a gentte stimulant-and'tonio, airqgiug irsetTfuiiugn iu,i Mrllersburg, s_ystem. .ts u6e is iecommended Dry KentuokyPresldeut' - rhole in Dyspqisia, riafirtJ"ce, aiod-m"sq - The Prtdaly"t.. Eouse" Headache_, ete. rn all cases reguiring ite use *e cb"-ar^oniiy-recomlniila it*"q"or t,j l,ny- on thc markel we pul up iwo sizes, retaffng it zb an,I-Eo ceots per '?61Y, Thle house, formorly known as tho bottle. #r.ltlr,, IIIA$ilNfiT0N IND LnE Comnerolal Eotol, ls propared to ac- UH UNIyEBSITy, Lexinston, yu. commodate the haveltng publlo, ond Hughos' Liquiil I t Instruction i'r tbe ueual academiq alsoto lumish roons and good board Yormifuge. MflPTil flITT $DilIINIRY, studies and in the profeseional schools of, Law and Engineerlng. Location health- to regula,r monthly boarders. . Thls The unlversal euccess wbich has attendecl the admllliatr-ation of thisprepara. ful, expenses moderdte. Session oDene hougelg furnlshod, olean tlon-has been justifled FOR weU is and such thar we are in saying, ir wiu ;rffF; ;;".fi; the cle- VOUNC LADTES. Sept. l?th. For cataloEue. adltiress. noat, and the aerva,nts are pollte and sired effect I where the s;rmpto-ms anending fi,e Fictness of th;".hAA;;;ant the "Crunr ol. TEE tr'eculty.ti supposltion of wormg bding presefrt. innocent prepara1oirbeS prcasant A SELECTSCEOOIJ X'OR GIR,IlS G$. Ty. O. LEE. prostdert. attendvd. The table ls well supplled to tuke -ft-$'an ano not capable- of iiolng the slightest lnjury to i,tr iutant. 'netiifu at zo wtth good eatables, well oooked and cent- per bottle. LOCATED I{EAR !€rvod ln vp"y saffsfaotory style. The Kangas Olty neat, tnported by LEBANON, TENN. the Goyer Oold EtorageCoropany, ls Hughes' Worm Gandy. oPEtls sEPT. t8t, cL0stil0 PIPE [|RGAII, LASI THUBSDAY Esed a,Dd Ls vety deslreble to lovers of . .Thi*.p-opular fgrq of Worm medlclne ls one tbat all ohildren wilI crave and til dAt. good meat Thls house le oonduotod take wlthout hesitodon. antl ls equally as efrclent as the liquld form. Betalls at rlth a vlew more to the ooufort and 26 centsper box. Locadon os good as can bo found in Hre South. Couree ooveEl€nco of the guests than to of study thorough. style promlnence given Eugltsh and Mafie- and fasblon. No. 11 Jefferson Etreot, Hughes'Hair matics. Atlvantages tn Muetc suDorlor: Mophls, Tenn Dye. thr_ ee enlerlencecl mlsla teachersione of rhts Eatr Dye ls prepa_red fr-om- a very extenslvely useal. antt whom ls a Geman Profeeeor. found _forynulq wlll be The Art Dudley 3!. Jones to oompire raiorirty wttu etmilar urglei.;fic;a;"epliaTufr]-'dJ-tails at zo Teacher has glven entire sattsfaodon.- Co., Ltttle Rook, cehts per botfle. sells ell &dnde of purnps and ptpe -Slocution taught by Prof. Ylck. whose flt- r€pntatlon as llnSoRNE L ROOSETTELT: tlngp. a teacher is we[ esteb, llandasturc !tsn"F. A,.thorougb cource ln Book- orenrrotr ilriaq + Keeprug wltnout t1|!.r4?.l1|e Wor0 lttlrttj !Ioq'l!t. A Sor". Vrr.vrr Ter,runr ls lmoartcil tor thg Derby, extra chaf,se. sLiadn bvthbusebythb qse 9{Qloan's_Sqlphqr Soip. For,setn Maplo Eill le locateal thrte miles out di&ae6sit should be reafr6eiv..-Nii€i afus a LAI{II WARBAI{TS WAI{TEII $, -imzu-aiqsefirl HORSE ATUD f-ron tonrn ln abeautlful gmve of nadve bath wtthot lttC Itrtie le aloats espeilallves;-aatr-v- as ;a CATTLE POWDER. -pleaeant f want to buy several 40, 80, 120and l.6O aeal8aeans of0t' bleachiuq asdgad s'I8lfttas9rrrifybs *oolea,*oolea. cottodcottoa forest h_ees, wlth most home railtlnsn3"lH8[ofliH*c Becommenlg! for the varloue Dlseases.peouliar to_Eorses anil_ slrrrogrogfngs. The gtrlCare oarrlecl acrer warrants of the Revoludonary. -n-.iirli,1'"Uft"fii:catde, such as to 1812, ,.!!BreF[t![ I qetED sato.tc eqpoqtooil,r.sltt Dlstcmper, Eide Bounct, tqss o1 Apped6,-s6tr", yellow ohurch in town every Sunday morning Mexloan and Indian ware. AA: \lYate_r,-Soiatch_eg,_Foundtir, -t"dg-i;;"",'sfr"-E^itr drese, price 3othaqrg e qoqE-olo rolstq/s puErFll3.tul Rneimatt's-m oi-bur-j,itrtq ln our,own oarrlag€s and omntbueeei with ard fnll descriodon. Z. . !9fi uolmgbrDogmq.re^|tEqE|lrooE@roD uon'9g1.c9oss'colde. uoughs, oold.s. etc.,-e6o.etc.,_ eto. These-powoersThese powders arepreplireffitn-E-eJt-&'""are preprired rfitn Erqit care rromrrofo thus€Djoyhg a nlce and refreshtne rlde T. EEDGES, Box 448, Linle R6ck, Ark. @teg;Su8eqp8rq8oqalcogqatnFr.uBelg eelectetl matdrtal, ftoT the Fest medlctnCs tnown?o far;le"y, *A;;fi; oncs aweek-we are thus free of all-town npo-n - ;lied + npoi for auaU dtseilsesdtseilsee for whlchwhloh they are recommended.recommeudeO. ddliitiatlc at 26[d centsdu''o pero", gossrp or contagtou. tr!-nrenses as UCht package. ' tr--'-- qs can bg anrl give flrst clase advantasies. Boaraling, tuitlon, muslc lessons lrhe above 6nd reliable remerlies may be obtained through any fust-olass washlng, anrl all echool contlngent feee. Druggist Sf-f6.q0 pgr telm, flve month;. gom6 gacalt3 sc_nooftt give lower r?t€s and inferior adrantagEss some a,re hlgher, but-;; soltctt Innesdgation. Our3ch6oi ts orl- Magnolia Balm, EI,.A.ROBINSONSa yate ancl non-denominatlonal, thus CO., stanqing eb:lctly on ite own merlts. ls a secret aid to beautv. fiandacfurers and ProBrtetory Hil"ft *:';l#"ffi:H"T#lg*ii; Many a tadyowes herfresf,*herfresfr* _ We refer to Dr. A. B. Wlndeld. ot ness to Llttle Bock For further Uformaiion it,it,who would rather or catalogue, wrttg tg not tell, andyoa can't -W.A. li[_o1ps,' 140 Power'g Blook, tell, Booheater, N. Y. J. B. FAICOCK, LOUISVS#.E, KY. aug &2m Loba,non.Terin.