February, 1964 the American Air Mail Society a Non-Profit Corporation Under the Laws of Ohio Organized 1923 Incorporated 1944
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DIE PROOFS OF THE 1918 AIR MAIL _ ISSUES ___V_ o_lu_m_e_3-'--5,'--N_u_m_b_e_r .;...5 _________:: February, 1964 The American Air Mail Society A Non-Profit Corporation under the Laws of Ohio Organized 1923 Incorporated 1944 PRESIDENT Joseph L. Eisendrath Official Publication of the 350 No. Deere Park Drive Highland ~rk, Illinois AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY SECRETARY Vol. 35, No. 5 Issue 405 Ruth T. Smith 102 Arbor Road Riverton, N. J. 08077 'Contents .................. February, 1964 TREASURER John J. Smith AAMS to Participate in INTERPEX 121 102 Arbor Road Riverton, N. J. Die Proofs of First U. :S. Airmails VICE-PRESIDENTS on Display ................. 121 Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. INTERPEX 1964 .............. 122 Herman Kleinert 124 Lester S. Manning The Vignette: "Nordwestflug 1912" Dr. Perham C. Nahl A New U. :S. Airmail Booklet! ..... 125 EDITORS - Other Publications Whipperdill ............... 126 L. B. Gatchell An Interruption in Belgian Geo. D. Kingdom Helicopter :Service 130 ATTORNEY The End of an Era . 132 George D. Kingdom America's First Air Mail? ...... 133 SALES MANAGER Balloon Post of the Siege of Paris 134 Herman Kleinert Airs of the Month 139 213 Virginia Ave., Fullerton, Pa. Book Reviews ...... 140 DIRECTOR OF FOREIGN RELATIONS Recent Afric·an Airmail News ................ 142 Dr. Max Kronstein A House to House Collection witlh an AUCTION MANAGER Airpost Receipt . 144 Samuel S. Goldsticker, Jr. Air Mail Interrupted Flight (Crash) ADVANCE BULLETIN SERVICE Covers ... ........ ................... 145 Paul Bugg Airport Dedkations 147 3724 Old York Rd. Jet Jottings . 148 Baltimore, Md. 21218 "Uncle Sam" Sez l'fiO TRANSLATION SERVICE Official Section, AAMS ..... 152 Roland Kohl Augusta-Victoria Str. 4 Wiesbaden, West Germany EDITOR AUDITOR Robert E. Haring 242 Hardenburgh Avenue, Demarest, New Jersey Stuart J. Malkin ASSISTANT EDITORS DIRECTORS Joseph L. Eisendrath Dr. Max Kronstein Paul Bugg, Robert E. Haring, Mrs. Florence Kleinert, Dr. Max Ernest A. Kehr L. B. Gatchell Kronstein, George L. Lee, Dr. DEPARTMENT AND ASSOCIATE EDITORS Southgate Leigh, Arthur M. R. Lee Black, N. Pelletier, Florence L. Kleinert. Schmidt, William R. Ware Robert W. Murch, Richard L. Sin'l"ley, William MEMBERSHIP DUES - $5.~0 R. Ware, James Wotherspoon, John Watson, per year Willi2m T. Wynn, Jr., Frank Blumenthal, Samuel Include subscription to The S. Goldsticker, Jr., J. S. Langabeer, M. P. Codd. AIRPOST JOURNAL. Appli Published monthly at Albion., Erie Co., Pa., U.S.A. cants must furnish two refer Entered as second-class matter at the Post Office ences, philatelic preferred. At at Albion, Pa., February 10, 1932, ,under least one must reside in Appli the Act of March 3, 1879. cant's home town. Applicants The AIRPOST JOURNAL is not conducted for under 21 years must be guaran profit. The Editor and all others serve without teed by Parent or Guardian. compensation. Receipts from advertising, sub Membership may be terminated scriptions and contributions are applied to the by the Society in accordance betterment of the magazine and the promotion with its By-Laws. of aero-philately. Correspondence concerning sub scriptions. back numbers and The Editor and Officers of The American Air bound volumes, address changes Mail Society assume no responsibility for the and other matters and all re Rccuracy of statements made by contributors. mittances should be sent to the Every effort is made to insure correctness of Treasurer. All general com all articles. munications and advertising Subscription Rates: $5.00 per year, 45c per copy. should be sent to the Editor. Advertising Rate Card available from the Editor A.A.M.S to Participate in INTERPEX President Joe Eisendrath has appointed Vice President Sam Goldsticker to handle the AAMS participation in the INTERP.EX ex hibition to be held at the Americana Hotel, New York City, March 6-8, 1964. The Society will have a Lounge at the show where its members present at the show can meet and discuss their common aerophilatelic problems and ge:I: ·to know each other. In addition an active recruitment program will be carried out, aimed at the unaffiliated airmail collectors attending this year's show. The American Air Mail Catalogues will be featured and orders will be taken for :them: Convention and other So· ciety souvenir covers and brochures will be for sale for the benefit of the Publications Fund. Mr. Golds:l:icker needs :the assistance of any local New York area members to staff :the Lounge and help "sell your Society." If you will be at the show and can assist us by giving an hour or so of your time, please let him know at 70-D Fremont Street, Bloomfield, New Jersey 07003, at once. Your Editor and many members have already volunteered ·:to help, but we need you, too! Many members from other areas will be in New York for the show and :they mustn't pass up the AAMS Lounge. Stop by and visit with other members, gripe to :the Editor if he's there, or just rest your tired feet, but please be sure to come :to :the show and say hello. Elsewhere in this issue you will fine!. a report of the program planned by the show's management and a special exhibit aimed at aerophilatelis:ts. As of this writing no formal meeting has been planned by the Society but we anticipate many informal small group get-togethers of a social nature will develop. SEE YOU AT INTERPEX 1964! Die Proofs of First U. S. Airmails on Display Rare 24c Invert to be Shown in Die Proof Form AAMS member Herb Rosen, ope.rator ing upside-down" is well-known and has of the INTERPEX International Stamp been even more dramatically emphasized Exhibition in New York, has reported by the recent Hammarskjold invert dis to The Airpost Journal that a part of the covery and reprinting. An actual die United States Post Office Department's proof of the 24c airplane in the inverted exhibit at the forthcoming INTERPEX state, rarely exhibited by the Post Office, show will be the fascinating page of rare will be in the display, as on our cover. airmail die proofs shown on ou;r cover All AAMS members in the New York this month. The stamps shown are the area in particular should stop off at the 6c orange, 16c green, and the 24c red show on March 6-7-8 to see this unusual and blue airmails, all issued in 1918. The single album page which depicts an im 24c issue was released first for use on portant step in our aerophilatelic history. the regular airplane mail service between To bring the public up-to-date on airmail New York, Philadelphia, and Washing developments and continue its efforts to ton, which began on May 15, 1918. The promote our hobby, the AAMS is spon sto.ry of the discovery of a full sheet of soring a lounge at INTERPEX, where this stamp with the blue airplane "fly- (Continued on Page 144) THE AIRPOST JOURNAL. FEBRUARY, 1964 121 INTERPEX 1964 - A Philatelic World's Fair The "INTERNATIONAL QUIET • organizations and, of course, on Satur- SUN YEAR" (I. Q. S. Y.), an event of day evening the annual Awards Present great international importance, has been ation Banquet. selected as the theme for the forthcoming Numerous AAMS members are part lnternational Stamp Exhibition, INTER- icipating in the programs of some of PEX, to be held from March 6-8, 1964, these groups, to which they also belong. at. the new. Americ~na Hotel in N.ew York Of particular interest to aerophilate Crty.. As m prevrous years, ~is show, lists will be the meetings scheduled by o.rgamzed by AAMS memb~I Her~e~t our Chicago Chapter, the Jack Knight ~.osen, Presrd.ent of Ind~1stnal Exh1?1- Air Mail Society, and the 10th Anniver bons, Inc., will be held m cooperation sary Meeting of the Rocket Mail Society with over 20 leading clubs and societies, a Unit of the AAMS. Earl Wellman' as well as the participation of the U. S. AAMS Life Member and former office.r i~ Post . ~ffice. Department, U. N .. Postal coordinating the JKAMS - RMS partici Adn:111istrat10n: and over 30 different pation and will be present. A meeting foreign countnes. will also be held by the Metropolitan The center of attraction this year will Air-Mail Cover Club, a New York airmail undoubtedly be the collection of stamps group. But the main gathering place for of great value from the Burrus Collection. ae.rophilatelists will be the American Air The famous international auctioneer, Mail Society lounge at which the Soc Robson Lowe of London, will exhibit iety's members can meet, get acquainted, over 60 selected pages of Switzerland, talk airmails, and get to know each other Austria, Mexico, Levant, the Phillippines, as individuals, rather than as just a num etc. which have a value of over $300,000. ber on a membership list or a name on a 00, before they are auctioned off in April, letter. For instance, we have been advis- 1964. An interesting display of collections ed that members Jim Zollickoffer and Ken of Rocket Mail and stamps dedicated to Sanford from Maryland are planning to outer space achievements will also be come to New York for the show and we featured, combined with a display from will expect to see them ap.d many more N. A. S. A. with models of Gemini, of our members from other areas at the Apollo, and Lunar. Lounge. Of course, the New York area The most outstanding program has AAMS members will all be at the show. been developed by the S. P. A. which Full details. about the AAMS Lounge will hold their annual spring meeting will be found elsewhere in this issue of during INTERPEX on Saturday, March the Journal.