A News Bulletin New Zealand, Antarctic Society
A NEWS BULLETIN published quarterly by the NEW ZEALAND, ANTARCTIC SOCIETY INVETERATE ENEMIES A penguin chick bold enough to frighten off all but the most severe skua attacks. Photo: J. T. Darby. Vol. 4. No.9 MARCH. 1967 AUSTRALIA WintQr and Summer bAsts Scott Summer ila..se enly t Hal'ett" Tr.lnsferrea ba.se Will(,t~ U.S.foAust T.mporArily nen -eper&tianaJ....K5yow... •- Marion I. (J.A) f.o·W. H.I.M.S.161 O_AWN IY DEPARTMENT OF LANDS fa SU_VEY WILLINGTON) NEW ZEALAND! MAR. .•,'* N O l. • EDI"'ON (Successor to IIAntarctic News Bulletin") Vol. 4, No.9 MARCH, 1967 Editor: L. B. Quartermain, M.A., 1 Ariki Road, Wellington, E.2, ew Zealand. Assistant Editor: Mrs R. H. Wheeler. Business Communications, Subscriptions, etc., to: Secretary, ew Zealand Antarctic Society, P.O. Box 2110, Wellington, .Z. CONTENTS EXPEDITIONS Page New Zealand 430 New Zealand's First Decade in Antarctica: D. N. Webb 430 'Mariner Glacier Geological Survey: J. E. S. Lawrence 436 The Long Hot Summer. Cape Bird 1966-67: E. C. Young 440 U.S.S.R. ...... 452 Third Kiwi visits Vostok: Colin Clark 454 Japan 455 ArgenHna 456 South Africa 456 France 458 United Kingdom 461 Chile 463 Belgium-Holland 464 Australia 465 U.S.A. ...... 467 Sub-Antarctic Islands 473 International Conferences 457 The Whalers 460 Bookshelf ...... 475 "Antarctica": Mary Greeks 478 50 Years Ago 479 430 ANTARCTI'C March. 1967 NEW ZEALAND'S FIRST DECAD IN ANTARCTICA by D. N. Webb [The following article was written in the days just before his tragic death by Dexter Norman Webb, who had been appointed Public ReLations Officer, cott Base, for the 1966-1967 summer.
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