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III ^^ 6 Wednesday y/' -Y^tEL ^ l4eriiifiM::iti%am "^ Seek Hear st heir e ss in holdu p By DONALD B. THACKREY material witness/ in the rob- senai-automatic rifles '¦— and . a "There's. never been ; another Hearst on the film allayed fears i screaming from her apartment : ' SAif FRANCISCO (UPI ) - bery; - :•¦:. '' , ' man entered Jhe : bank with case in the annals . of legal that she might he] dead, for ! near the University of /CalL** The FBI a! '.' fornia:campus in Berkeley. . . today sought Patricia Y "She may have . been/ acting military-like : precision, scooped ; history where the victim of while her voice had beeri heard . Hearst , as: oneYof four rifle-: under duress and coercion," kidnaping has turned up in the on a tape recording as recently . AH three - of the suspects in $16, toting women who held up a said FBI special agent : ih 690 from: cash .drawers after middle of a robbery," he/told , as 13 days ago, she had not Monday's; bank robbery/ were Sari Francisco, bank Monday,; charge, Charles W. Bates, .. in ordering patrons and employes newsmen. Y been seen , since the night -of known to have previous ties to shot two; bystanders and . es- explaining why she was sought to lie .on the floor, then fled The appearance of Miss Feb/ 4 When she was carrieii the SLA' or to one another. caped with more than $.0,000. . as a material witness instead of through the front door, firing at Authorities said the 20-year- a participanti . : rhree other passersby. old Iridnap victim : may .have women / were .' nained as sus- /Two .men ; were seriously, been v .forced to' " :, participate pects, and', police said five men . wounded, but both were report- against;her - will,: ...... apparently also w«re involved ed in satisfactory condition at a —four of them waiting outside " ¦ Miss Hearst was hospital. They. . were. Peter identified in in two getaway cars. . ,, pictures taken, by. a hidden Markoff , 59 who operates a bank : camera. ' Kidnaped. ; 10 Bates Said if it were nearby liquor store, and Eu- gene . Brehnan,: 70, who lives weeks ago by the Symbioriese determi-ied that .Miss -Hearst Y Liberation Army, near the scene. Miss Hearst, was a willing participant, she A hidden -camera in tile bank in: a tape-recorded - message ' grged . , also wouldY be. .¦-cl 'Yvnth took several ^dramatic photo- renounced her parents and her bank robbery. •;¦. : " ' graphs of .; the gunTwielding former life IS days ago aiid The robbery took / . place robbers,; including one Showing ..said she :was joining forces^ with shortly after the ? a.m. opening the woman, identified as: Pa- her captors.; She said she was of : : a: Hihernia Pank . branch : in 1 tricia carrying a gum but with OUGHT BY - BANK CAMEBA , ". A warrant bas been'- -: changed her name to "Tania." San Francisco's oceanside Sun- another of the robbers appear-, - . . A. subpoena 1 was for set District. The four women- /. issued for newspaper 'heiir¥Bs:-.-i?atii(ia-; 3Hears); .. . issued ing to be holding a gun on her.; 'who ' the FBI Mi_s Hearst, granddaughter .. of all young and white, wearing ¦ , is- shown in' this hidden 1' camera ' . :' ; It; . /was / because' . / of this says photo taking part in a . fairied'.. newspaper founder Wil- dark coats ':¦and ^'waffle-stom- bank robbery in San Francisco, Mot-day. (AP Photofax) ; jpicturej plus apparent efforts liam : Randolph Hearst, as a per" tyje boots iand carrying by the robbers to go out of their way. to identify her as "Tania," that authorities speculated she ysM^Securty was. forced to take part; "There's reason toYbelieve she was not . a willing partner in the kidnaping or the bank fobhery," said U.S. /Attorney itM hih James Browning. a ¦ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS raelis and the three Arabss^^ w«re "prevent the uie of its territory turned to the artillery ex- The three women nimed in :. Lebanon Y has asked , . -. the killed.^..- :.'YY for attacks against Israel." changes "; that have character- bank robbery , warrants were , United Nations Security Council Foreign Minister Fouad Naf- , "If the Lebanese, government Nancy ;iing.- Perry, Patricia ' ized most of the fighting there .' to take - 'appropriate and ef- fa of Lebanon told the 15-mem- permits Lebanon to become a in the. past month.- ¦ / Michelle Spltysik and Camilla ^ ' ficient means" to stop Israeli ber council Israel would react lawless gangland, it is obvious Both the Israeli /arid / Syrian Catherine •/ Hall, i atll believed raids -across ;; the border, ar- with . "indifference and . con- that " its neighbors -will treat it defense ministers visited ¦ their prerviously . to be members of ¦ : giiing that condeimation would tempt" to a condensation. as a gangland, he declared. : troops at the . front Monday. the tiny SLA which claimed " responsibility ¦.' the Hearst not be enough.; Egyptian , Foreign Minister Is- ./¦A spokesman for the United While / ; the Israeli minister, for .- '. The council debated. -. Monday mail '. - Fahmy. accused Israel , , of States, Israel's traditional ally, Moshe Dayan, was 6n Mt. Her- kidnaping and the slaying last ¦;• . for-. .2% hours/¦'on . Lebanon's endangering the fragile -Middle told newsmen that any con- moh, Syrian shells hit the area j November of Oakland . . Schools complaint about an Israeli raid East; trUceY by its -actions"/ in demnation of Israel must be but Dayan was unhurt, the Is- Stipt. Marcus Foster. ' Friday night oh six Lebanese Lebanon and ; on the Syrian balanced b a condemnation of raeli command said; Two Is- ' None .. .of-'Ythe ' men was " front. ^. ; . - villages. . . Palestinian terrorism. raeli soldiers were wounded. identified; John 1>. Schultz of heavily armed cocmmandos^ who said they v Israel was retaliating for the "Israel must choose between , was jet BANK ROBBED . ..Lt. /. ¦ Meanwhile, Israeli and Syr- Radio Damascus said Syria's The bank robbery Calif: police department were members of tie terrorist Symbionesa ".',. attack by three Arab guerrillas war and peace," he said, ¦¦ '¦ ian forces / on the / Golan another bizarre ' development in of the; San Francisco, defense minister, Mustafa TTas, holes in a window of Hiberna, Liberation Army robbed the bank and serious- .': the day before oh the town of / Israeli Ambas.ador/Yosef te- Heights, after close combat and also made a quick trip to Mt. a , case which Browning calls looks alt bullet Francisco where a baitd '.. • ly: wounded two passersby. (AP Photofax)' - , /-./ : Qiryat Shmonah in which 18 Is- koah replied that; Lebanon must Israeli ; air attacks Suhdayr re- Heririon. .. ' unprecedented., - .; : Bank Monday in San 1 i vm XBSK&S&I ft ** "-USl-iY &&%*"- _ .ffl?- . <7= y^frB- *'T ^ ™^* ®^ <^^^ ™ ^ -*n **™*™*f Official says — No violence Nixdh fo prove \ Will Rogers returns I reported in •| When I was a little boy there other honorable newspapers, put it i * were two things that were al.solut&. bluntly. No newspaper publisher or i taking | t Republicans were good and Demo- editor has any business any His irtriocerice Niger coup crats were bad. public job. No matter how honest fl KEY BISCAYNE, Fla. (UPI) the; lard evidence oi all the \ As the aging process has set in., he is, the very fact of his accepting p — President Nixon will turn totality of the President's -, Nigeria (AP) - The sure as I once was the office compromises his editorial the I'm not as over "hard" evidence to knowledge and actions," . he army chief of staff In drought- who I guess are a integrity with at least some of the fy^ Committee said. "There will; \" Party people, House Judiciary be verb atim , public trust which will prove his innocence trahscripts of materials directly ravaged Niger says he , deposed necessity, feel that theirs can do no people. He and I vie for g; in the 'Watergate cover-up, a from the tapes in extensive President Hamani Diori to re- wrong and the other can do no of our honesty and hope that our |i high ranking White House quantity.'' lieve "the catastrophic situ- right. I don't feel that way any intelligence has some substance too. p official said today. Niaon intends to. respoa-d to ation" in the poor, black Afri- more. My grandfather, Horace Greeley ?j But the official,; who declined ¦week can country, Radio Niamey re- I do believe in the two-party White, I guess was a Republican. ' the subpoena early next ^ to he identified, strongly when Congress winds . up> / its ported., system because its simplicity makes He really wasn't dbviously so, arid "The army had ii % indicated that Nixon will net Easter recess. The committee to take its re- it possible for the electorate to he did print on Page One Will | fully comply with the subpoena sponsibilities," Lt. Col. Seyni 1 set a deadline of April 25 for . f| make a clean-cut choice, so much Rogers' short column. There was no I for , more than 40. taped the reply. ' '¦ " :¦ ' Kountie said in a broadcast Conversations sought by the Monday from Niamey, Niger's | better than Christian-Socialists, So- question about THAT! Will Rogers I ' ¦ Ja mes D. iSt. Clair, the Impeachment panel. Y. President's chief • Watergate capital. "We could not remain il : cialist-Democrats, Anarchists, Corn- Y was a DEMOCRAT! . 1 counsel is in the process of with our arms folded" when the | munists, Rightist-Socialists, Social- Partly out of nostalgia and | He also said that even If the making^ a legal ass people were no longer assured ||, etc Bad as it is, partly; because his remarks read so 1 House brings impeachment essment of the tapes to be released and a meal a day. ve got the best system by far. well today, we are going to re-pub- I' charges against Nixon , the , . | we' "he'-s, very confident the hard He said Diori's adminis- Jj So I don't want, really, to lish the classic remarks of Will Y | President intends to travel to a evidentiary materiad" summit meeting in Moscow the will clear tration, in office ever since the weaken the party make-up., I just Rogers, /on page one, just as we | Nixon , the official said. P last week in June. He confident- country achieved independence I don 't want to be a personal part of did in rny grandfather's day. |j ly predicted Nixon will not The official conceded that the from in 1960, was guilty I it. If readers will shed their party | ! resign or be rem oved from White . House response might of "injustice, corruption , self- | John S. Knight , the venerabl e loyalty, whatever it is, I think all 1 ishness and indifference. Office by impeachment. ; not be satisfactory to the " I publisher of the Mi ami Herald , the will enjoy his¦ sagacious remarks.— I "We're going to turn over There were no reports of vio- " ¦ ¦ ' impeachment Investigators but |f Detroit Free Press and a nu inber of W.F.W. . - - . . 1 absolutely what we think to he insisted it will represent "all lence during the takeover. Ra- evidence available , that deals dio Niamey said calm prevailed with the President's actions." and the 2,500^man army was in "E, believe if this matter is "Ml control." dealt with objectively and The Niger radio,did not say SECUJUT-Y COUNCI Inside: responsibly by all parties that L DEBATE . ... Foreign Minister what had happened to Diori. . fi' I've seen nothing or heard Fouah Naffah of Lebanon, left, addresses the /15-mcmber But the French state television urt refuses to Wilt A0**011 on the U.N. Security Council Monday regarding current strife be- network in Paris said Kountie Co TallI aHIBU lorl nothing that suggests there is proposed widen- t-ween Lebanon and Israel. At right told it in a telephone interview ing of Huff Street Monday an impeachable -offense," , he , Israeli Ambassador Kogers said. Yosef Tekc-ah listens. (AP Photofax) that the president .and his fami- ^yS(S^/ was unanimously tabled ior ly were under house arrest and has aiiother week nftc-r Winona decide who ^>ajAt « . . *^ v councilmen heard another were "being well treated," round of arguments for nnd By council Niger, a landlocked country It they had ever taken one against ihe project — story, of 4,2 million nomads and small of those truth machines to page 3, farmers, Is the 15th black Afri- power to make war can country south of the Sahara that investiRalion in Wash- Judge Miles Lord . WASHINGTON ( UPI) - Hep. A spokesman for the Ameri- ington , there would have HimAIM to come under military rule, It Liberties Union ' • says he will decide is one of Africa's poorest coun- Elizabeth Holtzman , D-N,Y „ can Civil been more American men by Wednesday whether ;to says she is "extremely disap- (ACI.U), which represented the sailing for than went dismiss charges aftninst Rus- Wage, price rules tries. Holtzman group, said the court on pointed" that the Suprome s and Donnis during the war. Say, what' sell Means Court has passed up another iind-ouhtcdly refused to concern become of the old-fashioned Banks in ennnoction with the itself with the issue because the Knee opportunity to define tho war- felon that used to be ar- takeover ol Wounded . the President bombing is no longer taking S.D. — story, iwfio 4, making powers of rested for perjury? You and Congress. place-. It was stopped last democrats and food industry lifted August by act of Congress. know/ there is two places IfMnn'.r.t The Brooklyn congrcsswoman l*ni|l6aC.i ncpublicmis on where what a person says By GENE CARLSON and four U.S. airmen brought But. the issue of how a not be hold apainst the Iloiise linpcncl.mcnt pnn- lifted soon anyway. The OLC food industry profit margins. president can use U.S, armed sliould ) _ nn-d the remaining wage-price suit in an effort to have the him In n court of law; one is ol arc more nulled tihnn WASHINute parking limit for cars street parking is a problem, fall. federal, 30 percent local aid). corporate limits are automatic- fall on Levee Plaza March 22. Of the several dozen tax de- parked in front of his son A!- based on their drives through Winona would need to budget ally part of the system. Only linquent parcels listed by the lyn's Ruppert Grocery, 46? E. the park on weekdays. Street name suggested $117,725 for the work, most of 40 percent of the city's FAU Home economists suggest county, most are either full Sanborn St. The short parking The vote to table was 5-1, with which can be raised through allocation can ' be used for that attractive wall hangings lots with structures, vacant zone would enable customers dissent from Acting Mayor Earl Theui'er Boulevard is the assessments, advised City En- trunk highways. can be created out of things lots of substandard size, or to park near the grocery, he Laufenburger (1st Ward). name councilmen want for the said. street north of Milwaukee Road Adv-rtlsenent that might be found during a va- fractions of parcels for which cation trip, such as driftwood, ownership is confused, he tracks running west from Pel- Land near Fairway zer Street to the city limits. County- seaweed and seed pods. added; Winona You're Never Too Woods project rezoned Budget increase The new name replaces an Action fabled an older, unofficial name for part Abstract Co. Inc. Old To Hear Better A 50-foot strip of Iand next of the street — Airport Road — 535 JUNCTION ST. to the proposed Fairway Woods City council roundup for airport wins and may stop the Mississippi Clhicago,Illr-A free offer of spe- project was rezoned R-2 multi- police department cial interest to those who hear family residential without oppo- but do not understand words has sition following public hearing Monday. easy approval been announced by Beltone. A parking rule A ,800 bud The extra land was needed 47 get increase for Hn^WXoioANir, non-operating model of the NSP rate hike Councilmen overruled a police the airport won easy council ap- i - • WINONA'S LARGEST STOCK • soaallest Beltone aid ever made after developers agreed with MELVILLE CLARK department recommendation and proval Monday because state • CURRIER • WURLITZER « ' wall be given absolutel free to neighbors to move the project y about 35 feet farther east of tabled action to establish a no and federal governments are 1 anyone requesting it. Club View Road. The Meridian parking zone in airport industrial picking up the tab. Jfcjfc ELECTRIC PIANOS This is not a real hearing aid, park. The state will pay two-thirds J Corp. of Minneapolis plans a now in effect I FENDER RHODES - WURLITZER ' but it will show you how tiny Ill-unit luxury apartment com- Labor spokesman Thomas the cost of an airport tractor- W^|B hearing help can be. Ifs yours plex as a Community Develop- Northern States Power Co. rate review by the Public Ser- Lange, 5420 6th St., Goodview, mow er and 80 percent of admin- to keep, free. Tho actual aid ment project. ( NSP) rate Increases in Wi- vice Commission in 1975. Coun- claimed the proposed ban on istration building repair. State I Wm PLAYERBuy Now andPIANOS < weighs less than a third of an nona will be effective with cilmen okayed interim rate in- street parking was an anti-un- assistance also is promised for 1 meter readings starting today ion - Save ' oimce, and ifs all at ear level, in $720 subsidy needed creases averaging 15 percent move that could hurt future an airport pickup to be used ^^ o_ne unit. No wires lead from (Tuesday), Thomas Jepson, strike activities. Frank Vondra- for runway maintenance, run- for electricity and six percent body to head. by Star Transit System manager of the company's sek, 561 E. 5th St., added that way light inspection, fencing and Hiawatha Division, reported to for gas, subject to PSC rate traffic problems really only ex- HARDT'S MUSIC STORE These modelsarefree, so write Star Transit System needed general supplies and materials ! \ councilmen. ist between 3 and 4 p.m., and purchasing, according to Utili- 116 Levee Plaia East Phone 452-2712 for yours now. Thousands have $720 in subsidies to run its two review. The . that signal or other crossing ties Director Gary Brown. State- ^ already been mailed, so write cab-buses during February. -council had approved retroactive interim rate in- ¦-¦ , ¦ v ;*«¦ 'today to Dept. 5393, Beltone Thie loss is less than Janu- Marginal lands to be ^v&&>;.^.?>.j-* *?'* -:,"<~-^ \ •jj'^s*. "? ?^«^";gi_2^^^:&$>^ •rr&rwt ' _?- *&&%3$&>.>$ creases effective March 19. Electronici Corp., W. ary's deficit of $889 but more *201 than the Jepson said his firm will not for Port Authority Victoria St., , 111., 60646. $666 needed in Feb- ruary 1973. Winona's share of oppose the city's request for a Special state legislation per- mitting the city to transfer marginal lands to the Winona Port Authority for industrial _ \ development will take effect Sfl-9 —*jy following council approval Mon- £_1L J ^^--^m * i day. — / I l/i\MM *IJ%W The special legislation was I UJJ sJ SING A S0NG 0F SAVINGS | passed last session at city re- quest. The city charter com- AT TED MAIER DRUG! I mission is drafting a parallel ' m^lmWM^SLmmmm. charter change to bring the MAm%mmmmmWmmmS**^ $ transfer under charter jurisdic- ^* tion. | , —favhttf oAvwdkA.====\ Garage contracts agjja Just taste Windsor- ' CHARLIE is here —as well as MOON DROPS & INTIMATE | ! ! *~sP. and you may never :¦ aCi< to your tabled for week NOW THE =^ mT1 8° b usual ^'"JiWi whisky.Windsor is the Awarding of contracts" only Canadian made for %** W- I construction of the city's cen- ¦ . with hardy Western — -LJiL j i tral garage and for 1974 sewer ^^r Canadian grain, with m HE ' \/ '• l^ lIP - and water construction were _ I "ery |*HBM^ water from glacier-fee i / Vore/comW »!«« no™ MOTHER'S f) remarkably springs, and aged in tabled to a special city coun- * DAY L«J cil meeting next Monday. SIZE priced. wJmfi the clear dry air of SHAMPOO We stock .n of the Canadian Rockies. Sewer . and water building i ADJUSTABLE Mori..* | I I JKJ |^nL awards were delayed becaiise "-«¦ $2.00 FavoriteBrand Cosmetics! Names of cost overruns/ Contract ' $ 79 REG- Famous B award for the central garage I mWiUX^^^mSH1VFR ^^ 1 was deferred because admin- *j J | istrators don't believe the How bid is valid. J&!E' MBBBBBBHBBBBBBBIfl UIHIIIIBIIHie V | %'• W^SL^m\Mm^ '^ ^ m ^^^ K4mm B ,, ion u H H i-^^^i A ¦ A %_r U 1 Karsten appointed to -.I Shoulders a m \ Tlt AJAX i Xt\ ^ MMMm " 7_ 2 Tube or n 0z LoHon " Planning Commissio n :] 4&immWmmmW1 ° ' " - S ¦ W A I WINDOW CIEANER Si : W^ mMmWSMMMm^^ ' m Mi ' JE**-—. aa ¦ r mm.) & DEFOGGER _Z Y I WiN&gOft Edwin Karsten, 126 W. 'Wa- m mw^ YOUR CHOICE g ^^PJ Yl ^msMWm *-^ SM it_sJ9 ¦ J¦ I -jCW ¦ 5 4 basha St., a carpenter, has If l ^rf ™} L-tJOr i 15-Oz. A erosol 1 { been appointed to the Winona I » _*¦< i i-r** H ¦** ' i n v M * "The Battle of the Wabash ," y tor your beard , your akin. ¦ H" Cashmere bouquet ever to come out of Canada. a popular song in 1011, was BAGGIES £3 ¦ m i U. . your iace. , H 5J H ¦ • ' ¦ ^ written to the tune of "To _Ana- Ii • Improved pop-up trimmer. FOOD STORAGE BAGS . . . ¦ H creon in Heaven, the _uame M BATH SIZE SOAP ¦ ' " I • Super Mlcrogroovai" floating =! D. EJ.' S melody which became ' 'The heads : m^^k tf^m ' Spangled Banner. H ¦ ^^ mm*. Star " I Self-snarpenlng rotary blades B 24^25 * J C WITH 4-BAR ^^y fJC WITH B : • J¦ m 4 | and floating heads follow tho ¦ COUNT £ __ J COUPON ma H PACK lV COUPON ¦ '1 Mm ¦ ¦ contours of your face. H - Limit 1 - m ¦ ¦+** -*. . - . H ¦• *** ¦ ¦ MA % Pop-up 8ldeburntrimmer. H : « .- . ' _¦ B VC-6wr . 3419-3-106lAio nn* ¦ M ^ foreign VC-7 , 341 5-3-106 ¦ ~ . , OIL ikuu MWL | .110/220 voltage lor {, Jhsuuuonn ninsL of^ I ! 'travel. 1 M m Tod Maier Drug - Expire s April 21 S B Tod Maler Drug -- Expire* April 21 ¦ .1 I I • On/olf8wltoh. '5 ¦" _¦ 5! n * DeluK3 travel wallet. til »H Hfl ll BHB » l if _ ¦ • ^Bia iBIII HHBHB l lfi! . HBBBBiBBBBBBBBBB^ I We'd Like to Fill Your Next fl . , .. „.:,., I B GHARMI N J I PRESCRIPTION BATHROOM T.SSUE j .| ¦ ¦ J 4-ROLl C1C WIT H fl| WAVE YOUR DOCTOR CALl US E PACK T I COUPON ¦ I ¦ ¦ l B " ' ¦ ^' fl | Prompt, Accurate Service ¦ — LIMIT '2— fl | ¦ ¦ Ted Maler Drug — Expires April 21 fl ':¦ ¦ ¦ -/- f Jee u>£xtf^^ Jhv& jf cf ac* &maxw£* I TED MAJER 1 W/M/j ft WINONA t^LW^S' \j\Jl/^ AGENCY \^C/ I —^DRUGl>OWNTOWN ^^ j • • | 174 Center St. Ph«nB 452-33o6 I PHONE 452-7000 FREE IN-CITY PRESCRIPTION DELIVERY OPEN SUNDAY I jf .; . • - ; . t\.' , _- ; __ .' ; .' »_ . ' Miiii JIV Pro, con arguments h^^ Crahd ju^to Acfii cdnvene Kere iri ^ on Wednesday By SUSAN LOTHH^years those trees would; increase program—-would lead to desig- provements unless the street is / Daily News Staff Writer girth frohi 2 or 3 to 12 inches nation of Huff Street as a truck widened lb at least. 48 feet; A-23-wember Winoha County route as new route for High- Mankato Avenue; i>y compari- Action on the, pr oposed widen- arid would have esthe:^ value or Grand . Jury will convene, in se- way 43. . .: son, is 64 feet , wide, and the ing of Huff Street Monday was of. $19,980; Fuller estimated, '¦ cret at 9:30 a.ih.YWedriesday to uanimously tabled ; for another The state; has rejected earlier state could . require ; Huff be Investigate a Feb. 1L incident week; after Winoii a city council- DR. JOHN MULROONEY, 328 city attempts¦ to do just that an- made. .52 feet; wide to qualify in the city and ''other crimes," men heard another rouBd; of ar-; W. 5th St.,.. said street widening swered at-large Counciiman fol* funding,' Bollant said. guments " - against the tree' removal- -would ! lower Barry Nelson (3rd, 4th Wards). There are other good reasons GoUnty Attorney Julius ¦E.¦ .- Ger- fof ¦¦aiict ¦ and : nes said • this ' morning- ' '' : I , • ' • ;. . " ' .• ¦ ' project. •'! property values. . Residents ;, Councilinan "B. Eugene Goiigb for . the tyidening, officials add- . . . . Y ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - The grand jury has "been call- ¦ :¦ ':!. ' " ''":. . City YErigin, would , rather finance; Huff (2nd Ward) and at-largei . Coun- ed. City Manager Paul Schrei- ' e e r Robert with assessments, cilman Stephen Delano (1st, 2nd ver noted that :,for years Huff ed by Winona County District City Street- repairs ¦ Court Judge Glenn E. Kelley, ¦:. , '. • .Bollant pre- he said. His wife Marlene said Wairds) . agreed ". with several Street has been designated a ., , who will speak briefly to jurors CoU nClr sented a report the; street widening would fur- petitioners that availability of major thoroughfare in accord- ¦ pro- endanger small children stateY aid construction ' funds ance; with Winona's master ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ "Wednesday Y morning before defending, ther ' w>m#nvt&K..vA'?.vm'r - ." ' -: ' . - THE OVERLAY zones: haying the state impose its porary federal certification for apprehended in connection with ;, ' own, officials said. The regula- flood insurance. Without certi- that ¦incident, but later releas- - • F-l . (high flood hazard ed. ' - • overlay district) applies to. city tions unanimously approved by fication, insurance can't be Kelley named land Outside the permanent the/city planmng commission, issued, without flood insurance Ordinance on followed about 18 months of in flood-prone areas such as Roof Riy^groyp dike system. Included are . the ' ' Frog island and Latsch Island work and negotiations . wiih the Winona, home loans ; won't be areas, narro-w property strips State Department, of . Natural issued, officials said. Scharlemcsnn to panel io near Gilmore and West Burns Ipthousej Valley. Creeks, plus- some land sets joint meet , cast of the/ tenvporary . flood hea appeal RUSHFOBD, : Minn. . '-- Rep- waste treatment. ; dike-. Basically, now new struc- ^sippf r resentatives of the Soil Conser- Ron Harnack, Minnesota De- tures will be permitted, except Wmonai County District Court partment of Natural Resources is introduced collect vation Service, the Minnesota ; for such facilities as. barge ter- D^ta ed Judge Glenn E. Kelley is one (DNR) will discuss the recrea- Ah ordinance introduced M" —;. .! . ' * .-: tional meeting has been planned Ellies, Title I coordinator for initiated .'by the Senate. - Minn., native, 0 for . Thursday at 7: 30 p:m. at resigned because of what he resources and related prob- lems -otfYthe river valley, but the city, at an annual fee of Winona Independent District According to Quie THE SUIT involves a $16 mil- $1.50 per running foot the Rutz home. , the House called "physical exhaustion." lion award to lems of the Root River basin. fewer than 25 residents re- of occu- 861, said today the amount to measure would provide Winona Dr. John J. Wild;. sponded, pied land. An assortment of gardening Scharlemann took over ad- Minneapolis, by Hennepin Coun- The group consists of urban be allocated to the district next County school districts with ministration The Root River drains . about topics will be discussed and year is still uncertain. of the seminary ty District Court ih connection residents, farmers, area busi- LICENSEES would k re- three local gardeners, Vernie $287,274 in Title I funds next shortly after the school's Board with his defamation nessmen, environmentalists and 1,670 square miles of South- year, a 73 percent increase ev- : apd loss quired to keep boathouses and Johnson, Roy Nordine and FEDERAL FUNDING for of Control, suspended the Rev. of research funding suit against elected officials from commun- eastern Minnesota — mostly in areas clean, sanitary and safe, Dennis Francis, will offer advice er the $166,265.funding for the John H., Tietjen Houston and Fillmore County— Title I is under consideration fro m the post the Amherst Wilder Foundation- ities within the hasin. with at least weekly pickup of !on landscaping with trees and current year. Jan. 20 on grounds that and is an important source of (shrubs. by a joint House-Senate con- he al- Wild had contended the foun- trash and garbage. ference committee, he said. The House bill would in- legedly allowed , false doctrine dation defamed him profession- SPEAKERS FOR the Soil recreation for area residents, The gathering Is open to . (SCS) will The boathouse license may anyone interested, . , The Winona district last year crease allocations to all but sev- to be taught at Concordia, the ally and improperly revoked a Conservation Service according to the committee, It ¦ largest of outline the conservation prac- be terminated by city council received approximately $102,- en Minnesota districts with in- the synod's schools. grant to continue his search , in also serves several other func- or the license holder "-with creases ranging up to 217 per- In the tices employed in the six coun- . 000 for Title I programs, pri- weeks following the detection of breast cancer. tions as well. The committee cause" on a week's notice, al- Conditions of crash marily in the areas of reading cent. Scharlemann's: appointment, The foundation appealed the ties drained by the Root River has urged local residents to though fees are payable in ad- victims unimproved and mathematics, Proposed funding in the House the majority of the faculty -was decision, and : the' entire nine- basin and suggest future actions take part in the public meet- vance and not refundable. Tho Ellies said that he . has been bill reflects increases for 1S74- fired for boycotting classes in member supreme court disquali- needed to retard erosion and ings and to voice opinions on council also may vote that whole CALEDONIA, Minn. - The advised by the state Depart- 75 over the current year for all protest of the Tietjen suspen- fied itself since Justice , James con.rol ._ood damage. what the corps has planned for areas be closed to boatheuse condition of six persons in- ment of Education that the Wi- four Southeastern Minnesota sion and about 380 of the Otis is a trustee of the founda- Willis Mattison , representing the region. moorings. The proposal also jured Sunday in a head-on col- nona district mig-it expect ep- counties, Quie reports. school's , 450 resident students tion and the other eight have the Minnesota Pollution Control The next meeting will be 7:30 absolves the city of liability for 1 left the campus to enroll in a Agency (MPCA) , lision l /. miles south of Cale- proximately $85,000 in Title I THE HOUSE bill would pro- lesser connection with it. will cover the p.m. April 27 Ln the basement personal or properly damage donia on CSAH 44 remained un- "seminary in exile" set up by Under problems resulting from ' agri- on Tri-County Electric Co-op, ¦ funds next year but to write a vide Fillmore County with $2.87,- a 1973 law, the high connected with tlie boatho uses; . . . changed today. ¦. ' ' proposal that would be financ- the fired teachers. court can appoint its own re- cultura l runoff and municipal Rushford. or licenses. Richard Casberg and his wife 171, up 61 percent from this Scharlemann, who had ac- ed by about $75,000. year's $176,297. placements when disqualif ying The law also would prohibit Lois, Waterloo, Iowa, are in The House of Representatives knowledged earlier the difficul- itself , and has named one dis- Houston County issuance of licenses to any bbat- satisfactory condition at Cale- earlier this spring approved an 's allocation ty of his position, said he con- trict eourt judge from nine o-f houso tenants of Latsch Island donia Hospital, A.t Lutheran extension of the Elementary would be raised 37 percent, sidered himself expendable and the state's 10 judicial districts. from -007 to 826 who owe fees hilled by th.' city Hospital, La Crosse, Wis., Con- and Secondary School , Act that $.13, $154, , while that, "no young man ought to Judge Kelley was appointed Efforts Jo curtail or Ihe Latsch Public ZBath rad Roverud, Hokah , and Mrs. revises the formula used by Wabasha County's proposed al- be asked to risk his career'' by because he is chief judge of Board, Arnold Belverud , New Albin, school districts in counting stu- lotment would be $144,811, com- taking the post. Southeastern Minnesota 's 3rd Iowa , remained in critical con- dents eligible for federal assis- pared with $86,009 this year. A member of the Scharle- Distri ct. Hokah audit may end AN EARLIER administration dition, and William Hall and his tance. Quie's office at this time had mann family said Monday that The special panel is slated to proposal to regulate oniy tho wifo Ella, Waterloo , Iowa, in no breakdown of the county the acting president had trouble hear the case May 22, irOKLAH, Minn. - Efforts to withdrawals before an actual Latsch Island boathouse.1 drew fair condition. THE BILL advocated, hy figures by school districts. sleeping. stop a state audit of this city's audit begins. "Rut , In this case opposition from councilmen who , BUT WILD in « complaint financial records haven't yet •we have started ," Hatfield wanted broader jurisdiction. filed this week wllh tho state Owners whoso licenses have ex- Commission on Judicial Stand- reached the state and may do said , pointing out the city's pired or been terminated have ards, claims the supreme court no good when they do. books wero taken April 11. 30 days to remove property or Grant application causes confusion and its administrator , Richard State Auditor Holland Hat- , Petitioners requesting the au- relinquish it lo tbe city for pri- E. Kline , illegally influence cl field told the Daily News this dit had raised questions about vate sale. 000 they said was unaccount- By STEVEN P. JOHNSON Fillmore — and by tho nursing grant request, since SEMCAC In other nursing committee passage of the 197s law givin g morning his office has received $2, Protest lo Ihe proposed ordi- Daily News Staff Writer services in Winona and Fillmore had asked for none, but pointing action Monday, members agreed tho court tho power to name its no notification from persons ed for and Hatfield's office , had nance came from Edword IMale- counties (Houston County has out tho stato agency agreed to do a six-year audit , 's com- to cut uso of own replaceraenls in such mat- wishing to withdraw their names -wicki Jr., 503 Dacota St., who Confusion is brewing again no nursing service). ments. Winona State Col- saying the state would Ro back over an area community action lege nursing students in half ters, from an earlier petition asking said a flat $5 per season license Acting on that assumption, She said sho will send the Prior to passage of the law no further unless something un- agency's application for a $41,- she asked SEMCAC representa- state agency a copy of the nex t school yean , his department to audit tho ci- fee would givo city control over 000 state -grant, such appointments were made ty's records. usual was found to warrnnt it. boathouses with out Imposi ng a tive Allan Pla'th to attend Mon- letter. Persons opposing tho state in- Tho con fusion surfaced nt night's meeting. But, sho THE NURSING service Is by the governor. financial hardship on owners. day Miss Sleincr said this morn- Gov, T1IAT PETITION contnlnnd vestigation say it would cost Monday night's Winona Counly said, ho replied by Iottci* that ing the confusion may center currently , taking 24 WSC stu- Wi UI suggested Wendell Public Health Nursing Commit- dents each quarter, but Is Anderson appoint a special pro- 54 names, well above the 36 at least $3,000 and suggest in- county board approval—receiv- in the slate health department, needed to force Hatfield's office stead Iho city council contract tee meeting and concorned a ed April I-was all SEMCAC whore she has received differ- having trouble finding proper secutor to invosligato his Trempealeau Electric Southeastern Minnesota Citizens needed from Winona County work experience situations in charges, to begin the audil , but a group with La Crescent accountant ing explanations from two offi- ¦ au- gets REC loan Action Council (SEMCAC ) ap- nnd "ho felt it was unneces- cials. She said , though , tho of- which to placo them. in Hokuh opposing tho state Charles Ziegler to do an audit Co-op plication for a grant from tho sary," she snid , to discuss it Tho county will accept only dit says enough people who for $310. ficial who acknowledged telling 12 students per quarter begin- Bench wa/rant issued ARCADIA, Wis.-Third Dis- Minnesota State Health Depart- with the nursing committee. Plnlh nursing service approval signed the original petition havo (Il-Wis.) ment for continuation nnd ex- But she told tho committee ning next fall , nnrl Miss Stciner for Penns y lvania man now asked Iheir names bo ZIKGLE K S_\ID today ho Is trict Vernon Thomson wouldn't ho necessary told her said WSC will contact schools one of several accounting firms has announced approval of a pansion of the SEMCAC's Sural Monday night stnto health de- he was probably mistaken , A bench w-ai'ranl for the ar- withdrawn lo bring it below Mobile Health Team operations, in tho city to try to find work to ' submit bids to the Hoknh half million dollar Rural Elec- partment officials told her last SEMCAC officials could not rest of a Drexcl Hill , Pa,, man the required .'lfi , successfully week by telephone tho grant situations for olher students. Clly Council for an audit of tric Cooperative loan to tha UNCLEAR TO County Nurs- bo roached for comment this In another matter, Miss was Issued in Winona County stopping tho audit. Trompealenu Electric Co-op, application does need input Court Monday after ho failed lo Hnlflold Isn 't so sure. 1973 records only, addlnfi ho hns ing Service Supervisor Susan from the nursing scrvico here. morning. Sleincr said rising caseloads headquartered at Arcadia . to Iho committee appear for trlj il . "We haven 't been informed" received no response since sub- Sleincr an-d "What they want from tha Confusion about . the $41,000 indicate "we're, getting close to mitting his bid , Tho cooperative services tho is the nursing service's role— grant—which has received pre- needing nnolhor nurse," Fr-aiik 11, Musclnno had been of any name withdrawals, Hnt- nursing committee is a sup- ' adding m "Nothing 's been said lo mo" people of Trempealeau , Buffalo, if nny—ln thnt grant applica- porting plan ," Miss Sloincr liminary stato approval—began Tho sorvico currently has six scheduled l.» appear at J:30 ficld said today, "I' tion process nnd in tho expand- n month ago and concerned tho public health nurses nnrl she p.m, on a ebnrgo of blocking not sure Hint I would" stop tho about the possibility ho submit- Eau Claire, J ackson and La said, showing how tho nursing ted tlio low bid, Ziegler snid to- counties. ed services possibl o throuRli tho sorvico will coordinnto services proposed uso of the funds. said sho will seek funds ior a a crosswalk Jan. JO near West audit If sufficient withdrawa ls Crosse funds. The funds would bo used to seventh in her 1975 budget. streets. Winona .Iny , emphaslang his bid wns for The co-op will uso the. loan with SEMCAC. King: and }Jla\n nre received, clly Miss Stcitior said sho hnd continue operation of tho honlih Nursing caseloads rose 12 Counly Court Judge , Dennis _A. "If \vo get those names cert- ono year only. Ho said tho lo extend scrvico to 533 addi- originally understood the grant STYMIED »Y thn ctmlusion team if federal funds ran out. percent in 1073, she said, nnd , I think I will have hasn't approached him about tional consumers , buiUl 38 Chfll lcen iss-ucd Ihe warrant ified in to us, for application needed, approval by tho committee ti>ld Miss Sleincr If federal funding is continued , tire up a whopping 21 percent which requires Musclnno lo i*p- to lake it up will, the attorney nudll inR tho city's records miles of now distribution lines, tho county boards in tho threo to wrlto SEMCAC Director Hal- the state grant would bo used in tho first qiinrlc-r of this year nnd finance other systoni im- agreeing ( provide pear and post bond for tho of- general ," ho snid , noting case Effort, to end counties in which SEMCAC op- vor Lachcr, Q to expand services in a number over tho wjnp period a year only with petition (Continue*! on puffc* 13) provements. erates *-* Winona, Houston nnd no input in connection with the of areas. OKO, ' fense. law deals arguments set today More Tonightr tomorrow on TV ¦ r"* - * ' , * Y~ * * - •'"' < •j JV&s?&Vf,& l$}#£ii/&%/&,%i?4JW S * l t ¦ - < i*> T 3 " \ ** ' v uftgl> < "A>. ,\ AIM ruling seen Wednesday . ^' M>m%&mMm By JOHN LINDQUIST Leaders. They are accused of tiations—same as the Trading tion paper authored several <:00 Teaching 2 To Til^^l thl 4ro«dw/ 4 News 3-+5-8-10-1S-1* Truth 1» tlOO Conctrl J ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP)-A burglary, theft, firearms viola- Post phone. months ago by Edwin Kitch, an Trulh or Const- Straight Talk 31 Pollca. Story M0-1S ^SF^fee quences t 7:00 Bill Moyera 2-31 Mircui Walby «•?-!» hearing on a charge of an ille- tions , assault and conspiracy in But it produced no testimony " - assistant attorney general in To Tell th» TiDtli » ¦ . . fAaudo A-t senior .eillzeni Jl gal government wiretap during connection with the 71-day oc- to show the roadblock phone .Seamanship 31 ' Adam-12 S-10-13 , tin Urban LIO. 2 the occupation of Wounded cupation of "Wounded Knee. Was actually used for other the Justice Department, was 6:30 This is The LIU z Happy Days 4-J-19 china 4 ordered released to the defense Outlook x Dealer's Choice 11 News ll Knee, S.D,, has concluded and Authorities said some 200 than monitoring. The Trading Animals A- '»'• Hawaii Flve-o 1-4.1 lOiOO News «-5-4-9-10-19-19 Monday. on-, Faraday Perry Maion ll ^^£ l Atitll a judge says, his decision is still AIM-led persons took over the Post phone was virtually in i. DinM sit * wm ryvxw *. ! up in the air. village on the Pine Ridge In- constant use. It states in. part, "A seizure S>.M.h , ™ t M,>v,, **** W'M NWS »» \j*« -;>'JwS.''S If Fa,l1er Knam J * <, Remarks by U.S. District dian Reservation Feb. 27, 1973. Nichol told attorneys Monday of the Bureau of Indian Affairs Trulh' o? C«* * =¦"•» «¦»•" sequences.»ii.n «. a B«st " Thriller i-9-11 Judge Fred Nichol Ln court to AIM leaders called it a "liber- he'll base his decision not only (BIA) Building in Pine Ridge * g.M Drug Edue„|0n 2 10iJ0 MovlB u- B-n termed Police Sorgepn . 10 . - Merv-'Orlffln 11. Hioo Tomorrow J-1IM3 reporters in chambers bear this ation" from what they on the wiretap issue but other (S.D.) could be justified as the Lucy . . 11 Black Journal 31 Nows « out. dictatorial Bureau of Indian-Af- "misconduct" alleged by the seizure in Washington (D.C.) WSC Peep Show 12 «:3. Straight Talk 2 Big villa/ . fairs (BIA) rule. defense. He has said the case could not, as a forceful exercise Nichol will hear government Nichol has told the govern- could go on for more weeks and of Indian self-determination of &%Bp& and defense arguments today * ment it is on the defensive in months. It began with jury- Indian territory." ik-^....;.._—_.-.^-...,._i.*_^—_.f^..^....*:.. i.. .. •»< VA^JS ,.-,>-w>i.^^^%?ffit w^?$,-ffl ^W^wuffed and expects to hand down his proving that It did not illegally picking Jan. 9. . .. M - A • H decision Wednesday afternoon. The BIA building in Pine Afternoon Special < Protectors t . AMAC monitor phone calls. Tbe six-lawyer team contends ««oi!r.. _¦ Star rrek I Trulh er COM* , * ? ^ ' . * . WTBfeill nF ^ The oral pitch by attorneys Ridge, 17 miles from Wounded 12:3* Playbreak t-•» »-W Bonansa 10 quences » \* the FBI and prosecuting attor- 1:0. Guiding Light 3-4-8 / may - sharpen Nichol's inter- The government arranged for Knee, was thought to be a tar- D W Fllntttones 11 Ozzle's Olrli 10 ! restored in neys have consistently withheld VxL? ° . in i. H°9an's H*™*' L,*eV 5«"W b; pretation of the lengthy testi- phone service to be get of AIM Indians. It was Lives B-10-13 Gomtr pyt, if" Beverly Hlllbllllei "13 ^i»-«hfe All the Wounded Knee Trading information vital to the de- guarded by U.S. marshals sev- 0 S,r TrUm V^- mony and abundant exhibits I. X. BZ of Nioht i-4-l «"» | "r„. .,^„ Jf, sSmiaira«m:Ti-r »l produced Ln the month-long Post on March 5, 1973. It also fense, or handed it over late or eral days in advance of the Ths Doclor. S.loia GilllMtll i .s Islandd 1-1I »l a-M Price is Right 1-1-1 ys'°" 0n * »«0D WMMwlM had an extension installed at in slip-shod fashion. Wounded; Knee takeover. nnv Che S J hearing. Basically, he has said, Another World S-10-13 !„Ton«:ih « 5°h * V,;V! it's the evidence that counts. government Roadblock 1, a Nichol told reporters he was AIM-led Indians seized the 0Cr)eral Andy Griffith 1> Chasa 5-10.13 Hospital «-»-lf 5:00 To Tall tha Truth Movie 6-9-1» inc^ fabrics "keeping in perspective the * The hearing forced recess of mile-and-a-balf away. BIA Building in the nation's 2:30 Match Game Ho««n' Heroes Dealer'* Choice 11 (prosecution) 3^-* * * Target 31 the jury trial of Dennis Banks strain these guys capital in November 1972. They How To Survive News J-M9* Testimony and exhibits In- are going through." At the Marrlasa 5-10-13 Trulh or Con- 7.J0 Thealer 2 and Russell Means, two Ameri- held it for six days, inflicting Ono Life sequences a Farn . r Knows dicated FBI agents overheard same time he praised the de- to Live 4-M9 IVumters 10 Best 11 can Indian Movement (AIM) considerable damage before Bewitched 11 ^^wwriaht five conversations and several 3:00 Supervision 2 Firing Line 31 fense as an alert group that B«30 Electric Co. 2-31 . _ they left with some $66,000 in Tartletales 3-4-S ¦* .M.. <.,. „.. 4 . Winona Dai!/ News brief monitorings. The prose- does its homework. Somerset S-10-13 Tha Frog Pond 3 ft "™* . *Vf travel money furnished by the New., 4-M+MMl 4 Winona, Minresota cution says the roadblock phone Love. American N ^ ' eHltln ""i Slacks a proposed posi- government. TUESDAY, APRIL 16, 1974 was installed to facilitate nego- Meanwhile, GS Pyi. '•'•{ ! 'Cs,bl. „ }:g "'»3JSj- 0|pH V '] 1:30 Sesame Street 1 Beverly Hillbillies 19 '*°° ooe„ wind at '* ^^fc_^^^^ slL ,f newcuffedyou're not wearing our Evenm9 PY4'^'^P?^|^^W% f lares—you Bewitched 0 4:00 Reading a K5 13.1, d00'*havethe last 3EAlter School 5 ™- '-«•'-" ' ' -i > \i^ZJi$ 'J\ ' News 3-4-3-8-10-13-19 Perry MBSOII 11 ¦: «V : word in slacks! All admits Spsclal w» Truth or Conse- Theater T • . - v, ^5 * • JT* \ Mitchell 31 Not tor women quences 0 18:30 Movie 1-8 the smartest s,ack HELD OVER To Tell the Truth 9 I'^skj-V _\M^1_nJ-j i)Ji * »?.'!''' -.. ¦ ., I? j. csrson MO-13 GREATEST ADVENTURE OF ESCAPE PettlcoM Junction Jl Future 11 :oth century Munsters 11 Wright _ :.o inquiry 1 Fox 6-M* counters! Human Relations 31 Cotter High News 3 10:50 Movie 4.11 We've 4:0. Mister Rogers 2-31 ¦ laurel & Hardy 4 12:_o Tomorrow 5-10-13 ^R^^f^Hii with Mod Squad $ ¦ ' Hollywood Squares got permanent-press interceding . S Mews 6 the Alter School Price Is night i \M^alSll great 4 Big Valley * 1 WJiB ^^l knits-with ' ' \^PilWright fit, that keeps Pwgray Yji& Jln its shape as long as PAPILLO ftldftjf ^ofttlw^ j f l you do! We ve got N iiS !ll ^Wl > , ' SEC for Vesco l^^^^ k By H- D. ftUIGG any form, shape, or manner •<• STATION LISTINGS surfaceand interest If Mr- Vesco was looking for a Mlnneapolls-St. Paul . winona-Edu. Ch. 11 Eao Claire WEAU CM. II 1 §|§§§fl|| pebbles (UPI) - John : WCCO Ch. 4 V/TCN Ch. V auttln-KAUS Ch. A *•» Crosse*—WKBT Ch. S linen* NEW YORK favor, he'd have foeeti jooking KSTP Ch. 5 KTCA Ch. I * '" „-„„ * ,„ La Crosse-WXOW Ch, 1» ^If^fl KMSP Ch. » Rochester-KROC Ch. 10 ooks that ma e you Mitchell ! concedes!; . .trial he for something more than just a . Xa Crosse-VVHLA Ch. 11 ^*F >"\\ interceded with .the Seciirities Winona—Cable TV 3 Mason Clly—KG-LO Ch. 3 Programs i.blocl |o cnange 'debonair. ^ meeting with the chairman of So, get ia and Exchange - Commission: on ; 6:30 Sunrise Variety .11 . Reitless *4-l §4 the SEC"!; . Y- e l,r ^^ ^l^^^ i > J.™' '*' »:30 Gambit 3-4-8 Jsckpot 1-10-11 behalf . of ! .financier Robert Government testimony has Passwortf 4t-M» .J, ' - . . Jeopardy M0- -3 Vesco the same;Yday Vesco been that Vesco, through Womea Only S Groan Acres 9 Thai Glri I) itiade a secret $200,000 contribu- V*y*'*V I' JaanSie li 11:30 Search for lawyer. Harry JL.. Sears, . a Religion 13 z R „ „ Temorrow 3-4-1 tion to the Nixon re-election f.00 Newi M Celebrity Sweep- Mitchell friend, was strongly carmen 1».»& E"' C1"'« Co- ' 2 ; But ; former J '" J. stakes 5-10-13 campaign. the pressuring for an audience with Today HO-13 "T ??? ... Split second OH , Zoo Revue 11 . attorney general /denies he did vw™WliardJ M«4 "»"•"» William Casey; then chairman Ti» Claneey 4 sesame Slraet 31" anything wrong. Y Popeye 11 5', of the . SEC and that -. Mitchell , , lD. 1, r]j 1HS5 News 5-10-11 Varletyr 11 12:0O Sesame Street 1 Mitchell denied all charges got Sears an; appointment with «'"«•pSfhei^CnoS?""' IC|10,V» ' ' ¦ : »:00 Capt ¦ News WJ-10-13 against!; him - Monday, .: even Casey ' the'., same '. day . the Kangtaroo 3-4 B «*• ¦' All My Variety « 10:25 News 6 under tough, cross-examination. $200,000 was delivered. ¦ Children ¦ ¦ *-M»¦ ' ' ¦'¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' News ' - t 10:30 Love of Life M-8 Nbonllrne . ' a iracy trial ¦. ¦ ¦ : ¦ The vcriminal consp t:30 Carrascolenda* ¦ 2 - . Hollywood 12:15 Variety I against Mitchell and. former The first rules of usage for Movie « scares, . l-10.1i 12:30 As tii'e WerW American;" Romper Room 9 Brady Bunch; 4-»-l» Turns 1-4-1 Commerce Secretary Maurice the Flag; weren't Mister Ed 11 Andy Gninrh 11 Let/s Hake Stans neaxed its final stages adopted until 1923-146 years aft- .sOO Joker' s Wild 1-4 1 10:4O Eledrlc Co. 41 A Deal 4l-Mt er. Betsy Ross sewed the Stars Hazel : 9 I0i55 News ' . l-a Three on B with Mitchell's cross-examina- ! Dinah Shore • H»-U fJeliglon 4 . wirelt : 19-U tion neariqg and Stans: waiting and . Stripes. Y' Fllntstcnes 11 ll:0O Young & Variety 11 SIEVE mcquEin ousun HomriRn to come onstage.' ;!, -Come Early Features at 7:03-9:40 ; The Stains testimony Avals to • ^SCATmTM^^h& the final major act of the PO • S1.00.$1.75-$2.25 • No Passes HMIT federal court trial, now in its , 38th day and ninth week. Stans TV hidhta was expected , to ;be a lengthy ' ¦ : ' Tvho is in jail .and charged with Zero .'McKtel, comedy (1969) , :¦;;. .^H i' " '' " '' a double murder. .8:00 Chs. 34-8 10:30, Chs.: 3-8. Y witness. Aiid there may be one ighJ ghts; ;. . _; . , . ¦ EMOS TONITE or two corroborating Mitchell Theater in Amwca. Richard 'The Happening," Anthony HELD YY ;.Y! Today : , OVER witnesses before him. .Kiley is featured is "The Cere-; Qtiiiu., -Satire¦ (1967), 10;50; Ch Religion in the 70's, 11:00: and ; ;•;¦ ¦ ' Also, the prosecution may mony of Innocence," drama of ,4...... 7:00; Ch. 3. ¦ '• :./? ' : The Band That ' AGAIN .. . produce rebuttal witnesses af- : L——— Ch! 6. • Cl 7C ' " would have ended right The Frog Pond, 5:30 Dumpllnfls ...... ^)JlaI J ;;„ ,. Ch. 3, ; _ [Sears] there . . . Baby Beef ai mw M*™«*M»ira*«Mii«i.« " Dimension '74 , 5:45 , Ch. 3. • (T4 71* "It never occurred to you Xocnl News, fi: 00, Ch. 3. Liver & Onions 4>J.a/J that Vesco was looking for ..Your Future Is Now. "Opera- something?" tions With uo.- ^ Whole Numbers," f-Mj "It never occurred to me in 6:00, Ch. 31. COUNTRY Cotter High News, 0:3O, Gh, 3. Winona Daily News (CBS may tolecast an NBA KITCHEN conference final). 1611 Service Dr. ¦ ' TU ESDAY, APRIL 1_, 1?7< Cannon. VOLUME 118, NO. 136 "JIo Who Digs a ' pMi\- Grave," two-hour crime drama S^* \ FULL COLOR Published dally except Snturdoy end cer- , tain holidays by Republican nnd H»rnld tells about Cannon's war buddy vyi/wwi Putailshlno Comnony, <01 Fronklln St., '-'' ¦¦¦¦¦ -¦^••**i^»¦; ¦/. ¦ ¦ :' ; : ' ' ' ; ' ¦ '' >:^ ' - • • • : ' ' . Y:.\.C, ' . '^¦ ::¦ '; •' ' r y ^J4 y^'-c\:: - ~ . -j V ; ; . Y Y: - . - . ' Y V YY Y- . V':Y/Y ' ' --; -Y'1: . :- :' ' S/i^tf ^in^e^^ ¦cttsS^^fllVbW-l KATTIESEIURG,; Miss. (UPI) at Columbia and dozens of — TTiousaricIs of persons, routed creeks and streams in several from their homes by flash counties spilling into residential areas and farm land. Y flooding tliat caused .ani Estimat- ' A weekend storm dumped as 10reasons why ed $50 .million. in damage, much as 15 inches of rain on m oved into emergency shelters soine localities during a 30-hour Monday at a National Guard period before¦ moving into caimp, schools, ; and churches; Louisiana.' ¦:. - ' "The ..water is about six ieet Gov. Bill Waller estimated high in some of the houses, and that as many as 10,000 persons furniture, ' arid clothes . are had to evacuate their homes Stating all ^ound,'' .. said and move iri with friends or parrel Blount of Petal, Ms..; relatives or into the emergency wlo helped organize a relief shelteris. our plan can top shelter in the community; north of Hattiesbttrg. : ,: > Asking; President Nixon to declare $4 south and central Civil Defense officials said Mississippi; counties a disas- about 2,0HW . flood refugees from ter area, Waller estimated the Hattiesburg¦ area aiid other damage at $30 million to parts of - . southern Mississippi private homes and businesses spent M-onday night at Camp and $20 million to public roads, Shelby, a summer. training bgse bridges and other facilities. The tor national < guardsmen, and figures do not include agricul- the one you now cany another 1,000 slept in shelters tural losses. ¦¦¦¦ around the city. : ' .'. - ."•. "Accurate assessments are Refugee centers were also set precluded in many areas up in the Columbia ¦ and¦ Laurel because flood waters have nob areas of Mississippi. '-¦' ¦ receded ," Waller said. "Exten- Seven drownings have been sive damage has been done to attributed tb the flooding ; which, crop and pasture lands with a sent the Bowie and Leaf rivers large number of cattle drow- at Hattiesburg, the Pearl River ned." Nimrr; nation W r0f hea,th- Py° snthe most efficient plan for yciir ties of up to $10,000 and frve ceed its face value ," Shultz . .. i /-. » 11 needs. He can provide you with up-to-date years in prison can top the plan you now carry. Compare ail _ as a result of said. 6< We work with hospitals and doctors jnformatjon abou new apparent hoarding and destruc- The demand for pennies has ^ ^^ ^ ^ tion of pennies for their copper exceeded the U.S. Mint's ability ten reasons. And if you agree, return the jn Minnesota to provide the best health care developments in medical care technique* content.! , • to produce copper cents in re- coupon below for more information. coverage at the lowest possible costs. cent weeks and a few govern- Mail the coupon below for more protection. Sliultz said on Monday that ment banks have been forced demand for pennies |n the last to ration ¦ pennies to their custom- 1. Mo re of every health care dollar comes 7. We offer a complete range of the most three months has totaled two ers. ' ' . TB.U ^^ billion, double the demand for The rising demand! for back to you In the form of benefits because we up-to-date plans m the state; A variety of B|UQ the same period a year ago. pen- j 3535 crossRoad, St Paul, Minnesota65165. nies results from the rising need a lot less of every dollar you pay in to ^rouRplans, plus ourfamous Medatlion P*^ price of copper, which is ap- proaching the point where the handle administration. individuals, families, groups of^ 3 to 14, supplement^ h understand there Is no obligation on my'part copper in pennies will be worth to Medicare, college student and p atron plans. „ ¦>, mam „ J n Groupnrn„n PlansD,Q„B (3-H.. membeuare)» more than a penny. 2. You're Identified Immediately to every J Spot copper prices hit $1.20 ? Group Plana 15-50 membeT.)^ per pound on world markets participating hospital and doctor in the 8. We keep pace with ever-changing health j _ last -week , the price at which it care needs In Minnesota by constantly reviewing ' -P¦ ™ J*™ mi689-2237 becomes country by simply showing your Blue Cross and I ??,"£ f 1°^ !. , % r^ more expensive to D Individual or Family Programs (non^oup) IF NO ANSWER mint pennies than the pennies Blue Shield cf Minnesota ID card, and adjusting our benefits to meet current and are worth. D Medicare Sapplemenlal (over 65 only) - . ' CALL ,.y-2«I future demands with our Minnesota . The potential point where the 3. Our prompt claim handling paid over home-grown plans. I MAMF LET US copper value becomes more ¦ than the penny is $1.50 per 859,000 claims, amounting to nearly $110,000,000 ' ' . !««..«««COMPANY— , —_ .—J»HONKDunM _ HELP YOU WITH pound. In benefits laBt year. 9. Nearly one million Minnesotans j —— ¦ ¦ Plumbing & lloallng The Treasury Department ¦—; ¦ ¦ ¦ Water Line Trenching had hoped to are covered by Blue Cross and Blue Shield of I ADDRESS—— • Duplox Pump Jack. & Parti abandon produc- • Suhmersibl. Pump. tion of copper pennies and 4. If you move, change jobs, retire or Minnesota. Blue Cross has been providing. [_ -JITV ______¦ ¦ Procnst Septic Tanks make pennies out of aluminum, and Dry Won Inilallatlotii are laid off, you can continue your coveraqe coverage for Minnesotans since 1933— P • Gas & Bloc, Wo lor Healers But Congress has not been I «.TAT ?»p • Hot Water Duller* sympathetic to the idea WN ¦ ¦ ¦ Pre cist clslern- , largely on a conversion contraot basis. and Blue Shield sinoo 1945. \ . ..:.. _. . Y . -. ' ¦ • Wntor Softeners because of the vending machine • KllchonAld Dishwatlter industry. • G11 a (Ml Furnacoi • Kitchen & Bathroom Fixture* The mint Is now «¦ • Stock Wa tcren Eiva Trouoh Work pcrlmenting with a new alloy • that would reduce the copper content of a penny from 95 to 70 per cent. H&M ¦ PLUMBING & HEATING Blue Crossand Rolling-tor*. Natural gas liquefies at 260 Jttml-PS) Rog Maichka — Tom Harter! degrees below zero Fahrenheit at atmospheric pressure. WWW ll f Blue Shield HflL \! ^ of Minnesota. Preserve Our Unique River Town Heritage W« want you lo be healthy. But when you need protection for health cure, count on Blue Cross and BJ ue Shield of Minneeota to fc* fieri. MEETING - TONIGHT 7,00 P.M. CATHEDRAL CHURCH BASEMENT — 360 MAIN Save Winona Campaign : NA -; The wome n rafce v-:;- ; ^S DAILV^]>WS:;;Y:. A page of opinio^ M ih a&M dldultion The last important .human activity that you wish to avoid this sex tax into polities hoi :subject to taxation js sex.. Why and so notify the government on the « : : ; Winona School District board now includes two Page 6, Winona Daily News, Winon a, /\Ainne.-ota; Tuesday, April 16, 1974 ;, this curious exemption? When we ; '/- :B ker vr' '. appropriate forms. r'\ Rus.^//:' a* ' ' ' -^ ¦ ' ' '¦ ' ¦ ' "' " " " ¦ ¦ , taxes for food, " ' ¦; The government would' then pro- women, another has filed — which is local evidence are compelled to pay : : . : ; . . \ of the heightened interest- of women in politics. clothing and shelter, does it make cent an annual tax bill '¦.. - vide you with an air bag adapted for any sense to :leave sex-free , like The tax rate would be based on human wear. It might fit . compactly around the waist, perhaps caiising; Cbngressional Quarterly estimates that this year municipal bonds? the amount of incoihe tax paid. ' If . scale priori- ' 1 ittle more than a bulge than a rising nearly 3,000 women may run - On the Anrterican . of the sex tax was . set at-- : 10. . percent, for city, state, na- ' ' with gaso- slip or an escaping shirttail;;It would tional office, including one who may very ties, ;. sex probably ranks say,, aiid your income-tax bill was well be? have to be worn:.year-round, i .of come the nation's first woman to become a governor line ' as. a human*, $5,090, your sex tax would be . $500. . ; course, night and day. An incpaven- of a state . by «lection without following a . husband need. Not as vital as If, of course, one chose to abstain. ' ' lencei. to be sure, ^ut. not half the into office. / ! : Y food, clothing arid from sexual activity, the tax would shelter,, but more not be applied. As with the income inconvenience Ythe government re- quires rh terms of record storagei' ¦¦ important than whis- tax, however, the burden of proof , ;• ' " She \s-V: S. Rep. Ella T. Grasso of Connecticut, and preservation , of those who. want ky, tobacco and. tele- would rest upon the; individual. : a Democrat, who . seems to be. leading both her to- recover even modest, sums of vision, which aire air -I do , not think signed affidavits Democratic primary contender and' the leading Re- their income-tax piaymehts. . . ; ep/taxeriYlf -we toler- attesting to a full year , publican . contender. . Altogether some 50: women 's abstention The first collision with another hu- '" ate the gasoline tax ,, can really be have - become congressional or gubernatorial candi- relied iipon in this; sort man body would of course, instantly : and we do of thing- , dates.: , we will . The governtnent will /-cer- inflate the bag to a diameter ' of 6 ffUrely- not object- to tainly want better guarantees than ' ' ''" feet—front, back and sides-^enwrap^ a sex tax. Y - -Baker*;, .' . a signature at/the bottom of ah ab-: from clavicle to laiee*1 , 3ut at thai; level --- other than Mrs. Grasso — ping the body . THE GOVERNMENT :«f stinence . form 1362A. It will have to j . the prospects aren't,so good.! None of other nonin- . court* • ' cap. in a/huge, doughtnut-shaped air- ¦Woiild have .levied such have enforceable safeguards. / -. : cumbent House- and gubernatorial candidates are . a tax long filled bladder. ago except for the • technical idifficul- ¦ eohsidered front-runners. And of the 16 women now 1 ¦ HERE WODERN technology prom- . There , woiild be harsh penalties for ties of collecting'it; "' ¦' . in the House, four aren't seeking reelection, of' which ises to solve the gove-rnment's prqb- inflated air, bags. .; They would be The economic and social argu- letii. The the aforementioned womnah of course is one. - , solution lies in develop- prima facie evidence . ;of interest to ments for such a tax are irresistible, ment jof : the so-called air bag, which commit sex-tax evasion. The go-yern- for it would hot only swell depleting is . soon to be placed in automofciles ment; ;might even deyise: a bag that What are the wornen candidates like? Some lib- treasuries but also, if fixed at a suf- to protect passengers in a collision. could not be deflated and removed erationists might, resent the suggestion ' ¦¦¦ that they re ficiently /high rate,. help reduce . the ' Placed in cornpact Compartments until the f-iill tak and all penalties all that different, but a study sponsored by "the Cen- population, / shrink/ the and, thus,. in the dashboard , the .air bag will had ;beeji: paid. Y ; ter for the American Women and Politics found that number of people on whom, all •'. this spring forth' and almost instantly of course there are " also women in politics work harder , than mien (who says government \yealth. would . be . Then,' , . inflate at the hiame_it of collision, seat harnesses. /And maddening/buz- they're. weaker?), that they're, more issue-oriented spent.¦: . ' ..'.' • Y' .Y enwrapping'the car's occupants in a zers which, once, activated, cannot be than power-oriented;- that they see themselves as Collecting the tax presents no great huge smothering encasement of air- representing broad interests and a' wide constituen- turned off until the tax . agents crash difficulties. The government ... would filled bladder. : : though the boudoir door, with, isub- cy;; that they tend to spend more- of their own moriey begin with an assurnption that every- It should b

/To. have womeri in politics in Winona. is no irino- ¦;;: "if THtY yatiori. A decade ago. two women served oh.' tlie ^ city council simultaneously, .trie city sent a woman ^ to the legislature about the same time and two years ago women were candidates for both the state housa ^^^^^^^ a m ^ and senate, .. GHICAGG — After Ab Mikva, the , in; support of Nixon. gravel Democratic" candidate for Congress Young's close identification with _Biit the present surge of women into politics in the 10th District of Illinois, spoke : Tom Wicker Nfjxon, in fact, may ; be his; inajor has ail air of permanence about it. Make no mis- to liistory students at the . Evanston prbbiein.- . .' \-; '¦ , ; the take about that; — A.B. . . Township High School Ysame er areas just north of Chicago. It Mikva — who .has been calling; for questions kept coming at him in is the most affluent district in Il- impeachment , since January -^ be- differing forms: Hoiy could the stu-; ' linois, .but is no longer so Republic lieves Nixon's political standing has dents ; be sure he was an honest coastline, one clockwise, . ftie . other been lowered even further by his tax man? Why sho*uld: they trust him? can Or so conservative. Voters are counter-clockwise, day after" day, for troubles. . And ; he concludes that . iHaving already made public his about a-third Republican and a third worth two years,; lest the most explosive Young's ' previ ous support for hiirn The William net worth and his tax return Mikva independent, arid also are '-about f. Buckley human force of the . 19th Century . , is suph a liability that the onlj way advocated a variety of disclosure and evenly divided between Catholics, J should slither out and bring tumult he: can; deal with it is to vote;for ethics laws and ibid the students Jews and Protestants. There is even of a woman yet again to- FuropeV Instead, be- impeachment. -his .siailwart Re- . - .- The chief purser of the S;S. France that people can keep politicians hon- a leavening mix of YpaJe/ blue col- To . come listless,; he lay mucin of the' publican backers W. CI.ment Margaret M.- Heckler, a representative fxom put it this way. "When the Arabs est by: involving themselves in poli- lar'' neighborhoods., - where .some' ;— time in his bathtub at Longwpod, Stone, the; big Nixon / contributor is Massachusetts, says that women in politics are not quadrupled , the price of oil, they . tics year around not just oh highly skilled , and y/ell paid wage- the dreary house the British built the ,. among them — Young can explain motivated by ' money ; still public office is iirams- wrote. an ehd io The France as sure- election day. "But I don't. think I workersiive. ' - ' for him, dictating to his dwindling . . that such a vote is only for a. fair takably one piace where women cannot claim wage ly as if; they ; had aimed a torpedo convinced " he said later - ; staff. When he died, Lohgwood was theah, . IN ,1972, Richard Nixon carried trial in. the Senate, which might clear discrimination. at her: side; J)o you knqw . hqw much ' fuel we will burn oh. this round-the- used to shear sheep, and fLnally the AN OLD campaigner who has been the 10th by about S0,000 votes (out Nixon.- - "" French bought it from Queen . Vic- in the state legislature ; who of about 240,000), but still ; trailed '¦' ¦ ' ' world cruise?" - and ; IF SO, ihat is a situation hot pe- - . . Oh the other hand, U. S.; Census Bureau statis- If I had known I would hot have toria, and it survives scruffily.: How served two terms in Congress from Illinois liberal Republican ; Senator tics indicate: that overall , culiar to the / district, vvhi'ch is .why : wonien are worth--in terms answered, would not have deprived will visitors get . there, now that the a Chicago district that ho longer ex- Charles .. Percy* by 20,000 votes. On of wages paid—50 percent as much as a man doing passenger ships are disappearing? the other hand Ab Mikva — moving, impeachment Is likely, Paradoxical-; him of the pleasure ists, Mikva has become used to Iy, Mikva is not particularly pleased , the same job. . -v " / . -YY into the district when his own was of administering the PLACES OF exile should, one- sup- honesty questions this year. Obvious- divided among three others — lost at the prospect: that ..his; Republican shock."Five hun- poses*, iook like St. Helena, and smell ly, they have to a large extent, been; opponent might vote to impeach. By , it: by only' ; 7,000 to his Republican Which is a way,of introducing that familiar topic dred thousand tons,'' that way. If it comes up fails for inspired by the Watergate exper- so voting, fears,. Young will gain . Opponent, Samuel Young. Even in he; of the value of women's principal occupation—house- That is a lot of fuel.. Nixon, San Clemente would look and ience, slhce he rarely heard any-; ''instant ; honesty ¦will ' the Nixon landslide; Mikva, hurt bad- "; he look like wife. Recently the Washington Post had housewives I figured it at 3*0 tons smell like Longwood in a matter of thing like them before. courageous politician willing : to ly in a well-heeled district by George a with two children—one in school one .pre-school— per hour. " weeks. Meanwhile the sun, aS it set This is no small matter, because stand , , McGovern's tax-the-rich proposalsr- up and be counted even Against figure -how: they: spend an average week. . then they about handling our penetrated the clouds and put a halo- the . Illinois 1.0th is almost classically . a; iriahaged to' turn:around 53,000 Nixon President of his own party, .an priced the services on the open market and came deficit with little oii St; for just a few minutes a district in which. Watergate could . . Helena •voters.: image that might be of great /help to up with a grand total of $793.60, including these ser- economies. Do away as The France pulled away heading make a major difference. Moreover, him among the independent voters hourly with caviar at the politrcal situation , here. ; vices and rates: : for Dakar! The . French Mhe -thihks .suggests On , a popularity "thermometer" either man needs to win in the 10th night! But why do the basic reason why Richard Nixon by which poll takers rated several Buckley of everything. . District. ¦ ¦ people come oh The is -likely to be impeached,, and why politicians' ¦ • ' Food buyer, $10; nurse, $4; Mor, $5; waitress . ; Contrasts, always. St. Helena and standings from i . (least For that reason, . Mikva ts wor- , France in the first place? The point the politics of irnpeachme_it $9; seamstress, $2.50; maintenance worker, '$5.25; Versailles, Dakar and New York. One . is not approval) to 10 (most approval), ried about the developing Nixon stra- nanny, $100 (a week) ; cleaning woman, $2.50 an hour; is we're not the Holiday Inn. Then wonders whether the sidereal fever as. simple as might appear. district voters now give Richard Nix- tegy of stall and delay; he would they say: do away with the free Created in 1972 from a part of on onl cook , $3,10; housekeeper, $3.10; laundress, §2.50; . or . whatever it is that rages in . y 2 points, while Percy scored like to see the impeachment vote table wine. Do you know how, much what had been a: strongly Republi- chauffeur, $4; gardener, $3; psychological counselor, your system in protest against going 6, and Democratic Senator Adlai taken as soon as possible, so that that costs us?" The shock this time can and conservative district—rep- Mik-va $35; errand runner, $2:95; bookkeeper, $5; interior to sleep in Dakar and waking: up in Stevenson and were about 5. any gains Young .might make With was not how much,: how little; resented for years by Marguerite decorator, $25; caterer, $6; animal care, 17% cents, but New York isn't partly a matter, Even Young was rated at 5, although a yea vote could be countered well "About 12 cents per bottle. We buy Stiff Church, then, briefly by Donald Mikva is not letting the district for- and lover, $80. — A.B. not only of a metabolic ^resistance before election day. , ; : . whole harvests." to traveling, across six time zones Rumsfeld—- the 10th encompasses get that his opponent advertised in in six hours, but of a cultural resis- Evanston, Winnetka, Skokie and oth- 1972 that a vote for Wm was a vote New York Times News Servica ..THERE WAS ; a little f renzied op- timism as the huge steamer left tance to seeing so much c.ntraist so Capetown for St. Helena , that Gaul- sharply. The good news list Pride might save this exquisite At St. Helena, Napoleon , overlord ship. Perhaps Charles de. Gaulle of Europe , was surrounded by four courtiers and two women, and had Decline of West would have put up the estimated $25 million annual subsidy, The present seven servants. The 200 soldiers on PARIS - The idea of "Europe" pean manufacturers, they rnay be isn't censored formally signalized by the Common government would not, and President the island were not at his disposal!, wiser to limit their enterprises to but at that of the sadist who gov- Market Treaty of Rome 17 years less ambitious dreams. Newspapers frequently need to defend them- Pompidou himself would go, and C. L. Sulzberger erned the island his full-time war- ago is now going backward, not selves against this arrow: all you ever do is publish with him much of what is left ' of , den. Tragedy was defined long ago forward. Nixon as the Watergate procedures ALL THIS provided an unhappy bad news. "Why don 't you print some good news? Gaullist pride, before The Franoe background to this month's meeting as the fall from a great beight, A_t When the European Community completed the cruise. continue to unfold, he can never of community foreign ministers in St. Helena you feel the Ml horro»r was enlarged to include Britain, Ire- It's easy to defend against this arrow. You just We got the bad news just as we again be in a position to give the .; .' , ' ' . ' : of it, and it is . best approached at land and Denmark in 1972 there was ask the reader to mark every story in the paper, eith- pulled out of St. Helena , but the North Atlantic world dynamic guid- 30 amies per hour, aboard a boat, a revival of the old spiri t that en- Pessimistic talk comes at an ex- er as "good news" or. "bad news " and the answer crew of 1,200 took it as stoically as , then at jet speed. Easier to come, visaged advance toward political uni- ance. The French war of political ceedingly bad time for all the coun- will be unmistakably on Ihe side of "good news. their etmperor had taken that "damn- " easier to go, ty, common monetary policy and succession following President Pom- tries concerned. The economics , of Then if you want to carry it one step further you ask able rock," as he referred to the a But the now is uniforml y ultimately a unified pidou 's death give s Frenchmen con- the energy crisis have;cut deeply in- the reader to indica te which of the "bad news" stor- little island 1, 200 miles from Africa , accent, , on speed and the French will spend system of defense. cern ; Chancellor Willy Brandt is to Western defense planning at a ies he really wanted to know, about and which of 1,800 miles from South America. another quarter billion dollars to de- The concept of a depressed following a popularity moment when both U. S. strategic the "good news" slories he 's really not interested in. The only happy man in St. Hejena negotiations with Moscow and Euro- that night was the gentleman who velop a supersonic jet while The twin-pillard Atlantic slump ; and Britain's Wilson is fight- JFrairee sli ps into drydoek . They co ll Alliance based on co- ing to surmount a tidal wave of pro. pean security discussions are ap- The . main point is that we do report.a great picked my wallet. proaching critical phases, I did not bother to cable the Di- that the wave of the future. "So," I herent North Ameri- blems. deal of "good news," said to the purser, "in that case can and West Euro- Amid these developments, the To have the West start to fall ner's Cluh. The next boat to St. apart at such a moment, with its Helena wasn't due for four or five la France will go down ." He cor- pean contributions Common Market is being forced to An example is honor rolls leadership losing vigor, its economic ... months. The only time there was rected me. "Non , Monsieur. " "Le had started to flick- face the fact that trans-national eco- France, pas La France." He may be er once again lasl nomic and commercial projects cooperation running into difficulties , ever heavy traffic there was when its diplomacy lapsing into mutunl re- Which is our way of noting with satisfaction Napoleon was in residence , and two right. year. But a combin- worked out among European nations that-.a pol l of Wiriona Junior ation of economic are simply not producing expected crimination and its statesmen bick- High School students' British frigates circled the IB-mile Wasftt'/tgfon Star Syndicate Su lzberger parents indicates they favor publication of Ihe honor and nolitical set- results, Thus the Anglo-French su- ering with each other is a deeply roll despite a disadvantage or two of a minor na- backs has shoved the project into re- personic plane, Concorde, is In des- saddening eventi ture. ¦verse, There are few observers perate straits. New York Times News service ¦ realization that m< ' ¦ ¦*¦ ¦ - - * ¦-'- ¦— — Not chairpersons around who are ready to guess when There is Increasing " " We're happy to continue to print it.—A.B. that trejid will half. despite the technical ability of Euro- An editorial in The language has bijen taking a THE MOST -critical setback wait Wlsconiln Stat* Journal good deal of jerking and wrenching the October Arab-Israeli war which Without getting into the merits of recently and having "alderpersona" exposed gaping; division s between AftAPFMrr Winon a Daily News whether person s ought to keej) their and "chairpersons" fouling lt tup United States and European policy An Independent Newspaper — Established JB55 sex secret in official desigmtions, even more Is not good for what and which produced an energy crisis it might be a good Idea to inako started out as a great culture. that widened the gap still further. MEMBER Ol' THE ASSOCIATED PRESS a few name changes before lha Perhnps the solution would ho to On the heels of this came a British language becomes comlpelely cor- redesignate' the offending positions. election thnt brought Into power a Wir.MAM -F . W HITE . , Publisher rupted. How about chiefs, or regents, or minority Labor government which C. E. LIN DEN . . . , , Bits. Mgr., Adv. Director The hangup seems lo be that commissioners, or rulers? Anything is trying to gain favor -with a puz- Aooura B UEMER . Eflitor-i-n-Chie/ many wotmen are offended by des- but alclerpersons and chairpersons. zled electorate by picking "Euro- G AH V W, E VA NS ..,,,,,. News Editor ignations which Imply that the pean " scabs, M. SUE ROETJIEI .E ... ,, , , .Asst. News Editor holderB of them are men — alder- If carried too far this would ba C. Connors' H OLTE ...... Sunday Editor man , chairman , assemblyman , (lint Guess What? unwise. About the only clemvut in- "W ILLIAM II. E NOLI U ..,.».., Controller sort of thing. dication in Britain 's vole was a dem- ^ So round , so firm , so neatly W) T homas A. Martim A. J. KIEKBUSCII „.,,...Circt'loHon Mgr. As a result there are a lot, of onstration that about percent of "alderpersons" running for city stacked tho clectornto supported British ad- ^ "~^ I.. S. BRO niAPtTin -NR ...... Composin-n Supt. I sure have star ted somethin ' Community. Such sup- L. V. AL-STON ....,_.. Erif/ro .injj Supt. council seats, and mnny committees herence to the FUT1ERAL HornE. are headed by "chairpersons," One Sometime today I'll pass thai port came In the Coiiscryativo and Formerly .ROBERT VOGELSANG* . . . . ' Press Superinte ndent Rr_lt '_vf-M*rtln Funaral Horn* could take It fiirlhcr , "minilperson , " way Liberal parlies , The pro-Common Tho Associated Press Is entitled exclusively lo "milkpni' .soiifi , " "scnucrson , " "iiell- And feist upon-a to.ntcd Market faction in Labor over-bal- XH> lilt S«r»t|_ • Winona the uso for republication ol oil Uie local m-ws jinnlcd person , " but the major gripe seems Eng lish rnuflin. uncod the nnli-mnrket Tory group. . Hioiv- D»y or Night 434-1940 ^^~~ r * i — - MI.. , -i ', i i ' i . i Is this newspaper as well aa oil A.P, news dispatches. to be with official titles. . —Ruth D. Smith Whatever happens to President ' White W ¦ By JOHN BECKLER T ibling, the pan- House as well as a loyalty- to vain since Feb . 25 for the White nd they -dropped/it. . " • ' •: ' . " With/that attitude, he . has op- them in Albert/Jen tier, chief week and agreed 'tn principle to WASHIN&TON el . gained new the party," says Rep. Hamilton House to deliver them. posed the idea put - forward by minority counsel of' the .im- much of what the Republicans; (AP) — The Ah¦ V.P Rodiho's willingness to 'com- " : House Judiciary Committee re- : - •;. . • unity in the Fish, R-*N.Y., "But; the admi-iis- Although angry enough; to promise; also has / healed the the White: House and the com- peachment staff. They had ex- are asking. The details will ba sumes its impeachment News res e.nt ment .ration doesn't seem to under- yet threat- mittee Republicans that ;. St. pected him. to reflect , a Republi- worked out after the committee! inquiry ¦ support a subpoena vote, most most serious breach ' ' next week . with its A..|, «* shared by most stand that." , ' - : on the Clair should have a right to can viewpoint in the investiga- returns next week. . . . •• Democratic Analysis i(s me Republican members favored ened in the committee, majority and Republican mi- ^ pibe.*s Another factor in; the current one calling for only partial de- role of; St. Clair j as / Nixon's participiate . fully in the coni- tion but he has worked closely; It is likely St. Clair's role will I.. ; ; lo v e r White nority more united than ever, bipartisan spirit within; the liveryr of the 42 tapes when the* counsel,,in the inquiry. : mittee's. activities,, calling his with Doar and joined him in all be more restricted than some thanks;:' -largely to House handling of the request were own .witnesses, presenting his major . staff decisions .1 Y ..Y Republicans want,, as Rodino ¦ the White committee has been the work meeting began. They Starkly aware of the historic House. for tape recordings of 42 presi- of Chairman Peter W. Rodirio thrown into confusion when own evidence, and cross-exarh- Uncertain how Vigorously tries to strike, a balance be* dential conversations. importance;©, his actions, Ro- ining other witnesses. tween the need to preserve the -Always in danger of being un- Jr., D-N.J.j whose handling; of White House lawyer James St. , anything that Jenner : will challenge facts ¦ din©, is: loath to do YPhe zeal with which the Re- that could constitutional purity of tie dermined by party-line squab- ' There Is a loyalty to the impeachment inquiry disputes Clair, hoping to avoid a sub- , alter the nature of the gathered by the stafE might publicans liave supported, the damage Nixon;, the Republicans process as he sees it, ahd; the has won praise : from members poenal, telephoned an offer to impeachment process. He sees of both parties. .: ; deliver , some tapes, but not all. idea is; . only partly based *pn want St. Clair to do the job.' need to assure that Nixon is it as an.investigation to deter- treated .'fairly. grounds exist for their desire to see that Nixon is Faced with determined Re- Both unifying influences were After urging support for St. mine whether treated fairly. * '.; at work Republicans trial to . publican opposition : arid a split Winona Dally News *f last Thursday ivhen the Clair's offer, the; impeachment; not as a ¦ committee voted 33-3 tp auh- learned to their embarrassment determine proof ¦;' of those It also stems from dis- in his own party's ranks over • Winona, Minnesota . " Rbdino yielded last ' ' : the issue. , 1974 ' ' APRIL 16 ' ' - ¦ TUESDAY, ' ' among many oi . ' appointment ¦ , —¦ ' • • -/ ¦: poena the tapes after he; ' . would not put it in writing : waiting in grounds. ' ' . ______J^ ^ Defensive driving t course Offered Are you always prepared for the unexpected when you drive? Do you adjust to changing sit_raUo__s of lightYweather, road and traffic? Do you know that your health and state of mind affect your driving? Is your car kept in top condition? /If you answered yes to these questions, count yourself as among those likely ; to be safe and \responsib_e behindl/ the wheel.^H . you answered no, or hesitated before answering, you might want to kno^ir more about defensive driving; and particularly an interesting and valuable course offered by the Arrierican Association of Retired Persons to help you acquire defensive driving skills. It's a good program, and a popular oiie, which was de- veloped by the National Safety Council and is^ administered through the association's driver improvement program.^ The defensive driving course is geared to improving traffic safety, by updating the driving habits, responses and knowledge of the older driver. The course stresses the pre- yentability of an accident. We work cm the premise that virtually every accident is preventable; that/ in order to prevent accidents and drive •defensively, you change your thinking ; froiri blame to pre- vention. The six basic conditions to every accident are: the veh- icle, the road, .the traffic, the. driver, light, and weather. .An irregularity in one or more of these; conditions can lead to an accident. ., / ¦ All of the instructors, Hello . have been fully ti-ained and approved by .the National Safety Council.. : The fee for the two^ay, eight-session course is nomihal ' less than you would pay to. see a first-run movie these days. The course is entirely a discussion type classroom situation: no driving is done, and there are no gadgets to operate. Registrations; for this course are requested, and may be made by calling any of the following ¦ instnictors:YElmer Schuh, Cy Hedlund, vera Smelser and Arnold Dbnath, EWIER K. SCHUH

"" "" ' * * " ' ¦> " -' <¦* ^ * ^ ^ : * s , Minnesota._¦'< ' > S'< * . £ , -. - ~A ' - ^ < ? - ! ' *¦/> * H. , - ., Heart Fund reaches * Chancellor sets - ' * N , < ' ^ i. visit to WSC 64 percent of qoal Winona County's Heart Fund Dr. G. Theodore Mitau , : chanT Drive has . collected $€,056 .to c.ellor. of /the Minnesota - State College System, has scleduled date, «4 percent of its ; $9,450 a visit to Winona State College goal, according to Marvin Fu- April. 23..Y ; glesfad, / 318 ; TV. / Sanborn/ St., Dr. Mitau will ' confer with county fund chairman. Y representatives , of Winona area Statewide, the Minnesota news media, at a luncleon at Heart Association drive has col- Kryzsko Commons at 12:30 lected 65 percent of its $1 mil- p.m. . .- .. - : ;- '. ';- ."¦ • He'll meet with student lead- lion goal. The association; uses ers at the alumnae .lounge donations to conduct; programs from 2:15/to 3 p.m. and with of research, community service, the. college's vice presidents and professional and / public and deans from 3; 15 to 4 p.w; education. He plans to discuss . the 1974 Heart disease claims 54 per- legislative session, administra- cent of all recorded deaths, — in tive implications of -manage- Minnesota, about one death ev- ment and objectives and ; pro- ery 28 minutes, according to gram budgeting. / ' .; heart fund officials.

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¦ RUPPESTS * — GROCERY — OPEN DAI LY 8:000:30 — SUNDAY 9:00-12:30 Olyropl/i n'Owlnp Conjpjiny.Olympl^ Winhlngton *0LY' * ' ...... ' . 1' quarterly payment on the three Harbor Road, - * percent of gross subscriber with new life ' ¦¦ firm charged for its work, the coordinator produced some committee to recommend hiring , The bond . ' ; : written , revenue city /is entitled to : (ijnyy ' : statements but said she did not know exact percent- of expert helo that can deter- colle-ct under the new franchise BOSTON ~ John X sale is $425,00*0 less than the age. mine if TelePrompTer is living agreements . /: Downey, who spent 21 years in company asked for last fall be- Officials approved the walk subject to police department up . to the letter of the fran- a . Chinese prison ; camp on cause of a change in the com- approval of the planned route. chise; Only experts can provide THE QUARTER >hded re- espionage charges, says he ; is pany's financial standing, ac- satisfactory answers to ques- In separate action , the council again approved use of the cently, and TelePrompTer needs "pretty- content with my life cording to Daniel Bambenek, waste water treatment plant site for a civil disturbance ex- tions raised by Ev.erett Ed- time, for the New / York office now" as; a student at Harvard the authority's acting chairm an. stnwn in a March 18 letter to . ercise by the National Guard May 5. The local batallion's to Compile exact .payments, the Law /School ;and . plans to Following the destruction by exercise will run from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. city couricilmen, asserted B: manager Said. Quarterly pay- become, a small town lawyer. fire last.month of a cornpiny- Eugene Gough (2nd Ward). ments to Winon a have been owned grain elevator in Minne- Gough called for Uie; committee estimated at -'S3;000., Pitts said In an interview published iii apolis, Victoria acquired insur- and volunteered to serve as the . Boston Sunday "Globe, ance' revenue that allowed it to " he thought the franchise, pro- chairman. Y . vided for a 30-day period follow- Downey, 43,. sad ,. "I'm really- renegotiate sale of feiyer bonds ing each quarter, to . allow for pretty / content : with : my life at a better interest rate;-r- Vh Study time sought EiSTROM SAID the firm had now.: Gosh whesr. I think of some percent. Bond underwriters are not yet completed system- up- fee : payments. . of. . theY business problems or; Miller- and Schroeder and finan- grading, or opened the promis- Gough said he doesn't ;¦ have cial consultants are Ehlers aiid ed local studios Lacking the technical know-how in ca- troubles supporting a family that men my, age have 1. feel: as Associates, both of .Minneapolis. on access road plan budget and good equipment, he blevision to evaluate Tele- / : continued, "quality free .as a bird." . " ': :/;' -. ' Bond : sale under the* port's The ci'y council wants more surfacing for streets ; paying of the local PrornpTer 's performance, but ' name will provide tax-free, :low- a programs is not worthy to rep- he -wants more proof of per- Downey was shot-down in a study time before it decides portion of costs for water lines resent Winona " ' - interest financing/ for a plant whether to assume responsi- formance than either the com- plane - over China - .during .a spy addition to handle rail; ship- above. six ; inches and sewer In a letter dated April 2, pany or Edstrom can provide mission in November.1932,along bility for building a four-lane lines above eight inches; bring- ; ments and more trucks hauling access road to ¦ with Richard Fecteau of . Lynn,} grain . /. . - ".. , ing utilities to the project ' the proposed Mass. He was released , in * An earlier bond .issue by tbe Knopp Valley boundary lirfe; and handling March , 1973/ at; the request of j Port Authority, helped /Victoria City . development. assessments for utility and President Nixoi. Fecteau was] rebuild after, the Winona facility street grading. LOSE 20 POUNDS freed earlier. - was destroyed by fire in 1971. '. Jerr y Pa- Council penfuss, co- developer with ~~~~~~"" IN TWO WEEKS! Howard Keller of Knopp Valley, IRS reports Famous US. Women Ski Team Diet said , he wanted to know which heavy traffic in Durin g the non snow off season the US d e v e 1 opment responsibilities . Women's Alpine Goodview accepts would be taken by the city / or more richly colored. \ Ski Team members go on the "Ski Team" diet to lose 20 before plans progress much last-minute rush pounds in two weeks That' s right — 20 pounds :n 14 days' farther. ) Now Elizabeth Arden brings The basis of the diet is chemical food action ST. PAUL, Minn . (AP - and was deu^d BASED ON-the city 's acquisi- rhe Internal Revenue Service by a famous Colc-rado physician especially for the U S Ski cable TV contract tion of access to Service Drive said Monday there were some you a completely new collection Team Normal energy is maintained Kery important') wh.le -By TOM JONES :- , kept , on / .private ' property, .ille- for the Hillview . Addition, there 400,000 Minnesotans who had reducing. You keep "full" — no starvation — because the Daily News Staff Writer gal; burning of trash within city is precedent for asking Winona not filed their federal income of Nail Lacquers. $1.50 ea. diet is designed that way It's a diet that JS easy to follow ¦¦ limits and proper packaging of to fund access for the huge tax forms. The estimate was The Goodview City - Council ¦' ¦ whether you w ork travel or stay at home ( Not the grapefruit garbage.: Y .- ' residential and commercial made before the midnight dead- Monday 'accepted an amended ' ¦' '¦' complex , Papenfuss said. diet') for - cable - . • Agreed to consider City line for filing had passed. franchise contract; ' on s re- Construction of a 375-foot ac- television - service with Tele- Marshal / Merlin Ivers ' , There was heavy traffic at This is honestly, a fantastically successful d'et If it quest for a camera and tape cess road from opposite Gil- services offices late Monday, weren't, the US. Women s Ski Team wouldn PrompTer Cable Services Inc., more Valley would cost about ' 't be permitted Tele- recorder for his squad .car. Five IRS. offices . in the 'Min- to use it' Right' after a meeting With .. $28,000, estimated Citv Manag- So, give yourself the same bieak the U S. Thomas . » Granted a building permit neapolis-St. Paul area were >—r*^ fr/ COSMETICS — PrompTer manager to Richard , Poz an'c for - the con- er Paul Schriever. More than // Ski Team gets. Lose wei ght the scientifi c proven v,ay Even Pitts:, half that estimate is money open until 9 p.m. Monday to IJLJlZ « ... MAIN FLOOR if you f struction of a new garage and handle the last-minute crush. ^ 've tried all the other diets you owe it to jourself o try five- : needed to fill a pond in the The contract calls for a . remodeling of the existing one. s path. An IRS spokesman said pen- the US Women's Ski Team Diet That is if jou really do want period with; manda- '¦¦ ' road' te year service "•;• ' . Discussed a tractor alties for failing to file a return fihpa^* Whe-re Perjoaol Servlff * to lose 20 pounds in two w eeks Order today, Tear this out as tory' : renewal for an^ additional mower ; and blade with City Minnesota Highway Depart- /J I « a reminder. ' ment , officials , have said' . the ¦when money is owed include a mm^ Js stia rmportant five. .' '.years, if TelePrompTer Maintenance man Elmer Obitz. 5 per cent per month levy, and \ *r ¦ ' ' • Knopp Valley access may in- Send only $3 00 ($3 25 for Rush Service) complies with regulations set -¦ /' ¦• . — cash is O K. tersect Highway 14 only oppo- 1 per cent per month for failure - to NATIONAL HEALTH INSTITUTE, P O Box 39, Dept. IC down by. the Federal: Communi- to pay additional faxes. . The agree- Liza Minnelli site from Gilmore Valley Road. Durham , Calif. 93938 Don't order unless you want to lose 20 cations Commission The access runs through Bie- A spokesman for the Min- ment is similar to that entered pounds in two weeks!, Because that's what the. Ski Team Diet collapses bef ore sanz estate property outside nesota Revenue Department SHOP THE EASY WAY - READ THE ADS FIRST into by the city of Winona. city limits. 000 state returns will do. c!972 the con- said some 200, THE amendment to were missing as ot Friday, tract calls 'for. TelePrompTer to club pe rform ance Part of Knopp Valley plans call for the developers to deed pay the city of Goodview three ¦ , Nev, profits for the SOUTH. IAKE ' TAHOE to ci ty about 16 acres of land percent of gross (UPI) -- - Actress Liza IV-i-Hietli for a central park, system. purpose ¦¦¦: of implementing the ¦ collapsed offstage Monday Papenfuss estimated cost of franchise. night while/ waiting to perform those 64 lots at $352,000, and The council had opposed such said that gift far exceeded park before : a sellout¦¦ crowd at a clause . during negotiations, Harrah's Cluh. ¦ '; contributions of other recent de- CMcdwa* a* asking that individual subscrib- CcMm Stage -Manager Jacques Vpgt velopers. ers be given an adjusted lower said the Academy , Award- rate instead. TelePrompTer's CITY OFFICIALS didn't dis- policy, howcvef , has been to winning actress and singer had pute other city responsibilities pay the percentage to subscrib- symptoms oi the flu and an outlined by Papenfuss in the ing ; municipal-ties rather .than upset stomach while waiting in Knopp Valley development. granting rate differentials to in- the -wingsv These include developing and dividuals. A doctor was called and the maintaining the central park The ; council accepted the club picked up the tab for the system ; providing two inches amendment with the under- disappointed customers. each of base and bituminous standing that it might be elim- inated later by negoti ation when rate increases were discussed.; At present/, subscribers will pay $5.50 monthly, the same rate paid by Winona residents. Good- view City Attorney Kent . &er- SIMiiVant}.Sphinq. nander suggested at an April 10 public hearing on the franchise that . Goodview residents could be reimbursed for the higher ¥¦ Tt> ¦i* "V ^ ... mATw n6 sf* f &y * monthly¦ rate through lowered taxes; ' ¦ THE COUNCIL also agreed to I increase the sewier rental rate for Lake Village Trailer court to $13 from $4 per quarter, maintaining the $5 per unit ¦ : span which existed before other : § § Goodview residences were rai sed - *i' ^^^y^/ from $9 to $18 per unit per quarter. The ,rate raise is tentative. Fi- nal rates will be set pending discussions with Lake Village owners. Lake Village is billed for 50- unit packages, and now pays sewer rental on 200 units, al- though only 167 are actually us- ing sewer fa cilities. On that basis, another 33 units could be added to the court hookup with- out incurring further charge. Tentative approval was given by the council to plans present- ed by Dr. Dennis Dammerj, a Winona veterinarian , for an ani- mal hospital to be constructed on 41st Avenue botween 5th and 6th streets. According to Dammen, the fa- cility would be completely en- closed, with no animals boarded outdoors. Dammen snid lhat al- ternate plans were being con- sidered for the construction of the clinic , tut it will probably be a 60 by ao-foot steel struc- Plot out your Spring Accessory Scene, with ture with brick facing. Two versions of the zip front shift, one short and pocketed and Final consideration of Dnm- our large selection of Wood, Stone, Silver or nncn's request will be made the other long and side slit . . . both im beach bright solids to top ponding a review of blueprints Gold Tone Jewel ry. Bracelets, N ecklaces, Ear- Soff/ Fem inine l ines contrast with Hot Pink, and plans for the project, all your swimwear. Sizes S, M, L in a scoop neck swim-dress with V-insert IN OTHEIl ACTION, the coun- rings, Mix or Match. cil: waistline. Sizes 12to 16. • Agreed to rofer to city en- Short $18 gineer Robert Webber the ques- s tion of a water hookup for Nel- 5 $ son Tire Service, Inc., 5U0 Ser- 2 to 15 Long $22 28 vice Dr. • Adopted a resolution to ex- tend tho water main from 8th street to 35th f ^ Avenue along Ser- *l7 J/J .i rcwi'XRY - vice Drive. Projected cost ol Vsss*^pa Serviee Personal Where PcTsmint jr Itnpoftant JV (f a Vfber* Discussed city ordinances // I q ry \y I» StlU ^* rmprttort • y u Sl)11 i^V^Uml t\^jr \Jr ***** jpcrlaining to junk cars being ^tX^ \Jf THRU SATURDAY^ SL l ^ THE RIGHT '^& ^^Z2 ^>> ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ rCMTCB /~l ITt roAU r .AAII TCM nCD I AIMC 1 APRIL 20. 1974 TQ ii nAiTQUANTITIES ^ ¦ ¦ -¦ ¦ •¦ ¦ CENTER CUTS fROAA.SMALL,.TENDER LOINS - . - '^ j^iottHHE yHB^k¦ • • -

HH IIPl ¦ | V||^ _ I WmmM— W^ff::,,./ ¦ v W I^^^BiSr " .,r H_^_ftHH MMMmB^B wMMM HH UEH H mM _*¦¦_*M . / sSP'Y< S;> ^" m WMImmM^ w MMMM ¦ _ . - MH KMbE AL IHI Bl UlllfflBlffl l ' #,^W' "I1 *9BHhttwp^f # BHLjflB WHb._flH - *3Hi&fc- •* * ^Sfe^V ^^HflP Lb' BEAUTY AID THE MEAT^%#£ F! WHY ^^ ^^ELSE. ^ DM A IC I LEADiRsT3^^ * GO ANYWHERE .. SPECIALS! , 1 i FROM CHOICE YOUNG PORK I1 ARRIDD-XTRA-DRY TENDER. . .FINE GRAINED ft ¦%¦ 9-OZ. . PORK ROAST fl! PORK SHOULDER Y• UNSCENTED!!° JWi 3,a AM . ______^^_ B ¦% ¦ ¦ ¦_¦._._._._.» _<_._._^_ H : . POWD-R 2X1^P^ ii my nw ^fe A I IRI A HP H_W_A_ #»I || CARE LOTION L # || I pn € m LB | »UA5A CTI ## AWLB .|I ^^* &Q ™" * ^ -I I%i uSr— W^x^mm ^« teliwiiw ¦¦V rw r I I MOUTHWAS"""™"H i PORK SHOULDER 1 i QUARTER PORK LOIN I 1 i COUNTRY STYLE Ir e oz ftffl BLADE STEAK PORK CHOPS ! SPARE RIBS I Y TWIN PACK .O JC C I I TTO (t I TF Q NtJ\ ' ' /^«I i a I' / l-KSr ALL—PURPOSE CLEANER AJaSj , pr. Clean..^ ..... «i mil III HI ¦ ¦ I'llfllllillBHIII'l 111 I I I i | i LiMiTONE COUPON Jjj _»JiTTlIh _i >lWd I h _«i• 3 FORE QUARTERS W/WHOLE BACK H BBCHE A L\ ^ i> 3 :; HINDWINGSQUARTERS WHOLE BACK v . - j Hg^ . /o^^^^^S?.^!!^!^-: ->s|S -. Wtr \ \H II#HMLM^>3 GIBLETSW/ n -^ [^^g_g^ VJ 3 3 f^% 'll$idd. ¦fg^r* ^i.iJWMi**iaii- ^ 1'].i/^' Wi t fljk ] «S ,„W. ,*,K,AF M / |{ l SCHWEIGERTSTENDERBIT. _ IH ^4 ggg ag .. * -|18 CAIICAG.C OT 1 ^ I ¦ i-^s WIENERS ..... ,. > i ° JAUJAVE ^UJ i l llMirT ^ '

At . . . ^^^^^^^^^-^-BTTTftTai iimWW m ^M ' tw m^M. J-_^._^r _H wl 1 Ii fl *T / _l . ^^_^r_^_^ J / K _#7 _^F I ^^A. ^ _^_t^_V ^_^_^H ..^-1 I 'll-i HI B _^r _^-_^-_-^-4--A-^-A.' ^^Mm^ ^AmmmWi—^M^^L^^^at^ ^M. A\ A Mm A AV - ' /.I W- _> _g_^-l - -_^_^_^_i

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" «D KIVER »ALUY A A PASCAL „ $|)39 ^7.^8 Cf LERY „.„ /J RED i ll u V APPLES ....^ , O- POTATOES... LU L 3 79 ; " r < ¦ ¦ ¦ ; . ' THRlj;SAL. 'Y; ^^-Sff5 ^ - YTHE RIGHT . : :: ¦' ¦ ¦¦ ; ¦ = ¦ ¦' - 'HH ' Y'- ''HBB / ,* .' • ' •: ^Q^M' ™?1 ' • ' ' ¦ ^ : ' - :": . , ¦ :'^MMMMM^F'w wmmm ^ '' • • ^^^MMMM^: ¦' ¦ " ' ; M* : " ' ' ¦¦ ¦W^MMmr ¦ ' ' ' APRIL 20, 1974 v TO LIMIT GtMNTITiES YY " :' ' ^ ^ ^ T '- - - ¦:- " :^^B_i[^*^ : 'Y- " - '. "^ -: ' ; '^ - . \Y : . Y''Y' ^^P*** ?^. Y " ' Y S A^^^^^^ ' ¦¦ ^ "' . ¦¦MMH ^BMi *MMHMMM _MMM ^ / ¦ l i ig i B ¦ tiiii.t^iuiM ¦lUi^i^i.M SEAID-SWEET 100% COUNTRY FAIR SLICED GALLON


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Limit 6 - 6 oz. Cans Limit 3 -lteLb. Loaves Limit One With Coupon Below and With Coupon Below and With Coupon Below and Additional s5.00 Purchase Additional 55.00 Purchase Additional $S.0O Purchase ; : fp^iMiH ^iMS pS !p^"aM^A"*I _^^p^"! ;P^j(^I(vMH^w*i! A^'5Q3T CI^ ! mill *C&Alt.c.. Jt 61 iSt I Ceu^n - TP *.ff *»«*••• Coupon. - *JOT.»M.t. Mckooo Cft I , M? 1 C«»« »*;"'¦»**"» ,_ '/$ I Hfc 3C' * ffr^'^m^mfrl?* W.l.N.eho.0 4 CoMpoM . er I W_}**^ »>f»«-*'5T« m.MPMfch«» iC«uMii. -$30or*M>riPurcl>«o _^-fi_v . I I EVife-tet 3 Coupnj-MSU|».9f tothoio 4 C«uponi-»0orm»f'. Pur(iai« /SlBSL*t i I b-_»5_S. "»¦*•"/ *1>To .. *W wer».r»*r.l*oio ^jST ; , cl0 r,,,M B ,r e«luded - O11 Tiiru 5.I., *i>r. M, i >74. cl1,rrt, , ,Mr u ^H : ¦ ¦ : ¦ - ' .^^^H-_ ' ' " _^_^_H ' ' ' '- ¦ ;Wmmmw- '' - ' - " ;^^_^_^_^_^_k ' ^^ ^ ^ ^^HB ' - ' ' ' ' ' ' : : - ^^^^B-l^^^f^^^^^^:. ' ' - : ' ' -"¦ ' ' ' ^^^^P ; :. - ¦ " '' ' - - 'Y:- ' ' - ¦ • '. '¦'. ^>^^^^^' :. !";V-/' .' V^B:- - . : - ' p?ns, ';¦; : ' ' ' '' ¦ ^^^^^^B' ¦' ^^^^H ^- '¦ ¦ , ¦/;; ; " ' . ' :: ¦ ¦ ¦ l ^ chase. You'll save you'll '^^^H ' ' '^^^H . :. . ' - ; '' ¦^^H '/ : " - ;-^^^H' ' ' : Y ; . . - . -' - -^*^-_^-_H"' ' ' ': ' "Y.H YY- ' ' j_^jB;: ' _^i_^ } > " : ' ' :' : _^H ^'" ; :- : ' : : : ' -'Y '^ - BB_H' '^_^_^B; '" ¦' :; ¦ ¦ ¦ arid most pf V " ' ': V ''^ - - ' ' H : _^_^H'" .^ - ¦ - ^^^B'^-' ' ' ¦ ;' ' ' ¦ ' ' ^^" /• ' .-Y Y :' - " ' ' -Y . ^^^H mW^M ' MMMm. ' ' MMMw ¦ ~ ' ' '^ MM MX' ' ' ' :' i: - " ' ' _H_^_B Mmmw : : ¦: " ":0 :- ^^



¦ Excmple: 3 Lb. Pkg. at 69* Lb. Would Cost $2.07 . , , _ _ . ' Weights May Vary Slightly Limit One Pound limit One 8-Pack Limit One 3 Lb. Package With Coupon Below and With Coupon Below and With Coupon Below and Additional *5.00 Purchase Additional '5.(10 Purchase AdditionalfKHV^.TK^ '5.00 Purchase j oW i r^^Jwy ¦ 1 f m*m l^rvK *; w I ! l : ^ p^J ^^ ! ' ' e MLS BUTTER.;.....,.""" - . .. _MJ7 t_Ml ' «-J««=I O ! vKUUNUD ...... SS...VT iB ^wpi!, I ttfmW^J ™ ' ^" ^SJ i !| | EySS"^.WgBr PEPSI-COLA...... 0 - I '/Si^Bj i I '^SI Mr ' 69'»W I I LIMIT ONE POUND ll I J Y. LIMIT ONE 8-PACK | I ** . LIMIT ONE-3 LB. PKG. i |j ET | f mFm^ If \ W mMmm Ana I I H szioroo W\ I pi £t I H ll 11 MIT ONI;ONI COUPONcoupon LIMIT ONI COUPON |t UMIT ONE COUPON RJ\h\ I I H j H F l l PI | | | | PER EACH $5.«0 PURCHASE.SEE BELOW 1 | @J flK EACH $5.00 PURCHASE.Sit SHOW | ! ! | | PER EACH $5.00 PURCHASE.SK BEIOW fi | • ¦ ¦ J _ t Bfe. l CoKpon.$STo $9.*MPiirt*oio 4COUMM . $|0 TO $24.t?Pur(haii 5JM i HR 1 Coupon. $S To $?.W Porchoio 4Cpvp«ni• *20 To *M.*»rvrdtw* 04 • iMR 1 Coupon. $J To $».W Purthoio -ICo-pon- .»* OTo *jM. *WPor(lioi*» , ' I CoupoiH.SIO ToHW Purthoi. SCoupom .JM To JW.W Pur'iMOi ^^»« I !a f$|tklSL. i.isr.Koupftni-$IO To $M.f9PiirthMO HSlill5 Cow-.n_ . 5_5 T_ _M M P.,,*,.,. __fi f'« ll! miIfl&* __ '«*JCooooni-VIOTo^s^j»r^^lM.Wforelioii S Cooponi.$31 To »W.W for**oio/|l J^MjI |! S|I IEL ^ iarrs^^-garjar^lj_Kfc' j ; pfci-^mnr ^^ 'I ¦ : MfaMifi 'i:*.;.^^ ¦¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦ ^

flHBHHHHHRHMMI^^STAMPS! WHY _0 SE... ' ' EL ' ¦ ANYWHERE ' . k W I. S ctiildless/ imarriaget- Your horoscope --- Jearie Drxbn professional guld. For WEDNESDAY, April 17 oloer people need more you can offer. Call In help, moV« ance than Yoor. blrliiday . todayi Ev«ry , being sure of terms before : taking . on Who bears biirdeh? m'ad*> thl» ; ye«r open* -th» way lor furthei- obligation: •jibther — you e»» >«r)iy » minor im- ' Virgo (Aug. ¦J3-'Sept. .'S0: Check facts financial and business provcmonl ; Into •_ maior/ proBr"''1. ,n ,l,i5 and figures on DEAR ABBy: My husband and I have been married for * arrangements.'. - For perspediye, a-spe- / be lure you six years, and I definitely have made mind that I do groat, career-building . yJMr, cialist's comment Will help ypu see limi- not want , any children. My husband d*n-*i neatert your soul;, meditation and tations more; -realistically. : . '. ¦ ¦ ¦ says if¦ that'¦ s the way ¦¦I¦ prayer are essential. : Relallonslilps gen- _3-bct. Si): Succeis , ¦ ' ¦: '/¦ ""' ¦ ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ " ¦:¦ • ¦ :¦ ' , • •¦ ' ¦ ¦ year. . Libra - (sept. re- feel - about - , - - " . ' ' . . . ' • . : Y- erally pose no problem all Today * quires your personal touch, Onlookers _ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ native, are of ho distinct type, each In- . to be helpful once you ve -it,:./it's YalL;l . : ,. ;. - . . ... - ;-...... :,. '. ri -. char.e- are inspired ' K . . rtlvidual owi of hl$ ' -**wn. ' *ort, got things started. Health of older peo- /with.; lerlsHca'liy #atlent an. Industrloui. anxiety, tm ; pear Abby: 19): The small ple may, cause Aries (March 11-April Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 51)i , In the pro- HioughMul things you do quietly now will keep at cess ol crcarllng something of permanent e : ¦" nnalie Ihe Ulfferenee* later, so . value, an old nuisance, can be cleared - ]f^: -YY .: • : By¦ Abigail;Van-/ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ Bure¦ n ¦ ¦:¦ llierhi leaving nolhlng out ol your work Mem^- is that j -. - . .- - . ' . .- ., .. , - ' . ' . ' : ' - ^ - . ¦ ' ¦ ¦ off- for. keeps. Self-improvement hlgtv ¦ ¦nd play. . . day. : 1: want . him: .0)s: Make deals lights your . :.: ':.; . Taurus (April J0-M»y . Sagittarius (Nov.; -22-Dec. 21): . Tha to have: a vasectomy—-an operation and 'sales;"- while IIM price , is right. . wMch .will make him somewhat, quality o-f home aiid property bothers Priends relteve the pressure you now. Much can be. dpne to Improva sterile. (My brother-in-law had•_ , one, and he stays it is a :,ih pointing to |ur may be lnis'r_m_nlal matters by piitfins new tools or applian- breeze.) My husband says he doesn't wa_nt that kind of opera- cratlve new ventures. ' ' - ¦ JO): This Is ces .-Into use .' . . '• tion, and thinks it's up to me to either take tbe necessary Semlnl '(May . -1-June Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19J:: Your . i««i «.i- one day wh en you: don't have lo depend . j" .ifxw Problems of conservative, timertesled to a vasectdmiy. Be realistic. . Pisces (Feb. tf-March M): Make In. aaounde.the engagement p! - : . If you were to divorce your : ¦: : . husband (or die) and he were to marry again, he and bis ; . : -;. ARTIST OFENS EXHIBITS .. , . Wlax.Crun*v ; ' out Europe arid the United States. PialntingS,„• . telligenf use of the institutions of society. ;; their daughter, Michele Ax- ' Wtiere you've earned soniothing, step next tnate might want children . As for a vasectomy being •• ttier, Rome artist, opens his art . exhibit today watercolars and ltthprgraphs by- Gunther are right up and claim -' If. Family affairs ¦' ' . . . lerie, ' to Jerry. Kieffer, son ; ¦ . ¦ Arcadia H,S: :to ; . . ' . - a • "breeze," . one man's breeze is another man's; gate/:-/.'. at St. Mary's College Center. Gunther, who ./.currently "OD display and many are available ¦ seem . to follow an easier path. . •; /of Mr. and Mrs. Edward . will; be . beginning : for sale. The exhibit is open , from 8 a.m. to , present 'Music Main ; Eieffer- Elba, Minri. Y . . at SMC , . DEAR ABBY:. I am so heartsick this mbrnijlg /after get-: today and continuing through April 26; has 10 :• p.m. daily. Th« public : is -invited to view " " . .' -. ¦ Miss Niinemacher will be ' ¦ ' ¦ "¦ : ¦ ¦ . ARCADIA,, Wis., (Special) . - C6chrane-FC: band ; . ting very little sleep last night - ' ' . .- :.- :¦ - . exhibited his ; (Daily ¦¦¦ ; art in numerous cities thtough- the exhibit free of chairge. News p»hpto) Students a spring graduate of/Lewis^ '¦ ' My. : sister-in-law informed rile yesterday that my hu*Y Arcadia High . School ; Svill;prieg,ent . Music Man;,'' concert Saturday : ton High School. Her fiance, band (her brother) ; plays golf just to get away from me!¦";;; ' ./ ''The . . ' " ¦ in the school iauditorium April 26- FOUMTAIN CITY; Wis. -, Wie a graduate of St. Charles I was so crushed I couldn't find the words to answer her. Auxiliary hears ./ -/ /: ¦' ¦ ' ¦ ¦; ¦ High School, is. engaged in •I've; been married for 35 years and always thought I taad a 27-:- '" .- . - ' ' - ' ;' .. .- . annual Cochrane-Fountain City : ; '¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ : , ' ¦ ¦:¦' '¦¦ '¦;' Miss CXarolee Johnson is direc- High School band carnival will / / farming:. : good matfriage—and now this. Please tell me how to handle membersh ip report: i£$^ Sl• ^^^^' . . ,V' . i- ' ^^^/ . ¦ '. & ' : '¦ : ; ' ' ¦ ' . '•' Winona Daily News . ' p |t6r, : withi Mre.Y3^nis. K|rkman , be held at the;high school gyrii- ; ' A July 13 wedding; is .- ' ' , ttY ":;. Y '- ' . : /' . 'Y' v-: '." ' ;- Y "• -. ' . ' . MRS.^M. i* ¦ 15 ' ¦ . HOUSTON, Minn. /(Special)^ ' ' ' .- Y ' ¦* . Wfnona, Mirnesbta , ; ' . assistant directoir- Mrs. Michael hasium Saturday from ' 6; 30 to "/ .. planned.:-'/' ;' YYY- f^'- . - . : ^1 ¦¦ -> DEAR MRS. M.:; Is therre a possibility th at she . was A membership of 187 was re- "Voelker , choreographer; ' Miss 9:30 p:in. ' Susah.; Vairtdervvailker, . costume ;The event sponsored , by the joking? If . not. she clearly- meant to/hurt-you and-the . ported at the April 'meeting of , , only way to - deal with someone who intentionally^ hurts desig^r.; Miss Sonjia Sherman, Band Parents'. Club,-will ncluda / G-E-T names ; Arnet-Sheldon American Legion " you is : from a distance, and /as infrequently as possible.; : assistant designer,. and Steve fun booths and concessions. Pro- auxiliatry held at. the Hpustori W^M ^^^90^ 3.ina and Mrs. James Bade mus- ceeds; "will; be used, to purchase ' .:/ ,/ * ' ' /Girls/Stater's ;; DEAR ABBY: I've been dating thLs nice: young, man- ex- Legiori ^ Club./ ;. ical directors. Y .and equipment. ¦ ¦ clusively for ; seven/months /He. didn gxm^^¦ - ' ¦ . • GAI_-j.SVTI.T>K. Wis. - Three . 't .ask me to go steady. Activities scheduled/include a fei '- ' ' -Y' TUESDAY, APRIL 16. 1974 - ' . •• 'M€ I just don't care to; go with anyone else. He . doesn't go with . rummage sale in city , hail May ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^Gale-Ettrick-Trempealeau High anyone else either ' so .I guess you'd say we are going steady. Wi . " ¦' ¦ • -Y' v. - . - , :;- .- - ' :: ' ' ' . -;¦ : Y : a// children s clinic/ at Cross :^ ^ /School juniors have been select- My problem is my- mother; She; has told me that . .she 18, ' i$&3 ^i£Si?v3 ^^ of; Christ Lutheran Church May ^ ^ • ^ ¦ ^ ^^ ^ - ed: to ; attend . Badger : .Girls doesn't waint irie to date hin» anymore. Just like that ! The ' : reason : He's too short! (He's " exactly rtny height—5 foot 6.) 23, and poppy days, May 24 and Y stateY- : - ' " Y- "' ' .Y>YY . : Y ;; ' ¦ : ' I'm not a child. I'm 20 years old, but I at home with - ^ live $¦¦ - ' ¦ .^'^/ . . . - . : ; Representatives to the; annual my parents; Tri* . engagement ¦ move out, but . they neerd the money I. pay for : The district presidentY Gold 5.G. : Rushford Girls ¦/} . '.- session are:., the Misses; Becky ray room - and ¦ board. Williamson, Anne/ Lettner aiid; This feUow is an ¦outstanding person, Abby . He s an as- Star . Mothers, . 1974 .. Girl and SPRING, GROVE, Minn. (Spe- ¦ ' Mrs. Mayiiard ' Barbara . Sacherv ." sistant professor, and although .he doesn't make much , now, Boy;State ' representatives, and cial) — Mr. and Stater selected : E. " Garrett,- M-enomonec Falls, he has a promising future. Besides,/he is good to me, and I; American, essay award recipents . ¦ RUSHFORDi Minn. (Special) MISS WlLUAMSON, daugh- care for him. Ild appreciate your opinion. Minn., have announcied the en- Yter of Mr. and Mrs. John. - Wil- will be guests at the May meet- — Miss LeAnii Haiversto, daugh- ' Y NO NAME, PLEASE ing; Y a -X " - gagement of their daughter Bar: . 'Ylismson. Galesville, will be bara Jean to Dennis G. Gulbran- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Hal- sponsored ; by the auodliary to ; DEAR NO: Your mother is; short—on common sense; , son, son.<)f Mr. and Mrs.; Julius vorson, will represent .Rushford . the -Rowles McBride American ¦ GulbfaDson , Spring Grove, ' tell; her . that her abjections -to the young :man are not . ; High School at the Girl's State .:" Legion Post. She is a\ member Job' s Daughters 1972 graduate valid; and that you measure a man . from has eyebrows Miss Garrett, a Convention,, St. ¦: Paul,, June 9-15. of the National Honor; Society; ;UI>i : " 'Y ' " ' ; Hi ¦ , Y .'Y- .;-. . YY .Y ': , ' YYY-/ of Menombnee. Falls East. gh FHA; ;.GAA, Library/ Club and has initiation School, js. presently employed Spdnsofed; ; by the Murphy- , ' {BEAR:ABBY: Why should me paiehts of >the bride pay pompon squad. She has par- Five new members were ini- at Target, v Blbomi-ngtoh;' Minn. Johnson American Legion auxili- Y ticipated in band and- solo and for the wedding? I.knbw the book of etiquette says they Her fiance, a 1970 ^graduate of should—but that's not a enough leSsbn. ;. tiated ; in ceremonies held : Mon- ary, she has served/as.a class ensemble contests at the dis- g

Whitehall dance WHITEllALL, Wis.—A dance Phone \>^\sk*r** K-^ .will be held tonigh t at 8 at the ^~ Trempealeau County Hospital 454-3105 \< ,/ ^Z*3'** v*w' Health Care Center. Music by ,\rl IxitM* will sliy crfi Iwipor 1/ ymj pl«c» • R. .- , ' .|fj crop e- The former. Elsie Oiler, she 1826 Gilmore Ave. : atBK Ranch she wis born in Winoha Sept. Ernest Lininger, 2 Erie Lane; Handy Corner tavern, 700 E. tween 6:30:8:20 p.m. Monday; - was. bbrn .at Spmmerville and 3, 1896, the daughter of Peter 5th St., entered through window : - HOUSTON, Minn; — v Nearly married Robert .Christiansen, Edwin Peterson, Peterson , 'yalue - $74. - ' ., - . and Frances Lubinski Krsoska, Mihri.Y Sunday, night or Monday morn- 3,0CK> people from throughout formerly of' Ettrick, .25 years She married Oscar Goodwinson; Wariek, 863 E. 3rd St. ing; $100 takeoi from.;• glass jar - Blcycla taken fcrom : front ' ' ;;' V; .¦' ' " .¦' Richard . , the United States over the week- ago. -Y': :Y" . • He died Dec; 12, 1958.- She was - Hugo . . Benedett, Lewiston, behind bar. , ;: ;' :- ' porch of Robert Hines tMidence Survivors include.: her hus- 1402 W. Broadway, gometirne end attended a two-day auction , a . : member of- . St. .Stanislaus Minn. • '. '"- . band ; lier mother, .Mrs; John ¦ Miss Gail Seymour, ; 511 Vi ' ' '' ¦ ' ' ' Moinday night,*; three-speed gold at the BK .Raiich near here. Y_ Cliureh, the Sacred; Heart; So- ; ¦ [ :[ [ ¦ Thefts ; . ; , Y ¦ ' ' ' Oiler , and two sisters. Y ciety, and Neville-Lien Veter- Liberty St. ; Peancreat, license 3(324, $50, . ; The 4,pOfr-acre ranch, whicli Funeral and burial services : Discharges WEATWER FORECAST .. .; Warm weather is forecast began as a; eowrcalf beef opera- ans , of Foreign. Wars auxiliary. ¦CITY Y-Y. From Anthony Montoya, 378 ^ will be held at Sommerville. Leonard Rich, 1775 W. Waba- Fouhtain :. for the Gulf states and Midwest.; Colder weather Is expected tion five years ago under th* Survivors,'are': "- one soii' Law- ' From Larry- Ruff > Harriet St;, bicycle taken some- ' sha- St. '" " -:. > ;:" • time Thursday; black, license .. for the Plains, Raiii is forecast for southern Texas and show- direction of William Kirtley arid Etra Dumas rence, Riverside, • Calif;; one Y Mrs Y Steven Pomeroy and ¦ Mrs. ; 0012, $25. . ers are expecteid for southern Florida, thei western Carolinas ; John Ebin, is being sold . The ¦' ' HOMER , Minri, — Funeral daughter, Mrs. Edward (Delor baby, 205 N. Baker St . . : ' : and Virginia and coastal, areas of. the (AP. partnership is . being dissolved. Services for Mrs: Ezra (.Cathe- res) Habour, ¦Ft. . 't7stickl ; .Via.; Mrs. Richard YRusert; and Fire damages . Pacific Northwest. ; ' baby, Minnesota: City, Minn. - Accidents Photofax) ' " : : ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' At last Friday's s ale, more rine) Dumas, 101, Homer; who nine grandchildren; several . : - -. Y: - - than 1,600,people stood, in rabi Michael's great-grandchildren; one bro- porch of bar . died Monday at St. i 'Y' - ' CITY ' - ' : and mud ; to bid on an assort- ' City, Wis., will ther . John Kfzoska, Fountain TODAY'S BIRTHDAV . - ., Home, Fountain ,. ¦¦ ; A- the Country County 8:58 iEast Broadway auid . Local observations ment of farm equipment, At be at 1:30 ' :¦ p,nt".' - Thursday City, Wis^ , ' '¦ and two sisters, Saturday's. : auction,, featuring - ¦Tracy Lynn' Walsh, : 1214/Gil- bar,: 76.7 E. 5th St., .early Mon- Kansas streets, intersectibn col- ' Fawcett Funeral Home, Winona, Mrs. Nick (Benigna., lision; Sarah:A- Sill, 301 E. How- . YOFFIOAX WINONA; VVEATHER^^ OBSERVATIONSi. for the household .goods ; and antiques, the Eev. G. H. Huggenvik, Cen- Winona, and Mrs. William (Sal- more Ave., 1. day resulted ih; about $4,000 in , r Jason Paul Will, 850 44th Ave., ard St., 1963 sedan, ;$500; Paul- 24 hours ending at noon today. Y more than..l,700' pebple. were iii tral Lutheran : Church, officiat- ly) '. Ebertowski, Cochrane; Wis. damages, mostly to a porch on Maximum temperature 59 minimum 24 ," ' ;; Goodview, 5,: . " ine M. Janikowski; 468 E. Jth , , noon 58,¦ ho¦ ¦ pre- the crowd ing. Burial will be in Woodlawn : Funeral services will be at the east side) the buiidlhg, ' ' -.cipitatioh.; ..'.- .- 'Y- ' ' ". . ' '•;¦ ' . Bidding was .heavy on an- of St., 196*5 sedan, $7O0. ¦ ' " Cemetery. 9:30 -.'a.m. Thursday at Watkow- ' WINONA COUNTY • A- year ago today: High 53, low 28, noon 48; precipitation - . WlNONf DAM LOCKAGE according to owner Victor ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ tiques, including ; an eight-foot Tlie former Katharine.-M; Holz- ski Funeral Home, Winona, and ' ¦'¦ ¦ Friday ' • ' . ;- . :l,45;-,- . - , :Y' :;-- ;YYY- ¦ - ¦ ¦::: ' "' ' :: ' - ' ;" - ' grandfather clock .grand play- Bohr. . There was also ; S(^me ¦ -Y . , a faster, she was born at . Neola, at , 10 a.m. at; St. . ".-Stanislaus . Flow.-— . 64,500 cutlc feet p«r second at ;.;4 p.iri; :— CSAH 17/ Wiscoy: " Normal temperature range for this date . 37. Record er piano and several original oil 1 a.m. - today:¦ iscorching and smoke damage ¦ ¦" ¦ • ¦; '¦ ' Iowa, Sept. 13, 1872, the daugh- Church, the ' Rev. Donald Gru- . '-Monday township; hit-run, ' '. Gordon L. high 80 in l970Yrecord;low i3:in 1875. ; . -: . • . paintings which , attracted much ' ' to the insidfc wall bi - the har ter of' John and Elizabeth- Holz- bisch officiating. Burial will be . p.m. — Bobble J. .14 barges,: up. Johnson; Houston ; Minn., 1874 . Siin rises tomorrow at 6:20 sets at 7:53. of the attentioii of- distant buy- Today. .' :¦¦' - adjacent to (he porch , ';¦ ^ faster.. She married Phillip Kil- in St. Mary's. Cemetery. ' 11 AM. MAX CONRAD FIELD OBSEBVATIONS 15:50 a.m. — Inland. Pilot, three pickup truck, parked,. $100. ^ ers, Kirtley said. , died in 1913. In 1925 she ' down. ' A neighbor, James. Yahnke, ¦ ' : ian, .who Friends may call Wednesday bargev ; Sunday ¦:. - . (Mississippi Valley Airlines) The land itself is. being sold married Ezra D, Dumas, He 768 ' E/ 5th St., said that his Barpihetric pressure 30:22 ' f rom 2 to A and alter T pM.-at ¦ 1:45 p.m. — CSAJI.76, Wiscoy and steady, wind' .from the in parcels, but : Kirtley said, died Aug. 10, 1972. ;She was -a ¦ " ' Y wife, Helen: called iiremen at north at 9 mph, ho cloud cover, visibility 20-|- miles; the funeral home where the Ro- , ¦: ' :> ; FIRE : CALLS ;;. .; _ To^ship, sideswipe : collision; :; . ¦ "We'll sell it in one .big chunk member of Pickwick Chapter about 12:45 ia;m. after her dog 2 :- -Y' DEGREE DAYS ' •; ;, -y or in smaller pieces. Since sary by Kev. Grubisch and the ' ' ' ; James Stiever, Winona Rt. , 191, Order of Eastern Star. -; Monday . awakened her, . bringing the 1972 sedan, $1,000; Richard A. (As temperatures drop, degree days rise) •we've sold a couple of the Sacred Heart Society will be at flaming ' Survivors are: one son,. Leo 7:30.: :: : '¦ ¦: ¦¦- 8;iM -rYEast Broadway pore* to her attention. Phillips, Winona Rt. 3, 3973 One method of fijguring heating requirements is to. calcu- smaller parcels;, we'll; probably : .- .. . . . and Franklin streets, false re- Bohr said that he was in Lew- : late how many degrees a day's average temperature fell be- ; J. Kilian.YWinoria ; two daughr truck,:-$fl0©. - ' -. '- . :'Y sell the rest that way too." ters Mrs. Katherine Weaver, port of gra&s fire, returned iston, Minn.,, at the time of the ' ;;¦¦¦ ¦¦ low 65, the point at which artificial heat is generally consid- . , Winona funerals, .. • Monday ./. ' Kirtley is . noncommital . about Rushford, . Minn.,. and Mrs. 8:08 p.m; blare.- -; . ered necessary. The resulting figure can be used to estimate future plans. Noon — CSAH 31 near Trout Y ¦¦ . "We'll . wait and James (Ethel) Duitman, Coun- City- Fur Inspector Arthur Valley, sideswipe collision; Syd- .'. -"' fufel consumption; ;;; see," he said, , Mrs. Marie E. Anderson '^e plan to stay cil Bluffs, Iowa ; six 'grandchil- Funeral services, iior Mrti Marie E. Speltz said Monday - that the ney Nelsori Minnelska : " , .For the.24 hours ending at 7 aim.: : - /- ': : ' , , Minn., . ¦ ¦ ; in this ¦ area . for '. awhile at dren; 13 great-grandchildren; Anderson, 1741 W. Bro.dw.y, who/died fire apparently started, •" •' Today ' ••.'23 Season total 6,498 . ' Monday st tha home of a daughter, will in a cor- 1970 sedan, no estimate of dam- - : least;" . . . 1973 25 : Season total .7,255'., . two great-great-grandchildren, be at 9:30 a.m. Wednesday at WatkoWr Jaworski asks ner of the pworch, and that the ages; Leo V. Freese, Wabasha, - ' and two sistersj.Mrs. Rose Hath- ski Funeral Home -and .at 10 a.m. at St. cause has not¦ been deteritiiri- Minn., 1962 station wagon ; no Mary's Church, the Rev. Joseph Moun- ed.;Y- - • ' - ' - ' away and Mrs. Ella Currier, tain officiating. Burial .will be In St. : - . Y-:. . " " Estimate of damages*; A passen- Council Bluffs, Iowa. Three . Mary's . Cemetery. . Both Speltz ;ahd City YFire ger in the, Freese car, Mary Friends, may call today from 2 to - ' A na inY brothers and three sisters have lor subpoe Marshal Bruce Johnstone ; said Freese; 78, Wabasha, Minii.,. loss heavy ' ¦' " ' ¦ ¦ and after . 7 at the funeral home WASHINGTON ; CAP ) — : died. . . .; , ';' > Y where the wake service will be. at j. that circumstances surrouhding was . taken to St. Elizabeth's '.' Pallbearers wt)i;be repbews. 5am and prosecu- Friends may call after 7 p.m. . Special Watergate the blaze/are under investiga- Hospital,; Wabasha, with a pos-'¦ '.'._ - Gary Morkeh, Rick Hawser, Ronald tor Leon Jaworskl aske4 tion; --¦• • ' ¦¦ warehouse enfiy Wednesday ; and until time of Zeise, Frank Kinzie and Robert Norton. to sible broken leg and . bruises. . services Thursday at the funeral U.S. District Court today She is listed in good .; subpoena for tapes conditio* 1st Quartci Full 3rd Quarter New home,. An Eastern Stair; service issue a ¦' ' ' " ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ of 63 con*versaitio_u. in the - "- :- 'April ; 29- 'Y • ¦ . .;-:¦ May ^-8 . ' .; ;¦. . ' . May.' , 14 April 22 - . , will be. at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. Search continiies Appearance sef in Goodview A memorial is being arranged. White House. Urban renewal A break-in .Thursday, night , at for area <.bupie Jawcrsid isa-d he liad tried for La Crosse ^- Elsewhere the former Goodview Trinity Otto C. Schrimpf Unsuccessfully to get access progress By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Lutheran Church, 820 41st Ave- LAKE CITY, Minn. (Special) ' GREENWOOD, Wis; — A to the materials through report Nixon's Wafer-Y man in robbery S.E. Minnesota Hi Lo;Prcbtlk nue , resulted in . at least sev^- — otto Carl Schrimpf , 8<_Y ru- search of the Black River for Presideut Y Palr to*night. Partly ¦ ¦ gate lawyei James; D. St. _ slated t-onight Albany ..' ';¦ . .54 .37 Y cdy- eral thousand dollars loss in ral Lake City, died Monday the bodies of a young area cou- WmTEHMJ., Wis; A ta cloudy Wednesday, Low to- damage and theft, according to morning at Lake City Municipal ple , who were presumed drown- Clair hut since he has r«i- CrosseYraan. was Albti'queV . 70: 39 . - . clr ¦ feel s-cheduled . to Louis Lundgren of City De- night low; and mid 30s. High - BernieYBreJjer, owner of Knit Hospital. " . .; ed after their canoe; capsized celved no response "I appear in TTrempealeau County sign Amarillo . Y. .70 3*0 clr obligated to seek these ma- Development Co.; iSt. Paul, Wednesday 56 to . 68. Anchorage; - ;; Craft ;Cbrp . - 4020 6th St., Good- He was horn . July 6, 1883, in south. of. here April 7 entered Court this afternoon in connec- is scheduled to report on urban : 42 34 cdy terials by; subpoena." -: ¦; Asheville :'•; ' ¦ " 62 36 . cdy view; Big Spring, 111., to August and its ninth dary today, tion with an alleged robbery renewal progress to the Winoha Mihhesbta Y ¦¦ ' ¦ ¦ He said the tapes and ; ' :- ' ' fcair 16 n i g h t.Y Atlanta;"- . • • -¦ " ' .¦ . • .:'-66 -'" 39; ' clr The for trier church building is Lena Schrimp and married Isa- Clark County authorities; civil and assault .of a rural White- Housing and Redevelopment .Au- Y. Partiy . ¦¦ being used as a warehouse ; other items are needed for •cloudy Wednesday, , Birmingham /¦ 65 40¦' • . clr by belle Hoyer April 19, 1922,. in defense and: volunteers are drag- hall man Sunday evening near thority ( HRA) at 7:30 p.m. to- Low to- : ' : Knit Craft for storage ' of yarn, the trial of John N. Mitchr ' ' ¦- - ¦¦' ¦ ¦ '¦¦ night upper 20s nortli Bismarck - ." '.•' . 5i 2& Y clr Ellsworth, Wis. .The couple liv- ging certain areas of the river Arcadia. - . ;- "- , -;. .' . - / . :- . . . - . ' day in Valley View Tower. , mid cutting ' waste and office sup- in an: effort to find the victims ell, H. R.; Haldeman and ¦ ..' 30s south. High Wednesday Boise :69 44: . clr ed in the Lake City area the , . The accus-ed, John r. Enb, 23, The firm had told the HRA It \ . plies, said. past 30 years, retiring from who were to be married May 18 John D.: Ehrllchinan and mid 50s north, mid 60s Boston Y64 45 . Vclr ¦ ¦deferiOflnts In the La. Crosse, has ; been charged would know by mid-May Wiethe According to: the Winona farming in 1947. He then workr ait La Crescent, Minn. four other with felony er there' '¦'¦ ¦;'' south. , - . Brownsville 67 58 .04 rn Watergate cover-up. theft and assault. s enough interest for Buffalo' ,41 -30 County Sheriff's office, the .ed; as a. salesman for; Newton They are: Ronald Thompson, He was picked up Monday- in commercial and office develop- ; ; : ; ¦ ' : clr building was entered by break- ; -.-•' • The (rial is .scheduled to ^.; : ;; :.Y Wiscp'nsi n-;.; ^. .; ',; . .Charleston . ;: - 79 58 .40 cdy Advertising Co., and also was a 24, son of Mr. iand Mrs Morris ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦' La Crosse by .city police and ment of the Morgan Block. City ing down ,the front door. cow tester. He was a member Thompson rural Blair, Wis., and begin -Septy -9. ' . . ,.;" - Fair and cool tonight. Lows Charlotte ; 75 40 cdy . ' ¦ ¦ " - then brought back to Whitehall Design also is designated devel- ¦ Sheriff's deputies said that ^ . - . In the upper 20s; to mid SOs. Chicago v- Y. " . 'Y- ' 52 36. > ¦ ¦}. clr of St: John's" Lutheran Church Antoinette (Toni) Mickschl. 22, Monday by Sheriff Wayne , ' Hol- oper for an apartment tower Partly cloudy and warmer woolen goods and office mater- and Disabled American Veter- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reu- Winonan sentenced on te. north , of the Morgan Cincinnati . 49 30 ¦ cdy La . V Block—a Wednesday. Highs in the 50s Cleveland V : Y 44" ¦ ', ials were scattered around the ans, Red Whig. ben , Mickschl^ Crescent;Y charge . . Trempealeau .County Sheriff's project recently opposed by the .38 . cdy. church arid that some it ems ' drunk drivinq . extreme north to the 60s cen- Denver . 60 29 clr Survivors are: -his;wife ; four Two other persons, Steven Department officials reported Save Winona group. were taken. No estimate. o£ ac- sons Lake Mickschl, La , Crescent, Toni's Thomas A. Block, 24, 553 E. tral and south. : Des Moines : 55 36 . ; clr , Ralph iand Robert, appeared for sen- receiving a call at 11:28 p.m. At a special meeting tual theft loss has - been deter- City, arid Herbert and Edwin, brother, and MaTk ; Hanson , Belle view St., Frid ay, Detroit ¦ 49 31 . clr mined. tencing in - .. . Winona County Sunday telling of a two-car ac- the HRA will meet with city of- The Mississippi Duluth Y . - .; -:¦ 51 28 Goodhue ; one daughter, Mrs. i51alr,; swain to shore after their cident on Highway 93 near Ar- ficials and . Flood Stage 14-hr. . Y clr The break-in is still under in- Court : Monday on . a conviction representatives of the Roy (Mae) Steffenhagen, Red canoe tipped. Both are 23. '.. ' ' Stase Today Chg. Fairbanks • 50 34 ' ' of drunk driving delivered by a cadia. "- . federal department of Housing . ¦ vestigation; Wing; 19 grandchildren ; two After searching the river . RED WING ...,.;,..' ...14 9.5 . Fort Worth;,; - -71 46 Y clr April 2. Winon a They foand Everett Sobieck. and Urban Development (3JUD ) LAKe CITY ...... 11.3 ^- .3 Knit Craft has offered a; $100 great-grandchildren ; ; th r e e banks county arid city officials , jury of six WABASHA ' .' Green Bay 54 30 , clr WTiifehall Rt. 2, at the scene, of to review progress . ; ...... 12 10.0 . r.+: J : reward for information concern^ brothers, Paul, Tonawanda, on April 8, found an empty ca- County Court Jddge Dennis A. and plains for filma Dam, T.W. . ..,.;,. . 8.2 .+1.7 Helena the apparently minor accident. project; ' . 66 35 cdy ing those resDonsible for the Challeen sentenced Block to pay Minnesota R-51. Topics Vhltman' . ;.;.'. .... 6.A -+. .8 ' ¦ • N.Y., and Hugo and Emil, Bay noe, two lifejackets and one ca- Mnoha Dim, "f. - • 85 7. 1 .16 clr; serve 30 days in He told them he had been beat- will include acquisition an d dis- W. .... 7.4 break-in; Breti ier said, , City, Wis., and four .' , sisters, noe paddle . They : were discov- a $300 fine or tVINONA ..,.;,13 8.5. , +,4 Houston 58 50 .67 cd y with the option of attend- en and robbed of $138 by the position procedures, Hud moni- Trempealeau: Pool Mrs. Anna Samuel Ellsworth, ered along the river, south of Jail, ...... 9.3 +.1 Ind'apolis . 52 3l clr , . driver of the car and gave toring of the project, city par- Trompealaau Dam ...... 7.. '+.< and Mrs. Maynard (Emma) where the craft had capsized. ing the next alcohol education DAKOTA¦ ' ..; ... ' 8.? +.5 Jacks'ville 85 60 .02 cdy course in M ay and paying $100. them a descriptioai of. the as- ticipation and cooperation , and Dresbach Pool ...... ' 9.8 . Zumbrota man Bang, Mrs. Ernest (Hilda ") Gils- The second canoe was found ¦ +.J Juneau 44 36 rn arrested and sailant. Y possible sale to the city oi par- . Dresbach Dam ' "- ..» +.4 dorf arid: Mrs. Earl (Esther ) Monday, about 10 to 15 miles Block was LA ' .CROSSE - ., ...... 12 8.5 +.3 Kansas City 58 36 . cdy charged with the offense Jan. 3 An all-points bulletin was put cel "C" , - the half block on ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Wood, Red Wing. One son, downstream from where the FORECAST .- Las Vegas 77 48 found guilty of by city police near East 3rd out and at 1:50 Monday Main Street west of the Morgan Wed. Thurs . Frl. clr two grandchildren 'one broth- craft tipped. It was located near Little Rock 66 , RED. WING ...... 9.5 10,3 10.8 44 clr er and a sister have died. ari island in the Black River , on and Franklin streets. He was La Crosse police notified Trem- Block — for parking lot de- : WINONA -. '...' j *5.4 10,2 10.6 Louisville speeding charge 52 37 cdy Funeral services will be at 2 the northwest side of Neillsvilie. represented by Stephen Delano. pealeau . County they had ap- velopirient. LA CROSS E ... ..,..: fl.7 9.1. 9.5 Marquette The Friday meeting begins at Tributary Streams 43 26 .clr A Zumbrota , Minn,, man was p.m , Wednesday at St. John's Assistant City Attorney Frank prehended a man matching the Chippewa al Durand .. . 11.0 ' ' ... + .3* Memphis 63 47 cd y found guilty Monday in nena Lutheran ; Church , the Rev. Wahletz prosecuted. description , given by Sobieck. 11 a.m. at Valley View Tower. Zumbro , at-Thellrhan ..32,4 —3.7 Miami Y W-* ¦Trempealeau al Dodge ..... 4.7 —.2 8r 75 cdy County.Court of speeding, 45 in Ralph A. Goede offi ciating. Bur- Big Canoe, Iowa, She died in Black at Galesyillo ...... 8 ,4 41.0« Milwaukee 47 29 clr a 30-mile zone, and was fined ial will be in the church ceme- 1956. On July 1, 1966, he mar- _9LB _3111HH IIIII Q US HI H III llfllHHHIBIHBJS ' . La Crosso at W- Salem ....5.1 4.1 Mpls-St. P. 57 31 clr ; Root at Houston .,.: ., ,..... 8.3 — .5 $S5 by Winon a County . Court tery.' ried Delia Wevley. She died in •near crest. . ' ' New Orleans 69 58 1.24 clr Judge Dennis A. Challeen. Friends may call at Anderson 1S66; He was a member of 5-day forecast New York - 61 44 clr Richard Schweitzer was ar- Chapel , Lake City , today after Trinity Lutheran Church here. Okla. City 70 39 clr rested Feb. 16 in St. Charles, 2 p.m. and Wednesday until Survivors are: two brothers, BETTER LIVING MINNKSOTA Omaha 52 30 j j e cloudiness .12 clr M'inn., by St. Charles city po- noon and then at the church af- George, Spring Grove, and V a rlati l Orlando 90 65 cdy " through Saturday. , with ' ' a lice. ter 1 p.m. Arnold , Decorab, Iowa, and Philad'phia 71 44 clr St, Charles patrolman Roger five sisters Mrs. Mattie Sveum, chance of scattered showers , S ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ S ¦ Phoenix 89 52 • clr Orion Loomis . - - ¦ ¦ . ¦ ¦ E. Berg and reserve police of- ¦ . GLASSES...... Friday or La Crosse, Wis, ; Mrs. Theoline cast nnd south ficer Robert Littlefield testi fied GILMANTON. Wis. — Orlen Saturday. Cooler Thursday. north and 30s elsewhere. Lonmis, 39, Gilmanton , died Wold , California; Mrs, Alma * that they determined Scfiweit- Ellefson and Mrs. Beata Olson, Presented By ¦ Little change in tempera- High from upper 40s north- zer's speed with a radar unit Monday at Luther Hospital , Enu ' ¦ ' ¦ tures Friday and Saturday. east to upper 50s south- Claire, Wis., where he had been Hettinger , N.D,, and Mrs. Ju- HI ¦ ¦ ' . ' Charles L Kla tt Richard Haas HI on Whitewater Avenue in St. Wash. ¦ Low lu upper 20s extreme west, Charles before the arrest was a patient 10 days. He had been vina Bunke, Spokane, ¦ " ' . - ' ¦ 111 several weeks. A farmer, he Three brothers and two sisters fg You are Invited to discover a new life dimension in a Jeriet of family ' made. £ - i II . i n i . i i I. J i I H . was chairman of the town of have died . Stephen Delano, St. Charles Gilmanton board at the time ¦ uducation ela»ies that are nor only designed for your enjoyment, but ¦ city attorney, represented the of' .his death . Funeral services will be at 2 HI will come to grips with the Its-ua*. of «veryd«y living. H state In the case. Schweitzer, The son of Orson and Clara p.m, Frid ay at Trinity Lutheran ¦ " : ¦ - " . "¦¦ who declined to take the stand Erickson Loomis, he was born Church , the . Rev. Jess W. ¦ The lectures will be hold Apri l 20-May 11 , 7:30 p.m. at the Seventh- Q In years gone by * Thompson officiating, with bur- ¦ - ¦ - was not represented by an at- in the town of Dover, Dec. 24, ' ¦ i ' . ' . . ; iB ' day Advontist Church, Cornur of Sanborn and Chestnut. ' ¦¦ ^^ ¦¦•- ¦¦ -• ¦^•- ¦ii« ™.»-*«r«r*»r«p»«»li- ^-«-«i*'^^ torney, 1934 He graduated from Gil- ial iri the church cemetery. m manton High School , and on Friends may call Thursday a . . ¦ , (Extracts from the files of this newspaper,) - ' Each night the team wvill present a fascinating' ' double- . faj Nov , 21, 1953, married Joan afternoon and evening and m Fund drive for animal Zencer. He was a member and Friday morning at JSngel Fu- ¦ feature program on the fo llowing subjects: H Ten years ago . . . 1964 president of Trinity Lutheran ¦ ¦ shelte r to continue Church , Gilmanton , and a mem- neral Home, Spring Grove, then at the church from 1 p.m. Uncommitted Republican parly leaders appear to be ber of Ihe Gilmanton Commu- H EEK: - 9 Tho fund drive for the Gretch- until time of services. ¦ "Tha OffM. Grain Robbery . ' banking on Dwight D, Eisenhower to touch off stop-Goldwater nity Club, S*lturdfl!!! " Hj en J, Lamborton Animal Shel- Dlt) you ,(now t,,at consu>nptlon of refined cereals has bean ¦ efforts at tlie Republican presidential nominating convention. Survivors nre : his wife ; three mU A pDr i| 20 '^ ter will continue through April. Mrs. Ray A. Darling linked with today common health problems — tooth decay, The warmest weather since last fall came to 'Winona to- daughters, Miss Debra Loomis, g| 's mos* || Lloyd Deilke, representative Eau Clniro ; Darcy and Dawn, LA CRESCENT, Minn. ~ ¦¦ overwolght , diabetes, heert disease? ¦ day. The temperature was headed for the low 80s this after- of the Winona County Hximane at homo; his parents, Eleva Funeral services for Mrs. Ray noon. ' Society, will contact business nt, 1, Wis., and ono sister. Mrs. A. (Selmn) Parting, La Cres- HI "PUR SHATTERED WORLD - What Is Coming?" Hj and community leaders for Joseph (Ardythc) Yarolimck , cent , who died Monday at La Twenty-five years ago . . . 1949 pledges Ossoo, Wis , S SMpn MI "The Bubble of Air" 5 and funds to be used Crescent Nursing Center, will The dramatic story of the bubble of air that saved a glrl'i life. S to construct (he animal shelter Funeral services will he at Wednesday at La -Z Wallace Beery, GO, veteran screen actor, died last night . 1:30 p.m. Friday at Trinity be at 2 p.m. *™ Alio deep hreathlng exercises. . S As of April 1, $g ,800 of tho $50,- Crescent United Methodist from a cardiac condition, 000 goal hnd Lutheran Church , the Rev. John The allied airlift flew nearly 13,000 tons of awrplufi into been realized. Kocster officiating. Burial will Church, tho Rev. John.Phillippe H "THE SECRET OF HAPPINESS" Hi J-crlit. today at least ns much as tjioy moved dally by bo in Gilmanton Cemetery. officiating , Burial will be in T ¦ — ¦ S *?!¦%' "Mr, Tense " H train before tho Russians imposed the blockade. Friends may call Thursday Toledo Cemetery, rural La H April 23 Follow a modern Mr, Tense through the day and see -what mak-ei H Efforts to end after 3 n.m, and until 11 a.m. Crescent, ¦ ¦ him io up light. Learn what'* going on Inside ef him — his nsrvei, ¦ Fifty years ago . . . 1924

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REX MORGAN, M.D. by Dal Curtit

NANCif by Ernie Bushmillor \MfJrthmmk 9\ : • Mobile Home Loans . : ' MiYS4t . Ai^\ ^^^HHJ^^^^H^W*^^^^^F^ -'.^ FincinGi ^ : • " • SO IN liiflii ^^ TION; OFFERED MUCH " ¦ ¦ ¦ 3@rVlC6 ^ ' :.BB ^^ :. ' • • ' |!^^ ^SBB | ,

¦ ¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ *" M I i ¦ ni B i. -M innni Mwii ,0


¦ WIZARD OF IP by Parker and Hart ^

¦ ¦ ¦ | !_._. . i '~ ^^^^^^^—- - • ir- ¦ -4*y-*«*'«*.i»!< ¦cy ^» , ^"^ ^'Tffli . i . ..J , - M ^rx^4»*** Ti^ MARK TRAIL by Ed Dodd